Scott McCall
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ofhamartia · 2 years ago
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I’m really tired of seeing people broken up into labels of absolutes.
People are not just “good” or “bad”.
People are not a list of labels. 
People are complex, situations are complex.
I know, that makes it a lot harder when you want to just write off everything someone’s ever done as bad – but that’s not how people actually are, and it would do everyone good to stop pretending they are.
I am tired of hearing about the fear people have in putting themselves out there. And it is a scary thing! Putting yourself out there means subjecting yourself to people who want a really good reason to tear you down, who will jump at the first chance to feel “good” by labeling someone else as “bad”.
I reject this. I reject the idea that there should be fear in speaking up and talking about experiences and trying to reach an understanding of a situation.
I’m unhappy to see people spitefully urging others to cut off ties with their friends under the guise of “well, that person’s just inherently bad, so if you talk to them you’re bad too.” That is fucked up. You definitely have the right to let the friend know you don’t want to hear about whoever troubles you, but you do not at all have the right to decide who their friends should be. This includes guilt trips.
Anyway, just try to be more aware of others. Everyone else is a person like you. They might not have the same experiences as you. They might not understand how their words are harmful, or how what they’re doing is wrong. They certainly won’t if you never tell them.
Most people are trying to be good, but they’re going to mess it up sometimes. Try to keep that in mind. Even when people do really fucked up shit, sometimes they are trying to do good. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and all that.
Nothing gets solved, no growth happens when you put people into a box from which you’ll never let them escape.
Yes, you absolutely must be careful about people who have tendencies and patterns that are harmful to you. Sometimes people try to overcome those patterns and they fail, and you have to distance yourself from them: that is the sad reality of life. Sometimes though, they can overcome it. But they certainly won’t if the first thing you do is write them off after a fuck up. 
Be sincere. Use your best judgment.
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ofhamartia · 2 years ago
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ofhamartia · 6 years ago
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Last chance to let us know your favorite tropes and themes for Beacon Hill’s resident True Alpha and First Chimera!!
If you’re planning to participate in Sceo Week 2019 (or just really looking forward to seeing what everyone else makes) please let us know what themes you’d be most interested in seeing!
Click here for the poll!
The poll includes both broad and specific themes, general or very sceo-specific. There’s also a write-in category. Please feel free to list as many ideas as you like!
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ofhamartia · 6 years ago
catherineosaur :
The height difference between Scott and Liam ♥ (‘∀’●)♥
Liam having to stand on tiptoes to kiss or hug Scott ♥ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Liam blushing all the time around Scott o(≧∇≦o)
Scott cuddling Liam when he has nightmares (❁´◡`❁)
Scott being Liam’s first ✧・゚:*✧・゚:* \(◕ω◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Sciam ∩(♥▽♥)∩
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
          ❝     Was he yours ?     ❜      Resigned ,  exhausted inquiry pose reply in response to a snarl present ,  fangs out —– as he’d probably see ,  only if he turns around to greet  the presence that has been tracking him for some time now.  Several hours after the death of a lone werewolf in the area ,  it wouldn’t be surprising if the news travel fast ,  and he has bounty on his head just like every demon and angel out there.
     Only this time ,  he will be likely torn to pieces and flesh chomped instead of disintegrating into subatomic levels.  Just like how Huns loved to tear their captives by their limbs ,  teeth will most likely sink into him first ,  then rip him apart.
     Oh ,  but his voice breaks ,  so does his heart.
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          ❝     We had no choice.  We had to.  He’s been hurting ,  and hurting everyone.     ❜
 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ {   @ofhamartia . nsfw call  !
        Though his presence is far from being unperceived, his steps and every movement still border on predatory;  stalking on the man responsible for the death of yet another loose werewolf who probably didn’t know better than to give in to primal && uncontrollable instincts.    ❝    ——  would  it   have   made   any   difference  ?       ❞    bitterness punctuates every word, eyes scanning the frame of the man as if assessing what kind of hunter he was. 
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    There’s no denying to the fact that each life that is lost is another ‘  ALMOST saved them ’ in his book; but it’s a definite ‘ i failed ’ too.      ❝      there   is   ALWAYS   a   choice.         ❞    &&  his  hand  becomes  a  fist containing the sudden rush of  anger that runs through his blood; he’s been tired of being the only one who seems to believe so, to the point where he ponders on whether to change his mind for the simplicity of it.   
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
Tagged by:  @helltore Tagging: @tetheredfates, @scerek, @weretective, @werekanima, @scartissueex
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NAME : Nicholas STAR  SIGN : aquarius HEIGHT :  5′9″ WHAT’S  YOUR  MIDDLE  NAME ?  don’t have one :)))
PUT  YOUR  ITUNES / SPOTIFY  ON  SHUFFLE .  WHAT  ARE  THE  FIRST  6  SONGS ? novacane by frank ocean, no tiene novio by sebastian yatra, no tears left to cry by ariana grande, im ascheregen by casper, au revoir by mark foster, in my feelings by drake.
WHEN  WAS  THE  LAST  TIME  YOU  PLAYED  AIR  GUITAR ?  Never done it before.
WHO  IS  YOUR  CELEBRITY  CRUSH ?  Leighton Meester or Emma Watson
WHAT’S  A  SOUND  YOU  HATE ;  SOUND  YOU  LOVE ?  A sound I hate? Someone chewing with their mouth open. A sound I love? Covering my ears while water falls on my back while I shower.
HOW  ABOUT  ALIENS ? Define aliens.
WHAT  WAS  THE  LAST  BOOK  YOU  READ ?  Romeo & Juliet because I had never read it before.
WHAT  WAS  THE  LAST  MOVIE  YOU  SAW ? Love & Other drugs.
WHAT’S  THE  WORST  INJURY  YOU’VE  EVER  HAD ? Broke my elbow and now I have small needles in there to hold it :))))
DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  OBSESSIONS  RIGHT  NOW ?  the german language
DO  YOU  TEND  TO  HOLD  GRUDGES  AGAINST  PEOPLE  WHO  HAVE  DONE  YOU  WRONG ? sometimes, but they fade over time.
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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and so a hero never dies
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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totally correct sceo texts
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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     IN  TERMS  OF  THE   UNKNOWN,   the  mental   depiction  of   optimistic   scenarios  where   mistakes   were  not  made  &&   death  forsook  her   quest  is   nothing   but   mere   wishful  thinking.   the  tacit  screams  &&  sobs  of   an  unerasable   memory  take   it   out   on   the   misfortune   of   the   afflicted;      PAIN     that   rots   the   most   benevolent   heart   &&   hollows   out   any   trace   of   HOPE   ———  just   like   any   chance   of   it   ever   growing   back   again.         an   enticing   murmur   fills   his   sleepless   nights.    a   conviction   of   the   past   that   nonchalantly    has   collided   with   a   present   &&   no   longer   sustains   a  future.   may   kingdoms   FALL   &&   heroes   DIE     but    their   trust   {   once   as   solid   as   a   pillar  }   was   damaged   in   the   worst   tragic   turn   of   events.    ❝      you   don’t   have   to   talk  to   me   if   you   don’t   want   to,   but    ———      ❞     but    i    screwed   up.   words    stumble  upon  one   another,   but   not   due   the   inability   of   uttering   a   heartfelt    apology.  no.   rather   because   of   the   simplicity   that   words  carry   along   when   stiles   deserves   much   MORE      ❝     this   isn’t   RIGHT.          ❞
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SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES WORDS LINGER BETWIXT  tangibility and ambiance, not quite reaching what’s deemed to be physical, but also not thoroughly swept away with scanty, yet resolute zephyr. It loitered, dawdled on a tightrope between where it should go ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ whether it should be endorsed or utterly disregarded, whether they were worth being attended whatsoever. This was something that instantaneously shot through near arctic air, it weaved and dodged around his every emotional barrier and pierced his very heart. His best friend, a brother, the one person who always had his back no matter how nonsensical his concepts became, was hesitant ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ brimming with uncertainty. 
Now… Now Scott was there, at his house, poised beneath the glow of his own valiant allegiance. Customarily, that would unfailingly swell the human with an unparalleled pride, it’d fill his sinking gut with a hope that they would ultimately prevail all hindrances due to the mere fact that they did it together, that they stood alongside one another ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ shoulder to shoulder. However, now ? Now he could barely as little as glance up from still battered and contused hands. He witnessed still aching digits twitch beneath dormant trepidation as Scott’s voice hauled him up from where his own ceaselessly racing thoughts drowned within his skull ; where his breath, or lack thereof, became more arduous to catch with every passing second.  
❛  No ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ no, man, it’s not,  ❜  at last, amber hues snapped up with a fatigued delay, slightly parted lips sustaining their rigid line.  ❛  It’s not right because my best friend didn’t trust me, after everything ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ after everything we’ve been through together you… You really didn’t think I’d know if I had a choice or not ? You thought that ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ that little of me, Scott ?  ❜
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         in  the  moral  government  of   brotherhood    GUILT  must  ever  be  its  own  punisher;  it   must  inflict   a   wound  upon  its  perpetrator  till   it   reaches   the   point   where   every  imagination  of   the   thoughts  of   one’s   heart   is   only   REGRET   continually.   scott’s   agonised  conscience   bound  up   with  flashes   of   droplets   running  down  his   face   hidding   a   broken    faith  in   who   he   had   deemed  as  his   brother   now    comes   crashing   like  a   sea   whose    waters   cast  up   mire   &&  dirt.    it    physically   pains   him   to   look   at   stiles,   for   now  he   understands  what   his   best   friend   must  have  felt   under   scott’s    righteous   &&   judgemental   eyes;   when   a   single   glance   was   enough  to   silence   any  sort  of   excuse;   his   deafened   ears   refusing   to   hear   anything   but   a   mere   made-up   guilt   born   out   of   the   seed   of   doubt   that   theo     sowed   and   was   just   starting  to   reap.       ❛    stiles   ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯    ❜   his   mouth   seems   to   struggle   to   articulate   such  a   familiar   and   known  word   that   only   leaves   a   bitter   taste   every   time   scott   stains   it   with   an   attempt   at   an   excuse.   he   finds  it   hard   to   say   something   out   of   fear  of   making   it   worse  than  it  already  is:   the   truth  ?   he   did   DOUBT   him,   he   did   BELIEVE   stiles   capable   of   such   atrocity   that   in   his   so  holy   book   constitutes   an   unforgivable   sin;   as   if   his   morality   were   above   those   who   surrounded   him...   ( as   if   he   could   feel   clean   when   the   blood   of   his   first  love   was   still   vivid   red   all   over   his   hands   )     ❛    i    can’t   ask   you  to   forgive   me;   i   failed   you.    ❜     scott   feels   defeated  in   a   war   he   never   meant  to   battle,   a   war   whose   prize   was   losing   more   than   was   at   stake.   he   could   still   remember   when   seeing  his   best   friend   was   a   synonym   of   a   warm   sunny   day  in  the   middle  of   a   tempest;   now   stiles’   countenance   seems   to   reflect   scott’s   allureness  by   an   intemperate   and   dissipated   companion  whose   wicked   games   intoxicated   the   alleged   “  purest   of   hearts  “;    he    DARES   to   reach   for   his  brother’s   hand;    the   hand   that   no  matter  what,   ALWAYS   was   there  for   him   to   stand  up   over   &&   over   again.     ❛       i    don’t   know   what   i   was   thinking....  there’s   no   me   without   YOU      ❜
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
Who wants to date Theo Raeken?
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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― caitlyn siehl
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
Late night Scackson headcanon trash
Secret confession: I am closet Scackson trash. Scott/Jackson is my secret trash ship guilty pleasure. Like, Jackson sticking around for season 3 and Scott’s ‘be a better person’ campaign igniting Jackson’s innate competitiveness, and he still can’t get Scott’s voice talking about how he’s worth saving out of his head and he’ll be damned if he’s going to let that loser get away with being a better person than him. 
Jackson doing the right things for all the wrong reasons, and then watching Scott’s rise to True Alpha with total disgust and resentment, but also a nagging ‘what if’ in the back of his head wondering if McCall’s actually on to something because Derek’s methods sure didn’t work out for him, and maaaaaaaaybe he could probably try this shit McCall’s always going on about, I mean, just to see if it could get him an Alpha power-up too. If McCall can do it, anyone can do it, right?
Jackson in 3B, still on the periphery of Scott’s pack because he spent most of 3A as a borderline omega refusing to throw in completely with either Derek or Scott, they’re both losers who don’t deserve his excellence, but then those irritating fucking twins are back and kissing McCall’s ass, and that idiot can’t actually be FALLING for their shit and considering letting them in his loser pack, can he? So if Jackson starts showing the twins up and being more helpful than they are, its not because he actually WANTS to be in McCall’s pack, go fuck yourself, its just the easiest way to prove that the twins are like, the last people anyone ever needs to be wasting their time on.
Jackson showing up at the tail end of a fight and casually knocking out the last bad guy that no one else saw sneaking up on Scott, grunting a ‘whatever, loser’ in response to Scott’s wide-eyed ‘thanks man!’ Danny and Lydia standing by, watching with knowing looks that are 50% incredulous, because they know what they’re seeing, they just can’t quite wrap their minds around what they’re seeing. After all, they know better than anyone that nothing is as attractive to Jackson as someone who’s genuinely BETTER than him at something - oh sure, he resents the hell out of them for it at the same time, but in the mind of Jackson, if he’s so attractive to everyone because he’s so good at everything, then someone who’s better than him must by extension be more attractive than him as well.
Jackson, dragged kicking and screaming into being a better person through hero worship he’ll slit his throat before admitting applies to that loser Scott McCall, and sure that’s all sorts of fucked up, but then, that’s pretty much Jackson in a nutshell. But at some point, even he has to admit there’s more to his total obsession with Scott than mere high school rivalry, but he’ll never ever act on it, but not because of pride, not because Scott might reject him, but because deep down he suspects Scott WOULDN’T reject him, and he knows even deeper down that even in some weird freakshow parallel universe where he and Scott McCall were an actual thing, when it came down to any kind of actual relationship, to two people trying their best to make the other happy, with those two people being Jackson and Scott McCall - Jackson would always lose.
And Jackson can’t lose. Ever. At anything. But then, if you decide to just sit out the game instead, it doesn’t really count as losing, does it?
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
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The Scerek Hug™ with the Pride flag colors
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ofhamartia · 7 years ago
🤧 +reverse
TOUCH MEME +🤧 – comforting them when crying
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        they   had   been   so   subtle   that   scott   hadn’t   noticed   them   just   until   jackson   seemed   to   wipe   them   away  from  his   face;   feelings   too  heavy   for   words   now   condensed   in   tiny   droplets   of   what   scott   could   only   guess   was   a  sort  of   vulnerability   the   kanima   was   not   used   to.   his   own   thumb   reached   to   wipe   one  of   them  and   then   stroked  the   sharp  &&   yet   so  tender   cheekbones   he   had  had   the   chance   to   trail   many  a   times.   ❝    it’s   okay...   we  ——  we   don’t   have   to   say   anything,   alright ?   ❞   silence  crept   in   for   a   minute,   letting   their   eyes   speak   for   them.    scott’s   own   getting  lost  in  the   ocean   of   fears   and   hidden   wonders   that  composed   jackson  whittemore;   an   infinite  ocean   whose   water  had  turned  ever   so   sweet   scott   had   become  addicted   to   it.   ——    ❝   whatever  this   is...   we  don’t   need  words   for   it.   i   have   you   and   you   have  me   &&   that’s   what   matters.     ❞    his   arms   enshrouded   about   the   other   boy,  succumbing   to   the   body   warmth   that   drew  him   closer   until   the   other’s   face   was   nuzzled   in  his   neck. 
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