#trying to find a good balance between referencing an image without copying it exactly
sylvrndoodles · 1 year
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amberduan-ual · 1 year
Interim Crit Project A (27/4/23)
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I feel that I really had a breakthrough starting from Day 11 of my PleinAirpril paintings. I really made an effort to push and simplify the shapes I saw within the reference image, and I purposefully slanted the angles of the buildings to create more visual interest and personality. I feel really happy with the shapes of the clouds in the painting, and that sort of chunky, geometric shape carried itself through the rest of my paintings. I was also conscious of the composition of the drawing and eliminated some clouds that I felt weren't as necessary or detracted from the flow of the piece, which was a step further than just copying the reference image like I'd done before.
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For Day 12, I followed along with Min Yum's Warrior Painters demo. This painting was also definitely a breakthrough painting for me, specifically in terms of color. Min really emphasized that it doesn't really matter what color you use, as long as you assign that color a role and it fulfills that specific role.
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At first I was confused by this statement, but eventually I realized that this really holds true, especially for art that uses non-representational colors. I think one of my favorite examples of art that uses "wrong" colors very successfully is the art of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
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The colors of the left cover are what the actual character is meant to look like. Even though the colors on the right cover are technically incorrect, Hirohiko Araki, the creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, uses them to great stylistic effect. The green color fulfills the role of the dark blue in his coat and hair, while the cyan blue becomes the color of the shirt.
Min Yum talked about how he introduces color variation into his artwork generally by jumping around the color wheel but sticking to a similar saturation level, which I found to be a really helpful tip. I experimented with that technique in painting the trees and grass, and found it to be really fun and natural feeling.
In Min's demo, he also introduced me to the idea of having a really crazy color for the underpainting/base, which I love! It's not as applicable to digital painting since the underpainting doesn't exactly show through the layers of paint, but I still found that having a bold base color to start with definitely influenced my color choices and the resulting feeling of the piece since it got me into that more bold and expressive mindset.
Another artist I look up to is Teddi Parker, who is a traditional acrylic painter and works in a very impressionist, expressive style.
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She often uses a yellow or pink underpainting layer, which adds warmth to the overall piece and creates some fun peeks of colors. I love the look when bitspieces of the underpainting come through, since I think it adds a lot of contrast and visual flair to the final piece.
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For the next two days, I definitely tried to apply that underpainting technique to my work and had a lot of fun pushing the colors to a higher saturation point. I was also trying to learn how to find a good balance between depicting detail and withholding it, creating areas of contrast and attention.
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Day 15 was a pretty unique piece because I really abstracted the image I was referencing. The original photo was a very complicated, detail heavy forest environment and I knew there was no way I was going to be able to effectively capture all the elements without spending hours upon hours on the piece. So I decided that I would try to capture the feeling of light and shadow in the piece instead, distilling it to basically two values.
Beyond that, I approached the painting quite naturally, letting myself establish a shape language and pattern to use throughout the whole piece, and making sure that was present throughout the whole composition.
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I have mixed feelings about Day 16's painting, since I wasn't very pleased with how I treated the shadow area of the cathedral, but I do like the contrast of purple and yellow that serve as the dark and light respectively. This piece was really challenging since there were so many details and elements of the cathedral, and I definitely struggled with what to keep and what to simplify.
One thing that I attempted to create in this piece was the effect of chromatic fringe. I'm not entirely sure if it's actually a formal technique, but I've seen a lot of artists use it in their art. Oftentimes, on the edge of a shadow, there will be a more saturated edge, which adds more life and color into the piece.
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I think I ended up using the effect a bit haphazardly, but I do really like the look of it and want to try incorporating it into my art more in the future.
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superman86to99 · 5 years
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Action Comics #692 (October 1993)
In this issue: Superman goes to the doctor and finds out why he's not dead anymore! But, before that, he's clearing some of the debris left by his fight with Doomsday when he finds... Clark Kent? Lois Lane is very happy to see Clark again, but Superman himself doesn't look very thrilled in these panels.
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Turns out Clark wasn't dead as everyone believed, he was simply trapped in the basement of a collapsed building! The basement happened to equipped with plenty of food and gym equipment (explaining why he's still jacked, like Superman), but unfortunately not a single pair of scissors (explaining why his hair is now long, like Superman's).
Later, Superman bumps into Lex Luthor Jr., who demands to know where Supergirl is, but Superman gives him the runaround. Hmm, where could Superman's good friend who can change shape and pretend to be other people be? Anyway, Superman then meets Lois and Clark and... holy crap! Mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent is secretly Supergirl!
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So yeah, Supergirl pretended to be Clark for a while just so he and Superman would be seen together and no one would question why both are suddenly alive again. Then Supergirl leaves and we move on to the second dilemma solved in this issue: How the hell is Superman alive again? To address that question, supernatural DC character (and fellow Jerry Siegel/Joe Shuster creation) Doctor Occult appears out of nowhere and rudely teleports Lois and Clark to a black void, where he replays moments from Superman's life... and death.
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Occult explains that Doomsday DID punch Superman's spirit out of his body, but there was still solar energy keeping the body just barely alive. Superman's ghost ended up stuck between the living and the dead, attracting some nasty soul-eating demons. Fortunately, Pa Kent happened to be dying of a heart attack at the same time, so he and Superman teamed up to fight off the demons (as seen in Adventures #500). Superman’s soul returned to his near-corpse, which was taken to the Fortress of Solitude by the Eradicator and lovingly nursed back into health. (Okay, more like “coldly,” but you can’t argue with the results.)
Anyway, the point is that Superman's resurrection happened due to a convoluted series of events that could never be repeated, unless someone's willing to sneak behind Pa Kent and blow an airhorn in his ear or something. As the mystical exposition dump ends, Occult teleports Lois and Clark to Smallville, and the issue ends with the Kents finally reuniting. A tender moment...
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...until two seconds later, when Ma smacks Clark in the back of the head for taking two whole issues to come see them (or that’s what I’d do).
Doctor Occult reveals that the moment when Bibbo shocked Superman’s body with a hyper-charged defibrillator in Adventures #498 actually helped keep him alive. Once again, Bibbo is the real hero of this saga.
Supergirl has a lot of experience posing as Clark, since she was stuck in that form between 1989 and 1992. That was also her in the only other photo of Superman and Clark together, taken in Superman #34.
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While Superman is being interviewed by a news crew after rescuing "Clark", that lawyer from Action #689 barges in and demands that they stop calling Superman Superman, since that name is now trademarked by Superboy's manager. Damn, maybe he's gonna have to start calling himself "Supreme" or something?
Aww, Lex is happy to see Superman again. Sure, it's only because he wants to be the one to kill him, but still.
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S.T.A.R. Labs is examining the Eradicator's corpse when they realize he's alive! Sort of. Later, Doctor Occult remarks that the Eradicator sacrificed himself "in mind, if not in body". Hmm. The doctors overseeing his condition are Kitty Faulkner, who can turn into an orange She-Hulk called Rampage after a workplace mishap, and a new character called David Connors, the only S.T.A.R. employee without superpowers. So far.
The JLA returns from the little space vacation the Cyborg sent them on, and we get the first instance in all of comics of Guy Gardner admitting he was wrong. Character growth! Don Sparrow says: “Nice to see some follow-up to the characters around the DCU and how they react to Superman’s return. No mention of the fact that they got suckered into a mission into space that went nowhere.”
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When Doctor Occult shows up, Superman is like "aw, not this guy again!", referencing that classic tale of Superman's first encounter with the supernatural... which hasn't come out yet. Don: “It’s a neat forward call-back (is that a thing?) when Superman references his first encounter with Doctor Occult, given that we won’t see it happen until 1995, when DC does a line-wide ‘Year One’ series of stories. And wouldn’t you know it, that story is written by none other than Roger Stern (and even involves tentacles, as in the thumbnail image)!” #rogersternplaysthelonggame
Don Sparrow's section, on the other hand, can be read NOW, after the jump!
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
We open with the cover, and it’s one of the top ten best of this era, for sure.  Drawn by Kerry Gammill and Butch Guice, DC used this drawing on the “Return of Superman” cards.  I tend to favour simpler, iconic covers, even when they don’t necessarily represent the story within, but in this case, it’s showing exactly what the heart of the story is about: Clark Kent is back. 
Inside, we open with a full page splash of Superman’s shield, through tons of rubble, and it’s a great image, but without the face, it allows us to focus on the title of the story, a callback to the speech introduction of the old Fleischer Cartoons.
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I don’t know if it’s from the writing, or the artist, but Action Comics has always seemed the most romantic of the Super-titles, and this one is no exception, as Clark and Lois have their hands all over each other for basically the whole comic. While it is a bit weird to remember that it isn’t Clark that Lois is caressing (more on that in a bit) in the early part of the story, it always feels intimate and romantic more than it feels graphic or titillating.  A tricky balance that this team pulls off well, particularly in their “reunion” on page 3. [Max: Every time I read this issue I think it’s Martian Manhunter posing as Clark and when they start flirting I’m like “ew”. Then I remember who it is and I’m like “nice”.]
I always enjoy seeing Superman flying upside-down, which I consider to be a Byrne innovation—I don’t remember him doing it pre-Crisis. It always seems so joyful and carefree, and it’s nice to see Superman savouring his powers. 
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Jackson Guice uses tone very well in the scenes with Lex Luthor II in his aviators, and I quite like the sense of motion to Superman’s pose as he approaches the helicopter—almost like he’s swimming in the sky rather than floating.
It’s a good drawing of the Eradicator getting the post-Hoth Luke Skywalker treatment, with David Connor and Kitty Faulkner getting an eyeful.  My copy has a slight colouring error that makes it look like the Eradicator is awake in the tank, even though he’s supposed to be catatonic. [Max: Still looks like that in the collections. Maybe he’s one of those people who sleep with their eyes open?]
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Superman embracing Lois after the ruse of “Clark Kent” is very cutely drawn, as is the Ghost-like backward embrace on the following page.  
The entire sequence replaying Superman’s death and rebirth is drawn well throughout, especially the dreamlike staging, and the darkness as Lois knocks the flashlight away.  It’s also moving that Superman can see the heroic lengths that Bibbo went to try to save him once Superman succumbed to his injuries.  
Lastly, it was wonderful to see Clark reunited physically with Ma and Pa, especially with the nice touch of the poem by DH Lawrence as the only narration.  Stern was always the best at referencing secondary texts in his stories, and it’s well used here.
Is it me, or is Matrix/Supergirl a little too into this Clark Kent act?  I get that making their performances light and funny keep it from seemingly overtly dishonest, but “Clark” is pretty tender in these scenes. Lois does a good job of playing along, but it’s hard for me to fully forget that all this canoodling is actually with Supergirl.  So as a helpful tool, I created these graphics: [Max: Nice.]
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It was cool that Lois specifically mentioned that Jimmy got a shot of the returned Clark Kent next to Superman, I always like it when that can happen.
In previous posts, I’ve talked about how creepy it is that Luthor has a sexual relationship with Supergirl/Matrix, when she is in so many ways (mainly mentally) a child, and I can’t help but read the scene where Lois chooses Superman over “Clark” this way.  The laughing and clapping has a whole different feel if you think of her as mentally diminished somewhat.  
So it’s not exactly a continuity error that Clark says on page 13 that he has to call Ma and Pa to let them know that “Clark” is alright (even though he already called them in a previous issue).  It could be that they want to tell the Kents the cover story of Clark’s return has now taken place, and they can act like their son is alive again when they go to the corner store, etc. [Max: Yeah, that’s how I took it. It would be awkward if their neighbors saw them all cheerful while their son is still “dead”.]
 I like to imagine that Dr. Occult looks and sounds like Robert Stack. [Max: It’s impossible for me to hear him as anyone other than Humphrey Bogart after Lois calls him “Sam Spade”.]
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We’ve mentioned previously Jackson Guice’s tendency to use photo reference for his characters.  In this issue, Superman looks a lot like Jason Patric to me, who would have made a pretty great Superman had there been movies being made in this time.
I also appreciated this issue explaining both the physical and metaphysical reasons Superman was able to return—and that there’s no back door to the story—if Superman ever died again, he would be unable to return.  
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/blue-moon-and-full-moon-in-scorpio/
Blue Moon and Full Moon in Scorpio
Blue Moon and Full Moon in Scorpio
Via: Tarot Astrology
This year, the Full Moon in Scorpio – and also a blue moon – (Sun in Taurus opposite Moon in Scorpio) occurs on May 18th.
Since this is the third of four full moons in this season, it is known as a blue moon. The previous blue moon was on May 21st, 2016. The next blue moon will occur on August 22nd, 2021. This interpretation is valuable if we have in mind the astronomical definition of the blue moon: the third full moon in a season of four full moons, but referenced to astronomical rather than equal seasons.
There is one other definition of the blue moon, which depends on the Gregorian calendar and time zones. According to it, the blue moon is the second moon in the same calendar month.
The Full Moon in Scorpio – the realm of Pluto – helps us to understand that the subconscious mind is very real and that it influences us without knowing it. Instead letting it to influence you without any control from your part, you can start to train your subconscious mind and to use its power to achieve your goals.
We offer you a Zen story about the way that your subconscious mind can influence you. Then, you can see, how this full and blue moon influences each of the 12th zodiac signs.
Zen Story for the Blue Moon in Scorpio: The Subjugation of a Ghost
A young wife fell sick and was about to die.
«I love you so much,» she told her husband, «I do not want to leave you. Do not go from me to any other woman. If you do, I will return as a ghost and cause you endless trouble.»
Soon the wife passed away. The husband respected her last wish for the first three months, but then he met another woman and fell in love with her. They became engaged to be married.
Immediately after the engagement a ghost appeared every night to the man, blaming him for not keeping his promise. The ghost was clever too. She told him exactly what had transpired between himself and his new sweetheart. Whenever he gave his fiancée a present, the ghost would describe it in detail. She would even repeat conversations and it so annoyed the man that he could not sleep. Someone advised him to take his problem to a Zen master who lived close to the village. At length, in despair, the poor man went to him for help.
«Your former wife became a ghost and knows everything you do, » commented the master. «Whatever you do or say, whatever you give your beloved, she knows. She must be a very wise ghost. Really you should admire such a ghost. The next time she appears, bargain with her. Tell her that she knows so much you can hide nothing from her, and that if she will answer you one question, you promise to break your engagement and remain single.»
«What is the question I must ask her?» inquired the man.
The master replied:
«Take a large handful of soy beans and ask her exactly how many beans you hold in your hand. If she cannot tell you, you will know that she is only a figment of your imagination and will trouble you no longer.»
The next night, when the ghost appeared the man flattered her and told her that she knew everything.
«Indeed,» replied the ghost, «and I know you went to see that Zen master today.»
«And since you know so much,» demanded the man, «tell me how many beans I hold in this hand!»
There was no longer any ghost to answer the question.
May Blue Moon for Your Zodiac Sign
ARIES: learn to manifest your desires! Note your existing talents and skills and use them to achieve your goals.
TAURUS: you need other people in your life. You will probably have a serious conversation with your spouse.
GEMINI: you need to keep yourself focused at work. More passion for your job can lead to success.
CANCER: Try to overcome jealousy! „Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on“ (Shakespeare, Othello)
LEO: you need to accept your past, even your past mistakes. Recognize you can learn a lesson from your mistakes and stop viewing them as inherently bad!
VIRGO: you have to believe what you say. Elsewhere, no one will ever believe you.
LIBRA: maybe this is the best time to turn your hobbies into services that make money. Start your own business!
SCORPIO: with the Full Moon in your sun sign, you wake up energized and you stay energized. It is important to stay focused on one task at hand and not to waste your energy.
SAGITTARIUS: make sure that your secrets remain secrets! Someone comes invited into your life.
CAPRICORN: manipulating your friends can bring you success, but it also can leave you alone. Take care!
AQUARIUS: try to improve your public image! Building better professional relationships will help you a lot.
PISCES: this is a good time for a deeply spiritual experience. Find your spiritual path and follow it!
The next Full Moon will be on June 17th – a Full Moon in Sagittarius (Sun in Gemini opposite Moon in Sagittarius).
Until then, on June 3rd, Sun conjunct Moon in Gemini (New Moon in Gemini).
The next Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on May 7th, 2020.
Blue Moon – Definition and Calendar (2020-2040) 
Moon Phases in 2019: Full Moon Calendar 
Natal Moon in Scorpio 
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