#tucker foley x reader
Character of your choice! Either receiving or giving flowers!
- 💗 anon!
AWW, The Main Trio <3 Thinking of maybe writing a sick reader with character taking care of them Sorry it's kind of short
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Daniel 'Danny' Fenton [Giving]
He saw them when doing ghost work and was instantly enchanted by them. They reminded him of you
He's so giddy when getting them and can't wait to give them to you
Though he does get a little nervous when giving them to you
Little did he know they were ghost flowers and would end up possessing you
He blames himself for it and decides that he'll buy you flowers from now on
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Tucker Foley [Receiving]
He's fangirling
"Flowers? For me????"
He's smiling and his face is a bright red
He doesn't care what anyone says. He loves the flowers, even if the gender roles were reversed
He puts them in the prettiest vase next to his bed
He's so sad when they start to die
He'll try to save them for as long as possible, but it doesn't really work out all that well
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Samantha 'Sam' Manson [Giving]
She waited to long to give them to you and they're dead
They're all sad and bent over, the leaves curled up. She's smiling awkwardly as she gives them to you
"It gives them personality!"
"Personality? Sam, they're dead."
She sheepishly laughs, "Aren't all the best things dead?"
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miscmonstro · 2 years
The Uno Reverse Adoption Saga (formerly No Title Yet) 6
what's this? a title?? on MY fic?????
First: Chapter 1
Previous: Chapter 5
Next: Chapter 7
Halfa!Trio Au crossover with Batman
Current Characters: Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton, Jason Todd
Summary: Forced to attend a gala by her parents as she is every year, Sam Manson was resigned to suffer through the stifling three-night gala until something pulled at her core. The something turned out to be a someone. Just who is Jason Todd and can the trio gain enough of his trust to help him before his struggling proto-core collapses?
👻 {Chapter 6 Below!)
Jason was pissed. 
To be fair, pissed off could describe him at any given point, though the trio didn’t know that.
“So you just decided ‘hey, rain’ll work’,” he glowered. 
The four were in the attic. They’d returned the hostages and the crasher to the main floor for the paramedics and police to find respectively and then withdrawn to temporarily camp out. After a brief introduction of Tucker as Ghouley they glossed over Sam’s name, moving the conversation every which way before Jason had all but demanded to know how exactly they’d worked around the situation.
“Yeah,” Tucker shrugged. “And it did work, didn’t it?” 
Jason muttered curses to himself and with their enhanced hearing, the phantoms heard every word. Danny mentally shuffled at the colorful vocabulary and Sam’s snicker echoed in their heads. They weren’t quite used to it because even if they could curse in their minds, they could not speak those words aloud. Curses were used sparingly. It was even more unusual to hear from someone else; back home, no one could swear.
Jason didn’t respond to Tucker’s statement and the frown on what was visible of his face under the mask deepened. “That was reckless. And where is Manes? Four kids isn’t better than three.”
“Uh oh,” Danny thought. Tucker made a mental shooing motion at Sam.
“She’s coming here,” he said. 
Jason raised a skeptical brow and Danny hurriedly offered to make a copy and shift to look like Sam. Sam shot him down; he still wasn’t great at duplication. They didn’t need to explain why Manes dissolved into a puddle of goop.
“She’ll be here soon and if not, we’ll go look for her,” Sam settled on bullshitting. Really, while she and Danny went ‘looking’ for Manes she’d switch back to human and voila, cover complete. 
“You four have no idea what danger you’re in. Dead or not whatever, you can make your own choices, but it’s irresponsible to shove Manes into this,” Jason said sternly. “And it’s not your job to clean up other people’s messes.”
Not their mess? Maybe that had been true, once upon a time, and they had struggled and even quitted the hero thing at different points over the years. But it was always a Fenton mess, with the offending portal in their basement, and Sam and Tucker’s for daring Danny to do the deed of accidentally turning it on in the first place. They were the cause, so protecting Amity had been their responsibility by default. But now? Danny was the King of the Infinite Realms. All ghosts were his responsibility and far be it for Sam and Tucker to abandon him now. It was unthinkable. So it was their mess, always had been, and now always would be. 
“Why wouldn’t Manes help?” Sam scoffed. She swore she was going to punch him, baby ghost or not, if he spouted some nonsense about her being a girl.
“She’s a fucking human kid? And shouldn’t be risking injury like that?” he spat incredulously. “There’s no reason for a teenage girl to be cleaning up the Bat’s messes.”
“Hey! We’re also teenagers,” protested Danny, “and if we can do it, so can she.” 
“And how long have you been dead?” Jason shot back rudely. “You could be forty for all I know.”
Danny felt a spike of annoyance. 
“Ghosts don’t work like that,” Tucker huffed. He stared at Jason, mentally debating what they could, and should, share with him.
Jason was getting increasingly worked up. “Look, you might be teens, sure. Fine. The problem is that there wasn’t anything that could’ve hurt you, but that’s not true for humans.”
Sam, surprisingly impressed, remarked, “That’s actually really thoughtful. Pretty useless sentiment though.”
“I don’t think he knows that,” Tucker sighed, floating downwards and settling on an old boxy chest. 
Well, they weren’t going to tell him they were halfa.
“You’re clearly not familiar with the situation, but all humans who know about us and aren’t hunting us are automatically subject to be hunted,” Sam said, taking a different angle that would still explain her human side’s involvement. “Did you read the acts? The association and ecto-entity aid clauses? Just by knowing us and not wanting us to be tortured thousands of people’s untimely deaths can be swept under the rug. It doesn’t matter if Manes helps us directly or not, she and everyone like her are targets.” 
The only reason those parts of the acts were not enforced was because as much as they wanted to, the GIW couldn’t handle all of Amity. They didn’t have the manpower.
The angry frown shifted to a more troubled and less hostile expression. “I- just why?” Jason asked, seemingly at a loss. “Why would that many people risk themselves? Their families? There has to be more to this.”
“Ghosts aren’t all bad and people know it,” Tucker explained gently. “Some of these people have friends and family who’ve come back, some just don’t think it’s right. But truthfully, a lot of people are just too ecto-contaminated to qualify as regular humans anymore. According to the acts.”
“So Manes is in danger one way or another,” Jason muttered.
Jason was oddly fixated on Manes, but he was also just suspicious all around. “And most people agree they need ghosts to protect them from bigger threats,” Danny added cheekily. He figured he’d capitalize on the suspicion and distract him.
“Be back in a bit, we’re going to find Manes,” Sam blurted when she realized what he had, that Jason’s eyes kept flickering over to the ladder. She phased through the floor and Danny followed reluctantly a moment later. 
Jason eyed where they’d gone through the floor before asking Tucker warily, “Bigger threats? The hell does that mean?”
Tucker flicked Danny’s presence for leaving him to answer the new line of questioning, then thought back to all the strange things they’d been thrown headfirst into and the different ways they’d learned to handle them lest they sink. “Threats that make artificial rain look reasonable.”
“That doesn’t tell me anything,” Jason growled. 
“Dude I don’t know,” Tucker exhaled exasperatedly, though he knew all too well. “Think, like, eternal sleep, mass mind control, evil plants destroying cities, that kind of thing.” 
With a dismissive scoff the younger ghost said, “Sounds like JL stuff. I would’ve heard of that.” 
Tucker hesitated, momentarily forgetting what JL was before nodding. “Ah, them. Yeah, the events are pretty isolated. A lot of people are interested in keeping this mess under wraps.” Vlad, himself and the Phantoms, the GIW, and most recently, Technus had all inputted their unique brands of high end cyber security, cloaking Amity in a veil that was nigh impenetrable to outsiders. “Even then, the League can never come near ghost hotspots.”
“Ominous,” Sam laughed.
“The vaguer I am, the more questions he asks, the more time you have to look busy,” Tucker replied with the air of ‘I’m doing you a favor’. 
Jason, perhaps emboldened by the absence of the other two, snapped, “But that doesn’t explain anything! Why can’t they? Preventing the destruction of cities is exactly what they’re for!”
“Dude, ghosts,” Tucker emphasized. “The acts aside, ghosts have an ability called overshadowing. It lets us possess people. Do you want to deal with a possessed Wonder Woman? The correct answer is no. Nobody does.”
Jason crossed his arms and studied Tucker. He breathed in and out once, and then twice. 
“So Manes said the GIW operate more to the west,” he mused, quite a bit calmer. “Where exactly should I avoid?”
“Illinois and Wisconsin for sure, Iowa is a so-so depending on the season. Consider it ‘visit at your own risk’. There’s also a hotspot in Oregon that they haven’t quite picked up on yet but a lot of people are worried that it’s only a matter of time,” Tucker rattled off, the maps of GIW activity zipping through his mind letting him answer easily. “The only exception is Amity Park. Ghosts are really common there and it’s where the GIW got started, but it’s also where they have the least amount of success.” 
“Amity Park?” Jason tilted his head. There was a spark of curiosity in him, the kind that made you want to know everything.
“Never search that up,” Tucker advised, knowing intimately all the triggers that search would trip. “I can get you a map if you’re interested in relocating.” 
“I think it’s been long enough,” Tucker thought.
“No thanks,” Jason backtracked quickly. “I’m happy in Gotham.”
Sam, on the ladder, switched back into her human form and climbed up the top few rungs. 
“Hey guys,” she said. 
Jason rose from the box he’d been sitting on and looked her over with keen eyes. “Did you get injured?” he asked with worry.
“No I- gah!”
Sam’s hold on the ladder slackened and Tucker shot over to grab her. If not for him and Danny, who’d been invisible just below her, she would’ve fallen. 
The fear was back. 
“Sam you have to switch back,” Danny thought quickly. It hadn’t become overwhelming yet but even in the few seconds that she was human it had grown at an alarming rate. Soon, like before, it would spiral out of control.
Sam wanted to but Jason was right there.
“Come on Sam, we’ll figure it out later. Change back. It’s not worth it,” Tucker insisted. Danny had reservations but he shoved them aside. He could deal with Jason if necessary.
“Going ghost!” Sam gasped. The rings enveloped her and once again the fear abated.
“Oh thank the Ancients!” Tucker said.
“Gah,” she groused. “What’s wrong with me?”
“I think you have some explaining to do.”
Three heads swiveled towards Jason.
They really didn’t have to- Sam’s knee jerk reaction was to scowl and say they didn’t owe him jack but… he felt so unwillingly fragile in a way that made him feel like failure, likely unused to situations where he didn’t have an upper hand. That made him fidgety and angry and the little bit of his guard that had fallen rose back up and doubled in height. Tucker winced. They didn’t want to intimidate him. With a sigh Sam made up her mind- what he’d seen was pretty damning anyway. 
Danny shifted back to visibility seeing as the gig was up. “Oh come on! We didn’t last two hours,” he complained.
“I’m a halfa,” Sam admitted slowly. “And there are only five of us in existence. So I’d appreciate it if you kept that to yourself.”
“Wait, so what’s wrong?” Danny carefully asked out loud. If there was one secret more well kept than the existence of halfa, it was the existence of their mental connection.
Sam grimaced. “I got hit with that fear stuff. It’s totally shut down my human side.”
Jason wasn’t that easy to divert. “Wait no, back up. Halfa? Explain.”
“Halfas are just that, half human, half ghost, and a well kept secret from the living,” Tucker said, eyeing Jason meaningfully. “Only two humans know.”
Sam, feeling bitter that she’d messed up again tonight muttered sourly, “I can flip between the living and dead. That’s unique to halfa.”
Jazz had known almost from the beginning- she’d figured it out early on and had committed to their corner ever since. Valarie was less accidental; the trio had decided to come clean for the sake of communication after too many close calls and while it had caused a few bumps in the beginning, overall their teamwork with the Red Huntress had improved. Even then, she’d known about Vlad and Dani so the concept of halfa was one she was already familiar with.
“So what am I then?” Jason asked. “I’m human but with a… core.” He was trying to mask his anxiousness at the question but said core was broadcasting his emotions loud and clear.
“We don’t know,” Danny said bluntly. 
“But we know someone who might,” Tucker added. “Have you ever wanted to visit the Ghost Zone?” 
“We know a doctor or two,” Sam elaborated. “You know, ghost doctors.”
Jason’s core fluctuated with irritation and a helplessness that was quickly converted into anger. “Great. Fantastic. So you don’t know what I am. Well I do and guess what? It’s called a zombie, kids.”
Danny shook his head. “You’re not a zombie, we’ve seen those.”
“What kind of undead are you then?” Jason questioned, staring pointedly at Tucker as he fiddled absently with his PDA. 
“Er,” Danny said, looking at his partners.
“He’s kinda one of us,” Tucker said, though he really wasn’t an ecto-entity. Still, with the way they were classed by the acts, there was no difference between them.
“He might find out from another ghost anyway,” Sam acknowledged. 
“We’re all halfas, actually. Team Phantom, at your service!” Danny turned back to Jason with an exaggerated bow.
Jason had been cycling through different reactions yet seemed to circle back to anger frequently. A greater intensity rattled him at the new information, converting everything else into utter rage. “Ok back the fuck up. You’re all teenagers?” His words were drenched in dismay.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Danny retorted confidently. In his mind all the headlines declaring them menaces and calling their intentions into doubt flashed by. Tucker gave him a mental hug. “He doesn’t know Danny, he doesn’t get it.”
“Yes, an adult kid,” Sam grumbled. “How innocent and unawares.”
“You three threw yourselves into a dangerous situation for no goddamn reason.” 
The deceptively quiet statement was razor-sharp and overwhelmed with reverberating sentiments full of pain.
This was, for some reason, quite personal to him. 
‘Upset child,’ their internal alarms rang, ‘do something!’
“We know about unnecessary risks,” Danny said at length. 
“We just mistook the liminal guy for a ghost,” Sam nodded.
“And ghosts are our responsibility,” Tucker finished. “We wouldn’t have stepped in otherwise. Like you said before, the locals had it under control.”
Jason grit his teeth and then deflated, taking a deep breath. “And you have no one else who could’ve done it? There’s no ghost police? You kids don’t have any mentors?” 
“Naw, we’re self taught,” Tucker said proudly. That was the wrong thing to say as Jason’s emotions constricted into a tight ball of frustration and fury.
“We had to step up. No one else would or could,” Danny explained gloomily. It wasn’t like they had wanted to do this. That made the already heavy emotions in Jason’s core even denser. 
“Gah. Okay, different topic. How am I supposed to get rid of the fear stuff? I can’t exactly go to a hospital,” Sam asked, changing the topic to something that would hopefully distract the pit of volatile emotion that was growing inside of Jason.
Jason jumped on the issue presented to him, more than happy for the distraction. “Usually there’s an antidote. This is a new variant so it might take a few weeks before an updated antidote is made.”
“Crud,” Danny cursed.
Sam sighed.
“We can say your grandmother took you to the officials and tell your grandmother you avoided the attack or something,” suggested Tucker.
Just as he finished Jason offered, “I could get Bruce to pay for a private physician.”
“Too risky,” Sam dismissed. “Our vitals are different. Besides, there are rumors that he funds the bats and the last thing we want to do is get near them.”
“Hm,” Jason hummed. He seemed to settle on something,resolving to do some unknown thing, before he spoke again. “Lesson one kids, lying. I’ll take the money and move it to make it look like a physician was involved. That way the story holds up. You ideally want three to four layers but in this case, two isn’t a bad place to start.”
“Won’t your dad mind?” worried Tucker.
With a smirk Jason said, “Not at all.”
“Great? But what do you want in return?” Sam asked suspiciously. 
“Just tell me how to get to the ghost doctor and we’ll call it even,” Jason proposed.
“Oh. Right, well, that’s a whole other can of worms.”
👻 {Boo!)
“So to recap. Living age means nothing. Ghosts age like trees. You three are independent adults. I’m a ghost orphan because hell if anyone knows. Nobody will care about that and if I go to the Zone, of which there are only two reliable ways to get there and they’re both in Amity, I’ll get mobbed and forcefully adopted and never see earth again. Did I miss anything?”
“No, that’s about it,” Tucker said too cheerfully. 
Jason rubbed his eyes and leaned back against the box he’d sat in front of when the trio had first launched into their long winded explanation. 
“I can adopt you. It’s… probably the best option anyway,” Danny offered hopefully, the very tip of his spectral tail twitching. “Ghosts won’t try to be malicious but they will forget how humans work. As a halfa there’s no risk of that from me and I’m really strong.”
“We. We’re a packaged deal,” Sam stubbornly interjected. 
“Oh boy,” Tucker exhaled. “Guys we’re not ready for this and there’s no way he’s going to agree-“
“Maybe. What does ghost adoption entail?”
Danny was more than happy to answer.
“We’d be your ghost guardians so we’d check up on you. We’d also do health stuff like cycle ectoplasm through your proto-core since it can’t pump on its own yet. And bonding stuff, you know, like play fighting. Ghosts love play fighting,” he jumped to explain. There was a powerpoint with the information and a mini Jazz in his head as he went through it. “But since we have human parts still we can watch movies and stuff, that should also work. Your emotions might get a little off balance since that happens as a core grows and we’d eat the extra. Also-“
“Hang on, eat my core? That thing might be the only reason I’m alive!” interrupted Jason with a recoil. 
At the startled anger-fear that he felt Danny rushed to explain but Tucker, who was more composed, spoke first. “That wasn’t what he meant. By eating the extra stuff around your core we’re trying to stabilize it. Ectoplasm is linked to emotion and too much of anything is bad. You can’t feel one emotion all the time but if you tend toward a specific emotion, you might generate too much of one kind of ectoplasm. Think of it like pruning the dead stems off a plant. It doesn’t hurt at all and helps keep a plant, or core in this case, balanced and healthy.”
“I hate that I know that,” Tucker said miserably, thinking of the plant example he’d just used. Sam gloated.
Jason turned that over for a moment before he sighed. “Alright. What else?”
“One last thing. Once- if we do this our cores will start generating stuff for you to eat too. It’s kinda like baby food for ghostlings,” Danny said with a grin at Jason’s perturbed expression.
“Don’t you kids need it? For your own cores or whatever?” Jason questioned with a frown.
Sam almost snorted. “Adult ghosts, remember?”
“And you don’t have to answer now, the offer’s always open,” Tucker placated at the sudden weariness from Jason. “You got lucky with the timing actually- the Christmas Truce is going to happen soon and nobody is allowed to fight during the truce. If you really don’t want to be adopted you could go to the Zone to see the doctors on Christmas.”
“They’ll totally follow you until the truce is up though,” Sam cautioned. 
“I can lose them,” Jason declared without a hint of hesitation. “I’m going during the truce.”
Danny sucked in a breath. It was hard to ignore the fact that there was what amounted to a sick, starving child in front of him and he couldn’t do anything about it. It was nauseating. To say he was disappointed Jason opted against adoption would be a gross understatement.
“We don’t know for sure yet,” Tucker said, though it rang hollow. Even without a more experienced eye they could all tell that his core was in a delicate state from proximity alone.
Still, Tucker had done the right thing in giving Jason the options. Meeting the medical yetis during the truce, however, ushered in a new set of problems.
“The party is at my lair this year,” Danny reminded them. “I kinda halfa be there.”
“This isn’t the time for puns,” Sam hissed. 
“He’s right though. As the new king he can’t exactly skip out again,” Tucker sighed without any remorse. He was looking forward to it and had been since last year. “Also Danny, you already used that one tonight.”
Danny elected to ignore the critique of his puns. “But it kinda works out, right? The yetis will be there. We have time to set up doctor’s equipment. We just have to ask if they’d be willing to help,” he pointed out.
“And if you ask they’ll say yes,” Sam thought. 
Danny felt conflicted after that comment. He didn’t make them do anything but if he so much as mentioned something in passing, they would go out of their way to do it.
“It won’t take all night,” consoled Tucker. “They’ll get to party with everyone else.”
“Alright, works for us,” Sam said aloud. “On Christmas we’ll take you to the Zone.”
👻 {Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.)
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Next: Chapter 7
134 notes · View notes
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You sighed as you sat in the passenger seat, Operative K had volunteered to sit in the back with all the equipment and said he’d go ahead and get a head start on their report of the case in the computer logs. Operative O insisted he drives, when you had said you wouldn’t mind driving considering he had drove the team to the mayor’s residence, he said something along the lines that your temper contributes to how safely you drive. In other words:
He’s pretty sure if you drive, all of you would die in a car crash.
You still couldn’t believe that asshole was the new mayor, and the fucking nerve he had towards you. Can’t he just go back to Wisconsin in a different mansion? Sure, your men destroyed the second one unwarranted, but it’s not like he couldn’t afford a third. He owns like- four different massive companies. He has to be up to something! You just didn’t know what… yet. Oh well. You weren’t going to worry about it anymore, I mean really, what influence will he actually have on Amity Park?
————————two weeks later—————————
Vlad had just finishing delivering his address to bills he had passed concerning ghosts. That should teach Daniel Fenton a lesson as well keep that pesky Danny Phantom out of his hair. For now at least, it’s only a matter of time before he waves the white flag and gives Vlad his rightfully earned victory over this game they’ve been playing.
But in order to really put Phantom in his place, he needed to take his role in busting ghosts in this town. However, he can’t deal with these ghost problems as Plasmius as he usually would, this has to be public, so this will be a job for Masters. Therefore he won’t be able to do this alone.
The plan was to get his partner Skulker to release some low ranking ghosts into Amity Park while Vlad hires the Guys in White to catch the spectral fiends in his name. A pro he now has as mayor was having command over government funded associations.
After having his mayoral assistant arrange some things with the Guys in White and confirming their cooperation, he was now left to do the loads of paperwork… the agonizing con of being mayor and CEO of multiple companies.
The long treacherous hours as the day turned to night, sitting in his leather office seat, scribbling away sheet by sheet, square framed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Maddie, his cat, was curled up comfortably on the top of her cat tree.
Vlad sighed taking a moment to look at the time: 8:39 P.M. He has to greet the Guys in White at 9 for their first ghost hunt. Now would probably be a good time to stop for the night. Besides, his writing hand was starting to cramp…
Getting up from his seat, he stretched his limbs letting out a satisfied grunt, waking Maddie from her nap as she watched her owner down the last bit of his favorite whisky in his glass. Vlad stuffed his reading glasses away and left his office with Maddie following close behind. As the mayor passed through the long halls, his mind wandered. Perhaps he’ll see that woman again… Don’t get the wrong idea, Madeline will always be the only woman that owns his heart, but he hasn’t been able to shake off this itch on the back of his brain that he somehow knows that agent! From the way she behaved towards him, she remembers all too well that they had met before and he couldn’t think of anything he might have done to offend her.. maybe she was an employee he once had and was fired for whatever reason. Although it would be odd considering the agency she works for now so that doesn’t seem to be the likely answer, even if it would make the most sense to him on why she’d dislike him so much. He was just dying to know… oh to hell with it. It was most likely she was just another ‘eat the rich’ type just as Daniel’s friend Samantha Manson was, despite the irony of her family being rather wealthy.
Vlad’s work cell buzzed to life as he was notified of the Guys in White’s soon arrival. With a small glance of acknowledgement and grin, he dismissed his previous thoughts and focused on what truly mattered: beating Danny Phantom at his own game.
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The riot you had upon discovering who had hired you for your next mission. You’re expertise being challenged by the likes of him? You’re going to kill him! After all these years you festered this hatred towards this man and here he was practically laughing at you! The last thing you could’ve ever wanted to happen was becoming a reality, you working for Vlad Masters and him making a laughing stock out of you. You were sure he was the one that hired the world’s best ghost hunters in order to catch that blasted Danny Phantom kid a few months ago, just so he could get a rise out of the chaos that had ensued. And your poor men fell right into it. Embarrassing. The promise you made that day all those years ago was being forced to be broken, and if you were to keep it, you’d lose your job over it. How you resented him for this. All he has ever done to you even now is make you suffer…
Once again you were not allowed to drive. But you didn’t care for that, he wants you to hunt ghost? Fine. You’ll give him a ghost hunt and more. So much more he’ll be running for his money! Yes. That’s exactly what you’ll do. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Masters’ face when you manage to eliminate all of these pesky ghosts in one night!
As for your coworkers, they were keeping a distance from you. You holding a heavy, dangerous, and armed Spectral Melter while having an evil grin on your face was incredibly disconcerting… they just knew it was better to stay out of your way. After all you took ghost hunting very seriously, even more so than them. If they were to make a comparison, you were like a starved lion in the Roman Colosseum arena. The moment you were released: whatever that was alive in that ring with you won’t stay alive long. It was nights like this the agents pitied the clueless spirits of what was to come.
Soon after your team had fully unpacked and prepared for the night ahead, a black limousine pulled up to allow the new mayor to greet the crew and discuss the plans he had in store. The moment he stepped out he had a smug look on his face and all you wanted to do was smack it right off, he radiated the demeanor that he was better than everyone else. Damn the election. All it did was inflate his already obnoxiously huge ego.
You barely listened to his stupid ramble about how “appreciative” he was for your team’s help and what not, all you really cared to listen about was getting started. You were all separated into groups and spread across the town, and of course your team performed exceptionally just as you expected. As for you, you were truly pushing your limits and hitting the jackpot with the spectral fiends you were rounding up. By the end of the night, you had caught the most. As you loaded the captured ghost and equipment onto a ecto-protected carry van, the smell of expensive cologne drew too close for your comfort.
“My my! Wasn’t expecting to see you tonight my dear!”
Gag. That’s all you wanted to do. Just gag. You momentarily froze, the ecto-annihilator still heavy in your hands as you were midway handing it off to Operative F, you glanced up and watched as he, and some others hurried to make some distance from you, taking the heavy equipment out of your hands to be put away for the drive back to the office. You took a deep breath before turning your attention to the mayor, whom seemed to be a bit confused by your colleagues sudden rush to pack things up.
“Mayor Masters.”
You forced yourself to say politely, holding your hip and clenching your fist as to not suddenly wring the unsuspecting man’s neck out. The silver-haired man shook off the distraction going back to his stupid smug look that you’d guess he was using to try and charm you. “It’s a pleasure to see you again my lady, and under better circumstances as well!” He said offering a smile, but you offered no response. You simply cut your eyes at him in hopes he’d wrap things up already and leave you alone.
Vlad cleared his throat, rubbing his hands together, “I was actually over here to tell you how thoroughly impressed I was to hear about the catches you made tonight! I felt that perhaps the hardest hunter tonight should be rewarded.” He complimented, “Did you expect less of me? I don’t take kindly being underestimated and then being rewarded for doing my job correctly simply because I’m a woman, Vladimir.” You bit out, god he was so frustrating.
“No! No no no of course not!” He quickly said, laughing nervously, “I’m a huge advocate for equality.” He said “What kind of mayor would I be if I wasn’t?” He smiled proudly, like he was patting himself on the back. Gross. You crossed your arms across your chest, “Don’t stress yourself for brownie points Mayor Masters, I’m going to decline this reward and be on my way.” You huffed, grabbing the support bar to pull yourself into the van. A warm hand wrapped around the wrist of your free hand
“Can I at least get your name this time? I know you may not like me for whatever reason that is but it’s most likely we’ll be seeing a lot of each other in the future for works sake. I’d hate to continue addressing you as the Mistress in White.”
You glared at him, “You can call me...”
You snatched your arm away, watching the glimmer of hope you had given quickly diminish as quickly as it had came,
“Operative B”.
Then slammed the van doors shut.
Vlad was left stunned, left alone on the concrete road as the other agents bustled into their vehicles to leave. Operative A, head agent of Guys in White (which Vlad was also now realizing he was just a rank above the Mistress), approached the mayor. “We’re all wrapped up here Mayor Masters. Is there anything else you need for us to do before we leave?” The gentleman asked.
Vlad let out a sigh of…. Disappointment? Annoyance? He wasn’t sure. “No. I appreciate your team’s cooperation in this matter.” He thanked, folding his arms behind his back, straightening himself out to recover from the whiplash of emotions the Mistress in White had served him. The agent simply nodded and headed to his designated vehicle, “Until tomorrow night, sir”.
Thus, they were off.
Vladimir went back to his home contemplating deep in thought. This “Operative B” has nearly taken over his mind completely. This hatred she holds for him is much deeper than what he had initially thought. There’s disliking a person, then there’s hatred. A hatred he was all too familiar with. But it intrigued him. It really shouldn’t, in all honesty from here on out he should just go about things and not bother with her anymore… But it did. Vlad wanted to know why she hates him so much so badly. More importantly, her name!!! The only problem is that Operative B didn’t seem keen on telling him anything anytime soon.
Suddenly an awful idea struck Vlad. An evil mischievous grin grew onto his features, feeling nothing but clever with this little plan his brain concocted. She may not tell Vlad Masters what he wants to know, but that doesn’t mean she won’t tell Vlad Plasmius what he wants to know. It was a risky game of course, but the best he’s seen from the Guys in White was confiscate Skulker’s mechanical suit and lock up FreakShow, and he wasn’t even a ghost. The damage she could do alone to Plasmius was small, if not smaller than what the Fenton’s could even do. If he plays his cards right…
Oh yes, what a wonderfully awful idea indeed.
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justaninsomniac · 1 year
Hi there posting again to say this, why are there literally zero Tucker Foley x Readers! I just searched the internet for 2 hours straight and could not find shit. Like does everyone just love Danny or Sam more??
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Okay, Vida! 😊👌 Can I request a Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) x shy female human reader fluffy oneshot about they are going to the swimsuit shopping at mall? How would Danny reacts to shy female human reader trying on/modeling swimsuit for him? I really love to see Danny is blushing mess near her! Bonus: This swimsuit shopping idea was Sam who gives a advice to her for catching Danny's attention. Please??
Notes: I’d like to thank (anonymous) for the request!! I hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: Spelling/grammatical errors, anxious/blushy/soft Danny, shy human!reader, BAD WRITING, whatever else I failed to mention
Word Count: TBD (give or take)
Masterlist: Click Here & Here
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You’ve had feelings for Danny since… for as long as you can remember. The first time you and the youngest Fenton met, was when the two of you were in second grade. You were new, you and your recently divorced mother coming to Amity Park to start over. Danny had been nice to you, complimenting your shirt—which had a spaceship on it—and you were a goner.
Tucker and Sam, who’d known Danny just a year or two longer than you, quickly befriended you, the three of you becoming close. But you and Danny… your feelings always got the better of you around him, and over the years they’ve gotten worse.
You could barely hold a conversation with him, only squeaking out responses with a deep blush on your face. You opted to just never talk with him around, or only say the bare minimum if possible. At least that way you wouldn’t embarrass yourself. The blushing never stopped unfortunately. Neither did the heart palpitations whenever you saw him or his smile, or heard his voice or his laugh or when he told a corny joke…
Yeah it’s a serious problem.
Sam and Tucker caught onto your feelings a while ago, and they’ve teased you ever since. They make it their mission to do it in front of Danny, just to see you blush and stumble over yourself. Danny is always confused, the endless rounds of jokes and statements with hidden meanings from the goth and techno-geek going over his head. And hitting you like a freight train. Every. Single. Time.
Then you found out about Danny’s ghost powers, and everything changed. You weren’t there when the accident happened, having gone to visit your dad around the time it happened. You were left out of the loop for a while before the three of them decided to trust you. It did hurt at first, after all the years you spent as their friend they didn’t trust you with Danny’s situation. It faded eventually, and you saw how fighting evil, or generally misguided ghosts changed the youngest Fenton. And your feelings seemed to deepen.
Which prompted more teasing from Sam and Tucker.
But this… this has to be their worst tease yet.
It’s spring break. Sam and Tucker decided at least one day should be spent at a beach or a water park. You wanted to do something—anything—that didn’t involve swimming, because you’re generally uncomfortable in swim suits. And you didn’t want Danny to see you in one for your own self-preservation. Your suggestion was immediately outvoted.
When you exclaimed, in a shaky high pitched squeak, that you don’t own a swimming suit, Sam immediately shot back with a “we’ll go shopping with you!” with a devilish smile on her face and your instantly stomach sank. Turns out Sam’s definition of shopping with you means her and Tucker abandoning you with Danny in the middle of the mall. You didn’t even see or hear them leave. They were just gone.
Danny didn’t seem to care, though he was questioning where the other two went before shrugging it off. He did turn to smile at you, motioning you to follow him. Your face reddened.
“Y-You don’t have to stay,” you stuttered, your voice gentle and your eyes lowered. “I’ll be fine.”
“I know,” he said, a small laugh lacing his words. Your face reddened even more. “But I feel like we never get to spend time together.”
Your heart jumped at that. It’s true. As much as you want to spend time with Danny, by yourself, it’s nigh-impossible. Your emotions get in the way and you always end up making a fool out of yourself.
You only shrugged in response.
Danny ended up taking the lead and the two of you found a clothing shop with some decent swimwear. The trunks and women’s swimsuits were practically right next to each other, and you assumed while Danny looked at the trunks you’d have some time alone to browse.
Except the youngest Fenton didn’t need a long time to find what he wanted. He quickly found you in the two-piece section and your cheeks instantly turned red.
“You need any help?” he asked. You quickly glanced at him. There was a light blush on his face, but he was trying to look unbothered. Your faced heated up even more.
You shook your head, a soft no mumbled in response. “You can go if you want,” you muttered. “I don’t want to keep you waiting.”
Danny shrugged. “It’s not a big deal,” he said. He was giving the swim suits on the rack a half-assed look over before moving to another one.
You wanted the earth to swallow you whole.
A moment of silence fell between the two of you, the clinking of hangers on the racks being serving as a kind of background noise. You pick out a two-piece swim suit, tilting your head a bit in consideration.
“That’s a nice one.” The sudden closeness of Danny’s voice startled you; a shriek coming from you as you fumbled to grab the hanger before it slipped from your grip. Quickly turning, you spot Danny not far behind you, eyes wide as he at looked. “Sorry,” he stated.
“No it’s fine,” you exclaimed, your voice trembling. You glance down at the suit before looking back at Danny. “You really think it looks nice?” You hold it up a bit more, studying the simple designs as you considered it.
“Uh yeah,” he cleared his throat. “It’s really nice. I always thought green looked good on you, so I know you’ll look great in that.”
You look at him again. His blue eyes looking at the floor and his cheeks a deep red.
“I don’t know,” you murmured. “I’ve never worn a two piece before…” You held it up to your body, trying to imagine yourself in it. Would you look good in a two piece? You wouldn’t look too ridiculous?
Danny’s face seemed to grow hotter when you did that. He could only imagine what you’d look like wearing that, and it made his heart flutter. He always thought you looked great, no matter what you wore.
“I think you’ll look beautiful,” he blurted. Embarrassment filled him as you looked up in surprise. “I-I mean, not that you don’t always look beautiful! I just…green’s a nice spring color, and I think you look amazing in everything and…I’m not making sense…”
He’s never acted like this with you before. He knew there were some feelings there, feelings he couldn’t articulate without sounding like an idiot. Danny tried telling Sam, but she just smirked. He tried telling Tucker, but he cackled like some mad scientist. And every time you were near him, you always got flustered and red faced. Danny couldn’t help but wonder sometimes if he did something wrong. You’re one of his closest friends and these feelings were slowly eating away at him.
How could he tell you if you always got so nervous around him?
Maybe this experience could be a good learning experience. To help get the two of you out of that awkwardness, that emotional discomfort that seemed to always be there.
Sam and Tucker were poking their heads out behind clothes and mannequins before looking at each other with smiles. You and Danny were blushing messes, trying and failing to desperately reign in some control.
“You think they’ll actually admit anything?” Tucker asked.
“Doubt it.” Sam looked back at her two friends. They were going back to looking at swimsuits, but occasionally glancing at each other. “But it’s a good first step.”
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
Headcanons for Vlad’s daughter befriending Danny, Sam, and Tucker please?
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Reader is female
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- Just imagine this usually composed man seething at seeing you hang out with the trio. You don’t know what made your father lose his cool and he tries to keep it that way.
- Despite obviously being a rich dad’s daughter, you weren’t a spoiled brat in which Sam thanks endlessly that you weren’t. For Tucker, it was love at first sight. For Danny, he’s sweating that his enemy’s daughter has his other best friend in her fingers even if she doesn’t know it.
- Danny tries to hide his apprehension against you because he knows that you have no idea what your dad does. He watches your interactions with Tucker while he’s in Ghost form and he knows its disgusting to watch your friends date each other, he needs to see if Vlad would do something to Tucker without you knowing.
- MEANWHILE Vlad would send someone to stalk you and Tucker to see if Danny would do something to you. He can’t trust either boy and even though you look so happy dating Tucker he won’t take chances. He had his heart broken once, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to you.
- Meanwhile, you and Tucker are having the time of your lives, young and in love, blissfully unaware of both your best friend and your father plotting against each other. You could make a telenovela out of this.
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disneygirl2202 · 5 years
Safety First (Danny Phantom x Sister!reader)
Requested?: No
Your P.O.V.
You’re sitting on the ceiling of Vlad’s mansion, watching out the window, waiting to see your family van pull up. 
“You aren’t allowed to touch Danny this time.” You say as you watch Vlad walk around underneath you 
“What gives you the courage to say that?” He laughs 
“First off, my mother will be here. Second off, you’ve had the chance to experiment on me this entire time.” You say 
You look out the window again to see your family van pull up. 
“Look at that, they’re here.” You say 
You get off the ceiling, heading towards your temporary room. You transform back into your human half as the doorbell rings. 
“Welcome the rest of the Fenton family.” I hear Vlad say as I come walking down the stairs 
“Y/N!” Jazz and Danny say as they run over to me 
“What? All excited to see me?” You laugh “I was gone for a week.” 
“You are the peacekeeper. Don’t leave again.” Jazz laughs
You laugh before looking at Vlad as he smiles at you, watching your interactions with your siblings. You shake your head before starting to rub your arms. 
“Y/N, why don’t you take Danny on a tour around the house while us adults talk, including Jazz,” Vlad says 
You look at him before slowly starting to nod as you motion for Danny to follow you. 
“Any word on her?” Danny asks 
“No, Phantom hasn’t been here this entire week. What about you guys?” You ask 
“Nothing.” He says 
You nod before walking into the lab, keeping your eye out for everything. 
“Are you sure you want to bring your brother in here?” Vlad’s voice rings out 
“Leave him alone Vlad!” You yell 
You hear him laugh before a box closes around Danny, dropping into the floor. 
“Danny!” You yell before looking around and sighing 
Danny’s P.O.V. 
I look around the room as I try to go ghost. 
Where’s Y/N? What did Vlad do to her? 
I try to pull out of the box or at least get out of the box when I see Vlad come floating over. 
“Where is she?” I yell 
“Who? Your sister?” He laughs
I see him bring one of his tools around to the front of the box. 
“Too bad your sister doesn’t know about this area of the lab.” Vlad laughs “Can’t have her to the rescue today.” 
“What’s this about a rescue?” I hear a voice ask
I turn my head enough to see another figure floating around the door. 
“Oh, so you finally want to show your face around him?” Vlad laughs 
“It’s about time I tell him who I really am,” Phantom says 
I look between them before I see Vlad still head towards me. 
“Leave him alone!” Phantom yells 
I see her shoot herself from the spot that she was standing, knocking Vlad away from the box. 
“Maddie, unlock the box and let Daniel Fenton out.” She says as she floats over to the computer 
“Of course Y/N Fenton.” The computer says 
I look at the girl in front of me as she winces, shaking her head. 
“This is why you didn’t want Tucker digging into different things to do with her.” I start 
“I was going to tell you but then Tucker started accusing me of working with Vlad and I realized that would be a bad time to tell you.” She starts 
“Then why tell me this way?” I ask 
“Safety first?” She tries 
I start laughing as I watch her transform back into her human form before she motions towards the stairs. 
“I’m assuming Jazz knows.” I start 
“Yeah, she’s known since I figured it out.” She laughs 
“Well, I’m glad I know now. Now the next thing is to figure out how to tell Tucker.” I laugh 
“That’s gonna be fun.” She says, shaking her head 
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Fandom Confessions #8
All of us had a crush on Danny Phantom. Don't deny it.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.25
‘Not smart to do so’. 
“Did you wake up early?” Sam’s voice sounded laced with sleep behind you. You had stood there the whole night, clearing your mind and just enjoying the scenery, “Nah, not that long” you said moving from behind the curtain back to the bed. Sam smiled and got up and changed into her casual clothes. “What do you want for breakfast?” she questioned. “You can decide, I’m good with anything” you stated while moving to the bathroom. Sam arched a brow looking at you, “even uncomfortable changing in the same room with me?” she asked.
Doubt, despicable
You could see wheels spinning behind her eyes. If you said the truth which meant a yes, she would be offended, if you lied with a no, she would wait until you changed. Either way, bad choices, so going with the third option. “Do you mind if I take a shower? I sweat a lot when I have nightmares” you said with half of a smile. It was a low blow, and you knew it all too well, using someone’s guilt in following your pacing.  
“Yeah no problem, you know how it works right? Some people have different models” she said with a gentle smile. “Yeah, thanks” you said before disappearing into the bathroom. A sigh of relieve left your lips. Footsteps outside passed and went off the stairs to the kitchen. With the comfort of being alone you changed and took a quick shower to at least make your excuse legit. After that you joined Sam downstairs for a breakfast of toast and different kinds of spreads.
Sam told you about the coming new movies in the cinema and the plans of going with all of us whenever school and the ghost plagues allows us to. When breakfast was finished you gathered your stuff in your duffle and said goodbye to Sam with a thanks for the stay.
Walking home never felt so good, it was really uncomfortable there.
She is typical, despicable hu- ‘she is a friend’ you kept repeating that thought. Normally you wouldn’t have to do that with real friends right?
Real friends don’t have secrets
You stopped in your tracks, people avoiding a collision with you muttering curses under their breath. With a sharp turn you moved through the maze of alleys and finally ended up at the park. A sigh left your lips while dropping down on a small bench at the lake. Your eyes lazily watched the ducks. ‘I can’t tell them my secret. Either they hate me or they will be in danger or they rat me out’
True possibilities
You stayed a long time. The park was comforting, no one approaching you, yet you were not alone or closed off within walls. When the sun was approaching sundown you decided to go back home, starting diner. Luciel arrived quite late, around 9 pm. “Welcome back” you smiled and got up to heat the food you prepared beforehand. “I am back” he responded and floated over to you. “It smells great” he announced. You hummed in response as you took a seat at the table, waiting for the food to heat up.
Luciel looked you up and down and frowned, “something is up. What’s up?” he questioned standing beside you. “That took a while” you said looking tiredly up at him. He watched you in silence, waiting for you to explain. After a long pause, considering how and what to say, you broke eye contact and stared at the wall. “The voice is back” you stated. “That isn’t that bad right?” Luciel questioned, “it always gave good judgement and rational advice. Even if it was too rational sometimes” he said looking less worried. “It is doubting my friend”. “The ghost kid?” you shook your head, “the goth girl, Sam” you said making eye contact with your brother who didn’t seem to understand the bad thing in the situation. “So you are doubting your so called friend. What is wrong with that?” he questioned. “It is doubting her, not m-” “IT is you (y/n), you should know better than denying it” he looked stern down on you.
Another silence filled the air, only to be broken by the alarm of the food, signalling that it was done. You got up and served the lasagne before eating. Half way into the meal you put your fork down. “Fine, you are right. I don’t trust her” you stated. Luciel looked up, his eyes glinting with joy over the delicious lasagne, “and now? What will you do? Kill her?” he questioned. This time it was your turn to frown, “heck no, I’ll do nothing and see where it takes me. As long as she doesn’t know my past or what I am I should be safe” you huffed and continued eating. Luciel gave a curt nod before returning his attention to the lasagne.
It was refreshing seeing him living up from food. Over the past few months slight changes in his behaviour were noticeable. Not major ones, just small things, like how he smiled more often, how he enjoyed the food you made and how he acted more like a person. The changes were comforting, because you noticed changes in yourself as well. But at the same time it was frightening.
 The annoying sound of something vibrating against wood had you open your eyes and stare at the damned device on your nightstand. “You better be an emergency or I will kill you” you threatened the lifeless device before picking it up and unlocking the screen. When Danny’s name appeared on your screen the annoyance slowly melted away and was replaced by curiosity. You tapped on the notification opening the private chat between the two of you. Danny had one message that felt desperate, considering it was 4 am.
Please, can we meet up?
4 am? You better have a panic attack to wake me up this early XD
You really reacted! Sam and Tucker both didn’t, they are probably asleep. Sorry for waking you up but I really need to talk to someone
It’s fine, in half an hour at the lake spot?
You are a saviour, I’ll see you in a bit!
You sighed, forcing your sleepy muscles to work your body out of the bed. You decided on a thick black hoodie and sweat pants, no one would care anyway, before going out you put some chocolate in the big pocket of the sweater. After a quick flight you waited on the spot you had met Danny a few nights ago on one of your whims. It was actually fair that you listened to his whims as well.
“You are really fast” a warm but tired voice behind you broke the silence. You turned around and smiled at the ghost boy. “I have my ways” you said simply before taking a seat on the damp grass and patting the spot next to you. Danny gave a small smile and sat down besides you. “So, what happened?” you questioned. Danny’s distressed green orbs turned to you. “I came across another half ghost half human” he stated.
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maximons · 3 years
Going Ghost
Summary: The Endgame is over, The Multiverse has been fixed, and the world was trying to piece itself back together. Earth’s remaining heroes are doing the best they can, but the sudden tear into The Ghost Realm makes things complicated for all of them. Luckily, Stephen Strange has been keeping an eye on someone who has been quietly dealing with these threats for years, Y/n Fenton...who also happens to be half ghost herself.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Mentions of death
Series Word Count: 9,971
Series Masterlist:
1)   Phantom
2)  Into The Sanctum
Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch: The closed off, incredibly intriguing, super hot sorceress
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Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange: The stressed out, reluctant, father figure
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Loki: The highly amused bastard
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Peter Parker/Spider-Man: The also stressed, but optimistic “little brother”
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Sam Manson: The best friend/Ex-girlfriend
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Tucker Foley: The other best friend/Main reason you haven’t been killed yet
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Valerie Grey: The other ex-girlfriend/Friend/Former enemy
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Vlad Masters/Plasmius: The arch-nemesis
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Agatha Harkness: The resurfaced pain in Wanda’s ass
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Dash Baxter: The former bully turned biggest fan
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Jazz Fenton: The ever-supportive older sister
(She will not have an assigned face claim as the race of Y/n will vary, so she is completely up to you)
This likely goes without saying, but I don’t wanna be sued as I am very broke, so: I do not own any Marvel or Danny Phantom characters or concepts used. 
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A Tucker request this time!
Reader giving or gifting Tuck an electronic bit! I was thinking of a newer version of his pdf, but it could just be scrap bits or older electronics that don't work and him using it to upgrade his own equipment.
- 💗 anon
AAHHHHH!!!!! Yes, I'm putting all the request on hold to do my first Tucker request! Also my first request that isn't about Danny, lol. Although, I do love writing for him
I'm not entirely sure what you're request means, but I tried my best!
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I'm going to be honest- I didn't actually expect anyone to really care about Danny Phantom x Reader stories lol
He loves gifts; Especially gifts revolving around electric things
So, any gift would make him happy
Though, when you give him a Nokia, he's estatic
Until, you tell him it was your dad's and it stopped working, but you thought maybe he could find a use for it
And a use he did find
He was ecstatic to make it into one of his ghost hunting devices
He's really proud of it and wishes he could show you, but you don't know about the whole ghost thing
He loves nit nacks, so whenever you see something strange and unusual you instantly think about him
[Don't tell him that, because it'll go to his head]
Whenever Sam or Danny mention his cool invention [That he made with your thing], he'll start talking about you
God, he loves talking about you
"Okay, Tucker, we get it, you have a girlfriend." Danny says, while rolling his eyes
^ Tucker doesn't see this, because he's caught in a daydream about you. But if Tucker HAD noticed, he would of mentioned how Danny did NOT have a girlfriend
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nastyburger · 4 years
Tucker Foley would read venom x reader fanfiction
ill have you know that i have “x reader” in my xkit blacklist so if it wasnt for tumblr’s shitty loading i almost wouldve never seen this anyway he absolutely would
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Giant!Danny Phantom x Reader Short Story: “Passing Storm, Lingering First Encounter”
Here’s that story I’ve promised you. I know that some of you might be interested in this, though I’ve been surprised before and no doubt I’ll be surprised again. Nevertheless, enjoy yourself!
The first few drops of rain began to fall as you hurried to the abandoned hangar on the outskirts of town. Reaching the awning of the small door to the office built-in to the massive building, you panted and brushed the sweat off your forehead as you studied the text on your phone again:
If u know about us as much as our friend thinks u do, plz come 2 the hangar. Our friend saw u last night. He knows u can help him.
Placing your hand on the doorknob, you recalled what had happened to you last night...
That was when the solar eclipse took place. You had chosen a good spot to see it, and you were wearing special eclipse shades. As you felt the eclipse creep in behind you and the unnatural darkness enveloping everything around you, you could swear you saw the flickering of green light several miles away and heard two light booming noises, one after another, like a giant taking two steps forward.
If only you weren't safety-conscious, you would have seen a portal open up in the heart of the eclipse. You would have seen three figures emerge from that portal. You would recognize one to be Sam Manson, her eyes closed to prevent the light from hurting her eyes; the other to be Tucker Foley, his PDA in one hand, his eyes closed too. Both of them were wearing futuristic space gear.
But through that flicker of green light, you at least saw the outline of ... him. The one you've had a crush on the longest. Danny Phantom. But there was something different about him. Despite being completely invisible to everyone around him, he was at least 50ft tall. Technically. You didn't really know his real height for sure to make the necessary calculations.
And little did you know, until you got the text half an hour ago, that Danny sensed your spirit among all those taking part in the eclipse, and while you were tracing the shape of the solar eclipse on a piece of paper, he gained a sense of the world you lived in, of how he and his friends were fictional characters here; how pleasantly modern and up-to-date everything was here; how dark and foreboding the future of this world is...
Sam's voice jolted you to your senses and back to the present day. The drops of rain from before were now joined by several more as a light drizzle now fell from the heavens.
"You're gonna get soaked if you stand around outside like this! Come inside, quickly, before anyone else sees us. And don't tell the supermarket about the theft!"
'Don't tell the supermarket about the theft'!? As if talking to a real life cartoon character was enough to pose a lot of questions...! But you followed Sam through the door nevertheless, and into the office, pleasantly lit since it was out of town so no one could notice. You saw Tucker working on both his PDA and a laptop, a noticeboard on the wall in front of you covered with notes and drawings of planets. To the left of you was a pair of double-doors leading into the hangar itself.
"Hey, Tucker! (y/n) is here." instructed Sam to her friend. "Best give (y/gen) the info on how we got here."
Tucker looked up and noticed you. Smiling, he waved before picking up his PDA and directing your gaze to the noticeboard.
"Danny told us everything about you and your world as soon as we came here." he primarily said. "How?" you asked. "He has ghost powers, remember? He gazed into your spirit and got the 411 instantly. We've dealt with stuff like your species before, so we know you can keep Danny's secret safe. But something happened a while back that jeopardizes it to the extreme!" "The whole '50 foot Danny' thing, right?" "Yeah. We were on a mission, catching ghosts, saving people, cracking jokes... the usual. But then Danny's pituitary gland started up a growth spurt, and the next thing we knew, Danny kept growing... and growing... and growing!" began Tucker. "He was becoming a danger to everyone around him." Sam added. "Not even 'going ghost' could stop the growing. We decided to take Danny under our wing and figure out how to stop the growth process. I mean, his parents were freaking out, we had to do something!" "Eventually, after we acquired these space suits for just such a situation, he outgrew our universe and wound up 50ft tall again in the Ghost Zone. Our enemies were ... less than pleased to say the least of our arrival, but we found that his growing was now limited to growth spurts of about 50ft each time. At least at first. But when he reached the 500ft mark, those spurts increased to 100ft each time. Then they went to war with us, but Danny outgrew the Ghost Zone as well." "Tucker thinks that if we find an atmosphere with the right ingredients, Danny's growth spurts could be controlled better, and from there we can find an antidote and return him back to normal. But so far he's outgrown 3 additional universes to the last two!"
You looked at the planets on the Post-It Notes stuck on the noticeboard. They had been arranged in the order that Danny's journey had progressed up to now. The first one had a drawing of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but with an additional female member joining their ranks ("They had a bit of SHELLSHOCK when Danny became mega-sized!" exclaimed Tucker); the second planet had a drawing of what looked like Power Rangers, but with the year '1985' marked on it ("They're called the Lightning Rangers, and it turns out that Ghost Powers and Aura Power don't mix." stated Sam); the last had a picture of a blue hedgehog and a group of animals labelled 'Freedom Fighters' on it. ("Yeah, I'm sure your universe has a different explanation for how that one ended." Tucker said nervously. "Let's just say that Chaos Emeralds are definitely NOT edible!")
"Wow!" you exclaimed. "You've been to so many worlds already." "Yeah," Sam sympathized, "and we'll keep going for as long as it takes. We'll find a solution some day. How, I don't know. Though for now, it's you that we need, (y/n)." "Me? How can I help?" "Danny knows how much you admire him and how you value the importance of friendship." Tucker explained. "As you probably can figure out from my crude drawings, we have made lots of friends who helped us try and keep Danny's growth spurts under control. But no matter how many power sources we found and used, all of a sudden they became afraid of us and Danny and wanted him destroyed. So those friends we made became enemies just like that."
(He snapped his fingers to emphasize the point.)
"But when Danny gazed into your soul to see what sort of world you lived in," Sam chimed in, "he saw a level of love and kindness that wasn't really present in those groups before. We think you can help look after him and keep him a secret from the authorities, at least until we've done our research on your planet. (y/n), can you help us?"
Brushing the euphoric tears away from your eyes, your mind analyzed the situation: two of your favourite cartoon characters have stumbled onto the Real World, and not only have they gone through more trouble than they encountered back in their world, but they need you, yes you, to help Danny out, because of how much you cared for them when watching the show at home. Considering how charming and handsome he was in his normal size, it would be a heavenly sight to meet him in the black-outlined flesh for the first time.
"I'll do all I can to help you." you said eventually. "But trust me when I say this: you've come at an awkward time. Society as a whole is being divided; wars are being fought; the world could go up in flames any second! If we fail and Danny becomes mega- or even giga-sized, he could become part of World War III, and I don't think even his ghost powers could save all of us this time. We mustn't waste a second. How is he at the moment?"
Tucker looked at his PDA, scrolling through the screen with the stylus.
"By my calculations, since we came here last night, he grew another 50ft at midday, so that's 100ft... and considering the time of day... he's about 120ft tall. He's got enough food and water for the evening, though we might need to make another raid tonight. The hangar's height is sufficient enough for us to camp out here for tonight and quite possibly the next night. After that, we need to find a shelter in America big enough for us to make a new base..."
Sam drew your attention to the double-doors. (At last!) "Tucker's gonna be a while coming back down to Earth." she apologized. "But if you can make Danny feel welcome here to your planet, I can keep an eye on things at the office. Just be careful where you step, in case he doesn't see you. If you need us for anything, there's a call box thingy on the wall. Press the button and we'll be able to hear you from here. By the way, is this planet haunted?" "If you mean 'have we got ghosts?', then yeah. Though they seem content to moan and wail and knock things to the floors. As far as I'm aware, they aren't as deadly as the ones in your world. Why?" "Just monitoring his ghost powers. If your world had really bad ghosts, then we need to make sure he doesn't cause any collateral damage. I swear, if I see another angry mob wielding pitchforks and torches...!"
By now, the rain outside was coming down in bucket-falls, and you could hear thunder and lightning brewing some miles away.
Drawing a deep breath, you push through the double-doors and allow yourself to behold the wondrous sight before you.  Sitting down on the floor, the length of his legs covering almost the entire length of the hangar, was Danny Fenton himself, his shoes gently leaning on the wall to the far right. He was in his normal persona, the bottom of his giant white shirt billowing peacefully against the breeze of the fans in the ceiling, which also gently blew on the forest of black hair on his head. As your common sense battled against the volcanic build-up of pure romantic glee in your body, you noticed that he was sucking on the back of a juggernaut held between his fingers, like eating tubed yogurt, while next to him was a huge milk tanker with a makeshift giant straw poking out of the hole on its back. You notice the logo of your local supermarket festooned on the sides of the truck. If you were able to run round to Danny's other side, you would have noticed an empty Cadbury truck and two other juggernauts advertising the supermarket, one carelessly tossed onto its side like a discarded carton.
So THAT'S what they meant by 'raids' and 'thefts' earlier! It was quite obvious to you now that, because of Danny's new size, his appetite had grown as big as his body. Thus, the trio had to 'borrow' a couple of juggernauts from the supermarket's stores just to keep him well-fed and watered. You realize with a touch of sadness what they now have to go through just to keep everyone alive and Danny safe from harm.
"Hello." you squeaked, though you didn't intend to start off your conversation that way. Had you five more minutes to prepare, you would've gone for something better and perhaps more lively. Something to lighten the mood, perhaps? No matter...
The giant Danny's gaze shifted from his food supply to the tiny person below him. Giving out a contented (but loud) burp in the direction of the wall his feet were now resting on, he gently shifted part of himself towards you. A wave of uncertainty washed over you like a cool tidal wave made by the beach's waters on a mild summer's day.
"Hey there." he said, the volume of his voice echoing in your ears as his eyes now scanned your body over. WOOSH! Another wave of uneasiness splashed over your spine. You walked closer to him as you tried to come up with a word describing the reaction of seeing your beloved cartoon character interacting with real world objects like that film with the rabbit in, only this time he was bigger than nearly all of them (and you) there. A LOT bigger...
"Listen, my name is love and I've been a (y/n) of your show and I really Danny you, fan." you blurt out loud, the handsome sight of the giant before you obscuring your mind’s processing power for just a few seconds. "No, no, let me start again...."
"It's OK." Danny said gently. "I was like that when I met those turtle guys. They went into space once and met the Lost Galaxy Rangers! Isn't that cool or what?" "No, I think you mean the 'In Space' Rangers." you corrected him. You started to relax. It's OK! He's a bigger nerd than you, you think. Ooops, wrong choice of words.... "I've been into space 5 times already, and it's a totally amazing sight! Though I wish it was in a much better position." he sighed, a warm wave of air scattering through the atmosphere around you. A mixture of foody smells hit your nostrils. "You miss your parents and sister, huh?" you asked, the potential of you debating TV shows and other geeky things with your secret crush put on hold for the moment. Danny nodded. "Look, Tucker and Sam have told me everything about what had happened. They have entrusted me with the task of seeing to it that you get treated right here, on my world. No more ghosts, no more Zords, no more Shredders, no more nuclear weapons aimed at you, no more angry mobs wielding pitchforks and torches!" you announced. "And no more emerald-flavored rock?" Danny raised the smallest of smiles for such a huge hero. "Wait, what? You thought the Chaos Emeralds were crystal-shaped pieces of candy rock?!" you exclaimed, peels of giggling fits emanating between words. "Well, Sonic didn't really say HOW to use them. Plus chili-dogs were kinda giving me gas." Danny admitted.
Danny placed a four-fingered hand down gently next to you, so gentlemanly was the gesture that it didn't make a sound.
"(y/n), why not get a better view from above?" asked Danny. (Was that his best quip for such a moment, you wondered? Wouldn’t “Would you like a lift?” be better-suited?)
You carefully made your way to the hand and scrambled up onto the fingers, then slowly-but-surely made your way to his palm. Danny tried his best not to giggle too much. The contrast between two-and-a-half-dimensional skin and your three-dimensional figure was still unfathomable to describe, but as Danny gently lifted his hand to his face, you got a sense of how much he had grown. Your heart began to palpitate wildly as you saw Danny's cute, angelic face looking down at you with his ocean-blue eyes. No doubt he too was trying to figure out the best word to describe your appearance.
Five, maybe ten, minutes passed. And then...
"They start out like this," began Danny, trying not to raise his voice in case he accidentally busted your eardrums, "all those friends I've made. They've been on my hand before, looking up at me, like you're doing now. And then... then I grow bigger and bigger... and they then look up at me in rage. Then they either attack me with ninja weapons, or giant robots, or by curling up into a ball and launching themselves at me. They fear me. Do you fear me, (y/n)?"
A huge tear formed in the corner of his eye. Not a watery tear like you were accustomed to, but a bright blue cartoony tear. It slid down his face and then fell onto the thrown-away truck with an audible splosh, wetting it. Sam, who had seen Danny saddened by his thoughts from the office window, had come out through the double-doors, just in case you needed back-up. Tucker was still making calculations on his PDA and laptop.
"No." you said softly, gazing up at the forlorn titan. "In all honesty, I could never fear such a gentle and kind giant as you, Danny."
Reaching a hand out, you aimed towards a patch of Danny's face. Instinctively, Danny lowered his face closer. The tiniest touch registered in the half-teen, half-ghost's brain. That was the level of kindness and sincerity he felt when studying your spirit last night! It wasn't just the effects of the eclipse after all!
As for you, brushing the giant's tear-soaked face just felt like brushing the tear-soaked face of any normal human being, but there was something special to it. Something you couldn't describe...
A flash of light interrupted your thoughts, and then...
A roar of thunder surprised you at the last second, sounding like an angry, godly beast. The weather had gotten worse by now. Mist filled the summer's evening as raindrops fell like hissing needles from the sky. You screamed in unpreparedness.
Danny cupped his other hand over you instinctively, letting the shade comfort you.
"Ssh, ssh." he said, gently. "I got you, (y/n), you’re safe; you'll be A-OK." "Thanks." you sighed softly. "I completely forgot about the storm outside." "Sometimes I do that too." Danny admitted. "Though that's not when I'm facing the military or giant robots, or ghosts or talking hedgehogs, or ninja turtles or badly-made mutants, or even...." "Angry mobs wielding pitchforks and torches!" you both exclaimed, laughing at how often that had been brought up over the time you had spent here. "We're not so different, are we?" Danny smiled, now his usual self again. "(y/n), will you come back and stay the night with us? I want to know a little bit more about you and your world, and I know for certain Tucker would, too! Maybe bring some tunes along?" "Yeah, sure." you smiled up at him. (For a while, the heat emitting from Danny's hands was making you drowsy, and you were about to nod off.) "You're welcome to bring a friend along," said Danny, "so long as they promise to keep all this a secret. (y/n), please keep my growth spurts a secret too. Until I can't hide in any more structures, that is. Man, that keeps happening to me lately!" "I know for certain (fellow DP fan's name) would honor your secret as much as I do." you said back as Danny gently lowered you down onto the floor. "Just wait until (fellow DP fan's gender) gets here and sees you!"
Now in the happiest of moods as a life goal had been crossed off your mental list, you happily walked to Sam and Tucker (the latter had finally been aroused from his carefully-worked-out research and scheduling, and had brought coffee for him and Sam). "I'll be back in a few hours with (fellow DP fan's name)." you told them. "We're bound to have the adventure of a lifetime with you guys!"
As you made your way back home, the storm had passed, and a bright blue sky now filled the outside world. Raindrops fell from the awning's corners, and both the atmosphere and your heart told you that, for now at least, a bright personal future lay in store for you and Danny.
The End. (Unless you want me to go on...?)
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Vlad Masters x Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Vlad frowned as he watched the Guys in White scan over his possessions, the woman writing down information. Coming up behind her, despite having his privacy invaded and how she rudely spoke to him, he still couldn’t shake off the feeling he knew her?
He came around from behind her peering over her shoulder as she scribbled things down, she was pressing her pen rather hard against the paper pad, ink threatening to bleed and the top page shifting at the force. “You seem rather tense-“ he spoke, she gasped. The ballpoint pen dug into the paper and tore open a hole as she jolted away. Upon realization of what happened she cursed under her breath then glared at Vlad as she started on a different page, “I would appreciate it if you would so kindly social distance yourself so I can do my own business, Vladimir.” She huffed.
That name. Almost nobody calls him that, not even professionally? No matter. “Please, the only people who call me that are my parents!” He chuckled, “Call me Vlad, dear.” He said, taking her hand in a gentlemen manner, “You know I never caught your name?”. At first her face contorted into a somewhat sad expression as she looked down to their hands, but then it quickly went back to stone cold as she snatched her hand away, “If you’re trying to charm yourself out of this, you’ve got another thing coming.” She threatened, turning her head away in means not to face him.
“No no, my dear, you’ve got it all wrong!” He chuckled placing a hand to his chest to appear more sincere. Well, she wasn’t entirely wrong, now was she? Vlad wants nothing more than the Guys in White to stop their investigation and leave, but on the other hand, this woman has caught his curiosity. A very rare occurrence. And all for a name of all things! Very rare indeed.
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Vlad smirked as he took a long stride to meet her gaze, “It’s not everyday a beautiful young woman comes to visit me.” He purred. Blood rushed to her cheeks and her brows furrowed further, her pen whipped out to poke him right on the tip of his nose, startling him back. “I’m no fool Vladimir! I would find it wise of you to refrain your efforts. In other words, leave me alone.” She growled quickly marching away from him. Vlad frowned straightening himself out watching her pass, but he did not miss the audience they had drawn. A glare back at the two other agents confirmed so as they quickly looked away and busied themselves. They know something.
Letting a suspicious hum, he approached one of them; the tag on his reading Operative K. That’s another problem with these Guys in White. They’re so secretive. Not that he doesn’t understand why, but it’s to a point where it’s unnecessary and annoying. Going by letters of the alphabet on their tags to be addressed talking to humans, but act as if a name truly matters to a ghost. As if a ghost hunter like Skulker would write down names to a supernatural blacklist. The first thing Vlad learned becoming a ghost: ghosts don’t care about anyone but themselves. Operative K. A stupid protocol that puts him in his current predicament with the mystery woman.
“I don’t mean to bother you, agent, but it seems like your mistress in white doesn’t take a liking to me, is there something I’ve done wrong?” He asked, the agent being spoken to glanced at the other before turning his attention back to the silver-haired caucasian man, “We’re not exactly sure what happened, but from our understanding, something happened a long time ago and she’s been that way towards everyone since.” The agent explained, “She’s not fond of people, chooses to bury herself into ghost business and seclude herself” He shrugged and jolted as the second agent grabbed his shoulder. “We’re also not fond of gossiping. Isn’t that right, Operative K?” Operative O hissed slightly as his grip tightened on the man’s shoulder, a cross of fear painting Operative K’s face as he nodded. “We’re truly sorry for how she’s acted Mr. Masters. We promise we’ll be out of your hair as soon as we can”.
Vlad frowned in discontent, there wasn’t much he could do now, least nothing with just his human half; he could use his ghost half, but just to know someone’s name wasn’t worth causing alarm and risk getting caught by the Guys in White. He would have to take the small defeat today.
Just as the agents promised, once completing their investigation, the ghost team made their way out empty handed. “Sorry for the trouble Mr. Masters, we assure you we won’t bother you in the future.” Operative O apologized, shaking the owner of the houses hand before they dismissed themselves.
Granted one last chance, as the female passed him to leave, he grabbed her arm “Wait!” He quickly interjected. The woman turned slightly to glare at him, seeming she was about to give him an earful, he hastily started talking.
“Listen, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Perhaps I could make it up to you?” He asked with a hopeful look “I can treat you to dinner whenever you’re free!”
The woman eased slightly looking him up and down before snatching her arm away, “I’ll be dead before I ever go on a date with you”. And with that, she was gone…
Your name was (Y/n) (L/n). Lead agent of Guys in White.
You have worked for the agency for years, having joined directly after graduating college. Once you were giving the position, you devoted yourself to your work, to catch deadly ghost, study them, keep them captive, keep the world safe. But upon that time you’ve developed somewhat of a name for yourself. It wasn’t intentional really, just what was happening in your personal life when you were first hired was…. A really hard time for you.
You had been hurt like never before, someone you had trusted and loved, humiliated you… betrayed you. It was a pain you would rather die than to relive again, so you vowed not to trust anyone and to never depend on anybody or ever let your guard down. You were never the same since.
So when you learned you had been assigned to help investigate the home of Vlad Masters by your boss… it was absolute uproar.
Everyone at the office at the time bare witness to papers of old documents and desk accessories being thrown across the place with a wide variety of colorful language to top it off.
Yes you had a bit of an outburst, but everyone knew your hatred for multi-billionaire Vlad Master, you were quite vocal about it whenever he was brought up. You were already on the edge from the mayor election and his participation in it, so adding facing him on top of that; the outburst was expected.
But no one really knew how deep your hatred for him really was, they thought it was political and economic issues that made you hate him, you know like an ‘eat the rich’ sort of deal. The truth was, Vladimir Masters was once the closest friend you ever had. He meant the world to you, he meant the world to you ever since you were just small kids. Then you both went to college. Sometimes you wonder where it all went wrong, but deep down you already knew the answer.
God how it disgusted you. You don’t know what hurt worse, when he flirted with you or when he couldn’t remember who you were. The rest of you was grateful, but the small part of you that still mourned for your friend was hurt by it. You decided it best that you don’t remind him of you, it could become a slippery slope you weren’t willing to slide down on.
Luckily he gave up, or at least you thought. Just as your team packed their things empty handed, which frankly you were disappointed with (you would pay every dime in your bank account to send Vlad Masters to the holding facility to be proven guilty and locked up), Vlad Masters grabbed you. Him grabbing you had you reach your boiling point, but as you took a deep breath to completely unload onto the billionaire, he beat you to the punch.
“Listen, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. Perhaps I could make it up to you?” He asked with a hopeful look “I can treat you to dinner whenever you’re free!”
You frowned. Damn him. How dare he do this to you….You needed to leave fast. You gave him a look up and down. Maybe in another life, you would take him up on that. In another life you two could’ve still been happy together…
Not this one.
“I’ll be dead before I ever go on a date with you”. And with that, you were gone…
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Hey! So I recently read Then You Came, and Then You Left, and was wondering if you could make a part 2 to that! Like, maybe Danny's ghost sense goes off and he goes to fight the ghost, only to find it to be his crush wrecking havoc. Maybe under control by some other ghost he has to stop? Idk it's just a concept I came up with a few minutes ago so you can interpret it, however you like! My idea isn't the best so you don't even have to use it, idc. Lots of love!~
Notes: I’d like to thank @zarieslayer for the suggestion! I hope you enjoy it.
I don’t own any of the gifs/pictures used.
I’m sorry if this seems poorly written. I had it one way in my head, and it turned out completely different once I started writing. Hopefully you all like it. 😅
Characters: Danny, deceased!reader, OFC!Puppetmaster, Jazz, Tucker, Sam and mentions of Danny’s parents
Warnings: Deceased!ghost!reader is being controlled, Danny has to fight her, a sprinkle of angst, probably some spelling/grammatical errors, grief, acceptance?????
Word Count: 1,321
Part 1: Click Here
Masterlist: Click Here & Here
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It’s been roughly six months since your funeral, and for everyone else, things were returning to normal, but for Danny... he was still grieving. A part of him still feels immense guilt for your death, and nothing anyone says makes him feel better. Sam and Tucker tried to comfort him, to distract him in any way possible, but it did nothing to lift Danny’s mood. Jazz tried providing more healthy coping skills, but he always refused. Even his parents noticed he wasn’t acting like himself, but he couldn’t tell them the truth, not if he wanted to be dissected molecule by molecule. So, despite his friends’ as sister’s wishes, Danny opted to suffer in silence. It seemed to be the only method that worked.
Until one day, he was forced to face a situation he wasn’t prepared for.
In the middle of class, Mr. Lancer’s, Danny’s ghost sense went off. The sight of the mist coming from his mouth had him stiffen in his seat, his eyes involuntarily checking his surroundings for anything that may be out of place. Nothing. Until an explosion in the hall had everyone screaming and running. In the midst of the chaos, Danny tipped his desk over and used the opportunity to transform. Phasing into the hall, he hovered over the scrambling teens and teachers to see what — or who — caused the explosion. Another explosion, less than three feet in front of Danny, and he had to cover his eyes from the intensity of the blast’s light. The students and teachers were quick to get out, and Danny used the quickly emptying hallway to try and find his opponent. And he did, and he felt his heart drop.
It’s you.
Your skin is pale, your hair whipping around you and your eyes and hands glowing a deep red.
“Y/N?” Danny stammered, slowly lowering himself in front of you, his hands hesitantly reaching out to touch you, stopping short of your shoulders. He couldn’t believe it. You’re... you’re in front of him, but there’s something wrong. “Y/N, can you hear me? What... I don’t know... What’s wrong?”
Without so much as a response, you grab the front of Danny’s outfit, the heat coming off your hands burning his chest.
He grabs your wrist, his face contorting in pain. You raise your other hand, a red orb of ectoenergy forming in the palm of your hand. You shove it in his chest and Danny can’t stop himself from screaming in pain. He transforms back into his human form, struggling to stay conscious despite the pain coursing through his body. His hands on your wrists loosened their grip significantly, his breathing heavy and labored and his eyes were bleary. But he wouldn’t look away from you.
“Y/N,” he wheezes, “please... it’s me...”
Your eyes, just for a second, flicker from red to an otherworldly blue, before turning back to red.
“She’s not the same girl you knew.” A form appeared behind you, a ghost with blood red eyes and a big, sadistic smile. She donned a lighter red dressed, long enough to cover her feet, and was held up by two straps on her shoulders. She had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail, but there were a few strands in front of her face. “Do you like my puppet?” she cackled, she placed a hand on your shoulder, but you didn’t fight back. “It took some time to get her under my control, but the outcome is so worth it.”
“Who are you?” Danny rasped.
“I’m the Puppetmaster,” she exclaimed. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Phantom. I’ve heard quite a few stories about you.”
“I’m sure you have.” Danny struggled to get out of your grip, but you weren’t letting up. “How’d you get to her...?”
“When news spread that your little girlfriend had passed into the Ghost Zone, well it was open season.” Puppetmaster chuckled. “She was convinced that you’d come to save her, but considering you don’t do anything unless a ghost comes here”—she motioned to the area around her—“I figured I’d bring her to you. As a surprise.”
With a wave of Puppetmaster’s hand, and you dropped Danny on the ground. He let out a strangled moan as he held onto his chest.
“You like it?” Puppetmaster sneered. “It’s a ghost neutralizer. Anyone who’s under my control gains some of my powers. Your ghost powers won’t work. It’s temporary, but it makes it fun for me for the time being.”
Crap. Is the neutralizer supposed to be painful? How is he supposed to fight you and your abductor on his own? Danny can already tell this isn’t going to end well.
“Hey!” Puppetmaster snapped herself around, glowering at the human who called out to her. She was surprised to see three humans standing behind her, their eyes bright with anger.
“Guys?” Danny called. “Get out of here!”
“Not a chance, little brother,” Jazz exclaimed. “We’ve got this.”
“Yeah, leave it all to us,” Tucker snickered.
With a smirk, Sam held up the Fenton Thermos. Popping the lid off, she aimed it at the Puppetmaster, who let out a shrill scream before getting sucked in. Once the lid was on, you blinked away the red in your eyes, the red aura surrounding your hands evaporating.
“Wha...?” you stammered. “Where am I?” Looking around, you felt confusion wash over you. “Casper High?” you murmured. “That’s... not possible.”
“Y/N?” Jazz called.
You turn and feel your confusion amplify. Sam, Jazz and Tucker were standing behind you, looking equally as caught off guard.
“What’re you guys...?” you sputter. “I’m not in the Ghost Zone, am I?”
“No.” You turn to see Danny struggle to his feet, a hand over his chest as he slowly began to feel the neutralizer wear off. “You’re in Amity Park,” he said, once he gained his footing. “The Puppetmaster brought you here.”
Your lips purse into a thin line. “I should’ve fought harder,” you murmured. “She wanted to use me to take over everything. I’m not even that strong of a...” You pause, the words getting caught in your throat.
“You’re strong,” Danny exclaimed, hurrying over to you. He gently grabbed your forearms, the coldness of your skin sending shivers up his spine. “You’re incredibly strong. I was the weak one. I couldn’t protect you, I couldn’t...”
Tears filled Danny’s eyes, a strangled sob escaping his mouth.
You look down, your hair falling over your face. “I never blamed you for my death,” you whispered. “I know it wasn’t your fault. There are some people — ghosts even — who’re just evil, who love inflicting pain on people. But what happened to me wasn’t your fault.”
“I couldn’t save you.” His voice was trembling, his whole body shook with his sobs. “I couldn’t keep you safe.”
“I heard what you said at my grave.” Danny looked up to you, wide-eyed. “I was there, I tried to stay far enough away so your ghost sense wouldn’t go off, but I heard you.” You looked at him, a pained smile on your face. “I always liked you, and I know there’s nothing we can do about it now, but I figured you should at least know.”
“Y/N...” Danny stammered.
“Promise me you’ll stop blaming yourself,” you stated. “I don’t like seeing you upset, even if I did try and attack everyone.”
The joke was a poor attempt at brightening the mood, and even though there was a slight upturn on the corners of Danny’s lips, it wasn’t enough to erase the look on his face or dry his tears.
“Can you promise me that?” He nods. “Good.” You nod, swallowing thickly. “I know it still hurts, Danny,” you add, “but it’ll get better. For all of us. Besides, next time you guys go through the Ghost Zone, I’ll be watching over all of you.”
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Oh I absolutely love your writing!! Could you perhaps do a soulmate au fic/ficlet with Danny Phantom or Vlad Masters?
Notes: I’d like to thank @wolfyyoyogamer for the suggestion!! I hope you enjoy it.
I don’t own any of the gifs/pictures used.
Warnings: Spelling errors most likely, with a hint of bad writing
Word Count: 562
Masterlist: Click Here & Here
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You’ve been told stories of “soulmates” your entire life. You’re tired of it. All these stories and fairytales of finding your “one true love”, your “other half”, all this crap about how it’s supposed to be this big, magical thing and it’ll be the greatest moment of your life... it’s exhausting. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t believe in love, because you do. You’re just tired of hearing how everyone has a specific someone out there. Maybe that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to most people, but in your head it did.
So as you’re walking the halls of Casper High, venturing to Mr. Lancer’s classroom, you let out a frustrated huff when you bump into someone. You stumble back a little, quickly trying to regain your footing before the person you ran into grabs your forearms, their fingers grazing the skin of your arms and you feel a wave of something wash over you. You’re not entirely sure what it is, but it settles warmly in your chest before you feel heat rise in your cheeks. You look to see who’s holding you, and you see none other than Danny Fenton. His blue eyes are wide, almost petrified. You swallow thickly, neither of you moving or looking away from each other. His grip seems to tighten on your forearms.
“Are... Are you okay?” he stammers, his voice going up an octave.
You nod wordlessly. The warmth spreads throughout your body, your skin breaking out into goosebumps.
“I’m sorry for running into you,” he blurts, grimacing slightly at the shakiness of his voice.
“It’s my fault.” You want him to let go of your arms, but at the same time you don’t. It feels... nice? You don’t understand why, but it does. “I wasn’t paying attention,” you add.
“Oh, w-well neither was I.” Danny quickly dropped his hands to his side, opting to stand stiffly in front of you. “I’m Danny,” he blurts, his cheeks turning red.
“I know,” you murmur, shifting anxiously. “We have Mr. Lancer together.”
“Right.” His cheeks turn an even darker red. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. I’m Y/N.” You hold out your hand, waiting for him to shake it. You do it to seem formal, but deep down you want him to touch you again. There’s something comforting about it. When he does grab your hand, that’s when you feel it — the warmth, followed by a sharp cold starting in your chest. You can’t stop yourself from gasping and you certainly couldn’t hold back the shiver that ran up your spine. You could see Danny’s eyes widen even more, an array of emotions swirling in them before he settles on one: recognition. How he could possibly recognize you, you don’t know. This is your first interaction with him.
“Can I say something weird?” he asks.
“Sure?” You don’t mean for it to come out as a question, but you’re a little unsure, and very worried on what he’s going to say.
“Do you think... maybe we’re, ya know...?” he stutters.
“Soulmates?” you finish. He nods. “I... I think we are. Do you...?”
“I... Yeah.” He nods again.
With a nod of your own, you let out a shaky breath. Maybe this is the universe’s way of getting back at you for your earlier beliefs on soulmates, but you’re willing to see how this plays out.
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