#tumblr tutes
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ducksydoodlesofficial · 2 months ago
Wanna know how to draw Alastor? Here, we gotcha 😉 Alastor insisted on "helping" (he got in the way) zoom in for best results!
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kon-igi · 23 hours ago
Buongiorno ser, sarei curiosa sul perché la contenzione provocherebbe le cadute? Mi esprimo in forma dubitativa perché non ho modo di verificare di prima mano le informazioni, non per sfiducia ideologica o altro, ma solo perché non essendo del settore avrò maggiore difficoltà nel valutare le informazioni che volesse darmi.
Uso il tuo ask perché sei persona 'neutra' ma citerò alcuni addetti ai lavori che hanno espresso dubbi e curiosità (lasciando anonimi quelli che mi hanno scritto in privato).
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(frontespizio del corso che tengo... esagerato IRL come su tumblr)
Per entrare nello specifico LA CONTENZIONE (o in modo più corretto e in base alle varie asl di varie regioni 'mezzo di salvaguardia dell'integrità psicofisica' o 'mezzo di tutela fisica') è un atto
La valutazione è fatta variabilmente da un team di professionisti (infermierə, raa, fisioterapistə, oss, terapista occupazionale etc) che valutano i pro e i contro dell'intervento, mentre il benestare e la prescrizione è sempre a carico del medico (atto sanitario) che conferma o revisiona i mezzi, i tempi e i modi.
La contenzione non è solo legare ma LIMITARE LA LIBERTA' DI MOVIMENTO E DI AZIONE DI UNA PERSONA e infatti gli addetti ai lavori sanno che esistono quattro tipi di contenzione:
fisica (polsiere, cinture pelviche, cavigliere, cinture inguinali, guanti, sponde a letto, tute chiuse etc)
chimica (tutti gli psicofarmaci)
ambientale (porte chiuse, allarmi, sensori, gps etc)
psicologica (la peggiore, poi vi dirò)
Il problema nasce tutto quando LA ROUTINE fa perdere di vista all'addetto ai lavori il fatto che limitare la libertà di una persona con una contenzione è UN ATTO GRAVE E SEMPRE PERSEGUIBILE A NORMA DI LEGGE COME REATO PENALE (è a questo punto che il brusio dei partecipanti ai miei corsi di formazione si trasforma in urla di panico misto a odio).
SEQUESTRO DI PERSONA Articolo 605 Codice Penale
Il delitto di sequestro di persona consiste nella privazione o restrizione volontaria della libertà personale fisica di una persona, quale illegittimo impedimento posto volontariamente ad una persona al fine di privarla delle sue possibilità di locomozione e movimento. Chiunque priva taluno della libertà personale è punito con la reclusione da sei mesi a otto anni. La pena è della reclusione da uno a dieci anni, se il fatto è commesso: 1) in danno di un ascendente, di un discendente, o del coniuge; 2) da un pubblico ufficiale, con abuso dei poteri inerenti alle sue funzioni.
... però...
STATO DI NECESSITA’ Art 54 del Codice Penale
Non è punibile chi ha commesso il fatto per esservi stato costretto dalla necessità di salvare sé od altri dal pericolo attuale di un danno grave alla persona, pericolo da lui non volontariamente causato, né altrimenti evitabile, sempre che il fatto sia proporzionato al pericolo.
Mi pregio, però, di dirvi che lo stato di necessità non lo decidete voi ma il collegio giudicante al vostro processo per sequestro di persona. Punto.
@blackmammaaa mi starà già sputando attraverso l'internet perché in quanto OSS (intuisco) è quella che si prende:
le botte dai pazienti
le denunce dai parenti
e infatti quando tengo i miei corsi premetto sempre che i maggiori sforzi per la decontenzione devono essere fatti da chi ha più potere decisionale, organizzativo e finanziario e non ricadere obtorto collo sugli operatori (è a quel punto che tutti ridono e purtroppo io sono costretto a ridere con loro perché Italia sì/Italia no/la terradeicachi).
Ma io non chiedo fiducia epistemica cioè che accettiate in modo acritico la mia parola divina, bensì cerco di portare tutti gli interessati ad arrivare a una conclusione ragionata sul rischio della contenzione e sul vantaggio della decontenzione.
Per quello faccio un piccolo passetto indietro e coinvolgo anonimamente una tamblera che più addetta ai lavori di così non si può (medico specialista che prescrive contenzioni) la quale, giustamente, mi dice che vive questo atto in modo contrastato, lacerata tra il desiderio di lasciare libertà di movimento e il terrore di un'emorragia cerebrale da trauma cranico per caduta in paziente scoagulato.
Allora io tiro fuori la carta PEG cioè la Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy...
il buco nella pancia che fanno alla gente che smette di mangiare dove poi inseriscono un tubo per l'alimentazione forzata
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Che c'entra? Che una volta, appena un anziano smetteva di mangiare e bere in modo funzionale alla sopravvivenza, facevano un buco e poi ci pompavano dentro ogni giorno un litro di beverone iperproteico, ipervitaminico e iperschifoso. Se non che un giorno a qualcuno è venuto in mente di fare un bello studio peer reviewed mettendo a confronto la sopravvivenza con nutrizione enterale via PEG con tentativi di nutrizione classica per os.
E indovinate un po'... la qualità di vita, la misurazione del dolore e della depressione ma anche il tasso di sopravvivenza erano sovrapponibili, cioè l'anziano con PEG non campava di più o meglio di quello che si 'spegneva' mangiando sempre meno e infine morendo NON DI FAME O DI SETE ma di marasma cachettico cioè di azzeramento delle funzioni multiorgano.
E la contenzione?
Studi recenti (che poi vi linko se volete approfondire) hanno controintuitivamente dimostrato che l'applicazione di contenzione fa
aumentare l'ansia e i disturbi depressivi
diminuire la fissazione di calcio sulle ossa
peggiorare lo stato cognitivo
affaticare il circolo ematico e respiratorio
peggiorare il rischio di insorgenza LDD (lesioni da decubito)
deprimere l'equilibrio statico e dinamico
accelerare la sarcopenia
quindi se una persona è a rischio cadute molto meglio 'ecologizzare l'ambiente' (una serie enorme di accortezze architettoniche che permettono il wandering in sicurezza), attuare strategie distrattive e devianti, monitorare in modo non oppressivo e poi la cosa più importante e la più controintuitiva di tutte:
mi spiace... sembra crudele, menefreghista e contrario a ogni tipo di accudimento ma se la contenzione ha senso in una persona giovane in delirium che altrimenti si ferirebbe, nella prospettiva di una restituzione delle autonomie, quando oramai si instaura la frailty (funzioni organiche al minimo e quando una scende sotto, tutte le altre crollano assieme) molto meglio affidarsi alla loro capacità di sopravvivere senza medicalizzazione forzata, piuttosto che lavarci la coscienza e la fedina penale tenendoli tutti bloccati e immobili in un limbo che non è vita.
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I dati parlano chiaro:
l'anziano contenuto cade e si ferisce gravemente molto più che un anziano lasciato libero di muoversi
Se non avessi avuto i dati a disposizione, me ne sarei accorto lo stesso in modo empirico perché avevo notato che man mano che procedeva la decontenzione nella mia vecchia struttura, di pari passo diminuivano anche gli invii in pronto soccorso, le ferite lacero-contuse e le fratture.
Non diamo solo la colpa alla Chiesa se in Italia si cerca di far sopravvivere tutti a tutti i costi...
A volte siamo proprio noi che abbiamo disimparato il valore e l'importanza della morte che è quello di far concludere degnamente una vita vissuta in libertà e non nella mera sopravvivenza di un purgatorio fatto di decadimento della carne e spegnimento dello spirito.
Ok... basta così ché poi mi arrabbio.
Vi saluto sempre nel solito modo <3
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In calce link non troppo gonadofrangenti sull'argomento
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operas-phantom · 2 months ago
They gave me a phone.
So this is Tumblr. Cool. Can people see this? If you’re seeing this, hi, come by my opera house, yes it is mine, I’ve lived there longer than everyone else so it is mine. It honestly got a bit boring listening to Carlotta What’s-Her-Name continue to absolutely murder any type of operatic symphony with her harsh voice, so I’m on here now after extensive Google searching on what I can do on this bad boy.
Uh I’m he/him. My name’s Erik but nobody really calls me that anymore, and the only reason I’m letting people here say it is because I honestly think that like 2 people will see this post anyway, or at least that’s what I originally thought.
𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔠 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱..
This will be a learning experience for me anyhow, and perhaps I can get new ideas for the things I write on here. The Internet is a crazy place (and so are my adventures; I’ve found out through this that there are many versions of me, including @erikaskblog. I am down to interact with anyone, but no NSFW please— also, I am bisexual. My other friends include Christine, naturally, @eddiekaspbrak-official and his Losers Club from an apparent “other world”, as well as my best friends, @totally-penelope-and-not-a-siren—that’s Calliope, a siren with a sense of humor who keeps me on my toes, and a former would-be love of mine who I sometimes mentor, @maggiemelodies09. Maggie does have a boyfriend now— she bears such a strong resemblance to dear Christine and I will cheer for anyone who supports her kindness, so said boyfriend shall one day be my friend as well. @daydreamingofafairytale is my third best friend— oh, I am so lucky to have even dreamt of this! You’ll like Nour; everyone does. I give out music lessons to a few people now, attempting to make it less romantically exclusive, including Nour. However, we usually use those lessons to make each other laugh— friends bring light to my darkness and I finally feel like a man now, not a monster. Then there is my muse and a non-singing angel who I suppose might be called a “boyfriend”, @aurelio-the-propmaster. I would go on.. but if I risk becoming “obsessive” again, woe to the opera house, and my other friends have warned against it. Know if you see this, Aurelio— your angel loves you dearly. Also my other friend, @an-american-songbird-in-paris who knows Aurelio and who also composes. Him and I should one day collaborate.) No, I will not list all my “frenemies” or enemies, but I have them too. They are not welcome in my opera house.
If people do end up commenting on this, please do not go wild in the comments or bully each other. I’ve had enough of hearing people insult each other and call each other names for one lifetime, unless I have to do what I have to do. However, I have been made aware that some people are shockingly enough fans of me, even after seeing my face— I normally hate people seeing it, I attempt to shun it from my very being after all —and I will likely post pictures of myself on here in order to share the happenings of the opera house with the world. I would place the screen names of all said “phangirls” here, but hope instead they find this nonetheless. I appreciate you all caring for me. PLEASE come to my opera house, you all.
I am now over the fact that I cannot have Christine— the one of her versions that still talks to me, @angeliquedaae who is my dear friend and tutee— still, thanks to her undying kindness to me. Occasionally we (hilariously) reenact scenes from our shared past, and I find it a form of recreation. I endeavor to focus my attention on other loves (not just Aurelio but for my other friends here) instead but cannot help caring for her if only in a strictly platonic yet protective manner— I care too much about my friends, hence why I have placed their usernames here. They are wonderful people.
𝔏𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢..
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winfleure · 3 months ago
i'm having sm muse to rp but i slowly wanna get back into the swing of writing again! i’m a 25+F tumblr/discord rper currently interested in mxm, fxf & mxf (but it's muse dependent) potentially dark, mature rps on D*SCORD only!
tbh since im getting back to the swing of rping, i’m smutfishing & ship/facechasing rn to get my muse going! sawry yall TT but! if ur still interested, read below!
feel free to LIKE/REPLY to this post and i'll come to you or you can dm me on here / discord (eboyzoro) to plot!!
i’m VI ! twenty5+ & s/her ! i’m looking for twenty1+ (prefer twenty3+) rpers on DISCORD (eboyzoro) ! i prefer chatting / being friends ooc as i’m a yapper (obvs we don’t need to talk 24/7 but my muse / interest dies down if there’s dry/short responses sawry yall TT) ! headcanons, character development and worldbuilding is also highly encouraged!! activity is low maintenance / low activity (hours to weeks) so it's usually snail mail on my end bc life responsibilities & general neurodivergency! my writing style is rapidfire/lazy lit to adv lit (novella is energy dependent), present/past tense & 3rd person, i can volley back & forth but it’s energy dependent, my wc range is 50-300+ words. i have original characters & i'm open to canons & crossovers. check my pinned for no-gos!
* if applicable, age gaps should be legal!
tutor/babysitter x tutee/babysat child all grown up!
best friend’s relative x sibling’s best friend (ex. best friend’s brother x sibling’s best guy friend, best friend’s mother x sibling’s best girl friend, etc.)
stalker/killer x celebrity
uni teacher x student/ta
toxic dynamic!! like on & off, flirting w/ others, hatesex, cheating?? but we can see!! obviously not all bad, like there's good moments too but i want angst hehe
anything supernatural/fantasy based
also i'm fine of any dynamic (strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. but i'm always down for any plot (dark or light themed) that features a enemies/rivals to lovers dynamic)
ariana grande (open to rping as / against this face — fxf & mxf, bottom position for women, bottom/versatile position with men)
bts jungkook (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
mackenyu (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
txt hueningkai (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
madison beer (open to rping as / against this face — fxf, top position)
SHIP/FACECHASING HERE: i'd personally luv to rp these pairings but this isnt a dealbreaker for me if you'd rather play the opp fc or someone entirely different!! like tbh, i'm just happy to rp w/ and/or against the fcs above !! italics + bold is who i’m interested to play !! face 1 / face 2 / etc. = face alts. for the ship
lsfrm chaewon / aespa karina x ariana grande
kim soyeon & lim jiyeon x ariana grande (2 tops vs 1 bottom! polyam!)
rhea ripley x ariana grande
svt jeonghan / bts jimin / mx kihyun / tbz chanhee / nct jisung x ariana grande
ruby cruz / jung hoyeon / seol in ah x ariana grande
ariana grande x bts jungkook (she's a top dom, pegging themes!)
xolo mariduena / colin ford / jacob elordi / kedar williams sterling / alex fitzalan / tbz juyeon x bts jungkook
drew starkey / jacob anderson / alex fitzalan / taz skylar / jacob romero / tbz kevin x mackenyu
nct jisung / tbz sunwoo / xdh jooyeon / enha jake x txt hueningkai
madison beer x ariana grande
madison beer x itzy yeji
madison beer x megan thee stallion / mimi keene
madison beer x zaria
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fertilefemme · 5 months ago
if you support israel, do not touch this blog ❤︎
formerly @airheadfemme, but tumblr hates me and terminated my account, so here we go again!
my wonderful friend and mutual @gothcoffins and i have a very lovely discord server if anyone would like to join (must be a 20+ year old femme4butch lesbian)!
about me:
~ 22 years old
~ white and transmisogyny exempt
~ ofos nonbinary high femme lesbian
~ very happily taken by @breederbutch ❤︎
~ submissive to a fault, but experimenting more with my dominant side
~ fat, disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent (adhd, autistic, bipolar)
~ i use they/them pronouns with everyone except my butch, who i prefer to refer to me using she/her pronouns
~ i love getting asks, and i will do my best to answer all of them in a timely manner, but i sometimes struggle with severe brain fog and it can make typing well written responses very hard. if you see me active on here, but i haven't answered your ask yet, that's probably why!
~ due to the aforementioned brain fog, i often make a lot of original posts on days when i'm feeling well, and they end up either queued or in my drafts until i decide to post them.
dni, tags, kinks, limits, and more under the cut
do not interact if you are:
~ a minor
~ a man (cis or trans)
~ a cis woman
~ an ed or feeder blog
~ a defender of "bisexual lesbians" or anything similar
~ someone who believes that nonlesbians can use the terms dyke, butch, or femme
~ someone who believes that nonblack nonlesbians can use the terms stud, fish, and stem(me)
~ a defender of harmful "kinks" such as ag*play/ddlg, r*pe (anything beyond dubious consent), inc*st, "orientation play"/corrective r*pe, r*ce play, etc
~ a racist, zionist (two staters included), transmisogynist (this includes terfs, ppl who believe in "transandrophobia", ppl who think trans men can be lesbians, etc), fatphobic person, or any other sort of bigot that i may have forgotten to put
my tags:
#the airhead speaks - my original posts
#my good butch ❤︎ - posts (including rbs) about domming
#taking notes - posts i want to look at again later
#🛡️- posts that remind me of my butch or that were rb'd from my butch will be tagged (bc they're my knight and i'm their princess ❤︎)
#beloved femmes ❤︎ - typically just pictures of femmes that i think are gorgeous (all compliments are platonic)
#my pics - idk p self explanatory but the few times i post pictures they'll be here haha
#ask me things! - ask games and prompts
#answered things - all of my answered asks
~ praise
~ bondage
~ choking
~ breeding
~ blasphemy
~ corruption
~ possession
~ degradation
~ hair pulling
~ play fighting
~ objectification
~ overstimulation
~ regency/royalty
~ dubious consent
~ butch patriarchy
~ light impact play
~ exhibitionism (in theory)
~ dumbification/bimboification
~ intox (i rarely post ab it though)
~ free use (in an explicitly consensual way)
~ calling my butch daddy (as a title, mostly in the context of breeding)
~ roleplay (usually experienced dyke + innocent church girl, cocky tutor + airhead tutee, "bad boy"/loner butch + cheerleader, boss + maid, and other/potentially more embarrassing stuff)
~ anal
~ scat, blood, piss, etc
~ the harmful "kinks" referenced in my dni
if you add anything to my post that makes me uncomfortable (including mentioning one of my limits* in the tags), i will instantly block you.
*this excludes an*l as i'm aware that many people can only experience penetration anally, but please use as vague of phrasing as possible (ex: using the term "hole" rather than anything more descriptive)
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raevaelia · 2 years ago
In-experienced hearts | J.Jungkook
Pairing: Tutor!F.Reader x Tutee!Jungkook
Synopsis: The school’s golden boy is falling behind in his chemistry class and the principal decided it would be a good idea to assign him a tutor. Who knew the tutor would end up becoming the love of his life while also causing him heaps of chaos?
Tags: Tooth-rotting fluff, tutor x tutee au (though u kinda forget in the story), reader is a little oblivious and JK is totally whipped for her. Shy, awkward JK who overthinks and naïve, clueless reader. NOT a soulmate au!
Warnings: None! However, you may gain some cavities from this sweet, sweet couple ;)
A/N: hi! this is my first work here on tumblr! i know this isn't very good but i was very eager to write this so i apologise if this looks very rushed hehe. please do not be afraid to tell me if there is any way to improve my work- i would really appreciate it actually. happy reading!
Playlist: Faye Webster - Kingston, MAGIC! - Rude, Jonghyun&Younha - Love Belt, NIKI - urs, keshi - right here, Baekhyun&Suzy - Dream, hanbee - strawberry, GEMINI - mon amour, ABBA - Angel Eyes, Mindy Gledhill - I Do Adore, Jin - The Astronaut.
JK was someone you could never find it in yourself to hate.
Since signing with the school’s football team, he had become the lead star and the school’s prestigious golden boy. He was well known for his good looks, endless heaps of talent and sweet personality to all.
Well…things were going great regarding his football team. His grades? Not so much.
“Jungkook, you are a good man. You are genuinely liked around here, me included, but…unless you bring those chemistry grades up, you may as well be getting kicked off the team.” Principal Song rubbed the area around his nose bridge, glasses resting in his callous hands as Jungkook fell rigid in his seat.
His hands gripped his football jersey, Number 7.
“Sir…i-i can bring my grades u-”
He felt terrified.
Being part of the football team was what got him to be so well-liked. Before that, he was in the backgrounds, hiding in the shadows and in the corners of every classroom with long bangs and unfashionable outfits.
Now that he finally got a name for himself, he doesn’t ever want to lose it. It’s all he’s got, really.
“I know you can, Jungkook. But right now, exam period is approaching fast. And there really is no time for you to revise yourself.”
The air in the office was thickening. A pin drop could be heard.
“So. I have decided to assign you a tutor for this month.”
Jungkook blinked. Then he blinked again.
“Excuse me?”
Principal Song pursed his lips with a kind smile, interlocking his rough hands together and resting them on the desk.
“Yes, you heard me right. I am assigning you a tutor.” Jungkook scrunched up his brows, lips turning downwards into a subtle frown. “With all do respect, sir, i beli-”
“Of course you can refuse if you would like. But just note that you will be permanently kicked off the football team if you do.” The kind smile was still forcibly painted on Principal Song’s lips, sending shivers down Jungkook’s spine as he gulped down any rebuttal that had previously bubbled up.
“No. I will accept this tutor, thank you, sir.” Jungkook stood with wobbly legs, bowing down a perfect 90° while Principal Song merely sent him a proud nod in return. “I know you will make the right decision.” Jungkook smiled tight-lipped as he left the room.
His football jersey, now crumpled up in his tight fist, was shoved into his face to conceal the frustration he felt. He exhaled slowly, turning on his heel to return back to his friends out on the bleachers.
“Ugh.” He groaned, ruffling his hair with one tattooed hand as the other threw his jersey over his shoulder. He took long strides up the steps as he reached the bench his friends sat on.
“Jaykay!” Jung Hoseok cheered, handing the younger a box of fries before ruffling his hair affectionately. “Hey, dude.” Jimin, from below smiled. His bright pink hair standing out from the rest of his crazy friends.
“So~” Taehyung chorused, biting into a churro while Jungkook simply raised a single brow. “So, what?” Taehyung kissed his teeth, leaning forward. “Your visit to the principal? What happened?” Jungkook’s mood instantly turned sour.
Crease lines appeared on his forehead as he remembered the previous discussion. “I’m getting a tutor.” It’s silent for a few milli-seconds before the group erupt in joyous laughter. Jungkook stands still, wallowing in his own self-embarrassment with shy reddened cheeks.
Slowly, Hoseok comes back to reality and wiped away a few stray tears. “That’s embarrassing for the school’s golden boy!” Taehyung laughs along, agreeing with the older boy’s statement. “We saw this coming from miles away!” Jimin adds, only confusing the poor boy further who scrunches his brows together. “Huh? How?” Taehyung lays his cheek on his palm, staring at the boy in pity at his puzzlement.
“‘How’? Because, you’re the school’s golden boy, dummy. Everyone knows.” Jungkook’s face begins falling, turning a sickly pale along with his jaw hanging slack. “HUH?!” His voice grows louder, now anxiousness spreading through his body at the new-found knowledge.
“Are you seriously that slow?” Jimin sighs. “Everybody knows your failing chemistry. Catch up, dude. There are even some people who know more things about you than you do yourself.” Jungkook feels a shiver crawl up his spine, almost imitating a million bugs crawling all over his skin.
“No way.” He whispers. “Yes, way.” Taehyung snorts. “And-”
But the honey-head boy gets cut off by a cherry feminine voice catching all their attention from behind Jungkook’s body.
“Um, excuse me?”
The girl turns her chin upwards and her grin grows even wider, revealing her pearly whites. She has her hands clasped behind her back, presumably holding onto her black book bag Jungkook can see poking from behind her pink pleated skirt.
Jungkook grows still, blood rushing up his body to fill the paleness of his cheeks and ears, eyes fixated on her smile. He can almost see the sun shining brighter and bird-songs in his ear.
And then he hears a bell ring in his ear. The same bell in the film ‘Your Name’.
“Hi! My name is Y/N! Principal Song assigned me as your tutor, Jungkook-ssi!” She dips her head slightly, allowing Jungkook to breathe while she isn’t looking and hypnotising him any longer.
He can hear the snickers of his so-called ‘friends’ from behind him but he pays no mind to them, instead focusing on the Disney princess-like girl standing before him.
Oh, and did i forget to mention? There is one thing Jeon Jungkook is not good at among the many talents he has.
And that is talking to cute girls.
Jeon Jungkook had girls after him left and right. The richest, prettiest, kindest and the list goes on. However he would reject every single one of them. Why?
Because Jeon Jungkook is a hopeless romantic.
Hopelessly waiting for his so-called ‘soulmate’ that he could spend the rest of his life with, living a Disney fantasy. Silly, really. His friends would remind him to give up the silly idea and just settle down already.
But who would’ve though he would be meeting her so soon?
And when Y/N shyly asks Jungkook whether they could have a talk in the library, the boy just couldn’t find it in himself to refuse. Especially when she looked as cute as she did trying to avoid his eyes while picking at her perfectly manicured nails.
Jungkook stiffly followed her through the hallways of the school while the girl in-front skipped with every step she took with her hands still clasped behind her back.
He finds the action endearing, especially when he could see the red crescent moon shapes imprinted in the ball of her hand from her nails. He smiled at it before a hard slap on his shoulder interrupts his thoughts.
He whips his head around to see a girl with a yellow binder in her hand, raised above her head with an angered look. “Pervert! You’re no golden boy!” Jungkook’s eyes grow wide as he rubs the spot he was hit on. “What?!” He screeches, feeling nervous with the amount of students beginning to take notice of the situation.
Y/N spins on her heel and turns to face the situation with a tilt of her head and a curious look on her pretty features. “Huh? Saeyong? What’s wrong?”
Ah. Y/N knows this crazy lunatic.
Jungkook turns to look at her with a pleading look, begging for her to save him in this situation. Saeyong instead huffs her hair out of her face and lowers her binder, not before sending a nasty glare to Jungkook who just stares at her in absolute confusion.
“This…! Guy…was perving at your butt, Y/Nie!” Gasps are heard from the other students who have circled around the trio. Saeyong crosses her arms triumphantly over her chest. Jungkook is quick to wave his hands in defence with an intense blush over his cheeks.
“HUH?! N-No! Y-You’ve got it all wrong, i swear!” Oh no. Barely 10 minutes of knowing his soulmate and things have already gone wrong. Why did life have to be so cruel to him?
He faces Y/N who seems to be completely and utterly clueless of the situation. She blinks at Jungkook before blinking against Saeyong. “Huh? No he wasn’t.” Saeyong scoffs. “Of course he was! I saw him!”
Jungkook opens his mouth to deny again but before he could, Y/N turns to face him. “Were you staring somewhere you shouldn’t be?” She tilts her head again with her bambi eyes peering at Jungkook’s worry-filled ones.
“No! I swear, i wasn’t!” The girls go quiet, waiting to hear what his reason for staring there actually was. “Liar-” “Let’s hear him out, unnie.” Saeyong huffs again, glaring daggers at Jungkook who fiddles with his fingers absentmindedly. “I-I…”
“I noticed that you pressed your nails too deep in your hands…i-i…i-it’s not good if it’s leaving marks.” He meekly points at Y/N’s hands who turns to look at them. Saeyong immediately gasps and runs towards her, taking her hands into her own.
“I told you to stop doing this, Y/Nie!” Y/N blushes beet red, shuffling on her feet before pulling her hoodie sleeves over her hands to hide them. “It’s a habit, unnie.” She mumbles shyly. Saeyong sighs, ruffling Y/N’s hair affectionately. “A habit you need to get rid of.”
Jungkook stands animatedly, hands glued to his side as he nervously watches the two mumble incoherently to eachother. His eyes eventually find Y/N’s who sends him a comforting smile before nudging Saeyong who huffs and glares at Jungkook.
“Look, i’m sorry for accusing you of whatever…and thanks for pointing out her nails. Or whatever.” She avoids eye-contact picking up her yellow binder to slam into her locker angrily. “Good going, Sayeongie!” Y/N sends two thumbs up to the elder who just waves her off with the tiniest smile evident.
Jungkook blinks at the interaction, facing Y/N who turns back on her heel, hands now in her pockets as she begins walking through the crowd that starts dissipating. “Come on! We still gotta figure out your timetable!” She spins on her heel, walking backwards as she sends Jungkook a harmless wink that sends multiple arrows through his heart.
A week has past.
Though it seems like eons have passed with how close the two have gotten. Jungkook has learned that Y/N bakes in her free time, she even showed up to one of their sessions with 4 fairy cakes. 3 with the traditional rainbow sprinkles and one with purple sprinkles. He had raised his brow at the odd one out, questioning her when she blushed shyly.
“That’s the special one i made for you. The rest are for your friends! Yours has jelly filling, none of the others do.”
Jungkook had smiled so wide that day. And also that day, he had drawn a picture of her owned cat, his name being Pocky and living in her dorm room.
Since then, it had been a friendly competition of who can give the better gifts. The day after that, Y/N had given him a a double layer strawberry and cream cake— his favourite as she had learned.
“It’s made with love. So you can’t top that!” The line send flutters to the poor boy’s heart, refusing to share a single slice or even a single strawberry with any of his whining friends who childishly ignored him for the rest of the day.
That brings us to today where our favourite boy has managed to find a way to top her gift.
Jungkook had walked in the library with a giant 18x24 canvas tucked under his armpit and a box of her favourite donuts— original glazed.
He couldn’t help but feel extremely excited for her reaction seeing her sitting there on their usual table somehow looking prettier every day.
So, yes, whatever. Jungkook have developed a huge crush on the girl. So what? Everyone saw it coming. Jimin had saw it coming from a mile way, as he usually does. He started giving him dating advice such as gifting flowers and chocolates (though Jimin has never had a serious relationship before).
Of course Jungkook ignored him and instead focused on gifting her what he does best.
That night, he bought a £30 canvas from his local arts&crafts store with the intention of her smiling face imprinted in his love-corrupted mind.
He drew exactly what had been lulling him to sleep these last few weeks. He drew her straight from memory, her face completely etched in his mind.
And after 4 hours of straight water colour and art (and a few slices of her cake eaten), he had successfully completed his artwork in time for their next tutoring session.
Since their first session, his grades have significantly improved. Even Principal Song acknowledging it— reminding him the month was almost over and that their tutoring sessions was almost over too.
The thought had initially dulled his mind until he remember the project.
He had even added a little surprise on the back of the canvas in the little confidence he had sparked during his project hours.
That, which, i will not mention.
She had sat at their table in a cute baby blue dress that seemed to hug her body exceptionally well, highlighting everything. She had clipped her hair back in a white claw clip and was wearing some Mary Janes on her feet.
Jungkook was 80% nervous and 20% confident. Well, that 20% was slowly decreasing to a 4% with every step he took closer to her and her figure becoming more and more HD in his eyes.
She tilted her head upwards, spotting him and her lips stretching in a wide smile. “Kookie!” Jungkook’s heart melted, as it does every morning when she lurches forward to encase his body in a hug.
She pulled away slowly much to Jungkook’s demise and pointed to the canvas. “What’s that?” She asked, a pout resting on her pink lips.
“It’s my gift, for you. My last one ever.” Y/N’s face dropped at his last words. In all honestly, she loved his gifts. They were always so thoughtful and unique. They were so special to her because they all represented Jungkook. Whether it be through his mannerisms, personality or just him overall.
She masked her disappointment with curiosity instead, leaning forward to try and take a peek.
Jungkook smiled, handing it to her. “Here,” he mumbled, scanning her face for any reaction.
And boy, did she give a reaction.
If a reaction meant immediate tears then sure, she gave one.
Jungkook’s face dropped completely, putting the portrait aside to rush over to her side and hold her gently, letting her cry on his shoulder. A million thoughts ran through his mind.
‘Did she not like it? Was it too much? Am i being too forward? Maybe i should’ve take Jimin’s advice!’
He bit his lip gently, her silky hair tickling the bottom of his chin as her shoulders shook with sobs from her hoarse throat.
Y/N raised her head eventually with red rimmed, puffy eyes and a red tipped nose. “No one has ever done something like this for me before…!” Jungkook smiled behind all of his nervousness now that he knows she likes it. (Though that was an understatement)
He was seriously considering throwing the portrait away afterwards if she didn’t like it.
Hell, if she didn’t like his hairstyle he would change it within an instant. After all, he only wanted to look good for her. Good enough, to be hers.
“I’m going to hang this up in my dorm!” She declared, hugging it close to her body while Jungkook scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Her once crying face had now disappeared and contorted to that of a child at an amusement park as her grip on the canvas tightened as if it would disappear under her hold.
She just couldn’t stop staring at the artwork.
He had an managed to capture her insecurities and turned them into something she could learn to love. Such as the way a single small strand of hair stuck up at her roots. She had always hated that— thinking it ruined every hairstyle she tried.
He had captured the shine and sparkle in her eyes, the slight dip in her right cheek in the smiling portrait of her as well as the beauty mark on the tip of her nose.
“A-Ah, i’m glad you like it, Y/N” He has thought of so many different ways to reply in his head but opted for the most casual one— somehow while also still sounding like a fool in love.
“Like it? I love it! It’s the best gift i’ve ever received! I can’t possibly top this!”
Seeing her upmost gratitude towards him, Jungkook suddenly felt a surge of confidence swoosh through his awkward body. “Well, you can top it some way.”
Y/N stared at him expectantly, hope flooding through her heart as well as a red hue covering her cheeks at the way his honey eyes searched all over her face. “What? Tell me, how can i possibly top this?”
From the angle of the way she held the canvas, Jungkook can see the special surprise he hid on the underside. And now suddenly his confidence dropped to a whopping 0%.
“A-Ah…w-well…” Suddenly everything felt hot. The air felt compressed and Jungkook felt like his air supply was closing in on him. Why does it feel so tight? He tried to breathe. He really tried, but his throat just wasn’t working. His lips wouldn’t open and no words could leave.
He couldn’t do this. Who was he kidding? He was no confident guy.
“Jungkook?” Her voice rang in his ears, and he finally mustered up the courage to face her worried look with crease brows and a frown adoring her face.
Y/N smiled. “Do you want to sit down for a while? We can share the donuts.” She nudged her head towards the sealed untouched box that had been long forgotten about.
Jungkook took a deep gust of air into his lungs.
“Oh? What’s this?” Jungkook felt the air once again get pushed out of his chest when he saw her holding a neon pink post-it that was once stuck on the back of the canvas.
She read it intently, horror evading Jungkook’s features when he couldn’t read her expression. Oh god. He should have never wrote that.
Finally, she lifted her head and turned the post-it to face Jungkook and his horror-struck face. One night he chose to be selfish and pursue the one thing he has ever wanted in his entire life and now, it's going to lead him to rejection. All Jungkook wants to do now is curl up in a ditch and die.
"You misspelt 'Eugene'..." Y/N eventually speaks up, hiding her cheeky smile with a bite of her lower lip. And oh, would you look at that. He really did misspell it.
Jungkook holds the piece of paper between his trembling fingers with a shake in his gaze. No, how did he manage to embarass himself further?!
'Stupid! How could I misspell it to Eugeene?!'
He feels so utterly embarrassed and defeated he can't bring himself to lift his head and apologise to the girl of his dreams. How tired would he have been to misspell it that badly and not notice?! He really should've taken Jimin's advice.
This is it. This is the one thing he saw coming- that he knew was going to come back and bite him in his tensed buttcheeks! His hands sweat as he holds the post-it, clammy and strained. His irises shake unnervingly, re-reading the silly paper over-and-over again wishing this was all just a dream. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He could've chosen a better pick-up line instead of a stupid Disney reference!
'Will you be the Rapunzel to my Eugeene?'
He has the urge to squeeze his eyes shut and pray for his friends to come and save him this very moment- he'll even willingly go through the trouble of hearing Jimin's reprimanding voice of 'you should've taken my advice' as well as Taehyung and Hoseok's consistent mocking of 'the golden boy' for the rest of the school year if it meant escaping this very moment.
And when he finally does lift his head he meets the very overjoyed L/N Y/N with her usual widened grin. What Jungkook does notice, however, is the very pigmented red blush covering her cute cheeks as well as her nails once again creating dent marks in the heels of her hands. The golden boy frowns, with very clammy hands, he grabs hers in his own hold, promptly ignoring the slight shake in them from her warm touch. She slowly retracts her nails from the marks, letting Jungkook run the pad of his thumb over the marks.
'Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, what am I DOING?! She probably thinks I'm a weirdo, gosh! Why do you keep embarrassing yourself, Jeon Jungkook, huh?! And my hands are so sweaty, how humiliating! I better-'
Jungkook quickly with an audible gulp of saliva, retracts his hands and rubs them vigorously on the fabric of his jeans, failing to notice Y/N's disappointed look. She purses her lips, leaving her arms to hang idly by her sides.
'Why did he let go? Were my hands rough or something? OH GOSH! DID I MAKE HIS HANDS SWEAT TOO MUCH?! How embarrassing! How can I face him now?!'
Y/N shyly turns her gaze to the donuts left on the table before clearing her throat. "What...what did your note mean? And, h-how did you know i love Tangled?!"
Her usual cheery tone returns and Jungkook is thankful she doesn't bring up the awkward moment with his sweating hands. But when the words finally register in his mind, it goes blank.
She doesn't understand the note even though her favourite movie is Tangled? Jungkook feels a mix of emotions, crashing down onto him like a large tsunami wave that he still wishes he could drown in.
Well for one, they share the same favourite movie, but then again, he wasn't exactly rejected nor accepted.
"You...don't know what the note means?" Y/N tilts her head with a meek look. "Um...no, sorry. I hope it means you're not going to take me away from my home and help me find out I'm a lost princess for some kingdom." She laughs, hands once again clasped securely behind her back.
Jungkook looks at her with affection and endear in his gaze. 'You're already a princess in my heart.' Jungkook laughs along with her joke, silently thankful that the conversation has taken a light-hearted turn. For a moment there he forgot about the post-it note fiasco and how his whole body had burnt with embarrassment beforehand.
"So...what does the note mean?"
Jungkook freezes, mentally cursing out his past self at 2am that morning. "W-Well..." And lo-and-behold, Park Saeyong has come to ruin Jungkook's chances once again. The boy lowers his gaze and glues his lips together upon seeing the 24/7 angry girl run her way over.
"He's asking you out, girl!" Saeyong cheers, aggressively patting the younger girl's back so hard she splutters out a choke. "H-Huh?!" The poor girl is clueless to almost about everything. Saeyong chuckles, "oh, Y/Nie, my incredibly stupid friend, he wants to know whether you'd be his girlfriend!"
And so hearing this, Jungkook acts quickly without thinking as he usually does. This time, he quickly waves his hands in dismissal as heat creeps up his neck to cover his face in an embarrassing shade of pink. "N-No! T-That's not-!" In the midst of his rambling, Y/N's shoulders sink as does her hopes of becoming his potential lover. Her bottom lip juts out sadly as well as her almond eyed evidently losing their sparkle.
'But I want to be his Rapunzel'
Saeyong acts fast and grabs her handy yellow binder to whack the golden boy on the back of his head. She continues whacking him over-and-over again, even when he tries to get her to stop. Y/N gasps and runs forward to defend him with her hand catching the yellow binder in her friend's hand. "Stop, unnie!" Saeyong's eyebrows dips, putting her hands on her hips as she stares at the younger girl. "Why should I, huh? He hurt your feelings!" Jungkook stands at his full height from behind Y/N and rubs his arm with a pained expression. Y/N mimics Saeyong's pose with her own hands on her hips with her own angry expression. "You still shouldn't hit him!" Saeyong drops her hands, her expression softening at her.
"Y/N. I know how much you like him, and it hurts me knowing that he just did this to you."
Jungkook feels his heart lurch in his throat, eyes blown wide and lips parted. 'Is this a dream? Ohmygod, I think I might just cry and shove my hands in my chest to give my heart to her. For real'
Y/N goes still, taking in a deep breath before spinning on her heel to face the very boy that has been clouding her mind ever since their first meeting. 'Here goes nothing'
Jungkook meets her gaze, opening his mouth to say the very thing that's been bugging him day-in day-out. "Y/N."
Y/N blinks, a little startled with her seriousness in his tone- though she can hear the slight waver too but she chose to ignore it as her heart was beating far louder. She nods to her name, not trusting herself to speak as her voice may accidentally break- and she can't handle that embarrassment.
"I-I..." Jungkook looks up to meet her eyes but can see his three incredibly dumb friends silently cheering him on from behind one bookcase. He stops his sentence, narrowing his eyes that contain an angry flare in them. 'What the hell are they doing?'
Y/N tilts her head at Jungkook's lack of attention, slowly turning her head around in an attempt to see what the heck was going on. Jungkook sees this and panics- evidently blurting out the rest of his words without thinking as usual. "I like you a lot, Y/N!" The said girl freezes, facing Jungkook again as her mind goes haywire. Words can't seem to formulate. Jungkook can see her apprehension and suddenly all his confidence once again plummets to the ground.
"I-I have for...a long time..." Y/N is silent for a second before she breaks out into an extra wide grin that bunches up her cheeks. "I would very much like you to be my Flynn Rider!" Jungkook smiles big, wrapping his arms around her waist to hug her to his body.
He doesn't think he's ever experienced such joy in his entire life before. Not when he got accepted into the football team, no, not even then. Now? He feels like a million fireworks have gone off in the pits of his stomach, like his heart has burst and everything just seems a whole lot more vibrant.
As their laughs settle down, it is only then when Jungkook becomes aware of the position they are in. Jungkook blushes, quickly putting her down with a clear of his throat. "S-So...is that a yes to being my girlfriend...?" Y/N's laugh sends flutters straight to his poor heart- it has been through a lot recently. "Yes, silly."
Jungkook presses a timid kiss to her knuckles, a smile spreading as he does so. "I'm glad."
Maybe soulmates do exist after all.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 6 months ago
Thank you @sergeantpixie for tagging me! rules: list 5 of your favourite books on a poll, so your followers can vote which book they think captures your vibe the best
But I decided to cheat and have it be 6 so that I can include 3 series and 3 stand alones, because that just felt right to me
Goodreads Summaries of the latter four books bellow (since the first two are a tumblr staple and a classic so I don’t feel the need)
The Diviners:
Evie O’Neill has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to the bustling streets of New York City—and she is pos-i-tute-ly ecstatic. It’s 1926, and New York is filled with speakeasies, Ziegfeld girls, and rakish pickpockets. The only catch is that she has to live with her uncle Will and his unhealthy obsession with the occult. Evie worries her uncle will discover her darkest secret: a supernatural power that has only brought her trouble so far. But when the police find a murdered girl branded with a cryptic symbol and Will is called to the scene, Evie realizes her gift could help catch a serial killer. As Evie jumps headlong into a dance with a murderer, other stories unfold in the city that never sleeps. A young man named Memphis is caught between two worlds. A chorus girl named Theta is running from her past. A student named Jericho is hiding a shocking secret. And unknown to all, something dark and evil has awakened…
Black Iris:
It only took one moment of weakness for Laney Keating’s world to fall apart. One stupid gesture for a hopeless crush. Then the rumors began. Slut, they called her. Queer. Psycho. Mentally ill, messed up, so messed up even her own mother decided she wasn't worth sticking around for.
If Laney could erase that whole year, she would. College is her chance to start with a clean slate.
She's not looking for new friends, but they find her: charming, handsome Armin, the only guy patient enough to work through her thorny defenses—and fiery, filterless Blythe, the bad girl and partner in crime who has thorns of her own.
But Laney knows nothing good ever lasts. When a ghost from her past resurfaces—the bully who broke her down completely—she decides it's time to live up to her own legend. And Armin and Blythe are going to help.
Which was the plan all along.
Because the rumors are true. Every single one. And Laney is going to show them just how true.
She's going to show them all.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone:
Around the world, black hand prints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grows dangerously low.
And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherworldly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real, she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands", she speaks many languages - not all of them human - and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.
When beautiful, haunted Akiva fixes fiery eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
Blanca & Roja:
The del Cisne girls have never just been sisters; they're also rivals, Blanca as obedient and graceful as Roja is vicious and manipulative. They know that, because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. They know that, one day, the swans will pull them into a dangerous game that will leave one of them a girl, and trap the other in the body of a swan.   
But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans' spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them. Blanca & Roja is the captivating story of sisters, friendship, love, hatred, and the price we pay to protect our hearts.
no pressure tagging: @badthingtwice @snixx @pinkhysteria @telumendils @immaterial-pearl @quantummeep @undergroundash
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pyaari-naari · 18 days ago
Now that is SOMETHINGGGGG. I found out in some other ask that you're doing master's to be Shakespeare :0 Thou shouldst inscribe thy Tumblr posts in the manner of Shakespeare's eloquent tongue. Ahahahah.
Fine i shalt gib'r to thy requests anon☝🏻
I'll tryeth mine own most wondrous to becometh a mod'rn shakespeare 😌🙂‍↕️
Yaar ye shakespeare ye bhasha kaise bolta tha. Daant kaise nahi tute uske? 🥴
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avvloscerbo · 11 days ago
Il Tribunale ordina l’esecuzione del ricongiungimento familiare contro l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Pakistan: una vittoria per i diritti umani
Il Tribunale ordina l’esecuzione del ricongiungimento familiare contro l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Pakistan: una vittoria per i diritti umani
Recentemente, il Tribunale Ordinario di Roma, Sezione Diritti della Persona e Immigrazione, ha emesso una sentenza di grande rilievo in materia di ricongiungimento familiare. Il caso riguardava la richiesta di un cittadino italiano che, da anni, tentava di ottenere il visto d'ingresso per la propria madre, residente in Pakistan, al fine di permettere il ricongiungimento familiare. Nonostante numerosi solleciti e la trasmissione di documentazione completa, l'Ambasciata d’Italia a Islamabad non aveva ancora fissato un appuntamento per formalizzare la domanda di visto.
La decisione del Tribunale
Il Tribunale ha accolto la domanda subordinata del ricorrente, ordinando all’Ambasciata competente di fissare, entro dieci giorni, un appuntamento per la presentazione della domanda di visto d’ingresso. La sentenza si basa sull'applicazione del d.lgs. 30/2007, che recepisce la Direttiva 2004/38/CE, garantendo ai familiari di cittadini dell'Unione Europea il diritto al soggiorno.
Argomentazioni giuridiche
Il Giudice ha sottolineato come il diritto al ricongiungimento familiare sia regolato dalla normativa comunitaria, che prevale sulle disposizioni nazionali meno favorevoli. La mancata fissazione dell’appuntamento, protrattasi per oltre due anni, è stata giudicata illegittima, costituendo una violazione del diritto fondamentale del ricorrente.
Implicazioni della sentenza
Questa pronuncia rappresenta un precedente importante, ribadendo l’obbligo delle rappresentanze diplomatiche, in questo caso l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Pakistan, di rispettare i termini di legge per il trattamento delle richieste di visto. La decisione rafforza inoltre il principio secondo cui le autorità amministrative non possono frapporre ostacoli procedurali al godimento di diritti fondamentali.
La sentenza è un chiaro monito alle istituzioni: il diritto al ricongiungimento familiare deve essere garantito senza ritardi ingiustificati. Questo caso sottolinea l'importanza di un sistema giuridico che tuteli efficacemente i diritti umani, soprattutto in un ambito delicato come quello dell’immigrazione e dell'integrazione familiare.
Avv. Fabio Loscerbo
Risorse utili:
Sito ufficiale: https://www.avvocatofabioloscerbo.it
Blog “Avvocato Immigrazione”: https://avvocatoimmigrazione.blogspot.com/
Osservatorio Giuridico Immigrazione: https://osservatoriogiuridicoimmigrazione.blogspot.com/
Associazione LegalImmigrazionisti: https://associazionelegalimmigrazionisti.blogspot.com/
Profili social e professionali:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avv.loscerbo/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabio-loscerbo-avvocato/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/183875555-avv-fabio-loscerbo
Medium: https://medium.com/@avv.loscerbo
Substack: https://substack.com/@avvfabioloscerbo
Telegram: https://t.me/dirittoimmigrazione
Pinterest: https://it.pinterest.com/avvocatofabioloscerbo/
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/avvloscerbo
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/avvloscerbo
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/avvloscerbo
Write.as: https://write.as/avvloscerbo/
ForumFree: https://dirittoimmigrazione.forumfree.it/
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ishmani · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
Shayad - Chapter 3 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1472232795-shayad-chapter-3?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Sahushub_ "Kya kami hai mujhme shubman?" "mujhe ghutan hoti hai" "papa us ladke ke liye ha boldo" "kya? tum shaadi kar rahi ho?" "wahi batane ayi thi ki meri shaadi tey ho gayi agar tum papa se baat karte tho wo shayad man jate par koi baat nahi bye" "ajse ap Satya sharma kishan kehelaengi" " kya hoga jab apne pichle tute rishte me dubi satya apne naye zindagi aur pati ke sath dhal jati hai
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whimsicant · 10 months ago
never thought at 24 I'd STILL be strategically picking seats in tutes to avoid having to explain tumblr to fellow students but here we are
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dougbaudinettemda · 2 years ago
Week 3 – Tumblr Feminism and Body Positivity  
This week’s tute and readings discussed the idea of Tumblr as a digital community for feminism and body positivity, while Tumblr does not appear as prevalent as social media such as Instagram and Twitter, it is actually the 10th most populous social media site in Australia, with 3.7 million users 
Tumblr is seen to differentiate from those other websites in the way its users post and interact, Rief states that Tumblr "sets the pre-conditions for a diverse and empowering feminist community" (Reif, Miler, Taddicken, 2022, p.6), in that it is more welcoming of sexually suggestive and NSFW content, where on other platforms, users can encounter abuse online. Tumblr is seen as more of a “safe space” due to its anonymity and the fact that “there are no personal profiles or networks of ‘friends’” p.7), allowing those less represented to feel a part of a digital community. 
While in the first lectures we’ve discussed the importance of the Twitter hashtag, Tumblr was one of the first sites to use this function, and it is integral in its system, users can hashtag their posts, all of which are no more visible than any other users' posts, reinforcing the idea of a digital safe space where all users are equal. 
The Tumblr hashtag leads to the #bodypositivity movement, the importance of such a hashtag and how it links to feminism is that it “may help to make diverse forms of femininity and body types more visible” (Reif, Miler, Taddicken, 2022, p.4). This pushes the idea that women of all body shapes and types deserve to be equally represented, celebrating every type of body.  
Tumblr media
Expanding on feminism in Tumblr, body positivity is not the only topic that is frequently addressed, users engage in feminist topics such as sexism, queerness and rape culture, it was described in the additional readings as a platform in which “many girls felt that they could discuss these topics more freely on Tumblr without fear of trolling.” (Keller, 2019, p.8) This idea is reinforced by Tumblr’s safety and freedom for people to engage. It proves to be an extremely relevant digital community for culminating positivity and bringing together those wishing to discuss topics considered taboo and may face criticism on other forms of social media.  
Anne Reif, Insa Miller & Monika Taddicken, 2022 “Love the Skin You‘re In”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive, Mass Communication and Society, pp.1-11. 
Keller, J 2019, “Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms”, Social media + society, vol. 5, no. 3, SAGE Publications, pp. 1-11. 
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putchgoosit · 11 months ago
I’m on the latter side just to be clear, but every discussion on ai art I’ve seen on tumblr has been tut tuting and “you don’t get it”. fascinating development if I’m being real
the general consensus on ai art (that it’s cool and fine) seems to be on tumblr genuinely the opposite of what it is on lets say twitter. howd that happen
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winfleure · 2 months ago
i feel like no face w/ the way i'm hungry for more threads 😭 sm*utfishin' & face/shipchasin' here! u know da drill folks! also as a general psa, i'm not dropping any rps i've got so far, i just want more rps 😭
i’m a 25+F tumblr/discord rper currently interested in mxm, fxf & mxf (but it's muse dependent) potentially dark, mature rps on D*SCORD only!
formatting is v familiar to my last post but the content changed a bit so do take a look!!
please message me on d*scord (eboyzoro) if you're interested in the plots/faces/pairings!
i’m VI ! twenty5+ & s/her ! i’m looking for twenty1+ (prefer twenty3+) rpers on D*SCORD (eboyzoro) ! i prefer chatting / being friends ooc as i’m a yapper (obvs we don’t need to talk 24/7 but my muse / interest dies down if there’s dry/short responses sawry yall TT) ! headcanons, character development and worldbuilding is also highly encouraged! activity is relaxed / low activity (hours to weeks) so it's usually snail mail on my end bc life responsibilities & general neurodivergency! my writing style is rapidfire/lazy lit to adv lit (novella is energy dependent), present/past tense & 3rd person, i can volley back & forth but it’s energy dependent, my wc range is 50-300+ words. i rp original characters & i'm open to canons & crossovers. also open to animanga faces as long as they have a real face counterpart! check my pinned for no-gos! as for ns//fw, it's not required but encouraged to double up! sawry fren but i don't want to be used for only my dom and/or top characters 😭
* if applicable, age gaps should be legal and ages should be at least 22/23+!!
tutor/babysitter x tutee/babysat child all grown up!
best friend’s relative x sibling’s best friend (ex. best friend’s brother x younger/older sibling, father's best friend x son, etc.)
stalker/killer x celebrity (or! yandere trope x classmates/friends to lovers)
uni teacher x uni teacher / rivals ! (or! uni professor x student)
toxic dynamic!! like on & off, flirting w/ others, hatesex, cheating?? but we can see!! obviously not all bad, like there's good moments too but i want angst hehe
anything band/musician/celeb based
anything supernatural/fantasy based
also i'm fine of any dynamic (strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. but i'm always down for any plot (dark or light themed) that features a enemies/rivals to lovers dynamic)
bts jungkook (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
mackenyu (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
txt hueningkai (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
svt seokmin (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
PAIRINGS I'D LIKE TO SEE HAPPEN: the ships and faces listed below are all pairings i'd like to see happen! italics + bold is who i’m rly interested to play !! face 1 / face 2 / etc. = face alts. for the ship. open to suggestions too but i do have a preference for said pairings!
xolo mariduena / colin ford / jacob elordi x bts jungkook
olliemuhl x bts jungkook
alex fitzalan x bts jungkook
archie madekwe / michael cimeno x bts jungkook
bill skarsgard x bts jungkook
andy biersack x bts jungkook
olliemuhl x mackenyu
alex fitzalan / drew starkey x mackenyu
taz skylar x mackenyu
tbz kevin / tbz chanhee x mackenyu
andy biersack x mackenyu
drew starkey x txt hueningkai
nct jisung / nct haechan x txt hueningkai
aron piper x txt hueningkai
tbz sunwoo / xdh jooyeon x txt hueningkai
andy biersack x txt hueningkai
svt jeonghan x svt seokmin
nct jaehyun / astro eunwoo x svt seokmin
josha stradowski x svt seokmin
wolfgang novogratz / rudy pankow x svt seokmin
+ any 30s/40s males for any age gap plots x jungkook/mackenyu/hueningkai/seokmin (see bullet point for suggestions)
manny jacinto, lee pace, sen mitsuji, hayden christiansen, freddy stroma, theo james, manish dayal, shah rukh khan, ok taecyeon, gong yoo, eric dane, idris elba, dwayne johnson, shahid kapoor, colin firth, joe manganiello, oscar isaac, chase crawford, cody fern, winston duke, michael trevino, alexander skarsgard, zane holtz, michael b. jordan, akshay kumar, jeremy strong, glen powell
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fertilefemme · 1 month ago
if you support israel, do not touch this blog ❤︎
formerly @airheadfemme, but tumblr hates me and terminated my account, so here we go again!
my wonderful friend and mutual @gothcoffins and i have a very lovely discord server if anyone would like to join (must be a 20+ year old femme4butch lesbian)!
about me:
~ 22 years old
~ white and transmisogyny exempt
~ ofos nonbinary high femme lesbian
~ very happily taken by @mistlestonebutch ❤︎
~ submissive to a fault, but experimenting more with my dominant side
~ fat, disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent (adhd, autistic, bipolar)
~ i use they/them pronouns with everyone except my butch, who i prefer to refer to me using she/her pronouns
~ i love getting asks, and i will do my best to answer all of them in a timely manner, but i sometimes struggle with severe brain fog and it can make typing well written responses very hard. if you see me active on here, but i haven't answered your ask yet, that's probably why!
~ due to the aforementioned brain fog, i often make a lot of original posts on days when i'm feeling well, and they end up either queued or in my drafts until i decide to post them.
dni, tags, kinks, limits, and more under the cut
do not interact if you are:
~ a minor
~ a man (cis or trans)
~ an ed or feeder blog
~ a defender of "bisexual lesbians" or anything similar
~ someone who believes that nonlesbians can use the terms dyke, butch, or femme
~ someone who believes that nonblack nonlesbians can use the terms stud, fish, and stem(me)
~ a defender of harmful "kinks" such as ag*play/ddlg, r*pe (anything beyond dubious consent), inc*st, "orientation play"/corrective r*pe, r*ce play, etc
~ a racist, zionist (two staters included), transmisogynist (this includes terfs, ppl who believe in "transandrophobia", ppl who think trans men can be lesbians, etc), fatphobic person, or any other sort of bigot that i may have forgotten to put
my tags:
#the airhead speaks - my original posts
#my good butch ❤︎ - posts (including rbs) about domming
#taking notes - posts i want to look at again later
#🛡️- posts that remind me of my butch (bc they're my knight and i'm their princess ❤︎)
#beloved femmes ❤︎ - typically just pictures of femmes that i think are gorgeous (all compliments are platonic)
#my pics - idk p self explanatory but the few times i post pictures they'll be here
#ask me things! - ask games and prompts
#answered things - all of my answered asks
~ praise
~ bondage
~ choking
~ breeding
~ blasphemy
~ corruption
~ possession
~ degradation
~ hair pulling
~ play fighting
~ objectification
~ overstimulation
~ regency/royalty
~ dubious consent
~ butch patriarchy
~ light impact play
~ exhibitionism (in theory)
~ dumbification/bimboification
~ intox (i rarely post ab it though)
~ free use (in an explicitly consensual way)
~ calling my butch daddy (as a title, mostly in the context of breeding)
~ roleplay (usually experienced dyke + innocent church girl, cocky tutor + airhead tutee, "bad boy"/loner butch + cheerleader, boss + maid, and other/potentially more embarrassing stuff)
~ anal
~ scat, blood, piss, etc
~ the harmful "kinks" referenced in my dni
if you add anything to my post that makes me uncomfortable (including mentioning one of my limits* in the tags), i will instantly block you.
*this excludes an*l as i'm aware that many people can only experience penetration anally, but please use as vague of phrasing as possible (ex: using the term "hole" rather than anything more descriptive)
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teacupsandcyanide · 2 years ago
how to customise your blog from within the app
With the whole Twitter exploding into a million tiny pieces situation we’re seeing a lot of people who haven’t been around for a good while or are completely/mostly new to Tumblr, and I’ve been seeing a lot of posts from regular tumblrinas saying “please change from the default icon and settings, you look like a bot”. I’ve been wanting to make some posts about fun ways to customise your tumblr experience and I thought I’d start with a basic bitch tutorial on what you can customise from within the app.
To give the app version of your blog the equivalent of a sick new haircut, go to the lil guy who lives in the bottom right? (?? I think it’s the right. I have dyscalculia but I promise I’m otherwise mostly reliable) side of your dash. Give him a smack on his phat bald head to gain entry to your profile page. Then go to the paint palette icon at the top of your profile.
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From here you can change four five things:
Your blog title. This is different from your url and it doesn’t have to match your url or be unique, unless you personally feel the need to be unique. You can change it by tapping it to start editing; when you do you’ll see three menus come up. “Title” is where you change what the title is. “Font” allows you to select a font and some of the fonts have a bolded option. “Colour” will give you a colour sampler to pick a colour from. You don’t have to have a title and you can turn it off under the “font” menu, but having one will make it clearer that you aren’t a bot, especially if you don’t choose “sexyangiebabymilf6969” for your title.
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Your bio. I have a Van Gogh quote because I have a separate about page*, so I’m fine letting my bio just be a faintly pretentious smudge of mystique. Other people will often have whatever name they go by online, their pronouns, and sometimes their age and what their main interests are, eg fandom, hobbies, special interests, you know, the neurodiverse slut stuff. People also put links there sometimes using html coding*, like the kids put their caard and some people put ko-fi. You can change your bio by tapping on it to edit. You don’t have to have a bio and can turn it off, but if you have one people will be much less likely to think you’re a bot, and they’ll get some vague idea of who you are and what content you like to paste into your online scrapbook.
Your blog background colour. This can be changed by tapping on the “background” button.
Your accent colour. This can be changed by tapping on the “accent” button.
Your header image. This can be changed by tapping on your header, and you’re able to zoom into a chosen picture to or drag it to reposition. You can also turn off your header or choose whether or not to stretch the image to the necessary size.
Your icon/avatar. This can be changed by tapping on the icon. You can choose to hide your avatar on your profile (it will still be visible on the dash), and select a square or round frame.
Extra note on colour customising. You can pick out a truly custom colour by messing about with the slider and colour sampler, but if you want quick and easy or you’re shite at colour sampling you can click on the circles of colour above the slider to see a range of different preset shades, including greyscale. Each circle has a range of a few pages you can swipe through. If they all turn out to be shite you can go back to the slider by clicking the rainbow circle.
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Each time you change an aspect of your profile and are satisfied with it, hit “update” up in the corner before moving to the next thing. Once all the edits are made save them by hitting “save”, also in the upper corner.
Resources for headers and icons can be found by looking through the “headers” and “icons” tags. Please follow the rules of the people who make and share those (they’re usually just “don’t claim it’s your edit, don’t repost, and leave a like or reblog” but each person has their own). I’d also recommend image searching for patterns, as you can tile your header if you use a seamless pattern image, and looking through livejournal for icons (again, please follow creator rules, icons take time to make).
*This post is hopefully a precursor to a post or numerous posts about how you can customise your blog outside the app appearance, including adding pages and using coding to put links wherever you want, and I plan to link to more resources for customisation in said post/s. When/if I get around to writing that I’ll drop a link in a comment or reblog of this post.
Godspeed, have fun finding out how much of the bee movie script you can fit in your bio I remain ever faithfully yours etc
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