#tumblr has a serious issue with that spam accounts
ethien · 2 years
When you enter tumblr
In the Past: scrolling what you missed
In the Now: reporting and blocking the new followers bc all of them are spam/porn bots.
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aeyumicore · 29 days
Hello friends <3
Hi guys! I’m sure some may have noticed, but I have shadowbanned for the last few days. The ban has finally been resolved by Tumblr (it was triggered because I was messaging people who'd been interacting with my impersonator's posts, using a copy-pasted message, which was flagged as spam). 
I am also happy to share that the second impersonator blog @/aeyumiicore has been deleted.
I will be posting my Xavier fic in a few days, potentially maybe a week. I am so excited to share it with you guys, but I want to give myself some time just go back to normal, protect my peace. She’s been ready for quite some time, but I did not feel comfortable posting while I was shadowbanned, as the impersonator could more easily copy this one as their own, if my content was harder to find.
This trying time has shown me just how precious you guys are to me. Not only did you guys stand by me, but you took matters into your own hands to defend me. I truly don't deserve you guys. I love you with my entire heart.
I will be responding to asks soon <3 I just want to make sure this isn't buried just yet.
Now onto some serious business. 
In the days I’ve been shadowbanned I’ve had a lot of free time to do some sleuthing. I know exactly who you are, and others do too. And I have evidence, 26 pages of it to be exact.
If you do not LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. If I see one more impersonator/exposing account created, or any random accounts copying my fics, I will expose you. I could care less about exposing you, I just want you to LEAVE ME ALONE. I literally do not care about your main blog, I have no need to start a whole exposé. But I will if you don’t leave me alone. 
Don’t believe me? Take that chance. 
I already have the document with all the evidence written and ready to share, should you continue to harass me. Take your pick. 
For anyone else reading this who has supported and will continue to support me, I wish I could share the identity with you. Unfortunately at this point, I just want to be left alone. I don’t care to turn this into anything bigger than it already is. If they’re willing to leave me alone indefinitely, I am willing to let this issue rest.
Always do your own due-diligence. Be careful what you believe.
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yooniesim · 11 months
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this as a prime example of what is wrong with simblr (and tumblr in general). this ask was sent to me within like less than a day of that post about cf going up, while I was away for the weekend and not at pc for days. I did not even see the post until right before I got this ask. yall are so damn terminally online that you lost the gd plot and cannot comprehend someone not keeping their finger on the dying pulse of the performative activism headquarters of the internet. and you definitely can't comprehend waiting for complete info or maybe just a full day before starting some reactionary bs. just peeking in here since yesterday i see that simblr is yet again so hyped up on smelling its own farts that it's turned an issue of genocide into yet another dick measuring contest of who can reblog more posts than one another the fastest so they can look more empathetic and better than anyone else. and call themselves "real activists" for being able to click the reblog button. not to mention the usual spamming anons to random people minding their own business. yall are weird as fuck and need to get a firm grip on some grass. stop making the horrific suffering of others about yourselves for once.
that being said, let me get serious for the people on here that are actually normal. for those that don't know by now, this anon seems to be referencing this post about cf, which talks about overwolf (the company that owns curseforge) donating to the IDF. But I also found this tweet by OOP made after that post that explains they have since received DMs from Overwolf stating that they have shifted their relief efforts to aiding victims that have lost their homes from the Hamas terrorist attacks exclusively and do not fund the IDF. this is a much better cause as the victims of terrorism definitely deserve to be helped, and it makes sense they would do this as an Israeli company. The DMs also clarify that it is donation based and nothing uploaded to cf (cc/mods) contributes to this effort whatsoever. As well as Overwolf/Curseforge revenue in general. So simply using curseforge does not mean that you fund or endorse genocide. OOP calls their new efforts commendable in that tweet but I am still looking into and keeping an eye on this matter since, as we know, more information could come out later that contradicts this. And since I have been away im still catching up on everything that has been posted relating to cf.
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here are the pics for those that may not have Twitter. do I still support a boycott for those that want to? oh, absolutely. I know that many will still want to boycott regardless, and I'll be working to add alt links to my cc uploads as soon as possible (the ones that don't already have them) for those that don't want to use it. However, everyone I've seen wanting to boycott seems to want to do it because a) they believe overwolf is funding the IDF (apparently is not true) b) they believe having their uploads on cf or downloading from there will fund the IDF (apparently is not true) or c) overwolf itself is an Israeli company (is definitely true). therefore based on the new info we now have some may decide not to boycott after all or will still do so, it is a personal decision. will I be deleting my account there? for now, no.
to be completely honest, I'm in a really bad place financially right now, and while it isn't much, the little bit I get from cf downloads has been exclusively going towards my meds and dr appointment bills. I don't have the option right now to turn down the small amount of added income when I am currently living day to day, especially with the updated knowledge that simply having cc uploaded there does not contribute to their donation efforts in any way. I do not paywall my cc and never will and I do not ask for donations myself, so my options are somewhat limited. although I do not make cc with the aim of getting paid, I ultimately wouldn't be able to justify the sheer amount of time I spend on it if it wasn't helping me with my medical bills currently, as I am already caregiving with the majority of my time. I'm not reliant on cc making or cf to live, and I never want that to be the case god forbid, but in full transparency it is helping me with my healthcare expenses atm and I cannot afford to neglect my health anymore than I have. especially since, as established earlier, using cf does not contribute to the IDF in the first place. so I personally do not judge anyone that continues to use cf for this reason.
also, for the record so there is no confusion on my personal views, I fully support the freedom of Palestine and condemn genocide first and foremost, as well as terrorism and antisemitism. The current situation in Gaza is abhorrent and I encourage all my followers to not only reblog posts, but educate yourselves on the situation and bring it irl as you are able. Speak with the people you love as well as those you are acquainted with and bring this to this to their attention (if you feel safe to). Attend protests if you can. If you cannot, make the calls and emails to your representatives, sign petitions, and donate as you are able. I have been seeing that even spreading Palestinian culture among your loved ones and peers is helpful. So even if you are in a bad place mentally, that may be an option to spread the positive message of the Palestinian people in your everyday life. I'll be reblogging the posts I already did earlier and some new ones too so you can find those updated links. I will be tagging it with palestine so that it can be found easily on my page.
In addition, be kind. To others and yourself. Try to see the full damn picture instead of a snapshot. What someone posts on tumblr of all places does not reflect an entire person's being, or their efforts, or their heart. Yelling your head off on this dying website does not equal activism, and running your mental health into the ground taking on the weight of the world doesn't give you any more control over the issues we face- I learned that the hard fucking way, believe me. By all means share as much as you like, every bit helps (especially if you have a lot of followers), but keep in mind that it certainly doesn't make you better than anyone else. I know it's extremely difficult to feel helpless and you want to feel like you're doing something, but just make sure you're doing the right things for the right reasons. Please do not fucking attack random people for not responding within one business day of the latest info coming out. And take time away from all this shit to breathe. You can't help anyone if you're fucked up yourself. especially for those of us that already face discrimination and bigotry every day irl, I know it is exhausting. Remember to also care for yourselves through all this.
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capcavan · 10 months
Riko ship meta I could not spam the other day bc tumblr had stroke!
Riko/Renee Rinee
Renee would be first and only ever woman Riko is interested in, their relationship starts slow held back by Riko's inability to feel at ease in fox tower and distrust towards himself
Everyone labels the relationships as Renee taking in a pet project to fix while Riko is hungry for any sort of attention, only Kevin and Andrew see that it's beginning of something serious (if Riko will allow it to be) , because Andrew knows Renee and Kevin knows Riko
Renee can not cook meanwhile Riko's arm is broken and so he gets to teach her how to not fuck up pan cakes
Renee enjoys sparring with Riko, due to her past experience she does not feel comfortable with stronger men, knowing Rikos fighting style and knowing well that she could with with him in a fight calms down her anxieties, Riko is excellent boxer but when it comes to real fighting he has no chance against her.
in future when she's more comfortable and trusting of him she will teach him to better defend himself
She sees him as doberman with cropped tail and ears, going through life not understanding he had been mutilated.
Riko is not prepared for Renee to finish collage much sooner than he would the separation is extremely hard on him
Girl and boy, Riko is stay at home boywife, Renee plays exy for few seasons before retiring to enjoy home life. (i have way too many different head cannons about Riko's parenting and his issues with parenting sent asks])
they are soulmates they are always together no matter of au or story progression they always love each other in some way
Kevin dislikes seeing Riko move on and work on getting better, he is scared that there will be no place for Kevin beside new "fixed" Riko
Kevin is scared of future, and tends to romanticize their time at the nest finding comfort in time where he was the centre of Rikos universe
Riko is the one to drag Kevin to start therapy - they have group sessions
Riko gets king chess piece tattooed on ring finger , Kevin gets a cown
Size kink 100%, Riko does not realise Kevin likes how much shorter Riko is
very unhealthy but stabilizing with time reltionship
Riko seeks punishment for bad things he committed , and Jean is comfortable to provide them
Jean takes dominant role between the two Riko willingly gives everything away to him, he's too scared to be left alone
Jean knows broken bones hurt, but the tender pain of emotional distress is unmatched , he will make Riko taste both
Jean does not feel any pity for Riko, Riko does not want any pity
but after some times passes hurting is not as relieving any more and its time to care
Jeremy is one of not many people Riko is actually afraid (of course he is drawn to him)
Jeremy is son of politician and in the know about Moriyamas activities
Jeremy likes teasing Riko about his poor social status [being just moriyama family commodity rather than actual part of the power]
Riko entertains him mainly hoping the relationship might be useful for him in future
Nathaniel is little sadist he got it after his daddy, he loves using Riko as his canvas for cuts and scarification, most days he spends time modifying Rikos skin or tending to old cuts
Riko can't deny things to Nathaniel
Nicky is very active and always looking for partners whatever or not on the list or with Erik's approval
Riko enjoys teasing him
They really are not together, it's just a lot of teasing and Nicky wanting to get laid and everyone around making it into meme
Riko/Jack -Jack wants to be to Riko what Riko was to Kevin in nest
andrew is one of people who are very honest towards riko [openly tell him to fuck off] riko takes comfort in someone who is not trying to be nice/pity full towards him, he needs people to hold him accountable for things he done
riko learn to play the game by andrews rules not even interacting with andrew but seeing the way andrew interact with everyone, any time someone makes mistake riko sees? he uses it as occasion to never make this mistake himself
andrew is not amused, not mad either, there is some pleasure in knowing that someone is tailoring their personality to match all of his needs
andrew is the only person able to handle riko physically and set hard boundaries with him
after all the training he put into this dog he refuses to let anyone else have it
daddy issues
kevins daddy
authority and praise
I'm insane about them
aaron is cute smart and pretty and likes being told so, he also looks extremely good next to renee so that's perfect ot3
Size kink now Riko understands why Kevin thought him being short is hot
Ravens love riko and idolize him
they see riko as one of them , left behind abandoned good only for one thing- exy
the difference is unlike them riko does not realise this
thanks to that he can do something they can not - dream
and they love being close to that dream
seth befriends riko to piss off other foxes
seth dates riko to piss of kevin day
seth has many siblings his big brother sense are tingling and riko loves the attention
they are fucking assholes idiots and troublemakers
weed and alcohol
that is planned for badger in fox den I have no clue yet how this will work but I have warm feelings
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throwaway588924578 · 6 months
What really happened
For clarification, these are mostly allegations but since there seems to be some truth behind them and everyone seems to believe allegations without proof anyway, I thought someone should make a post to show the other side in this situation aren't the innocent angels they make themselves out to be and actually seemed to have purposely kept this going after stating they want to move on.
The main person this post will concern though is tumblr user Swanee (@/newdaybreak) and her friends who target harassed another self shipper for the last year over sharing f/os.
Tw/cw for harassment, mentions of self harm/suicide.
This vent post from Jade Rose on their twt was my introduction to this "drama" and I think it should be read. It explains what happened from their side of the story and how it affected them.
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Tl;dr: Swanee allegedly vague posted began harassing Jade alongside her friends after Jade followed her when they shipped with Kanata, unaware that Swanee didn't like sharing. They were not trying to cross Swanee's boundaries, they were genuinely unaware that sharing was an issue for her. Since then Jade lost any friends they had then and suffered from suicidal thoughts and even attempted suicide. I can't find the vague post mentioned or any posts from Jade or Swanee made at this time as they both seemed to have deactivated their origin blogs.
Jade also supposedly received harassing anons they think we're sent by Swanee and her friends. These anons included death threats, encouragement to self harm and end their life, telling them Eden didn't love them and wanted them dead, ableist and transphobic comments. Some examples are down below (picked ones that weren't too bad to share because some are just too much)
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They also received the following message (as well as other harassing messages) on their retrospring when they attempted to migrate to twt which they think is from Swanee or one of her friends
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Jade suffers from bpd and has said before that things like being spammed with harassment trigger breakdowns and they will have serious suicidal thoughts. Lots of people have apparently mistaken this for bait but Jade said they can't control it and genuinely are thinking those things when it happens which is why they ask people not to harass them.
Though Jade has apologised for everything they've actually done wrong, but people still defend the person who has harassed them and not yet apologised.
Honestly, as an outsider in all this, I think this is very chronically online behaviour and some of those callouts I've seen haven't had much evidence either. People can lie online. Yes, even about racism. In a community like the self ship community, isn't everyone welcome? There are far worse people allowed in the community than Jade, who have actual evidence against them too, yet Jade is the one outed because a popular blog said theyre a bad person?
I've seen their account, they seem like a sweet person who just wants a platform for their ship. They haven't harassed that other shipper and I think it's unfair to continue to out and harass them.
This community is supposed to be a safe space after, so why are we not allowing this one person to be apart of our community and make friends? It's unfair since no actual proof aside from one out of context screenshot and just screenshots of their breakdowns (that were triggered by harassment and Jade even apologized for them) against them. This whole situation could have been avoided if Swanee had blocked Jade or told them that they weren't okay sharing instead of taking the approach she did to the situation.
I may add more to this if I think of anything. I'm tired btw so sorry if some parts didn't make sense.
Rbs are appreciated and my asks are open for questions or discussions. I'm not actually friends or close with Jade Rose however so I may not be able to answer or give clarification for some things.
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cumjunxendura · 1 year
It's an 18+ blog, babes!
Minors found interacting will be blocked.
Linktree for patreon, twitter, & other places to see my art.
My art-only blog is @penisimage :^)
I tag most ships, valveplug, & #my art. Please don't ask me to tag anything else, I will not do so consistently enough for a stranger's standards.
I block pretty casually, anyone from bigots to people arguing on posts in a way I don't feel like interacting with. You can take it personally if you want, I guess, but I'm just some guy.
Also, if you're a new blog, make a post or change your icon or s/t. Tumblr has a serious issue unending bot accounts, & common practice is to report them as spam & block on-sight. W/an empty blog & no icon, you look like a bot account.
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
help ppl that have no profiles, are bots, and have 0 posts keep following me (/_\) any advice ?
plus hruuu my fav writer in this whole site
hey saro!!! whats up i havent seen you in a bit :D
on a serious note though i really want to address this whole profile thing because it’s been a long running issue not just for creators but for regular users in general.
generally, hard block and report the bots on sight: it makes them pop up less for a while i figured, it’s exhausting but it works best. usually report for spam & explicit content.
as for blank blogs who are seemingly human…this is a psa to them: i appreciate that you want to keep up with the things we put out, and you want to support by giving us a follow, but it doesn’t really work that well
i get the need to use burner accounts for anonymity or something, but bffr, it’s tumblr. even if i have to check your account just to know that you’re a human being it’s not like i’ll actually stalk you and go past like 2 scrolls down your account 😭 trust me, no creator has that much time to be invested in some random follower. we only ever double check just to avoid bots and minors (which can kill our engagement)
to avoid getting blocked entirely i advise u guys to at least customize your accounts (put a silly little display pic!! put your age and pronouns in your bio i promise it can look aesthetically pleasing) because if you care enough about to make your account have a stray kids/seventeen adjacent username, i think it’s not far off to at least make yourself look decent in front of “your favorite user”
lastly, engage engage engage!! don’t just sit there and like posts occasionally. you can reblog! send an ask! reply! you can even organize the posts you reblog with tags.
ik you asked for advice but honestly it isnt supposed to be any users job to control smth that other users are doing themselves. the best we can do is block and hope that they at least try to change!
anyway on a lighter note: im doing good! also what do you mean favorite writer dont give me a crisis like this (/lh). that is such a high compliment itll drive me insane
love ya and have the nicest day!
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Bowen Falls, Milford Sound, New Zealand by William Patino Photography on Reddit
Taking a break from posting as I'm tired of fighting the never-ending fight against forced interactions from spam bots. Maybe this will end up as the final post before we delete everything but I'll wait to see how Tumblr responds, as always.
As I’m writing this, I already know they'll do everything in their power to limit the number of eyes on this, as they already have each previous time I've spoken up about Tumblr’s issues but it doesn't change my decision to continue to highlight these undeniable truths, even if it's only for Tumblr staff itself to know that anyone with a brain is aware. The general incompetence I’ve witnessed over the past few weeks has been fairly surprising - I used to think Automattic was a reputable, reliable company, with professional pride at the very least.
And hey, why post new content when Tumblr will inevitably just send additional bots on empty accounts to continue to inflate numbers artificially and make it look like there's fresh engagement on older posts? 😂 (Ironically, periodically speaking up about their bot problems might be the only solution in terms of temporarily discouraging Tumblr from sending more bots)
3000+ blocked empty accounts at the time of this post (with 200+ more each day), and it's a fight we’re always guaranteed to lose as a content creator because there will always be newly botted accounts. But yet, if we don't weed out the overwhelming flood of crap, then magically any well-performing post might end up removed or flagged for absolutely no reason because empty alias accounts can also be used by absolute losers to negatively impact other blogs. 😂
It’s all just an awful joke as Tumblr could easily do more to mitigate their bot issues if they dared take away from their fake traffic numbers, which explains why I’ve only seen piss-poor niche content creators attempting to use this platform in a serious way, often by using spammy blog-rings to accomplish their goals..
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discoursecatharsis · 3 years
Indefinite hiatus & archiving this account
I’m going to be taking an indefinite hiatus from this account. I’m not sure for how long, and I may or may not return in the future. But for now, I need a break from fandom discourse.
I initially got involved in fandom “discourse” because I wanted to complain about self-named anti-Otayuris spamming the ship tag and generally being annoying and harassing shippers who were minding their own business. So I made a side account on Tumblr to vent about that. There were other accounts talking about these recent developments in fandom too, and I wanted an account to interact with them on. People started reblogging my posts, and others started to share their experiences of being harassed over ships or fanart or fanfic in their fandoms too in my replies and inbox. I made a Twitter account at some point also. I always just wanted a place to vent with others. I never imagined or expected that my accounts would garner this much attention or would blow up to the level that they’re at now.
As a result, honestly, as my follower numbers have grown and as I’ve gotten more involved in fandom discourse, it’s made me more and more anxious. This account has been making me feel like a nervous wreck the past year or so.
I also just don't have the spoons for much of it anymore. Some days, discourse makes me feel stressed or anxious. Most days, I'm apathetic to it, like it's the same old recycled nonsense. I've done this for a long while now and I feel like I need a nice, long break from it, probably a permanent break.
I believe that the topics involved in fandom discourse, the issue of fantis harassing people and making fandom toxic, etc. are still important to talk about and bring awareness to. But at the same time, I feel like I've done and said all that I can, and I'm feeling burnt out. I’m also feeling like I’m repeating myself at this point. There are only so many times that I can say some variation of “don’t harass people over fanart or fanfic, block artists/writers and leave them alone.” And I know many others are saying this as well. The harassers in fandom definitely do seem like a majority with how loud they are and how they so often get away with what they do. And while it may not seem like it, I do believe that more and more people in fandom are fed up with the harassment and starting to push back, starting to voice their annoyance with fandom harassers, and starting to stand up against it and support each other.
There are definitely more topics related to fandom discourse too, beyond this, of course. Some very serious and important topics to discuss, such as when there is bigotry in fandom spaces. Genuine criticism of various media (minus the harassment) is always good and healthy to have too. And I hope people will continue to talk about these topics and have these meaningful discussions.
I will no longer be active on Twitter or Tumblr, but I may continue making videos on my Youtube channel. I don’t make videos often but I’ve been enjoying it, and I think it’s a better outlet for me to focus my energy on. Creating videos on these topics at my own pace is definitely less stressful than being an active participant on Twitter.
My Twitter DMs will remain closed to new messages, just so if/when I do return, I won’t have a ton of new DMs. But I will leave my Tumblr inbox and curiouscat open for anonymous venting if you need it! Anonymous venting is one reason why I initially made my tumblr account after all, so I want to leave it like that.
I’ve kind of been using my second Twitter account (catharsiscourse) as a makeshift personal account, so if you would like to keep in touch with me, you can follow me there! I’ll only be somewhat active there but that’s where I retweet fanart and such.
You can find links to all of these accounts in my carrd here: https://lizcourserants.carrd.co/#links
Lastly, thank you all so much for the support over the years. I know I’m not perfect and I’ve made some mistakes. My intentions have always been good but I know I would sometimes get caught up in the discourse and miss the mark. So if I’ve ever hurt you in any way or said or did anything wrong, I’m sorry. My goal has always been to vent about and bring awareness to the toxicity that’s been rearing its ugly head in fandom spaces as of late. And even though I’ve messed up at times, I hope I brought more good than bad to the table.
I know fandom’s been a bit hellish to navigate lately and things seem grim at times. But if we keep speaking up like we have been and continue supporting each other and keeping to our groups of trusted fandom friends, I think we’ll be okay.
Remember to be kind and support your friends in fandom. Take care, everyone 🤍
Also I'm not deactivating. I've worked too hard on my Tumblr blog and Twitter account and such and I couldn't bring myself to delete them lol. So I’ll leave my accounts up as an archive of sorts. But please feel free to bookmark, screenshot, or archive whatever you want or need, just in case my accounts get suspended or something.
Thank you all so much for the support throughout the years! I’m grateful for all of the lovely people I’ve met because of this. I hope you all continue to look out for yourselves and for each other both inside and outside of fandom. Stay safe and take care.❤️
I want to end this with something productive and helpful, so here are links to two organizations dedicated to eliminating child sexual abuse: ECPAT and Thorn. Please help however you can, whether that’s by donating or just sharing these organizations’ donation pages:
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cathyparrlyn · 4 years
A warning to Tumblr and Discord users in the Six and WATT fandoms
Tw for stalking, guilt tripping, deception, suicide, death threats, and hate anons.
In the beginning of summer, there was an incident that showed the true colors of some of my former friends, especially one who has proven themself to be hostile and dangerous multiple times. I stayed quiet about this for a while as I wanted to forget the drama and the pain they caused me and my friends, but recently I’ve found out that they have continued to hurt many of my friends, claim a minor who was a victim of the situation had attacked them, and more. Because of such dangers, and because these people are present in both the Six and WATT fandoms, my friends and I found it necessary that we share this story as a warning to others.
On May 11, the Parrlyn Discord server was created. I, being an acquaintance of the server owner, was one of the server’s mods who would talk to everyone and work with the owner to make it a safer place. This server ended up being how I first became close with the person who caused so much drama: @Chess-exists (Chess).
Chess and I would talk on both the Parrlyn server and dms, and I soon joined other servers at their request. We considered each other friends, but they also set off many red flags. Some of the major of these being Chess lying about hacking into the Sixcord and deleting the server because “all the mods hated them”, claiming they can cry when ready and wanting to pretend someone on the Parrlyn server was dead to prank another person on the server.
In mid-June the Parrlyn Discord faced the 3rd big incident that has happened on the server. Someone jokingly entered under Moan-Jeutas’s (Lizzie’s) username, said “I’m 12, don’t attack me !!” and left when they noticed people were beginning to panic.
I was offline whilst this happened, and when I came online shortly afterward I found a few people panicked. Instantly, I was asked by multiple people to call them. I texted some of them while going on call with a friend of mine who is a young minor, @lakes-other-sixes (aka Lake), who was crying. I was then informed by Lake that they knew who had entered the server with Lizzie’s username. At the same time, a friend outside of the server had confessed to me through DM about being behind the Lizzie account along with one other person. They profusely apologized and explained what had happened.
Although my friend had made a mistake, I would like to give context of why they ever thought of the joke in the first place. When they were temporarily on the Parrlyn Discord, it was just starting out, with about ten people including us and nobody who had admitted to being triggered by Lizzie’s writing.
This friend and I constantly talked about Parrlyn fics together, and one of the things we mentioned was Lizzie’s Carrie AU and how I would have liked to talk to her about it but didn’t want to bother her as she disliked the ship. The friend and I had both been going through personal issues at the time, I will openly state that mine was how my uncle died not even two weeks before this happened, and they thought a small joke could cheer us both up.
So this friend and another person thought it would only be an innocent inside joke between friends to pop on the server and mess with me and some other friends. They had no idea how big the server was or that people were triggered by Lizzie and left immediately.
The joke was wrong, and we all have acknowledged that. They both deeply apologized for it to me and some others. They wanted to fix things with the server, but there was one problem; our friend Lake knew who they were.
Lake is an extremely sweet kid. They were never a part of the joke, but were extremely scared that if the people’s names were released then everyone on the server would hate them. It was to the point that they were crying on the phone to me for about half an hour because of the situation. Because of this, me and the friends figured it would be best to apologize anonymously; not for their sake, but for the others who were scared. So I talked with the server owner and made an announcement sending an apology from them through me.
This is just our side, and I know some will disagree with the decision we made, but I was informed that someone had talked to Lizzie about it and that she knew about the situation and the anonymous apology. We kept it anonymous because we would never want to put any kid into the panicked state that Lake was in, and I will take any responsibility if it means I kept a kid from anymore serious panic. I have also apologized to Lizzie formally, as well as getting consent from her to use her name in this post and offering to answer any questions she had, including giving her the names of the people behind the account if she wanted them.
This mistake from my friends, which they had apologised for, was what led to Chess showing their true colours.
A few minutes after I posted the apology announcement, I was instantly added to a separate group chat titled “Smack a bitch” where Chess and their friend, Aine, had requested the name of my friend behind the account. This chat was highly inappropriate and hinted they would possibly send them hate and I didn’t approve of that, so I said no and left. I then later got a message from Lake that Chess was now interrogating them to spill who was behind the account.
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Not only had this bothered me since Lake was young and was open about their anxiety, but also nobody but me and Lake’s former partner had known that they knew who was behind the fake account. They were extremely nervous and asked for help and I said I would talk to Chess for them since it made them uncomfortable.
When I went to talk to Chess, I told them to stop interrogating Lake because this was giving people more stress and I wouldn’t talk to them if they continued. They refused and asked me to “back the fuck up”.
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After this conversation, I thought it was over. That was until 3 days later when one of my friends behind the account got hateful anons and death threats over the situation.
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These anons were alarming, so I went to talk to the server owner about them. After a long discussion, the server owner confessed to Chess telling them everything they had done to find my friend.
This next part might be triggering for some, just a warning about stalking. (Ends after the screenshot)
Chess had confessed to stalking both my Instagram and Tumblr by going through them and making a suspect list of mutuals I interacted with so that they could interrogate Lake, a 14 year old, into saying who was behind the account.
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(Note, none of the people mentioned here were either of the people behind the account)
After I sent the message telling them to stop the interrogation, Chess made Lake swear not to tell me anything else, got them and Aine on voice call, and guilt tripped them into feeling forced to agree to be interrogated on who the person was.
After Chess had successfully got the name of one of the people behind the fake account from Lake, they told the server owner and a few others the name of the person. One of whom was @herequeerandreadytokickass (Lex). Chess had also confessed to Lex about wanting to send anons to the person behind the account whose name they had found out. Lex had not only told me this on call, but also told me that the “friend” Chess was referring to in the hateful anons was me.
Utterly disgusted by their actions towards the situation, I blocked Chess. That was it. I explained to my friends why I blocked them and told them that they could still be friends with Chess, and I left the Parrlyn server to avoid drama since I figured Chess needed it more than me and wouldn’t hurt anyone else after this.
Chess was very upset that I blocked them without talking to them, and I refused to unblock them since they made me uncomfortable by this point. They then told a few friends they were framed for the anons even after previous confessions that they had sent them, and the fact that the anons only pointed to them.
One of the people Chess talked to was Lake, who then tried to find who sent the anons. After I found this out, I called Lake and we both shared our sides of the story. This is when Lake told me how Chess guilt tripped them, but also figured out that Chess had lied to them about how they found out Lake knew. Chess had blamed it on me telling someone, when Lake’s former partner confessed to telling Chess that Lake knew.
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This new information caused Lake to become extremely panicked. They were already dealing with stress and just found out they had played a small part in their friend getting sent anon hate and death threats. Chess lying had triggered them more. I talked to Lake and helped them calm down and they decided to block Chess as well.
Chess didn’t like this. They immediately began to spam Lake’s user on a server and also had three friends ask them to unblock Chess.
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Not only was this disrespecting Lake’s mental health and decision, but one of the people who dmed Lake had angrily blown up at them. This was @flat-dr-pepper-chasers (Robbie).
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By blowing up on Lake, who was dragged into this situation and emotionally manipulated, Robbie caused Lake to panic again.
Soon after this, I got notified that Chess was so mad at Lake, that they deleted a server collaborative fanfic because it was Lake’s “pride and joy”.
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Lake had now been through so much and they didn’t tell me anything until it was necessary. I had received all this info from another source because I was an ex-mod of the server and a person involved in the incident, but Chess began to blame Lake and continued to hate them.
I couldn’t take it anymore when I found out that Chess, a 16 year old, deleted the fic to spite Lake, a 14 year old who they had until very recently viewed as a friend, when Lake didn’t do anything. I knew I couldn’t let this slide or more people would get hurt, so I rejoined the server as a mod again, kicked Chess and explained the situation so everyone knew what was going on.
Do to a limit on screenshots the next part of the post will be reblogged by me, might take a second though to add in the screenshots.
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candyembe · 3 years
Week 10: Online Harassment
The phenomenon has many names: cyber harassment, cyberbullying, trolling, flaming, etc. Some terms are used interchangeably, others have been drained of meaning. PEN America prefers the terms online harassment or online abuse, which we define as the “pervasive or severe targeting of an individual or group online through harmful behavior.”
Severe because even a single incident of online abuse, such as a death threat or the publishing of a home address, can have serious consequences.
Pervasive because, while some individual incidents of online abuse, such as insults or spam, may not rise to the level of abuse, a steady drumbeat of incidents, or a coordinated onslaught, does.
Online includes email, social media platforms (such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok), messaging apps (such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp), blogging platforms (such as Medium, Tumblr, and WordPress), and comments sections (on digital media, personal blogs, YouTube pages, and Amazon book reviews).
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Abusers who commit online harassment often do it to make you feel unsafe, humiliated, scared, or emotionally distressed.  They may be trying to publicly embarrass, sexually harass, threaten, dox, bully, offend, or otherwise harass you.  In a relationship where domestic violence or stalking is present, the abusive person may do these things to maintain power and control over you. 
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Online Harassment Statistics
Evidence suggests that online harassment is widespread and that young women suffer especially severe forms of cyber harassment. According to a 2017 study by the Pew Research Center, 41 percent of Americans have experienced some form of harassment online, and nearly 1 in 5 have experienced a severe form of harassment, such as physical threats, sustained harassment, stalking, or sexual harassment.
Unsurprisingly, women are encountering sexualized cyber harassment at much higher rates than men. While 9 percent of men ages 18 to 29 say that they have been sexually harassed online, the number is more than twice that (21 percent) for young women of the same age range. Over half of young women (53 percent) report receiving unsolicited explicit images. In a 2006 project conducted at the University of Maryland, in which researchers set up fake online accounts in chat rooms, accounts with feminine-sounding usernames received around 100 sexually explicit and/or threatening messages each day, while masculine names averaged only 3.7 messages of the sort. 
"Men and women receive about equal amounts of abuse online, and that's important to recognise," said Moss. "But the nature of the abuse is often very different. Women are twice as likely to receive death threats online, and women are also twice as likely to receive threats of sexual violence and rape. They're also more likely to be the target of revenge porn, sextortion and sexual harassment." When it comes to reporting online harrassment, women can also find themselves stonewalled by community attitudes or face difficult procedures when it comes to reporting issues.
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What Is the Impact of Online Harassment ?
While many commentators understate the significance of cyber stalking and threats, online harassment often has severe and debilitating consequences for its victims. The internet extends the impact of destructive online posts. Lies that are spread can stay on the internet forever and appear whenever someone – including potential employers – types the victim’s name into Google. According to a 2013 study, victims of cyberstalking reported that they had to take time off work or change or quit their job or school at higher rates than targets of traditional stalking. The same study reports that the average financial impact of cyberstalking per victim is $1,200, which often includes legal fees, property damage, moving expenses, and the cost of changing a phone number. In comparison, the average cost to traditional stalking victims was about $500.
Additionally, emotional harm and psychological distress regularly plague victims of cyber stalking and harassment, especially due to their feeling that the perpetrator is inescapable. As a result of its 24/7 presence, cyber harassment may actually be more harmful to a victim’s mental health than other forms of harassment or stalking. Many people become depressed, lose their desire to live, hurt themselves and even decide to kill themselves to get out of it.
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What to do ?
To protect yourself against cyberstalking and online harassment, I recommend the following:
Make sure to preserve and document all evidence – this will ultimately help strengthen your claim,
Install an email and content filtering system – as targeted phishing and malware schemes are common ways by which cyberstalkers and online harassers access personal information,
Don’t respond or retaliate – doing so could actually do more harm than good, and lead to the further dissemination of personal information/photographs and increased harassment,
Understand what actually constitutes cyberstalking and its various defenses – acquainting yourself with a perpetrator’s common defenses could lead to you realizing there is no actionable cyberstalking or online harassment claim, and
Consider tightening up your digital footprint and public online profiles – the less personal information that’s out there, the lesser chance of having personal information and photographs used against you.
When identifying and detecting cyberstalking, there’s several key characteristics one should look out for, such as: whether the online individual has acted with malice and premeditation, repetitively, and obsession. If you’re unsure of what exactly constitutes online stalking and internet harassment, we recommend consulting an experienced Internet harassment lawyer as soon as possible.
=> In order to avoid the negative effects that online harassment can have, we need to change ourselves to be more civilized people as well. So that you don't become a cyber bully by accident, you need to know how to treat people with respect. If you are not an insider, don't rush to judge, help, or curse people. A word or sentence you say or write will have consequences for not only the people who hear or read it, but for you, too.
Information, L 2016, What is online harassment?, Womens Law, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://www.womenslaw.org/about-abuse/abuse-using-technology/technology-tool-abuse/cyberstalking-and-online-harassment/what-0>.
Kessler, S 2015, Why Online Harassment Is Still Ruining Lives–And How We Can Stop It, Fast Company, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://www.fastcompany.com/3046772/why-online-harassment-is-still-ruining-lives-and-how-we-can-stop-it>.
Minc, A 2022, How to Stop Cyberstalking & Online Harassment, Minc Law, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://www.minclaw.com/5-steps-protect-against-cyberstalkers-online-harassment/>.
Pen American 2022, Defining “Online Abuse”: A Glossary of Terms, Pen American, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://onlineharassmentfieldmanual.pen.org/defining-online-harassment-a-glossary-of-terms/>.
Reilly, C 2016, 'Not just words': Online harassment of women an 'epidemic', Cnet, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/not-just-words-online-harassment-of-women-epidemic-norton-research/>.
Wheeler, C 2020, Victims of Anonymous Online Harassment Suffer Serious Consequences, Kmblegal, viewed 20 March, 2022, <https://www.kmblegal.com/employment-law-blog/victims-anonymous-online-harassment-suffer-serious-consequences>.
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whorefordazai · 3 years
Taking responsibility fyi me apologizing
So around the beginning of March I found Rai's blog. I decided to interact with her blog after she reblogged a post saying that she doesn't mind if we interact with her. At first it was leaving simple messages like " Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing And it's motherfuckin' scary Tryna keep him 'cause I found him Let a hoe know I ain't motherfuckin' sharing....." and "gotta blast⛷⛷⛷⛷". But then Hua asked for anons so I sent her "Gu-Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks This a big watch, diamond drippin' off of the clock Pull the 6 out, wintertime, droppin' the top Give it to they pussy ass, turn the shit up a notch Gucci flip flops (fuck it), make it kick rocks (bust it)This a big clock, check the wrist watch (check it) Gucci flip flops, fuck it, hit your bitch in my socks👺👺👺". After that I decided that it would be fun to stir shit up. So here's a list of all the things I've done:
• Odasaku's orphans 💥 jokes
• Repeat random words like "bestie I don't feel so good bestie I don't feel so good bestie I don't feel so good" and "sleep slept sleep slept sleep slept sleep slept sleep slept sleep slept sleep slept"
• Simped over the seggsy commander Erwin Smith
• Sent you aot tik toks and sent Hua tik toks that may or may not have traumatized her
• The Thanos situation. Yes I was the one who asked if Thanos had a big dick and wanted the pic (I've changed. I'm a better person now)
• Said that if you had a dick that I'd put it in my mouth (I don't regret saying that I would do it)
• Said that Thanos cum probably taste like battery acid
• Sent "🍆🍆🍆🍆" to Hua's blog
• Asked for a cup of cum from Miche's blog (yes I am the cum anon and I am sorry)
• Said that the avatars are packing (yes they are. Those blue aliens can still get it)
• Said that papa smurf can get it(I have grandpa issues)
• Gave an apology that I was very proud of "I've been reflecting and I am very ashamed of myself. I wanna apologize to all of you for what I did, it was very wrong, and I am very sorry, I just would like to move on and lead a normal life you know get a job and a wife and change my ways and I hope this apology impresses you even tho my grandma made me do it and I don’t really mean it"
• Brought up that Isayama has a hair fetish
• Rated thanos dick a 7.5/10
• Said this about the Thanos cock "It's not a bad dick. Would I suck it? No. Would I ride it? No. But it's still a decent cock. 🍆"
• Admitted to being a chrollo stand and having an obsession with cum (I'm serious y'all pls be careful with what you joke with)
• Simped for bucky barnes metal arm (he's hot. Hua agrees I think)
• Told Miche to look up Rule 34 papa smurf on Miche's spam (I'm sorry about that)
• Sent a YouTube video of Hikaru and Kaouru to Hua's asks (I think it traumatized her)
• Asked if you wanted to be twins so we can be like hikaru and Kaouru
• Asked to have a fist fight with me and then later asked you to fist me (that was a joke pls don't)
• Oh I'm 👣👣👣 anon too. It started off as a joke to bother Hua but it stuck around
• Asked you to be the yoonbum to my sangwoo and then said you gave off switch vibes
• Barked at you
• Rai NSFW headcanons (still waiting for those I'm jk unless👀)
• Said I liked fingers in my mouth and somewhere else
• Sent "How to make rai fall in love with me" and shit like that to annoy Hua
• Simped over muscular oda (Hua did not approve)
• Told you I was sending you to the ranch
• The shrek thing and the shrek rule 34 and said his cum was swamp water and rai x shrek(I'm genuinely sorry for that one)
• Told you I was going to eat you out because you deserve it
• Flirted with you
• Simped for Zazu the bird from the lion king (I'm sorry)
• Asked rai to become my slut but ended up becoming her slut
• 🍑💨
• Asked Rai to dom me
• Asked Rai to peg me/srs 😐
• Informed you that Levi has a shit kink
• Mich x Rai x Hua x Me 👀
• Ate Hua several times
• Threatened to harvest your organs
• Hua feast
• RIP hua
• And bringing up Hua's attempt at flirting
• I've probably done a lot more and I'm sorry
Anyways I'm admitting to all of this because I'm probably going to delete my account soon and I wanted to apologize to everyone💀 I'm really sorry y'all but I had a lot of fun
WAIT if you’re gonna delete your account soon, does that mean you’re leaving tumblr or are you just gonna make a new account 😰⁉️DONT LEAVE ME😩😩
@hanazou @dazaicafe COME SAY HI 🤪
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lavenderek · 4 years
hi, A/3 volunteer back again! i hope i can answer your questions properly, but i’m on mobile so sorry if i get a bit confused. it’s also going to be quite long but i hope you can figure out which questions i’m replying to. let me know if you need any more clarification!
1 - as tag wranglers, we don’t moderate content via deletion, etc - we just move fics into the correct tags, and it’s typically on a fandom basis (for example, i might solely wrangle for something like the supernatural fandom only). i’ve never come across ‘problematic’ tags since most of the time, it’s just sorting tags into like... more general tags? so example - someone tags a fic with ‘kinda fluffy kinda angsty’. we would then kind of make it so that tag redirects to ‘fluff with angst’, even though it still appears as the original tag on the fic. does that make sense? i’m also a little unsure of the other questions you had here - which is totally my fault, i’m in the middle of writing an essay for uni that needs to be in in like... 12 hours and my brain is frazzled - but if you were asking about a situation where if i was concerned that a single user had a collection of fics that were all entirely based upon something illegal and reported their entire account to mods, would it be deleted - i’m not sure. tag wranglers are kind of like low-level moderators, and we’re not what would typically be thought of as moderators since we simply reorganise content versus actually removing it. since the reporting process is typically through the site itself and is handled by an entirely separate team, i cant speak for how they think or what their process is.
2 - it’s up to our judgement as to if we want to report it, but again, the tags we wrangle are VERY general. tags like ‘dead dove don’t eat’ and stuff that are typically full of polarising content arent something i’ve come across, because i think they make up a minority of most fandoms when put against tags like ‘fluff’ and ‘angst’ and even stuff like ‘chocolate’, lmao. i’m not certain what happens when a report is processed and the fic is found to be removable - what i do know though is that with fics that are seen as breaking specific laws (i.e depictions of CSA, slander, etc) mods are often a lot more hard-handed for several reasons (reputation both within the community and in terms of the fact they could very much get in legal trouble). again though, i’m a low-level moderator and don’t see that side of the process. however, if i report something and it’s not taken down, i’m not implicated in any way. it’s been a while since i’ve been on the site and reported anything so i’m not entirely certain if reporting is 100% anonymous or if you have to supply details like email, but i think if you DO supply things, it’s to ensure you aren’t mass-reporting someone (bc i think that counts as targeted harassment). email is also possible to fake, so i think you can make the process anonymous if you want to. as for how often i personally report fic - not often. i’m a CSA victim (which is why this topic is touchy for me tbh), and i don’t like to go through the process because i find it arduous - you have to give an explanation as to why you’re reporting the fic, and i find it triggering at times. i’ve also never been in a position where i have found a fic while actively volunteering that i feel has been necessary to report, so i can’t speak for that either. all of that being said - i’ve heard of and seen on one occasion fics and entire accounts be deleted for harassment/slander - in particular, i’ve heard multiple times that accounts dedicated to purposely like... making fun of? or like technically harassing? kpop boy group members have been taken down because even though their content is ‘technically’ fanfiction, it’s obviously just there to incite hatred against a specific person. so, imo, if mods are quick on taking down accounts obviously run by 14 year olds in fandom drama writing numerous fics where boyband member A calls boyband member B stupid and tells him nobody likes him, i think they’re very likely just as serious about taking down more serious content. that’s just my opinion and my personal experience though, and it’s distinct from my volunteering.
overall, on the whole topic of CSA on the website - it’s really tough even just as a basic content moderator. there’s lots of reasons as to why people post it, and though people are very obviously welcome and encouraged to think critically about everything, it’s a fact that the topic is really really difficult to manoeuvre (culture, who is posting it, when was it posted, why it’s being posted aka vent fics, etc). as i said, i’m a CSA victim myself, so i understand the frustration, but it’s too nuanced and difficult a topic to be able to say ‘ban it all’. however, i do think the site is doing their best to crack down on stuff that is very obviously on there for one specific reason, and i also think generally, they’re changing things so people are able and sometimes encouraged to anonymise themselves by not giving any profile info and to protect themselves by turning off comments completely, etc. i find that you can make it really easy to curate your posting experience so that essentially, you can post but nobody can really interact.
3 - i like tag wrangling! i got into it because i saw a position on the front page of the site and decided to go for it. it wasn’t very taxing to get into and you don’t have to put much work in - a couple of hours a week is enough, and they’re understanding about work/uni/etc. it’s easy to meet other people through volunteering, and they ensure everyone is over 18. i don’t read through fic myself - just through tags, and then i sort them into their proper places. if something is tagged wrong, we don’t get in touch with the author, we just do our best to reorganise the tag so it redirects into the correct place - again, for instance, if someone writes a fantasy AU that they tag with ‘high fantasy prince/princess AU’ and that tag doesn’t exist, we would sort it into the main tag for a royalty AU or something like that. re: monetisation of fics: technically, monetised content is not allowed on A/3 - if someone is advertising their patreon or kofi in their authors notes or profile, you’re supposed to report it just as a general user. i think it’s because it puts the site at risk of being sued or something? but as a low level mod, i don’t HAVE to report these things unless i see them while i’m tag wrangling (aka i see a tag like ‘my patreon is XYZ!!!!! send me money!!!!!!’) and i personally don’t report monetised fics because ... i don’t find it a prominent issue, lmao. people are also learning to avoid it by being like this is my tumblr or this is my twitter, and when you click on their social media they link their patreon or whatever There instead. also, idk who decided the colour scheme! i think it was just like a generally agreed upon thing with the site designers. i also think there’s been convo for a few years about dark modes and stuff on the site, but i’m pretty sure the site has to get a few more things out of the way before they’ll prioritise that (i know they’re trying to work on a better moderating system for things like spam and harassment atm bc the spam filter absolutely sucks dick lol). i’ll totally drop a mention like WOW, wouldnt it be AMAZING if we could have this SPECIFIC COLOUR SCHEME, tho <3
thank you so much for responding!!! this is really cool to know, i've never even seen a post by an a*3 worker before so you're a total unicorn right now
heh uni-corn because you're in uni. sorry i'm tired too
good luck on your paper!
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turquoisemagpie · 6 years
Tumblr’s porn ban abandons the marginalised.
Tumblr has a major porn problem - bots, spam and, most seriously, images of child abuse.
But for those that use its site legally, the decision to ban adult content across its entire network is seen as a reluctance to tackle the issues properly.
Tumblr has decided to give up, rather than do as other sites have done and invest in measures to handle illegal content, while allowing sexual expression.
“There are no shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content,” said Jeff D’Onofrio, the site’s chief executive, in explaining the decision.
He’s right, of course. There’s a lot of porn out there. But Tumblr has long offered something different, and important.
Founded 11 years ago, Tumblr is a platform where users can publish text, images and videos quickly, as well as share and comment on other submissions. The site’s popularity peaked in 2014. Yet as its use dwindled, its reputation as an alternative corner of the internet grew, not least as a place to find unique adult material.
Unlike typical pornography sites, which overwhelmingly cater to men, and serve an often narrow definition of what is attractive, Tumblr has been a home for something else - content tailored at vibrant LGBT communities, or for those with tastes you might not necessarily share with all your friends.
If society deems it acceptable for any porn to be on the internet, then that acceptance must surely be inclusive. Unlike most of those other sites Mr D’Onofrio speaks of, Tumblr has been a space where different body types are sexually celebrated, not degraded.
'I had feared this day would come'
In 2015, Cosmopolitan described Tumblr as a place where women "can explore their sexuality with the support of women without judgement or fear”.
It argued that Tumblr's design seemed to cater to different physical need: offering a slow, building stream of visual and emotional content - rather than the instant video gratification of sites designed with hurried male audiences in mind, fast-forward button and all.
Many on Tumblr have been fearing a porn ban since the network was acquired by fading web giant Yahoo in 2013. That time, the adult content was allowed to remain. But in 2017, when Yahoo was acquired by Oath, the digital arm of telecoms giant Verizon, the writing was on the wall.
"I had feared this day would come,” wrote one user, who runs a fetish account, in response to the chief executive’s message on Monday.
"I’m so sad to see this happen, and can’t believe I’ll be losing this blog. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do without it, but I truly hope that the kinky community comes up with a new place for us all to get together and share.”
When the new guidelines come into effect they will prohibit any depiction of human genitalia, “female-presenting nipples” or sex acts - including illustrations. There will be exceptions for classical artistic works and political protests that involve nudity, but the company warned enforcement might be inconsistent. Users are able to export their posts if they wish to leave the platform.
"We’ve given serious thought to who we want to be to our community moving forward,” Mr D’Onofrio said. “We’ve realised that in order to continue to fulfil our promise and place in culture, especially as it evolves, we must change.”
That change means marginalised people, those who are all-too-used to being ostracised in their offline lives, now face it in their online space too. Some of the internet’s most-needed communities are now homeless.
(At least one major news site sees how many negative consequences there are.)
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someonefromseoul · 4 years
Fuck Me.
Hello. I don’t know who or what I’m directing this to but I’ll just pretend there’s someone actually reading this. Temptation is a strong fundamental desire that doesn’t always have our best interest. Like that time you look in the mirror wishing you haven't had that donut for lunch, or that other time when you turn and toss, only to find yourself not being able to sleep at 4am from the nap you had earlier that day.
I feel like shit right now. I had oily ass bacon for breakfast, cup noodles for brunch, pepperoni pizza for lunch, ice cream cone for dessert, almond soy bean milk as my “work drink”, only to transition my day into a nap.
I feel bloated as fuck and my pimples are having the time of their lives, meeting new friends and such. 
So this only leads me to my usual routine of self hatred and disgust for a solid hour, drotting down what the rest of my day will look like just to fool myself to thinking I’m productive, and get on Tumblr to waste more time complaining about my day!
Okay, but here’s the deal. I really do want to get better again. I stopped working out ever since my gym closed down from that fucking coronavirus (yes, I am that spoiled and self centered only to be complaining about my gym closing during this time of crisis) which has been a couple of months now. 
I had diet fillers on my chin area to get rid of my chin fat right before the quarantine. That was a fucking waste of money since my double chin is back.
Anyway, my point is that I want to be somewhat sane again. My mind is literally going crazy over being stuck at home and I clearly don’t love my body enough judging by how I’ve been treating it. 
I put a face mask earlier today. That’s a change. I’m going to work out starting NOW. In like a few hours. And I’m going to document the progress and process because I want to see the change and actually hold myself accountable if I don’t go through with this. 
So this is the plan.
1. I am 51.8kg (114.2 pounds) right now. My goal weight is 48kg (105 pounds). Okay, so basically my goal is to lose around 10 pounds.
2. I just started an art instagram. Try to post three times a week. I want to have 10 followers by the end of May. And NOT by asking my limited amount of friends to follow. I want to connect with real strangers who are really there for my art.
3. My fucked up skin. Let’s try to clear that out as soon as possible as well. I know I have oily skin and a huge part of that comes down to what I consume. Let’s fucking please stay away from oily and salty food. Drinks permitted is only water, tea, and sometimes alcohol. 
4. Speaking of alcohol, try to stay away from that. Which I’m doing a good job of these days because I’m “social distancing” (no friends). I’m going out tomorrow though but let’s really try to keep it like max 3 drinking nights per month. MAX. preferably once to none.
5. You can never single out alcohol when you’re a smoker. Hi, hello, I’m a smoker. I’ll write a post going more in depth about my smoking journey. Long story short, I’ve been smoking since August of 2013. So like 7 years already. I genuinely don’t know why I started it. Actually that’s a lie, I got into it because I thought it looked cool and I wanted to fit in. Sad, sad weakling I was. Anyway, I’m going to QUIT. I literally say this like merry Christmas to the point my friends just roll their eyes at me whenever I say this. Like, let’s really try to make this a reality instead of this having to be that time I cried wolf again. LIKE PLEASE. For yourself, man. You know you’re getting old and it’s not like you have any more health to spare.
6. Work on my art project. You know which one I mean. I want to keep it on the down low. To roughly plan, I want to work on my portfolio around June July and August. but by June, let’s focus on instagram, enhancing my drawing skills from proko, and this personal art project I’m not going to specifically go into because it’s confidential. Let’s call it Arty. So yeah, finish Arty.
7. My relationships. Mind you, I’ve never seen a therapist because I’m not financially independent and it’s a taboo subject to bring up in Asian culture. At least with my family. So no, I haven’t been professionally diagnosed, but who needs a doctor when we have google, right? So to preface, this is not a legitimate claim I’m making. But I strongly think and believe that I have anxiety; especially social anxiety and an avoidant personality disorder. I definitely deal with SOMETHING-I do plan on going to a therapist the moment I get the chance to, which is hopefully, soon. Anyway, getting back on topic. I want to work on my relationships with my friends and family because I’ve literally been in my shell for the past couple of months. Avoiding people at all costs. Not healthy at all.
8. My mental health. Probably the most important one. If this was a meat house and I could grade my health, I would give it a B+. Definitely not a S, not exactly an A either-but on the fence between A and B. Not quite A- but more of a B+. I don't have any serious health issues but I’m not great either. I feel slightly uncomfortable when breathing, my mind is foggy, and I think I might have hemorrhoids soon. Literally keeps me up at night because it frightens me-I constantly flex my butthole just in case things might peep out (sorry for the TMI but this is my fucking blog so deal) (me still pretending like someone’s actually still reading this shit post) I lose sleep over it, don’t even get me started. Anyway, if my body health is a B+, my mental health is probably around a B-. I don’t think it’s around the C level, but it’s definitely below average (average being a B). It’s at the verge of either becoming average or enter into the C level. A or S is obviously out of reach with my potential right now. But I want to get to an A; possibly to a S some day. Some day. A girl can dream. Anyway, how I want to go about this is to keep writing on this blog. Because I have a fake ass personality, I literally hide my real self to everybody. Kinda psycho like that. At least this little spot can be my safe space where I can get all my genuine shit out. To be serious for 2 seconds, I think I’m fake to people these days because I don’t feel comfortable being completely myself. My self esteem really plummeted after I graduated high school. I’ve been shushing myself internally too-shaming myself about how stupid and weird I sound. I’ve been trying to press down all my negative judgements and thoughts because I didn't want to spread that kind of energy to other people which made me be fake positive all the time. That can be really fucking suffocating, guys. Those of you who know what I mean say I. 
Anyway, I want to find my color again. I think I’ve been shushing and shaming myself for so long, I don't even know who I am anymore. Hopefully writing like this helps. And apparently physically working out does as well. Let’s try to aim everyday, maybe a lazy day per week.
Side note-Kakaotalk keeps spamming me about the sakura flowers and how beautiful it is, suggesting me to go see it. Um, hello. Can you stop harassing me with these insensitive messages? Some people don’t have friends to go with. And it’s quarantine season? Are you dumb?
9. My looks. which goes under self care as well. I’m not gonna lie, I think I’m a fairly okay looking girl. I’m going to change my makeup style because after not putting on makeup for so long and looking back at my old photos, I’ve seen my bare face for so long, I grew fresh pair of eyes to see how I REALLY looked prior to this quarantine. And I finally got what people meant by “your makeup looks obnoxious.” Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE makeup. I’ve loved makeup ever since I was a sophomore in high school. I follow many of the beauty gurus (how they used to call it back in the days. I think people call them beauty influencers or makeup artists now) from youtube and Sephora was my second home. My broke ass owns like majority of the urban decay naked palettes in exchange for eating kimchi and eggs for weeks with my poor college student self in exchange. Poor college student with a BEAT makeup look though.
Anyway, the point I want to get across is that I respect and love ANY form of self expression. There is no such thing as too much or too less (is that even a word) makeup as long as YOU feel good in it. I personally did and I enjoyed my extra caked face. But not anymore. Maybe on some occasions, but I just don’t feel like that’s me anymore. So I need a new make up look, and I literally want new clothes. I hate my freaking outfits. Going to invest in some soon.
I can’t really think of anything else. I want to go in further with some of the topics I’ve tackled today but I think that’s enough journal writing for today. If I think of anything else, I can always update later. I just fucking pray I don't get hemorrhoids. I don’t have it now but I’m just so paranoid because I literally sit down 25/8 and apparently sitting for an extended period of time continuously can cause hemorrhoids. And for some reason I keep feeling like I’m going to get it soon. Like my butthole low-key feels a little weird at times. Hopefully I’m okay.
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tae-kun · 6 years
If the Main Reason why you log onto Tumblr is for Porn, then you don’t understand what made Tumblr special in the first place
Tumblr is not a Porn Site
It was never intended to be, so for the people that are saying stuff like “Tumblr never supported our sex work anyway” you’re 100% correct. Being allowed to post Pornography isn’t the same as being a source for it. Over the years Tumblr has been ran rampant with porn to the point that content creators that did other stuff that didn’t relate to porn slowly started to go to other platforms; Since their work was being overshadowed by the sheer volume of porn and they struggled to get any attention on their work.
You people are acting like Tumblr is attacking sex workers as if this was their main and only place to earn money for their work.
There are porn sites that are made to promote AND support sex workers. Hell PornHub will pay people for their sextapes and has multiple systems in place for them to make money off Ad revenue alongside having a tip system, content protection and other stuff
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Anyone that was serious about their sex work would have been using sites like this instead of relying on Tumblr as a main source of revenue or promotion.
Tumblr is a trash place to try to promote anything! Constant spamming of bots and tags, No reliable Notification system or way for your followers to see you’re new posts out of the sea of reblogs. So to act like these new changes are going to serious kill anyone that is in the sex work is flat out outrageous.
Hell a majority of the popular porn that was on here wasn’t even from amateurs making videos on here. People were taking porn from porn sites and making blogs centered around it and would constantly flood their blogs with this content which would then, overshadow any amateur worker on here that made their own work; since they had no to even compete with the constant bombardment of daily new stuff that these blogs were taking and using.
People would steal other peoples videos and get popular of it without even crediting the original creator and would even go as far as to SELL these videos and make more money of it than the actual people in the damn video.
So Tumblr was never an ideal place for sex work to begin with, so throw that excuse out. Most people only used Tumblr to promote their private snapchat or onlyfans account which you can still do in a regular selfie or post. There are thousands of people on Instagram making hundreds and thousands of dollars doing the same thing and they don’t have one titty out on their page. Just tight clothing and skimpy outfits.
If you’re really upset that you can’t watch porn on here after Dec 17
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At first it was funny seeing people joke about the porn being gone. But some of y’all are really upset and mad that you need to actually go to a porn sites to watch porn???
Some of y’all don’t even post nudes or create anything that could be considered sexual and y’all saying “ima delete my blog since tumblr is trying to silence me”
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(Side Note: Just because your post got flagged doesn’t mean it will be deleted. They already said stuff like this would happen as they added in this new system. So mistakes like these are bound to happen and will most likely be fixed in a week or so and have no negative affect on your blog. Y’all really acting like Tumblr is out to silence your love for cats and landscapes 🙄)
Like i said before there are plenty of sites to watch porn on and if your favorite sex worker is serious about their job then you will see them on there. Which only makes things easier for both of you. But lets be honest, most of y’all just like the idea of seeing porn without having to actually look for it, like it’s some nasty secret. On Tumblr you couldn’t escape porn even if you searched things that were unrelated to it. Tumblr gave you guys the perfect cover up for it and you guys went overboard with it and here we are. People are so quick to compare this issue to other Tumblr problems but there was never a issue as big as people with dick profile pics dming you no matter who you were (kids or adults)  and sending you nude pics; then Porn Bots popped up under everyone’s post no matter if you had the safety lock on or not.
You guys made hundreds of post saying how much you hate porn blogs getting tens of thousands of notes in agreement about it, You guys would put “no porn blogs allowed” in your description box or something similar in meaning.
And now when Tumblr puts a system in place to directly remove it, you guys try to back pedal and claim that it will kill sex workers, freedom of speech and sexuality based off opinions, assumptions and things that aren’t even in the policy change.
Some of y’all honestly suggested “Just add a age verification system” as a way to fix the porn issue.... That shit ain’t never worked since 2002! I got so use to lying on those things that i sometimes forget that i’m grown and that i don’t need to put “01/11/1975″
The only people that this severely hurts are
1a) People that steal porn from other sites to use on their blog to get followers, to then try sell promo slots
1b) People that are stealing other sex workers content and illegally selling them
2) Child Porn Blogs
And Honestly is that really a bad thing? Getting rid of people that were stealing other peoples stuff and making money off it and pedophiles.
The way tumblr was set up allowed blogs like these to thrive without any risk, outside of getting their blog deleted (just to make a new one) and it only continued the flood of porn which became the breeding grounds for Porn Bots
Tumblr is suppose to be a place to freely express all forms of art, ideas, and conversations. But because of the nonstop flood of porn, most people only know it for Porn and Emo kids. Which brings me back to my original statement
This isn’t a Porn Site
Porn became so over flooded on here that you didn’t even need to search to find it. All you had todo is take off the safe lock and search anything, even a city. There would be hundreds of porn pics and videos in every slot. And before you say “well just keep the safety lock on”
Any content that had cursing, fighting or even slight nudity got put behind there. So unless you were just on here for kpop, aesthetics and Steven Universe you weren’t really seeing anything different with that lock on.
( Another Side Note: For you people trying to compare the porn flood to white supremacy blogs need to stop it. All the time i’ve been on here i have never NEEEVVVEEER accidentally came across any pro white supremacy post or blog unless it was someone exposing them and their stupidity which would then cause them to delete their blog. If you are constantly seeing anything Pro Nazi, Pro White Supremacy, Pro homophobia or anything similar that supports bigotry; then you are actively searching for it and follow these people. These blogs don’t even make up 5% of the content seen on here with or without the lock. So trying to say that Tumblr supports these blogs since they’re still around is Mr. Fantastic level of reaching. These blogs have never been a serious issue to the point that Nazi Bots were created saying “Hate jews and blacks clck here for more ;)”. So stop this weak comparison.)
I created a Tumblr and made it one of my main platforms to create content on because of the communities and people i found on here.
I found Great stories and Dope artist on here. I found people being able to fully express themselves and find an audience for them that helped share their work through a simple reblog. But if you’ve been noticing or have been on here long enough, most content creators don’t use Tumblr as their main platform to create or promote their content anymore. And why would they?
People barely activate their notifications for blog updates, It’s hella hard to find an audience through the constant reblogging of already popular stuff From Vine and Twitter, people rarely go outside of tumblr to support peoples stores or websites. Hell most artist on here that become popular on here that get continued support are the ones that have made or continue to make some kind of pornography of real or fictional characters. It’s hella rare to find any artist that hasn’t made any porn, that is equally popular or supported like the ones that have; which just goes back to people thinking Tumblr is for porn.
Tumblr isn’t even against the idea of expressing yourself or art through nudity as their post and policy change explicitly explained. And people’s content that’s getting flagged that doesn’t go against that policy is a problem THAT THEY SAID WOULD HAPPEN as they get everything in order with their new system
All of these long post that people are writing about it that and they themselves forgot to do some basic reading on the topic. 
Tumblr Staff- “Certain types of artistic, educational, newsworthy, or political content featuring nudity are fine. Don’t upload any content, including images, videos, GIFs, or illustrations, that depicts sex acts.
This isn’t an attack on people’s ability to speak out or embrace themselves. They are directly trying to remove Porn which they won’t be able to fully do, even Instagram and Twitter can’t do that; no public site with millions of people can. But they’re at least trying to get rid of the constant overflow of it. 
It’s so sad to see hundreds and thousands of you saying “i only used Tumblr for porn” because that just shows how derailed this site has become and why Tumblr had to make these extreme decisions especially after being removed from app stores because of the child pornography.
If you’re going to leave because you can’t make porn on here: I can see why you would do that but there is no reason to. You can still use your blog to promote your stuff and make teases of your work that can be found or bought else where. Tumblr was never a reliable place for sex work and i highly recommend using Sites that will actually protect your work and put some money in your pockets while doing it
If you’re leaving because you can’t watch porn on here: You probably weren’t supporting anyone really and only made the influx of porn worse, making it harder for other content users to be seen. If you were supporting actual sex workers on here then continue to do so, I’m sure anyone serious would have more than just tumblr as their main platform.
For those that got popular and made money off other people sex work: So long and farewell
For the Child Porn Blogs: Hope you get mental help or burn. Either or is fine with me
For the people that may get upset by this: Correct me, Prove me wrong, Let’s have a whole serious discussion about this and hear each others side with no fighting or disrespect :D 
For all of Us: Lets actually support and help the people that really make Tumblr the gem that it is. Lets make this platform be known for creative people and unique ideas; and communities that actually comfort and understand us. Let’s actually make this platform something that’s known for more than just Porn and Emo Kids.
Regardless i hope that everyone can calm down and act like there’s more here than just porn..
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