#ttte oc crovan
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duskstargazer · 6 months ago
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Thorkell made his way out of the Works, and back to the main station. James was waiting just beyond one of the platforms.
“…So?” James grinned. “What’cha think?”
Thorkell furrowed his brow. “Shouldn’t you be in a siding, not blocking an entry line?”
“Nah. Have you ever seen a train pull in on either of these tracks?”
Thorkell couldn’t say he had. He then wondered why that was.
James rebounded the conversation before he could ask further.
“I see you went with blue.”
“It’s fitting.” Thorkell argued. “I was blue on the Other Railway, so it stands to reason that I would be here as well.”
“But,” he added, in a more perplexed tone, “I will say, I was a bit surprised when they added the red lining. Not that I hate it,” he added, quickly, “just… not what I was expecting.”
“All our diesels are lined.” James replied, simply. “You haven’t noticed?”
“Huh. Guess I never really picked up on it. Your railway’s full of oddities like that.”
“Hah. You don’t know the half.”
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thechaddyengine · 3 months ago
Episode ahh edits
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I wanna do some stories with these, Ima let yall vote for this
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kumatajdg · 1 year ago
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Another Thomas the Tank Engine OC - this time a commission! Twitter user @SudderyMedia asked me to draw their OC Thompson at Crovan's Gate works, having been freshly repainted.
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theluckystarfish · 1 year ago
Orcasaurus Crovan
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And here we finaly got Crovan as a orcasaurus for my ttte au. He's smaller then Alfred and is a hybrid like his orginal engine self. A hybrid with unknow past.
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arandomthomasfan · 2 years ago
My shitty OC’s, Stella and Shunter
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theflyingkipper · 3 years ago
December 1935
(my first attempt at writing ttte fic and I hope it’s ok)
Train drivers/human AU, Henry’s fireman is an oc, the events of TFK but in my human au
Workmen were bustling about the engine sheds, oiling joints and checking circulation pumps. They were blurs of dusty blue and busy hands, faces streaked with grease and coal. Leopold was no different, just as grey looking as the rest. He was stoking the fire in one of the big engines. He and the engine were alike in that they were not quite awake yet- Leopold had been up for less than two hours and his body was still heavy with sleep. The cold air outside had invigorated him a bit, but the heat of the fire was a bit too cozy and threatened to make him doze off again. Leopold shook himself, drowsiness would get him killed on the rails. Especially now, it was a frigid December night and visibility was poor.
Henry had been outside, checking the axles of the engine, and he ducked his head to climb into the cab.
He was smiling. He was already at the controls before Leopold spoke.
“You’re happy today,” Leopold remarked, raking the growing fire.
Henry was usually rather gloomy, complaining of illness or, around this time of year, the cold. Even next to the roaring fire of the engine, he still buttoned his green overcoat all the way up and wrapped his scarf tightly. Today, it hung loosely around his shoulders. His long black curls were tied back, and Leopold could see where the cold had bitten his ears.
“We’re pulling the Flying Kipper,” Henry chirped, as if it meant anything.
“At five in the bloody morning,” Leopold hissed.
“It runs all the way till Manchester, you know. We can show the controller what this engine’s really capable of,”
“You’re really happy about the new coal, aren’t you?” Leopold stopped raking to give his arms a rest.
Henry removed himself from the controls to glower at Leopold. “The one morning I wake up on the right side of the bed, and you go and spoil it with your piss mood,”
This was the Henry Leopold was used to, and the sudden change in tone almost made him snort.
The engine rolled out of the sheds, letting off steam. Snowflakes blew onto the boiler and pistons and melted at the touch. The luckier ones stuck to the buffer beams and began to form an icy casing on them.
It was an infamously faulty engine, the controller had purchased it expecting a Robinson Atlantic. It looked somewhere between that and a very green A1 Pacific, and for years it had had the worst steaming problems out of all the locomotives on the island. With the purchase of high grade Welsh coal, however, it ran as smoothly as the express engine brought in the replace it. The controller still had his doubts, however, and this special goods train would give the poor tin can a chance to prove its worth.
Henry and Leopold were most often stationed at this engine, they knew how to work around its finicky controls better than anyone else at Tidmouth, or as Henry had once jokingly boasted- the engineers at Crovan’s gate. Leopold didn’t think of himself that way, trains were trains to him. He was just fine in the cab of any other big engine, but the controls of the green elephant were the ones he was usually stuck behind. Leopold didn’t mind, Henry was always there, and he liked Henry’s company.
The harbor was even colder than the engine yard, and the smoke from the green elephant’s funnel was extra visible, forming a cloud overhead. Henry had wrapped his scarf and tucked it into the front of his coat, now effectively chilled by the winds coming off the sea.
A line of vans, salt wagons, and trucks were coupled to the back of the engine. This was the train the railwaymen called The Flying Kipper, and it would run from Tidmouth to the Mainland.
The guard showed his green lamp, and Henry gave a great blast of the engine’s whistle. He shifted the controls, and the engine’s wheels spun. The rails were icy, and the vans were heavy.
“Come on, don’t be silly!” He hissed, checking the wheelslip. He and Leopold got the engine back under control, and they began to smoothly accelerate out of the harbor, the vans clanking and shuddering behind them.
As the sky was getting brighter, Leopold made a remark. “Can you imagine if we’d gotten stuck there?” he dug around in the engine’s tender for new coal.
Henry laughed, but his face quickly fell.
“With all the effort we’ve put toward this mess of an engine, it’d be embarrassing.”
Embarrassing was an understatement. Henry and Leopold would have both been crushed, and probably gotten a great lecture from the controller, too. Leopold stopped thinking about it. The harbor had long disappeared into the snowy air behind them, and with it the fear of seeing the engine be hauled away for scrap.
What would have been worse than the controller lecturing them would be Gordon chewing them out. Though he and Henry were friends, Leopold did not like him in the slightest. Leopold had no patience for his vain indifference, or how he boasted about being related to Sir Nigel Gresley. Had Leopold not wanted to keep his job, he would have socked Gordon in the face ages ago. Though, now, he felt he didn’t need to do that.
Gordon manned the Wild Nor’Wester, the island’s express service, usually pulled by the biggest and strongest engine on the island, which happened to be the one brought in to replace the green elephant. Once, the engine had broken down, and the green elephant had to take over for it. Leopold had sat in silent triumph, Gordon’s utter and complete uselessness there was worth a thousand face-punches.
Leopold spotted a yellow signal outside, and Henry did too. He shut off steam, preparing to stop. The home signal was down, however, and they kept moving. “Go on, Away we go.”
Not long after, Leopold looked up from shoveling coal to see Henry sticking his head out of the cab, the brisk wind tossing his hair. He looked jubilant, grinning while shielding his eyes. His cap blew away, and his hand moved from his brow to the top of his head in surprise.
They passed another green signal, and Henry withdrew.
“All clear,” he said to Leopold.
“Your foreheads’ all clear.” Leopold shot back. They both laughed.
Leopold stuck his own head out the window. The snow had stopped falling, but wind whipped at his face. He held onto the brim of his cap. Though he was chilled to the bone, he gulped the cold air gratefully. The heat of the engine was making him feverish.
With the snow gone, he could see more clearly what was up ahead.
There was a goods train on the line.
Leopold and Henry scrambled for the emergency brakes, but it was too late. Leopold leapt out of the engine’s cab, falling headfirst into a bank of snow.
The engine smashed into the train’s brake van, and trucks flew off the rails.
Leopold kicked furiously, trying to free himself from the snow. He was so cold. He was so cold and he couldn’t move. He shifted his weight to his hips and leaned himself out of the icy hole, shivering and numb.
There were vans and crates scattered everywhere, and the brake van was in smithereens. Leopold saw two bright lights up ahead of him, swinging and getting closer.
“Henry! Henry!!” Leopold called out. His voice was swallowed by the wind.
The two lights were the lamps of two railwaymen, presumably the driver and fireman of the goods train he’d crashed into. The driver was grizzled and just as cold as he was, but he seemed far more worried than angry. “Are you alright there?” He said to Leopold, who was frozen. “Come with us, we’ll telephone the breakdown cranes!”
Leopold was sure the driver said more, but he was being whisked away before he could process it.
The green elephant was on its side, framed by wreckage and sweeping lines drawn in the snow. Henry was nowhere to be seen.
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feigeroman · 3 years ago
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I posted 126 times in 2021
120 posts created (95%)
6 posts reblogged (5%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 890 tags in 2021
#thomas the tank engine - 120 posts
#the railway series - 120 posts
#sodor - 115 posts
#island of sodor - 115 posts
#north western railway - 108 posts
#ttte headcanon - 101 posts
#ttte analysis - 99 posts
#ttte oc - 53 posts
#original character - 52 posts
#incorrect ttte quotes - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#you could substitute percy for literally any other engine
My Top Posts in 2021
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Head empty. No thoughts. No kings, no gods...
Only Toby.
30 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 08:46:21 GMT
One night at Ffarquhar Sheds...
Thomas: What time is it, Percy?
Percy: Dunno. Give me a second, and I'll find out...
*Percy whistles furiously for a minute or so*
Daisy, over in the carriage shed: WHO THE HELL IS BLOWING THEIR WHISTLE AT 3AM?!
*Percy stops whistling*
Percy: It's 3am.
33 notes • Posted 2021-08-30 14:28:05 GMT
On the standard and narrow (gauge)...
Right, for starters, does everyone know who Victor is? Here he is:
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The main shunter at the Sodor Steamworks, at least in canon. My headcanon is that instead of the separate steam and diesel workshops, all major repairs are concentrated in a single facility at Crovan’s Gate (I also reckon that there are other smaller workshops spread across Sodor, but that’s neither here nor there).
Anyway, as part of that headcanon, I wanted to keep Victor as the main works shunter, but my issue was this: What gauge to make him? He’s based on a standard gauge prototype, but is canonically the same narrow gauge as the Skarloey Railway engines. There are some equally good cases for going in either direction: Making him standard gauge would allow more to be done with the character, as he could then travel further. However, narrow gauge would be in keeping with canon, and also pay lip service to similar engines in works like Crewe or Doncaster.
That was the problem I faced, until I happened upon a solution: Why not just do both? And how might this be done, no-one asked? Allow me to introduce you to something called a haulage truck:
See the full post
34 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 19:58:16 GMT
‘Edward’s Day Out’ in a nutshell...
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55 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 12:34:06 GMT
Thomas: You know, Toby, It's real sad that Henry isn't here to help us anymore...
Henry, in the background: I'm right here! Stop telling everybody I'm still bricked up in the tunnel!
Thomas, ignoring him: Sometimes, I can still hear his voice...
92 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 17:24:56 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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duskstargazer · 3 months ago
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“Look!” Rebecca cheered. “It’s snowing!”
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Crovan smiled.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw snow.” Nia murmured uncomfortably. “Aside from that… incident in the Himalayas.”
“Yeah, you told us about that.” Barry interjected. “D-”
“I wish I couldn’t remember the last time I saw snow!” Daisy huffed. “Wretched, icy, foul… stuff!”
Daisy could well remember the time she’d been stranded in a fall of snow, and had been stuck for quite some time before help could arrive.
“I was there for weeks!” She recounted.
“I thought Emily said it was only the evening?” Rebecca asked, perplexed. “And they had you out by the next morning?”
“It was probably only a few hours.” Barry grunted, with a roll of her eyes. “You know how our resident railcar likes being dramatic.”
“The engine that named herself after a scrapyard wants to talk about others being dramatic.” Daisy retorted. “The pot that calls the kettle black - especially so given your drab paintwork!”
Crovan, Rebecca, and Nia all shared a look. It was going to be a long morning.
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thechaddyengine · 2 months ago
Vs Sonic.exe: TheChadEngine MIX
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thechaddyengine · 2 months ago
VS Sonic.exe: Emily's Rampage Mix
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duskstargazer · 1 year ago
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“You're back late, aren’t you?”
“Some Ivatt Mogul derailed just outside a yard.” Diesel 7603 grunted. “Cost me and like three other engines like an hour and a half.”
“Damn. Won't have to deal with that for much longer.”
“Deal with what?” The big green diesel spoke up.
“You haven't heard?” Diesel 8028 replied, dismissively. “They're doin’ away with steam engines. By this time next year, steam won't even be allowed on the main line.”
The diesel blinked. “Doing away with? Not like they’re doing now, right…?”
“Not at all.” 8028 rolled his eyes. “We’re talking complete removal. They’ll all be disappearing.”
“So too will all that congestion in the scheduling.” Diesel 7603 remarked at the same time, drowning out The Diesel’s discontented comment.
The “Whistler” remained quiet after that. He paid little attention to the coarse joking and rude remarks about steam engines from his fellow shedmates. A lonely, strangled goods yard, and several hollering, howling voices still echoed within his radiator.
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duskstargazer · 1 year ago
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At the Works Station, Henry had left the VIP's and their coach, to run into a siding to take on water.
"Hello, what's that?" Henry mused.
"Good grief!" He gasped, a second later. "Is that James?!"
The signalmen were as surprised as Henry. The branch line train had only just left, and they had not reset the junction points…
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