bbybepartofmyworld · 3 years
Finally getting this IVF ball a’rolling (again!).
Carrier screening blood draw tomorrow.
Started provera for cycle specific testing last night. (Ugh HSG #3 is absolutely NOT something I’m looking forward to.)
Dean SA end of this month.
Testing and follow up end of February!!!
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taoofbaby · 7 years
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A month or so before DH's transplant... I boxed up my "hope chest" feeling like it was for real over for us having a family. Hell, at that point I was for real worried that if things didn't move quickly I would soon not have a husband. At that point the baby dream had flown to another universe all together. Tonight in the store my line of sight crossed this little fox. It just kept calling to me. (If you don't know, I bought a lot of fox inspired stuff for our hope chest in the past). Finally I said you know what, I'm going to allow myself to be optimistic again and bought him for the hope chest. It will be real.
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the-baby-adventures · 7 years
Useless conception advice # 76
Guys.. We’ve been doing it all wrong!! Screw OPK’s, BBT, cervix position and CM!! One of my friends told me that, we should just weigh ourselves everyday, because women gain about 4 pounds, when we ovulate. It’s so simple and effective and her personal trainer told her, so it must be valid information. 🙄
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livingmymiracle · 8 years
First prenatal appointment today
I'm 7w3d by my calculations. I hope they scan me. I hope everything is okay. I'll update yall once I know. A little over 1 hour till go time!
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pcosandttc-blog · 9 years
Please follow my new ttc blog!
http://foreverttcwithpcos.tumblr.com I can only access this blog on the app and I'm ready for a fresh start. The new one isn't a side blog which is going to be nice when it comes to following people and sending messages😊
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bbybepartofmyworld · 3 years
First peak ovulation since I came off BC. Using two separate ovulation test methods this time around they both say peak today which means when my test went funky yesterday and we didn’t have secondary verification that I was “high” fertility we just BD’d yesterday. Then twice today. Will test again a few time tomorrow to get the timing right. BD in the morning before coffee, rest before lunch, eat, probably BD after we relax from the meal a bit, test around 2:30, BD, test again after dinner ~8, probably BD before bed.
This cycle we are using:
• preseed lubricant
• fertility booster vitamins (prenatal for me as well)
• clearblue digital tests + Ovia tracker
• PreMom “easy from home” ovulation system so I have two different trackers going at once.
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taoofbaby · 7 years
Today's opks were waaaay darker them i expected for CD 11... will be interesting to see what happens this cycle.
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livingmymiracle · 8 years
5w4d ish?
Boobs are finally awake. Nipples are killing me. Appetite is unstable and nothing ever sounds good to eat. Always sleepy. Wierd dreams like whoa. 12 days until my Dr appointment. Had an hcg level done a few days ago, came back at 7900. So pleased with that number.
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waiting for the scan
Remember a month ago, when I though the two week wait was the most awful experience I’d gone through in quite some time? 
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Turns out the two week wait has nothing - NOTHING - on the black holes of paranoia you can fall down in the run up to the seven week scan. 
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It’s been a rough and awful ride. Here we go. Wish me luck. 
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bbybepartofmyworld · 3 years
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Lol when your husband makes your medication alarm on your phone 🤣
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taoofbaby · 7 years
I lost my shit after talking to the nurse. I was perfectly fine with not being pregnant this cycle... but that... just brought all the grief barreling back. All the grief that feels like this is never within my control. I would give anything to just get pregnant naturally. Anything. Looks like I will have to aim for that this cycle...no choice.
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hey-jaybird · 9 years
Last night I had a dream that Richard and I had an adorable little toddler and we were taking him camping for the first time and making him s'mores. That dream made me want to ttc again so badly. But in February it's been three years since we've started. 3 miscarriages. I don't think I can mentally put myself through those fits of depression, hoping every little thing is a sign of pregnancy. Although I still do that even if we're not trying. I just need to remind myself that it'll happen if it happens. I need to keep being happy and positive (...mostly) and things will fall in place.
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ttc update
 I have no idea what cycle day I am, I think I ovulated earlier this week? I have no idea and that’s okay with me.  This is the last cycle before I call for another appointment and get put on clomid (which means I’ll have one more natural cycle since I won’t call until CD1 or 2 and then I likely won’t get an appointment until a week or so later).  I am kinda scared that Gyno won’t be gunning for clomid anymore because these last cycles have been decent...but like...still random? 31 days, 35 days, and then whatever this turns into.  Not super irregular but not like, just a day or two different which is what I gather people with regular cycles have? I have no idea.  I have always calculated my period to come about a month and week give or take a week...though it wouldn’t be unheard of to be a couple weeks late with nothing.  In my head that sounds normal, but then I watch TTC videos or read blogs and people legit can predict the day, even the time of day? Cray.  
It would be kinda weird if I got pregnant this cycle though because it’s 3 months off of any type of vitamin/mineral/supplement, and then also because I am looking forward to having wine at a wedding in Oct, and also I would be due right around when hubby and I usually go out of town which he woudl not be happy with lol.  That’s based on my LMP though so I dunno how late or early I ovulated or if I did ovulate?
Blah...just knock me up already, universe.
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Day Two.
Update from the clinic this morning. 
One of our embryos is a three-cell slacker. 
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Two of our embryos are at the five-cell stage, growing up a wee bit fast.
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The remaining five are perfect four-cells. That’s exactly where they’re supposed to be at this point. Petri dishes full of
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