#tullus cinna
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
Overall, he does seem nice. I’m not at all fooled by that as no one lies more than a vampire, trust me on this, I think I’m likely the leading human expert on the species since I’ve miraculously lived long enough to know a few and learn about their behaviors. Vampires lie right when they open their mouths around 80% per numerous studies. Trust me. 
“So where are you from?” I dare to ask. “How old are you, really?”
“Around a thousand years, if you want to get technical about it,” he starts but stops when he sees the look on my face. “I know, I know, that should make me very very strong but if you know your vampire history then you are aware that back then many of us were put to rest-”
“Put to rest?” Actually, I knew little ‘vampire history’ so he has me there. 
“The old masquerade rules were that only so many of us should be alive at a time, that way we don’t errmmm, you know,” yeah, bleed their food source dry, literally. “Any ways, my maker had made me by mistake and she had two options. She either destroy me, which was impossible for her, or she put me to rest. Which was to stake me and throw me into a coffin and be done with me.”
“Ah,” that made sense. If you don’t know some of the graveyards you see are filled with vampires waiting to be launched into the present world, that I knew, and also another tip was that staking doesn’t necessarily kill a vampire. It has to be through the heart but a stake anywhere else will paralyze that part of the body. To completely paralyze a vampire then you simply stake them through the spine and there you go. They can no longer move. “How was it? Did you spend thousands of years looking at the lid of your coffin?”
“No, maybe for a few days or so. I pondered my existence, as you can imagine but eventually I decided to sleep. The body without blood turns to something akin to a skeleton with flesh wrapped tight around it and one night, you become nothing but a husk and...when your father needed ‘soldiers’ I was dug up, splashed with blood, fed blood and...”
And here he was, trying to win my favor. At least he was trying to do it without any cheats although I doubt he has mental powers like my father does. At least that’s what others claim, it’s odd that he’s never used them on me. 
“Let’s move on from the past,” he says. “let’s focus on the future.”
“Good call.” 
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
It was the hair of course, before he had something that seemed more ‘him’ at least a style that I’d expect some vampire that is probably thousands of years old to style his hair.
Today he had a shorter cut and something more modern along with a goofy smile that made him slightly endearing. 
My only question is if the makeover was his idea or someone else’s...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
“Wait, wait, wait,” Vio had to stop laughing to block his path. “First, it’s dawn, Tummy, you’re going nowhere. Secondly, what has you all ticked off?”
He wanted to tell her that it was wrong to use Laverne the way she was being used but Vio standing in the way made him realize Vio was protecting Laverne for some reason. It might not be the reason everyone thought, that Violante was desperate attempt at finding a cure but there had to be something to her blood. 
“What happens when you drink blood from her?” he asked, finding courage to challenge her then because the answer was worth perhaps his life. 
“When you met her did you try using any of your abilities on her?” Vio asked and he immediately shook his head.
“No, I wanted to be honest with her.”
“Admirable. The point is, none of that stuff works on her. All vampire abilities bounce off of her like there is some kind of shield to her and-”
It hits him immediately then. “You want her to kill her father, Julius-”
“She’s the only one that can. He can’t look into her mind after all. He can’t harm her, none of us can. You could put her in a room with a hundred starving vampires and she’d come out without a scratch. There’s more to her than that but-”
“So why protect her? Sounds like she doesn’t need it?”
Violante shrugged. “Her mother wants the best for her, wants her to live a normal life but...”
And he knew why her sentence hung there, Vio wanted something more. She wanted Laverne to carry out the task she herself could not. He saw opportunity here. A chance to make an enemy into an ally.
“What if I told you that I could convince her to kill her father?”
“What you got, Tummy?” 
“All she has to do is claim what should be hers, she was first born, after all.”
Vio seemed to consider something but eventually a creeping smile molded her lips. “Tummy, I like the way you’re thinking but not the way you’re looking. Come, rest up, we’ll hit the city first sign of dusk. ”
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
Since it was a cloudy day it meant that perhaps my date would start a little sooner. It was also raining. Not sure that was in the cards but it did not take long for him to show up although I wasn’t sure it was him since he did look a little different...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
“You didn’t bring your swords,” he said, knowing immediately who it was. He had never wanted to see her again but he had known that if he were to win over Laverne he would have to get through Violante, her dark guardian angel. “You have every reason to decapitate me and serve me as a 'rose’ to your associates.”
“A rose is useless without its thorns,” he could hear the smug smirk on her face. He had no idea what she meant by that but he did know it meant she was at least not going to chop his head off. For now.
“If you are not here to kill me then-”
“What did you think? Compared to Charlotte I mean, what did you think of her?”
“I...” he paused, wondering if this was some trick question, perhaps the answer would give her an excuse to kill him after all? She enjoyed playing with her prey. “I can’t compare the two, not really, it’s not fair-”
“She’s a little bland, isn’t she? Plain. Boring. Without the hair and magical blood thing going on with her there is nothing special about her. She’s a good kid though, worth protecting.”
“I...” he didn’t agree at all and he wanted to tell her that it was Charlotte who could not compare to Laverne. Charlotte was the boring one, she was the plain one that you could read within five minutes of meeting her, she was the one that was ultimately forgettable for him while Laverne was this complex being worth dissertation. “I don’t agree,” he dared to say, almost expecting the shwinging of a sword and a quick and decisive slice that would cut right clean through his neck.
Instead he was met with pure confusion: “You don’t agree?” 
“You plan on killing Julius Tourneau, what happens after that?” 
“Dunno, I look upon the sun one last final time and say ‘mission accomplished’ but let’s be real here, that’s a dream I’m not sure can be achieved at this point, at least not by my hands,” because she was of course scared. He knew that. Who wouldn’t be? Julius was strong, stronger than any being should be, he got in your head and manipulated your thoughts, he makes a puppet out of anyone near him. 
“Do you think he’ll ever pass down power to Tobias or Charlotte?”
“Umm, no!? Julius runs the council, runs it all really. All vampires bow to him-”
“Except you and your Roses,” Tullus pointed out, a fact that seemed more amusing than poignant to Violante. 
“Not my Roses Tummy, the whole Rose thing was Luna’s idea.”
“If I drink from Laverne will I be cured?” 
That’s when Violante really started to laugh and he knew why. That was always a lie. Well, not a lie per se but if it were true Violante would have already drained Laverne dry for a chance at humanity again. Her laughter was all the answer he needed although she did verbally confirm it. “No, no...we tried, we all did, she offered too but...no. She was given a bite of fruit that would either turn her into a plantsim or cure her of vampirism...it’s a fun rumor, though, she even believes it.” 
Fun because it lured others to Laverne which meant leading others into meeting Violante, which was usually the last being they’d see, if they would see her at all. 
He got up and prepared to leave in disgust...
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igglemouse · 1 year ago
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Episode 4 ~ Redemption
I led him to the couch and he thunked himself on it as if there was some great weight on his shoulders. I could tell he had a lot on his mind and perhaps needed someone to let it all out to and so I offered him my ears. Tullus might be a vampire but you know vampires do have emotions and feelings as well? If anything they are weighed down and driven by them more than humans are.
"What's wrong?" I ask, leaning closer to him and letting him know that I was open to hearing what troubled him.
"I envy you," he said, his words so weighted that him just saying that seemed to give him some relief. I open my lips to ask why but he's already explaining. "It's easier for some, you know? They happily kill, they happily sin, they happily do whatever they wish and they are simply not capable of guilt."
"Yeah," I say, knowing this all too well. My brother Tobias is the type. He'd eagerly slaughter a room of people just to drench himself in blood. "Something happen last night?"
He looks over to me and I can see the guilt on his face. He wants to tell me something but he decides not to and I think it is best not to pry. Finally he just says; "My first victim was no older than you."
"Huh? You mean-"
"She was just some bright eyed girl who was taken by me. I was a warrior, you know, and I've killed before but then it felt like there was a purpose. With this girl? I felt like I had tricked her, she wanted something else from me, she wanted trust and love and-"
"You were dating this girl?"
"Courting," he corrects. I suppose a man from his time there would be a difference. "I-I couldn't control it, the thirst, the sound of her heart thumping harder and faster as she clung to me, trusted me, desired me and then..."
Nothing else needed to be said. I knew what he did and I knew how it ended. That's how it always ends with them you know? A vampire usually kills someone they care about. Directly or indirectly.
"It's ok," I told him, grabbing his knee and squeezing. "It's your nature, unfortunately. Just that you are thinking about something you've done over a thousand years ago means you are much different from the ones you despise."
"Y-yeah, I suppose you are right. Although it doesn’t feel so long ago for me,” he says, reminding me that he has been sleeping for most of those years. “I just hope it never happens to you."
I give him a faint smile, appreciating his concern although it is not necessary. "Nothing to worry about. I'm never turning."
He gave me a look as if he had something to say about that but instead kept his mouth shut.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
I wasn’t allowed to enjoy the cool sea breeze by myself for long because of course someone was following me, of course. 
Any ways, I heard the approach of a man some distance away, again, another side effect of once being a vampire, I think. I don’t speak much of such things because really they are not much to speak about but my vision and hearing are slightly, ever so slightly, better than regular people. Again, it’s nothing supernatural, I couldn’t hear his approach from miles away or anything but it was a bit sharper than the average person.
As for who he was I could not know but I knew he had known of me because of the intent look on his face. This was a man on a mission, a mission to do what, I wondered, but I didn’t fear him because I knew one of my dark angels was around. One of them was always around.
“Hey,” I say to him turning to meet him, standing my ground and expecting the unexpected because the unexpected is very expected in my life. 
“Enjoying the view?” The man says with an odd accent one I couldn’t quite place.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
For a moment Tullus Cinna froze. It wasn’t that he was intimidated, no, this was a man born in antiquity and it took a lot to intimidate him. He froze out of shock be cause Maria strolled right past him and found her knees next to Julius. 
‘What an odd relationship’ he thought. Maria was the third of Julius’ wives and Tullus thought a wife should be treated better? He knew Jana wasn’t treated in this way and as for Tabitha, the 2nd of his wives, she mostly kept out of vampire business. Still, seeing this particular woman lower herself beneath Julius had confused him but he had to shake the thought out of his mind. He wasn’t here for that.
“I would like to thank you for once again saving Tobias’ life. If only you had caught the perpetrator who had almost slain him...you said it was a woman, correct?”
“I-...yes, yes Count Tourneau,” he wasn’t here to talk about this either but he knew it was important for Julius. For some time Julius has put a bounty on a wild vampire known as Vio, a woman who has terrorized his family since her existence. “It was she, Viol-”
“Do not speak her name,” Julius hissed but quickly calmed himself with a deep exhale. “Tobias is foolish and in his youth and will be thanking you personally shortly. I believe he is out hunting tonight but-”
“He doesn’t need to, Count Tourneau. He’s but a pup and prone to mistakes, he had no idea who he was dealing with,” and neither did Tullus as he barely escaped with his life. He had hoped to never see Vio again.
“Fair enough, so, what do you wish for your reward? I imagine it is more than just meeting me although that is an accomplishment in of itself. I have a feeling that you want something more? Land? Hunting grounds? What is it?”
Tullus paused because now that the moment was here he wasn’t sure if he should ask for what he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Perhaps the turn in tone of Julius had scared him off. Suddenly the master vampire was impatient and agitated. He blamed Maria for that since she was practically purring for his attention. It was distracting and he imagined that it must be for Julius as well. All the same he had went face to face with Violante and he had saved the life of Julius’ only son. He deserved something. 
“I want the hand of your daughter,” he said at once causing another silence to fill the room. He was sure that Julius would laugh because of course Maria had started to giggle, that wretched sound of hers had made him want to rip out her tongue more than once and he so badly wished that he could. Julius never did join in on the laughter.
“I understand you are from a different...time, Mr. Cinna, but nowadays we don’t just hand off our daughters to some valiant knight for a reward.”
“I understand that and I only meant to be introduced to her, to court and gain her favor, I do not wish to claim her as an object to be leashed to me or-” he stopped, his eyes going on Maria who only giggled at the irony. “I just wish for a chance.”
I see...” it seemed Julius was in thought. “I could arrange a meeting with Charlotte but you must understand the woman has so many suitors and her mother, oh how Tabby dotes on her, you’ll have to gain her approval more than mines and-”
“You have it mistaken, Count Tourneau, it’s not Charlotte’s hand I wish for.”
“Laverne...” Julius whispered his lost daughter’s name as if it were a curse, just like Violante’s. At that moment he had risen to stand. 
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
“Mr. Cinna, is it?” Julius had said, taking in his guest with the gaze of a man who didn’t have much time to waste although it looked as if he were doing nothing but lounging around and soaking in his power and accomplishments. Here he was, after all, a man who had been exiled from Forgotten Hollow only to rule it again but not only that, to sit at the head of a newly created vampire council, a council he had nearly full control over since Jana, one of his beloved eternal wives, also sat on the council. “You wished to have a word with me?” 
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igglemouse · 1 year ago
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Episode 4 ~ Redemption
Then it is back to work to me especially since it is Monday morning, that just means it is a prime workday right? I plan to get plenty of work done today! Good times!
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igglemouse · 1 year ago
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Episode 4 ~ Redemption
Tullus gave me a lot to think on last night and really a lot to be thankful of because I could not imagine existing in the way he has. Having to kill just to live sounds, well, terrible, and that is the main reason I am grateful that I am not a vampire.
Sure, the power seems tempting and even amazing but is it worth having such power if it turns you into a serial killer? Yeah, I don't think so.
ANYWAYS, let's hope the rest of the day goes well and let's hope that industrial smog eventually clears up.
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igglemouse · 1 year ago
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Episode 4 ~ Redemption
An odd industrial fog covered the sky and I guess that made it safe for Tullus to come over a little earlier than he usually would have been able to.
"Is that Julius' doing or something?" I ask, referring to the odd orange sky.
He shrugs, sincerely confused. "Doubt it, you humans don't take care of your environment but you know I wouldn't put it past Count Tourneau to do something like this. May I come in?"
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igglemouse · 1 year ago
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Episode 4 ~ Redemption
After that I get back to work. Work, work, and more work! Isn't that exciting?
Any ways, I do feel a little off, like I'm coming down with a head cold or something. I won't over think it or worry too much and Tullus can't catch colds I think so no cause for concern.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 3 ~ Thicker Than Water
Tullus is also on an invite inside basis. It's a risk for sure but I do have a pretty strong vampire guardian watching over me and honestly I simply trust him. If he wants to harm me then he would have and he's been completely up front about his intentions.
Besides, the other option was having our conversation outside, in the rain. No thanks.
So, I invited him in and we talked a little about the paranormal world, this time spellcasters and magicians being the subject. I told him all about this Jameson character and he was instantly drawn in.
"He always rhymes?" He asks, a little confused as if it wasn’t possible. "Always?"
"Yeaaaaa, it's odd and it is slightly annoying. Also slightly cool? Not sure."
"It could be tied to the kind of magic he uses," he points out. I did think about this. Perhaps it was part of some spell? Some verbal ritual he must do in order to keep his abilities or something like that? "Either way, I wouldn't trust him."
"Can't trust magicians, can't trust them at all."
I can only laugh at that but I can tell my amusement slightly offends him. "It's just funny hearing a vampire tell me that it's the magicians that can't be trusted!" He still doesn't get it. "It's like a snake telling you not to trust the scorpion."
"I didn't know snakes or scorpions could talk," he retorts plainly and loaded with sarcasm. "I do get your point. We can be manipulative creatures-"
"Your very nature is a lie. The skin you wear now a disguise, a handsome one to be sure but-"
"Alright, alright, I get it," he says rather sharply and I do shut up. I didn't mean to offend. "Just know, I'm not like the others. I'm from a different time and place. The vampires from my era had respect for the life we took."
Maybe that was true? I couldn’t know, but I do agree that he isn't like the others and while I do trust him I also know that there is also a possibility that he will abuse my trust to feed some dark desire of his. I'll have to be careful.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 3 ~ Thicker Than Water
"Not exactly," again she paused, distracted either by deeper thoughts or something else. "She's immune to all vampire abilities, as Vio has told you. That includes being turned..."
Tullus shoulders dropped then. This was all for nothing. He could court her, he could fall madly in love with her and then...and then she'd die. Such was the case of mortals. He would have said his farewells and left if it wasn't for Luna's tittering snickering.
"Julius, the daft fool," she continued to snicker a moment longer. "He never could figure out why he could not access her mind, why she seemed so impervious to anything he threw at her and just...abandoned her. He gave her to me in some desperate attempt to win me back but I must be honest and say I was never truly interested in her, not at first."
"No? You are her mother and-"
"I am. Yes, there is a base love that comes with birthing a child, I suppose. I cared for her, I wanted her to be healthy and happy but...I spent most of my time trying to figure out HOW she was cured and thus, how I can be cured. The cure is something I have been searching for and I thought it was held in her blood and we just had to figure out how to pull it from her. I gently poked and prodded at her. Taking vials of her blood, submitting it to the smartest people I could find. Nothing came of it."
"No," Tullus knew. Faeries were something else. They belonged to the natural world and their magic simply was. They often represented different natures of the world, earth, water, fire, etc, and often came in different forms. He had already heard the story about plantsims kidnapping them, while they would never admit to being fae they were by definition. It was likely the plantsims who had kidnapped her didn't even understand how they had cured her. "Faerie magic is...complicated"
"Yes," Luna said with a smile still lingering on her face. "But I did learn something," she tapped her nails on the table just then. Pondering the thought for what must have been a full minute before coming out with it. "She's reverting."
"Reverting?" Tullus perked up then, hope stiffening his spine. "You mean-"
"I mean that whatever fae magic coarses through her veins weakens over time and eventually, perhaps even soon, she'll start turning back into what she was."
"You mean-"
"She was born of two vampires, without the hold of fae magic-"
"She turns back into a vampire..." he finished.
She smiled at him but something about her smile had worried him. Why did she tell him this? What did she have to gain from it?
"You have my blessing, Tullus, whatever that means," she said with a hint of disgust on her tongue. "I truly hate formality," she pushed out a sigh as she pushed herself up to her feet and then turned to leave without a farewell. "Oh, before I go...don't let her know that she's due to turn. I don't know when it will happen but I do know that when it does you might not want to be anywhere near her...ah and tell Julius I do hope to see him soon!"
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 3 ~ Thicker Than Water
He took a deep breath when he did find his seat, calming himself and composing himself. If he was going to get her permission to date and turn her daughter then he would have to show courage.
"What is your interest in my daughter?" Luna asks first. Her tone soft but the look in her eyes demanded a clear and concise reply.
"It was for power at first, yes. To improve my standing in clan Tourneau but the more I learned of her, the more I spend time with her the more-"
"She's charming, in her own way, at least that's what I hear," Luna stops then and hones in on the sound of Sabella feeding. "Of course you mean to turn her?"
"Of course," he replies quickly, figuring out that one must be up front with this creature.
"You do know her situation? I believe Vio has relayed it to you, yes?"
"She's...odd. Her blood-"
"Long story short? She was kidnapped by an faeries of the earth as a child, held against her will and had her vampirism cured, completely reversed. When she returned she returned as a human, at least, as human as one can be in her situation. She had these odd birthmarks though, purple eyes, and chalk white hair. Julius, from what I hear, had no idea what to do with the child. He kept her for a while, trying to turn her, it never worked," she stopped then, letting it sink in.
"You're saying she can't be turned?"
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