#tsc au maybe
hyperboleigh91 · 1 month
Watch Jeremy's family be big-time mobsters on the West Coast (where they front as politicians), and they're furious with Jeremy for playing Exy instead of joining the family business, but Jeremy ends up joining them anyway when he finds out about Jean's 'deal' with the Moriyamas so he can get Jean (and Kevin and Neil) out of it by giving his family's protection.
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
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Okay listen. When I decided to give squid Jean (squean) bite marks/scars last year I was just making it make sense that he lived with a pod of orcas who thought it was super fun to scare him and threaten him, I didn’t know tsc would come out and make that detail somehow 100x worse
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Someone get this kid to Whalemack and Abby stat :( thank you Renee
Find the mer aus masterpost here
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problemduetest4life · 5 months
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bonus: with Laila <3
I had to share this epic discovery
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
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and right now i was just scrolling through twitter minding my business and guess what showed up on my tl 😭
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they’re twinsies your honour 😭
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askthestickboyes · 1 year
Hello everyone! This is Jester here and this is the new account for a main au askblog, here you can ask the mains as well as monster school characters without the lore of any of my ocs interrupting their narrative [well, theyre involved in some way but thats only to explain how things work, like with gold being a 'void angel' in that one comic] but theyll barely be mentioned Those you can ask are as followed!
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[Note this is post. AVM 30 and pre AVA S2 AU]
The color gang! Duh MT, purple, navy, orchid, gold, Chosen, victim, and Dark
And! You can ask any of the monster school characters. that includes hero and his students
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Herobrine and his students are up for asks, and actually, some of hero's friends might come in soon, who knows?
I'll tell you all now, given my current situation i cant answer any of the asks, so flood this accounts inbox before august 15! because by then i should have all my equipment bought and back to me!
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bookishjules · 3 months
Luke raising Jonathan au is so galaxy brained omg. you're so right Luke would be the ideal person to raise him because he would do his best to fight his own biases and avoid treat him like a lost cause or broken. also the fact they both got turned into monsters by Valentine... the potential is crazy (now I can't stop thinking about this)
exactly!! and not only do we have their own similarities, as monsters and outcasts.. but also valentine's real son being raised by his own ex-parabatai being a mirror to his pseudo-son being raised by his psuedo-ex-parabatai? and then there's also some vague parallels with ash's storyline (even if we never get ash himself in this universe) with jonathan being under the protection and guardianship of his cruel father's brother figure. and idk something about valentine's kids being split up between his runaway wife and his scorned parabatai.. it just sits so nicely in my head.
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ivyoaknut · 22 days
AvA/AvM AU Plot Idea:
Alright so you guys know how Steven Universe: the Movie revolves around the main Crystal Gems being rejuvenated and loosing all of their memories, and Steven has to figure out a way to make them remember who they were? Well what if this was applied to the Fighting Stick Figures? Like maybe something happens to their EXE files that causes all of their data to be deleted, restoring them to how they were at beginning of AvA 4, and TSC is stuck trying to figure out how to get them to remember who they were. I kid you not this idea has been living RENT FREE in my head for a bit and it's so fun to think about since the stick figures have already been through so much growth, especially throughout AvM, and have such diverse personalities outside of their original "purpose" of fighting and I think it would be an amazing reflection to see how much they've grown since their debut. LMAO I IMAGINE TSC TRYING TO FORCE BLUE INTO EATING NETHER WARTS AND HE'S RELUCTANT AT FIRST BUT THEN LEARNS HE ACTUALLY LOVES THEM XD
What do you guys think about the idea?
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oppipopi · 1 month
fusions... again
It's time to add a hashtag
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very homebody and not an adventurer at all
the social battery is quickly running out
does not get enough sleep (
very controlling, does not tolerate when something goes wrong according to his plan
caring, but shows it badly
loves loose gracefully flowing things
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looks and talks as if he is constantly flirting with you, but in reality nothing of the sort
very polite and well-mannered
(obviously it's from King)
Insinuating low voice
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Coffee (yoink au)
6 fingers!!!!
prone to Self-admiration
married at work
will keep silent, but with What a face
he likes sweet pastries
the king of mini golf and billiards
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good guy, but that won't stop him from kicking someone's ass
has poor control over his strength and isn't used to his size
it's useless to try to comb his hair
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business aunt
the best mom, loves to spoil her children and perhaps allows them too much
drinks a glass of wine every evening for peace of mind
super non-conflict, master of compromise (in fact, she makes you think that her ideas are your ideas)
if she had a workplace it would be filled with flowers
expensive perfume, as the meaning of life
only linen and cotton clothes
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I'm not really a big fan of crackships, but these two… I'm obsessed with them
4 arms to kick someone's ass twice as effectively
the perfect fighter
an extremely strong sense of justice
can't stand weaklings who don't try to get stronger
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Violet (tdl+purple)
thinks he's better than others
looks and talks like he's doing a huge favor
pubertal ulcer
wants to be the center of attention, but at a distance from others
secretly wants to be hugged and stroked and told how good and valuable he is
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Dark Lily♀️ (tdl+orchid)
quiet, but very intrusive (always looming somewhere nearby and staring, trying to touch, but not daring)
can make a dark joke and get very upset because of it
loves children (maybe eats too…)
may seem shy, but don't be fooled
uncanny valley vibe
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Orange (tsc+vic)
drawing - main fighting style
thinks that he has not inherited the powers of Second
hot-tempered, but knows how to express irritation in an environmentally friendly way
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Lime (yellow+green)
the personification of the phrase "you're a capable boy, but lazy"
insanely talented and infinitely uninterested
lots of ideas, but too strict with himself to even try to implement them (why if it won't be perfect anyway?)
either indifferent and emotionless, or suffers from sharp changes in bright emotions
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zi1arts · 8 months
Do the mercenaries exist in the cultivation au? 👀
And maybe a chart/graph between the characters and their relationships/status?
So, vics like, just casually chilling with tdl?
i’m not too sure about the mercenaries rn? most likely they’re also sect leaders, or maybe prominent members/leaders of one sect!
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sorry it’s so messy lmao i’ve never done one of these before. i’m also going to just state their statuses here:
TCO: Sect Leader, referred to as “Shifu” and mostly handles combat and cultivation
TDL: Sect Leader, referred to as “Shizun” and handles things like calligraphy, talismans, etc.
Purple: Head disciple, the oldest but actually younger than both Green and Gold
The Color Gang + Gold: All just disciples :3
TSC: Joined a year late, was only let in because 1) Hollowhead and 2) very strong in talismans, concerning so,,,
victim: [redacted]
Navy + Mango: They’re just regular dudes whose kids are in the same sect
???: [redacted]
as for ghost victim? well,,,
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Dark is using,,,not so acceptable methods in trying to bring him back. He was only able to succeed on a ghost that comes and goes
(last post before i’m gone!)
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biscutpoo · 2 months
This fic idea is very gruesome, turn away if you are squeamish:
In the next saga of TSC but somehow angstier ideas imagine.... TSC but omegaverse AU. Everything that happened to Jean would be somehow worse if he was an omega.
- Riko asking for volunteers his freshman year to help Jean through his heats.
- Maybe Kevin helped sneak Jean suppressants but then after he left Jean was forced to rely on Riko's mercy.
- Zane promising to keep Grayson out of Jean's room during his heat but then betraying that promise.
- Grayson is kind of already in his own omegaverse in Canon, he has some fetish about biting Jean's neck like he's trying to form a mating bond.
- the whole incident in Palmetto would be 2x worse if Jean wasn't losing his mind about Riko being dead but actually found out he was pregnant from Grayson's SA and tried to carve that piece of Grayson out from his belly.
- of course Mafia families like the Moreaus are still practicing antiquated traditions of selling omegas. I like the idea of Riko being a beta who desperately wants to be an alpha and Kevin as an alpha because it only worsens Riko's insecurity complex.
- Jean being terrified to join the Trojans at first, learning that the way omegas are treated in the Nest isn't normal. Like maybe they made him play through heats at the Nest and the first time he goes into heat at USC he is so terrified and tries to hide it but the whole team is horrified he tried to show up to practice like that.
- Jean slowly coming to enjoy his heats and falling in love with Jeremy.
- then maybe Jean is in a better place and finds out he's pregnant again but this time, it's Jeremy's. And for the first time he really wants to keep it even though being pregnant is super triggering for him cuz of Grayson. But he can't play exy if he's pregnant, it'll slow him down and he needs to play exy to survive. Maybe he won't ever be able to have kids and he shouldn't want to because any kid he has will be a Moreau and belong to the Moriyamas the same way he does and no kid deserves that. But Jean is just heartbroken about it because he's never wanted something like this before and they never let him keep any of the others while he was in the Nest and he can't shake the image of a pup with Jeremy's dimples and Jean's eyes.
- I'm sorry I just realized that means Jean would have been 16 the first time he got pregnant and they made him get an abortion and that's somehow more heartbreaking.
- Jean quietly asking Cat for abortion pills because she's the only other omega on the team he trusts and just breaking down when Cat asks if he's going to talk to Jeremy about it.
- Jeremy's stepfather's family is probably super rich and powerful so even the Moriyamas would have to think twice about touching Jean if he married into that family.
- there's prob some omegaverse sexism about omegas playing exy since exy is such a violent sport so most of the omega players aren't "out" about their dynamics. Jean could be an unwilling trailblazer for omega rights because he's the best backliner in the NCAA and he's an omega.
- obviously Neil would be the way more outspoken omega rights activist though cuz he gives no shits about putting alphas in their place.
- I don't really know where I'm going with this but character development would probably be Jean overcoming his trauma and getting to keep the pup come hell or high water. And then he marries Jeremy and they live happily ever after, hurrah!
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Wymack informing the USC coaches that if they want any of Jean's files, they're gonna have to go to EAU unannounced and demand them.
One of the coaches doing exactly that, and it turns out the nurse that Jean assumed had some hostility/irritation towards him actually kept extremely detailed records of everything Jean experienced because he knew it was wrong.
That nurse going missing because once he handed the records over, he ran for the hills.
The USC coaches realizing that there was something extremely sinister happening at EAU and trying to decide how they should handle it.
(I want Wymack and the other coaches to take down the Moriyamas or something, and I feel like Jean could be the key to that)
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
EDIT: PENCIL HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING AGAIN!! Thank you to those who donated, you have my ENTIRE heart for now and always
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Hiii I’m back to bother you all again with technical difficulties. Long story short, if I have diagnosed the problem properly, I need a new Apple Pencil! And if I’m wrong I’ll need to replace both my pencil and the iPad itself!! But (and I am sure this will surprise no one that’s read this far) - I have no money 🥲
This isn’t quite a 100% necessary expense. I still have a handful of job applications sent out that are still waiting on replies, and hopefully I’ll have some more income sooner rather than later - but since comms and art have been one of my main sources of income this year, this is gonna be a decent problem for a little bit 😅 in the meantime I’m going to reach into the void and boost some stuff and offer additional ways that maybe I can earn some money for the month!
So if you do happen to have extra cash, some ways that would help a ton: my patreon (this month’s star tier sticker is going to be an aftg mermay design of some sort or another), my etsy, my kofi shop, or plain old kofi donations. But I also wanna be able to sweeten the pot a little, so there’s more!
I’m selling a couple original pieces over on kofi as well, including Raven Kevin, the Jean & Jeremy piece, and the og mermay comic from last year 👀
I’m taking low-stakes sketch commissions, also on kofi! For 15usd you can drop an aftg/tsc sketch request, and if you want to be tagged when I post it, leave your url as well! Additional characters for a little extra, and you can drop specific reqs - give me thoughts, ideas, meme redraws, outfits, or ask for a specific scene or specific au of mine (sure is a good month for mermaids 👀). I’d also take requests of my own ocs, but unfortunately for these kinds of sketch requests I won’t be taking others ocs.
All that being said, of course I understand if donating isn’t possible for you rn, so I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about scrolling past lol. If you’d like something free to do you can also just leave a nice comment or tag on something I’ve drawn to get my mind off the issues 😅 thank you so much to all you lovely people who support me in every way, it’s literally my livelihood and makes me so happy every day to make you happy, so! I hope you all have a wonderful time zone, and I hope you’re as excited for more merms as I am 😌💕
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starryali · 4 months
I have this au in the corner of my head that has been rotting for far too long than I'm willing to discuss.
So it's like stick!Alan, but instead of turning into a stick figure later in the story, he's been a stick figure since the moment of his creation. Maybe he was named 'the animator' that's why he can control stuff, but called himself Alan tsc/ orange style to make himself feel more real.
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kevinsdsy · 28 days
i need to know which one of the backliners was shadowing kevin during their match so bad bc i want to know who decided to just sit down to shake their hands 😭😭😭😭
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 29 days
First night — 1,7k words
Two for one deal au
Moon entered his and his brother's room through the window balcony with the cable, as soon as he landed heading quietly with rushed steps to the small secret area where they had left the children sleeping soundly.
To be fair, he did finish his patrols in record time. He couldn't leave them for too long, after all. It'd be not only irresponsible, but dangerous as well.
Peaking his head through the entrance with a soft smile, he gazed over to where they had improvised a bed to the two little lambs; and in doing so, he froze. There was only one children on the bed, the boy.
" where— "
It couldn't have been abduction, they would have taken both the kids. Then, maybe she woke up and wandered around on her on. But there's only one door, which is heavily locked, and the only other entrance is a literal free-fall from the goddamn balcony—
He looked around the small room, Sun screaming on their shared head to find her, and his eyes very quickly spotted something weird. The little girl, awake, sitting on top of the arcade machine while hugging tightly the Sun plushie given to her for her to sleep, curled up on herself with her braided hair covering most of her face, the scrunchie that had been holding it back long lost and forgotten somewhere, while she stared ever so intensely at him, unblinking. Relief washed over their servos, together with confusion, and his code acting up on the fact she should be very much sleeping at this moment.
" ...starlight, " he whispered softly, ever so carefully making his way to her, "what are you doing up? What are you doing there? Naughty Naughty." How did you even get up there, he kept the last comment to himself.
The only response he got was her prolonged stare.
Right, she's mute.
He sighed internally, not letting it reach his voice box, "Sun. Are there paper, pen? Board, maybe?"
"I think so, but can she write? It's so dark here."
"I'll find a way,"  he lifted his arms to her, "c'here, Sunshine, down we go," she just glared at him for a long moment, then at the entrance, and then at him again, hesitating for a second longer before going down the arcade and into his arms.
"It's late" he mused, "go to sleep."
There was not even the slight movement in her tiny frame, but he took the lack of any expression along the carefully watching eyes as a decline to that.
The was a click on his endo, "nightmare?", to that, she shook her head.
He put her down and started looking through the piles of materials, managing to find a tiny whiteboard she could use to talk. The leds in his eyes gave a dim illumination to the room, which should be enough. Handing her the item, he asked again "what are you doing up?"
He crouched, tilting his faceplate, while she slowly turned and used the wall as a base to write on.
"Watching so monsters dont get us", the phrase surprisingly clear considering how hard to see it is, and how little this kid seems to know how to write.
"Monsters?" A nod.
"There's no monsters here."
"So she woke up scared. Be nice."
"I heard. I know."
She frowned, making a line under the text to emphasize there are, and after the night those two had, who could blame her.
He slouched forward as to get close to her height, but didn't make any movement to get any closer, "there are not. I was out, i scared them away. I keep watch, you sleep," the kid sighed, shaking her head.
"You friend with monsters and bad guys"
"Why do you think that?"
"they here with you, everyone here. The grown ups, the robots"
"I'll never be friends with anyone who disturbs a good kid like you", he insisted, while slowly stretching his hand towards her, when she didn't pull away despite glaring at it, he put in on the top of her head, stroking gently.
"Can't sleep."
He refrained a tsc to erupt from his voice box, thinking for a moment, before tilting his faceplate, "let's play a game", he suppressed a chuckle as the kid's attention picked up, "if you win, I'll stay awake. I'll scare aaaaall the other little monsters away, forever. But you have to defeat me."
The little girl didn't answer, but her eyes frantically scanned his face for any sort of malice, and the room, for what he guessed would be any way to defend herself. Her unsure gaze stopped on the asleep boy, who turned uncomfortably but overall  rested deeply unaware of the unfounding conflict, before going back at the animatronic, an anxious stance, but decided. He was about to question her again, before something came flying to his face at full force: the plush of his brother she had been holding a moment ago.
The attack knocked his faceplate aback. Taking advantage of it, he made a glitchy, surprised squeal emit from his voice box, then promptly and dramatically falling back, as if he had been fatality wounded. He could feel her anxious gaze on him as he simply laid there for a few moments, tiny hands reaching for a nearby colored block ready to attack again. Slowly, he sat back up, equally emptily staring at the child, before making a theatrical bow with the most dumb and fantasy-like voice he could manage, "Knight Moon at your service~!"
He almost chuckled at the surprised welp that escaped the child, that she managed to keep low.
She frowned, still not completely fooled, but still asked anyway, which was an improvement. "on our side?"
"Yes, yes" His smile grew, "quite the strong one, aren't you", a full spin of the faceplate as his position straightened while sitting, shoulders high with his hands clutching to the end of his leg, "i lost, yes, so i shall protect you."
He noticed the way she eyed the plushie, now laying abandoned and defeated on the ground behind him. He handed the toy back to her, which she held way too tightly. Opening to her his arms, movement that made her freeze for a long instant, feet glued to the ground in wariness, but eventually giving in when he didn't budge, keeping always a soft, amazed smile on his face plate.
Moon cradled her carefully on his arms, making sure she was as comfortable as possible as the little kid laid on him while he moved closer to the makeshift bed, sitting right next to it and leaning on the wall. He shifted his attention for a moment at the sleeping boy: his rest had not been disturbed at all at his theatrics, barely moved from where he laid with a steady breathing and low, resting heartbeat. Good. He must have been exhausted.
Again started the music box, but Sunshine gripped the edge of the ruffles on Moon's neck, shaking her head.
"Don't she trusts us?"
"She does, she came to us."
"Then why does she refuses?"
"Maybe a moondrop would help,"  he stared down at her, faceplate clicking once, twice. She did not have the board nor a pen anymore.
"Protect you," the little girl mouthed ever so slowly, not a single sound leaving her throat. It gave the attendant a pause.
"Protect us?", he repeated in a whispery tone, receiving a nod, so he did read it right.
"So the monsters can't—" she yawned, "can't get you. Or him."
Well, that was adorable. And frustrating, since she refused to sleep. And incredibly silly, since he's the boogeyman. He's the one who gets people.
Moon tapped his faceplate a few times, before raising his finger as an idea struck him, "what if," he bopped her nose, "I block this little area, and make little trap— would you sleep then?"
He was not disappointed (rather, relieved, because finally) when she nodded her head in affirmation, though she did nuzzle a little further in him as if ashamed.
Moon carefully laid her down on the improvised bed she should never have left, and started to wander around, picking up a few loose colored blocks and stuffing it up the entrance of the secret room, blocking any possibility to walk in or out without knocking over everything. He took off one of his bells and hanged it on top so that it'd make noise in case anything fell. While he worked, he could feel tiny eyes burning on his back.
He turned back to the little star, only to see her putting her pillow to the side, where moon was previously sitting, and patting it as she eyed him. He couldn't help but to chuckle as he made his way back to her.
Moon picked it up, and put it back under her head as he guided the child to lay back down and covered her up with the blanket, sitting back next to her.
"There," he smiled, "now sleep, stubborn little lamb," he covered her eyes with one hand. She moved her tiny little fingers up and patted his hand a few times, as if wishing goodnight.
Moon lifted his hand one he was sure she had succumbed to Morpheus' embrace, which was unsurprisingly quickly. A child her age should never be up so late to begin with. This sure was lot of unnecessary trouble just to get one kid to bed.
Who the hell made a child so wary and scared of 'monsters', anyway? And able to believe in them still.
It didn't matter, he was there now. And the children were resting, as they should be. The music box kept on playing as he hummed, lost in thought, unmoving from where he sat next to them.
He'd bother with charging later.
Those two were staying here now. How to take care of them?
"We will figure it out."
"We are caretakers, anyway."
The children did not wake up after this, specially not when the Attendant growly warned off an welcome guest that stopped by on the middle of the night. They need to sleep. There's not a soul who's to wake them. It's their job to make sure of it.
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dearyletters · 2 months
I felt like making a book on wattpad (some Alan related) so vote
Maybe some of them r cringe but I'm being honest brah
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