#ts2 decorating
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kayleigh-83 · 6 months ago
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Veronica is a fortune Sim with the cuisine hobby, so I knew she was going to own a restaurant one day since she was a kid!
As a nod to her family's Italian heritage, she was also the natural choice to finally build the Italian restaurant I'd had on my to do list for ages. I felt really inspired for this one and love how it turned out - I wanted it to feel like the Sims were dining in a wine cellar.
So, this is her restaurant La Cantina Marinara! You can see the speed build video here too. :)
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gillevergreen · 11 months ago
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Ciana, Part I First house in my new neighborhood :)
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100simcats · 1 year ago
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new video!!
this one i have decorated @kestrelteens brownstone apartments, i added custom buildings to @katatty 's downtown for the neighbourhood
my channel has been doing better than ever! i'll be uploading a lot more. leave a like if you have the time :)
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pforestsims · 1 year ago
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I couldn't find anything like this so I had to make it. The doll is based on a model of Bella from TS1, extracted by @deedee-sims - recolors feature vampire countess, evil & good witch, Barbie style dolls and Bella herself, of course.
Doll in A Box
Download: MEGA | SFS
Polycount: 690, found in Buymode/General/Child for 100 S
You can choose between 1024x512 or 512x512 textures.
*This is for The Sims 2
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jacky93sims · 16 days ago
Bubble Manga Set for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from The Clutter Cat, Mechtasims, Syboulette, Hydrangea and Daonsimslife. Low poly.
All are deco objects expect for the Bookcase which is a Manga Bookcase, like the Otaku Bookcase I made sometime ago. Heart Frame and Calendar are in Paintings, Books and Bookcase in Hobbies-Knowledge, CD's in Hobbies-Miscellaneous.
You need the "Otaku Billy Bookcase - Manga" for the bookcase to work (included). If you already have it you don't need to put it in your download folder.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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tete-sims · 3 months ago
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4t2 - Wide Plank Wood Floor
The file is compressed and contains: → 64 floors; → one preview; → a text document informing where to find the object.
They are found in: Build Mode - Floor Covering - Wood
Credits: @momo-cc by textures and preview
The original file can be found on Patreon
4t2 - Little Blob Friends
The file is compressed and contains: → 3 meshes; → 6 rcs; → one preview; → a collection file; → a preview of the collection; → a text document informing the number of polygons; → a text document informing where to find the object.
They are found in: Decorative - Plant
Credits: @momo-cc by meshes and textures
The original file can be found on Patreon
4t2 - Forest Animal Stencil Stickers
The file is compressed and contains: → 1 mesh; → 3 rcs; → one sample; → a text document informing the number of polygons; → a text document informing where to find the object.
They are found in: Decorative - Wall Hangings
Credits: @momo-cc by mesh and textures
The original file can be found on Patreon
Gifts are found on the Simpearls forum and registration is required.
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lucilla-sims · 8 months ago
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Another top EP16 Blouse Crop from new pack :)
🎨 for adult woman (because I think this top is little bit spicy for teens 😇)
🎨 with all morphs
🎨 categorized as casual top
🎨 all original Maxis colors
🎨 all files are compressed
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DOWNLOAD: sfs / mediafire
Credits: EAxis
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madraynesims · 2 months ago
Rugs from The Sims for The Sims 2, Sims 3 and The Sims 4
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Here's a part 4 to celebrate The Sims 25th anniversary! Featuring some rugs. I also included some recolors for the Savant-Naif Art Rug that I thought would help with variety, since Sims 1 objects usually come in one swatch. Let me know if there's any problems! Also, I believe the Scraps Ranch Rag Rug is featured in The Urbz: Sims in the City GBA/DS, located in Miniopolis Chronicle and the Second Looks Thrift Emporium! Info below the cut.
The Sims collection file for The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 can be found on my collection files page: Found Here!
The Sims 25th Anniversary Gift - Rugs! For The Sims 2 - SFS For The Sims 3 - SFS For The Sims 4 - SFS
Alt Download - Patreon credits; BrandonSJ Enjoy my work? Consider becoming a Patreon or buying me a coffee!
Scraps Ranch Rag Rug Information: Recreated by BrandonSJ. Extracted and converted by me. The Sims 3: Create-A-Style disabled. Price - §233 Category  - ‘Decorative > Rugs’ Polycount - 12 Texture Size - 512x512
Schwa Carpet Information: Recreated by BrandonSJ. Extracted and converted by me. The Sims 3: Create-A-Style disabled. Price - §1,300 Category  - ‘Decorative > Rugs’ Polycount - 12 Texture Size - 512x512 Floor Rug by Leopard Life Information: Recreated by BrandonSJ. Extracted and converted by me. The Sims 3: Create-A-Style disabled. Price - §460 Category  - ‘Decorative > Rugs’ Polycount - 2 Texture Size - 512x512 Savant-Naif Art Rug Information: Recreated and converted by me. Has 10 swatches. The Sims 3: Create-A-Style disabled for 1st swatch, enabled for the rest. 1 channel Price - §290 Category  - ‘Decorative > Rugs’ Polycount - 2 Texture Size - 1024x512
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nocturne-vi · 2 months ago
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[ts2|ts3] to ts4 granny's home conversations
these are some of my favorite objects from past sims parts. I was inspired of my real home. This set includes playable objects for cats: a bed and a scratching post.
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 💓 thanks for support and activity 💓
@coffee-cc-finds @mandie-ccfinds
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simsinlowspace · 29 days ago
Calico Critters - 12 Original Animal Posters
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Sul sul! I hope everyone is doing well! 💜 I'm back with some totally original posters and a couple of announcements!
My daughter has been home for a few months now. She's healthy and happy, so I'm also happy. I'd planned to go back to work at the library this month, but that...did not pan out. So I've been busy working on some alternative avenues to support us.
This Simblr is almost three years old and I've always been adamant about never monetizing it. I still am. For me, this is all about having fun, sharing my creativity, and being part of an amazing community.
However, if you enjoy my designs, you can now have them for your home! I've recently opened an Etsy shop to sell my original artwork (all of which will be available for your Simmies, of course 😁). Anything purchased there will help support my new business, and of course you'll actually get something tangible in exchange. The first series is the one featured in this post, with more to come!
The shop is called CalicoOwlCreative. If you use Etsy and wouldn't mind giving it a favorite, I would be very grateful! And if you would like to buy some art for your real life home, there's a coupon code at the bottom of this post for my Simblr supporters as a thank you. 💜
Second (much shorter) announcement: I've also started a YouTube channel called Small But Spacey. Right now it has builds for No Man's Sky and Tiny Glade (and also my first mod for TG, because I just can't help myself), but I'll be adding some Sims content as soon as I get my game installation sorted out. (I swear TS2 just breaks out of spite whenever I neglect it for too long. 🤨)
Okay! So, onto the reason you're all here...the posters! You get twelve of these for - you guessed it - @linacheries’ immortal 4t2 conversion of Simsza’s National Park Prints. I did not include the mesh because I kind of assume y'all have it at this point. 😅
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As always, a numbered swatch is included. These are 100% original designs, so no list of icon credits this time!
DOWNLOAD (SFS) Recolors are ~400KB
And if you do pop by the shop and want to buy something, the coupon code is SPACEY15 and good for 15% off. 💜
Lots of love, Spacey
PS - I've gotten a couple of notes about the painting being borked in the Kauri set. I will fix that as soon as I figure out what tf is going on with me game! I apologize it's been broken for so long.
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pinka-style · 1 month ago
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4T2 PINKBOX ANYE Bayfront Home Bedroom
Decor ♡ Bed Frame | Blankets | Blanket & Plaid | Bottle | Mattress Cover & Pillows | Potted Tree | Storage Box Functional ♡ Dresser | Ottoman | Table Lamp
All files compressed. Collection file and polycount included. The set has no functional bed, you can combine bed frame with any mattress or this frameless bed. Credits ❥ Meshes & Textures by Pinkbox AnYe
Download here
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kayleigh-83 · 4 months ago
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Yuki got a new little princess bedroom this round!
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gillevergreen · 11 months ago
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Scura, Part II
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100simcats · 2 years ago
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decorated this wonderous treehouse from @kestrelteens! going up on youtube now <3
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pforestsims · 2 months ago
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Recolors for Helier set from Mansion & Garden EP. Four basic shades plus glowing recolors
❗ glowing recolors require Extended Standard Material Shader by @crispsandkerosene - without it the texture glow effect will not be visible!
Helier's Curves [M&G] - recolors & add-on
& 'Arc Deco Entranceway Accent' recolors
Download: MEGA | BOX | SFS
Glowing recolors are all repo'ed to basic shades and to additive texture packs (make sure you don't remove those by accident).
*This is for The Sims 2
I thought I was done recolouring and then I remembered there's that Arc Entranceway canopy thing - I've never used it in my game so I didn't know it had two subsets.. Glowing recolors are only for the edges cuz otherwise it wouldn't make sense - and it doesn't look as good as I'd like it to.
There's also a Helier archway, I didn't feel like recolouring it at this point but might do that in the future.
As I mentioned above, glowing recolors are repoed. "Additive texture pack" packages contain additive maps used for neons so there's no texture redundancy. You can tweak or replace each additive map -(I've included texture resources) the change will affect all neon recolors in the set, that are linked to the edited texture.
If you'd like to replace glowing texture in specific recolor file, you open TXMT settings and edit texture name in stdMatAdditiveTextureName line, plus the same texture name in File List tab. Don't forget to commit changes.
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jacky93sims · 23 days ago
Strawberry Dino Deco for The Sims 2
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This is a 4to2 conversion from Nolan-Sims, low poly. You can find it in deco-sculpture. A bunch of recolors included.
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