#turn fanworks
twisted-deal · 5 months
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Spreading my agenda that Ace Trappola might be the worst and best option for Heartslabyul's next housewarden
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londoneh · 7 months
‼️ Scopophobia warning ‼️
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Audio from joe on YouTube, when we were kids (the last Monday demo music) :)
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bloodlyst · 7 months
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Been working on these for a while and they’re finally done - crochet dolls of Li Lianhua, Di Feisheng, and Fang Duobing!
As my starting point, I used a pattern by CreacionesColly, and then made modifications as needed.
Pictures of details below the cut
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yuesya · 6 days
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Second volume of zenith of stars bookbinding, made by the talented @collectivetrash! The final results here look absolutely amazing, and the red binding on the spine is also really cool. :DD Love how this turned out!
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samaspic31 · 1 year
"Fandom is just for fun/escapism" means there's no quality threshold to meet to be allowed to contribute, and it is generally a space to share a common love for something rather than spend time hating.
It does NOT mean "everyone gets to publicly say, write and draw absolutely anything and be free from criticism, nothing can possibly have ties to real life harmful ideas and reinforce them, nothing should be taken seriously, everyone turns their brain off and analyzing fan content is pointless", especially since that attitude will automatically allow bigoted content to flourish and will push marginalized people out of fan spaces, or at the very least make those spaces hostile and put them in a position where they have to argue with the bigots empowered by that attitude. If it’s escapism, then make it an escapism that’s accessible to most people, which means being mindful of the consequences of the content put out, or else you’re just creating more spaces minorities are excluded from
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
tumblr fandom is so fun of a format to me because with reblogs and searching up tags you can kinda see trends specific to said fandom. like... in yttd, the past week or so (i have little to no sense of time so i can't tell exactly lol) there's been a resurgence of Kanna fanart and general Kanna Love (probably due mainly to the RATS shenanigans!) as well as a resurgence of ransara art! (Absolutely no idea why people are remembering ransara now.) The past few days there's been more Nao fanart as well, but she's been happy in most of it!
Idk it's just fun to watch. Like when everyone was collectively drawing Shin Tsukimi top surgery or Catgirl Reko, or a few months ago when Keiji was EVERYWHERE, or the Midori antics like Bunnydori Day and Jeandori Takeover. It's so fun to watch everyone pass around the same few concepts and jokes through reblogs like hot potatoes.
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phontao · 1 year
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how sad!
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starbiology · 20 days
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they were like sisters to meee
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Me, up at 3am, wondering what actually happened with Yanling-Daoren (who ‘was very outstanding. When he first left the mountain, due to his mastery over his skills, everyone praised and admired him, and he became a famous cultivator of the righteous path. But afterwards, people don’t know what he went through, but his personality changed drastically, and he suddenly became a villain who killed people without blinking twice. In the end, he died under thousands of swords.’ (Chapter 40, EXR)):
WWX even draws parallels between them himself when he comments that it was a good thing XXC didn’t tell A-Qing that CSSR and WCZ didn’t give birth to ‘another big villain everybody wanted to beat up’!! We’re never going to get an answer to this, and there’s not enough evidence to conclude anything, but I like to think that it was another WWX situation – YLDR didn’t actually turn evil, but did something against the wishes of the major sects, which all turned against him as a result…
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londoneh · 8 months
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Look at em’ go!!
Frank’s having a ball. Trust me.
🌨️ ⛅️ 🌨️
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fiercynn · 1 year
just imagining pat coming back from a tense family dinner and immediately snuggling up to pran for comfort, and when pran pretends to be annoyed at him for being clingy he mumbles "actually can you be nice to me right now?" and pran's entire demeanor changes in an INSTANT and he goes all soft and starts telling pat how good he is, and after a while pat starts getting flustered and says "okay you can be mean again now" and pran shakes his head and says "sorry sweetheart you asked for this, now you have to take it"
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hingabee · 11 hours
i think it should just be common sense that commenting "ugh you never finished this. great" or similar sarcastic remarks on an unfinished WIP fic will in fact NOT make the author want to finish updating the fic but here we are lol...
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crescentfool · 6 months
What are your ryomina headcanons? I've loved these two since I played P3 FES, and I'm so excited to get back into the fandom^^
hi!! thank you so much for the ask, welcome back to the p3 fandom, it's always a delight to see new and old ryomina fans alike! 🥺💛💙
as for headcanons, here's a "few" i that i tend to come back to a lot! my interpretations of them are influenced from both the source material and other's fanworks, so i've linked to them as i saw fit! hcs in no particular order under the cut because oops this got long (900 word bullet point list, mentions of reload content up to 1/1)
minato's hair is dyed blue (hair originally brown, you can see it in his roots!) and he has a beauty mark on under his left eye. i like mirror imagery and there's definitely a few arts i've rb'd that portray them this way :) (e.g. this one by feliichu and this one by marasschino)
as far as i'm concerned the bathhouse scene from the manga where ryoji's hair down = similar shape to minato? that is canon to me. this art from xierru is a fun depiction of hair down ryoji :D
ryoji is homeless. everyone say thank you foxmulder_whereartthou for this awesome fic it's why i have the headcanon! but like seriously. we have no idea where ryoji lives and i could believe this.
minato dying at the end of the game is sad to an outsider's POV BUT!!! ryomina gets to be together in death for the rest of their lives (this illustration from mafuwara is a gorgeous representation of them as nyx avatar + the seal)!
speaking of the seal, they are like telepathically communicating to me in the great seal together. (mymp3 had a comic wip with this. give it a looksie :D)
ryoji likes cuddling with minato because he's warm :) (something something orpheus has fire affinity, minato is warm by extension and ryoji is cold because he's death)
ryoji's camera roll is filled with pictures of minato! ryoji... loves life, to me. and i feel that photography and journaling are perfect ways of expressing gratitude and capturing the moments in life that are most important to you :3
my other favorite activity for these two is stargazing- i feel like it's something they could appreciate either in life or death (looking at the stars from the great seal...)! they do a bit of this in the fic eurydice's vow by crescentmoontea (P5R spoilers, takes place in third sem it's a very fun fic concept).
between ryoji and minato i feel like ryoji was the one who fell in love first- and it doesn't really click in place for minato that he loves ryoji until december hits (appriser reveal + ryoji transforming into thanatos). its about the realization that ryoji was with him for his whole life and that he gets him like no one else does.
ryoji is like a sad and wet puppy who is so scared minato won't like him back. he is so scared of being rejected by minato to me like. this boy straight up deflates after he does his "i know i said i wanted us to be friends, but... i actually want to be something more." / "what about you?" on 12/1 ???
AND SPEAKING of wet puppy ryoji. ryoji is like. every animal in the world to me. he's a bird. he's a cat. etc. and also ryoji knows every language in the world ever and uses it to express his love for minato. see this fic from superheroics to see what i mean.
both of them are lactose intolerant. "this isn't lactose, it's milk!" i definitely think ryoji would make himself sick eating ice cream and milk he doesn't know what lactose is. (i made a silly poll about this once and the tags were very entertaining.)
i see minato as transmasc or nonbinary depending on the day (schrodinger's headcanons babey they're simultaneously true and not true at the same time!!). either way he's not cis to me and ryoji is like. His Gender. anyway go read this fic by nail_gun for t4t ryomina :D !
ryomina are WEIRD GUYS TO ME!!! they are so strange and they understand each other better than anyone else because of the circumstances of their relationship!!! if you asked them to do the "i wonder what i taste like" meme i think they'd start biting each other (affectionate) tbh but that's just me.
after ryoji gives minato the music box in 12/31 on reload, minato listens to the music box every night in january. this boy has insomnia and also chronic illness to me (things that housing death does to you). but i think he finds comfort in the melody and memories he made with ryoji.
in general, i think it's fun to imagine minato taking ryoji to places and show him things he's interested in! i feel that ryoji takes a lot of interest in minato's life, this isn't really a hc because in reload, minato DOES give ryoji a tour of the school (11/9) and possibly port island (11/12). but ITS CUTE OK! (tangentially related fanwork: this series of doodles from vinnigami: 1, 2, and 3)
not a hc but minato's kindness is like the backbone of their relationship and i think we would not have the ryomina we know and love today if minato wasn't such a kind soul. oh minato.... we can learn so much from you... like ryoji did!
anyway! that's all the hcs that i could think of, thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun answering this, these two mean a lot to me 💛💙
i hope you don't mind the links to the fanart and fanfic as well, the fanwork people have made for ryomina have really made an imprint on me! if you want to see more of them, i definitely recommend looking through my tag for them because oh. i got a lot of them reblogged alright 😂 (<- SOOO NORMAL)
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datshitrandom · 8 months
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oh my stars... is that Lucifer? | Hazbin Hotel
please do not repost (here or elsewhere)
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Can't take off my mind this very specific flavor of sskk dynamics from a timeline that goes like: the doa arc never happened. Skip forward to bunch of years past the canon events, and you have sskk who can't really call each other enemies since it's now evident to everyone they enjoy seeing each other, but aren't friends either since they do very much still work for enemy organizations. And they just keep stumbling across each other on their respective missions from opposite fronts, trying to capture the same target for their own team, and they keep fighting and competing with each other in a way that is almost playful (but never going easy on each other because then where's the fun!), making them both almost look forward to meet and clash with the other on missions and to fight for the same target. And the mission accomplishment rate has now decreased to a 50% for both of them but neither of them can bring themselves to really care because for the first time they're having the carefree, mindless fun they never experienced in their lives and they have a person they enjoy to spend time with to the point they even got past denying it. And Atsushi telling Akutagawa “even if I let you go now, I'll still have to hunt you down” and Akutagwa replying “hunt me then” and theatrically disappearing out of a window or something leaving Atsushi laughing and just. them being together although nobody is going to say it out loud
#atsushi nakajima#ryūnosuke akutagawa#sskk#shin soukoku#bsd#bungou stray dogs#mine#q.#24/10/22#I think it's not even that unlikely to happen either? To name one‚ something of the kind already happened in 55 Minutes#(Akutagawa being assigned to hunt down pm traitors and Atsushi infiltrating in the same group– same target‚ different goals)#I just think fic writers should let go of the trope of them being assigned to the same mission by a collaboration between organizations–#which is‚ let's be honest‚ so unlikely to happen and even in canon was a one-time occurrence#(yet is such a recurring expedient in fanworks!!!) and embrace the potential of Atsushi and Akutagawa being assigned to the same mission–#from their respective organization AS ENEMIES and unexpectedly meeting on the field.#The surprise!!! The romantic tension!!!! C'mon it's so good!!!!!!!#The eventual begrudging come to a temporary accord!! That is something they chose and is not imposed!!#The turning their back to the other last minute to guarantee their own victory!!#The playing everything from the beginning again and again like a loving dance!!! Now THAT'S a good trope.#Sskk typical unconventional mating rituals right here#And since y'all really like matchmaker Dazai you can still have him getting in touch with Chuuya–#and see to which parallel missions Atsushi and Akutagwa can ~accidentally~ be assigned together lmao#Btw this was largely inspired by Sway With Me by atsumara_co on ao3 that fic opened me a world.#The quoted line is partially reprised from that I couldn't help it it's such a great scenario#Usual disclaimer that you should really write whatever you want#this is more of a reflection on my personal tastes based on what I've found to be popular in the fandom#I've already talked about this before like I can't bring myself to hold it against authors because it is an easy way to make them interact.#Still for me it really cheapens their dynamics if you make them repeatedly join forces like it was the norm...#It stripes the value of them being from enemy organizations do you get what I mean?#Kyotag out
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