#tts season 3 rewrite
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disneyfanatic1993 · 2 days ago
Alchemist's Return To Corona: Varian's Return, Part 2
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everythingloveandanimated · 3 months ago
Hey Tangled the Series fans!
Wanted to share a fanfic project with you guys.
I’m posting rewrites of Season 3, since (personal opinion) the writing in that season left quite a bit to be desired. Right now I’m focusing on Varian’s story so present and future updates will revolve around him, his relationships and his redemption.
In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the first work:
And here is the second one, just posted today!
Each episode rewrite will be posted as a separate work as part of a series. Some of them will have multiple chapters.
Hope you guys and gals enjoy!
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arcadianmoonshadowjedi · 5 years ago
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Here's an angsty Eugene edit I made for my Eugene Season 3 AU: The Dark Prince! This AU starts with Eugene having a dream to follow his destiny and lead a fight to take back the moonstone from Cassandra. He reunites the brotherhood and forms an alliance to take back the moonstone. Joining him are his father King Edmund, best friend Lance, genius alchemist Varian and the love of his life Rapunzel (who is also reforming the Coronan system and unlocking secrets about her destiny as the sundrop).
This AU will have a fitzmom backstory and more fitzbonding between Eugene and Edmund! 😊 And of course this wouldn't be my AU if there isn't more and more NEW DREAM!! 😍😍
Chapter 1 on AO3! Chapter 2 will be up sometime soon! 😊
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arcadianmoonshadowjedi · 5 years ago
Season 3 minus Gothel
So here’s the deal… I don’t have the energy to finish this complete rewrite. And I don’t know when i will… But I wanted to share what I’d written so far. Or most of it anyway. There’s still a lot I haven’t written- like where the canon Captain of the Guard comes in. I have explanations for everything that isnt featured here I just… Haven’t been able to get around to getting them in writing. 
But here it is! My much talked about new backstory/rewrite for Cass that has absolutely nothing to do with being related to Gothel or even knowing her. Enjoy.
Keep reading
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invisible-pink-toast · 4 years ago
Things I would change in TTS Season 3:
(for the record I love the series and do really enjoy season 3, but I think changing  some things would help the flow and character arcs, and there’s stuff I wish the show had covered)
- We see more of Cassandra’s time with Zhan Tiri. More of the manipulations, how she subtly will bring up ideas and continue pulling at that thread. Gothel leaving Cass was a catalyst, but there was a lot of issues for Cass before that - with her Dad, with her friendship with Raps, with always being second best and overlooked. Zhan Tiri provokes those feelings of insecurity, jealousy and hurt in Cass, especially focusing on what happened to her hand (and we see Cass struggling with her hand! that’s ongoing) 
- In ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf’ we get more Lance! Lance protecting Angry and Catalina, Lance and Rapunzel working together to help the girls, Lance starting to realise how much they mean to him
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- ‘No Time Like the Past’ is completely changed up - there are two parallel stories here. One is Eugene and Rapunzel working through their disagreement and their complicated grief over Cass, initially at odds but coming together by the end of the episode. The other is Cass and Zhan Tiri, slowly building up Zhan Tiri as a villian. No timetravel. 
- I kind of... hate Fredrick as a character, so I would like in ‘The King and Queen of Hearts’ if his actions in Season 1 had some consequences. Like he doesn’t remember what happened so Rapunzel has to explain it to him and she tells him how hurt she was by how he treated her and he apologises. And Ariana and Rapunzel can talk about Gothel and how it affected both of them (Cass’ revelation bringing up a lot of unresolved feelings)
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- ‘Day of the Animals’ is switched to ‘Day of the Brotherhood’ - oh yeah! Keeping Rapunzel, Varian, Angry and Catalina being stuck in the shell and all their amazing interactions. But instead of the animals - it’s Quirin, Edmund, Adira and Hector trying to save them. The Brotherhood has been struggling to come back together and this forces them to work together (the animals can help too, mainly for comedy). 
This makes what happens later with the mindtrap more effective because we care more about them and their relationships. And Varian gets to interact with his weird aunt and uncles. 
- Changing Eugene’s story in ‘Be Very Afraid’ - instead of just making jokes about how Eugene’s obsessed with his appearance, acknowledge his trauma!! He died!! In a horrifying way! This would affect him! I’ve talked about this before but: 
Maybe have him covering up how he feels, not wanting to upset Rapunzel. Lance could see how upset he is and how he is trying to hide it and he could comfort Eugene and say that he thinks he should talk about it with Rapunzel. And then at the end of the episode Eugene can be honest with Rapunzel about his fears and they can TALK about what happened and how it still affects both of them - but how they’re always gonna be there for each other
Or this.  
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- Seeing more of Varian’s complicated relationship with Cass. He volunteers to research the scrolls and focuses so strongly on them (especially after ‘Be Very Afraid’) because he wants to save Cass, because he can relate to her and understand how her pain and feelings of helplessness has turned to rage. He feels guilty about what happened in ‘Secret of the Sundrop’ and wants to do what he can to help her. 
- More moonstone lore. Edmund says the stone can influence people, let him and Eugene talk about the Dark Kingdom and how the stone affected them. We can see how the moonstone is affecting Cass - enhancing her negative emotions of grief and rage. It’s also slowly draining her physically, and when Zhan Tiri realises this she starts to push Cass more forcefully to Corona to fulfil her plan 
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- Switching Eugene and Rapunzel’s roles in ‘Islands Apart’. This incredible analysis made me realise this would have been so goooooood! We see Eugene’s maturity and how much he cares for Cass, we see his change in the relationship with the Captain, we get to see Eugene’s reflection on his own relationship with his father. And that gives a lot more context to the Captain entrusting his position to Eugene.  
- Eugene is trying to work out a plan with Cass, especially after ‘Race to the Spire’. He talks with Varian about a strategy, he doesn’t want to hurt Cass, but if she’s out to hurt other people, he needs to be able to protect them. But how could they possibly match the moonstone’s power? 
Varian knows that the amber is the only thing aside from Rapunzel that has had any effect on the rocks - it did encase them. He theorises that the amber could be able to stop Cass if she was attacking. His dad was fine afterwards, it puts those encased in it in stasis, and Rapunzel can get them out. But it’s dangerous, and he feels sick even thinking about it. Eugene realises Varian’s insanely conflicted about the idea, and says they’ll think of something else.
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- In ‘A Tale of Two Sister’s’ we’re gonna ditch the sisters angle. I know Disney probably pushed it so it seemed less gay, but these two are not sisters (and definitely not because Cass’ biological mom/abuser and Rapunzel’s kidnapper/abuser are the same person?? what?). These two are best friends, and they are family, but by choice. Maybe the the title could be ‘The Sun and the Moon’ 
And at the end it always makes me uncomfortable that it seems like Cass really tries to... murder Rapunzel? I’m not sure that was intentional/what she was trying to do. And it doesn’t fit at all with what happens in ‘Once a Handmaiden’ or ‘Plus Est En Vous’. So make it clear that Cass is angry and feels betrayed, and leaves Rapunzel behind - but the toxic gas is an unintended side effect. It could even be that the audience knows that, but Rapunzel doesn’t. Or Rapunzel thinks it was unintentional but the others aren’t so sure. 
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- A lot of people seem to hate ‘Flynnposter’ but I think it’s kind of funny, although some of it doesn’t really work with the tone. So Eugene becoming Captain still happens, and there’s still the funny stuff with Brock (it’s still a kids show, there needs to be a break before the big finale). BUT: 
Rapunzel is still recovering from the end of the last episode 
Varian and Eugene are working together to find a solution to fight Cass 
There’s more of Lance, Angry and Catalina
We see Cass struggling with her choices and becoming more suspicious of Zhan Tiri 
And eventually Varian realises he has no other ways to stop Cass except the amber, and he goes to talk with Eugene. If Cass can’t be reasoned with, if she’d kill her best friend in cold blood (which is what they think happened), they have to do something. Varian explains about the amber, but how it has to be a last solution. Something only used in the darkest moment when there was no other way. Obsidian. Eugene agrees and they get to work. 
- In ‘Once a Handmaiden’ I’d like to see a bit more of Cass (as Faith) interacting with other people than just Rapunzel (although Rapunzel’s still the main focus). Some sweet moment with Eugene, or Varian, Lance, Angry and Catalina, Ariana, even Xavier or Monty. Makes the ending even more heartbreaking.
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- Cass in ‘Plus Est En Vous’ is more sad and angry than merciless (she even seems sort of sadistic at times, which to me doesn’t fit her character at all). She feels betrayed again - by her friends and by Zhan Tiri, she thinks there’s no way anyone will ever care for her, so she’s going to be the most powerful person so she will never, ever get hurt again. 
I also think it would be good to establish that Zhan Tiri is controlling the Brotherhood. The moonstone powers it, but the moonstone isn’t even with Cass while she’s fighting? And Edmund literally tries to kill Eugene, I just don’t think Cass would make Eugene’s father kill him. Once again, doesn’t fit her character or redemption, but I like the scene with Eugene and Edmund and this would make us dislike Zhan Tiri more. 
Cassandra going after Rapunzel is more desperate than vindictive, she wants the sundrop and she doesn’t care if she hurts anyone, even Rapunzel, to get it. And we see her starting to crack during the fight, we see that what Rapunzel’s saying is starting to get through to her.
Cass doesn’t take the sundrop. When the eclipse hits, and Rapunzel is vulnerable, Cass hesitates. 
And then Zhan Tiri jumps in. And she doesn’t just grab them, she uses magic or something (like something from the Spire she grabbed) so it’s more threatening. She takes the sundrop and the moonstone and transforms. 
And the second the moonstone is out of Cass, she becomes so weak she can barely stand. The moonstone has been draining her, but giving her power at the same time. Without that power she is debilitated. And after she and Rapunzel make up, Cass realises she has that piece of the moonstone left. But she’s too weak, and Rapunzel has her hair, so she trusts Rapunzel with it. 
Rapunzel goes to fight and Cass is left alone. And she has a moment when she decides to help - sort of a ‘Monster’ from the Frozen musical moment (‘No, I have to stay alive to fix what I’ve done’). When Cass shows up with the frying pan, it’s using all the last of her strength. 
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And when they force the sundrop and moonstone to touch, it causes the blast that destroys Zhan Tiri. Except Cass is in such a weak state, it’s the force from the blast that kills her. But Rapunzel brings her back! And Eugene pulls her into the hug (which I think might be my favourite moment in the whole show). 
All in all that’s a lot of stuff, but I don’t think a lot of it’s huge changes? Just tweaking certain parts of certain stories or adding in a couple of scenes and I feel like it would’ve been more cohesive. The main three things really are just: giving Eugene more deep moments than just using him as comedy, giving attention to characters that aren’t Rapunzel (as much as I love her) and fixing some ooc moments with Cass (who is my favourite, she’s just not sadistic, even as a villain). 
And hell, if I am rewriting the season, Cass gets to be a lesbian! Officially!! 
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bat-anon · 5 years ago
Hold on I just got a Brain Blast for a Season 3 Rewrite.
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colorfulcolorthingbanana · 4 years ago
(sorry for my english 😭)
okay everyone i have some thoughts on a small Moon!Varian AU
idk maybe it’s dumb but these are just my thoughts to make Moon!Varian canon WITHOUT rewriting the WHOLE storytelling of TTS. This AU is based on the original plot and lore with some rewrites.
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okay so when Edmund tried to destroy the Moonstone, it flashed and cracked (the small piece is the same size as the piece that Raps and Cass used against Zahn Tiri). Adira took the piece of the Moonstone for herself because she knew that somewhere there was the Sundrop. She believed that the Sundrop existed, she had the Moonstone (even if it’s just a small piece) so she could make sure that the Sundrop she found was the REAL one (it has to have a reaction to the Moonstone). So after everyone was sent away from the DK, Adira set off to find the Sundrop.
Varian was born WITHOUT his blue hairstreak, his mom died when he was born (you may change it if you like the V&t7K thing, i like it but i won’t) and Varian was nearly dead. Adira was searching for the Sundrop, so she could see the Quirin’s newborn son, she learned that he was slowly dying in his father’s arms and Adira offered Quirin to put the piece of the Moonstone into Varian’s heart (if it was useless, Varian would die anyway, or else he would live). So they did. The Moonstone helped and gave Varian life and the streak of blue hair as a gift. Adira and Quirin swore not to tell anyone that Varian could have some powers. So Quirin told his son was born with blue hair (kind of anomaly). So Varian didn’t have any powers but had a shield from the Decaying Incantation.
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Seasons 1 and 2 are the same but in the season 3 has some rewrites. In the 1 episode Varian is unaffected to the Decaying Incantation. Quirin tells his son about the DK, the Brotherhood and the Moonstone. Varian learns that he has the piece of the Moonstone in his heart but if he takes it off, it may lead to his death. Quirin warns Varian that he may still have some Moonstone’s powers so Varian promises to be careful about the whole magic thing. Varian decides not to tell Raps about it as he doesn’t want to bother her and she seems unaffected to him. He decides to focus on translation of the Scroll. In the ‘Cassandra’s Revenge’ episode Varian’s hairstreak glows every time the Moonstone Incantation is sung (when he reveals it for Cassandra, his hairstreak glows too). It the end of the episode Raps tells Varian that she saw his hair glowing and he tells her about the piece of Moonstone in his heart. She is shocked that he didn’t tell her such an important thing earlier but he tells her that he wanted to focus on the whole Cassandra thing. They decide to leave it be. Varian promises once more to be careful. The final episode goes as the original but when Zahn Tiri sings the Decaying Incantation, Varian is unaffected and unseeingly goes to the Castle to find Raps and Cass making peace. He tells them that they can use the piece of the Moonstone in his heart to defeat Zahn Tiri. Raps doesn’t want him to die but he tells her that his life doesn’t matter in such a situation. She once sacrificed one life for the whole kingdom of lives as the true Queen. He understood that she made that thing right and wants to make just one thing right in his life. Raps and Cass tell him their Goodbyes and promise to make him the national hero. Varian takes the Moonstone off, his hairstreak disappears, he collapses to his knees and dies. Raps and Cass defeat Zahn Tiri, Cass dies and Raps singing the Healing Incantation heals everyone. She embraces Cass and Eugene, all in tears, she tells Eugene and Quirin of Varian’s death. They cry and then Varian comes out of the destroyed wall and falling to his knees makes everyone to turn to his side. He is really weak. Raps, Quirin, Cass and Eugene help him not to fall and ask him how he was turned back to life. Raps used the Moonstone and the Sundrop combined which made the Healing Incantation a lot more powerful so she could turn Varian back to life. They all make a big hug.
here the story ends as the original (Cass sets off to find her destiny, Varian becomes the royal engineer etc.)
this AU is based mostly on the fact that Varian had the colorful hairstreak and the fact that if one has magic inside them, they have to have a source of magic inside their heart (Raps had Sundrop inside her heart and Cass placed the Moonstone in hers so they HAD magic).
I hope you’ll like this AU of mine, idk maybe this AU already exists. if it is i’m sorry. you may use this for your creations 💙
(the art of Moon!Varian I used belongs to @o0whiterabbit0o )
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disneyfanatic1993 · 10 days ago
Alchemist’s Return To Corona: Prologue and Varian’s Return, Part 1
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everythingloveandanimated · 4 years ago
Tangled Season 3 Rewrite: Varian/Quirin
Like a lot of fans of Tangled the Series/ Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, I found myself unsatisfied with the relationship building in Season 3, mostly with dropping and under development of Varian’s relationships and redemption. I’ll be posting a series of ideas on how I would rewrite Season 3 to make it more satisfying. This list will cover Varian and Quirin’s relationship.
The Note: Instead of saying “All it said was ‘I’m so proud of you Varian, I always have been.’” Quirin says “Too many things to get into right now, but the most important thing I wanted you to know was that I’m so proud of you Varian. I always have been.”
Inspired by a scene Crystal-Moon-101’s fanfic “Stars in My Eyes”, Quirin rewrites the note and leaves on Varian’s bed, or he just presents it to Varian during the day. 
Quirin’s past: Quirin opens up about his past, the Moonstone, the Dark Kingdom, his time in the Brotherhood, why he had to leave and why he settled down in Corona. When asked why he didn’t tell any of this to Varian he admits that he was scared of what Varian would do with the information. He was afraid that Varian would do something well-intentioned, but rash, that would land him in trouble with the King. He was afraid that Varian would try to bring Rapunzel into this and mislead her or cause her to clash with the King (he wouldn’t know unless told that Rapunzel was at odds with her dad after “The Quest for Varian”), suggest they go to the Dark Kingdom, start arranging the journey himself or tell all of Corona why the black rocks were here. He was afraid of what the King would do to his son if he started disturbing the delicate game/balance the King had made of the situation. He tells Varian a trait of his is when he sets his mind to do something he gets tunnel vision. He doesn’t think about how far reaching the effects of his actions can be. Varian admits all of what his father said is true, and that his father knows him better than he thought he did. Quirin can tell by Varian’s face, tone, and posture that one or a few of the things he feared and tried to prevent may have happened anyway.
Varian’s confession: This next scene played three ways in my head. One with just Rapunzel present, one with Rapunzel and Eugene present, the other without either them present, it’s just Varian and Quirin. It takes place immediately after Quirin shares his past.
With tears and a shaky voice, Varian admits what he’s done over the past year. Quirin has to walk out of the room to process what Varian has done, leaving Varian brokenhearted and sobbing.
With just Rapunzel, she takes Varian into her arms and holds him while he cries. She tells him to give his father a few minutes to process things. She says that even if Quirin is ashamed of what his son did, he should be proud that Varian told him the truth even though it was hard for Varian to say. After a few minutes, Rapunzel gets up to talk to Quirin to bring him back into the room to comfort Varian. She gives him a moment to speak his mind. He’s distressed at the mess Varian has landed himself in. He feels like he’s failed him as a father. He knows he can’t protect his son now. Varian has to fight this on his own. He has to watch his son struggle through even more distrust, more sneers, more leery looks, even some ridicule, name calling and harsh words, possibly threats and acts of violence. Things he has tried to shield Varian from or soften the blows of. Rapunzel tells him that he can make up for that by being there for Varian now. Being his support, reminding him that at the end of the day, there’s someone he can always come home to that loves him dearly.
With Eugene present, Eugene too has to step back a bit to process Varian’s side of the story. When he has done this, he places a comforting hand on Varian’s shoulder before he checks on Quirin seeing that Rapunzel has Varian in her arms. Here, Quirin admits that he wants to protect his son but now he feels that he really can’t. Eugene tells him that yes, Quirin’s ability to protect Varian from the people is relatively low right now. Varian screwed up and has climb out of this hole on his own and make amends himself. He also agrees that Quirin has been a bit a of distant father, even throws in a joking reference to the amber which earns a bit of a glare. Eugene recomposes himself and says Quirin can make that up to Varian standing by his side and support him. “You left him out there” (pointing back to dining room) “thinking that you’re ashamed of him, and that he’s lost any hope for a relationship he can have with you. Go back in there/Go to your son, and let him know that you’re here for him.”
When it’s just the two of them they are in the dining room or in Quirin’s room looking at his chest he brought from the Dark Kingdom. After Varian admits what he’s done Quirin leaves to process and compose himself. Varian, heartbroken, tears streaming down his face pleads in a desperate broken voice for his father to not leave him. His voice gets smaller as his father walks away.  Quirin comes back after calming down. He holds his son as he cries into his shirt, apologizing over and over. It’s a rough conversation with Varian being vulnerable in his shame and Quirin venting some frustration but trying to hold it back for his son’s sake. At the end, Quirin says he’s proud of his son for telling him the truth.
Scene- Quirin comes in seeing his child hunched over, hugging himself as he sobs. He walks over to him, gently puts his hands over his son’s. Varian either jolts at the contact, or he takes a second before he looks up at his father. They hold each other’s gaze, reading the emotions the the others’ eyes before they shift their positions. Varian is practically on his father’s lap. Quirin brings Varian’s head to his chest, one hand on his head the other wrapping around his son’s small body. He really is a child dwarfed by his father, wrapped in the cocoon of his father’s arms.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I-I’m… I’m so sorry, Dad.”
“What are you sorry for?” Quirin asks. There’s a slight roughness in his voice mixed with other emotions. He’s sad, heartbroken, scared for his boy but decides to be strong for him. He’s trying to be gentle to coax words out of his son.
“Everything! For disappointing you, for what I did to the King and Queen, to Corona, (his voice speeds up before dissolving into sobs) to Rapunzel, the Saporians, the amber, all of it!”
He collapses into sobs that shake his whole body. Quirin shifts his arms to make sure he has room to breathe. Varian buries his face in his father’s shirt.
“I wish you would think about these things before you do them. Think about the consequences of your actions and how far they can reach.”
“I hoped that it wouldn’t require a death to make you stop and examine your actions,” Quirin said.
“But it did.” Varian said a few tears coming down his face. “Y-your d-death, and almost a (sniffle) year in prison.”
Clearing the Air, Making Amends- Topics that the two will talk about and how they promise to change or do things differently moving forward.
Moonstone Headcanon: Quirin has PTSD from his time in the Dark Kingdom. The helplessness he felt with the Moonstone’s power, the failure he felt when they all had to leave, when he couldn’t protect his people, or his King.
Scene- After hearing accounts from Edmund and Adira on what the moonstone was like, volatile, unpredictable, destructive, Varian asks if his alchemy ever made his father feel like he was around a second moonstone. Quirin, not wanting to hurt his son doesn’t answer at first. Varian asks him to be honest with him. Quirin says “yes, some times were worse than others.” Varian is distressed that he caused his father so much pain and stress. He apologizes. Inside he wishes he had known about the Moonstone, maybe he would have toned down some of his experiments for his the sake of his father’s sanity.
Scene- After hearing a rough story about Quirin’s time in the Brotherhood, Varian hugs his father to comfort him. He can tell his father has a lot of heart wounds from the experience. He walks in front of his father who is sitting down, presses his father’s head to his front, holds it there with one hand, then drapes the other hand around his shoulders. “Thank you, Son,” Quirin says with a sigh and returns the hug. “You’re welcome. I’m really proud of you, Dad.” Quirin leans into his son. “Thank you.”
Scene- Quirin gets nightmares about the moonstone. Sometimes Varian’s alchemy gets mixed in there. Sometimes Varian dies, sometimes he’s mixing and pouring not even aware to the destruction he causes. Sometimes He and the moonstone merge into an entity. Destructive, but trying to have restraint.
Alchemy: Show or confirm how Quirin’s experience with the Moonstone has affected his view of Varian’s alchemy. If it’s volatile or unpredictable, don’t mess with it! He doesn’t understand alchemy, or how all the reactions come about. Varian says that he can always ask and he’ll be happy to explain it to him. At a different time, Eugene point out that Varian gets excited every time he talks about alchemy. Quirin confirms this but admits that it’s like trying to understand a foreign language. Using a foreign language as an example, Eugene says that if you know some basic words and sentence structure, context and meaning can be easy to pick up. Even cutting through the jargon can be easier if you know the basics of the language. Quirin realizes has to swallow his pride and re-channel his feeling of feeling stupid so he can connect with his son. It’s pointed out that if Varian can slow down and give Quirin time to process what he’s saying or use everyday language or simple terms or even bottom line something then go into more detail, Quirin can follow along better.
Taking on big projects: Quirin says that he was afraid to encourage Varian because he didn’t want Varian to take that as permission to take on bigger projects. But that’s what happened anyway (i.e. hot water system). Varian admits that he thought that if he successfully did something amazing for his village his father would be proud of him, praise him, look at him with pride instead of disappointment. Quirin apologizes for this. He says that the disappointment came from stress from dealing with the fallouts from the explosions. Also it seemed like in the excitement of his projects Varian would not consider how far the damage could reach if something goes wrong. It seemed like he didn’t have a contingency plan or failsafes to avert disaster. He also worries that Varian will hurt himself or get killed from his work going awry. Varian promises tot tone down his alchemy. Keep thing simple, no new chemical compounds.
Quirin wants his son safe but he doesn’t know how to go about that.
They discuss how Quirin felt with Varian’s alchemy. How worried it made Quirin that Varian never fully grasped how dangerous his alchemy methods were to himself and those around him. How Quirin was reaching the decision to let life teach his son the consequences of his actions. He just hoped that it wouldn’t require a death for Varian to step back and accept that what he was doing was overly risky. He knew a death could break his son causing him to breakdown in guilt and come out of it with a broken spirit.
He wants to protect his son from people. He’s been able to shield him from the brunt of their words, but now with Varian’s stint as a villain, he can’t protect him in that way anymore. It hurts and he feels like he has failed his son as a father. He later realizes that he can use his position as Village Leader to protect his son from threats and acts of physical harm, but that’s about all he can do for now.
Once Varian becomes more responsible with his alchemy and inventions Quirin starts being more vocal with his support of his son’s passion and works.
Explaining Alchemy- Varian explains that he felt alchemy was all he had since his mom is dead and he doesn’t have a good relationship with his father. Also asking him to give it up like some people wanted was like asking Monty not to make candy.
Varian shows his dad his notebooks, records, and chemical recipes. The notebooks are organized by year, records show the results of his mixtures and their reactions. He even has graphs and pictures in his records. Quirin turns to the explosives section. Tables for each explosive compound. Which mixtures cause explosions and how big those explosions are. Example “Flynnolium”, needs a reactant to explode and is very flammable. A table shows which equations cause big “BOOM”, and which produce flames but no explosion. The only constant on the page is “Flynnolium”.
Scene- “You take notes. Careful notes,” Quirin says flipping through one of his son’s notebooks.
“Kinda have to. I do, or rather did, a lot of mixing. It’s hard to remember every result of every combination I mixed.”
Quirin looks through one of the books. Tables that record chemical equations, how much of each chemical, and the result of the equation. There’s graphs of flame’s heights and sizes, rows of drawings of explosion radii. Multiple uses of DANGER! TOO MUCH! DON’T DO IT! AVOID FOR EVERYONE’S SAFETY!
“I had no idea.” Quirin says quietly, in awe and impressed by his son’s meticulous notes. He looks up at his son as he arranges things on a shelf. His eyes soft and proud, an equally soft smile on face.
“I wanted you to be proud of me” Varian explains that his bigger inventions were attempts to get his father to be proud of him. Varian realizes that he has to go into better detail of what that means. “I wanted to you to look at me with pride in your eyes, instead of disappointment. That’s what fueled me. I thought that if I could fix my mistake with the amber, we’d be good. I decided on my way to the castle that that day that I was going to be a different person. I wanted you to believe in me.”
It’s finally decided what both of them can do for each other. Varian promises no more mixing chemicals for awhile. He’s got a pretty good arsenal as it is. He promises to keep any new inventions small scale, calculate potential damage, and prepare for damage if something goes awry. Any big projects he’ll ask for help. (basically anything to help lower his dad’s stress levels). Quirin for his part promises to be more open with his son. Both in how much he loves him, and let Varian know when he sees something Varian can improve on. He agrees to ask about Varian’s alchemy projects more often. Varian promises to find a way to explain his projects in layman’s terms. In addition to this one of them buys Quirin a dictionary of alchemical terms to show he’s actively making an effort to get close to his son, to join him in his world.
Nightmares After being reunited, the two of them have frequent nightmares.
Ruddiger usually comforts Varian; sometimes his dad hears him and comes in to comfort him until he falls asleep.
If Quirin gets a bad nightmare regarding Varian dying, getting injured, or pleading with his father to save him and Quirin is unable to, he will go to Varian’s room and check on him. He’ll wake Varian up and try to calm him down if Varian is having a nightmare. He smiles if Varian is sleeping peacefully. He’ll stay and watch his precious son sleep.
Ruddiger will usually stay with Varian. However, there are times where he will hear Quirin come in while Varian is sleeping. If Ruddiger is awake enough, he’ll notice that Quirin has had a nightmare. If Varian is sleeping peacefully, Ruddiger will follow Quirin back to bed and lay near him.  Quirin comes to appreciate this, he even tells Ruddiger one night that he’s grateful for his presence in their lives. Ruddiger gives a soft, happy chitter in response.
When both of Varian and Quirin have night terrors, Quirin goes to Varian’s room (he may or may not have heard Varian yell). They calm each other down, then embrace in a sweaty hug. A few times, after they’ve calmed down and they’re not ready to be alone, Quirin invites Varian into his room. They get into Quirin’s bed after switching the sweaty pillows. Once they’re tucked in, Quirin wraps his arms around his son. In this case Ruddiger climbs onto the bed and will do one of three things:
1) He’ll place himself next to Varian or he’ll find a divot on top of the blankets and nestle himself there. He makes sure he’s in arms reach of both the humans, or by their legs.  
2) He’ll find a spot between the father and son and position himself there so Varian can wrap his arm around him.  He pays attention to whether they need to have close contact. He won’t get in the way if they really need to be close. 
3) If Quirin is on his back and  Varian is resting his head on his father’s chest or shoulder, Ruddiger will sleep on Quirin tummy.
EXTRAS: Ideas that didn’t really fit in the categories above
The first night or three after Quirin’s release from the amber, father and son slept in each other’s arms, not wanting to be apart. Varian either had his hand or his head or both on his father’s heart to guarantee that his father was with him.
Quirin standing up for his son against jerks in Corona or against Nigel. Speaking against threats  or when comments about his son get taken too far. Occasionally he will draw himself up to full height and berth to warn people not to touch his son.
Quirin gives Varian the money to buy the albemic he mentioned in “Day of the Animals”, and packed a couple ham sandwiches and apples for Varian’s lunch for the trip.
The Saporians break out again, target and capture Varian. Quirin fights Kai then Andrew, and knocks Clementine out while the handle of his sword before she can use the wand in a surprise attack. Varian’s jaw drops seeing his father’s control and power with his sword. When Varian is recovered and the Saporians thwarted, Andrew makes a final attack on Varian. It’s intercepted by Quirin who then grabs Andrew by the throat, lifts him and warns him to stay away from his son. While they are walking back home, Varian is marveling at his dad’s skill. Someone informs Varian that Quirin was holding back. If he wanted the Saporians dead, they would be dead. He says he didn’t kill for his son’s sake and for his own; Varian’s aversion to blood and not wanting to be the reason someone died, and Quirin has seen enough death from the Moonstone.
Scenes of Varian and Quirin fighting side by side in the final battle. (WHY DID WE NEVER GET THIS?!?!)
Both of them riding on Ruddiger, Quirin welding a sword, or hammer like I’ve seen in some fanart.
Quirin using Varian’s alchemy balls and the Project Obsidian bazooka to trap their enemies and protect his son when enemies get to close. Sometimes he throws the wrong alchemy balls to his mild frustration.
Varian using his alchemy to protect his father’s flank and blindspots. Throws a smoke bomb to hide his dad. Takes Quirin awhile to re-adjust before he lands a punch to an enemy. A bit later he warns Varian not to obstruct his view while fighting. It makes him an open target.
Battle banter and encouragement! WE GOT SO ROBBED!!
Hope you guys enjoyed my ideas and scenes. I will be posting more so stay tuned! Have blessed day and Advent (if you celebrate that).
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bee-snail · 2 years ago
11, 7, 24 for the tts ask game (if any of these were answered ignore this lol)
7. "Do you have any post series headcanons?"
I've actually answered this question before, but I'm happy to reply again! :] !!
I don't have many of them, though I do headcanon that there would be a lot of tension in the Dark Kingdom post-series. Edmund, Adira and Hector hurt eachother a lot (well, Adira and Edmund committed most of the "hurting" if I'm being fully honest here) and now that the 3 of them are stuck together rebuilding the whole place by themselves, they oughta work out those issues if they want to be productive again!
11. "What is a major change (rewrite) that you would make to the canon?"
I've answered this question before as well, but since you asked again I'll take this chance to tell a different change: make someone else take the Moonstone. Someone like Hector, for example, who has extremely good reasons for doing so: he wants to stop anyone else from grabbing the Moonstone. What better way to do that than by holding onto it himself?
Plus, he could potentially use the stone to rebuild or at least repair his kingdom.
And of course: being the new holder of the Moonstone, he's sure to attract Zhan Tiri. That would've been so fun to see, considering he already has a connection to her since he freed her power from the Great Tree!
This is actually a concept I'm exploring myself in my fic, because it's just that interesting to me. Although, my Moon!Hector is a lot more defensive than another one may be, so while mine may focus more on rebuilding the DK and defending from intruders, another could focus on destroying Corona and ensuring that no one will ever try to take the stone from him. The latter option seems very interesting, especially when you realize that the reason he's doing all of that is to make sure no one tries to grab the Moonstone to do "evil", but he himself is doing evil, by trying to destroy the home of dozens, if not hundreds of people.
It's just one little change that makes a hurricane of a difference! :]
24. "The Salt Question: what were you disappointed by?"
The FINALE. my god you have absolutely no idea how freaking sad I was to see Zhan Tiri, my absolute FAVORITE CHARACTER, get defeated by a fucking frying pan. I swear. I cried so freaking much in that scene. What an anti-climatic ending.
Everything that happened in the finale battle was disappointing, and everything that happened afterwards was just rubbing piles of salt in the wound.
And that's not even talking about the whole finale, pretty much ALL of the 2 parts of Plus Ent En Vous were disappointing somehow:
- Varian and Quirin didn't have a heart-to-heart (it was their very last chance to do so since it didn't happen in the rest of the season)
- Mindtrapped!Quirin didn't fight Varian. That was unexpected, considering how many cruel things Cass has done so far, but alas.
- the monkey scene. that in itself is a disappointment.
- The fact we didn't get any concrete insight on Zhan Tiri and Demanitus' backstory past the very contradictory flashback. We could've gotten an entire flashback sequence of their story (at least in Demanitus' POV) if the mains had found entries in his journal regarding his past with Zhan Tiri. That would've been infinetely cooler than the fucking monkey scene. Yet, here we are.
- The Lost Realm. I had expected a void, or literal hell, not Buddy Song-level drug world. It's neat, but still disappointing.
- Zhan Tiri. I love her, but my girl was completely useless the entire fight. She showed up just to pretend she was gonna be an epic villain, only to die to a fucking frying pan about five minutes later. Sure, she killed everybody with the Decay Incantation, but what good was that if they just got revived 3 minutes later?
- Cassandra! Her "redemption" was, forgive the wording, fucking ridiculous. She basically cried and moaned about being useless, once again making herself the victim, then said one "I'm sorry" to Rapunzel and poof! Suddenly, hero again! I honestly could've accepted that if Cass had gotten any kind of punishment afterwards, but nope. She got a cleaner record than Varian's, probably, all because she died for less than one minute and was Rapunzel's favorite. Admittedly it could even make sense that Cass was forgiven in Corona, since Rapunzel is a princess and therefore does have the authority to forgive Cass of all of her crimes there, but there's absolutely NO reason why she wasn't punished by the DK.
By all means she should've been executed or at the very least arrested by the Dark Kingdom and the Brotherhood (who, may I remind you, HAVE BEEN ROBBED OF THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS FOR WHAT MAY HAVE BEEN MONTHS, in Adira and Hector's case, and in Quirin's and Edmund's—were forced to fight their own sons). The worst part is that Cassandra didn't have to do that, she chose to. You can't even pin that on Zhan Tiri because like- she told Cassandra what the Mindtrap was and what it did, not that she absolutely HAD TO use it or else she was gonna die or lose everything or something. This was Cassandra's doing. This was Cassandra's choice. Something this unforgivable couldn't have been let off just because pretty little angel Rapunzel asked.
- finally: the Mindtrap not being adressed by any Brotherhood member, at least on screen. They got Hector's and Adira's VA's in the finale only for them to say one or two lines each and that's it. Truly a waste.
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arcadianmoonshadowjedi · 5 years ago
Knightess of the Moon Cassandra S3 AU Chapter 2: Taking What’s Mine, Part 2:
Hello again! Super excited to post part 2 of my Season 3 Cass AU! In this chapter, you will finally meet the members of her family and get some insight into who they are!
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(Also made this piece as cover-art for the story!
Here’s an AO3 link! I also provided the link to Chapter 1 and my Zhan Tiri backstory summary! :)
As they reached a wooden, rundown house, Cassandra put her sword away and glanced in awe. Wait a minute? Why did they stop at this particular house? It felt so familiar to Cassandra but she just couldn’t understand why.
“This place, why does it seem so familiar? Where are we?” she sternly questioned the ghost.
Without responding, the ghostly girl simply grabbed her hand and strangely dragged her as they went through the wall while Cassandra cringed. She looked around her, eyes wide open as she scanned around her. The house was fairly small, with seemingly no more than three rooms. In front of her there was a dinner table around which sat a family of four, including…
“Recognize that child?” Asked the ghostly girl.
That child had pale skin, long, curly black hair and protruding, hazel-green eyes, and she wore a simple green dress. She had a big smile on her face, although the food on the table was simple and pretty little; just bread, cheese, and some vegetables, perhaps what the family could afford. There also stood a woman who was serving the food into her children’s plates. She had olive-brown skin, curly brown hair tied into a messy side-braid and beautiful, hazel-green eyes, just like her daughter’s. After she put food on her daughter's plate, she bent down and kissed her on the crown. Across the table sat a young boy around the age of twelve with short, scruffy black hair, deep gray eyes and dark brown skin. He instantly started digging in when the food was on his plate. Right next to him was a slender man with pale skin and gray eyes, who was putting food in his own plate as he shook his head at his son. Cassandra scanned the scene very carefully, with a tingling feeling rising inside of her.
“Is that…?” She asked, then hesitated as she looked toward the ghost.
“Your family,” the ghost finished. “Yes, yes it is,”
In shock, Cassandra looked back at the family as they were conversing over dinner.
"How was work, today gentlemen?" The woman at the table asked as she sat down to start eating.
"Well Lenna, it was going fine," the man answered, then turned to frown at his son. "until this rascal decided to scare away the customers," he finished the sentence bitterly as he nudged the boy, who was more focused on his food than anything.
           "Damion…." Lenna sternly started. "How many times do we have to tell you not to threaten people like that? We have a quota we need to meet, otherwise the shop owner won't show us mercy nor will we have food next week,"
Damion didn't answer, he was too focused on eating that his father had to nudge him again to get his attention.
"Wait what?" He asked with his mouth full.
Lenna gave him a stern look and reiterated her concern. "How many times do we have to tell you not to be rude and scare off the customers?"
"But mom, they were going too far with the bargaining and I got sick of ‘em. Either they buy the stuff at full price or leave,"
"Damion, we live in Old Corona. Of course people will bargain because they can't always afford everything they..."
"Wait a minute Mom!” Damion interrupted. “How come you're lecturing me about how to treat customers when you chase people with a stick"
Lenna cleared her throat. "First of all, it was very rude of you to cut me off while I was talking. Second, those were thieves stealing from us, I simply had to take back what they stole. That was totally different,"
"Ugh, fine! I won’t do it again," Damion answered, then went back to devouring his dinner, hardly stopping to take breaks.
Lenna shook her head, then smirked at her husband.
"He got all of that from you, Alden," she teased as she pointed towards him. Alden chuckled, then continued eating.
“Mama,” the little girl spoke. “Can I come with you to the market? I wanna run after bad guys too!”
Everyone at the table froze and looked at her in amusement. Damion rolled his eyes at her and before he could say anything, Lenna chuckled and grabbed her daughter’s hand.
“Oh Cassie, sweetheart,” she started gently. “You deserve a life so much better than this. Both you and Damion. But for now, you take things slowly and have fun, ok?”
“Ok mama,”
After seeing all of this, Cassandra looked down as she slowly processed what she was seeing. Her memories of her childhood and her true origins began to unravel themselves to her. Her  birth parents were Alden and Lenna and she even had an older brother. But something still didn’t make sense. Why didn’t she remember them? Something was indeed missing. Cassandra continued to observe the scene, so that maybe she could get some answers about her past....
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arcadianmoonshadowjedi · 5 years ago
Wow! Amazing! And honestly you have every right to be salty because the way the arc was handled, especially in TOTS and Once A Handmaiden was very poor and disappointing! I definitely agree that there should've been much stronger and better motives and even if the writers wanted Gothel in it, it should've been handled more properly and shouldn't have been the primary motive. Idk! I feel like I need to write an entire character analysis rant on S3 Cass because it was very painful and heartbreaking to see one of my favorite characters have her arc ruined and end poorly the way it did.
I've only read the 1st 2 chapters of the S3 minus Gothel but I'm loving it so much more than the whole Gothel plot! I'm so excited and cant wait to read more! What inspired you to write it? Also I know it may be a bit too soon but do you have a redemption arc or defeat for Cass planned out? You dont have to reveal it if you dont want to but I just wondering! 🤔
HI! Thanks so much, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Don’t worry. Cass is meant to be redeemed in this AU same as canon. It would just have to happen a little differently is all. I have no plans to write more right now but.. I kinda have a mental outline of everything. As or the ‘inspiration’, I wish that was a short answer.
I apologize in advance. “Season 3 minus gothel” comes from a very salty place. 
Keep reading
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cupcakegirlpower · 3 years ago
I haven't posted in ages so I thought I'd post a "Why Fredric Was the True Villain in S1 of TTS" and "Why Rapunzel Is Innocent". Aka, "Why I Love to Hate Fredric 2.0" This a rewrite of a Character Analysis I did on Wattpad.
Fredric Analysis 2.0
I am going to explain who the true villain of Tangled the Series Season 1.  No, it's not about Varian, we know what he did was obviously not good, but I don't see him as the main villain.  So who am I talking about then?  I'm going to talk about the person's decisions that caused the entire issue that led to Varian's downfall.
When I first watched the series I put the blame on Rapunzel; but as I rewatched it, the true villain was suddenly waving in my face in plain sight.  He was hidden before because I hadn't priced everything together and had forgotten minor details.  New things appeared before me that I had missed.
I am convinced that the true villain is none other than King Fredric.
I didn't hate Fredric at first.  In fact, I actually only saw him as an overprotective father.  A typical Disney father.  In the beginning of the series, I understood why he was like what he was and I realized that he just needed to learn to let Rapunzel breathe.  However, once he locked Rapunzel in the tower with iron bars on her window, I was done giving him excuses.
Rapunzel is an adult that has been trapped her entire life.  Now that she was free from the tower and her abusive kidnapper, she was being held back by a stranger.  She didn't actually know Fredric, but here he was keeping her in a castle.  Rapunzel basically traded her tower for a bigger cage.
Fredric had good intentions to protect his family, specifically, Rapunzel.  But there are times when you can take it too far when protecting the ones you love.  One way is by literally locking them away.  Another is when you harm innocent people for the sake of keeping them away from your family.  And there are more ways to cross the line (pun intended), but I want to discuss these two in particular.  Two boundaries that Fredric overstepped big time.
Fredric, by the end of season 1, has eventually made it to the point where he's no longer protecting Rapunzel.  Rather, he's no longer doing what's best for her, but doing what's best for himself without realizing it.  And he has very good reasons to want to protect Rapunzel, but he's recreating the very thing that kept his daughter from him.  Fredric basically imprisoned Rapunzel, which is absolutely awful; but the worst thing Fredric does is what he does to the people surrounding Rapunzel.  That is what we're going to talk about.
1. He took the sundrop flower after being warned what it would do to the kingdom.
Because of this, he decided to risk the lives of his kingdom for the sake of his wife and daughter.  Although he had good intentions to save two people, he also threw out the fact that he was willingly hurting good and innocent people for the sake of two.  Now if the majority kingdom had been in agreement with this decision, then it would be fine, but this was a hush, hush ordeal.
This act, I can forgive, though.  I really do understand how hard it is to choose between your loved ones and everyone else.  Putting myself in his shoes, I would have tried a different way, but he was honestly desperate.  However, it doesn't exclude the fact that he was hurting innocent people for the protection of Rapunzel.
2. Fredric killed people and was a tyrant king.
Although these people were criminals, they were given way too harsh of punishment, such as death.  Lady Caine's father is merely an example.  No doubt that there were others from how the people talk in the series. He was a petty thief, probably stealing for the sake of keeping his daughter alive.  Jail time was fine, but his death was uncalled for.  Fredric was a hypocrite to do this if this was true.
3. Fredric blames Varian, a mere child (his currently dead friend's son) for a crime he did not commit.
The series doesn't actually say this specifically, but the facts lead to it.  Fredric uses the rumor to give him the excuse to send the undercover guards to keep Varian and Rapunzel apart.  He did this because he read Rapunzel's diary, therefore learning that Varian had knowledge about the black rocks.  Thus, Varian was seen as a threat to Rapunzel's safety, even though he was not a threat at this time.
I originally thought the rumors were spread by Nigel, but when I thought about it, it doesn't make sense.  Fredric was the one that sent the guards after Varian, which means Fredric probably got the rumor from Nigel, but it wasn't exactly Nigel's fault.  Nigel gave the king his side of the story, and no doubt Fredric had Rapunzel's side of the story.  Fredric knew Varian was innocent.
It was important for Fredric to keep Varian away from Rapunzel, because the prodigy knew too much.  He had information on the black rocks, and black rocks meant danger for Rapunzel.  This is where my next point comes in.
4. Fredric lied to Rapunzel and manipulated her so that she wouldn't think about going to see Varian.
Fredric obviously had to keep Varian away from Rapunzel, but he also had to keep her away from Varian.  Originally, I was super angry at Rapunzel for not going to Varian directly after the storm, but I realized she didn't have the chance or choice.
Fredric told her that Varian's situation was taken care of.  He then tasked her with "Important Royal Duties".  Things that weren't actually important.  In fact, Nigel was even super confused and asked Fredric why he was making such a big deal about the Griffin.  Of course, Fredric gave an answer, his true reason was to make Rapunzel think that the fate of Corona depended on her to make Griffin agree to their terms.  He was also very forceful about the painting. He did this to keep Rapunzel from going after Varian, so I can't exactly blame her since Fredric made it sound like both these events were important for the entire kingdom's greater good even though they actually weren't that important.
Fredric made it very clear that he had no regard for helping Varian or even his own friend.  He was willing to lie and manipulate his own beloved daughter to keep her from doing so as well.
5. He sends Cassandra away.
Since he read Rapunzel's diary, he learned that Cass was the reason she learned about the black rocks.  So he sends her off to a covenant (which doesn't end up playing out).  This, much like what he did with Varian but not as extreme. The plan was to keep her away from Rapunzel, due to the black rocks.  Of course, this was under the agreement of the Captain of the guard.  However, in doing this, Cassandra's whole career that she wanted was ruined.  If this had played out, her dreams would have been utterly crushed as she was forced to live the life of a nun.  The life of a nun is something you should choose not be forced into, because once you commit yourself, there is basically no getting out.  Which is basically just unofficially locking Cassandra up.
Cassandra was a threat to Rapunzel's safety in Fredric's eyes.  She could sneak his daughter in and out without his knowledge, and he probably assumed that Cassandra influenced Rapunzel to want to go out.  He probably thought that separating them would solve Rapunzel's wish to explore beyond the walls of Corona.  The latter is more of a speculation, but I think that it's fine to assume that this was going through his head.
Season 3 was wise to erase his memories.  This gave us a new start with Fredric's character, and I like him much better in that season.  He was fun and even a little relatable in the Queen of Hearts episode.
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historyofshipping · 5 years ago
I don’t actually think the 100 has bad writing. Like at all.
Ok so this might be an unpopular opinion but Imma put it out there anyway. I actually think the 100 is really well written and a lot of the contradictions that people are hung up about are not actually in the narrative. 
I think part of the problem is that some people in the fandom listen to JRoth, actors, etc and believe that anything they say is relevant to the show. It’s not. Not at all. What matters is what is on the screen. That’s it. That’s all that matters. That is what’s canon. Everything else is just noise. 
The only time something off-screen really matters is when it affects something ON screen. Example: rewriting large chunks of a season because an actor has requested time off or to leave a show. Or if an actor has an injury that alters the show in some way. 
So now what does that mean for the show? It means that some people seem to think a story is being told that really isn’t because JRoth has said something stupid. 
For example.: Be/cho. There is literally NOTHING in canon that shows us that this is a good, healthy relationship where people are in love with each other. In fact, from the very beginning we’re explicitly told that this is a relationship that can only exist in the ring - not the real world. And we’ve been told that repeatedly over the last 3 seasons and yet people still think the show is trying to tell us that this is a real, legitimate, lasting relationship? It’s not. It’s literally not. It’s showing us the exact opposite. The only people saying it’s a good relationship are JRoth and TT - OUTSIDE of the screen. So it’s irrelevant. 
Or people are angry that E hasn’t changed even though it’s “being shoved down our throats” that she has. Again, this is something that isn’t true in canon. Yes, some of spacekru thinks she changed but we, the audience, have been shown since the very beginning that she has not. We, the audience, see her take her Azgeda weapon back down to earth in one of the first episodes of S5 - indicating that that part of her is not gone. 
Yes, a few characters have said she’s changed but that is their perception. And even then you see repeated references that say she hasn’t. Bell says something along the lines of “the E I knew on the ring...” and Raven says “you’re my sister, and my sister wouldn’t do this.” No, the E on the ring might not have but the real E would. 
So this brings me to what set this off - “You have no idea what Bellamy would’ve wanted!” I have no idea why Blarkes are so angry about that line. What E is demonstrating here is that SHE has no idea what Bellamy would’ve wanted. That scene is meant to be a clear contrast between the fact that yes, Clarke knows EXACTLY what he would want while E does not. 
WE the audience know damn well that that’s not what B would’ve wanted - and that is the whole god damn point. The scene was to show that 1- E really hasn’t changed, this is who she is and 2- that she doesn’t know B at all. NEITHER of these are new things. BOTH of these things have been repeatedly pounded into us for 2+ seasons. 
The narrative between B/C/E is actually super consistent. We are shown over and over and over and over again that Be.cho doesn’t work, Bellarke does. E hasn’t changed, despite what people think. The B on the ring wasn’t the “real” B because the ring wasn’t real. ALL of these things have been demonstrated in canon. There is a reason why I can write metas and do parallel gifsets for all of them. It’s because it’s there.
When you dig into it, you realize that a lot of the issues people have are really with outside commentary coloring how they watch the show. If you watched the show in a vacuum, without any outside influence, many people’s interpretations of the show would be different. That’s one of the reasons why people who binge watch the show for the first time see things that others don’t. 
tl;dr all that matters is what’s on screen. Not what anyone says elsewhere. 
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pennumbra · 5 years ago
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☀️ Now that the last episode has aired, I thought it’d be neat and sentimental to make a post-series ask meme! So here are some questions to retrospect, and to look forward!  ☀️
What was your favorite moment from the finale?
Favorite season 3 episode?
Favorite overall episode?
Which season was your favorite?
Did you prefer Cassandra's or Varian's villain arc?
What did you think of Zhan Tiri as the big bad?
Do you have any post-series headcanons?
Post your favorite screenshot (or gif) from the finale.
Pick your top 3 favorite songs from the series.
What is a minor change that you would make to the canon?
What is a major change (rewrite) that you would make to the canon?
What is the biggest loose end or question that you still have?
Would you want a TTS spinoff? If yes, what would it be about?
What merchandise for the series would you have liked to see?
What are your feelings on the possible live-action adaptation of Tangled?
What's an episode plot that you wish we'd gotten to see?
What's one episode that you would cut from the series? 
Who is one character that you wish had gotten more screen time?
How did you first learn about the show?
What is your best memory/experience in the fandom?
If you’re a content creator, what is your favorite piece of content you’ve made for TTS?
Do you have any favorite AUs?
Share an unpopular opinion about the show or characters.
The salt question: what were you disappointed by?
What was the best twist/surprise from the series?
Did you correctly guess any plot points?
What was a prediction/theory that you had that turned out to be incorrect?
Are there any fanfics you would rec for fans looking for more content?
Do you think you'll stay active in the fandom?
What other ongoing or recent series would you recommend to TTS fans looking for a new show?
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littlemisslol-fic · 4 years ago
I like to think Varian is a well respected, admired, and feared in the criminal world even after he's redeemed but also like kinda gives some hope and inspiration to be better people. Thoughts?
Oooh a fun thought, anon! I could see Varian definitely becoming something of an urban legend in the villain-community of TTS, like every time the story gets told it just gets added to until it’s been so warped that it’s barely even connected to what actually happened lol, in the vein of some dude three countries over saying “I heard the Alchemist in Corona commanded an army of thousands of metal men” kind of deal
TTS, for as much of a mess that it is thematically, at least TRIES to impart the idea that no one’s really beyond saving, at least for the main cast. It doesn’t redeem everyone, which is good because that’s lowkey kind of a toxic idea, but in the cases of Cassandra and Varian especially it tried very hard to hammer home that sometimes what someone needs is a little compassion to guide them back from a dark place. Brute force didn’t get through to Varian, and it didn’t get through to Cass, but love and forgiveness did.
It’s kind of ironic you bring this up, anon, because maybe a few days ago I dredged up the old outline for a project that got scrapped. It was going to essentially be a rewrite of S2, with a little bit more levelheaded Varian who manages to dip out after S1 and come back for revenge like the feral little shit he is. Now I’m an English teacher’s favorite kind of person, I live for core themes and symbolism that surrounds those themes (which is brutally obvious in Rowboats and Traveller both), so the core of that project was supposed to be about redemption and forgiveness and revenge vs justice, etc etc. It was also going to include a big ol getting-the-band-together scene for Varian and a majority of the villains of S1, as well as a certain demon who’s entire existence got shafted for the sake of “weh Cass sad”. 
To draw back to your original point, I can’t say the denizens of the criminal underworld would be scared when face to face with what’s essentially a tiny murder goblin, but his reputation certainly would proceed him... at least until season 3 happens and he does his flip again. I could see the Alchemist of Old Corona becoming something of a criminal legend, but when confronted with our boy it’s like “haha very funny now where’s the REAL threat.”
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