#violante matta
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
“Wait, wait, wait,” Vio had to stop laughing to block his path. “First, it’s dawn, Tummy, you’re going nowhere. Secondly, what has you all ticked off?”
He wanted to tell her that it was wrong to use Laverne the way she was being used but Vio standing in the way made him realize Vio was protecting Laverne for some reason. It might not be the reason everyone thought, that Violante was desperate attempt at finding a cure but there had to be something to her blood. 
“What happens when you drink blood from her?” he asked, finding courage to challenge her then because the answer was worth perhaps his life. 
“When you met her did you try using any of your abilities on her?” Vio asked and he immediately shook his head.
“No, I wanted to be honest with her.”
“Admirable. The point is, none of that stuff works on her. All vampire abilities bounce off of her like there is some kind of shield to her and-”
It hits him immediately then. “You want her to kill her father, Julius-”
“She’s the only one that can. He can’t look into her mind after all. He can’t harm her, none of us can. You could put her in a room with a hundred starving vampires and she’d come out without a scratch. There’s more to her than that but-”
“So why protect her? Sounds like she doesn’t need it?”
Violante shrugged. “Her mother wants the best for her, wants her to live a normal life but...”
And he knew why her sentence hung there, Vio wanted something more. She wanted Laverne to carry out the task she herself could not. He saw opportunity here. A chance to make an enemy into an ally.
“What if I told you that I could convince her to kill her father?”
“What you got, Tummy?” 
“All she has to do is claim what should be hers, she was first born, after all.”
Vio seemed to consider something but eventually a creeping smile molded her lips. “Tummy, I like the way you’re thinking but not the way you’re looking. Come, rest up, we’ll hit the city first sign of dusk. ”
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l-insurge · 6 years ago
Tribune de Soudanais en exil (parue dans Libération, le 12 juin) Le 3 juin, des hommes en armes du régime ont tiré, violé, fouetté, jeté dans le Nil des civils. Le bilan fait état de plus d’une centaine de morts, de centaines de blessés et de centaines de disparus. La contre-révolution est à l’offensive. Il y a urgence à agir, y compris pour la diaspora soudanaise, les citoyens européens, et leurs institutions, dont l’UE. Comme un rayon de lumière au cœur des ténèbres. Comme un coup de tonnerre qui briserait des années de silence. La révolution soudanaise s’est levée pour mettre fin à trente ans de tyrannie, d’oppression et de répression. Pour les Soudanais, les cendres des 3 000 villages incendiés au Darfour par le régime islamiste du dictateur Omar el-Béchir sont encore chaudes. Les cris de douleur des 221 femmes et petites filles violées et torturées dans le village de Tabbit résonnent encore dans tous les esprits. Les millions de personnes déplacées et les réfugiés soudanais en exil n’ont pas oublié les exactions qui les ont séparés de leurs familles, les privant de leurs foyers et de leur pays. Tous ces crimes ont été commis par les «Janjaweeds», les bien nommés «démons à cheval», récemment rebaptisées RSF (forces de soutien rapide), la milice raciste et criminelle dirigée par le général Muhammad Hamdan Daklo qui se fait appeler «Hemetti». Cet homme fut en son temps au service du dictateur déchu ; il sévit aujourd’hui dans les rues de Khartoum et voudrait étendre ses crimes à l’échelle de tout le pays. Pour mettre fin à des décennies de guerres civiles et de terreur, des millions de Soudanais sont descendus dans la rue. Depuis le 19 décembre, les révolutionnaires risquent leur vie pour obtenir une transition démocratique. Leur soulèvement a été pacifique. Après des années de résistance et de protestations, le 11 avril, ils ont fait tomber le dictateur Omar el-Béchir. Mais le monstre a plusieurs têtes. Et à présent, d’autres chefs militaires, les généraux Borhan et Hemetti, essaient de remplacer l’ancien régime par une nouvelle dictature, comme si les millions de Soudanais se réclamant d’un gouvernement civil n’existaient pas. Ils ont d’abord feint de jouer le jeu des négociations avec l’Alliance des forces pour la liberté et le changement qui représentent la population civile. Mais le lundi 3 juin, le masque est tombé. Les miliciens du RSF sous le commandement de Hemetti ont attaqué le sit-in démocratique qui était installé depuis deux mois devant le ministère des Armées pour réclamer la passation du pouvoir aux civils. Ils ont mis le feu aux tentes, brûlant vifs les dormeurs, tirant à balles réelles sur les jeunes qui tenaient les barricades et sur ceux qui essayaient de s’enfuir, fouettant et violant tous ceux qui se trouvaient sur leur passage. Rien qu’à Khartoum, ils auraient tué plus d’une centaine de personnes et blessé plus de 500 autres, selon le Comité central des médecins soudanais. Des centaines de personnes sont encore portées disparues. Des cadavres continuent de remonter à la surface du Nil. Ce massacre est une réplique des massacres commis sous le commandement du même général Hemitti dans les villages du Darfour. Depuis une semaine, des millions de Soudanais vivent en état de siège. A Khartoum, les miliciens du RSF s’introduisent dans des maisons au hasard pour agresser et piller les habitants. La résistance pacifique continue. Les Soudanais ont lancé dimanche un grand mouvement de désobéissance civile : grève générale, reconstruction permanente des barricades pour entraver le mouvement des milices, marches pour demander la passation du pouvoir au peuple. Mais même la désobéissance civile est devenue difficile à tenir. Les RSF ont été cherchés certains grévistes jusque dans leur maison pour les forcer à aller travailler. Des employés de banque, des ingénieurs de la compagnie d’électricité et des pilotes d’avion racontent avoir été battus et emmenés de force sur leurs lieux de travail. Et les exactions des miliciens du RSF continuent. L’université de Khartoum – qui fut en 2012 le foyer d’une révolte étouffée dans le sang par le régime d’Omar el-Béchir – a été mise à sac et certains locaux brûlés ce lundi 10 juin. Hemetti, nouvel homme fort de Khartoum est coupable de tous ces crimes. L’Union européenne doit cesser de le reconnaître comme son principal interlocuteur et de lui donner ainsi une légitimité qu’il n’a pas. Nous appelons les citoyens européens à faire pression sur leurs gouvernements et sur l’Union européenne pour qu’ils rompent le silence et agissent. Rester silencieux et continuer à considérer le Conseil militaire de transition comme un partenaire politique après les crimes commis depuis le 3 juin, reviendrait à soutenir des milices militaires qui terrorisent et assassinent des populations civiles pacifiques. Les pays de l’UE doivent faire pression sur l’ONU pour qu’elle déploie rapidement une équipe de surveillance des droits de l’homme chargée d’enquêter sur les allégations de violations des droits de l’homme commises au Soudan depuis le 3 juin et pour que les commanditaires de ces crimes, y compris le général Hemetti soient traduits en justice. Les pays de l’UE doivent avoir une position plus forte au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, car avec le veto de la Chine et de la Russie, l’ONU n’a pas condamné les violences. Les membres de l’UE doivent également faire pression sur les autorités militaires soudanaises pour qu’elles lèvent l’interdiction du service mobile Internet. L’UE doit cesser toute coopération avec le Soudan, à l’exception de l’aide humanitaire qui sauve des vies. Les membres de l’UE doivent respecter la position adoptée le 17 avril par leur haute représentante, Federica Mogherini, qui a déclaré : «Un transfert rapide et ordonné à un organe civil de transition doté du pouvoir décisionnel complet est le seul moyen de garantir la paix au Soudan.»
Signataires soudanais en exil
Moneim Rahama, poète et écrivain Abdelaziz Baraka Sakin, romancier Rachid Saeed Yagoub, porte-parole du SPA Mohamed Alasbatt, ancien porte-parole du SPA Mayada Adil, créatrice de mode Youssif Haliem, écrivain et activiste Omer Omran, philosophe Suhaib Gasmelbari, cinéaste Adil Abdel Rahman, poète Tarig Abu Obida, chanteur Bushra El Fadil, romancier Yahyaa Fadlalla, poète et écrivain Hind El Tahir, chanteuse Ghandi Adam, flûtiste Nouraddeen Youssif, chanteur Hassan Yassin, poète et activiste Abu Zar Abdelbagi, chanteur Ramiz Siraj, musicien Amar Awad Shareef, journaliste Marwa Al Haj, journaliste Hanadi Osman, journaliste Adil El Gassas, écrivain Asia Madani, chanteuse Ibrahim Hamouda, écrivain et producteur Mansour El Souwaim, romancier Shiyar Khaleal, journaliste Islam Zin Alabadeen, peintre Iman Elkhatim Abdallah, avocat Mohamed Elmahdi Abdelwhab, poète et écrivain Emad Abdulla, peintre Mohamed Bushara, peintre Mostafa Siri, journaliste Al Sadiq Al Radi, poète Amal Habbani, journaliste Dr. Albaqir Al Afif, universitaire Rasha Awad, journaliste Mohamed Madani, poète 
Signataires européens
Hind Meddeb, cinéaste Mehdi Meddeb, journaliste Barbara Cassin, de l’Académie Française, philosophe Patrick Chamoiseau, écrivain Raphaël Glucksmann, député européen Gaël Faye, écrivain et musicien Arthur H, musicien Abd Al Malik, musicien, écrivain et cinéaste Imhotep pour le groupe IAM Olivier Rolin, écrivain Roshdi Rashed, directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS Jean-Luc Nancy, philosophe Marwan Rashed, historien Abbas Fahdel, cinéaste Valérie Osouf, cinéaste Jean-François Rial, PDG de Voyageurs du Monde Federica Matta, artiste Sylvie Denoix, chercheuse au CNRS Mathias Enard, écrivain Ali Benmaklouf, philosophe Robert Littell, écrivain Michel Hazavanicius, cinéaste Etienne Balibar, philosophe Reza, photographe Bachar Mar Khalife, musicien Sophie Bessis, historienne Jean-Hubert Martin, historien de l’art Abderrahmane Sissako, cinéaste Hortense Archambault, directrice de la Maison de la Culture de Seine Saint Denis (MC93) Jean-Claude Monod, chercheur en philosophie Veronique Nahoum-Grappe, chercheur en sciences sociales François Dosse, historien Joël Hubrecht, juriste Darline Cothière, directrice de la Maison des Journalistes Ariane Mnouchkine, dramaturge, metteure en scène Ludivine Sagnier, comédienne
Source : https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2019/06/12/soudan-rompre-le-silence_1733285
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
“You didn’t bring your swords,” he said, knowing immediately who it was. He had never wanted to see her again but he had known that if he were to win over Laverne he would have to get through Violante, her dark guardian angel. “You have every reason to decapitate me and serve me as a 'rose’ to your associates.”
“A rose is useless without its thorns,” he could hear the smug smirk on her face. He had no idea what she meant by that but he did know it meant she was at least not going to chop his head off. For now.
“If you are not here to kill me then-”
“What did you think? Compared to Charlotte I mean, what did you think of her?”
“I...” he paused, wondering if this was some trick question, perhaps the answer would give her an excuse to kill him after all? She enjoyed playing with her prey. “I can’t compare the two, not really, it’s not fair-”
“She’s a little bland, isn’t she? Plain. Boring. Without the hair and magical blood thing going on with her there is nothing special about her. She’s a good kid though, worth protecting.”
“I...” he didn’t agree at all and he wanted to tell her that it was Charlotte who could not compare to Laverne. Charlotte was the boring one, she was the plain one that you could read within five minutes of meeting her, she was the one that was ultimately forgettable for him while Laverne was this complex being worth dissertation. “I don’t agree,” he dared to say, almost expecting the shwinging of a sword and a quick and decisive slice that would cut right clean through his neck.
Instead he was met with pure confusion: “You don’t agree?” 
“You plan on killing Julius Tourneau, what happens after that?” 
“Dunno, I look upon the sun one last final time and say ‘mission accomplished’ but let’s be real here, that’s a dream I’m not sure can be achieved at this point, at least not by my hands,” because she was of course scared. He knew that. Who wouldn’t be? Julius was strong, stronger than any being should be, he got in your head and manipulated your thoughts, he makes a puppet out of anyone near him. 
“Do you think he’ll ever pass down power to Tobias or Charlotte?”
“Umm, no!? Julius runs the council, runs it all really. All vampires bow to him-”
“Except you and your Roses,” Tullus pointed out, a fact that seemed more amusing than poignant to Violante. 
“Not my Roses Tummy, the whole Rose thing was Luna’s idea.”
“If I drink from Laverne will I be cured?” 
That’s when Violante really started to laugh and he knew why. That was always a lie. Well, not a lie per se but if it were true Violante would have already drained Laverne dry for a chance at humanity again. Her laughter was all the answer he needed although she did verbally confirm it. “No, no...we tried, we all did, she offered too but...no. She was given a bite of fruit that would either turn her into a plantsim or cure her of vampirism...it’s a fun rumor, though, she even believes it.” 
Fun because it lured others to Laverne which meant leading others into meeting Violante, which was usually the last being they’d see, if they would see her at all. 
He got up and prepared to leave in disgust...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 1 ~ Sheep’s Clothing
For a moment Tullus Cinna froze. It wasn’t that he was intimidated, no, this was a man born in antiquity and it took a lot to intimidate him. He froze out of shock be cause Maria strolled right past him and found her knees next to Julius. 
‘What an odd relationship’ he thought. Maria was the third of Julius’ wives and Tullus thought a wife should be treated better? He knew Jana wasn’t treated in this way and as for Tabitha, the 2nd of his wives, she mostly kept out of vampire business. Still, seeing this particular woman lower herself beneath Julius had confused him but he had to shake the thought out of his mind. He wasn’t here for that.
“I would like to thank you for once again saving Tobias’ life. If only you had caught the perpetrator who had almost slain him...you said it was a woman, correct?”
“I-...yes, yes Count Tourneau,” he wasn’t here to talk about this either but he knew it was important for Julius. For some time Julius has put a bounty on a wild vampire known as Vio, a woman who has terrorized his family since her existence. “It was she, Viol-”
“Do not speak her name,” Julius hissed but quickly calmed himself with a deep exhale. “Tobias is foolish and in his youth and will be thanking you personally shortly. I believe he is out hunting tonight but-”
“He doesn’t need to, Count Tourneau. He’s but a pup and prone to mistakes, he had no idea who he was dealing with,” and neither did Tullus as he barely escaped with his life. He had hoped to never see Vio again.
“Fair enough, so, what do you wish for your reward? I imagine it is more than just meeting me although that is an accomplishment in of itself. I have a feeling that you want something more? Land? Hunting grounds? What is it?”
Tullus paused because now that the moment was here he wasn’t sure if he should ask for what he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Perhaps the turn in tone of Julius had scared him off. Suddenly the master vampire was impatient and agitated. He blamed Maria for that since she was practically purring for his attention. It was distracting and he imagined that it must be for Julius as well. All the same he had went face to face with Violante and he had saved the life of Julius’ only son. He deserved something. 
“I want the hand of your daughter,” he said at once causing another silence to fill the room. He was sure that Julius would laugh because of course Maria had started to giggle, that wretched sound of hers had made him want to rip out her tongue more than once and he so badly wished that he could. Julius never did join in on the laughter.
“I understand you are from a different...time, Mr. Cinna, but nowadays we don’t just hand off our daughters to some valiant knight for a reward.”
“I understand that and I only meant to be introduced to her, to court and gain her favor, I do not wish to claim her as an object to be leashed to me or-” he stopped, his eyes going on Maria who only giggled at the irony. “I just wish for a chance.”
I see...” it seemed Julius was in thought. “I could arrange a meeting with Charlotte but you must understand the woman has so many suitors and her mother, oh how Tabby dotes on her, you’ll have to gain her approval more than mines and-”
“You have it mistaken, Count Tourneau, it’s not Charlotte’s hand I wish for.”
“Laverne...” Julius whispered his lost daughter’s name as if it were a curse, just like Violante’s. At that moment he had risen to stand. 
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: While Julius planned on taking another soul for his growing collection, Violante planned her escape. She had been talking to Athena alright and Athena had claimed that she could assist her. 
Violante would jump at the opportunity, she couldn’t stay here much longer, that much she knew. She had heard what was going on in Tabitha’s room and part of her, some part of her that she knew (or hoped) didn’t belong to her wanted to join in.
‘Why not?’ A thought she knew that didn’t belong to her slithered into her mind. ‘Just give in...be happy...join us...’ it repeated, over and over again. It sounded like her voice, in her head at least, but she knew such thoughts were alien to her mind. It was Julius. She couldn’t be certain but it had to be. The thought that he had gained such an ability worried her but it meant that she could not stick around here longer. If she did, he would claim her, he would take her, he would break her. She wouldn’t be able to resist forever, not if he started poking around into her mind.
She furiously typed on her phone, telling Athena that the plan was a go. Athena wanted to wait, another few days, something about plantsims and Laverne but Vio wasn’t paying attention. As she heard moans and other sounds she’d rather push out of her mind and the beckoning voice in her head growing louder, more determined to pull her closer, she typed with the urgency of someone who had one text to send to save her life.
‘Now! He’s busy right now. I’m leaving whether you are ready or not. Meet you up the road and you better not be lying about removing this collar...’
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Tabitha had come to wake me and with the news that my mom was here. I was little terrified, actually, worried that I’d disappoint her again but mother seemed to be impressed with how far I had come. She had always seen me as a naïve and foolish young man but she saw that I had amassed some bit of power in this small rural town. I’m so happy to see her up and about and on her feet again even if those stares she gives you can chill you to the bone. It’s something about those moon white eyes, it’s as if she’s not only seeing into your soul but pulling it out of you bit by bit. It’s great to have her back either way! 
“Are you sure three wives is wise? Any of these three women can destroy you,” Lenore warned. She thinks I’m underestimating them. “And you should kill Violante, behead her, send her head to her old hunting group and-”
“Mother, it’s fine. Jana is having my child and Tabitha? She is mines completely, I own her soul and heart and the last of them, Violante, she is a puppy with no bark.”
“A puppy that almost killed me,” she grimly reminds me, noting with a nod of her head that she had bested me there. “All it takes is one mistake Julius-”
“Mother, things are fine, really, and-”
“I have a granddaughter out there, Julius, how are things fine? What metric are we going by here, my son? Is this a metric set by your lust alone?”
“Mother I...” she had me there. It was true. Laverne was taken from me and in the end that falls on me. “She’ll be found and returned safely mother,” I lied just to get her to turn her eyes elsewhere. That had worked. “Violante is no trouble. She mumbles and jokes and insults but that’s all she has. Besides, killing her is far too easy an out, it’s what she wants. I’ll break her, I’ll make her crawl to me and beg for my attention, I’ll make a pet of her-”
“And she’ll play the pet until she can slit your throat. Hate is a strong emotion, my son, never underestimate it. That woman hates you. She will die attempting to hurt you in any way she can.”
“We’ll see about that.” 
My mother is wrong here. I’m stronger than even she realizes. I’ll be able to get into Vio’s head and..
“Ah, here comes Jana,” I announce, hearing her right outside the door.
“Of course.” 
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: While Julius and his brides to be were excited about their future there was someone on his farm that was dreading her own. Violante had started to realize the mistake she had made. 
Julius was powerful, stronger than she had realized but more than that, stronger than even he had known. The bad news was that he was starting to come to grips with his strength. 
She could feel it growing, she could feel him probing and poking into her mind. At least that’s what she thought what was happening. If she stuck around any longer she was afraid of what she might become. Another toy for him to play with? Another ‘bride’ for him to claim? 
She trembled at the thought. She would die before that ever came to be, she could not live on happily as his bride like the others would. She needed a way out and needed a way out fast.
It was hard to plan and plot her escape with so many vampires around and now there was Tabitha. She hoped Tabby would remember the solid she did her when she revealed the truth but then again...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
The day goes on normally and I must admit it was surprising to find Jana playing games with Vio. Jana is a big time gamer which is also a little surprising and Vio is probably just passing time. I know Jana is happy to have someone to play with but I do not know if she’s going to continue to let Vio beat her. Jana hates losing in anything, it’s too much of a hit to her massive (but adorable) ego. I do love her for her pride. 
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: Violante did have one issue with her new task. She wasn’t allowed a phone. That didn’t matter much since Jana was happy to allow her to use one just so that she could get out of her hair. 
“Yeah, I’ll get you a burner phone, I don’t care. Just get in touch with Athena and let her know that you’re handling this whole Laverne business.”
Violante wasn’t really sure who Athena was but she had heard of her to be sure and had seen her around but that was all she knew of the woman. 
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”
“And don’t try anything stupid. Would hate to have to use that collar. Just, continue to be a good girl and stay in line, okay?”
Violante nodded her head. That was her plan. She’d be obedient until she didn’t have to be.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Or maybe I’ll just lose interest in Violante, it’s probably about time that I do. Look at Tabitha! She’s so talented and beautiful and loyal, unlike Violante. The latter should be grateful that she’s even being allowed to live right now...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
“Ah Vio, my lovely prisoner, how are you this beautiful day?” I almost forget this one exists, honestly. She’s supposed to be dangerous but all I see is a lost little vampire who doesn’t yet know her place. She will learn it soon enough. 
“Julius, my ugly Count, I’m doing just fine. Yourself?”
“Why do we play this game, Vio?” 
“What game?”
This is frustrating, isn’t it? She could be the third one, she could have the honor of obeying me and finding some better purpose in life and yet she holds on to the humanity she never truly had. I will break this woman. You’ll see. Until then, I’ll play her little game.
“The game of you being a malcontent when you could find yourself in my arms, content, satisfied, and happy.”
“Are you out of your mind right now, Julius?” She asks as if serious. No sarcasm this time. “You are, yeah? I barely want to mop your bloodstained floors so what makes you think I’d ever get intimate with you? You’re disgusting, egotistical, hideous, monst-”
“Oh come now, I’m not all that bad.”
“Can you just leave me be, for now?”
Fine. I’ll leave her alone but someday, soon I think, she’ll come crawling to me and it will be willingly of her own control. This I promise.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: Violante planned on taking advantage of her new phone access. She knew they would eventually underestimate her and she planned on making them pay for it...in time. She would have to be patient and wait for just the right moment...
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: The knowledge of pregnancy has changed Jana’s outlook on life. Suddenly, she’s hanging around the house more and preparing to be a mother. That means, unfortunately, that she’s not up to previous responsibilities assigned to her, like look for Laverne. 
“I just think this is a task for you, a chance for you to prove your loyalty to the clan. I suggest you get with Athena and work with her. She knows more about this than I do,” Jana tells Violante when questioned on what to do next regarding the missing Laverne. 
“Hmm, right, yeah, I’ll do that-”
“It’s just that I’m having my own child soon, you see,” Jana patted her belly proudly. There was the slightest hints of a bump there. “So my priority right now is to my own child.”
“You leeches are multiplying a little too quickly for my taste,” Violante mumbles. Jana ignores it, too caught up in herself to care for a throwaway insult. 
“So this is how it will work out. You and Athena will retrieve Laverne, wherever she may be, and I’ll focus on carrying out this pregnancy-”
“Is that what Julius...err, Count Tourneau, wants?”
“Of course!” Jana lied. She hadn’t spoken to Julius about her role moving forward but she presumed this is what he would have wanted any way, after all, Jana felt her child was instantly more important than Laverne. “Our child is of vital importance to the clan, he or she will be the sole heir to the power we are accumulating.”
“Ah, I see,” Violante is not so convinced and she also doesn’t care. If it were up to her all of them would be staked and decapitated. “Well, you enjoy it then. I’ll link up with Athena and we’ll see what we can do.”
“Good, good! See, just pay attention and be obedient, that’s all we ask of you! You’re learning after all.”
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Ah, Vio! Well, she’s spending her night cleaning my little dungeon room. Yes, I do have a room full of cages. I’m sure it’ll come to good use and mayhaps one day she’ll find herself in one of those cages? If she doesn’t learn her place she will...maybe by the end of this week she will.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 11 ~ My Immortal
Narrator: When she turned to meet her she was more than surprised to find just how easily this woman had transitioned. She thought it took a few days or at least a full day but for Tabitha it had to be six or seven hours. She knew somehow Julius was at fault here, he was not a normal vampire and it was as if his will was having an affect on reality. She would have liked to have sit back and studied this but she knew the longer she hung around the more likely it would be she would eventually fall under his spell. It seemed to her Tabitha had given in completely and eagerly so, she would find no ally here.
“Tabby! Looking ummm...pale!” Vio joked, hiding her misery behind humor as she always did.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
“It’s um something,” Vio conceded. It wasn’t just that Tabitha’s pallor had changed or the pointy ears or presumably the sharpened teeth made for biting and ripping flesh but she knew Tabitha’s spirit had changed as well. She knew it as sure as ever just by the way the woman now carried herself. “So, enjoying the leech life then?”
Tabitha seemed genuinely confused, so Violante continued. “You know, leech? The little slug like thing that lives in lakes and drinks blood for sustenance?”
“Why do you hate what you are? What you have become?”
“W-what?” It was a question she had been asked before but it felt different when the person asking it had not been a vampire for even half of a week. She shook her head at the ridiculousness of this. “You’re serious then? Your kind kills for fun and when given power plays with the lives of mortals and-”
“Your kind? You mean, your kind, right?”
Vio could not help but laugh. She did not need this, not right now. “Fine. I’ll let you and vampire barbie fight over ‘Count’ Tourneau, you’re too stupid to realize you’ve been brainwashed or something any ways.”
If that was supposed to hurt it didn’t phase Tabitha at all. She simply smiled before turning and leaving. Violante had to get out of here and soon. Very soon.
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igglemouse · 2 years ago
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Episode 10 ~ Hematophagy
When night came around I called a meeting with Jana and Violante, the ladies of my small circle tasked with finding Laverne and bringing her back home. I asked them to put their heads together to figure out where we go from here and mainly ask Violante if she had any ideas.
“We have zero leads,” Violante reminds me a bit cruelly. “Someone snuck into YOUR lair and stole YOUR child and we do not have a single clue as to who it could be.” 
“Isn’t it YOUR job to find these clues?” Jana shot back, defending me. 
“I can’t manifest information out of thin air or maybe I can? Is that some secret vampire ability I should know about?”
“Maybe there is and-”
“Ladies, please,” I have to cut in. These two are no big fans of each other and for good reason. Jana, if you recall, is the reason I have a collar around Vio’s neck. Not that that matters, I do not think Jana would have liked her any ways, Jana doesn’t seem to like many people. “We are doing this for an innocent little girl.”
“A vampire girl,” Violante cuts in.
“Oh, is that supposed to make a difference then? Does that make her less innocent?” Jana again on the defense of me or maybe just a simple attack on Violante.
“Eventually she will grow into a full vampire and eventually she won’t be all that innocent anymore.”
“You know, I think we should get to removing your collar and I think we should do it by removing your head from your neck.”
Violante laughs, enjoying this back and forth a little too much. “Please try, I beg you, please-”
I can’t help but groan, this could continue on for the duration of the night easily I see. “Ladies! Enough of this! I do not care about your apparent grudges in this moment, I care about Laverne!”
“Oh, sure sure, I say we do nothing,” Violante again, not helping at all. “The little girl can probably find daddy dearest on her own, like some kind of bloodhound or something, I wouldn’t really put it past-”
“You think this is a game, Vio?” I warn her. “Please remember my threat and do understand that I will gladly carry it out.”
“Oh, I understand, Count Tourneau.”
This meeting did not go nearly as well as I’ve hoped. 
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