#trying to think of how i can make the boat more stable
i've been really good at getting things done for other people lately, tho
my whole SPED team is currently drowning -- except, somehow, for me. not that i was doing great for a good long while, as i've been dealing with a student who tried to hit me with chairs and stab me with scissors. i'm not where i want to be with assessments and groups because all of my planning time and after school time and even in class time was taken up with putting out behavioral fires and then documenting behavioral fires and figuring out what to do about it next instead of actually planning how to make the entire rest of the classroom go more smoothly
however. i am up to date on IEPs. and most days i know the gist of what i want to do the next day, even if the lack of planning time means that i can't go and obtain resources for that and i have to improvise solutions
so, i've been dropping by SPED classrooms to share what i know about various things -- and if i don't know the solution to something, turns out, lately, i know a very useful person who is an expert in that particular topic who can help you very quickly
and i have been helping with IEPs. providing guidance as to how the online program actually works, how it's formatted, which parts are for them to do and which parts are for other service providers to do, what kind of information the district wants us to provide in various areas, that sort of thing
it has the unfortunate impact of making me tired even on days when my students have behaved quite well, so then i'm slower to do my own things once i get home, but. oh well. i leaned on the other teachers for support so much my first year. now that ive started to gain my footing, it's really only right to start giving back
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rambleonwaywardson · 3 months
Clegan Olympics Headcanons
Some headcanons I have about Buck and Bucky as Olympic athletes, initially inspired by this post by @brotherwtf and my replies to it with @impalachick. I just felt like fleshing these ideas out a bit more. Anyone feel free to add to it!
John as a gymnast and Gale as a horseback rider:
First of all, Bucky is a gymnast. it's easy to imagine him as a rower because of Boys in the Boat, but hear me out... LOOK at those thighs, those shoulders. He's a bit tall but shhhh it's fine, he'd excel at men's gymnastics. Especially rings and floor.
He's been doing gymnastics since he was little -- just imagine a tiny sassy Bucky tumbling around and doing handstands. He's always been good, but when he hit puberty and put on all that muscle, wow.
He definitely has strengths in certain events, but he's an all-around gymnast with a tendency for pushing boundaries. He's known for the raw power and strength he shows in his events. I don't think this is his first Olympics either, since gymnasts tend to be on the younger side. He's been on the map probably since he started college.
He's just getting better with age, though. People don't pay as much attention to men's gymnastics as they do women's, but man they talk about John Egan (it helps that everyone is a little in love with him).
I've decided to indulge myself and imagine Gale as an equestrian. He does eventing (jumping, dressage, and cross-country)
He didn't grow up with any fancy horses or trainers or tack. He wore hand-me-downs for years and trained green horses from the ground up and worked tirelessly on farms in exchange for ride time. He worked for every inch of what he's accomplished, always for the love of the animal and of the sport.
The equestrian athletes tend to be older, so this might be Gale's first Olympics. He's the new young hotty on the equestrian team that everyone wants to watch. Maybe in this way John kind of helps him navigate being an Olympian.
I don't know how or when they first meet, but one of the first things John notices about Gale (other than how beautiful he is and that voice and those eyes) is how deeply he cares for and loves his horse, who is his partner in this crazy sport. I imagine Gale as an animal-lover, and he values his horse more than anything else in this world (except, eventually, maybe John)
John has next to no experience with horses. He's not scared of them, but appropriately wary perhaps. And Gale's horse is tall, which doesn't help. He's nervous the first time Gale takes him into the stables but tries to act like he's not. He wants so badly for Gale's horse to like him (she does).
Also I feel like Gale rides a mare -- they're sassy and opinionated and so so loyal for the right person (vague parallel to John??? lol)
They start learning about each others' sports and try to watch every event the other is in, becoming each others' biggest fans even if they only half know what's going on. John is always a little terrified watching Gale ride, especially during cross-country. Gale thinks he's crazy for this because he can barely watch sometimes when John is flipping through the air so high off the ground like that.
Them exploring Paris together when they're not competing!!! Imagine the general shenanigans and romance and cuteness of them galivanting around the city together.
They definitely get some attention as a sort of "it" couple during the games and pictures start circulating of them together. An unlikely pairing across sports, especially because Gale and John have such different personalities and reputations. The attention makes Gale a little uncomfortable, so John starts making a point to obnoxiously block any photos reporters try to take of them together. This ends up just making Gale laugh and he tells John to stop.
When they're home, they try to teach each other basics of their sports. Gale gives John a pony ride on his Olympic sport horse who is worth thousands and thousands of dollars and tries to teach him how to ride by himself. John is clumsy about it but only falls maybe once, and he's determined to please Gale so he keeps trying. John tries to teach Gale how to do some basic tumbling but Gale, while strong in his own right, just does not have that type of strength, coordination, or flexibility and repeatedly falls on his ass before adamantly refusing to ever do it again (I love those videos of olympic athletes trying each others' sports)
Totally did not mean to build on this so much and don't intend to do anything with it but I'm gonna be thinking about this a lot I think.
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corvidcrossbow · 3 months
would you maybe write some daryl fluff? maybe reader is carols adopted daughter (20ish years old)
daryl comforting reader after henry and how carol acted in the tunnel? maybe r sees carol taking pills n stuff. idk just daryl maybe talking to carol “what about her? henry’s gone but she’s still here!” just daryl sticking up for reader and hugging her n looking after her while carols off.
~•♡•~ What One Has
➳ Summary: Following the Savior war, Carol took you and Henry in as her adoptive children. But through the events of the Whisperer war, your relationship with her became sort of estranged; at least you had Daryl looking out for you (Daryl + Fem!Reader)
➳ Setting: Post Whisperer war, around 10x18 + 10x21
➳ Word count: 1.9k
➳ C/W: Mentions of pike scene
➳ A/N: Ima be so fr, I struggled writing this, I think because I wasn't quite sure what direction I wanted to go but I needa stop sittin on this n I hope you like it nonetheless anon 😭🫶 Hopefully now that opening day at my job has passed I can refocus on writing (and hopefully we never have a day like that ever again cuz someone dropping and coding in front of me was not in any of my expectations 🗿)
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Daryl groaned an exhale and shifted in his blankets, rolling over onto his back with a clenched fist resting on his forehead. Darkness shrouded his room in the basement, Dog curled up close to him no matter how many times he tried to ward the canine off from dirtying the plush couch by sleeping on it too.
Despite the threat of the Whisperers eliminated, and what he could only hope would be some time for rest, he didn't rest. Sleeping never proved easier no matter how many times a conflict was eased: he knew more would always follow. Especially now, where the repercussions of Alpha and her actions were so grave it shook foundations he'd prayed would stay stable.
The archer threw back his covers, picking himself from the makeshift bed and finding a shirt he'd earlier thrown aside, and a pack of cigarettes set on the edge of his workbench. He tisked at Dog, instructing him to stay while he quietly existed from the cellar, carefully ascended the stairs and opened the front door to head outside and smoke.
Closing it and throwing his head back to clear the messied hair from his face, he paused at the figure already occupying the right side of the steps. In the faint glow of moonlight, he recognized you despite your hunched posture, seemingly trying to obscure yourself.
“Why ya out ‘ere?”
“Same reason you are.”
It was a rhetorical question, really. He knew why, who this was about. It wasn't the first time he'd found you awake in the night as he was, having become an increasing commonality over the past 10 months since you moved here, and increasingly concerning.
Daryl stuffed the pack away in his pocket, coming to sit near you on the opposite end of the step, propping his elbows on his thighs. “Ya won’ talk ‘bout it?”
“It's not really gonna make a difference,” You replied, head bowed to stare at the wooden planks in front of you, twisting a loose thread you'd plucked from your jeans between your fingers.
“Could. Least yer not carryin’ it by yerself,” He tried to persuade you. Although he was guilty of doing it himself, his conscience didn't sit well with knowing those close to him were lost in their own minds like he so often was. Especially you, who he not only cared about, but had cared for. “C'mon, ‘m listening.”
You heaved an uneasy sigh, reluctantly accepting that he was right. He felt like the only person you had at this point. “I miss her.”
Daryl's head turned a bit so his gaze could flick to you then shifted back, nodding – more to himself – understandingly.
“And it's so weird because she's, what… 30 feet away from me right now? Maybe less? But she feels even further than she did when she just up and left to go on that boat.” You paused for a moment, coaching yourself through your breaths and not allowing them to grow erratic. “I thought, maybe after everything at the tower, she'd warm back up to me again. But I feel like the… thing, wore her raw, and then the blizzard froze her so solid she won't thaw back out.”
The man stayed silent, taking in your every word but knowing to speak now would halt the tracing of your thoughts; hinder you from fully opening up.
“Does she think because I'm grown it doesn't have a major effect on me? Henry wasn't just her son, he was like my brother. Families are supposed to be there for each other when you lose someone– and, and then I almost lost her too. I mean, you remember all the pills; how she never left her room. I could hear her some nights, just talking to herself. She was talking to something that wasn't real more than she talked to me!”
Now you were struggling, that choking feeling tightened around your throat and broke some of your words, mask slipping as the weight of everything started to collapse in on you just like– “And the cave. I… I'd never been more scared in my life, being in there with you guys. There's so many times I thought I was gonna die but nothing scared me like that. I still hear all the walkers sometimes, how she screamed, the sound of that dynamite going off. I still feel like I'm coated in dust just–... What was she thinking? I was right next to her. It's like I was invisible, or erased from her memory, and all she remembers is Henry.”
Daryl pulled you to him before you'd even realized you were crying, holding your stiff body against his, and through a few sobs, feeling you relax and give in. His strong arm wrapped around you was the most secure you'd felt in a long time.
“Shhh… s'alrigh’. ‘M ‘ere.” Soothing words were few and simple, but they were what you needed; the reminder that someone saw you, remembered you, and took account for your feelings in all of this.
You scooted closer to him, further tucking your head into his chest as if you were trying to finally find a moment of peace by escaping into his embrace. Daryl rubbed his palm over your shoulder, doing nothing but just being there for you.
A moment passed and you recomposed yourself to some extent, shuffling away with a sniffle while he loosened the hug. His eyes caught yours for just a second, seeing so much of himself reflected in your irises.
“Sorry, didn't mean to…” You trailed off while rubbing your face with the back of your hand, ridding the salty streaks from your skin and gesturing. You turned away, embarrassed from your venting and finding it hard to face him.
“Don't. Whole point'ah talkin’ is so ya ain't bottlin’ allat to yerself.” He quieted again, casting his gaze to you then up to the sky as he fidgeted with his hands. “Had a brother too; from before. Was an asshole, but still ma brother.”
You perked up a little, following his line of sight to the black above you. “What happened?..”
“Wa'salways gettin’ stuck with tha wrong people; last time jus’ cost ‘em. Happened bouta year into this; had tah put ‘em down mahself.”
“I'm sorry…” You swallowed and unsurely nibbled on the gummy flesh of your cheek. Was there ever really a right way to respond to that kind of thing?
“Ts'fine, long time ago. Point is I get how it is tah lose family like tha’, ‘nd ‘ll always listen when ya need it. Ya got me.”
“Thank you… for everything; bein’ there every time you already have. I really appreciate it, Daryl.” Truthfully, you'd flat out needed it. He'd remained a constant when all else altered. “I just don't know what to do anymore. Dad's been so distant too, and if I'm gonna lose him to cancer... I'll need her there for that.”
You licked your lips, taking a shaky inhale and biting your tongue a bit. “Sometimes I feel like all she sees when she looks at me is my head on a pike too.”
Daryl's jaw tensed, fearing you'd confess something like that. “‘Ll talk to ‘er.”
“No, you don't have to do that. I know you two are already–”
“Nah. ‘M gonna. Ya shouldn't ever think somethin’ like tha’. She still cares ‘bout ya: ts'jus’ hard for ‘er, been through a lot.” He gave a gentle squeeze to your shoulder before removing his hand. “She loves ya. Get sum rest.”
You nodded faintly, taking another breath to gather yourself and lifting from the spot to retreat inside, leaving the man to his own solemn nature.
Daryl often wondered if some things were worth it, this included; begrudgingly agreeing to let Carol tag along with him on what was meant to be a hunt, yet tracing paths back to that long abandoned cabin he would've preferred to add ‘forgotten’ in the title of.
He damned Dog for leading him back there, but figured something was going to push out the full story regarding how he spent all those years in the forest – and at least it opened the conversation for more important ones that needed to be had.
It wasn't ideal; borderline arguing with the woman he'd so casually dubbed his ‘best friend’, who'd been there when he needed her and vice versa. It hurt, but it wasn't all she hurt him for, and he was far from the only one she did.
“I'm sorry for Connie,” She spoke, head bowed and pursing her lips to shove back the tears that gathered in her waterlines. “But I'm not sorry for going after the horde and I'm not sorry for making Alpha pay for killing Henry because I was right.”
“‘Nd tha's all tha’ matters; you bein’ right, huh?” Daryl angled to look at her, keeping his forearm braced against the wooden post. She questioned the depth of his motivations, and he shook his head disapprovingly.
“Ts'ain't all about ‘em, ‘ts barely ‘bout me. ‘Ts ‘bout'cher damn kid; tha one ya still got.” They met eyes for a moment before hers shot away, shamefully avoiding the confrontation. “Ya think ‘bout ‘er in all this? Tha’ what you lost, she lost too? Ya know feels like she lost you? Tha’ she don’ sleep much anymore, misses you like yer already gone, ‘cause ya might as well be … Ya still have ‘er, ‘ts sum’thin’ we can't say fer a lotta people, so quit actin’ like ya don't.”
A painful silence settled, clawing at the both of them as he pivoted away and focused out the dirtied glass plane ahead of him. The archer bit back further words, part of him regretting the harshness of such even though it felt required.
“Ya shouldn'tah come.”; brought Carol's sharper attention back, sparking meaner accusations and disclosures between them – predominantly on Daryl's part – regarding their situations.
She turned around, drifting fingertips over the structuring of the cabin's foundation and sniffling before muttering a few things more and trailing into the other room.
Tension hung heavy enough to keep it mostly quiet, even as they later parted ways while returning to Alexandria, forced through seeming trials; Daryl with his motorcycle, and Carol while attempting to cook.
Once he finally got that damn bike working and rode home, he stifled a chuckle at how the silver-haired woman stood there, disheveled appearance matching his own. The man appreciatively declined her offer for soup, exhausted from his troubles and preferring to just go lay down with Dog.
He followed the shepherd round the house to enter through the front door, watching the cheerful wagging of his tail as he padded across the hardwood and down steps to the basement.
Daryl readjusted his crossbows strap around his shoulder, brushing back his hair before descending. He picked up Carol's voice in the distance, sequenced by yours, and paused to shift his vision for just a quick glance; you perched against the kitchen counter, bowls on the surface, and for the first time in a while, a genuine smile on your face as the older woman came up beside you.
His own tugged the slightest bit at one side of his mouth, satisfied with the apparent reconnecting. He continued his action, setting his things down in his room before partially undressing and flopping back on that couch.
Even if his relationship with Carol remained rocky, granting some stability to yours was enough for him. That was worth it.
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©corvidcrossbow 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified or adapted to other platforms. My work may be translated only if asked and with proof of given consent.
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solomons-poison · 9 months
Taaarren ♥3♥ How bout Nanami + reading a book together? 🥺
Hi hi Venus!! 💜💜💜 sure I'd love to write that 🥰
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♝: Reading a book together
Pairing: Nanami Kento x GN!reader
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Nanami was well aware of the effect of his voice on others. His colleague, Gojo, claimed his voice was boring and stiff, too "corporate businessman" for his tastes. His students claimed he was too strict sounding, intimidating and a little cold, although they knew better just how caring he truly was of them.
However, and more importantly, to you, his voice was a source of comfort, strength, and oftentimes wisdom. It was an accident the first time you admitted this out loud to him, but ever since, you made sure to reassure him that you really did enjoy listening to him talk. Hearing his familiar cadence always helped to calm you down, make you feel whole and stable, having helped you before in moments of panic and worry.
Tonight, it was simply difficulty sleeping. It wasn't anything unusual, occurring typically when things have been busy and your mind has been working nonstop to solve problem after problem. You and your students had dealt with a particularly nasty curse in a factory that day, the product of unhappy workers in poor conditions for too long, and although the fight had ended on a positive note, your brain didn't seem to get the memo.
Nanami had already fallen asleep beside you, so you'd done your best not to toss and turn. But sleep simply wouldn't come. Eventually you slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him, and made your way towards your kitchen, hoping a warm drink would make you sleepy.
As you stood at the stove warming some milk and honey, you heard shuffling footsteps come down the hallway from behind. A pair of warm arms wound around your waist, and you felt a soft kiss get pressed to your shoulder.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Nanami asked, voice husky from just waking up.
You leaned back against him, enjoying his warmth.
"Yeah, just the usual," you replied, turning to reassure him with a smile. "I'm going to drink some milk and see if that helps. You can go back to bed."
Nanami looked down at the saucepan then back at you.
"Does drinking milk normally help?"
"Not really, but it's all we have, so I thought I'd give it a try," you said, shrugging.
Nanami seemed to think for a moment, letting you go so you could poor the milk into a mug, before speaking up.
"I have an idea."
Ten minutes later, you were both snuggled up on the couch together, nestled under a blanket as you sipped at your mug. Nanami held up a book to you, showing you the cover to see it was a collection of poems. You gave him a confused look, unsure what it meant.
"Sometimes reading makes people tired, so I thought I'd read you some poems," he explained, opening the book to a page already marked with a flag. The creases in the cover and bind told you this was a well-read book and you couldn't help but wonder just how often he read these poems.
"I'm not a little kid, Kento," you said, pouting.
He only smiled at that. "I didn't say you were. But you said you like my voice because it's calming for you, right?"
Although you'd told him so before, you couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed still, simply nodding in response.
"Then let's give it a try. At worse, it doesn't do anything and we'll have just spent our time reading some nice poetry. Okay?"
"... Alright."
"This one is called 'On the Lake'," he said, clearing his throat before continuing. "'When the crisp moon ventures out, // we'll climb into the little boat. // The waves will lap in gentle sets, // with breezes also joining us.'" ...
After a little, Nanami happened to glance over at you, wanting to gauge your interest in the poems. However, he was met by your peaceful sleeping face, mouth slightly open as your breaths were even and shallow. He couldn't help but smile, glad you see you at ease now. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, before putting aside his book and settling in beneath the blanket with you, slipping into sweet dreams at your side.
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wordstome · 10 months
Single Dad!König (Dream Daddy au)
(+ a bit of Ghost under the cut)
Thank you to everyone who indulged (said exactly what I asked them to say 😅) me.
Here’s the paragraph I wrote:
I imagine his heart sinking when Ava comes home sad and quiet, unwilling to look her dad in the eye. He recognizes what that means: that used to be him as a kid. His worst fears are confirmed when Ava admits she's being harassed by a boy at school, replaced by anger when Ava says her teachers simply shrugged and told her that boys will be boys, and has she considered that maybe he just has a crush on her? Needless to say, by the time König's walking out of that school, nobody will ever be hurting his little girl ever again. Honestly, one glimpse of Ava's dad by her classmates will keep her free from bullying for the rest of her life.
Now here’s a bit more about single dad König, namely, how he came to be a dad…and single :( Angst and death tw ahead (nothing graphic)
With Ghost, I said he would only have had Caden due to an accident, because of Simon’s previous trauma involving his family. He was firmly in the mindset that he would die in the field, he’s just not built for civilian life anymore, he's a danger to everyone who loves him. However, when Caden shows up at his doorstep, all he can think about is Tommy and his nephew Joseph when he looks at the boy. He probably does his best to get Caden sent to a different family member, but let’s suspend our disbelief that any responsible social worker would leave a kid with Simon “Ghost” Riley for a moment and say that the social worker is like “It’s you or the foster care system.” Realistically, Simon would probably be like “foster care is safer than living with me” but for the purposes of the AU, he took the kid in.
With König, he doesn’t have the same trauma/hangups regarding kids and family. He’s in the same boat as Simon: he’s a human weapon, and can’t function properly in civilian life. For König, his work is an outlet and keeps him stable. I’m gonna have to sit down and make a proper post about my König’s character (Alexander), but for my König, violence is a method of regulating his emotions and a way to manage his anxiety. Having power and being hyper competent in the field is key to his mental stability. However, I think he would be able to settle down, it would just take a very patient, special woman. (For the purposes of the AU his first partner is AFAB she/her.) Here’s where I start breaking hearts… 🤭
In Dream Daddy au, König considers his first wife the love of his life. She deeply understood him as a person and wasn’t afraid of him, even when he was socially awkward and intimidating. They were honestly kindred spirits: both of them had their neuroses and flaws, but instead of trying to fix each other or mold the other into some ideal partner, they accepted each other and thus were able to grow together. (And tbh they were already a match made in heaven anyway.) König’s wife never asked him to quit, and was completely ready to raise a child with him frequently being gone. She was a badass woman, and she really, really wanted to start a family with him, so they had Ava.
For three years, König was probably the happiest he’s been in a long time, and if you asked him he’d probably say it was the happiest time in his life. He was moving up the ranks at work, his mental health was in check, and he had a wife and adorable little daughter to go home to every leave. He started planning to transfer to a safer/more stable position, because as much as the military has done for him, he’s ready to step up as a father and a husband. Then he gets a call that changes his life forever, and suddenly he doesn’t get a choice anymore.
(I'm eternally sorry to the little fictional people I made up in my head because I entertained the idea of putting the Brooklyn 99 "Guess who got murdered!" gif here...)
One thing y'all need to know about my man Alexander is that he is the embodiment of "I am not meant for casual. I was born for soul-crushing devotion." His problem is that he never had devotion before his wife: he craved it like a starving man, and it engulfed him like water flowing into a basin when he got it. He had it for a handful of years (I'm thinking 6 but that's a flexible number), and now it's gone again. You know in movies when something horrible happens and they cut all the noise and there's just a high pitched ringing sound? That's König getting that phone call.
God. All I can imagine is König dropping everything and taking the next flight home. He’s in a daze, in a way that he’s never quite been before. His mind is finally quiet, but the emptiness is not peaceful. Then he finally sees his little girl, she runs into his arms, and the dam bursts. He just holds her and cries. He’s numb, a dead man walking throughout all the business that needs to be taken care of after his wife’s death. The only thing that brings him back to the land of the living is Ava. She’s so small, so sweet, and she doesn’t really understand what death means: all she knows is that her mama’s gone somewhere, and her dad is so, so sad all the time. She’s all that keeps him going, and the only reason he keeps himself alive.
By the time you come into his life, it’s been several years, but Ava is still a little girl. She doesn’t remember her mother at all except what König tells and shows her, because he’s determined to keep her memory alive. König’s been slowly rebuilding who he is as a person from whatever scraps are left. There’s a gaping hole inside him, and he’s reconstructed himself around the hole. In some ways he’s a totally new man, in other ways, he’s gone back to who he was before his wife came along. He’s bitter and angry at the way his life has treated him just as he was as a young man, but now he’s swallowed up by guilt and self loathing. He's gotten better at coping and functioning as the years have passed and life has continued on, but his grief has never really gone away.
(alexa, play "right where you left me" by taylor swift)
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sleeplesssmoll · 2 months
Before summer ends how about hcs of a pool day with the timekeeper fam? >:]
I did a summer thing before but it was beach focused:
However, pools are very different because they tend to have a lot of heavy gatekeeping. I think Vertin might try to create a “pool” in the Wilderness so her less human-esque arcanists can play around freely without judgment. Since the “pool” will be a section in the Wilderness the water will be stable and free of contaminants (loading screen lore). This is great since there is no chlorine/bleach that could affect Jessica's fur or Getian's feathers. Also, there's a strict swimsuit policy. Sweetheart and a few other bold arcanists make this a necessity and Vertin has to explicitly warn her crew that they have kids amongst them. While everyone's wearing swimwear, Vertin's dressed like a lifeguard. Shorts, t-shirt, cap, whistle, everything.
The pool area has more than one pool!
There's a shallow one for the smaller arcanists and it's surrounded by toys like water noodles, balls, etc. La Source claimed this pool as her territory and permits the children arcanists to join her (also because Vertin told her to play nice). She'll spray the “adults” with water to keep them away. Erick and the others follow suit. Erick is pro at making big waves because of her strength.
Erick and La Source also create currents for their handmade toy boats. Erick's looks like a viking ship, Eagle's is a more traditional but well-made sailboat, and Mondlicht's looks like a pirate ship because Regulus got involved. They play with the ships when they need time to recharge their batteries for more pool battles.
Pavia likes to bother them, specifically Mondlicht and they engage in dramatic water gun duels.
Then there's a larger pool that has varying depths. Jessica likes shape-shifting as aquatic monstrosities and messing with the others (except Blonney). Regulus has taken it upon herself to “capture the beast” in an intense game of tag. Blonney finds the whole thing cute and hilarious but Vertin had to step in when they nearly scared Sonetto half to death. Getian sticks to the shallower end and uses it like a refreshing bird bath. He splashes around exactly how you're imagining it.
The old souls hang out in the last pool, which is more of a hot-tub/hot-spring. Eternity, Shamane, and a few others linger here. They drink and converse. Apple loves drinking and talking about philosophy but he stays with A Knight on edge of water since he's afraid he'll get cooked. 
Tooth Fairy hunted down the people without sunscreen and forced them to wear it. She's especially strict with Vertin since the Timekeeper isn't in her suit so she's fully exposed to the sun. Vertin tries to explain that the Wilderness’s sun isn't the same as the real deal, but TF doesn't care. The only thing she knows for certain is the damage the sun can do and Vertin has negative melanin. Even her hair doesn't have color! TF also looks great in her swimsuit and Vertin's been giving off “Stop ogling my mom” energy when anyone looks too long. 
That being said, Vertin's been caught staring more than once but plays it off. This is based on Vertin's interactions with other people she finds attractive. For example, the way she perceives Eternity and Tennant in AS, and the language she uses when describing Sonetto and Schneider. She’ll also compliment people without thinking much of it but gets flustered if she’s the one receiving the compliment.
Horrorpedia likes to laze around in a big floaty. The ghosts (Click, Poltergeist, etc) push him around the pool for fun and he lets them.  Lilya and Druvis are off to the side under an umbrella. Occasionally the others hear Druvis laughing, which is very rare. Druvis does eventually enter the water and Sotheby ends up stealing her away to play.  
Vertin ends up falling into the pool because she was staring again and didn't pay attention to where she was walking. Sonetto runs over to not realizing she's the reason Vertin slipped. The others pretend they don't see what's going but they're definitely going to gossip about it later. 
However, some of the other crew members are seeing Vertin's scar for the first time since the water made her shirt transparent. Sonetto's covering her front by hugging her but her back is visible. Also, Vertin’s first instinct when hugged is to return the hug. Lilya saves them from their awkwardness by bringing Vertin a towel. The cute scene of Sonetto and Vertin being flustered together is marred by the scar. 
Bunny Bunny brings out refreshments and snacks! Bette helps her carry them out. I feel like they'd be friends. 
Sweetheart doesn't get in the water. She'd rather sit in a chair with her shades on and vibe where people can admire her.
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ssentimentals · 1 year
seventeen members as their natal charts: hoshi
sun in gemini, moon in gemini
this man is very social and friendly, more intelligent and serious than he looks; has a hard time concentrating and generally is not the best at being stable cause he gets bored quickly, he is temperamental and efficient, usually very comfortable in his skin and will help you to feel the same!
'just be yourself.' you startle, turning to see soonyoung leaning over the railing, looking at you with uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. 'and they will like you.'
swallowing the lump in your throat, you mutter: 'easy for you to say.'
you don't mean it in a rude way even if it comes out as such; it's just you can't imagine someone not liking soonyoung. his ability to just throw himself out there with an astonishing confidence that he'll be accepted anyway is something you're very jealous of, because being that open doesn't come naturally to you. it's sweet though, how he came out to offer some kind of support when you two are not exactly close.
'it really is easy,' he presses and you've never seen him look so serious before. he's always smiling, laughing, being the sunshine and to see frown etched between his eyebrows is very unusual. 'just go out there and be yourself and-'
'and what if they won't like me?' you interrupt, voicing out your hidden fear. 'what if they won't accept me?'
soonyoung easily jumps over the railing, now standing on your side and very, very close to you. his eyes shine with determination and when he takes your hand in his, you feel a little braver. 'they will like you,' he assures. 'but for that to happen you need to go out there and show yourself. how they'll like you without knowing you?'
you're not sure why he's so dead set on making you more confident, but you don't question his motives, smiling back at him. 'i'm not as open as you are,' you say. 'or as likable as you are.'
'you don't have to be,' this time he interlaces your fingers, effectively cutting air supply from your lungs with this gesture. his easiness starts to rub off on you. 'you just be you and don't worry about nothing else, okay? it's not like there's something else you can do.'
the truth in his words makes you take a deep breath and calm down. he is right, there's nothing else you can do. seeing how his words finally reached your mind, soonyoung smiles, swinging both of your hands from side to side. 'you'll do terrific. go, good luck! i'll be here.' at your questioning gaze, he winks. 'so you can tell me all about how it went.'
there's something shimmering here, you can tell that he wants to say something more but holds himself back. he squeezes your hands and you feel flow of bravery once more. maybe it's his magic power? 'thank you,' you say and move away, feeling his gaze on your back all the time.
this man approaches love in a relaxed and carefree manner and might have troubles with committing (needs someone active and easy-going for a partner, who will constantly fascinate him), is surpisingly not as emotional in love as you'd expect him to be, always keeps relationships fun, it's never boring with him!
'and then we can go on that boat thing, what do you think?'
hearing excitement in soonyoung's voice makes you smile. 'sure! if weather ends up being bad, we can try indoor archery? i heard they have it here.'
'and there's an indoor swimming pool,' soonyoung comments, watching your reaction closely. he knows he can be a lot, it's a bit hard for him to sit still when he is excited and he doesn't want to pressure you into agreeing to too many activities. 'or if that's too much-'
'oh, yeah, i also heard about the indoor swimming pool!' your smile is genuine and you easily reflect his excitement right back at him. 'we can go there after dinner, i think we'll be very busy with all activities whole day.'
you go on about different plans, but he's not really listening to you anymore. soonyoung doesn't know how to explain it, he is not sure that you'll understand. how every single time you agree to try something new with him, his heart grows bigger. how he is close to crying out of gratitude when you both stay level-headed during small fights. how he is always - constantly, 24/7 - is in awe from you. he decides to let the last part out, because you deserve to know: 'you fascinate me.' he watches you turn to him, surprised. for a good measure he adds: 'always. all the time. i don't know how you do it, to be honest.'
he sees your shy answering smile and thinks that maybe he met the one. he never thought he would, not with how 'too much' he is, not with how hard relationships can be to him sometimes. but when you step closer and whisper that this feeling is mutual, that you are fascinated by him too, he feels his hope spark up in his heart. he'll never stop being in awe from you, finding everything, every small little thing about fascinating and otherwordly. it won't stop, not now, not ever.
a/n: your honor, this boy makes me go '!!!' and my heart can't take it anymore :( - nini
tagging @prpldahy
my masterlist is here
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pippin-pippout · 2 months
The Law Corazon dynamic is so much funnier than I thought.
Law: so you’re just acting clumsy?
Corazon (while setting himself on fire): yes all of it!
Law: you moron!
Law: I’m gonna tell on you
Corazon: attempts to grab him
Law (despite being thrown around like a potato sack moments before): *judo flips corazon*
Law (smug): I can tell on you, but you didn’t tell on me so we’re even.
Corazon: *ties law up, leaves a note saying “bye doffy brb, and escapes on a little boat with Law to cure his illness*
For real though Corazon working for the marines given how the world government destroyed Law’s home and murdered his family is a really tense place to start this relationship - even more so than the tossing out windows and stabbings from before.
I want to root for past Sengoku, but knowing his hypocrisy I can’t. He’ll try to bring Doflamingo down from the inside, because Doflamingo is a pirate. But I noticed that Corazon didn’t tell him about the real reason he was leaving his mission, which makes me think even Corazon knows that Sengoku’s sense of justice wouldn’t extend to a child that knows the truth of the white lead plague.
Also love how Sengoku’s method of getting the kids to leave the Donquixote family was “just keep throwing them around” rather than “provide them a stable alternative to go to” which is in keeping with his usual style. And Garp’s.
Unrelated but Vergo really started off with the ugliest haircut and worst fashion sense.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Adopted Spider Part 3 (Final Part)
I think Spider would be really confused when the truth comes out. Because, he doesn’t know who to believe anymore. His dad— his real dad, Jake —always told him that Paz was a good woman, was someone he should be proud to be the son of. But, Quaritch told him that his mom died because of Jake, that she (and Quaritch) died in the Great Battle, leaving Spider an orphan. I think the boat scene would go differently too, because Quaritch and Jake would both be trying to get Spider to come to them and Spider just doesn’t know what to do.
“Spider, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay, just take a breath.” Dad soothed, reaching towards him. Spider had missed his dad so much, had missed his voice and his hugs and—
“He said you lied.” Spider cried. “He— he said Paz was a part of the RDA. That you killed her! He . . . he said he’s my real dad.”
“I’m your dad. I’m the one who taught you to walk and hunt and fish— “
“Because I never got the chance!” Quaritch shouted from Spider’s other side. “Your mother never got the chance.”
“Spider, we can talk about everything tomorrow, I promise. But, ‘Teyam’s hurt and your Mama needs you— I need you. You need to come home.”
“You left me.” He whimpered. “You left the forest.”
“We were always going to come for you— “
“They didn’t.” Quaritch snapped. “I was the one who protected you from the general. I was the one who took care of you— “
“He stole you. Tuk and your mama haven’t stopped crying since that day.”
I do think Spider would go with Jake and I imagine one of his siblings waiting off the edge of the boat and zipping away with his brother as soon as they have him. They don’t stay to watch the fight, but Older Sibling drops Spider off with their family and then Lo’ak and Kiri head back to the shipwreck, worried about their dad. Neytiri is with Neteyam, who is asleep but stable (Neteyam lives in everything I write at this point, lol). And Tuk, who was pressed against her mother’s side, launches herself at Spider as soon as she sees him. Neytiri does the same, fawning over him and holding him and— well, I don’t think anyone would let him out of their sight for a while after reuniting.
I think that no matter how Spider and Quaritch’s relationship was, he’d feel bittersweet when the man dies. Especially since it was Jake who killed him. I also feel like after they were reunited, there would be an adjustment period for everyone.
For Spider, he’s grown and changed in his time away from his family. He learned how to sharpen his own knives and knows a lot of English swear words now. His hair is worse for wear, but when he lets his mom take him to wash it, he ends up crying. Because, he missed her so much. And he had almost forgotten how nice it felt to have his mom hold him.
He can keep up with his siblings a bit better out of the water and excels under the water, since he doesn’t need to take breaks to breathe. He tires out faster, given his smaller body and how unused his muscles are to so much time underwater. But, he can stay under a lot longer and he learns how to use their weapons fairly quickly.
His siblings probably try to go back into their old dynamics, but some of the jokes just aren’t funny anymore and none of them know how to talk about Spider’s time with the RDA. He has nightmares now, more than he ever had before.
This ended up being a whole ass fanfic idea, but IDK how it would end. With angst, probably. Might make into a fic eventually, I never know where I’m going when I start having ideas, lol.
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
“Two Worlds,One Heart”Prologue
Word Count: 1500+ A/N: Don’t flop I beg.
Tighnari X Kitsune Reader
"Y/N you're finally awake! We should go play!" Your sibling stated seeing you awake from your slumber as they patiently waited for you. Yae mikos tail ecstatically wagged at you, you'd mirror it back to her showing how happy both of you were. The life of an Yokai is interesting nonetheless but also hardships have to be encountered eventually. 
Your bond with Yae Miko strengthened to the point where it was unbreakable, but you both could only last around 2 weeks without one another. The calming atmosphere and presence you'd both give each other was always welcomed. 
"Yae miko is there any chance we can take a break from work for a few days? I'm sure the 3rd chief editor or main Shrine maiden can take care of our duties for a day or so." You asked, losing your energy from the weeks becoming more tiresome. "Now now my dear little one, if they take over our job for a few days, which way will we be able to tell it's all good?" She stated, eating her fried tofu while you ate your dango. It was a rare sight to see one of you out, rarer when both of you were. 
Unlike yae, you had your tail and ears out while Yae only had her ears. Everyone knew what Yokai you were, the Kitsune, almighty beings who gain a tail every 100 years and becomes more powerful with each tail granted. It was nearly impossible for inazumians to guess it but it was entertaining nonetheless for you and Miko to watch them all bicker about the ages of you both.
You looked at her with curiosity, she'd give you a hm in return of your gaze towards her. "Well can I at least go Yae Miko?" You stated, hangs moving forward and becoming fists while staring at her with anticipation. "Of course you can dear~ Just don't have too much fun that you don't come back alright?" 
She stated, continuing to eat her noodles and tofu. You were ecstatic about leaving inazuma for a little period of time. Goodness everyone was staring at your tail, swishing rapidly side to side. Glad the chairs didn't have a back and instead were stools. Or else your tail would be uncomfortable. 
"Does that mean I can finally go to Sumeru?" You said your usually pinned down ears slightly rised, hoping you heard Yae Miko clearly.”Yes, I’ll miss you though, make sure to send back letters to dear me.” She stated giving you a headpat and slightly ruffled your hair. “When do you plan to go? We need to prepare you.” Miko stated, seemingly finished with her meal and her attention fixed on you. “I was hoping to do it next week… Monday or well start my trip on Sunday perhaps.” 
“We’ll get the check.” Miko stated seeing you finished your dango, You getting out your purse ready to pay when she gave you a gaze saying “I’ll pay for it.” With a wink on her face. Luckily you understood. “Miko if I’m correct it’s currently Wednesday. I’m pretty sure it’s 3pm by now and we came around 2:30pm. So if I plan to arrive there daytime… Should I go around 11pm? I doubt the boat will be quick, especially if the shoguns lightning may struck which it shouldn’t because of our relationship is stable with her.” You stated, trying to remember correctly. 
“My my, when did you become a calculator?” She stated slightly teasing you. “Alright, I’ll let the Publishing house and the Shrine maidens know today or tomorrow. In the meantime, may you help me with reading our apprentices works? Or do you want to help the shrine maidens today?” She asked, stopping in her tracks turning back and waited for your reply. 
“Well which one are you doing today Miko? I thought you were going to read the works we have. Or are you changing your mind based on my input?” You asked. Thinking about the question she had just asked. “Well I’m going to read, you recently visited Mondstadt didn’t you? Maybe we could add a few subtle details into the stories. Or maybe Ms hina can help us out with her column.” She did her signature laugh. “Do we really need to bring ‘them’ into this Miko? Didn’t they go through enough with you already?” You asked, with a slight dead serious look on your face with ur hands on the sides of your hips. 
“Alright alright I get it, you’re too eager to read today aren’t you?” She stated, grabbing your hand slightly, dragging you towards the building. While you silently complied, knowing not to respond. Upon opening the entrance many familiar writers were working. You spent around the next hour or so making everything published go smoothly and refining books. 
The rest of the few days of the week were spent on researching, which is what you’d do when you’re away from your books. You learned about a few of sumerus native plants and culture such as the Sumeru rose or Nilotpala Lotus. They had a giant school called the “Akademiya” But its Archon wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Confused by this as most regions have their archons anywhere within the region made you even more curious in the nation. 
“Alright I need to make a quick trip to the stores to get everything I need for the trip. I believe, if I get everything I need it should be smooth sailing from here hopefully. Maybe someone can give me directions when I arrive into liyue and enter through the chasm.” You wondered hoping someone was kind enough to help you out. Fingers tapped against the wood of the desk. With the other one as a stool for your head as confusion clouded your mind. 
Grabbing your diary from the shelf, dusting it off slightly as it hasn’t been touched for a few days, dust covering your fingers slightly making it grey. Ignoring the lingering dust you read through, looking for additional information you may have added when you first heard about sumeru around a few years past. 
Circling anything you found useful that was already written on a page before repeating the process. With the occasional Fox and inazuman related doodles, debating if you should bring it with you or keep it here as there’s magic lingering on it that only allows you and Miko to open could be considered as a weapon if they thought about it. Gently and neatly placing it into the bag you were going to bring, which luckily for you could float so you didn’t have to carry nor had to worry about anyone stealing as Electrograna shield protected it. Adding electro to those who dare to try. 
“Well I suppose I can bring this. As long as they allow it I should be safe.” You stated, pondering and walking around the room, tail flicked slightly. You stared back at the empty desk, turning your light back on for the meantime. Continuing to draw in your sketchbook in your plant pages. Might as well put information as soon as you can. You never know when they can come in handy. 
Maybe I should book this boat. It seems to be heading to liyues city and I slightly know my way around so I should be able to make it towards sumeru with no difficulties or injuries if I’m correct unless anything is trying to eliminate me for some reason.” You said as you sketched a similar looking boat to help you memorize what it would look like before you had your trip. Which it was currently Saturday only one day or two before you can go to sumeru. 
Focusing the weekend on the same things felt repetitive, but now you can experience it differently for one week, sure you enjoyed both of your jobs but they can become boring after a long period of time just like anything can. Maybe you may have brought less than you need, but I should add more just incase like a first aid kit. 
*Sunday, Timeskip* 
The day of starting your journey to sumeru has finally came, rising early to not miss the boat, friends waved you a goodbye and gave gifts before you left. Letting you know how much they cared about you, although it was only a week, time apart is still time apart. 
Upon boarding, you enjoyed it. No lightning struck anytime while waiting for everyone else to board. Waving goodbye to friends who still stayed behind. Staring into the sea, unknowingly you were on the Crux, the ship Kazuha one of your friends was apart of. Using Sakura petals to mimic the little waves in the ocean with it tapping the water. 
“Y/N? Were you one of the ones who wanted to be on our ship to Liyue? I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting you, I do not mean anything negative with that statement, instead I’m glad. I love seeing positive familiar faces.” He said lending a hand out to shake with yours. Shaking his you stared back at him starting a conversation. 
“Oh yeah Kazuha! Same to you. I thought I booked a different one but I’m glad to see you. It’s been a while.” You stated, your hand still lingering within his, grabbing him closer to you. “Aren’t the little ripples soothing and awesome?” You stated as you scattered Sakura petals with him watching. You let go.
(We used the hand we shakes Kazuha with to scatter the petals btw-)
Only on Wattpad and Tumblr! If you see it on other sites beside those please report it. I don’t allow reposting on other sights beside Tumblr.
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ceiling-karasu · 3 months
Iron Crow and Laser Weapons
I'm just straight up going to be out here making up the schematics and blueprints of the Iron Crow planes for this chapter, so I can extrapolate later, huh?
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I know nothing about planes, but here I am reading manuals and blueprints since these planes will probably feature heavily throughout The Rod That Blocks the Lightning. After all, a good portion of the plot of S2 was Geumseagi trying to find out what they were, and how they could be used against Flower Hill.
Especially since laser based weapons are apparently in development already? Like the HELIOS 60-plus-K-Class laser used by the USS Preble, used to blind optics and supposedly can destroy small targets.
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I think it is a similar version of the AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS already in use by the US Navy to take down small targets.
(USS Ponce). Tumblr won't let me upload the video I have of it in action.
So, obviously, I now have to research these far more in depth, in order to figure out how the Iron Crows can take out entire tank units like they do.
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Actually, the beam is comparable to what we have now, it just seems to have a wider effect. I could see the Wolf Unit coming up with something like this, since they are supposed to be based on the US from what I understand, and these types of lasers have been researched since the 1930s. So why does Dr. Huinjogjebi have this type of technology in S1, if not for espionage and such? There must be a reason why the Wolf Unit hates the Weasel Unit.
The shape of the lasers is comparable to real life. I can see how the weight is distributed for the most part, so the shape of the plane should be sound.
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Although, they mostly seem to need something much more larger, like one of those large Navy Boats, to provide a stable base and energy support. The ships they are attached to don't seem to be using nuclear energy or anything like that. In fact, it appears to be good for ground attacks and boats anyway, since it can burn through aircraft wiring surprisingly easily.
Anyway, things to get you on an FBI watch-list part 8.
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fuckyeahworldoftaika · 10 months
Taika Waititi: “I just want to spend my money and enjoy it”
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As he talks about what a fabulous thing it is to be Taika Waititi, he occasionally glances out the window of the hotel to the gin palaces moored in Auckland’s Viaduct Harbour. So, which one is his?
“They’re all mine. I’m actually trying to get rid of some of these to make room for my QE3.” Everyone in the room laughs – there’s a Disney PR team with camera crew present for a small conveyor belt of local interviews with journalists under instruction not to ask our most prominent global celebrity anything unrelated to his new movie. But Waititi does present as a man who has done quite well for himself. That’s assuming the jewellery that is adorning his fingers, neck and ear is as expensive as it looks. Of course it is. The man’s been on the cover of Vogue, after all, albeit as half of a “power couple” with wife of a year-plus, UK pop star Rita Ora.
It’s not the Listener that has brought up the fruits of his success. Just before the boat quips, Waititi had been pondering the difference between being the young Taika following his creative whims and the 48-year-old one, who now doesn’t have the option of starting things – like multimillion-dollar superhero films – and not finishing them because he can’t be bothered. Add to that, he has so many irons in the fire, there is a risk of a stable overflowing with shoeless horses. That’s whether it’s writing that Star Wars film (“four pages,” he deadpans on how far he’s got), acting in pirate comedy series Our Flag Means Death, making videos for the All Blacks, among other corporate gigs, or supposedly doing remakes of seemingly everything he ever liked growing up. Yes, there is a New Zealand film on his to-do list. More of which later.
To that work-in-progress pile (“I’ve got a few irons underneath the other irons”) you can also add a redo of Mel Brooks’ classic comedy Young Frankenstein. The Jewish-American comedy great liked Waititi’s Hitler-spoofing Oscar-winning Jojo Rabbit very much – it reminded him of his own Hitler-spoofing good old days. He asked Waititi if he’d like to remake Young Frankenstein, the 1974 film starring Gene Wilder that was arguably his greatest big-screen comedy. You don’t say no to Mel Brooks. He is 97, after all. That said, Waititi says he could do with a break from the blacksmith shop. Right now, he says, “I just want to spend my money and enjoy it”. Well, reportedly, he has splashed out on that unobtainable thing for many Kiwi artists of his generation – a nice house in Auckland. The NZ Herald last month reported he’d bought a $10.5 million waterfront property in Point Chevalier, supposedly as a base for his joint custody of his two daughters with his former wife, producer Chelsea Winstanley.
We would be discussing his purchase – after all, who doesn’t like a natter about Auckland real estate? – but this interview is taking place back in April. Disney stipulated it couldn’t run until the local release of his new film Next Goal Wins, which it eventually bumped until the end of the year, having made its New Zealand staff redundant in the interim. Next Goal Wins is based on the true story – there was an earlier doco of the same name – about the American Samoan football team, the biggest losers of any Fifa World Cup qualifying round, having gone down 31-0 to Australia. It stars many familiar faces including Oscar Kightley, Beulah Koale, Dave Fane (“all of my mates – I think Robbie Magasiva is the only one not in this”). And, as the Palagi saviour coach, is Michael Fassbender, an actor not exactly known for his comedy. He plays Dutch-American Thomas Rongen, who became the team’s coach and lifted them from the bottom of the Fifa rankings, a little.
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It’s a film that seems to have been stuck in extra time. It was shot in Hawai’i in 2019. Then came the pandemic, which paused production for a year. Along the way, Armie Hammer, who played a minor role as an American Fifa official, became persona non grata due to a storm of sexual abuse allegations, which required reshoots with comic actor Will Arnett subbing in. “I was actually already changing that character in the edit and Will came in and played a different version of it,” says Waititi, who isn’t the first director caught with a cast member who’s acquired a toxic reputation. But all his films, even his modest budget New Zealand ones at the start of his career, have taken years. “This is just the normal Taika schedule … I started working on Star Wars three years ago. By the time I finish, it will probably be another four years from now.” Next Goal Wins debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival in September and opened in North America last week. The reviews have been decidedly mixed. That’s possibly because, like his parody-risking Thor films, it’s trying to be two things at the same time – a feel-good underdog sports film with the coach trying to redeem himself, and a send-up of feel-good sports films.
The American-Samoan team featured Jaiyah Saelua, a fa’afafine who was the first transgender international footballer. Played by fa’afafine actor Kaimana in the film, the character is a big chunk of the story. Some reviews have wondered why the film’s whole focus wasn’t Saelua. Why wasn’t it? “Jaiyah’s story is really interesting, but I was not tempted, because I really wanted it … to be about that relationship between the team and Thomas. But also him and the team, because there are a lot of other interesting characters there … [Jaiyah’s story] wasn’t something that I was massively drawn to as the main thing.” Waititi wanted to keep things light and bright in what he has said is his least cynical film yet. By which he means? “It’s more just that in this film nothing bad happens to anyone. In all of the other films there’s some darkness there. Jojo Rabbit is probably the most cynical, but in a satirical way. But with this film, the message is on the poster: “Be happy.” I think one of the most important parts of the film is when Thomas says, ‘I can’t win’, and Oscar says, ‘Well, then lose, but don’t do it alone, come lose with us.’ That’s a really important thing. If it was in an American’s hands, it would be all about winning … I think it’s good to embrace losing but doing it together.” Waititi isn’t much of a football fan. He played as a kid for a while before switching to rugby. “I played it from, like, eight to 10. I just felt like it was a real white sport, so I was a bit turned off because all of my mates were playing rugby. I just enjoyed playing touch a lot more than waiting for that round ball to come my way … ‘Can someone, like, kick it to me?’ “Notoriously, soccer is one of the worst things to try to film, because it just always comes across as super boring … It’s bad enough watching it when you’re waiting for something to happen in a big game. But it’s just a hard sport to make look interesting on film. And I think we did a really good job.” Whatever Next Goal Wins does at the box office – and it’s unlikely to be troubling Oscar voters – you suspect Waititi’s life and career will continue on its seemingly charmed way. According to the man living it, it has always been thus.
“It’s like The Truman Show – everything has just been put in front of me, for me. Like, you’ve just been sent in here to entertain me for 15-20 minutes, then you’ll go and these people [the PR team] will do something for me. My mother says this to me all the time … I used to write stories about how the world was on fire and everyone was dying. My parents died and I was the only one who survived. I’m always, like, the star of my own show … This is basically my whole story, just for me.” There are words for that. “It’s called being a Leo. Oh, narcissism? It’s true.” But with that, he says, is the self-doubt of being a fêted figure but feeling a bit of a fake. “It all comes from a deep place of insecurity and imposter syndrome – all the things that everyone else in this industry has – the deep sense of not feeling like you belong here, or that you’ve gotten away with something, and no one’s found out yet. “Most people in this industry have that fear or that sense that it’s either all going to be taken away – the window is going to close – you’re going to be irrelevant soon, or that you’ve somehow stumbled into this undeservedly – that there’s been some sort of glitch or mistake, and no one has noticed that you don’t know what you’re doing. “If anyone asks me, ‘So, how do you make films?’ I don’t know. I don’t know any of the names of the equipment on set. All I know is what I’d like to see as an audience member in a rectangle on a big screen, and I’ll try my hardest to get that. “I think directing in general is just you making decisions fast and confidently, and then people will believe you and follow you.” Does he have anything left to prove? “Nah, I’m good. Film wasn’t even my dream. I didn’t have a dream of doing this, and I’ve already achieved it. I don’t care about anything other than just my happiness and my family.” His marriage to Ora has made him both tabloid-famous and a glossy magazine fixture. He also appears to have met everybody. Yes, he has been starstruck on occasions. Such as when Ora introduced him to Mick Jagger at a party. He gulped, excused himself and departed.
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“It was, ‘I’m not going to sit down and talk to you because I’m going to fuck this up, so I’m just going to walk away.’ ‘Have a good night.’ That was enough for me.” He will be busy for the foreseeable future with whatever is next on his Hollywood to-do list. But he does have the makings of a New Zealand film in a drawer somewhere. One of his early short films, Tama Tū, was about six Māori Battalion soldiers in World War II Italy. He’s been tinkering with an idea about a battalion feature. It is the “Don Quixote of all films that every Māori film-maker has been trying to make,” says Waititi. He’s not the only one – Muru director Tearepa Kahi also has one in the works. Waititi feels his is a good 10 years away. “I think the problem is we shouldn’t be making a Saving Private Ryan version of the Māori Battalion film because we’ve already got Saving Private Ryan, right? So, it has to be something that celebrates being Māori – the stories, the cool, amazing stories of the battalion. It’s got to be in our style, which means it has to be entertaining and fun.”
By Russell Baillie, 24 Nov, 2023 And thanks to @sassy1121 for the article
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alex51324 · 2 months
Summer vacation 2024, Nockamixon State Park, part 3: Aquatic adventures!
After Chloe left, Sophie and I had a quiet day, and then on Monday we went out for some adventures, starting with a stop at the scenic spillway overlook:
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This is where the water drains out when the lake gets high, but since it's been so hot and dry, there isn't much happening.
(This lake, like most Pennsylvania state park lakes, was created by damming up a stream. The founding goal of the Pennsylvania state park system was for every Pennsylvanian to have a state park within 25 miles--almost a century on, this goal still hasn't quite been achieved, but it's close! So, while we do have a few parks that were centered around unique places of intrinsic natural beauty, a lot of them were simply chosen for being conveniently located and having good potential to be developed for conservation and recreation. A lot of them are places that were unproductive for farming, and/or had been subject to extensive resource-extraction, especially timbering, so they required extensive ecological restoration, in addition to building park features. Some people are disparaging about our "fake lakes," but honestly, I think it's rather splendid, both in intention and result.)
Anyway, after the overlook, we walked the park's paved trail, which goes along one side of the lake and to a small waterfall. You can take a little detour out onto the fishing pier, which has stunning views of the lake:
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(On the July 4 holiday--of which more, anon--this section of the park was packed. This is one of the parks nearest to Philadelphia, so a lot of people and families came out for the day.)
Here's the waterfall:
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And a sign about it:
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A wider view, showing more of the stone wall:
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After that, it was back to the cabin for a campfire!
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Tuesday, we got up early for a special adventure:
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Kayaking! The previous day, I had tried to sign up for the local park's free kayaking program, again, and got wait-listed (even though it had just opened for registration that day), so I decided I'd just watch some how-to videos and try it on my own. Luckily, the temperature really dropped overnight, Monday into Tuesday, so it was cool enough for Sophie to hang out by herself in the car for a bit, as long as I got there first thing when the rental stand opened.
(Note: Sophie is very chill about being in the car; I clip her harness to the seatbelt and open all four windows the whole way, and make sure she has a big bowl of water in reach. This would not work with every dog.)
Anyway, kayaking was fantastic; I'm already planning to go again at the local lake, once the current heat wave is over. I mostly noodled around close to the rental area:
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But the kayak felt very stable--I canoed a little as a kid, and I was really surprised to find that the kayak was less "tippy." It was also very easy to paddle; I expected I'd be super-sore the next day, but I wasn't.
This lake is long and narrow, so there was a lot of shoreline to explore. I think this is about as far out as I got:
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Here are some cormorants that like to sit on these big floats near the boat rental stand:
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One more kayaking picture:
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So if anyone out there's been thinking about trying kayaking--do it! If I--with my noodle arms, aversion to physical danger, and general lack of athleticism--can do it and enjoy it, you probably can, too!
After the kayak adventure, we took a drive down to a nearby town with some interesting shops--Doylestown, it's called. It has three bookstores, a rarity in these days, and a found a parking spot in the shade, so Sophie could hang out while I popped in (and checked on her between shops). After that we took a nice walk around the town, looking in windows (me) and collecting pats from strangers (Sophie).
Back to the cabin for another campfire--I'm going to do a food post next, because I made a lot of interesting campfire dinners--and then a night walk down to the wading spot at the lake:
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My phone camera is not especially good for low-light conditions, but this turned out sort of atmospheric, I think.
Wednesday we took a hike, through an area with lots of berry bushes and lake views:
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It was pretty hot, but a gorgeous day:
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Then a campfire and a sunset walk to the lake:
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Thursday was the July 4 holiday, which in Pennsylvania is always a Free Fishing Day, when you don't need a license to fish on state waters, and the park had fishing equipment to borrow, so I picked some up, and we went back to the fishing pier! Luckily, even though there were a lot of people, we got a spot. And I caught some fish!
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This was actually my second fish; I caught one almost as soon as I put the hook in the water, and I Was Not Prepared, so I just put it back right away.
After that I got a bucket out of the car and filled it with lake water, so I could appreciate my fish for a little longer:
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This guy jumped out of the bucket and escaped, but after that I covered the top of the bucket with my fish identification brochure, and ended up with four in the bucket!
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So, I may have caught six fish, or four and two of them twice. (I identified two different kinds, green sunfish and bluegill, but within each type they all looked pretty similar.) I fished for a bit over an hour, then put the fish back and gave the spot to somebody else. We walked around a bit, and checked out a few areas of the park; somewhere or other--I think it was the boat launch area where we had lunch, but it might have been at the fishing pier, or somewhere else, we saw this cool boat!
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It's all wood; the guy said his uncle had it made in Canada.
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Once we'd had enough of the crowds, we went to a spot called John's Pond, which is one of those where you park on the shoulder of the road and walk in a little ways. I thought I'd try fishing a little there:
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I caught one more little fish in there--and a lot of seaweed, and lost most of the hooks they gave me.
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So I went to the Marina and bought some more--they have a vending machine--and we tried the fishing pier there. This one had no shade, but luckily, we had stopped at a yard sale earlier:
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This beach umbrella was only $1, and I've already gotten my money's worth out of it! It was kind of baking on that pier, and I wasn't catching anything, so we packed it in and went back to the cabin. I had been going to walk down to the wading spot and see if I could see any fireworks there--town 4 miles away in the direction you're looking in that spot was having them--but just as it was getting dark it started to pour. So instead we sat on the porch and watched the rain for a bit, then went in to start packing up before our last night at the cabin.
The morning was hazy and hot, but on our way out we made a last stop at the wading spot:
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And that was our trip! Another good one, even with the weird incident at the beginning.
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Lifeboat 07 Weavers
[story also on Ao3]
“Can I ask a favor Lana?” Sesa asked in a low voice, looking around carefully as she set the crate down on a bench out of the way. Putting a few small papers down on the top of the heavy crate. The pen and the paper from the wishboat. 
Sesa checked around to be sure no one was around, did not even catch any scents. The giant woman pulled her shirt forward to look down.
Lana craned her head back, confused but asked back in a puzzled tone. “With what?”
“If I show you how to spell something, and help support the pen… could you help copy it in smaller text?” Sesa asked, carefully reaching into her bra and pulling Lana out. Opening her hand beside the paper that was spread out on the fishy smelling crate. Lana had to sit still for a few moments, disoriented to say the least. “Sorry… was that too fast?”
“Little,” Lana took a few slow deep breaths, it smelled…nice. A mix of a sea breeze through the woods. She looked around after sliding off the large curve of fingers, “What do you want me to…. write?”
It looked almost like old, old growth redwoods lining the wall paths. Like the Old Survivor in California, they were all not only taller than Sesa but looked picturesque. Like manicured city trees, only sequoias? And….was that a ginkgo tree?
What kind of environment would support those different types of trees?
“Just a few lines, or a few words.” Sesa said softly, drawing Lana's attention back to look up at her face. Then followed the movement of the large hands around the tiny woman as Sesa lifted part of the paper beside her. “This is a letter to a Bitta in the wishboat. It's… it's not a letter asking for something but I know it was a hard winter.”
“What does it say?” Lana asked, touching one of the Shakey letters, rubbing her fingers as it felt like something between charcoal and graphite.
Sesa paused, and reflexively used the pencil in her left hand to point to the odd written words. “‘Hello Bitta, I hope you found this wishboat liked it. My little brother and I tried to make it stable, so you can fish peacefully off it. But don't go too far out to sea, no safe sales. Stay by tidepools. I hope you can get as much food as you want with the boat, Bitta, it was really cold this winter. My little brother saw a rainbow and he wanted to make the boat bright. I think the boat would keep the predators away with it being a rainbow.’ and they signed their names here.”
Lana stood staring at the massive letters, thinking before looking at the top of the heavy seamonster-fish filled crate. What might be the heaviest. Lana remembered what Sesa said about a bad winter (winters?), the oddly vaunt look of the giant woman. She looked up at the golden eyes above her, thinking about how she heard the fondness from Sesa at the docks as she pretty much gave away some fish to kids.
“You're… a big softie aren't you?” Lana asked aloud without thinking. Watching as the giant woman stopped rereading to herself and jerked back as if this tiny person somehow managed to smack Sesa. “You're going to give the family food because it's clear that they're struggling, but trying to be kind. Even though you're not in the best shape.”
Sesa leaned back, as if no one noticed or noted aloud her actions. Embarrassed color was flushing through her cheeks. “I'm a scary hermit in the woods, I'm not soft.”
“Oh no, the massively heavy crate brew off the giantanic fishing boat,” Lana noted in a dry tone, but was grinning before a massive hand moved to cup over top of her.
“Shuu, you … Bitta bitty brat. Those winds are bad.” Sesa blurted back, covering her face with her left hand with a sigh. 
What was she doing?
Miniscule hands rested and gripped at the edge of the calloused thumb, leaning out of the opening between Sesa's thumb and the rest of her hand. “It's not a bad thing to be kind, Sesa. I think that's more impressive than seeing the thing and telling others…. To do something. I'm guessing you want me to write something small to, well, keep the magic?”
“Yeah…” Sesa nodded, her left hand over her eyes still, but lowered it as she felt movement of the bitta climbing over her thumb. Seeing Lana walking across the note, looking thoughtful on her little face when looking up again. “Yes…”
“Do Bitta know how to write your language… in the stories you mentioned?” Lana asked, looking up as she paused by the top left corner where the children had taken time to make a flower pattern.
“Ahhh… oh… not aways, when it's mentioned.” Sesa realized, “Most stories imply that Bitta can read more than write? They do their own thing, or just know a few  words. Written that is.”
“I have an idea, can you sharpen the pencil tip here to the side?” Lana offered, pointing to the spot beyond the paper before moving back out of the way. 
The giant woman looked confused but as she was reaching for the dropped pencil as well as reaching to her hip for the knife there. With Lana safely away, she sharpened the pencil, making a tiny pile beside the paper. Drawing back and looking surprised as Lana moved to pick up one of the fragments scraped off. Then again that did make sense as the piece fit her tiny hand better than guiding the pencil half as big as her.
Lana paused, looking around and judged a space in the corner of the paper she stood on. She knelt and with sure strokes, started to draw something. Sesa leaned to one side, two fingers on the rest of the paper to help hold it still. She watched, leaning over and careful of her breathing, watched as Lana drew the wishboat. Not her raft but it was distinct enough to recognize as Lana added one of the odd swirl patterns. 
Sesa realized as the Bitta moved that Lana was drawing a few things. Making it not too big for her but not so tiny that it could not be seen. Simple and distinct enough to tell a little story.
Implying that the Bitta figure was in the water beside the wishboat, splashing, then the next on the wishboat with a cheer. And then the boat landed on a beach with tall trees. The last with the Bitta figure finding a box on a road or path between trees. Then the box beside a basic house.
“Add a little flag coming off the top of the door?” Sesa asked softly, “The wavers have different flags for each season that they make.”
Lana added the mentioned little detail. Looking up, “How's that for an idea?”
“That…is so perfect Lana.” Sesa smiled as she was allowed to see the whole thing, looking like a full armslangth for Lana of space used. Then realizing that Lana was adding something below, a swirling line from the child's flower to under her own drawings. Adding off shoots of a few quick flowers.
Lana put the splinter of almost graphite in her back pocket, then pulled out her own knife to test on an edge of the waxy paper. It was not extremely hard to cut, a little irregular and she left a few faint hand and fingerprints on the side. She had the equivalent of two poster board size pieces that could be folded in half. Looking around the lid and carrying to a spot not far off the paper to wedge as best she could in a spot that would give a splinter to Sesa maybe, but unless there was a sudden big storm it should stay.
“I think that will hold?” Lana asked, watching as Sesa sat up from her hunch. Then folded the rest of the paper up to put in a pocket of her vest, knife stored back in its spot. 
“I think so, that’s… that’s a much better plan then mine.” Sesa offered her hands to Lana, trying to repress the thrill again of someone so small grasping her fingers before letting Sesa pick her up. Anyone that might have seen it just looked like the tall woman had just been hunched over the box writing, more so as she put the pen in her hair. Slipping ‘something’ else in her bra while adjusting her shirt. “Okay, I'm going to drop this off before stopping by the Weaver's shop on the way to the dock, need some cloth for new pants. Asin would have things on the dock by my boat at least by then, and most other crates returned.”
Lana dared to stand up, bracing a hand on skin and fabric, getting to peek a bit outside. Even if it was the trees above as Sesa picked up the crate and walked down the path. “It's the same basics of your idea.”
“I suppose.” Sesa considered, glancing upwards, noticing some of the berry trees that were hip high to her that pinned the Weaver's properly. They were getting ripe and colorful, reminding Sesa of some of the miniature trees. Not for the first time wondering why some were large and others were tiny like the little trees she just bought. She almost reached out but had her hands full, so focused on scanning ahead for anyone home. It did not seem like it, so Sesa walked to a well used side gate that seemed to be daily used by small feet. The two kinds likely, and walked through a lot. 
Out of the way but still used once a day. Faintly Sesa could hear voices so lifted the heavy crate over the low gate and set it down at an odd angle. As if it fell there. Then made sure the note was visible, catching sight of something on the inside of the gate. A big hollowed out gourd painted like the wishboat. Almost on impulse, Sesa lifted it enough to look in, see the painstaking work to make it look like a little bedroom, and lifted the whole thing. It fit in her hand and twisted open.
Checking for anyone Sesa carefully picked several things out, slipping them into a pocket and then twisted the gourd back together to hang up. Now she strided off, picking a few of the different little berries on the way up around the main road, just catching movement from the house of weavers, and young voices behind. Her legs were much longer and Sesa made good use of them, ignoring the male voice calling out.
“Who’s there?”
Sesa did not respond, far as anyone could see, she was just walking past the front of the house now. Scanning around the houses while cradling the small handful of berries. Hoping some might be useful for Lana as she felt around her vest pockets to find something to put them in. coming up with one of the cloth scraps that she took and transferred the berries into there. Wrapped up and slipped it in her shirt with the bitta.
“Hold that?” Sesa rumbled as soft as she could, “I don’t want it squishing. Not sure if you can eat the berries.”
Lana huffed, surprised at the weight but set the bundle down and sat again. Bracing again, it was like a throw blanket wrapped around something. Once getting used to Sesa’s pace again (mostly), Lana peaked in and gasped.
Only one fruit took two hands to hold, it was heavy and almost that good ripe. Lana sniffed the fruit, it did smell like plum, sweet of natural sugar. Another massive plum was riper and had the skin broken, Lana picked that up. Sniffed and dared to taste the juice. Definitely tasted like plum. She waited until Sesa was talking again, it had to be a good ten minutes before trying a nibble. While at the same time finding another few fruits, all oddly large.
Lana pressed back against Sesa’s chest, feeling and half listening to her telling someone she wanted that bolt of simple greens. Not minding that it was an irregular dye pattern, it was in her price range and strong fabric. Lana tilted her head as she also caught something from the other giant person that talked about odd picks in the scraps.
Sesa just gave a soft grunt back and set something else on the counter. Speaking again in what seemed like a tired voice. “How much?”
“...nineteen gold for everything, including the needles and thread.” the other woman said after a moment, her voice very confused, and then made a surprised sound as it was paid for. Then lana could only guess getting change before recognizing sounds of not fabric but paper being wrapped around two packages.
Sesa was moving again, and this time with Lana paying attention she could hear other voices. Then remembered that the giant woman mentioned not liking a lot of people. Was it specific people, large groups of people? Or both? Sesa had been much calmer in the other store. Lana could feel as her ride, well host, took a deep breath, held it and then sighed deeply.
“Almost there?” Lana asked.
“Almost, just have to get to the dock.” Sesa agreed, looking down the hill of the main street down to the harbor. Swallowed thickly as she took in all the people, stalls and what she could guess was a market day.
Sesa felt a bit sick, shifting to push the smaller of the two packages under the waistband on her back and partly to her side. Keeping one hand free just in case.
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robogart · 2 years
Hi! It's ok if you're not comfortable awnsering- but I was wondering how much you make a month from art on average? I'm going into my second year of art school and I'm getting worried about how lucrative online independent work would be. You seem to have a system that I could see myself enjoying, specially compared to the usual instagram and youtube artists you see thriving from online work. And if you don't want to give out numbers: Does it make a living or do you need/work a second job? Ty <3
Hey! This is a great question and I’m going to apologize in advance because it’s going to be a LONG answer! Mostly because I think this is a great way to shed some light on just more “regular” type circumstances for art jobs things! But I hope I can answer this question sufficiently!! 🙏💖
Okay - so I don’t feel comfortable saying how much I make (I’m superstitious that if I share it in a public space it will be dashed IMMEDIATELY) but I can definitely talk about logistics!
So to preface everything with the simple answer: I DO make enough now to have a living! It’s a SMALL living, but I’m able to focus just on my artwork for now! Which is honestly still wild to me and I AM waiting for the rug to be pulled out from underneath me at any given moment (I am throwing some salt over my shoulder as we speak, just in case)
Now I just want to talk about some general insight points about my current situation/how I got to this current situation:
I have only JUST been able to move out (I’m 28 now)
I live in a shared apartment with my friend (fate was SO on our side and this has been a whirlwind 2.5 months omg)
I have student loans to pay off ($400/month! Gross!) on top of rent/life payments. If you’re in this boat, always keep it in mind!
For 7 years after college, I was working on art (commissions, personal, etc) and also working “part time” (30+ hr work weeks so lmao not really but for employer-benefit reasons 🙄) This is for 7 years after school! It took a bit to get here!
I only had to pay a small rent when I was living at home so while it took 7 years (underpaid, family circumstances, physical/mental health woo!) I WAS able to save enough to move out
most days I can still hardly believe I’m here @ w @;; and it’s a constant working process to figure out how to stay here as well! I work 8-10 hour days, 6 days a week. 
And if you’re like me, I don’t come from money, so my parents aren’t in a position to help and I have student loan debt. This has informed a lot of my adult life!
That said, I have been lucky to be in a family with a steady lower-middle class income AND ALSO in a pretty stable/functional family situation so that I was able to move back home for a while to save a bit of money. Not everyone has those circumstances to plan financially! But if you come from a more secure/affluent financial background, some of this might not apply to you - which is fine too.
My advice would be to first and foremost make a budget list for yourself (love my google sheets! I have MULTIPLE budget lists lmao) 
Make a budget list that covers what you would NEED to earn each month. And then from there, make a sheet that shows what you DO earn each month from art!
Try to track that income for at least 3-4 months of steady work!
If those numbers continue to meet up, then I would say that’s a green light!
If they don’t meet up - maybe look into some part time stuff! Which, like I said before, can be REALLY solid. And it’s always solid at least for a steady line of income, which is great! 💪✨
And remember to treat your job like a JOB! Clock in and clock out! It’s just a job! Not your life! Keep doing you! 💖 Too many times have I given 100% on jobs when it really should be like 80%! Save your energy for yourself too!
And if you are able, think about moving back home. Saving money is ALWAYS a solid choice. Give yourself some time to figure shit out and get your ducks in a row. 
I’m only able to do what I can now because I lived at home for 7 years and worked pretty non stop! (working in the morning to afternoon at my first job, coming home doing chores, and then working from 8-11 on art) 
BUT, always know, that we are NOT the same person!! You’re going to have a different path from me and so will many others! But in case you wanted a general picture of my circumstance, I’m hope this helped!
And as always, do NOT feel pressured by my advice here! 
Advice is just to help INFORM your OWN decisions! Never to make them for you! 💖
I feel like I both talked about A LOT and I’m ABSOLUTELY missing something from here! 🤔 So I apologize for such a novel! 
But if you or anyone else reading this thinks of a question about this type of stuff, let me know! I try to be pretty transparent about this since I feel like I’ve only seen a lot of advice from people not with students debt so it’s always been a little frustrating 😔💦
This work IS possible, but it was a lot of work to get myself here! And it’s still a constant dance of figuring out new things (which is equally exciting and a bit stressful) ^ w ^;;; 👏💖💖💖
But thank you for reading this far omg! I hope it was a little helpful at least! ; w ; 🙏💕
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keilahseverin · 1 year
Spell your URL: keilahseverin
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by @humblemooncat and @bananarose yessss 2x tags means 2x effort let's goooo
My URL = one of my WOL's name because I am so very creative haha.
This was HARD, but uhhh I made it hard on myself. I approached this a little differently from the description above and built a "soundtrack" based on Keilah's story. I had several criteria for picking songs here:
Can't pick two songs from the same band or source.
The lyrics of the song, if any, have to be relevant to Keilah's personality or life somehow.
The overall vibe of the song has to fit Keilah.
No FFXIV OST, that would be too easy (but other FF titles were fair game... even though none of them made the cut, lul).
I think the criteria worked, because I was able to fish around in my library and memory for a collection of songs that I think represents Keilah well in many different ways! (Plus, new story brainworms moved in how about that??)
If you decide to do this challenge, I encourage you to find a fun way to represent your muse that makes sense for you! Song titles, songs from OSTs only, whatever :)
Here is the soundtrack:
K - Kid A, Radiohead - I slip away, I slipped on a little white lie
E - E. Is Stable, Menomena - Coldness sets in like fingernails raked across the door
I - I Walked, Sufjan Stevens - I would not have run off, but I couldn't bear that it's me, it's my fault
L - La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral), Debussy - The slow, quiet buildup conjuring images of a drowned cathedral slowly emerging from the sea... only for the waves to roll back in, engulfing the cathedral, as they ever have. I can't help but picture Keilah's big discoveries about her own past taking place during this song. Okay and maybe I cheated a little using the French version of the name "But Keilah there is also an S in your name" Yes shhh quiet it's okay shhhhh.
A - Area Zero, multiple composers/arrangers (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet OST) [potential Pokémon SV late-game spoiler!]- The mysterious feel of this track-- like you're stumbling upon knowledge you shouldn't be witness to-- fits well with Keilah's personal journey.
H - Hand in my Pocket, Alanis Morissette - I'm sad, but I'm laughing. I'm brave, but I'm chicken shit. I'm sick, but I'm pretty, baby
S - Sacrifice, The Weeknd - Every time you try to fix me, I know you'll never find that missing piece
E - Emil (Sacrifice), Keiichi Okabe (Nier Replicant 1.22... OST) - "There are as many ways to view the world as there are people in it."
V - Valley of Calm Trees, Klaxons - While passing through the clouds of diamond dust as two mock suns arise beside our one, the sun-dogs guide the way towards the east and set behind the valley of calm trees
E - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere, Camellia - keilahbossfight.mp3
R - Recover, Chvrches - And if I recover, will you be my comfort? Or it can be over. Or we can just leave it here
I - Invincible, Muse - Don't give up the fight. You will be alright, 'cause there's no one like you in the universe
N - No One Knows, Queens of the Stone Age - I drift along the ocean, dead lifeboat in the sun, and come undone
Tagging 13 people here we go, 0 pressure to do this especially if it's not your thing, more of an FYI hi this might be cool if you want: @archaiclumina @miqomonkly @gobbie-boom @ravendas-xiv @ishgardmuffin @umbralaether @irisopranta @emetkoto @arinaxiv @emc2beans @protection-and-pleasure @whimsyxiv @wingedasarath and of course anyone else that stumbles upon this and wants to try!
Feel free to do this with your character's name instead, whatever floats your boat really heh heh.
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