121 posts
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winfleure · 3 months ago
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009 :: FAITH
i've been starting to feel the summer heat, so why not create something a lil' refreshing? faith is tropical mixed with a little bit of y2k goodness. everything's made in drawings so EVERYTHING is completely editable and customizable ( even the fruits! ). she's bright, easy to edit, and definitely looks a bit edible!
how to use :
— go to file & select make a copy.
— don't remove or modify the credit.
— before using, turn off the ability to make a copy.
— likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
how to edit :
— edit however you want, but some elements will get moved if you go beyond the text amount.
— what you'll receive upon purchasing is a pdf file with the link and other detailed instructions on how to use. 
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winfleure · 3 months ago
⚠️ i'll be replying to dms regarding the plotting post later on this week !! sawry for the delay yall !!
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winfleure · 3 months ago
been obsessed w/ different types of worldbuilding so if you’re a certified™ yapper who likes to worldbuild, headcanon, make boards & playlists & gush abt ur chars & ships like me, hmu !!! under the cut is more info abt me & my style !! also many options can be combined too !!
general plots:
medieval / modern/slice of life fantasy (ex. frieren, the hobbit, etc.)
supernatural (can be integrated w/ human society or just their own)
mythology (reincarnated?)
bands/musicians/actors/influencers/celebs universe
crime/mafia/assassins/corruption universe
(slice of life) utopian/dystopian/cyberpunk/sci-fi/horror-esque apocalypse
murder mystery-inspired universe!!! (ex. only murders in the building, clue)
traveling circus troupe! (modern or historical/supernatural) (ex. cirque du soleil)
fandom settings:
pokemon setting
hp/hogwarts-golden trio setting (anti j.k.r)
one piece setting
genshin impact setting
boku no hero / my hero academia academia setting
manhwa webcomics setting (esp. isekai, superpowers, climbing the tower subgenre)
iyashikei/slice of life genre (ex. aria the animation, yokohama shopping log)
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hiya! i’m VI! 25+, s/her, pst! i’m looking for 21+ (prefer 23+) long-term discord rpers who are interested in writing queer & possibly mature rps! if interested, pls do like this message, reply to me and/or dm me (either here or discord - eboyzoro / i'm more active on discord). open to ongoing partners & new partners raHHH ^3^
rating: 3/3/3
some genres i enjoy are: action, adventure, alternative universe, apocalypse, bands/celebrities, comedy, crime, detective, fairytales, fandom, fantasy, horror, magical, mystery, romance, cyberpunk/science fiction, slice of life, soulmates, superpowers, supernatural, thriller & more
some dynamics i enjoy: familial, platonic, romantic, sexual, antagonistic // friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, roommates/coworkers to lovers, enemies/rivals to lovers // angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, slow burn & nsfw (w/ plot ofc!) i have some ❌ no banned faces except for the regular criteria (ask if unsure!) also not into, noncon, incest, physical abuse, pregnancy but i am 👌 with: cnc/cdc, toxic relationships, power imbalances, and (short-medium) age gaps
faces: have premade ocs on rotation but open to creating more! most the fcs i use are musician/kidol fcs but i also use actor fcs as well!
shipping: m/m & f/f only! prefer to double up but not necessary
open to: ocs, canons and crossovers! also open to animanga faces as long as they have a real face counterpart! additionally i'm open to animanga oc x oc queer romantic/sexual and/or platonic/familial/antagonistic (any pairing) plots!
i enjoy: * talking & yapping & being friends ooc !! headcanons, char/ship dev, worldbuilding, pinterest/spotify, fun tingz
activity: relaxed/low/sporadic, energy/time dependent, hours to weeks but i'll let you know if i'm not feeling a thread/plot anymore
plotting style: * mutual !! plotting/brainstorming
writing style: 50-300+ wc, 3rd person, past/present tense
discord style: i use private servers & tupperbox, i use bold+italics for text formatting, i dont use gifs but idm if u do
* i want us BOTH to be engaged / interested ooc & ic otherwise i lose muse / interest in our rps, sawry yall but this is absolute for me!
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winfleure · 4 months ago
Reblog  this  post  to  let  your  followers  know  you're  fine  with  being  tagged  in  random  starters.  Additionally,  reblog  this  post  if  you're  all  right  with  being  sent  old memes,  no  matter  how long ago you reblogged them.
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winfleure · 4 months ago
a plot where two people are " secret friends ", meaning that, for some reason, they only hang out when no one is looking. they go on dinner dates in unpopular restaurants, they go on late night walks in the park, they go to coffee shops none of their friends know, they watch movies in theaters in the other side of town, so no one sees them. but it evolves into something more, and they start questioning why they're doing all of that in secret.
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winfleure · 4 months ago
some yearning/pining plots i’ve been obsessed w/ lately….. 
she’s been watching a lot of slice of life/shojo anime so i don’t wanna hear it :’ ) 
( mutuals only: PLS feel free to dm me if one calls out to u !!! literally i’m ready to read it and weep )
☼ childhood sweethearts reunited except muse a was the one in love with muse b growing up while muse b dated muse a’s best friend !!!!!! like they literally resigned themselves to being the permanent third wheel ( sounding board for both of them, couples therapist, maybe even in their wedding party depending on the muses ??? ) but now muse b and the bestie are divorced/broken up and both seeking comfort and even tho muse a is still friends with the ex they cant help but shoot their shot with muse b ???? right ????
☼ mentor x mentee ship except for the longest time its just the mentee pining while the mentor sees them as more of a kid sibling ???  but then something happens or time passes and suddenly they start to see their mentee as a ~ romantic interest ~ and are v fucked up abt it !!! and maybe the mentee has moved on or maybe they’re still pining but their mentor is as confusing as always xxx
☼ i love a raincloud x sunshine ship where the sunshine muse is positive that they’re slowly chipping away at the ice around raincloud’s heart just for the walls to go up again and discourage them but it iS actually working and lil raincloud is fighting for their LIFEEEEE
☼ ice prince(ss) who thinks they’re incapable of love and the golden retriever who sees the good in them anyway :’ ) obvi with lots of angst with the retriever trying to get them to lighten up and the ice prince(ss) trying to drive them away so they don’t get hurt !!!!!!! we love an angst of misunderstanding
☼ i’m so obsessed w/ the idea of two people who are clearly in love with each other but their pride is getting in the way so they’re trying to get the other person to admit their feelings first………………… idk it just hits y’all the psychological warfare is g o l d !!!!
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winfleure · 4 months ago
muse a gets turned into a vampire and their best friend, muse b, takes it upon themselves to learn everything their is to know about vampires in an effort to help them adjust to their new life and maybe they've secretly been pining after each other this whole time
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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okay  so  i  had  to  type  it  before  i  forget  it.
a  witness  protection  couple??  like  they  could  be  total  strangers,  exes,  friends,  ect.  but  they  both  could  have  witnessed  a  crime  (  that  could  or  could  not  be  related!  )  so  they  get  paired  in  witness  protection,  and  living  far  from  what  they  could  remember  about  their  old  lives.  having  new  identities  and  given  certain  restrictions.  bonus  points  if  it's  and  older  pairing.
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .  eternal sunshine plots part i // plots based off ariana grande's album eternal sunshine
intro (end of the world) // muse a contemplates the nature of their relationship with muse b. the internal struggle of deciphering the authenticity of their connection becomes a lingering question. muse a confronts muse b about the feelings they are facing. muse a and muse b must face the reality of their connection, they must decide if they want to continue their journey together. muse a and muse b engage in a deep, moonlit conversation where both share their fears, insecurities, and dreams. the vulnerability of this exchange reveals the cracks in their relationship. whether they decide to continue or part ways, they both find solace in the honesty shared and the growth that comes from facing difficult questions about love, connection, and the uncertainties that tomorrow may bring. bye //  muse a bravely ends a tumultuous relationship with their ex. gathering their belongings, muse a declares the closure, affirming it's over. resolute and emotionally drained, they resist succumbing to sadness, drowning out the sorrow with music. leaving their ex behind in the driveway, muse a walks towards their friend, muse b ,and embraces the bittersweet moment, marking the beginning of a journey toward self-discovery and healing. don't wanna break up again //  muse a and muse b confront the recurring pain in their strained relationship. muse a, recognizing their own intensity, decides to end the toxic situationship to spare them both from further heartache. despite the initial resistance, muse b eventually agrees. muse a and muse b lay with the bittersweet acknowledgment of breaking up to protect each other's hearts. As they part ways, the weight of the decision lingers, marking the inevitable end of their tumultuous connection. saturn returns interlude //  muse a, living a carefree life, and muse b, a more grounded individual, face a pivotal moment as they approach their late twenties. the saturn cycle, symbolizing a wake-up call to reality, hits muse a hard. muse b, embodying saturn's wisdom, confronts muse a about the need to get real about life and discover their true self. This symbolic clash between carefree optimism and saturn's influence becomes a transformative moment, prompting muse a and muse b to embark on a journey of self-discovery and confront the challenges of adulthood. eternal sunshine //  muse a expresses frustration with muse b's repeated lies, acknowledging the toxic loop they're caught in. both play out separate scenes with new partners, highlighting the aftermath of their broken bond. muse a apologizes for their faults, finding solace in a new relationship, yet muse b's presence remains a haunting eternal sunshine. the emotional turmoil intensifies, with both grappling with the weight of the past. despite the pain, muse a finds themselves wanting to get back with muse b, leaving both their new partners in the dark.  supernatural //  muse a and muse b have been coworkers for a bit and share a captivating moment on a starlit rooftop during a company party. muse a expresses a longing for a unique connection, and muse b is equally captivated. the enchanting atmosphere intensifies their emotions, making their bond feel supernatural.
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winfleure · 4 months ago
ik i literally posted another post previously (do check that out too, it's mxm centric ^3^) but i always have an insatiable amt of muse for a.riana g.rande 😭 so if you're interested in m/f and/or f/f mature discord 1x1 rps, pls like / reply / dm me if you'd like to do a plot together ! my discord handle is eboyzoro if you'd rather reach me out there (i'm more active there n_e_wayz) !!   — permanent call !
i'm open to playing the bottom or top role and doubling up isnt necessary but highly encouraged as i lowkey don't wanna be used for my males / tops 😭 ! also small tidbit! i have an ariana oc that is versatile/bottom leaning + switch with men (general (fem)dom / pegging themes are very ok w/ me!) && bottom + switch/sub-leaning with women so i'm writing the pairing list keeping that in mind!
desired plot genres range from: slice of life, celeb, crime, supernatural, modern/historical fantasy, dystopian/utopian/cyberpunk, fandom/anime/manga setting/world aus and more — we can come up w/ ideas or i can look through your plots tag! i enjoy fluff, angst, smut! and i'm okay with toxic relationships, power imbalances & age gaps!
i'm low/relaxed activity (3rd person, present/past tense, 50-300+wc), i love worldbuilding / hcing / ooc chatter / pinterest + spotify & general char/ship dev!! open to canons, crossovers & animated faces (as long as they have a real life counterpart!). check out pinned for no-gos and other info!
down below, i'm italicizing pairings i rly want but honestly any pairing on this list is a win for me !!
fxm ( top x bottom format ) / ag dom
ariana x colin ford — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x freddy stroma — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x hanbin (zb1) — general (fem)dom themes && pegging themes !
ariana x jisung (nct) — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x jungkook (bts) — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
ariana x kevin (tbz) — general (fem)dom themes but not necessarily pegging (unless you'd like to include that!)
ariana x mackenyu — general (fem)dom themes && pegging themes !
ariana x mike faist — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
ariana x woo dohwan — pegging themes preferred / she'll be the "top" !
mxf ( top x bottom format ) / ag sub-lean
alex fitzalan x ariana
andy biersack x ariana
archie reneaux x ariana
bill skarsgard x ariana
brian altemus x ariana
casey deidrick x ariana
dev patel x ariana
drew starkey x ariana
glenn powell x ariana
gong yoo x ariana
haechan (nct) x ariana
jeonghan (svt) x ariana
jeremy strong x ariana
jimin (bts) x ariana
john boyega x ariana
juyeon (tbz) x ariana
kedar williams stirling x ariana
kihyun (mx) x ariana
manish dayal x ariana
manny jacinto x ariana
mason gooding x ariana
oscar isaac x ariana
park seojoon x ariana
winston duke x ariana
xiao zhan x ariana
yoongi (bts) x ariana
zane holtz x ariana
fxf ( top x bottom format ) / ag sub-lean
anya chalotra x ariana
camila mendes x ariana
chaewon (lsfrm) x ariana
dianna agron x ariana
doja cat x ariana
dua lipa x ariana
emily rudd x ariana
ester exposito x ariana
gemma chan x ariana
jennie (bp) x ariana
jihyo (twice) x ariana
jung hoyeon x ariana
karina (aespa) x ariana
kim seo hyung x ariana
kim soyeon x ariana
kwon eunbi x ariana
lim jiyeon x ariana
madelaine petsch x ariana
madelyn cline x ariana
madison beer x ariana
megan thee stallion x ariana
naomi scott x ariana
nayeon (twice) x ariana
normani x ariana
priscilla quintana x ariana
sabrina carpenter x ariana
shay mitchell x ariana
seol inah x ariana
sza x ariana
rhea ripley x ariana
rosamund pike x ariana
ruby cruz x ariana
zendaya x ariana
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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♡ ARIANA GRANDE wicked promo
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winfleure · 4 months ago
i feel like no face w/ the way i'm hungry for more threads 😭 sm*utfishin' & face/shipchasin' here! u know da drill folks! also as a general psa, i'm not dropping any rps i've got so far, i just want more rps 😭
i’m a 25+F tumblr/discord rper currently interested in mxm, fxf & mxf (but it's muse dependent) potentially dark, mature rps on D*SCORD only!
formatting is v familiar to my last post but the content changed a bit so do take a look!!
please message me on d*scord (eboyzoro) if you're interested in the plots/faces/pairings!
i’m VI ! twenty5+ & s/her ! i’m looking for twenty1+ (prefer twenty3+) rpers on D*SCORD (eboyzoro) ! i prefer chatting / being friends ooc as i’m a yapper (obvs we don’t need to talk 24/7 but my muse / interest dies down if there’s dry/short responses sawry yall TT) ! headcanons, character development and worldbuilding is also highly encouraged! activity is relaxed / low activity (hours to weeks) so it's usually snail mail on my end bc life responsibilities & general neurodivergency! my writing style is rapidfire/lazy lit to adv lit (novella is energy dependent), present/past tense & 3rd person, i can volley back & forth but it’s energy dependent, my wc range is 50-300+ words. i rp original characters & i'm open to canons & crossovers. also open to animanga faces as long as they have a real face counterpart! check my pinned for no-gos! as for ns//fw, it's not required but encouraged to double up! sawry fren but i don't want to be used for only my dom and/or top characters 😭
* if applicable, age gaps should be legal and ages should be at least 22/23+!!
tutor/babysitter x tutee/babysat child all grown up!
best friend’s relative x sibling’s best friend (ex. best friend’s brother x younger/older sibling, father's best friend x son, etc.)
stalker/killer x celebrity (or! yandere trope x classmates/friends to lovers)
uni teacher x uni teacher / rivals ! (or! uni professor x student)
toxic dynamic!! like on & off, flirting w/ others, hatesex, cheating?? but we can see!! obviously not all bad, like there's good moments too but i want angst hehe
anything band/musician/celeb based
anything supernatural/fantasy based
also i'm fine of any dynamic (strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. but i'm always down for any plot (dark or light themed) that features a enemies/rivals to lovers dynamic)
bts jungkook (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
mackenyu (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
txt hueningkai (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
svt seokmin (open to rping as / against this face — mxm, bottom position)
PAIRINGS I'D LIKE TO SEE HAPPEN: the ships and faces listed below are all pairings i'd like to see happen! italics + bold is who i’m rly interested to play !! face 1 / face 2 / etc. = face alts. for the ship. open to suggestions too but i do have a preference for said pairings!
xolo mariduena / colin ford / jacob elordi x bts jungkook
olliemuhl x bts jungkook
alex fitzalan x bts jungkook
archie madekwe / michael cimeno x bts jungkook
bill skarsgard x bts jungkook
andy biersack x bts jungkook
olliemuhl x mackenyu
alex fitzalan / drew starkey x mackenyu
taz skylar x mackenyu
tbz kevin / tbz chanhee x mackenyu
andy biersack x mackenyu
drew starkey x txt hueningkai
nct jisung / nct haechan x txt hueningkai
aron piper x txt hueningkai
tbz sunwoo / xdh jooyeon x txt hueningkai
andy biersack x txt hueningkai
svt jeonghan x svt seokmin
nct jaehyun / astro eunwoo x svt seokmin
josha stradowski x svt seokmin
wolfgang novogratz / rudy pankow x svt seokmin
+ any 30s/40s males for any age gap plots x jungkook/mackenyu/hueningkai/seokmin (see bullet point for suggestions)
manny jacinto, lee pace, sen mitsuji, hayden christiansen, freddy stroma, theo james, manish dayal, shah rukh khan, ok taecyeon, gong yoo, eric dane, idris elba, dwayne johnson, shahid kapoor, colin firth, joe manganiello, oscar isaac, chase crawford, cody fern, winston duke, michael trevino, alexander skarsgard, zane holtz, michael b. jordan, akshay kumar, jeremy strong, glen powell
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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can u believe she exists
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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JENNIE / Mantra @ Music Core (241019)
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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winfleure · 4 months ago
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HEESEUNG 'XO (Only If You Say Yes)' MV
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