#sam manson fanfiction
proneterror204 · 6 months
"How much would you pay for john constantine's complete soul?"
In the middle of a JL meeting a white haired, green eyed boy floated upside down in front of Batman.
"200 million"
"Deal!" The boy said extending his hand. Which Batman shook. Then the boy disappeared. Leaving behind one full contract for the complete 100% soul of John Constantine.
Batman held the contract as he smiled, then he started to laugh. Everyone in the meeting was scared and John was sobbing.
( later Batman traces the money transfer to one Sam Manson.)
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paxopalotls · 18 days
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@invisobang time!
Check out Ghosting Along by @tourettesdog, the fic this art is for!
My art:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
@wheatcak3's art:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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eightcure · 4 months
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Some Danny phantom sketches for the void
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Mmm, Damian becomes best friends with Sam Manson and may or may not have a slight crush on her.
Damian becomes very concerned however when he's introduced to his friends besties via videocall. Everything was normal at first until Danny left the room and come back looking angry with his eyes glowing a Lazarus green.
Damian (and unbeknownst to him his siblings) have begun to investigate Daniel Fenton and the city of Amity Park
Plot twist: the GZ portal is semi-sentient and doing it's absolute best to impede thier investigation
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secrets-of-ty · 12 days
Danny Phantom Fanfic Masterlist
I've been meaning to do this for a bit! Since I've been in the Phandom for 10+ years I've picked up a lot of good fanfics over the years and I think it'd be great to share them again in case people have forgotten/haven't encountered them!
I mostly used Fanfiction.net in my older days so a lot of them will be linked there. I'm also pretty picky when it comes to fics being completed, so expect the ones listed to be bingeable with an ending! And finally, I'm not huge on romance/smut so most of them probably won't involve those genres, I'll point out ones that do. (These are in no particular order).
👻 Happy Reading! 👻
👻 = Regular Fic
🟢 = Alternate Universe Fic
⚔️ = Crossover Fic
💙 = Would Recommend!
💙💙 = One of my Favorites!
💙⚔️💙 Mirrored by Lynse
"As a general rule, diving into unknown swirly vortexes in the Ghost Zone is a bad idea, but this was a time when Danny had no other real choice. Meanwhile, Jake thought he was through dealing with ghosts, but Rotwood, well, he's just getting started."
I posted about this one a few years ago and the author, @ladylynse , said it's also available on AO3. This is by far one of my f a v o r i t e fanfics that I read annually or so! If you're a sucker for American Dragon too, definitely check this one out <3 The characterization of both Jake and Danny, plus watching their friendship grow, always gets me in the feels.
💙👻 Phantom's Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno
"Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom."
It's been a while since I've read this one, but I remember it having a lovely characterization of Lancer plus his mentor relationship with Danny. (I loved this one a great amount back in the day that I, uh, made fanart and turned it in for a school assignment. Which is lost to the ages now 😅)
👻 Darkness by Cordria
"Maddie and Phantom are trapped in the dark. Can they come to an agreement to work together before they both die at the full moon? Part 1 of Illuminations Saga."
I don't quite remember this one but I DO remember Cordria had some absolute bangers. You'll probably see their name a few more times on this list.
💙👻💙 Masks by Cordria
"Sometimes, people hide who they truly are behind masks. This is a short story about the day that Lancer decides enough is enough when it comes to Daniel Fenton. Sequel is 'Plunge'"
When I said Cordria had bangers, THIS is one of them! Another fic that I read annually, this one involves Lancer getting closer and closer to Danny's secret while he's stuck in detention for the weekend. I love love LOVE the characterization of Danny and Lancer in this, another at the top of the favorite list!
👻 Plunge by Cordria (sequel to Masks ^)
"Sequel to 'Masks'. Now that Lancer has learned the truth and has let Danny out of his office, Danny needs to face the next hurdle: his parents."
For some reason, I always forgot to put this on my favorite list so I often missed out on reading it with my annual read of Masks. I remember it being a decent sequel where the Fentons pick up the pieces of Danny's reveal.
👻 Pits by Cordria
"Danny has been captured and thrown into the Pits by Walker to fight for his life. Listen in as he tells his dark, twisted tale of surviving despite the odds. Warning: dark and depressing. Sequel is 'Final Exam'."
Another one I don't fully remember, but it had to be a solid read since it's on my favorites haha! I have a vague sense that it was a little angst/gore-y(?) as the description warns, so just heads up!
👻 Lab Rat by AnneriaWings
"The look on my parents' faces – eager, curious, somewhat hateful – wasn't exactly hard to give away their intentions. I knew what they were going to do to me even before Mom snapped on a pair of rubbery, white latex gloves."
*** This one is definitely a vivisection fanfic with graphic descriptions, so beware that content. Again, haven't read it in a long time but it had satisfied my angst itch back in the day.
👻 Wondering by Phantomrose96
"A continuation to Cordria's starshot #69 "Wondering". Danny's been captured and tortured by his parents, but he refuses to say a word until his psychiatrist starts connecting the dots. Can he risk keeping it a secret any longer?"
*** Another angst, lab experiment-esque fic. There are definite graphic scenes (as warned in the first chapter). I do remember this fic being huge in the 2010s (definitely a staple of the Phandom). The relationships and Danny recovering from his torture were great highlights.
👻 Connections by Lynse
"Maddie knows that the Booo-merang has keyed into Danny, for whatever reason, so what's she to think when she sees it collide with Phantom?"
Don't quite remember this one, but Lynse is amazing at writing, so it's bound to be a good read.
👻 Confessions by Lynse (Sequel to Connections ^)
"Follows Connections. Danny's secret's not as safe as he thinks, what with Maddie unable to ignore her wild suspicions any longer and piecing things together and Jack asking questions all on his own."
Same as above!
💙👻 Earthquake by Turkeyhead987
"Danny leaves with his bathroom excuse and leaves Dash curious. He follows Danny and ends up the the gym room with him. While they're in there, an earthquake occurs and leaves them trapped inside. Will any secrets be revealed? No DashxDanny! They're just the main characters!"
This one is another one that I've read multiple times over the years! From what I remember, it was a fun read involving Dash and Danny being trapped in the gym after an earthquake, and explores how Danny handles his secret around Dash while they wait for rescue.
💙👻 A Jock and a Hard Place by AnneriaWings
"Danny and Dash were silent, trying to wrap their mind around that stupid, simple fact – the door was locked. They were trapped. In a janitor's closet. Together. (Collab with Haiju)"
No romance in this one! Another story where Danny and Dash get trapped together. I've read this one several times, and remember enjoying the tension of Danny's secret being revealed. I also think they explored Danny and Dash's relationship in a fun way!
👻 An Unlikely Alliance by Represent
"Maddie wants her family back. In an attempt to understand her Danny's change in behavior, she unwittingly enlists the GIW to exorcize Phantom from her son."
Gonna be real with ya'll, I don't remember this one at all. But uhhh I'm gonna throw it on here just because I can. :)
👻 Flip Turn by dreamsweetmydear
"Danny's life the last couple of years has been chaotic and pretty scary, to say the least. However, one detention with Mr. Lancer opens a window of opportunity that promises to turn his life around in more ways than one. Revelation fic. Post-"Kindred Spirits.""
Yet again, I don't remember this fic. Sorry! But it's under 8000 words, so it's a little bit of a shorter read than some of the ones on this list!
👻 Journey of Secrets by WolfKael
"First Danny Phantom fic! DXS, TXV, but not super-heavy. Lancer's class is on a trip to the Ghost Zone, courtesy of the Fentons! (Takes a couple chapters to gain momentum, and I promise it isn't your average 'field trip' fic!) T because I'm paranoid, but it could probably be K ."
Also not a fic I remember. It's got about 50,000 words so thought I'd throw it in for anyone that likes a longer fic!
👻 Vulnerable by HaiJu
"A desperate moment leads to a difficult choice, and Danny must deal with the consequences. A collaboration between Anneriawings and Haiju."
Don't remember it, but HaiJu had/has some great fics! Seems to involve Danny and Maddie after skimming the first chapter.
👻 Little Fires by Represent
"My family's supposed to be geniuses, yet they've never figured it out. Now I know why. Because they already know I'm Phantom. They must know. The better questions are: Have they known this whole time? What's in that vial? What happened to Skulker? And what's in the locked drawer?"
You know what, if I remember it, I'll say something 😂
👻 Judge, Jury, Executioner by Cordria
"The Observants and the Ghost Council are sick of the Fentons creating half-ghost creatures that disobey the rules of the universe. It's time for them to step in before more are made. Can Danny save his parents and keep his secret intact? A three-part fic."
💙👻 A Phantom Marooned by LordPugsy
"No one but Danny was suspicious when his English class was awarded an all-expenses paid cruise trip by an anonymous benefactor. Everyone but Danny thought it was bad luck when they became ship-wrecked on an island in the middle of nowhere. No one but Danny fully understood the dangers lurking in the trees. No one but Danny knew how much danger they were all in so far from home."
This one involves Danny and his class getting out of Amity Park, so it's a little more oc-filled and explores a nontraditional setting for the trio. There might be a little SamxDanny in this one if I remember correctly, but overall I do remember having fun reading through this!
🟢 Candlelight by HappyLeif
"Sam's only friend is the ever-loyal Tucker, ever since Danny began slowly distancing himself from them after some accident freshman year. She wanted a friend, but she never thought she'd find the one she was looking for in the highly debated ghostly hero of Amity Park.
AU = Danny alone during the portal accident. Looks like there's some SamxDanny in this one! Don't remember it but heck I might have to reread it since the synopsis has me interested.
👻 Crashing and Burning by GriffinRose
"For two years, Maddie has put up with Danny's ridiculous lies and excuses. She's tried everything to get through to him, but the pattern just goes on. She's so tired of fighting him on this all the time. And so, after two years, she's done. She doesn't care what her son does anymore, because Danny doesn't seem to care that he's her son."
👻 I'll Be Here by HaiJu
"Some days you can't pick yourself up. Having family means you don't have to. Danny-centric, three oneshots. Completely shameless hurt/comfort. Bring tissues… and antiseptic."
👻 What Little Girls Are Made Of by HaiJu
"Phantom and his younger double save Amity Park from a monstrous ghost, nearly destroying themselves in the process. The Fentons have always hunted ghosts; now it's time to save one."
💙👻💙 You Should Be Dead by SaphireDragon11
"Dash and Kwan are horrified to discover they've accidentally killed their classmate, but perhaps even more so when he shows up at school the next day. With his secret on the line, Danny soon discovers Dash and Kwan are the least of his worries."
THIS story is definitely a favorite and fun read! The ending battle chapters always gets me excited to reread! ***Danny does get straight up shot by Dash at the beginning so be warned for that content. But I remember a post going around a year or so ago where someone had drabbled about Danny getting up after being shot by Dash. This story explores that concept with a longer plot!
💙👻💙 Roughing It by HaiJu
"Lost deep in the woods with an undead pack on their heels, Maddie and Phantom find themselves entangled in an awkward alliance. Can they cooperate long enough to get out of this mess?"
Another favorite! This one explores Maddie and Danny's relationship, kind of similar to how the show did in the Maternal Instincts episode. I adore how HaiJu explores Maddie's thought-process with dealing with Phantom in a situation where she kind of needs him and he won't leave her alone. Great mother-son fic!
👻 Phantom of Truth by Haiju
"Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her subject, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself."
Haven't read this one in a loooooong time, but I remember being around for HaiJu updating this fic, posting about it on Tumblr, and the Phandom being generally hyped for it. Another staple for the Phandom! It's another torture fic, so heads up regarding that content!
💙👻 Shadow of a Doubt by Haiju (Sequel to Phantom of Truth ^)
"The truth was supposed to save Danny. Fix things. The lab, the experiments, the lies, those were all in the past. Weren't they? Sequel to Phantom of Truth."
And then BAM on top of finishing Phantom of Truth, HaiJu hit us all with a completed sequel! I was super excited whenever this fic got updated, felt like I was waiting for a new episode to air on TV every time! There's some OCs in this since it explores Danny running away from Amity, but I remember genuinely loving the OCs and loved reading about Danny mentally recovering from being experiment on.
👻 Just a Boy by Tay1019411
"Maddie and Jack finally have Phantom right where they always wanted him: in there lab, helpless, but everything is different now. Now, Maddie faces the truth about what Phantom really is."
🟢 Make It Go Away by DarkNymfa
"Not for the first time, Danny cursed himself for never telling anyone about his extra-curricular activities. And now, far more injured than he could fix himself, Danny desperately wished that he had told just one person."
No one knows AU
👻 Flicker by DarkNymfa
"It had taken just one moment, one split-second in which she had seen Phantom instead of Danny. Now she found herself on a path she didn't want to be on. One she couldn't leave, not anymore."
👻 The Scientific Method by ReconstructWriter
""After two years of failures you'd have better luck asking Phantom to be your lab-rat," Jazz said. The Fentons decide to try just that."
👻 Phantom Hitchhiker by ghostanimal
"Phic Phight Oneshot: While students get to leave early after a ghost attack, teachers have to stick around for boring meetings to discuss the attack. The ghost attack was now over, but it didn't mean all the ghosts were gone. Lancer finds himself driving a certain Phantom home while reflecting on how young the poor kid is."
👻 Returning After the Reveal by Illusn
"Phic Phight attack, using a prompt by Love-ly-ish. Danny returns to school after his secret was revealed in a ghost attack, having to deal with people suddenly treating him differently."
👻 Vantage Point by Lynse
"Phantom was young. Painfully young. Somehow, Lancer had never really noticed that before. One-shot, written for the 2019 Phic Phight."
👻 Oddities by Lynse
"Jack can't deny that their ghost hunting equipment malfunctions around Danny-consistently and exclusively around Danny-and decides to get to the bottom of it, once and for all. One-shot, written for the 2019 Phic Phight."
👻 To Be a Hero by cosette141
"Danny has always known the consequences should he be captured by the Guys In White, but now Tucker is going to learn firsthand just what the stakes are for his superhero friend and what it really means to be a hero. (not slash) hurt/comfort"
👻 Family Reunion by Dp-Marvel94
"For Phango. Prompts used- Setting: Family Reunion, Wes Weston, Aunt Alicia, Stuck in the thermos. And Identity Reveal…kinda (does it count if Wes had already worked out that Fenton was Phantom but hadn't seen him actually transform so wasn't completely sure?)"
Wes Fic!
👻 Stuck by SummersSixEcho
"[OneShot] After a prank from two of his ghostly acquaintances, Danny is stuck in ghost mode during one of the most important events of his young half-life. If only he didn't have to give a speech on top of it... [Phic Phight 2020 entry; prompt by Ghostanimal]"
👻 One-Eighty by SummersSixEcho
"[One Shot] After a grueling battle, two teenagers at a diner try to sort out a night of revelations. [DannyMay 2020, Day 28: Diner]"
👻 Threads of Time by ZombieRed
""I just want to know what's going on with you, Danny! I wish I could just, I don't know, spend the day figuring out what you've been hiding from me. Then maybe I could help you. But you being closed off from everyone is only hurting you. Can't you see that?" Or Maddie keeps on waking up to Thursday morning [No PP, pretty much ignores season 3 as a whole]"
👻 Invisible Stitches by Lynse
"Family bonding time might be less dangerous now that his parents know his secret, but that doesn't mean Danny is wild about being kept in the dark when it comes to his dad's plans for the weekend. One-shot."
Loved the concept of Danny having trouble being away from Amity Park!
👻 Whenever You're Ready by SummersSixEcho
"[OneShot] Jack and Maddie try to show their son they are very supportive of Phantom once they find out his secret. They want him to tell them on his terms, but everything ends up in bigger misunderstandings and more revelations they weren't prepared for. [Belated Phic Phight entry for Star G, Arioz, Bird, Dekalkomania, and Wife]"
Written in a Journal-Entry style! Interesting format if I remember correctly.
👻 An Attempt at Camping by Seasilver17
"They should have known that even when they were in the middle of nowhere camping. Something would have to go wrong. Curse his Fenton luck"
👻 Secrets Secrets and Advice (This Teacher's Vice) by AppleScentedLazers
"After a particularly grueling day Mr. Lancer just wants to go home, kick up his feet, and read some Shakespeare. But, when he runs into two of his students looking for their missing best friend, Lancer ends up with more questions than he has answers for. Such as, who is Phantom? And just what is Daniel Fenton hiding?"
👻🟢 Going Ghost by cosette141
"My take on the moment Danny turns on the ghost portal and becomes half-ghost… as well as an alternate way for Sam and Tucker to find out. Friendship Oneshot"
👻 Lair by Lexosaurus
"When something goes wrong with a piece of Vladco tech, Valerie ends up stuck in the Ghost Zone. With Phantom."
💙👻 In Case of Emergency by Unlucky Alis
"Lancer is grading papers when he gets the call. "I'm calling from Amity West. I have an underage patient here who has named you as their emergency contact." Lancer rushes over, of course, fretting all the while about what accident Danny Fenton has gotten himself into now, because it could only be him. Except, when he arrives, it's not the Danny he expected to find."
I remember enjoying the little twist on Lancer being the emergency contact for Phantom yet having no idea. Lancer handles it pretty well all things considered. (I think you guys can tell I just like Lancer fics at this point HA)
👻 Furthest from Myself by WastefulReverie
"An accident during a ghost invasion leaves nearly a hundred citizens with inexplicable ghost powers. Little did they know, this was only the catalyst for a series of revelations."
👻 Ghost Smarts! by Dekalkomania
"When it becomes clear the ghosts are here to stay, the Amity Park school district decides they need to teach proper safety precautions. In dire need of extra credit, Danny takes Mr. Lancer's offer to be the assistant in an assembly titled, "Ghost Smarts!"
Very unprepared for what he signed up for, Danny must deal with the eccentric detective J.J. Bittenbinder, all while not blowing his cover."
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I'd read a thing about how danny phantom takes place in 2004 and bruce Wayne's parents die in 2002, so they feasibly could be friends in college.
ALSO, jazz and Dr Harleen Quinzel?? College besties.
Sam and Pam (isley)?? Besties.
So many options. I need.
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Sup you feral swap things ✨I’m Back✨
So I just remembered this post where Danny, Tucker, and Sam (Everlasting trio) and live next to Jason (I think) and good old dc X dp fashion ✨Misunderstandings✨ and so the batfam think Sam and Tucker are hitmen or assassins with Danny “The Poor Innocent Husband Who Has No Clue”
Yeah that’s all I can remember
Bye babes!
I will never stop saying this you feral crows are FAST
Anyway ty for finding it @flaming-moron
It’s called “ Jason feels bad for his new neighbor his spouses are criminals” by nerdpoe!
That all for now until next time you criminals of society!
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 11
[Master List]
Dragging himself off the couch (where he’d actually gotten a few hours of sleep- how’s that for ‘not normal’ Red Hood?), Danny checked his phone. He had a missed call from an unknown number two texts, one from Damian one from Tim, and a reminder that Damian was coming over sometime after noon.
Tim: No worries, Danny. I hope everything’s all right?
Danny decided to respond to that later when he heard the bedroom door open and remembered he needed to get breakfast started. Hopping up, he moved to the kitchen, feeling lighter than he had in weeks, and started searching for food.
“‘Morning.” Santi murmured, taking a seat on the stools across the island from Danny. “Wha’s t’eat?”
He’d learned early on that the boys’ Gotham accent was even thicker after waking up and had to keep himself from cooing at how adorable it was. You’re not their dad, chill.
“Looks like….” Danny pulled out the container Red Hood had left the night before and read the little note he also included. Gallo Pinto, make some eggs and toast to go with it- there’s plenty so actually eat it, Danny. -Red Hood “Something called Gallo Pinto. I just have to make some eggs.” He ignored the pointed remark about eating the food and he definitely ignored the part about toast.
Santi sighed and placed his head against the counter. 
“You okay, kid?” 
The boy nodded. “‘M tired. Miguel’sa bed hog.”
Danny laughed. “Looks like you and I have something in common.” Santi looked up, questioningly. “Older siblings who hog the bed. I bet he steals the covers too, huh?” When the boy nodded Danny chuckled again. “Yeahhh…. They always use the ‘I’m bigger’ arguement too.”
“‘F I had a younger siblin’ I’d do it to ‘em too.” Santi sighed. “Did you do it ta Dani?”
“No I… I never had the opportunity.”
Santi tilted his head. “How come?”
He hadn’t told the boys much about himself, though he never held back information it usually just didn’t come up. He wondered though… if they outright asked him about certain things, Phantom, ghosts, Jack and Maddie, would he tell them? “We didn’t grow up together really.”
“But she’s yer sister.”
“Yes, well… I… didn’t meet her until I was fifteen and she was twelve and even after that we didn’t spend much time together. She spent her teenage years traveling and I- well I didn’t.” He let out a puff of air, Santiago was clearly very interested in this topic so he continued. “Dani’s a free spirit, she’s always come and gone as she pleased and well… I couldn’t be happier that shes’s decided to stay here for a little while. Don’t tell her but I kind of missed her.” He stage whispered the last sentence as if she would overhear him.
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. His door opened and closed without so much as a knock and then a very familiar face walked around the corner. “What’s to eat? I'm starving!” She exclaimed obnoxiously.
“So this friend of yours…” Miguel trailed off, Danny waited in silence for him to finish his sentence. “So your friend….” Danny nodded. “You have friends?”
Dani cackled while Danny huffed, exasperated. “Of course I have friends!” Miguel and Santiago shared doubting looks. “Listen, I just don’t have a lot of time to hang out with people. But there’s Sam and Tucker, we’ve been friends forever, and then Valerie joined the group- oh and Wes is definitely a friend too. We became friends towards the end of high school though so we don’t keep up as much. But yeah, I have friends.”
“Dude.” Santiago breathed. “That’s like… four people.”
“I’m pretty sure every friend is canceled out by an enemy so you’re at net 0 brother.” Dani laughed. “The negatives even.”
Miguel frowned. “You have enemies?”
Danny’s rebuttal was cut off by the knocking at their door- saved by the bell, well, sort of. Metaphorically. Damian was on the other side of the door, wearing slacks and a nice sweater (why was the kid always so dressed up?) and had a bag in one hand weighed down by (theoretically) cat stuff.
“Hi Damian!” Danny greeted. “Come on in!” He’d noticed throughout the time he’d known Damian that the boy was rather proper. He was always dressed nicely, always spoke politely, his posture was perfect, and he had an air about himself… like he knew his importance. He supposed it was good that the kid had that much confidence- maybe it would rub off on Miguel a bit.
Leading Damian to the dining room (which was really just a table in the kitchen), Danny started introduction. “I know you guys met briefly at the store-”
“You’re that guy whose brother goes by dick!” Santiago laughed.
Damian quirked an eyebrow. “Yes, Richard insists on going by it which I think is absurd.”
Santiago quirked his head. “Why you talk like that, man?”
“OKAY!” Danny clapped his hands together. “Let’s not be rude to my friend who is here to do us a favor and teach you boys about owning a cat, capeesh?” The boys nodded, Santiago sheepishly, and Damian untensed slightly. “Miguel, Santi, why don’t you show Damian your apartment and he can answer any of your questions.”
The boys nodded and Damian followed them without a word. The second they were out of earshot Dani gave him a Look. 
“What?” Danny asked defensively.
“Oh my Ancients.” She breathed, her eyes widened as if she’d just realized something.
Danny looked between where Damian had disappeared and his freaking-out sister. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re a dumbass.” She stood up and stretched. “This has been fun but I’ve got some things to see to, people to visit, you know…” She trailed off.
Pursing his lips, Danny tried not to ask. He’d suspected for a while that she was hiding something from him, but he didn’t know what or why. And he didn’t want to know. She was free to keep things to herself, he didn’t need to know everything she was doing at all times. “Okay- don’t forget, tutoring with Jason starts a week from tomorrow and you might learn a thing or two from him.”
“Pffff.” She waved a hand at him dismissively. “I’m already great at English!”
He deadpanned her. “You remember who you’re made from, right?”
“Do either of you have any questions?” Damian asked, looking between the two boys who’d been listening to his instructions without interruption for the past thirty minutes. When he’d met them- or, re-met them, he’d thought they would be incapable of listening to his expertise without butting in constantly, but he’d been wrong.
Miguel and Santiago shared looks, the older one was the first to speak up. “I don’t think so. Guess we can always ask Danny if we think of anythin’ later on.” He shrugged.
Knowing that Danny was not only new to owning cats but also incredibly busy, Damian hesitantly offered his own number. “If you ever have questions that Nightingale cannot answer or is not around to answer… you may… call or text me.”
“Oh shit man, really?” Santiago blurted out.
Miguel smacked him upside the head but it seemed to be more of a brotherly affection than anything else. “Manners, man.”
“Right, uh. Sorry.” Santiago offered. “Just excited I guess, we never got a pet before.”
Damian knew the feeling. When father had first agreed to letting him get a cat he’d been ecstatic. One cat, dog, and cow later and Damian was still excited any time he rescued a new animal or was able to get another one himself. “That is understandable, I too was excited to get my first pet.” Checking his watch, he stood. He still had homework to do before patrol tonight. “I should be going, but let me know how things are going once you’ve gotten all of the necessary supplies and have fallen into a routine.”
After saying goodbye to Danny and heading out Damian couldn’t help but hope the boys would text him. He pushed the sentiment away quickly. They either would or would not message him and it did not matter either way.
  “So Danny’s like- not human, right?” And wasn’t that a crazy way to start a conversation?
“Hi Santi, what happened to hi? Hello? How are you? My name is?” Miguel joked back, not taking his eyes off the textbook in front of him.
His younger brother groaned. “Come ooooon! There’s somethin’ weird ‘bout him! He’s gotta be a meta, right?” 
Spinning his pencil, Miguel responded absentmindedly. “What makes you say that?”
“‘Member when he was having a long day last week and accidentally ripped the handle off the fridge ‘cause it wouldn’t open? Or how ‘bout when I left some stuff here the other day and came ta get it while he was at work an’ he was also here? And at dinner that night I asked ‘im how work was and he said it was good?”
Miguel hummed. “Maybe he took that day off and didn’t want us to think he was bein’ a helicopter parent.”
“AH HA!” Santiago shouted, jumping to his feet and pointing. “You called him a parent!”
The older boy groaned. “Santi- I didn’t mean- look, he’s like five years older than me! At most he’s like an older brother and even then-”
“Tell me again how ‘e chased down your kidnappers and kicked their asses? Or how safe you felt when he moved you out of the way of danger? Or how he checked on us a buncha times at night and got you anythin’ you asked for?”
Miguel groaned, completely forgetting about the textbook as his brother listed off more times Danny was ‘meta like’ or ‘dad shaped’. It wasn’t untrue- but Miguel had said he didn’t want Danny to play parent and he meant it. He’d had parents, he knew how that song and dance went, and he wasn’t looking to suffering it again. 
Danny was cool, he fed them, helped them with school stuff, took care of them, all the things a parent did, but he didn’t get on them about curfew, or eating their vegetables, or grades, or any of that bullshit parents got upset about. He was cool. And safe.
He didn’t remember a lot from his kidnapping- Danny said that was probably for the best- but he remembered a lot of loud noises at one point and how badly he wanted them to stop. And all at once they did. After that there was a voice, it was comforting, calming, and gentle hands that held him close. Danny had told him after the fact that he’d moved Miguel away from the danger and had Red Robin take him home.
Because apparently Danny wasn’t done. Miguel had no idea how many guys Danny took out, but any amount was too much. After the way Miguel had treated him, the way he’d yelled at Danny and got mad at him for just trying to help- Miguel didn’t deserve Danny’s help.
“Are you even listenin’?” Santiago asked, leaning close.
“So what if he ain’t human? Meta’s’re cool.” Miguel argued.
Santiago looked at him like he’d said something stupid. “Obviously. But Batman hates ‘em! What if he finds out ‘n kicks Danny outta Gotham!” 
Anxiety clawed at Miguel’s insides but he pushed it down in favor of quelling his brothers’. “That aint’ gonna happen dumbass. Batman don’t care ‘bout Danny bein’ a upstandin’ citizen.”
“Hey guys,” Danny knocked on the door and leaned into Miguel’s room. “Dani wants to go out for a couple of hours this afternoon, go shopping, get food, stuff like that. You guys want to come?”
The boys looked at each other, knowing why Dani was trying to get him out of the apartment. “Nah, got work to do.” Miguel answered casually. 
“Okay… Santi?” 
Miguel froze.
“‘M good, gonna stay with Mick.” Santi answered, unperturbed.
Danny shrugged and left them to their work. When Miguel was sure he was gone he whipped around to Santiago. “You let him call you Santi? Since when?”
His brother bit his bottom lip nervously. “Uh… when… he called me that when I… when you were…”
Right. That made sense. High stress moments make people form bonds or whatever. Jazz said something about that the last time she’d swung by. She was never around for long, just enough to ask the boys about themselves and make sure Danny was eating and sleeping (he wasn’t). “Do you… want ‘im to call you that?”
Up until this point, Miguel had been the only person allowed to call him that nickname.
“I mean… I kind of… like it?” Santi mumbled. “He’s just so nice and he takes care of us and- and I- I… he’s okay- okay?”
Feeling a twinge of guilt and jealousy, Miguel shrugged. “You can let anyone call you whatever you want, Santi.” The two worked in silence for a moment before Miguel’s phone buzzed. “Dani says they’ll be gone for at least three hours ‘n that we can get to work now.”
“I still can’t believe he didn’t tell us ‘bout his birthday.” Santiago huffed as he stood up and followed his brother out of their apartment and to Danny’s.
Miguel shrugged. “He don’t know ours. Maybe he don’t like it?”
They could both understand that a bit. Birthdays were a touchy subject for them, maybe that was the case for Danny?
Danny was kind of oblivious a lot of the time, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know why his younger sister had dragged him out of his apartment for a multi-hour shopping trip on his birthday after very obviously not mentioning his birthday. He tried not to think too much about what the boys might have been dragged into back home while his sister buys anything she sees and likes.
To be fair, she really did need some stuff for her apartment, she’d furnished it almost immediately after moving in, but she lacked decorations. Dani was a maximalist, she liked displaying her knick knacks from her trips around the world, covering every piece of furniture in pillows and blankets, and making the place feel overall, homey. Something Danny wasn’t as good at.
(Where the hell did she get that from? It certainly wasn’t him. His and the boy’s apartments were  true testament to his lack of decorating skills and although he’d offered the boys many times to take them shopping for decorations and whatnot it seemed they felt similarly about the subject.)
“Danny come on!” Dani sighed dramatically. “You’ve been dragging your feet all dayyyy!”
With a scoff, Danny picked up the pace. Luckily they’d already been shopping for a few hours and she had promised this was the last store. He froze when he saw the store. “I am not going in there with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a boy. It’s just bras.”
“It’s not the bras- it’s shopping for bras for my sister. Not happening.” He was putting his foot down on this one. Dani shrugged and disappeared into the store for way longer than he’d expected. Finding a nearby bench to sit down on, Danny pulled out his phone.
Tim: Astronomy, huh? 
Danny: Yeah its like the only thing Im good at
Danny: After science that is
Tim: And running a daycare apparently
Danny: In my defense I didnt know Id be good at that until I did it
Tim: You’re telling me you just kind of…. Did it?
Tim: No thoughts?
Danny: Something like that
Tim: Dude. What the fuck
Danny: Okay, your turn. Hobbies?
The two had been talking on and off for the last week since Danny had reached out but they were both incredibly busy and often only sent a couple of texts a day. Dani’s impromptu shopping trip gave him a good excuse.
Tim: Skateboarding and photography
Danny: Thats so cool! I remember you said you were going skateboarding with your boyfriend?
Tim: Yeah one of them
One of them? Danny looked up for a moment, his brain rebooting to understand- what the fuck? He couldn’t even get one partner and Tim had two?! How was that fair? Shaking his head, Danny responded.
Danny: Thats cool, does the other one not skateboard?
Tim didn’t respond quickly enough before Dani came rushing out of the store with a large pink bag and a big smile. Danny put his phone away and picked up the myriad of of bags he’d been tasked with carrying throughout their shopping spree. 
“Is that everything?” He asked, trying to keep the whine out of his voice.
She rolled her eyes, carrying only the bag from the last shop they’d been to. “Yes, Danny. We can go home now Ancients, you’re so impatient!”
“I don’t know where you got your love of shopping from but it was not me!” He was just grateful they could fly home invisible and intangible and it wouldn’t take long although it would take a bit longer than if he weren’t weighed down by a dozen shopping bags.
They got to the apartment building a few minutes later, stopping in Dani’s apartment first to drop off the bags- he hadn’t bought anything after all. 
Dani set everything down then gave her brother a thoughtful look. “I wanna say hi to the boys.”
“O…kay?” Since when did she need his permission to say hi to the boys? Before he could ask she’d grabbed his hand and dragged him from her apartment to his. She made a lot of noise trying to open the door instead of phasing through which was strange but Danny was tired.
As the door opened he noted that the lights were all off- maybe the boys were in their apartment? Now that he was thinking about it- hadn’t they been at their place when he and Dani had left earlier? Why did she assume they’d bein his-
“SURPRISE!” The lights flickered on as a chorus of voices shouted at him.
Startling slightly, Danny gained his bearings. Standing in his living room were the boys, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Valerie, and Wes, all wearing party hats and smiling widely at him. He hadn’t spent his birthday with anyone in a few years so he hadn’t expected anything like this. He probably should have.
“Happy birthday, little brother!” Jazz exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Dude! You should have seen the look on your face!” Tucker laughed, joining in the hug Jazz had started. Sam joined too and for a moment Danny felt completely at peace.
Someone shoved through the tangle of limbs and bodies. “Yeah yeah, happy birthday Nightingale.” Valerie scoffed.
“Man you didn’t tell us you had kids!” Wes shouted from the couch.
Danny made his way into the living room and collapsed into an armchair, exhausted from the shopping. “That’s because I don’t.” He thought he caught a frown flit across Miguel’s face but he pressed on. “But they’re good kids and I’m happy to talk about them. Is there food? I’m starving?” He hoped getting the focus off of the boys would help them feel a bit more comfortable.
He wasn’t exactly unhappy that everyone was visiting- he was incredibly grateful they’d taken the time to come all this way and spend his birthday with him but he was worried. The boys had been forced to socialize with people they didn’t know without anyone they knew there to act as a buffer. Sure they’d met Jazz a few times, but they were more comfortable around Dani than they were around her.
Miguel especially didn’t like when there was a lot of attention put on him.
“Of course there is! I brought a meat platter-” Tucker started.
“And I brought a veggie platter and vegan dip.” Sam cut in.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “I ordered pizzas- meat lovers and vegan.”
“I brought drinks!” Jazz offered.
Wes looked around. “Well shit- no one told me to bring anything! Besides I just got off a double shift at the Planet and drove her right after! I haven’t even showered in two days!”
“So that’s what that smell is.” Danny smirked.
Overall, it was a success. The boys seemed to loosen up once everyone started eating and relaxing, Valerie played with the kittens (who were getting quite big at this point) while catching up with Jazz, and Wes was ranting about work.
“I mean- the guy “gets a few interviews with superman” and suddenly he’s like the go to guy! He’s literally superman! That isn’t investigative journalism! It’s an autobiography!” Wes shouts, finishing his rant by stuffing the rest of the pizza in his mouth.
Sam snorts. “Wes, come on, Clark Kent is not Superman.”
Wes gave her a Look. “This is high school all over again! I told everyone I knew who Phantom was- and I was right!” Danny gave him a pointed look before glancing at the boys. “I know who Superman is, I’m ninety-eight percent sure I know who each of the Gotham vigilantes are, I’ve got the Flashes figured out, and no one believes me!”
Miguel tilted his head. “Who’s Phantom?”
Now you’ve done it. Danny glares at his friend. “Small town hero from our hometown. No one’s seen him in years though so you couldn’t possibly know who he is.”
Looking between the curious teenager and the possibly enraged eldritch being that could tear him apart with the snap of his fingers, Wes chose life. “Yeah… you’re probably right.” 
Tucker and Sam laughed as Wes slunk to the kitchen to get more food. “Don’t worry Wes! I’m sure the Planet will recognize your brilliance soon and you can score your own interview with Clark Kent- sorry- Superman.” 
Turns out, Dani had only bought a bra so she could disguise her gift for Danny in a bag she knew he wouldn’t carry for her. He hadn’t expected gifts but upon opening them he couldn’t have been more grateful. Jazz’s gift had been a yearly pass to the planetarium and observatory in downtown Gotham. She mentioned that he was allowed to bring one free guest with him every visit.
Sam, Tucker, and Valerie had gotten him a bunch of new space themed clothes, blankets, and books- including a new book he’d been debating getting for a while.
Wes promised his gift was coming but ‘it was a bit sensitive and he’d understand when it arrived’. That only worried Danny a lot.
Dani had gotten him the newest model of the Celestron telescope. There was no way a store was just carrying one of those, she’d have to have ordered it specially. Turning it over he found his name engraved into it along with his favorite constellation. He almost cried.
(He did).
The cake was delicious, Miguel and Santiago ate more than Danny thought they should have (but he wasn’t their dad and wasn’t going to tell them to slow down) and ended up in a sugar coma for the rest of the evening. He moved them to his bed and closed the door so he and his friends wouldn’t wake them (What? He didn’t have to be their dad to take care of them like one).
“So Danny,” Wes started. He was on one side of the couch, his legs on top of Tucker and Sam’s laps who were leaning against each other. Jazz had taken his armchair from earlier with Dani sitting on the arm which left the spot next to Valerie on the loveseat. Ironic. “You didn’t tell us you had kids.” He repeated from earlier.
Sighing, Danny closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headrest. “Like I said, they aren’t my kids. I didn’t just say that for their benefit or something.”
Everyone nodded slowly, giving each other looks, but Tucker spoke up. “Sure, but like… you house them, clothe them, feed them, tutor them, love them, protect them… That’s kind of like a dad, no?”
“Not my dad.” Danny shot back nonchalantly. 
Jazz winced. “But like a dad should be.” She added quietly.
He thought about it for a moment. “I’m only five years older than Miguel-”
“Does that really matter?” Valerie snorted.
Shooting her a look, Danny started again. “I’m only five years older than Miguel and nine years older than Santi but if I could legally adopt them and call them mine, I would. It’s not like anything would change if I did, really. I wouldn’t suddenly be overbearing or whatever, but I promised Miguel when he agreed to let me help them that I would not try to parent them. So I’m not. 
“I’m doing what I said I would. Clothing, feeding, housing them, that’s easy, loving and protecting them is something I was going to do whether or not they agreed to let me help. But I’m not going to call them my kids,” not out loud anyway. “I’m not going to… tell them they can’t have more cake than they should or give them a curfew or ground them or- I… I’m not going to parent them unless they outright ask for it.” He finished with a shrug.
The room was quiet for a moment.
“Who would’ve guessed C+ average Nightingale would be the first with a prominent career and kids?” Valerie joked, elbowing Danny in the ribs.
The room erupted in laughter as everyone started bringing up different ideas of where they thought he’d be at twenty-two (twenty-three now) and it was definitely not ‘Daycare owner in Gotham with two pseudo kids’.
Once everyone had calmed down, Danny asked the question he’d been afraid of asking all afternoon. “When do you guys head out?” It had been so nice seeing his friends again, he hadn’t realized how badly he’d missed them since moving to Gotham.
“Well- about that.” Sam chuckled. “I actually got a job under a prominent scientist I’ve been obsessed with since like- forever- so I’ll be moving to Gotham soon.”
“What? Sam that’s- that’s great!” Danny spluttered.
Tucker nodded. “Obviously I’m moving here too and I’ve got a job interview lined up with Wayne Industries.”
“You’re joking.” 
His friends grinned, shaking their heads. 
“You mean, you two are going to live in Gotham?” They nodded. “Jazz and Dani are already here, and Wes is just in Metropolis,” He turned to Valerie. “What do I have to do to get you out here?”
Raising an eyebrow, Valerie scoffed. “As if I’d move all the way to Gotham city New Jersey to be near you weirdos. I’m only friends with you because my life was boring before.”
“So you’re saying we’re exciting?” Dani chimed in.
“I’m saying there’s never a dull moment with you weirdos.”
Danny shrugged, leaning into Valerie much to her dismay. “Four out of six isn’t bad- plus Wes is within driving distance. But I’ll find a way to get you guys here. Just watch, I’ll climb the social ladder, own this city, and bribe you here with crazy good jobs.”
They all laughed. After all, that was a ridiculous notion.
Prev. Next
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dannyphantom-zero · 8 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 5 Stay-cation
Jason glanced at the couch as he made breakfast. Huddled inside a blanking was Danny with nothing but his pouting face exposed.
Jason shook his head. The doctor would run himself ragged at this point. Getting all upset because he couldn't go to work.
Danny was gradually getting hungrier by the second. Jason walked over with two plates with eggs and bacon on them.
"Made some breakfast" Jason said circling the plate near Danny's face. The smell was making Danny pissed off. He wanted to eat it but he didn't like the way Jason was so smug about it.
Eventually Danny broke down and had to open up his blanket to receive the plate.
"How is it?"
Danny scowled at Jason, "it's good" he muttered before shoving more food in his mouth and chewing angrily.
Jason couldn't believe how cute this doctor could be.
"Try some of this" Jason said handing Danny a glass.
Danny looked at Jason hesitantly. Danny brought the cup up to his lips and took a big sip.
A sweet liquid filled Danny's mouth, it left a tart aftertaste.
"What is this?" He asked looking at Jason with stars on his eyes.
"It's wine that I made when I visited a brewery a while ago" Jason picked up a napkin and gently wiped Danny's mouth.
Danny was too embarrassed to think.
"D-do you want some ectoplasm?!" He blurted out before thinking.
"If you want to, yes"
Jason was acting strange, why was he being shy and complacent all odt he sudden??
Danny crawled across the couch to Jason. He put his hands on Jason's shoulder to steady himself and bit Jason's neck.
A calm feeling washed over Jason as he closed his eyes. He felt disconnected and tingly. Danny was the opposite. Whenever he did this he felt like he was drinking pure energy.
"Mm" Jason's eyebrows furrowed. Danny let go.
Jason opened his eyes.
"Yeah, thanks"
Jason and Danny watched a few movies. Danny was talking about a character when his phone interrupted him.
Danny glanced at it casually. His eyes grew big.
"SAM!" Danny squeaked as he answered.
"Hey Danny, my band is performing tonight at the mike bar, you know the one right?"
"The usual one right?"
"Yeah, anyway we lost the lead singer so to a sore throat and we desperately need a replacement. I know how good you can sing and you play guitar so, please help me!"
Danny peered at Jason.
"Sure, I'll be right there" Danny hung up.
"Where are you going?"
"A bar nearby, I have to help out a friend"
Jason stood up and grabbed an extra jacket for Danny.
"Jason? Your coming too"
"Your still on the run remember"
Danny smacked Jason's shoulder.
"Don't say it like that! You make it sound like I'm running from the law!" Danny chastised.
Jason shrugged, "Batman isn't easy to shake off"
Danny crossed his arms.
"I already knew that, but I don't think he'll randomly bother me. He's gotta have a life too right?"
Danny got a bad feeling about the face Jason was making.
"You'd be surprised" Jason groaned.
They made it to the bar without running into to any issues. Danny stepped in and started looking around. This bar has a rustic vibe to it before but now it looked like a goth den.
Maybe it was because Sam's band was performing today but there seems to be a lot more goths than usual.
"Danny!" Sam exclaimed hugging him.
"Hey Sam, how have you been, it's been so long"
Sam grinned confidently and pointed her thumb towards her band mates who were setting up.
"My bands been doing pretty well"
Sam punched Danny's arm, "but hey can't believe my little delinquent is a famous doctor now"
Danny waved his hands.
"Sam! Don't talk about that on public!"
Jason put a hand on Danny's shoulder.
"Oh, who are you?" Sam asked.
"He's a friend of mine" Jason growled.
"R-right, Jason and I became friends recently."
Sam grabbed Danny's arm, "well sorry Jared but I'm going have to steal Danny for a bit"
Sam gave Jason a cold look, "not that it's really stealing since he isn't yours"
Danny send an apologetic look at Jason before being dragged off. Sam took Danny to the male bathroom.
"Here, change" she ordered thrusting clothes at him.
Danny didn't have time to object.
His eyes bugged out when he put on the clothes.
"What kind of clothes are these?!" He exclaimed.
He was wearing a black button shirt that was open in the back with an x strap, it also had three spikes jutting out on each shoulder. His pants were black jeans with rips and chains hanging along the side.
His shoes had been swapped for boots and on his hands he wore fingerless, fake leather gloves.
"You look almost perfect!" Sam said once Danny stepped out feeling dazed.
"Sit and stay still"
Danny sat on the stool and let Sam apply mascara to his eyes. It deepened his eyes, making him look like a real goth. A hot one at that.
"Your stage name should be...."
"How about Runner?" Danny suggested.
"Huh,Runner? Sure I guess it works"
Danny helped set up his mike. Sam let him use the spare electric guitar they had.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Sam asked, the band mates shouted in unison.
Jason waited impatiently for the Danny to make an appearance.
The band started up and Danny stood up to the mike.
The band started playing, Jason watched Danny sing and play. He seemed so different from the doctor Jason knew.
The crowd was cheering as the band played. It had a pop rock vibe to it, the songs were catchy and Jason had to admit he liked the band.
Danny smiled and waved after the band finished their last song.
"Let me help you pack up" Danny said as he stuffed the equipment in Sam's bus.
"Thank you so much Danny! Who knew you still had in you!" Sam said laughing.
He turned to see Jason standing a few paces away.
"Hey Jason"
"You were really good up there"
Danny grinned.
"When you sang o felt my heart racing"
Danny laughed, "your funny Jason, but really it was all Sam. Her band is really great"
Sam playfully ruffled Danny hair.
"Yeah that's right, I'm awesome I know" Sam boasted.
"We should probably head back" Jason said.
"Head back, did you come from the same place?"
Danny seemed flustered.
"Yeah, Danny spent the night with me"
Danny was quick to clarify that he apartment had been broken into and Jason let him spend the night.
Though he could tell by Sam's face that she was thinking they were romantically involved.
When Danny got back he plopped onto the couch.
"You hungry?" Jason asked.
"A little" Danny said yawning.
'cute' Jason thought.
They ate and Danny passed out soon after.
The next morning Jason woke up to a note from Danny saying he had gone to work.
Jason had troed texting Danny alter that night but had gotten no response.
This went on for a couple days and later when Dick met up with Jason he could tell something was wrong.
"Hey, you look way too depressed, even for you"
Jason just drank.
"Come on, let it out"
Jason clenched his fist.
"I think I made someone mad"
Dick raised an eyebrow. Jason made people mad every day, there had to be more to this.
"This person started avoiding me, isn't answering my calls or texts and hasn't come back to my apartment-" Jason said too much.
"Ooh, romance problems huh?"
Jason groaned, "I wish, we aren't even dating. I've never been more frustrated"
"Maybe this person is just really busy, did you seem to be on good terms?"
"Yeah, I mean, he's a doctor so I guess he could just be busy but..."
Dick eyes lit up, a doctor? And a male one at that. Could it be-
"Do you have a crush on the famous doctor Fenton?"
Jason blushed furiously.
"It's not a crush!"
So he did.
"Why don't you visit him in person if your so worried?"
Jason sighed, "I don't want to bother him, besides I don't think he likes me back"
"There's only one way to find out you know"
And that's why Jason was currently waiting outside of Gotham General. He wasn't sure how long he had waited but a tap on his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts.
"Jason, why are you here?"
He shrugged and turned his head away so Danny couldn't see him blushing.
"You weren't answering my calls or texts so I came to see you myself"
"Ah" that's right, Jason was a stalker. How could Danny forget.
"Right well I should probably get going" Danny said as he opened his car door.
Jason shut it and didn't take his hand off the door.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just tired and I want to go home" Danny said turing away.
"I'll take you" Jason said.
In one deft movement Jason had picked up the lanky doctor and put him in the passenger side.
"What?" Danny said confused.
"You said your tired, so I'll drive"
Danny looked at Jason's face, he seemed anxious.
"H-hey, this isn't the way to my apartment." Danny said.
"Your apartment isn't safe, I'll take you to mine"
"What? Why? It's not your business if my apartments not safe"
"Your my friend Danny, I don't want you to get hurt"
"This isn't the way a friend acts!" Danny said. Jason had stopped at a red light giving Danny the perfect window to escape.
He unbuckled and slipped from the car. He started running. Jason had been acting weird, too weird. If I kept up Danny wasn't sure what he might do and he was afraid to push Jason away.
They were just friends! He really didn't want to make Jason uncomfortable but now everything was ruined.
Jason clenched his teeth. He found a secure place and parked Danny's car.
He made Danny run away! He was stupid!
Jason did his best tracking down Danny. Finally he spotted someone walking alone.
"Danny!" The person turned their head and it almost looked like they were crying.
Suddenly he started running again.
Jason caught up to him and grabbed him from behind holding him in a tight hug.
"Why are you running from me?" Jason asked in hurt pleading tone.
"Because-" Danny suddenly cut off, "batman" he said weakly.
"Batman?" Then Jason saw him.
"Crap, come on" Jason said tugging Danny with him as they ran, wearing in between stores.
They ended up on the roof of a quick-mart.
"Did we lose him?" Danny asked panting.
"Yeah I think-"
Jason fired his grappling hook, at the same time Danny almost tripped. Before they knew it, they were trapped, tangled up together and hanging off the side of the building.
"Shit" Jason said softly.
Bruce pulled them up and Jason untangled himself from Danny.
"Can't you just let the poor man go?" Jason asked.
Danny sighed and stepped up.
"It's alright Jason, I'll take responsibility for my actions."
Danny held out his hands to be cuffed.
"I'm not taking you to jail" Batman said.
Danny dropped his arms, "huh? Your not?"
"Your not?" Jason asked.
"No. However Jason and I seem to need have a talk."
"Then why were tracking Danny down"
"Your always together"
Jason was taken aback at Bruce's abruptness.
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Come to the manor, well discuss there"
Jason cursed after the bat had left.
"What a dick seriously, how dare he do that to you!"
"It's really fine Jason, come on. Let's go, he's probably waiting for you"
Jason shrugged.
"Just don't jump out the car this time"
Danny promised not too and they drove up to the manor. When they got there, Danny noticed a butler waiting at the entrance.
"Welcome master Jason and his friend"
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proneterror204 · 1 month
Manson family relations
The GIW had finally done it. They had declared marshal law in Amity Park. The complete lockdown started three days ago and they had surrounded her house. Sam was lucky her parent never skimped on home defense. They had gotten advice straight from Bruce Wayne after all and it was reinforced with Fenton Tech.
When the lockdown first started Sam's and a bunch of other parents went to complain, and the GIW had simply opened fire. They were gone now, along with most other parents. She didn't know where the Fentons were. Tucker, Jazz, and all the other kids were hold up in the school, under siege by the GIW just like her. The Fentons had also fortified the school. FentonWorks went up in green ecto-fire yesterday. Sam doesent know why.
Danny had been blown out of the sky getting everyone left to safety. He had been unconscious in her bed for over 24 hours now. Sams only comunication with the outside world had been from her grandma Ida, who was vacationing in Florida, and said that she was sending family.
Sam was trying to figure out what that meant when she heard gun fire outside. Not ecto-guns but real guns and explosions. It was getting closer.
Glass shattered from inside the house and her emotions boiled. There was no way she was gonna let them inside the house. Sam raged as every house plant her mother thought was fake sprung to life and lashed out at the intruder. Swords slashed vines and guns riddled pots and plants with bullets till a man in an orange and black battle suit stood in front of her. He had two sword and alot of guns. He took off his helm revealing and aged face with a missing eye as he spoke.
" Relax little Poison ivy, Ida sent me. My name is Slade Wilson and Im your grandfather."
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ghostlyglimmer · 30 days
Missing for three weeks, Danny finally escapes, only to be found dead and taken to a funeral home. But death isn’t the end—Danny awakens on the embalming table with his jaw wired shut and terrifying new powers. Disoriented and desperate, he must find his way home, knowing nothing will ever be the same again. CW: Gore
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Chapter 1: Bring me to Life
By GhostlyGlimmer
Anita Grayves stretched her back, each vertebra popping with a satisfying crack as she exhaled a long sigh. The dim, sterile light of the embalming room cast a clinical glow over her as she donned her PPE, the familiar rustle of the fabric and snap of the gloves a ritual she knew too well. Her technician, Dalton, rolled in the gurney with the next client, the wheels creaking slightly on the cold tile floor. With deliberate care, he unzipped the black body bag, revealing the still form inside.
Danny Fenton, just seventeen years old, lay before her. His once vibrant eyes, now milky white and clouded, stared unseeingly at the ceiling. The raven-black hair that had probably once been meticulously styled was now disheveled, a sharp contrast to the pallor of his skin. He was small for his age, almost fragile-looking, and Anita couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow as she gazed down at him.
But it was the Y-shaped scar on his chest that made her pause. Her brow furrowed in deep thought. She had seen countless autopsy scars in her career, but this was different. The coroner’s report had mentioned it wasn’t a typical dissection; it was a vivisection. The word sent a chill down her spine. She had heard stories, whispers of unsanctioned procedures, but she never thought she’d be the one to witness the aftermath.
Taking a deep breath, Anita began the embalming process. The familiar hum of the pump filled the room as she attached the trocar to his abdomen, starting the slow, methodical draining of blood from the body. The crimson fluid seeped out, replaced with embalming chemicals that would preserve what remained, ensuring the semblance of life for his final viewing.
With the embalming fluids circulating, she moved on to setting his face. It was important that he looked peaceful, almost as if he were merely sleeping. She began with his mouth, loading the needle injector with a barbed-tipped wire. The tool clicked as she pressed it against the maxilla, the wire piercing through the bone with precision. She repeated the process with the mandible, then twisted the wires together, securing his jaw in place. There would be no risk of it coming loose during the funeral, sparing his family the distress of seeing him slack-jawed in the casket.
Next were his eyes. Anita carefully pulled back his eyelids, reaching for the eye caps—small, clear discs with barbed spikes on the inside. They would help his eyes maintain a natural, slightly closed appearance, preventing the sunken look that so often accompanied death. She was inches away from placing them on his clouded eyes when her stomach let out a loud grumble.
“Damn it,” she muttered, the sudden urge reminding her of the coffee she had downed earlier.
Reluctantly, she pushed back her rolling chair, the casters scraping against the tile. She stripped off her PPE, each piece coming off with a practiced flick, and headed for the bathroom. The small, clinical space echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she entered, the door clicking shut behind her. She hurried through her business, then paused at the sink, methodically scrubbing her hands. As she looked up into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her—haggard, with dark circles etched under her tired eyes. She grimaced, making a mental note to try and get some sleep tonight.
Just as she turned off the faucet, the lights flickered, followed by a low, otherworldly groan that seemed to reverberate through the walls. Anita froze, her heart skipping a beat. It was a sound unlike anything she had heard before—something between a wail and a whisper, as if the air itself was being torn apart. A chill ran down her spine, and she stood there, paralyzed, staring at her own reflection, waiting for something—anything—to happen.
Anita jolted at the horrific sound, the air around her vibrating with an unnatural, bone-chilling resonance. Her hands flew to her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise, but it was too late. A searing pain shot through her head, her vision darkening as her eyes rolled back. She crumpled to the cold, sterile floor, her body limp, blood trickling from her ears and pooling beneath her head in a dark, crimson stain.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton’s eyes shot open in terror. His pupils contracted painfully against the blinding fluorescence of the room, his breath catching in his throat. His mind, sluggish and disoriented, struggled to make sense of what was happening. His hands moved instinctively to his face, rubbing his eyes as if trying to erase a bad dream.
But this was no dream.
As his vision cleared, he looked around, taking in the stark white walls and the cold steel surfaces of the embalming room. The air was thick with the acrid scent of formaldehyde, stinging his nose and making him gag. Panic surged through him as he realized he was completely naked, save for a thin cloth draped haphazardly over his waist.
But it was when his gaze fell on his chest that the true horror set in.
There, etched into his skin, was a large, brutal Y-shaped scar, stretching from his shoulders to his pubic bone. The sight of it made his stomach churn. His face contorted in terror, a scream tearing from his throat, raw and primal. His chest heaved with ragged breaths, each one more desperate than the last, as he clutched his head in his hands, trying to comprehend the impossible. The room seemed to close in around him, the sterile environment suffocating, the silence after his scream deafening.
Danny was alive—but something was horribly, irrevocably wrong.
As Danny’s scream echoed in the sterile room, he froze, realizing something was terribly wrong with his voice. It wasn’t his voice. It was distorted, hollow, like a death rattle echoing from the depths of a crypt. The sound made his skin crawl, every hair on his body standing on end. It was the kind of voice that belonged to something not of this world—something dead. He slapped his hands over his mouth, horrified, tears welling up in his cloudy white eyes.
He felt something hard under his lips and pulled them open, trembling fingers probing inside his mouth. His breath hitched when he encountered metal wires, woven cruelly through his teeth. Panic surged through him, and he tried to wrench his jaw open, but it wouldn’t budge. A sharp, searing pain shot through his skull, and he winced, the realization of his confinement crashing down on him.
Tears streamed down his face, his entire body quaking with fear and confusion. Sobs wracked his fragile form, the reality of his situation suffocating him. This couldn’t be happening—this had to be a nightmare. What the hell was going on? Why was he connected to this machine? Why was there a grotesque wound carved into his chest? And why, oh God, why was his jaw wired shut?
His mind spiraled, grasping desperately for memories, for anything that could explain this horror. But everything was a blur, a foggy haze that clouded his thoughts. He couldn’t think straight, his head pounding with the effort of trying to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory.
But through the chaos, one thought pierced the fog: he needed help. He needed to find his family, his friends. He clung to the memory of them like a lifeline, the only clear images in his fractured mind. Sam and Tucker—they would know what to do. They had always been there for him, through every strange and terrifying moment of his life. If anyone could help him make sense of this nightmare, it was them. He had to find them. He had to get out of here.
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paxopalotls · 18 days
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@invisobang fics are out!
This is one of my works for @tourettesdog's newest fic, Ghosting Along!
My art:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
@wheatcak3's Art:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
524 notes · View notes
q-gorgeous · 5 months
Sew Me Up and Keep Me Whole
word count: 7603
Thanks to seeing how various injuries are treated as a member of the football team, Dash actually has a decent background in first aid and anatomy. He gets adopted into Team Phantom when circumstances keep leading him to be the one patching up Phantom after fights.
Dash was walking home after a football game. He was exhausted and was looking forward to going to bed tonight. Plus there was a ghost attack at the end of the game so it ran extra long while they waited for it to be over. 
He turned into the park. It was dark in the park, but it made his trip home from the school faster. His dad would be even madder if he woke him up this late. He wanted to get back as soon as possible. 
He got to the wooded part of the trees when he heard something. It sounded like voices. 
“Tucker, you’re not doing it right.” Somebody whispered angrily. It sounded like Manson. 
“Do you want to try doing this?” He hissed back. “I’m the only one who’s taken a sewing class. You didn’t think you should be reduced to something so ‘stereotypically feminine.’”
“-’s not ev’n a fem’n’n thing.” Was that Fenton? “Sewing is a b-basic life skill…” 
“That’s not the point!” She hissed back at them. “My mom-” 
Dash stepped through the bushes and past the tree separating them and fell short. That wasn’t who he was expecting to be there.
Phantom sat in between Foley and Manson, not Fenton. As he stepped through the bushes their heads snapped up to look at him. Phantom’s head groggily lulled to the side as he looked at Dash.
“Ha. Jus’...what we need.”
Dash frowned. “What?” 
Phantom chuckled and closed his eyes.
“No! Don’t close your eyes!” Manson lightly slapped him. When he just groaned and leaned his head back against the tree behind him she slapped him harder.
“...Sam!” He pried his eyes open and glared at her. “Don’ hit m’..”
“You can’t fall asleep until Tucker is done with your stitches. If only he could just hurry it up.” Manson ground out.
“I’m going as fast as I can!” Tucker breathed out, his hand shakily pulling another stitch through Phantom’s injury. “I don’t want to leave an ugly scar or make it worse by not doing it well.”
Dash stepped closer to where they were sat behind the bushes. Manson shot another look at him. He could finally see Phantom’s wound and it was pretty gnarly. Foley’s stitches were holding it closed but they definitely weren’t pretty. 
“Do you need help?” Dash asked apprehensively. “I’ve seen a lot of injuries during football practice. And I’m not squeamish like you, Foley.”
“Yeah? You know how to sew up wounds?” Manson spit out. “How is watching people get treated for wounds during practice the same as sewing up an injury?” 
Dash held up his hands. “It seems like Foley doesn’t know what he’s doing either. I know how to sew already. Isn’t that like halfway there?”
Foley looked at Manson. “If he can get it done faster than me, why not let him? We’re gonna run out of time.”
“How can we trust him?” Manson glanced at Dash, worrying her lip. 
“He is literally Phantom’s biggest fan except for maybe Paulina. Do you really think he’s gonna try to kill him?” 
A blush rose to Dash’s cheeks at Foley’s comment while Manson kept studying him. 
A few more moments went by before she looked back at Phantom. He smiled at her groggily.
She sighed. “Fine. Dash, get over here.”
His eyes widened, stunned that they actually accepted his help. He strode forward and knelt on the ground between Foley and Manson. Phantom looked up at him, the goofy smile still on his face. 
“Funny that y’ur the one h’lping me.” He chuckled.
“Why’s that?” Dash asked. Phantom just shook his head and chuckled again.
“Here.” Foley handed him a pair of gloves. “We don’t know if his ectoplasm can irritate or damage skin. We haven't felt risky enough to try it out yet.”
“How often do you guys do this?” Dash snapped his gloves on and took the needle from Foley. Phantom smiled wistfully.
“I get hurt a lot.” 
Dash hummed as he made his first stitch. “Well that’s not good.”
“Yeahh.. ghosts suck. And also bullies. They can hurt pretty bad sometimes too.”
Shame wriggled into Dash’s stomach as he made another stitch. What would Phantom think of him if he knew he was a bully himself?
Phantom hummed a wistful sigh as he watched Dash sew his wound closed. 
“Y’know, ‘ur pretty cute.”
Dash’s brain stopped for a moment and spent a second processing what Phantom said. He felt like he was short circuiting.
“What?” Dash asked. 
Tucker burst out laughing. “Man, you’re not gonna live this one down.” Sam shushed him. 
Dash continued sewing Phantom’s wound closed as he tried to get his bearings. He never would’ve thought his hero would think of him like that. 
“So.” He said, pulling the thread tight. “Are you guys friends?”
“We’r’ bes frie-” Sam covered his mouth.
“We help him with ghost fights. We don’t know him that well.” 
“Oh. It just seemed like you guys are pretty close. He must trust you two a lot.” 
Dash finished up his last stitch. “There we go. You’re all closed up.” 
Phantom smiled at him again as Dash pulled off his gloves and put them in a bag Tucker held up to him. “Tha’ was s’much faster than Tucker.” 
“Much cleaner stitches, too.” Sam said, leaning down to look at them. 
“‘Thank you for trying, Tucker. We’re so grateful for you, Tucker.’” He mumbled out as he put all their supplies back in his bag. 
“C’mon, Tuck!” Phantom lulled his head in Tucker’s direction. “You’ve stitched up so… so many stitches before now. I’d’d have bled out so many times over with-without you.”
“Thank you, D- Phantom.” 
Dash pushed himself up off the ground and stretched. “Do you guys need help getting him back… Wherever he needs to go?”
“We can take him back to my house.” Sam stood up. “My parents are those people who go to bed at eight o’clock and get up at some ungodly hour for their office jobs.”
“Can you stand, Phantom?” Tucker asked him.
Phantom shakily tried to stand up. He only made it up part way before he fell back to his knees. 
Dash bent down and picked Phantom up bridal style. He adjusted his hold on him until he was holding him comfortably. 
“Okay.” Dash turned to look at Sam. “Lead the way.”
He followed behind Sam and Tucker as they walked through the trees. Phantom was much heavier than what Dash would expect from a ghost. He figured ghosts would be light as a feather since they could fly, but Phantom felt so much like a human it was uncanny. 
Phantom leaned his head back into the crook of Dash’s neck. He took a sharp breath in as he felt Phantom’s breath ghost against his neck. 
Dash looked down at Phantom and his eyes were closed, but after a few moments of Dash staring Phantom peeked an eye open. 
He jumped and looked back up at Sam and Tucker. They were whispering between themselves, shooting glances back at Dash. Phantom chuckled.
“Thank you for helping us.”
Dash looked back down at him. Phantom already seemed to be more coherent than when Dash first stumbled upon them. 
“Of course. You should probably thank your friends for letting me help you. They were pretty skeptical at first.” 
Phantom shrugged. “They’re just looking out for me. They’re protective.” 
“So you are friends?” Dash asked. Phantom looked at Sam and Tucker. 
“Yeah. They’re the best friends I could’ve asked for.” 
“Are you friends with the Fenton kid too?” Dash asked.
Phantom turned to look at Dash sharply. “The Fenton kid?”
“Yeah.” Dash nodded. “Danny. Hangs around with those two. Kind of a freak.”
Phantom frowned at him and turned away from him. “Oh. The ghost hunter’s son? No. Why would I be friends with him? His parents would tear me apart.” 
“Oh. Yeah that’s true. Those three just never go anywhere without each other so I thought maybe he was in on this too. He’s a dork anyways.” 
“We’re here.” Sam called behind them. 
Dash looked up to see Sam and Tucker stopped in front of a set of stairs leading to Sam’s front door. Phantom suddenly jumped out of Dash’s arms and winced once his feet hit the ground. It set Dash off balance and it took a moment for him to regain it. 
Phantom walked over to where Sam and Tucker were waiting. 
“Will you be okay?” Dash called to him.
“Yeah.” Phantom said without looking back at him. “I’ll be fine.” 
He walked away from Dash without looking back at him. The three of them walked inside the door and shut it behind them. 
He stood there and stared at the closed door. A pit formed in his stomach but he’s not sure what happened. 
He turned around and started the short trek home. 
Dash was walking in the hallways of Casper High. He was heading to his next class. He just wanted this day to be over with.
Up ahead of him he saw Fenton and his friends. He smirked and started walking faster to catch up with them. 
“Hey, Fentoadally lame! Where do you think you’re going!” 
He saw Fenton’s shoulders rise and fall as he sighed. He looked over his shoulder at Dash, an angry grimace on his face. 
“Anywhere away from you.” 
The hallways were starting to clear out as it got closer to the bell. He caught up to them and grabbed Danny by the shoulder, turning him around and slamming him into the lockers to their left. He glared up at Dash.
“What do you want, Dash?”
Dash sneered down at him. “I want to get my afternoon wailing in before I lose my chance and you disappear for the rest of the day like you did yesterday.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “And why does your wailing have to be on me?”
“Because you’re my favorite nerd to wail on.” Dash said as he pulled his arm back, ready to hit Danny. 
“Excuse me!” 
Something hit Dash in the back of the head. He hissed and when he turned around he saw Sam holding her boot in her hand, glaring at him. 
“What the hell, Manson?” He rubbed the spot she had hit. “What’s that boot made of?” 
“Steel toe.” Tucker said from where he stood, far away from the action. 
“How’s it feel, Dash? Huh? Do you like getting hit? Do you want to know what it’s like to get beat up for no reason every single day?” Sam spat at him.
He took a step away from her. He already knew what that was like. He didn’t need to know what it would be like, just from a different person. 
“Sam-” Danny tried stepping out from behind Dash to get to her but there wasn’t enough room for him to move. 
“Why should we let you keep helping us with Phantom if we can’t trust you to leave our friend alone?”
“What?” Dash asked, incredulous. “How are either of these things related?” 
Sam walked up to him and poked him in the chest. Distantly Dash could hear the late bell ringing. “Because how do we know you wouldn’t turn on Phantom? That if we relied on you, that you would actually be there to help him?”
“But Phantom is-”
“A person, just like Danny.” Sam said. “Just because Danny isn’t your ‘hero’ doesn’t mean he deserves to be a punching bag.”
Dash rolled his eyes. “Fenton just asks for it.”
Sam closed her eyes and shook her head.
“No, you know what? We won’t need your help anymore, Dash. We were doing just fine without you. We’ll manage.” 
“I didn’t want to have to associate with you nerds anymore than I have to anyways.” Dash tried to ignore the pang in his chest at the idea of not being able to help Phantom anymore.
“You know, I’ve heard that Phantom doesn’t like bullies.” Fenton said from behind him.
Dash turned and frowned at him. “What do you know?” He shoved Fenton into the lockers one more time and walked away from them. He could hear Sam furiously whispering with Danny about something but Dash tried to tune it out.
Where did Manson get off threatening to beat him? That’d just make her a hypocrite, wouldn’t it? Doing the very thing she hates? 
Whatever. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t make it so Phantom couldn’t talk to him.
“Hey, I’ll see you later, Kwan!” Dash said as he walked out of the Nasty Burger. Kwan turned around where he was walking the opposite way down the sidewalk.
“Yeah! See you tomorrow, buddy!” Kwan shouted back at him. 
Dash smiled as he started his walk home. Kwan was always pretty good at cheering him up. He’d had a pretty bad week. Every time he’d gone to Phantom to try to talk to him he’d up and disappear or fly away before Dash could even get a word in. Sam and Tucker must’ve said something to him about what happened with Fenton. 
He sighed. He’d probably never get to talk to Phantom again at this rate. 
He heard some rustling coming from the alley he was coming up on. He paused just before it. Nothing good ever came from inside alleyways. 
“Tucker, where are you- Danny, he-” 
He could hear Manson’s panicked voice coming from inside the alley. He crept forward. 
Dash looked into the alley to see Sam desperately talking on the phone. Phantom sat on the ground in front of her. She was holding a rag to his stomach. 
“No, no I already have the supplies. I can’t-”
A tear streamed down her face. “Tucker, I need you. I can’t do this without you.” 
Phantom’s eyes slowly opened. He tilted his head towards the end of the alley that Dash was standing in. He locked eyes with him, taking a deep breath.
She looked up at him. When she saw where he was looking, she followed his gaze until her eyes landed on Dash. Her eyes widened. After a few moments of staring, she put her phone back up to her ear. 
“No, Dash- Dash is here. He just walked up. He- He could probably help us again. Just one more time.” 
Dash jumped. How serious was it this time that she couldn’t wait for Tucker?
“Dash, get over here!” 
He jumped again at her call, but ran to them inside the alley.
“Can you stitch him up again?” She pleaded. “I know what I said, but I-”
“It’s fine.” Dash said. “I’m not that petty that I’ll refuse to save his life just because you don’t like me.” 
She pulled a first aid kit out of her backpack and handed it to him. “You’re mean to me and my friends. I don’t want to be around you if you’re going to bully us.” 
“Tch.” Dash scoffed. He pulled on a pair of gloves. “As if you aren’t just as mean to us. You go around antagonizing Paulina and forcing things that you want to do on other people.”
She rolled her eyes. “You literally beat people up and stuff them into their lockers. That is not the same thing.”
“Yeah, well-”
“As much as I love watching Sam tell it to you, can you guys hurry it up?”
Dash and Sam looked at Phantom. He had one eye squinted open and he was looking between them. 
“Sorry.” Dash said. He threaded the needle and got started stitching up Phantom’s wound.
They were silent while Dash worked. His stitches were quick and soon Dash was done. He sighed.
“I actually used to be friends with them when we were younger. Before they met you.” 
“What?” Sam turned to stare at him. “Why are you so mean to them then?” 
“My parents didn’t like Fenton’s parents. Or all the nonsense they were spouting about ghosts. I’d come home and tell them all about it and they thought the Fenton’s were ‘corrupting my mind’ or something like that.”
Phantom turned his head to look at Dash. 
“My parents told me I couldn’t be his friend anymore. And I told Danny that, but he didn’t get it. And he and Tucker were a package deal at that point. They were more inseparable than me and Danny had ever been. So I just… told them that I didn’t want to be their friend anymore. That they weren’t cool enough. I think I hit one of them. They didn’t go out of their way to talk to me after that.” 
They sat in silence for a moment after that. 
“Parents, amiright?” Sam said quietly, as she looked at Phantom. “My parents are like that. They try to get me to stop being friends with Danny all the time but I argue too much with them for it to ever stick. Or I don’t tell them when I’m hanging out with Danny.”
“At least you have that luxury.” Dash looked at the ground. “If I don’t listen to my parents… Well, they like to use their fists more than their words.” 
Sam covered her mouth.
Dash let out a short laugh.
“And now ghosts are real and they keep asking me all sorts of questions like they expect me to remember the things they told me were bad and wanted me to forget.”
Dash was startled when he felt a hand on his arm. He looked up and saw that Phantom was still staring at him. 
“It’s not your fault.”
Dash shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He shifted so that instead of kneeling on his knees, he was sitting on the ground. He ran his hands through his hair roughly. 
“It is my fault!” Dash ground out. “I didn’t have to treat them the way I did! I could’ve broken the cycle but now I’m just like my parents.” 
“You don’t have to be.” Sam said. “There’s always time to change. Hell, admitting to how shitty you’ve been is a pretty good start.”
Dash sighed. Phantom looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted by Tucker sprinting into the alley, out of breath.
“I’m here! I’m here. Did you guys get it figured out?”
Sam nodded and gestured at Dash. “He helped us out again. He really came in clutch there.”
Dash nodded and stood up. “I guess I should get going now. I don’t want to-”
“Wait!” Sam held her hands up in a stop motion. She stood up to look at him. “Do you want to join team Phantom?”
“What?” Tucker looked at her, shocked. “Why are you asking Dash to join the team? I thought you-”
“Clearly having another person around will be beneficial.” Sam interrupted Tucker without looking at him. “You’ve already helped us twice. You could even teach us to sew and stitch up wounds better.” 
Dash looked between the three of them. He wasn’t a part of whatever they had going. Would they really be okay with him joining their team? Did they really want him to be a part of it? Or was it just a pity offer? 
“Why would you want me to join your team?” Dash said quietly. 
“You care more than I thought you did.” Sam said.
Dash laughed. That didn’t seem like a very concrete reason.
“Break the cycle.”
Dash looked back up at where Phantom still sat on the ground. He was staring at Dash. 
“Break the cycle.” He said again. “Prove that you can be better. If not for us, just do it for yourself.”
Dash looked away. He nodded. That sounded like a good reason. Work to break the cycle his parents put him in. He nodded again.
“Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll join Team Phantom.” 
Dash stood outside Tucker’s door awkwardly. Tucker said now would be a good time to come over so they could practice sewing. He hasn’t knocked yet though. He hadn’t been back here since they were all still friends. 
He lifted his hand up and paused for a moment. Finally, he brought his fist down on the door and knocked twice. 
“I’ve got it!” Tucker shouted from inside the house. He heard some shuffling and then a muffled, “Mom!” 
Then the door opened, but instead of Tucker it was his mom. His eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. She looked behind her where Tucker was standing and then looked back at Dash. Tucker shrugged behind her. 
“Why, Dash, I haven’t seen you in such a long time. How have you been?” She asked him. 
He nodded. “Good, good. Things have been fine. How have you been?” 
“Things have been good here.” She looked between Tucker and Dash again. “What brings you over after so long?”
“I, uh..” Dash stammered. They didn’t come up with an excuse. He really couldn’t tell her they were practicing sewing so they could sew up wounds. 
“Class project!” Sam’s voice came from down the steps behind him. He turned to see  her hurrying up the stairs. “We’re going to be working on our sewing today for class. Dash is going to practice with us.”
“Ohh.” Tucker’s mom nodded. “Well that sounds fun. Do you guys have any projects in the making?”
“We’re not quite there yet, mom.” Tucker said as he stepped forward. “We’re still learning so we’ll probably just be sewing squares of fabric together.” 
She nodded again. “Let me know if you kids have any questions. I know a thing or two about sewing myself.” She smiled at them.
“Thanks, mom. We will.” Tucker waved them into the house and then closed the door behind them once they were both inside. “Come on, let’s go upstairs.”
He followed behind both Tucker and Sam as they made their way up the stairs. He hadn’t been here in a very long time but little had changed over the years. Except for maybe new photos that had been hung up on the wall. 
They reached the top of the stairs and then Tucker pulled down the attic door and unfolded the ladder. They climbed up there and Dash had the fleeting thought that if they wanted to make him disappear, an attic would be a pretty good place to make that happen.
Dash jumped as a voice spoke close into his ear and then laughter erupted from an invisible mouth.
“Oh that was good. I haven’t been able to get Sam or Tucker that good in a long time.”
Phantom dropped his invisibility and appeared in front of Dash. Dash chuckled nervously. 
“Phantom, don’t be too mean to him. We’re trying to make amends, remember?” Sam called to them while she and Tucker dug through some box.
“Yeah, yeah.” Phantom waved her comment off. He looked back at Dash. “I gotta have fun with this whole ghost thing somehow though, right?”
Dash nodded. “I can’t say I would be so chivalrous if I had your powers. I’d probably be sneaking into the girl’s locker room or something.”
“Eh. It was exciting the first couple times but now the novelty has worn off.”
Dash’s eyes widened. Phantom went to spy in the girl’s locker room? 
“Anyways.” Phantom drawled out. “What will I be doing today?”
Dash stared at him. “You’ll also be learning to sew.”
Phantom frowned. “Why?”
“If Sam or Tucker, or even me, ever get hurt during one of your ghost fights it might be useful for you to know. Or if you ever have an occasion where you’re alone and need to do it yourself, if you’re able to of course.” 
“Are you gonna be like, our teacher?” Sam asked Dash. 
Dash shrugged. “I can explain the basics but this is mostly just practice time.”
They got to work practicing their sewing. Sam and Tucker were working together on the other side of the attic while Dash worked with Phantom. They had cut up squares of fabric that they were sewing together. Phantom looked up at Dash as he pulled a thread through his two pieces he had in his hands. 
“Why’d you learn to sew?” Danny asked. “It’s not something most guys pick up.” 
Dash shrugged. “My parents liked to wreck a lot of my things growing up. They destroyed a lot of stuffed animals, but when they ripped apart the last teddy bear I got from my grandma before she passed away I decided I was going to take it into my own hands and fix it.”
“Oh.” Phantom’s shoulders dropped and he looked at Dash sadly. “I’m sorry they did that.” 
“They’re not good people.” Dash made a couple more stitches on his own squares in his hands. “It hurt when I realized that.” 
Phantom nodded. “Sometimes I worry that my parents are bad people. They want to hurt me but I know they’re not actually bad.”
“How are they not bad? You just said they want to hurt you.” Dash frowned at him. 
“It’s more complicated because of the whole ghost thing.” Phantom shook his head. “They don’t know who I am.”
Dash’s eyes widened. “What? How can they not know?”
Phantom’s sad expression turned into a smirk. “I’ve got to keep some of my secrets.” 
Dash rolled his eyes. “Okay, Inviso-bill.” 
“Hey!” Phantom pushed his shoulder. 
His skin tingled where Phantom had touched him through his jacket. They smiled at each other and Dash looked back down at the fabric in his hands. They worked for another couple moments before Phantom spoke again.
“What if we sewed them all together?”
“What?” Dash looked back up at him. 
“The squares.” Phantom held up his small pile he had gathered while they were working. “We could sew all the squares we make together and turn them into a blanket.”
“Ohh. That’d be cool.” He turned around in his seat. “Yo, Manson. Foley!” 
They turned around to face him. “What?”
“Phantom wants to turn our squares into blankets.”
“I like that idea.” Tucker said. 
“Does your mom have a sewing machine? It might be easier to sew all the rows together with the sewing machine once we get that far.”
Tucker nodded. “Let me go ask her for it.” 
He headed downstairs. Sam stood up and walked over to them. 
“How’s your practice going?” She asked. 
“Good.” Phantom held up his work so far. The stitches were getting neater and tighter as he showed Sam his progress. 
As Dash was showing Sam his own squares, Tucker made his way back up the ladder to the attic. He hefted the sewing machine up onto the floor and climbed up with some extra fabric and some kind of stuffing. He let out a breath. 
“My mom gave us some fabric and some quilt batting so we can finish turning it into a blanket.”
“How do we decide who gets to keep the blanket?” Dash asked.
Phantom looked at him. “I think you should get it. We can always make more if we’re going to keep practicing sewing. You should get the first one.”
“Yeah.” Sam said. “It can be a thank you for taking the time to teach us and practice with us.” 
“Let’s get this bad boy finished.” 
They spent the next couple hours practicing sewing the squares by hand and once they were all sewed together Dash took them to the sewing machine. They got all the rows assembled and the blanket put together with the stuffing inside. Dash stood up and held it up for everyone to look at.
Tucker clapped. “Great work everyone. Just, wow.” 
Sam rolled her eyes. 
Dash lowered it and smiled at them.
Phantom floated forward and grabbed the other end of the blanket and helped Dash fold it. Their fingers met as they folded it together. Phantom passed his end to Dash and their fingers grazed as he pulled away. 
“Thanks.” They stared at each other for a few moments. Dash cleared his throat. “Well. I should get going. It’s getting kind of late.”
“Yeah. Me too.” Sam checked the time on her phone. My parents are gonna start calling me if I don’t get home soon.”
“Thanks for helping us out Dash.” Phantom called as Dash started making his way down the ladder. Dash smiled at him. 
“Thanks for giving me the chance.” 
Dash stepped out of the school. It was empty in the schoolyard. Dash had had to stay late to finish up a test with one of his teachers. 
Dash jumped at the voice beside him. Phantom flickered into visibility. 
“Why do you keep doing that?” Dash pouted. 
Phantom shrugged and held his head in his hand as he floated next to Dash. “It’s funny. Like I said, I can’t get Sam and Tucker like that anymore.” 
“Where are they anyways?” Dash crossed the street in front of the school and started the walk home. 
“They’re busy.” Phantom groaned and flipped onto his back midair. “They had some very important stuff to do and they said I couldn’t come with them.”
“So tragic.” Dash smiled and shook his head at Phantom’s antics. 
Phantom laughed as he floated backwards on his back beside Dash, his arms crossed behind his head. Dash smiled as he watched him, a warm feeling growing in his chest. Phantom’s smile felt like the sun. 
“I think they’re trying to surprise me for my birthday. It’s coming up soon.”
Dash’s eyes widened. “You still celebrate your birthday?”
Phantom shot a look back at him. “Yeah? Don’t you still celebrate yours?” 
“Yeah, but you’re a ghost. Wouldn’t you celebrate your death day instead?”
Phantom scrunched up his nose and stared at a point from where they had come. “I try as hard as I can to not think about my death day. It was painful.”
“What was it like? Dying?”
Phantom turned to face Dash. He studied his face for a moment before he spoke. 
A roar sounded from ahead of them on the street they were walking down. A ghost turned around the corner of a building and stared down at them. 
“Stay back.” Phantom said to him and flew away. He flew circles around the ghost's head and soon it was facing back the other way. It roared when Phantom shot an ectoblast between its eyes. 
It swung at him again and again, its slow paws trying and trying to hit Phantom. 
“You sure are slow!” Phantom smirked at the ghost and spun onto his back. “You fight like my sister.” 
The ghost roared again and Phantom flew back to avoid the swipe but he didn’t move fast enough.
The ghost scratched Phantom across the chest as he flew back. Dash could hear him hiss from where he stood on the ground. 
“That’s all you got, ghost?” Phantom held his fists back up.
As if taking that as a challenge, the ghost shrieked. It reared up for another hit. Phantom dodged the first one but wasn’t so lucky the second time. 
When the ghost’s claws connected with Phantom, Dash could hear the sound of his suit ripping. The ghost spun and sent him flying backwards down the street. 
“Phantom!” Dash shouted as he turned to look where Phantom had been thrown behind him. 
He laid there on the ground. He was hardly moving. The ghost started closing in, not paying any mind to Dash. 
“Hey!” Dash swung his arms in the air, trying to get the ghost’s attention. It finally looked down at him and paused. 
“Yeah! Leave him alone!” Dash shouted. He stuck a hand into his backpack and pulled out that lipstick laser that Tucker gave him. He aimed it at the ghost and took a shaky shot. 
It hit the ghost in the chest and it roared, charging at him. Dash took a step back but he yanked his backpack off, desperately digging out the thermos. He shakily pulled it out of his backpack just as the ghost was getting to him and he pressed the button. 
The ghost loomed over him before it got sucked into the thermos. Once it was gone, Dash closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. Then his eyes snapped back open and he turned around.
He ran down the street to where Phantom lay. Phantom’s eyes opened as Dash got closer. Thank god. 
“Hey. How bad is it?” Dash asked as he dropped down to his knees on the pavement. 
Phantom hissed as he sat up. “Not the worst I’ve ever had. I’m not sure any of these need stitches.”
“Are you sure?” Dash studied his suit where it was torn. “I could literally hear your suit get shredded from where I was standing.” 
“Yeah.” Phantom nodded. “I think a good chunk of things I need to have stitched up are because I kept fighting and tore them and made them worse.” He looked up at Dash. “Thanks, by the way. For helping me with that ghost.” 
“Whaat? It was nothing.” Dash smiled at him.
Phantom laughed. “I could see you shaking in your boots from here.” 
Dash crossed his arms and turned his nose up away from Phantom. “Fighting ghosts is a lot scarier without fancy ghost powers.” 
“Yeah, but really, thanks.”
Dash looked back at Phantom. He couldn’t help it. It was the first thing he could think to do. He wasn’t going to just let a ghost get him when he couldn’t fight. 
Dash was lost in thought for a moment before his mind wandered back to Phantom’s injury. 
“Do you at least want that bandaged even if you don’t need stitches?”
Phantom nodded. “Yeah. It’ll help stop the bleeding.”
Dash dug through his backpack where it sat next to him when he dropped it. He pulled out his first aid kit. 
“Gauze or giant band aid?” Dash asked. 
Phantom looked down at his chest where the scratches were. He thought for a moment. 
“Probably gauze. I think these are too long for a giant bandaid.”
Dash nodded. He pulled the gauze out and turned back to Phantom. He blushed.
“What?” Phantom asked. 
The thought of Dash asking Phantom to undress was frazzling Dash’s brain. He only had to unzip the top part of his jumpsuit but he’d never seen Phantom in anything besides that before. What would he look like underneath? 
“I need, uh, you to unzip the top part of your jumpsuit so I can wrap the gauze around your chest.”
Phantom looked back down at his chest. “Oh.” He unzipped the front of his jumpsuit and pulled his arms out. He looked back up at Dash.
Dash’s blush went all the way up to his ears and he tried not to stare but he couldn’t help it. Phantom’s skin was so different from other ghosts. He was so much more human-like than them. 
Phantom held his hand out for Dash and he looked back up to his face. 
“I can do this if it’s too weird for you.”
“It’s not weird!” Dash blurted out. “I just, uh- I don’t-”
Phantom grabbed the gauze out of Dash’s hand and started wrapping it around his chest. “That’s okay. Sam was kind of awkward the first time she had to do this too.”
Dash nodded, but he was disappointed. This could’ve been an opportunity to get close to Phantom. To maybe graze a hand against his skin. Feel what a ghosts skin would-
He jumped. “Yeah?”
“I’m all done. Here.” Phantom tossed the roll of gauze back to Dash. He fumbled to catch it and when he did he stowed it back in his first aid kit. 
Dash put everything back in his backpack and threw it back on his shoulder. He stood up and waited for Phantom to shove his arms back into his sleeves before he offered his hands to help Phantom up. 
Phantom looked at them for a moment before he reached up and grabbed onto Dash’s hands. Dash pulled Phantom to his feet and then they just stared at each other. Dash’s grip on Phantom’s hands tightened. He took a step closer to Phantom but then someone shouted at them. 
“Look! It’s Phantom!” 
Dash looked up around him and was shocked to see how many people had gathered around them. Where had they all come from? Were they all watching the ghost fight from their homes?
“Phantom, who is this boy? Why is he helping you?”
“Is that your boyfriend?”
“Who would be crazy enough to date a dead person?”
The voices clamored around them and Dash felt like they were pressing in on him. Phantom glanced at him and let go of his hands and instead wrapped an arm around his side.
“Gotta go!” 
“Wait, wha-!” 
Dash yelped as he was pulled into the air with Phantom as he took off in flight. He’d never flown before. Not even in a plane. He squeezed his eyes shut and wrapped his arm around Phantom’s shoulder. The flight was quick and soon they were touching down on the ground. 
Dash peeked an eye open and saw that they were standing in front of his house. 
“That was fast.” Dash said, out of breath. 
“Yeah.” Phantom smiled at him. “My top speed we’ve clocked so far is a hundred and twelve miles per hour. I can get anywhere in town pretty darn fast.” 
“Dang. That’s cool. Kinda scary.”
Phantom smiled. “You get used to it after a while.”
They looked at each other for a moment before Phantom seemed to remember he was still holding onto Dash. He coughed and pulled his hand away and it drifted across Dash’s back, leaving a trail of butterfly inducing tingles.
“Well, I gotta go. I have things to do.”
Dash let out a nervous laugh. “How busy can a ghost possibly be?”
“Like I’ve said, I’ve got to keep some of my secrets.”
Phantom started floating up into the air.
“Aw, come on. We’re not close enough for that yet?” Dash shouted up at him.
He smiled down at Dash. “Not quite. Maybe one day.”
Phantom waved down at Dash and then he flew away. Dash’s heart fluttered and he waved back belatedly. 
Dash was laying in bed. He was ready to go to sleep after such a long day. He could almost fall asleep right now.
He started drifting off but was interrupted a moment later. 
Phantom flew through Dash’s bedroom wall and crashed onto his bed. Dash jumped up and stared at the boy that was suddenly next to him. 
“Phantom?” Dash exclaimed. 
He was curled up on his side next to Dash, holding his stomach. 
“I didn’t… I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Tucker is out of town and the far frozen was too far away for this one- ah!” He clenched his stomach again. 
“No, no. That’s what I’m here for. That’s why you guys agreed to let me join your team. So that there was someone else there to patch you up.”
Phantom shook his head. “This one’s worse. There’s a chance I’ll-”
A white ring appeared around his waist. Phantom tensed up and groaned before it disappeared again.
“What was that?” Dashed asked, staring.
Phantom shook his head. “You need to start stitching the wound up now. If we wait it’ll start bleeding faster. We can’t-” He tensed up again. Sparks flew around his middle. “We have to hurry.” 
At Phantom’s plea, he hurriedly got up and grabbed his first aid kit from under his bed. He kneeled down and Phantom turned to his side to face him.
“Can you uncurl for me? I need to take a look.” 
Phantom nodded and slowly pulled his arms away from his stomach. They were covered in ectoplasm. Dash gulped and studied the wound. It was deep. Ectoplasm was steadily oozing out of it. He pulled a pair of gloves on. 
“This is pretty deep, what if I can’t-”
“Sewing it shut will help.” Phantom grimaced. “Once the wound is shut my healing abilities will have an easier time mending it.” 
Dash nodded. “Okay.” 
He took a deep breath and got started. Phantom flinched with every touch of the needle. Dash was halfway done when the ring appeared around his waist again. Phantom struggled to push it away, but it disappeared after a few seconds. 
“Phantom.” Dash kept stitching the wound closed. “What’s happening?” 
“I can’t keep it back anymore.” Phantom ground out. “When I transform, I’m going to start bleeding much faster. You have to keep stitching me up, no matter what.”
“What? When you transform? What does that-”
The rings appeared around Phantom’s waist a final time. Dash tried to keep his focus on stitching Phantom’s wound, but then the rings split. They revealed a very familiar shirt underneath them. 
“I’m sorry.”
The rings finished traveling over the rest of Phantom’s body. Dash’s hands shook as the ectoplasm that was steadily coming out of the wound turned into blood. The pace increased and Dash got a glimpse at Phantom’s face as the rings went over his head and Danny Fenton was left in his place. 
Danny met his gaze for a moment and then his eyes fluttered closed.
“Danny?” Dash whispered.
He didn’t move and Dash went back to stitching up the wound. He was almost done and he was hoping this would be enough. That Danny wouldn’t…
He shook his head. He couldn’t think like that. He had already seen the impossible. Danny wouldn’t die. He couldn’t. 
He made his last stitch and cut the thread. He grabbed a bag and disposed of everything inside it. He was about to put the first aid kit away when he thought about putting a bandage on top of Danny’s stitches. 
He pulled a bandage and some gauze out of the first aid kit and when he turned back around Danny’s eyes were already open, staring at Dash. 
“You’re awake already?” Dash whispered. “I wasn’t sure- I was afraid that-”
Danny shook his head. “My healing powers are already working. It just needed help getting started. It can’t heal if it’s still bleeding so much like that.” 
Dash let out a deep breath. “I’m glad to hear.” 
A pause stretched between them and Dash looked down at his hands and saw the gauze and bandage he was holding. He held them up.
“Do you want these on there too? Would it help?”
Danny nodded. “They’ll help make sure I don’t bleed into my clothes.” 
Dash nodded back at him. “Your shirt looks pretty bad too. Do you want one of mine?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure.”
He set the bandage and gauze down on the bed and headed to his dresser. He pulled out a shirt and turned back around to see Danny pulling his shirt off. 
Heat rose to Dash’s face and the comments Phantom made that first time Dash helped him came to mind. Tucker’s laugh echoed inside his head. 
Man, you’re not gonna live this one down. 
Sam and Tucker must know. That’s why they were being so weird that night. 
He sat down at the edge of his bed and looked at Danny. He peeled the back of the bandage off and put it over Danny’s stitches. He spread his hand out over it, pressing the edges down, making sure they were sticking to Danny’s skin properly. 
“Can you sit up?” Dash asked. Danny nodded and pushed himself up, wincing. 
Dash leaned closer to Danny and started winding the gauze around his torso. Once he was done, he looked up to see Danny’s face only a few inches from his own. 
They stared at each other for a few moments before they both spoke at once.
“I’m sorry.” 
Both of their eyes widened. Dash sat up.
“Why are you sorry? I was literally the one wailing on you for so long.”
Danny shook his head. “I lied to you. I never told you who I was. I could see the way you looked at me, but I didn’t think you’d look at me like that if you knew I was also Danny.” 
Dash flushed. “You could tell.” He breathed out. 
“Yeah I could.” Then he rolled his eyes. “And if I couldn’t, Tucker would’ve made sure I knew anyway.” 
“Tucker knows too?” Dash whispered. He didn’t think anyone could see his developing feelings for Phantom. He thought they just would have assumed it was because he was Phantom’s biggest fan. 
“Yeah. No offense, but it was pretty obvious. Especially if even I could tell.” 
Dash groaned and covered his face with his hands as he leaned back onto his bed. He felt Danny lean over to look down at him. Dash opened his eyes.
Danny met his eyes. His eyes traveled down his face to his lips. He slowly bent down and pressed his lips against Dash’s. Dash closed his eyes again and after a few seconds Danny pulled away.
“It helped that I was looking for it, though.”
Dash smiled up at him. “You did call me cute that one time.”
Now it was Danny’s turn to groan. “I don’t even know what I was thinking. I hardly even remember that.” 
Dash placed a hand on the back of Danny’s head and pulled him back down and kissed him again. 
“Did Tucker ever let you live it down?”
Danny laughed. “No. Of course not.”
“I bet it’ll be even worse now.” Dash said against Danny’s lips.
“Oh, you bet it will.”
Dash kissed Danny one more time and gently pulled him down to lay beside him.
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Respawn had no idea who this guy was. He had woken up on the forest floor somewhere after a fight with Robin that had admittedly ended poorly for both of them.
All his wounds were bandaged and looked after. He wasn't even in pain! A rare luxury indeed. Looking over he saw a guy around his own age cooking some fish over an open flame. The other teen, as if feeling eyes on him, turned toward Respawn and smiled.
"I hope you like green onions." He said, motioning towards the plate stacked high with the vegetable, "They're the only edible thing I could find."
The day dragged on with the guy-Danny- playing nursemaid and insisting to take care of Respawn as he recovered, even going so far as to cut his food for him. Hes pretty sure Danny would have fed him himself if he had struggled anymore with handling the stick the fish was on.
Blessedly his enhanced healing factor ensured that he wasn't down for too long and he could take care of himself. He couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with Danny though. He was actually rather grateful.
When Respawn asked why Danny was out here in the wilderness he sheepishly told him about how his mad scientist parents had made a portal to another dimension and had tried to create a portal gun for portable access to said dimension. They were showing it to him, his sister and his two friends when something went wrong and the gun went off, sucking them all into the new portal. He woke up in the forest alone.
Looking back on thier past conversations, Repawn decided that it made sense. It would explain why Danny didn't know what a meta human was or that they had rights protecting them. Danny had been so excited when he had told him and immediately began using his unholy number of powers to help them survive in the wild.
Aka Danny, Jazz, Maddie, Jack, Sam, and Tucker are all thrown into the DC universe and all of them have been separated and are worried sick about the others and trying to find them
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sinorim-pisani · 1 year
tl;dr Linguistic anthropology except it's about Danny Phantom???
Wake up, new danny phantom obsession just dropped ya'll:
It's time to talk about GHOST LANGUAGE!!
But not the canonical Esperanto, which is a cool and interesting decision on the show's part.
I mean the idea that the ghosts have an entirely new form of communicating that sounds like static and space and ice and fire and everything a creature can feel, all condensed into what is essentially a massive creole language!
I'm a huge fan of authors who, when describing non-esperanto based "ghost speak", choose to take a more eldritch noise approach. Danny, for instance, when using the language of the ghosts, is often said to sound like all the noise of a wintery atmosphere; words like frost, ice, static, tingle, sharp, quiet and cold are employed to connect Danny's speech with his ghost core qualities. It is a fantastic way to bring an eerie and disquieting sense to Danny, and to indicate to us readers that ghosts have a unique and deeply ingrained method of communication beyond the use of human tongues.
To read way too much into something so little, I think that this could indicate that ghosts communicate with their cores! (I know, you're like Sinorim are we back to the ghost cores??) YES, we are back to how interesting ghost cores are!!
Big Question #1: If every creature-turned-ghost that spoke some form of human tongue throughout ANY period in human history, ended up in the Infinite Realms, how would they best be able to communicate?
In Danny Phantom, what makes a ghost a ghost (beyond the whole being dead thing) is their core, and their Obsession, which can be said to be an emotionally charged motivation that stems from strong emotional stimuli during life. Ghosts are creatures of feeling, of sentiment and emotion and memory, and all of those both factor into and stem out of a ghostly core. So to make a couple leaps: if a ghost could not communicate with a human tongue to its neighbor (who would be unable to understand the words), but they both have that commonality of a core and therefore a heightened sense of emotional minutiae, I would say logically the ghosts would then begin to develop a "language" based on feeling and sense. Multiply that effect by.....infinity, tack on a couple millennia, and you end up with a ghostly wordless creole language.
Big Question #2: Since a ghost's core, and subsequently their emotional cognizance and memory, is pretty much like a human fingerprint (individual and quite distinct), how would their language output be affected, and how would others actually be able to comprehend it?
This one is as easy as the difference between po-tay-to and po-tah-to, to-may-to and to-mah-to! What?? But that's just a joke, you say?? While it is a silly set of phrases, it also really concisely demonstrates the vast diversity of pronunciation, and is basically the reason why an international phonetic alphabet exists. Between pronunciation, accents, and the development of linguistic dialects, I think I can say that, at least on the comprehension side, a universal understanding of the Big Emotional Sentiments would have developed over time.
The interesting part lies in the idiosyncrasies of memory. A little side discussion - Danny has an ice core. Why? No idea! but I'm hazarding a guess that it may have something to do with his MEMORY and the emotions he felt when he died. Perhaps he felt the cold metal of the portal walls against him, perhaps the shock itself reminded him of the numbness associated with freezing temperatures or frostbite, maybe he felt a wintery sort of loneliness (it makes sense I swear), and all of that contributed to his development of an ice core. I can use Vlad as an example too, but I'll save that for another time.
So when Danny uses the Language of the Ghosts, he is understood by other ghosts because of a collective awareness of emotional sentiments. However, because of his ice core, which was determined by his individual emotional cognizance and henceforth informs his development, his form of ghost language will always be touched by his memory of the cold. When other ghosts hear Danny in their language, they'll not only understand what he is communicating, but they'll also be able to understand who Danny is, from the little touches of his cold memory that are infused in his communicating, once again thanks to his ice-based ghostly core.
And when humans hear it, they get super bad vibes because they can't understand the sounds and memories and feelings that the ghosts trying to broadcast to them!
I'm imagining poor Danny first learning he could speak the language, and then trying to show it off with his friends and being sad that it freaks them out when all he was trying to say was "You guys are the best" T.T
Good god this turned into an entire essay.
Does any of this even make sense?
Ultimately I just think that it's super cool that authors make Danny sound like the wintery freaky eldritch creature that he could be when he's speaking to ghosts XD
To be continued!
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aprocessionofthoughts · 6 months
part 6 of ITR ao3
“Tucker, are you sure about this” Sam asked, pacing around the hotel room.
Tucker sighed, flopping back on the bed. “Sam, we already talked about this, the league won't stop looking even if we rescue Danny without them. Besides!” he said, gesturing toward the window, “We’re already in Gotham.”
“I know that!” Sam said running her fingers through her hair. “It's just that…”
“I know, Sam. I get it. But it will be better if ghost info comes from us instead of them finding out through the GIW or the Fentons. And they’ll have the resources to get the summoning ingredients faster then we could.”
Sam flopped down on the bed beside him. “For all we know they may be in support of the GIW.” Sam grumbled. 
Tucker turned toward her. “That’s why you'll be the one talking to them. You can find out what you can about what their stance is, and then we'll see what to do from there.
She sighed, “Ok. But only because we don’t have much choice.”
Tucker reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll get him out. Danny’s strong, he’ll be ok.”
“I hope so.” 
They laid next to each other in silence for a while until they were interrupted by a beeping coming from Tucker’s computer.
“That’ll be the motion sensors.” Tucker said getting up. I’ll be waiting in the room next door listening to make sure everything is going well.”
Sam sat up and nodded.
Tucker quickly left the room and Sam heard the neighboring room’s door open and close. Sam stood up and faced the window, scowling.
Tim and Bruce crouched on the building across from the room registered to Samantha Manson.
“How are we doing this, B?” Tim asked.
“You go in first, see what information you can get from her. I’ll wait here in case she tries to run or has backup.”
“I don’t think she’ll run. She came here for a reason. Not to mention her hacker friend told us who to look into.”
“Yeah, yeah. Always good to be cautious, I know.” Tim said rolling his eyes as he lept onto the fire escape by the window. He paused as he found it unlocked. Either she didn’t know to keep her window locked in Gotham, or, more likely, they were expected. Tim braced himself as he slid the window open and slipped inside. Then he froze when he registered the person glaring at him.
“Why are you just standing there in a dark room?” Tim asked then cursed himself. That wasn’t what he planned on saying!
She lifted an eyebrow. “Why are you breaking into my room?”
Tim fought the urge to fidget. Her unimpressed eyebrow could almost rival Alfred’s. “I need to know about Daniel Nightingale.”
She snorted. “I don’t think so. Not until you give me something first.”
Bruce was silent in his ear so Tim asked, “What do you want to know?”
She stared at him for a moment, then glanced at the window. Did she know Batman was out there? Tim wouldn’t doubt it. Not if she knew as much as they thought she did.
“I want the Ant-Ecto Acts repealed.”
Tim froze. “The what?”
“I’m looking into it.” Oracle said in his ear. Bruce grunted.
Sam just glared harder at him. “Don’t mess with me. You’re a bat. You should know what they are. And if you don’t then you’re stupider than I thought and I’ll look for help elsewhere.” she said then froze.
“You need help?” Tim asked. When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “We want to rescue Daniel, but we need more information in order to find him.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, just kept scowling. “Fine.” she stomped over the lightswitch and flipped it on. “But tell mister dark and gloomy to go ahead and come in.”
Tim was about to respond when Batman slipped in through the window.
“What do you know about Nightingale?” Bruce said, his tone not quite a growl, but not gentle either. 
Tim fought the urge to roll his eyes, that wasn’t going to work with Manson. They needed to show they were here to help, not interrogate her.
Sam didn’t even look at Bruce, “It’s a kind of bird.” she said while looking at Tim. “Just like a red robin, except nightingale isn’t also the name of a restaurant chain.”
Time fought the urge not to flush in embarrassment, even though he had heard the joke plenty of times it still never failed to get to him. Thankfully Bruce responded before Tim could think of a rebuttal.
“What are the Anti-Ecto Acts?”
Sam was glaring at Batman now and Tim could tell Bruce was glaring back.
Finally, Sam said, “They’re a set of laws that declare ghosts, and the dead adjacent as non-sentient and make it legal for people to kill and experiment on them.”
“Ghosts?” Tim asked.
Sam turned to glare at Tim, and wow, not only could she rival Alfred’s disappointed eyebrow she could also rival the batglare. 
“If you don’t believe in ghosts, then I don't think we can help each other.”
“I didn’t say that.” Tim said, raising his hands. “I was just asking for clarification. I know there are a few ghosts, but enough to warrant a whole set of laws?” Sam snorted. “Just a few? Guess the Justice League is just as blind as we thought.”
Tim ignored that for now, “But wouldn’t this law go against the meta human protection act?”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you hear me when I said ghosts are also declared non-sentient?”
Bruce interrupted saying, “We need info on NIghtingale, if he is an associate of yours, like we’ve been led to believe, and if you want him back safe, then you need to tell us everything you know.”
She glared at him. “Don't you dare make it seem like I don’t want him back safe, but I have no reason to trust you.”
Tim stepped forward trying to diffuse the tension, Bruce had always had a hard time communicating with people who were neither victims nor delinquents. “We want to help, and we'll look into these Anti-Ecto acts, but we need to focus on finding Daniel first.”
Sam looked between them, but then responded. “Fine. I need to know exactly what happened.”
“He was helping us with a case involving cultists when the group’s leader used a red gem to control Daniel.” Tim paused as he Sam tense. She cursed and started pacing and muttering to herself. Tim only caught a bit that sounded like ‘I thought we destroyed it.’ “So, you know what it is?” he asked her.
“It’s an artifact that can control ghosts.”
“Well, yes, but why does it affect him?” 
She paused before answering, “He’s liminal.”
“What does that mean?” Bruce asked.
“It means he’s been death touched. He was dead and revived by mystical means.”
Tim thought of Jason. Was he liminal too? What about the other bats who had died and come back? But those were questions for later.
“How do we help him?” Tim asked.
“First, we need a ritual circle to bring him to us. Then we need to destroy the gem.”
Tim glanced at Bruce who gave a slight nod.
“Tell us what we need to get.”
Sam walked over to the hotel desk and picked up a piece of paper that she handed to Tim.
“Here’s everything we need. By when can you get everything?”
Tim glanced over the list. Some of the ingredients were pretty common, but there were others that he’d have to ask Constantine about. “I’ll have to ask some of your contacts about a few ingredients but it won��t take more than a few days. I’ll contact you when we have everything.”
“We’ll also look into these Anti-Ecto Acts.” Bruce said, his voice gentler. Tim wondered if he was also thinking about the possibility of some of them being liminal and falling under the parameters discussed in these acts.
Sam nodded, and Tim and Bruce slipped back outside.
Inside the hotel room, Sam closed her eyes as she waited for Tucker to join her. “Please be safe, Danny. We’re coming for you.
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