#ttc with clomid
ttc-baby · 1 year
On another note, thank god I talked to the dr about my progesterone, cause the label says once daily by mouth…. And it supposed to be vaginal… 💀that would have been a disaster!
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midwestmotherhood · 2 years
We are so blessed to have such a smart, kind, healthy, beautiful daughter.
But it’s okay to want more.
It’s okay to be sad each month when those two pink lines do not show up on a test.
It’s okay to feel like a piece is missing from our family.
It’s okay to buy baby items to add to our “someday” storage tote.
It’s okay to feel happy for others, but sad for yourself.
It’s okay for our daughter to not understand why she doesn’t have a brother/sister and others do.
It’s okay for us to want more.
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lavenderparadise · 1 year
started clomid round 2 tonight. i was feeling a little down at first, but i'm starting to feel more hopeful🤞🏻
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Anyone who's done IUI, any tips?
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mrs-geuse · 4 years
Another pregnancy announcement from someone else we know. Baby #2 for them, she announced at like 9 weeks, and since my sister-in-law is attached at the hip to this person, I'm sure she'll be the next one in the family to get pregnant. It was so easy for them the first time - she gloated about it in front of me - and their firstborns are literally a day apart because they both got pregnant at the same time.
Crazy how things seem to work out for everyone else - even when they cant financially support a child.
Yet here my husband and I are paying $400 a visit to see a fertility specialist - not even going through expensive treatment yet, just the cheapest option of Clomid - and we still cant fucking have a baby.
We do everything by the book, the way we are told: trying to eat better, exercise, take the supplements, bd every other day. And even when I was pregnant we waited to announce until 12 weeks...and it didn't matter because the baby's heart stopped at 9.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Why the fuck is this my path?
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infertility-tv-blog · 6 years
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What do 3000 #infertility patients know that you don't? Find out! Subscribe to InfertilityTV now. New episodes (most) every Thursday.  Click here --> https://www.youtube.com/user/IVFDoctor
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taoofbaby · 7 years
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*sigh of relief*
It’s over. Temp dropped today, AF has arrived this evening. I called and left my doctor’s nurse staff a message asking what they want me to do so will hopefully hear back sometime tomorrow… I know they’ll probably call early ass in the morning when im still asleep….
I don’t know if i actually had a 17 dpo luteal phase. There’s a first for everything I guess but at least I know I ovulated somewhere around that date.
I’m not really upset. I didn’t expect the first clomid cycle to work tbh. I just want to try again.
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radsamjean · 3 years
✨Ttc post✨
So after 18 months and 3 rounds of clomid, it finally happened! I’m pregnant (the same month we got engaged)!
I’m still in shock but we’re beyond excited. I have my first antenatal appointment next week. I still just can’t believe it!
Thank you to everyone who has helped me through this journey. I appreciate it more than you know!
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Dear God
I'm angry. I would be lying if I said part of that anger wasn't directed at you. As human as I am, I know that's unfair and not right. I know I heard you when you told me to just trust you, but its hard. I got my hopes up when I saw that doctor and he started me on Clomid. I felt like I did everything right.... I lost 20lbs, cut down on carbs, joined the gym, timed everything perfect, did the ovulation tests and tracking, stayed consistent day to day. And yet, after a 29 day cycle, my bbt crashed below the coverline and I stared at my 5th negative test that cycle with the largest weight in my heart. A few hours later, aunt flow showed her nasty face.
I cried my tears and felt my feelings but decided to trust you and try again. Once more I take the Clomid. I deal with all of the hot flashes and nausea and mood swings it caused. I continue to eat healthy and go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I stay on top of temping and opks. I confirm ovulation with these things and get excited, I watch my temps rise. I see as I get a triphasic chart that is common to pregnancy. But then I get a call from the doctor, my progesterone levels were only 8. Not numbers he wanted to see. It fell in normal range but it was weak ovulation. If I did conceive, there was a high chance of the baby not implanting and essentially causing a miscarriage that I would never know about. I watch my temps rise until about 9dpo. Then then lower at 10dpo just a little. I reach 12dpo, they lower just a little more. I get a negative pregnancy test. My cramps are feeling less like implantation cramps and now feel like period cramps. I'm guessing AF will once more come in a matter of a couple of days. My doctor wants to up my Clomid dose from 50mg to 100mg.
God, I feel cheated. I feel this is some sick joke. I feel like I'm burning with anger and jealousy and depression because my body is broken and I can't give my husband a baby, and I feel like less than a woman. Even with the medication, my body still won't conceive a child.
I know that isn't fair to just be mad. I know I can't blame you... after all, you are God and your plans are good. Through the heartache and anger, I know that. I know that your ways and your thoughts are higher than mine. And I pray daily for your will to be done. Your will wasn't meant for last cycle. Your will doesn't seem like it was meant for this cycle either.
I'm tired. I feel like I'm doing everything right but I'm still a step behind. Or maybe several steps behind. I don't want to be that broken woman. None of my friends understand and I feel like I can't talk to anyone about this.
But I know you understand, God. You go before me and you know my heart and what I'm feeling before I can even feel them. You know how tiring this journey is. You know that I'm discouraged and that my heart is broken. You see the tears I'm crying.
And its not fair for me to think that this Clomid and tracking and "doing everything right" can surpass you. You are sovereign, after all, and you are good. Maybe I'm not putting my faith in you like I should be.
Help me, God. With my faith. Give me strength and peace just for the moment. Help me not to worry and stress. Help me to rejoice in the waiting because your plans for me are good.
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thelittleblackbat · 5 years
Things are going to get better. They have to, don't they? At least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself. I need positive affirmations for everything that I'm dealing with. Please let this be the month. Please let this happen for us. We want this so bad.
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inconceivabl3 · 5 years
You probably guessed it...
Number 5 was unsuccessful. We are heartbroken, but in a horrible sense, pretty used to this feeling. It sucks to admit that. But it’s true.
Our RE thinks it’s pretty likely that I have endometriosis. Of course the only conclusive way to find out is laparoscopy, which he doesn’t recommend until after we’re done trying due to risks of surgical damage. He also thinks that other options like COH shots and minimal stim IUI will likely be unsuccessful (and I honestly agree with him. If FIVE IUI’s didn’t work with stellar scans/labs/response to meds, why would those?)... He recommends going for the big guns: IVF. We have a much stronger shot of getting pregnant. It’s just a massive price tag that I can’t even fathom right now.
For now, we are taking a break to enjoy some time off from ovulation tests, doctors appointments, blood draws, scans... We know all of that is in our future anyway, since we’ll be continuing with IVF. So at this time, we’re going to enjoy quality time with our families for the holidays and relax. We’ll start again sometime in the new year.
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ttc-baby · 1 year
It’s officially CD1! I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy about my period coming 😅 I am excited for the weeks coming. I will be starting clomid in 2 days. Hubby is a little worried cause he’s been told it will make me super hormonal and mean. I guess we will find out lol but if it does I’m sure it’ll be worth it. Also I’m going to schedule my HSG, and I’m absolutely terrified cause I saw a TikTok and all the comments were talking about how horrible it was and painful 😖 I wish I wouldn’t have seen it cause I was not worried at all about it. But fingers crossed I don’t feel like I’m dying 🥲
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midwestmotherhood · 2 years
Day 5 of Letrozole TTC for: 18 months Cycle: medicated cycle 2 Amount: 7.5 MG for 5 days. Side effects: Jittery, weak body/arms, hot flashes, red face
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lavenderparadise · 1 year
clomid day one, 4 more to go 🥹🌈
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Update I guess: getting labs done today because this morning's test was the same faint bullshit.
I don't think I'm pregnant. I really don't have a good feeling.
But my doctor said I tested too early. I triggered 14 days ago and she originally told me to test today.
But the hcg might not be high enough for a strong positive. She said I'd be about 3w5d. Bloodwork today and then we will see what happens.
I'm a nervous wreck.
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that-ttc-wench · 5 years
First *me* post in two years?  Sure.  So here’s where I’m at. 
It’s been two years. I’ve moved across the country, started new jobs, and bought a house with my husband. Suffered another miscarriage. Came so close to adopting two children, just to have it all fall apart so horrifically.  Still not pregnant. Probably never, ever going to be.  Lost 80 pounds in a desperate attempt to control something. Still hasn’t worked.  I’m using an Ava bracelet now to see if I am even ovulating.  No more fertility drugs or treatments.  If it happens it happens.  Not really hopeful though.  Everyone that was TTC at the time I started this seems to have gotten their miracle.  I seem the be the exception.  I still so desperately want to be a mom and find myself struggling more and more every day.  I end up crying daily about it now where I was able to keep a handle on it for so long.   But now, I feel like I’m looking down towards the end of a tunnel as I spiral down.  And honestly, I just want to hit the bottom so I can be done with all of this.  So there’s that. 
There’s the update.  The status of it all.  The ugly truth.  My side as the odd man out.  When you don’t get the two pink lines. 
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