cresendium · 6 years
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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
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cresendium · 6 years
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Scorched Memories (AcexOc) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/w9EWL0ivKM When your purpose, which you have been working on for your entire life, is taken, are you able to stand back up? Will you be able to find something new? Or will you drown into the void that its absence has created. Will you stop breathing and accept fate does not have more in store for you? What will you do? I know what I did. I stopped. Time seemed to stand still. The world moved around me but my mind kept at that one point. The point where my entire life, existence, friends, family. My everything, went up in flames before my eyes. That was the day I thought I started dying.
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cresendium · 7 years
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bewitching witch (sasunaru) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/XzuxfhiZ0K one time, long, long ago, there lived a young witch in the lands. Ah yes, he came to love our young prince, so the story goes. Book 1 of the bewitching series ^^ this is Yaoi, BOYXBOY! don't like, don't read! don't go hatin on me for my ship either! have fun reading ^^
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cresendium · 7 years
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Lost: Kakashixreader (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/JybMWcTx0K His name is the only thing you remember. Vague feeling of familiarity overcomes you each day, but nothing you quite recognise. Your summon, a black cat, explains that you died and that the 'Master' had healed you. Finding the owner of the name and the goal of regaining your memories motivates you to travel to the leaf village. The story is something i came up with on the spot. Just read it for a bit to know if its good, since im not that great at summaries. Disclaimer: i only own my OC's and the alternate storylines. The rest belongs to their rightfull owners
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cresendium · 7 years
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Comfortably cold (Jack Frost x OC) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/IXUqT5Rx0K Some things make nightmares seem like sweet relieve I do not own rise of the guardians characters or storyline
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cresendium · 7 years
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(Danny Phantom/Fenton x reader) Second chance (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Ack5rEQx0K Life was harsh and unforgiving. Your brother however created a light for you. Together you escaped the research facility and after months of traveling you end up in Amity Park. Starting a whole new life of freedom. There you make your first friends, encounter ghosts and meet another half ghost besides your brother and you. introduction is short but i really feel like writing the actual story more XD Disclaimer: i do not own danny phantom or their characters. i do not own this pic i am in search for a suiting cover ^^ any ideas/sugestions/fanart send it :3
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cresendium · 7 years
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Scorched Memories (AcexOc/MarcoxOc) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ce3FGxOx0K When your purpose, which you have been working on for your entire life, is taken, are you able to stand back up? Will you be able to find something new? Or will you drown into the void that its absence has created. Will you stop breathing and accept fate does not have more in store for you? What will you do? I know what I did. I stopped. Time seemed to stand still. The world moved around me but my mind kept at that one point. The point where my entire life, existence, friends, family. My everything, went up in flames before my eyes. That was the day I thought I started dying.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.28
You grinned, “you bet!”
Three days passed fairly slow. Every day there was a time that Danny appeared in front of your window with a sheepish grin. You always opened the window to shoo him away. Luciel took this punishment quite serious after all. As the last day ended and the alarm rung, signalling the new, punishment free, day, you jumped out of bed and put on a pair of black jeans and a moss green shirt and a darker green blouse over it.
Once downstairs you quickly ate and drunk tea from your favourite mug. It was the biggest mug that was found in stores. Luciel’s eyes followed you around the house as you grabbed your stuff. “You seem eager” he stated. You looked up at the two emerald orbs and a smile appeared on your face. “That’s cause I get to see my friends again” you chimed. Luciel arched a brow, “even that goth girl?” you nodded, your smile faltering slightly, “her as well. But she is nice when Danny and Tucker are around”. Luciel hummed in response and followed after you to the door. “Careful” he warned. You turned to him, slightly confused but gave a smile to reassure him you were fine. “I’ll see you tonight” you said before leaving out of the front door. Another smile made its way to your lips as you saw a familiar figure standing on the pavement in front of the house. “Good morning Danny”. Said boy looked up and returned the smile, “Morning (y/n). How does it feel to be released from prison?” he smirked.
Stopping next to him you elbowed his side grinning, “reluctant to go back to society life. Good to feel free” you summed. Danny chuckled, “don’t blame you”. He started to walk and you took the spot next to him. Your eyes scanned the surrounding wondering if Tucker and Sam were somewhere close-by, or maybe a bit further away, closer to their houses, waiting to meet up. “(y/n)?” Danny’s voice interrupted your thought and a dreadful feeling filled your stomach, it wasn’t good when someone started a conversation with your name. You turned to face him and noticed his mischievous expression had turned serious. “Before three days ago, before the time that we met up, did you knew Vlad already?” a mix of doubt, anxiousness was heard in his voice.
Doubting, despicable
You shook the voice off of your mind. “No, I just knew him from a few articles about one of the richest in the country, that’s it” you said truthfully, the fact that he was a halfa did surprise you at the time of revelation, but looking back on it, it does explain his easily acquired wealth. There was a moment of silence where his icy blue orbs stared into yours, searching for possible lies, possible deception. A sigh of relieve rolled of his lips as his muscles relaxed. “Why the question?” you asked, in return looking doubtful. Danny looked like a guilty dog that trashed something as his eyes gleamed in the sunrise. “We don’t know a lot and Vlad is a researcher and your body- well it gave reason for doubt for some” he muttered looking away from your eyes. “For some? Meaning you?” your voice was calm but inside you heard that other little voice.
Despicable distrust. Did he tell them about the scars? Did he betray you?
Danny quickly waved his hands in denial, “of course not! Well…” he looked away, “just a moment. But I believe what you tell me” he smiled sheepishly while his eyes were cast to the ground, “you may not say a lot but what you say has been the truth up till now”.
You lie
A shudder went along your spine, a feeling of your stomach being strangled had your mind shaken. “I’m sorry” the words involuntarily left your lips. Danny looked up in surprise, “for what?” he asked, once again his voice turning anxious. “I….” you looked anxiously around, it felt as if every pedestrian, every driver, had their eyes on you. A nauseous feeling spread through your body and your head spun. Reaching a hand up to keep your head from falling of your shoulders you groaned. “Somewhere quieter?” you whimpered, your eyes searching through the moving scenery for those blue orbs. Danny frowned and put a hand on your hanging wrist. “School will start soon” he said, but seemed reluctant about it. “Please?” that was all the encouragement Danny needed to pull you away from the streets. He navigated you through the maze of alleys until a clear vision was sucked in by your eyes.
The rising sun was reflected upon the calm water where a young family of ducks quacked. The trees hid the lake from the awakening city and the soft hand holding your wrist was slowly loosened. You looked at the raven haired male who sighed and sat down. “Explain. And you better make it worth skipping” he said. The meaning of his words would be heavy, were it not for the disarming grin on his face that took a bit of weight from your chest. You dropped down in front of him.
Fingers fumbled with the end of your blouse, your eyes were cast on the dewy grass. It felt like hours, which in reality were mere minutes before a deep breath filled your longs with fresh air and encouragement. “I don’t have parents”. A bombshell dropped.
Danny looked shocked at you. His eyes revealed that he didn’t know how to react, what to do or what to say. So you continued. “Well, I have them. I don’t know them, I don’t want to know them. My brother has been taking care of me for as long as I can remember. My parents…. Left me somewhere I’d rather not remember. My brother is related to me by blood, that I know…. Sorry my mind is all over the place” you apologized and took a deep breath. The strangled feeling from earlier slowly let go of your insides.
Bits and pieces
“Where….” Danny seemed to reconsider his question before he continued, “why did you lie about that?” “Because the world is easier when you have parental raising or approval in the eyes of strangers. The title ‘Orphan’ puts a label on you. It’s something you can’t shake off”. Danny let the perspective sink in before he nodded in agreement, “how old is your brother?” “25”. “What does he do to earn money?” you shrugged in response, you didn’t know and didn’t want to know, to be honest. Danny looked in thought, “I know I’m pushing the boundaries with this but I really want to ask” he said looking at you with those curious puppy eyes.
There was a sense of relieve to see those, it meant he was taking this in as nothing unusual. It was something he was able to accept. A helpless smile formed on your lips, “ask”. Danny mirrored the gesture a tad more nervous, “did you receive the scars at the place you rather not remember?” your smile dropped instantly.
Danny looked in panic and frantically flailed his arms, “I didn’t mean to make you upset or push any bord-” “Yes” you answered, your blue eyes hollow of any emotion. Danny stopped moving and frowned at your 180 degrees turn in attitude. The only thing in sight were the rustling grass blades and the black denim fabric of your pants. The memories of experiments flooding back, each scar burning with every memory until a warm arm draped over your shoulder. You glanced up with misty eyes to see a gentle smile. The hand on your shoulder pulled you towards him, having no other choice than to lean on him. “I’m sorry it hurts you so much” he muttered, his thumb drawing soothing circles on the green fabric of the blouse.
After taking a few, shaky breaths your mind cleared again and your body relaxed. “I should be apologizing for making a big deal out of it”. The hand on your shoulder grabbed slightly harder making you look up. Danny stared down with scolding eyes, “for one, you are not making a big deal out of it, secondly, if you do there is a reason for it” he snapped. Your eyes widened and the lump in your throat cowered away at the tone. “S-” “Don’t apologize” he demanded. A small smile tugged at your lips, your head finding a the perfect spot on his shoulder. “Thank you” you whispered content. He chuckled, his chest vibrating with the action, “you are welcome, now we should go to school… my parents are going to kill me” he groaned, realising skipping wasn’t that good of an idea after all. It was worth it though. You chuckled, “want me to forge a sick note?” he arched a brow in questioned, “you can?” You gave a firm nod, “but can’t do it too often or the absence will be under negotiation with the parents” you huffed. He grinned and ruffled your hair. “You are a saviour” he laughed. A big grin was spread on your face, “I am aren’t I”. Danny rolled his eyes at you, a playful grin still on his face. Your eyes met his.
There was a spark, making its way through every vein of your body. A warmth left in its wake and there was a certainty that your cheeks were adorned with a light shade of red. There was no embarrassment or discomfort paired with it as Danny had the same light red flush on his face. A moment felt like it lasted an eternity, his blue eyes never so enticing as in that moment, never knowing until that very moment that ice could look warm, how the orange light of the sunrise lit up his icy blue eyes. They seemed to grow bigger with the second, the soft sound of fabric rustling  against fabric was something not heard over the pounding that filled your body.
Sparks released from your lips, your eyes closing to fully enjoy the sensation of something so soft, so gentle against your sensitive skin. A moment that should have lasted forever seemed an eternity too short when Danny pulled back and gave a sheepish smile which you returned. Your fingers intertwined and at that moment society didn’t matter, the lab coats didn’t matter, nothing did, except for the boy sitting besides you staring at the same water you were staring at. The warm feeling of his shoulder against your cheek and the warmth of his hands sharing with you.
It was a shame time didn’t stop. As the sun rose high in the sky your stomach gave the cue to stop this and provide for some fuel. Danny chuckled and looked at you, “seems someone is upset with us skipping”. “Oh you mean besides your parents and the teachers?” you wiggled your eyebrows playfully. Danny laughed and gave a weak punch to your shoulder, “you are forgetting my sister and your brother” he grinned. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms defiantly, “like my brother will mind, he grounded me from school remember?” Danny laughed, “true, your brother is an exception”. “You mean exceptional” you corrected playfully. “Exceptional in what way?” he asked curiously. “For one, I bet my brother can beat your sister”. Danny rolled his eyes, “Jazz isn’t exactly the kick ass type, she could probably beat him in brains if they were in the same period of time though” he said thoughtfully. You gave a reluctant shrug, “doubt it, my brother is really smart. Just like me” a playful innocent smile added to your mockery. “Oh then my sister will win, no doubt” he teased. “Hey! Are you calling me dumb?” a frown of indignancy on your face. “No, just not up to the level of the top student of Casper high” Danny stated matter-of-factly. “I bet I can be top student if I want” you huffed. “You failed 2 tests” he retorted dryly. “Cause I missed them!” you countered. “Fine, if you get the top score on the next test you are on par with my sister” he grinned. “That’s not that interesting” you whined playfully while shifting to sit on your knees. “Then what do you propose princess?” he grinned.
“If I get the top score on the next then you will do something for me or answer something” you demanded. “Don’t know what yet?” he smirked. You rolled your eyes, “yes, and vice versa” you said. His eyes widened, “anything allowed?” “Within the morals etc. but yes. You may ask anything of me” you said. “You make it really tempting to sabotage you so I can ask you anything” Danny groaned falling back on the grass. A chuckle left your lips bowing over the raven haired boy. “Hm, I doubt you will be able to” you said confidently, since all the information of high school was already inside of your brain. “Challenge accepted” a mischievous grin appeared on Danny’s face as he held out his hand. You took it and gave it a firm shake.
Another rumble from your stomach reminded you the reason why the atmosphere had turned from romantic to comic. Danny chuckled in response and got up from the grass, patting the dirt of his pants and holding out a hand to you. A smile tugged at your lips while your hands reached out and he pulled you up. “What shall we do for lunch?” he questioned. “Let’s go to my house” you concluded. He arched a brow in question, “won’t your brother be bothered by the fact you skipped school with me?” “And why would he?” “Well.. from the last visit it was pretty obvious that he didn’t like me” he said uneasy.
You rolled your eyes and hooked your arm into his. “Don’t be a wimp, he will mind but won’t do anything about it” you mused. Danny looked still uneasy at you. “He isn’t at home so don’t worry” you sighed, seeing Danny’s tense muscles slack. It seems Luciel had a bigger impact on him than you had initially thought. Not that that didn’t stop you from practically dragging him through the streets, to your home.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.27
Little did you know that your brother awaited your arrival in your room and he didn’t look so happy.
“Before you say anything, I am healthy, not wounded, no one knows my alter ego and-” “That’s not what this is about, you went out at 4 am to meet a boy. You should tell me such things” Luciel cut in looking sternly at you. You frowned, “a boy? Danny is a friend” you stated. “A friend would know your secret. That aside, I had no idea where you-” “Bullshit Luciel, you are a map, you know how to get to me any second of the day” you cut in glaring just as harsh as your brother did. “(y/n) that is no reason for you to leave without telling” he stated. You crossed your arms in protest and scowled, “so I should have woken up my brother, oh wait, you probably weren’t home”. “I was home and even if I wasn’t you could have left a note” he retorted. ‘I should have’ you thought to yourself, but the way your brother acted was as if he turned a mouse into an elephant. “Sorry for not announcing my whereabouts, however you are treating this as if I betrayed you” you growled.
Something flickered across Luciel’s eyes that caused a shudder creep over your spine. “If you had betrayed me that ghost kid wouldn’t be breathing anymore” he stated with a deathly calm. You stared up at your brother, eyes flashing red, “don’t you dare touch him” you hissed. The green eyes of Luciel widened slight as he approached. You didn’t back down and glared up at his towering figure. “Or else what?” he said, his voice echoing in the silent room. “Else I will- I will!.... I-” “Look (y/n), going as far to try and threaten me, the only one you can fully trust, I understand how much he means for you now. However, I will not stand by and see you get reckless” you opened your mouth to protest but he cut you off with a glare, “house arrest, no school, no friends, no phone. Three days” he demanded. Your eyes widened when you saw the phone on your table disappear and the window and door closed.
“You can’t keep me here” you hissed glaring up at him. He frowned, “I can and I will. (y/n) this is punishment for worrying me” he announced. You looked up at him, “you were worried? You know I can handle myself fine” you huffed crossing your arms in protest. “This isn’t a matter of handling yourself. It’s a matter of suddenly disappearing while THEY are not dead” he growled.
You swallowed but the lump in your throat stayed. Mentioning the actual worry was like a slap in your face. ‘how could I be this stupid, this careless’. “Luciel I am sorry” you said submissively.
It was like the air felt 10 ton lighter and when you looked up a gentle smile was on Luciel’s face. He lightly ruffled your hair, “glad you realise your own impudence. The punishment stays though” he smiled. You rolled your eyes but leaned into his touch like a cat, “of course” you grumbled.
 So throughout the day you have finished 2 books and 3 teapots, not that unproductive. Now it was getting close to 5, meaning you had to make diner soon. So you decided upon a shower since the warm blanket, the tea and your fire core didn’t provide any kind of chill that you could use right now. Humming on your favourite tune you began to strip out of your clothes. ‘Three full days will be gone without any kind of notice… I should start thinking of excuses’ you thought grimly to yourself. Your blue eyes fell upon the mirror, upon your marred body. Standing just in a bra and underwear it left little to the imagination. There were too many scars to count. A sigh escaped your lips and you had closed your eyes, had a movement in the reflection not caught your attention. You swirled around and your eyes widened.
You pulled on a bathrobe and tramped over to the window and flung it open. “I didn’t know heroes peeked into girls rooms” you hissed, venom lasing your voice. Danny’s eyes were wide and startled. “I- I.. I’m sorry! I was w-worried and no one opened up and there was a barrier and-” “Danny” you growled, your nails digging into your palms to keep your eyes from flickering. “(y/n) I am so sorry I didn’t mean to.. your body..” Danny said, his emerald eyes glancing over the covered skin. Were it any other man it would have been perverted, but you knew he saw every scar which he witnessed in a blink of an eye. “How-” “I don’t want to talk about it”. Danny flinched and backed off slightly, “(y/n) I’m so sorry, I… how can I make it up?” he questioned carefully as if he was scared to agitate you any further.
Your eyes
You blinked, you could hear your own heartbeat echoing through your head. “You haven’t seen anything” you stated grimly, taking deep breaths to calm your pounding heart. Danny looked conflicted but dropped the matter.
“We were really worried. How come your brother didn’t inform the teachers about your absence? And why are you absent?” he questioned approaching with care. “I’m grounded” you stated and leaned on the window shell. He blinked, “shouldn’t you be able to go to school then?” he asked confused. “That’s not how my brother works” you stated with a tone signalling you didn’t want to explain any further. Danny frowned and floated just inches before the window, inches before the barrier. “I don’t understand why every time I don’t come to school you guys flip as if I’m murdered in some back alley” you growled, it truly was confusing as to why they would be so bothersome. Most would just assume they were skipping school or doing something else. Hell, some don’t even notice when people are gone.
“Because (y/n), in this city, your association with me, it could actually happen!” Danny snarled, his green eyes gleaming an ominous green. Yet you could sense guilt coming from his demeanour. “Danny, I can handle myself just dandy. I don’t need you to worry about me as well. You have enough on your plate as it is” you sighed looking sympathetic at the boy who was carrying the burden of protecting the lives he didn’t even know.
His white gloved hands clenched into fists. “How can you even say that! Last time I checked I was the only one with powers to stand up to the threats in this city! How can I not worry about you!” he snapped. A shock ran through your body and, there, in the core was that odd warm feeling again. You stared astonished into those angry glowing orbs. How could someone’s eyes be this enticing?
With a deep breath you collected yourself and without a word swung yourself over the edge. Danny panicked and was ready to catch you but your butt landed gracefully on the edge, your legs dangling above the ground 2 stories lower. “Damnit (y/n)! Don’t scare me like that!” “Thank you” you blurted out. Danny stared at you, a mix of shock and confusion filling his eyes, momentarily forgetting he was angry. “For wh-” “To care about me” “That’s only na-” “it’s not natural” you interjected. A sigh escaped your lips, your eyes following the leaves of the tree in the garden that swayed in the wind. “The way I act makes anyone give up on me. I avoid any conversation about myself, I won’t tell anything about my past, the way I act and I have a smart ass mouth. Nobody would want to put up with someone they know next to nothing about after being together for a while” a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips, “I thank you for worrying about me. Letting me know you care” you looked up to meet his eyes, they looked as if they were watching a small fluffy kitten lost in some alleyway. They wanted to take that kitten home and care for it, make everything better for it. “You don’t have to thank me for something like that. Sam and Tucker do so as well right? I am not the only one” he said floating over to you, stopping mere inches away. There was a hesitation, you knew that Sam didn’t trust you and Tucker just went along with Danny. It was only Danny that actually cared as far as you could see. “Y-yeah” inside there was a stream of curses at the way your voice stuttered.
Danny frowned, “why the hesitation?” he questioned, “it is true, you know, they were worried about today as well”. You gave half a smile, “I see… notice things many won’t, I am wary and doubtful. If you don’t count my brother, you are the only one that I feel comfortable with. You, I know I can trust” you declared, it felt as if a weight was lifted of your shoulder by saying it. So that was a side effect of lying, carrying weights along until you tell the truth, or at least part of it.
Danny seemed to want to ask questions, probably if you didn’t trust Sam and Tucker. His mouth opened and closed again, a light tint of green adorning his cheeks while his eyes avoided yours. “It’s relieving you trust me….” “but?” you questioned with a frown. “It’s kind of sad don’t you think? Having only two people to trust? I think you are being a bit too wary about Sam and Tucker” he said sheepishly. “I have my reasons not to trust easily” you stated. Danny’s eyes flickered, the image of your scars flickering before his eyes.
“Could you.. please tell me something about you?” he questioned, his eyes big orbs of a lost puppy. You averted your eyes and bit your lip to avoid blurting anything out. “Look, I will tell you. just not here and now” you said looking up to meet his eyes again. Danny gave a resigned sigh but with a shrug and his mischievous smirk he waved it off. “How long are you imprisoned little princess?” he questioned. His smirk was infectious, “the dragon will keep me for three days” you said dramatically. “Maybe I should beat the dragon and free you” Danny bowed, picking up your hand and kissed it. A light pink adorned your cheeks, “I’d rather not you do that. I quite like my dragon” you hummed meeting his mischievous emeralds. “Then I will await your return into my kingdom, let’s say I pick you up before school starts?” he questioned. “That would be lovely” you chuckled. He smiled and let go of your hand. “I will see you soon princess!” “After three days idjit prince” you snickered and waved him off.
When the raven haired boy disappeared from sight you swept your legs back inside and jumped off the edge. A loud cough echoed through the room, making you look up at the source. A pair of piercing emeralds stared you down. “Look, I know the punishment included no contact. But it would be suspicious if I disappeared for three full days. Do you try to make me lie more?” you huffed crossing your arms.
He stared silently down at you, his canine teeth glimmering in the sunlight. “Fine. Have it your way. I honestly don’t know what goes through your mind anymore” he sighed in defeat. A triumphantly grin plastered on your face as you skipped over and hugged him. “I love you too Luciel” you grinned up at him. He rolled his eyes and ruffled your hair until it was completely messed up. “The promise still stands. If something happens, you come to ME” he said, elaborating the word me. You nodded, “If I get my period I will go to you”. Luciel glared at you. “Don’t worry, you are the first I will tell anything. You were and are and always will be my brother that saved me. You dealt with me at my worst so you deserve my best” you smiled. He sighed defeated and patted your head. “Please make something good for diner” he muttered. You grinned, “you bet!”
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.26
“I came across another half ghost half human” he stated.
It was like your heart dropped to your feet, but you forced yourself to look confused. “Who? Do you know their identity?” you questioned, purposely leaving gender out of the question. “Sam told you I was going to the reunion of my folks with them, right?” he questioned, you nodded and he continued, “the best friend of my father, Vlad Masters, hosted the party in his mansion. At first he seemed like an okay man, even though he treated my father pretty bad. Not that he noticed… anyway, before we went to the reunion I fought some ghosts who were on a mission to assassinate my dad. They had a picture of him in his… younger days. That picture was ripped from a bigger picture and that picture was in the lab that was behind a secret door” Danny took a deep breath, he talked so hastily. He waited a moment, wondering if you would ask questions, but when you didn’t he continued again. “In their young years Vlad Masters helped my parents on a project to make the first portal to the ghost zone, something went wrong and he had an accident like mine. Turning him into a half ghost. Only he has been a ghost for 10 years! How in the world am I supposed to beat someone with so much experience?! I got him to back off with the threat of revealing his identity to the world. He threatened the same to me but I used my mother in my favour” you looked confused at him. He grimaced “he’s got the hots for my mom….”.
You were silent for a moment, processing all the info you just had received. “No one got hurt?” you questioned, “did you get hurt?” you followed up, your eyes scanning his body. He shook his head, “just some bruises and scratches, nothing unusual”. You gave a nod before wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a comforting hug. “Now breath goddammit, you look so tense and nervous that you make me agitated” you scolded.
Danny’s eyes widened at the action but soon you could feel the tense muscles under your arms relax and feel his forehead on your shoulder. “Thanks (y/n), I needed that” he murmured into your shoulder. A smile crept on your lips and your hand drew soothing circles on his back. “No problem. I would be stressed to if there was some enemy that was obviously stronger” you said. “Well not obviously, I outsmarted him there I could do that again” he grumbled. You chuckled, “see, already getting better”. Danny smiled into your shoulder and stayed like that, taking comfort in your warmth and presence. His body felt cold to the touch, like any other ghost, like Luciel in his ghost form and you in your alter ego. It felt so natural that it felt comforting.
After a while Danny slowly leaned back and supported his upper body with the palms on the grass. “I must seem silly, calling you out 4 am in the morning to tell a problem which nothing can be done about” he sighed looking at you with guilty emeralds. “it’s not silly. It is important to be able to vent your frustration and stress. If it builds up it will only become worse” you said, “so don’t feel guilty. I am here for you just like you were for me” you smiled. He returned the smile, making something flutter in your stomach. “Once again, thanks (y/n)”. “You are welcome”.
Suddenly a light bulb in your mind flickered and with a smug smirk you pulled out 3 chocolate bars from you hoody. “salty caramel, almonds or nougat?” you questioned. Danny blinked in surprise at the bars. “You… why? Salty caramel by the way” he said looking confused while reaching for the said chocolate bar. You chuckled and handed it to him, “you better give me a piece, that’s my best one” you said opening the one with nougat and began munching on a piece. “Sure, but again, how come you have those with you?” he said breaking off a big piece and popping it into his mouth to let it melt. “I figured, since you never call this bloody early, that there was something up and you could use some phenylethylamine” you hummed in enjoyment at the dark matter melting on your tongue. Danny’s brow rose in question. “It is the stuff that’s in chocolate that makes you happy. Even though it’s such a small proportion that it doesn’t have that much effect” you said watching him take another piece. “So… like drugs? You didn’t put any weird stuff into it right?” he said with a playful grin.
You rolled your eyes, “it was a closed package. Phenylethylamine isn’t a drug, it’s the stuff that your body makes when you are in love and makes you feel all giddy and happy” you explained, “didn’t you pay attention in biology?” Danny stared at you for a few seconds before looking at the chocolate like it was the most interesting thing in the world with a light blush adorning his cheeks. “I will know that stuff before a test. Not that I will easily forget it now you told me” he muttered the last part but you heard him loud and clear. “I should teach you stuff more often then, maybe then you wouldn’t have barely passing grades” you gave a taunting smirk. He looked up with a scowl, “if I had the time I would get better grades”. “It’s not like anyone forced you to be a hero right?” you retorted. He opened his mouth but when no come back came to mind he closed it again. Instead he turned to bite angrily at his chocolate. “Well wouldn’t you help others if you were in my shoes?” he questioned.
“No” the answer rolled so easy, so fast over your lips that Danny stared dumbfounded at you. “Why not?” he questioned. “I’ll rephrase it. I won’t go saving people I don’t know, the only people I would bother with are the ones that are close to me. For those people I will do everything to keep them safe” you said, your eyes focused on the irregularities in the chocolate caused by your teeth.
“Why only them?” he questioned slowly, as if approaching a touchy subject. “Because I am selfish, unlike you I don’t care what happens to people who aren’t close to my heart. Most are like that. Hell the guy you discovered this weekend used his ghost powers to reach the riches he lives in now. Danny, not many would choose the path you chose. Every day you save people who you barely know and you get nothing in return” you turned to him. “I sincerely respect that, but I also worry. You risk your life to save people you don’t know. With that you risk being lost to me, to us, your friends, family” you said. He stared at you, indescribable emotion filling his eyes. The air was putting pressure on you, every silent second passing putting more weight upon your words. “Maybe I said too mu-” “You are right”.
This time you looked dumbfounded at him. “But I won’t stop. If I stop, who will take my place?” he said biting his lip, his eyes filling with conflict. “I am not telling you to stop. Heck, I shouldn’t have put these extra weights on you when you just discovered a new enemy. Don’t ponder too much on my words, they only have meaning when you actually die” he opened his mouth but you interrupted him, “which you won’t”.
“How… How do you know that for certain?” Danny asked, his voice deep, exhausted. “You may stand with one foot in your grave, but everyone, we, won’t let you make that last step” you said. For the first time the determination, that you respected in Danny, was filling your eyes. Danny’s tense expression turned into a helpless smile, “all I seem to do tonight is thanking you”. “You can thank me with a piece of your bar” you said eyeing the half eaten bar of chocolate of caramelly goodness. Danny chuckled and broke a big piece off handing it to you. Your eyes lit up playfully as you snatched it out of his hands with your teeth and began munching on it. He laughed at your odd behaviour and leaned back on his elbows while watching the stars. “You odd person” he chuckled. “Like you are the one to talk” you huffed. You both laughed and had some light topic chatter, mainly him telling about the weekend. How his parents had an awful music taste and how they nearly slept overnight in their camper, which was a ghost hunting contraption.
It was only when the sky was painted in a faint orange glow, announcing sunrise, that you both stood up and went back home to prepare for school. Little did you know that your brother awaited your arrival in your room and he didn’t look so happy. 
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.25
‘Not smart to do so’. 
“Did you wake up early?” Sam’s voice sounded laced with sleep behind you. You had stood there the whole night, clearing your mind and just enjoying the scenery, “Nah, not that long” you said moving from behind the curtain back to the bed. Sam smiled and got up and changed into her casual clothes. “What do you want for breakfast?” she questioned. “You can decide, I’m good with anything” you stated while moving to the bathroom. Sam arched a brow looking at you, “even uncomfortable changing in the same room with me?” she asked.
Doubt, despicable
You could see wheels spinning behind her eyes. If you said the truth which meant a yes, she would be offended, if you lied with a no, she would wait until you changed. Either way, bad choices, so going with the third option. “Do you mind if I take a shower? I sweat a lot when I have nightmares” you said with half of a smile. It was a low blow, and you knew it all too well, using someone’s guilt in following your pacing.  
“Yeah no problem, you know how it works right? Some people have different models” she said with a gentle smile. “Yeah, thanks” you said before disappearing into the bathroom. A sigh of relieve left your lips. Footsteps outside passed and went off the stairs to the kitchen. With the comfort of being alone you changed and took a quick shower to at least make your excuse legit. After that you joined Sam downstairs for a breakfast of toast and different kinds of spreads.
Sam told you about the coming new movies in the cinema and the plans of going with all of us whenever school and the ghost plagues allows us to. When breakfast was finished you gathered your stuff in your duffle and said goodbye to Sam with a thanks for the stay.
Walking home never felt so good, it was really uncomfortable there.
She is typical, despicable hu- ‘she is a friend’ you kept repeating that thought. Normally you wouldn’t have to do that with real friends right?
Real friends don’t have secrets
You stopped in your tracks, people avoiding a collision with you muttering curses under their breath. With a sharp turn you moved through the maze of alleys and finally ended up at the park. A sigh left your lips while dropping down on a small bench at the lake. Your eyes lazily watched the ducks. ‘I can’t tell them my secret. Either they hate me or they will be in danger or they rat me out’
True possibilities
You stayed a long time. The park was comforting, no one approaching you, yet you were not alone or closed off within walls. When the sun was approaching sundown you decided to go back home, starting diner. Luciel arrived quite late, around 9 pm. “Welcome back” you smiled and got up to heat the food you prepared beforehand. “I am back” he responded and floated over to you. “It smells great” he announced. You hummed in response as you took a seat at the table, waiting for the food to heat up.
Luciel looked you up and down and frowned, “something is up. What’s up?” he questioned standing beside you. “That took a while” you said looking tiredly up at him. He watched you in silence, waiting for you to explain. After a long pause, considering how and what to say, you broke eye contact and stared at the wall. “The voice is back” you stated. “That isn’t that bad right?” Luciel questioned, “it always gave good judgement and rational advice. Even if it was too rational sometimes” he said looking less worried. “It is doubting my friend”. “The ghost kid?” you shook your head, “the goth girl, Sam” you said making eye contact with your brother who didn’t seem to understand the bad thing in the situation. “So you are doubting your so called friend. What is wrong with that?” he questioned. “It is doubting her, not m-” “IT is you (y/n), you should know better than denying it” he looked stern down on you.
Another silence filled the air, only to be broken by the alarm of the food, signalling that it was done. You got up and served the lasagne before eating. Half way into the meal you put your fork down. “Fine, you are right. I don’t trust her” you stated. Luciel looked up, his eyes glinting with joy over the delicious lasagne, “and now? What will you do? Kill her?” he questioned. This time it was your turn to frown, “heck no, I’ll do nothing and see where it takes me. As long as she doesn’t know my past or what I am I should be safe” you huffed and continued eating. Luciel gave a curt nod before returning his attention to the lasagne.
It was refreshing seeing him living up from food. Over the past few months slight changes in his behaviour were noticeable. Not major ones, just small things, like how he smiled more often, how he enjoyed the food you made and how he acted more like a person. The changes were comforting, because you noticed changes in yourself as well. But at the same time it was frightening.
 The annoying sound of something vibrating against wood had you open your eyes and stare at the damned device on your nightstand. “You better be an emergency or I will kill you” you threatened the lifeless device before picking it up and unlocking the screen. When Danny’s name appeared on your screen the annoyance slowly melted away and was replaced by curiosity. You tapped on the notification opening the private chat between the two of you. Danny had one message that felt desperate, considering it was 4 am.
Please, can we meet up?
4 am? You better have a panic attack to wake me up this early XD
You really reacted! Sam and Tucker both didn’t, they are probably asleep. Sorry for waking you up but I really need to talk to someone
It’s fine, in half an hour at the lake spot?
You are a saviour, I’ll see you in a bit!
You sighed, forcing your sleepy muscles to work your body out of the bed. You decided on a thick black hoodie and sweat pants, no one would care anyway, before going out you put some chocolate in the big pocket of the sweater. After a quick flight you waited on the spot you had met Danny a few nights ago on one of your whims. It was actually fair that you listened to his whims as well.
“You are really fast” a warm but tired voice behind you broke the silence. You turned around and smiled at the ghost boy. “I have my ways” you said simply before taking a seat on the damp grass and patting the spot next to you. Danny gave a small smile and sat down besides you. “So, what happened?” you questioned. Danny’s distressed green orbs turned to you. “I came across another half ghost half human” he stated.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.24
“So I left it there…” you muttered and got out of the shower.
After unlocking the screen Sam’s name appeared in one of the notifications. You tapped on it, the chat with Sam opening up. Sam had send a message.
Hey, you alright? Don’t let that shallow trash bother you
You gave half a smile. After slipping on a soft bathrobe you moved to the bed and made yourself comfortable.
I’m fine, I don’t care for that doll’s opinion. I was rather pleasantly surprised by your outburst though, I would have loved to see her face on that remark
It. Was. Priceless. Thanks for the opportunity
Your welcome. So whatsupp?
Nothing much, I’m at home now. Btw, Danny told us after gym that he was going to some boring reunion of his folks this weekend. He asked if we would keep an eye out for any problems
He asked me too?
Yeah, surprised?
A bit. Since it’s always you two that deal with the ghost problems
Don’t you want to take part in it?
It’s not that, I just feel a bit surprised, yet happy that I can help :3
😊 great to hear. So what are you up to?
Just came out of the shower, I’m dripping with good looks now
 You stared at the screen, not knowing what else to type. With a sigh you put the phone away and laid on the bed. “I should make diner…” you muttered staring at the white ceiling. Deciding against getting up you turned on your side, curling up and closing your eyes. Sleep crept over your body and it wasn’t long before you had fallen asleep, sleeping through the night. Somewhere along the night Luciel had returned but hadn’t had the heart to wake you from your dreamless sleep.
 The next day went pretty normal, went to school, had lessons, talked with the gang in the breaks, well mostly listened, then lessons again and after that you went home. Friday went similar, for one exception, Sam asked you to stay over for the weekend. Tucker wanted to join as well but Sam had an arm around your shoulder and told him that it would be girls weekend. He protested but Sam merely waved him off.
And so you ended up in Sam’s room, your duffle bag in a corner while you sat on the bed looking at Sam who laid comfortably with a bowl of popcorn.
“You can relax you know?” she said as she eyed your tense features. It was a bit difficult to figure out what to do. When it was the four of you it was easy, just listening to their conversation and with Danny it was also quite easy since he…. Well you didn’t really know why you were so comfortable with Danny. But alone, with a girl, it had never happened before and you didn’t know what you should do. “I know…” you answered, “just never been alone with a girl”.
Sam choked on a hand of popcorn and coughed before looking shocked at you. “You are gay?!” she questioned. You arched a brow, “No…. just never had any girl, or woman close… my mother has never been there for me and it was always me and my brother” you stated simply skipping the fact that there weren’t many girls at the facility either. They didn’t need to know about the facility or the fact that you never had any parents. Sam chuckled, “sorry, the way you said it made it sound as if you were crushing on me” she laughed. You gave a smile, “I have never fallen in love so don’t worry about it” you said. Sam paused and looked suspiciously at you. “You have never fallen in love?” she questioned doubtfully. You were both at the age to be interested in boys, so Sam found it hard to believe that you had never fallen in love. “What about you?” you questioned, wanting to move the subject off yourself.
Immediately a blush appeared on Sam’s cheeks as she cast her eyes to the side. “Yeah I have” she said sheepishly. You crossed your legs beneath you and looked at her, “want to talk or brag about it?” you questioned. She laughed nervously, “well, since we are both girls and such, I think I can tell you”. “So you would have told Paulina?” you questioned. Sam’s blush went away as a frown appeared, “heck no, I hope she chokes on her saliva. I meant that you are the first friend, that is a girl and that I can trust” she said but something flickered in her eyes.
You looked just as stoic as usual on the outside but inside you felt a flicker of confusion at the voice that spoke darkly in your mind, it had been quite a long time since it had uttered a sound again. “So, who is it?” you questioned, curious as to whom Sam had felt like she wasn’t able to live without him, at least that was the explanation of love some books gave you. “It’s Danny” she said looking away.
She is warning you
Something inside stung, like someone had a grasp on your heart. “(y/n)?” Sam questioned looking at you. You met her eyes with a smile, “must be nice to be in love” you said, pushing the uneasy feeling away. “It is nice, but it’s also really frustrating since you easily get annoyed with other girls he looks at… not that that’s with you” she hurriedly added.
“Really? That sounds annoying to feel”. “Yeah, but in case of Paulina it is justified. Honestly I don’t see what guys see in her” she huffed.
She is the icon of pretty, she has pheromones. Things you obviously miss
“Yeah, she may look beautiful according to the norm, but she has a personality so bad that even the devil didn’t want it so he put it on earth” you agreed.
Every human has it
“I know right. Her lackeys aren’t much better either, the jocks supporting her aren’t helping either” she grunted annoyed. “She has muscle and beauty, now she only needs some brains since she obviously misses them” you huffed. Sam looked up and laughed, “exactly, some original personality would also add something they don’t have”.
You nodded in agreement, “they could use a year in a cave, maybe that will get their true selves out”. “Don’t even try, I think they would just come out of the cave even more pissed at people who are ‘lesser’ than them” Sam huffed. You shrugged and laid on your back, “isolation can do weird things with one personality” you said. Sam arched a brow, “how would you know?” “Internet” you stated dryly, even though you have been through it yourself. “You shouldn’t believe everything on the internet” she said leaning back against her pillow. “True, but it seemed like a legit research” you hummed. “Did they use animals?” she questioned curiously. You shook your head, “it was a research performed in time of war, they used prisoners as test subjects” you stated grimly. “Wow, yeah….”
There was a long uncomfortable silence, deciding against breaking the tension you just closed your eyes and relaxed your body. “Back to the other subject, how do you know you love someone?” you questioned. There was another long silence before Sam answered. “You have a feeling of fluttering in your stomach I guess, you like it when you are near the other and with just little things they seem to brighten your mood” she explained thoughtfully. “That’s a lot coming from a goth” you snorted. “Shut it” Sam hissed. Your hand shot up catching the pillow that was headed for your head. “Wow, your reflex is really good… you didn’t even open your eyes” she said staring at you. Your eyes opened and looked at her.
Doubt, distrust, despicable being
“Do I?” you questioned playing dumb. “Yeah, normally you wouldn’t catch something thrown at you when you don’t see it” she stated crossing her arms. You sat up mirroring her position, “well I am not normal, neither are you, that’s what makes us great” you huffed. There was a short, staring, silence before Sam broke and chuckled, “true, so want to watch a movie?” she questioned. You gave a nod and the rest of the night consisted out of movies and small talk, mostly Sam talking about stuff you listened to. Around 4 o’clock Sam had fallen asleep and you had shut off the tv and taken a seat on the spare bed which was laid out for you next to Sam’s. A sigh rolled over your lips as you stared into the darkness of the room.
‘Feeling fluttery, wanting to be close to the other…. Sounds awfully familiar, I should ask Luciel…. What am I thinking, Luciel understands the concept of love just as much as me’ a smile crept on your lips, your eyes glinting in the little light penetrating through the curtains from the stars outside. ‘Don’t be ridiculous you don’t. Love him? No, maybe not, or maybe you do. Either way, it has no benefits.
Love isn’t about benefits.. but what is it then?’
You thought deeply, the minutes passing one after another. ‘Love should feel wonderful at start, but later on it will give problems. That’s what movies taught me. However, books say that humans are addicted to love because it is like a drug, and only a select few humans are able to attain happiness by finding the right partner that makes their life a whole. Or something like that’ your hand reached up to your head while a pounding feeling went through your veins. The fear of a night terror crossed your mind but was dismissed considering it only happened when you were sleeping. ‘No sleeping tonight then’ you concluded and got up without a sound. Quietly your feet brought you before the window. In a swift movement the curtains were at your back while your eyes focused on the clear night sky.
‘A beautiful night to fly’ the thought popped into your head. Your eyes slid to the sleeping figure in the bed. You shook your head and turned back to look at the night. ‘Not smart to do so’.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.23
“Only 2 hours left to sleep… poor Danny”.
“Aren’t you hot like that?” “Why thank you, I am quite hot indeed” you smirked looking at Sam who just blinked a few times. “No seriously, aren’t you feeling hot?” she questioned confused, eyeing the long sporting jeans and the sweater while she was in a short sleeved shirt and short trousers. You gave a reluctant shrug, “I’m used to it”. All three looked incredulous at you. “Dude, you are sweating, you ain’t used to it” Tucker said patting your shoulder. “I am fine” you repeated. Tucker pulled his hand back and swallowed. “You don’t have to look so intimidating” Sam stated stepping in front of Tucker. You blinked in confusion before feeling up your cheeks. “Did I look weird?” you questioned confused. “You looked ready to kill someone” Danny frowned. “I-” “Listen up! PE may have been scrapped for three months but that gives you no excuse to fail the upcoming fitness test!” a buff looking woman barked, making all eyes turn to her. You could several people swallow away their fear for the intimidating woman. “We are- oh we have a new student. I am miss Tetslaff, I will be your PE teacher this year” she said turning her menacing eyes to you. Feeling nothing but the aura of someone stern you gave a small smile, “(y/n), (y/n) Knight” you introduced. The woman nodded in acknowledgement before barking instructions.
 “Wow, they are really unlike stereotype of men….. just like you are unlike that of a woman” you concluded looking at the exhausted two boys while Sam smirked smugly, “says the one who isn’t even panting in an eskimo costume” Sam snorted. You gave a shrug and turned to look at other people who were finishing the exercise. First it had been 5 laps of the field, followed by 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups and then one minute of pulling up on a horizontal placed pole. Danny and Tucker were sweating like otters in the sauna after the running, didn’t get much further than 2 by each exercise. From Tucker it was expected, he was a geek, stereotype for geeks is to not be athletic, but Danny should have at least reach the count of five. He is a superhero after all.
“How come, you are, so, fit?” Danny questioned between panting. “I have been neglecting training my body but I used to run 10 km every morning and after that I tried as much push-ups and sit ups” you shrugged, not exactly lying. It was just that back at the research centre, they forced you into shape, they needed you to be in perfect condition for research purposes. “Wow.. how come you haven’t been keeping it up? Stamina deteriorates fast you know” Sam said making eye contact, you didn’t blink or flinch but there was something in her eyes which told you that there was something on her mind.
“I got lazy” you shrugged reluctantly. “Okay everyone, round up! There is a lot of work to be done, I will see you next week and you” Miss Tetslaff glared at Tucker, Danny and 3 other none athletic people, “better shape up. that’s all!” she announced. Everybody took this as a dismission and went off to the changing rooms. You followed suit after Sam and picked the stuff from your locker, put on a coat, ready to go home. Sam looked at you confused, “are you going home like that? You could just change in the toilet if it bothers you that much” she said. “I rather go home and shower” you smiled back at her. However, when you turned to leave, your eyes were met with a body that boys would describe as one of a goddess. “You going out in those stinky clothes? Have you no self-worth?” a voice laced with an accent sneered. You looked slightly up to meet a pair of jade eyes. “No, I don’t, now if you excuse me” you stated and pushed the doll called Paulina aside with your shoulder as you passed her.
The doll clicked her tongue and put her hands on her hips as she turned to her lackey dolls. “She is even more than a loser than those three she hangs with” she sneered. You were about to turn around and glare at her, had you not heard Sam’s voice. “It’s pretty hilarious to see you trying put your whole vocabulary in one sentence, but I’d rather have you not insulting my friend” you could actually hear the smirk in her voice. “Oh, so she needs the vampire to back her up? What a petty worthless bitch” Paulina snickered, her lackeys laughing. Sam rolled her eyes, “that’s what friends are for, clearly you don’t understand since you have no real ones” she retorted.
A smile crept on your lips and you gave a grateful look at Sam who winked at you. You gave a nod before leaving the gym, making your way through the halls. Once you were outside, a few streets away from the school you changed and flew off home. There you took a shower in peace.
“So how was PE?” you brother appeared in the bathroom, only the shower curtain separating you two. “It was nice, the girl in my group of friends actually defended me against a doll” you smiled thinking back at it, finding yourself ridiculous that you thought there was some sort of doubt in Sam’s eyes. “That’s nice to hear. So I don’t need to kill anyone for being mean to you?” Luciel asked coolly. You sighed and shifted the curtain looking at the toothy smirk that adorned your brothers face. “Quit joking, you know that will cause us to move” you huffed and returned to the warm water. “Not if there isn’t any proof we did it” Luciel hummed amused.
The muscles in your body tensed for a mere moment and your eyes darted warningly at Luciel. His amused eyes turning serious, “or perhaps it’s because your friends wouldn’t approve of my methods?” he questioned. “That as well” you stated glaring at him. “(y/n), if I have learned something, it is that secrets never stand long, it is in human’s nature, in our nature to feel guilt. Do you feel guilty for lying to your friends yet?” he questioned.
“What brought this up Luciel?” you stated, turning the knob of the shower off. “You are getting too comfortabl- before you interrupt, it isn’t a bad thing, I am happy for you. However, you forget the fact that being comfortable means you are safe, there isn’t a threat, but there is, and you are talking to them every day” he warned while closing in, looking down upon your smaller figure. Size didn’t matter, you glared up at him, “They are no danger to us” you stated. “Because they will accept us” Luciel finished with a frown. You gritted your teeth and shook your head, “because we are stronger, much stronger. You should know by now” you said grim. His cold hand reached up to your chin and tilted your head ever so slightly, “and are you able to defend yourself against your ‘friends’?” he questioned.
“You can”
“That is not what I asked (y/n), are you able to defend yourself?” he demanded the answer, his emerald eyes hard as stone. ”I a-….” Your eyes turned dark, a cold feeling spread through your veins, like ice killing a fire, “I am” your voice sounded foreign to your ears. A grin appeared on Luciel’s lips as his hand travelled up to your hair and ruffled through it, water droplets falling off the shaking strands. “Everything to keep you safe” he said, “and us together” you finished, eyes cast on the ground.
A tired sigh escaped your lips. Luciel had left an hour ago on some business in the ghost zone. You were still in the shower, staring at the scars that adorned your skin, marring flesh like some sicko had played a game with your flesh as a sheet.
“They will accept me… won’t they?” you questioned to no one. As if in cue the cursed sound of your phone buzzed, you looked around to find it on the small make-up table. “So I left it there…” you muttered and got out of the shower.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.22
The grass was damp, the blades tickling your wrists as your hands rest upon the ground. m buzz. 
“Sorry, did you wait long?” startled you jump up into a fighting position ready to attack, only to realize Danny stood there confused as to why you have your fists raised. With a sheepish smile your fists drop into loose hands, “you startled me. I didn’t wait that long though”. Danny returned a smile and took a seat next to you, looking out over the lake. “It took a while to find you. you said the lake but you never said where” he said. You dropped down next to him and chuckled, “you still found me though”. “Yeah, and you found quite the spot” he said, clearly enjoying the clear night sky and the view that seemed to lighten up by the mere presence of him. How that works, you had no clue.
You glanced over at him and something fluttered in your stomach. He looked so content like that. His eyes were icy blue, yet full of warmth, a small smile adorned his lips and his features had unwind. His dark hair mixed perfectly with the shadows of the trees behind him while his white shirt stuck out like a sore thumb. “You said you want to be an astronaut right?” you questioned curiously, the memory of his room filled with space posters popping up in your mind. Danny’s smile grew wider, “yeah, but it’s really difficult since only 50 people are accepted into the program each year. It is, for one, really difficult to meet the requirements and, for second, there is a lot of interest so the percentage that is accepted is really small” he explains excitedly. His excitement seemed infectious since a smile formed on your lips. “That sounds harsh, but it would be amazing to go into space one day. It is difficult to wrap your mind around the fact that it’s so big…. Something like the size of the ghost zone” you chuckled. Danny rolled his eyes, “Space and the ghost zone are completely different” he stated. “Of course, since the ghost zone is a dimension and space is in our dimension up in the air” you smirked. “Exactly, besides, I don’t see any flaming orbs of gas form in the ghost zone any time soon”. “Be careful with what you say, some ghost may take you up on that idea” you chuckle and soon Danny followed.
Danny explained a lot of stuff about space, it wasn’t half as interesting as the excitement he showed while talking about something he admired, adored, well something like that. Of course it was interesting how stars age and how we will end in doom a long time into the future if we stay on earth, but his expression while telling this was intriguing. It was an expression that felt foreign. It was never shown on any face that you have seen, even after leaving the lab.
“Sorry I must be boring, rambling on” Danny said, bashfully rubbing his nape. You gave a chuckle, “it’s fine, really, it’s all pretty interesting”. Danny looked relieved and smiled. Then a moment of realisation came on his face and he questioned, “I’ve never heard of your future dreams, or hobbies at that…” he looked a bit confused, mostly with himself as to why he never asked or heard about your hobbies and interests.
“There isn’t much to tell, really, I’m just figuring out how the world works and what path I want to take” you said turning back to the lake, your eyes clouded with the emptiness that was forming inside. “Figuring life out? Is it that difficult without your parents around? You seem to have everything… well in order” he said, his voice revealing his confusion. Your eyes followed the movements of some fireflies above the water as you spoke, “things never are what they seem”. “So like…. Like what?” he questioned. A sigh left your lips and you shook your head. “Sorry, I must be confusing” you forced a smile on your lips, avoiding the question and looked Danny in the eye. “I just don’t know what I like yet… well besides you.. Sam.. Tucker. And of course my brother” you said, “but if you look at activities I don’t have anything in particular”.
Danny looked pained at you. “I… We already said you don’t have to smile when you don’t want to” Danny said, fortitude shining in his eyes. Your smile faltered and you cast your eyes away. “Sorry…” “And don’t apologise. It’s not like you have done something wrong” he gave a genuine smile at you, even though you couldn’t see it, it shone through his voice. “Look, I won’t force you to explain why you are being so vague, and why you are acting odd sometimes. It’s just part of who you are and I’m sure in time you will explain it on your own” he said determined.
There is that fluttery feeling again, a warm feeling spread through your body, gathering in your cheeks. There was an awkward silence. Slowly you looked back at Danny to see him looking away with  light blush on his cheeks. ‘Is he embarrassed? Hell I probably look like a tomato considering the warmth in my head!’ “Thanks Danny. It means a lot” you whispered shyly looking away. Danny gave broad smile, “no problem, friends are for you through thick and thin”. A smile made its way to your lips as you looked into those bold blue eyes. “So… going back on the topic. I think I would like to look for a hobby. Care to help?” you questioned, smiling turning into a smirk. Danny chuckled, “sure, in return, do you mind helping out with alibi’s for my disappearances?” he questioned. “I was planning to, but never got the chance since Sam and Tucker always blurt out the first that comes to mind” you chuckled. Danny gave a distressed sigh, “that’s why the stories don’t always matchup”. “Well, since no one had discovered you yet, I’d say they are doing a pretty good job” you said turning to look at the lake. “That’s true, it would have been difficult if I had been in it alone” he said, sounding grateful to them. “If Sam and tucker weren’t at the accident… would you have told them?” you questioned curiously.
That got Danny thinking, not an immediate answer meant that he probably hadn’t thought about it before.
“No, I wouldn’t tell them on my own. If I see what kinds of danger they are put in…. that you are put in…” he shook his head and buried his face into his hands. “It’s hard you know? Protecting the ones you hold dear when the world is against you. Hell even my parents are, without knowing though” Danny said, his boldness disappearing from his voice.
It felt like some sort of amenity that he felt comfortable enough to open up. He probably hasn’t talked to anyone about these concerns. It made you feel special and a warm feeling spread once again, but this time it left your cheeks alone.
Your hand moved on its own and gently laid on Danny’s back. There was a shock in surprise through his muscles as it touched him but soon he relaxed. “I can’t imagine what you are going through. I can only guess how it must feel. However, I do think you are doing an amazing job, Sam Tucker and even I have never had any serious injuries from the fights. Next to that you have saved an enormous amount of people! If you weren’t here the ghosts would have roamed free and cause a lot more accidents, causalities, etcetera. You are Amity parks hero for a reason. Even if some don’t see it that way” you said with genuine respect for his resolve and determination. ‘Something that I lack’ the realisation of that thought made your gut once again drop but you held up a comforting front for Danny nevertheless.
Danny looked up from his hands to you, his eyes shimmering with hope. “You really think so?” he questioned. You gave an affirmative nod, “I mean it”. Danny have a small smile and then looked down at his feet. “Thanks (y/n)… sorry if I got the mood down” he said sheepishly. You gave a small chuckle, “I started it. Don’t worry”.
Slowly a smile appeared on Danny’s face as he looked at you. “So, what reason did you call me out? it can’t be to become depressed with each other” he gave a daring smirk. “I hate texting” you stated immediately making Danny burst out laughing. A pout formed on your lips in protest to his laughter, “I’m serious!” “Sorry but it sounded really ridiculous considering this is the age of the phone and technology” Danny laughed. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, “not everyone is a fan of the age of Tucker” you huffed. Danny kept on laughing, the remark about Tucker only fuelling his humour.
Slowly your jokingly annoyed face cracked and you laughed with him. After that you both calmed down and had a comfortable silence while watching the fireflies dance over the water. It could have been 5 minutes or hours, the feeling of time had left you, but after some time Danny stood up and stretched. “Thanks for inviting me, it was kind of refreshing” he smiled looking down on you and offered a hand. You took it with a smile and let him pull you up. “Same here, we should do this again sometime” you answered with a content smile. A light shade of pink adorned his cheeks, “yeah, have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning” he said. “Till morning” you said but as you turned you were stopped with a tug on your sweater. You turned to see Danny quickly pull his hand back and smile. “Want a lift home? Flying is faster than walking” he said sheepishly. A smile tugged at your lips, “if the birdman will allow me on his back” you smirked teasingly. “I’m not a bird” he huffed, “going ghost” he said while a pair of white rings went over his body, changing him into his alter ego. “I’ve been wondering, why do you have a catchphrase to turn? Does it actually help you turn?” you questioned curiously as you took his outstretched hand.
“It’s something like a battle cry… I guess” he said. “Hm, then if you were realistic pessimistic it would be. Guess I’ll just die” you said with a smirk. Danny blinked in shock at the harshness of the statement. Something inside tugged at you, saying that you had made an inappropriate remark, but it was soon pushed away as Danny laughed. “It sounds so harsh but it’s pretty much true” he said. When he calmed his laughter his eyes wandered to your hand which was still joined in his. He smirked and gave a harsh tug out of nowhere, making you lose your balance. With a Squeak you fell into his arms and looked up with a frown, “no, I didn’t fall for you, you made me” you stated before he could make a remark. A warm hand was placed on your back while another swept you off your feet. “I’d rather say that I swept you off your feet” he grinned smugly. You rolled your eyes, “that’s even more cliché than you falling for Paulina”. Danny arched his brow, “I thought I was quite original with dropping my pants for her” he said. You paused and looked up at him for a few seconds. “You… dropped your pants for a girl?” a fit of laughter came over you, making Danny sigh and fly up in a sudden motion making you shut up at the sudden gained altitude. Of course you were used to heights, just not with someone else holding the wheels. “If you drop me I’ll finish the half-assed job the portal did” you whispered as your eyes watched the passing lights of the city. “You aren’t the first, you should get in line for that” Danny sighed. You turned to face him, he looked distressed. Unconsciously your hand reached up and ruffled his hair, something your brother always did if you were distressed. “I’ll be on the front, blocking all those late ass bitches” you smirked. That had a smile tugging at Danny’s lips, his eyes focused on the air in front of him. You smiled and turned to look at the city again. It was beautiful at night. And quiet to the booth! Night time was a lovely time outside of the cell.
“Can you set me off in my room?” you questioned as your house came within sight. Danny looked down on you with a frown, “won’t your brother find that suspicious?” he questioned. On the inside you snorted at his reaction but on the outside you only smiled, “he’s used to it”. This had Danny’s frown deepened, “if you say so…” he said confused and went intangible before going through the wall and setting you down in your room. With a smile on your face you turned to Danny, “thanks, for everything”. Danny smiled and waved his hand, “no sweat, see you tomorrow” he said before turning intangible and going out.
You turned and frowned, “how come he doesn’t sense you?” you questioned looking at the door and as if on que it opened revealing Luciel, still in his ghost form. “I am a map, a guide… simply put, he only reacts to ghosts who are at least half ghost. Or that is my theory” he said, confusing you even more. A sigh escaped your lips, “you odd brother” you stated, walking over to the closet and getting a fresh oversized shirt out to serve as pyjama’s. “Sleep well, until morning” Luciel spoke and disappeared into thin air. “till morning” you said while changing into the oversized shirt. You turned to bed and looked at the alarm. “Only 2 hours left to sleep… poor Danny”.
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cresendium · 7 years
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.21
Realizing it was just the buzzing of your phone there was a soft curse before taking the bratty device up and looking at what made him buzz. 
And once again Amity park is ghost free…. I hope more than a few minutes though
A chuckle left your lips as you jumped on the bed and began typing.
It was never ghost free. You are still here you know 😉
*evil ghosts free
How do you know they are evil though? Maybe they just want to go grocery shopping XD
Grocery shopping? Seriously? I already see Skulker in the meat section claiming that it isn’t fresh enough
Yeah, his meaning of fresh is still warm from the kill. Blood dripping and such
Disturbing.. but yeah that
I can see ember in a music shop and offending every single artist existing
What about the box ghost just stealing boxes?
Doesn’t he already do that?
Yeah, but like in a human manner. Instead of scaring people shitless he will like… I don’t know, smuggle boxes out under his clothes?
Don’t want to see that, odd shapes on odd places
That’s just plain wrong…..
You started
Fair enough. Honestly, I think all ghost will simply steal everything instead of go shopping
Yeah. Can’t blame them though. I would steal to if it wasn’t my world and I wanted something
Really? It’s still stealing, and it’s bad
 Your fingers hang still above the screen. You glare at the screen while biting your lip.
 It isn’t bad if it saves your life
What do you mean by that?
 You cursed under your breath. “Letting emotions get the best of me….. this isn’t like me at all” you sigh to yourself. The time you and your brother had escaped you had no money and were forced to steal to stay alive. Food didn’t exactly grow on trees in the winter.
 Like when you starve and have no money?
Then I would find stuff in the wild
With no gear to do so? In the winter?
Awfully specific but I guess yeah, then I would steal as well…. Stealing isn’t the worst of crimes anyway, however, it is a start.
It isn’t a crime to save your life
Aren’t you a bit too defensive about it? Normally people would just agree with a meaningless statement
 Once again you paused and stared at the screen. “Did I overreact? Maybe I took it too personal…. I’m just not used to it. God why can’t it be easy! And why does it even matter what he says!” you groaned turning on your back staring at the lit screen of the phone. “Why do you bother me?” the question rolled unconsciously of your tongue and even surprised yourself.
 Sorry, take things to personal sometimes
‘s fine, we all have that sometimes
 It would be nice to talk face to face. Just a screen makes it difficult to read the atmosphere, or his emotions.
 What are you doing right now?
Right now? Just sitting on the couch watching my parents work on something
Want to go somewhere?
Go somewhere? You know it’s 10 PM right?
Yeah, so?
We have school, don’t think my parents will let me….
Just say we will do some late work on our imaginary project 😉
…. Fine, where do we meet?
The lake, not the lake in the park but the other. 10:30
I’ll be there
See you then
 A smile crept on your lips. There was an odd flutter in your stomach. “I will meet Danny alone…..” you said out loud, feeling your heartbeat speed up for a few seconds. You place a hand over your chest while looking down with a frown. “These bodily reactions are weird…..” with a shake of your head you drove away those thoughts and went over to the closet. Picking out a pair of black jeans and a royal blue hoodie. The inside was softer than usual clothes and held more warmth. “I’ll be going out!” there was no answer back. “I know you are there” you frowned. Luciel appeared with a smile, “Sharp per usual, be careful and have fun” he said before disappearing again. You rolled your eyes at the spot where he had floated before going out to the designated place.
 Being early is vexatious. The time goes significantly slower when you are waiting for something, or someone in this case. You sigh and stare over the silver lake. The moon was closing in to the middle of the sky, the silver water reflecting the little light dots in the sky. In the background you could see the lights of the city illuminating the lower part of the sky in dim golden, as if the sun would come up right this moment. It was honestly breath taking and it was difficult to understand why it wasn’t that enjoyable when you expect someone to come. The semi wet ground didn’t make it any less uncomfortable. The grass was damp, the blades tickling your wrists as your hands rest upon the ground.
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cresendium · 7 years
Running P.20
All the reminders of your past and the hauntings of your future. 
“I’m home!” you announced while kicking off your shoes. Luciel appeared in the hallway and smiled, “No plans this evening?” he questioned curiously. You glanced up and shrugged, “they went after a ghost, didn’t feel like joining them” you said walking into the kitchen, “besides, who will cook for you otherwise”. Luciel gave a warm smile and sat down at the table in the kitchen. ”I could cook for myself you know” he smiled. A frown appeared on your face as you turned to him, “and risking you accidently poisoning yourself?” He gave a smirk, “I am already dead you know”. “Correction, half dead, not completely dead” you stated with a huff. He chuckled in response.
There was a comfortable silence as you prepared diner. Even while eating diner there wasn’t much to talk about. When you both were finished Luciel cleaned up the plates and cutlery.
“Say, did something happen?” “Sharp as usual” you sighed defeated dropping your head on the table, “took you quite long this time”. Luciel shrugged, “I don’t want to bother you too much, you are building up your own life after all. So what is bothering you?” he questioned without turning away from the dirty dishes. “The school has PE” you stated simply turning sideways to see Luciel pause in his movements for a moment. Just for a moment.
“I see, are you able to change in private?” he questioned. “No” it was an immediate answer, even if Sam gave a solution, it wasn’t really a good one. There was a silence again before Luciel turned around and stared seriously at you. “You can’t go to the toilet in private?” he said so serious that it looked like he was holding back his amusement. Your eyes widened and slowly a smile formed on your lips. “Hadn’t thought of that”. Luciel gave a disapproving sigh and floated over to pet your head. “You should consider all options, before letting something get you down” he smiled. You pouted looking up, “in state of shock you do weird things”. Luciel frowned at that remark, “are you actually shocked that the school, like all schools, actually has PE?” he frowned. You smirked up at him, “yup, so shocked that the school was burned down”. Luciel looked sceptical at you and gave a tired sigh, “as long as there are no casualties I honestly don’t care what happens to the humans here” he stated. “So I can burn down the school?” you questioned with disbelieve. “If you want to move away, yes” he stated grim.
That had you pausing. That’s right. If something happens that could trace back to you and your brother then moving would be the only option. Rather than moving, it would be fleeing. What if something happens out of our control? What if the labcoats find us? What if Danny gets in danger? What if-
“Don’t overthink it. Everything will be fine” Luciel said, pulling you back into reality. He looked worried. Slowly your fingertips caressed your cheek, your eyes were wide in realisation, staring at Luciel. “Luciel… what expression was I making?” you asked, voice cold, calculating. “You looked pained, almost sad” he said without questioning the oddity of your question. Biting your lip in anxiousness you looked up at him.
“I don’t want to leave” your voice felt broken. The realisation felt like a blow in the stomach. Luciel looked pained, “it’s alright, we won’t leave. We have a home now” he said gentle. “But what if-” “They won’t find us, if they do I will take care of them. You won’t have to worry” he said cupping your cheek. A painful lump formed in your throat and your eyes were burning. But no tears fell. “Don’t do anything stupid” the words came out as a whisper, a plead. Luciel looked into your eyes, confidence and determination gleaming in them, “I will protect you” he merely stated. It was like the lump in your throat dropped, free fall style, to your gut. “Promise me. You will stay beside me” you said, firmer this time. Luciel sighed and ruffled your hair, “I promise I will always stay beside you” he said with a helpless smile. A small smile tugged at your own lips, leaning into the comfort of the warmth in his hand. “Thank you. Sorry if I’m selfish” you muttered, eyes closed against the burning feeling. “I’m glad you are, it means you trust me” he said and let you calm leaning against his hand. After a while he pulled his hand back and went to the dirty dishes. Your eyes opened and followed him.
After watching him for a bit you decided to go upstairs and go through the night ritual, even though it was early. When you came out of the shower you jumped up in surprise at an odd sound. Realizing it was just the buzzing of your phone there was a soft curse before taking the bratty device up and looking at what made him buzz.
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