#ts4 unlocks
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Horse Ranch Unlocks for All!
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Okay, these unlocks are actually pretty neat.
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alexplayssimsnstuff · 1 year ago
That didn't go as planned.
So, bad news: MTS denied my unlocked uploads because apparently EA has had issues with them in the past about exclusive unlocks. Now that I think about it, I do remember the site having issues when someone ported in some things to Sims 2 from one of the stories games. I was HOPING to start a regular platform for my modding endeavors, and while I STILL have plans to make my own CC to upload to MTS, (right now it's just EA recolors, I don't know how to make meshes yet and my Blender skills are actual ass), the unlocks will NOT be posted to MTS. (If anyone's on SFS, please send me an invite lmao)
That being said, I'm in the final week of my Layout & Comp class and will be pretty busy this week. I do plan on uploading them to the usual Google Drive uploads as per what's been the norm sometime today, however schoolwork is my priority right now. It's currently 10 AM MST as I'm typing this, so I have all day.
As far MTS goes, I'm keeping my account and using it to upload some other things I'm excited to show off once they're in a position to be shown off.
Remember, Alex Loves You!
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sejianismodding · 1 month ago
🎁 [BG] All-in-One Live Event Rewards Unlocker
☠️ REMINDER: Double-check the OP for updates!
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⚔️ Requires - TS4: BASE GAME
☄️ Updated - NIL
🚀 Initial Release - 1/23/2025
🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120588981
🗺️ Modding Announcements: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109291501
👹 My FOMO !@#$%^&* Collection: https://www.patreon.com/collection/884492?view=condensed
💬 This is an All-in-One ARCHIVE containing all of my FOMO Unlocks. I assume if you're here for one, you might be here for many, or all.
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buildbuymode · 2 months ago
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my game is all sorts of buggy + have been too snowed under (metaphorically, it is hot as hell here) to play but the content lately has been SO good and i am choosing to live in the ts2 + ts1 re-release/re-master delusion until they prove me insane :-)
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tricoufamily · 1 month ago
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i don't want you, but i need you don't want to kiss you, but i need to
prev | next
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tau1tvec · 6 months ago
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Found out Marco's rampages are actually sinking his friendship bars with everyone, including Yan. Luckily their romance bar is still intact.
Still sucks seeing her so down bc she feels as if lost a friend. 😢
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cinamun · 1 year ago
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Sometimes the task before you seems impossible....
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thebramblewood · 11 months ago
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EIGHTIES, Part I Requested by @papermint-airplane Starring Caleb and Lilith Vatore
I think this was a good decade for them. Most people thought the goths might be vampires anyway, so they blended right in.
Only Caleb was requested, but we all know they come as a package deal, and I must admit I was already working on these looks anyway. I initially had Caleb in more punk attire (e.g. patched leather jacket and Mohawk), but it just didn't feel like him. I got suggested this hair, and it all fell together then. I imagine this is when he first discovered that buttoning up shirts is an unnecessary expenditure of energy. I'm not sure if it reads as quintessentially '80s, but I think it's perfect for him. This might be my favorite version of them I've done so far, and I have some story plans brewing for this era that could involve crowd participation, so keep your eyes peeled. 👀
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radioactivespacebug · 2 hours ago
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(Mood music)
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youredreamingofroo · 10 months ago
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How do you feel?
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[There's little details in most of these pics, so click/tap the pics to see those better :)] [ Names, Colors and Emotions/Feelings under the cut ]
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Red - Anger Nirvana represents Anger, Rage and Strength
Orange - Fear Hero represents Fear, Danger and Caution
Yellow - Joy Ithuriel represents Joy, Comfort and Happiness
Green - Jealousy Onia represents Jealousy, Envy and Possessiveness/Possession
Blue - Sadness Kyneva represents Sadness, Pessimism and Fragility
Purple - Mystery/Mysterious Roo represents Mysteriousness, Confusion and Frustration
Pink - Love Leo represents Love, Passion and Desire
Brown - Security/Secure Carter represents Security, Resilience and Responsibility
Black - Grief Phoenix represents Grief, Guilt and Isolation
White - Ease Nanel represents Ease, Calmness and Hope
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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Previous // Next
Byrd: Teach us! Juniper: Okay! First, you’ve gotta put your hands above your head. Wren: Nuh. Juniper: This part’s easy. Byrd: Like this?! Juniper: Just like that-.. keep them there and bring your foot up against your leg, like this! [Byrd giggled, wobbling precariously as he mimicked his cousin] Juniper: It takes a lot of practice-.. c’mon, Wren! [Wren scowled, making a break for it; the only thing worse than dancing was being told what to do] … Having given up trying to reply to Alex’s latest letter, Robin stared listlessly at the star shaped stickers on his ceiling. He’d poured his heart out about how nothing ever went right, how he never fit in anywhere, how he was having a tough time at school-.. that he got in a fight, that he kept imagining what it’d be like if his parents died, particularly his father; he’d briefly considered asking what’d happened to her mother too but he’d thought better of the whole thing and viciously crumpled his pathetic attempt into a ball instead. Maybe he ought to burn it in the sink so no one else would read it by accident. He felt bad that he hadn’t replied yet but he’d been in such a foul mood recently that he couldn’t think of anything remotely interesting or fun to talk about, and the last thing he wanted to do was bum her out. He rolled onto his side as Wren stomped toward his door; it rattled familiarly as her little fingernails fiddled with the lock. Robin knew it was her because he could sense her current disdain, and she was the only one of his siblings who’d learnt how to do it-.. plus, if it were either of his parents, they would’ve knocked.
Wren: Juni’s tryna make me dance! Robin: She’s not gonna make you do anything. [Wren grabbed Robin and shook him with urgency, yanking at his hair with desperation] Wren: I’m gonna hide in here, okay?! [Robin sighed; reasoning with a six-year-old, especially Wren, was rather pointless] Robin: Sure. Wren: Wait-.. where’re you going?! Robin: Does it matter? You’re safe in here. Wren: Robinnnnn. Robin: Get off me! Wren: I wanna play! Robin: So, play-.. just don’t delete all my saves again. Wren: You do it! I wanna watch. Robin: I don’t really wan-… Wren: Pleeeeeeease? … Robin: I can’t play if you’re gonna squish me-.. get off. Wren: Uuuugh.. I can’t, I’m stuck. Robin: Move! Wren: [gasps] What is that-.. kill it! Robin: I don’t have anything to ki-… Wren: KILL IT!
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Good news! People who were banned in the recent string of bans have been getting access to their accounts back. It's not because of mods or anything like that, it's because of hackers.
Pretty much, many accounts were the victims of Russian hackers, and EA blocked the accounts to prevent any further damage and to contain it.
Just as a side note, this is standard protocol for any game company to do this, but where EA fucked up (it's not just Sims, it affected people playing other games, too. It was a huge problem for Apex Legends, too.) is that they usually give us a heads-up when this happens.
If you have been banned, keep bugging EA until they respond. They'll have you reset your password and turn on 2FA.
You can go ahead and put my unlocks back in your mods folder, and my plans to get ALL of them out are back on.
JUUUUST as soon as I have a full list of all packs and all their bonus objects. We were actually able to get Lovestruck in time to get the pre-order objects, so that's cool.
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fallstaticexit · 9 months ago
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Chapter Seven Adie (Lunvik Lake) - Previous // Next // Beginning // Werewolf Lore
It's a particularly warm day in Moonwood Mill, so the pack spends the afternoon before the lone wolf’s pack initiation cooling off in Lake Lunvik. 🌕
Transcript Below
Jacob: Baby, are you ok? You‘ve been so out of it since last night.
Lou: Mir‘s worried the magic wolf gonna kick his ass in front of everyone.
Amir: Girl, please! I am not worried about his ass.
Lou: Then he‘s being all pissy because his wittle baby brudder is making puppy dog eyes at him.
Jacob: See, I told him that Rhys is growing up on him. I think he‘s imprinting.
Amir: Shut your ass up!
Lou: Bahaha-OWW!
Rhys: [with no rizz] Um. Hi. I‘m Rhys. Rhys Briar...and um. I like your eyes. They‘re so...pretty. Um. And I like your scent too. It‘s...really nice.
Jacob: Baby, we get it. You‘re feeling territorial right now. Nothing is more threatening than a new wolf you don‘t know trying to join your pack and under the same rank as you.
Amir: Ugh! Please drop it! I swear I don‘t care, ok?
Lou: Oh yeahhh? Where‘s Rhys right now?
Rhys: [softly] Can you hear me? What‘s your name?
Amir: Rhys!! - [between closed teeth] Getchoassoverhere!
Rhys: [sighs] I gotta go....but, um- Good luck tonight... Jackson.
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sejianismodding · 2 months ago
🎁 [BG/EF62] Blast From the Past - FOMO Unlock
☠️ REMINDER: Double-check the OP for updates!
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⚔️ Requires - TS4: Base Game
☄️ Updated - NIL
🚀 Initial Release - 1/15/2025
🎁 Download & Discussions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120015123
🗺️ Modding Announcements: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109291501
👹 My FOMO !@#$%^&* Collection: https://www.patreon.com/collection/884492?view=condensed
💬 This is my FOURTH FOMO Unlock. It does what it says on the label - unlocks all Event Rewards whether or not you started or completed the Event. HOWEVER, unlike my previous FOMO Unlocks, I cannot guarantee this one is or will be Live Event compatible. Seriously, there is a WARNING section in the Patreon post, and you should read it.
📸 Here's the rest of it:
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whyeverr · 3 months ago
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a little moment of gratitude and light 🥰
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authorspirit · 6 months ago
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Back to school ft. Estelle Lambert
Been a while since I made a lookbook?? Admire my favorite teen currently in my save (oops sorry Genevieve), she sometimes colors her hair with purple chalk.
▬ 1 || earrings (Cottage Living EP) - scarf - T-shirt - backpack* - skirt - socks (Get Famous EP) - converse shoes ▬ 2 || earrings (Basegame) - necklace - sweater - accessory jacket - pants - black socks (Basegame) - shoes ▬ 3 || earrings - bag* - sweater + trenchcoat combo - jeans (Lovestruck EP) - sneakers ▬ 4 || earrings - scarf - first fits kit top converted for adults** - dream jeans** - socks - shoes
*The Sims Resource link, **dm to get download if you want, sforzinda agrees to reshare of lost cc
Thank you to the amazing cc creators:
@nolan-sims, @rustys-cc, @dissiasims, @aharris00britney, @ayoshi,
@\jius-sims, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @simandy, @arethabee, @renorasims,
@cloudcat, @sforzcc
Poses are by I forgot exactly but probably nell-le, helgatisha and roselipa.
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