#ttk is too op
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insomniasleeps · 4 months ago
was reading a TimKon fic and just realized how fucking DISGUSTING tactile telekinesis is like the versatility and sheer potential of it is INSANE and genuinely baffling how next to nobody is ranting about it dflkgljfdg.
Due to reading that masterpiece, I've come up with AUs.
Villain!Kon Au where he's fighting the team while robbing like idk a jewelry store and they don't know his identity so no kryptonite and he just??? makes them get stuck to the floor??? and has them sit down and wait until he's like done robbing the place and just leaves????
+ He somehow ends up in the Watchtower and is like to the Justice League "Can you let me go home before I make this place fold itself in half I'm out past curfew" The League says fuck it and lets him leave bc they are NOT dealing with the damage reparations
Luther!Kon Au where he's more like Lex than he is Supes (his eyes are gray and he has mad scientist tendencies) instead uses his powers so creatively and subtly as a new hero where no one makes the connection that he's Superman's clone. He's also crushing mad on Bruce Wayne's 3rd kid and it's causing Lex to #suffer because Kon his perfect child is obsessed with the (adopted) spawn of Brucie Wayne- the bane of his existence at sociallite parties.
+ Tim panicking at a gala because Conner Luthor is approaching him and whydoeshekindoflooklikeSuperman???
Non-Clone!Kon Au where Lex keeps failing at making clones so he decides to kidnap an orphan who looks like Superman and experiments on him until he gets TTK to be able to give the illusion that Conner has Superman's abilities
+ I feel like Supes would be nicer to him bc yk.. Kon isn't a clone of him and sorta looks like him so Clark is like "oh well! he's mine now"
+ Kon is def kinda traumatized so maybe he's more aggressive/reserved like Kon from Young Justice
+ Everyone assumes Kon is half Kryptonian and acc Superman's kid bc yk they look alike (and Kon uses TTK for flight, invulnerability, super strength, and speed) and Kon is called Superboy so when YJ fights against ppl with Kryptonite and the enemies use it on Kon but Kon is like "??? is this supposed to do something" and beats them and after the mission he's like to everyone during mission report: ".... you know I'm not actually supermans kid right???" cue shock of the century and Tim panicking because this means half of the contingency plans and info the Bats have relating to Kon is useless.
Deranged!Kon Au where Kon is slightly less of a Hero and more of an Anti-Hero who is aware of how dangerous TTK can be. He like,, is saving someone and let's say it was attempted assault so he dgaf about the perpetrator's well-being so he just uses TTK and damages the guy's internal organs beyond saving and the rest of the League can't do shit bc they have no proof it was him
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radioactive-earthshine · 1 year ago
It's not quite how things work on Gemworld but it's comics and thus anything can and will happen but if Kon stayed there he could have become a magical girl in the literal sense.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
i do genuinely think an adult, fully-realized kon would be able to defeat superman in a fight. not just saying that bc he's my fav or whatever but because like. ttk is so op. telekinetic power with the range and raw strength to destroy every single gun in LA, and the finesse of control to not destroy anything else? that alone is a huge force to be reckoned with. add kryptonian abilities on top of that and you've got a fucking powerhouse. like um devs? op tbh pls nerf (except don't, because i find that sooooo tasty.)
because to clark, i think this is a good thing! it isn't quite so lonely when he's got a little brother/son/they really can't label it but they're family, who understands the alienation. the burden of having so much power. the fear of what your own hands can do. he sees in kon a kindred spirit, although it also saddens him that kon has to feel this burden too.
but kon?
oh, kon is terrified of himself.
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gretahayes · 2 years ago
DC nor expanding more on Kon’s TTK is SOOOOOO fucking dumb of them. Like, he can manipulate shit down to the atomic level! Do they not realize how insane that is?? He’s literally the Jean Grey of the DC universe, and they do nothing with that
DC keeps varying on what Kon can do with his TTK and it's really funny cause it's clear they don't want him to be too OP/just have not thought that far about what his TTK can do past a select few authors but in-universe it looks like Kon does some absolutely crazy, powerful as hell shit with his TTK then goes back to regular TTK level and immediately suppresses the memory. Whaaattt he can manipulate the very fibers of a person's being? Nah, don't be silly, he can't do that! His TTK is very bland and very basic and not OP at all
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pluckyredhead · 2 years ago
Okay obviously I LOVE that we are supposedly getting some good good Superfamily stories in the coming months, and that all of the Superkids are flying around being cute in their matching jackets.
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But part of me worries that they’re a little too matchy. Like, the most common complaint you hear about writing Superman is that he’s too OP, so how are they going to handle four (five with Power Girl) Kryptonians? Especially since Jon and Kon are so close in age and look so much alike.
One of the things I really liked about Superfam teamups in the 90s was that Clark, Kon, and Linda had entirely different powers. Sure, they were all strong and could fly, but Kon wasn’t even really Kryptonian when he debuted - he was a human clone of Paul Westfield with Clark’s Kryptonian aura grafted onto his DNA. His only power was TTK, which he used for strength, invulnerability, and flight as well, but they didn’t work the same way Clark’s powers did, and he didn’t have any of the vision powers. I’ve always felt that giving him the full Super-suite in the 2000s kind of flattened him out as a character.
And Linda also wasn’t Kryptonian: she was a protoplasmic being from a pocket universe who could shapeshift and fire psychokinetic blasts who merged with a human girl and became an angel with wings of flame that she used to teleport. Obviously.
Anyway, it made group fight scenes really interesting. Obviously we’re not going to get that much variety anymore, but I was thinking about how I would differentiate between the current Superfam Kryptonians, power-wise:
Clark: Clark has the most experience, obviously. He has fully matured into his powers and knows exactly how much he can get out of each one. He’s the best at using multiple powers in concert, interpreting information via microscopic, telescopic, and X-ray vision and superhearing, and navigating sensory overload. His use of his powers is extremely complex and nuanced.
Kon: Honestly, Kon should be the weakest of all of them. He’s only half-Kryptonian, if that (see above re: Clark’s aura), and he’s the result of an experiment where no one really knew what they were doing. I’m not saying he can’t juggle cars, but he should be the weakest, the slowest, his heat vision the least hot. All of which is fine, because he has TTK and that, used cleverly, should allow him to do things none of the others can do. I also think it would be interesting if kryptonite affects him the least, since he’s the least Kryptonian (and because his TTK acts a little bit like a force field).
Jon: Jon is canonically already registering off the scales and will almost certainly be more powerful than Clark, even though he, like Kon, is only half Kryptonian. (This is because Lois is more powerful than Lex.) So yeah, I’m fine with Jon being the tank, maybe a little clumsy with it right now but learning. I think he should have the flipside of Kon’s resistance to kryptonite and be particularly susceptible to it. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, right?
Kara: Kara’s powers should be roughly on par with Clark’s, once you take into account that she’s like half his size, but I like the idea that she’s the only one who knows how to fight. Kryptonians are strong enough that 99% of the time it doesn’t matter how well they throw the punch, only that they threw it. But in post-Crisis it was canon that Kara spent time on Themiscyra training with the Amazons, which means she would actually know what the hell she’s doing. I just have a beautiful mental image of them all going to Warworld or wherever they are going to have to fight someone at their power levels, and the bad guy is all “Send in your champion!” and they unanimously agree that it’s Kara. And then she kicks ass.
Krypto: Krypto is a good boy. Yes he is! Yes he is!
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha Struggles to Sell Champion Hill Mode
Call of Duty: Vanguard’s recent PlayStation Alpha gave PS4 and PS5 players the chance to try out the game’s new Champion Hill mode, but there’s already a heated debate among the Alpha’s participants regarding whether or not this was the best way for Vanguard to make a good first impression.
To be clear, we are talking about an Alpha, and the purpose of this Alpha was clearly to acquire feedback/data that will help developer Sledgehammer Games tweak Vanguard ahead of its November 5 release date. Indeed, the Vanguard team has already been busy responding to player feedback in order to both acknowledge it and suggest some of the ways that they intend to address early complaints and suggestions. This is in no way a full review of Vanguard or even Champion Hill mode, 
However, in the interest of providing feedback, I have to say that I did walk away from the Vanguard Alpha with a few initial impressions regarding the game’s new Champion Hill mode and the ways that it showcases both Vanguard’s potential and how far the game still has to go. 
Champion Hill Is a Questionable Way to Showcase Call of Duty: Vanguard
Vanguard’s Champion Hill mode is essentially a miniature tournament featuring eight teams of two players. Each team is given 12 lives to share, and the goal is to survive a series of 2v2 matchups and be the last team with lives remaining. You use money at the start of each round to buy weapons and resources (think Counter-Strike or Valorant), and you’re also able to pick up new items (including extra lives) from the Champion Hill maps themselves.
It’s…a lot. Champion Hill is similar to Call of Duty’s Gunfight mode (which featured two teams of two using random loadouts to face off in a “no respawns” competition), but the additions of a buy system and the shared lives tournament format occasionally muddles the core appeal of that relatively simple alternative. It feels like Champion Hill wants to combine the best of a battle royale, Gunfight, and the Arenas mode from Apex Legends, but it currently struggles under the weight of those various concepts. It feels weirdly “esports” in a way that is sometimes detrimental to the potential of the experience (we’ll get into that more in a bit). 
The bigger problem at the moment, though, is that Champion Hill feels like a bad way to showcase Vanguard‘s best elements. I get that it’s the new kid on the block, but one of Call of Duty’s more traditional deathmatch modes may have given fans that “quick fix” they’re looking for as well as a more familiar format to work with when trying to examine the state of the game. Actually, in some ways, Champion Hill exposed some potentially interesting early Vanguard problems…
Champion Hill Matchmaking Reignites the Call of Duty: Vanguard SBMM Debate
We’ve spoken about Call of Duty’s SBMM controversy in the past, but the long story short is that Activision utilizes a “skill-based” matchmaking system designed to group you with teammates and opponents based on a series of largely mysterious stats that apparently determine your relative skill level. The idea is that you’re always playing with people of equal skill level, though the mysterious nature of the matchmaking algorithm (and the results of the system itself) has always raised eyebrows. 
Well, the big problem with Champion Hill mode at the moment is that it’s often dependent on the matchmaking system working properly. It’s not impossible for a lone player to carry a team, but most people are going to be dependent on their teammates to offer basic combat assistance as well as properly manage the mode’s resource system. It’s not impossible to stage a comeback if you fall behind early, but it can be incredibly difficult to do so. 
There are occasionally obvious matchmaking issues with Champion Hill’s SBMM system (especially in this Alpha stage with smaller numbers of players and a smaller data sample size), but I’d argue that the bigger issue at the moment is that this mode is trying to appeal to a more competitive demographic but currently offers no real ranking system. Overall, Champion Hill matchmaking can often leave you feeling frustrated and helpless. Again, there is potential in this mode, but it’s such an odd way to show the game off at this time. 
Call of Duty: Vanguard’s Visibility is Its Biggest Problem At the Moment
I’ll start this off by mentioning that Vanguard developer Sledgehammer Games has already acknowledged this issue and claim that they are working to address it. That said, Vanguard currently suffers from some of the worst “visibility” that I’ve seen in a competitive multiplayer shooter in quite some time. 
From brown and grey environments that are inherently more difficult to navigate to the ways that being damaged affects your visibility and how it’s possible to see players through walls, Vanguard s visibility issues often make many encounters feel like an elaborate eye test. Given that it’s possible to kill enemies rather quickly in this game (and that Champion Hill is so dependent on trying to stay alive), it can be incredibly frustrating to see so many encounters come down to who spots the enemy player’s tag the quickest.  
Most of the current visibility issues feel like they can be addressed through some visual tweaks, but when you start to look at some of the bigger visibility problems (like the lack of a more traditional and useful minimap), it is easy to wonder if Vanguard may end up being too frustrating for many. 
Call of Duty: Vanguard’s Destructible Environments Are a Great Idea That Need to Be Balanced
In case you haven’t heard, Call of Duty: Vanguard features destructible multiplayer environments. This mechanic isn’t nearly as elaborate as similar ones seen in games like Red Faction, but the idea is that it will help players better deal with campers and others who “betray” the run and gun style of CoD‘s intense multiplayer. 
It’s a great idea, but it’s easy to see how this feature is ultimately going to be a bit of a give and take. It’s nice to be able to deal with campers without walking into their line of sight, but when you combine that feature with the game’s visibility issues (see above), you suffer through a lot of scenarios where you’re just not sure what you died to or what you were supposed to do about it. This feature also greatly reduces the benefits of cover, which seems to be the point but is a bit odd given that the current maps are still clearly designed with cover in mind.
Again, the biggest at the moment may be how all these issues specifically affect Champion Hill. That mode’s emphasis on survival and resources sometimes feels at odds with the chaotic nature of having bullets fly at you from every angle (as well as some of the game’s other current issues). I think destructible environments may eventually be the way to go, but the idea isn’t quite there yet. 
For Better or Worse, Call of Duty: Vanguard is Surprisingly Similar to Modern Warfare 2019
Many fans have already pointed out that Vanguard feels mechanically similar to Modern Warfare 2019 in a lot of ways. It features a similar movement system, its weapon types feel similarly balanced, and the game’s “time-to-kill” is generally tuned to be faster. 
Is that a good thing? That really depends on your personal preferences. There’s a bit of a divide in the Call of Duty community at the moment in regards to the style of “older” CoD games vs. the Modern Warfare 2019 style, and it doesn’t seem like Vanguard is going to be the game that bridges that gap. It certainly leans more towards the Modern Warfare style, which is a bit surprising given that Sledgehammer previously tried to dial that style back with Black Ops: Cold War (with mixed results). 
What does concern me most at the moment is how the faster “TTK” style conflicts with the destructible environments and visibility issues as well as the theoretically more methodical nature of the Champion Hill mode. In Modern Warfare 2019, some players tried to get around faster kills by “hiding” and “camping” more, but Vanguard discourages that tactic through destructible environments. The game really seems to be encouraging (perhaps forcing) you to just get into the fray and really consider your movements, but Champion Hill isn’t necessarily the best showcase for that style, and there’s currently no way to tell how Vanguard‘s choice of mechanics will impact CoD‘s other modes.
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Overall, I think Champion Hill is an interesting concept with a lot of potential to at least be a fun distraction, but that potential is currently being limited by visibility issues, questionable matchmaking, the absence of a ranked mode, and a more fast-paced style that sometimes feels at odds with the core components of the mode’s design. Warzone may be CoD’s bread and butter these days, but I’m curious to see how some of Vanguard’s multiplayer issues are addressed ahead of the game’s November 5th release date.
The post Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha Struggles to Sell Champion Hill Mode appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3gLN2nM
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notnickcook · 5 years ago
The Game they’ve known we wanted for years...
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Best call of duty game since MW2/Black ops. This game is great. All the guns feel different and unique and nothing shoots like a laser beam in this game! You have to learn and practice with each fun to really utilize it and the TTK (time to kill) is much less forgiving in this one. You no longer can just be a bullet sponge and walk through bullets to kill someone across the map with an smg. The gun load out options and numerous numerous choices for gun customization is brilliant. And GOOD RIDDANCE 10 point selection system.
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My favorite thing about this game, no handicaps! which is how the old games are and what I used to love about call of duty when I played competitively. The last handful of games in the franchise were so boring and so focused on allowing any 7 year old who is terrible at coordinating and shooting to be able to hang with people who are versed and seasoned at FPS games. If you wanna be good... you better git gud. No more holding your hand. The new engine makes the game look great and feel great most of the time. The story is compelling and really sucked me in on realism mode, albeit waaaay too short. The gritty real world feel and war centric themes of this game are so enjoyable. I know some people are being sensitive about it, but this is real life and you aren’t forced to play the game. Although we are forced to live in reality... you’re gonna be ok.
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There are 2 other topics in which I know people are complaining. One I agree with and one I do not. Let’s start with 1...camping. Ditching the 3 lanes model for this game is a breathe of fresh air! I honestly hated that setup for shooter maps. That being said this has made it possible for people to camp regularly again like the days of old! And does that bother me? NOT ONE BIT. this is another example of the handicaps I was talking about. Now whether you like it or not, camping is a play style and it happens in real life and warfare. I am not a camper myself I am very much a runner and gunner. But i don’t think people shouldn’t be allowed to do it. That just means it’s another obstacle to overcome and a challenge for me to kill and beat the campers scores alike with everyone else’s! Mw2 days, somebody camping consistently?.. ok. Time for a baby Monitor on my m4 with grenades and shotguns. I’m gonna find you, see you, kill you, and destroy your tax insert over and over. So don’t throw a fit and ask these devs to create more handicaps. It just ends up ruining the games much more.
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Now for the second biggest gripe... the maps. OOOOOOOH GOD THE MAPS! Now there are a few I really enjoy and they all look great. But this game has a lot of maps that just didn’t seem fully thought out. There are maps where depending on the side you spawn you have an advantage over the other team. Thinking bad on mw2, black ops... I can’t think of maps I really didn’t enjoy or hated. Most maps had their place and were pretty enjoyable. Where the maps on this game I feel myself rolling my eyes a majority of the time when i see the map choice in the lobby. I’m very much looking forward to map DLC and some old school maps coming back! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD GIVE US THE ORIGINAL TERMINAL!!! Other than that this is a solid game and I am enjoying it a lot with all my friends!! Hopefully this isn’t ruined by activision in the near future with a bunch of crazy monetization that nobody wants. But only time will tell!
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I give Modern Warfare (2019)
A 9 out of 10
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insomniasleeps · 3 months ago
GCS Shorts 2
Deleted scenes of my timkon au (they would have made the cut- well they still might this is just brainrot bc I'm tired of chapters that need logic)
Kon: I kind of like "Kon-El" ngl . Nice name he gave me, it could go as a nickname for Conner too.
Lex: I came up with Conner first. *Rolls eyes*
Lex: Superman is very unoriginal.
Kon: But Mercy told me you used a name generator-
Jason: Ok so I know you don't like me that much
Conner: Yeah.
Jason: It was my bad, that kryptonite bullet probably hurt-
Kon: HUh- no I'm not mad at you for shooting me
Jason: What.
Kon: I'm mad bc you got dirt stains on my couch when you broke in :(
Tim: *scowls* I don't like you. at all.
Also Tim: *Obsessively checks Kon's entire year's worth of digital footprint* *hides evidence of Kon not being a regular person* *defends Stray from insults on the internet* *hacks into Gotham U's cameras bc he's 'just checking in'* *proceeds to triple seal the still-existing records of Kon's past and doesn't even tell Kon he knows about the pre-Elle Hades behavior*
Kon: I like you. you're nice. *thinks Tim is (pretty) neat*
Tim: *dies of embarrassment bc why tf did he say that TIM IS BI PANICKING*
Jason: fucking gay losers *goes to read his romance mystery novel that has doomed gays*
~ Jason and Tim arguing
Jason: Fuck you, you little fuck-
Tim: That's grammatically incorrect. For all the classical literature you read you sure-
Cass: *Watching them with a raised brow as she stretches for ballet because their body language says they're about to fight*
Cass: Jason. Put the gun away. *Frowns disapprovingly- they can throw hands outside of her practice room*
Jason: *Groans and puts it away, turning to leave*
Cass: Tim. I saw your staff. Turn the taser off.
Tim: *sighs but repockets it and goes back to doing WE work on his laptop*
Damian: I hate Drake.
Dick: but you guys get ice cream together after ditching us at Galas all the time?
Damian: We are... on amicable terms despite my distaste towards him.
Damian: He also can hold a decent conversation regarding the behaviors of cats *in Damian terms this means talking about cute cat shenanigans*
Damian: He is also good with Cats. Alfred is a stellar example.
Dick: Oh my god my little brothers are adorable *cries*
*somewhere else*
Tim: *suffering as he coughs- he patted an alley cat that Damian found and his spleenless ass got sick*
Kon: *frowns* Are you ok???
Tim: Yeah, but I might need to be hospitalized
Kon: What?! why
Tim: I don't have a spleen
Kon: *immediately understands bc of the info programmed into him* you don't have an immune system!? TIM THIS IS GOTHAM
Tim: *passes out randomly *
~ Thug 1: ??? why is it so bright rn it's cloudy
Thug 2: *turns around* FUCK ITS THE SIGNAL- AND THE STRAY
Duke: You again *Immediately makes so much light it's as blinding as being close to the sun*
Thug 2: *screaming in pain due to the permanent damage being done to his retinas*
Duke: *realizes someone else is on the job with him and panics to check on his partner (usually works w bats so he's concerned about using his powers despite Kon being a meta)* STRAY ARE YOU OKAY
Kon: *feeling refreshed from the false sunlight* yeah *thumbs up* I feel great wow
Duke: I keep forgetting you're the spawn of Superman, dude *relieved*
Thug 1&2: *blinded but able to hear* HES WHAT-
*Gotham thugs are never the same. What the fuck do you mean the former alley-scruffer-turned-arkham-breakout-fighter- slash-bat-associate is the SON of SUPERMAN the REALLY STRONG ALIEN HERO. They're supposed to fight him??? He can literally turn them into squash on the concrete that he used to wrap around them because OF COURSE if he wasnt already insane this motherfucker has telekinesis*
*But when one of them voices that he interrupts and goes "Well, actually, it's called tactile telekinesis where you-" he proceeds to explain all the things he could do with it, and their horror is growing because what does he mean by "peel your skin off and have it slide right back"- what the fuck- WHY THE FUCK HASNT BATMAN KICKED HIM OUT HES KILLING PEOPLE BY GIVING THEM HEART ATTACKS FROM RISING BLOOD PRESSURE.*
*mob boss using a MACHINE GUN on the bats (Robin and Red Robin let's say) while they're knocked out from the gas that spread*
mob boss: why the fuck are they bulletproof what the fuck
*mud monster appearing out of nowhere and covering the bats to take them away while not even dirtying them*
mob boss: *sees it as a demonic creature taking away its masters as he gets knocked on his ass by the concrete and then it wraps around to hold him in place until Batman comes*
mob boss: fucking Gotham is out to get me THE CITY AND THE PEOPLE I JUST GOT BEAT BY CONCRETE
*Batman comes, sees Stray sitting in a corner trying to do his calculus homework on his cellphone*
Batman: *dry and disappointed but slightly amused* you could have also stopped Red Robin and Robin from inhaling the gas.
Kon: *shrugging as he's working on hw* I was told to stay out because they needed to see who could brave the gas the longest. They were both knocked out at the same time.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Gunfight 2v2 Mode First Impressions
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-gunfight-2v2-mode-first-impressions/
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Gunfight 2v2 Mode First Impressions
I really like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s
2v2 Gunfight multiplayer mode, and I wasn’t alone. All of my fellow media members hooted and hollered as we played, with everyone getting up to watch the other matches as theirs came to an end. It seems like wonderful counterprogramming to the epic matches of battle royales like Call of Duty: Blackout and Apex Legends. Yes, the battle royales are great and they have their place, but those are like a sit-down meal at a restaurant, whereas Gunfight hits the spot like a tasty, get-it-in-my-mouth burger at a late-night drive-thru.Gunfight matches are set in a very small, custom maps – small enough that you can see at least one person from the other team when the round starts, if the three maps I tried (“King,” the warehouse interior; “Pine,” a forested space; and “Stack,” a desert container yard) are anything to go by. And because Modern Warfare brings the series back to its shorter TTK roots, it usually only takes a couple of shots to bring down an opponent. Combined with the 40-second round timer, rounds are extremely quick. To force campers into the action, a flag spawns in the center of the map when the clock hits 0:00, and if you can get in there and defend it for three seconds, your team gets a point. If the standoff remains, whichever team has the most health wins. Health doesn’t regenerate in Gunfight. First team to six points wins.
But while I like the 2v2 nature of this mode as well as the small maps, perhaps my favorite feature of Gunfight is that everyone spawns with the same random weapons each round, and there are no perks or other buffs that can tilt a match in one player or team’s favor. In one round, everyone might get rocket launchers and shotguns, and in another it can be AK-47s and silenced pistols. It’s all about the cooperative teamwork and skill you’ve got with the weapons you were randomly assigned. In my experience, that means that even if your teammate gets killed quickly, all hope is not lost.
On one memorable occasion while playing against fellow game media members, my partner died quickly. But using the small environment to my advantage, I waited for them to come to me, using cover to protect me from long-range fire from the sniper rifles we’d all spawned with. I switched to the pistol sidearm we’d also all randomly spawned with and, sensing they were going to try and flank me when they finally moved in, I then ambushed one of them, firing off a few quick pistol shots to drop the first one. All of a sudden the playing field had leveled: it was one on one, with no perks or powerups to tilt the match in either of our favors. I was able to use smarts to make up for my aging aiming skills (I’m 38 after all; I’m no Ninja), and outmaneuver my last remaining opponent to kill him and get the victory after being on the wrong end of a 1v2 situation.
E3 2019 Direct-Feed Screens — Call of Duty Modern Warfare – Multiplayer Mode
Infinity Ward, who’s done their best to get the band back together for this reboot, wants to emphasize that Modern Warfare “offers a unified narrative experience and progression across campaign, multiplayer, and co-op.” Though the progression part is pretty self-explanatory, what exactly that “unified narrative experience” part means remains to be seen. Fortunately, we won’t have to wait too much longer to learn about the other multiplayer modes (one of which was my co-favorite along with Gunfight), as much more about the rest of Modern Warfare’s multiplayer suite will be revealed on the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere on August 1 at 10am PT. Stay tuned to IGN for that!
Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s Executive Editor of Previews. Follow him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan, catch him on Unlocked, and drop-ship him Taylor Ham sandwiches from New Jersey whenever possible.
Source : IGN
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
Clark and Kon bonding over being op and all that it brings would be so TT_TT it’s about someone having gone through the same thing. Going through the same thing. Hearing exactly what you need. Saying what you wish someone had been there to say to you. It’s about not being alone
YEAAHHH PRECISELY!!! YOU GET IT!!! YOU GET ME. it's about being family. it's about seeing someone you love growing up and facing their own versions of the same struggles you went through. it's about growing up and having someone to lean on when you're scared. it's about the isolation but the understanding within it.
i think clark would tell kon that he's proud of him, and that part of him is, in a sense, relieved to know kon is so op too, because it means there's one more person (other than, like, diana) who can keep an eye on him, watch his back, or take him down if needed. and he's so sorry kon has to deal with these fears and this loneliness too, but at the same time, it's... kind of nice to be able to share the weight with someone.
and kon is just so blown away. bc he's always idolized clark and seen him as better than himself. and here's clark saying all this like they're on the same playing field. he needs a minute. he needs to sit down. (they're flying. they're like a thousand feet in the air. he sits on a cloud. it's kind of wet. but that's okay babey he's got ttk so his hair doesn't get messed up.)
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terryblount · 6 years ago
Battlefield 5 February 12th update will bring DLSS support, full patch release notes revealed
DICE has revealed the full patch release notes for Battlefield 5’s February 12th update. According to the release notes, this update will fix numerous netcode issues, will bring general quality of life improvements on maps and ground vehicles and will add four-player co-op to Battlefield V with Combined Arms.
Combined Arms will let players bring friends to challenge AI enemies and improve their skills before jumping into multiplayer. Players will be able to play solo or in a squad with up to three friends and tackle eight PvE missions set behind enemy lines, with four different objectives across four maps.
What’s also really interesting is that the February 12th update will include further optimizations to DXR ray tracing performance and will introduce NVIDIA DLSS to Battlefield V, which uses deep learning to improve game performance while maintaining visual quality. DLSS has been used to great effects in Final Fantasy XV and in 3DMark Port Royal, so it will be interesting to see whether its implementation will be that good in Battlefield 5 too.
You can find the complete list of changes, fixes and improvements for this upcoming patch below.
Battlefield 5 February 12th Update Release Notes
Netcode / TTK / TTD Improvements
Added a new system that will ensure consistency between TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time to Death) regardless of the network performance issues (high latency, jitter, packet loss, etc.) encountered by players. With this change, the damage sequence from first bullet to last bullet hit will always properly be paced over time and will avoid bundling of damage (superbullets).
Increased the amount of damage updates that can happen in a single packet. This will ensure that the damage is sent to the player as fast as possible and avoid very delayed damage from weapons like shotguns.
Fixed an issue that caused the client to receive an incorrect amount of damage that would get corrected by the server shortly after. In some cases, the health correction for the client would only happen when a new damage update happens, which led to a desynced state where the player would try to self-heal or interact with other healing sources unsuccessfully.
Fixed an issue where the player’s health would wrongly update due to incorrect high frequency prioritization. This would commonly happen if there were a lot of players in the area. This issue could present itself when, for example, players tried to heal themselves, but no health was applied when the health pouch was used.
Fixed an issue where players still could take bullets damage for too long from a player that was recently killed, especially if that player had high latency. When the player is now confirmed killed on the server, damage from that player will be rejected. This change will not affect grenades, rockets and other projectiles that are not bullets.
Improved the visual replication of projectiles. This will ensure a more consistent directional damage feedback and will increase the accuracy of directional hit indicators.
Improved the HUD health updates when taking damage.
Fixed an issue where camera shakes would get delayed. This impacted how fast the player could read the damage feedback.
Made several improvements to vaultable object detection.
Fixed an exploit where players could destroy their own vehicles to gain points.
The Blenheim Mk IF and Stuka B-1 now properly use “flight zoom radius” settings for the minimap.
Fixed an issue with the Flakpanzer AA which caused it to deal an unintended amount of damage to airplanes when using the default four-barrel gun.
The AA gun barrels on the Valentine AA tank now follow the movement properly when the user is aiming in zoomed-in mode.
The Blenheim MK IF and Blenheim MKI is again able to get more ammo when flying through the reload checkpoint for their primary weapon.
In Single Player, the hit boxes for planes have been increased during the Under No Flag War Story, in the section when the player uses the Flak 38.
The resupply icon is now properly displayed for the Sturmtiger when players are in first person perspective in the resupply area.
The Churchill Mk VII Tank now takes damage as intended when getting hit on the front sides and rear.
Increased the velocity and drag of all tank shells. The shells travel faster in short encounters but have similar ballistic curves and velocity at distance. This makes tank fights at mid range feel more powerful and immediate, without enabling tank sniping at long range. Additionally, this creates a larger gap between HE and AP shell ballistics, making AP shells easier to aim at longer ranges.
Increased the armor value of heavy tanks by 25% against tank cannons. The Tiger and Churchill were outmatched by upgraded medium tanks, and generally were not survivable enough against threats to justify their lower speed and maneuverability.
Increased the damage values of all armor-piercing specialized shells by 30%. These shells rely upon hits from good angle far more than the basic HE shells. Their damage values were too low to compensate for the angle damage, making them less effective than HE shells in many situations. AP shells should now be a better choice than HE shells when fighting tanks and making good shots, but a worse choice if the angle of attack is poor.
Increased the damage of all tank shells versus infantry by 12%. This should make the tank shells properly lethal against infantry who are crouched, prone, or sprinting.
Slightly reduced the splash damage of the PIAT against infantry, especially at close ranges.
Fixed several vehicles which took more than the intended amount of damage when a shell ricocheted off their armor: Panzer 38t, Churchill Crocodile, Halftracks, Panzer IV, Staghound, and Tiger.
Reduced the damage of the Churchill Mk VII Howitzer upgrade against Vehicles. This shell should be highly effective against infantry, and the lethal potential of the shell against infantry is unchanged. For vehicles, the HESH projectile is still highly effective against all targets, and thus is now more attractive as a Specialization in the tree.
Increased the amount of aim assist on vehicles to be equal to the soldier aim assist.
The BK37 now detonates when hitting tanks, even at very poor angles. This increases the damage done versus tanks for these poor angle shots.
Increased the burn time of the flares dropped by airplanes and launched by tanks to be equal to the Recon’s spotting flare.
Spawning into the Panzer 38T on a squad mate will now have a smoother transition with less camera clipping issues.
Fixed a bug which would hinder players from entering a vehicle if Dynamite was placed exactly on the top of the entry indicator of a vehicle.
It’s no longer possible to danger ping a vehicle through smoke.
Improved tank tracks on terrain to look better after multiple tanks have driven over the same area.
Ragdolls now properly disappear after a player has redeployed after getting killed in a seat of a vehicle.
Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations
Adjusted the weapon settle sway animation when moving from hip fire to ADS to better match the actual accuracy transition. The sight will now settle in place faster.
Fixed an issue where in some rare cases the Medic would be unable to self-heal.
The Turner SMLE will now show the soldier reloading the weapon by properly adding bullet by bullet.
Added the missing sight rewards for the Zk-383’s progression.
Fixed a bug with the bipod which enabled players to mount it mid-air next to walls.
Sniper decoys can no longer be placed upon each other to reach unintended areas.
Fixed an issue where Spawn Beacons would snap onto surfaces above the player (trees etc.).
Greatly improved the detection of areas where players are allowed to deploy Spawn Beacons.
Greatly improved the detection of obstacles between the player and the potential Spawn Beacon.
Disabled placement of Spawn Beacons under water.
Reduced the maximum distance at which a player is allowed to deploy a Spawn Beacon to 1,35m instead of 2m to reduce conflicts with obstacles between the player and the “potential Spawn Beacon”.
On the Practice Range, all parts of the MG42 weapon are now visible.
Fixed a bug where the player’s weapons sometimes would become invisible when exiting a vehicle.
Fixed an issue when using an ammo pouch which could result in the animation showing a health pouch instead or vice versa.
Fixed a rare bug which could result in players being unable to reload the KE7 if they, with exact timing, activated aim down sights when the last bullet in the magazine was fired.
Mines placed by your team will no longer explode if you drive over them with a vehicle that has a towable attached.
The Zk-383 magazine is no longer misaligned when reloading viewed from third person.
Fixed a bug where, after using Squad Reinforcements, the squad radio would not de-equip.
The Tanker and Pilot classes no longer build Fortifications faster than the Support class with the engineer Combat Role.
The overheat effect on machine guns is no longer misaligned in third person.
Players are no longer able to aim down sight with the Squad Reinforcement binoculars which was causing a black mesh to block the player’s view.
Fixed an issue where Ammo and Health crates could sometimes fall through the game world.
Spawning on the Spawn Beacon now makes you face the proper direction (towards the beacon).
Weapon balance
Shotgun Slugs
Increased two-hit kill range to 30 m (was 25 m) and increased one headshot kill range to 50 m (was 35 m) when using the Solid Slug specialization. Slugs were a bit disappointing in terms of damage over distance, so we slowed down their damage drop-off.
Reduced reload time to 2.75 s (was 2.9 s) and increased reload threshold to 0.6 (was 0.5). The PIAT’s reload timer was slightly longer than the animation looked, and it was possible to skip parts of the reload time by doing a weapon swap.
Increased initial vertical recoil to 0.7 (was 0.65), decreasing to 0.52 (was 0.5) after four shots.
Increased horizontal recoil to 0.48 (was 0.45).
Changed recoil pattern. The KE7 was still slightly too controllable for its rate of fire, so we increased recoil across the board.
Turner SMLE
Reduced maximum damage to 40 (was 45).
Reduced maximum damage to 40 (was 45).
Reduced range at which one head and one body shot is lethal to 30 m (was 35 m).
Gewehr 1-5
Reduced maximum damage to 36 (was 40).
Reduced range at which one head and one body shot is lethal to 10 m (was 30 m). These semi-autos had a very high chance to get a kill with only two hits on a wounded target, which seems unnecessary given their good base TTK. Additionally, the Gewehr 1-5 was extremely strong up to 30 meters whenever you landed one headshot, so we reduced this range to 10 meters.
Increased horizontal recoil to 0.765 (was 0.68) when using the Light Bolt Specialization. With the increased rate of fire, the Zk-383 was a bit too accurate compared to the M1928A1 considering the flexibility from being able to use the bipod.
Removed damage reduction during bayonet charge, added a 1.3 sprint speed multiplier. This brings the behavior of bayonet charge in line with Battlefield 1.
Maps and Modes
Frontlines – Fixed an issue where some maps had no constructible Fortifications.
Fjell 652 – Fixed an exploit where players could stand on the cliff face when they should have been out of the combat area.
Fjell 652 – Players can once again build all kinds of Fortifications when playing Frontlines.
Devastation – Fixed an issue where players could get stuck or fall through the ground in the library area.
Devastation – Fixed collision on multiple places to prevent players from using map exploits.
Devastation – Fixed an occluder that was sticking out.
Devastation – Fixed some collision to stop people from getting stuck.
Devastation – Added a ladder Fortification to the library.
Devastation – Moved a health station in the library to not clip with another asset.
Devastation – Added collision to allow people to easier access the second floor of the library.
Fjell 652 – Fixed a rock that was unvaultable near Flag E on Conquest.
Aerodrome – On Breakthrough, fixed an issue which resulted in players getting spawned outside of the combat area.
Panzerstorm – Fixed a floating stationary anti-air gun.
Panzerstorm – Improved the transitions between weather states.
Panzerstorm – Improved the borders on the deploy screen when playing Conquest to show neutral borders more accurately.
Panzerstorm – Fixed some floating Fortifications.
Panzerstorm – Borders on the deploy screen are now easier to see if the fog weather state is active.
Arras – Spawn Beacons placed by the church tower now properly get destroyed when the church tower gets destroyed.
Arras – The hedgerow collision has been tweaked to reduce the chance of projectiles incorrectly hitting invisible collision.
Narvik – Turrets and cannons can now be rebuilt and repaired on this map.
Hamada – Players are now able to control the free camera in spectator mode when switching between table top to free camera mode.
Rotterdam – Fixed an issue with a ladder where players were able to reach an unintended area below the water.
Rotterdam – Made it easier to climb out of the water near the B flag on Conquest.
Rotterdam – Players are no longer able to climb to the rooftop located near point D on Conquest.
Rotterdam – Fixed some issues with the combat area and its collision where previously you could drive through backdrop houses with a tank.
Rotterdam – Adjusted terrain a tiny bit to prevent players from glitching below it.
Rotterdam – Added collision to prevent people from climbing on houses around the D flag.
Practice Range – Decreased the explosion size of the skeets as they could block the view of the other skeets.
Aerodrome – Fixed a spawn point on Frontlines where players could deploy out of bounds in a tank when playing as Axis.
Aerodrome – Players will no longer jump high into the air when vaulting over bomb cart carrier after vaulting over the railing on the balcony just straight above it in the airplane hangar.
Practice range – Fixed a bug where it was not possible to switch to another weapon after using the M30 Drilling.
The Last Tiger War Story – Fixed an issue where players could end up in an infinite loading screen after the last cinematic in the story had ended.
The in-game chat has been disabled during the Final Stand game mode to hinder players from exposing the position of players.
The Frontlines tutorial video now plays when players go into the Frontlines menu for the first time.
Under advanced search, Frontlines no longer appears as “Frontlines Small” and is once again able to find matching servers.
Fixed the estimated times duration to be more accurate on the multiplayer mode selection screens.
Fixed an issue where the health pouch reminder indicator could be visible while the player was in a vehicle.
Fixed an issue when users managed to complete two Tides of War nodes within the same round which caused the Tides of War widget on the pause menu to not display the next nodes.
The indicator that shows when a player needs a health pack from a Medic will no longer show if the player already is in the process of healing up.
The background now properly updates when players go in and out of the “Progression” screens as well as the “Armory” screen.
Fixed an issue where the UI sounds would not play in the vehicle customization screen.
The Social menu now shows if your friends are playing on the Practice Range.
When a squad leader with a squad tries to join a full server and ends up in the server queue, the squad will now follow the squad leader if they choose to leave the queue and join another server.
Players will no longer get a Company Coin purchase confirmation screen in the Specialization screen for upgrades that they have yet not earned.
Fixed an issue in the Armory where some offers that were sets did not appear to be sets.
Fixed an issue where the Tides of War widget on the pause menu would not show when players transitioned between rounds.
The Tides of War in-game progression notifications are now shown more consistently.
The total weapons number shown in “Your Company” on the replace weapon button have been removed.
Fixed a bug where the time spent in vehicles was not tracking properly when spawning into them.
Fixed an issue with the Options screen where the page would auto scroll back to the last used option when changing any slider options.
Platoon tags now show up in the Profile section.
Changing characters will no longer change the equipped cosmetic items but will stay the same as the user has selected.
Soldiers and vehicles in the frontend should no longer show until all its assets are fully loaded in on first boot.
Fixed an issue which made it difficult to see some facepaints when applied in the Armory.
Added an auto focuser to Spectator Mode’s free cam and player view director modes. This can be found under the depth of field settings in the Camera tab. It can be set to either “Point” or “Player” mode. In point mode, the focus distance will be automatically adjusted to keep the selected point in focus. A point can be selected by clicking anywhere with the mouse cursor, or on consoles by aiming the camera and pressing A on the Xbox One or X on the PlayStation® 4. In player mode, the focus will be kept on the player who is currently selected.
Multiple crash fixes and stability improvements.
PC-Specific Improvements
This update includes further optimizations to DXR ray tracing performance and introduces NVIDIA DLSS to Battlefield V, which uses deep learning to improve game performance while maintaining visual quality.
Rotterdam – The deploy screen has been improved when using a widescreen monitor, and no longer displays any low-resolution textures or unintended backdrop buildings.
Spectator mode – added key bindings for increasing and decreasing field of view in free cam and player view director modes. Defaults are PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN.
Battlefield 5 February 12th update will bring DLSS support, full patch release notes revealed published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
@comphetkoncass said:
is there anything you wish other people would write about?
OH GOD SO MUCH. some of this is admittedly my own personal headcanons and desires but in my ideal world, the timkon tag would feature much more of, like:
tim hanging out with the superfam (not just kon thrown in as an accessory to the batfam)
(particularly tim hanging out with lois. they have parallels i sooo badly want to see them get up to hijinks)
transmasc tim who ISN'T written in a weird, transphobic "hes the girl in the relationship/this is just to write penis-in-vagina porn" way, but is instead like. just some guy. who just so happens to be trans.
kon being the incredibly op and highly competent guy he is. none of the bats could touch him in a fight he has both kryptonian everything AND ttk. please be serious for once in your silly lives people. this guy once dismantled every single gun in the city of LA. he is never going to be intimidated by j*son t*dd lmao
and on that note. more of the bats not being weirdly homophobic about timkon (tim is the "girl" and kon is the "boy" so they all have to threaten kon right)???? they should LIKE him. dick was literally there when he died. they had a whole heart-to-heart after kon saved him when he called for help. where are my dick & kon bonding scenarios where tim is like. dick. im trying to be on a date here. go away
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF KONS ISSUES... he has so fucking many... please... my hurt/comfort loving ass is starving...
them having FUn together??!?!? theyre best friends i want to see it!!! i want them to visibly enjoy each other's company and make each other laugh and like... LIKE each other.
(feels wild to have to say that but i feel like there's such a high proliferation of "timkon fics that fit boomer sitcom 'i hate my wife' archetypes" you know??? where they put kon down to elevate tim and its like. stop that. tim drake would NOT stand for this)
again stuff where kon gets to be cool sexy powerful and confident. he is a juggernaut. he is SO competent. i want to see this in action more often (+ tim going 😳😳😳 about it. you know this man has a competency kink.)
works in general that focus on the two of them and their relationship and not kon just being a sexy lamp in the background of a batfam story lol. (why is like nothing in the timkon tag actually about timkon.)
fics that spell kon's name correctly ("""connor""" kent my detested. my beloathed. who the fuck is that) (this is such a low bar but lol.)
them going on adventures together!! them being a battle couple!!! trusting each other and having that good good deep intimacy!!! its best friends to lovers baybee!!!
also on the nsfw front im just saying kon deserves to get railed too :/ like cmon. its equality
i wish i could organize a timkon giftswap or week or whatever event, but like only for people who actually care about kon as a character, without coming off as a gatekeeping asshole or something lmao
110 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Call of Duty Warzone Season 3 Patch Notes Drop Ahead of Destruction of Verdansk Part 2
Hours before the Destruction of Verdansk Part 2 event and what many Call of Duty Warzone players suspect will be the full reveal of a new (or altered) map, the CoD team has released the full patch notes for Warzone‘s Season 3 update.
The highlight of this update is undoubtedly the various changes made to Call of Duty‘s weapons as well as the addition of new weapons inspired by Cold War. Warzone fans have been saying that the game’s meta had become a real problem as the same few loadouts have dominated the battle royale for too long. With massive nerfs to the FFAR 1, AUG, and M16, the team certainly hopes that the meta will be more diverse than ever. Of course, we’ve heard similar promises before, so fans are understandably in wait and see mode regarding this whole thing.
The patch notes also include a brief reference to upcoming events and possible map changes, but it seems that the developers aren’t ready to share much more about either of those quite yet. We’ll see if they release separate update notes for the new map, but you may have to wait until fans have had a chance to explore it before we really learn more about its secrets.
With that out of the way, here are the full patch notes for Call of Duty Warzone‘s Season 3 update:
Call of Duty Warzone Season 3 EVENTS 
The Hunt for Adler
Starting on April 22nd, the new “Hunt for Adler” limited-time event will task Operators with unique in-game challenges in both Black Ops Cold War and Warzone to learn of Adler’s whereabouts. Complete these Intel Challenges to unlock Event rewards, including Weapon Charms, Calling Cards, a new Operator Skin, and more. You can find more details about this event in the Seasonal Event tab on the main menu between Play and Weapons once Season Three kicks off in Warzone. Once you’ve completed a full set of challenges in either Black Ops Cold War or Warzone over the course of the event, you’ll unlock an exclusive Adler skin for use in both games!
Call of Duty Warzone SEASON 3 BATTLE PASS
100 Tiers of brand-new content including new Operator Skins, Weapons, Blueprints, Wrist Accessories, Weapon Charms, COD Points, and more.
Tier 0
Instantly unlock Wraith, a new Woods Skin, and more  
Tier 15
PPSh-41 SMG  
Tier 21
“Vex Lord” Assault Rifle Blueprint  
Tier 27
“Gilded Rose” Shotgun Blueprint  
Tier 31
Swiss K31 Sniper Rifle  
Tier 55
“Slow Death” LMG Blueprint  
Tier 95
Ultra-Rarity “Loud Pipe” Reactive SMG Weapon Blueprint  
Tier 100
“White Queen” Wraith Skin
“Roman Standard” Legendary Sniper Rifle Blueprint
Call of Duty Warzone NEW MAP
The situation in Verdansk has hit a critical level. Armistice Central Command will be communicating directly to all Operators with further instructions.
NVIDIA DLSS is now available in Call of Duty®: Warzone on PC
Players with NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics cards can enable NVIDIA DLSS to boost performance and play at higher resolutions and graphics settings.  
End of game open mic has been turned off for modes with infinite respawn mechanics.
Player rank will now display the correct rank icons in the After-Action Report.
Loot that spawns across Verdansk has once again been updated…
Now exclusively consists of Black Ops Cold War Weapons including the new Swiss K31 Sniper Rifle and PPSh-41 SMG
Only Legendary Weapons will spawn as Blueprints
Players no longer take armor-bypassing damage when using a riot shield and facing an active thermite grenade.
Sticking a player with Semtex will now always down them.
Added Mono Audio to the Volume settings in Audio Options
Disabled (Default): Audio is split between left and right audio channels to provide directional sound.
Enabled: Left and right audio channels are combined into one channel 
Fixed a bug with most Cold War barrels where Hip Spread and ADS Idle Sway were being increased when they should not have been.
Fixed a bug with some ZRG 20mm optics that disabled the ability to hold breath.
Fixed a bug where some loot would drop in close proximity on death. 
Fixed a bug where if the player is downed while switching to a gunner seat, they would become invisible and/or invulnerable.
Fixed a bug causing the random Operator select option to only select Coalition Operators from Modern Warfare.
Fixed a bug causing Baker’s fourth Operator Mission Objective to not track properly (eliminate 15 enemies using a weapon with an attached 2x magnified scope or greater). 
Fixed a bug causing certain Operator models to appear headless while using the FFAR 1.
Cold War weapons have had their ammo names updated.
The FFAR 1 crosshair has been updated to match other Assault Rifles.
New Weapons
PPSh-41: SMG (Launch Week)
Tier 15 of the Battle Pass.
Swiss K31: Sniper Rifle (Launch Week)
Tier 31 of the Battle Pass.
Two New Weapon Unlock Challenges
Using SMGs, get 3 kills without dying in 15 different matches.
Using Assault Rifles, get 2 headshot kills in 15 different matches.
Assault Rifles
Cold War AK-47
Recoil pattern has been adjusted
The recoil pattern on the Cold War AK-47 had made its downsides far more apparent than its upsides. We have smoothed out its recoil to make it easier to control. If you are accurate, or skilled at recoil control you will now find the Cold War AK-47 quite effective at most ranges.  
Minimum damage increased from 25 to 26
Maximum damage decreased from 33 to 31
Maximum damage range increased by 17%
Recoil pattern has been adjusted
As a fast-firing AR with relatively strong recoil, we felt there was too much of an identity overlap between the FARA 83 and the FFAR 1. We have smoothed out its recoil and pushed its damage profile out to be a more viable mid-long range AR option.  
Maximum damage decreased from 30 to 27
Maximum damage range decreased by 15%
Neck damage multiplier changed from 1.1 to 1
Upper torso damage multiplier changed from 1.1 to 1
ADS speed decreased slightly
With high damage, rate of fire, and a competitive mag size, the FFAR 1 has enjoyed a lengthy reign of terror on the short-to-mid range engagement space. When a weapon is so ruthlessly efficient that it pushes the entirety of a weapon category out of viability, it needs to be addressed. The FFAR 1 will remain a respectable option following this change, but it should now be a playstyle preference rather than a loadout necessity.  
Recoil increased slightly
ADS speed decreased slightly
Upper torso damage multiplier changed from 1.3 to 1.1
This change is more of a precaution. We expect in the absence of the FFAR 1, that the Groza would rise to take its place. While there will always be a ‘meta’, we want the meta to exist in a TTK range that is a bit higher than where we are currently. In that regard, we believe the Groza was a bit of an outlier that, much like the FFAR 1, could have been detrimental to weapon diversity. Bringing the Groza down a notch should allow for some healthy competition in this weapon category.  
Krig 6
Head damage multiplier changed from 1.4 to 1.5
Neck damage multiplier changed from 1 to 1.3
Upper torso damage multiplier changed from 1 to 1.1
Lower torso damage multiplier changed from 1 to 1.1
The Krig 6 has long been overshadowed by other all-stars in the AR category. We believe this change will allow for a more competitive Time to Kill given the shots are well placed.  
Move speed increased
ADS move speed increased
Neck damage multiplier changed from 1 to 1.2
Upper torso damage multiplier changed from 1 to 1.1
The QBZ-83 is a unique weapon that trades overall lethality for mobility. We aim to provide players with the tools to support a multitude of interesting playstyle options. Our goal is that with the right attachments, skillful maneuvering and rotations will be a hallmark of the QBZ playstyle. We have also given it a much-needed nudge in lethality if you can manage aiming and moving simultaneously.”
Submachine Guns
Bullet velocity increased slightly
Maximum damage decreased by 1
This is another precautionary change to promote diversity. The Mac-10 is both popular and fun to use. Part of what makes the Mac-10 feel fair to play against is that its upside feels comparative to its downside. That is where player skill comes in. Knowing when and what weapon to swap to during an engagement is a facet of skill expression we want to highlight whenever possible. While this change only brings the Mac-10’s Time to Kill up by about 10%, we think this is a good place to start to encourage exploration in the SMG category.
Sniper Rifles
Pelington 703
ADS speed increased
Raise time increased slightly
Tactical Rifles
Cold War Tactical Rifle Charlie
Time between bursts increased by 33%
Neck damage multiplier changed from 1.8 to 1.3
Time between bursts increased by 10%
Neck damage multiplier changed from 1.8 to 1.1
The Cold War Tactical Rifle Charlie and the M16 were able to reach rates of fire that allowed the wielder to negate a requisite identity pillar of burst rifles—accuracy. With their extreme rates of fire and generous burst pattern, shots were not required to be well placed. You would inherit the high damage profile and range of burst rifles with minimal downside. With this change, and the change to Fire Rate barrels noted below, you will now need to aim deliberately if you intend to kill quickly.
And… we are keeping a close eye on the AMAX. No king rules forever.
Position Concealment 
Position Concealment will reduce the time your position is visible on the compass and minimap after firing. This effect has been added as a pro on both the Flashguard and SOCOM/KGB Eliminator.
16.3” Rapid Fire (M16) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 58%   
18” Rapid Fire (Tactical Rifle Charlie) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 56%   
15.9” Strike Team (M16) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 66%   
18.2” Strike Team (Tactical Rifle Charlie) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 64%   
16.3” Titanium (M16) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 61%   
17” Titanium (Tactical Rifle Charlie) 
Increase to rate of fire reduced by 59%   
Sorokin 140mm Auto (Sykov) 
Minimum damage reduced from 23 to 19   
Sorokin 140mm Auto AND Akimbo (Sykov) 
Minimum damage reduced from 19 to 14 
This only affects the weapon when both the Sorokin 140mm Auto and the Akimbo attachment are equipped simultaneously.   
The Sykov, when equipped with any permutation of the Sorokin 140mm Auto has been far more lethal at range than we would prefer. When secondary weapons can go toe-to-toe with, or even best a primary weapon consistently, we risk streamlining access to one of the most powerful Perks in the game—Ghost. While we continue to examine the impact that Ghost has on gameplay, providing easier access to it with negligible downside is not something we want to enable. 
Ember Sighting Point 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 20%   
SOF Target Designator 
Flashlight is now visible during hip-fire and ADS 
Salvo/VDV Fast Mag 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 20%   
Speed Mag 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 40% 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 30% 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 20%
Added Position Concealment pro   
SOCOM/KGB Eliminator 
Added Position Concealment pro 
SUSAT MultiZoom 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 10%  
Ultrazoom Custom 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 20%   
Vulture Custom Zoom 
ADS speed penalty reduced by 20%
Rear Grips 
Increases to ADS speed reduced by roughly 10%   
We have begun the iterative process of tweaking values on attachments. We would like the diminution of weapon downside to be a build direction rather than a single attachment choice. As it stands, we feel most attachments need to have their values addressed in some regard to achieve this. We are hoping to make some previously nonviable options less so in addition to widening overall build variety. This may include increasing upsides or downsides on existing attachments. We are also actively looking at how we can create more compelling choices within the confines of attachment categories—chiefly, muzzles like the Monolithic and Agency Suppressor.
Given the magnitude of balance changes in this patch, we may make some adjustments shortly after Season 3 launch to ensure the meta is healthy and stable. As always, please continue to provide your feedback! 
We’ve adjusted Roze in order to improve the Operators readability/visibility where sources of light are available. 
New Operators added:
Wraith: Warsaw Pact (Launch Week)  
Unlocked via Battle Pass   
Knight: Warsaw Pact (In-Season) 
Unlocked via Store Bundle   
Antonov: Warsaw Pact (In-Season)  
Unlocked via Store Bundle 
New Prestige Levels 
Level 50
New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Weapon Blueprint, and Battle Pass Tier Skip  
Level 100
New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip   
Level 150
New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, and Battle Pass Tier Skip  
Level 190
All Season Challenges Available   
Level 200
New Prestige, Emblem, Prestige Key, Battle Pass Tier Skip, Master Prestige Calling Card  
Levels 250 – 1,000
New Prestige Key every 50 levels 
We have a fresh dose of new Store Bundles launching alongside Season Three, including some seriously sinister new villains, as well as Tracer Packs, Mastercraft and Reactive Weapon Blueprints, and more. 
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The Season Three update will be available for Warzone on April 21st at 9 PM PT. Remember, the Black Ops Cold War download is not necessary if you are only playing Warzone, and vice versa. 
Warzone Update Sizes
PlayStation 5
22.6 GB   
PlayStation 4
22.6 GB 
Xbox Series X / Xbox Series S
25.9 GB 
Xbox One
25.9 GB 
25.2 GB 
The post Call of Duty Warzone Season 3 Patch Notes Drop Ahead of Destruction of Verdansk Part 2 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3sNDlIQ
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suri441 · 7 years ago
My Daily Prayer starts with thanking my Parents immensely with all Gratitude!
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My Mother @Srirengam
Today is My Mother’s Remembrance Day and hence this written tribute to a Great Woman,just studied upto 8th std and got married after her elder sister suddenly passed away,  without any issues to the very Great Man,my Father!My father with my mother’s elder sister,a rare suited and booted Teacher (see above)
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Appa in Suit
In those days young Teenage girls like my mom used to start their life in alien surroundings,without any knowledge of cooking and my father’s mother and my father’s Periamma (picture below )gave all the help to this new entrant, in their Family!
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Periyamma Patty
My Periamma Patty used to cook till her death for all of us!My mother was completely protected and taken care of by this Great Lady, we shd remember life long!
Mother’s Love is Gift of God!I have seen her suffering after a Scorpion,  caught in her sari,repeatedly bit her and her sufferings!She was carrying too and luckily that offspring died saving my Mother!
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My Parents during my Marriage
A woman’s life changes drastically after her husband’s demise!Especially in those days when you have many children and each one is busy minding their own Goals!
In 1974, I cdn’t recover from the shock of my beloved Father’s untimely demise,  for quite sometime when I asked my mother ‘what shd I do for her!’ She said in one word:”I can never live in Ramnad after having lived like a Princess all my life.You take steps to get this house disposed off and gve me the amnt.Let not any of you(6 of us)bother about me!”
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Our Ramnad House
I took power of attorney for my borther and elder sister,took all younger sisters to Sub Registrar’s office Ramnad and handed over the amnt to her!
She single handedly went and bought a house next to the Srirengam Temple,in West Uthara Street and decided to live a lonely life!I used to visit her often but she never ever bothered to show the Registration documents of that house and I used to make fun of her that ‘ it is certainly Not in her Name!’
My mother used to always wear’ Madisar ‘and preferred to lead a simple lonely life in Srirengam  for 25 yrs.but I used to visit her  atleast 4 times in a year with my kids!
Those were the happiest days in my life as I used to take my kids to Kolladam River,  after buying vegetables on the Roadside for an excellent bath and by the time we come back,my mother wd have made a very tasty Kuzhambu and Rasam Satham in her ‘Kumutty Aduppu!’ I used to have a great sleep after lunch there!
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Once, as the CEO of TTKs Tantex,I came from Tanjore factory in my car.We used to have a well Dressed Chauffeur, Dressed  in White with a British style Hat too and I thought my mother wd be so proud, to receive me! My mother’s house was inside the West Uthara Street at a blind end and I parked the car and greeted her.She came from the backyard and to my surprise,she wasn’t too happy to see the car!She asked me to pay the Chaffeur and send him back somewhere,which I did!First thing before dinner she said :”See Don’t bring the car hereafterwards here!I am living a very very simple life and all my people shdn’t know that my son is a Big shot..it doesn’t help me as I can’t afford to pay the servant maids if they raise their demands.So Never do that!”
I said ‘Ok Ma”Thereafterwards I never used to bring Tantex car but occasionally I wd drive in my car all the way from Madras!Every time I used to visit,she used to be so affectionate to my kids,as her Love for my kids can never be Quantified! When my elder Daughter, Charu got the prestigiousCecil Goshin Shieldfrom Trinity College of Music,  they gave it in Style at the British Council, Madras. I wanted my mother to be present which she was reluctant initially but on my insistence she attended and was seated along with the Britishers !When Charu received the Shield and came and hugged my mother,one cd imagine her Happiness!
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Charu,Sharmi after an award ceremony at British High Commission Both won man awards from Trinity college London in Piano
(Please see my mother behind looking at us)
In 1986 when TV was just getting introduced,there was only one TV if I remember correctly, EC TV and during that visit,she asked me whether I cd get a TV for her ?I said “For you I do anything Ma!”I got it delivered and during my next visit I saw almost all her neighbours along with their kids watching TV,to the happiness of my Mom!She said “I got this only for them as they want to see Movies and watch Cricket!”
She used to visit me atleast once or twice a year,without any notice!We had a Dog in our house,and she was dead scarred of Dogs.On the very first day,Shadow,my Dog understood her command and always used to sit in the Balcony,whenever she was around and my mother used to admire:”Such a brilliant Dog!I wish some humans have such brilliance and affection!”
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Sharmi and Shadow
She used to scold me with authority…but she always used to say while entering my house..”I am coming here not to see you,your wife,Sarasa only!”as she was most affetionate to my wife who cared for her and took care of my last two sisters, after my Father’s demise!
One day we drove to Srirengam after a Diagnosis that she was suffering from Throat Cancer!While we were leaving(normally she refused to come with us in the Car to Madras)she told me :”Keep my bag also in the Car!”
“Are you coming with me Amma?”
“I have already decided that I wd die only in Sarasa’s hands!”
I used to make Coffee for her everyday in the morning and sit by her side and spend a nice time,cracking jokes!One day she wanted me to go and see the Srirengam house and she quoted a figure which I laughed it off!When I visited to decide  a Buyer,I saw virtually a long Queue from NRI’s to Jeer’s representatives to Retd IAS,all  begging me to fix any price but give them the house…There was one Kannan Iyengar who met me and said “Sir,we are basically Cooks.I am settled in Madras and we cook for all TVS groups.This is my son who is here!My Grandfather used to make ‘Puliyotharai’ and”Thayir Satham’ and go and sell at Rockfort everyday!This fellow is looking after that business and we think he shd have a house of his own to continue in that Business!I was moved by their Frankness andfinalised the deal,to my mother’s immense satisfaction!
One day when I was taking Coffee, in the morning, with her I wept uncontrollably looking at her sufferings!
She told me :”Why are you Weeping?Do you know how much I suffer!If you imagine, a room full of  the Hottest Chllies  and I am sitting inside,that much agony,  I am undergoing!So if you REALLY LOVE ME,PRAY TO GOD TO TAKE ME IMMEDIATELY!DON’T THINK ABOUT SENTIMENTS!”
That was a Thursday!I sincerely Prayed to Mahaperiyava to spare my Mother from all the sufferings! She passed away peacefully on Monday Morning,the 29th Of November’1999!All my staff from my Co FLORENTIA FASHIONS Ltd gave a nice send off!
I can never forget her special  love and affection for me and my kids!  She used to Systematically send New Year Greetings like this every year:
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Amma’s New year Greetings
If I have built the OP Ward Block at the Hindu Mission Hospital,Tamabaram in my parents name,it is just to perpetuate their memory, for the Great kindness, showered by them, not only on me but on many more deserving Poor! 
Kamala Rajah Iyer Block,Hindu Mission Hospital
Rajah Iyer Block,Hindu Mission Hospital,Thambaram
OP Ward Hindu Mission Hospital,Thambaram
  Mother’s Day! My Daily Prayer starts with thanking my Parents immensely with all Gratitude! Today is My Mother's Remembrance Day and hence this written tribute to a Great Woman,just studied upto 8th std and got married after her elder sister suddenly passed away,  without any issues to the very Great Man,my Father!My father with my mother's elder sister,a rare suited and booted Teacher (see above)
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
#NO REAL REAL REAL#and the thing is in the new earth continuity that was /meant/ to be the direction he was supposed to become better than clark#i think the terror of what he's capable of has enough overlap with other supers that he finds solace but they just... don't fully Get It#one comfort he might find later on is that he wildly underestimates how much skill it takes for him to use his ttk#a person with his powers but no experience? can barely wrap a forcefield around a soda can. kon is /extremely/ spatially intelligent#but i don't think he realizes he is#kon can use ttk like a surgical knife but i fully believe if that even lex tried to use his powers it would turn into a blunt instrument (via @mindshelter)
EXACTLY!!!!!! YEAH!!!!
i def think the emotional crisis and fear and extreme self-doubt etc are things he can overcome (particularly with the help of his family <3), but at the same time none of them quite get that "Was I Made As A Weapon?" horror to the extent that he does. it haunts him. but they are still also very op and understand the fear of themselves and even if to them that existential question has an obvious answer ("no, and it doesn't matter, because you're a person and you're our family") they're also like. emotionally competent enough to support him as he grapples with it.
BUT. MORE IMPORTANTLY. MY LONGEST YEA BOI EVERRR kon's incredible spatial awareness and intelligence means the world to me. incidentally thats also why i love to think abt him practicing ttk via fibercrafts and home repairs and stuff, like not only is he GOOD at it but also that really helps him hone the ability to keep track of a lot of moving parts at once etc etc. someone else trying to use his ttk and being absolute dogshit at it is soooo ♥ it's so fun to consider and it would genuinely be such a comfort (and also, kind of amusingly, so confusing to him for a minute bc it would force him to confront that he is really spatially intelligent + has practiced a lot and that that means something. like. whoa... what do you MEAN not everyone can just automatically hold a soda can without crushing it by pressing in too hard?? without bobbing it up and down with their field of vision if they nod?? without dropping it when they turn their active attention to something else??)
all of which is to say. surgical knife vs blunt instrument is so fucking true and also so cool and sexy of him. go kon go
i do genuinely think an adult, fully-realized kon would be able to defeat superman in a fight. not just saying that bc he's my fav or whatever but because like. ttk is so op. telekinetic power with the range and raw strength to destroy every single gun in LA, and the finesse of control to not destroy anything else? that alone is a huge force to be reckoned with. add kryptonian abilities on top of that and you've got a fucking powerhouse. like um devs? op tbh pls nerf (except don't, because i find that sooooo tasty.)
because to clark, i think this is a good thing! it isn't quite so lonely when he's got a little brother/son/they really can't label it but they're family, who understands the alienation. the burden of having so much power. the fear of what your own hands can do. he sees in kon a kindred spirit, although it also saddens him that kon has to feel this burden too.
but kon?
oh, kon is terrified of himself.
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