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galleryyuhself · 1 year ago
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Galleryyuhself - Consumer education. There must be an APP for dis!
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rlim1908 · 5 months ago
Kipling, Holmes appliances, Nine West, l’occitane, Jill Stuart, earl of sandwich, Paul restaurant, Fanta, Starbucks, asakusa, 7 11, McDO, allied bank, KFC, maybank, BDO, Landbank, BPI, pho hoa, Aldo, uniso, pancake house (Philippine), teriyaki boy (Philippine), S&R (Philippine), coffee bean & tea leaf,unimart grocery, Robinsons grocery, cara Mia (Philippine), parfois, Burgoo, TGI Friday’s, hop inn hotel, office warehouse, fully booked, booksale, Seattle’s best, BO’s coffee (Philippine), gold’s gym, Clark hatch, let’s face it (Philippine),David’s parlor (British franchise), piandre parlor (Philippine), medical city, UE hospital (Sta.Mesa area), University of the Philippines health service UP diliman, Lourdes hospital (Sta. Mesa area), Aventus healthcare Ortigas center, Cardinal santos medical center (San Juan city), CLN (Philippine) st. Michael bags (Philippine) Celine (Philippine), MALDITA (Philippine), secosana (Philippine), tru value hardware, ABENSOn appliances, SM grocery, computer shops in Robinsons galleria & SM malls, Globe & SMART telecommunications, Wilcon hardware, puregold, tiendesitas mall, landers, bossini, havaianas, Ecco, shangri La furniture stores, mercury drugstore, Rustan’s,CIBO shangriLa,harvesters vegan food, grocery vegan food, Netflix, facebook, Twitter or X, tumblr, Wordpress, blogger, hootesuite, Microsoft, Notebloc, pdfreader, pdfdrive, Apple technology, blackpanda, sentinelOne, crowdstrike, asahi, green cross products, ziploc products,saucy kitchen gadgets & appliances, gourdo’s, Nutella, ace hardware, Mr.quickie, SSS IDs, TIN IDs, govt birth certificate making authority, government issued identification, postal ID, IBP ID, church issued documents.
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frigid666 · 2 years ago
one of the most important things american women can do to show real solidarity to women in other countries is adopting eco + anti-imperialist values into our feminist goals. political celibacy from dumb americans is not going to help topple the patriarchy in other countries. for as much as the radblr girlies talk about iran/s. korea/china due to the spike in consciously single women, women opting out of beauty culture, (which are all things american women are doing too), they never ask themselves 1. what conditions enabled these women to be able to opt out of partnering with men and 2. how can we help them advance their goals? in these regions and others? the answers to any of those questions is not "not fucking or dating a male."
getting the u.s. and its CRIMINAL political and economic meddling out of other countries is what will lead to an increased opportunity for the women in those countries to make progress. the reason places like iran are as bad for women as they are now is because of u.s. intervention and the chain of events it started, as is the case for most countries that have the poorest human rights recognition for women. countries that are destabilized or exploited via trade agreements/embargos have little chance to thrive, resulting in the economic/social repression of women. women who are not empowered cannot build an effective resistance or counter-culture. this is intential sabotage by the united states that is directly contributing to the suppression of women globally, and american women could be organizing dissent against it.
american women need to be doing more to align ourselves with feminist efforts in other countries, but i don't believe our sexualities are the thing to leverage bc american women are more privileged than that. we have some tangible political power due to our higher levels of financial independence, and we need to mobilize to protect this freedom so we can wield it better. this is not placing a moral judgement on any woman, it's literally just a fact that with more financial/physical freedom, women have to barter using their sexuality less because they have access to tangible resources at their disposal and not j access to their body/marriageability.
most of the women who took the course (100+ hours) to become victim's advocate and volunteered in a women's shelter with me were not single, childless celibate women. a woman's celibacy is of little political value in (and outside) the u.s. bc a lot of us have the option to do that at no/low risk already. making celibacy the focal point of one's activism is just lazy and defeatist (for american women). not sleeping with guys is EASY, it's literally a non-action. it's also intuitive atp bc males are often a huge headache to deal with. as polls that have been going around tumblr have shown, a disproportionate amount of bi/straight women on here ARE celibate. so i don't know why snarky comments like this is necessary?
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a radical action is supposed to be risky. something ive been seeing slowly happen is the REDEFINING of "radical action" to mean "not fucking/dating a jakey" (🤡). so of course some women are getting up on high horses bc they automatically consider themselves radical actors and better feminists than other women by virtue of opting out of certain lifestyle decisions that others don't want to... like if a non-feminist normie woman is able to do it, it's not radical action...
the women i volunteered with gave their time and their money to help other women and their kids. some of the women were mothers, others childless, some were students, some were coupled. my instructor was a bad ass married lesbian with 2 kids (one of which is a son). having so many women coming from different walks of life was actually probably better for the whole program; one of the biggest obstacles to overcome when communicating + building rapport with a CSA/r*pe/DV/trafficking victim is distrust and fear of judgment. making a true connection is about trust, and we trust those who we feel really understand us and our situation. that makes every woman's life experiences valuable assets, and yes that includes what her relationship status/experience is! a woman who can model what participating in a healthy relationship looks like, and a woman modeling what being celibate and the unique challenges of existing as a single woman in the current society provide essential testimonies.
the one way i think american feminists should modify their dating choices to express solidarity with other women is by eliminating military men from our dating pool (and unpopular opinion but i wouldnt date a military woman either). not only are they likely to have been hostile/abusive to the women in their ranks, they also have a penchant for brutalizing brown people (esp women + children) in other countries, and later joining foul career fields like police/border patrol (wherein they also routinely abuse black/brown women + children in their custody). shame on any woman who says she is a feminist while building an entire life with imperialist scum. like if ur gonna date a man, he should at least be anti-military (as it is not only a industry of death + destruction, but also an ultimate symbol of male chauvinism).
organizing for anti-imperialist and environmentalist causes is HARD and requires a greater amount of engagement with other leftists, which radfems on here don't seem willing to do bc most of them are neo-liberal women who haven't gotten over their fixation with individual choice, but they will have to get over this hang up if they want to inact real change. quietly choosing to not fuck males + not engaging in beauty culture are all fine things to do, but ultimately we have to prioritize political engagement and commitment to specific projects, not lifestyle choices, in order to judge who is an asset to the feminist cause. this hyperfocus on lifestyle choices is actually what reeks of liberal feminism + female socialization 2 me... like we're literally gossiping about who's dating who, who's still wearing makeup, etc etc. it's dumb of liberals to believe women can fuck our way to liberation but it's also dumb of radfems that we can somehow abstain our way to liberation.
If a woman walks into a feminist group and the focus is more on whether she has given up men or not rather than what the group can accomplish for women at the moment, that would seem to me like an ineffective feminist group focused less on female class solidarity and more on identity discourse and personal small-scale choices/actions. Keep in mind that I totally agree that individual action, like never dating men, is never wasted (in fact, it's something that men as a class are very afraid of) and women should be encouraged to stop dating men. But why is it the most important? Does the y chromosome in her vicinity impede her ability to organize a protest for abortion, or a pornography boycott campaign, or an abortion fund, or writing an email to her university about period equality for students and staff?
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nuovaalta2 · 11 months ago
Transunion as of the shareholder record 2024-03-07 $TRU #Transunionasoftheshareholderrecord2024-03-07
TransUnion Declares Cash Dividend for Fourth Quarter 2023, Reflecting Financial Strength and Commitment to Shareholders TransUnion, a global information and insights company, made a significant announcement today that is sure to please its shareholders. The company*s Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.105 per share for the fourth quarter of 2023. The dividend, which marks a demonstration of TransUnion*s strong financial position and commitment to delivering value to its stakeholders, will be payable on March 22, 2024, to shareholders of record on March 7, 2024. TransUnion is a leading provider of credit information, fraud detection, and risk management services, known for its innovative solutions that help businesses make more informed decisions. The company*s consistent performance and strategic initiatives have played a key role in driving growth and delivering shareholder value. https://csimarket.com/stocks/TRU-Dividend-Comparisons.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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diarialiya · 4 years ago
Review WTDS Biar Gak Jadi Tsundoku (Part 1)
Hai, halo! Tukar Isi Kepala udah rilis lagi nih. Di episode 13 ini aku ngundang seorang seleb Tumblr @slythereeen buat ngobrolin beberapa hal yang ga jauh dari topik yang sering dia bahas. Buat yang mau dengerin bisa langsung ke Podcast Almosphere ya, ada di Spotify juga Anchor. Salah satu bahasannya tentang tsundoku yaitu kebiasaan numpuk buku, dibeli aja gitu ya trus dianggurin, katanya mau baca kalau luang, tapi gatau kapan luangnya --” Ada yang relate?
Trus ngapain kamu bikin postingan ini, Al? Mau promosi podcast aja? Hehe ga cuman itu sih, jadi di podcast itu ada dimention WTDS, What the Dog Saw buku karya Malcolm Gladwell. Buku ini jadi buku yang sama-sama kita anggurin, what are the odds gitu ya, tapi aku lebih mending sih nganggurinnya setahun (lebih) aja, kalau @slythereeen​​ sampe tiga tahun masih diplastikin wkwk. Motivasi aku beli WTDS waktu itu karena emang mau challenge diri sendiri baca buku full english, trus karena belinya ga di Gr*m*d jadi dapet lebih murah hehe waktu itu belinya di Fully Booked setelah konversi peso ke rupiah dulu dan make sure kalau emang lebih murah haha. Tapi nyatanya berat banget buat namatin buku ini :”)
Terus karena buku ini bukan buku yang nyambung dari awal sampe akhir bahasannya (apasih istilahnya) jadi bisa dibagi dua nih bacanya. Akhirnya kita bikin challenge baca buku ini selama sebulan trus rencananya mau buat review, tapi sampe sekarang ga dibuat-buat karena masih ga paham keseluruhan  wkwk.
Aku milih baca bagian tengah sampe akhir (halaman 245-503), karena kayanya lebih mudah dipahami. Jadi aku coba review ya, walaupun ga paham utuh tapi ada beberapa poin menarik yang kudapet dari buku ini. Anggaplah ini melunasi utang ke diri sendiri yang kayanya mesti dicicil. Here it is, What the Dog Saw and other adventures.
Fyi, buku ini bukan buku baru, pertama terbit tahun 2009 dan udah ada versi Bahasa Indonesia (meanwhile aku masih berjuang mengartikan semua halaman ini wkwk). Buku ini isinya artikel-artikel terbaik Pak Gladwell selama jadi jurnalis The New Yorker (1996-2006) membahas tentang perspektif, bagaimana memandang suatu hal dari sudut pandang lain di luar diri kita. Nah artikel-artikel ini disajikan dalam bentuk cerita gitu, dibagi ke dalam tiga part dengan beberapa subparts.
Aku baca dari part two : theories, predictions, and diagnosis subpart the picture problem. Di bagian ini nyeritain tentang pasukan udara Amerika dan mammography. Yang bikin susah mahaminnya karena dua cerita ini dibagi ke tiga subsubpart dan selang seling. Jadi wajar lah ya, masih adaptasi sama bahasanya bolak balik cek Google Translate trus kesusahan ceritanya lompat lompat dari bahas strategi perang ke urusan radiologi.
Yang menarik dari subpart ini adalah tentang limits of looking. Jadi ceritanya di perang teluk pertama (1990an) pasukan udara Amerika tuh ngirimin dua pesawat jet skuadron buat ngancurin Scud missile; rudalnya Irak di padang pasir. Nah tugasnya tuh tentaranya mesti patroli dari sunset sampe sunrise, mereka juga pake sistem navigasi kamera canggih namanya LANTIM seharga $4.6jt pokonya udah modal banyak banget deh, tapi ternyata pada akhirnya mereka ga satu pun berhasil ngancurin Scud nya Irak itu, ga ke detect kan di padang pasir gitu trus itu katanya rudalnya disembunyiin di gorong-gorong. Masalahnya kenapa mereka gagal karena pas operasi militer itu malem-malem, trus fungsi kameranya cuma bisa ngelacak kalau ada di posisi yang tepat, sedangkan pilotnya cuma punya kesempatan lima menit buat nemuin tambang yang dimaksud dan seringnya mereka terkecoh, karena itukan gambar potretnya hitam putih, dan bisa jadi Irak emang sengaja bikin decoy (pengecoh). Duh teknisnya aku ga paham sih, nonton film aja kali ya kan banyak tuh.
“We tend to trust the camera more than our own eyes”
“Pictures promise to clarify but often confuse”
Intinya percuma kalau pun katanya No Pict = HOAX tapi kalau kita gabisa interpretasiin dan pahamin sendiri apa yang ada di gambar itu ya tetep aja bisa dikibulin.
Nah cerita yang kedua ini aku lebih mudah paham sih, tentang mammografi, teknik deteksi tumor payudara pake x-ray yang ternyata masih kemungkinan salah diagnosa dibanding deteksi dini lewat signs and symptoms. Mungkin kalau sekarang dari Kemenkes ada ya edukasi SADARI terkait ini. Ini kan tulisan lama sih bukunya.
“The finger has hundreds of sensors per square centimeter” 
 “We should not automatically value what we see in the picture over what we learn from our other senses”
Oke segitu dulu kali ya, abis baca lagi ternyata emang bikin ngebul buat pahaminnya padahal baru satu subpart pfft nanti bakal lanjut lagi deh karena masih ada yang bisa diambil poin pentingnya terkait perspektif ini. Setidaknya aku terbebas dari tsundoku yeay!
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crusherthedoctor · 5 years ago
The Lutrudis Hadeer Characterization Masterpost
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A while back, I made a big post about the thought process that went into the design for Lutrudis, as well as her name, species, and choice of weapons. In the midst of doing a bunch of other stuff (like the Eggman Sweet or Shite review, which is definitely still coming guys I swear, please don't leave me D':), I recently figured I could do the same for the character's... well, character, and provide some further insight into how her personality was shaped together. Cause why not, right?
Obviously, we won't be covering literally every single personality trait that Trudy has, like her hobbies and whatnot. If we went over all of that, we'd be so far into the future that Tumblr's search system might actually start working again. No, we'll just be keeping it to the central ingredients that make up the overall package.
1. A cool head? In my Sonic OC?
The recurring cast in the Sonic universe is filled with fiery, hot-blooded sorts in one way or another. Sonic might as well be the love child of Mentos and Diet Coke with how full of energy he is, Knuckles and Amy are both prone to letting their temper do the talking, Eggman... is Eggman, and the list goes on. And while there are a number of characters who are more low-key or even outright introverted by comparison, they still tend to exhibit a trait or two that makes them more in-line with the rest of the crowd, be it youthful excitement (Tails, Cream), a fiery temper (Blaze), or the odd bit of cockiness (Shadow).
So what better way to help make Trudy stand out... than by not really having anything like that at all? Contrary to most of the hot-blooded cast, it takes a lot to truly enrage her, and even then, you'll be lucky to get anything past tranquil fury. She's not particularly hammy either - flowery with her language at times, certainly, but not hammy - nor is she a cocky type, even against the weakest or most ridiculous of opponents, and although she does grow as a person over the course of the story she's involved in, all of this remains fairly consistent.
That's not to say that Trudy is not a passionate person. Far from it, in fact. She has a lot of passion. She just shows it in a different way than the average Sonic character.
2. Lutrudis? More like Unsureofdis.
Uncertain characters are also somewhat rare in Sonic's recurring cast (at least in the game universe), and just like with the previous point, even when they're there, they'll usually have something to counter it. Blaze may have been a bit insecure before meeting and befriending Sonic and Co, but as mentioned, she’s got a fierce temper, and even when she started off on her own, she felt that only she could take care of the threat of Eggman and Inferior Eggman Nega. Likewise, while Silver may have doubted himself about Leslie the Crack Dealer’s Iblis Trigger ruse cruise, he still got cocky when he had Sonic on the ropes, and he could be quite full of himself in the Rivals duology as well.
The point being, they still tend to show some semblance of the same “yep, I'm the one for the job, no questions asked” confidence and swagger that nearly everyone else has, no matter the flavor. Trudy, suffice to say, does not have this mentality. Trudy accepting Sonic and Co's help in dealing with sinister affairs in Viridonia without any haughty protest on her part isn't just because she knows they can handle it, or because they're Sonic Heroes and they'll show 'em the real superpower of teamwork... it's also because she's genuinely not sure if she would be able to take care of the matter on her own.
When she saved Cream from the wrath of the Wraith for example, she wasn't thinking “This looks like a job for Miss Hadeer!”
She was thinking “This could very well get me killed, but I have to help the poor bunny somehow...”
In other words, Trudy doesn't consider herself to be some sort of destined protector who has to do this herself. She constantly second guesses herself, and frequently believes her friends are more qualified and competent than she is. Her only reason for doing her best and helping out regardless is simply because she wants to.
3. A light at the end of the tunnel.
For the sake of tact, it's not shoved in your face relentlessly, but reading between the lines, it can be easy to get a sense of melancholy from Trudy. Particularly due to past experiences, she does indeed have an element of depression within her, and this can occasionally show in her body language and facial expressions, even if she's currently feeling positive emotions.
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And yet, notice how she continues being a friendly pony. Notice how regardless of her experiences, and her thoughts on said experiences, her actual behaviour is (mostly) free of bitterness or cynicism, and that she doesn't hide the joy that her new friends make her feel. She's not outright ignoring her experiences or pretending they don’t affect her, because they clearly have affected her, and she's never ignored her scars (metaphorically and literally, the latter being a permanent side-effect of her condition), but she knows better than to let it consume her, so she tries her best to look at the bright side of life even during the darkest days.
It's Sonic's opinion that Trudy's inner spirit is a lot stronger than she thinks, with or without his help. Her refusal to give into misery and lash out at the world foreshadows that he's not unjustified in that belief. That, and it ties into the franchise’s usual taste for optimism and idealism against the odds.
4. Hadeer? More like Hadork.
So, everything thus far helps set Trudy up as a mellow, down-to-earth sort of personality. So far, so good. However, it's still the Sonic the Hedgehog universe we're talking about, filled with many colorful characters of all shapes, sizes, and eccentricities. When a franchise has a larger than life cast in a larger than life world, the characters who are meant to be grounded often risk coming off as boring and could end up easily overshadowed, because the creators or writers often neglect to give them any quirks of their own, usually out of fear that it'll disgrace the character's gracefulness. In fact, I personally feel this was a common problem with Sally, in both SatAM and Archie (mostly pre-reboot admittedly).
IMO, these writers are just being plain old silly. Just because a character is quirky doesn't mean they forfeit all their dignity altogether. Like a lot of things in life, you just have to balance it out, and that's what I did (or tried to do...) with the green equine.
So yes, Trudy is elegant, but she's also a really goofy dancer. Yes, she's gentle and motherly, but she also goes back and forth between being a heavy sleeper and being an insomniac. Yes, she serves as a warmhearted auntie figure for Cream (and a big sister figure for Amy), but she also spends a quarter of her time looking like a ninja with the way her bandana covers her face (whether it be due to cold weather, strong scents triggering her sensitive nose, or doing it in the presence of villains as a mildly theatrical way of visually conveying her disdain for them).
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And of course, in the right situation, she can be just as much of a dork as the titular blue hedgehog is.
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Which leads me to my next point...
5. “You might know everything I'm going to do...”
Trudy was created with the intention of having a character who is actually like Sonic himself in a lot of ways, but it's not apparent initially.
This sort of yin-yang contrasting routine has been done before a few times in the series, with Knuckles, Shadow and Blaze being the most obvious examples. But with them, their similarities are easier to spot from a distance. Knuckles is more earth than wind, but you can tell he's as stubborn as Sonic is. Shadow's methods and outlook differ, but you can tell he's still a mirror of Sonic (cause you know, he looks like him). Blaze is more distant, but you can tell how she can easily be just as worked up and angered as Sonic.
With Trudy however, if you take her at face value, you would think she's the exact opposite of Sonic. She's an introvert, he's an extrovert. She's got a calm temperament, he can get impatient even at the best of times. She's quite fancy, he's more rough and tumble. She takes things slowly, he leaps ahead without a care in the world... You would think that, outside of them both fighting for good, they would have nothing in common, and that their dynamic would be more akin to Sonic's relationship with Sally, which although they were friends, their relationship could often be somewhat rocky due to their differences in... basically every area and opinion imaginable.
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But then you get to know Trudy, and the unfolding of the adventure reveals the rest of what she has to offer. The aforementioned soldiering on in spite of any depressed moments is in itself a small hint that Trudy shares Sonic's philosophy of never giving up. She believes that most people are good at their core, and while she won't excuse especially evil people or actions and will punish them appropriately (albeit with regret that it had to come to that), she's willing to give a chance to those who are willing to take it, just like with the Blue Blur. Not only does she NOT find Sonic's jokes and hijinks annoying, she actually has a similar sense of humor herself. And while reasonable people generally tend to loathe injustice and oppression, Trudy shares Sonic's uniquely intense contempt for it, and believes in one's own personal freedom just as much as the hedgehog does, let alone freedom in general.
In short, Trudy is what you get when you take Sonic's deeper qualities and general outlook on life, and apply them to a more introverted and taciturn personality. The exact same beliefs, but from a different perspective, so to speak.
6. A different kind of intelligence.
Tails and Eggman are the resident kings of scientific prowess in Sonic's world, and it goes without saying that I wouldn't want to do them a disservice by having Trudy one-up them in that department. But that doesn't mean your character can’t be talented in other areas, right? Contrary to what all those Mary Sue tests dictate, your character can in fact have a high IQ without intruding on an official character’s territory.
Therefore, Trudy is pretty good at innovation and craftsmanship in her own right, but whereas Tails and Eggman do it through technology, her field of expertise is more to do with arts and crafts, and to a lesser extent geology. For example, both her bow and her whip were crafted by the lady herself, using nothing but her decorative knowledge and flair.
Outside of that, she tends to know a fair bit about a lot of things in the world, largely attributed to her photographic memory, meaning she's bound to have a few answers no matter the subject of discussion. Granted, she's unlikely to be the absolute number one expert on any of those things, but she's at least a useful jack of all trades in that regard.
7. Feeling a little horse.
I very much approve and flat out adore the idea of Sonic characters having characteristics that remind the audience of what species they're supposed to be, so I made sure that Trudy had a wide selection of little mannerisms that would reveal her for the little horsie that she is. These include, but aren't limited to...
- When she’s fascinated or concerned by something, she’ll lean a little forward with her hands close to her chest, which subtly mimics the act of prancing.
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- When she wakes up, she briefly stretches her arms and legs (albeit not too recklessly so as to risk straining her sensitive limbs).
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- Her tail has a number of quirks. If she's happy, it might slowly swish to and fro. If she's REALLY happy, it might flick...
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- And if she doesn't approve of someone or something, it might stiffen and raise a little bit, as if to helpfully inform the bad guys where they can kiss, if ya know what I'm saying.
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- When she's being affectionate with her friends, she might give them the ol' nuzzle.
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- When she's in a playful mood, there might be a little skip in her walk, the anthro equivalent of trotting.
- When she's annoyed, she might humorously let out a snort that sounds identical to a real life horse snort. And while she certainly doesn't neigh in the traditional sense, when she finds something hilarious or Sonic's making her laugh with his antics, her laughter can't help but take on a neigh-like touch to it. (The latter was actually a headcanon suggested by @darklightheart​, and I immediately agreed with it because it's cute and funny in equal measures.)
Naturally, she gets all shy and embarrassed when the neigh-laugh comes out, thinking it sounds silly. At least Sonic finds it endearing.
Note that I'm well aware that some of this differs from how real life horses react to certain things. (Eg: tail swishing tends to happen when a horse is agitated rather than happy.) But I freely admit that it's more for the sake of giving the character that extra bit of soul than it is for utmost accuracy. That's the way it goes with fiction sometimes. :P
Interestingly, Trudy tends to get Sonic indulging in a funny hedgehog characteristic of his own. That being, he might curl into a ball if Trudy's being particularly... ~complimentary~ towards him.
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And there we are! These are the core elements that make up Trudy’s characterization. If you ever wanted a general list of what makes her tick, then hopefully this post will help in scratching that itch. And if it doesn’t, then hopefully it still proves that more thought was put into her than Scourge. :]
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setmindsetmine · 4 years ago
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~Review Time~
in the Title of:
Hei ho, Time Travella!
Salam hangat dari jiwa ku untuk kalian. Well okay, setelah sekian lama berpikir mau dijadikan apa akun Tumblr yang sudah hiatus sekian lama ini, akhirnya jiwa ku memutuskan untuk menjadikan nya salah satu pelampiasan opini terkait all about little thing that happened in my life yang tentunya punya moral value juga untuk memotivasi kelen hehehe. Happy Reading, enjoy it and hope you like it! Keep alive guys :*
Oke, let’s start it! Jadi ini adalah film animasi dari Disney yang rilis 11 Oktober 2020. Aku tonton atas rekomendasi dari penulis favorit aku, Uda J.S. Khairen. Penasaran aja kenapa beliau sampai segitunya rekomendasikan film ini. And you know what? It is the most worth it movie to watch ever!
Ini kisah tentang Joe Gardner, seorang guru musik part time, yang hidup nya itu terlalu monoton, karena terlalu fokus sama kecintaan hidupnya, musik Jazz. Jujur di opening aku sangkanya film ini bakal support orang-orang yang sudah punya tujuan utama hidup gituu lo. Di awal-awal pun kek mikirnya Ya Allah, kok bisa sih orang-orang menemukan bakatnya dan hidup happily ever after with that, gitu. Bisa-bisanya mereka hidup dalam passion-nya yang udah mendarah daging. Karena ya, itulah gambaran karakter Joe dalam film ini. 
Animasi nya rapih banget, as you know lah ya, Disney gitu loh. Kapan sih, mereka pernah mengecewakan, ya gak sih? So amazing lah. Joe yang seorang guru musik punya mimpi tampil di konser musiknya Dorothe Williams. Di hari H si Joe dapat kabar dia bisa jadi pengajar tetap, doi mulai galau karena dengan begitu, impiannya ngadain konser gak bakal terwujud gituu. But, surprisingly, mantan anak didiknya nelpon dia dan ngajak manggung di acara konsernya si Dorothe. And ya, Dorothe like him and his ability. Jadi si Dorothe ngajak Joe buat tampil bareng di konsernya continously. Saking senengnya, si Joe ini ceroboh banget dalam perjalanan pulang. Sampai akhirnya dia jatuh masuk manhole jalanan dan sadar kalau udah di eskalator menuju The Great After alias alam barzah wkwk. Yaa kek gitulah, si Joe gak terima dia mati mendadak dan kabur deh dari tuh eskalator, nyasarnya ke The Great Beyond, alam buat para jiwa-jiwa newbie (a.k.a calon jiwa-jiwa yang bakal lahir ke bumi), ketemu sama 22, si innocent newbie yang anti banget sama Bumi. 
Gimana yaaa, semua pemikiran si 22 ini matched banget dengan pemikiran aku gitu lo. Semua pendapatnya tentang hidup itu benerr. Tentang dunia yang terlalu kejam untuk kita. Tentang dunia yang terlalu crowded dan complicated. Tentang beberapa dari kita yang punya pemikiran bahwa what is the meaning of life kalau akhirnya bakalan mati juga. Cerita yang kita udah tau endingnya gituu. Dan buat kalian yang gak tau keahliannya dimana, interest nya dimana dan tujuan hidupnya apa, trust me, kamu bakal merasa jadi soulmate-nya si 22 nih.
Lanjut, jadi setiap newbie itu dapat mentor buat membimbing mereka menemukan “sparkling” nya masing-masing sebelum dilepas ke bumi. Sparkling ini sejenis semangat hidup gitu loh, hobi, keahlian, atau interest thing. Nah, jadilah si Joe ini yang jadi mentor si 22. Singkat cerita (biar gak spoiler-spoiler banget guys) malah si 22 yang bantu Joe buat kembali ke dunia karena si Joe statusnya masih koma (padahal mah harusnya udah dead, tapi dia kabur aja makanya koma).  22 ngajak Joe ketemu temennya, Moonwind, biar bisa balik ke bumi, pas udah nyaris berhasil, eh terjadi accident yang bikin jiwa si 22 masuk ke badan Joe dan jiwa si Joe masuk ke tubuh kucing (If you want to know more, just watch it!)
Nah dalam perjalanan 22 dan Joe dalam mengembalikan arwah Joe balik ke tubuhnya inilah kita bisa paham moral value dari film ini. Aku pribadi sih menyimpulkannya kek gini loh, kita gak boleh terlalu monoton dalam hidup, nikmatin ajaa. Ada banyak hal menarik dalam hidup yang bahkan bisa ngasih kita kebahagiaan lebih daripada apa yang diberikan oleh sebuah impian yang dikejar dengan terlalu monoton. Intinya jangan terlalu ambis lah, capek tau. It’s okay to having a great dream, it;s more cool if you make it happen. But don’t forget to enjoy your life on the way to it. 
Ada part di film yang bahkan ngajak kita buat lebih open minded ke orang-orang di sekitar. Jangan terlalu menyembunyikan apa yang ada dalam pikiran kita, tapi jangan terlalu open juga, secukupnya aja. Terus... jangan terlalu egois, jangan selalu jadi “yang ingin didengarkan”, kadang kita harus jadi pendengar juga. Hidup ini terlalu singkat jika hanya bercerita tentang impian dan masalahmu, perluaslah dengan mendengar impian dan masalah orang lain.
Well, yeah. Segitu aja deh review singkat dari jiwa ku. Gak tau deh apakah bisa dimengerti atau nggak. Tapi jujur, aku dapat tamparan keras sehabis nonton ini. Film ini beneran cocok buat kalian-kalian yang suka overthinking when you go to bed, yang suka nanyain “gua idup buat apa sih? Trus kalau udah selesai sekolah apa? Lah kerja, trus apa? Ya, terus kalau udah nikah ngapain lagi? Trus punya anak? Trus apa? Trus kalau gua dah dapat yang gua impikan gua mau apa? Trus apa?” just like me huehehe.
Last Statement nih Guys
Nyari kebahagiaan mah, gak ada abisnya, Trust me.
See you next Time. Ciao! Anyeong! 
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citrus-afternoon · 5 years ago
2016 journey (1)
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Foto di atas adalah foto kamar kos w jaman masi menimba ilmu di sebuah kampus negeri di salah satu kota di Indonesia yang (katanya) makmur ini. Waktu itu sengaja w foto trus w kirim ke ortu sebagai bukti kalo w udah dapet kosannya. Lumayan lah untuk ukuran kamarnya. Dibanding kosan jaman studi sebelumnya, yang ini lumayan lebih luas. Apalagi kalo ditempatin sendiri. Makin luas aja rasanya wkwkwk
Setelah cek sana-sini kayak kamar mandi, tempat nyuci, tempat njemur, parkiran, dan dapur, sampailah pada saat yang berbahagia. Lah? Engga, maksudnya sampailah pada penyerahan uang DP kosan wkwkwk. Waktu itu DP 500k (kalo ga salah inget). Udah nanya juga berapa biayanya buat sebulan. Ternyata kosan itu menganut sistem pembayaran per semester. Ga kaget sih soalnya dulu di studi sebelumnya juga sempet kos di kosan yang sistem pembayaranya per semester juga. Tapi, bedanya dulu sekamar berdua dan yang ini sekamar sendiri. Jadi, bisa dipastikan beban bayarnya kali ini lebih berat wkwkwk 
Oke, uang DP udah diserahin ke ibu kos yang ramah sekali itu. Ibunya baek dan ramah. W diajakin keliling liat-liat kamar dan fasilitas yang ada di kosannya itu. Selain itu ibuknya njelasinnya juga enak. Apa karena lagi promosi kali ya wkwkwk. Yah, intinya sih ramah hehe. Nah, cari-cari kosan akhirnya beres. Udah lega. Tinggal nunggu nglunasin sisa pembayaran aja.
Tibalah pada hari nglunasin sisa uang kosannya. Waktu itu w pergi ke sana sendiri. Sampe sana sekitar abis maghrib. Mungkin pukul 5.50 (I didn’t really remember the exact time, but I can tell that it was dusk). Waktu itu ibuk kos kebetulan lagi gada di rumah. Lagi ibadah kata mbah yang kerja di situ. W disuruh masuk ke dalem rumah. Jadi, posisi w waktu itu ada di ruang tamu. Fyi, kamar-kamar anak kos berada di lantai 2. Suasananya sepi euy. Gada siapa-siapa selain w. Biasa aja sih awalnya. Tapi, lama-lama kok ngeri juga rasanya. Itu design rumah dan perabotannya emang bergaya lama. Kalo pernah nonton film warkop yang masih ada kasino, nah rumah-rumahnya kurang lebih kek begitu dah. Lampu-lampu yang ada di ruang tamunya ga terlalu terang. Remang-remang gitu lho. Udah sendirian, lampunya remang-remang, pintunya ditutup, lama lagi nunggu ibuknya. Hmmm makin-makin nih imajinasi.  
Setelah lumayan lama krik-krik sendirian nungguin, akhirnya yang ditungguin tiba juga. ALHAMDULILLAH paling serius dalam hati waktu denger mobil masuk garasi. Ibuknya tiba dong. Pintu di buka. Taraaaaa ada aku ibu wkwkwkwk. Enggak, bukan gitu. Ibuknya uda tau juga kalo aku di situ karena tadi ditelfon sama mbah yang jaga. Katanya sih gitu. Setelah ngobrol bentar, akhirnya aku nyerahin sisa uang pelunasan kosan untuk satu semester ke depan. Deal. Lunas. Akhirnya beres juga urusan dunia perkosanan. Pulang deh akhirnya w. 
Tibalah pada saat boyongan. Iya, boyongan (u know what I mean, kan?). Bawaan w lumayan banyak. Dan semua kudu di bawa ke kamar w. As I said before, kamar anak kosan kan di lantai 2. Jadi ya.......... iya bener angkut-angkut tuh barang-barang ke lantai 2. Cukup syulit sodara-sodara. Tangganya sempit. Tau tangga mini yang pake besi doang itu ga? Yang muternya deket banget itu lho. Kalo tau, nah kayak begitu dah. Bisa bayangin kan barang-barang gede nang berat kayak koper itu bawanya gimana. Mana koper w wkatu itu pake yang gede. Setelah cukup struggling dengan semua itu, akhirnya slese juga. Ngos-ngosan pastinya. Ini belum unboxing koper dan beres-beresin di kamar loh wkwkwk 
Singkatnya w dah nempatin itu kamar. Udah w rapiin dan bersiin. Awal-awal nempatin, biasa aja sih. Gada yang aneh-aneh. Emang suasanya lagi sepi aja. Anak-anak pada masi libur kuliah. Baru nyadar juga sih ternyata yang kuliah di kampus w cuman 2 orang: w sama temen yang kamarnya deket tangga besi. Yang lain kuliah di kampus sebelah. Jadi, ya waktu itu tinggal w sama temen w doang. Krik krik juga. Untungnya ada tv, jadi agak ramean dikit. Oya, ibu kos ada di lantai bawah. Dan belio sering gada di rumah. Makin sepi jadinya. 
Nah, setelah nempatin sekitar semingguan, w mulai merasa ada yang aneh sama kosan itu. W jadi sering ngeliat hal-hal yang ga lazim (bagi w). W sering liat bayangan-bayangan item di bawah tandon air, di atas tangga besi, dan di deket rak sepatu punya temen w. W awalnya cuek aja dan tetap berpikir positif. Tapi, lama-lama kok sering. Kan nyeremin jadinya. Selain itu, ternyata lumayan banyak kejadian aneh yang pernah terjadi di kosan ini dulu. Temen w yang cerita. Bahkan salah satu kejadian yang cukup nyeremin itu terjadi di kamar w. Jadi ceritanya dulu pernah ada yang nempatin kamar w itu. Waktu itu temen w sama anak-anak laen mau siap-siap beli makan. Biasa kan anak kos kalo beli makan biasanya gerudukan. Nah, dipanggillah mbak penghuni kamar (yang sekarang jadi kamar w) buat diajakin beli makan bareng. Berhubung kamarnya ditutup, salah satu dari mereka nyoba manggil mbaknya dengan suara yang lumayan kenceng. Terdengar lah suara dari dalam kamar. Ditungguin lama eh tapi ga nongol juga. Entah begimana ceritanya, pokoknya mereka akhirnya beli makan bareng tanpa mbak yang dipanggil tadi. Dalam perjalanan pergi beli makan bareng itu ketemulah mereka sama mbak pemilik kamar tadi. Nah loh? Terus, suara yang ada dalam kamar tadi suara apaan? Suara siapa dong? hmmmm
Waduh makin-makin nih. Alhasil setelah denger cerita itu dan segala yang w liat kemaren-kemaren, w jadinya agak insecure dan ga fokus studi. Tapi, w nyoba bertahan. W baca qur’an tiap abis maghrib sama subuh. Selain itu kalo siang w setel musik biar ga sepi-sepi amat. W berusaha bertahan. Tapi, ternyata tidak bisa bertahan lama pemirsa wkwkwk. Iya, w nyerah juga. W lambaikan tangan ke kamera. Ga kuat. 
W memutuskan untuk pindah kosan. Iya, jadi w cuman nempatin itu kosan cuman sebulan. 2 minggu di kamar sendiri. 2 minggu sisanya numpang di kamar temen w yang kamarnya deket tangga besi tadi. Iya, tidur di kosan yang sama tapi kamar yang berbeda wkwkwk. Dari pada w stress berkepanjangan, lebih baik w ninggalin itu kosan. Uang kosan 5 bulan kedepan itu hangus deh. Ya mau gimana lagi. Udah resiko. 
Jadi, begitulah ceritanya sodara-sodara. Panjang juga ya kek cerpen wkwkwk. Entah dapet insight dari mana tetiba aja buka Tumblr dan langsung nulis cerita ini. Oh, baru inget. Ternyata abis buka-buka folder foto di Finder. Nemu folder foto hp yang isinya foto-foto jaman dulu. Eh, kok pas ngeklik foto tadi. Jadi, begitulah awalnya cerita ini diketik hehehe. Oke deh, sekian cerita kali ini. Semoga ada faedahnya. Entah apaan wkwkwk. See ya :D
Moral value: Biasakan untuk tidak buru-buru dalam memutuskan sesuatu. Pertimbangkan matang-matang lebih dulu. Karena yang namanya penyesalan akan selalu datang belakangan (ya kalo datengnya di awal mah pendaftaran -__)
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harryfeatgaga · 6 years ago
The one thing I need everyone to understand is that L*rry isn’t in any way a harmless ship. It ruined their friendship, people to this day harass their friends/family/SO’s about it, people still believe that Freddie is a publicity stunt and isn’t really Louis’ and say HORRIBLE things about that poor baby, and Eleanor was literally attacked in an airport. It’s not something to toy with or joke about.
oh ik I think pretty much everyone on here knows this lmao its just........I cannot theres no words SO WERE GONNA MOVE ON
Anonymous said: That’s the thing. There was no need for it to be Larry. It didn’t need to be about those two, they didn’t need to name them, it could have been fictional. I’m a writer and that show sounds like they have the laziest fucking writers who did it purely for shock value and it’s annoying as fuck and totally lacking in any actual creativity I hope the show gets canceled.
Anonymous said: Okay yes the show shouldn’t have done the larry scene, and it’s pretty fucked up. I don’t know if it will really give larries anything though... like it made larries look bad almost lol, like they legit said this random girl on tumblr created larry. But also larries are the most delusional people on earth so who tf knows.
Anonymous said: The show is filmed already so even if Harry followed the whole cast from the show and they maybe but probably didn’t tell him what happens in the episode, they would have never cut the uncomfortable scene out... what they should’ve done but probably DIDNT do was tell Harry/Louis and their team about the episode before it was even filmed and get consent bcuz you know Louis and Harry would’ve never been okay with it from the beginning... now there’s nothing they could do smh
so annoying
Anonymous said: you don't have to post this if you're running out of posts but the author is gucciwoodnymph! She wrote that fic about the best friends in love and Harry worked for RS in 1985. I could have sworn you read it dkksdjfksd sorry!!!
Anonymous said: Am I a bad gay if I didn’t go to pride? I just get such bad anxiety in crowds it makes me too nervy
no ofc not!!! I didnt go either crowds can be very overwhelming
Anonymous said: So he did leave NYC then, anons were right that's an airport. We were such clowns thinking he's go to Pride and it turns out he wasn't even in the damn state. WE'RE CLOWNS PAIGE.
Anonymous said: more harry roles I want: an artist (think basquiat, Picasso) who is pretty much a loner who finds his new muse, something some greta gerwig (lady bird director) indie, some indie like moonlight with good visuals, something like the place beyond the pines with Ryan gosling (who is hot af in that movie- a badass criminal who gets caught up with the law the same time he falls in love with Eva Mendes and has a baby)....
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galleryyuhself · 2 years ago
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Galleryyuhself - Tru Valu - Get you to pay day is a relatable tag line
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ishaarrasyad · 2 years ago
Jadi, malam ini aku dapet kata-kata bagus. Dan mau kucatat disini. Gini kalimatnya :
Berjuang tak mesti berisik,
mengejar tak harus lari,
dan ingin didengar tak harus teriak.
Berjuang sekeras mungkin dengan elegan, diam, dan tenang.
Yaa, untuk menjaga sesuatu menjadi tetap rahasia tanpa berisik di status/story/postingan itu sebenarnya jauh lebih tenang.
Sebenarnya, hal yang aku takutkan adalah bagaimana reaksi orang tersebut jika melihat postingan kita. Syukur-syukur cuma swipe aja, bagaimana jika ada perasaan lain. Trus mikir lagi, hapus ajalah. Dih overthinking lagi, apasih wkwk.
Ada yang bilang, "yaudah being your self aja, gausah dipikir. Mau post ya post ajaa. Itu hak kamu" Iya bener, gasalah juga kok. Bentuk orang berekspresi itu bermacam-macam, suka suka dia asal bahagia dan masih pada batas-batasnya. Its okay.
Tapi bagiku memang lebih baik membatasi aja biar lebih merasa aman. Mungkin aku sudah dimasa tak perlu lagi mendapatkan validasi dari orang lain. Sehingga akupun tidak perlu memikirkan bagaimana reaksi orang tersebut jika melihatnya.
Tapi sampai sekarang aku masih belajar dan berproses untuk itu, tahap demi tahap. Terkadang juga aku masih berisik. Bercerita pada satu dua orang yang kita percaya ternyata sudah cukup. Gapapa hehe, ini tentang seni menahan diri.
Dan terima kasih tumblr, aku menemukan dan mempercayakan platform ini untuk jujur pada diri sendiri. Disini tidak perlu tau siapa yang menulis, tapi value yang ia sampaikan. Maaf jika aku lebih banyak berisik disini, akan ku catat tiap prosesku dan apa yang aku rasakan hari itu disini. Karena aku merasa aman disini. :)
Semarang, 24 November 2022 | 00.09
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fedonciadale · 6 years ago
HI. I really like your thoughts. I was thinking about what Alan Taylor said about Jon/Dany meeting and convergence and the point of it. I think that he maybe right but not the way people think that it means Targ restoration and jonerys epic love but it means The greit war by WW and Dany burning KL if the politicalJon is true. Therefor the words that Mel says about she brought ice and fire together is tru but its not Jon and Dany, its dany's dragon and the nights king.. (i have sent to you 2
 (2) 2 parts of the ask about this topic already just recently..i suspect that  they might not been sent correctly sorry) Thank you if you reply in advance and i apologize for my english)             
Dear nonny,
no need to apologise for your English. I’m no native speaker either!
I suspect that this might have been your asks as well?
death to the South by Dany ( if she burns KL ) and death to The North by WW. This is it. This is the song of ice and fire the title of the series and it was all because of the meeting and convergence of Jon and Dany. And definatly not their “epic love”  and targarian restoration is the point.
I can’t find any other one. Tumblr has a glitch, there have been some asks that seemed incomplete.
I’ll try to answer as good as I can. I agree that the 'song of Ice and Fire' probably is more about two antagonistic principles than a merging of two characters in a love story. GRRM himself has said in interviews that we would miss 90% of the story if we only look at Jon and Da€nerys, so they are not the 'point' of the story, he also has said in another interview that there are the Others at the one end in Westeros and the dragons across the sea at the other endvwhich clearly indicates that these are two sides of a conflict the 'heroes' in Westeros have to face (the two ends of the scale so to say) and GRRM has a tendency to give poetic names to conflict - often connected to music. The 'dance of Dragons' for example that was one of the bloodiest periods in the history of Westeros. I think it is a pretty well based conclusion to say that the 'song of Ice and Fire' is not about the love story of Jon and Da€nerys. There are some who say that Jon himself is the song of Ice and Fire, as he is the son of a Stark-Targ union and Rhaegar might have been aware of some prophecy regarding the song because Da€nerys hears him saying 'his is the song of Ice and Fire ' in her visions in the House of the Undying. Therefore there might be a prophecy involved we haven't learned about yet.I must admit that I think that there are many layers to the title of the book and ice and fire as two ends of a scale of magic (with WW and dragons) that has become unbalanced is only one aspect. Jon as the song is another, also possibly the conflict between Targ and the Stark family that I'm sure will come. I also think that the two ends of a scale and the balance that has to be reached is a part of every major characters arc. There is revenge and justice for Arya's arc which will probably lead to Arya becoming an expert in mercy (the name of the girl she plays in her first chapter in TWOW), there is the tension between love and duty in Jon's arc which might end for him in a marriage for love and duty. Jaime as Jon's foil is also torn between love and duty. Sansa's 'scale' might be compassion and survival, I'm not sure. Bran's journey takes him towards (magical) power and for him it might be the question of how far he as a crippled boy will go to get back his agency. I think the three-eyed Raven Bran meets in the book might not be a good person. So, I would say that there are so many layers to the meaning of 'Ice and Fire' that we do GRRM 's writing a disservice if we reduce his complex books to 'but they are ice and fire' and think this is just about a love story. There is so much more! As for Mel saying that, I don't think that we can take her words at face value. For once she is not omniscient and has been wrong before. Then she feels that she has a role to fulfill for Rh'llor and might be satisfied with that, but since Rh'llor is rather ominous it might not be good that she has done her God's bidding. Rh'llor is against the Others, but he is a Fire God and might be in league with the other end of the scale so to say. And Mel's error about her role and her misinterpretation might serve to trick the viewers into believing the romance - this might be the Doylist reason this particular bit of dialogue was put into the show. So, plenty of layers plenty of interpretations and the seemingly obvious one of the Jon€rys romance is the blandest of all if you ask me.Thanks for the ask!
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onlinedatingoffline · 3 years ago
(listening to:)
first of many i would say,
this begins with my stories of online friendship and stories of lovers who happen to also be online. all anonymously of course!!! ~questions welcomed~ im open to sharing a lot tbf!! as i did grow up (20s now) and became more mentally aware.
(to anyone who bumps into this n got invested hi)
as someone who grew up with traumatic personal memories, my only safe space of being myself was being online and sadly at an age of minor i was almost always online and very unsupervised, many reasons to it. & all who read this if u r guessing if i am a timid person u are very correct.
yeah i had parents, and yes this all started during my middle school years when i got my very first ipod touch, where at this moment was all new to us and my generation for sure. not much of a social media influence but more of a gaming experience from the basic ass games to trying to find ways to be given itunes giftcards so i can buy songs to listen to then learning i can just illegally download my favorites onto my device. it was a special time tbf as i wasnt too fixated on my device more so at night times after my business of going to school and sport practices and church choir n some tutoring on the side.
i think we for sure grow up all a lil broken wishing we had different parents or different environments but for me i strongly desired that. yes i was a shy kid with a lot on my mind and still learning various new english common words. but passionately grew up to loving music specifically that indie alt music (not to be so familiar nowadays but that was my taste growing up) i can definitely say i loveeddd the gorillaz at the age of 5 and thats a fact! core memories with the Feel Good Inc. song. anywhom i am that generation that was in transition (97-02s) to many things and the first being preteens with social media.
it all started with being 10? possibly and deciding to get my first email and then deciding whether or not im allowed to be on facebook, to then hiding n making accounts such as myspace twitter and then later tumblr insta and snapchat. & lets not forget our founding fathers of conversation lines with no iphone like KIK, Viber, oovoo, telegram n etc. I did have a phone tho but i knew already that my blue samsung intensity ll was no good use as to my ipod touch that lasted me a good couple years! plus having a small group of good friends = texting is at a minimal.
i had one amazing best friend and honestly she was always so tru n genuine and i think sometimes i coulda been nicer but i wasnt rude or mean i just wish i was intentionally nicer bc growing up and looking back i valued that friendship more than anything! (definitely like a sister but the one u rarely ever fight with) she came into our school in 6th grade new with a bunch of other students and i actually don’t remember how we became best of friends but she was kinda like me!! a bit shy n we luved bands n music and creativeness! like u alr know that duo!!! it was one of my worst possible times personally but the way i always had my best friend to get to hang out at school everyday was the best! i never really had good friends prior to 6th grade like the connection i had with them!
i was already on social media TWITTER 2 b exact and not using it really well but kick started some small following since you could follow celebrities and have some sort of interaction with them. my interest was more of the bands groups that i enjoyed listening to daily specifically this one band that i was centered around online and irl. thankfully i never published my wattpad stories bc naw the cringe it would have today. and eventually gained a small group of people that id either DM daily or just have millions of back n forth tweets to each other. let me tell u dis shit was nationwide at first and then went out to become international. did i know these people were real, yeah most of them im still mutuals/friends to this day and some could have been fake impersonations in which they really havent gained anything from me as ive never been hacked or “exposed”. nothing detrimental or so i would’ve thought it would always be like that
to put things straight, i was part of a fandom/s and very widely known. i include multiple bc thats also true but i was always fixated on one group. i have had interactions with them and others band groups. it was a prime for me. Was it always good and safe space for me as a preteen-teenager. definitely not! no public area has yet to be a safe space online or irl especially when others are scrolling. your digital footprint is always there so just give it a thought before becoming public!
this was an intro. part 1 starts soon…
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neonstatic · 6 years ago
(transcripted convo)
i’m reposting a discussion i had w a terf. i previously posted screenshots but she messaged me and said she didn’t want her url or avatar displayed. editing the pics to post them again was hell so i’m posting a script instead (i learned my lesson tumblr: you suck). if anyone ends up finding the convo and thus the redacted speaker... idc. this is a public website and we technically had this convo in public - the notes of a post aren’t private spaces afaik. i’m posting this as proof that sometimes calmly reasoning with ppl lead to nothing. (i know anyone could say the same but lmao leave me alone.)
tw for transphobia/transmisogyny 
[redacted] (speaking to a transmasc discourser about the "woman path"): Ok let me explain what I mean :) if your experience was totally different then thats fine :) im 24 and when I was little i was encouraged to play with dolls and learn 'motherly things' like playing with baby dolls while my brother played with toy trucks. There was a lot of pressure at school to wear dresses, and be sweet and polite. @[transmasc discourser] then of course, learning to deal with periods and the shame and taboo around them. Removing body hair because its considered unladylike. Etc
@[transmasc discourser] have you had none of those experiences?
neonbaebae: these are all common experiences for women bc of gender roles/stereotypes but none of that defines womanhood as an identity.
[redacted]: completely agree they are gender roles. But menstruation isnt a gender role. Its a frustrating part of being female. But that said, what IS womanhood then?
(rest under cut)
neonbaebae: menstruation is a biological function that is in no way exclusive to female bodies. remember intersex ppl, who come in all forms and shapes. women aren't all the same and it's likewise for men. there are intersex women who don't fit all the criteria for being "female" yet still identify as women. there is a distinction to make between womanhood as an experience and womanhood as an identity.
the woman experience is what you've described. the woman identity is feeling like one, e.g.: liking female-coded clothes, makeup, hairstyles, feeling comfortable in the societal role of being a woman. identity is essentially abt self perception most of the time
[redacted]: intersex is unique and I respect that not all womens bodies are the same. Intersexuality is complex but it doesnt represent the majority of biological women. I dont have a strong baclground in intersex knowledge so I'm certainly not gonna speak on behalf of intersex women. so if identity is self perception (which I completely agree with) how can a biological man self perceive his femaleness.if he's never experienced it?
neonbaebae: trans women never identify with being male and all in entails. and they can see, thru watching women counterparts and how they interact with the world around them, that they id more w the idea of womanhood and much less w the idea of manhood. it's esp why dysphoria often settles around puberty bc the dissonance manifests physically and that's harder to handle
[redacted]: but what youre talking about is what trans women see women do.  If thats what someone aspires to, its a very basic and narrow understanding of  what womanhood is. Its only what they see. And people are far more complex than this. Does a biological male aspire to periods stigma, beauty conformity and lesser social stance in the world? Or do they aspire to femininity? Something many biological women dont feel comfortable with
neonbaebae: womanhood as an identity is a feeling that is strengthened by a disconnection to manhood, its polar opposite. someone who completely rejects the idea of being man is likely to prefer being a woman (not always but likely!). many trans women do aspire to femininity and it has nothing to do with the cis women who are uncomfortable w it, just like there are many cis women who embrace it too.
many trans women cannot quite explain their transition in another way than "being a man felt wrong but being a woman feels right and authentic to my true self". i'd suggest to ask an actual trans woman for her pov tho since i'm not one, i'm just basing myself on what i've heard them say
[redacted]: but feeling disconnected with manhood (which is understandable and gender roles are frustrating) doesnt make someone the opposite of a man. As society we need to open our understanding of gender expression. But this isnt the same as thinking 'if I dont feel like a conventional man or connect with male social expectations, then I must be the opposite'. Theres no logic in that
we live in a world where gender stereotype binaries are considered natural, and people who dont fit this understandably feel marginalised. In fact Id argue to a greater or lesser degree, none of us truly fit the prescribed gender binary.
but i find it problematic when a man thinks they're a woman based on what they think 'woman' is.
neonbaebae: you're right in saying that a disconnection from manhood doesn't make someone a woman - a connection to womanhood does. it has v little to do with the upbringing of women which you seem to define thru misogyny and menstruation alone which is frankly a pessimistic view of womanhood. it's less not feeling like a conventional man and more not feeling like a man At All. tru it doesn't sound logical but gender is not logical it's abstract and complex
it seems problematic bc one might think men would gain smth from iding as women but stats show that trans women are at higher risk of assault for being out and open, both of bc of misogyny (not directly related to having a vagina or menstruating after all) & transphobia. it's esp telling that trans men aren't targeted as much. do you disagree w trans men as well?
[redacted]: but as a women i dont connect with womanhood. Lol i am a women. It would be nice to think we live in a world where women are equal, but that's not the world we live in. Womanhood is hard. And we do live under a patriarchal society that's cultivated female inferiority over many centuries. We're still negotiating freedoms today.
Its not about gaining or loss. Its about the male right to self define womanhood on their terms, without the biological or social conditioning. In fact, many have recieved MALE conditioning as children. This comes with its own privileges.
I think transmale is a very different experience so no I categorise them very differently to transwomen
neonbaebae: "as a woman" you say. even if the experiences and stereotypes don't fit you perfectly, even if you reject it, you still id as a woman. you feel like one and you suffer the consequences of being one. believe it or not trans women suffer from iding as a woman as well and thrice as harshly. i can provide sources if you want.
trans women don't think like men bc they feel like women. the thought patterns are different. they don't digest the social messages abt men bc their mind doesn't relate to it. male entitlement and all doesn't apply to them. and in sociology alone womanhood is often defined as more than a biological or upbringing thing. it's a social identity and trans women have a right to it if they don't id and reject manhood altogether
my question tho was do you think trans men aren't men either cus otherwise that'd be hypocritical
[redacted]: my point is its not an identity. Its a reality. Im a woman. I have xx chromosomes and the world treats me as such. Similar to my race. I dont identify as my race, i am treated as the world sees me.
male entitlement does apply. Statistically baby boys are fed for longer than baby girls. And little girls are left to cry for longer than baby boys. Little girls learn many motherly caretaker roles while many of their male counterparts are encouraged to conquer the world. Children are raised by gender. Even subconsciously. I can also provide sources :)
there are many more male leaders and men in authoritive positions in the world. Women fight very hard for the same respect, but womens voices are less valued. It takes no genius to see men have greater standing in the world
about transmen. No I dont consider them men but I'll respectfully use the pronouns anyone prefers, male or female. Its common decency.
I think society needs to get more comfortable with non confirmative gender expression
neonboobear: but it is an identity. that's why there's a distinction between sex (bio) and gender (identity & expression). if it would feel wrong for you to be called a man or nonbinary then that'd be bc you don't id as such. (also there are women with chromosomes other than xx maybe you should avoid phrasing it that way.) i id as my race but race has v different roots & impact than gender historically and it cannot be compared. let's stick with gender.
and i'm not denying gendered socialization but it doesn't shape a child more than their personal feelings on their identity, which can differ v early in life bc (some) would rather engage in activities associated with the opposite gender for example. if it were that simple trans ppl wouldn't go at lengths to "play the part"
you're right society does need to accept gender non conformance but that's v different from the trans experience. i rly think you should have a deep conversation with a trans person to try and see their pov
[redacted]: if womanhood is an identity, it totally invalidates what it means to be female. And yes its arguable that there're are women who arent xx but how about the majority of the population that are. Must we pander to the few at the expense of the majority? also what makes you assume I dont talk to trans people? Critique doesnt mean lack of empathy.
Children and gendered socialization is complex. Maybe if 'feminine' activities werent coded as female and just 'childhood play' we wouldnt have the same degree of dysphoria. It goes back to the irrational logic, 'if I like the pink toy section then I must be a girl.'
neonboobear: i'm afraid that is your pov for the ideology that womanhood is an experience but also an identity is considered a v valid theory in the science field. the fact that there are women with chromosomes other than xx is proof alone that xx chromosomes aren't what makes a woman. and i've suggested a deep conversation and an intention to Understand the Other. not just a talk. i said nothing abt empathy.
there would be less dysphoria but i'm sure it's still be there. many think the abolition of gender would solve everything but i doubt so
[redacted]: i have a close mtf friend and we have the debate constantly. We don't always agree with her but there's a lot more common ground then you might expect :) Gender roles damn us all. Hmmmm... abolition of gender is impossible but theres is a lot that can be done to challenge gender expectations. But not an easy battle! neonbaebae: i mean this with the least offense okay but i sincerely think neither of you should be friends. i’m black and i’d never befriend a racist. that’s a lack of self respect on her part and a plain lack of respect on yours. 
i’d like to end this conversation here. i’ve said my point and i’d only repeat myself by continuing. and since i’m not a trans woman i don’t want to misinterpret them (so sorry if i’ve already did. trans girls feel free to bring up clarifications). might sound tedious but i strongly suggest you watch this 50-min long video essay by youtuber contrapoints. her vids are informative and entertaining and so v easy to digest despite the length. i’ve heard she’s not v liked in terf circles but it’s worth it to listen to what she has to say as a trans women.
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nuniek · 3 years ago
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Waktu nanya ke kalian tentang rekomendasi tempat asik di Bali, buanyak banget yang jawabnya: follow @daviddepe @depepedia aja kak, sering info tempat2 asik di Bali. Dan barusan kufollow 😊 Sebenernya tau @depepedia dari @dientb waktu info @daviddepe katanya mau nyobain teppanyaki ex bintang lima harga kaki lima di Piyungan Bantul milik paklek aku. Cuma waktu itu belum relate krn postnya mostly seputar Yogya 🙂 Nah barusan aku follow dan baca postsnya, relate banget yg WFB. Yg lebih relate lagi adalah values David soal honest review and be kind. Ohya kalo ngga salah info dari @dientb juga konon David ga bersedia paid review food, CMIIW Soal honest review, baca di salah satu postnya David bilang nggak pernah review sebelum selesai experience di tempat itu, supaya bisa objektif kalau ada yg kurang. Akupun begitu, kalian tau sendiri aku hampir selalu late post kalau review tempat. Kenapa? Supaya ngga bias. Maksudnya? Gini, kalo owner/staffnya tau aku rajin post trus mereka jadi istimewain aku, maka penilaianku akan bias dong. David juga pernah post surat terbuka kepada #hambapromo to be kind to staff and owners, untuk jadi tamu yang pengertian dan ngga dikit2 komplain apalagi saat pandemi. Penting banget! Aku ngeliat sendiri seberapa strugglenya pekerja pariwisata Bali yg terpuruk saat pandemi ini. Mereka lakukan bermacam cara untuk bertahan mati2an. So kalo ada kurang2 mari pahami ajalah. Percayalah kesusahan kalian ga seberapa dibanding kesusahan mereka untuk tetap bertahan 🥺(Meski bertanding kesusahan ga disarankan, tapi begitu faktanya). Kemarin aku juga share di story soal wisman vs wisatawan lokal, dan mengajak teman2 untuk mau siapkan dana buat kasih uang tip ke pekerja pariwisata kita. Kalian ga pernah tau kan betapa uang tip yang kalian berikan begitu bermanfaat bagi mereka DAN keluarganya… So, let’s be kind & thoughtful 💚 Cheers 🥂 @nuniektirta https://www.instagram.com/p/CTn5SbYBX-D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vanleajewelry · 4 years ago
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Từ hàng ngàn năm rất lâu trước đây, NHẪN vẫn là trang sức của các quý ông hay bậc quân vương. Tượng trưng cho quyền uy và vị thế trong xã hội, nhẫn nam sẽ mang lại giá trị khác nhau cho chủ nhân tùy vào hoa văn được chạm khắc hay loại đá quý đính lên. Qua thời gian, loại trang sức đặc biệt cho nam giới này vẫn giữ nguyên chỗ đứng nhưng dần mang đậm ý nghĩa về mặt thẩm mỹ. Vàng và bạc vẫn được ưa chuộng, nhưng sau nhiều thế kỷ, kim cương thiên nhiên hay kim cương nhân tạo đã hoàn toàn trở thành xu hướng đá quý đính lên nhẫn nam. Chứ không còn là những viên thô sơ hay được khảm nạm đầy phô trương như thuở nào. Trơn tru, tối giản nhưng vẫn thanh lịch và sang trọng, nhẫn trở thành dấu ấn không thể thiếu của những quý ông sành điệu. ——————————————— VANLEA - True Value, True Level ✨Chuyên Thiết Kế, Gia Công Trang Sức Theo Yêu Cầu #Vanlea #Vanlea_Jewelry #Trang_Sức_Thiết_Kế #Nhẫn_Nam #Lịch_Lãm #Đẳng_Cấp (tại VANLEA - Trang Sức Thiết Kế) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSYKbBol_NQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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