#trying to get better about my work/life balance but also i don't want to screw over this new girl
lettuce-gremlin · 11 months
Hrm.... they moved where I was working today so I technically don't have to come in until a half hour later... but also I think the only other person working today in the position I was moved from is the girl who's only been here for like a week... Debating coming in at 8 if only to give her a little bit of help for that first half hour...
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creature-wizard · 19 days
Hi, literally just found your blog. I learned about LOA last year and, as someone already practicing a form of spirituality, took some of the good tip of the iceberg stuff and (mostly) forgot about it for about a year. I got back into it recently to revisit everything and see if there's anything that works for me that I can/want to add to my practice, so I decided to actually interact with the community for the first time. I did for about a week or two. After a few posts/comments I saw and engaged with, I thought, "Boy, this is starting to sound like a cult." As someone into spirituality who still has their head screwed on, I try to see the balance in things. Sometimes, I fuck up and I'm wrong about something. They don't feel the same way. I have seen an abundance of victim blaming, reality denial, and delusion. They basically all sit in this metaphorical circle and collectively gaslight each other. "Sure, you can bring family back from the dead, it's just that we have limiting beliefs around death, so it might not work. Sure, you can have this house tomorrow. Actually, if this didn't work- check your limiting beliefs (it's all your fault if this doesn't work. We're limitless). You can absolutely get access to the person who doesn't want to sleep with you. They want you, duh, it's done. Of course you can change this man's sexuality and have him want to be with you. He's your SP. Free will? Oh, don't worry about it. No one can manifest YOU without your consent (except when they do) because that's not YOUR reality." But also, "I mean, I can't give you proof, cause I'd witness it in my reality, but maybe you wouldn't in yours." Convenient. No matter what, they're right because they say so. I disagree? I don't get it, I should read NG's stuff to understand better. Hear me out, some of this can absolutely be helping people on a spiritual and psychological level, but in moderation. Something needs to be said about the toxic positivity, blind following, and comple gaslighting and delusion happening in this community. The way they respond to criticism feels so sinister to me. It's weird. I feel like it's easy for a lot of people who are desperate as a result of their circumstances or have trauma/poor self seem to get stuck there. It kind of reminds me of the whole "You were awful in a past life, so now this happened to you. There's no good or bad, just how you perceive it" in response to someone talking about their trauma. I believe in reincarnation, but this is an unhinged thing to say. LOA folks do the same, only you "manifested" it. Disagreeing with them and trying to have a discussion is just you going around in circles. It was a ridiculous experience.
Yup, it's victim-blaming and wild irrationality all the way down, and all for what? Belonging to a social circle full of the most toxic assholes you could possibly hope to meet on this site?
(Also it's not technically delusion, since that's an actual symptom of certain mental disorders. It's just regular cult irrationality.)
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poppyandzena · 4 months
Poppy: "Spawn is an adult you guys, you need to stop treating saying I'm doing child abuse because they were an adult." Also Poppy: "Anyways yes we had a schedule for Spawn. People with ADHD work best with schedules, this is proven!! Spawn just couldn't complete it cause they were dicking around." As someone with ADHD, while schedules can help, it's not the end all, be all. I would say most of all it requires some flexibility and understanding. Poppy insists that schedules are proven to help people with ADHD, therefore it's good that they forced a schedule onto Spawn, and yet even when they talk about it they talk about how the schedule didn't work for Spawn and... well, blame Spawn for it not working. Almost as if they have disabilities that make their life a bit harder to keep to a schedule or something 乁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ㄏ When I was a child, my 'schedule' for the day was basically this: school, come home and do homework, do three chores (written down on the fridge for me to complete because I legit couldn't remember when I was verbally told what chores to do the night before), and after that I was able to do whatever I wanted. I don't think regimented schedules help someone with ADHD, I think having certain things scheduled (such as a few chores, homework since it was important for school, etc) while also allowing for downtime is the best way to go. Even as an adult, there are certain things I try to keep to a schedule (certain days dedicated for chores, all bill due dates are written on a calendar and checked off as the month goes on, specific errands like groceries) but I also understand that some days I'm gonna wake up, have a bad brain day where I can't really do everything I want to do (and sometimes I can only really do one big thing a day), and I give myself the grace and understanding while also keeping in mind what is most important to get done. It's a balancing act. It's delicate. It's hard work. Every time I see the way Poppy talks about Spawn I just hope more and more that they're doing so much better without her... and I hope Poppy never gets to be in contact with them ever again.
I have ADHD and anxiety. Flexibility is best. I forget to eat more than I eat in general. My mental health improves when I'm given more control of my surroundings and my choices. My work gives me enough framework without dominating my life like I'm a sim without autonomy.
Us ADHD people work in what I call loopholes or cheats. I hate brushing my teeth so I brush my teeth in the shower to get it all done in one place. Or if I can't shower before I go to work, I have little disposable toothbrushes and sugar free gum in my desk. I hate the act of eating or preparing food. So instead of screwing myself over by making something I won't finish, I drink V8 100s since they're cheaper than the Naked brand and contain vegetables and fruits I wouldn't bother preparing on their own. I don't even own a bin for my food waste since I know I will procrastinate taking out the trash and stink up my home, so food waste is sent to the trash chute. I keep non-perishable snacks in reach so my blood sugar doesn't completely bottom out when I forget to eat.
Spawn is doing fine living without Zena and Poppy--not because they were "never disabled." They are very disabled. You know what disables you further? Having to do endless lists of labor that last for hours, sometimes without a working AC and little food in your body as your parents shame you for not "doing it quick enough." Being made to skip meals because you "missed your time." Having YOUR sports drinks consumed when you need those to keep your sodium up. Being barred from going to the bathroom for hours at a time. Being shamed for staying in your room but being screamed at by Zena for existing within ten feet of them. Having the internet cut off on purpose and then having to grovel to turn it back on when you need it to look for a job, as your parents bitch at you for not having a job.
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ambersoon · 9 months
Why do fucking parents tend to disregard their kids or try to listen on their kids conversations with me. It really sucks because I'm sit there and I try the best I can to challenge my kids but also not make them feel like they're horrible people. One kid I work with is such Rosie colored glasses about the world everything's fine everything's great he's doing great he's doing fine and we have talked about this many many times but he chooses that view of the world and he never challenges that our checks in with himself to actually see if he's actually doing great. And when I find out from Mom that he's always doing horrible he's never doing anything correctly he does everything horribly like she has this black colored glasses view of himself and I have seen some of the pictures that he has done and his room and I'm just like well well what are you doing to help him rather than scream at him or yell at him or disparage him no kids going to want to do anything when all they hear is negative things about themselves no wonder he has a rose colored glasses a view about the world. And I tried to challenge him on his thinking but it's not my job to fix him or make him see what he's doing wrong he has to see what I'm giving him and take it and use it and then change I can't change him it's not my job as a therapist that's not my role as a therapist that is not who I am and what I do. If you're so worried about what I'm trying to say to your kid if you're so worried about what is going on with him why don't you talk to me more about it instead of like be so much asparaging to him yelling at him and telling he's a horrible person that he'll never make it I know he is not doing well at school I knew it because of the mom but I keep getting Rose Colored Glasses and that he's catching up and then he's doing this and he's getting better he's handling it more but that's this kid and she's saying he's lying to me but he's more lying to himself and he does it all the time and then when some little spat happens at the place he's staying and he can't handle it he does run home and which is what she wants she wants to take care of him she wants to be there for him and have him there and have him there for the rest of her life because she needs him just as much as he needs her it's like codependency relationship I have in another case that I have but people don't understand that. I think this kid also wanted his video games that's why he is comfy at home because his video games are his stuff is there he's not going to handle the situation of being on his own and I could see it but his mom didn't see it because she's the issue of it but she's more negative than positive like my other case. She's less supporting of him and more like he is a horrible person he can never do anything right. And I am trying my hardest to make this kid see the light of day but I can only do so much I can only get so much past the Rose Colored Glasses and when those glasses are tightly screwed into his eyeballs and Mom has those black colored smokey eye glasses and those are screwed into her eyeballs and that's all they see and she's not willing to work with me to take them off and try to work with him there's only so much I can do being a therapist is not very easy it's a balancing act it's allying with the client that's the child but now so not alienating them from their parent and it sucks cuz I really want this kid to do well but I also want Mom to see he has potential if she only just being more positive about him
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RNM, 4x01
I loved this episode.
It was a solid season premiere, way more balanced than previous episodes and it's sad to know this is the last season when it feels like RNM finally found its way.
I didn't even dislike Maria in this episode 😲 Although it seems like she is gonna be a pain about losing her powers so she can live. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Let's wait and see how the writers gonna make her deal with all of that.
Maybe last season will be it to make Maria likable again?
But anyways, I'm sad for Kyle. The guy has been working nonstop as a way to avoid Iz, obviously. 💔
I still don't know how Isobel hasn't picked up on Kyle's feelings for her. I assume eventually she will and that might give us the funniest and sweetest scenes ever.
Her and Anatsa relationship it's not very convincing.
I think Anatsa would be a great addition to the show if they had time to develop her story arc. Which I'm assuming they won't. The I love you felt rushed and I'm sure soon enough the relationship will be over and forgotten.
Although it's seems she'll stick around until episode 4. 😳🤔
Max trying to propose was ... something. I never got the wedding feelings for Echo as their happy ending. Liz always wanted to see and do. For me, a better ending for them would be living their lives out of Roswell, together.
But, as Liz said, she'll say yes when the time is right. 💞
Speaking of timing, the introduction to the new characters was so well done.
The Tezca character (I think that's her name) didn't have to say a word for us to know she's gonna be trouble. 😳
Bonnie and Clyde seem to be motivated by misguided purpose but, my guess is they gonna turn up good, eventually.
The Alighting seems like an end of time sorta deal.
Very intrigued by what it actually is. Maybe our favorite aliens will need to head back to their home planet. Maybe they'll fight like hell to protect the true home they found on Earth and its humans. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Speaking of aliens and humans, Malex was a highlight in this episode. 🥰🥰🥰
It couldn't possibly be any other way. Domestic-angsty, who knew would be so good?
Michael's nerves getting the best of him just points out how much he loves Alex and doesn't want to screw it up. The guy is a genius who can build very difficult things and yet, his nerves (and his low self-esteem) didn't let him fix the gazebo model.
It's a nice callback to 3x13 bunker scene where Michael is terrified that something he'll do will break him and Alex up again.
The fear of losing everything for someone that always had nothing is so understandable.
Dallas and Max calling how it was just proved Michael never intended to back down from living together, but that didn't mean his insecurities would go away. He needed to let it out.
So he talked to Dallas, he talked to Max, and, to Dallas again. But what got through to him was coming back home and talking to Alex about it.
Alex was upset. A cute upset with the crossed arms, sitting on that couch just waiting for Michael☹️
Can you imagine being so happy about moving day (Alex was so pleased to be sharing everything he has with Michael) and then coming home and not seeing the love of your life but just a key on the table?
Alex handled the situation with the skill he has mastered over a decade: loving Michael Guerin.
There was just so much love in Alex's words to Michael, in a way that reassured Guerin but also allowed Alex to be vulnerable too. 🥺💜
The growth of both of these characters. They have been through so much since 1x01 but now they are finally there. In a place that's for forever.
Rating for 4x01: 9/10. It's not a 10/10 for me because Alex Manes should have been in more scenes and the birthday party should have been longer.
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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delaber · 3 years
Three-Point Perspective (Part 2)
Rafael Casal x Reader x Daveed Diggs
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Note: Guys! When I wrote Three-Point Perspective, I wasn’t planning on adding a second part to it but the amount of support was so overwhelming that I just had to do a sequel ...And let me tell you; I am so glad you guys wanted it because this was so much fun! I have never been more challenged with a story-line, portraying emotions, changing perspectives, and just the plot in general. I have never never never changed a story-line as much as I did for this one, haha! Crazy amounts of shout-outs and thanks to my amazing mate @einfachniemand​ for listening to countless of ideas, for feedback on several snippets, for being supportive af, and for telling me “yeah, no, that doesn’t work. Back to the drawing board.” Thank you boo! You are amazing! A huge thanks to @theatrenerd86​ for starting off this sequel by providing the settings - and for just being the most supportive human being ever! Mwah! Also a huge thanks to the rest of you for your endless support! I love this community! (Oh, and anon; thanks for the (quite old, sorry) prompt but I didn’t do it for Rafa (sorry once again)). Let me know what you guys think!
Words: 13.8K
Warnings: Oh my goodness, I don’t even wanna get started... Blood, heartbreak, angst (my three tropes)
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Rafa almost tripped over his own two feet as he stumbled over to the bar and desperately ordered a large whiskey shooter. He was having a hard time keeping calm; his heart was beating fast in his chest, his throat closing in on itself, his hairline soaked in panic-sweat. He needed to put what had just happened in the very seat he was standing in front of at a distance. His hands were still itching to punch something! He needed the fucking drink!
The bartender had barely stopped pouring Maker's Mark into a small glass before Rafa quickly grabbed it and chugged its contents down his throat, desperately trying to block out what he had just witnessed.
Your tongue in his best friend's ear.
Diggs' hand sliding up your thigh.
The sensual smile you'd worn as Diggs had whispered promising words in your ear.
"Oh god," Rafa groaned as he recalled your excited smile as his best friend had escorted you out of the bar, his hand dipping uncomfortably low on your hips.
Desperately clutching the now empty whiskey glass, Rafa tried relentlessly to push away the image of what you and Diggs probably were in the midst of doing right now. Oh shit, oh no... His chest was stinging, his stomach aching horribly at the thought of you and Diggs fucking. Oh god. He tried to shift his focus to the burning sensation down his esophagus instead and quickly ordered another shooter.
It didn't take long before the bartender had placed another glass of golden-brown liquid in front of him that he quickly downed in one go, thinking about how stupid he was for not having acted on his feelings for you earlier. He had had eight fucking years to do so after all?! Why the fuck hadn't he just pulled himself together and called you up?! He wanted to punch something! He wanted to get fucked up! He wanted to call someone and get them to deliver a big fucking bag of blow - but he settled on a third shooter.
He gulped down the whiskey as the aggression subsided and was replaced by the same type of jealousy-induced heartburn that he had felt earlier that night. Fucking Daveed Diggs and the way he always seemed to be able to wrap women around his little finger! In eight minutes, he had managed to do to you what Rafa hadn't managed to do for eight years. Fuck him!
A fourth whiskey went down Rafa's throat as the jealousy was replaced by hurtful pangs in his chest; shit it hurt to think about you and Diggs together. Rafa knew that you had had a few men in your life since the summer in the taco truck, and even though it had stung to see pictures of your romances on Instagram, it didn't hurt half as much as seeing his best friend escort you out of the bar.
He ordered another whiskey. And another one after that. And then an entire bottle of Jameson just to recall the taste of your lips that night on top of the skate ramps all those years ago. Quickly, Rafa gulped down most of the bottle, his eyes watering from the sharp taste of alcohol on his tongue, but no matter how much he drank, he still wasn't able to get image of you and Diggs out of his head. It had etched itself on the back of his eyelids, somehow becoming clearer and clearer with every gulp of fiery liquid.
It didn't take long before he had reached the half-way mark on the bottle of Jameson, completely lost in constantly checking his phone to see if you had tried to contact him to tell him that Diggs by some miracle had blown his shot. You hadn't. And even though Rafa doubted that you would, he still couldn't put the phone away.
He was fumbling about on the screen as he accidentally found Diggs' name on the list of contacts. Completely lost in contemplating whether or not he should call him up and tell him to stay the fuck away from you, he jumped a little when he suddenly felt a soft hand on his shoulder. For about a mili-second, Rafa believed that the soft touch belonged to you, but as soon as he had whipped around in his seat, he felt the disappointment cloud his mind as he was met by his make-up artist Janelle instead. "Oh, hey," he spoke in an uninterested tone of voice, his words a little slurred from the amount of whiskey he'd been drinking.
"Rafa, honey, are you okay?" She looked at him with kind eyes, "you seem a little out of it."
"I'm great," he slurred into his whiskey glass before emptying it for what felt like the 100th time that night, "I'm fucking perfect! This night's just absolutely fucking perfect."
Janelle furrowed her brows and pushed the bottle of Jameson out of Rafa's reach, "is it because of Daveed and -"
"- DON'T say her name," Rafa warned, his voice turning to a low drunk growl afterwards, "I don't want to think about it."
Janelle sat down on the empty barstool next to him and sent him a slow nod, "yeah, I was afraid this might happen..." she sighed and sent him a pitiful look.
"That what might happen?" Rafa drunkenly mumbled, trying to avoid her gaze.
"Honey... I've seen the way you look at her," Janelle whispered and reassuringly put her hand on Rafa's arm as she searched his face for any kind of affirmation. Rafa groaned and met her eyes shortly before she softly added, "- and I've seen the way Daveed looks at her too."
Rafa gulped to keep the slowly forming lump in this throat at bay, "...so you don't think it's just a one-night thing?" He croaked in a small whisper, the pain in his chest suddenly twice as hurtful as before.
Janelle shook her head slowly, shooting Rafa a careful look.
"And - uhm," Rafa cleared his throat "- do you think that - uh - she's into him as well?" He added in a whisper, his face involuntarily screwed up as he was afraid to hear the answer.
"I don't know, honey," Janelle said diplomatically and pulled him in for a tight hug, inaudibly giving away that she definitely thought so. Rafa appreciated Janelle's attempt to salvage the situation and let her comfort him for a couple of seconds before she slowly let go of him again, sending him a heartfelt look in the process. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.
"No..." Rafa mumbled and reached for the bottle that Janelle had pushed away moments before.
She grabbed his arm and forced it down in his lap instead, "why don't you leave the bottle and instead call it a night, boo? You've been drinking quite a lot already."
Rafa gulped a little and realised that she was right. Nothing good would come from sitting at the bar, drowning his sorrows in cheap whiskey. "Yeah," he groaned as he ran a hand through his damp hair, "yeah... You're right. Might be a good idea..."
"Go grab your jacket. I'll call you a cab, okay?"
"Thanks," Rafa mumbled before scrambling to his feet, swaying a little from side to side. He managed to balance himself and stagger over to the coat check where he retrieved his leather jacket and slowly pulled it on with great difficulty.
"I got you," Janelle was suddenly behind him, helping him pull the jacket up his arms.
"Thanks," Rafa mumbled as he pulled on the collar to rearrange the leather over his shoulders.
"You wanna say bye to the rest of the crew?" Janelle piped from behind him.
He shot a quick glance across the room and towards the table that his friends were occupying. "I better set an example," he mumbled even though he'd rather be sitting in a cab on his way home right now.
With his arm around Janelle, and her hand on his chest to steady him, Rafa walked over to his co-stars, putting up his best attempt at a cheerful smile, "I'm off guys. Have a lovely evening," he slurred drunkenly.
He thought to himself that he was doing a tremendous job of hiding away his hurt feelings until he noticed their stiff smiles. Suddenly, he realised by the sympathetic looks they were all shooting him from their seats, that they were well-aware of what was going on. Rafa quickly scanned their silent, pained faces one by one until Alessandro - one of the leads - finally spoke up, "see you Monday boss!"
Annoyed with their pitiful eyes, Rafa mumbled a, "see you Monday, bruh," and turned around, facing Janelle again as the others awkwardly looked away. It made him feel stupid.
"Cab's outside," Janelle tried to smile and pulled him in for a hug, "are you going to be okay, boo?"
"I don't know," Rafa croaked truthfully against her neck and let her pull him just a little closer.
"Call me tomorrow, okay?" She let go of him, "We'll do something fun."
"Okay," Rafa slurred, his eyes stinging as he turned away from her and towards the exit.
Slowly, he stumbled out of the bar and hopped into the yellow cab outside, closing his eyes desperately in the backseat, trying to block out any thought of you and Diggs but failing horribly. The ride home was the longest drive of Rafa's life, his thoughts sporadic and unorganised but all centred around the same thing: what would he come home to? Had you and Diggs gone to your place? Or to Diggs' place that he just happened to share with Rafa? Fuck, he almost couldn't bear the thought of coming home to meet Diggs balls deep in you on the couch. Rafa would never purposely punch Diggs, but if he came home to face that, he wasn't sure he'd be able to hold back his itching fist.
"He's your best friend," Rafa mumbled to himself as a reminder, hoping to calm himself down, "he's your best friend. He didn't know. He's innocent... - well apart from fucking your girl..."
Everything inside him was on fire.
"You alright back there, mate?" The cab driver shot Rafa a look in the rear-view mirror, apparently concerned about the whispered words, he'd heard coming from the backseat.
"Yeah," Rafa replied unenthusiastically, a little annoyed that everybody seemed to be so concerned with him - but he eventually stopped thinking out loud.
For the remainder of the trip, the driver kept his mouth shut too but annoyingly enough constantly checked in on Rafa in the rear-view mirror.
Rafa was relieved when the driver finally pulled over outside his home and paid him quickly, slamming the car door shut with much force, hoping to alleviate some of the all-consuming itch that he felt deep in his bones. Little did it help. He still wanted to punch something.
Rafa turned his attention towards the house and gave out a short sigh before he started swaying up the paved pathway in the small yard, briefly stopping before he reached the front door. He prayed that you had taken Diggs to your place and not the other way around. He couldn't handle being faced with his worst nightmare - and especially not after having had so much to drink. Right now, he couldn't account for how he'd react.
He stood with his key in hand for a while, scared of what might come, but eventually realised that he would have to go inside at some point. With a deep sigh, he slowly slid his key in the lock and turned it around, his palms sweating terribly. He felt his heart sinking down to the bottom of his stomach when the key didn't meet any kind of resistance, and he realised that the door was already unlocked.
Fuck... Diggs had taken you here.
With a burning sensation in his chest, Rafa quietly pushed open the front door and stepped inside the small hallway, closing the door behind him with a small thump. He closed his eyes and threw his head up against the wooden door, forcing himself to relax by taking three deep breaths - a technique he had learned from his mother when he had been nervous about doing spoken words for the first time at fifteen.
He focused on his breathing for a few seconds and after having exhaled a third time - already more relaxed than before - he opened his eyes and took in the room. He immediately saw that the floor of the narrow hallway was decorated with several pieces of discarded garments strewn randomly about on the stone floor.
Diggs' pants. Your dress. Your bra.
"No..." Rafa groaned quietly as he took in the pieces of clothes with a hard gulp, the tears stinging in his eyes when he realised what he was being confronted with. "No, no, no!" he buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath to get himself under control again. His entire chest was on fire, the taste of stomach acid thick on his tongue. Everything around him went quiet as he heaved in a big gulp of air, wishing that he had stayed sober tonight. This was all getting too much; he couldn't control it. He was too drunk.
He took another big gulp of air, and was just about to slowly exhale when a soft sound hit his ear canal... It was coming from the other room.
A moan.
A sweet, heartfelt, sensual moan.
From a woman - from you...
It was the result of a sincere reaction to something that had brought you immense pleasure. A moan that someone else had brought to your lips. A moan that Rafa's best friend had brought to your lips.
Fuck! The itch in his hands that he had felt for quite some time now suddenly became too much and he punched the wall hard, causing an old, framed picture of him and Diggs to fall down, the frame shattering in several pieces on the cold stone floor. He stared at the broken shards of glass for a few seconds, torturing himself by carefully listening for more of your sweet moans echoing throughout the house.
They didn't come, however. The entire house was suddenly completely silent. Thank god.
Slowly, Rafa squatted down to brush the glass-dust off your dress, the silky fabric soft between his fingertips as he pulled the dress to his chest, thinking about what it would feel like to be the one to pull it off you.
Without warning, however, the silence in the hallway was broken by another loud moan coming from Diggs' personal space and Rafa was quickly brought out of his trance. He had to get out of there! He would go to a hotel or something! Anything to get away from the sounds you were making for another man!
Slightly panicked, Rafa shuffled to get to his feet, but overbalanced and fell forwards, his left hand immediately softening the blow as a reflex. From the moment his palm hit the floor, Rafa felt a sharp pain in his hand, but didn't realise that he had cut himself before he rotated his elbow and saw the huge piece of broken glass that was prodding out of his palm. "You're kidding me," he groaned as he tried to focus on the glass shard before he grabbed it tightly and forcefully pulled it out of his skin, the warm blood immediately running down his hand as a terribly sharp pain started pulling at his fingers. "OH FUCK!" he exclaimed a little louder than he had intended to, unable to hold back in his inebriated state.
Pressing in on the wound to try and get it to stop bleeding, he hurried to the bathroom and quickly located an old towel that he wrapped tightly around his bloody hand. "Shit! Oh fuck that hurts!" He groaned loudly and slid down the wall, his ass hitting the cold floor with a small thump. He could hear hushed voices coming from Diggs' personal space next door, and he realised that he had no idea what hurt the most; the thought of you lying in there wearing nothing but your panties, or his throbbing hand that had already bled through the old towel.
"Shit," he mumbled to himself as he replaced the old piece of cloth with a clean one, "ah fuck it hurts!" He hissed and tried to push the wound shut to get it to stop bleeding. It helped for a few seconds before the gash opened back up, fresh blood spilling out again. Just looking at it made him dizzy, and he realised that he couldn't handle this on his own. He was too drunk. He needed help. Embarrassed by himself and the situation he had put himself in, he took a deep breath before calling out the name of the last person on earth he wanted to see right now, "DIGGS!"
The hushed voices from the other side of the wall died down completely. They'd heard him. Still, there was no response to his cry for help. Meanwhile, the second towel around his hand was soaked through as well. What if he was about to bleed out? What if he was spending his last moments, pathetically heartbroken on his own bathroom floor?
"DIGGS!" he tried again, this time a little more panic to his voice.
The entire house was quiet still, and Rafa listened intently for few seconds before he finally heard an angry voice calling from the other side of the wall. "WHAT?"
"Diggs, I need your help!" Rafa called back, embarrassment flooding his voice.
"I'm kind of busy in here, Rafa!" Diggs bellowed back. Rafa had never heard him sound so annoyed before.
"Come on, man... I'm serious," Rafa let out a loud groan as he took in the bloody rag that was wrapped around his hand.
He heard cursing and shuffling on the other side of the wall and a few seconds later, the door to the bathroom finally swung open, revealing a very annoyed Daveed Diggs who was trying to hide away his boxer-clad erection with the palm of his hand.
Upon seeing how Diggs was already hard and ready to fuck Rafa's girl, there was no doubt: The pain in Rafa's chest definitely exceeded the pain in his hand.
Daveed could not believe how lucky he was! He had barely closed the front door behind him before you had pulled him in for a string of sensual kisses in the dark. His lips were moving fiercely against your warm skin, your head lolling backwards as you panted and let him press you up against the wall in the hallway. He loved the sensation of your fingers tangled in his long hair as he attacked your neck and jawline with rough, affectionate kisses. You let out a small impatient pant as he untied the bow at the side of your dress, giving himself easier access to your beautiful build underneath as the dress opened up completely.
"Fuck, you look absolutely amazing," he cupped your ass and pressed his pelvis closer to you with a groan.
Your small fingers desperately undid the buttons of his shirt and Daveed quickly shrugged it off, finally standing in front of you in nothing but his dark blue slacks. His lips quickly resumed their positions on your neck where he immediately started sucking and nibbling at the sensitive skin while running his hands all over your torso.
Your fingers desperately found the button of his slacks and Daveed felt the tight sensation of his pants against his crotch disappearing slightly as you brought down the zipper and slid the slacks over his hips. Your small hand was palming him through the cotton of his boxers, and he couldn't stop the groan that fought its way all the way from his stomach and up his throat. He heard you chuckling incredulously above him as you let your dress fall to the ground before you dropped down to your knees in front of him, determinedly pulling his boxers down over his thighs.
Daveed's mind went completely blank when he felt your hand cup his balls while your wet mouth found the tip of his straining erection. Your warm breath against him had him let out an involuntary groan, and when your plump lips kissed his engorged head, the sensation sent a shiver all the way up his spine. He pulled your hair away from your face and held it in a loose ponytail on the back of your head, your eyes interlocking with his in the process. Even though you had him between your teeth, the submissive look you sent him had him feeling incredibly in control! Without giving up eye contact, you kissed his head twice before placing a long, wet lick at the tip of his erection, immediately sending hard vibrations throughout his entire body. "Fuck," he groaned and caressed the side of your face when you wrapped your lips tightly around his head, sucking a bit at the tip.
"Mmmh, pull my hair!" you panted around him and he immediately tugged on the ponytail, buckling his hips closer to your face, desperate to feel the ecstasy of warm, wet, tightness around him again. To Daveed's relief you immediately obliged and slid your lips almost all the way down to his base and back up again, releasing him with a small pop.
"Oh fuck!" He let out a groan as he looked down into your huge, submissive eyes, slowly stroking your cheek. You repeated your motions, your tongue wet and soft against him as you bopped your mouth along his length, his hips meeting you half-way, "yeah, that's it, baby, just like that," he panted softly as you kept gazing up at him, upping the tempo and bringing him all the way down your throat with a slight gag, reminding him of how big he was.
Daveed had received many blowjobs over the years but never in his life had he felt more worshipped and desired! You were massaging his balls lovingly as you brought his length down your throat, hollowing your cheeks and making him feel completely taken care of as you focused solely on his pleasure and enjoyment.
He was just about to let go and cum down your tight throat before he reminded himself that he'd have to take it easy if he wanted to last long enough to fuck you. And holy shit, how he wanted to fuck you! He knew he was very good with his hips and hands and he wanted to bring you pleasures that you'd never even dared dreaming of before.
It was hard to do, but eventually he managed to pull himself out of your wet mouth and you to your feet with a gruff, "come here!". He unclasped your bra and tossed it aside before he pushed you up against the wall, took your nipple in his mouth, and ran his fingers along your lace-covered folds. You let out a soft gasp and he repeated the motions of his fingers while attacking your neck and throat with toothy kisses. You were panting and moaning underneath him, your hand still stroking his erection lovingly.
"Okay, okay, okay, you gotta stop," he licked the shell of your ear with a low chuckle, "I still have so many things I want to do to you," he smacked your ass and you let out a small whimper when his palm came in to contact with your skin.
Slowly, you let go of him and carefully caressed his abs instead as he re-claimed your lips. The kiss was deep and soft, and it made the straining sensation in Daveed's erection even more unbearable, but he was patient enough to not touch himself.
After a few minutes of intense, passionate kissing, you pulled your face away from his and looked up at him with a dark look in your eyes, "well, are you going to do something about it? Or are you going to just leave it at talking?" You chuckled against his skin.
"Don't get cocky with me," Daveed smiled and hoisted you up in his arms. You let out a small yelp, but still threw your legs around his waist and let him carry you to his bedroom while licking his ear. He carefully positioned you with your back against the mattress of his bed and hovered above you as he put his lips to your collarbone, slowly kissing his way down between your breasts, over your stomach, and stopping when he reached the top of your panties. He sat himself down on his knees in front of you, sending you a hungry look as he ran his fingers over your body. You looked him square in the eye and raked a hand through his curls, pulling his head back slightly. The anticipating look you were sending him made his erection twitch between his legs, but he still didn't touch it. Instead, he licked his lips and kissed the laces between your legs. "I love this colour on you," he growled against the thin fabric. He could feel you shiver underneath him as he pulled the red laces down your well-shaped legs, caressing your inner thighs lovingly. "Mmh," he hummed as you spread your legs for him, your fingers still tangled in his hair. Your chest was heaving up and down in a slow, steady rhythm as he placed small kisses on your skin, his tongue just barely grazing you. He enjoyed the way you closed your eyes and dipped your head low as he repeated this motion a few times.
Slowly, he slipped his tongue inside your folds, your lips gently spreading for him as he tasted you. You gasped slightly when he reached your clit and gave it a small flick before he slowly ran his tongue over you again. You were panting above him, your fingers caressing his scalp as your face was screwed up in pleasure. Daveed couldn't look away even if he wanted to!
He caressed the back of your legs with his hands before he had his fingers join his tongue at your core. Slowly, he inserted a finger into your wet heat and was rewarded with a deep moan escaping your lips. Desperate to hear you again, he inserted yet another finger, letting his digits and tongue work in unison until you finally let out another deep moan.
He could tell you were close to letting go completely, and it was all working out so nicely, your chest heaving up and down faster and faster as you moaned loudly for him, your nails finding their way to his scalp, pulling his face closer to you - when clash!
Out of nowhere, a loud shatter was heard from somewhere in the house. It sounded like glass breaking, but Daveed was used to Rafa's clumsy ass, so he ignored what he assumed was his best friend returning home after his night out.
Daveed did, however, feel you freeze slightly underneath him, and you pulled back the moan that had been just about to escape your lips and replaced it with a, "what was that?!" a slight panic to your voice.
"Relax, it's probably just Rafa," Daveed whispered and resumed his movements.
"What's he doing here?" You panted slightly but not as sensually as before.
"He lives here," Daveed growled against your skin, annoyed by the fact that your attention was suddenly directed at his best friend instead of the very pleasurable things he knew he was doing. To make sure that you forgot about Rafa, Daveed brought out the big guns and put his lips around your clit, vibrating them while his fingers worked their way in and out of you. It worked expertly, and it didn't take him long before he'd earned himself another loud moan coming from you. You looked as if you were completely lost in the sensations, he was causing you - but not for long, because suddenly a loud "OH FUCK!" from Rafa rang throughout the house. It was followed by hurried footsteps as Rafa ran to the bathroom that was located next to Daveed's personal space.
Daveed felt you shuffle underneath him as you put your weight on your elbows and closed your legs slightly, craning your neck as you looked towards the wall that Daveed's personal space shared with the bathroom. You had a concerned look in your eyes that Daveed chose to ignore. Instead, he kept going with his fingers and tongue, but you weren't moaning anymore.
"Shit! Oh fuck that hurts!" Rafa exclaimed loudly from the other side of the wall.
"Don't you think you should go check on him?" You asked quietly, your eyes still glued to the wall.
"No," Daveed said curtly, and tried to get you to lie back down again so he could continue. You didn't budge, however. You were more interested in the loud groan that was escaping Rafa. You let out a nervous laugh as you once again heard him cuss and groan from the next room.
"Ignore him," Daveed panted as he spread your legs apart again, his tongue immediately finding your core, and he was rewarded with a gasp from you. He had just started moving his fingers inside you again when he heard Rafa call his name loudly from the other side of the wall.
Daveed froze for about a mili-second before deciding to ignore Rafa and continue moving his fingers inside you instead.
"Go talk to him," you chuckled and raked a hand through his hair, suddenly totally unaffected by his movements,
"He can wait. I'm far too busy," Daveed let his tongue run over you again, once more losing himself in your wonderful wetness.
Rafa however, pulled him back to reality by yelling out his name a second time, "DIGGS!!" causing you to slightly close your legs one more time.
"You're kidding me..." Daveed muttered under his breath as his face was forced away from your wet centre. "WHAT?" he ended up bellowing back to his best friend on the other side of the wall.
"Diggs, I need your help!" Rafa kept calling.
"I'm kind of busy in here, Rafa!" Daveed bellowed while looking into your amused eyes.
You were chuckling slightly, "he needs you. Don't you think you better...?" You sent Daveed a charming grin while nodding towards the door, "he sounds quite drunk..."
Daveed shot you a pained look.
"Go," you chuckled, "I'll still be ready for you in here when you come back. Don't worry."
"Come on man... I'm serious," Rafa bellowed through the wall.
"I'm going to murder him for this!" Daveed groaned in an annoyed tone of voice and got up on his feet with a loud groan. He quickly located a pair of boxers and packed away his erection before storming out of the room, closing the door to his personal space shut behind him.
He found Rafa sitting up against the wall in the bathroom, his eyes swimming with alcohol. "What, bruh?!" Daveed demanded as he locked eyes with him, "what's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?"
"...Were you sleeping?" Rafa slurred while looking like a total fucking idiot as his drunk eyes scanned Daveed from head to toe.
"Of course I wasn't sleeping! I was in the middle of eating pussy when you ruined it!"
Rafa looked as if he was about to throw up, "...you're about to fuck her?" He slurred.
"Yes?! So make whatever you want to say quick, 'cause I got a soaking wet woman waiting for me on my bed!"
Rafa looked up at Daveed with a pained expression but kept his silence.
"I swear to god, if you don't speak up now and tell me what the hell made you call me out here, I'll kick your ass!"
Rafa sighed heavily, looking as if he was about to tell Daveed someone else's secret but eventually croaked, "I hurt myself," while holding up his left hand that was wrapped sloppily in a blood-soaked towel.
First then, did Daveed notice that there were several splodges of blood on the bathroom floor. It made him drop the attitude slightly, "Jesus fuck Rafa, what the hell did you do?" He groaned and crouched down next to him on the floor.
"I knocked down the frame in the hallway," Rafa slurred and let Daveed examine the deep cut in the palm of his hand, "cut myself on the glass."
"You did a thorough job," Daveed mumbled with a sigh as he lifted the towel to check out the gash that was still bleeding heavily, "come here, run some water on it. I'll find some bandages." Daveed turned on the faucet and helped Rafa find his balance as he quickly pulled him to his feet. He could tell that Rafa was struggling to stand still as he swayed back and forth while leaning in over the sink, playing a bit with the jet of water. Daveed sent him an annoyed glance; he did not have time for this! "How much did you have to drink after I left?" he asked, the irritation practically oozing out of him as he looked for the first-aid kit in one of the cabinets.
"I dunno," Rafa mumbled sleepily as he watched the water clean the blood away from his hand, "a lot?"
"Yeah, so I'd guessed," Daveed mumbled to himself as he located the first aid kit and quickly pulled out a couple of rolls of gauze. "Come over here," he urged Rafa to sit down on the edge of the tub next to him.
Rafa gave out a small grunt and turned off the water, before turning towards Daveed with lazy movements. Daveed had to bite his tongue to avoid telling Rafa to hurry the fuck up!
Rafa's ass had barely touched the white ceramic of the tub's edge before he lost his balance and vigorously swayed back and forth a few times, finally catching himself by throwing his hand up against the sink, leaving bloody handprints all over the bathroom in the process.
"Jesus Christ, Rafa!" Daveed groaned, he did not want to deal with Rafa's drunk ass right now, "look, I'll help you with your hand but I'm not cleaning up out here!" He said harshly.
"Then don't!" Rafa muttered as he slowly slid down to the floor with a loud groan, sending Daveed and irritated look in the process.
"Come on; give me your hand," Daveed demanded, determined to be done as fast as possible so he could get back to you.
Rafa held out his arm and Daveed rotated it to look for more injuries and noticed that Rafa had bruised his knuckles quite badly too, "...have you been in a fight?" He furrowed his brows.
"Just fix my hand, okay?!" Rafa shot Daveed an annoyed look, "Make it stop bleeding!" He slurred and gestured to the blood that was already dripping from his fingertips again.
Daveed gave out an irritated grunt as he started wrapping Rafa's bloody hand in gauze, "sit still!!"
"Oh fuck," Rafa groaned as Daveed slowly draped the gauze over the sensitive wound, "fuck it hurts."
"Quit your whining!"
There was a knock on the bathroom door and Daveed slowly looked up from Rafa's bloody hand and towards the door instead. You were poking in your head, looking curiously at what the two men were doing, your hair a big mess. "Is everything alright in here?" You asked carefully as you stepped inside, tugging on the oversized shirt you'd put on to cover up your naked body.
"Rafa cut himself - and apparently he's too drunk to handle it alone," Daveed rolled his eyes so Rafa couldn't see. He registered your amused smile just before he turned back to the hand in his lap, immediately noticing the small change in Rafa's flexibility as opposed to before you had stepped in. His fingers had somehow gone weirdly stiff, and by further inspection, Daveed realised that Rafa's entire body was suddenly tense, the muscles in his jaw continuously flexing and relaxing, flexing and relaxing. Still, Rafa didn't bat an eyelid, he didn't even emit a single sound. He was just silently staring at you, his eyes going up and down your front, his breathing hard and heavy. Daveed shot him a weird look out the corner of his eye. What the fuck was going on with him? He had definitely had too much to drink...
"'s that my shirt?" Rafa slurred to you as he took in your attire.
Daveed briefly looked up at you and realised that the oversized t-shirt you were wearing were indeed Rafa's favourite Raiders shirt that Daveed had borrowed the other day. Rafa had a weird look on his face, and it looked as if he was about the say something crude to you, so to diffuse the situation, Daveed spoke: "let it go, bruh," he said in an uninterested tone of voice before he quietly turned back to wrapping the bleeding hand. Why the fuck would Rafa care if you were wearing his t-shirt or not?? He didn't mind Daveed wearing it.
"Oh..." he heard you say softly from the doorframe, "Raiders... I'm sorry. I didn't realise."
"Yeah, no. Don't be," Rafa said softly and Daveed was just about to give his best friend a mental pad on the back for having enough sense to bring his attitude around so quickly, but then he added an "- it looks good on you!" in a flirty voice that vexed Daveed so much that he felt a slow anger bubble in his chest. He let go of the bleeding hand and straightened his back as he looked over at Rafa with a hard look. He could not believe that Rafa had the nerve - the audacity! - to act so disrespectfully! What the fuck had gotten into him?! He had been a huge cock-block to you and Daveed and now he found it suitable to be flirting with you???
Daveed had to take a deep breath to calm himself down, in the meantime reminding himself that Rafa was drunk as fuck and probably not even aware that his words could be misinterpreted as more than just friendly... Therefore, he purposely ignored his best friend's impudent behaviour and instead made sure to keep his eyes down low so he could concentrate fully on wrapping up the bleeding hand, determined get the fuck out of there as fast as possible so he could get back to slipping you his famous techniques.
The wound in the palm of Rafa's hand was still bleeding quite heavily, and it didn't take Daveed long to realise that he needed more gauze to make the blood stop dripping onto the floor. "Shit," he muttered under his breath and looked over at you, "baby, can you get me more gauze out of the cabinet?"
You whipped your gaze away from Rafa's face, your eyes immediately finding Daveed's. The look in your eyes instantly shifted from something that Daveed couldn't quite place to soft and cute, a small goofy smile slowly erupting on your lips as you scanned his face. You didn't say anything, just sent him a curt nod before you quietly turned to the cabinet, looking for the first-aid kit on the bottom shelf. As you bent over in front of him, your t-shirt rode up high and Daveed got a beautiful glimpse of the red laces under the hem of the t-shirt you were wearing. Your panties were hugging your ass nicely, and for a moment, he forgot about the bleeding limb in his hand - all he could think about was touching you again! He wanted to snap the useless piece of fabric between your legs in two and delve his tongue into your wet heat, bringing you untold pleasu- ...he suddenly felt Rafa's fingers do a small involuntary twitch in his lap and he realised that his best friend was checking you out too, his mouth hanging slightly open, his eyes glued to your ass.
What the fuck was the matter with him? Had the roles been reversed, Daveed would never have checked out Rafa's girl!
Angry with his best friend, Daveed gave Rafa's arm a small smack while sending him a threatening look, daring him to keep staring at your ass. When his and Rafa's eyes interlocked, Rafa's face curled up in a sour expression but he quickly fixated his gaze on the floor in front of him instead, probably realising that Daveed could knock him out easily.
Meanwhile, completely innocent and oblivious to what had just happened behind your back, you stood up straight and handed Daveed two extra rolls of gauze before resuming your position in the doorway.
Apparently, Rafa had learnt absolutely nothing from Daveed's silent threats and immediately went back to staring at you again. Daveed contemplated shooting Rafa a verbal threat as well but decided against it when he realised how absolutely pathetic his best friend looked. He was drunk as fuck, his eyes all foggy and glossy. Daveed would confront him about his disrespectful behaviour tomorrow.
Still, the fact that Rafa was staring intensely at you while you were only wearing the slightly oversized t-shirt and your beautiful, beautiful panties underneath, made Daveed uncomfortable as fuck, so he worked double speed on Rafa's hand to get you away from the bathroom faster.  Luckily, with the fresh supply of gauze from you, it only took him a few more minutes before he was done with the wrapping, a sigh of relief travelling through his body as he finally let go of Rafa's injured hand.
The tension in the bathroom could be cut with a knife and Daveed took a deep breath to calm himself down before breaking the silence by saying, "Look, I can bandage this to keep it from bleeding all over, but you need to go to the hospital for stitches or something."
"Mmh," Rafa grunted beside him, clearly not pleased with the situation. His eyes were glued to you, and he was wearing a certain hungry look on his face as he drank you in - and Daveed realised that Rafa definitely was aware of what signals he was sending.
What the hell was going on inside his pea-sized, idiot brain? Did he want Daveed to punch him? Daveed was just about to grab him by the collar when he heard you piping from the doorframe, "...I can take you."
...what? Daveed immediately turned his attention to you and saw the soft look you were sending Rafa as you continued, "I can drive. I almost didn't drink tonight."
What?! You liked Rafas stares?!
"You'd - you'd do that?" he heard Rafa whisper from beside him, a soft smile erupting on his best friend's lips.
Daveed didn't like it. He thought to himself that it looked as if the two of you had developed a secret language in the time it had taken him to wrap Rafa's hand. What the hell had he missed out on?
"Of course," you nodded slowly, your eyes still interlocking with Rafa's, "Let me just grab some pants, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," Rafa whispered, a hopeful look on his face, "thanks."
What the fuck was going on between you two?
Daveed watched you send Rafa a small smile, your face flushed. The sexual tension was thick between the two of you, and Daveed felt the jealousy burn in his chest as neither of you were looking away from the other. How the fuck dare Rafa flirt with the girl that he had brought home?! How dare he send you those hungry looks?! It was itching in Daveed's hands to do something about the long, continuous gaze between you and in his frustration, he curled his fingers and accidentally pressed on Rafa's wound, making him hiss in pain as he shot back an angry look. Daveed was far too busy looking over at you, however. You finally had your attention directed at him - and not Rafa - your eyes huge and doe-like, looking as if you'd just woken up from a trance. He shot you a look as if to say 'what the fuck is going on?' and you gulped guiltily.
Suddenly realising that he finally had the full attention of both you and Rafa, Daveed spoke up in a voice that was much more strained than he had intended, "Nope! Not gonna happen! Uh-uh, absolutely no fucking way," he shot his best friend a hard look, "Rafa you can take a cab!" he turned his attention back to you, "Baby go back to bed, I'll be there in a second!"
He noticed your eyes skating between his own face and Rafa's and he sternly let out a "he'll take the cab, okay!" He didn't like the way you were looking at each other, and he still very much intended on fucking you tonight no matter how big of a cock-block Rafa was being!
He was trying to catch your eye, but you had your gaze firmly placed on Rafa again, seemingly unable to look away. Daveed noticed how you let out a small gulp as Rafa shot you a careful nod as if giving you permission to leave.
What the hell was going on????
He also noticed the long glance the two of you shared before you gently closed the door behind you as you exited the bathroom.
What! The! Fuck!
Daveed felt his chest bubbling over. He had never felt this way towards Rafa before, but his best friend had never looked more punchable! Automatically, his fingers once more pressed in hard on Rafa's wound.
"Ah! Dude what the fuck!" Rafa yelped loudly.
"What the fuck was that all about?" Daveed spat, "you're flirting with my girl!"
"She's not your girl just because you brought her home for one night, Diggs!" Rafa hissed angrily through gritted teeth.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Daveed felt as if his eyes were bulging out of his skull, "She's crazy about me! You should've seen the way she was begging for it at the bar!"
"Yeah, I saw everything," Rafa said slowly with anger in his eyes, a low growl to his voice as he drunkenly staggered to his feet, "I saw exactly how you swooped in and thought you could erase eight years of history between me and her!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Daveed hissed before his voice turned to frustrated yelling, "Rafa, you have no history with her!" he too stood up, so they were eye to eye, "you made out with her once eight years ago and now no one else is allowed to touch her?! If you wanted a shot with her, you should have done something ages ago!"
"I did do something ages ago! I kissed her!"
"Yeah! And then you had eight years of nothing! You didn't even talk to her! How the fuck was I supposed to know that you wanted to kiss her again???"
"You could have asked me!" Rafa yelled frustratedly.
"I could have asked you?! Come on, man!! You're thirty-three years old for fucks sake! If you wanted something to happen with her, you should've engaged yourself!"
"I was planning on doing so tonight!" Rafa hissed angrily, "and she would've said yes if it hadn't been for you!"
"No she wouldn't!" Daveed was minutes away from pulling out his own hair. How could Rafa be so thick?! "Don't you think that something would've happened by now if you both wanted it so badly?"
"Did you not see how she was eye-fucking me just now?" Rafa yelled angrily, sending Daveed a hard look.
Daveed let out a low growl, "yeah, meanwhile I was minutes away from actually fucking her! If she really wanted you, don't you think she would've given you more signals than a few pitiful looks because you're drunk and hurt? She doesn't want you, man!!"
"Fuck you!!!" Rafa spat angrily and shoved Daveed in the chest causing him to stagger backwards as he was pushed out of balance.
"What the fuck's the matter with you!" Daveed spat as he took a step closer to Rafa, balling up his fists and sending him a threatening look, "you really want me to beat you up?"
"Do whatever the fuck you want with me as long as you stay away from her!" Rafa yelled and gave Daveed another hard shove in the chest. His eyes were bloodshot and Daveed had never seen him this angry before.
"What the fuck's gone into you?" He yelled louder than before, "she clearly doesn't want you! Why can't you just let her go?!"
"Because I'm in love with her!" Rafa yelled loudly, spit flying everywhere. His eyes were huge and aggressive.
Daveed took a step backwards and stared at his panting best friend as his angry words sank in. Rafa's nostrils were flared, and it looked as if he was about to punch Daveed in the face.
...Rafa was in love with you? Daveed could punch himself! Why hadn't he seen it before? Of course Rafa was in love with you... He took a deep breath to calm himself down before he quietly spoke: "Yes - well I'm crazy about her too..."
Rafa was still panting heavily, his nostrils still flared as he shot Daveed a hard look - but he didn't say anything.
They had feelings for the same girl... Daveed frustratedly pinched the bridge of his nose as the realisation sank in; a girl had come between them. How high school... "Shit," he said quietly, "what do we do now?"
Rafa shot him a dark look and answered immediately: "you back down!" he said harshly but not as aggressively as before.
"I'm not going to back down, Rafa," Daveed answered him quietly. He full-on intended on making you his no matter what Rafa's feelings were.
"I've been in love with her for eight years!" Rafa spat angrily but he had stopped yelling, "You have for eight minutes! Don't you think it's more fair that you let me have a shot?!"
Daveed was getting more and more frustrated by the second but was happy that Rafa had chosen to use those exact words: "Exactly Rafa! You had eight years! You sat on your hands for eight years and you expect her to come running to you now? You expect me to let you have a shot? You've had millions of opportunities to do something!"
Rafa's face was still wild but his tone of voice was quiet and determined: "you saw the look she just sent me!" he said darkly.
Daveed had to give it to him; the way you'd been staring at Rafa had confused him too: "Listen, I don't know what the fuck that was, but if she had any feelings for you at all, why would she go home with me?" He said quietly, "why would she take off her clothes for me and not you?"
Rafa shook his head back and forth as if refusing to believe the argument, "No..." he croaked, "please don't say it like that, man..."
"Bruh..." Daveed sighed, "I'm sorry it is this way, but I don't know what else to tell you." He felt bad for Rafa but he wasn't going to back down. No chance.
"Please don't fuck her," Rafa pleaded quietly. His heart obviously broken.
"You know I'm not going to guarantee you that..."
"Just... Let me talk to her first."
"What do you expect to gain from that?"
"She wants to talk to me too..."
"Maybe - but it won't go your way. She's lying naked in my bed right now! She made her decision, bruh."
Rafa looked pained. He was clutching his chest with his eyes screwed shut, a small tear rolling down his cheek, "fuck!" he quietly worded before he fell to his knees in front of the toilet and threw up.
"I'm going to murder him for this!" Daveed pulled himself away from you and on to his feet, desperately looking around the room for something to wear. He finally pulled out a pair of clean boxers from his closet, pulled them on, and hurried out of the bedroom to see what was going on with Rafa. He had sounded very drunk and even though you had been slightly amused by his constant swearing throughout the house, the sound of glass smashing combined with his drunk cries for help, had also left you a bit nervous that something serious might've happened to him. What if he had cut himself badly and Daveed couldn't handle it alone? Rafa was your friend too after all. You had to make sure everything was all right with him.
Quickly, you jumped from Daveed's bed, pulled on your panties, and looked around the room for something to wear that could cover your body as your own dress had been discarded during the make-out session in the hallway. You quickly located a black t-shirt that was casually thrown over a chair in the corner of the room and pulled it over your head, grateful that it covered you all the way down to the top of your thighs. Ready to leave Daveed's bedroom, and with your hand already on the doorknob, you took a brief look at yourself in the mirror to make sure you were decent. You tried padding down your messy sex-hair but the sound of Rafa hissing in pain from the other room had you abandon any thought of trying to fix your looks - Rafa's injuries seemed much more urgent. Forcing your eyes away from your own reflection, you opened the door to the hallway instead and listened for their voices.
"Just fix my hand, okay?! Make it stop bleeding!" you heard Rafa slur from the room next door. He was clearly very drunk.
"Sit still!!" Daveed growled.
It sounded as if they had the situation under control and you were just about to go back to Daveed's bed and wait for him there when you heard Rafa exclaim, "Oh fuck! Fuck it hurts!"
It made you do a U-turn on your heel and you decided to check in on the two men to see if they were in need of any extra help. Softly, you knocked on the door but didn't listen for an answer as you immediately poked in your head and took in the scene in the small bathroom: the two men were sitting next to each other; Daveed on the edge of the bathtub with Rafa's bloody hand in his lap while Rafa was splayed on the floor looking very drunk. Both of them were looking directly up at you with equally soft expressions on their faces. Daveed's eyes were loving as he silently apologised for having to help his best friend clean up. Rafa, on the other hand, was staring up at you with a sorrowful look on his pale face, his eyes huge and red-rimmed, his Adam's apple bouncing up and down in his throat as he gulped hard.
The tension between them was thick, the air cold. Both of them clearly equally annoyed with the other.
"Is everything alright in here?" You asked quietly as you pushed open the door and stepped inside, tugging on your t-shirt to prevent it from riding up.
"Rafa cut himself..." Daveed rolled his eyes so only you could see before he continued, "- and apparently he's too drunk to handle it alone," he shot Rafa an annoyed sideway-glance before he turned his attention to the gauze and Rafa's blood-covered hand in his lap.
You watched Rafa send Daveed an equally irritated glance, looking as if he was biting his tongue to keep himself from retorting something nasty. He had probably already realised that he needed Daveed's help to get the wound to stop bleeding and that he wouldn't get it by being crass. So instead, Rafa silently let Daveed wrap his hand as his eyes slowly found yours, his expression immediately changing from annoyed to soft.
You sent him a small reassuring smile and a goofy expression emerged on his drunk face when he happily reciprocated it. You let out a small laugh at his expression and he blinked a few times, looking as if he was saving the sound on his mental hard drive. His foggy eyes were softly gazing up at you with a soulful look, and he looked drunk but cute as he took you in, a weird undertone in his gaze that you couldn't quite place. It was a look that you recognised from somewhere, but not from him - from someone else. You scanned his face one more time, raking your brain to find out from where you knew the gaze, he was sending you, but it wasn't immediately clear. Suddenly however, you realised that it was the same look that Daveed had sent you several times over the last couple of weeks. It was a look of longing.
Softly, you cocked your head at him, and he sent you a small, sad smile in return, his green eyes kindly taking in your face before they travelled down your body, ultimately landing on your chest. You immediately folded your arms, and he looked back up into your eyes, your eyebrows now arched in an unimpressed manner, silently tell him that he'd been caught staring red-handed. His face screwed up in a painful expression and he paled a bit before he quietly slurred, "'s that my shirt?".
Unaware of what he was talking about, you looked towards the mirror above the sink on the opposite side of the bathroom wall, and when you caught your own reflection, you realised that he hadn't been staring at your chest. He'd been staring at the logo on the t-shirt. The Raiders logo - his football team. You weren't wearing Daveed's shirt. You were wearing Rafa's.
You'd seen him in it multiple times - hell, he'd even worn it the night you'd kissed on top of the skate ramps. You remembered because every so often your mind wandered back to that night. Played it on repeat. Rafa's hand on your thigh as Stevie Nicks' voice rang in the background. Your tongues intertwining. The stubble on his chin soft between your fingertips. The scent of his warm cologne. The thought of your passionate kiss that summer night eight years ago was enough to make a warm feeling appear in your stomach.
Still looking at yourself in the mirror, you let your arms drop to the side and took in your own reflection. The t-shirt was a few sizes too big for you and it covered you like a short dress, just barely reaching below the red panties you were wearing underneath. The Raiders logo took up most of the front of the shirt and the logo curved nicely along your breasts and waistline, making the oversized men's shirt actually look as if it'd been tailored to you. You liked this look. You actually looked good in Rafa's t-shirt.
From far away you heard Daveed's voice, "let it go, bruh," and it pulled you back to reality.
"Oh... Raiders..." you said quietly, unable to pry your eyes away from the way the t-shirt was hugging your curves. No wonder Rafa was staring at you. You had gone home with his roomie, yet you'd put on his shirt - and you even looked good in it. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise," you croaked.
Rafa was looking as if he was thinking about the same thing as you, and for a second you were afraid that he might get angry about the fact that Daveed's flirt was wearing his beloved Raiders t-shirt, but he just softly said, "yeah, no. Don't be. It looks good on you..."
You didn't react to his words but merely stared at yourself in the mirror as the memories of your Tacos Locos summer once more flooded your mind - and you slowly felt a dull ache in your chest when you looked back at Rafa's pained expression and realised that maybe there was a reason for his look of longing, his quiet, pained reaction to seeing you half-naked in his shirt when you'd gone home with his best friend. He probably wasn't as cool with you and Daveed as Daveed had let on. Maybe your suspicion about why Rafa had invited you to join his production was right after all...
Oh no.
The thought of kissing Rafa again had grazed your mind several times in the period of time between his phone call offering you the job, and your first day on set where you'd been introduced to his best friend for the first time. Daveed, however, had immediately pushed every sensual thought of Rafa out of your head and had instead replaced them with unholy thoughts about himself. The sexual attraction that you had felt towards Daveed for the past month was insane and you were definitely crazy about him! ...Still, you wondered if he was the type of man, you'd still fantasise about eight years after having shared a passionate kiss in the dark. The same way you so often had found yourself fantasising about Rafa.
...had you just made a huge mistake?
Rafa's cheeks paled considerably as his gaze constantly shifted between your face and the Raiders logo. He was clearly affected by the fact that you were wearing his shirt and nothing else, and it looked as if he was having a hard time sitting still. The tender yet hurtful look he sent you made you feel horrible about yourself and all the decisions that had led to this exact moment. What if things had been different back in the taco truck eight years ago? What if he had actually taken you home after one of your late nights out? And what if Daveed hadn't been so persistent in hooking up with you over the last couple of weeks? If he hadn't been so smooth and charming, would he still have been able to swoop in right before Rafa? Or would you eventually have gone home with Rafa instead?
Would it feel more right to be sleeping in Rafa's bed tonight?
Oh no...
"Shit!" Daveed's voice brought you back from your panicky train of thought. You looked over at him, his face sweet and innocent as he was helping his best friend recover, and you realised: no, it wouldn't feel more right to be sleeping in Rafa's bed tonight. But it would feel just as right as sleeping in Daveed's.
"Baby, can you get me more gauze out of the cabinet?" he continued.
Baby. It had slipped out of him. He hadn't even realised it... The caring, handsome man in front of you had called you baby and you couldn't help but send him a small smile as it had made you soft. You were baby to him.
Rafa had a reaction to the pet name too: he looked as if he was about to murder Daveed.
Desperately trying to untangle yourself from the situation you had put yourself in, you turned over to the cabinets and pulled out more gauze, promptly handing it over to Daveed before resuming your position in the doorframe.
Immediately, you and Rafa went back to staring at each other again, both unable to look away. The looks he was sending you were deep and longing, his eyes pained as he grew more and more tense with each passing second. He looked as if he wanted to touch you, to kiss you, to hold you tight. Shit.
Your eyes were flickering fast between the two men: both of them sweet and handsome. Both of them crazy about you. You couldn't decide whether or not you had made a mistake by choosing to go home with Daveed tonight.
Daveed broke the tension in the small bathroom when he in an irritated tone of voice said, "Look, I can bandage this to keep it from bleeding all over, but you need to go to the hospital for stitches or something."
Rafa let out a small grunt without looking away from you. It looked as if he wanted to tell you something but was unable to with Daveed being present. It was heart-breaking.
You liked Daveed very much but realised that you had to talk to Rafa as well. You had to hear what he had to say, "...I can take you," you piped up in a voice that was weirdly nervous, "I can drive. I almost didn't drink tonight."
"You'd - you'd do that?" Rafa said in a whisper and sent you a warm look.
"Of course," you nodded slowly, suddenly desperate to talk to him, to hear his thoughts, "Let me just grab some pants, okay?"
"Yeah, okay. Thanks," Rafa said quietly, his pained expression now completely replaced by a hopeful one.
Daveed had definitely noticed that something was going on with you because the annoyance was practically seeping out of him though he was trying his best to keep calm. He did something to Rafa's hand that had Rafa hissing in pain and shooting Daveed an angry look with his lips pressed together in a thin, white line.
Your eyes whipped over to Daveed as well. He was sending you a hurt look that said 'what the fuck are you doing?' and you gulped guiltily. Had he realised that you were unsure about what to do with the two men in front of you?
"Nope!" Daveed said loudly, shaking his head vigorously, "Not gonna happen. Uh-uh, absolutely no fucking way. Rafa you can take a cab!" he shot Rafa a hard look before he turned back to you, his eyes soft, but his voice full of irritation, "Baby, go back to bed, I'll be there in a second!"
There it was again. Baby. You looked into Daveed's soft brown eyes that were looking pleadingly back at you, your knees immediately weak. Slowly, you let your gaze wander a bit to the left and met Rafa's huge green eyes too. They also made you feel incredibly soft.
Daveed noticed your gaze drifting over to Rafa and harshly interjected, "he'll take a cab, okay!"
Rafa sent you a slight nod as if to say that it was alright for you to leave, and that he could handle Daveed and his bleeding hand on his own. Meanwhile Daveed was staring at his best friend with a murderous look in his eyes. You realised that they had to resolve some stuff too, so even though it hurt in your chest, you slowly turned away from the two men, and walked back to Daveed's bedroom. Just before the door to the bathroom closed behind you, you heard the beginning of an argument between the two friends: "Ah! Dude what the fuck!" Rafa yelped loudly.
To which Daveed angrily responded with a "What the fuck was that all about? You're flirting with my girl!" It was more a statement than a question.
You sat awkwardly on Daveed's bed, unsure of what to do now. Daveed had noticed the long looks between you and Rafa. Shit. Even though you hadn't intended it, you had still managed to turn them against each other.
You could hear their angry voices from the other side of the wall, but you didn't want to listen in on their private conversation, so you put your fingers in your ears. Their shouted words were not meant for you. It was a desperate conversation between two best friends, and even though you could've easily followed their screaming match, it didn't seem right to do so. Desperately, you pressed in on your ear canal and started humming softly to tune out most of their angry words. Still, snippets of their loud conversation penetrated your ears.
"Rafa, you have no history with her!" Daveed was yelling before Rafa's voice was heard a few seconds later: "Did you not see how she was eye-fucking me just now?" followed a little while later by a loud "Fuck you!" from Rafa and an angry "you really want me to beat you up?" from Daveed. They kept yelling loudly at each other, but you tried not to decipher their angry words as you found them private. There was a reason why they had sent you out of the bathroom after all.
After a few minutes, their angry yells finally died down completely and were instead replaced by muffled words in normal voices that you couldn't make out even if you tried. You slowly removed your fingers from your ears, instead burying your face in your hands, angry with yourself for having let it come to this.
Their muffled voices could be heard for a few seconds before the sound was disrupted by someone retching.
One of them was throwing up, the other completely silent. You listened intently for a few seconds to see if you could make out who was throwing up, hoping that the other would say some words of comfort, but neither of them spoke, and after about a minute of silence, you heard footsteps approaching the room you were lying in. The doorknob twisted and Daveed entered the room slowly, his eyes full of pain as he took you in. He sat down on the bed next to you, panting hard, obviously very upset about the entire situation. It hurt seeing him like this. And it hurt thinking about Rafa lying alone in the bathroom. You dried an annoying tear away from your cheek and just barely managed to reset your face before Daveed looked up at you with a sad smile. You did your best to look casual as if you hadn't got the faintest idea of what their screaming match had been about. You acted as if wearing Rafa's shirt meant nothing. Seeing his pained expression had done nothing. Hearing him sob in the bathroom made you feel no ways.
"Everything okay?" You asked Daveed carefully.
"Yeah," he grunted.
"How about Rafa?" you said quietly. Even the sound of his name hurt in your chest.
"He's..." Daveed's words died in his throat as he frustratedly buried his face in his hands with a deep sigh.
You gulped, "is he okay alone out there?"
"Can we please not talk about Rafa right now?" he said slowly.
"Yeah..." you nodded quietly, "come here," you folded your arms around his chest, hugging him tight. He pulled you on top of him and hugged you back, his strong arms squeezing you, bringing you comfort as if he knew what you were going through as well. You sat like this for a few seconds, your arms wrapped tightly around each other comforting the broken feeling you both felt in your chests until his lips slowly found their way to your neck, leaving sweet, sensual kisses to the side of your throat.
"Look," you said quietly, pulling yourself away from him and looking into his chocolate brown eyes, "it's not that I don't enjoy this, but I just think it's for the best if I go home."
"What? No?" Daveed looked up at you with a pained expression, "come on, we can't let Rafa ruin our night," he groaned and moved closer to you but suddenly paused, "unless you don't want to of course. I don't want to force you into anything," he looked carefully at you and you understood why. He wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with the decision you were making. Comfortable with him.
It made you realise that the fact that you were lying in Daveed's bedroom half-naked, meant that you had made your choice long ago. You needed to stick with it.
"Yeah, okay," you said and moved your lips close to his, kissing him softly.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me," he groaned against your lips and you felt him breathe a sigh of relief as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He quickly pulled Rafa's t-shirt over your head, and harshly threw it onto the ground next to the bed. You couldn't help but think of the symbolics in his heated gesture.
His warm hands immediately found your breasts and he started running his fingers over your nipples with a low growl. You enjoyed the confident, hungry look he sent you as you were once again bare-chested in front of him. He moved his face closer to yours, "I still fully intent on making you feel good and make you let loose a little," he repeated his words from earlier that evening with a smile and carefully pushed you down on the bed, a warm shiver travelling up your spine with his words and movements. He hovered above you before his lips started pressing small, peppered kisses to the side of your throat, his one hand running down your stomach and dipping down between your legs, making you gasp softly. His lips moved over your collarbone and down between the valley of your breasts, taking one of your nipples in his mouth, and making you arch your back against him, as you felt his erection pressed up between your legs. He groaned as he pushed his boxer-clad erection closer to you, looking down at you with an erotic spark in his eye. Your fingers found his soft hair and you raked a hand through his curls and reciprocated the look he was sending you; dark and sensual.
You were both getting lost in the sensations you were causing each other when you were interrupted by the sound of Rafa retching and his heart-breaking sobs from the next room. It made your stomach ache horribly and you interrupted the kiss with Daveed, looking towards the wall to the bathroom instead. "I'm sorry, I can't just leave him alone with that..."
"What? You're not serious?" He looked at you with a disappointed look on his face.
"Listen to him," you said softly, as Rafa let out another heartbroken sob.
"He'll be fine," Daveed responded harshly before he resumed kissing your throat.
You pulled your face away from him, raking a hand through his hair one more time, "he's your best friend. Do you really want him to be alone right now? He sounds so heartbroken."
"Trust me - you do not want to deal with him right now."
Rafa retched loudly.
"I'm sorry," you kissed Daveed briefly, "but I have to make sure he's okay. I'll be back in a second."
Daveed let out an irritated grunt but eventually let go of you so you could crawl down from his lap. You quickly found the Raiders t-shirt on the floor and pulled it over your head, exiting the bedroom in a swift motion.
You knocked quietly on the door to the bathroom and found Rafa lying on the floor next to the toilet sobbing quietly. "Rafa, honey, are you okay?" you said softly as you sat down next to him and carefully put your hand on his chest.
He took a deep breath and looked up at you with wet eyes. The gaze he sent you was bloodshot, but he wasn't as pale as before. Throwing up some of the alcohol had definitely done him some good. "Hey," he whispered in a raspy voice as he put his good hand on top of yours, closing his eyes again taking three deep breaths. You noticed that he didn't answer your question.
As you pulled your hand away from his chest to fix him a glass of water, he groaned at the lack of touch and sat up straight, sleepily resting his head on the edge of the tub, looking at you with tired, sad eyes.
"Are you done throwing up?" you asked him as you handed him the glass.
He took a big gulp and nodded "I think so... Listen, can we talk?"
You sent him a small smile, "tomorrow, okay?" you didn't want to cause him anymore heartbreak tonight, "let's get you to bed," you held out your hand.
"Yeah, okay..." he took your hand and let you pull him to his feet. He was still very drunk, so you had to help him with his balance, your arm tightly wrapped around his waist, "come here," you chuckled and walked him to his room with his arm draped over your shoulder. As soon as you entered his personal space, he threw himself down on the bed with a loud groan.
"You're not going to disrobe?" you chuckled at him.
"Yeah, no... I don't care right now," he said and closed his eyes, "I just want to sleep... Let this absolute shit night be over."
You guiltily shook your head and forcefully pulled off his Chelsea boots and socks.
"Are you trying to get me naked?" He joked sleepily from the bed; his eyes closed.
"I'm trying to get you comfortable," you chuckled, "you have to take off your shirt and pants yourself."
Rafa groaned but sat up straight before he pulled his shirt over his head. His eyes were still closed, and his long hair was falling in unruly strands around his face. He looked exhausted as he undid the button on his pants and slid them off himself, plumping down on the bed afterwards.
"You don't think I'll bleed to death, do you?" he groaned and lifted his bandaged hand a little.
"I'm absolutely positive you won't," you chuckled at him, "if it's still bleeding tomorrow, I'll take you to the hospital, okay?"
"Okay, can't wait," he smiled sleepily and gave out a quiet snore as if he'd briefly fallen asleep. He was lying flat on his back which gave you time to study the tattoos he had on his chest and forearms. Some of them you didn't like, others were beautiful. He had one on his pec that you'd never seen before.
"If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don't see," you read out loud, looking at his chest.
Even though Rafa had his eyes closed and looked as if he was just about to fall asleep again, he knew what you were talking about and softly tapped the tattoo he had on his pec, "that's right," he slurred with a small smile. For the first time since he'd cut himself, he looked as if he was peaceful, and you tugged one of his long strands of blonde hair away from his eyes and behind his ear instead. Your fingers lingered on his cheek for a second and he kissed your palm with a small hum, "that means that I have to make you conscious of the things you don't see," he whispered before he drifted off completely.
"Alright Rafa," you chuckled quietly as you ran your fingers through his soft hair. He had started breathing heavily, already fast asleep, "thanks for explaining the words of your tattoo with the exact same words!" You got up from the bed and quietly closed the door behind you as you walked out into the hallway.
You'd only walked a few steps towards Daveed's room when the meaning behind Rafa's sentence hit you and you froze in place. Inside your head, the written words of the tattoo and Rafa's whispered words played on repeat. He hadn't explained the tattoo to you. He had told you that he loved you.
He loved you. Rafa was in love with you.
And you were walking towards the bedroom of his best friend. You turned your head slightly, looking towards Rafa's room. Should you go back to him? Or continue to Daveed? You were completely frozen in time, desperately looking between the two bedroom doors on either side of the bathroom in the hallway, realising that even though you might have been lying naked in Daveed's arms only minutes before, Rafa's words hurt so much in your chest that your decision-making was far from over.
Rafa's room was to the left. He had just confessed his feelings for you. Or, he didn't just have feelings for you; he was in love with you. Probably had been since your summer together in the taco truck. You wouldn't say that you were in love with him, but there was definitely raw, heated attraction towards him on your part as well, or you wouldn't still be thinking about your drunk kiss in the dark eight years ago, the way he was always able to make you laugh, his soft, green eyes. It hurt in your chest to think about how you'd potentially wasted eight years without him by your side. If you went to him, you'd either finally be able to stop thinking of him as 'the one who got away' and actually engage in something romantic with him - or you'd see that eight years of absence might have grown the heart so fond that you had put him on a pedestal that he couldn't live up to.
Daveed's room was to the right. He was waiting for you in there, probably ready to fuck you so good that you wouldn't be able to remember your own name. The preview he'd given you earlier tonight had definitely shown you that he was able to bring all your sexual fantasies to life! And you had craved his touch for so long, to feel his strong hands on your body as he slid into you while whispering sweet words in your ear. You and him definitely had some insane potential - not to mention the fact that he was already calling you baby! He was so crazy about you that you were baby to him! - but did you feel the same emotional attraction to him? Or was the warm feeling in your stomach whenever you looked at him all due to sexual attraction? Could you and he ever become more than raw passion?
No matter what, you'd have to choose between them. You couldn't have both. With whomever you chose, you'd never be able to have the other.
Carefully, you weighed both your options; left or right? Rafa or Daveed?
You started at both of their doors, unsure about where to go, but eventually made a decision. With a deep breath, you stepped closer to the wooden door, grabbed door handle and stepped inside, softly closing the door behind you as you took in the handsome man on the bed.
Tagging: @exrthangel @theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @ohsoverykeri @summerofsnowflakes @ramp-it-up @alexander-hamilhoe @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @riiyy @mysearchforgratification @janthony-stan @sillyteecup @biafbunny @einfachniemand @cashskid @namelesslosers @simpinforu​ @diggsbeatriz​ (Imma keep tagging you unless you say something lol).
....No spoilers in the comments please :-) 
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handonhaven · 3 years
I've been wondering if they're planning on subverting the trope "don't get consumed by your relationship and have a life and friends outside of it", and instead turning it into "Handon relationship > fake friends", + Hope becoming more selective about her friends after everything. Because that's the only thing I can think of as to why they had a whole season of Hopes "friends" being terrible to her, 4x01 especially(I don't even want to get start it on why they had Hope say you'll always have your friends to Cleo no less). Even though I really want that to be the case, i doubt it. Because the writers have been making some really weird writing decisions. That it some times feels like us true fans can write a better story when it comes to these "friendships" (no offense to the writers or anything. I know they're just doing their jobs and working with what they got). But also a part of me is hoping there really will be a fall out between Hope and super squad. And that throughout the whole of season 4(4x05 onwards) will be the super squad redeeming themselves(and you know showing what good healthy friendships actually look like). But if I'm being honest I don't think there's anything they can ever do to redeem themselves in my eyes. Not even if they do manage to save both Cleo and Landon, simply because they only planned on saving Cleo in the first place. But once again I doubt that's what's gonna happen. I pretty much lost all faith in the writers after I saw 4x01. I mean if they really want all these amazing friendships with a good balance of friendships and relationships than show it with actions. Don't just throw in some bullshit lines like "no matter how much you screw up you're friends will always be there" when they spent all of s3 showing that her friends weren't there for her or Landon. Or even them throwing in lines like "you're always choosing Landon" to make it seem like Hopes been the bad friend all along and she's the one who has to change. I'm sorry but WHAT?! This is a joke right? It just has to be.
But anyways let's see how much this season will frustrate me.
I would seriously love it if they did that and it would definitely make sense with what they’ve been doing since s3, but I also doubt that that will happen. For sure, they’ve been making really bizarre writing decisions and I don’t know what it is they’re trying to achieve. To me, it almost seems as if they’re trying to tell two different narratives that contradict each other. There’s the one that actually makes sense and fits with the story and the characters, with Handon being portrayed in a positive light, with the importance of their relationship being emphasized, and the fact that Landon makes Hope happy. And having Hope fight for her happiness and for Landon, as she should. Which I thought was supposed to be one of the main points of s3. But she’s also still been there for her friends throughout, even though she did make the one risky decision in 3x08. But even with that, at the end of that episode with the dock scene, Hope’s choice to save Landon is not portrayed in a negative way. She acknowledges that she may have pissed people off, but her actions are phrased as “risking everything for the people you love.” Which is what Hope did, and she had the right to do that for Landon for once when he needed to be saved. But besides that time, we have seen that she has put her friends first and has chosen to save them time and time again.
But then they’ll flip to this other narrative that they’ve been pushing, where Hope is supposedly always choosing Landon and putting everyone in danger because of it and needs to learn to prioritize her friends more, which we know is a complete lie. But it does seem like they’re trying to fit that trope, like you said, of “don’t get consumed by your relationship and have a life and friends outside of it.” Even though that’s doesn’t even apply to Handon because Hope is not consumed or obsessed just because she’s been trying to save the person she loves most when he’s been in danger for a whole season. And when Hope and Landon have always had a life and “friends” outside of their relationship. They’ve always been there for their “friends,” have never been too wrapped up in their relationship to help, because they’ve literally sacrificed their happiness together how many times in order to help others.
But I’m honestly wondering if the writers are doing this because of all the Handon hate. Because if they’re gonna still have Handon going forward, maybe they’re trying to “correct” what people are complaining about to make people chill. And antis love to say that Handon is toxic and Hope is too involved with him, etc. So it’s like the writers are validating what the antis are saying, even though there’s nothing to back it up, so that they can “fix” it. So that they can make Hope have more of a “balance” between her friendships and her relationship with Landon. (When this has literally never been an issue. If anything, her “friendships” have prevented her from being with Landon.) They’ll tell this false narrative where Hope is prioritizing Landon too much, and show how it supposedly affects her friendships, so that Hope can learn a “lesson” and have a “realization” about the importance of her friendships. And them doing this as a way to sort of appease the antis is the only explanation I can come up with for this kind of writing, if it’s not to distance Hope from her friends or something like that. But who knows. Maybe they really do think they’re writing good friendships? (If so, yikes.)
And I totally agree, real fans would be able to write better, rather than have both Hope and Landon being treated horribly and acting as if those are healthy friendships. And I don’t want to offend or be rude to the writers either, but it’s not okay to write supposed friendships the way that they are and act as if they’re great when they’re actually very toxic at this point. And they’re the ones who create what they’ve got to work with, they don’t have to write the characters like this.
I’m also hoping for a fallout between Hope and the super squad, and Landon and the super squad when he comes back. I think it would be great for there to be some distance between them throughout season 4, and I think we will see some of that with Hope, at least. I just don’t wanna see Landon around them, I don’t know if I can endure seeing him interacting with any of them. I agree, I don’t know if they can redeem themselves at this point either, too much damage has been done. The way they’ve treated Hope after all she’s done for them is inexcusable. And if they didn’t care about Landon all this time, with all he’s been through, when he was a friend to all of them, there’s nothing that could make them care. Seeing how uncaring they’ve been towards a good person, who was kind to all of them, when he’s been suffering so much and at his most desperate, is sickening. And I don’t know how they’d ever be able to fix it.
But yeah, I’m sure the writers will continue to ignore the way the squad treats Hope and Landon, and they’ll continue to have Hope and Landon say nothing about it and keep seeing them as their friends. I don’t really have faith in the writers either, especially when it comes to friendships on the show. You’re right, they throw in lines that don’t match up with the characters’ actions at all, just a bunch of telling and no showing. The amount of lies in 4x01 was infuriating. And I’ve not even watched 4x02 yet, though I did watch the one clip of Hope and the squad, which made me even more mad. So I’m not looking forward to some more frustration. It really does feel like a joke. And I’m worried it’s just gonna continue, and possibly get worse.
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Denki x Gn reader- sk8 boi
Fluff + Bnha / Sk8 the infinity crossover
You sighed following your friends to the skatepark to supervise as usual. You might as well have been babysitting the boys as your only purpose when going to the skatepark was to make sure neither of them died or got run over by the ignorant bikers who seemed to own the park.
"Hey (y/n) do you wanna try today?" Denki asked with a smile and held his board out in front of your face spinning the wheels for added effect. "Yeah wouldn't it be cool if you got on the board just once?" Reki added with his hands pushed together in a plea. "Guys I would 100% break my face and you know it. Just go have fun!" you shoo them away and jump up on the wall to sit and watch. "And i'll be here. As always" you muttered drumming your hands on your thighs and watched the other wheeled transportations slip past you and into the blur of others trying out impressive tricks you could never hope to achieve.
Of course Denki and Reki refused to let the third member of the warm coloured gang, named so because of kaminari's yellow hair, Reiki's red hair, and your orange backpack that always hung off one shoulder, refused to accept that you wouldn't let them teach you. They knew you, you were a quick learner and determined once you picked something up but you were also afraid of failing something, so of course you were hesitant to start skating with them.
On the plus side your running was incredible because of your constant need to keep up with the cheerful boys so you had the energy, the stamina, the strength and the balamce it took to sit on that thin wall all day and not fall off was a clear indicatoryou could balance for hours. You just didn't have the mindset.
"What if we taped their feet to the board?" Reki offered, digging through his bag for a roll of duct tape. "Nah, I think (y/n) would be more scared if they weren't able to get off the board. Langa was used to it so it wasn't a problem with him" Denki rolled his board back and forth under his feet and perked up at the sound of your music blasting through the mini speaker you brought. It was your way of being found if they needed you for a drink or a break or for snacks. "Maybe they just need some encouragement?" the red head smiled waving at you from across the park and you waved back slightly showing them you were paying attention and waiting for them to do something interesting.
Reki had the same mission as Denki, to get you on a board, but he also had to help you with your mission, one that might not be any easier than Denki's
"God he's so stupid and cute" you sighed watching Denki fall for a fourth time trying to do a pop shuvit. With your headphone's firmly lodged in your ears you hadn't noticed Reki standing beside you for the last 2 minutes. He yanked the headphone's out of your ears and you whipped your head around. "HEY!" you shouted trying to swipe them back but he held them out of your reach.
"Did you call Denki cute?" he asked with a gleeful tone and a glimmer of excitement in his amber eyes. "N-no I called him stupid" you stuttered feeling your face flush and you look back at him telling off his board as if it was a person and smile. Out of the corner of your eye you see Reki rearing up to say something and your mouth sets into a hard line once again. "You so called him cute! Do you have a crush on Denki, that's adorable!" he jumped up on the wall to sit with you and he handed you your white headphone's again.
"When did you start to like him?" he asked, nudging your arm and your sigh got stuck in your throat feeling like a useless attempt to get out of the conversation and you shook your head. "I don't have an exact date" you mutter but he looks at you expectantly anyway. "I guess when I started babysitting you guys-" "heeey, you do not babysit us" he interrupted but your facial expression was enough to make him sigh and agree. "Are you gonna tell him?" "fuck no" you laughed.
"Reki what if we-" "I have an idea!" he shouted and dropped his board skating to the music waving for Denki to follow. "What is it!" he shouted weaving through the other skaters and 2 boys on scooters zooming past them screaming. You were chatting politely with another person on the wall who was also babysitting their friends on the scooters. "guys I found another Enby parental figure!" you cheered hi-fiving the person sitting above you who politely waved at your friends then shouted at the boys on scooters for getting in others way's. (lol not an author self insert...)
"(Y/n) we really want you to try skating!" Reki begged, laying his scraped board on your lap and you face palmed. "I know you do. And look if i'm being truthful I would LOVE to learn to skate, but i'm just not built for it!" you argue and Reki grinned jumping onto the wall in a squat and whispered "you get to hold Denki's hands." he sat back and you gulped looking at the oblivious blonde sparking excitedly about the idea of you skating beside him- no, skating just the idea of you skating.
"I don't have the right shoes..." you mumble and Denki crouches to look at the size on the bottom of your chunky heels. "Hey we have the same shoe size!" he shouts enthusiastically and slips off his vans without untying the laces propping them on the wall. "Hold on. You're going to wear my heels just so I can skate?" you hesitantly unbuckle the heels and he nods giving you a spare pair of socks from his bag that he wasn't sure why he kept around. "It just means we're both experiencing challenges right?" Reki sat on the side with your highlighter orange bag excited to watch the bonding experience and your progress.
"Okay but promise me I wont die" you lift yourself off of the wall and nervously follow Denki who was stumbling slightly in your heels, to a quiter, flatter part of the park. "I promise you won't die" he held out his pinky and you wrapped yours around it sealing the promise. "Dude i'm scared to even get on the board nevermind like actually move on it!" you shout jumping up and down shaking your hands nervously. He stood next to you and his arm grazed your making your heart race and your temperature shot up. "It's okay, look I'll hold your hand" he said gently wrapping his hand around yours.
You sucked in a breath and all the air was robbed from your lungs at the same time. His hands were hot and sweaty, constantly pumping out electricity that sparked your hands and made your fingers twitch. "You're shocking me" you admit and he tut's at himself "I know, sorry I can't help it" he gripes and you nod not willing to give him grief for somethinghe couldn’t control.
You lift a foot hovering it over the board and then put it back down on the concrete. "I'm NERVOUSSS!" you shout, unable to detract from the feeling of his hands on yours and you look back at Reki who was watching with giant, hope filled eye's. "I know, everyone is nervous when they first start though" he says and you can almost see the smile he has on his face. Was it supposed to be this hard to get on? You weren't a huge part of Denki's life when he started to skate but you remember Reki taking months and months just to work through the basics, he was constantly disappointed and annoyed until he achieved the trick he was going for, and being quirkless it wasn't like anyone wanted to help him.
"Where am i supposed to put my feet" you ask quietly, feeling embarrassed about something so simple but Denki never thought anything you said was stupid or silly. "Put your left foot at the front on the 4 screws. And your back foot on the back screws" he said, patting the gritty board and held your hands while you nervously lifted your foot. "Okay okay okay" you hyped yourself up internally and squeezed his hands closing your eyes tightly while you put the ball of your front foot on the board.
It wobbled slightly and you gasped but Denki assured you it was fine and you quickly pulled your other foot on the board. "Am I on?" you asked, feeling taller than you were 2 minutes ago. "Look for yourself" Denki said cheerily and you fluttered your eyes open "oh my GOD I'M ON THE BOARD" you cried happily and he grinned from ear to ear admiring the happiness etched on your face. "Do you want me to let go" "NO"
After a good 15 minutes you felt you had a good basis of getting on and off the board, pushing, and turning your foot but you weren't great at stopping yet so you had a few tumbles but of course, Denki, your noght in shining armour was there to help you up on your feet again. "Thank you Denki" you sighed, rubbing your sore shoulder from falling on your side. "Hey you're getting a lot better!" he said happily and you decided to take a break together sitting on the opposite sides of Reki.
"Sooooo... feel any closer?" he asked, nudging your sides and he nodded "yeah their doing a lot better already" Denki smiled and you nodded getting at what Reki meant. "Yeah a lot closer" you smiled lightly and Reki grabbed his own board, dropping it and jumping on. "Well I'm gonna skate for a bit you two just enjoy your company!" he said dropping down a ramp and disappearing in the bowl.
"Thank you for teaching me to skate" you grin, your arms are pushed together and you don't move wanting to be close to him. "Reki's so good at skating" you sigh dropping your head. "Hey you'll get there. It takes time" he assures you and wraps an arm around your shoulders smoothly. "And I would like to help you, um if you're okay with it, obviously, like i'd like to help you along the way" he stammered and you chuckled. "Yeah i'd like that" you smiled leaning against his chest.
Bonus content
From on top of a ramp Reki cheered excitedly, missing his board and falling down the curve scraping his face. "FUCK YEAH!" he shouted into the metal and he felt the clatter of his skateboard drop onto his back. "Fuuuck. (Y/n)!" he shouted. And you, with your keen senses, heard him from the ramp and came running. "I'M COMING!"
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mc-critical · 3 years
I love to boring you but what do you think of Murad IV in MC:Kosem ? I really like him but he seriously need of a therapy with a psy *a great one !* and i don't think he treated Ayse (or Farya !) correctly ! He is trash (more trash than any others characters i think) but i also like her complexity. How do you find him ? Do you think he deserve more recognization like Selim or not at all ?
I don't like him one bit as a person. He's problematic, hypocritical and abusive and his actions go beyond every sort of justification, no matter how much he tries to justify them himself. However, he is interesting and complex as a character and you can still see where he comes from and how do his beliefs unfold. He clearly has a detailed arc; and that arc causes him to be way more paranoid, way more selfish, way more overindulgent, which was to his detriment.
Let's face it: the show portrayed him as a very bad ruler (I spoke about why here) and from what I've read, historically, he isn't any better, either. I don't know what does he deserve to be recognized for, aside from the conquering of Baghdad, which did nothing to absolve his crimes in the show, aside from how well-written he is. Any possible redeeming quality of his is destroyed by all his problematic actions piling in and all we've left is a nuanced exploration of his problematic traits. With MC Selim we have a much more understandable circumstance, the child neglect which explained his drinking and lay low tendencies and why it looked like he didn't care for what the other brothers did. Thing is, Selim arguably wasn't all that problematic at first (the provocations between him and Bayezid were more mutual than anything else) and what really pushed him to "villainy" was the death of Mustafa and Cihangir, the complete destruction of the concept of brotherly love in his head. His redeeming qualities were as balanced as his "villainy" and you see within how human he is and how everyone around him who wasn't Nurbanu did somewhat screw him over from the start. The nuance is on his entire persona, not on his problematic deeds. I do believe that MC Selim's writing should be way more respected, because of all the nuance. I don't think he's fit for a padişah in the show, but he isn't some cardboard cutout who only drinks and schemes. He has actual issues, desires, sensitivity, vulnerability and compassion. Murat is a different kind of a character. He's both a bad ruler and a horrible person, he doesn't really have a transitional point to begin his problematic deeds, since he's like this in the beggining. He has his reasons in his backstory, but they recontextualize his paranoia, not what comes out of this paranoia. His transitional point was more him getting even surer of his beliefs than beggining a path of ruthlessness. Worse, it strips him from any possible scruple he had deep inside and what we would see from this point on is his further moral descent and nothing else. He has two areas of justification: a fragment of his past and the "Shadow of God" mentality that only ring more shallow the further we go. (it's fascinating writing-wise, but that's about it.) With Selim at least we have his motives becoming stronger the more we go and watch him succeed. They're different thematic explorations altogether and one of them isn't much on the sympathetic or deserving of recognition spectrum by design.
What I like the most about Murat's writing is that no matter how strong and dangerous it is, his paranoia comes from a real place. While with Süleiman we only had hints of said paranoia in a few flashbacks, with Murat we had an actually devastating, shown on-screen event that had the harder job of making such sudden by the show change more believable. Murat, for whatever he is, is shown a tiny bit of understanding by the script when there actually are people actively working behind his back. Süleiman assumes he's been betrayed, but since the events that open his paranoia are mostly events molded or completely taken out of context and no one actively works behind his back until much after said paranoia was allowed to occur (even Mustafa's organization worked primarily against Hürrem, not SS, one attempt to kill SS aside, which the object of his paranoia saved him from!!!!) - we, as audience, have no reason to buy it whatsoever, which brought the understanding for SS soo down for me. But Murat's paranoia made him go way out of proportion to the point he went even further than SS by willing to end the whole state so he could be there and rule. And just like SS, his paranoia quickly became all selfish in nature to the point of alienating everyone around him who wants to give him decent advice and thinking himself as right all the time. He wanted to be a lone wolf, driven by toxic masculinity from the start. And him feeling overshadowed by Kösem... no matter how understandable it has the chance to be because of the time period, made him blind and instead of gaining experience in order to rule unscathed and firm, he decided to fixate himself on the past and on his role and possible deep-seated resentment of his mother, he made all the wrong decisions in every aspect of his life.
His anger issues are especially illuminating, since he tends to lash out on the slightest thing gone wrong, to the point of exercising physical violence. His anger probably stemmed from how he could only watch during Osman's death and the subconscious blaming of Kösem because of it, along with Musa's death and them not giving him time to shine, something he thought belonged to him and was his right, but by ruminating on all this, he, once again, focuses on his own feelings and own world, he, once again, reaches devastating extremes. Anyone who ever tries to defy him suffers from this. Anyone who tries to defy him is evaluated by how much he's fitting for his mold, for his world, something far beyond a wish for loyalty.
He didn't love any of his women, IMO. His physical violence and abuse was highlighted by his dynamics with them the most and he always decided on the harshest punishments when it came to them. One might argue that his relationship with Farya played its part in somewhat humanizing Murat and disguising this overally questionable at its impossibly best love story for ratings and stuff, but the more we went, the more abusive it got and Farya could never get over his unpredictable and turbulent nature that strived to strictly control every single thing that was close to him to toxic levels. I won't even begin with how he treated Ayşe, because that was such a trainwreck and she deserved much better than to constantly fear for her life, because this guy could go immediately crazy and kill her and her kids. With Sanavber it was only slight infatuation and that's all for me, because in that point, I doubt this guy was capable of love. One Murat went and there came the other before Sanavber arrived and Murat was on the path to become his cruelest self.
All in all, I don't mind anyone going out there and trying to explore him ( in fact, I would actually love such discussions!), but he's hot trash, he should die in fire along with Süleiman and I'm struggling everyday to declare which one is worse in my book, because they suck the same for me, but in different ways. I appreciate their narrative roles, but otherwise... screw them both.
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overlyimmersed · 3 years
Nightmares and Daydreams
A Gravity Falls AU.
Hi @verysorrytobother​ Stanticore anon, revealing my true identity to share this with you! I wasn’t sure how a post this long would go over as an ask, so I decided to do it this way. I hope this is ok.
I’ve been working on this for a while and I hope it goes over well enough. The artwork took me the most time.
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As a car crash victim is slowly dying, her mental self panics in the mindscape. She's offered a deal to save her life. Let the game begin.
(Content warnings: Blood. Descriptions of serious injuries.)
"What..." she whispered to herself, staring at the other in disbelief.
"Yep!" he confirms, in a high-pitched, grating, inappropriately upbeat tone, "Dead as a doornail, kid!- Well technically you still have a few more seconds till you brain totally ceases to function. Better make up your mind while you still have one!"
She's still staring dumbly at him. How can he be this nonchalant about it?! A half second ago she was sitting in the front seat of the family truck, a totally routine trip to the store- she never liked trucks but her dad's a carpenter so they need the hauling space. At least it's a pretty shade of blue- and the next she's here, laying face down in a black void with this prick this- this...All Seeing Eye? He's like the Illuminati symbol, but with arms and legs and a top hat. Caution sign yellow and talking to her- or at her. Bill. Freaking. Cipher. Every time he 'speaks' he flashes with light- no mouth so does it really count as speaking? More like his voice is being projected right into her mind- ... And he's telling her that she freakin died! Can't he see how messed up this is?! Can't he sympathize at all!? Then again, it's Bill. She ought to know better.
She ought to know better. She's seen this show a hundred times, she knows nothing good comes from dealing with Cipher. But she doesn't have time to be careful, she doesn't have the luxury of weighing options.
"Tick-tock, Car Wreck!" The obnoxious voice insists again, forcing her out of her stupor, his outstretched hand now alight with blue fire.
Her face scrunches up in a loud cringe, eyes screwed shut and teeth bared, and she swings her hand till it lands solidly in his. Crazed cackling resounds as the deal is struck, but it falls to simple soundtrack as her senses try to sort out what's going on.
She'd expected the blue fire to burn, or at least feel like something, but it didn't. Instead her entire being is flung into a...whirl? Free fall? Something that makes her stomach jump into her throat, and gives her vertigo.
The sensation stops suddenly, only to be replaced by a cacophony of new perceptions. She isn't sure which strikes her first, the sounds or the smell. Shrieks of agony and terror make up the next track of this bizarre playlist, punctuated by the reek of burnt hair. When her eyes fly open to try and make sense of it all, they have no luck. The sight that meets her is a sky of surreal, swirling, bastardized ribbons of every hue, like being inside a filthy bubble. Floating strewn about the space are pockmarked asteroids, and little else.
"So what'd ya think?" The grating voice rejoins the discord, drawing her shell-shocked gaze. "Home-sweet-home, huh? Well don't worry, you won't be here for very long. A deal's a deal, Car Wreck." With that que, and a snap of his fingers, she's falling again. This time untethered and unaccompanied. It takes her a moment to realize the scream ripping though the void is coming from her own throat. Once it hits her, so does something else, and the world goes black.
She wakes some time later, maybe moments maybe days. She has no way of knowing. She pushes herself onto her hands and knees, groggy and disoriented. It takes her a moment to notice the texture under her hands and focus her vision on it. It's grass. She sits up and looks around. "oh..." she says to herself, taking in the scenery. It's lovely, a grassy, sun soaked field. The sky made of churning colors like the last place she'd been, but they're pastel and much prettier. A warm breeze brushes past her face and she takes a deep breath of it, it smells sweet and warm, heavy with the scent of growing things, and for the first time since this started she finds some peace. Peace which is quickly shattered by a familiar, grating voice.
She jumps and whirls around so quick she falls onto her butt. There, floating just inches from where her head had been, is Bill. Laughing at her of course.
"Whoops! Didn't mean to scare you there, Car Wreck!" he claims, moving through the air to look around, then turning back around to look at her. "So how do you like the new digs?"
There's a beat of silence where she just stares at him again, but quickly she shakes off the shock and tries to respond. "Uh...It's nice." She lets her eyes roam around for a second, before returning to Bill, "Where are we?"
"This is the Realm of Daydreams! Your new HQ!" he answers, floating around behind her and making a grand gesture with his arms.
She turns her head to follow him, "Daydreams? HQ?"
"Yep! This is where you'll hang out when you're not puppeting your little pawns." He turns around to look at the scenery more himself. "Kinda dull if you ask me. Maybe you can do something about that!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh you know, some pillars of anguish, an alter of unholy fire, maybe a blood fountain or a couple of-" he gestures with each suggestion, like a landscaper creating a vision, until she cuts him off.
"No I mean," she finally pushes herself to a stand, teetering a little till she finds her balance. "Pawns?"
He turns back to her, "Oh yeah, which ones do you want anyway?" he waits a beat for an answer, but she just stares back at him, clearly not following. "Ugh, our deal?"
He hadn't really told her what the deal was, just mentioned a game and a second chance. "Uhh, I don't think you-"
"Oh right, you flesh bags need everything explained to you." he groans, rolling his eye, "Alright, here's the deal. We're gonna play a little game," he holds out his hand and a little hologram like projection appears showing an aerial view of a town. "and the people of this hick town are gonna be the pieces." ten little blue stick figures appear in the center of town, each with a little symbol above it's head. "If you win, you rejoin the land of the living!" a little magenta stick figure pops into existence next to the others and they all do a little happy dance. "If I win..." suddenly the whole projection goes up in flames, and she jerks her head back instinctively, "You burn with rest of those worthless mortals!" He bursts into a fit of maniacal laughter, which actually gives her some times to recover.
After a second of shocked staring, she blinks a few times then puts on as neutral an expression as she can. "Ok. So what are the rules?"
"Simple!" he answers, cutting off his laughter "We can't directly manipulate each other's pawns, and we can't interfere with the other's powers."
"That's it?"
"Yep. Everything else is fair game"
"Ok...What are my powers?"
"Same as mine! Except you don't have to wait till someone falls asleep to get in their head."
"I see..." her eyes wander to the ground as she contemplates the information, and her hand reaches for the longest of her three necklaces to idly play with the spiked pendant. "So you can talk to them in dreams, and I can talk to them in daydreams."
She scrunches her nose a little, thinking of a few ways that could end up being annoying. "Alright, anything else I need to know?"
"Hmm, nope! That just about covers it. All that's left is to pick our pawns, I'll even let you go first!" And with that ten, glowing, blue symbols appear between them. She looks them over carefully, she knows who each symbol corresponds to- supposing the cartoon from her world is accurate. She considers the six-fingered hand, if she takes him out of Bill's control from the start that derails his whole plan as she knows it. But, then she'll have no clue what's up to at all, at least by letting Bill have the pawns she's familiar with she has a chance at guessing his moves. She reaches forward and touches the shooting star, it turns magenta and floats to hover closer to her.
"Interesting." Bill comments, though his tone doesn't sound very interested, as he makes a simple motion with his eye and the six-fingered hand settles beside him. She chooses the fish looking symbol next, and Bill's second choice in the pine tree. They go back and forth till they have five symbols each, Bill having the the six-fingered hand, the pine tree, the llama, the stitched heart, and the pentagram. While she has the shooting star, the fish, the bag of ice, the spectacles, and the question mark.
"Welp, that settles that. Nice picks you made there, lets hope they work out for ya, Car Wreck"
"Could you not call me that?" though it hardly sounds like a request.
"And what else should I call you?" Bill asks, collecting his symbols into one hand and placing the other on his...hip?
"How about my name? It's Maranwe."
"But Car Wreck fits you so much better! Just take a look!" he quips, snapping a full-length mirror into existence. Maranwe turns to look and gasps in horror. Bill breaks out into more cackling, "Well my work here is done! I'll let you get cleaned up, see ya around Car Wreck!" And with that he fades from existence.
Maranwe just stares, even as Bill disappears from 'her' realm, she can only stare at her destroyed refection. Her hair is messy- and she almost laughs that that's what her brain zeros in on first-, It's also dirty, some of the mess is actual dirt but several spots are matted with half-dry blood. Her face is in a similar condition, smeared with dirt and blood but she can see the wounds there. Scrapes and still oozing cuts, bruises forming on one cheek bone and under her eyes. Her nose isn't quite right...broken probably. Her vision skims over her whole body for a second, making note of similar injuries where tears in her clothes reveal them. It's not as bad as she would expect a car crash victim to look- "except for that" Her mind screams suddenly while all her mouth can do is gasp, as her attention lands dizzyingly on her neck. It's...purple, but also red? There's no spilled blood but it still looks ugly, and the worst part is the...bump. It's not hard to figure out that it's a misaligned bone. Without the pain to tell her she never would have noticed, her neck is broken. Very broken. How is she holding her head up right... Probably because this isn't actually a physical body. She wonders if this is what killed her, or if there's something inside, something she can't see, that did the trick.
Whatever it is, she can't be seen like this. And she really really doesn't want to look like this for her own sake. Bill said she could 'clean herself up'? How exactly... She thinks about how Bill's powers tend to work and tries to concentrate on a cleaner, less beat up mental image of herself. She lifts her hand to her cheek and grazes her finger tips across it, a trail of sparkles follow the touch and the skin underneath returns to normal. She relaxes a little, watching the disaster wipe off her face like cheap make-up. She keeps the image in her mind and closes her eyes, cupping her hands in front of herself and imagining the sparkles pooling in them. Then she splashes the sparkles over he face, like a girl in a face wash commercial, and imagines the glittering dust washing over her entire body, cleaning away the mess and injuries. And when she opens her eyes, that's exactly what's happened. Her reflection shows her whole and unwounded, even her clothes are fixed.
The next thing she does is smooth her hair down, mostly an instinct since it's still messy, and the sparkles trail after her hands, tidying the strands as if she'd just brushed them. She watches her reflection's mouth quirk up a little in a small smirk. So she can just change what she looks like by imagining it? That figures, this is a place of daydreams that's kind of how they work. She knows exactly what to do with this, she's known since she was a kid what she's change if she could. She places the backs of her hands next to her ears and flicks up, sparkles spray up with the motion and her normal human ears, turn to wolf ears the fur the same chocolate brown as her hair. Her smirk blooms into a full blown smile, and she tilts her head to get a better look at them, watching them move as she tests them. It's like they're real! Next is the tail of course, it's mostly brown, with some silver down the top and a black tip. Then she looks down, and taps the toe of each of her shoes against the ground in turn, as she does they become the compressed paws of her own design.
"That's insane..." she laughs to herself. She's actually turning herself into something else, her own made up alien species. And she just can! With the big changes out of the way she works out the details; pupil shape, fang length, and straightens out a few asymmetries and insecurities she's always had about her body- after all why not? When she's done, she can't help admiring herself a little, turning this way and that in front of the mirror, her perfect image of herself. Well- almost perfect. She snaps her fingers and in the same dusting of glitter, her shirt changes. What was before a loose grey t-shirt with the word "nope" written across it in cursive, as been replaced by a cropped sweater, banded in 3 colors; white at the top, then light blue, then dark blue. She lifts it to look at the crop top under neither, it's just plain white. She decides she doesn't like it that way, so it changes to a cropped version of the t-shirt she'd had before. With that taken care of she lifts her arm so the over-sized sleeve falls down and she can see her forearm, which is covered by a light blue arm warmer with white lace around the edges. Perfect. At least for now. She can change later if she decides she doesn't like the arm warmers.
She giggles to herself, invigorated by the makeover and the sense of control she has now. She turns from the mirror and skips a few feet across the grass, the symbols she'd chosen follow her, floating loosely like beads suspended in gel. She laughs a little as she watches them, and idly reaches for her necklace again, but this time her hand just meets the soft knit of her sweater. She'd forgotten to add them into this new look, so she just wills them into place; three different necklaces of three different lengths. Her hand finds the middle length first, the pendant is designed to spin so she plays with it while her mind starts to wander. She starts thinking of plans for winning this game, what she might say to each other 'pawns' and who to use where and how, even letter her thoughts wonder about the new life she'll have. Cipher's hologram suggested she'll stay in Gravity Falls, which would be cool but what about-
The sound of screeching tires and twisting metal cuts her thoughts off clean and she whips around to find the source of the noise, but her fear turns to confusion when she sees...nothing. She stands stock still, her mind running over only vague impressions of thoughts relating to what she just heard, until another loud sound whips her back around. This time she actually sees something, like a huge firework in the pastel oil-slick sky, accompanied by Bill's obnoxious voice echoing through the space.
"Let the game begin!"
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 8
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obsetress: now i just want fanart of damvibecca at the gym
em: well. pitch it to me comrade ghostfucker
obsetress: idk that's about as far as i got i just reread that bit about vibecca in their matching gym outfits and my brain got stuck
em: hypothetically do u have a colour palette in mind bc i associate gym outfits w like. bright loud colours and
em: idk if it works w our earth sign queens
[em note: emily is a liar and did NOT draw fanart of damvibecca at the gym]
[em note 2: we have the gym art now [x] [x]]
obsetress: i was imagining like charcoals tbh, or jewel tones
obsetress: i could see them in like jewel tone purples or that jewel tone blue green color
obsetress: yeah viola jewel tones or blacks n charcoals
obsetress: becs pastels and camels but jewel tones at the gym
em: it’s about Matching
em: And Destroying Ur Ex (platonically)
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: viola's feeling particularly smug about it but then
obsetress: dani's in an old school tshirt and shorts and jamie's in............ one of dani's old school tshirts and shorts
em: YES
obsetress: not intentionally, she just grabbed whatever was there
obsetress: dani chirps "oh you two look so cute! baby look, they have a matched set"
obsetress: viola arches an eyebrow "and so do you, it seems" and dani laughs "not on purpose, jamie just grabbed whatever was on top in the drawer"
viola: you two... share... a wardrobe?
dani: yeah?
em: god cute
obsetress: cute n dumb
em: they can share nearly everything except pants
em: well. pants as a treat
em: haha pants
em: trousers
obsetress: also rly nice rly clean smooth funny juxtaposition in my brain of vibecca being the ones who intentionally match and damie the ones for whom it just accidentally happens
obsetress: hahahah pants
obsetress: they can share pants but................ should they
em: idk miss chapter 12 danis thighs jamies pyjamas
em: should they
obsetress: PLEASE
obsetress: that's exactly what i was referring to THANKS
obsetress: anyway
obsetress: rebecca just laughs
obsetress: viola huffs and bex is like "sorry, babe, but it is kind of funny"
em: dani jamie wearing like
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obsetress: YEAH
em: poor viola
obsetress: thinking about dani's ass in those
em: yeah....
em: violas huffing until jamies exercise flush lasts a little Too Long
obsetress: big blush jamie taylor
em: she’s still like ‘oi dani close ur mouth’ but then she
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: just ogling each other
obsetress: (they briefly pause to ogle vi and rebecca passing a medicine ball back and forth as they do squats and have to acknowledge that, yeah, they've all done alright by themselves)
em: funny montage of the gang doing exercise while surreptitiously taking Peaks
obsetress: omg all i want
obsetress:sometimes having friends as a lesbian means they're all your exes except one, who's your gf, and you're all checking each other out always anyway
And That’s Beautiful
obsetress: dani: checking out viola's biceps, rebecca's abs
viola: checking out dani's thighs n ass
rebecca: minding her business
jamie: scowling n scrawny
obsetress:(n also checking out dani's thighs n ass, viola's biceps, and begrudgingly peeking at rebecca's abs)
obsetress: every other woman at the gym: checking out jamie, trying to figure out the entire dynamic here
are they a polycule? what
em: jamie probably like
em: maybe she gets really into running bc she just checks out and listens to her audiobooks but like
em: slow twitch vs fast twitch fibers so stays scrawny
obsetress: i can see that
obsetress: just gets on the treadmill and zones tf out
em: jamie ‘why don’t i have biceps’ taylor vs jamie ‘no u gotta lift w ur hips’ taylor
obsetress: she hates it but her psych told her it'll be good for her routine so you know she was like yes ma'am every day ma'am
em: cant believe safe lifting procedures screwed her over
em: ‘yes ma’am every day ma’am’ ur just Going for it arent ya anshdjdh
obsetress: sorry but don't tell me you can't hear it
obsetress: jamie's the person who takes notes in therapy
obsetress: jamie, in the locker room after their workout: do my biceps look bigger?
dani, patiently, already knowing where this is going: bigger than what, baby?
jamie: than yesterday
dani: mm, rome wasn't built in a day, you know
jamie: do they look bigger at all?
dani: well
em: i mean not to perceive her too much but mattresses scene indicates AE/jamie like. at least some muscle in the leg area
em: poor jamie
em: not playing to her strengths
obsetress: yeah she does
obsetress: i mean ae has toned af arms
obsetress: she's just wiry
em: how could i forget the benchpressing dog gif
obsetress: dani's like "jamie, baby, come do squats with me and vi" "m'good" "baby, c'mon, you'll like it" "don't wanna do squats" "it could be good for you" "don't wanna do squats with you two"
em: dani: you gotta like. eat more
jamie: i eat plenty
dani: no u graze all day and then u don’t eat dinner
obsetress: dani: five biscuits spread out across a day doesn't count as eating more
em: dani: protein jamie it’s abt protein
obsetress: dani: you need more protein, which is why i think some lentils would really––
em: jamie thinks protein shakes are Nasty
obsetress: jamie does think protein shakes are nasty but dani will make her a smoothie and sneak it in like she's a child
obsetress: viola and rebecca, with their matching monogrammed blender bottles, just staring
obsetress: becca's like "jamie, just drink it, really, it's fine"
obsetress: viola just does this haughty sniff at her and that's what finally gets jamie to start
em: jamie can deal w being a brat but the idea of viola having Anything over her drives her Insane
em: Drives Her Fuckign Nuts
obsetress: she hates it
obsetress: just the absolute fuckin worst
em: do u think dani ever like
em: like they REALLY need to clear out storage but it’s a boiling frog situation where it’s increased so gradually that
em: like jamie thinks it’s Fine storage is Clear Enough
em: it’s Not
em: danis like. should we invite rebecca and vi over
em: just be Idea of A Snide Viola Comment fills jamie w a burning rage
obsetress: oh my god
obsetress: i'm obsessed with this
obsetress: i would read a whole oneshot about this
em: eventually dani comes clean abt it n jamie thinks it’s v funny bc yknow; open and honest communication is a v important part of their dynamic
em: jamie: next time just tell me my storage looks like shite dani or i will be grumbling abt viola for a Week
obsetress: inevitably
obsetress: when they do have to come over to clean
obsetress: dani offers them takeout and wine ("step up from pizza and beer at least," jamie grumbles) and viola's like "jesus, dani, let's just go out to dinner. my treat"
obsetress: at dinner, viola's like "if you want more storage, i have some wonderful properties––"
obsetress: rebecca's mouthing "sorry" from next to her across the table
em: every time they go out rebecca takes vi aside n is like ok sweetheart so you promise you’re not gonna try convince them to sell the apartment again
em: and violas like (mock horror) of course i won’t. ye of little faith
em: and every time
em: every time she does
em: she’s tryna HELP
obsetress: she would too she'd be like
obsetress: "i'm just trying to HELP"
obsetress: "they're our FRIENDS"
em: i’m on a mission to figure out like
em: this is way way down the line
em: but i wanna believe eventually viola and jamie start to, at the v least, Tolerate each other
em: jamie might even be fond of the crazy bird but she’ll NEVER admit it
obsetress: god like vi's on business or some shit in like
obsetress: the UAE
obsetress: negotiating some Deal
obsetress: and so dani and jamie get dinner with just bex and they're driving home after and having a perfectly mundane conversation and then jamie's just blurting like
obsetress: "i think i miss vi"
em: she’s HORRIFIED
em: she tries to play it off as like um
em: she’s Too Comfortable
em: things are Too Boring
em: which is weird knowing everything we know abt jamie
em: but actually she just... maybe misses viola
em: danis like god i wish i was recording this
obsetress: jamie's passed out next to her at home later (it's ten pm) and dani's chattering happily away on the phone with vi (drinking a martini in her dubai hotel room at one am since, y'know, no bars) in bed right next to her
obsetress: "jamie, uh, said she misses you. i know. no, i KNOW. don't tell her i told you. yeah, yeah, you win, vi, we know. uh-huh. uh-huh. i'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that"
em: CUTE
em: u can’t lord it over her vi it’s a little secret
em: vi's like when have i EVER
em: she does
obsetress: once they're good again, dani and vi absolutely just. lose time (there's a metaphor in there) talking to each other still
em: this is wholesome tbh
em: i really like the damie stories where like
em: look it’s nice when damie have each other but it’s also nice when they have their own friends and stuff
em: dunno how to articulate that well
em: it’s a balance! it’s a balance
obsetress: yeah! exactly
obsetress: because that's part of the love n possession thing too yk
obsetress: not to say either of them would ever be like "no friends for you" but
obsetress: wanting to have a life outside of your partner yk
obsetress: they're meeting vi and rebecca for dinner after vi gets back and vi's just grinning and sweeping jamie into a hug "i heard you missed me"
em: she gets jamie a souvenir t-shirt
em: it’s too big
em: OR
em: child’s t-shirt
obsetress: (jamie sleeps in it that night)
obsetress: oh childs might be better
obsetress: she's like "you're a little scrawny, so..."
em: jamie sleeps in it.... soft bitch
em: she feels too much
obsetress: jamie taylor softest bitch
obsetress: dani watches her pull it on and raises an eyebrow and jamie's just like "wot"
em: jamies like (grumbles) i knew she was comin back i’m just
em: shouldn’t you be HAPPY about this development dani
em: ‘s’a gift... s’rude not t’....’
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: dani just grins "mmhm"
em: it accidentally makes its way into jamies workout clothes pile
obsetress: oh my GOD oh my god
obsetress: viola's shit eating GRIN when jamie shows up at the gym in it
em: jamies like fok
em: mental maths tryna figure if she wants to just. work out in a sports bra
em: she Doesn’t
obsetress: she Doesn't!
obsetress: (she's shy)
em: god it’s one of those shirts that’s like
em: someone who loves me went to UAE and got me this t-shirt or something
obsetress: dani corners her in their empty row in the locker room "you could've just taken it off, you know" "dunno, not everyone needs to... see that, you know?" "i'd certainly like to see it" jamie rolls her eyes but she's grinning "you can see that any time" "well maybe i wanted to see it during my workout" "dani......."
em: jamies embarrassed bc of her gnarly farmers tan means her tummy is at least five shades lighter than the rest of her
em: crisp tan lines
obsetress: god jamie's farmers tan
em: once again i am bringing my tan lines jamie agenda
obsetress: dani loves jamies dumb farmers tan so much
obsetress: she giggles
obsetress: but it's the most loving giggle possible
em: and then when she gets into running...
em: god when i was rowing there were a couple ppl w like what i called a neapolitan icecream tan which is
em: gimme a second
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obsetress: jamie gets all huffy when dani giggles at her tan but then dani's like "baby, no, i think it's cute" and jamie gives her a look and dani grins mischievously and ducks her head
obsetress: and then she's licking and kissing and nipping her way along jamie's dumb tan lines
em: there it is
obsetress: it was inevitable
em: so caught up in the joy of jamies dumb farmer tans i forgot abt her gnarly scar she keeps under wraps
em: baby
em: the most baby
obsetress: baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
em: jamie decides the only way to claim the stupid t-shirt as hers is to cut off the sleeves
em: it’s abt the ritual of the thing
obsetress: she shows up at the gym wearing it and
obsetress: that's viola's "oh no she's hot" moment
obsetress: literally just like
obsetress: world stops
obsetress: viola stares
em: jamie finally gets to do an exercise that shows off her sinewy manual labor grip forearms
em: viola’s probably just as horrified to find jamie hot as every time jamies like oh no
em: violas hot
em: and once again jamie CANNOT know she’s hot bc she will be insufferable
em: she will be the Worst
obsetress: viola's tugging rebecca aside "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "what?" viola waves a hand and rebecca just furrows her brow a little and is like "that's just... what she looks like, vi"
obsetress: viola corners dani next "why didn't you tell me jamie was hot" "i did" "oh. right" viola pauses, then "why didn't you make sure i was listening?" dani just gives her a look and walks away
obsetress: dflksdjfldaj god the way jamie and viola are. the same
obsetress: kind of incredibly, in the same ways dani and rebecca are the same
em: “hey baby, did viola seem different today? seemed off”
em: jamies like. is she mad at me. did i break another social taboo.
em: rebecca ‘jamie looks like jamie’ jessel vs dani ‘my gf is so hot i can’t stand it’ clayton
obsetress: "i tell you how hot she is at least three times a week, vi"
em: danis tryna goad her into making the damn shirt a crop top
em: jamies like yeah but isn’t that a step too far. i feel like i am destroying this shirt too much
em: she does it anyway
em: so jamies workout clothes are danis endless grey baggy school t-shirts and this one ugly souvenir shirt that like
em: psychological warfare and she doesn’t even know it
obsetress: i would........ like to see it
obsetress: also crop top jamie is one of my favorite jamies
obsetress: she is severely underrated
em: crop top jamie is
obsetress: and we do not talk about her enough
em: jamie wear More crop tops
obsetress: viola and rebecca in bed, in matching facemasks, after going to the gym post-epiphany that Jamie Is Hot
obsetress: viola: are dani and jamie hotter than us?
rebecca: what?
obsetress: and like
obsetress: viola is NOT insecure
obsetress: she is constantly confident that she's the most attractive woman in the room at any given moment, but
obsetress: she's just so staggered by this realization
em: some neutral third party (ms grose and mr sharma probably) are like well. u guys definitely have a little more of a scary thing going on
em: i’m imagining rebecca and viola at brunch w hannah and owen v seriously discussing this
em: viola brings it up and rebecca GROANS but then she gets invested in the convo
obsetress: GOD yeah
obsetress: she's leaning forward and gesturing with her fork "when you say 'scary'..........."
em: owens like scary is a compliment
em: hannah grose sips her tea knowingly
obsetress: rebecca just narrows her eyes at hannah grose and hannah raises her eyebrows and shrugs
em: after a week or so viola bursts into a room w stupid big sunglasses and a tray of take out coffees and she’s like Don’t You Worry Jamie I Have Concluded You’re Hot But I’m Not Threatened By It
em: jamies like sorry WHAT
em: you’ve been thinking about WHAT
em: viola leaves without ever following it up
obsetress: dani is entirely unfazed
obsetress: doesn't even blink
em: danis like neat she remembered the oat milk
em: everyone in this au is insane
obsetress: any lesbian in 2021 is insane
obsetress: par for the course
em: was gonna protest but
em: Yeah
obsetress: this lesbian meme account i follow on insta is doing “stop asking who’s the top and who’s the bottom. start asking...” posts
obsetress: and one of them is “start asking who’s baby and who’s fuck around and find out” and it just makes me chuckle
obsetress: jamie taylor baby
obsetress: viola lloyd also baby
em: dani is baby passing and jamie is fuck around faking
obsetress: oh my god that’s why that’s why i think we cracked it
obsetress: dani (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: rebecca (fuck around) dated jamie (baby) and vi (baby)
obsetress: the reason they could never cross further even tho per the transitive property dani (so similar to vi) should be able to date beccs and jamie (so similar to beccs) should be able to date vi is because
obsetress: you can’t have two babies and two fuck arounds in a relationship together
em: oh of course. i see. i see
em: however in the rare rare crack ship of the ‘jamie viola hatefuck’ a similar phenomenon to ‘social anxiety mum friend ordering food’ instinct takes over and someone fucks around and finds out
em: this is just my unhinged jamie viola hatefuck bulkshit which is. it’s ironic ok it’s ironic it’s ironic it’s
em: ok one last thought bc i know it’s super late for u but
obsetress: omg i also have a last thought let’s trade
em: what if mikey is about isabels age n jamie ends up looking after him for one reason or another for a bit
em: and viola absolutely Dotes on him
obsetress: omg
obsetress: that’s what does it. jamie seeing viola w mikey
em: grumble grumble i guess she’s not that bad
em: except then she’s like god what if mikey likes her MORE than me
obsetress: “dani what if mikey gets one of those weird first crushes on vi”
obsetress: dani doesn’t even look up from the laundry “who hasn’t had a crush on vi”
obsetress: jamie’s like “mE” and dani just gives her the most withering look
em: danis like It’s Par For The Course Jamie
em: danis a teacher she’s like it happens don’t sweat it
em: anyway
em: what was. what was ur last little thought
obsetress: i was just thinking more about viola also baby and how also she’s been so privileged her whole life that sometimes there are just some things she can’t do for herself because she just doesn’t know how
obsetress: like she’s never had to learn
em: rebecca gets um
em: freeze dried coffee
em: nescaf��
obsetress: but like
obsetress: rebecca genuinely loves taking care of vi for whatever reason (it’s because she loves her) when she really needs it but
obsetress: rebecca also takes no shit and is like “i’m not making the nescafé for you. you’re 36 years old, vi, you need to learn to do it for yourself”
obsetress: and she’ll stand there and watch her do it and then she makes vi do it at least three more times for posterity
obsetress: “i’ll make a plebeian of you yet, viola lloyd”
obsetress: (god only the two of them would think a line like that is funny)
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chanlixformysoul · 4 years
Sounds easy, right? [ Chanlix ]
rating: mature
word count: 2217
chapter: 1
next chapter: 2
➥ Felix was sent to kill Chan but he got hurt and now Chan is nursing Felix back to health, they might also fall in love on the way.
song recommendation:
estimated reading time: 17.1 minutes
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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Felix would sneak his way in, kill Chan and get his goddamn money.
But oh boy he was in for a ride. The 'Big Boss' as people would call him wasn't that big nor great at all, he was just the co-CEO of the company, one position away from being the big CEO. His brother, Chan's dad, died besides his mother 7 years ago in a car accident , leaving Chan as CEO of the company. The Big Boss used Felix whenever he wanted to, but he never put Felix in a position like this before, to kill a person. He knew that if he disobeyed the Big Boss he would get beaten up and tortured, plus he would never get the money promised back and the fact that he was a cat hybrid didn't help either. The Big Boss told Felix to kill Chan, he would sneak in his house and get rid of him because he needed to not because he wanted to.
Sounds easy, right?
Well it actually isn't, not when Felix tripped because the welcome mat at the entrance was crooked sending his head into the door with a loud thump sound. As he tried to get away fast he lost his balance and was sent once again flying down the big and grand staircase. The door immediately opened, revealing a distressed looking man, shirt halfway undone and one shoe off. Felix knew Chan rushed outside because of the noise that he made but he couldn't help but admire his figure.
'Hey buddy, care to explain?' Chan said as he crossed his arms one over another raising his eyebrows.
'I umm... actually.... sorry, I gotta go.' But little did he know that falling down a huge staircase can do this much. Pain started to shoot from his ankles to his ribs and back. The big impact with the door sure left it's mark as he felt blood dripping from his blonde locks to his eyebrows. He pulled himself from the ground, trying to not make a fool out of himself more than he actually did earlier, wincing and shooting silent cuss words at himself for being so goddamn stupid.
Before he could walk down the street, he wanted to run but he weighed his options and he knew that if he started running it was only a matter of two steps before he came crashing to the ground once again.
He was about to do his second step but suddenly a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
'What the heck happened to you?'
'Oh... as I said I have to go, sorry.'
'You're not going anywhere, not with that head of yours.'
Felix couldn't believe what just happened, he screwed up the mission. He could say goodbye to this month's rent, goodbye to any decent meal he would allow himself to buy with the money check. Maybe if Big Boss would have some mercy he could leave him and not kill him, maybe he would understand, but deep down Felix knew he was gonna be tortured again by the thoughts of affording to even live when he opens his eyes every morning.
He couldn't stop trembling and his legs started shaking with fear of being killed by Big Boss because of his failed mission. Before he knew it he started crying, like full on sobbing and at last collapsed to the ground leaving a distressed Chan picking him up and urgently calling his doctor to come see the boy.
Chan was confused, really confused. This boy, he wanted to do something, right? But at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little weird because of the younger one. He had such a pretty face, rosy cheeks accompanied by constellations of freckles, lips that looked like petals of the rarest and finest flower you could find on earth. Chan found himself admiring the boy after the doctor left. As the doctor said it there weren't such serious issues but it wasn't something little either. The paper entitled prescription was long and let's say not even close to Felix's budget.
Chan kept a washing cloth by his side all the time, slowly stroking the youngest arms and forehead. He placed Felix on his bed justifying his actions in his head saying 'the couch is too small'. As he was making his way to the kitchen,Chan saw a little head that popped up in his bed. He made sure to bring the glass of water and the pills that the doctor prescribed. Felix woke up, and by that he knew he had officially fucked up real hard.
He tried to escape the blanket, kicking it off of him but the pain started once again as well. His ribs, back, legs, head and ankles hurt like hell. As he cleared his vision he saw Chan... he was done for sure.
'Hi there, I see that you woke up. Don't worry just stay in bed and take these. Oh and the bill for the medication, I took care of it.' He simply said smiling while placing the pills and water down on the nightstand.
Felix immediately came to his senses when Chan sat besides him on the bed. He tried to get off the bed but he was once again stopped but this time not only by the immense pain, but by strong arms.
'Where are you going?'
'To my house? I didn't ask for your kindness you know? You could've just let me be on the ground. It would've been better that way for the both of us trust me.' Felix said with no emotion in his voice.
'Hey, you can go to your home once you will recover, I'm not letting you out like this especially at this hour.' That made Felix turn his head for the nearest thing that indicated time only to read it as 11:34 pm. Fucking great isn't it. He knew the busses wouldn't be out that late and he knew that from this wealthy neighbourhood to his small apartment was an immense distance that he couldn't travel by foot.
'At least tell me your name, mines Chan.'
'That's a cute name, Felix.' Chan said while trying to get the younger one to look at him in the eyes. He was getting closer and closer until he saw that Felix was crying once again.
'Hey what's wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable?'
'I failed, I'm gonna be left in the streets again, I'm so sorry. Please let me go, please. I'm a bad person, you don't want me here.' Felix continued sobbing, putting his hands to cover up his face and turning his head so Chan couldn't look at him.
'No you're not a bad person, Felix. If you want you can stay here with me, I'm always lonely, I rarely go out because of my work. I'm either at work or at home. You can stay with me for as long as you want to, I won't force you, just come here...' Chan says looking at Felix with gentleness in his eyes before climbing over the mattress to hug the youngest little frame.
'It's okay, Lix, I'm here you don't need to worry'
'Why are you being nice to me? I was supposed to do a bad thing to you.' He says sniffing and letting more tears fall down.
'Felix, I like you, that's why I'm being nice to you, I want you to stay with me, please tell me what's wrong' Chan said, voice trembling, not knowing what to do.
'Please don't hit me or do something, your uncle s-send me to kill you, I didn't want to but he would torture me if I didn't and I wouldn't get the money, I need the money so I can live, I'm sorry ' Felix sobbed harder than before as he looked at Chan. Chan shifted, Felix immediately twitched expecting a slap and then to be beaten up and thrown away just like Big Boss's men do with him all the time, Felix was shaking so much he fell out the bed into the hard and expensive wood flooring. His back started hurting more but that didn't matter he started to run to the door. Chan was quick and caught him pulling him to his chest.
'Did uncle really say that?'
Felix couldn't even look in Chan's eyes as he nodded. Tears trailed down his cheeks again.
'I'm sorry, I'm going to leave you. I don't have the money for the medication but I will give it to you, I promise just please don't hurt me. I swear I will disappear and you don't have to see me again, I promise...' Felix cried into his hands, his knees starting to give in so he dropped to the floor. He winced in pain as he made contact with the floor. He felt exhausted but he would go to his apartment, he had to.
Chan quickly went down to Felix picking him up while whispering that he's not mad at him and that he is just a little shocked. Felix was still saying that he didn't need to be carried, he just wanted to go home but Chan insisted that he will have to stay here till his pain is gone. Felix being exhausted physically and emotionally he agreed. Chan carried Felix to his bed placing him gently on it.
'Let's sleep for now, we will talk tomorrow,ok?'
'It's ok' said Felix going down on the floor again, this time intentionally. Chan just watched the younger not understanding what he was doing.
'Good night.' Said Felix as he laid on the cold flooring, feeling his back and ribs ache.
'Felix I-' Chan was cut off by Felix.
'Oh sorry, I will go in the living room'
'No, don't do that. I was just wondering what you were doing on the floor?'
'Trying to sleep?' He said looking confused as well.
'Felix, come here' Chan said as he patted the space next to him.
'I know we've just met a few hours ago but please stay with me, I beg you'
'I don't know, Chan, I have nothing to offer you, I have no family, no friends, no money, I'm also a cat hybrid. I'm practically useless, better off dead.' He said as he slowly got on the bed, staying on the edge so he could occupy less space than he needed to.
'Don't say that, come closer, I want to hug you if that's ok'
Felix didn't say anything he just got closer to the older. Raising his head to look at Chan, he found the older's eyes comforting, this time Felix hugged Chan burying his face in Chan's chest and collarbone. Chan let out a chuckle, Felix feeling the vibration through his chest.
'So what's your answer?'
'If I'm not a bother, I want to stay.'
'That's perfect then, can we sleep like this? I want to cuddle you while sleeping.' Felix turned red feeling his ears burning.
'O-ok then' Chan only nodded in agreement, setting them down. Felix didn't know what to do so he just stayed still not even daring to look at Chan.
'Do you not want to cuddle?' Asked Chan as he propped his head up a little.
'I never did it before, I don't know what to do...' he looked down in embarrassment.
'Really? That's okay. Do you want to face me or not?'
'I want to see your face'
'Okay then, sweetheart, come closer'
Felix could only smile at the sudden nickname clinging to the older, as he snuggled into him.
'I'm sorry for everything'
'You didn't do anything, bub, it's all ok now, we are together and that's what matters in the end.'
'Aren't you mad at me? I got you in so much trouble...I feel bad, i didn't want to accept the task, but I didn't have another choice, they would torture me and beat me and then throw me out like a dog... I didn't want that to happen again, I'm sorry Chan, I really am...' Felix said looking up at Chan, putting a hand gently on Chan's cheek.
Chan put his hand above Felix's hand noticing how tiny it was.
'Don't worry, it's none of your fault, you were the victim and as soon as you get better we will go and confront uncle.'
'No, please don't do that, please. You will get in trouble for me and he will come for you. I don't want to lose you' Felix started tearing up again but now Chan was here for him. Chan held him closer whispering that everything is okay.
'Don't worry Felix, uncle will be punished for everything he has done to you. I can't believe he will actually do that to someone, how cruel can one be?'
'Thank you, Chan, for helping me and letting me stay with you.'
'Felix, no need to worry, okay? You're here with me from now on. Let's sleep, it's gotten late.'
'Thank you, Channie.....' Felix mumbled cutely as he drifted into the land of dreams but this time his dreams weren't nightmares this time, his dreams were full of Chan's face, laugh, touch.....he was feeling happy. Was he allowed to feel that way?
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my ao3: Mrs_SnowPitch
my wattpad: ChanlixForMySoul
my masterlist: iza’s masterlist
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sickassastrology · 3 years
What made you different? 🥸
This is a general reading for the collective. This read is about your person you have in mind. Remember that because it is general it will not resonate with everyone. So take what sticks. Your free to choose whatever pile you feel. Heck, there could be little messages in all the piles. Time is fluid and we all have free will. So things can play out at anytime or maybe not at all. Follow your heart always. -E 💙🌻
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Pile 1 🍒🍒🍒
Greetings pile 1, the classy crew with the rider Waite deck. let's get into it. I'm getting whoever this was misused you when they had you. I heard the line from Jackson 5 I want you back. when I had you to myself i didn't want you around, those pretty faces always made you stand out in the crowd". With this group I'm feeling like what made you different to this person was that you had it going on. you had a lot going for yourself. and you didn't share that with just anyone. your riches. your glory. whether it was your body, money, time, energy. whatever the case was...you were selective in who you gave to. you are an attractive energy and human pile 1. and you know it too. 😜 confident. I'm getting the energy of I have a lot going for me, and I'm not going to just be out in these streets. my money is good, I look good, I feel good. It took a lot for you to get there and so you won't share that with anyone & everyone. and then....you gave it to this person and decided to act a fool, right? lol isn't it always like that. this person saw you as being able to take care of yourself, even when it was a lot. im getting heavily that some of yall have family members or siblings (big on the siblings) that you take care of. you are the parental figure to them. you had a lot of responsibilities, and yet you were still like a breathe of fresh air. you still knew how to smile. mature. you always smiled in the mist of sadness. and you meant it too, like it wasn't just a mask. it was like "I still have something to smile about in life. my flowers still grow. there's happiness all around me." you still knew how to give to this person. managing the connection even with your own stuff going on. and they admired that about you. when things got tough you remained calm. never too out of control. you handled each situation how it came and for what it was. although you told this person about your life, you NEVER made it burdensome to them. like that's my life, but we are separate from that. and this person was acting stupid. I see a few of yall into the occult too. and that definitely makes you different, doesnt it lol. but you don't mind it and didn't hide it because it's who you are. when you saw there was sneaky behavior going on, you left. you used your intuition to guide you. and now, this person does have a lot to give and will give it but if I screw them over they will bounce out. you are not the one to do an unfair relationship. I'm seeing this person got caught cheating on their phone. like you saw some hidden text messages. I also heard "nude" like nude photos you found. this person was doing too much. and you were like no it's not fair. and it was like they didn't care. they were only sorry they got caught. they see you are strong, know who you are, know your worth, and you won't bow down to anyone. and that's on purrrr! it hurts you, but you know your special and you are a gift to somebody out there. so if you have to leave, then bye. you'll see why I'm special later on. and this hurts but you know how to keep pushing forward. and your person is just like, omg how are they doing this, how are they still okay!? pile 1, your energy is so beautiful 😍. its very tranquil. and im not saying that you never get upset or anything like that but there is a peace about you. like it didn't work out. okay, cool. I'll just keep working on my life, taking care of me and mine. and best of luck to them, ya know? I see you did love them, like them a lot. but that's the way the cookie crumbles. and tbh, pile 1 I feel you'll be better off without this person anyway. like you'll be happier being a lone, find somebody else, or just keep taking care of business. so many blessings to you all, you deserve wonderful things. ❤
PILE 2 🥠🥠🥠
Hi pile 2, so while I was shuffling I heard likeable. so your very easygoing and charming im getting. this pile is nurturing, motherly. I get the energy of "ill lick your wounds for you so you don't have to". Ouuuu a healer. I see. (make sure that people don't try to get over on you, because they will try it)! You are a kind person. I'm getting friendly to everyone around. This pile is let's make love, not war. You don't like to agrue much. This person could have been a fireball and you just put their fire ALLLL the way out lol. I feel like some of yall worked with this person or around them. and there would be competition around you, and they would try so hard to get your persons attention. like look at me!! trying real hard. and then there you were like " I'm just here, doing me". you weren't trying to stand out. and they looked right at your ass too. 😂😂 Pile 2, you are almost too loving for your own good, aren't cha. 🥰 you love life. you showed this person a different way of living, like just go with the flow. but you weren't reckless. if you did go out or drink. I'm feeling like a festival or winery type. you showed this person that life is fun. you are a true free spirit. you don't let a lot of life's qualms bother you. this group is very natural. humanitarian. I heard the word garden. this pile is the type that give to the less fortunate. I'm seeing a person on the street and like you'll give them money, food, or whatever it is with no second thought. very "here you are. be blessed". and this person was in awe of that type of generosity. because this world doesn't have people like that. you weren't doing it for attention. you are a G-I-V-E-R. Tbh, with this pile I'm really feeling like you have a gift to help people, but I'm not sure that you even know that yet. you think that's just how you are. but i see you really doing things with the community. know your purpose you all, because its so important. you are balanced. Yes you are such a giving person. BUT you will hold back IF needed. you know when to hold em & fold em. that's you. you just don't have to try hard. I'm getting your person wears a mask to fit in. you do nothing, you can get somebody's attention without doing much of anything really. you love life and you give life into others. into earth. the seas. skies. heavens. whatever it is, you give life to it. this pile is an empress. very divine feminine. *(remember tarot have NO gender, it is only energy)* you'd make a good parent if you had children. *as I said that, I heard I don't want kids but I have fur babies*. 😂 okay so you take care of your pets as your little babies. we love them too. 🐾🐾 this group wishes good on other people. as I was pulling your oracle. the card purpose slips right from my hands. and it reads. purpose: I know what I am here to do. didn't I say this group fits in to a bigger picture. find the reason you are on this earth, do not waste another minute because you will feed so much life into other people. earth angels. 🥰 beautiful. pride: I love myself and see myself in everyone. and gratitude: I am thankful for life and the opportunity it presents. come through pile 2! confirmation again. I just said you love the life you live. the pride you have is almost humble. it's like you like yourself. the good. bad. ugly. and there's no better way to be. and that's why they like you! heck, I like you 😂 so awesome. let your light shine.
PILE 3 🥦🥦🥦
Pile 3, whatsup!? How are yall feeling? So right off. This is more about your mindset pile 3. your intellect. this person valued your decision making. you moved very carefully when it came to other people. they would come to you and ask about somebody. and you could look and examine and tell if that person was okay or had some type of ill intent. umm....intuitive much? you are a very wise person. you listen a lot to your gut, even if you have to sleep on it. your going to go with what you feel. you knew how to get work done but you still made time for the connection too. I'm getting that some of you have an important job or school that takes up time BUT you knew when to be silly and take breaks too. I'm feeling like you and this person had really goody times together. snapchat filters and silly faces 🤪😂. you are a very determined person. when things get hard or you fail. you never stop trying until you succeed. but you pace yourself, never tire yourself out. sheer determination from yall. love it. there's a lot of power in that. this group loves gathering information. reading. tv. listening. however you gained it, you shared it with your person and other people. a teacher. you actually made this person become better when you spoke to them. it challenged them. you also had a quirkiness about you. I'm getting you had hidden talents about yourself that were really random 😂. but your person loved it. you all pulled the empathy card. it reads: I am open to seeing both sides of the situation. again yall, you really know how to read people. use this to your advantage and get in touch with yourself. Tbh, if you tap in...you can sense auras. if you can't already! 💫🔮
I have to say, every single one of you are special. each of these piles possess such unique abilities and talents. bless you all. not to say your perfect by any means. but beautiful works in progress. so whether or not these connections work out or your person comes back. you matter. you don't need to change what beauty inside yourself. keep growing. keep challenging yourself. don't compromise. your worth it. so climb to the highest mountain top and scream. "I AM WHO I AM. I AM WORTHY. AND BEAUTIFULLLLL". bless. -E 💙🌻
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beatsfortheillperth · 4 years
Words with Jetson
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Our next interview is with a producer and rapper out of a beautiful place known as Tauranga, in New Zealand, This creative is known as Jetson.
He happens to be one of my cat, Rain's personal favourites for sleep time and regardless of the amount of thumping bass Jetson's music creates and picture frames it knocks over, I understand why he sleeps so sweetly.
Probably a lot to do with the fact that bass has rhythm, just like the sweet sweet words Jetson correlates with his word-plays in tracks such as "Milk" and "SENSEI". Not only impressing cats, Jetson has made moves and connections beyond the long white cloud, proving isolation doesn't always silence brilliance. Jetson brings words any generation can hold some sort of relevance to, words that allow one to notice life moves fast and slow and sometimes you just have to chill and become an observer rather than an instigator.
This is something I feel Jetson has accomplished with his rather low-key approach to releases and interviews.
Jetson is a natural, a true prodigy of sound and a sharer of moods, and to me, is a reminder that with a little bit of passion and persistence, great things can happen, whatever your field.
Jetson’s collective and label - Chill Children is evidence of that, as through it , Jetson is able to work and release with producers and beat-makers all over the globe.
emo the optimist, BACKWHEN, fuyu, eets, and junyii are just some of the diverse talents working with Chill Children and everyone on the catalogue are game-changers that make music that’s anointed in chills. 
Creators that push boundaries and portray emotion through sound in the most soothing way, one must check Chill Children.
So with that I hope you enjoy rare words with the nuance wonder, and in his own words.
Sit back, relax, get baked, create, f**k it.
Enjoy and much love.
Hey man thanks for the opportunity to share words. Let's start with a few random quick questions to get things going. Favourite Beverage: Lemon water. Favourite thing to do in your down-time: Make music/skate. Views on Reincarnation: It will be cool if it is true but I guess it doesn't really change anything if it is 🤷‍♂️ Favourite Food: Sushi. Favourite Album of All Time: Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders A song to break it down to: Ethereal & Playboi Carti - Beef A song to chill to: Durand Jones & The Indications - Cruising to the park Do you prefer Sunrise? or Sunset? Why?: Sunset, because I'm never awake for sunrise. A childhood memory in regards to music: I remember saving up to buy Graduation by Kanye West and listening to that shit front to back for weeks straight. Favourite Place to be: Probably on an island.
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Thanks for that, so let's start by asking what inspires you to produce and not only produce but continually produce, what to me is an array of tunes fitting so many genres?
Do you have a set of goals in place when you release a track or do you just hit upload and just hope people are feeling your sound?
What I like to listen to is constantly changing so I like to challenge myself to try and make the things that I'm inspired by.
I like to think that you never know what you're gonna get when you listen to my music but I've still got so much to learn and experiment with. I just try have fun with it and not think about it too much.
How long have you been producing music, and what did you find was hardest to get the hang of when it first came to producing beats?
I had no music theory knowledge or anything when I started making beats (I still don't have much) so there was a lot to learn right away.
Probably the hardest thing that I still battle with is knowing what you should release, what you shouldn't etc. It's hard to balance knowing when something is finished and when it still needs work.
Could you give a quick run-through of the process you follow when it comes to making a beat?
I try to change my process as much as I can to keep things fresh and fun for myself. But I really enjoy hearing a sample somewhere like keys, a quote or a rapper I want to remix, then I start working with that piece and see where it goes.
I'll mess around with the beat for a while and sometimes a track comes out. It can take one day, it can take months. Just depends.
Oldies are always goodies in my books and I have to mention your "bumps from 2014" mixtape, it truly is something special.
What inspired those little bumps? What were you doing back then? Also, can you remember the mood you were in when you made them?
I'm glad you like it haha. That was when I really had no clue what I was doing in terms of making beats, I was making all of those 'off the grid' in Ableton so I was placing drums in random places, I had no idea what bpm the samples were or anything. I really didn't know wtf I was doing, just going off of a vibe. 
My mood was really just being excited about making music, I was living in the basement at my mum's house blasting beats on the speakers all day.
[bumps from 2014] - https://soundcloud.com/sleepgodd/bumps-from-2014
You are also a rapper. My favourite NZ rapper to be more precise so thank you for the vibes you create. How did you find out you had it in you to rap and how old were you?
Damn, I appreciate that ✌️ I started rapping with a friend of mine, Jesse aka j cafe when we were around 20. We'd sit in my room smoking weed, and free-styling over beats on Soundcloud all night. 
Then we decided to make a track, so we found a beat and jumped in the closet to record some vocals on the laptop microphone.
We put it up on Soundcloud and I've been addicted to making music ever since.
Link to j cafe’s Soundcloud here - https://soundcloud.com/j-cafe
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Cover art for Jetson’s 2019 rap release - bluntscraps
Album cover art by Takuroh Toyama
When did you first start rapping in front of others? What did it feel like in the beginning compared to now when you perform live?
I was insanely nervous the first time I ever did anything live and that feeling really hasn't left me lol.
Except now I know how to deal with nerves a bit better and actually enjoy the whole experience of doing something live.
I definitely think I'm a lot better now than my first time doing it, but I still kinda suck 😂 Staying on topic with your rapping, material-wise you have mad skills, your music is forever helping me chill out so thank you.
When did you start writing down your words and turning them into structured songs? Do you have any other artists that inspire your writing style?
When I was younger I really liked the flow of rappers rather than what they were actually saying.
Dudes like MF Doom and Earl Sweatshirt really influenced me at the start wanting to come up with lines that were catchy and different.
To form an actual track I usually just mumble over beats to get the flow, then I start placing words in the spots where I think they fit.
Does your family know you make music? If so what do they think of it, any dance parties in the Jetson Family Household? 
My immediate family all know and support my music. My mum used to have one of my tracks as her ringtone for years lol.
No jetson dance parties yet, but seems like every year more people in my extended family know about my music.
You were also a member of NZ Duo, Chill Children of which you rap and produce with yet another kiwi talent, both having low-key approaches when it comes to presenting yourselves through social media. What happened with that?
Me and J Cafe started Chill Children as a rap project in the early days but we moved to different places in the world and started doing our own solo projects so things sort of stopped happening with it.
I still credit those times with really getting me started on music though. He's still making dope shit and we'll probably link up on a track soon.
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So then it became a sort of collective community, and through your Chill Children Soundcloud, you allow a platform for other artists to have their music heard.
Much Love on the concept, What inspired you to start sharing other artists music and what keeps you sharing? I'm very grateful btw, too many gems.
I work on music a lot with my friend emo the optimist (aka kodama) and we always wanted to run a label/collective kind of thing so we could release music from artists that we really liked.
After me and Jesse started doing our own thing, Chill Children seemed like the perfect place to start doing that.
It's one of my favorite things to work on as we have a hand in working with the artists on every release. I just love that we're able to share so much music that we really like with the world.
Check Chill Children here -
Bandcamp - https://chillchildren.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/chillchildren
Instagram - @chillchildren
Any new Chill Children material we should keep an eye out for?
We always have new music from new artists dropping so definitely follow our instagram/twitter if you want to stay updated on it.
We're currently working on a phonk compilation with guys like DJ Yung Vamp, Genshin etc. It's gonna be crazy 🤯
Back to your solo releases through your alias Jetson. What made you want to start putting out your material alone? Also, do you have a favourite Jetson release?
I really felt like I had to release music solo to see what I could do.
I've learned so much about myself through that process, became more confident and a better musician.
Probably my favorite rap track I've made is called 'Escape'.
Not many people have heard it but it's on Spotify and other places.
My favorite beat I've made is probably 'dylan rieder'.
Have to ask, are you working on any new releases we should keep an ear out for? If so, what can we expect with your coming releases?
I just released an album on Bandcamp called THROWED TAPES which was really influenced by DJ screw and other phonk producers.
I'm working on a lofi R&B tape for Bandcamp, a lofi beat tape, and I really want to release a rap EP.
Who knows when those will come out though haha
Taking it back a little to your rapping again I have to mention "Milk". What inspires the words in this track?
Also please share the story behind your track "Melancholy"? The words are somewhat mesmerizing, thank you!
With milk, I just heard the beat from bsd.u and really wanted to make something weird that just followed the flow of the beat.
On melancholy I tried to think about what I was saying a little more. The instrumental is so introspective and smooth I knew I had to come correct on it.
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THROWED TAPES By Jetson, released August, 27, 2020
Musical Recommendations?
junyii - emo the optimist - knxwledge - j cafe - jesse james solomon - the smiths - dj yung vamp - shuggie otis - hm surf - alicks - MIKE - baccyard - meraki soul - steve hiett I could go on for days though lol
Creatives to keep an eye out for in music and art? Takuroh Toyama (photography) Moebius (visual art) Steve Hiett (photography/music) Any Last Words?
It really trips me out that people enjoy something I love to do so much.
So just thank you for vibing with me, I have a lot more to share ✌️
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Milk by Jetson (Production by bsd.u)
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
Um! Kliego, and.... your favourite other TUA ship (lawd, I'm suddenly hoping that you ship kliego lmaooo, sorry if you don't :'))
Hah, it’s fine! I’m into pretty much every single Hargreeves ship to some extent. Klaus/Diego* is not super high on my list to be honest, but I’m definitely still into it overall! I think it’s just fandom saturation more than anything that puts it lower down, because I do think the dynamic could be of interest.
* (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I cannot use smushnames. I don’t begrudge anyone else use of them, they don’t bug me *that* much, but typing them feels so awkward.)
Choosing a favorite is honestly harder because I just want to ship all of them but I will... I dunno. Maybe RNG stuff I’ve written lately to pick. XD
Gonna cut since I’m already rambling before I even put in the questions, whoops.
(Also, two-days-later A: Hi I fell asleep in the middle of this and then barely touched my computer yesterday. Sorry!) 
when of if I started shipping it: I walked out of my first viewing singing the song of my people at every single combination possible (Not even walked out, I watched over several days, it only took the first. not even half a season.) (The song of my people is, of course, I Ship It by Not Literally.)
my thoughts: Again, it’s not my #1 ship for the show, but I definitely could see it. I like that, of all the possible combos that could have hung out during the time between leaving home and the show, they seem to have the least amount of active vitriol and bitterness. It opens up interesting windows for that time period, as well as means it’s among the ships that need the least foundation work to get to somewhere decent afterwards. It makes it an interesting counterpart to some of the more actively difficult combinations, which I like especially in a poly context (because I am me and everything happens in a poly context).
What makes me happy about them: Again, the possibilities during the time gaps! And the general sense of... friendliness? It does feel like they’d have a lot less to get over than a lot of the pairs and I like it. (granted I think Klaus in general, while he has plenty of issues, seems to have less of them with his siblings specifically than most, so that’s playing into it, but I also see Diego as probably the one with the most after Vanya, so that’s interesting in and of itself.)
What makes me sad about them: I’m just sad for all these children growing up in their shitty, shitty childhood. And by sad I mean I want to read a lot of things that make me want to cry. Either as children but also I’m down for adults unwillingly letting the conversation drag around to their trauma too.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Klaus is snarkier, more clever, and a lot stronger, mentally and physically, than I feel like a lot of fic gives him credit for. I think that goes for a lot of fic in this fandom, but since it’s one of the biggest ships and he’s in it, I feel like it shows up a lot for K/D. I’m not a big fan of them being really close as kids, either, which comes up a lot; my headcanon for Diego being pretty distant from all his siblings is strong enough that it takes a lot of set-up for me to accept anything else. (Awkwardly getting close in late teens as both of their ‘get me the fuck out of here’ drives get stronger and stronger is easier for me to see than close-as-kids.)
things I look for in fanfic: Tropes! The writers for this ship give me all the tropes. I want to marinate in it. I’m also kind of into general ‘it was casual, then whoops, I caught feelings, now what??????’ for them, because I could see it. Other than that, like... look, if it looks like it’s interestingly written or has an interesting concept, I will read it. I’m not super picky in this fandom, if it’s Hargreeves-centric and doesn’t bitch at shippers in the tags I’m in to at least give it a try.
My kinks: Uhhhh. Hmmm. I haven’t actually read a lot of kink fic for this ship or considered it, but I feel like I want mutual sadism/masochism.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly my hope is for most of the characters to end up without another major romantic plot. I’m here for canon Allison/Luther but hoping the rest of them just... don’t. Especially since I don’t see them going for two sibling ships and that’s really all I’d want to see. If not that, both of them with new characters would be my preference, because there’s no one actually in the show I’d be down for. Maybe if they somehow warp the timelines around enough to bring Patch back, but even then, eh, just let me have family stuff.
My happily ever after for them: In general as characters, my ideal endgame for both characters is in healthier places than their start point, still clearly working out their shit, and on good terms as a family. As a ship: I feel like both of them would get bored eventually by any kind of ‘and then they went and got a happy domestic place to live and nothing exciting ever happened again’, even if it might be nice for a little while, so... active, somehow. Either they end up somehow finding some kind of active hobby to screw around with together, and enjoy flirting with each other while they do it, or like, I don’t know, get bored one day and accidentally buy a business just to have something to do and find they get weirdly invested in running it. (Maybe, like, a restuarant or something else that’s really high-stress. Or maybe the gym Diego boxes at goes for sale and he doesn’t like the look of the most likely potential buyer and buys it himself before he realizes he has no idea how to run something and has to slink back home and let Klaus laugh at him. Shit, I want that fic now.)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This assumes either one of them are capable of sleeping totally still which honestly I don’t see. They both seem like the kind of people who flip around in their sleep and wake up five times a night. So, they both take it in turns and also sometimes just end up in weird sprawled positions, either on top of each other or really far from each other.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, I feel like joking around and talking together would probably be it. I could see road trips, too.
Uhhhh I RNG’d things I’ve written lately and I got Ben/Allison. Nobody else writes that but it’s the tiny ship of my heart so I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m sorry, my random teeny ships are what you sign up for when I get to choose. >>
when of if I started shipping it: On like my third rewatch Allison’s little “I miss him” while she’s watching the cameras burned itself into my brain and I have wanted more for the two of them ever since.
my thoughts: I just! Look it’s pretty much canon that everyone loved Ben, but something about his snarky-but-because-I-want-you-to-do-better-and-I’ve-given-up commentary with Klaus and Allison’s alternating defensive and concerned mode -- I just want them to team up together to despair everyone else’s problems and try to figure out how to help (and often failing; I feel like in a general sense, they’re both better at pointing out the problems than actually fixing them on their own). And I feel like they both get prickly in ways the other would understand and be able to deal with easier than most of the family.
What makes me happy about them: I feel like this just blends into the thoughts above. I love the potential for how they might interact, and the potential for them to call out each other’s shit (and probably everyone else’s).
What makes me sad about them: Everything about Ben in canon is sad! Even the happy things are sad!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: There are exactly two fics for this pairing and one is me and one is PWP smut, which just isn’t super my thing. So uh. there needs to be fic to annoy me. Please write fic specifically to annoy me, oh no, don’t throw me into that briar patch. (That said, in general, I feel like both of them get their sharper points filed down a lot in fic. They both have their pointed sarcasm and their moments of outright lashing out, and I want to see more fic deal with that.)
things I look for in fanfic: Again, I say, please let fic exist. Also, I badly want a proper AU of Ben surviving and running off to Hollywood with Allison. I did not do it justice in my tiny thing.
My kinks: I want switchy powerplay with an emphasis on play -- competitiveness and teasing and wrestling. Also younger or AU Allison who hasn’t yet tried not to use her rumors for everything not trusting anyone but Ben enough to gag her, because her voice is her best weapon. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Please please give me an Allison/Luther endgame. Ben I have no feelings on -- I still stand by not wanting any other romantic subplots, really -- but I am rooting for Allison/Luther in canon no matter how many others I ship them with.
My happily ever after for them: Possible in canon, as characters: Allison figures out how to balance ‘not using her rumors at all’ and ‘rumoring everything always’; Ben gets brought back to life and gets to be happy. As a ship: Honestly, connected to the family and both doing their own, fulfilling, non-superheroy things. Allison can act and Ben can get a chance to figure out what he wants to do, because I feel like even if he’d survived that would’ve been hard for him.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Especially if we’re going with some semblance of canon and Ben’s died and come back, he’s the little spoon, because being wrapped up in someone else is comforting. But also just any kind of cuddling is welcome.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Judging everyone. No, I kid. Sharing and discussing books and movies, maybe. Ben passes along books he liked* and they watch movies together and Allison dissects acting choices and they both debate themes and ending of more ambiguous stories. They are loud movie watchers if they stay home to watch things, and go have loud debates over coffee after if they go out. *(I actually have a whole tangent in a fic that got cut out that I want to reuse for this fact, specifically about Ben having a slightly masochistic Lovecraftian phase in his early teens and passing it on to Allison, and Allison in her 20s thinking that if it fits either of them, it’s her, because she gets in people’s brains and rewires them and they forget what she’s done to them, and if either of them could make people go mad, it’s her.)
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