#turns out anakin is a busy boy
tennessoui · 3 months
Sneaking in another chapter increase for “weeding out our wildfires” 🙃 I see. I love them so much 🥳
lmao i think im walking real quietly and then yall are like 'who is loudly stomping around'
check back in like 30-45 minutes, im editing the format/doing a final read through of chapter 3
37 notes · View notes
noiriarti · 16 days
The Winner Takes it All: Anakin Skywalker x Reader (Enemies-to-Lovers Modern AU) | Chapter 6
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NSFW! Minors DNI!!! Summary: The moment the thesis competition was announced, you knew your biggest threat. Anakin Skywalker, golden boy of the engineering department. He's the only other person smart enough to beat you, and the only other person insane enough to stay in the lab until midnight every night. He's also an asshole, but you're starting to think maybe he's not as bad as you thought he was... Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader CW: a lot of jerking off WC: 8.4k AN: thank you all for your patience!! i started grad school so i got a bit busy, but now i will update about once a week! thank you all for the love :) also i am so sorry about all the angst
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7
Chapter 6: Tearing
The afternoon sun filtered through his window shade and cast his room in its warm glow, but Anakin was too busy with his notes on his desk to notice. He needed something to do with his hands, just to keep himself focused, to keep his thoughts from wandering to you. To answer a practice problem, he was trying to find a specific case of heat diffusion the class had discussed--somewhere in October, he thought, but he wasn't quite sure. His desk was already messy before he began studying, but he was making it even worse with a paper thrown here, a staple there.
His eyes scanned the paper this way and that, trying to absorb any iota of information, but the words were slippery, wily things that wriggled out of his grasp. In the end, it turned out he had flipped past the page several times without seeing what he needed, and he finally found it on his fifth pass. Subconsciously, he dug his nails into his palms in frustration. Why couldn't he work? Why were you doing this to him?
His phone chimed, a text from his mom. Hey, how are finals? Doing okay?
For a few days, he'd been ducking questions about whether he was sleeping or eating enough, because he knew she'd be disappointed with his answers. He was running out of ways to change the subject in phone calls, and he knew she was catching on. Anakin decided he should probably respond.
yeah, really stressed about one of them, rest are fine. thesis going ok.
A second later, his phone lit up again.
Good luck. I'm so proud of you, Anakin, no matter what. As soon as he read it, he dropped his head into his hands. His forehead was clammy under his fingers. Of course she was proud of him unconditionally. He knew that. But he knew that he would be even prouder if he won. If he got a 4.0 this semester. Once, after he said something like that to Ahsoka, she looked at him with that knowing expression only she could produce, and asked him if his mom had ever said anything like that. Technically, no, he conceded, but he couldn't let her down.
He just felt so stupid right now, looking at the pages blanketing his desk. He'd been sitting over them for too long, but he couldn't bring himself to get up and stretch or take a break. He couldn't bring himself to do anything, really, let alone focus. So he was trapped. All he could do was just sit there, drink his Red Bull, and kind of review until he could destroy this exam next week.
Anakin decided to try another practice problem. Maybe that would make it click.
The surface tension of liquid argon is given by--
His phone buzzed against the desk. Putting it on loud was a bad idea, and he knew it. Maybe he was just looking for an excuse. It was probably his mom, saying something else. Or, he hoped as his heart jumped, maybe you were coming from the lab early and wanted to meet and study. Or hook up. Or just talk. Whatever, as long as it didn't involve his textbook. His phone buzzed again. And again.
He gave in and opened it. It was you, he found, and he grinned like a lunatic, but caught himself. Then again, he was alone, so it didn't matter, really.
But then he read your texts.
Where are you We need to talk Now
He typed back immediately, his fingers flying faster than he thought they could.
in my room is everything ok?
He looked at the screen, saw the bubbles pop up that meant you were typing, then watched as they disappeared. Anakin was frozen, his phone in his hand. We need to talk could just have been a poor phrasing on your part, right? It didn't mean what he thought it did, right? He could deny it only for about five more seconds, when the little bubbles didn't return.
Fuck. Anakin let loose a string of curses and dropped his phone on his desk. He couldn't think of a single thing that would warrant ending… whatever the two of you had. But maybe you'd realized that he was doing a lot more than what fuckbuddies (fuckenemies?) should do, that he was an absolute wreck for you, and had been for a long time.
The caffeine was getting to him, and his leg was bouncing so quickly that he swore his downstairs neighbor would submit a noise complaint. His mind started racing with all the things he never would have told you, the things that would go unsaid if you ended what the two of you were doing. He'd never tell you that he had two dogs growing up, strays, or that his least favorite flavor of Skittles was orange. He'd never tell you that he was pretty sure that he hadn't felt this way about anyone, ever, and that he had laid awake for the past two nights thinking about how, if at all, he would tell you.
Ahsoka's voice echoed in his ears, wisps of sound urging him to just say something. His mind was racing, a million trains of thought all colliding at once. He should just tell you. He'd never learn your favorite kind of cereal. He hadn't responded to his mom, fuck. He regretted having that Red Bull. He'd never tell you that he called you baby during sex because he wanted to say it other times, too. The answer to that thermo question was probably 36 Joules. He'd never tell you that if you called him a pet name he'd melt and let you win any competition because nothing would matter anymore.
But that was precisely why he hadn't told you how he felt. Because if you felt the same way about him, that would be so much better than any amount of money or award. And that wasn't the kind of person he could be.
He'd spent so long training to control that wild hurricane of emotions that pulled him through everyday life. Anakin channeled it into perfectly neat parallelized circuits and technically exquisite poomsae, but around you it all let loose, angry and passionate and just so much.
It was terrifying. You were terrifying. And there was a selfish part of him that said that he deserved to let all those feelings loose for once. To feel as much as he wanted to feel because, goddammit, he was so tired of control.
But Anakin was a lot. A handful, his teachers always said. It was what ended his previous relationship, what drove Padme away. Would it drive you away, too?
If you walked up to him in two minutes and asked him what the two of you were, if it was just casual or something more, would he have the self-control not to blurt out exactly what he was thinking? His stomach flipped at the idea of you leaving the room, leaving his life, without knowing how he felt.
You walking away from him and disappearing into another part of the country after graduation would kill him. He was pretty sure that seeing you at a reunion in five years with someone on your arm, some beautiful person who you had never hated, would smite him on the spot.
He imagined himself six months from now, when the thesis was over. What would that Anakin want for himself? Would he let himself say something? Fuck it all, he would say. And he was right.
If you were going to end things, he was going to get this off his chest. He had to. He wasn't sure he could live with himself if he didn't.
The sound of knuckles on wood cut through the silent room like a dagger through his heart. One, two, three seconds passed as he sat in his desk chair, mind totally blank. He tried to produce a coherent feeling or, if he was lucky, an entire thought, but he came up empty.
Before, it was all something nebulous, something he could just worry about. Something he could stress about. Now, it was real. You were behind that door, and you needed to talk. And there was no escaping that. With heavy legs, he dragged himself to the door.
Anakin pretended not to notice that his hand was shaking when he wrapped it around the doorknob.
The bus ride back to your dorm had been uneventful, other than the way you were staring daggers into the skull of some poor guy in front of you. He had the good sense to not turn around.
Anakin Skywalker is a thief. You clenched your fists, and you could barely feel the sting of your nails in your palms. Barriss wasn't one to lie, based on the past three years you'd spent with her. She told you the facts right after: she overheard one of the graduate students--probably Obi-Wan, but she didn't know who, just some vaguely hot older guy, she said--telling Anakin his idea for a thesis. And then Anakin ran with it.
If she was right, that changed everything. If Anakin really didn't come up with his own idea, that meant he had rigged the competition. He had a leg up this whole time. He really was exactly what you had thought for years. The golden boy of the department who had everything handed to him. And while you'd labored over choosing the perfect, most viable but impressive idea, he had just skipped right over that step. You'd cried over how hard it was to find a good idea, struggled for weeks on end last year, just trying to make something good, let alone great. And he was already weeks ahead of you in the competition.
All of his sweet gestures--staying with you in bed, holding hands in the library, getting you drinks--were suddenly less sweet. Last year, he was in the thesis lab with you, when he was working on his proposal, watching you go through ideas and get upset when they didn't work, and he knew that. And he never told you about where his idea came from, even when you were getting closer. He probably knew it would piss you off, and he still didn't tell you. He'd hidden it from you.
You didn't know if that hurt more or less than the unfairness of his advantage.
The bus slowed to a stop in front of your dorm, and you hopped off, then dashed to the elevator.
You just wanted him to tell you that Barriss was crazy, or misheard. Or anything. Anything to make it not true.
The elevator ride was agony as it whizzed up to his floor.
At his door, you hesitated. If you entered and fought, that made this real. So, so real. The second you walked through that door, everything between the two of you might change.
But you were too furious not to knock. Silence hung for a few seconds before you could hear the door unlock.
Anakin opened it to you, looking unfairly hot. Rage ripped through you as he looked at you with open affection, gesturing to enter his room, like nothing had changed. Like he wasn't lying to you all this time. You stormed in quickly.
"Anakin, I need you to be honest with me." Your voice came out tighter than you wanted as you searched his face for a reaction. He closed the door, then came to stand in front of you.
"I'm always honest with you," Anakin replied earnestly, keeping his gaze locked on yours as he forced a small smile.
You didn't smile back. "How did you come up with the idea for your project?"
"What?" Anakin blinked, caught off guard. He let out a breathy chuckle. "That--that's what you wanted to talk about?"
"Well?" You pressed, crossing your arms. The edge in your voice was obvious, cutting. You could see Anakin go through the stages of realizing what you might mean, and your stomach started to sink even deeper.
Anakin sighed, ruffling his hair in frustration. "I--Really? Okay, fine. There aren't currently any microsurgery tools that mimic human hands. They're all pincers. So I wanted to make one." Your gaze narrowed.
"And you're saying Obi-Wan had nothing to do with it?"
"What are you talking about?" It was probably supposed to sound confused, but it came out more scared. You knew him well enough to tell. God, he was infuriating.
"Did you or did you not get your idea from Obi-Wan?" The words came out like tiny daggers, sharpened steel that you spat at him. His face fell, and you could see the moment that he knew you knew.
"Look, it's not like that," Anakin said, his arms falling to his sides. His eyes were suddenly avoiding yours, like his desk suddenly contained some information he desperately needed, or, preferably an escape hatch.
"Then what is it like?" You shot back, your heart racing. You stepped closer, trying to find an answer in his furrowed eyebrows. "Why can't you just say no?"
Anakin's jaw clenched, and he was obviously searching for the right words. Words that wouldn't piss you off, probably. "Because Obi-Wan helped, I guess."
"You guess?!" Your voice cracked, incredulous.
"I mean--look." Anakin raised his hands defensively. "Sure, Obi-Wan put me on the path to it. But every second in the lab since then has been me. My design, my coding."
"What do you mean put you on the path? You mean he gave you the idea, don't you?" Your frustration with him was boiling over. Even now, he was defending himself, trying to evade this. Justifying. It drove you crazy.
Anakin hesitated, his words faltering. "I--It's not--"
"Are you seriously about to say that it's not that simple or something?" You interrupted, your voice shaking. You threw your hands up, your fury finally reaching its peak. "Because, from here, it looks simple. Like you stole your whole fucking thesis idea!"
"That's not true!" Anakin snapped, his voice louder now. It wasn't the same kind of anger you were used to seeing from him, it was defensive, almost panicked. "Obi-Wan, he just, he suggested I look at applying an old project of mine to microsurgery. And he was right. So, I guess, technically, if you're looking at it like that--sure. He gave me the idea."
You stared at him, his words sinking in. His admission hung between you like a guillotine, its rope finally snapped. The air felt tight, like you were ten thousand miles above sea level and there wasn't enough oxygen to keep you afloat.
Anakin shifted again, his anger gone, his voice softer, pleading. "It's like… I don't know. I guess I feel guilty about it. But I really needed to submit something that day, or I couldn't enter into the competition at all. It was the rules. If I don't do a thesis… I--I don't know. I just had to. And I figured I'd just use that temporarily, and pivot as soon as it was approved, It was in the end of junior spring, and I just couldn't find a topic that worked. That idea I had about hand prosthetics didn't pan out, and I was telling Obi-Wan about it in the lab, and he told me I should look at microsurgery, 'cause they have a lot of the same issues--calibrating movement to user input, holding up to wear and tear, dealing with friction and joint movement--and that I should do my thesis on it."
His eyes finally met yours again, so deep and blue that it almost made you reconsider. Almost. He was pleading, begging you to understand. "So, yeah, I submitted an early version of the idea Obi-Wan gave me. But every second of design, build, everything was me. It's my work."
You stood frozen, silent. After a few long beats, Anakin started to fidget, his hands wringing so hard that his knuckles turned white.
"If I could go back, I'd do something else. Anything else." Anakin's voice wavered, and his shoulders slumped under the weight of his guilt. "I just--I didn't know what else to do. I needed to submit something, anything. I need to win this," he finished, his voice trailing off.
The anguish over being proven right was something you didn't expect. You should have felt vindicated, that you were actually right all along about him. You should have hated him. But instead, you could feel your heart breaking, like a marionette with its strings cut, slumped over and lifeless. If he had just admitted it to you himself, maybe you could get over this. Maybe. But the fact that he hid it from you cut like a knife. Tears welled in your eyes, and your throat was drier than you'd ever felt it. The words fell from your lips softly, like you could barely get them out.
"How could you?" You felt like you'd never known him, like the person in front of you was a stranger. How could he be both this person, and the one who would keep you warm at night?
Anakin noticed the coldness of your gaze, and it gutted him. Anakin's breath caught, and you could see him shatter in real time. His cheek twitched, right under his scar, and you could swear you saw his eyes start to fill with tears. His hands were shaking where they were clasped together, and you were sure he was leaving indents with his nails. His shoulders shook under his panicked breaths.
He didn't speak for several long seconds, his mouth tugging this way and that as he tried to think of something, anything, to say.
"Do you think I'm a bad person?" He asked as he stepped toward you, trying to seek reassurance to keep him from falling apart. But you couldn't give it. You didn't even know him anymore.
"I--" you opened your mouth, hesitating, before you restarted, "I don't know." Your voice cracked, but you hardened it. "I didn't before, but now I'm not so sure."
Anakin took another step closer, reaching out with his shaking hands as if to touch you, but you backed away. His face flushed even more, hurt and frustration jumping across his features. It made you even more angry. "This is so fucking unfair, and you just--you just let it happen."
He said your name, trying to jump in, but your anger surged, and it drowned him out.
"I spent weeks getting my idea just right." Each words was more brutal than the last. "Weeks. And you got everything spoon-fed to you. Everything I worked for--and you just took it from someone."
Anakin flinched like you had struck him, but you were far from done.
"I thought I knew you, I thought I was wrong about you this whole time," you spat, your fists clenching at your sides, "But I was right all along. You're just a fucking cheater."
A tear slipped down the side of his cheek as you continued. Your voice shook as you admitted to him, and to yourself, what the worst part really was. "And you didn't even have the decency to tell me. And that makes you a fucking asshole."
He shook his head, his eyes stinging as he started to speak. "No, please, it's not--"
"Stop it!" You shouted, your voice cracking with emotion. Anakin stood frozen, his outstretched hand falling limply to his side. Your breath rushed through your nose and your pulse beat in your ears. You couldn't even see him anymore through the tears, but you refused to let them fall. To let him see you cry.
He said your name one more time, begging, pleading. For a moment, you were tempted, but the hurt was too big to ignore.
Your voice was cold, distant. "Get away from me," you ordered. Your back was rigid with anger and hurt. "And leave me the fuck alone."
Without waiting for him to respond, you stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
You stalked down the hall as quickly as you could, ignoring the buzzing in your pocket as the tears you were holding back finally poured down your cheeks. You didn't even have the energy to wipe them away, you just let them fall while you punched the button for the elevator.
Only when the door closed, and you pulled out your phone to call Ahsoka, did you see his messages.
please come back we can talk this out please give me another chance
They were all sent minutes apart. You could hear his voice reading them, desperate and thick with tears. Even though you were angry, angrier than you had ever been at him, the idea of him crying still made your chest ache. And then it made you feel vindicated. But then it made you feel horrible again.
You arrived back to the lobby, then crossed the building to the other elevator bank, trying to avoid the awkward gazes the students passing by gave you. You sniffled wetly, wiping away your tears, as you ran up the two flights of steps that brought you to your room. You unlocked the door as quickly as you could, then hid inside.
Your phone buzzed again.
i understand that you don't want to talk, but the second you're ready, i'll be here. i'll always be here.
The words made you sob loudly, and you were thankful for a moment that Ahsoka wasn't home. Until you saw the text, it hadn't hit you that this was the last time you'd talk for a while. You couldn't even remember the last kiss you two had shared. The library? Was that the kiss you wanted this to end on? You'd never see his half-lidded eyes as he worshipped you, never hear him call you baby again.
Why did he have to go and fuck it all up? You asked yourself, sobs wracking your body as you slid down the door. You couldn't tell if you were more sad or angry, but you were definitely heartbroken. Lately, his casual touches, his affection, the way you slept together every night, it was starting to feel like more. But it was all gone now.
You had been numbed with caffeine and stress, but the past week, you felt like you were soaring every time he touched you. Every time he gave you that intense look he always did.
But the two of you were just hooking up. It wasn't supposed to be anything more, and you never thought you'd feel the pull to be with him when you weren't fucking, but it was like gravity. Even now, you wanted him to comfort you. Not someone, but him.
The realization that you had feelings for him hit you like a truck. All the breath was gone from your lungs, gone to some other dimension.
You liked Anakin Skywalker. Even though he was an asshole. Even though he'd hurt you. But those feelings didn't end just because whatever you were had ended, they didn't leave you alone.
You could have been his girlfriend if he hadn't hidden this from you. And that was the last nail in the coffin that made you break down fully.
You sat there, crying, sobbing, wailing, for at least another half hour before you dragged yourself to the shower. It made you feel the tiniest bit better to have your hair clean, your tears scrubbed off your face until the skin went sensitive and ruddy. When the water turned off, it was cold, and you relished the shock to your system.
And then, you started the process of getting over him. You knew you had to do it eventually, and you only had to get through finals before you could go home and forget all about him. Come January, when you next saw him in the lab, it'd be like seeing any other classmate.
That thought was enough to make you start crying again while you stood in the towel you stole from your house. Your tears mingled with the water from the shower, and it was enough to let you pretend that you weren't crying, that becoming strangers with Anakin didn't kill you inside.
You promised yourself that this would be the last time you cried this semester. That night, if you felt the threat of tears, you just threw yourself harder into whatever you were studying. There was nothing else you could do.
At the thermo exam two days later, you walked in later than you usually would for a final that was this important. When you slipped into the class, two minutes before they started passing out test papers, you spotted Anakin in the corner. Because of course you did. Your eyes hadn't stopped finding him in every photo, in every room. He had always been magnetic, and, just because you weren't together anymore didn't mean that stopped. And he was looking right at you.
His gaze ripped through you with some mix of desperation, affection, and sorrow. Anakin looked, in one word, horrible. His eyes were sunken in, red and swollen from crying. Most people would not have noticed, but you knew him too well. His dark circles had come back with a vengeance, like fresh bruises on his otherwise smooth and clear skin. His mouth twitched when he looked at you, like he was going to say something, but he stayed silent as his eyes followed your path.
Throughout the exam, you could feel his eyes on you a couple of times, but you didn't allow yourself to turn around and look. You let the calm of equations and math wash over you, and soon there was nothing but the test. The questions and the precise way you wrote Greek letters in the blue book lulled you into a state of calm you desperately needed.
When you handed in your exam, you allowed yourself another look at Anakin, and then you left the building. You didn't see him before you went on break two days later.
Two days before break, he saw you again. He hadn't changed his habits, still studied in the dining hall and had meals there, sometimes went to the library, and he secretly hoped, thrummed with anticipation, that maybe, just maybe, you'd be there too. That maybe you'd see him and realize you wanted to talk it out. That, obviously, did not happen. He spent an embarrassing amount of time awake, because you haunted his dreams whenever they came. The disgusted look on your face and the words I was right all along, you're a fucking asshole echoed in the back of his eyelids and his mind's eye whenever he laid down. So, he stayed up. More time to study, right?
He spent most of those 48 hours trying not to cry and failing miserably. Even when he broke up with Padme, it wasn't like this. He was angry, indignant, and, of course, sad, but it was the kind of sadness that settled deep on his shoulders and dulled the world around him. It wasn't the kind of sadness that wrenched sobs from his chest whenever he wasn't careful. It wasn't the kind of sadness that made him regret ever going to this college, ever meeting you.
Ahsoka cast him a funny look at him one night, when he fell asleep in a common room. She gently shook him awake, and noticed the redness rimming his eyes, and the way his hands shook from too much caffeine. She gave him a hug and made him promise to sleep tonight.
He did, and that was the night before the test. Every muscle and joint screamed in protest as he dragged himself from his bed. He arrived fifteen minutes early, just to make sure he got a good seat, and then his head kept swiveling like an owl. Every time the click of the doors opening echoed through the nearly empty lecture hall, he locked onto the person entering. He was pretty sure he'd accidentally given glares to at least four poor souls before you finally entered.
He resigned himself to the fact that he'd probably failed the exam right then.
You were even prettier than he remembered, and the depth of your eyes when you stared at him was enough to make him shudder. Even now, he'd give anything to be with you again. When you sat down and didn't look at him again for the next three hours, he felt bits of his heart break off and get trampled under equations about heat diffusion and air pressure. You turned in your test, and then left, and he looked after you longingly. His eyes snapped back to his paper when he got a weird look from the TA.
He turned in his exam paper, rushed home, and promptly passed out on his bed. You came to him in his dreams, of course. Naked in his arms, lips pliant and wanting under him. The way your tongue peeked out when you were too hard at work, or the shimmer of your eyes when he made you laugh. The betrayal on your face. Get away from me.
He spent the rest of finals in a fugue state, doing tasks and exams because he was supposed to. Then, finally, the last one passed, and he was finally released to go home. He hadn't seen you since the exam, and that was probably better for him, he reasoned.
On day 1 of break, Anakin drove the whole day and listened to absolutely depressing music the whole time. He pulled over once and, in a fit of rage, smacked the steering wheel a few times. How could he be so stupid? How was he this much of an idiot? He sat at the rest stop for another fifteen minutes, his sweaty forehead on the steering wheel. Five hours later, when he arrived home late in the evening, he hugged his mom. Everything felt a little bit better after that. He had dinner with Shmi and Cliegg, even though all he wanted to do was lay in bed and sulk. He fell asleep quickly--he was too exhausted to stay up torturing himself with what could have been.
On day 2 of break, he lay in bed and just generally moped around. He could never be still for long, so that meant getting up to eat snacks, flicking through TV shows listlessly, and trying not to look at the texts you two had exchanged. He only cried twice, once at the thought that you'd never meet his mom, and the other at the memory of your body in his arms as he fell asleep. Both reduced him to hot, silent tears.
On day 3 of break, he did yard work and drove by his old dojang to say hi to his high school coach. He ended up agreeing to teach some lessons over break to avoid having to sit at home alone with his thoughts for three entire weeks. Plus, the money was good. He was pretty sure he wouldn't be getting that thesis prize at all, at this rate. He only cried once, at night, when he thought about having to watch you work in the thesis lab without speaking to you. He wouldn't cross that boundary. You already knew he wanted to talk, and you hadn't texted him back.
On days 4-9, he taught three hours of lessons a day. It was calming, familiar. He only had to splash cold water in his face to avoid getting too upset two or three times per day, but the undercurrent of wondering what you were doing never stopped torturing him. He hadn't touched himself in at least two weeks, and he regularly had to stop his thoughts from drifting away to the last time he was inside you. Every time it happened at home, in bed, he got up and took a cold shower. It served him right. At the end of the week, he went to the mall and bought his mom a Christmas present with the money he earned. Just because he knew his mom wanted to blend their family better, he picked out something small he could afford for Cliegg, Owen, and Beru, too.
On day 10, it was Christmas Eve, so everything was closed. There was nothing to do, so he answered a few emails from Professor Jinn, cleaned the oven, and helped his mom prepare for Christmas dinner. There were files on his device he had prepared specifically to work on his thesis over break, but his project made him nauseous. He'd give it all back for a chance to start over. He'd get a B on his thesis if it would make this pain stop. He didn't touch the files, and, that night, when he finally gave in to the temptation to see if you'd posted anything on social media, he didn't touch his cock, either, even though just an image of you was enough to drive him wild at that point.
On day 11, it was Christmas, and he woke up at 4am in his bed, as hard as a rock. Anakin spent an hour tossing and turning and begging his body to just let him sleep, but, eventually he gave in. It was Christmas, right? He deserved a present. When he closed his eyes, he didn't even try to think of someone else. It was you. It had been for a while. Your little noises as he kissed up your neck, the scrunch of your eyebrows right as you came, and the tight grip of your pussy around him when he buried himself to the hilt inside you were enough to make him cum all over his hand within a minute. He found it embarrassing, honestly, that you had this effect on him. Anakin fell asleep quickly and tried not to feel too gross about what he'd done.
On day 11, attempt 2, he woke up around 11, right before lunch, and came down to wish his mother and Cliegg a merry Christmas. Beru and Owen were supposed to come for dinner, but, this morning, it was just the three of them. Anakin had no particular yearning for Cliegg to be a father figure, he just wanted his mom to be happy. If Cliegg did that, then he'd watch endless movies with the two of them, or get Cliegg a present. But if she didn't want to be with him anymore, Anakin wasn't sure he'd miss him. Their second anniversary was in three weeks, and it was a shock that it had been that much time already. When dinner rolled around, and he greeted Owen and Beru awkwardly, not sure what a person is supposed to say to a newly-acquired sibling. He'd seen them a sum total of maybe ten times, almost all of which had to do with the wedding, so they were in how-was-school and how's-the-new-job and gosh-the-winter-has-been-brutal territory. When Anakin gave them their presents, they seemed overjoyed. He'd gotten them matching scarves, each with their first initial embroidered onto it. It was a miracle they had them in stock at the mall, he thought, but the present seemed to hit the right spot. Cliegg got the aforementioned fishing pole, something his mom had told him he was prattling on about, and he got his mom a beautiful new winter coat. She had been mending hers for years, and water and snow would soak right through it, but when he saw the beautiful down puffer coat in the store window, he knew she'd love it. He was right.
Cliegg got him a Laser Distance Measure, which must have cost a pretty penny, and Owen and Beru got him various engineering gadgets (a nice mechanical pencil for technical drawings and a cable carrying case, respectively). His mother's gift, though, was something he'd never be able to forgive. She had bought him a beautiful, fresh Raspberry Pi set, with 8 GB of RAM. It wasn't the most expensive thing in the world, but the $150 or $200 that it did cost her was enough to make him tear up. He'd mentioned months ago that he was thinking of getting one for some personal projects, something for his portfolio, and she bought it. He had the good sense not to say anything like You aren't supposed to get me presents for Christmas and crushed her in a hug, the kind that whispered I know how much this is worth, and I'm so lucky you're my mom. For a second, he was worried he would cry when he saw the crow's feet appear by her eyes, and he felt how thin the skin on her hands had gotten. When had she gotten so much older? For a terrifying moment, he realized he'd have to live without her one day, but then Cliegg made some comment about how he'd made hot cocoa, and they all gathered around the living room to chat. As the last tendrils of sunlight fell beneath the swath of trees in their backyard, he laughed at something Owen had said, and he felt the tiniest bit less alone. Like maybe it didn't matter if he got an A in thermo or had the best thesis in his year. The notion left him quickly.
On days 12-17, the warm feeling had subsided, and all he could think about was what you were doing. Whether you were moving on, or if you still felt the same way he did. If you wanted him again. The fantasy of you seeing him again and realizing that, oh, actually, you wanted to work it out, and also kiss him, inevitably ended with his hand on his cock and cum on his stomach, then regret and shame for about an hour afterward. Once the studio had reopened, he kept teaching there, but with more hours this time. Also, Anakin could finally open the folder on his computer named Thesis without cringing at it, but barely. His heart still skipped about four beats when he thought about how he'd have to see you practically every day. He pushed thoughts like that from his mind as much as he could. No point in torturing himself more than the actual semester would.
Day 18 was New Year's Eve. He went to a party hosted by some of his high school friends, some rager at a frat house. He just wanted to get drunk, honestly, and this seemed like a great excuse. It was sticky and hot even right outside the door, but the sweaty blast of steam that hit him when someone opened it turned his stomach. But the beer was free, so he wouldn't complain too much. A couple of times, he noticed a girl checking him out over the bone-shaking bass. He might have made a move, if he were a different person. If any one of them was you, or had your smile, or your eyes. As soon as he noticed something that was too different from you, he averted his gaze. They were all cute, he supposed, but that didn't matter. They weren't you. When the countdown started, Anakin retreated, not interested in being pulled into some kiss that stunk of beer. Instead, despite knowing he'd regret it, he sent you a text. happy new year, it read. He blamed the tequila, and went back into the fray of cheering people.
From days 19-24, Anakin kept on keeping. Dishes, teaching, occasional progress on his thesis. He submitted over 20 job applications. Sometime in the week, in his daily rehashing of all your messages, he noticed the read receipt had popped up on his text from New Year's Eve, and he cursed himself. He was cursing himself a lot lately. Especially when he promised he wouldn't jerk off over you, but it always ended up happening. The subtle rock of his hips against the mattress when he thought of you, grinding the hard flesh against the soft material, then the sticky warmth of release and the rush of regret that always came with it. The heat of the shower made him hard when he thought about how he'd always wanted to try fucking in the shower, more specifically, fucking you in the shower. He really shouldn't, he reasoned while his hand pumped his dick.
Day 25 was spent driving again, after he gave his mom a big hug and threw his suitcase in the car. Despite himself, he realized that he was no more over you than he had been on his drive to his house. The fact that he would see you tomorrow still made him perk up and wilt at the same time. In a short twenty-four hours, you'd be real, three-dimensional in front of him again. He wasn't sure what would happen--would you kiss him? Slap him? Combust? He could never tell with you. He wondered if you'd cut your hair over break, or if you'd talked to Ahsoka about him. Whatever fantasies he'd been nursing, they were all going to be proven or disproven tomorrow. So he had to use the hour before he arrived on campus to imagine, as hard as he could, that you were in the passenger seat. That you were his girlfriend. That you had just come from meeting his mom, who had shown you a bunch of truly humiliating baby pictures and had whispered to him that she liked you when you had gone to the bathroom. For the rest of the night, that was the reality he lived in.
You had compared schedules last semester, before things got weird, and you shared only two classes, both of which were on Mondays and Wednesdays. At 10:30, you'd both be in Unsupervised Learning, then at 2:30, you'd both take Dynamic Systems and Controls. When he woke up at 8:30, he showered, then tried to wipe the tiredness from his eyes. He put on a shirt he knew you loved (you'd remarked on how well it fit him, and he didn't see it, but you did, and that was all that mattered) and his most comfortable jeans and hoodie. He secretly hoped you were doing the same kind of preening at home, trying to look good for him, but he didn't let the thought take up too much room in his mind.
At 10:25, when he walked into the lecture hall, he saw you instantly. Time stopped as he felt like someone had just gotten a particularly good hit to his solar plexus, and his whole body was responding, out of breath and weak and dizzy all at the same time. You were in the third row, to the left-hand side of the seats, and you looked more gorgeous than he remembered. How didn't he spend the whole break fantasizing about the way your hair shone or the curve of your neck? Seconds started ticking by again when he realized he was blocking the path to the seats, much to the anger of the group of people behind him. He walked down the steps to the second row like everything was normal, then positioned himself on the other side of the lecture hall. He kept his eyes firmly not trained on you for as long as he could, and, when the professor started droning, he turned to look at you, really look at you.
You had put on just a touch of makeup, something he'd noticed years ago that you always did on the first day of class. It suited you, and you looked well-rested and happy. Like you didn't miss him at all. It gutted him like a fish on the chopping block. What was wrong with him? How could he let you get away?
He turned back to the professor, pretending to be interested in the syllabus. When class ended, by the time he packed up his things, you had gone.
The second class was a repeat of the first, only in a smaller lecture hall. He tried to keep his cool, he really did, but he snuck glances. He was only human.
He didn't go into the lab for the week, mainly because he was almost done with build and was spending most of his time on securing materials for testing. They had their first practice that Monday, so he got dressed and headed over to the Athletic Center, where he grounded himself in the ritual, the calming power of it all. It was amazing to see Rex and Ahsoka again. They always made him smile, something he'd been missing over the break.
Later that week, Ahsoka invited him to your room to talk about that semester's competitions. He hesitated the appropriate amount of time before he accepted. The hallway to your room was achingly familiar, just like he'd seen it in his dreams. Only Ahsoka was home, so she wasted no time before interrogating him about what happened with the two of you.
When he told her the general gist, she had the good decency to be honest and tell him that he was kind of being an asshole by not mentioning it, but that it was normal to get advice from professors and other students. It wasn't ideal for it to be as explicitly grabbed, sure, but the point still stood.
By the time the door opened and you came in (his mind raced--from a date? from class? from some other part of your life that he would never come to know?), Anakin and Ahsoka were discussing taekwondo logistics. You looked gorgeous in the cozy cable-knit sweater you had on, and he hoped against all hope that he wasn't staring the way he thought he was.
You looked shocked for a good second before smiling awkwardly with a little "hey." You retreated to your room almost instantly, and Anakin felt a pit open up, wondering if he'd made you uncomfortable. It wasn't his fault, honestly, but he still felt guilty. He left an hour afterward.
Was this his fate? To watch you from a middle distance as you lived your life? He was trapped, pinned down like a bug, reading into everything he saw. If you were in a four-block radius, his eyes would find you. They always would. In class, he had to stop himself from turning toward you, from studying your features and trying to read anything from them. He never could.
Anakin was still fucking haunted by you, especially now that he was on campus. Everything reminded him of you. The boba place, every inch of your dorm, the emptiness in his mattress. He knew he was hallucinating when he thought he spied you at practice one day, just a wisp of hair in the corner of the room, but, by the time he did a double take, there was only empty floor there.
On Thursday, he got a text from Ahsoka.
Party tomorrow at Cody's. You should come, she had written. He didn't really, actually feel like partying. But he went anyway. Maybe he could spend enough time with his friends to forget about you.
He threw on a nice shirt, some kind of button-up his mom had gotten him, cuffed the sleeves, and set off.
It was a standard-issue party. He'd been to plenty of them, so he figured was ready and prepared for what he'd see and feel. Bass in his eardrums so loud it shook the blood in his veins. Having to scream basic conversation over music. Cheap beer and a sticky floor. Enough heat that his hair would start curling more.
It felt like home. He entered, found Cody and Ahsoka quickly, promising to return after he grabbed a drink. Anakin made his way to the folding table crammed full of bottles, as well as some kind of vile jungle juice, and took two shots. Just enough to stop thinking about you, he hoped.
By the time he fought his way back to Cody and Ahsoka, he was feeling it. Rex had joined them in the meantime, and Anakin joined the little huddle. They were talking (read: yelling "what did you say?" over the music) about one of Cody's dates that week, and Anakin let himself slip into the familiar rhythm of his friends. It was nice, honestly. He only thought of you five or six times, which was a record low.
Then Ahsoka suggested they go get another drink, and, as the four of them pushed back toward the drinks station, he saw you.
You were fucking radiant, and the breath stalled in his chest. You had always been the only thing he ever wanted to look at in a room, even from sophomore year, when you began to piss him off more than anything, but right now, you were a supernova. And he was a moth. He felt his wings get burned off as he traced the curve of your jaw and acknowledged to himself that, yeah, he probably wasn't going to get over you until you were across state lines.
You were wearing some sinfully short, tight dress, which crept higher and higher up your thighs. He could tell you weren't wearing a bra, and something stirred inside of him.
But then he saw the guy standing next to you, leaning in to tell something to your ear. Anakin hated himself for the thought, but he instantly started comparing himself to the guy. What was Mr. Boat Shoes saying to you that made you tip your head back and laugh like that? He remembered when he used to do that, when he would make you throw your head back to do more than just laugh.
Anakin felt his jaw clench and his body start to shake with the same energy that he always had before competitions, coiled like a snake about to strike.
He knew it was a bad idea, he really did. But he was never one to resist bad ideas. He blamed the alcohol. It wasn't that you were his, or some misguided attempt at owning you, but he just couldn't watch this. He couldn't let this feeling tear him apart anymore. When you swatted the guy's chest playfully, Anakin felt his eye twitch, right under his scar. Oh hell no. But he shouldn't. It was your business.
Fuck it.
Anakin started pushing through the crowd, and then he saw the guy lean in, and he saw red.
Tag list (lmk if you'd like to be added!):
@skywalkercinema @throughparisallthroughrome @anak1ns-wife @radiantvader @eloquenceinpurple @rosekillerdaughter @doblasftcisco @rhiannonhippiegirl @mistress-amidala @johnbassplayercutie @mortalheartache @xorilixx @sunnytotheend @olivia091108 @aniiuv @sotal3rsa @springnaiad @bettysgardenswift @ursogorgeous13 @avalovesjoe1 @anibeaar @anisluvrgirl @mcdonaldshelppage @usuck @sythethecarrot @lovrsm @ann4zw @gimmefood
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ddejavvu · 1 year
I think anakin loves head and like I know that men in general love head but like he takes it to another level. This man would want to be sucked 24/7. and honestly no problem for me cuz I would give that man the sloppiest head in existence 😩
send me anakin thoughts/requests !!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
so the thing is that he just wants his dick sucked 24/7, you're so right. and it's not that he expects it from you, he knows it's not like you owe him or anything, it's just that.. if the urge hits.. he's gonna ask. he's got zero shame. he's not gonna try to take a cold shower (unless he has other, more important things to do, which is rare), he's not gonna try to muscle it down, he's just gonna be upfront and ask if you'll suck him off. 'cause like.. you do it so well. and why would he put himself through mediocrity, or even disappointment altogether when you're on the couch and you might say yes to helping him? you don't look tooooo busy, he'll just ask :)
once he gets into this routine of asking every time, you'll probably tell him he doesn't even have to ask. it's not necessarily a structured free use contract, you're just hearing 'angel can I please have your mouth' 86 times a day so you shrug the 87th time and say 'you don't have to ask, ani. i'll do it whenever you want.'
boy does he take that and run with it!!! you're relaxing on the couch sipping tea and reading and he comes rushing in from his workshop already undoing his buckle. you hear it and it's like you're pavlov's fucking dog, your mouth practically waters and you scramble to bookmark your place before it gets jostled. sometimes he straddles your thighs on his knees on the couch for easy access, sometimes you just slouch a little bit on the cushions and he holds your head to the side to stick his dick in your mouth. it's abrupt sometimes, you don't always get much warning, but you don't care, it's worth it. you'd suffer a thousand lost places in a novel or even another shattered holopad (he'd gotten a little too eager to fuck your face and had jostled the couch cushions so much that it had fallen face-down onto the floor) if it means you get anakin's dick stuffed into your mouth.
is he a little rough sometimes? yeah! do you walk away with a little bit of a sore neck? yeah! are you gonna decline his request next time? no! cause if you complain to him all whiny that he fucked a crick into your neck he'll lay you out flat on the bed on your stomach and massage it for you, which means he has his hands all over your skin, which means he's gonna offer to give you a full back massage too, which means his hands are gonna be really close to your ass, and.. well..
sometimes (a lot) it happens in the shower, 'cause he sees you naked and well.. not much he can do to stop that. he's a little enamored by you. which means you're kneeling on the slick shower floor with his hand tangled in your wet hair and water streaming into your eyes and sometimes blocking out your airway through your nose while you suck and choke and gag on his dick. You always come out of it a little out of breath, but you'd rather suffocate down there than stop.
god there's something so ridiculously sexy about the thought of just. existing. just chilling. and all of a sudden anakin's hand is on your face, hand cupping your jaw as he turns your head to the side. he's already got his dick out, it's in the hand that isn't holding your face, and he just feeds it right into your mouth. fuck whatever you were doing before that, it's not important.
if he's kneeling over you on the couch he'll fuck into your mouth with a hand on the back of your head, grunting and groaning and moaning and hissing while you gag a little on how far his cock is being repeatedly shoved down your throat. he revels in the way your face scrunches, the way your eyes well up with tears as he hits the back of your throat. if you manage to look up at him his breath will stutter in his chest at the sight of your red-rimmed, teary eyes staring up at him, and he'll heave out a 'kriff, angel.' or grunt, 'shit'
some other grunts and groans you might hear from him are things like 'oh- so good, so good, so-good-so-good-so-good!' 'babe. baby, i'm gonna- mmf! I'm gonna cum, now, baby, I'm gonna cum!' and 'good. kriff that was- so good. thanks for letting me have your mouth, angel.'
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Hands On (MDNI 18+)
Pairings: Tech x Fem!reader
Summary: Tech can't keep his eyes off you, so you decide he needs to give you some private demonstrations of why.
Warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), rough ish smut, porn with a loose plot, Tech jealousy, cream pie, pussay eating, squirting.
Word count: 3,176
You had a special affinity for ships, and metal parts which was rare for the Jedi, but even though you were a good fighter, you typically busied yourself underneath a ship’s console amidst the wiring. It wasn't hidden that the jedi thought you were… strange, but you didn’t really care what they thought, you just fixed ships and even modified them.
You had been fighting with the 501st since you first became a jedi knight, but the council had decided that three jedi for one battalion was too much, so they placed you with a different squad.
That’s how you ended up with Clone Force 99, your newfound family who were oh so grateful for your mechanical skills, repairs on the marauder went ten times faster with you on board, and you created some pretty special bonds with each of the men on board.
You and Tech have an especially unique bond, both very smart when it comes to useless information on subjects the other bad batchers didn’t need to know. But you and Tech often had some very thoughtful conversations about which jedi was more likely to trip in battle, or about mechanical parts on ships and speeders.
You ended up becoming a permanent part of their unit after a year, and because of that connection you had between the 501st and the bad batch, it opened up some teamwork opportunities. Like today for instance.
Captain Rex had commed you, and requested your presence specifically on the planet of Aeos Prime which was under attack by separatists, and had requested aid from the republic. But the separatists apparently had a new cannon that could disable ships and speeders, and so they needed you to come fix the speeders and teach some of the clones what to do in case it happened again.
So that brought you to now, helping Tech pilot the MArauder as it was shot down from the sky by one of those cannons. “It's gonna be a bumpy landing!” You called out to the boys behind you as you and tech pulled the steering controls upward to try and glide over the water to reach the island that the 501st was beached on.
The Marauder shook violently, but with a press of a button and pull of a lever you momentarily restored power and tech was able to somewhat land the ship before power was lost again. But you were on ground and that's all that mattered.
You stood up, grabbing your large tool box as you grinned at Tech. “I’m going to go help the regs if you wanna start getting the ship back online.” You suggested, and when he nodded you walked off the ship, jumping off the ramp since the ship was at an angle and the ramp was more up than it was down.
A couple clones were already waiting, clones you recognized as Kix and Jesse. “Hey boys! called for a pick me up?” You joked as you reached them, letting out a happy squeal when Jesse ruffled your hair which was currently down instead of up in a braid or ponytail.
Tech noticed the way you immediately got comfortable with the other clones, and something sparked inside his chest, foreign and uncomfortable… He sighed, and turned away as he pried off a panel on the outside of the panel, and got to work like you suggested.
Soon you were with the majority of the 501st and they all greeted you with hugs and smiles. Anakin and Ahsoka were there as well and waved quickly before going over whatever plans they needed. Jesse and Kix lead you to a group of speeders, and to fives who is trying his best to rewire one of the speeders but is failing miserably. “Your wires are too messy, and you're touching the wrong colours together.” your voice carried out, and Fives sat up immediately to greet you, only for him to smash his head into the bottom of the speeder.
He grunted, but sat up regardless, grinning at you. “Hey, it's my favorite jedi!” He exclaimed, standing up to pull you into a tight hug which you happily reciprocated, pulling away to fix your glasses with a grin.
When you worked alongside the 501st fives always flirted with you, and it was cute but you know it would never go past flirting, as much as he tried you always turned him down. “Hey fives, Rex said you needed my help, so i'll show you how to rewire the speeders and then you can do it on your own!” You explained happily, setting your toolbox down as you knelt down, Fives following your lead.
You started instructing fives, and a few shiny clones on how to rewire the speeders, and once you fixed one, fives booted it up, and it worked, revving into action with no issue. “Ta da!” You exclaimed and made your way to another speeder that a shiny seemed to be struggling with. And with some gentle instruction he managed to get his speeder started too.
Fives whistled in appreciation, standing by your side as he flashed you a grin, and you knew what that meant. “No fives, I'm not getting drinks at 79’s with you.” You huffed, rolling your eyes and adjusting your glasses as he huffed. “No fun… but uh listen- i could use some more help on this speeder, i don't think i did it correctly.” He spoke, a sly tone lacing his words.
You raised an eyebrow but followed him regardless. By now the heat of the sun had started affecting you so you unzipped the top part of your coveralls, and wrapped the arms around your waist which left you in your spaghetti strap tank top, and you were already sweating through that too.
regardless you worked through the heat, showing fives how to rewire the speeder again for the upteenth time. In the meantime, Tech had almost finished with the ship, his brothers were off talking with Rex and Anakin so he decided to take a small break to go find you.
You were by the speeders still, but as Tech approached he noticed Fives extremely close to you, his hand resting on the small of your back as you instructed him, that focused look that Tech loved sprawled across your face, sweat dripping down your brow. He saw you adjust your glasses again, and then wipe the sweat off your face.
As he got closer, he heard Fives follow your instruction to the letter, and then grin at you with a mischievous look in his eyes when he asked what was next. Tech then stepped forward, the flash of his armor catching your attention. You moved away from fives, and Tech noticed the frown on his lips when you moved to Tech.
“Hey honey, are you done with the ship already?” You asked, but Tech should his head. “No, I am doing what you advised and I am taking a designated pause in my work.” He replied, almost melting when he heard the giggle that left your lips, and the sweat that dripped down past them. “Cool, maybe you can tell fives that he doesn't need my help and that he can start teaching the shinies what to do.” You joked, nudging Fives with your hand.
“Hm, if she says your work is adequate then i believe her, best let her fix the rest of the vessels.” Tech stated, tapping on his datapad before hearing fives scoff. “I mean I could totally get something wrong in the wiring, it's best if Y/n just shows me one more time, right?” Fives asked you.
You huffed, and opened your mouth to speak, only for Tech to speak up before you could. “Do you even know how to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your work, reg? At least I know what a regulator is on an A9-51 spacecraft.” Tech snarked, and you turned to look at him with slightly widened eyes. an A9-51 was your favorite type of ship and how he knew that caught you off guard since you never told anyone.
He could have guessed… but that’s such an intricate ship to guess… It kind of made your heart flutter, knowing that he knew about such intricate work…
You snapped back to the conversation when fives finished replying with something snarky, mentioning something about a repulser core which had nothing to do with spaceships or speeders. You scrunched up your nose slightly, crossing your arms over your chest as they bickered back and forth about ship parts and weapon parts before you finally spoke up.
“Okay boys settle down, there's only one of me.” You joked and gently placed your hand on Tech’s shoulder, biting down on your bottom lip as you thought of what to say before turning to look at Fives. “You’ve got the speeder's fives, you don’t need my help.” you stated, looking at Tech. “I could use your help though.” You added, your eyes meeting his for a moment.
God you felt dirty looking at Tech this way, seeing the sweat drip down his face and neck before disappearing under his armor.. you wanted to see what was underneath that armor…
you exhaled, and glanced back at the bigger ships before you flagged over a shiny trooper. “start on rewiring the ships, here's a little guide for you to follow.” You explained, handing the trooper a hastily scribbled post it note on what wires to touch together and what not to touch. It was simple, nothing crazy. But once the trooper walked away you basically curled your fingers around the top part of Tech’s chestplate, and started dragging him behind you as you headed to the Marauder.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Tech asked as you climbed on board before you closed the ramp and marauder doors, leading him to the empty cockpit. “Tech, I think you need to demonstrate how to undo the bundle of wires in the Extrapolator core.” You whined out, his eyes widening as it clicked in his mind what exactly you meant. He gulped, and made sure the cockpit doors were locked as he removed parts of his armor.
“I can definitely give you a much needed demonstration, darling.” Tech nearly purred, eyes widening as you pulled off your coveralls, leaving you in tight black workout shorts and your tank top. He hastily ridded himself of the rest of his armor just as you started pulling off the last thin layer of clothes.
“Oh my-” Tech choked out once your tank top was removed, and a perfect perky set of tits popped out from underneath as he quickly realized you were wearing no bra. “kriff-” Tech cursed, gawking at your lavish thighs, and muscular shoulders. You were not thin, or tiny like a lot of the women in brothels or bars that tried to flirt with his brothers, no you were full, and strong and that's another thing he fell in love with.
You approached him, now completely naked in front of him. He felt your fingers yank at the hem of his blacks, and he aided you in pulling them off, his skin tingling everywhere you touched him, starting from his shoulders and down to his chest, before traveling even lower now.
A gasp suddenly fell from your lips as you felt Tech’s fingers make contact with your clit, your legs trembled but Tech was quick to swoop you up and place you down on the center console. He lowered himself on his knees in front of you, sliding his hands up and down your thighs as he started placing small kisses closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
“I have done much research on this subject.” he kissed a different part of your inner thighs with every word he spoke, a gasp leaving your lips as his nose just barely brushed against your clit. “I hypothesize that you will enjoy this experience, and I will make you- what women call- squirt.” He spoke bluntly, but said nothing else as he moved in and wrapped his lips around your clit.
Whatever you were going to say was cut off by the sensation, and you automatically closed your thighs around his head for a moment, grinding into his face before he managed to pry your thighs open, and get a better angle. “Fuck- Tech-” You whined out, sliding one of your hands to his hair as he glanced up at you.
Another moan fell from your lips as his ungloved fingers started circling your entrance, gathering up your fluids on his fingers before he gently slid one finger inside you, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as you tensed up. “Wait-” You choked out, and tech paused, pulling his head back as he looked up at you, panting slightly.
He removed his finger, and you whined but said nothing, looking almost embarrassed. “Darling? what’s the matter?” He asked, gently squeezing your thighs. “I- im…” You trailed off, biting down on your lower lip before blurting it out. “I’m a virgin… so be gentle please.” You muttered to him. Buttech looked unphased.
“Do not worry Cyar’ika, I'll take care of you.” He muttered, placing a kiss to your thigh which helped relax you. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, only to shoot open when tech’s mouth attached to your pussy again, and his finger gently slid back inside, unmoving for a couple seconds before he started pumping it in and out, stretching you before he added in a second finger.
A louder moan left your lips now, and you tried to cover your mouth but Tech’s spare hand had reached out and grabbed your wrist, silently encouraging you to be as vocal as you wanted.
He continued to flick his tongue over your clit and suck at your folds while pumping his fingers inside you, and you could feel something start to wind up in your lower belly, your moans becoming desperate whimpers as you tighten your grip on his hair. “Please-” You choked out, but you didn’t even know what you were begging for.
Tech seemed to get the idea however, as his fingers curled up and brushed against your g-spot, a shrill moan mixed in with a soft scream leaving your lips as you came. But you didn’t just cum, Tech had made you squirt like he said he would, and you got it all over his face.
You gawked at him, your juices dripping down his face and his chest as he pulled back to admire you, allowing his thumb to brush against your clit which made you jolt in surprise, still recovering from the first orgasm.
Tech somehow managed to find a clean cloth which he used to wipe off his goggles and face, tossing it to the side as he stared at you hungrily, pulling down the bottom half of his blacks followed by his briefs. Your eyes widened as you looked at his cock, he was thick, not long but not short either, and the tip was flushed bright pink with a bit of pre-cum leaking from it.
You licked your lips, nodding to him. “Yes- Fuck me Tech.” You begged softly, spreading your legs a bit wider, hearing him grunt in response as he walked towards you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His hands traveled around your body, one hand reaching between you, squeezing one of your breasts while the other rested on your waist for only a moment before he reached down to guide his cock to your entrance.
You felt the tip press against you and a soft whimper was felt against Tech’s lips, he pulled back slightly, and started trailing his kisses down your cheek and to your jaw and neck, where he started sucking marks into your skin. “Relax Cyare… I've got you.” Tech muttered into your skin, and every so slowly he pushed himself into you, reveling in the soft gasps and moans that fell from your lips as you muttered soft praises to him until he had bottomed out inside of you.
You both stayed like that for a moment, just relaxing in each other's arms until you gave him the go ahead. “Fuck me Tech, make me yours.” You whispered, feeling him pull out, only to thrust back in, catching you off guard.
“You were mine the moment your clothes were off Mesh’la” He grunted, and continued thrusting into you, gripping your thighs and your breasts before his lips landed back on yours, swallowing all the moans that tumbled from your mouth.
Your hands were on Tech’s back, scratching up a storm on his skin, digging your nails into him every time his tip nudged against your cervix or your g-spot. You were starting to get close again, and you assumed Tech was too, with the way his thrusts were progressively getting harder and sloppier.
Tech groaned against your breasts, lifting his head up so he could admire the expressions on your face. “Tell me to pull out-” He grunted, but you simply shook your head. “Protection?” He asked, and again you shook your head, before whispering. “Cum inside me honey.” You whimpered, feeling him pause for a moment.
You were out to say something, until Tech had lifted you off the console and pressed you against the cold metal door of the Marauder instead and just pounded into you, your moans filling the room until a pleasured scream broke through as he came inside you, his hot cum filling you at the same time your orgasm had barreled through you.
You held each other for a long few minutes before tech gently set you on one of the chairs and pulled out, watching as his cum leaked from your sopping wet cunt, which fluttered now that it was exposed to the cold air. Tech grunted, and grabbed that cloth from earlier, pressing a kiss to your temple as he gently cleaned the juices and cum from the both of you.
After a few more minutes the both of you were back in your under clothes, and tech had moved you so you were sitting on his lap in the pilot's chair. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, letting your eyes stay closed as he held you. “Did you… enjoy it?” Tech asked, catching your attention. You grinned, cupping his cheek in your hand.
“You made me cum twice Tech, of course i enjoyed it.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips, and then to his nose. “We should shower.. and probably get back to work.” You muttered, and slowly stood up. Tech’s hands stayed on your hips for a moment as your legs wobbled, but you quickly gained your balance and gathered your clothes, opening the cockpit door so you could head to the fresher.
You turned back to Tech, smiling coyly. “Coming?” You asked, and Tech gulped.
Yeah you wouldn’t be leaving the Marauder anytime soon.
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starlazergazer · 2 years
I Will Come Back for You
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: Anakin and the reader were friends since they were little, both slaves, when Anakin gives her a necklace to remember him by when he leaves for the jedi with the promise that he will free her one day. Years later Ani realizes he is in love with the reader and decided to rescue her. Only to find out that a prince has freed you and taken you with him so Anakin mounts a rescue plan to free you from the prince’s grasp.
Warnings: Some swearing, some jealousy
Word count: 7K
A/N: As always I may have played with the original request a bit so if @sweetcheesecakesblog​ has any issue with the story let me know! But I had a lot of fun writing this so I really hope you enjoy it!
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“Alright helmet”
“Check” 8 year old Anakin called back out in a bored tone, more than used to your prefight checklist you made him go through every time.
“Flux density compressor”
“You made that one up” he laughed with a shake of his head, flipping switches on the dash to bring the speeder alive.
“Did I or do I just know more about mechanics than you?” You taunted with a smile on your face, bringing one, as it always did, to Anakin’s as well.
“That’s funny. You’re funny”
“So do I get to come along for this one?” You asked him sweetly, wide puppy dog eyes staring up at him from the ground beside the speeder. He made a point to avoid connecting with them.
“Absolutely not”
“Ani come on” you whined with a roll of your eyes, “you never let me come”
“I’m going for a record Y/N” He shrugged dismissively, busying himself with the controls that honestly no longer needed his attention.
“So it’s dangerous”
“How come you’re going then?” you demanded with a frown
“Because-because-“ And he didn’t even know what words he was reaching for, knowing he didn’t want you coming along on a dangerous run but not fully understanding why. Instead he said the first thing that came to mind “because I’m a boy”
“What and girls can’t do anything dangerous” you laughed back at him with a raised brow.
“Yup” he answered simply, resting his arms on the edge of the speeder as he looked down at you “I think it’s a law”
“Now who’s making things up” you grumbled
“Alright you’re right that’s not a law” he ceded with a smirk “it actually says girls named Y/N can’t do anything dangerous”
You pouted back up at him, crossing your arms defensively over your chest prompting him to sigh. “Come on Y/N I need someone to time me”
“C3-PO could time you” you protested
“C3-PO’s not done” he countered
“Exactly my point!” You exclaimed in exasperation “you’re giving me a job so simple an unfinished protocol droid could do it”
And now it was Anakin’s turn to pull out the puppy dog eyes “Y/N please”
And just like he knew you would you caved, sighing as you sank into yourself on the spot, taking a second to note that his helmet wasn’t even on before holding up the stopwatch so he could see, pointedly hitting the button to start the timer.
“Wait wait I’m not ready” Anakin called out in a panic, throwing on his helmet and buckling himself in.
“4…5…6” you counted with a smirk on your face, watching as Anakin rushed through the last of his preparations before tearing off.
Hugging each corner more than he realistically should have Anakin made the loop in what felt like record time, slamming on the breaks to bring the speeder to a stop before yelling out to you excitedly “what was my time?”
He couldn’t hear your response over the drum of the engine so he shut it down, pulling off his helmet before repeating himself “Y/N what-“ and the sight before him made the words die in his throat.
The spot you had just been standing in was empty, nothing but a stopwatch buried in the sand in your spot.
“Y/N?” he called out in confusion, hopping down from the speeder and desperately looking around. You had been in a wide, empty area no where to go or hide in the amount of time he had been gone, it didn’t make sense.
He knelt down to pick up the stopwatch before a glint in the sand caught his eye, a familiar gold chain just to the left of the stopwatch.
But that was impossible, he hadn’t given you that necklace yet, wouldn’t for another year at least when he leaves with Qui-Gon, a way for you to remember him until he comes back for you.
The voice caught him off guard, it was your voice but different, older? He spun around on the spot to see you standing there, but it wasn’t the you he knew at 8 years old, it was a you that was the same age as him now. He barely even registered that he wasn’t that 8 year old kid anymore either.
“Y/N?” he asked hesitantly, gripping the necklace pendant in his fist as he surveyed you “what’s going on?”
And at this you laughed bitterly only furthering his confusion “I was going to ask you the same question”
“It’s been years Anakin” you words came quickly and sharply, anger dripping from each one “you said you were going to come back. Going to come get me out of here”
“I am…I-I I will I just can’t-“ his words tumbled out of him as he struggled to speak, his mind struggling to keep up with what was happening.
“Oh I’m sorry have you been busy?” you sneered at him, pushing him back “too busy learning to be a jedi, making friends, saving the galaxy, that must have been so hard for you”
“Y/N I’m sorry-”
“Oh good” you laughed, taking a step back from him “I’ve been a slave stuck on Tatooine with no friends, no family, working under Watto for years but it’s nice to know that you’re sorry, that sure helps”
“Y/N I meant what I said” he pleaded with you “I’m going to come free you”
A humorless laugh escaped you, all anger dropping from you almost instantly as your whole posture sagged “yeah well, you’re too late”
His eyebrows scrunched together, taking a hesitant step towards you “what do you mean-“ the rest of the sentence hung in the air as a man came into his field of vision.
He was someone Anakin had never seen before but a very well-dressed man, a man that was very pointedly only looking at you, looking at you with an expression that immediately had Anakin on guard.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she” the man spoke softly, reaching out to drag a single finger up your arm, the touch causing your entire body to tense up, Anakin’s fist clenching down on the necklace pendant in response before he even fully understood what was happening.
“Who are-“
The man cut him off, reaching up to put a single finger under your chin, pulling your gaze up to his “she was wasted on a person like Watto, a planet like Tatooine” You’re entire body seemed to shake on the spot.
“Look I don’t know what is going on here but if you don’t-“ Anakin’s threat was cut short as he tried to take a step forward only to find his feet buried in the sand below completely unable to move.
The man laughed softly, “With a face like this” he suddenly grabbed your chin, fingers squishing harshly into your cheeks as he turned your head to face him, a mischievous glint in the stranger’s eyes as he looked back at Anakin “think of the possibilities”
“You lay one hand on her and I will end you” his voice had dropped dangerously low, fist clenched so tightly around the pendant it dug harshly into his skin.
“Oh” the man laughed again, dropping your face to pull you by your arm, crashing your body into him, his arms snaking their way around your waist as your eyes pleaded with Anakin to do something “I wouldn’t dream of it”
His hand went instinctively for his lightsaber only to find the spot where it was usually clipped to his belt empty, his hand fumbling uselessly around in his robes for a bit as the stranger watched in amusement.
“If you’re quite done with these empty threats Y/N and I have some place to be” he smirked, pulling you along by your elbow.
“Y/N no please” he called out desperately, weight shifting forward on his feet though they still refused to move.
You didn’t say anything as you were pulled away, didn’t fight back, didn’t do anything but look back at Anakin sadly, begging him wordlessly to do something, to save you.
“No…stop…Y/N” he called out but his voice was starting to die within him, knowing he couldn’t do anything while his feet refused to move, forced to just stand there as he watched you get pulled away from him.
He reached out with his hand towards you as far as he could, putting all his weight into his toes trying desperately to do anything to move. When suddenly it was as if they became unstuck from the ground, his whole body immediately pitching forwards, his face flying directly to the ground.
His hands came up instinctively to protect himself as he hit the ground but he didn’t ever connect with it really, instead he fell through it, reality shifting instantly so he was falling through the ceiling of his room, body slamming back down on the bed violently prompting him to bolt up inn an instant, breaths heavy and erratic as he took in his surroundings.
It was his room at the temple, his empty room, it was just a dream, at least that was what he told himself. But this felt different somehow than the dreams he had of you before. You had been his age in this one, that was what struck him, before you had always been at most the nine years old he had last seen you at on Tatooine but not in this one, why not in this one.
Something felt wrong, he could feel it. Not in the force per say but in his gut, you were in trouble he just knew it.
As he felt his heart rate start to go down, his breathing finally slowing back down to a normal rate, he brought his hand up to his face, looking down into his palm, an indent of a familiar necklace pendant etched into the skin staring back up at him.
You had never been one for court. The threats and promises Prince Willard doled out without a second thought as if he were a god, capable of controlling everything and everyone beneath him. As if he somehow deserved the loyalty of these people due to a position he was born into, as if he deserved to posses the fist that he too often used to crush innocent people.
It was why you barely paid attention to the next person that strolled into the throne room that day.
He had fluffy hair that fell nearly to his shoulders, piercing blue eyes that looked almost familiar if you stared into them for long enough but of course you didn’t. You never liked to note the hope in people’s eyes as they asked for favors before the prince snuffed it out.
It was the man’s voice that caught your attention. A voice that haunted your dreams, a voice that had  promised you he would come back for you, the voice of a kid you had long since given up hope of ever seeing again.
“Your majesty” the man said, dipping low into a bow as you sat up straighter, inching ever so slightly closer to the edge of your seat, eager to see the man’s face as he came back up only to see his gaze already on you, the edges of his lips turned up into a small smile “My name is Anakin Skywalker”
And you felt your whole world freeze, because it was him, that boy, the one you had grown so close to as a child, the one you had waited years for on an empty promise made when he was nine, the one now much older than when you had last seen him, bowing before you on the floor.
You felt a relief wash over you instantly, you’d spent all this time worrying for the worst: if he was dead, if he had forgotten about you, if he had never cared in the first place.
But now standing before you, eyes never breaking from your own as he smiled you could see that none of that was true, that he had kept his promise after all, that not so little anymore Ani had finally come back for you.
If only he hadn’t come too late.
“What can I do for you Mr.Skywalker” Prince Willard’s voice filled the silence you hadn’t realized you had let fall, not missing the way the Prince’s eyes flicked back and forth between you and Anakin suspiciously, a tightness in his jaw you never liked to see make an appearance.
“I come for the princess” Anakin’s gaze never left yours, but you tried to force yourself to ignore it, to slump back down into your chair, to force your expression into one of indifference.
A humorless laugh filled the throne room, echoing off the expansive stone walls as the prince looked between you and Anakin again “you come for my princess?”
“The republic does not condone keeping slaves Prince Willard” Anakin continued to threaten no matter how much you begged him behind your eyes to shut up “so I suggest you release Y/N to me and we can set this whole matter behind us”
“You must be mistaken” you hated how calm his voice was as he spoke, remaining the same even tone even as Anakin’s started to spike in anger “Y/N is not a slave here, she is as you said a princess”
“I happen to know for a fact that you purchased her servitude from Watto just two years ago” Anakin continued, stalking dangerously close to the throne as his voice dropped down an octave “thereby making her your slave”
“I freed princess Y/L/N from Watto two years ago” you could hear the smugness in the prince’s voice as he spoke, more than happy to put Anakin in his place “she is here of her on accord. Isn’t that right sweetheart”
You felt your heart seize in your chest at the nickname, watching as Anakin’s eyes broke back to yours wide with hope, begging you to say otherwise, to let him take you from here.
You practically choked on your next words “that’s correct”
You forced your gaze back to the prince’s before you could watch Anakin’s chest fall, watch the hope flicker from his eyes. It would make the first time in this room you had caused that instead of the prince.
“Nevertheless-“ Anakin tried to continue though his voice had lost most of its bravado in the process.
You watched as the prince’s hand started to snake further down the armrest of his chair, fingers coming dangerously close to the button you knew was at the end of it that would call in the guards and did the only thing you could think to do to stop it.
You leaned over and grabbed the prince’s hand, calmly lacing your fingers through his and giving it a soft squeeze.
You watched both the men freeze at the touch, Anakin’s eyes snapping immediately to your interlaced fingers on the prince’s thrown.
The prince’s eyes, however, immediately snapped to you and you could see the confusion in them. Afterall when was the last time you had shown him such affection, surely not since your first few weeks in the castle, not since you learned exactly what type of man he was.
But you forced a smile to your face, watching in some small satisfaction as a similar one grew on his, his other hand coming over to rest atop your own.
“I suggest you leave Mr.Skywalker” and there was some annoyance in his voice as the Prince said it. But annoyance was good, annoyance you could deal with, as long as it meant the anger had been washed away.
Anakin shook his head in response, taring his gaze away from your clasped hands and notably not stopping to rest on yours for even a second “not without the princess”
You had never wanted to throttle the Skywalker boy more in your life.
You could practically see the anger rising within the prince as Anakin continued to demand your freedom, his fist coming off of your hands to bang on his armrest as his voice for the first time rose enough that you were sure the guards were going to be alerted “now you listen here-“
You cut off the prince quickly with a simple “darling”, reaching out to his chin to softly pull his gaze to yours. The anger was wiped from his face in an instant, as if it had never been there in the first place and you could see him practically hanging off your every word. Afterall it was a nickname you only pulled out in the most dire of circumstances.
And though you knew it was a dirty trick to play, and that Anakin was standing right before the two of you, more than able to see everything you were about to do, you leaned forward a bit giving the prince a good view down your neckline, watching the way his brain lagged as his gaze was instinctively drawn to it.
“Do you think we could wrap this up I’m feeling rather tired” you asked sweetly, the prince’s gaze finally snapping up to your eyes.
“Of course sweetheart” he all but whispered, bringing your hand up to his lips to press a small kiss to the back of it, you doing your best not to flinch before he turned back to Anakin.
You could see Anakin’s clenched jaw even from your chair above him, not missing the daggers he glared in the prince’s direction as he waited for him to speak, his hands clutched tightly into fists at his side.
“I will not ask again Mr.Skywalker” the prince acted as if he couldn’t see the anger dripping off of Anakin, his eyes only straying from you for brief moments to address him “leave now or I will have you thrown out”
At this Anakin’s eyes broke to yours, this time not begging you to say something but rather daring you to, giving the stare but a moment’s pause before he bowed again, never taking his eyes off you as he spoke “as you wish” and you knew those words weren’t directed at the prince.
Nevertheless Anakin strolled out of the throne room slowly and you tried your best not to watch him go, not to wish he would come back and take you with him despite everything, not to want him to stay.
“come let’s get you to bed” the prince’s words broke you from your trance as he helped you from your chair, a soft hand placed on the small of your back as he led you down the hallway.
“What’s brought all this on my sweet” he asked innocently though you could detect the undercurrent of suspicion in his words, forcing your feet to stop carrying you forward, turning more fully to the prince as you spoke.
“Just…hearing someone lie like that…about knowing me in order to get close to me…it scared me honestly” you forced your voice to be as small and helpless as possible, exactly the way he seemed to prefer his princesses.
And you watched his face light up in response, a small chuckle escaping his lips before he pulled you softly into a hug, your head crashing lightly into his chest as he rubbed a hand up and down your back “there is no need to worry. I will always protect you”
And though you gagged on the inside, and had to fight the urge to push him away from you, you forced yourself to sink further into the hug, mumbling softly against the linen of his shirt “I know you will”
You woke in the middle of the night to a soft tapping on your window, familiar blue eyes connecting with yours from the balcony outside.
Swearing softly under your breath you slipped out from beneath the convers, careful not the wake the prince sleeping right next to you as you did so.
Only once the crisp night air hit you did it dawn on you that you hadn’t bothered to throw anything on over the simple slip you slept in with the prince, something that clearly didn’t escape Anakin’s notice either.
“Did you-“ he let the question hang in the air, his eyes flitting back to the prince still asleep in your bed inside.
“I’m fine” you answered simply, not caring that that was not the question he had asked in the first place “Ani what are you doing here”
You hadn’t meant for the nickname to slip out, the familiarity of being in his presence just taking over but you could see the way his mouth quirked up at the sound of it, his attention drawing completely back to you as you said it “I could ask you the same question”
“Yeah well” you crossed your arms protectively over your chest, gaze breaking to anything other than Anakin’s eyes as you spoke “only one of us is here willingly”
You watched the smile on Anakin’s face grow into a grin as you admitted it “I knew it”
“I’m so glad my enslavement amuses you” you grumbled back in response.
“Hey it means I can do something about it” Anakin responded just making you shake your head more, had he learned nothing from this morning.
“You cannot-“ and you cut yourself off, eyes darting back briefly to your bedroom to check on the prince’s sleeping form before you changed tactics, only focused on ending this conversation as soon as possible “Anakin you need to leave”
“What?” he asked in disbelief, blue eyes bouncing back and forth between your own “I can’t leave. Not without you”
“Ani I-“ you sighed, eyes breaking to the sides of the castle “look at least meet me in the guest bedroom okay, its just that balcony over there” you pointed to the balcony a few rooms down from your own “we can’t have this conversation here”
He looked down at you skeptically, eyes breaking back into your bedroom before reluctantly nodding.
You sighed back in relief, carefully slipping back into your bedroom and out into the hallway though not without grabbing a robe to wrap yourself in on the way.
And you had meant to go into the room telling Anakin off, demanding he leave before he causes even more trouble. But then you saw him standing there in the room, the perfect reflection of the little kid you had known on Tatooine, and you couldn’t help yourself.
You bound up to Anakin quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck as his snaked around your waist pulling you into a deep hug. You felt him sigh into it, pulling you tightly against him and you knew he needed this as badly as you did.
“You grew up” you whispered into his ear, feeling your whole body shake as he laughed in response, reluctantly letting you go.
“So did you”
And you relished the smile on his face as he said it, the familiar air that had encapsulated you in that moment, as if the years that had passed without him didn’t exist, as if he had been there with you the whole time.
His eyebrows suddenly quirked and you watched his hand come up to your neck, fingers grazing the skin around it as he pulled on the simple golden chain he had given you ages ago.
“You still wear it” the words came out in disbelief, a soft chuckle along with them.
“A good friend gave it to me” you responded with a smile “told me it was so that I wouldn’t forget him, or his promise”
“And did you?” he asked you, eyes breaking from the necklace back to you hopefully.
“Not for a second” you answered honestly.
His next words came quick and with the same veracity as that promise he had made you long ago “neither did I”
Another brief silence passed between the two of you before Anakin finally broke it, dropping the necklace, allowing its charm to thud softly against your chest “why did you agree to go with him Y/N? I promised I would come get you”
“How long was I supposed to wait Ani?” you asked him softly “I’d already waited so many years, I had no way of knowing if you were even alive, so when the chance to finally get out from under Watto came along. I took it”
“And the prince?” he asked in response “he treats you well? You’re happy here?”
“He treats me well” you assured him, taking one of his hands in yours and giving it a soft squeeze, pointedly ignoring his latter question.
“come back with me” he pleaded, taking your other hand in his.
“I can’t” you shook your head in response.
“Why not?”
You sighed softly at the question “Because I am single handedly keeping at bay three different wars by staying his hand” your answer slipped out before you could stop it “because the people here deserve better than to live on a war torn planet which is what this place will be reduced to if the prince is left to rule alone”
“the jedi order can-“
“The order can do what?” you cut him off quickly “there is a treaty in place and the prince has so far done nothing wrong. The order can’t step in until it is too late and you know it”
And again there was a moment of silence as Anakin digested your words, tried to think of a way to counter. “Please don’t make me leave without you.” He took a deep breath, eyes bouncing desperately back and forth between your own “I already did that once and I can’t bear to do it again”
And you couldn’t help but smile sadly at that, a hand coming instinctively up to cup his cheek, rubbing soft circles into the skin “Ani I can’t”
Anakin opened his mouth to respond but instead the prince’s voice came out startling the two of you “You know I knew you were lying when you said you didn’t know him” You and Anakin jumped back from each other hastily. The prince continuing on softly as if he hadn’t noticed “I never thought I asked you for too much. I gave you everything you could ever want: a castle to explore, a planet to rule over, subjects to wait on you hand and foot and all I ever wanted in return was for you to love me. Instead I find out you’re undermining my rule behind my back.”
Anakin grabbed your arm protectively, pulling you closer to him as he spoke “you don’t get to buy someone’s love like that. You earn it and if Y/N doesn’t want to go back with you than she won’t”
The prince in turn completely ignored Anakin’s words, his eyes only focusing on you “Now Y/N you know I don’t like to play this card but I do own you” he held a hand out to you, waiting for you to take it, already expecting that you would “now be a good girl and come back to me”
And he was right, it was as if your hand was being pulled by strings, your arm already lifting before Anakin was pulling you back behind him, defensively standing between you and the prince “As I already said slavery is illegal under the republic”
“As the leading supplier of weapons to the republic I’m willing to bet they will look the other way just this one time” he said it all with a smile, already knowing he had won, that you were bound to come back to him just as you always did.
“They may be but I am not” Anakin dropped into a defensive stand before you, hands making for his lightsaber strapped to his hip and illuminating it before him, casting an eerie blue glow in the room.
“I warn you this is not a battle you can win Skywalker” the prince threatened, giving Anakin a moment to stand down before calling out “guards”
In a second the room was swarming with guards, every available space filled with a new one, each with their blasters pointed squarely at Anakin.
And you could see from his stance that there was still no backing down, that he planned to go down fighting if that was what the situation called for.
The prince, however, kept his eyes on you, a smirk on his face as he held a hand out to you still, patiently waiting for you to take it.
“Ani stop” you all but whispered, setting a soft hand on his back as you made your way around him.
“Y/N, no” he tried weakly to stop you though you could tell his heart wasn’t in it. He knew this was a fight he couldn’t win.
You ignored him as you stepped around him, reaching out to take the princes hand, not missing the way his grip was much stronger than necessary once you had grabbed it. “that’s a good princess” he cooed happily, smiling back at the daggers Anakin was glaring into him “now you and I are going to have a very important discussion but first” he turned his attention back to the guards, hand never breaking from your wrist “show the jedi out and make sure he doesn’t come back this time, I don’t need the entire order on my ass claiming I kidnapped one of their knights”
For a moment there was just silence, Anakin glaring back at the prince, no doubt imagining the thousand of ways he could kill him right now before he finally deactivated his lightsaber, turning his attention back to you just over the princes shoulders “I’m coming back for you” he promised, putting as much force into the words as possible before his gaze snapped back to the prince “and I’m not taking no for an answer”
It had been a while since you had been thrown in the dungeon, something that happened fairly rarely though still often enough that you had your own room.
Some furniture had been added, a more comfortable bed and all but there was still no mistaking it for what it was, a prison cell.
Anakin had said he would come back for you, the exact promise he made you as a nine year old on Tatooine, and sure he had fulfilled the promise the first time but that how many years? Could you really afford to wait that long again?
But Anakin didn’t owe you anything, you weren’t his responsibility, and further it made no sense for the jedi to sanction a rescue mission like that. Overthrowing the monarchy of the planet that supplied most of the republics weapons over one girl? That didn’t make sense.
But his eyes when he had promised you again, the tone in his voice, the conviction with which he said it, you believed him, you really did.
But logic won out, it always did, you just needed to sit here and wait, wait for the prince to forgive you, wait for him to decide he would rather have his arm candy at the next ball than be mad at you. Put your head down and play your part that was how you had gotten this far in this life and it was how you were prepared to continue.
So you waited, waited for an all too familiar apology, the same excuse of how he didn’t like treating you like this, or even worse that this hurt him to see you like this more than it hurt you.
Instead on the fourth day you were awakened by an explosion loud enough to shake the castle walls.
You were on your feet in an instant, pressing your ear desperately to the door trying to pick up any noise at all that would clue you into what was happening but the door was too thick, you couldn’t make out anything.
Swearing under your breath you gave up on that tactic, moving instead to pacing the room before deciding better of it, grabbing the only thing you could think to make a weapon (a pillow) and pressing your back to the wall right next to the door.
Forcing deep, even breaths you waited, only having to stand there for a few minutes before the door finally slid open, you waiting a single moment before swinging the pillow towards the person walking into the room.
Only a few steps in the person effortlessly turned to you and held a hand up to block, you only realizing with relief that it was Anakin after you had nailed him in the forearm.
“A pillow? Really?”
“I don’t exactly have options for weapons in here” you sighed, throwing the pillow back onto your bed.
“Literally anything would have been better” he chuckled “you could’ve just punched me”
“Then you could’ve grabbed my wrist and I’d have been restrained”
“Oh glad to know there was at least some thought put into this plan” he shook his head in amusement “now come on you’re ruining my knight in shining armor moment”
With a grin you took his hand, letting him lead you down the hallway to the stairs that would take you to the main floor, the sound of gunfire growing with each step.
“The order sanctioned a hostile takeover of the castle?” you asked him in disbelief.
“Its just the 501st battalion up there” he whispered back to you as he drew his lightsaber, pointedly not answering your question.
“And the jedi council and the senate gave you permission to use them to come here right?” you responded with a raised brow.
“When we get up there stay low and stay behind me we’re going to be moving quickly” Again Anakin ignored your question as he started to move up the stairs.
You reached out to grab his arm, forcing him to stop and look at you, you raising your eyebrows waiting for your answer.
He sighed as he looked down at you before shaking his head softly “I made a promise. And I already wasted too much time before fulfilling the first one”
“Ani but all this” you sighed back at him, gesturing to the sounds of battle above “people could get hurt, you’re going to be in so much trouble-“
“I told you” he cut you off with a small smile “I’m not leaving this planet without you”
And to your own surprise you had no response to that, a moment of silence hanging in the air before Anakin turned back to the stairs and whispered “now stay low and behind me we’re making a break for the ship okay?”
You can’t remember the last time you were able to just sit in the grass and watch the clouds. Honestly you weren’t sure you had ever been able to do so. There was always work to do, customers to overcharge, kingdoms to run. It was nice to just sit and do nothing for a change.
You heard footsteps approaching from behind you but didn’t bother to turn around and look, you knew who it was.
Anakin sat down wordlessly next to you, his shoulder brushing yours lightly as he leaned back on his hands, his gaze following yours up to the sky.
“How much trouble did you get into for an unsanctioned rescue mission like that” you asked him with a raised brow, laughing softly as you watched his gaze pointedly avoid yours.
“Why don’t we just say that doesn’t matter now” he proposed with a soft smile “you’re here, you’re free, that’s what matters”
“So a lot. I tried to warn you” you chuckled with a soft shake of your head.
“I free you from being a slave, from a literal dungeon and you’re still going to do an ‘I told you so’ moment” He laughed finally looking down at you.
“I mean I did” you shrugged with a grin, moving to sit up straighter, your smile slowly dropping from your face as you picked at the grass beneath your legs, letting you gaze stay down as you prepared for your next words “you know, waiting all those years on Tatooine, I was starting to think you had forgotten me”
“There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about you” Anakin’s answer came immediately, his tone soft but serious.
“Yeah?” You chuckled lightheartedly, eyes coming up to see that he was already looking down at you “nice to know I had such an impact on your childhood”
At this Anakin chuckled softly, wringing a hand through his hair as he spoke “I mean how could you not? We spent nearly every minute together, you were the one I always wanted to talk to, the one who made me laugh no matter whatever else was going on. Of course I thought about you. I meant it when I said I was going to come back for you”
“I know you did” you answered honestly “even back then, I knew you did”
A moment of comfortable silence fell over the two of you before Anakin broke it “you know I had this plan in my head on how I was going to rescue you” he chuckled  softly, eyes casting up to the clouds above as he spoke “I was going to storm in and demand you back, fight my way to you if I had to, and you would see me and be so grateful that I had finally come for you that you ran to me, threw your arms around my neck and…” he seemed to choke on his next words, a brief moments pause before a humorless chuckle escaped his lips “and that’s not how it ended up going at all”
“It did not” you agreed with your own chuckle
“then I saw you on that throne, looking more beautiful than you ever had before in that gown that I almost forgot what I had planned to say. I panicked and bowed instead”
And you couldn’t help but laugh at that, at the idea of the Anakin Skywalker getting so flustered by anything that badly was absolutely ridiculous.
“Then you acted as if you had no idea who I was” his voice seemed to hollow out at these words, “and this pit grew in my stomach, and I just needed you to look at me and tell me that you remembered me”
You took his hand without a second thought, giving it a soft squeeze as he continued.
“Then I saw you reach over and grab his hand, and you called him darling and smiled at him with that same smile you used to give me and I told myself that I could be okay with that. That I would be okay with that if you were in love with him, if you were happy. If being a princess gave you all you wanted then I would just walk away”
“Then why did you come back” you asked him softly “later that night”
He chuckled softly to himself again, giving your hand a squeeze “I told myself that I just wanted to make sure that you were happy. That if you looked me in the eyes and told me that you liked it there that I would leave. But honestly” he paused for a deep breath, looking down at you for the first time “honestly I just needed to know that you remembered me, that I wasn’t crazy for hanging onto those years we knew each other as kids for as long as I did”
And you couldn’t help but laugh at his words, resting your head against his shoulder as you did so “Oh Ani I could’ve never forgotten you”
“Yeah?” he asked you and though he tried to play it off as a joke you could hear the desperation beneath his voice, how badly he needed to hear you say it.
“Of course I didn’t forget about you” you sighed out, your other hand coming up to squeeze his bicep softly “I’ve been in love with you since we were five”
You felt him go rigid beneath you, a brief moment of panic coursing through you as you sat back up to look at him, his wide eyes planted squarely on you as you straightened up to meet his gaze “you what?”
“I thought it was obvious” you chuckled at his reaction “always practically hanging off your side, doing anything and everything to get you to laugh, to notice me”
You could practically see his brain working to catch up, to process your words “why…why didn’t you tell me?”
“And when would I have done that?” you chuckled again “when you were my only friend in the world that I couldn’t risk losing or after you left to go become a jedi?”
His eyes flitted back and forth for a moment, his head whirling at what had apparently been new information to him only making you smile and shake your head softly.
“And what about now?” he asked quietly
You smirked back up at him, a mischievous glint in your eye “what about now?”
He forced out a chuckle at your words, his grip on your hand tightening unconsciously “what do you think of no longer nine years old Anakin”
You couldn’t fight the grin off your face as you leaned back slightly, allowing your eyes to graze over him, pretending to scrutinize before answering “hmmm not bad. Could use a haircut though”
And you watched a grin grow on his own face at your words, the grip on your hand used to pull you closer to him. “I’ll have you know I like my hair”
“Oh no the long hair suits no longer nine year old Anakin” you assured him, reaching up to run a hand through it “just a little trim”
He caught your hand as you tried to withdraw it from his hair, pressing a soft kiss to the delicate skin on the inside of your wrist before he spoke softly “okay, for you, anything”
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cillivnz · 8 months
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pairing. anakin skywalker x f!reader
trope. best friends decide to fuck? idk.
synopsis. when you decide to flex your tricks with a keg-stand on anakin, he decided to drink with you, but not the liquor— your pussy.
warnings. NSFW. 18+. modern au. porn without plot, alcohol consumption, brief dubcon (turns consensual), cunnilingus, brief ass-eating (return of analkin), outdoors, cursing, mention of alcohol poisoning, pet-names, slight degradation, vaginal fingering, breast-play, cum-eating.
a/n. i need both things incorporated here; a keg stand and anakin eating me out. i’ve used a picture of sam monroe here, i just felt like it fit the au better, let me know if you guys maybe would wanna read something for him? twirls hair, bats eyelashes at you.
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“ANI, WATCH THIS,” you ask him, for the third time in a row to watch you cannonball into the lavish pool. anakin feigns faux pride in you, clapping sarcastically when you swim up to the surface to see his reaction.
the clear poison coursing through your veins, the bittersweet smirnoff that you’ve been chugging neat, had began working its magic into your senses.
you were home alone, your parents’ place left to you all by yourself as they left for business outside of coruscant. with the sun shooting heatwaves directly at your city, you decided what better way to make peace with your solitude than to invite your childhood best friend over to drink the day away?
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ANAKIN SKYWALKER WAS MORE than happy to oblige to your “pretty please’s,” pulling up to the house in nothing but black trunk shorts, while you were in a black, skimpy bikini.
he’d been ogling at you the whole time, too.
you pretended not to notice the bite of his lip when your cleavage would come into sight, and shrug away the feeling of his eyes devouring your ass whenever you had your back towards him.
with his help, you had set up a keg-stand, eager to impress with some tricks up your sleeve.
“hey, anakin,” you called out, a mischievous half-smile tugging at your lips. “hm?” he looked up to you. the liquor trickling down his stubbled chin, his brows furrowed at the feel of his tastebuds dying at the hands of the alcohol. using the back of his large hands, he wiped off his face.
you squirmed at the sight.
he was your best friend, but you had eyes.
anakin’s always been a gorgeous boy, the perfect man to have. easy on the eyes, funny, attentive, possessive, and just so, so good to you.
and only you, it seems.
nobody else gets this princess treatment, none but you.
you smiled triumphantly, you were fawning over a man that wasn’t even yours, but you’d be damned if you cared to stop.
“check this out!” you raced over to the stand, getting in position to start chugging.
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WAS THIS A BAD IDEA? probably.
would you care to stop? fuck no.
anakin looked over at you, amused. he raised a brow at your current state; ass in the air, tits flopping in the barely covering bikini top, your form slightly wavering, causing him to walk over to you.
“very impressive, trickster.” he tried not to chuckle. “need help?” he asked, snaking his hands around your waist to steady you. your heart skipped several beats at the gesture, now realising how awkward this position is.
his face so close— too close to your ass— that you felt his hot breath on your wet skin.
his hands began to roam, kneading the flesh— whatever flesh he could touch, massaging your waist and hips, before making his way to your chest. you nearly choked on the beer shooting up your mouth when he untied the strings of your bikini, letting the top fall to the ground.
“hey, sweetheart,” he mocked your earlier tone,
“SWEETHEART, WATCH THIS!” he grinned devilishly before shifting your thong to the side and shoving his face between your folds.
your legs instinctively wrapped around his shoulders, trying so hard not to choke on the relentless liqueur shooting through the pipe.
anakin was cruel, what if the liquid went down the wrong hole and you choked to death?
speaking of the wrong hole, his tongue now licked the tight rim of your ass, smirking to see you writhe in discomfort.
“anakin, what the f—” you gasped for air as the pipe left your mouth.
“shh,” anakin spoke against your drooling slit, sending shivers down your spine (or up, since you are hanging upside down?) “don’t waste, and show me all the tricks you’ve been talking my ear off to show.” his arm wrapped around your slim waist to steady you, while the free hand traveled down to your chest to pinch and pull at your nipples.
you moaned, gushing around his face. his little stubble pricked at your skin, while his tongue sent sharp jolts of pleasure through you when he taunted your clit with the tip; the sensation, delicious, much like the taste of you for anakin.
“such a sweet cunt, i can’t believe it took just one bottle of vodka to get you laid out for me.” he slurred against you, sucking harshly on your clit, easing a finger into your walls.
you moaned pornographically, gagging on the pipe.
for your sake, and his, he better finish what he started before you die of alcohol poisoning.
but with the fervency with which he was assaulting your poor pussy, you ought to rest assured.
“cum on my tongue, slut. i wanna taste you in my mouth, not the booze.” he grabbed you by the hips and began grinding your entire body on his face; drenched in your juices, but not once stopping, he sucked the soul out of your swollen clit, while his fingers curled against your g-spot.
you clenched your thighs around his head, not that anakin minded, struggling to drink beer while anakin was doing just fine drinking your juices.
with one final lick on your clit, and one final thrust of two of his fingers, he had you coming undone in his mouth, like he wanted.
he helped you down, but wouldn’t leave you alone. he groped your breasts roughly, shoving his tongue into your mouth. you weren’t even given a jiffy to yourself to breathe.
when he broke the kiss, he had that mischievous look on his face; the one that gets you into the best kind of trouble.
“ani—” you said his name in a cautionary tone, but it was too late; he swept you off your feet and headed indoors.
“anakin, let go of me!” you chuckled, flopping around like a fish out of water on his shoulder.
“not a chance,” he tsk’ed at your request, like it was the stupidest idea ever.
“unless you want me to fuck you outdoors?” he looked over at you, a hopeful glee in his eyes.
your tricks have come around to bite you in the ass, little trickster. now, brace yourself for a hell of a pounding.
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main masterlist. more of anakin.
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this-acuteneurosis · 10 months
my dumb brain had a dont look back prompt of Obi going hey Leia fake marry me so I can adopt all the clones and get legal case on the citizenship, and hell throw in Anakin and Padme into it and now the crack thought wont leave me alone. Like I know that legally its too chancy a concept but various fake marriage for legal nonsense are in my brain. fake relationship turning real / legal shenanigans. also that Lando 36 marriages to mess with tax nonsense so everyone in a convoluted marriage chain.
Friend, if we're talking fake marriage/legal nonsense, you're sleeping on the best one.
Shmi Skywalker hunts down Jango Fett, drags him before the nearest legal authority, names him the father of her one million children, and gets them married so she can have custody of all of them, including Boba. The entire GAR are now citizens of Naboo. So is Jango. Palpatine is having daily fights with Queen Jamillia over the legality of it all and we must have our army back. Jango is fending off assassins that are coming after his new wife, not because he likes her or appreciates her interfering in his business, but because if he lets her die it's a professional smear he will never be able to live down.
Leia, Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan are all enraged. Jango cannot be in the Skywalker clan. He has committed Offenses against them.
Shmi is undeterred. It is his penance. She is looking after her boys.
(She and Plo work out shared custody of the 104th. Eventually.)
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erosmutt · 6 months
/ thinkin' bout﹒☆
﹒renovation w/ han and ani﹒⌅
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𖦹 dubcon, spitroasting, infidelity, face fucking, face slapping, misogyny
"look at you, little miss housewife, up in the kitchen. makin' sumn for us, doll?" Han asks, taking off his gloves and smacking them down onto the counter. he runs a hand through his sweaty hair, shaking his head, droplets of sweat falling onto the floor. Anakin, who was standing next to Han, rolls his eyes. "she's married."
you turn and look at them, a smile on your face as you gently suckle lemon juice off your fingers. "lemonade, boys. done already?"
it was a nice break - the sound of drilling and banging and hammering and yelling ceased momentarily. a reprieve from Han going 'dammit Skywalker!' every two minutes was very welcome.
"yeah, done already." Anakin confirms. He lifts his shirt, showing off his toned body, and wipes the sweat from his brow. "got the bathroom cabinets up good and sturdy."
you smile as you pour them both a glass of fresh lemonade. "here you go boys," you slide them across the counter. both took their glasses. Han knocked his back like a fucking shot, and Anakin gulped his down with a bit of pacing. they were both parched, having worked all day, especially since it was summertime. Han interjects with a satisfied 'ahh', and Anakin just licks his lips and sets the cup back onto the counter. "so," Han begins. "when's that no-good man a'yours comin' home? been on business for an awful long while, ain't he?"
Anakin rolls his eyes again. "fucking hell," he mutters under his breath. it was no secret that Han had a thing for you. when the men were working, Han would often tell Anakin his fantasies about you.
'god, that fuckin' dress. whorin' 'erself out, ain't she? might as well be wearin paint the way that thing holds onto 'er.' 'i think the dress is pretty.' 'it'd look even better on the fuckin' floor while i bend 'er over.' 'you're so... vulgar, man.' 'stays in the kitchen like a good woman too. got it in check, mhm. can cook and clean. my typa woman.'
this conversation happened only just before they were called to the kitchen for refreshments.
"how 'bout this, dollface," Han starts. "whip us up somethin' for dinner, eh? all that work," he reaches over and pats Anakin's stomach, making the shorter man grumble. "gots us all hungry." as if on cue, Anakin's tummy growls, making you giggle.
"i suppose i can. what d'you have a taste for, hm?" you ask, rinsing out their recently emptied glasses. Anakin can't help but smile. but as opposed to Han, who was waiting to see you as the cute dishwasher you were, Anakin thought you were really sweet for offering them a meal.
"how was it?" you ask softly as you wash the dishes, house dress swishing as you suds up a plate. the smell in the house was a mix of carbonara and sawdust. Anakin sighs softly, fingers absentmindedly fiddling with his curls. "good." he gives you a smile. but it immediately falls as he sees his partner walk up to you. "Han," he says in a warning tone. it was too late. Han's hands were already on your hips, pulling you back into him as if you were his wife. Anakin groans. "here we go,"
you gasp, dropping the sponge into the sink and gripping the edge of the basin. "look at 'er Ani," Han reaches up and grips your face, forcing you to face Anakin, who gives you a look of sympathy. but you did look good with that innocent confused expression on your face... so he gets up and walks around the counter, watching your eyes widen with what was more than likely fear. it didn't matter, though, that look would be replaced with something else real soon.
soon, not knowing how, you were squatted down on your kitchen floor, hands on either man's cock. Anakin's cock was slimmer, while Han's was fatter. you look back and forth between them - Anakin had his eyes closed and lip being bitten into while Han had a shit-eating grin on his face. "open up sweetheart," Han tells you, stepping in front of you. Anakin follows his lead, and the two men smack their cocks on your face. "shit," Anakin hisses quietly as he rubs his pretty pink tip onto your lips.
Han pushes your hair out of your face and watches as you open your mouth. "tongue out like a good girl," he praises as his partner slides his cock into your warm, wet mouth. Anakin shudders and puts his hands on the back of your head, tangling his fingers into your hair.
"i got an idea, Skywalker." Han says. he taps Anakin's hip and the younger man pulls out of your mouth. Han pulls you up off the ground so you're standing. once you're on your feet, he picks you up. both you and Anakin watch with curiosity, until Han impales you on his cock, forcing himself in until he's buried to the hilt inside you. "ohh," he manhandles you with ease, leans you back, his large hands (and your legs around his waist) the only thing suspending you in midair. "now," he looks up at Anakin. "put it back in 'er mouth."
obeying, Anakin steps up to you, putting his hands underneath your shoulder blades for added support. "oh, god," he whines, voice breathy as he slides into your waiting mouth.
"good girl," Han praises. "takin' 'im good." him and Anakin look up at each other, Han flashes him a knowing smile, as if saying 'good job'. they were most definitely going to do this again the next day they came to fix up your house - and maybe, just maybe, Han would let Anakin fuck you too.
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kingdomhate · 6 months
They're Possessive Scenarios!
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Anakin Skywalker: It was a normal day in Coruscant, and you were helping around the Temple, acting as a humble civilian who only wished to keep things in order for those who keep the galaxy in peace and order and protect countless people. But it was mainly just for Anakin's presence.
As you were speaking to a few Jedi, a teenage Padawan, not particularly ugly, but not too good-looking, walked up to you and tapped your shoulder, and you turned. "Yes?" You asked, your tone patient and kind. The boy was obviously staring at your body, and your words snapped him out of the trance. "Um... what if I took you on a date?" He asked, his eyes unblinking as they stared into yours. This was just a child, what was he talking about? "Uh, what?" You ask, perplexed. "What if I took you on a date? Gave you flowers, chocolates and walked you home? To kiss you on your lips and have some fun with you?"
"No, thank you. I'm already taken." You tell him in a kind tone, mustering a smile. He frowns and presses further. As you were growing more uncomfy with the situation and this child's inability to take no for an answer and tenacity to still press on the wound to cause it to continue to gush blood, Anakin walked by. He just got out of a little lecture with the rest of the Jedi Masters and those who were speaking to you, had barely anything to say, thinking it was just a lovesick boy, but it was obviously more. Anakin, who could sense your discomfort from miles away, was incredibly surprised and angered to see no one taking action. He walked over to you, a reassuring hand on your shoulder, to keep things light, gazed at the boy and asked him to run along, and the boy, did so.
He turned to you, his blue eyes piercing. "Why didn't you just call me over? I was not too far away." His gaze was intense and his words were firm and you sighed. "Didn't know how pursuing little kids are these days.." Anakin ushered you from the gaze of others, and whispered the words in your ear that made your knees weak. "You're mine, don't you understand that?"
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Han Solo: You both were at a bar, Han was trying to negotiate some terms so that Jabba could have his money and Han his life. You were only there because you insisted and Han believed that you could reduce the stress of the situation and keep him relatively calm. One of Jabba's men approached your booth and Chewie, who also insisted to come, was on guard, and Han sighed. "Relax, buddy. We've got this in the bag."
The henchman sat in the booth, eyes roaming over the three of you, and particularly interested in you and your figure. Han, who noticed this, brought the man's attention back to the matters at hand. "So, *pal*, this can go easily if you can get Jabba's panties out of the bunch. The cargo's safe and the Millenium Falcon and my crew are more than capable of delivering it without any conflicts, eh? So, tell him I'll get the money as soon as that's done." The henchman frowned at this and shook his head. "No, Jabba wants his money now, Solo." Han's jaw tightened and it looked like he was seriously considering a better way to deal with this man. But your hand squeezed his in a comforting gesture and it brought him back to the ground.
"Can't he understand a man in business? Not everything's all sunshine and rainbows. It's gonna take some time." Han frowned and the man's gaze somehow drifted back to you, and every little detail of you, and he licked his lips creepily, speaking now in a more low tone. "Well, there can be another way, I suppose..." You visibly tensed up and a few not-so thoughtful words popped up in your head and were on the tip of your tongue and as you were about to say it, Han beat you to it. "Nope. No way. This, right here, is mine. Non-negotiable. And it'll always be that way, sorry, pal, but you'll have 'ta find your own." At this point, Chewie had began making his sounds of protest to the man's words and in agreement to Han's words. Han wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Long story short, all three of you ended up leaving with the man blasted.
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Kylo Ren: He couldn't understand it. The idea of someone trying to take you from him, had they learned nothing from his outbursts and clear anger tendencies? Clearly not and that pissed him off. Why was there always someone who challenged authority? Why could no one just submit and do their part? Were all of the questions in Kylo's mind after one of his soldiers told him that you were in the training room and a specific low-ranking general thought he could sweep you off of your feet with words of no meaning.
Kylo had power-walked there, arriving in minutes despite the room being so far from his. He found the man and held out his hand, blowing the man back with the Force. He looked at you and you knew for a fact all he saw was red. He strode over to the pinned man and spat out the words, "What could possibly be going on in that dim-witted brain of yours to mess with something that isn't yours?! Did your parents not teach you simple manners? Or did you think you were above that, too?! Well, take this as a catching-up." He crushed the man further and further against the sleek-black walls of the Ship. He was so blinded by rage that he did not realize that the man was already dead. But once he did, he let go, and bit the inside of his cheek, bitterly. He could taste the copper-taste of blood and didn't mind in the slightest.
Instead, his eyes swept over to you and he motioned for his finger for you to follow him. And once you did, you were up against a wall with him all over you, his hands, mouth, everything while repeatedly saying:* "Mine. Get that. You're mine. Nothing less. No one else's."
A\N: A little treat before I'm away for about two weeks for testing <3
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xzaddyzanakinx · 10 months
I Crybaby I part three
Mean Punk/Grunge Anakin × Naive Femme Reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: demeaning comments, crude behavior, aggression toward reader, hurt/comfort
Info: Anakin is an ass, like no joke he's really mean. Pierced and tatted Ani, he plays the drums, annoying rude neighbor, modern AU (90's), he might be mean now but I promise he is changing
Smut is coming soon! Be on the look out for the next chapter.
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You woke up in a panic, sulked on your drive to work, suffered through the day at the diner, and drove home with an anxiously churning stomach.
You paced the floors of your living room and kitchen, you’d already called Marie three times and had stopped yourself from sprinting to the wall phone once again. She offered to come help, but you’d refused, saying she’d already done so much for you. Besides this was something you felt like you had to do on your own, Anakin was nosy, he’d definitely take notice of a stranger visiting your house.
He had already tried to rip your shopping bag of makeup from your hands, insisting he needed to see inside. Stating that he was better at it than you anyway, you could benefit from a lesson or two. At this point you would’ve considered taking him up on the offer if you knew it wouldn’t ruin your plan.
You’d never so much as owned black eyeshadow, and Anakin did wear it often. You closed your eyes and tried to picture the way it looked in your head, then thought better of it. That would be creepy right? Copying his look?
So instead you settled on clumsily going through the motions of your transformation with the company of girls from Marie’s magazines. You’d ripped them out and hastily stuck them to your bathroom mirror with gum.
You braided your hair and looped some silver hoops in it just like one of the girls who was modeling a very painful looking choker necklace. The girls were all wearing heavy makeup, and your attempts had all turned out miserably, so you went back to the magazines and flipped through until you found the perfect reference.
A skinny boy in a fishnet shirt had on subtle and simple looking makeup, you could handle that, it should be easy… right? Digging through your grocery bag of new eyeshadows you selected a black eyeshadow palette that had a gorgeous little square of greyish sparkles.
You tried over and over again until your eyelids felt raw, with a frustrated cry you slammed the palette down onto the counter, effectively cracking the clear plastic lid.
“Great!” You huffed, “just great.” You began scraping up the fallen black powder with your bare hands, being interrupted by the phone ringing.
You screeched in surprise, the abrasive and shrill noise always startled you. The floor was slick under your fuzzy pink socks as you rushed to the kitchen wall phone. You sniffled, tears of frustration forming as you slipped and almost fell, swiping at them without thinking.
“Hello?” You croaked.
“What’re you doing?” The voice on the other line laughed.
“Anakin?” You questioned in surprise.
“Obviously.” He huffed, you could visualize his eyes rolling in annoyance. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Why do you want to know?” You shot back.
“Your bathroom window is wide open and you’ve been banging around in there for the last hour.” He grumbled.
“I’ll close it.” You huffed.
“What’re you doing?” He asked again.
“Nothing!” You said loudly, “it’s not your business.”
“Well sorry for trying to make sure you weren’t being murdered.” He retorted, starting to speak again.
“Listen. I’m busy. I’ll close the window.” You started to hang up, but stopped when you heard him shouting.
“Hey! Wait a second! God, you’re impatient.” He grumbled, “I won’t be home tonight, so if you’re going on some shitty date don’t count on me to rescue you alright?”
“Got it.” You said through gritted teeth.
With that you hung up, bringing the heels of your palms to dig into your tired eyes. Was this worth it? What was that phone call? Was he looking through your window or did he somehow hear you another way? Were you just that loud?
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face before sucking in a sharp breath. The phone was covered in black power and as you looked down you realized your hands were too.
“Shit!” You spit out, stomping to the bathroom sink and staring at yourself in the mirror.
You looked a mess, your whole face streaked with eyeshadow. Angrily your wet a towel and scrubbed off the makeup from your cheeks and nose, washing you hands and then grabbing your makeup remover for a more gentle approach on your already irritated eyes.
But when you looked back at yourself, you realized it wasn’t all that bad. It actually looked kind of good? Maybe the trick was using your fingers instead of a brush, maybe just cleaning it up around the edges would fix it. You could salvage this as long as you stayed calm… probably.
First things first though you went and shut the window, closing the curtains before returning to your task.
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Thirty minutes later you had penciled eyeliner and tinted lip gloss to go along with your surprisingly nice eyeshadow. You were proud, you looked good, you - felt - good.
You headed back to the kitchen, pulling out the scissors from the knife block, it was time to cut off shirt. You slipped it on over your bralette, pinching the fabric at the spot you wanted to cut along the midriff. Snipping a tiny hole there before moving to your shoulders and repeating the process.
Once the snips were put in place you lifted the shirt up and over your head again, cutting off the places you’d marked. The sleeves were gone, along with a good portion of the fabric that would normally hug your sides, the bralette peaking out from under the shirt. The new hem hit just above your belly button, the breeze from the fan tickling your skin.
You slipped on the ripped baggy jeans complete with your homemade rips and tears before allowing yourself to slump to the floor. You had about a hour to kill, you didn’t want to be extremely late and you didn’t want to be early so you planned to arrive about fifteen minutes after start time. You wanted to be able to sneak in and find a spot among the crowd until you were comfortable enough to make your way to the front.
You heard the pop and crack of Anakin’s car starting and the tell-tale sign of him leaving could be heard as he screeched out of his driveway. Another glance at the clock showed only 5 minutes had passed. You couldn’t just idly sit there, it was excruciating to wait for something you were so anxious for.
You stood up, deciding to stop at the gas station up the road and grabbed a bottle of Pepsi before heading off to your destination. That would kill some time, the old man behind the register always talked to much, you needed gas anyway. Smiling at your new plan you rushed to grab your keys and small wallet.
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You pulled in at the warehouse and saw it was absolutely packed with cars, people milling about, smoking, music playing through speakers from a CD you didn’t recognize. You jogged inside, taking in the scene. It was incredible. The people were all so different, it was interesting to see so many kinds of people all mixed together in one place, interacting as if they all knew each other.
You weaved your way in a dense spot at the tail end of crowd just as Anakin and his band walked on the makeshift stage.
You could feel your heart race as you caught sight of Anakin, his usually gelled hair was shaggy and moving with attitude as he stepped onto the stage with his bandmates. The crowd erupted with cheers, as the front man introduced them all, the excitement and anticipation from the crowd palpable in the air.
He took his seat at his drum kit, his tongue poking out in concentration while twirling his drum sticks. It shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was, it wasn’t your fault that he exuded a magnetism that was hard to ignore.
The band began to play, a heavy wave of guitar and pounding drums filling the warehouse. The low growl of the lead singer was much more intense in person than what you had heard on CD’s.
You found yourself struck with awe, your eyes locked on Anakin. The way he thrashed about, fully immersed in the music, was both powerful and mesmerizing. It was as if he had tapped into something primal, expressing his raw emotions through each beat of the drum. It was something you’d never seen from him before, he was so focused, so in his element.
In your stupor you failed to see a younger man stumble your way after shoulder checking another person. He fell into you and immediately apologized, laughing at himself. He quickly realized you weren’t laughing along with him, in fact you looked quite miffed.
"Hey! First time?" He asked and you nodded quickly with eyes wide, he laughed and pulled you into a nearby group of people. They showed you what to do, shared the unspoken rules of events such as this and it was exhilarating.
You’d never have imagined yourself enjoying something as chaotic as this, but here you were, soaking it all in with enthusiasm. Laughter and excitement filled the space as they showed you the ropes, guiding you through the chaos of the wall to wall mosh pit. It was an exhilarating experience, completely freeing and liberating. You laughed and let go, surrendering to the atmosphere that surrounded you.
As the music reverberated through the warehouse, the room alive with pulsating energy. Each beat of Anakin's drumsticks echoed in perfect synchrony with the crowd's wild enthusiasm. You couldn't tear your eyes away as he effortlessly commanded the drums, his body moving wildly with the rhythm.
After bidding farewell to your newfound friends, you found yourself gradually making your way to the front, eager to witness Anakin's performance up close. The sight of him sent bolts of anticipation shooting through your veins. You smiled widely, unable to contain the surging energy bubbling within your chest.
The song reached its crescendo, the crowd roared their approval, their cheers crashing against the walls. Anakin's drumming intensified, his body drenched in sweat, his passion tangible in every stroke. It was a breathtaking sight, even more so when you realized he was playing some parts with his eyes closed. Facial muscles twitching occasionally with the effort of keeping himself on track.
They wasted no time in jumping into another song, and another, and another. It was bewildering to see how much effort it took to play with such intensity up close. How could they all keep up? How could Anakin not be exhausted already? He was throwing his entire being into beating those drums and making it look completely effortless despite the sweat dripping from his forehead.
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The show had ended but the people hadn’t dispersed as much as you would’ve liked. You maneuvered through the crowd, heart sinking at the sight of Anakin surrounded by a group of girls vying for his attention. His eyes met yours, and you felt hopeful for just a moment, before reality crashed down on you as he turned away. Jealousy twisted in your gut, and you found yourself hesitating, unsure of what to do next. Should you wait and try to speak to him, or should you walk away, heart heavy with disappointment?
Feeling a mix of frustration and defeat, you took a step back, hiding in the shadows of taller people, observing from a safe distance. Anakin seemed disinterested in the attention, his eyes scanning the crowd as if searching for something--or someone.
But the sight of those girls clinging to him, vying for a moment of his time, stirred a sense of unease within you.
As you weighed your options, a new wave of frustration washed over you. You couldn't bear to watch any longer, feeling the sting of jealousy and insecurity gnawing at your confidence. With a pout, you turned on your heel and walked away, deciding that it was probably better to leave and nurse your wounded pride in solitude.
The journey back to the car felt heavy, each step punctuated by the weight of disappointment that pressed against your chest. It was only when you felt the cool metal of the car door beneath your clammy fingertips that you finally allowed the emotions to consume you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, their droplets tracing a path down your reddened cheeks as you crumpled into an emotional wreck. Sobs wracked your body, unleashing pent-up frustrations mingling with the raw ache of rejection. It was an agonizing release, the culmination of disappointment and longing that had been building within you. In that moment of vulnerability, you allowed yourself to grieve the connection you so desperately wanted but felt slipping through your fingers.
As time ticked by, the tears slowly subsided, leaving behind a sense of exhaustion and resignation. You wiped your cheeks, the dampness lingering as a reminder of your emotional unraveling. With a heavy sigh, you started the engine and prepared to drive away. Wanting nothing more than to escape the ache that lingered in the air.
By the time you shifted into drive there were even more people leaving the venue, the parking lot getting empty. You sighed, pulling out of the parking lot and speeding home.
"Great." You rolled your eyes and sniffled, Anakin had beat you home, he was standing on his front porch smoking a cigarette, shirtless.
His shirtless form glistened under the porch light, his sweaty t-shirt hanging haphazardly over the railing. You couldn't help but feel vulnerable in his presence. You sniffled, still fighting back the remnants of tears, as you stepped out of the car and closed the door with a soft thud.
"Bad date?" Anakin shouted, snickering.
"Guess you could say that." Under the cover of darkness he couldn't see your clothes and for that you were thankful.
You knew you would have to walk quickly so you could get into the house before he saw your clothes under the porch light. So you ran up your driveway and jogged up your steps.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He barked out laughing.
He couldn't see the full outfit from this angle, just the tattered t-shirt.
"Stop it." You shouted, trying not to cry again as you fumbled with the keys.
His laugh filled the air as he witnessed you clumsily struggling in your disheveled state, the pain in his eyes masked by his laughter tinged with a touch of cruelty. Your heart sank further, emotions teetering on the edge of overwhelming you once more.
"Does baby need a hug?" He asked teasingly, hopping down from the second to last step of his porch and making his way to you.
"Stop it Anakin," You pleaded, desperation lacing your words as you dropped the keys.
You groaned, scooping them up hurriedly, desperate to get inside. But it was too late. Anakin was walking up the steps, taking in every detail of your very out of character clothes.
"What the fuck is this?” He asked pointing at the clothes with a confused expression.
"Stop. You're just gonna be mean." You said back.
Anakin's features softened, an uncharacteristic flicker of concern crossing his face. His fingers twitched as if resisting the urge to reach out and offer comfort.
You took a step back, heart pounding in your chest. You’d had seen the glimpses of his softer side, his capacity for care buried beneath layers of cynicism. But in that moment, you couldn't allow yourself to hope. His previous toxic behaviors and hurtful words echoed in your mind, urging you to protect yourself.
"Where were you?" Anakin's gaze remained fixed on you, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Where were you?" You shot back hoping that the venom in your voice would convey your disappointment.
He didn't recognize you at his gig. After you tried so hard to impress him, now he was here making fun of you for dressing this way.
You could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to piece together the puzzle before him. But when his silence stretched on, your frustration grew.
"Where were you?" You asked again sharply.
You wanted him to feel the sting of disappointment, to understand the effort you had put into the night, only to be met with ridicule. You had hoped to impress him at his gig, to have him notice you, and now he stood before you mocking the very choices you had made to catch his eye.
Anakin's brows furrowed even deeper, a hint of remorse flickering across his features. He was adept at hiding his emotions, but in that moment, you saw a glimpse of regret in his eyes.
"You were at the gig, weren't you?" His tone had lost its earlier teasing edge, replaced instead by a heavy mix of confusion and realization.
A wave of emotions washed over you-disappointment, hurt, and even a tinge of anger. You had gone out of your way to support him, to be present in a world that wasn't yours, just for him. And in return, he didn’t even recognize you.
"It's doesn't matter if I was does it?" You asked, wiping your eyes.
He leaned in closer, the subtle scent of his Marlboro cigarettes mingling with the hint of his cologne and sweat. His voice, now gentle and sincere, reached your ears like a soothing melody.
"No, it does matter," he replied, his voice laced with regret.
"It's okay. I get it, I know what you're gonna say. I look dumb, I look like I'm trying to hard, I shouldn’t have even come to your show.” You sniffled, tugging at your shirt that now felt so uncomfortable.
Anakin's face fell as he listened to your words, sensing the insecurity and self-doubt that had clouded your thoughts.
"You don't look dumb. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He ran his hands through hair, his tongue playing with his lip piercings.
“You don’t even look like yourself babydoll.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounded upset.
"But-" You had finally stopped crying and then your voice broke once again. "I thought you'd like it if I dressed like I belonged there."
He let out a low sigh, his fingers absently playing with the chain on his pants as he searched for the right words.
"I get why you did it, darlin'," he said, his voice gentle yet tinged with self-reproach. "You wanted to fit in. But listen, you don't have to change who you are for anyone, especially not me."
He stepped towards you, still not looking up.
"Its not that you don't look good, you do, you always do. But I know it's not you. You only wore that because of me. I don't want that, YOU don’t want that.” He sighed and finally looked into your eyes.
"I was looking for my pretty princess in a pink dress." He whispered, his hand coming up to your cheek.
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tennessoui · 5 days
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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darthgloris · 1 year
Our Padawan
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
A/N: this has been in the back of my mind for so long, I'm so glad I'm finally writing this down 😃😃 I love you all and hope you're happy and healthy
Warnings: fluff, family dynamic, platonic!Ahsoka x reader, Anakin being the best boyfriend ever
Summary: Padawan learner Ahsoka Tano takes a big risk during a mission: fighting General Grievous on her own. Her Masters, Anakin and Y/N, are ready to protect her from every and any danger; when they get her to safety, Anakin is relieved, but Y/N's fear of losing the young girl gets in the way of being glad that Ahsoka didn't get hurt.
Our Padawan II // Our Padawan III
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"They sent the child to destroy my station? The Republic must be running out of Jedi!"
Ahsoka shifted her stance to defensive as she prepared her lightsaber.
To be truthful, this wasn't supposed to be a mission, but Anakin's "do as I say, not as I do" teaching strategy didn't seem to have the best results, and more often than not it ended up in the young Padawan doing exactly as he did.
And now she was facing Grievous nearly on her own, only accompanied by her fellow soldiers.
"You must be General Grievous."
The cyborg cackled exaggerately.
"He's just another tinny, boys. Let's scrap him like the rest." She sassed, lunging forward with her green lightsaber.
Grievous quickly blocked the blow and managed to shove her off. She hit the ground with a pained groan and looked up as the Clones shot at him. He deflected all the blaster shots, killing one of them and slashing two others with his lightsaber. He towered over Rex, who was sprawled out on the ground, and raised his weapon over his head. Ahsoka's eyes widened and she leapt in front of her friend, blocking the General's weapon with her own.
"Sorry to interrupt your playtime, grumpy, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?"
"That wouldn't be you." As Grievous ignited a second lightsaber, she cringed internally.
Maybe she shouldn't have said that.
"Where is the fight you promised me, youngling?"
She was definitely getting in trouble for this.
Y/N and Anakin would kill her. She knew they'd be furious with her for doing this, but there was no turning back now.
She hid behind one of the metal shelves in the storage room, looking out for a way to escape. She used the Force to knock an item down on the other side of the room to distract Grievous, then made for sneaking out.
As if on cue, her commlink beeped. Damn it. She cupped her hand over it to silence the noise before answering. "Ahsoka, it's me, Rex. There are only two of us left. Should we abort the mission?"
"No, complete the mission. Set the charges and rendezvous at the landing bay." She replied as quietly as she could.
Ahsoka cut him off as he tried to protest. "That's an order, Rex. I'll keep the General busy. Ahsoka, out."
She turned off her commlink and silently crawled through the shelves as Grievous' gruff voice rang out again.
"Come here, child, I'm looking for you. So far you have failed to impress me."
The R3 unit found her as she backed up against the wall, flattening her body over the cold metal. "Goldie, over here." To her surprise, the droid shone a light on her, revealing her location. "Goldie, no!"
She gasped as the cyborg pulled the commlink off her wrist and destroyed it, making her miss the message Rex was about to send. "Your friends won't help you. You're stuck with me." His figure towering over her was certainly intimidating, but she slipped through a shelf and away from the General as fast as she could.
She climbed up one of the shelves and watched as Grievous asked Goldie for the report. "That stubby little backstabber." She whispered, feeling betrayed.
"Skywalker has come for his R2 unit?" He chortled. "Go and make sure they do not escape."
A sting of fear pierced Ahsoka's heart. Oh, no.
Y/N's brows knitted together as her commlink beeped. Anakin turned to give her a look of confusion, wordlessly asking her a question. "It's Rex."
Anakin frowned, wondering what was going on.
She immediately answered the call. "Rex? What's wrong?"
"We ran into Grievous."
"Are you all right?"
"Yes. Fives and I survived."
"Only you two? Where are the others?"
"Three of us were shot down... and Grievous is going after Ahsoka."
"Ahsoka?!" The two said at the same time, worry lacing their voices.
"Y/N, out." She said and ended the call, beginning to walk away.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Anakin hollered, running to block her way. "Where you going, tiger?"
"Where do you think? To save our Padawan's ass!" She snapped, then regretted it as she looked at his face. "I'm sorry, Ani. But we need to move now."
"Come on." He said, trying to give her a comforting smile.
Ahsoka climbed down and used her lightsaber to illuminate her surroundings as she peeked around the corner. She then turned it off and relaxed her tense posture slightly, but it didn't last long as Grievous grabbed her by the throat in a second, casting her lightsaber aside.
Her eyes widened in fear as Grievous towered over her, grabbing his weapon.
"Another lightsaber to add to my collection." He said as he ignited it and held it up near her face. "My R3 unit has dropped your precious Masters. When I'm finished with you, they're next." She strained her arm out to try to pry the lightsaber from his grip with the Force, failing. She was tired and her breath was running out.
"That was it?" He cackled. "Do it again. Come on." Ahsoka closed her eyes, reaching out to the Force. The weapon was grabbed from his hand successfully, but not by her. Grievous made a confused noise as he dropped the girl to the ground.
Y/N gripped the weapon tightly as she shoved Grievous away from Ahsoka: she blocked all his blows before successfully tripping the cyborg and hovering over him, her lightsaber at his neck. Ahsoka's eyes widened in shock and surprise as she watched her Master fight, with Anakin standing in front of the Padawan to protect her as she handled the fight, glaring daggers at Grievous while shielding Ahsoka with his body.
"If you ever come near our Padawan again, I swear to the Maker I will rip your teeny face off your teeny skull." Y/N growled, leaning the lightsaber closer to his throat.
"Oh, she's-she's under both of your training..? I didn't know that!" He excused himself meekly, stumbling over his words.
"Leave!" Anakin snapped. That was all it took to send him running away. "Snips, thank the stars you're all right!"
He knelt down in front of her to hug her tightly. He could feel the relief flooding him like a tidal wave as the young girl nestled into his embrace. "Are you hurt?"
She shook her head in response, raising her head to look at Y/N. "Masters, I-"
She silenced her with a glare. "You nearly got yourself killed."
"I... I'm sorry..." she said quietly, looking at her feet in guilt.
"Let's go back to the ship."
Y/N walked on ahead as Anakin looked down at his Padawan with a pout, knowing the impact the scare had on his lover.
Her mind was running a thousand miles an hour. If they had gotten there a few seconds later, Ahsoka would have been killed. The mental image was crystal clear: her limp body in her arms, her blood staining her fingers, Anakin's bloodstained hands and arms wrapping around her to comfort her as sobs racked her body-
"Stardust? You all right?" As if he knew whenever she was getting into her own head too much, Anakin's soft voice pulled her from her thoughts. When she clutched onto him for dear life, he swept an arm under her legs and picked her up bridal style, kissing her head before walking away. "Wait here, Snips."
He carried her into another room and set her down on the ground, pulling her onto his lap as she broke down in tears, hyperventilating as she sobbed in his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ani..."
"Hey, you have nothing to apologise for, love," he soothed, massaging her scalp gently. "Tell me, what are you afraid of?"
She took a moment to regain her breath before speaking. "What if one day we don't get there in time? Just the thought of finding her makes me tremble..." her voice shook. "I love that girl, all right? I love her like a daughter and I can't lose her, Ani... not to this..."
Anakin's heart broke at the words: he already crumbled whenever he saw her cry, but hearing her speak those words in a desperate, scared tone made him want to take her in his arms and kiss all her pain away.
"I know, my love, I know," he hushed, nuzzling his nose into her hair. "Listen, I love her, too, and I certainly don't want to lose her... but she's not a child anymore. She's making her own decisions and learning from them. I know you feel like you need to yell at her until she promises to never do it again, but we need to stop babying her."
As they landed on Naboo, Y/N walked out the door first, not looking back as Ahsoka looked at Anakin in guilt. He responded with a sympathetic look, then walked up behind his lover to give her a back hug. She relaxed slightly as she melted into his arms, letting a few tears slide down her face again. He seemed to notice because she felt him kiss her shoulder and then lean closer to kiss the tears off her cheeks.
"It's alright now, my love. She's safe." Anakin whispered in her ear.
She shook her head, trying to push the lingering fear away. "Ahsoka."
The girl took slow, sad steps towards them, looking down at her feet to avoid catching their angry looks. She didn't know whether her Masters had a fight or not, but she was sure they were going to be mad.
"Ahsoka, what were you thinking?" Anakin asked when she stopped in front of them.
"You could have been killed! And what's worse, you put Rex and Fives in danger!" She continued, trying to keep her composure. "Why did you do that?"
"I... I was just trying to be brave like you guys..." she whimpered.
"Anakin and I are only brave when we have to be." Y/N said, her face softening as she looked at her.
"Snips, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." He added.
"But you guys aren't scared of anything." She said, looking up at us.
"We're scared of lots of things. And we also were today." Anakin spoke.
"You were?"
She hummed in response, tipping her chin upwards to look her in the eyes. "We thought we were going to lose you. We care about you very much, Ahsoka. And if something were to happen to you, I..." She trailed off, her eyes glossing over with tears. "I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself."
Ahsoka walked closer to her and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist, and Y/N sighed as she hugged her back. "I'm sorry I made you feel this way, and I care about you guys, too. I won't do it again."
Her heart swelled at the words and Anakin walked closer to hug both of then, squishing Ahsoka between them. She was surprised to see how calm they were, and honestly she was glad. "Thank you. That's very mature of you."
"Now go back inside, Snips. It's getting cold." He said, chuckling.
"Okay. Good night." She said as she pulled away and walked back inside.
"Eat something before you go to bed!" Y/N called out.
Anakin smiled at her caring attitude and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend once again. She finally smiled in content and leaned into his embrace with a sigh. "You handled that really well. I'm proud of you, my love."
"Thanks." She chuckled and turned around to kiss his lips softly. "I just- I didn't know I loved her that much..."
"Neither did I. But now we have her promise. That only leaves overcoming your fears, doesn't it?" He asked, smiling softly as his blue eyes looked deeply into hers.
"You're right." She replied and pressed their foreheads together, enjoying the moment of intimacy. Because of the Jedi Code, they were forced to avoid public displays of affection, so whenever they could get a minute to just be together, basking in each other's presence in a way they were forbidden to otherwise, they left all cares behind.
She looked up at him with her big doe eyes, flooding with love and admiration for him. "Thank you for being so supportive."
He smiled, then leaned down to kiss her shoulder. "Don't thank me, my love." Then he pressed his lips with hers in a slow and passionate French kiss. It was when Y/N let out a low moan that he decided to pull away.
"My love, we can't do this right now."
"I know." She mumbled grumpily, making him giggle.
"I promise that'll be the first thing we do when we get home." He whispered sultrily in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
"I love you, Ani."
"I love you too, stardust."
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tideswept · 26 days
Obikin pretty woman au 😏😏😏😏
anon, this has been in my inbox for ages. just. torturing me. tempting me. winking lasciviously at me.
and I have to ask myself every time I come across it, do I really want to write another prostitute!Anakin AU? Does it have to be Anakin? And in my heart of hearts, I know that the answer is yes, and I should accept it. Because damn, could he pull off the outfits.
but I dunno. I'm weird? I like to do weird things? also never actually adapted a movie to a fic? Not yet anyway.
(Practical Magical AU fic, when will it be your turn?)
so I think
okay, let the brain percolate
I think it should be Anakin who finds Obi-Wan. Who is just. He's had a bad day, okay? Like, fantastically fucking bad, big rich money business deals, he's stressed and tired of being the Negotiator but lives are at stake here, employees who need to keep their jobs, so he has to swallow back the stress--but he's been swallowing back that stress for years now.
He's tired.
He didn't mean to just walk out of the 5-star hotel. What he needed was a drink, and not the kind they served at the hotel bar, charging 50 credits for a shot. No, he needs it cheap and dirty and burning on the way down.
"Shit, you look awful," the voice says, and a body sits down next to him on the curb. Normally Obi-Wan wouldn't appreciate a stranger appearing out of nowhere and getting so close to him, but this stranger smells nice, actually. And they're warm, whereas he seems to have lost his jacket at some point between the first and third bar.
"You can't be out here like this, you know? Gonna get mugged and left for dead."
The voice is young enough that it bothers Obi-Wan. And that's how he meets Anakin Skywalker, who's also tired, except he's only twenty-two and hasn't been further than a hundred miles from where he was born. Anakin's got a black eye because he got a fight with a nerfherder and he's not that bothered, some people think that's hot. It's not really going to cut into his profits.
He lights up and offers the death stick to the strange, classy man that definitely shouldn't be sitting on the street after midnight on that liminal strip of road where respectable turns to grimy, and pulls off his high heeled boots and tucks them to the side, switching them over for practical running shoes he keeps in his bag.
Obi-Wan just sort of stares. And then takes the death stick. And for some reason, he's just drunk enough that he starts talking about the shit day he's had, and the even worse week he's about to have.
Anakin snorts and makes catty comments that have Obi-Wan smiling, because that's exactly what he's too polite to say. Too much the Negotiator.
"God," Anakin says after the death stick has long crumbled to ashes. "You need either a serious marathon fuck or drugs. Maybe both. And then to quit your job and do something that doesn't make you want to die."
And Obi-Wan thinks that's the greatest idea he's ever heard.
"Are you--" he nods at the boots. They're rather unmistakable in purpose. And the boy is hardly dressed for the cold night.
"If you're a cop, no," Anakin answers. "If you're asking for how much for the night, you're too fucking drunk, my guy, and I'm too tired to get vomited on. You want me to call you a car or are you just gonna sit here until someone does decide to mug you?"
Obi-Wan chooses the car.
(He comes back the next day to find Anakin. Cue the rest of the movie? CLOTHING MONTAGE. Uhhhhh Qui-Gon as the hotel clerk?)
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cam-ryt · 23 days
Just nudging myself into your inbox as a complete stranger 🌈 for Obikin prompts: things Anakin changed about Obi-Wan's life as a Padawan.
It's Sunday prompt day again 🥳
Ngl this one made me tear up a bit but I took great pleasure writing it because their relationship is so precious to me ❤️‍🩹
TW : mention of death
I'm still taking prompts btw ! I'm just slow to write because I'm busy during the week, but you can still send them to me and they will be answered eventually 🌼
It was supposed to be just another pathetic life form Qui-Gon had picked up in the deepest corners of Tatooine. An enslaved little thing he had freed and separated from his mother on the grounds that the child had a midichlorian count even higher than Master Yoda. 
Obi-Wan was more than skeptical, and maybe a little jealous that his Master had turned his entire attention to that tiny, dirty and incredibly chatty boy who was always cold, no matter how many layers of clothes they put on him. 
He had spent a lot of time observing the kid from a safe distance, trying to understand what was so interesting about him. 
He was clearly gifted in the comprehension of the engineering and mechanics of things, able to fix everything with anything and already speaking a technical language Obi-Wan didn't even try to comprehend. Still Qui-Gon could spend hours listening to his rambling with a fond expression on his face that made the young Jedi's heart clench. 
Anakin - he refused to call him by the little nickname everyone seemed to have adopted - was trying to reach out to him every once in a while. Obi-Wan suspected the child was like a cat, always seeking attention from the most disinterested people. He probably didn't like that Qui-Gon’s padawan was still the only one to resist his charming blue eyes and angelic face. 
Obi-Wan didn't interact with him more than necessary, and when he made efforts it was generally after Qui-Gon made a face at him or scolded his attitude towards the younger one. It pissed him off. Anakin was Qui-Gon’s responsibility, not his. He had decided to set Obi-Wan’s training aside to take care of the kid, he couldn't expect his padawan to do the same. 
The few months following Anakin’s entry into their life were a troubling time for Obi-Wan. His daily meditation sessions gravitated around the control of his emotions and his acceptance about the situation. 
It was challenging to hear his Master praise a child day after day for a future that was still incredibly blurry. Anakin didn't even know how to use the Force yet. He was maybe extra-sensitive to it but Obi-Wan joined the council when they said he was too old to be trained. 
If he listened to the darkest corners of his heart he secretly wished Anakin was too old to be trained. He didn’t know how he would react to Qui-Gon taking him as his apprentice. Abandoning him. 
He was not ready yet. He still had a lot more to learn, even if his Master often told him otherwise. He was not ready to let go of the relationship they had developed for so many years, to the comfort and intimacy of it. The bond they shared had been so long and hard to create that he didn’t want to lose it. 
Qui-Gon was his only family, his friend, his teacher, the only one he could rely on in almost every situation. 
Qui-Gon was the universe he floated safely around day after day, a strong and steady pillar in his life, eternal and reassuring. 
And now Qui-Gon was gone. Killed by the filthy hand of a Sith. And his last words were for Anakin. 
The weeks after his death, Obi-Wan moves forward by the mere strength of his will and the comfort he finds in pre-established routines. He feels like a ghost, forcing himself to put one foot in front of the other while his head feels like he’s underwater. 
The child is hard to manage. He cries a lot. Obi-Wan thinks he doesn't really understand what's happening. Master Windu says he’s old enough to understand that Qui-Gon will never come back. 
Obi-Wan doesn’t know how to take care of him. He already doesn’t know how to take care of himself. He’s so caught up in his own grief that he doesn’t have the strength to feel ashamed when he lets Anakin on his own. 
It still twists his gut when he hears the little boy crawling to the bottom of his bed in the middle of the night, curling himself like a kitten on the sheets, making sure to always be far enough not to touch him. Obi-Wan lets him, but he pretends to sleep every time Anakin wakes up in sweat and tears after a nightmare. 
There’s a part of him whispering in his mind that Qui-Gon would still be alive if he hadn’t tried to save the kid. 
But Anakin clings to him no matter what. No matter how Obi-Wan ignores him or speaks to him or pushes him away. He endures all his moods with his head down, patiently waiting for the storm to pass. 
It infuriates Obi-Wan at first. He’s not proud of it but he’s sometimes mean to him, trying to push until he finds his limit. It would be easier if the child hated him. But Anakin never says anything. He might have tears in his eyes but he always comes back to him. 
It takes a while for Obi-Wan to understand that Anakin is even more lonely than he is. Where Obi-Wan has the Jedi council and a few friends across the galaxy, Anakin has no one except for Qui-Gon. And now that Qui-Gon is dead, the closest thing to him… is Obi-Wan. 
After he’d been granted the rank of Master, time flows a little bit more easily and Obi-Wan falls into a reassuring routine. 
He’s heard that time heals all wounds, and it does. It’s slow and it's not linear but he manages to keep his head above the water a little longer each day. 
Then Master Yoda approaches him, asking if he will train the boy now. Obi-Wan surprises himself by accepting after only a day of reflection. It’s Qui-Gon dying wish and it’s the only reason why he does it, he assures himself. 
Anakin learns quickly, and he’s desperate to please. Obi-Wan starts to see what his Master saw in him. 
The child is talented, and he works hard, almost always to the point of exhaustion. 
Obi-Wan tries his best teaching him about the Jedi Code, about the spectrum of the Force, about their purpose in the universe. Mostly he parrots what’d been taught to him, not really knowing where to start and where to go. He’s still lost and he realizes soon enough that having a padawan is a responsibility he wasn’t prepared for. 
In addition, they have to learn to navigate through the new bond forming between them. They don't use it yet but they’re both aware it exists in the Force. Master Yoda says it’s the beginning of all things. 
Anakin is still careful around him, he doesn’t ask for much except a little bit of attention. He still sleeps on the farthest corner of his bed but when he has nightmares, Obi-Wan allows him to scoot closer. 
Their relationship changes slowly and smoothly enough that the older Jedi doesn’t realize when Anakin started calling him ‘Master’, or when he had made a mental note of the kind of food he liked after a hard training day. 
It bothers him at first, to realize that despite what he’s telling himself, he cares about Anakin. He does. The boy did grow on him and he has to admit that he likes teaching him more often than not. 
Anakin might feel the shift because he becomes more comfortable around him, less inhibited and more like himself. Obi-Wan discovers a funny kid with interesting stories, and they start to talk more.
As they open up to each other, they get closer. Obi-Wan asks about his life on Tatooine and Anakin asks about his life at the Jedi Temple. They don’t talk about Qui-Gon, the subject still too painful, even years after. 
Anakin is thirteen and he doesn't stop growing up. Obi-Wan says he’s big enough to sleep in his own bed and Anakin says ‘okay’ but he still sneaks in in the middle of the night. He’s becoming more confident, timidity being progressively replaced by insolence when he wants his Master’s attention. He doesn’t really have friends, despite the council’s advice. He’d rather spend all of his time with Obi-Wan. 
The older Jedi wonders sometimes if that kind of dependence is healthy. He himself starts to feel the aching feeling of loss when Anakin is away from him for more than a few hours. The realization bothers him for a couple of days. What if he’s trying to find a substitute for Qui-Gon in the last thing his Master put his faith in ? He wonders if he has to open up to Master Yoda about this. But he’s never been one to open up easily, especially not about the internal turmoils of his heart. 
So he decides to take the matter into his own hands. 
Of course, Anakin doesn’t understand why he becomes so distant all of the sudden. Why he locks the door of his bedroom or why he leaves him with training groups when he never did before. 
But his Padawan is not the scared nine years old he was when they met, he has a voice and he’s not afraid to use it. 
He confronts Obi-Wan about it and when the Jedi doesn’t give him a satisfying answer, he yells about it. And then he cries about it. He says that Obi-Wan is being unfair and that he always did everything his Master ever asked and that he's being mean punishing him for something he didn’t do. 
Obi-Wan is taken aback when he understands that being away from him is a punishment for Anakin. It comforts him in his decision. 
It last two years. Two years of constant fights between them, two years of Anakin shouting the most horrible things to his face but still sleeping every night on the floor behind his door. Two years of him threatening to leave the Order but meanwhile becoming the more talented padawan of his generation. 
Two years of tension rising up between them. Until it breaks. 
One day Obi-Wan is holding onto the stubborn idea of what their relationship should be according to the Code  and the next he can’t bear to hear Anakin tell him he hates him for the thousandth time. 
He’s just so tired of what they have become. He tries to convince himself he did it for Anakin’s good but he can’t lie to himself anymore. They both suffer from the situation and it brought them nothing except a painful lack of trust and resentment. If he’s truly honest with himself, he doesn’t feel at peace when his padawan is away from him. 
A discussion with Master Yoda makes him understand how he had mistaken independence with rejection, and how his fear of losing Anakin like he had lost Qui-Gon might have been the trigger to the whole mess he’s drowning into now. He had thought that if he doesn't get attached, he doesn’t take the risk of suffering again. But he’s suffering right now, so it was all in vain, years ruined by his own insecurities. 
And he misses Anakin. So he tells him. 
Anakin being Anakin yells at him before listening. But this time Obi-Wan doesn't back up, doesn’t give up on them. He patiently faces his padawan’s anger and listens while Anakin spits his bleeding heart out of his chest and cries and yells some more. 
Then Obi-Wan pulls him into his arms and Anakin stops crying and yelling, too stunned by that foreign thing that is his Master’s affection. It the first time they’re so close and it heals something in Obi-Wan. 
It still takes two more years until they trust each other like before. Except it’s even stronger than before. Obi-Wan came to the realization that the peculiar bond they share is a strength and not a flaw. 
They’re constantly with each other, flying together, training together, fighting together, sitting through boring meetings together. They even share their personal life together. 
Anakin has a permanent place on the left side of Obi-Wan’s bed. Abandoned pieces of a half built droid are lying on Obi-Wan’s desk. There’s a toothbrush in the bathroom that Anakin left just in case. In case of what, Obi-Wan never knew. 
He doesn't really question it. He's never felt so alive with Anakin by his side. The young man is like the brother he never had. 
Time flies and Anakin doesn’t stop growing up. When he’s nineteen Obi-Wan has to raise his head to look at him in the eyes. He struggles a bit more to match his strength during training. He begins to notice the way he attracts attention while being totally oblivious about it. 
He's proud of the Jedi Anakin is becoming. Of the man he's becoming. Fiery and passionate, smart and creative. He truly thinks that if his lightsaber skills matched his wit, he could easily overpower Master Yoda in a fight. 
But he also knows that if Anakin looks  bold and confident on the outside, on the inside there’s still a huge part of him being the little boy he was on Tatooine. He's still full of insecurities, still afraid and starved for affection. He still has nightmares that Obi-Wan tries to chase away night after night. 
Their relationship is not perfect. They still fight, especially since the war against the separatists is hovering menacingly over their head. But as long as Obi-Wan can feel Anakin’s heart beating peacefully when he holds him at night, he decides it’s all worth it. 
Now that he’s facing death, Obi-Wan thinks about all that. About all the changes Anakin brought into his life. About how Anakin made him change and progress as a Jedi and as a man. About how the majority of his life had been Anakin. Anakin’s fears, Anakin’s joys, Anakin’s tears staining his clothes, Anakin’s scent on the sheets of his bed, Anakin’s hand on his shoulder after an exhausting mission, Anakin’s padawan braid tucked inside his utility belt, Anakin’s ambitions and frustrations and trust and anger and love and hatred. He wonders what he has missed. Where he has failed. 
Maybe if he had loved him more, if he had loved him earlier, better, he wouldn't have to face one of his worst nightmare right now. Loosing him to the dark side. Mourning him while he was still alive. 
Having to take the most painful decision of his entire life. Having to kill half of his soul. 
He knows he has to. He knows he can’t. Not when there’s still something of Anakin inside Vader. 
Maybe Vader is right after all. Maybe he is weak. 
He’d rather doom the entire universe than hurt the man his heart is aching for. He’d rather die than even think about killing him. 
So he does. 
And when Vader plunges his lightsaber into his heart, all he’s thinking about is Anakin’s smile, shining brighter than the Tatooine’s suns when they exchanged that promise to always care about each other, no matter what happened. 
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lady-evelin · 3 months
can you share your all time favorite obikin fics or ones you revisit a lot?
Sure! I'm a fan of Bottom Obi-Wan but sometimes I also read about Top Obi-Wan, but the 10 fics on the list are from Bottom Obi-Wan. I hope you like them and if you haven't read them I recommend them ✨
My top 10 favorite Obikin Fics:
This fic is special for me since it is the first one I read in Spanish on AO3, and it is also beautiful ❤️
Name: no envies flores
Author: Dioskouroi
Anakin es dueño de una floristería y servicio de jardinería y observa a Obi-Wan mientras trota frente a su tienda todos los días, pero Anakin nunca ha sido capaz de reunir el valor para hablar con él omega... hasta que interviene el destino, y el repostero que vive en aquella la calle está entrando en la floristería una mañana temprano.
O: Anakin y Obi-Wan viven en la misma calle, son un repostero y un florista. Son un alfa y un omega. Se conocen y bueno, se juntan al final.
OMG this fic has everything dark I ever wanted, read it at your own risk 😈
Name: fruit for the taking
Author: lilliehare
There were a few things Obi-Wan had learned about Anakin Skywalker since getting to know him. He had a near-constant smirk on his face, his views on omegas were surprisingly regressive for his age, and he had little to no concern for Obi-Wan’s boundaries. All in all, Anakin was the epitome of everything he hated in an alpha, but for some reason, Obi-Wan still found him strangely endearing. Perhaps it was because Anakin was still young enough that Obi-Wan thought he could be a good influence on him and show him that omegas could be more than just stay-at-home moms. What was the worst that could happen?
42 year old Omega Obi-Wan had no business getting pregnant at his age but his 16 year old alpha neighbor didn't seem to care
What can I say, I love reading about a deranged Anakin with dark behavior towards Obi-Wan, plus I love all of this author's works.🔥
Name: I’m a loose bolt of a complete machine
Author: Travellingcircus
Modern AU. Shmi Skywalker hires down-on-his luck omega Obi-Wan Kenobi to date her son, eighteen year old alpha Anakin, the year before he sets off for college and finally moves away from home. It's an experience to remember.
More about Anakin being obsessed with Obi-Wan, I love reading that stuff 🥰
Name: Dirty Lace
Author: SummerOf1996
Last summer shocked the small town of Naboo to it's core: a young student attending the local high school went missing. Authorities found his bike in Gungan Woods. There were no footsteps, no leads and no body discovered by the end of summer and the case was closed. The boy presumed dead.
Qui-Gon and his adopted son, Obi-Wan, are the newbies in town having moved from Coruscant City for a more simpler life after receiving tragic news pertaining to Obi-Wan's health. Despite trying to keep a low profile, Obi-Wan finds himself at the center of local pretty boy Anakin Lars' attention.
Obi-Wan just nursing Anakin, delicious 🤭
Name: Comfort
Author: Skyl_tales
Obi-Wan stared at her in confusion. "Nurse him? Would it not... cause attachment?"
The healer gave him a flat look. "If you started lactating because of your padawan's need, it is a little too late to worry about attachment, Knight Kenobi."
What starts as something innocent turns into something else when Anakin grows up and presents as an alpha.
I think I have a pattern about Obi-Wan breastfeeding Anakin but it's too late to back out, I'd rather enjoy it. 😋
Name: Lost in space
Author: littleorangepeel
Obi-Wan was unable to fight Anakin on Mustafar. Two years later, Obi-Wan finds himself in a hopeless situation and receives help from an unexpected place...
Obi-Wan was a mother and Anakin goes crazy with this information and seeks to impregnate him with his children, simply delicious 🤩
Name: A map without landmarks
Author: sputnikan
The body always betrays itself. Everything that passes through it leaves an indentation. In Obi-Wan's case, the dent is the size of a boy.
As I mentioned, I love the dark themes and the mind control so that Anakin gets his way to make Obi his, I love it!!! 🥵
Name: To love me
Author: MissZayla
Anakin just wanted Obi-Wan to himself, no one will be allowed to touch him while he was around. And he would make sure of it.
more about breastfeeding, the thing is that when you start reading about this topic there is no turning back, believe me. 😘
Name: corrupt my sacred art
Author: objectlesson
Down the pink column of Obi-Wan’s throat, to the flutter of his frantic pulse, to the gaping neck of his robes and then—lower, to—
Anakin goes suddenly and violently red, and his voice dies in his throat. 
The front of Obi-Wan’s tunic is all wet. Wet with milk.
PadaObi and MasterKin are kept in a special place in my heart and even more so when Anakin looks for any excuse to be with his Padawan. 😌
Name: been different people many times (fill my heart)
Author: Silianrail 
“We’re not-” He begins. He swallows, remembering where he is. Through their bond, he continues, We’re not truly married, Master.
Anakin hums. He leans closer to Obi-Wan, pressing him further into the wall until he feels lightheaded.
“All marriage is, is just love and control,” Anakin says. “Do you not love me, Obi-Wan?”
Obi-Wan swallows. The hand pressed against his chest grips his flesh, digging into him. “Of course I love you, Master,” he breathes out.
-- An undercover mission puts Obi-Wan in a strange position. He doesn't dislike it as much as he ought to. Neither does Master Anakin.
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ginax0916 · 1 year
𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝟏.𝟕𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
*𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐧𝐨 𝐉𝐞𝐝𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐥*
"Y/n I'm home! I brought some food too!" My brother Jack yells from downstairs.
"Ok I'll be down in a sec!" I answer back.
I exit out of Netflix and close my laptop setting it on my bedside table. I put on some slippers and a hoodie as I go downstairs. I see my older brother Jack setting food on the table and walk straight to him.
"How was football practice?" I ask as I sit down next to him talking a sip of water.
"It was alright, Anakin wasn't there today so it was boring honestly" Jack frowns while taking a bite out of his food. I simply nod in response and continue to eat.
Don't get me started on Anakin though. He's been my brothers friend since elementary school. And oh boy he's so handsome. He's tall, has fluffy golden hair, ocean blue eyes, strong and so much more. He's basically the dream description of a guy. He's also only one year older since I'm only a year younger than my brother, which really isn't so bad. He stays over a lot so him and I are friends as well. He's just so good looking it makes me mad. He comes over practically everyday and he just makes me so damn nervous sometimes.
"Are you even fucking listening to me y/n?" Jack exclaimed.
"No I'm sorry what'd you say?"
"I said that Anakin just texted me asking if he can sleepover for the weekend because his parents are gonna be out of town. I was asking you if you're ok with it" he asked.
"Oh yea I don't mind" I smile at him, but truth is I do mind. Obviously I'm not gonna tell my brother that because he's gonna ask why and I'm not going to tell him I have a crush on his hot friend. But I really can't avoid him, he's always with my brother.
"Are you sure? You don't seem too convinced" jack questioned.
"Yes it's fine I promise, he's fun to be around anyway" I say back.
"Alright I'm gonna go call him then" and with that he disappeared into his room leaving me alone in the kitchen.
It's now Friday, Anakin is supposed to come over today after school to stay over for the weekend. I'm pretty much freaking out and I honestly don't know why. I've been around Anakin so many times plus he's slept over countless times. Although I haven't seen him in over a month since he's been pretty busy that might be why.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doorbell ringing.
"It's Anakin open the the door please y/n!" Jack yelled.
"Ok ok calm down I'm going" I yelled back.
I swung the door open and oh fuck. It's only been a month and he seems taller and stronger too. His hair got longer as well and he just looks different. But in a good way.
"Hey Anakin" I smiled stepping aside to let him in.
"Hey y/n" he smiled back.
He set his stuff down on one of the kitchen chairs and turned to look at me. An awkward silence filling the room.
"Uh jack should be down any second" I smiled awkwardly.
"It's fine don't worry" he laughed. 
Again the awkward silence. Where the fuck is Jack?
"Hi sorry I was in the bathroom. What's up dude" Jack dabbed Anakin up.
I walked to the other side of the counter and grabbed a soda from the fridge while they were both doing their little catch up talk. But as I sipped from the soda I couldn't help but stare at Anakin.  He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. He looks so good just standing there. He's resting his hand on the counter so you can see all his veins defining his hand. Fuck I shouldn't be thinking like this he's my brothers best friend. But I can't help it I mean who wouldn't fall for him?
I didn't even realize for how long I had been staring at him until he turned to me.
"You ok n/n?" He chuckled.
(n/n = nick name)
"Uh yea I'm fine" I said back feeling my cheeks burn red I quickly looked away hoping neither of them noticed. I'm pretty sure they did though. At least Anakin probably did.
"Alright we'll be in my room if you need anything." Jack said as they walked away.
I hummed in response as I sat down in the living room couch. But when I looked up I was met with Anakins gaze looking at me from over his shoulder as he followed Jack up the stairs. I blushed and slightly smiled, he smirked in response.
What is this man doing to me.
It's almost 3 am right now and I can't fucking sleep. I've been tossing and turning for hours and I can't fall asleep. I've tried everything like counting sheep, reading, going on my phone, even listing to white noise but nothing is working. So now I've just decided to go downstairs and get something to drink.
I opened the door to my room and heard some noise downstairs as I walked down the stairs. I'm not thinking much of it though could just be the wind or some shit. I make my way to the kitchen and open the fridge. I decide on just an ice cold water. I close the fridge and jump back in fear when I'm met with Anakin standing there looking at me.
"Hey hey calm down it's just me" Anakin slowly says as he steps closer to me.
"Fuck don't do that you scared me" I say back shaking a bit.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" he laughs.
I laughed at him taking a sip of the water and setting it down on the counter next to me. He stared intensely at me, his gaze making me nervous. I couldn't take it anymore so I turned around. 
"Don't look at me like that" I giggled, my cheeks tinted pink.
"Look at you like what?" He grabbed my waist and turned me around so I was facing him again, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I didn't respond though I was too nervous to even breathe.
"Hmm? Come on answer me" Anakin gently spoke as his hands still rested on my hips.
"I don't know how to explain it" I said very quietly looking down to the ground unable to hold eye contact with him.
"It's funny when you get all shy and nervous" He laughed quietly as he gently grabbed my chin making me look at him again.
I simply smiled at him while looking into his beautiful eyes that glowed with the little light that there was. I then reached my hands up to play with his soft hair which had gotten so much softer.
"Your hair got longer" I quietly said being careful not to wake up my brother.
"It did yea, should I cut it?" Anakin asked as  he stared into my eyes.
"No don't I like it" I entangled my fingers into his hair rubbing his scalp making him close his eyes and ease into my touch.
"Does that feel good?" I laughed teasing him. 
"Shut up" Anakin smiled.
Anakin pulled me closer to him by my hips and held me closer. My hands still playing with his hair. I looked into his eyes, then down to his lips unable to keep my eyes off of him. His lips look so soft and pink and fuck I just want to kiss him.
We inch closer and closer together. Anakin thinks I didn't notice but he's been staring at my lips the whole time too. I have to kiss him I have to. It's not that I want to anymore it's that I need to. So fuck it.
I lean in crashing my lips against his. Chills go up my back as adrenaline rushes through my body and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Anakin immediately kisses back cupping one side of my face with his big hand. I also move of my hands that was in his hair to cup his cheek rubbing his cheekbone while doing so.
Anakins POV:
She finally kissed me. I've been waiting for this moment for so damn long. I've just never had the courage to do it myself.
Our lips moved in sync, connecting with each other like puzzle pieces. She currently had one of her hands cupping my cheek and the other was rubbing my head which felt so fucking good. I had one of my hands on her hip and the other on the side of her face too. But I could feel her knees wanting to give out on her any second since she was leaning most of her weight onto me.
"Jump" I mumbled as I brought both my hands down to her ass giving it a small squeeze indicating her to jump. And so she did, then continuing to make out with me.
She straddled my waist with her arms wrapped around my neck. I carried her to the couch and sat down with her still straddling me. Y/n then looked up at me resting her forehead on mine, her pretty eyes staring right into mine.
"I can't believe we did that" she quietly laughed.
"I liked it though" I said back unsure of what she would respond.
"I did too" she smiled.
She yawned and I kissed her cheek and hugged her while smiling. Y/n hid her face in the crook of my neck getting comfortable in my embrace. I kissed her temple and rubbed soft circles on her back.
"What if my brother finds us here?" Y/n asked nervously, still laying on my chest.
"Don't worry about that right now ok? We'll figure it out" I softly said while playing with her hair.
"Don't worry about that right now ok? We'll figure it out" Anakin said while playing my hair.
I simple nodded in response and lifted my head up to peck him on the lips. He smiled into the kiss making those butterflies in my stomach go crazy again. I then got off from on top him and instead cuddled into his side, my head on his chest and my arms wrapped around his body. Anakin pulled me closer to him and rested his cheek on my head.
And with that I fell asleep cuddling with my brothers best friend.
A/N: idk how I feel about this one honestly I feel like it was too boring :/
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