Burnt Out Brand
99 posts
Hey welcome aboard fellow explorer my name is Kellin I am 25 male and I created BurntOutBrand! I make all completely natural eco friendly wax melts! I use only pure natural essential oils and fresh beeswax and soywax. I buy fair trade and I am zero waste so I proudly send you only recycled paper or earthly products :) I also make ethically sustained taxidermy wire wrapped jewelry! Thanks for being here hope you're not too Burnt Out 馃枻
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
burntoutbrand 5 years ago
AND THE WINNER OF THE HUGE GIVEAWAY WITH MYSELF AND NEARLY 20 OTHER AMAZING BUSINESSES YOU MUST ALL CHECK OUT DRUM ROLL 馃馃馃馃 BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO .. . . . . . 鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍 @kelleyblankenship777 and @twistedpizzaghouls I HOPE YOU BOTH ENJOY YOUR BOXES!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS 馃憦馃憦馃憦馃憦馃憦 Thank you so much to the wonderful @popculturesoapco for hosting this beautifully set together giveaway. Can't wait for future ones! Thank you all for joining I'm so honored I was a part of this. Shout-out to all the amazing Crafters; @popculturesoapco @apharaohskiss @beas.jungle @beautyandthebodyspa @burntout_brand @foshizzlemyfizzlebath @littlefoxhandmadecrafts @luxury.wellnessbyjosie @madewithlovejewelry @moriartysoap @obscureproducts @ordinarydaypress @savagefishsuds @squeakypeachsoap @sterlingsixthreads @tinybeecards @twilightgardenwax @wanderingwhimsycreations @allthingscraftay @the_madmaiden #giveaway #burntoutbrand #stpatricksdayloopgiveaway #winner #congratulations #popculturesoapco #obscureproducts #squeakypeach #beautyandthebodyspa #littlefoxhandmade #wanderingwhimsy #beasjungle #sterlingsixthreads https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hvfOCnF3e/?igshid=1t8m2ukmk2bu
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Can you bee-lieve how bee-utiful this lovely pink dome topped bee resin is! I've been working on tons of new glow in the dark honeybee and flower necklaces and keychains lately. They'll be released around the end of the month so stay tuned! #burntoutbrand #bee #bees #necklace #keychain #earrings #dome #resin #art #craft #craftjewelry #oddities #vultureculture #gothculture #dead #insect #entomology #entomologyjewelry #entomologyart #bugjewelry #bug https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rpX4TnTkN/?igshid=dy39qti8yua7
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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All three size containers of all scrubs are all available online (tins and small glass are the same) 馃憤 be sure to go grab your large sizes of your favorites! #saltandsugarscrub #bodyscrub #saltscrub #sugarscrub #exfoliate #natural #essentialoils #bath #burntoutbrand https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pUC_rHoo9/?igshid=14htv8ll2nqix
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
I was asked to do the pour videos for my wax stamps sooo enjoy ;) . . #waxstamping #waxstamp #waxpour #pourvideo #oddlysatisfying #oddlysatisfyingvideo #satisfyingvideos #burntoutbrand https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Mi1O2H7LT/?igshid=7rt9ddbnnz2g
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
I was asked to do the pour videos for my wax stamps sooo enjoy ;) . . #waxstamping #waxstamp #waxpour #pourvideo #oddlysatisfying #oddlysatisfyingvideo #satisfyingvideos #burntoutbrand https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MinOjnVV2/?igshid=1brs7y2hvpnu1
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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This crystallized coyote tooth has red dyed potassium aluminum sulfate crystals on it and it grew into a cool triangle shape. 馃敟 #burntoutbrand #crystallizedbone #tooth #teeth #vultureculture #coyote #oddities #crystallized https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FGMdpHk2l/?igshid=v2vx75am41f8
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Head over to Instagram for a giveaway!!!
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Valentine's day calls for the lovers! Look how beautiful this is with the gold! I'll be shredding up the gold slowly but surely and mixing this all into taxidermy resins for Valentines day :) Traditional wiccan love spell herbs;
Lavender- love, protection, sleep, peace, chasity, happiness, purification
-Senna- love magic
-Chickweed- fidelity, love
-Raspberry leaf- female health, fertility, love magic
-Lavender- love, protection, sleep, peace, chasity, happiness, purification
-Red Roses- love, purification, protection
-Rose Hips- good luck, call in good spirits
-Copal resin- love, purification
#burntoutbrand #burntout #valentinesgift #valentines #wiccanshop #wiccan #witchesofinstagram #pagan #traditionalmedicine #herbs #love #lovespells #gold #taxidermy #oddities #beauty #beautiful #giftsforhim #giftsforher #vultureculture #macabreart
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Of course I'll be releasing a valentine day set so stay tuned ;) #burntoutbrand #vultureculture #valentines #valentinesgift
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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That giant octahedral crystal growing right on those top teeth gives my soul happiness
These crystallized skulls and many others are up for grabs at
#burntout #burntoutbrand #crystallizedbone #crystals #odditiesandcuriosities #oddities #occult #crystallized #crystalsforsale #witchyvibes #christmas #christmastree #vultureculture #skullcollector #taxidermy #taxidermyart #crystalart #curio #macabre #macabreart #wiccan #wiccansofinstagram #goth #pretty #crystalhealing #oddlysatisfying #odd #satisfying #pyramid #crystallove
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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I told you all I'd spam you throughout the day with this release so here we are
This crystallized skull and many others are up for grabs at
#burntout #burntoutbrand #crystallizedbone #crystals #odditiesandcuriosities #oddities #occult #crystallized #crystalsforsale #witchyvibes #christmas #christmastree #vultureculture #skullcollector #taxidermy #taxidermyart #crystalart #curio #macabre #macabreart #wiccan #wiccansofinstagram #goth #pretty #crystalhealing #oddlysatisfying #odd #satisfying #pyramid #crystallove
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Cant go wrong with some up close crystals :)
Beautiful pyramid shaped crystals on this beaver jaw!
I have 7 listings I will be posting tomorrow of a bunch of crystalized skulls and bones so be sure to check out 馃槉 I'll be posting more images of them all tomorrow stay tuned
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Hey! I wanted to do a Friday the 13th flash sale! Remember we're going to be cutting it short for Christmas so be sure to get in some last minute gifts!
All natural wax melts, taxidermy resins, jewelry, all natural incenses, and seed bombs all available!
#burntout #burntoutbrand #friday #friday13th #friday13 #flashsale #vultureculture #oddites #curiosities #curiosity #bonesforsale #bone #necklace #gift #giftidea #christmas #giftsforher #giftsforhim #stockingstuffers #waxmelts #waxmeltaddict #indiewax #allnatural #incense #incensevendor #bonesforsale #teethjewelry #odditiesandcuriosities #odditiesjewelry #seedbomb #reducereuserecycle
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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And out of nothing beauty can emerge 馃挏馃挏
#burntout #burntoutbrand #oddites #odditiesandcuriosities #crystalsforsale #crystals #crystalized #taxidermy #coyote #vertebrae #amethyst #purple #comingsoon #vultureculture #goth #weird #weirdart #bone #bonesforsale
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
Creation is depressions worst enemy
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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I've been selling so many of these for the holidays so I'm going to repost them! Harry Potter sorting hats melt into the color of your house or you can choose random and have the sorting hat sort you! Scented with oatmeal milk cinnamon and honey! Perfect for a nice cozy winter day binge watching Harry Potter cuddling up under blankets! Individual wrapped is optional just let me know!! Currently 20% off for cyber Monday so make sure to get yours before midnight!! Etsy.com/shop/burntoutbrand #burntoutbrand #waxmeltsaddict #waxmeltporn #waxmelting #waxmeltlover #waxmeltsofinstagram #waxtarts #waxmeltwarmer #waxcommunity #waxjunkie #vendorwax #vendorwaxjunkie #indiewaxmelts #indiewaxvendor #waxmeltshop #disney #disneyland #disneyworld #harrypotter #sortinghat #gryffindor #ravenclaw #hufflepuff #slytherin #homefragrance #scentedwax #whatimmelting #whatsinmywarmer #whatimwarming #waxobessed https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lXBTencL4/?igshid=vh1st6hfnkk8
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burntoutbrand 5 years ago
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Happy cyber Monday! Be sure to grab your favorite wax melts while they're available and on sale!! Sale ends at midnight so be sure to get your orders in! Remember all taxidermy is for once on a good sale as well so if you've been wanting anything now's the best time to get it! Thank you all for whoever has purchased it means so much me. Available at Etsy.com/shop/burntoutbrand CURRENTLY 20% OFF UNTIL CYBER MONDAY!!!! . . . #burntoutbrand #waxmeltsaddict #waxmeltporn #waxmelting #waxmeltlover #waxmeltsofinstagram #waxtarts #waxmeltwarmer #waxcommunity #waxjunkie #vendorwax #vendorwaxjunkie #indiewaxmelts #indiewaxvendor #waxmeltshop #bones #oddities #disney #gothjewelry #vultureculture #gift #candle #homefragrance #scentedwax #whatimmelting #whatsinmywarmer #waxpool #whatimwarming #waxobessed #indiewax https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lL3dDn1AJ/?igshid=169va0usub9sd
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