#tumblr is queerphobic
kinghijinx22 · 1 year
Top 5 Canonical Pansexual Characters
So I recently made a post about why one of my all time favourite characters Mae Borowski from Night in the Woods is amazing pansexual representation and how the way her feelings are portrayed felt very accurate to my own. In that post I also said that there isn't enough pan rep, which is true and to prove my point I made a list of the only 5 undeniably canon pansexual characters I know of also 2 of them are from Steven Universe which is almost cheating to pull examples from. This is my ranking of all 5 of those characters based on how good they are as rep because I thought this would be a fun list to make and it's still Pride Month so yeah.
5. Willow Park (the Owl House)
So the Owl House is my favourite thing out of all the things mentioned on this list and Willow is my second favourite character here overall, but the way her being pan is handled is non existent in the show. There is nothing that even hints at it and Dana Terrace only announcing after the show seems disingenuous. I'm not too mad because the show already has plenty of queer rep that is fleshed out and sincere, but in the case of Willow it feels like Dana trying to retroactively cover all her basis. Besides this Willow is still a great character though, very likable, plant magic is cool and she has a great arc of finding her confidence and following her passion for sports.
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4. Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
An incredibly complex character that people with no media literacy love to hate. The idea that you witness her redemption character arc in reverse and how you only have word of mouth and flashbacks to go off of because she's actually dead throughout the whole show is kind of genius. As pan rep though, her orientation is left pretty vague. Like we know that she loved Greg and that Pearl loved her but whether Rose reciprocated Pearl's feelings is never answered. It's implied that she might have been polyamorous with a bunch of people and that it included Pearl but then Rose decided that she want a monogamous relationship with Greg and that's why Pearly became jealous of him. But again this is never explored beyond very vague hints.
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3. Sadie Miller (Steven Universe)
Most likeable human character from Steven Universe and easily one of the best side characters. I like her arc of really finding herself throughout the show like when she quits her excruciating job at the Big Doughnut and discovers her passion for singing. She also discovers who she likes throughout the show when she is shown crushing on guys, gals and nonbinary pals throughout the show, eventually settling down with her enby partner Shep. While Shep is only in one episode near the end of the show they are pretty cool and they are really cute with Sadie as a couple.
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2. Finn McNamara (Life is Strange 2)
This one is kind of weird to me because while I do like Finn overall and can sympathise with his backstory, the fact that they lock his romance with Sean behind making some morally bad decisions does have some pretty messed up implications behind it. Because there are 2 romance options in Life is Strange 2 between a girl named Cassidy and a guy name Finn and they make the Cassidy romance the one that's easier to get because it just shows up when you choose not to rob the weed farm guys, meanwhile you have to choose to go with Finn to use Daniel's powers to help them with the heist. Now the weed farm guys are assholes and you do need the money and Finn does have some good motivations, but he's also thinking selfishly and putting Sean's brother Daniel in danger and teaching him to use his telekinesis powers to get what he wants. By locking the same sex romance option behind the morally bad decision you are tying queerness to inherent deviance which sucks. Having said that, Finn does have a sympathetic backstory of being homeless after being used and betrayed by his father in his own drug business and I do believe he does want to make life better for his friends. Also the way that him being pansexual specifically is explained in the game is a very accurate portrayal. When Sean asks him who he likes Finn replies with "I don't see gender, I see people", which shows that Finn is genderblind when it comes to his orientation which has always been a pretty good way of explaining what being pan is like. I appreciate Finn for being overt Pansexual rep, the only dude pansexual rep as well and he is a likeable character overall even if his romance path carries some problematic implications when you compare it to the same sex option with Cassidy.
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Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
One of the best protagonists from one of my favourite games. I love how nonconforming Mae is in every sense of the word. She's openly queer and refuses to conform to societies gender expectations. She's a cool cat person who plays bass in a band with her friends. Always speaks her mind, does what she wants and is unapologetically herself. Also an incredibly nice person at heart even if her bluntness and inability to read the room sometimes leads to some not great situations. A heavily flawed but still amazing character. She also happens to be pan which is very accurately portrayed throughout the story which I wrote a post about. To summarize, she explicitly states in one scene that she doesn't care about the gender of a person but she just wants to date someone that is tough and cool and "GRRR." There's a bunch of other stuff that she says throughout the game but it's also revealed that she has an ex who is a guy named Cole and she develops intimate feelings for a girl she meets at a party known as "Bombshell." Mae is an amazing character who I deeply relate to on a lot of levels and also admire for her ability to be herself and not care what other people think.
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Reposting this to fight back against Tumblr's homophobic attack on my account that got my last post labelled as "mature." You are not going to outlaw my existence. Pansexual people exist, we derserve to exist just as much as the straights and we will fight back against your fascist regime. I will repost this as many times as I need to show them that their genocide tactics will not succeed.
21/07/2023 edit: Tumblr finally did the right thing and removed the Mature label from the original post but I'm still keeping this up as a reminder that they did it in the first place and that even this site has issues with trying to erase the existence of queer people. We don't deserve to be hidden and labelled as not safe for public eyes.
Picture sources
Mae Borowski - yorunowaltz on Tumblr
Finn McNamara - all ya faves are gay, matey on Tumblr
Sadie Miller - editsteven on Tumblr
Rose Quartz - Your Fave Loves And Supports LGBT+ People on Tumblr
Willow Park - (1) Daily LGBTQ+ Characters on Tumblr
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tangibletechnomancy · 2 years
One big point where I find people talking past each other in the AI art debate is that in art, there are a lot of things that aren't illegal - and shouldn't be - but are rude.
It's not illegal to use a sample of someone's copyrighted material in a sufficiently transformative way, and it should never become so. I could photomanipulate an image of Mickey Mouse into a landscape if I wanted and sell it as a print and not even Disney could stop me. It never has been illegal to do this. It never SHOULD be. If it was, we'd start seeing a ton of SLAPP suits over vaguely similar poses because...hey, guess what, referencing is using someone's copyrighted material in a transformative way. We all recognize the idea of trying to copyright a pose or sue someone for using a similar color palette to you or for looking at your art as inspiration as patently absurd - so much so that it's regularly brought up as a bad-faith argument in other copyright discussions! - but imagine if someone could. Disney sure as hell would - imagine no longer being able to write about public domain fairy tales because you publicly mentioned you liked the Disney movie about the same fairy tale once. That is what you're opening the door for when you try to manage the dataset ethics issue by copyright law.
However, on the other side...it's still really fucking rude to use someone's work in a transformative way outside of the bounds of 1) what is broadly socially permitted, and 2) what that artist requests.
Even though it would be decidedly not illegal for me to go and copy-paste a single pixel from a dozen other people's work into a canvas of my own and make my own piece out of it using only the scale, copy-paste, and smudge tools, it still has the potential to be extremely rude depending on who I'm taking it from and why. I'd love to do a piece like this to open a dialogue on how transformative a piece must be to no longer constitute "stealing", but I'm not going to sample those pixels from small-time illustrators who are already scared for what sampling could do to their livelihoods as a "ha ha~ I took your wo-ork and you ca-an't stop me~" because that would be incredibly fucking rude, well beyond the level of emotional impact needed to make the statement.
Image synthesis is, unquestionably, transformative enough to constitute fair use under current copyright law, and any amendment to the law that would make it not so opens the door to far more harm than it would ever prevent - but, as it transitions from being a fun scientific novelty to an actual useful product, it becomes rude at best to ignore artists' wishes in model training. In fact, it becomes rude on a level that may be best managed with privacy laws, since, let's face it, there are a lot of entities out there that not only don't CARE about not being extremely rude, but REVEL in being jackasses because the law can't stop them (looking at you, Unstable Diffusion).
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
The worst part of being bisexual is people thinking I only date men and women. When I say I also date other genders besides men and women, people I'm told I must be pan. They focus to much on the prefix bi meaning two.
Weird comparison: Guinea pigs are not actually pigs from guinea. Sometimes names are misleading.
Despite the prefix I can date all genders.
I also hate fighting with pan people. Are sexualities are similar yet distinct. I just want to get along and fight queerphobes together.
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cemetaryvampire · 2 months
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No thank you tumblr dot com
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sillysapphillean · 10 days
It's rly disheartening that some queer people will unironically go "trans women may not be predatory men in dresses who are invading women's spaces, because they're actually women, but the actual men that wear dresses, oh those are perverse pedophiles trying to claim queer opression and invade women's spaces"
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lapsed-lys · 4 months
I'm tired of the staff flooding my For You page with transphobic FART stuff, so here, take my HRT transition paper we gave me during my 2-3h long first appointment (translated from French by yours truly) where I was told all I needed to know after:
Getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis.
Getting a record of my gender dysphoria history.
Having seen my therapist for so long (8 years) that we could discard other issues.
Socially transitionning before taking on HRT.
Please note that this is a translation from French of my own endocrinologist's papers and information she shared with me. If you wish to start HRT, please speak to an endocrinologist specialised in it so that you get the care your own body specifically can tolerate.
This is NOT meant to be professional advice,
but rather a response to the transphobic misinformation about hormonal transition.
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Hey staff? Stop promoting misinformation and explicitely showing FART posts and blogs to this trans guy's dashboard.
May your crops wither,
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reluctantbylerblog · 1 year
they really have the gall to say they aren’t biased against byler when these are their reactions to both of these posts:
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like c’mon bffr
#byler#not gonna tag this as anti m*leven because the last time i did that my post ended up on the actual m*leven tag#so tumblr clearly can't be trusted#but lol I don't much care for m*levin romantically but it just blows my mind how…#idk…let's say…passionate the st subreddit is about ensuring it's sanctity#like they're always like ‘i have no problem with people who ship byler my problem is with people who want mike to break up with el for him’#and idk it all just seems like a cover for what the actual problem you have against byler:#it's a gay ship involving a character you've projected all your straight fantasies onto (mike) and you feel that#because byler shippers ‘force’ people to admit it will be canon#it says something about your own sexuality#like please touch some grass and work on your homophobia because you can relate to a character who is gay#it's okay#you're not going to magically turn gay if mike ends up being gay#now I'm not saying byler shippers are all little angels btw#(we could probably do better if we just focused on enjoying the ship and the characters instead of arguing with homophobes)#but i definitely think the hate towards byler shippers is queerphobic (it's no secret most of us are queer in some way or another)#where the hate towards m*levin shippers (simply by the fact that it's a straight ship) is just not#and no I don't buy the argument that it's misogynist to want mike to leave el#(as if el's character arc hasn't been intrinsically tied to how misogyny and heteronormativity are#tied together under oppressive systems like the patriarchy#and that her idea of romance and boyfriends under it has been harmful to her independence and sense of self)
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eddiegettingshot · 6 months
im sorry. im literally in tears (amused). literally spent the last like several days talking about how i think this character deserved a better bisexual arc than one that made him look like an immature child who would put hands on his loved ones without apologizing, because it's a story that should be told authentically and not for the sake of shock value. and because people are quite literally incapable of reading comprehension i am now a biphobe (?) what is happening rn
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cormancatacombs · 1 year
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Image ID: A set of tweets by Lady Alexis @StebMcDreb. They read:
“bidoof’s law doesn’t mean ‘your politics are invalid if you RT porn’ it’s specifically about the contrast of joyless chuds going on about degeneracy and the decline of art and western civilization and then the first thing on their page is ‘my sister’s armpits smell good!?!?!?’
for leftists, who typically subscribe more to supporting and uplifting sex workers and independent (mostly nsfw) queer creators, being horny on main is entirely consistent
if these are the tweets that push me over to 1700 I swear to fucking god”
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stressedjester · 4 days
There's a small subset of some people on here that need to realize not everyone hates them simply for being queer but rather because they're just a massive asshole
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shamelesslymkp · 9 months
some trans teens on tumblr thought it would be funny to do an entire disinfo campaign (sorry, a 'bit) claiming that neil gaiman came out as a trans woman named shirley i weep for fucking humanity
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vacueabissi · 2 months
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I am here and I am QUEER!!!!
DISCLAIMER: for those it may concern, all the badges I have on my blog have been claimed for free through various tumblr events. I just like the silly hats, forgive me.
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cooltuna69 · 2 months
Rant in tags
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immortalspacelesbian · 11 months
sigh here bg3 twitter goes with the lesbophobia… again.
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tenrose · 4 months
I saw someone under a post of the latest doctor who insta post replying to someone to "not bring race into something it has nothing to do with"?????
How the fuck do you watch something and understand absolutely nothing about it????
Do these sort of people need dialogues that goes like:
Character A: I'm a mean racist bitch
Character B: Oh no, I'm a victim of racism, it is bad!
I'm baffled. I mean it's not the first time I see something stupid like that because the piece of media wasn't written for a three years old toddler, mind you the toddler probably has more nuances than these people 💀
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k-wame · 9 months
THE AMOUNT OF SMUT I SEE COMING ACROSS MY DASH WHILE @staff IS FOREVER UP YOUR ASS JUST BECAUSE YOU TAG YOUR INNOCUOUS QUEER CONTENT 'QUEER' 'LGBT' & 'GAY'. I'M LEGIT MAD ON YOUR BEHALF. IM FUCKING SERIOUS. YOU ONLY POST ABOUT QUEER ROMANCE NOTHING RAUNCHY & PRETTY PEOPLE BEING PRETTY THEY SHOULDN'T BE THIS FOCUSED ON JUST YOU. THIS IS TARGETED AND YOU SHOULD SUE @staff I WILL CONTRIBUTE LEGAL FEES. I like getting recommended your posts I've missed and them nsfw-ing your blog keeps that from happening. Anyway sorry for screaming. But seriously consider legal action because whatever porn gifs you have in your archives before the ban went into effect is got nothing to do with you now ffs!
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