#try your hardest! push me to my limit! (ic)
pcrplelightning3 · 7 months
❝ バレンタインデー?アメリカ人だけが、誰かへの愛を誇示するために1年のうちの1日を無駄にする。
私の新世界では、バレンタインデーは真っ先に廃止される。 ❞
Valentine's Day ? Only Americans waste one day of the year flaunting their love for someone else .
In my New World , Valentine's Day will be one of the first things abolished .
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spicybutterfly · 1 year
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Summary: On your way to your nail appointment, you run into the cutest, yet strangest boy you’ve ever met. 
Pairing: nonidol!Jimin x fem!reader
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Romance, Fluff, Non-Idol AU
Rating: 18+, MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Explicit language, Nonconsensual grabbing (Jimin has no sense of personal space)
A/N: Hi everybody, it’s been a while! I wanted to put this out way earlier but I’ve been stupid busy with work and school so yeah, here it is halfway into the year loll. I proofread this myself so please excuse any mistakes. Also, I made this banner and I think it looks pretty good for my first time so please be nice or else I’ll cry ☉ᴗ☉
*Disclaimer all characters and events portrayed in my works are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persona or events is purely coincidental.*
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for reading!♡
It is 12:02 p.m. and you had thirteen minutes to make it to the nail salon for your scheduled appointment. Anxiously, you drummed your fingers against your steering wheel, nibbling at your bottom lip. This red light felt like it had been going on forever. You swear at least three songs have played over the radio already and you still had at least five more minutes to drive before you made it to Luxe Lacquer Nail Lounge. 
You weren’t too picky about your appointment time. A spot during the weekend was preferable, but if that wasn’t available any time after you got off of work would do. Unfortunately, neither of those two options was available to you. For some reason, your go to nail salon was virtually booked out for the next two weeks. Of course with your luck, the only spot they did have available was the most inconvenient to you. Twelve-fifteen on a Wednesday afternoon. 
Typically, on a Wednesday at noon, you’d be at work, hunched over typing away at your computer. The only possible way for you to make it to your appointment would be to go during your lunch break. Thankfully, they lasted an hour and your boss wasn’t too finicky about when you took them, as long as it wasn’t too early or too late in your work day. 
You couldn’t afford to miss this appointment. It had been practically a month since the last time you’d gotten your nails done and showed. You weren’t high maintenance per se, but keeping up your appearance was important and these nails simply were not it. Your cuticles were an atrocious sight, overgrown and brittle. The once neatly painted gel polish has lost its shine, now dull and chipping around the edges. Don’t even get me started on your shape, formerly a perfect square, straight across the top with sharp edges, now sported a rounded and blunt look. Your nails were in dire need of some TLC. 
“Finally,” you sighed out, pressing on the gas pedal as the light turned green. Briskly, you glanced over at the digital clock in your dashboard. 
12:03, twelve minutes left. 
Steadily, you continued your journey on the road trying your absolute hardest not to go over the speed limit. If you did happen to go over a mile or two, no one noticed. After three more excruciatingly long minutes, you eventually pulled into the plaza’s parking lot. 
The area was buzzing with people of all kinds. A group of people dining outside of a restaurant, young adults coming in and out of the grocery store, an elderly couple sharing an ice cream sundae, and a dad pushing his baby through the parking lot in a stroller.
“Come on, come on,” you mumbled, roaming around for a space.
Just ahead a black Chevy Silverado began to back out of its spot. A glimmer of hope spread throughout you as it seemed you were the first and only one to notice and would finally be able to park. Plus it was only two shops down from the salon! You pulled in behind them, giving them enough space to back out but at the same time showing them you were ready to move in. 
Just as they were almost completely backed out, you noticed just across from you an elderly woman driving an older Toyota Avalon. Through your windshield you could see how intently she was starting at your parking spot, inching forward as the Chevy rolled out. 
“Oh hell no!” you protested. This old lady was trying to steal your spot. Not today. 
 As soon as the Chevy was clear out of your way, you jerked your wheel to the left, simultaneously pressing firmly on the gas pedal. Your car swerved into the space before the old woman could even take her foot off the brakes. 
With squinted eyes, you watched as she begrudgingly drove away, flipping you the bird through her passenger window. 
You scuffed. The nerve of some people. 
After putting the gear into park, you shifted the key turning your car off before removing it completely. Snatching your purse from your passenger seat, you swung your driver’s side car door open, at last stepping out onto the concrete. 
The heat from the blazing sun warmed your skin instantly. Being blasted by the cool air from your car vents almost made you forget you were in the middle of summer. Internally, you thanked your past self for deciding to wear a flowy dress today instead of slacks.
12:10, five minutes left. 
If speedwalking in backless platform sandals were an Olympic sport, you'd be a gold medalist. You had no idea you could even move this fast. Rushing down the walkway, you dodged between the people crowding your path. Who knew it would be so jam-packed on a Wednesday afternoon? 
Relief immediately rushed through your body as the sight of the salon came into view. You made it with four minutes to spare. 
Just as you were about to enter the salon, your hand on the door handle, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. 
“Um, excuse me?” a smooth voice rang out.
With your hand still gripping the door handle you turned to face the stranger.
Before you was a man, but not just any man. He may honestly be the most beautiful man, or better yet, person you’ve ever seen.
 He looked around your age, maybe a couple of years older. Dressed in a cool-toned brown sweater and black slacks, he stood tall with quite impressive posture. Thick, fluffy black hair sat atop his head. A few strands lay delicately on his blemish-free forehead. Silver jewelry decorated his skin. His ears sported a pair of simple hoops dangling with every head movement. On his neck was a dainty chain necklace, it looked like it belonged to a designer brand. What caught your attention the most was the many rings that adorned his fingers. They shined prettily in the sunlight. 
The only way for you to describe his face was that of a fairytale prince. His eyes were tender and kind, a complete contrast to his sharp eyebrows but they paired well together. You wondered if he routinely got them threaded. His cheeks were round and breadlike, making you want to reach out and squish them against your better judgment. And don’t even get you started on his lips. They were the softest, plumpest pair of lips you’ve ever seen. You just know he goes through tubes and tubes of chapstick frequently.
 He smiled gently at you when your eyes finally met. Your heart fluttered. Whatever this guy was trying to sell, you just might have to buy.
“Hi, I’m sorry to disturb you but I-” With a voice as warm as his you could listen to him speak all day. But you were on a time crunch and now had three minutes before you had to go in for your appointment.
“Ahh, actually,” you interrupted wincing slightly. “I’m kinda in the middle of something. So if you’ll excuse me.” You turned away again, this time slightly opening the door. 
This time you felt him grip your free hand, intertwining your fingers with his.“Oh! This’ll only take a second I promise.” 
“What the hell!” you yelled, snatching your hand away with a quickness, spinning on your heels to face him again. Straight away this garnered the attention of a few strangers, looking nosily to see what was happening. 
“What is your problem?! I’m not interested in whatever you’re trying to sell!” You don’t care how attractive this man is, he’s definitely lost his mind.
He seemed surprised by his actions, staring back at you in shock with both eyes wide open. “I’m so sorry!” he rushed, waving his hands out in front of him. “I’m not trying to sell you anything, I swear! I just wanted to tell you that I thought you were gorgeous and that your hair looked beautiful! I never meant to offend you, really!”
He was a stranger to you. It was absolutely inappropriate of him to grab your hand without your permission. You had no obligation to believe a word he said. But there was just something about the sincerity in his voice that made it difficult for you to harbor any lingering anger. As crazy as it sounds he seemed genuine and you believed him.
“Oh,” you muttered, calmer now. “Still you can’t just grab people you don’t know, it's rude. And thank you.” You avoided his eyes, instead focusing on the loose thread at the bottom of his sweater. 
“Again, I’m sorry. My friends remind me all the time about how handsy I can be. I’m working on it. And, you’re welcome.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“I’m Jimin,” the man, or Jimin grinned, sticking his hand out towards you to shake. You looked at his hand before looking at his face. His eyes were nearly completely shut with how hard he was smiling. It was insanely endearing. 
You replied with your name, shaking his hand in return. The softness of his skin didn’t surprise you at all, you could tell he took good care of himself
“Going to get your nails done?” Jimin questioned, nodding his head towards the salon. 
“Mhmm,” you confirmed, looking at your hand as you inspected your overgrown nails. “I’m in need of a long overdue manicure. I actually have to go in for my appointment in about-” You looked at your wristwatch. “Two minutes.”
“Have you decided on a color yet?”
“Not yet. I was thinking of maybe getting-” You cut yourself off at the feeling of Jimin taking your hand in his once again. Ignoring the butterflies that instantly fluttered through you, you watched as he brought your hand in front of his face. You almost giggled aloud at the vision before you. He looked like a mad scientist, examining your hand that close to his face.
“You really do have no sense of personal space, huh?”
“I think you should get…” he paused for a moment thinking to himself. “Purple.”
“Mhm,” he confirmed, nodding. “But not just any purple. Maybe a pastel purple? Like ..lilac! Yeah, lilac! I think that would look really pretty against your skin.” With a satisfied smile, gently, he let your hand fall back to its previous position. 
You felt your whole body flush with warmth. You know if you were lighter you’d definitely be blushing all over. Thank goddess for your brown skin. 
To mask your shyness, you grabbed your phone out of your purse checking the time. Yeah, you were wearing a watch but you needed to look away from him before you exploded. 12:16. Oh shit! 
“I’m late!” you shrieked, turning back towards the salon. “It was nice meeting you, Jimin, but I gotta go.” It was really nice talking to Jimin, but you weren’t missing this appointment for anyone.
“Wait!” He called, coming up beside you.
 “You should send me a picture.” You raised an eyebrow.
 “Of your nails! You should send me a picture of your nails when they’re done, I mean. You know because I suggested the color. But only if you want to, of course, no pressure!” 
Jimin twisted the ring on his left pointer finger, awaiting your answer. You thought his sudden nervousness was sweet. 
Usually, it would take a lot more for you to give your number out. Especially to a random stranger you’d only met and known for a couple of minutes. You’d seen too many true crime documentaries for that. But Jimin raised no red flags to you. Sure he was a little weird and awkward but he was also sweet and charming. To be quite honest you enjoyed spending these past few minutes with him, and you wouldn’t mind seeing him again. 
“What’s your number?” you smiled unlocking your phone. Jimin grinned again, eyes nearly shut and cheeks raised high, before reciting his number to you.
You were so damn lucky you had history with your nail tech, Sandra, or else you would’ve been out of luck. You didn’t make it to your appointment on time, in fact, you were three minutes late. It may or may not have something to do with you and Jimin giggling over which photo to use as his contact picture in your phone. 
The pure look of irritation on Sandra’s face when you finally did make it inside the salon to check in at the front desk nearly made you visibly wince. You knew you were being an inconvenience, coming in late even though you were standing right outside of the salon. But c'mon, you were only three minutes late! It’s not like you arrived an hour later or no called no showed. Still though, it was rude of you and you made sure to apologize and leave her a hefty tip for being a bother.
Back in the front seat of your car, you admired your nails. No matter how irritated your Sandra was, she still killed this set! You opted for your usual square shape, you couldn’t see yourself veering away from it, it just had such a polished look. For your nail color, you were stuck between three shades of purple that could be considered lilac. Instead of wrecking your brain, you sent a picture to Jimin letting him pick the shade closest to the one he envisioned and he did not disappoint. Delicate yet bold, the lilac complimented your skin tone perfectly. You’re not sure if this was a color you would’ve ever chosen on your own and you’re so glad Jimin suggested it for you. They were simple but cute and you loved them!
Posing your left hand you snapped a quick pic of your new nails before sending it over to Jimin. 
He responded almost instantly. 
Jimin (◠‿◠)
Very! See, I told you it would look good :)) 
Whatever lol, I guess you did an ok job.
Jimin (◠‿◠)
I think what you meant to say was. Thank you so much, Jimin!
You rolled your eyes before responding. 
Thank you, Jimin. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you! You are truly god sent!
Just then your phone began to vibrate, Jimin’s contact and goofy contact picture popped up on your screen. You clicked the answer button before it could ring a second time. 
“You’re so very welcome, _____! I’m glad I could be of assistance to you!” Though you couldn’t see his face, the smile was present in his voice. You laughed aloud, thinking of a response. You definitely didn’t want this to be your last time speaking to Jimin. There was an obvious connection between you and it would be silly of you not to explore it. Hopefully, you weren’t reading the situation wrong and he was just as interested in you as you were in him. 
“Hey, um, what are you doing later today, around let’s say 5:30-ish? My appointment took a little longer than expected so I can’t pick up any lunch and I was wondering if you would like to try that new pizzeria downtown with me?” you asked, heart hammering in your chest. You felt like a teenager talking to her crush for the first time. It’s been a while since you’ve done something like this. You’ve been so focused on work recently, hardly allowing yourself any free time. Dating just wasn’t at the forefront of your mind.
Restlessly, you drummed your fingers against your steering wheel awaiting his answer.
Jimin hummed as he thought. “Are you asking me out on a date?” 
Oh shit.“Huh!? A date! I wa- uh I mean-” “Because if you are,” Jimin interrupted, ceasing your rambling. “Then I would say yes. I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Yeah?” you beamed.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “You actually beat me to it. I wanted to ask you out for ice cream after your appointment.” 
“Oh!” you voiced. “Well, we can always go after the pizza?”
“I'd like that.”
“Okay! Cool,” you grimaced at your response. Gosh, why were you so nervous?
“Cool,” he giggled. “I’ll see you there, then?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you there,” you smiled, giddy all over. Bringing your phone from your ear, you pressed the end call button. It took a moment for the realization to set in. Did that really just happen? Before you knew it an elated squeal escaped your lips. Nerves now replaced with excitement, you began your journey back to work, eagerly looking forward to your date with Jimin.
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All right reserved.
Distribution, copying, reposting, or translating of any kind is not permitted. I will take legal action against those who attempt to steal my work.
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keelt9 · 5 months
Chapter 1
Hide And Run 
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“Ghost rider 1, ghost rider 1.” No matter how hard I tried still my hands seemed to hold a fucking popsicle slipping between them, it supposed I know what to do, but with the sounds inside of the plane combine with the bellowed voice of Riley make all my actions a complet mess. 
“Y/N! EJECT.” 
“Miss? Are you alright?” The taxi driver asks me as he moves my arm, I open my eyes and realize we are parking in front of my parents house; 19 months and the same nightmare come from time to time.
“Sorry, I’m ok, thanks…” I opened the door not before paying the 15 dollars from the airport to home. I walk through the little garden which my mom built along all these years. She starts it like some kind of stress reliever. She says every deployment or mission from me or my father it’s a new plant in the garden; in my father's case only he and God knows how many missions he had and for me 17 seems a nice number.
“My little butterfly.” My mom said, hugging me in the main door and dad appeared behind her. 
“Sky.” The short name for <Skyhook> I get that call sign in the navy, when she splits away, she puts her hand on my cheek, and I smile with my lips pressed. 
“It’s nice to have you here.” She says and pulls me inside of the house.
As the rest of the day passed without any uncomfortable talks or strange looks, until we finished the dinner and dad and I were doing the dishes. 
“Maybe it is too soon.” The last month was the hardest since the accident and my dad knows that better than anyone; I left the plate in the cabinet, holding it a little bit more than normal. 
“Someone returns in less than a month.” I stop but I force myself to continue. “It’s just a simple test, dad, let’s be honest, with the background I have, maybe I'll fail.” He grabs me by the shoulders and looks straight to my eyes. 
“Y/N think it a little bit more, ok? Just a couple of weeks more.” I take a deep breath, and nod with my head, honestly that idea has been surrounding my head since the big week was scheduled.
3:46 hours and counting, is the time my watch the same I’ve been pushing my legs to the limit, but my mind is working at 100 per hour, tomorrow my first test begins, the navy just gave me a one more week, quote <We need you in the air, not in the ground.> I shake my head and continue running.
I was so immersed in my own thoughts when the F-18 dived off along with a little scream for the kids in the park that made my heart stop and flashbacks straight like gunshots in my mind. 
“Mayday!” My fast breathing, the drops of sweat on my face. “I can’t stabilize…” My hands trying to hold the control, the sounds of the overworking in both engines. 
I cover my ears trying to deafen the sounds and when I get to control myself, my watch marks a high rhythm in my heart, the beep helps me to recover, I blink and I see a little girl coming close to me. “Miss, are you alright?” She doesn’t stop liking her ice cream, making me laugh. 
“Yeah, don’t worry, go somewhere fresh or your ice cream will melt faster.” My voice just murmured. It’s a hot Saturday and the summer has just begun, she nods and runs to sit on a bench covered by a tree.
I stop the timer and walk to my father’s car parking in front the main gate of the park, from time to time I lift my sight to the sky, I remember the first time I was in a plane, not a commercial plane, not a light aircraft, but a navy plane, the freedom I felt and the power I thought I had.
For the first time in almost 2 years, I realized that this week would change all I’ve work for more than 8 years, what terrifies me it’s know, in this moment I don’t even sure if continue it’s the right choice. 
The next morning, I woke up around 5 am; the test begins at 08:00 hours at least I have to be in the base around 07:00, I get ready, and at the moment I get down I see my parents getting ready for breakfast. 
“No, it’s not for you.” Dad says before I even complain, they stand up for my test just like they did when I was 6 years old and it was the first day of school. 
“I have an important meeting; I must be ready.” He didn’t even lift his eyes from the newspaper, my mother shakes her head and offers me a cup of tea. 
“Good morning by the way.” I greeted them, my mother giggled when I subtly pointed out his lack of greeting combined with the awful way of hiding his real intentions.
“SKY! Hi!” Jill screams when I enter the building. I have known Jill Green (Panther) since we entered the training at Top Gun, something you must know about Jill, she is a cheerful girl, in all the extension of the word.
“Hi, Jill. How are you?” She ran so she could walk along with me. 
“Missing you, it’s not the same since you’re not here, but I heard you have already scheduled a test, isn't it amazing?” I smile, she always makes me smile. 
“Well, let’s find out.” 
My feet were tapping intensely when the vice admiral Beau Simpson opened the door and made me enter his office. 
“Lieutenant, good to see you, please take a seat.” I obey and sit from time to time I apart my sight from him. 
“Well, it’s time, like we already inform you, 1 month of constantly test on the ground and, of course, in the air, after the month, we evaluate you, if you pass, you’ll be deploy in a blink of an eye, if you’re not, well, we have a big problem.” I gulp, he put his hands over the desk. “Sky, you were born to be in the air, one of a kind, just focus…what happened years ago, you must let it go.” I turn my face. “It’s not easy but you’re a strong girl.” With my lack of answer, he stands and takes me to another room.
“The first proof it’s really treating, a psychological one, following for multiple physical ones, strategic, mechanicals and logical.” He stops at the front door and looks straight into my eyes. “Lieutenant, you have been out for more than a year, some tests will pull out the worst and the best from you, what you need to know is, nothing you’ll be going through it’s impossible and you always prove to us that.”
At the end of the first day, all seems to be go a little bit better than expect, with a good mood I was walking to the parking lot where my mother’s car is waiting; she insist at least I should take it for going to the base, she felt more comfortable if she knew I have to be focus to the road instead of the memories been here could bring me back; my steps froze in just a few meter of distance of the entrance, when I see all Dagger Team enter to the building, I meet some of them years ago, with someone I’m really close, but met them right now make my heart beating fast and be really nervous.
I resolve it with the most childish choice, I hide behind the car waiting for them to enter inside the building. 
Great star Sky, hide and run.
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bromcommie · 6 months
hi, your fic “moving like a river of trouble crossing” kinda resonated with my soul and maybe even changed my life just a little bit, and i thought you deserved a better comment than my inarticulate ranting in the reblog tags yesterday.
the idea of shield hiring a therapist that looks like an older version of steve’s mother is unbelievably fucked up. the psychological warfare at play there is insane. and i love the parallel drawn to him first waking up from the ice and them trying to play this trick on him. he’s so much smarter than they give him credit for, everyone’s constantly underestimating him. i think that’s my favorite theme throughout this story; everyone is commodifying him in their own way, trying to stuff him in the box that they already made for him inside their heads.
the phrase “are you awake yet?” repeating over and over is so many different kinds of powerful. firstly, the way that it ties back to him waking up from the ice and his feelings of displacement in the world. secondly, that hazy, detached feeling that comes with depression, like you’re half-sleepwalking through your entire life, and no matter how hard you try to snap out of it and wake up, you can’t. i know that feeling well, and it emanates viscerally from this entire story. thirdly, it feels like a metaphor for the fact that he’s just drifting through life, doing what he’s told, following orders because he doesn’t know what else he’s supposed to do with himself.
obsessed with lina’s comment of “wrong place, wrong time” after the date. she’s right on so many levels, more right than she knows. each and every line of this story has so many layers, all of the characters feel three-dimensional, and the vibe is distinct and consistent.
the entire section following “pain, steve knows on an intimate level,” him cataloguing all of the hurt throughout his life, is a masterpiece. this story belongs in a museum. long sections of introspection like that are always hardest for me to write, and this is like poetry. i was searching for a handful of favorite lines to pick out to quote back at you but i can’t even pick.
all the symbolism in the movie that he’s watching (is this a real movie that you’re quoting from? if so that makes it so much better) tying into his memories of his mom dying, of becca and peggy and bucky and the line “steve was only ever as strong as the people propping him up.” 😭😭😭 i have no words for how deeply i can feel his pain and loss. he’s sitting there thinking about how he was never really alone when he was lonely back then, but now he is really alone, and there’s nothing to soothe the ache in his soul.
Rumlow communicating through riddles and insults and violence is everything to me. this actually may be my favorite iteration of him that i’ve ever read; he almost mirrors natasha in the way that he says everything but what he really means, pushing limits and pushing into people’s lives like a creeping vine. pushing himself right into steve’s space, nearly pushing steve over the edge.
i’m picking up on some desperate, hopeless undertones of the little scene with steve riding his motorcycle, risking his life senselessly just to feel something, trying to convince himself he’s grateful for this second chance at life. there’s so much powerful character development in such a short scene, this is masterful.
the way that the fight between steve and rumlow is practically a proxy for intimacy is everything i love about their dynamic in one scene. the way that rumlow talks shit snd fights dirty and likes hurting steve just a little more than is strictly necessary. i know despite everything, rumlow’s gonna be thinking about this night for a long time. steve’s just a sadist’s dream, mind and body designed specifically to take brutality, and he has enough guilt and self-hatred built up to put himself in situations like this for the sake of blowing off steam. they’re a match made in hell, really.
this story deserves to be up there with the big names in stucky fic and i would die on that hill. i’m sorry this is so long, if there’s one thing about me it’s that i love writing insanely long comments 🤩 but um yea i’m so glad you decided to share this with the world bc !!! it got even better on my second read-through to write this comment this morning.
Omg hi! First of all, thank you so much for the generous kind words and for the detailed message. I am always so delighted when people engage with the stuff that I post in any way whatsover, but especially when they're willing to share their impressions, so you never need to apologize for it getting long. I love talking about this stuff. (if anything, I'm just sorry I couldn't get around to responding sooner!) I'm really glad the theme of everyone's different attempts to "place" Steve came through. That might be one of my favourite conflicts when it comes to his character, actually - especially because it's very workable both in-universe (we get to see people project their personal definition of what Cap is supposed to be onto Steve in the comics over and over, as well as in the movies but to a lesser extent) and as meta, considering the wildly different interpretations different canon writers as well as parts of the fandom have voiced for years now (hell, decades) - many of which, in my personal opinion, just completely ignore his background and defining traits/experiences in favor of, again, what their personal idea of what Cap (read: the USA) should value, prioritize, and represent. I just think the idea of a regular man - one with very specific life circumstances that produced a pretty rigid, strong-willed set of morals for that matter - thrown headfirst into being a myth and a propaganda tool, and by virtue of that being manhandled by the government and the public and pretty much everyone he meets almost constantly, to be very interesting. Also honestly I'll take just about any opportunity I can get to shit on intelligence agencies and all the psychological warfare (as you very aptly put it) they entail. And I love Steve's relationship with Sarah as well as that idea of everyone constantly underestimating him so this felt like a good, if painfully fucked up way to introduce that.
I could talk about my love for CATWS' nods to Steve's grief and extremely internalized way of dealing with things but I'm not going to because then we'd be here all day, so I'll just say this: I think about his whole subdued demeanor at the start of that movie coupled with those Avengers deleted scenes of him just kind of aimlessly wandering around New York looking like the epitomy of Sad Man with No Plan at least once a goddamn week. That exchange with Sam at the VA also just wrecks me every time, simply because it's so quiet and unassuming but says a lot. I'd say I'm glad my writing could get you to relate to that sense of dissociation so strongly, but having experienced it myself one too many times I'll just say it fucking sucks and I'm sorry it's so familar. Again, interesting to write about, though, especially when you're writing about a guy who's not only clearly been used to keeping this shit under lock and key his whole life, but who has only had maybe like three and a half people that he could on rare occasions allow himself to confide in, all of whom have gone and died on him or are getting there. Not to mention the survivor's guilt involved - I kept thinking that I can't imagine how badly just about anyone would react to these kinds of feelings if they were feeling guilty about being alive in the first place on top of everything else, and then guilty about feeling that way instead of grateful, like some kind of hellish positive feedback loop. Happy the "wrong place, wrong time" comment went over well! It felt a little heavy handed while I was writing it, but that may just be because I spent a good few days just overthinking that segment. That said I do have a whole background for Lina I have to figure out what to do with now, lol. I've gotten too attached. The movie he's watching is in fact real! It's called Mikey and Nicky and I can't recommend it enough to anyone who might be interested in a slightly experimental, character study-esque '70s crime flick that's really more a thoughtful story about love and death and devotion and lifelong friendship ultimately not surviving the test of time, differing life choices and disillusionment. Themes of childhood and loss and remembrance just kill me in general, especially in the scene I included, and especially because my brain kept going "haha but what if we made this about stucky" on repeat until I had to sit down at write this. Tbh that segment might be my favourite, the fact I had to take several breaks while writing bc I got too sad notwithstanding. And finally: ah, Rumlow. That motherfucker. Hate that guy's guts, love writing him. I cannot tell you how much I'm glad that Natasha parallel came through for you, because I think I did initially conceive of them as mirrors. My thinking was that Steve probably wouldn't fully trust either of them, especially in that lockdown survival mode and just having come into the whole paranoid toxic environment that is SHIELD which he already doesn't really trust, either. That said, I think on that surface level he might latch onto Rumlow more simply because he kind of highkey screams DOWN TO EARTH SOLDIER more than spy which might be more familar, and because Steve's well aware Natasha owes her allegiance to Fury in a pretty established way and is showing a personal interest in his life, which could come across as suspect. And it definitely is to an extent, but I think in the way that for Natasha at this point the slowly budding care she is developing for Steve as one of her own is still very much inseperable from her need to possess information and have control over the situation, which clashes with Steve's equally distrustful nature and desire to keep something for himself. Of course, we know that she's well-meaning and just acting on habit, while Rumlow is...well, Rumlow.
I tried to write Steve as being attracted primarily to that familiarity/comfort of having someone very competent and dogged and seemingly loyal on his side as well as Rumlow as a whole - his experience, his skill, this more level, borderline challenging approach he takes with Steve, even that rougher side to him; despite also being somewhat aware of and at moments even put off by the dubious nature of it all (not necessarily the fascist dogwhistles, but just those moments where that "just one of the guys" front crosses a line into something murkier) but eventually always ending up shutting that feeling down as dismissible because he doesn't have the energy to process it, and prob because there's a certain degree of shame coloring the whole thing. He doesn't want to think about why he's attracted to Rumlow including the violent side of him, about why he's drawing unwilling parallels to Bucky, about what he's subconsciously looking to get from Rumlow while in this self-destructive spiral, and so he inevitably just goes along with it. For Rumlow's part, I think he's definitely got that "moth to a flame" attraction to Steve, and might even respect (big, gigantic fucked up quotation marks around that) him in his own way, or at least he respects what Steve could do if he just wasn't so...well, Steve. I imagine the whole projection of Cap the Symbol (remember when I mentioned that like 2000 words ago?) as well as many of the things we all love about Steve the Man probably rub Rumlow the wrong way, if for no other reason because they're an unwittingly glaring call to his conscience, which I figure would just unnerve and piss him off more and make him turn even more punishing on instinct just to justify himself to himself. In any case, he definitely gets a kick out of being near Steve in the same way people get a kick out of proximity to powerful people in general. I don't think it's a HYDRA honeypot thing or some straight-up evil plan behind it or even a fully conscious thing for him necessarily, just that he's aware Steve's very, very strong and very, very closed off and very, very good while also being pretty fucking vulnerable, and gets a kick out of being able to exploit that and push his buttons and ultimately more or less subdue him in a way that has as much, if not more, to do with power as it does with sex and attraction. So violence as a proxy for intimacy is a perfect way of putting what I was going for, thank you for that!
What I ultimately find the most interesting about writing this version of Rumlow in relation to this version of Steve is that Rumlow is very much a hateable character to me precisely because on the surface he could be just any other alright guy, if he weren't, well.... Rumlow, if he didn't repeatedly decide to give in to the same sadistic instinct because it's easier than the rest of it, if he didn't make the same morally wrong choice over and over despite initially seeming reedemable, despite getting every opportunity to choose differently; same as Steve repeatedly chooses to be good despite his own flaws, despite the opportunity to just give up, despite his own inner turmoil.
So, y'know: very much fuck that guy. They should've dropped more than one building on him. Hell of an interesting dynamic to write, though. Match made in hell indeed.
*claps hands together* ANYWAY! JESUS CHRIST THIS GOT LONG, I'm so sorry to you and anyone seeing this. This wasn't meant to turn into my own personal verbose meta playground, and yet it did. Thank you so much again for the lovely comment and for taking the time out to come talk to me about your impressions, it's been a pleasure!<3
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freezingwhitefire · 25 days
Okay, now for the answers to that question list I just reblogged.
1. What's your favourite Zelda Game? Ocarina of Time is my favorite Zelda Game. I enjoy others but I am always drawn back to that one.
2. What battle was the most fun? I can't remember what the boss is called but I do remember that it was in Twilight Princess. The boss of the Arbiter's Grounds. That one was super fun when I played through it. (It was on the Wii and that fight was a joy with how it went.)
3. What is your favourite temple/dungeon? I have to say... Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple. That one has amazing ambience and while it is a puzzle there is still time to just enjoy it without having to backtrack through half the dungeon or something.
4. What is your favourite Boss Monster? For Aesthetics? Probably the Demon Sword (Mini boss in the Arbiter's Grounds). For how well they work for the level? The Sky City boss in Twilight Princess. For just how much I liked them after finally getting to them? Eh probably Twinrova in Ocarina of Time right until I realized what a pain it was to get the fire or ice as many times as I needed them. Of course the Helmaroc King in Wind Waker was a fun fight all things considered and so was the Boss of the Ancient Cistern in Skyward Sword.
5. Zoras, Gorons, or Deku Scrubs? Eh... I find I like them all in different ways. The favorite to play as is definitely the Zora. Favorite to see around and deal with is usually the Gorons. But the Deku Scrubs are amazing and their culture is awesome.
6. Top 5 favourite music from the series? Song of Storms, Gerudo Valley, Song of Healing, Ballad of the Windfish (Link's Awakening), Serenade of Water/Queen Rutela's Theme
7. Hardest temple/ Easiest Temple? Hardest Temple is Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask, the three day time limit is a pain to deal with but without that it would be pretty simple so... Palace of Winds in Minish Cap for the Hardest. Easiest Temple/Dungeon is Hyrule Castle in A Link to the Past.
8. Which companion is your favourite and why? For the games I have played and going purely by in game stuff... Proxi. I really like her energy and how she helps Link in some ways during Hyrule Warriors. Now if I include my other thoughts and ideas then Navi because she was helping a literal child the entire game and you know she helped him a ton during some sections like the Shadow Temple and after.
9. What do you like the most about Link? His kindness. Almost everyone is drawn to him and he is so willing and ready to help them, even his enemies (Skull Kid in Majora's Mask) or those that take advantage of him (Ravio in A Link Between Worlds).
10. What do you like the most about Zelda? She admits that she makes mistakes. As we see in Breath of the Wild she was taught that she had to reach a certain standard of being but we know that each Zelda is often in a place where she has to seem perfect yet each one is willing to admit when she made a mistake and to try to fix it even if that doesn't really work out either.
11. In any place in the whole series, where would you like to live in and why? Hmmm... Ordon Village. Everyone is kind and looks out for each other. They all seem very content and happy with what they have too.
12. How old were you when you played your first zelda game? Umm... three? I think I had one of my siblings help me play some of the first Legend of Zelda.
13. Funniest/Saddest/And Scariest moment in the series? Funniest moment is in Skyward Sword when you can have Link say "Uh-oh." before Zelda pushes him off the statue though him asking Impa later if he's late is a close second because both were hilarious. Saddest moment in my opinion was the end of the last training session with the Hero's Shade in Twilight Princess. You can tell that while the Shade is proud and wants Link to succeed he is also trying to let go, not only of his undeath state but of this person he sees as a child who he has come to love in some way. It just makes me so sad to think back to it.
14. What characters do you ship? Not many. I can usually understand why some ships are really loved but I generally don't ship LoZ characters very much.
15. Favourite Sidequest? Tarry Town in Breath of the Wild. I love how it lets so many different people find a home and find a place they can belong despite not really having had that in the past.
16. If you could throw a big party anywhere in Hyrule, where would you have one at and why?Hyrule Field near Zora's Domain, you could invite many races and not have to worry much about what race needs water or solid land because it is all there.
17. Favourite enemies? The Garo in Majora's Mask... or the Poe (most of them are really cool).
18. What game graphics did you like the best and why? Depends on when you ask me. Right now I have to say Twilight Princess. There is a certain realism to it but there is also this ethereal haziness to parts of it that just give this sense of things being so much greater and more than Link and his adventure without just telling us some of it the sense of that being there exists already.
19. Favourite sage? Either Makar from Wind Waker or Irene from A Link Between Worlds.
20. What hometown of Link's do you prefer? Eh... Skyloft. A lot of the other towns and such are cool but I really like Skyloft and how there is a sense of a close community there.
21. Midna's Imp form, or her true form? I like her true form better but the imp form suits her personality through the game better.
22. Tetra or Wind Waker Princess Zelda? Depends on personality or actions. Personality I kinda like Tetra better but I have to say Princess Zelda is awesome with that bow and those light arrows.
23. Favourite item to use? The Hookshot. I love that thing and use it constantly followed by the Pegasus Boots.
24. Favourite Mask on Majora's Mask? Bunny Hood. No questions there I absolutely love the Bunny Hood.
25. Favourite Villain? That is a hard question... I think probably Ganondorf.
26. What is something that you've always loved about the series? The puzzles. Sure there is fighting and exploring which are always interesting but I love the puzzles and how often you get something and it might not be the best way to deal with the situation.
27. Which Link is your favourite? Ocarina of Time Link.
28. What character do you think you're more alike? Not sure, maybe one of the teachers in Skyward Sword... just not the swordsmanship teacher.
29. Which of the Great fairies do you like best? Purely on appearance the one in Twilight Princess. Based on what they do the ones in Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. For the amount of things they can do based on where you are (like upgrades and stuff) A Link to the Past.
30. Favourite Minor Character in the series? If we figure that they are separate people then Sheik, if not then Impa.
31. Triforce of Courage, Triforce of Wisdom, Triforce of Power, Triforce of ---? It takes Wisdom to see your mistakes but it takes greater courage to acknowledge them and try to fix them. I would take courage.
32. If you were King/Queen of Hyrule what would you do? Find someone else who wants the job, I like living. Alternately I would listen to the Princess if her name is Zelda because that seems like it would be wise.
33. Favourite shield? The old Mirror Shield in Ocarina of Time or the Shield of the Thunder God in Skyward Sword.
34. Rito or Korok tribe? Kokiri. Um the Rito.
35. Favourite quote(s)? "A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage." and "Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However that parting needs not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time… that is up to you."
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Obey Me characters forgetting a mating anniversary
Anon: reactions to their alpha missing an anniversary? or you could switch it and do reactions to realizing they forgot an anniversary. either or !
Anon part 2: hi! i’m the anon from the anniversary request. i was thinking maybe the obey me! fandom? whichever characters you like. my exams are coming to an end so i’m looking forward to spending hours on that app during the summer 😤😤 i hope you’re doing well ! 💕
(Hey hey!! I’m going to do their reactions to forgetting a mating anniversary, because they’ve been alive a long time, I imagine it would happen at least one hehe. Let’s see~)
Warnings: Mention of sex in Asmo’s section
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Lucifer – He denies it at first. He can’t have forgotten, he would never forget something so important, you must have the date wrong. His response is very likely to make his alpha either more angry or more upset, and he inadvertently blows the whole thing out of proportion because he struggles to admit that he’s wrong. But when he realises that he is wrong? That he was so caught up in paperwork for Diavolo he did forget? It’s a hard pill to swallow. He would probably buy his alpha some expensive flowers as an apology of sorts, but unless he’s been in a relationship with his alpha for several hundred years, I don’t see him directly apologising. He does feel guilty, but he really finds it hard to articulate. The upside is that it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever do it again. He’s checking four times every week at least now that he hasn’t missed any important dates by mistake.
“Our anniversary is next week, my beloved, you must have confused the dates.”
Mammon – Mammon metaphorically shits himself when he realises he forgot an anniversary. His scent is pure, unadulterated panic. His first instinct is to plan an anniversary event that moment. Hell’s Kitchen must still be open right? He tries to pull his alpha with him right that second. If that doesn’t work, he starts to panic that he’s ruined the most important thing in his life. This is when the begging starts. He says sorry about a hundred times, will get on his knees, offer whatever you want as long as you forgive him. Mammon is actually a very compassionate person who doesn’t like upsetting his loved ones, so it’s very hard to stay mad at him. Unfortunately, he’s not great at keeping track of dates, so it might happen again. The best thing to do is organise something together and give him a few reminders when that date’s coming up.
“Oh shit! Er, Hell’s Kitchen is still open right?? I’ll buy you whatever you want, we’ll order one of everything, does that work?”
Leviathan – He almost certainly forgets because of some game event or new releases. And to make everything worse, at first he acts like the game and event was more important than the anniversary and he thinks it’s a legitimate excuse that you can’t argue with. He realises pretty quickly after the event finishes that he’s completely alone because you’re mad at him. He turns to tell you everything about the game but you don’t want to listen to him?? He sulks in his room for a while. What pushes him to apologise is when he sees you hanging out with other people instead of him. He growls away the other person, pulling you into his room and sobbing angrily against you, asking why you love other people more than him. He apologises then, desperate to have his best friend and lover back with him. He might do it again, but he learns pretty quickly to just communicate when he wants to partake in a special gaming event and then he never forgets again.
“W-Why don’t you love m-me, like you l-love him?! I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave!”
Satan – He feels guilty, but he handles it well. He is phenomenal at apology dates. He organises the perfect romantic date, taking into consideration his alpha’s likes and integrating them. If you have a favourite romantic novel, you know he’s going to recreate a date scene with you. If you have a favourite restaurant, he’s booked the best table and ordered a bouquet of your favourite flowers for the centrepiece. It’s very hard to stay mad at Satan, especially because it’s very out of character for him to forget a date so important.
“If you want any more drinks, just let me know. I want you to enjoy this evening as much as possible.”
Asmodeus – He also deals with it fairly well, even if he can’t believe that he forgot! He’s honest and upfront about forgetting and expresses regret. He will definitely try to seduce you as an apology though, offering to let you do whatever you want to him. If that doesn’t work, next step is a joint pampering session! He’s pretty good at conveying a genuine apology without making anything too dramatic. I think it’s unlikely that he would do it again, because he loves, loves, loves anniversaries!!! He genuinely can’t believe that he forgot because he normally plans everything months in advance.
“Oh! I can’t believe that I… Oh dear, here come to my room and let me make it up to you…”
Beelzebub – He’s heartbroken that he forgot! He is so upset. He apologises immediately, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, and he asks you to tell him what he needs to do to make it up to you. He doesn’t offer up solutions, he wants his alpha to pick something, so he knows they’ll enjoy it. The only thing he definitely does immediately, is offer whatever food he’s been saving for them to share with him while they discuss. He will likely ask for advice from some of his brothers, probably Belphie (who doesn’t help) and Asmo (who’s slightly more helpful). He may do it again, but he always tries his hardest to make your anniversaries as special as he can.
“Here, you can have my ice cream… I’m really sorry… What can I do?”
Belphegor – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he forgot, because you can both just rearrange it, right? I think it’s pretty unlikely that his alpha takes kindly to that opinion. It takes Belphie a little while to realise that a) he’s in the wrong and b) he needs to apologise. He’s not good at planning, but when he genuinely puts his mind to it, he’s actually pretty good at giving gifts. He buys something you’ve been wanting for a while, he might even put a sticky bow on top if you’re upset enough. He gives you the gift while mumbling apologies. The second you forgive him, he drags you to take a nap with him because he hasn’t been sleeping well since you’ve been mad at him. He’s pretty likely to do it again at least a few times, but he learns not to be such a dick about it eventually.
“Oh, I guess I must have forgot… We can just go tomorrow; I want to take a nap.”
Diavolo – He is gutted that he forgot. He organises the most extravagant apology dinner possible (which is pretty extravagant, because he’s a king, very dramatic, and very in love all at once). He gives a dramatic speech about how there’s no excuse, how he never wants you to think he doesn’t value your relationship etc. At this point, I imagine most people would be begging him to chill out and promising that they already forgave him. Either way, I don’t think it would ever happen again, especially because he tells all of his staff to remember your anniversary and always remind him the week before. He isn’t going to let this happen again.
“My love, I will never forgive myself for hurting you in this way. I will never stop trying to make it up to you, even if it takes me a millennium.”
Barbatos – This would never happen. He is amazing at keeping organisational data in his brain, especially data that means so much to him. Also, he can see the future, so, even if by some miracle he did forget, he would see your future reaction and know in advance that he forgot. Barbatos isn’t perfect, but he’s not one to forget important dates.
Simeon – Simeon is another one who is heartbroken that he’s treated his most beloved one this way. He feels awful. He does tear up a little bit if the relationship is old enough. Simeon makes a huge effort to create some adorable picnic date, cooking baskets and baskets of food and picking the most beautiful park. He brings flowers and bunting and a little cake that he ices with an apology in an unbelievably cute handwriting style. It’s very, very hard not to forgive him when he’s so apologetic and good at making you smile. He goes out of his way to make sure he never upsets his alpha in this way again. 
“My beloved, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I will seek to make it up to you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Solomon – He doesn’t care that much about anniversaries but he’s not dumb enough (like some other people on this list *cough*) to think that saying that to your face is a good idea. He definitely tries to play it off as though he had something planned all along and that making you think he forgot was part of the plan. He then scrambles to plan things last minute, and he’s quite good at covering up his mistake. If his alpha doesn’t believe him, he makes up for his mistake with expensive and rare gifts. He will find something special for his alpha. A first edition copy of your favourite book or limited edition merchandising of your favourite media, something like that. He knows the excitement will help dull any negative emotions you have towards him. I could definitely see him doing it multiple times, but if his alpha ever expressed genuine hurt long-term about that particular habit, he would readjust his priorities. He’s not a complete asshole after all, he just sometimes has a hard time pulling his head out of said asshole.
“Here, it took me three days to track down someone who had a copy, but I finally found a first edition for you. I hope you will accept this as a token of my apology, my dearest.”
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
freak — yandere oikawa tooru x f. reader
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warnings: noncon, bullying, degradation, creampie, hickeys, exhibitionism
Milk bread? Check. Coffee? Got it. Gum?
"Shit!" The sound of your school loafers pattering against the sidewalk resonated throughout the desolate road as you hastily detoured back to the gas station. You were probably the store's first customer of the day, and here you were ever so graciously returning because you forgot something as minimal as chewing gum.
Any sane person would forget the gum and continue their journey towards the school. But you were far from that. You had to have a few screws loose if you willingly took time out of your day to cater to your high school bully and buy him a few of his favorite snacks. Hell, his friends have even dubbed you as his little admirer due to your obedient nature.
But you weren't catering to his needs like some sort of servant because you wanted to impress him. The only thing that kept you from smacking him across the face and calling him a stuck up jerk was pure fear. You're not some masochist that enjoys being taken advantage of by someone with a power imbalance over you all because of his stupid social status, but your options are limited.
It's either play along with his brutal torment for the rest of the last semester, or try and defend yourself and place a giant target on your back for his vicious fan girls. And even if you tried fighting him back, you wouldn't even need to be outnumbered by his friends to lose. We're talking about the Grand King here. He'd take you down by himself in a matter of seconds.
As hard as it was being seen as a freak that embraced Oikawa's torment, you'd much rather lose your dignity rather than your own safety. If Oikawa told those girls that you tried laying a pretty little finger on him, he'd be throwing you into a pit of rabid wolves to shred you apart and eat you alive.
Plus, you weren't as bad as everyone made you out to be. If there was anything Oikawa was better at other than playing volleyball, it was lying. He could spread a rumor about you robbing a damn bank and not a single person would bat an eye at his impossible claim. The fact that he has the entire school body in the palm of his hand is more than unsettling. Saying you weren't interested in testing his immeasurable power was an understatement.
Sprinting over to the spot behind the school that Oikawa was oh so keen on meeting you at, your heavy pants soon turned into wheezes. God, you were only three minutes late but you were shaking like a leaf. If anything positive came out of this situation, it was that you learned that it'd be a good idea to bring a grocery list next time, and maybe some water.
"You're late, [y/n]. Care to explain?" It wasn't hard to miss the irritation that laced the normally cheerful male's tone. Lo and behold, Oikawa was already stood at your regular spot, looking as cocky and smug as ever. There was nothing that excited him more than watching your face visibly drop at the sight of his presence. What, did you really think you'd get by with being even a second late? Time was precious, and you weren't going to get away with wasting his.
Oikawa basked in the way you powerlessly trembled as he made his way towards you. You didn't even bother trying to cower away, it was priceless! Placing a hand on your chin, he forcefully tilted your head upwards and rubbed a thumb over your lower lip. "I-I'm sorry! I.. I forgot the gum.." He shot you a glare. "B-But I went back and got it! That's why I'm a little late.." You could barely even muster up a coherent response, you were so nervous.
Judging by the way he ripped the grocery bag out of your hand and began rummaging through the contents of the bag, he was not buying your excuse. Picking up the can of cold coffee you had specifically picked out for him, his eyes narrowed in disgust. "You got me the kind with creamer. Are you trying ruin my perfect body image?"
Diverting his gaze from the coffee to you, he sent you an expectant look. If you didn't come up with a reasonable excuse within the course of a few seconds, Oikawa would make you regret waking up this morning. "This was the last one left! I'm sorry—" Lies. You cut yourself off as you felt a cold, sticky substance run down your chest and seep through your school uniform.
He was pouring the coffee you had paid for all over your chest, wearing a sickeningly sweet smile while doing so. You couldn't tell what was more discomforting, the feeling of ice cold coffee sticking to your skin, dripping all the way down to your bellybutton, or the unsettlingly lustful gaze Oikawa held on your figure. He had to be joking. Sure, he was a jerk that got off on making your life a living hell, but he never took it to such perverse extents.
"Aww, you look so cute with your tits covered in coffee. You must be freezing! I'll warm you up." Somehow the idea of him warming you up sent chills running up your spine. There was no way in hell he was about to do something thoughtful like giving you his jacket or helping you clean up the mess he deliberately made.
Forcefully grabbing you by the shoulders, Oikawa shoved you onto the cement with ease, watching your face contort into a cringe. You could already feel the rough texture of the ground scraping at your skin through the thin fabric of your uniform. Was he about to beat the shit out of you? Why was he looking down at you like a starved carnivore?
Instead of answering the questions rapidly flowing through your head, Oikawa straddled your waist with both lanky legs. However, instead of trying to fight him back, you stare at him with a dejected look in hopes of him hurrying up whatever the hell he planned on doing.
"Now, I'm sure you're not big on getting attacked by my loyal fans. So do me a massive favor and be quiet, alright?" You wanted to wipe the stupid smirk right off of his face as he basically threatened you. This man was about to use you for his own personal pleasure and there was nothing you could do about it.
Glancing down at your glossy eyes one last time, Oikawa basks in the fearful expression that adorns your face. Making quick work of your coffee stained uniform, he popped open the buttons, giving himself a clear frontal view of your sticky cleavage.
A small smirk tugged at his lips as he glanced down at the lacy bra that adorned your body. "Not only have you decided to wear such a lewd piece of clothing, but you wore the kind that snaps open in the front? Ahh, you must want me to fuck you."
Oikawa wasted no time in snapping open your bra, allowing your breasts to spring free. Both of your tits were on perfect display for the setter's hungry eyes to gaze at. You felt powerless and small under his primal stare. It couldn't possibly get any more worse than this.
Maybe the rumors were right, maybe you were a tad bit unhinged. Any sane person would've seen this coming from a fucking psychopath like Oikawa. "P-Please.. don't do this.." You gave pleading one last shot as you stared pathetically into his chocolate brown eyes that gleamed with amusement.
Unfortunately for you, your doe eyes only seemed to egg the cocky brunette on as he roughly clasped your breasts with each hand. Although the uncomfortable, yucky feeling of coffee sticking to your skin still lingered, the only thing you could zero in on was your tormentor's working hands as he squeezed your hardened nipples in between his slender fingers.
He was squeezing and fondling your sensitive mounds like stress balls. Did he forget that you were a human just like him? Has he really amounted you to a mere plaything for him to toy with whenever he pleased? With the way that his hands kneaded and pulled at your breasts like dough, you were beginning to think that your theories were correct.
His half lidded eyes flicker up to yours for a split second, allowing him to witness the deliciously mortified expression you wore. Within a fluid movement, Oikawa leans down and traps your lips in a ferocious kiss. It started off with just Oikawa forcefully merging his lips onto yours, but with the squeeze of your breast you regretfully gasped, allowing passageway for his wet appendage.
It's hard to decipher what's more uncomfortable; the feeling of Oikawa's tongue swishing around yours, rendering it nearly impossible to breathe or the obvious hard on he has rubbing up against your skin. When he finally pulls away, his breaths are heavy and uneven.
Hooking his fingers under the waistbands of your skirt and panties, Oikawa tugs the elastics down, watching as your slick strings down along with your panties. Crimson shaded your cheeks as you averted your gaze from Oikawa's. If there was any possible way of coping with the mortifying situation at hand, it'd be closing your eyes and pretending to be anywhere but where you were.
Unfortunately for you, sight wasn't your only sense. Shutting your eyes wouldn't stop you from hearing the sound of Oikawa's belt buckle clinking, and it wouldn't prevent you from feeling his hardened cock running across your thigh. Opening your eyes, you couldn't help the audible gasp that escaped your lips as you gazed at his cock. It was as big in girth and in length as all of his fan girls had claimed. You really hoped that they had been bluffing.
Oikawa seemed to appreciate your unwavering eyes, as he prodded the tip of his cock at your hole. "Wait! Please, don't.. At least use a rubber." You pleaded, trying your hardest not to let any lewd noises to escape your mouth as he began easing his head into the walls of your cunt. However, all your pleading did was evoke an amused chuckle from the man top of you.
"Aww, that's all you're worried about? Don't worry, I'll pull out," He coos, grabbing the curves of your hips to steady himself as he pushes himself further inside of your pulsating hole. As uncomfortable as the foreign feeling of Oikawa's massive cock pushing your walls apart was, you felt a small wave of relief wash over you upon hearing his response.
He seemed to notice the look of relief taking over your features, because he sent you an ear to ear grin that put the cheshire cat to shame. With a forceful thrust that would surely leave you sore, Oikawa finally pushes the rest of his length into the constricting walls of your cunt. "..after I cum inside of you!" He grabs onto your legs and folds them into your chest within a fluid movement, making it easier for his cock to reach spots your measly fingers would never be able to find.
He either didn't notice or decided to ignore the the way your body physically tensed at his response. He was joking. Right? Sure, he obviously knew no boundaries and had no problem using and abusing your body, but you assumed he had the smallest bit of self control. Maybe you were thinking too highly of him.
Rearing his hips back a fraction, Oikawa thrusts back into you, already kissing the tip of your cervix with the head of his cock. His pace starts off slow and steady, allowing your insides to memorize each and every curve and vein on his cock. If you weren't so upset with him for doing this against your will, you would've been appreciative of his benign thrusts.
Glancing up at the clock that hung from the back of the school, Oikawa cringed. He had to make this quick. His comfortable, languid pace quickens as soon as you can relax. The once quiet spot behind the school is soon filled with sounds of grunts, moans, and ear deafening slaps. Any regard for your personal comfort is gone out the window, as he thrusts in and out of you at a rapid, unrhythmic pace.
He nestles his head into the crook of your neck, running his lips over the sensitive skin whilst his hips smack against yours at what feels like one hundred miles per hour. "Maybe I'll mark you. Nobody else will be allowed to fuck you like this, only me.." If your mind wasn't zeroed in on the feeling of his balls slapping your rear at full speed, you would of picked up on the hint of possessiveness in his tone.
Eyes trained on the skin of your neck, Oikawa began sucking and nibbling, leaving a trail of purple bruises starting from your neck and ending at your chest. It was a mystery how he managed to create love bites and brutally fuck your hole at the same time.
Just the twitch of his cock causes your insides to squeeze at his length like a snake constricting around its victim. "Fuck, you're really tight, huh?" He grunted in your ear, basking in the way your insides devoured his throbbing cock with each and every thrust.
As Oikawa somehow managed to fasten his pace, he moved his hand down south, placing the pads of his fingers onto your swollen nub. If you weren't close before, you definitely were now. With the pressure of his fingers working absolute wonders on your clit, and his throbbing cock desperately pushing at your cervix, your body begged you for release. A small knot formed in your abdomen as his movements quickened, and your plushy walls began clamping down on Oikawa's cock.
With one last harsh hit to your cervix, you come undone, gushing your juices all over his twitching cock. As soon as you reach your well awaited climax, your vision begins to spot and your brain starts to fog. You were far too dazed to focus in on Oikawa hooking his arms over your thighs and slamming himself into your aching hole at a ferocious pace. "Aw, what a little baby! You came so fast." He taunted in your ear, half lidded eyes trained on your figure as he pummeled into you with hostile thrusts.
Although he teased you for releasing so fast, he felt his own climax arise with the way your innards hugged his cock. All it took was one last final thrust into the milking clutch of your cunt before he reached his end, hitting your swollen cervix one last time to shoot his load into your womb with a drawn out groan. God, he didn't regret ditching his condom for a second. Seeing his hot, thick fluids seep from your quivering hole boosted his already inflated ego. Only he was capable of leaving you like this.
Sliding his cock out of your dripping cunt, Oikawa watched as you sat up from your spot on the cement and began buttoning up your shirt. Cute, now coffee wasn't the only sticky substance splattered all over your skin.
After pulling his pants back up and fixing his disheveled hair, he helped you up from the ground. It would've been a kind gesture, if he hadn't followed it by forcefully tugging your panties back up with a condescending grin. "Don't go to the bathroom or wash up. If you do, I'll fuck you again and cum inside of you twice. Don't forget, I have eyes everywhere." His voice was disturbingly cheerful for the unsettling words that came from his mouth.
Sending you one last signature grin, he flashed a peace sign at you like you were one of his fan girls asking for a picture. It baffled you how two faced he could be at times. "See you later, slut!" He giggled before leaving you alone at the scene, drenched in all kinds of different liquids.
Whoever told you that high school was going to be easy was lying through their teeth.
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From A Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)  
Chapter 3
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A/N: Hellooooo there!!! here is the next chapter, sorry it took me so long, I hope the others will not take nearly as long!! anyways, I really hope you like it and lmk what you think PLEASE!!! Also biggest thanks to Ash cause like, why not, she’s helped me with this and literally everything😂😂
ALSO this one is from both of their POVs, so the change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of Pretty Little Liars, another attempt at Swedish (if its wrong pls lmk) I think thats it, if you think I missed a warning please inform me!!! 
Summary: Brock has a plan... he executes it.
Word Count: 2.7k
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PRESENT (thoughts) ---------------
For you, your hardcore crush on Elias was very secretive. Only you, Quinn, and Marky know about it and you are not about to tell anyone else. Elias, he’s so funny, his humor is the exact same as yours and he never fails to make you laugh, even though he barely talks to you. He makes fun of your brother, just like you, and is extremely quick-witted with his comebacks.
And as for Elias, he's the only one who knows about his feelings, because he has worked hard to suppressed them. She has the best laugh. Elias tries his hardest to make her laugh whenever he can because every time he hears it makes his chest fill with warmth.
He has the best style and it’s so fun to see what he wears. Every once in a while there are a few questionable items, but overall, he always looks great. You love to see that he’s willing to take those fashionable risks. It’s better than what every other hockey player wears. The go-to of shorts and a t-shirt with a beanie. 
She looks amazing in everything that she wears without even trying. She could be in a dirty sweatshirt and sweatpants and he would still think she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Her hair, her shoulders, the curve of her hips and back, all of it was perfect. But his favorite thing had to be her legs, they went on for days and the contour of her muscles was so beautiful to him. Safe to say any day she wore shorts, Elias had to try extra hard not to stare.
He has the most beautiful face you've ever known. His jawline was immaculate, like nothing you'd ever seen. His light golden blonde hair was so unique and it reflected the light in the prettiest way, at every angle. His smile, while dorky, was also something you couldn't stop yourself from staring at, always making you smile too, at how adorable he looked when he was happy. 
She is totally off-limits.
He doesn’t like you.
You loved your brother, but my god could he be stupid sometimes. He’d texted you TWENTY minutes ago to meet him in the break room and he still wasn’t there. You’d texted him 7 times and he hadn’t responded. You had started to text him an eighth time when the door opened.
“There you ar- Oh. Hi Elias, what’re you doing here?” instead of your brother, like you had thought, it was the gorgeous swede, wearing a pair of glasses that complemented all of his features, a light blue sweatshirt, a backwards snapback, and a nice pair of black sweatpants...needless to say he looked quite sexy. Especially compared to you, you were wearing one of Quinn’s Canucks sweatshirts (that you definitely didn't steal), leggings, you had your hair up, you didn't have any makeup on so you looked, well, not sexy (in your opinion).
“Uh, hi Y/N, um is Brock here?” he asked as he closed the door behind him and looked around the room.
“No, he told me to meet him here like 20 minutes ago and he still isn’t here,” you said.
“Weird, he told me to meet him here like 15 minutes ago,” Elias explained.
You shake your head and laugh, knowing exactly what’s happening.
“What?” he asked, reasonably confused as to what’s going on.
“Elias can you do something for me?” you asked, he nodded. “Go try and open that door, please,” you instructed him.
He walked up and just like you were thinking, the door didn’t move.
You laughed again then shouted, “OH, FUCK YOU BOESER!!”
“What’s happening right now?” Elias said tugging at the door still.
“Brock is a FUCKING CHILD is what’s happening, he locked us in.”
“What? Why?”
“Who knows?” you, that’s who. You knew precisely why Brock would want to lock the two of you in together. Because his best friend didn’t like you and he wanted the two of you to get along. You pulled this trick on Brock and his friend Julia, in high school when they had a big fight. 
“Well, how long will he keep us in here?” Elias questioned.
“Why, do you have somewhere to be?” you asked him.
“No, I’m just wondering.”
“Don’t want to be alone with me that long?” You said with a laugh, even though you weren’t joking (he didn’t have to know that).
“What? No, why would you think that?” he seemed genuinely upset at your suggestion.
“I don’t. It’s just- never mind” you stopped yourself.
“Y/N, what is it?” he pushed.
“I don’t know,” you said, then you gave in to his request, “it’s just that you never want to be alone with me, and you never talk to me, I just assumed you didn’t like me”
Elias let out a loud laugh and sat down next to you on the couch, “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re my best friend’s little sister.”
“Well let’s see the evidence shall we…”
You went on to describe the events of the summer party at Bo’s house in August of 2019. The night you felt confirmed your suspicions that the swede didn’t like you. 
It was early August so you were wearing a white short-sleeved blouse with pink flowers, and a white denim mini skirt. You and Brock had arrived late because Brock was trying to get his hair all “floofy and perfect”
As you walked in, you said hi to everyone, made your rounds of greetings. Once you finished, you ended up right where you thought you would, talking with Thatcher and Troy. As you were talking, you made eye contact with Elias across the room and waved at him. But he didn’t wave back or smile or nod like you were expecting, he rolled his eyes and turned around.
Elias stopped you there
“Wait wait wait, that’s is not what happened” he dismissed your details of the story.
“Yes, it is! I waved and you looked so annoyed!” you insisted.
“Ok, this is what I remember...”
Elias was talking to Brock about God knows what. Brock was in the middle of talking when he glanced over and saw Y/N, Troy, and Thatcher all talking to each other. He was looking at Troy who was pointing at Y/N and Thatcher making kissy faces. Implying what he was afraid of: Thatcher and Y/N were together in some way. So yeah, he rolled his eyes and turned around, because he was a little hurt and a lot jealous. (though that's not exactly what he told you)
“I rolled my eyes and turned around because I thought It was so ridiculous to think that you would ever like Dems,” liar, “like I thought Stech was being stupid, that would make no sense YOU liking HIM,” he laughed, he’s a lying liar who lies. Though he did think that wasn’t even possible. Having seen how annoyed she gets around Thatcher now, the thought that she’d ever like him in a way that was anything more than ‘annoying friend that I have to deal with’ Seemed inconceivable. She is so far out of his league it’s not even funny.
You didn’t say anything, just looked down at your feet. The boy you have a very hardcore crush on right now is talking about his good friend that you had a minor crush on back then. 
Elias could apparently tell you weren’t telling him something “...Y/N”
“Mhmm” you hummed, still no eye contact.
“What is it?”
“Uhh, so, here’s the thing,” you said sounding quite guilty, “I may or may not have, you know, hadacrushonthatcher… back then” you mumbled.
Elias was silent for about 5 seconds and it felt like you had died and come back to life within those seconds. “I’m sorry, did I hear that right?”
“I don’t know,” you turned to the door, “hey Brock, now that you’ve humiliated me, may we leave? I would like to go home and wallow in my self-pity.”
“No, wait Y/N. It’s fine, why does it matter? You don’t like him now?” he correctly assumed.
“God no, ew,” you scoffed.
“Ok, so why does it matter?” he genuinely wanted to know.
“It doesn’t, I guess. I just don’t want you to think I like him is all” God he’s going to figure it out.
“Yeah, no. I’ve seen how annoying he is'' Elias replied. Thinking the only reason she didn’t want him to know was that you liked a certain friend of his. The other Swede in the group. Since the incident at Brock and Y/N’s place, he has come to learn that they aren’t together, he’s familiar with the term “cuddle buddies” now which doesn’t make any sense. But he can’t deny how Y/N and Jacob act around each other. Sure, Quinn explained that they don’t think of each other as anything more than that. He even said that Marky goes on dates all the time. Even still, he knows he’ll never be the one Y/N has her eyes on, and even if she went crazy and did think of him that way, he could never act on it. Brock would kill him, and as he keeps having to remind himself: his friendship and on-ice chemistry is too important to risk. 
“Yeah well, Marky’s great too,” he said, pulling your attention from the way he looked in those glasses, and that hat...damn.
“...Yeaaaah?” you said, suddenly quite confused as to where he was going with this. You nodded your head, wordlessly telling him to continue.
“And, uh, I think he’s great… really…. great'' he almost seemed annoyed by what he was saying. More importantly, you were extremely lost.
“Elias, stop being vague. You're confusing me,” you said plainly.
“What Y/N, do you not know what I'm getting at?” he said, assuming you knew what he meant, continuing to stay all vague and Swedish.
“Obviously not,” you rolled your eyes and looked back at his still annoyed face.
“You and Marky? I think he's great...you know…” he paused and took a deep breath, then mumbled, “for you”
You burst out laughing, “Elias Fredrik Pettersson”
“Fredrik?” he whispered to himself with a smirk at the way you said his full name.
“I’m not dating, nor do I want to date Jacob Markstrom.”
“Yeah right,” he said in his classic sarcastic tone. 
“I don't! Our personalities clash so bad! Have you not noticed that?” you shouted trying to make it clear to him.
“I mean, I don't know” his face was turning red at his seemingly wrong and laughable accusation.
“Ok, Elias, look at me,” he did with his goddamn beautiful eyes, “Think about it,” you told him.
And he did as you said. 
One night, in particular, stood out, it was about 4 weeks ago and the Canucks were on the road. Quinn and Elias were sitting on Quinn’s bed. The door burst open, Y/N ran in, Jacob following close behind. 
Y/N sat next to Quinn and tucked her head into his neck.
“Woah, Y/N/N what’s wrong?” Quinn held her head and hit pause on the episode of Pretty Little Liars they were in the middle of watching. Elias turned and watched the events, knowing he’s most likely going to just be an observer for the rest of this interaction
She pulled her head out of Quinn’s neck. At this point all of them were sitting up, Jacob on his bed, the other three all on Quinn’s, “Marky is an ASS,” she said, looking directly at Marky.
“I am not, she’s being a drama queen,” he defended himself.
“I’m sorry have you met her?” Quinn laughed, “She’s literally the complete opposite of a drama queen”
“Fine, ask her what happened then” Jacob gestured at Y/N.
“Y/N/N” Quinn asked her to continue.
“Well” she started, “this dumbass Giraffe tried to get me to talk to the ever so beautiful Gabriel Landeskog.”
“How is that so horrible, he’s such a nice guy?” Jacob seemed genuinely confused.
“I’m not social Marky!! I don't do that, he so hot and I looked like an idiot.”
“No, you didn’t. oh my god,” Jacob said, rolling his eyes. “du är precis som Elias (you are just like Elias)”
“aj (ouch)”
“God, I hate it when you guys do that” Quinn whispered.
Y/N continued, “JACOB, I said, and I QUOTE, ‘Woah, damn’ and then stood there staring at him like an IDIOT”
“You did not?” Quinn said, laughing.
“Huggy, I swear to god, I will slap you” she turned and looked at Quinn with legit murder in her eyes.
“Ok, but yeah, Marky you don’t do that shit to Y/N. She’s just like me, we don’t socialize well.”
“I don’t get it, like I know you’d rather stay in when I want to go out, I just didn’t think it was this bad.”
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” she said, shoving her hands in her hair, “I looked so stupid. And did I mention HE’S HOT”
“Wow, you really have a thing for Swedes, huh?” Quinn quipped.
Her eyes widened. “Quinn Hughes, shut the actual fuck up” she shoved the giggling defenseman. Quinn just stayed laying down and continued to laugh, he then looked at Jacob with a knowing glance and a grin, and Marky giggled. Elias assumed it was because Jacob was aware of Y/N’s feelings.
Elias had been observing this interaction from afar, afar meaning about 2 feet away on the opposite side of the bed. He completely agreed with her, if he was shoved into an uncomfortable situation with someone he’s never met, he’d act just about as stupid as she did. And even he had to admit, Gabe Landeskog is hot as FUCK.
“Ok, Y/C/N/N, I’m sorry. But I didn’t know it was that bad. Side note, how come all of my close friends except for like 3 are super antisocial. I mean look in this room. You three are the exact same.”
“Wow… this right here, THIS is why you are only good for hugging” she gets up and walks over to the other bed where Marky is sitting.
“You’re so sweet to me, you know that?” sarcasm evident in his tone, he hugs her.
“Marky, you know I’m not sweet.”
Elias grinned to himself at that. She was right, she’s not sweet. She’s not mean but she surely isn’t sweet. Just like him. And she was the perfect amount of smartass, beautiful, loving, funny, antisocial, tough, and strong. She was literally everything he could’ve wanted.
Before he let himself get too lost in that thought of her again, he responded “ok, yeah I guess.”
“Didn’t Quinn tell you that I don't like Marky like 10 times?”
“Yeah, but I just- the way you guys act around each other. It just would make sense.”
“Well, now you know.”
Silence filled the room once more, you looked over at Elias. he was smiling and looking down at his hands. You continued to be mesmerized by just how beautiful the boy in front of you looked. With his backwards snap back and sweats, it seemed as though he had just thrown on a random outfit, and to anyone else that was probably what they would think. But that didn't matter to you, he was just so pretty and it filled your brain with too many thoughts. thoughts that you knew you shouldn't be having about him because he clearly wasn't your biggest fan. But that got you thinking even more (which is dangerous), he was acting different, it seemed as though he had let his guard down. He's never done that with you, in fact it felt like when you were around him, his guard was reinforced. He looked a little softer, sweeter, the guy you met at the Dice-and-Ice gala, you think. All you wanted was for that guard to stay down, giving you access to the guy you had a crush on, not just his hard outer shell. 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
hollow victory ch2
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A part of the ‘A Spare Heart’ series.
pairing: none–eventual Shouto x Reader later in the series.
wc: 3.9k
genre: gen
summary: You transferred to U.A. from America two weeks ago. You’ve trained, studied, and observed alongside your classmates, but no one has found out your quirk yet. Today, they’re going be meeting it head on. You don’t have as much combat experience as any of them, but you have the advantage: surprise. Because none of them are prepared for what you have coming for them.
a/n: 2nd of 2 chapters! Make sure to read chapter 1 first! American!fem!Reader.
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As you watched Todoroki retreat slowly to the stands, rejoining Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka, you remembered all the things people used to say about your quirk back in America. You looked at everyone back together on one set of cement bleachers while you remained on the ground, and saw in their faces that they now knew.
You fell to the ground, groaning, “God” in English, only partially because of the fresh pain. You’d been hit just about everywhere and, despite all the work you’d been doing to build muscle for the past few months, you’d definitely pushed past your limit. You were drenched in sweat and probably in need of a lot more water, despite all you’d gulped down from Aizawa. Still, that wasn’t what hurt the most.
What was coming next would be.
“Alright,” Aizawa said as he handed you another water and Cementoss formed a chair for you to sit in, facing the rest of your peers. “Does everyone have a good idea of what Y/N’s quirk is?”
There were nods and murmurs among the group and more than a few faces were looking at you warily. Your heart sank at the familiarity of it. Yaoyorozu’s hand shot up and Aizawa called on her.
“She has the ability to manipulate emotions in others. She doesn’t appear to need any eye or physical contact, although it’s unknown if any other information is needed. She has fine-honed the kinds of emotions she can use and has some mastery over nuance. Endurance seems to be a moderate factor.”
Aizawa nodded, looking at you for approval that Yaoyorozu had gotten it right, although you knew she had. “Anything to add?” he asked.
You sighed heavily, but began the old spiel anyway, talking slowly as you tried to fit everything into Japanese. “There is some range factored into it, so it only works if I’m close by a person, and the connection gets faint before severing the farther away someone is. I have some control over how long the emotions last, but they’ll naturally fade without my intervention. Um, I can’t read minds or anything like that, so I just have to intuit how people are feeling. The emotion sticks better if it’s something that someone is already feeling in some way, like if someone is feeling a little lazy, it’s easy for me to strengthen that, but it won’t really work if I try to put an emotion on someone that they’re already strongly feeling. Like making someone who’s already angry more angry. If that all makes sense. Yaoyorozu is right that the first emotion I hit someone with is the strongest and subsequent ones don’t hit as well, because then they start to blur a little.”
You were surprised you’d managed to get all of that out. Your Japanese must have gotten a lot better in your last two weeks  here. You almost smiled, but then you remembered what you were talking about and you stopped. Truthfully, you weren’t even sure you’d described the extent of it, since there were still things you didn’t know. This was the most varied use of your quirk that you’d ever pulled off, which should have felt momentous. And it did, a little, but that feeling was shadowed by the way some of your peers had looked at you. Todoroki, Bakugou, Kaminari. You couldn’t enjoy what you’d done to them.
“What’s your quirk called?” Midoriya asked as he frantically scribbled in his notebook.
For a moment, you didn’t answer. But there was no point in hiding it, so you said, “Legally, it’s called gaslighting. I think that gives the wrong idea, though.” You mumbled the last part under your breath, but it seemed your peers heard you anyway. Sound really did travel well with all the cement.
“Why’s that?” Tsu asked.
“Because gaslighting is a way people abuse others by telling lies in order to distort their sense of reality,” you spat out. “And, yeah, okay, my quirk distorts someone’s sense of reality so they’re feeling an emotion that they wouldn’t otherwise, but it’s not the same. It’s more like projecting or, I don’t know, just creating emotion, but the quirk was already on the books, so that’s the name I was stuck with.”
“But you were able to totally freeze some people like Bakugou and Todoroki,” Hagakure said. “How was your quirk able to do that?”
Todoroki hadn’t had the chance to share his experience with your quirk with the group yet and you were willing to bet that Bakugou hadn’t been in the mood to tell anyone his. So it was no wonder she was confused about how you’d taken down two of the strongest fighters in your class so easily.
“I came up with strategies for everyone, based on what I’ve observed of you for the past couple weeks and what was available online,” you explained. “Then I discussed the strategies with Aizawa-sensei to see if they made sense and alter them a bit. I’m sure you know by now that most of you got a different emotion based on what I thought would slow you down or make you give up. Since I can’t defeat most of you physically, especially with quirks at play, that’s what I have to do.”
“So…what did you use on everyone?” Ashido asked, looking almost giddy as she eyed her fellow classmates.
You’d known that there would be a lot of questions for you after your quirk was revealed, as had Aizawa. But still, he took a step forward and put his hand up. “Y/N is exhausted. She just fought twenty of you with only very short breaks in between. And yet she only lost four times and Midoriya is the only one who managed to guess her quirk before the battle. She’s going to Recovery Girl and you can all go see her at lunch. For now, Todoroki, Bakugou, melt the ice and everyone else can spar, quirks included.”
Everyone looked excited at the prospect of being able to spar freely with quirks, something they hadn’t been able to do in class since your arrival. Of course, it wasn’t lost on you that you were going to miss it, but at least you’d be able to take part next time.
If anyone would be willing to partner with you.
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Cementoss walked you to the nurse’s office and stayed as you endured your first kiss from Recovery Girl. She didn’t give you a hard time as you knew she did for students sometimes, since all you had were minor injuries. A lot of them—your body was covered with bruises not to mention a few small scratches and muscles that would soon be wound as a rubber band ball regardless of what she did. It all added up and, despite the fact that she put you just short of ‘good as new’ you were exhausted at the end. Although, you’d been exhausted to begin with.
“Why don’t you take a nap on the cot until the end of your class and I’ll wake you when it’s time to head to lunch?”
You’d resigned yourself to missing the rest of class as soon as you’d left Gym Gamma, and you were hardly in a position to argue. You were out as soon as you closed your eyes.
It seemed hardly a minute had passed when Recovery Girl was in your ear, Cementoss having left the room sometime during your nap. Which, apparently, had been about a half an hour.
You pushed yourself up and found that a lot of the aches and pains you’d walked into the room with were nothing but phantoms now, although the stiffness you’d expected tomorrow morning was already beginning to hit. Your quads and hamstrings were so tight you couldn’t walk without limping.
“Take these with lunch,” Recovery Girl said as she handed you a couple muscle-relaxing pain relievers.
Usually you didn’t like to take those and preferred to know where you were feeling more tender, but you grabbed them gratefully this time. You’d have to take a truck full of painkillers for your pain to go away that easily.
You walked by yourself to the Lunch Rush cafeteria, keeping an eye on landmarks as you did so. After two weeks, you generally knew how to get from place to place—especially somewhere as vital as the cafeteria—but the reminders reassured you since you couldn’t read any of the classroom signs pointing the way.
When you made it to the cafeteria, the rest of your class was already there, and some of them were waving you over. For the past two weeks, only the likes of Iida, Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido had done so, quickly representing themselves as the most welcoming members of class 2-A, even if Iida was doing it mostly out of duty.
Everyone, save Aoyama, was sitting together taking up two whole tables, minus one seat between Ashido and Yaoyorazu. There was a simple noodle dish in that spot and you pointed to it and asked, “Is that for me?”
“Sure is!” Ashido said, patting the seat. “Hope it’s okay. We didn’t weren’t sure what you like, with your American tastes and everything.”
“Honestly, anything looks good right now,” you said as you sat down. All of the food smells were making you ravenous.
“How are you feeling?” Yaoyorazu asked as you took your first bit of noodles. Someone had set you up with a fork instead of chopsticks, and you were grateful for that. You could manage with chopsticks, but there was nothing quite like a fork for shoveling food down your gullet.
You nodded as you chewed, swallowing the big bite as you said, “Much better, thanks. Pretty sore, but no bad injuries.”
“That’s a relief,” Midoriya said. He’d hit you the hardest out of everyone except for maybe Shouji, so it made sense that he’d be the most concerned about you. You smiled at him through another bite of food.
“So…” Ashido drawled, looking at you expectantly. You just raised your eyebrows up at her, bowl up to your chin as you kept eating. “Are you gonna tell us what you did to everyone?”
You looked around at the group to see if everyone had the same enthusiasm that Ashido did. There were a few looks of casual curiosity and more than a few who seemed to be purposefully looking away. But only Tsu, Yaoyorozu, and Sero looked equally intrigued about the emotions you had used against them and their friends.
“Well,” you started, taking gulp of water, “Ashido, I tried all kinds of things against you. But it seems you roll with the punches pretty well, because even though I could see you taking on all the emotions, none of them actually slowed you down. Happy, sad, angry, whatever. Your intention was strong regardless. That’s really good.”
“Oh, that explains the emotional roller coaster!” Ashido said. “I thought I was just having funky endorphins or something.”
You shrugged. “Maybe that’s part of how my quirk works. I don’t really know.”
“Wait, you said intention,” Midoriya said, looking up from where he was scribbling in his notebook. “Is that how you fight back against it? Intention?”
“Is that what you felt?” you asked back.
You’d never seen someone overpower your quirk before, although you hadn’t used it offensively very much in your life thus far either. The most you’d used it had been on people who were accepting your quirk voluntarily, so naturally they wouldn’t be fighting back.
“Hmm,” Midoriya paused, looking up at the ceiling. “I…well, the feeling that I think you used on me was something like total disinterest. I was coming at you and suddenly I was asking myself, ‘why bother?’ ‘Why even do this?’ And that made me give up a little bit. But I was still in control of my thoughts and was able to tell myself that we were fighting and was able to come back to myself, only to start feeling indifferent again.”
“Yeah, so I was thinking ‘boredom’ for you,” you explained, finally beginning to slow down on the noodles. “You clearly have so much passion and ambition, that going in the opposite direction of that seemed like something that would inhibit you. But since that’s probably something that you never feel, especially in combat, your mind was able to fight against it easier than emotion that’s more normal for you.”
“Okay,” Midoriya said, writing frantically. “That still doesn’t explain how someone would fight back. Especially if it is a feeling that would stick better.”
You shrugged. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, to be honest. I’ve never had this quirk used on me before, so there’s no way for me to know.”
“That makes sense…” Midoriya mumbled to himself as he continued scribbling.
“What did you use on me?” Jirou asked. She was barely making eye contact with you and you saw a bit of the distrust you’d seen on her, amongst others, after you’d revealed your quirk. She probably felt like her psyche had been invaded. Which, after all, it had.
“Embarrassment,” you admitted. “A bit of shame and anxiety and stress and you started to lose confidence in yourself. But you’re good at using your quirk, so you should have better confidence then that.”
Your cheeks felt hot as you said the words, already knowing that they probably wouldn’t be received well. There you were, having only been with these people for a couple weeks and the first way you were making yourself known was by diagnosing their emotional issues. Jirou gave a little huff and a nod, saying “Okay,” before turning back to her food.
“Ah, I see, so this is also an opportunity for us to learn how someone who knows us a little bit perceives us,” Iida said, putting a hand forward. “Not to mention a bit of insight as to what Aizawa-sensei thinks our shortcomings still are. This is an excellent lesson.”
“Well, your shortcoming is obviously that you’re too polite,” Tsu said.
Iida turned to Tsu, full of offense. “I don’t see how that’s a shortcoming,” he defended.
“Well, Tsu’s kind of right,” you said. “I did take advantage of your chivalry. But I’m not sure that kind of thing would have worked on you against a real villain, and without the heightened emotion.”
Iida shook his head. “I don’t want the technicalities of a training exercise in my favor. This is something I must work on to be a pro hero. So, tell me, what emotion did you use on me?”
“Shame,” you answered. “Different from Jirou, though. For you, obviously you pride honor so much that I was able to give you that emotion whilst acting as though you’d injured me so that the emotion would stick better. I did similar things to Ojiro and Satou and used regret just to slow them down a bit.”
“Ah, so acting out the scenario helps…” Midoriya muttered.
“Those are strong emotions,” Yaoyorozu commented. “Stronger than boredom, like you used on Midoriya. Does that have something to do with the power of your quirk as well?”
“Definitely,” you said. “I forgot to mention that before. It’s a bit of a person to person thing but, generally, yeah. An emotion like anger is always going to be stronger than, say, calmness or peacefulness.”
“A tragedy of the human condition,” Tokoyami said to himself.
You ended up going through everyone else one by one as they asked, sometimes struggling for the exact nuance of the word you were intending, occasionally reverting to English. You told them how you’d used anger against Tsu’s even-keeled nature, something she’d been able to guess, doubt against Yaoyorozu, which seemed to hit hard, and fear against Kouda.
“Okay, I don’t understand what she might have used against me,” Kaminari bemoaned. “All I could think once the match started was that she was really pretty and I didn’t want to hurt her.”
“Dude, you were horny,” Kirishima exclaimed, patting his friend on the back. “Y/N, tell me I’m wrong. You made him horny, right?”
“Um…” you started awkwardly and both Kirishima and Mineta gave hoots of laughter. “Well, lust, really. But hey, the good news is that means you’re not a sadist?”
There were more laughs from some of the boys and you might have joined in for the good humor, but it was still embarrassing. You could see a slight blush on Kaminari’s face and your cheeks were warm as well. And when Mineta’s leering eyes turned to you, you couldn’t help but tug up your uniform’s zipper a bit.
“Wow, she could be just like a Viagra,” Mineta murmured.
“I don’t need that,” Kaminari insisted. “I don’t need any of that.”
He looked at you as he said it, and you couldn’t help but hear, “I don’t need any of you,” instead. It shouldn’t matter, but it did. It always did.
Soon, your bowl was empty of noodles and Bakugou and Todoroki were the only ones who hadn’t asked how you’d manipulated them. And it didn’t seem as though either of them were going to. Of course, Bakugou’s friends couldn’t let that lie, so Kirishima came forward and asked. “So what did you do to poor Bakugou to make him fall to his knees?”
“I have an idea,” Mineta said, but everyone ignored him.
You looked at Bakugou, not wanting to say unless he was okay with it. He was glaring powerfully at you, but he didn’t tell you or Kirishima to shut up, as you’d so often heard him growl in your time at U.A. already. That must have meant that he was at least a little curious too.
“His was a bit harder to form in my mind,” you admitted, “but one of the simpler ones to plan. I was going for a sense of defeat. Some sadness, some hopelessness, despair, shame. He seems to run so much on anger—anger and a need to win, really—that if those aren’t at the forefront, he’s toast.”
That brought a growl out of Bakugou, but you continued.
“I’m sure that he could have broken through it like Midoriya did, since those emotions probably aren’t common for you,” you said, turning your gaze to Bakugou’s despite how it made you feel like he was going to pounce and tear you limb from limb at any moment. “But I think that that also made them really surprising for you to feel, especially since you were first, and that gave me just enough time to end the match quickly. But if something more time consuming than capture tape had been involved…I don’t know.”
Some people might have heard a compliment somewhere in your words, but as soon as you’d said Midoriya’s name, he’d snarled, closing him off from hearing anything good in your words. From what you’d observed so far, you weren’t surprised.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the newest member of class 2-A,” a blond boy said from behind you. He was looking down his nose at you, a wicked grin on his lips. “I hear you’ve got a freaky quirk that messes with people’s minds. Just what 2-A needed to round them out, since we have a new one too.”
You were frozen, unable to respond. How had word already gotten out? Only the class, Cementoss, and Aizawa had been in Gym Gamma and you’d assumed that they hadn’t blabbed to anyone else on the way to the cafeteria. Although, there wasn’t anything stopping them if that’s what they wanted to do. But maybe other students had just overheard the nature of the discussion you all had been having and had been able to put the pieces together based on the questions and answers you’d given.
“So, tell me? Can you force people to like you? Force everyone in this pathetic, little class to enjoy spending time around you until you turn around and convince them to give up in battles so you can rise to the top of the famous 2-A class? Pretty smart strategy if you ask—”
“Nobody did ask you, Monoma,” a girl with orange hair said as her fist ballooned and closed around the boy. “Sorry he’s your introduction to us. He’s barely house trained.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” you assured her. It wasn’t the worst you’d ever heard.
“Still,” she continued. “On behalf of class 2-B, I wish you luck. Enjoy your lunch.”
The girl carried the blond away, seemingly unbothered by the weight of an entire human person that she was now carrying. Once they were gone, you turned to your empty tray and picked it up.
“I’m still pretty tired from Recovery Girl,” you said, forcing a bit of cheer into your voice as you stared at the thin sauce coating the bottom of your bowl. “I’m going to rest a bit and see you all back in class.”
You only made it a few steps toward the dish station when you felt someone coming up behind you. You glanced back to see Todoroki, following you with his own empty tray.
“Can I ask you what emotion you used on me?” he asked quietly, coming up to your side.
You take a breath, seeing the defeated look he’d had on his face, even after you’d pulled the influence of your quirk back from him again. “Sadness. Maybe a bit of regret. No anger.”
“I see,” Todoroki said.
With that, he brushed past you and placed his dishes on the rack, then returned to his friends. You did the same with your dishes, and then went to the exit. When you pushed open the doors, there was someone standing with his arms crossed, looking at you as though he’d been waiting. You didn’t think you’d ever had so many people who wanted to speak to you before.
This boy had indigo hair and looked as tired as you felt. Actually, probably as tired as you looked too. He surprised you when he gave a small, uncertain smile. “Hi, I’m Shinsou. What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N. It’s my given name, but I’m more comfortable if you call me that.” It was what you said every time you introduced yourself here in Japan. Another thing keeping you just a little bit othered.
“Okay, Y/N,” Shinsou said. “It’s nice to meet you. I…I heard that you have a quirk that lets you influence people’s emotions?”
You sighed. You could already hear it. This guy was going to ask you to make him feel happier or, judging by his face, more energetic or something like that. Sometimes you hated these guys even more than people like that Monoma fellow.
“No, I—” Shinsou started, seeming to catch onto the way your face fell, “I just wanted to say that my quirk lets me control other people in a way too, and sometimes—often, actually—people make assumptions about me that hurt. So I don’t know if you feel like that, but if so,” he shrugged, “I understand.”
You didn’t smile. You couldn’t say you felt happy, but as a breath whooshed out of you and your whole body sagged, despite the stiffness fisting every muscle, you could only think of one emotion.
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IDK if someone else already requested this prompt, but can I have a scenario where Eijirō accidentally becomes Izuku's secret Santa because of a misunderstanding??? That's all I wanted to say, TYSM & ILYSM 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 (Platonic KiriDeku) - btw, I've read your previous prompts & they're all sooo good!!!! My favorites are It's Always Been You, Disclosure, Forgive Me, Burning Need, The Rabbit and the Tiger, & Recipe for Disaster 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩
*Frantically scrambles to get this done before Christmas becomes completely irrelevant* Bibbidi bobbidi boo, it is done, friendo! 😘 This is my first Kirishima POV so fingers crossed it turned out alright :’) (Also, thank you so much, I’m sobbing?! That really warms my heart - I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them! 💖💖💖)
Eijirou never claimed to be the brightest bulb on the planet.
 Granted, it wasn’t through lack of trying; some things just came easier to him than others. For example, when Ectoplasm was spouting about letters which had no right to be in maths, he felt like ripping his hair out - he always refrained though, his hair took way too long to style only for him to mess it up over algebra. However, put him in a gym and ask him about the different muscle groups and he’d be able to recite them with ease.
 His strengths just laid elsewhere. 
So, when Iida announced something to the class in the common room, Eijirou was too busy watching a workout video on his phone to pay attention. It wasn’t until the class rep wandered over with a bowl full of paper that he realised he probably should’ve been listening.
 ‘Err… Hey, Mr Class Rep!’ He laughed awkwardly.
 ‘Good evening, Kirishima-san.’ Iida nodded in greeting and held the bowl out expectantly. ‘Time to pick out a name. Remember, you’re not allowed to tell anyone who you’ve got. As heroes in training, it is important that we are able to keep confidential information a secret.’
 Eijirou saluted, before dipping his hand in and picking out a piece of paper. He curiously opened it to find “Midoriya” scrawled out messily on the page. When he confirmed that he hadn’t picked out his own name, Iida said his goodbye and moved on to the next person.
 Once alone, Eijirou looked down at the paper crumpled in his hands, the ink staring mockingly at him. He really should’ve been paying attention, but he didn’t want to ask what was happening and risk everyone being disappointed in him. Maybe he could just figure it out based on what he had already heard?
 Iida had mentioned keeping it a secret. He also brought up them being heroes in training. Maybe that meant a training event was happening soon! Eijirou furrowed his eyebrows together. They usually didn’t plan things this far ahead though…
 ‘Hey, Iida!’ He called. ‘When’s this happening?’
 ‘The evening of the 24th!’ He chopped the air as he spoke. ‘The 25th would be too hectic.’
 ‘Great, thanks!’ Eijirou gave him a thumbs up to accentuate his point.
 When the attention was directed away from him, he sighed and looked across the room at where Midoriya was talking excitedly to Todoroki.
 If this was a training exercise, then Eijirou would have to up his game. Besides Bakugou and Crimson Riot, Midoriya was the manliest person he knew and had proved himself to be a formidable opponent time and time again. In order to best him, Eijirou would need to work extra hard and give it his all.
 He hastily stuffed the piece of paper in his pocket and stood, excusing himself.
 He needed to hit the gym.
 Six days after he had picked out Midoriya’s name, Eijirou was fairly confident that he could give his opponent a good fight. He just needed one extra push. He needed to train with someone - or someones - who knew Midoriya and his fighting style.
 ‘Hey Bakubro! Todoroki!’ He called. 
 His two classmates were in the kitchen; neither appeared to have heard him. Bakugou stood by the oven, wok and wooden spoon in his hands as he cooked something spicy, while Todoroki sat at the counter opposite, conjuring small pebbles of ice and throwing them at the blonde’s back.
 ‘I swear to fucking All Might, Icyhot, if you don’t cut that out, I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.’ He growled dangerously.
 ‘I'd like to see you try, bitch.’ Todoroki replied nonchalantly, aiming for the back of his head.
 Before Bakugou could respond, however, Eijirou decided to intervene.
 ‘Hey guysss!’ He called out again, rushing forwards and standing between them. The two looked at him confused, but nodded in greeting. ‘I need your help with something.’
 ‘Why you asking Icyhot?’ Bakugou growled. ‘Ask me instead, Shittyhair!’
 ‘Jealous?’ Todoroki raised an eyebrow.
 ‘It’s important I talk to both of you!’ Eijirou laughed nervously and patted the blonde on the shoulder. ‘Well, I say talk… What I mean is… I need your help for training.’
 ‘Anything in particular?’ Todoroki asked.
 ‘Well, I’m not supposed to say, but...’ He hesitated. It would be fine if he told them, right? It wasn't like either of them couldn't keep a secret. ‘When we were drawing names last week, I got Midoriya, and you guys know his fighting style best, so I was hoping to spar with you both to improve my training for when I face him.’
 The silence in the room was almost deafening, until...
 'Dammit, I wanted to get Midoriya.' Todoroki whispered as if Eijirou couldn't hear him.
 Bakugou merely huffed.
 ‘So you’re telling me that you got stupid Deku for your Secret Santa and your immediate reaction was to fight him?’ He finally asked, looking at him like he had grown a second head. 'You know what? No. I'm proud of you.'
 ‘Secret Santa?’ Eijirou tilted his head to the side. When Bakugou facepalmed in response, he turned to find Todoroki raising an eyebrow, clearly amused.
 ‘Didn’t you hear Iida explain it?’ He asked, voice even.
 ‘Not really, but I didn’t want to ask.’ He chuckled nervously. ‘But I assumed that if Iida had organised it, it had to be something to do with training, so I’ve been hitting the gym more because I wanted to put up a good fight, but now I realise that I have to...’
 He trailed off and his smile faltered as his eyes widened with realisation. ‘Now I have until tomorrow to get Midoriya a present.’
 ‘I wouldn’t worry too much.’ Todoroki spoke, shrugging his shoulders. ‘Midoriya is really easy to buy for.’
 ‘You buy him stuff often?’ Eijirou furrowed his eyebrows together in question.
 ‘Icyhot has a fucking hard-on for stupid Deku, if you haven’t noticed.’ Bakugou tsked.
 ‘And you have a hard-on for Kirishima.’ Todoroki replied easily, before turning to Eijirou. ‘Sorry about that, by the way.’
 ‘Moving on!’ Bakugou exclaimed angrily before Eijirou could process any of what had just occurred. ‘Deku likes heroes and All Might. Literally get him something related to that and happy fucking days.’
 ‘It’s important to know what he’s already got though.’ Todoroki urged. ‘He already has the official bronze-age, silver-age and golden-age All Might figurines, including the pop vinyl figures. He also has five rare limited edition All Might-’
 Eijirou’s brain was starting to do that thing again where it just kind of switched off. He was interested in what Todoroki had to say, honest, he just had trouble processing the fact that Todoroki had the capability of actually speaking more than two sentences at a time.
 His eyes must’ve glazed over, because Bakugou suddenly whacked him around the back of the head to snap him out of it.
 ‘ugh, this is so difficult.’ Eijirou moaned, hiding his face in his hands. ‘So basically he has every single piece of All Might merchandise that a normal person can afford.’
 ‘I mean, when you put it like that...’ Todoroki stroked his chin, contemplative. ‘You could try and find him merch for other heroes though. As long as it’s not Endeavour, I think he’ll be happy.’
 At that moment, a thought struck Eijirou. It was an idea unlike any other. He knew that in the years to come, people would ask him, 'Red Riot, what was your best idea?' and he would immediately think of this moment. It was like the first time he had discovered the beauty of hair spray.
 It was a revelation.
 ‘I have the perfect idea!’ He proclaimed, startling both of his friends. Before either of them could respond though, he quickly thanked them and booked it out of the kitchen.
 All it’ll cost me is several boxes of tea!
 After several hours of pleading with Yaoyorozu, bargaining with Jirou on her behalf, one roll of wrapping paper and way too much tape later, Eijirou placed his present in the designated bag in the common room and collapsed onto one of the sofas, ready to fall asleep. However, Iida’s booming voice soon echoed through the room, startling him.
 ‘All right! Now that everyone’s presents have been put in the bag, it is time for the Secret Santa exchange!’ His hands chopped through the air as Kaminari stealthily placed a Santa's hat on the class rep’s head without him noticing. ‘Midoriya-san, if you could help me hand out the presents while everyone else gets settled, I would be very grateful!’
 ‘Of course, Iida-kun!’ Eijirou saw Midoriya sprint over, an eager smile on his lips. However, he tried to hide his snigger when his friend's actions only prompted Iida to lecture him about running inside.
 Soon enough, all the presents were handed out and everyone was settled on the sofas and carpet cushions. After opening his own present and finding an erotic Santa×Reader novella called Spanked by Santa inside, Eijirou's eyes instantly landed on Kaminari and the two sniggered to themselves.
 'Bro, really?'
 'I don't know what you're talking about, man!'
 'I know this was you!'
 When the two of them calmed down, Eijiro turned and watched as Midoriya struggled to unwrap his present. His crooked hands tried to navigate his way around the mass of tape and Eijrou felt incredibly guilty. Luckily, Todoroki was sitting next to him and helped rip the hardest parts away, only sending Eijirou an exasperated glance once, which he thought was pretty good going.
 He leant forwards in his seat and waited for the moment of realisation and oh boy, he was so glad that he did. Wrapping paper torn off, Midoriya stared at the present with wide emerald eyes and let out a shocked gasp.
 In his hands was the first ever hero Deku figurine - trademark and copyright Yaoyorozu Momo - ever to exist. Eijirou watched as his friend turned the figure around in his hands, noticing every detail, from the hints of red that poked out from his iron soles, to his white air force gloves, to the yellow bolts fastened to his knee pads, and to the respirator around his neck. A smile appeared on Midoriya’s face and his eyes shone brightly…
 Then he promptly burst out crying.
 Uraraka and Todoroki, who were sitting either side of their friend, promptly procured two buckets from behind them and held them up, catching the flood of tears pouring from Midoriya’s eyes, while Tsu came up behind him and slid a waterproof coat over his Christmas jumper.
 Had they expected this?
 Startled, Eijirou leaped off the sofa and ran over to them, scrambling over the mass of presents and wrapping paper scattered around the floor.
 ‘Midoriya! Oh my god, are you okay?!’ He grasped his friend’s shoulders and shook him slightly as he continued to openly sob. ‘I’m so sorry, do you hate it? Man, I didn’t mean to make you cry-’
 ‘Kirishima-kun...’ Midoriya slowly calmed himself, reducing the flood of tears down to a slight drizzle as he wiped at his eyes with a waterproof sleeve. ‘I- I love it! I love it so much! Thank you!’
 Eijirou stilled, slowly removing his hands from his friend’s shoulders.
 ’You… You do?’
 ‘Really, really!’ Midoriya sniffed, eyes now dry and staring at Eijirou with so much gratitude that he had to refrain from placing a hand over his heart and wincing at the intensity. ‘You’re so thoughtful - thank you so much!’
 ‘No problem, dude!’ Eijirou rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously. ‘You’re one of the best heroes out there. It’s only fair that there’s some merch of you out there as well, haha!’
 Before he could comprehend what was happening, green lightning suddenly began to crackle around Midoriya as he surged forwards and tackled Eijirou to the floor. His friend hugged his waist tightly and cried freely into his shirt. Not knowing how to proceed, Eijirou gingerly returned the hug and smiled dopily.
 So manly.
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pcrplelightning3 · 7 months
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
Misc. Ask Meme
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
❝ 恥ずかしさは弱さの表れであり、私はそのようなものを感じたことはないし、感じたこともない。❞
Embarrassment is a sign of weakness, and I have never felt such.
A/N: Well actually Reina , there is that poster of Azucena's Sports Illustrated: Body Issue
❝ 去勢されたいのか、フェイト?よろしい。❞
So you desire to be castrated, Destined? Very Well.
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
❝ 植物は、私が服従させたいと望む惑星を、宇宙の有毒な空間のゴミにしないために必要不可欠なものだ。私が木を植えたり、ジュンのような哀れなガーデニングをすることはないが…。自然のバランスを乱す者は躊躇なく殺す。
Plants are essential to keep the planet I wish to subjugate from becoming a toxic waste of space. I do not plant trees or do pathetic gardening like Jun does…. I will not hesitate to kill anyone who disturbs the balance of nature.
If I don't kill them, Kuma will surely do so.
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
❝ 獲物を最もよく研究できるものなら何でもいい。❞
Whatever allows you to best study your prey.
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candychronicles · 5 years
i need you // t. shigaraki
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A/N: Originally inspired by a drabble I had written, it took on a life of it’s own. Dedicated to the lovely @katsukisprincess​ who is also a whore for soft, slightly ooc Shiggy.
CHARACTER PAIRING: Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
WARNINGS: hints of depression, unhealthy relationships, bad coping mechanisms
SYNOPSIS: Tomura Shigaraki was never one to show his feelings. In fact, he never even really considered he had them, until you came along. 
“you should just fucking leave already. i’m busy and you’re annoying.”
those were the last words Shigaraki said to you before you had left the hideout and consequently the League behind. they had been your life for quite some time, adopting you in as one of their own without any question. no one had cared about your background, no one had cared what your quirk was, as long as it was useful in some way to the League. you had friends, a family, a unit, something to dedicate yourself to, something that made you feel not so alone. 
you didn’t mean to fall for Shigaraki. you certainly didn’t expect him to return those feelings in any way, shape or form. you admired him above all else, a true god in your eyes. how someone so volatile, so brash, could have such genius ideas, who could truly be a mastermind behind the greatest group of villains there had ever been, was beyond your imagination. that’s why you had truly looked up to him. you had seen past the behavior of a spoiled kid and understood the knowledge and sheer power that he had possessed. 
Shigaraki knew of your pure, unadulterated admiration for him and though he usually never cared about such things, he was enamored by you and your feelings. to him, knowing someone who seemed so innocent yet who held so much power and used it only to better the world, was mind boggling. he became enamored himself, wanting to know more about you, wanting to know just how far you were willing to go for him.
the game of cat and mouse played on for quite some time. Shigaraki took quite the interest in you and your special abilities, pushing you to your limits, teaching you, helping you grow and change into the person he wanted you to be. you obliged without question, doing anything to please him. to be frank, you were just happy that he was taking interest in you, never even believing that his interest was more than platonic.
the first signs were his inherent trust and respect towards you, indulging you with secrets and giving you important responsibilities within the League. that trust led to some vulnerability being shown, talking about more mundane topics and ideas with an eventual sort of confession that led to hours of desperate sex, not wanting to waste any more time ignoring what each other wanted.
unsurprisingly, Shigaraki was not easy to be with. despite you seeing him as more than a child, it was still hard to deal with his temper tantrums. you had been the only one who had really been able to calm him down, and though it was tedious at times, you persevered, bringing a sense of peace he never knew he needed until then. his mood swings were also something that was hard to become accustomed to, but over time, you had learned to read his tone and body language and adjust accordingly.
the one thing that you never were able to get used to was the lack of true affection from him. sure, he showered you with plenty of sexual affection, worshipping your body in ways you never knew were possible, and even splurged in stealing the occasional gift for you, but there was this emotional disconnect that was hard to look past. you had tried, you really had, but when he uttered those eleven words to you one night, you had turned around and left without batting an eyelash.
Shigaraki didn’t think that anything would come from his words; after all, he had said much worse to you before. it even took him almost a whole day before he had truly realized you were gone. at first, true panic had settled in. he thought you were kidnapped or caught but when Toga had assured him that you had just walked out one day, his panic subsided into a foggy numbness.
truth be told, Shigaraki was absolutely devastated. he couldn’t understand why you had left. he knew he was mean, he knew he crossed a line, but he thought you were in it for the long haul. his numbness turned to anger and he cursed your name with every nasty word he could think of. how dare you leave him, how dare you leave the League, leave behind everything that made you.
that anger turned into sheer sadness after the reality that you weren’t coming back settled in. you had left, he was alone, and it was terrifying. he didn’t realize how he needed you to sleep, how he needed you to calm him down, how you running your fingers through his hair was everything to him. he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t shower or bother to even change his clothes. rivulets of blood cascaded down his neck, scratch marks deep and angry. 
it took days for him to come out of his room, and when he did, his whole demeanor was void of any real emotion. he took charge like nothing had happened, but everyone could tell something was wrong. a random lackey had challenged him and his ability to lead still which led to Shigaraki decaying the guy without a bat of an eyelash. everyone was on thin ice, but nobody dared to say anything.
it was only when Spinner had gotten a particularly nasty reprimanding from Shigaraki, nearly losing his life after a simple mistake, did anything get taken care of. Spinner tracked you down and spent hours begging you to return to the League, explaining how bad Shigaraki was and how he needed you, how they all needed you, to return.
“why didn’t he come here himself, if he is doing so bad? he doesn’t really care about me, he never has.”
eventually, you had agreed to return. if nothing else, you would be able to say your piece and truly move on; however, that plan went out the window as you had truly taken in Tomura Shigaraki’s appearance. his whole body had lost the aura of power. death and decay surrounded him in a thick, eerie fog. he was no longer the strong, powerful leader you had grown to admire and eventually love: he was dead inside. 
“hello, Tomura,” you had replied, voice steady despite the incessant pounding of your heart and your shallow breaths. you were scared, not of him, but of the state he was in.
he was sitting by the bar, body slumped over, video game loosely held in his frail hands. blood stains all over his shirt, neck raw from scratching, eyes bloodshot. when he had seen you, his whole body froze, shock barely registering on his face, the first emotion he had felt in weeks.
“they weren’t lying when they said you weren’t doing well, huh…” you mused.
without warning, the video game clattered loudly to the ground and Shigaraki launched himself off of the stool. his arms snaked around your body, pulling you close to him, ragged breaths tickling the back of your head.
you stood dumbfounded. you could count the number of times on your hand that Shigaraki had truly hugged you. you weren’t sure what to do, yet you put your hands gingerly around his shaking frame, holding him tight.
“i-i…” he trailed off, not sure where to begin. he had no idea what to say, no idea how to apologize, no way to understand what he was even feeling, but he knew he needed to say something, anything to convince you he was sorry.
“i need you. i need you so fucking bad. i don’t know why, i don’t know what’s going on, but fuck, you can’t leave me. not again, not ever.” 
“please, come back to me. please. i love you.”
your body went rigid at his confession. you had no idea he felt that way. you had no idea he loved you.
“you know i love you too. you know i love you so much it hurts. it really does hurt. i-i know that you aren’t the type to shout your love out to the world. i know you can be stubborn, i know you don’t understand your emotions all the time. i have loved and accepted every part of you, good or bad, but it hurts to love you when you feel like you're not loved back. i need to know that you love me, Tomura. i need to know.”
Shigaraki had pulled back from you, looking at the tears streaming down your face, the pain in your eyes, and had dropped to his knees, carefully holding your hands in his own. 
“i don’t know how to do this. i don’t know how to love. i didn’t even know i loved you until you left me. i was so lost, i was scared shitless. i didn’t want, i don’t want, to do any of this without you. i can’t promise i won’t push you away sometimes. i can’t promise i won’t be difficult. i can’t promise i’d ever put you before the League even. but i promise i will try my hardest to figure out what i’m feeling and i will work on it until i’m better, until i can treat you the way you deserve. a queen, standing by my side, helping me rule the world. i need you.”
without hesitation, you dropped to your knees with him, holding his face in your hands, looking at him with pure love.
“okay, Tomura. we’ll do this together. me and you.”
“you and me…” he repeated, smiling for the first time in a long, long time.
“but first, you need to shower.”
“only if you’ll join me.”
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Probably you have some request, but I was wondering if you could write a Calum x Reader based on The Moment I Knew where even the guys send her a happy birthday message but Calum was radio silence (If you're interested in it not ending with angst maybe a second part based in The Last Time haha, lol)
The Moment I Knew - C. Hood
Okay so, I had never heard this song before and now I’ve played it on repeat. Your girl lives to write angst so I may have gone a bit too far but I hope you like it!!
I will have a part two done soon! Send me a message so I can tag you in it, if you like!
Thank you for the request, lovie! 💕
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Her 24th birthday should have been a day she spent surrounded by her dear friends and her boyfriend.
Her friends were waiting at Luke and Sierra’s house for their guest it honor who would arrive with Calum.
She should have spent it with a smile stretching her cherry tinted lips, not droplets smearing her perfectly done mascara.
It should have ended in a night of passion, not heartbreak.
It should have been a lot of things, but Calum couldn’t even remember a single day to spend with the woman he claimed to love so much. And Y/N couldn’t sit back and deal with his ignorance and inability to be there for his girl.
You should've been there. Should've burst through the door with that "Baby, I'm right here" smile.
She woke that morning to messages from everybody. Everybody but Calum.
Sierra and Luke has stopped by to wish her a happy birthday, and give her flowers and a dress that Sierra had picked out for the party that night.
Crystal and Michael called to apologize for not stopping by but to wish her a happy birthday and make lunch plans for the following day with promises to see her that night.
Ashton and KayKay took her out for breakfast, something which Calum was meant to attend but she received no reply from him. Her friends tried their hardest to take her mind off of the missing person at their table. They also had promised that Calum would most likely see her later that night.
And it would've felt like a million little shining stars had just aligned. And I would've been so happy.
She didn’t want to pull it, but this was the last straw. In their over year long relationship, he started to slack after their anniversary.
He showed up late for their anniversary dinner, barely replied to her messages, even when he was at home, spent more time out with the guys than paying any mind to Y/N. She thought the last straw was when they had made big plans to spend the day together on Christmas Eve. Her favourite holiday.
Christmas lights glisten, I've got my eye on the door, just waiting for you to walk in.
He didn’t show until late that night. He simply left his present for her sitting under her tree and crawled into bed with her sleeping form.
Still, she pushed aside her feelings of abandonment, for she loved the kiwi man too much.
But this was the most she could take.
The minutes ticked by, and she sat on her lounge, lips stained red, black dress accentuating every part of her body that she felt confident in. Heels slipped onto her feet, that made her walk away more than usual.
She felt like a million bucks when she had gotten ready. Now, she felt like the booby prize.
After all, she must be if Calum couldn’t spare a few hours to attend the party Sierra had planned for her special day.
He was radio silence all day. Not a single message. Not even a quick gif of a cat wearing a party hat like Mali-Koa had sent her, although the elder hood had also sent her a long paragraph about how much she adores her and how happy she makes Calum.
If only Calum made her feel like she made him happy. Or that he even wanted her around.
They were now 45 minutes past the time Calum had promised to be there.
She was fuming.
But the time is ticking. People ask me how I've been, as I comb back through my memory, how you said you'd be here.
She can’t quite determine the amount of times that Calum has stood her up. She understands that his music is important to him, but he tells her she is important to him as well. How?
How can he be so sure that she is important to him, when he has left her sitting alone on her birthday. Her birthday.
You said you'd be here
Enough was enough. She stood up from her lounge, straightening her dress out and checking her makeup in the mirror. If Calum wasn’t going to take her to enjoy her birthday, then she would do it herself.
She typed a quick message to Calum before she threw her phone on the abandoned lounge, snatching her keys from a hook and slamming the door closed behind her.
And it was like slow motion. Standing there in my party dress, in red lipstick, with no one to impress.
“You said you’d be here. Don’t bother showing up tonight. Happy birthday to me, right?”
And they're all laughing as I'm looking around the room. But there was one thing missing, and that was the moment I knew.
She had been at the party for hours, and all she wanted was to go home and drown her sadness in ice cream and flood her pillow with tears. Namely, the pillow that trapped Calum’s scent like a butterfly net.
It was hard to be with her friends, because, even though she was introduced to them as Calum’s friends, each of them became something special to her, and they all grew closer over the time.
Especially Luke and Sierra.
Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she struggled to settle in the atmosphere without him. For a minute she thought whether he would have come to her if she called him but given the three and a half hours that had passed since her message, she knew he had something better to do.
Or somebody better to be with.
The tears started to fall and her hands started to shake. She had always struggled with abandonment issues, but this experience felt new.
She couldn’t handle it anymore. She couldn’t be with Calum anymore.
And the hours pass by. Now I just wanna be alone but your close friends always seem to know when there's something really wrong.
She trudged down the hall, tears blurring her vision as she forced her way into the bathroom of the house.
Heeled shoes echoed behind her and Sierra’s dark head of hair flooded her gaze as the woman’s arms wrapped around her, letting her sob into her shoulder.
Y/N tries to stop the tears, but the pain is so overwhelming.
Her birthday, the one day in the entire year that she requested her boyfriend to be there for her with no exceptions, he let her down.
Again. Lately, he only let her down.
She couldn’t handle it anymore. She couldn’t handle being second best. No, third best.
Not even that.
So they follow me down the hall, and there in the bathroom, I try not to fall apart and the sinking feeling starts.
She lowers herself to the ground, her legs no longer supporting her. Sierra crouches with her, still holding her friend through her breakdown.
She knew Y/N struggled with abandonment, as she had gotten the closest to the girl, but she never imagined Calum could be the one to make her feel this way.
“It’s okay, breathe babe. Breathe,” Sierra cooed, stroking the woman’s perfectly done hair. She looked stunning, and that made Sierra’s heart ache more. “I’m sorry he did this, I’m so sorry.”
Y/N sniffed, trying to will her tears to stop. Mascara was most likely smudged on her face, and on the shoulder of Sierra’s royal blue blouse, but she couldn’t contain the emotion that had been building all day.
For months even.
For three months, Calum hadn’t been there for her. If not for the random mornings she would wake up with him by her side, or the fleeting messages of open promises, it was as if she was single.
She might as well be.
“He said he would be here,” she sobbed, her voice sounding more broken than anything Sierra had heard before.
“I know, honey, I know.”
As I say hopelessly, "He said he'd be here"
“Do you wanna tell everybody to head home? You and I can veg out and watch some movies, if you like?” Sierra proposed, rubbing the arms of her friend whose tears had halted.
Y/N shook her head with a small smile on her face, “It’s okay Si. Let’s just enjoy ourselves, yeah? No more tears, I promise.”
What do you say, when tears are streaming down your face in front of everyone you know?
Y/N felt embarrassed to have broken down in such a way in front of her friends. She had always tried to be the tough one, even cracking a smile that very morning when Ashton asked about her absent boyfriend.
But she had hit her limit.
And what do you do when the one who means the most to you is the one who didn't show?
The room was full of so many people, every one of her friends, her siblings, even her parents and some family had made the trip to see her for her birthday. Everybody but Calum.
Almost everybody she loved and held fear was there to witness her standing in her party dress and her red lipstick. Her fixed mascara and now clean face. With her best friend holding her hand and a chocolate cake placed in front of her.
The lit number “24” stared back at her as she tried to ignore the missing piece to the puzzle that was the night.
Their voices faded to the background as they all sung to her, watching as she blew out the candles with one thing on her mind.
‘I wish you were here’
And they're all standing around me singing "Happy birthday to you". But there was one thing missing.
Y/N now knew, she couldn’t be with Calum anymore.
And that was the moment I knew.
Calum had this overwhelming feeling that he was forgetting something. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but he knew it was something important.
His fingers plucked the strings of his bass, and his mind ran through the lyrics to a song they were working on for their newest album.
The album has been taking up most of his free thought, for he was determined to get some of the songs just right for when it drops.
His heart dropped when he checked his phone, a message from Y/N that had been sent four hours before.
Guilt boiled in his stomach and he was grabbing his keys, slipping his shoes on and rushing out the door without a second thought.
“You said you’d be here. Don’t bother showing up tonight. Happy birthday to me, right?”
He could feel the malicious intent in the message, and he deserved it. This was the seventh time he had stood her up, and he knew that she had every right to be mad at him.
Even if she told him not to, he was on his way to Luke’s house to apologize to her. He just thanked god that he had already put her present in his car.
He sent a message to his best friend asking if his girl was still there.
Luke replied with a simple and snappy “she left. She doesn’t want to see you.”
He sighed, resting his head against his steering wheel as he dialed the number accompanied by a heart.
Y/N would be alright, he knew it. She would answer the phone, apologize, and tell her he loves her. She would return the sentiment, and all would be well.
Wouldn’t it?
You called me later, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it".
Y/N saw the name show up on her phone as the sound of Calum’s voice floods her dark bedroom.
She made true of her promise to go home, drown her feelings in ice cream and soak her pillow with tears. She just wished that her ringtone for Calum wasn’t his angelic voice singing “If you don’t know.”
She hit the answer button and switched it onto loud speaker so she didn’t need to love from her positioned curled up in the middle of her bed.
“Hey baby, sorry I didn’t make it. Lost track of time writing. I love you so much, happy birthday angel,” his voice transferred through the receiver and she couldn’t bring herself to find an answer other than what is on her mind.
And I said, "I'm sorry too".
“I’m sorry too, Calum,” she answered, feeling her words catch in her throat.
“For what, baby?” He chuckled, brushing off the serious tone of her voice.
She steered her nerves, sitting up and the sound of crinkling sheets temporarily flooded Calum’s ears.
She let out a deep breath, letting the tears fall as she spoke. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t always be a second thought, especially when it’s my birthday and I’m sitting at our friends house crying my eyes out because you couldn’t give me enough respect to tell me you won’t be there for me.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry-“
“So am I, Cal. I can’t be with you anymore. Goodbye.”
And that was the moment I knew.
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cakers-2000 · 4 years
~I’ll Never Leave Your Side~ (Shuichi X Reader)
It’s been a little while since I posted something I wrote just from my own idea so enjoy Shuichi! I have requests coming out in the next few days so those who requested something, stay on the lookout ❤️
Word count: 1.2k
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The loud chime of the phone beside his head awakened him from his slumber. Slowly he lifted his head, completely in a daze as he glanced around the room. It was his office, that much he was sure. His arms were crossed and rested on the desk beneath him, completely covering the spread out documents he had been analyzing a few hours prior. He rubbed his eye and used his free hand to scrounge through the paperwork, trying to locate the ringing sound. His breath hitched in his throat when he was able to see the caller ID. His eyes flashed quickly to the clock hanging above his door and sighed, rubbing his temples in an attempt to prepare himself.
“Hey honey I-”
“Shuichi where are you? It’s late.”
He smiled at the worried tone in your voice. You really did love and care about him. “I’m sorry (Y/N) I got caught up at work.”
“Again?” There was an almost pouting tone in your voice. It only made him chuckle softly.
“Yeah, I’ll be home in a couple more hours.”
“A couple more hours!?”
He could hear you huff from the other side. “Well there’s still a lot left to uncover from the case and-”
“Shuichi you promised me that you would come home on time tonight. We were supposed to have a movie night. I’ve been sitting here for hours waiting for you!”
His eyes slightly widened. He could practically hear the hurt in your voice. He had completely forgotten about your plans. Again.
“This is like, the 50th time you’ve done this to me!”
That may have been a bit a bit of an exaggeration but you didn’t care, and he knew that it was true. He had forgotten one too many times.
“(Y/N) I’m really sorry. Look, I’ve still got a lot to get done, I know that you want to see me and I want to see you but I have to solve this case. How about tomorrow we go out for dinner? No work, no calls, no nothing. Just me and you.”
There was silence. He was hoping and pleading that you would agree. He knew that he was already treading on thin ice. The silence was interrupted with a long sigh followed by your voice, disappointment still evident in your tone. “Okay Shu… But you better not skip out on me again.”
“I won't, I promise.” The smile once again fell to his lips and he leaned backwards in his chair, the weight on his chest lifted at hearing you give him the okay. “I love you, I’ll be home as soon as I get my work done.”
“Mhmm, I love you too.”
The second he placed the cellphone down on the desk he let out a shaky sigh. His head fell in his hands and he shook his head, trying to shake his memory of the previous conversation. He felt awful, he really had meant to spend time with you tonight he had just gotten so caught up in his investigation.
Another sigh escaped him before his cheek fell in his hand and he continued to flip through the papers resting in front of him.
Though his mind was no longer able to focus on the work he had yet to get done.
He was panting, legs moving as fast as he possibly could. His frantic breaths escaped his lips in bursts of clouds, the warm air mixing with the freezing cold air around him but he felt as if he was on fire. He had been running for so long, but he had to make it in time. He just had to.
His frantic hands reached into his pocket for his cellphone, desperately trying to find the time.
Damnit, Damnit, Dammit he was late.
He pushed himself even further, trying his absolute hardest to run faster, to push himself to his absolute limits.
And finally he could see the building of the restaurant in his view, getting closer and closer seeming just out of his reach. He practically threw the doors open the second his fingers reached the cool wood and stepped inside. He attempted to steady his breathing and approached the front counter, smile pulling at his face.
“Ah, hello, I’m here to-uh-meet with (Y/N) (Y/L/N), we had a reservation?”
The man was quick to nod and grab a menu from beside him before leading him around the twists and turns until eventually arriving at a table next to one of the windows. He could already see you sitting there, drink in front of you while you texted on your phone. He sat down in the chair across from you, thanking the waiter who set the menu down in front of him before quickly leaving.
You glanced up from the phone in your hand. He could see the inside of your mouth moving, seeming to be holding back in your anger by biting your gums.
“I’m so sorry for being so late! I got caught up in work and-”
“Yeah, yeah I know already.”
He slightly tilted his head in confusion at your harsh tone and you chose to elaborate more. You calmly set the phone in your hands down and sat upwards so that you were almost eye level with him.
“You always give the same excuse when you’re late. ‘You got caught up in work’. I was okay with it the first few times Shu but fuck it’s every single day now! I’m so tired of this shit! You keep giving me all of these promises and you can’t even follow through with them! I understand that you have an important job and you love your job but shit don’t you love me!?”
He didn’t know what to say to you. He figured that you were going to be angry at him, but he wasn’t expecting such an outburst from you. He could see your hands tighten into fists. He could see the way you held back your tears. You were frustrated. So frustrated. You truly understood that his job was important but you were so tired of playing second fiddle to it.
“I’m going home. Eat by yourself.”
You practically threw the chair out from under you as you stood up, tears no freely streaming down your cheeks. You grabbed for your phones and keys and began to walk away, vigorously wiping at your tears.
You were pulled to a stop by your sleeve. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the familiar locks of blue hair getting closer and closer to you until eventually his arms had you completely wrapped up. His hand fell to the top of your head and he spoke just barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about it through your perspective. I’m sorry I’m always late, I’m sorry I always put you second. But I need you to know that I love you so much. I always will. I’m so so so so so sorry.”
He himself wanted to cry. You stood, frozen in his arms until eventually turning yourself so that you could hug him back and bury your face in the crook of his neck. “It’s okay Shu. Just please, promise it won’t happen again.”
He ran his hands through your hair, nuzzling the side of his face with his nose as he nodded. “I promise (Y/N). I love you, so much.”
A satisfied hum escaped your lips before you responded back to his affection. “I love you too Shu.”
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boleyn-falcon · 4 years
Okay y’all remember that post about Maggie and Jane fucking fist fighting every week cause Maggie hates Jane? Yea okay that’s the West End universe
In TOUR however... (current Tour so this is Carly Jane)
Maggie still HATES Jane, BUT, Jane wants to make amends and wants Maggie to be her friend and not see her as a villian. She doesn’t want Maggie to forgive her, she just wants them to be able to get along and understand each other
So she tries her HARDEST to win over Maggie, like, sooo hard
She buys her gifts, tries to make smalltalk, compliments her 24/7, and even takes her to the mall
Buuuut this is how the mall trip goes..
“Why don’t you like me, Margaret?”
“Well First of fucking all, don’t call me that, second of fucking all,you KNOW what you DID.”
“ Well okay yes, I was a bit of a uh,, bitch back then, but!! Just let me try and make up for i-“
And it gets awkward
“Okay Maggie, you’re right. I can’t make up for Anne’s downfall. She meant the world to you, and I took your world away from you, I was borderline evil for that. But, I want to make things right, this is my second chance to not only live, but make up for my past mistakes. Please Maggie, give me a chance, give me a chance to redeem myself for what I did.”
“You don’t even have to forgive me, but I just wanna be able to talk to you like a normal person, I don’t want to seem like the villain in you and Anne’s story again.”
"What can I do to make it up to you?"
"You can chop your head off."
"...Anything else?"
The next day Jane brings in gingerbread cookies that look like her with their heads broken off
“Is this good enough? Or should I add red icing?”
“Jesus fucking Christ”
After awhile of this, Jane buys Maggie 2 tickets to a concert in London, she says that she can take whoever she wants and just go have fun and be safe, but Maggie thinks for a moment
Later that day, she walks up to Jane and hands her the second ticket to the show..
Jane is mentally leaping for joy, but keeps her composure, “Thank you Maggie, this is very kind of you, I can’t wait to join you :))”
“Yeah yeah whatever just meet me at my place tomorrow.. >:/“
Jane is beyond happy she’s finally getting somewhere with her, but she remembers not to push the limits too fast, and that it will take time (as she learned from that one show about that dude who deals with pissed off cats)
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more-miserables · 4 years
I was trying to keep a steady-ish posting schedule but that hasn’t happened. I’m flakey as hell now I don’t have teachers and deadlines. I don’t know if any of you guys still remember or care about my pair of whumpees, but I was randomly inspired tonight. Hope you enjoy this anyway.
Tagging: @albino-whumpee @cubeswhump @liliability
Warnings for dehumanizing language, institutionalized slavery, boxboy universe, implications of past self-harm, implied and obvious abuse, implications of drugging, very brief implication of an eating disorder, panic attacks, lots of messed up stuff, you guys know.
Yates never seemed to get completely better after his illness. He stopped coughing, his fever went away, but he stayed very pale, and Ginger could hear how crackly his breathing was at night. His nerves didn’t seem to recover either. Yates’s hands shook now whenever Stanley gave him a task, and he became clumsy and jumpy, forever dropping things. Stanley stopped being so soft with him and started yelling, which just made things worse. Yates was a bundle of stress.
He cried bitterly every night, cradled in Ginger’s arms. “I’m a failure,” he sobbed. “I keep messing up. I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“It’s not you, it’s never been you. You’re just tired, that’s all it is,” Ginger insisted over and over, but Yates couldn’t seem to hear him.
Seeing Yates looking so pale and miserable all the time made Ginger burn with fury. He didn’t care about the pain in his head now; he was frequently spitting in Ivy and Stanley’s food, arguing back, slamming doors, doing anything he could to draw their attention away from Yates. He was disciplined over and over, in new and creative ways, until he was black and blue all over, but it was worth it to keep Yates safe.
The first time he swore at Ivy he was chained up in the garden all night, completely naked. Ginger drew his bare knees up to his chest and held them tight, shivering. English winter nights could grow cold enough to kill, especially when a person had no protection; maybe that’s what Ivy wanted.
Maybe that’s what Ginger wanted too.
Ginger jumped, his head snapping up off his knees. Yates was standing beside him, pale and anxious, carrying a blanket.
“What’re you doing here? How’d you get out of the room?” Ginger asked.
“Window,” Yates whispered, cuddling up beside Ginger and wrapping the blanket around them both. “I couldn’t just leave you out here. Give me your hands, I’ll warm them.”
“You’ll get into trouble if they catch us,” Ginger said, linking his fingers with Yates’s.
“I couldn’t leave you,” Yates repeated firmly. He clasped Ginger’s freezing hands between his own, rubbing them hard.
Ginger smiled weakly. Maybe he didn’t want to die just yet.
It was hard to hang onto that feeling during the day, even so. Ivy found fault with everything he did now, and Stanley was equally brutal with Yates. Ginger’s headache was constant, but he refused to lie down and take it. He argued, yelled, swore and spat like a wildcat, allowing Yates to creep around relatively unnoticed.
Ivy had taken to standing in the kitchen while Ginger cooked, peering over his shoulder and critiquing every single thing he did, even the most basic things like pouring water. Each correction carried its own insult.
“Stir that syrup, it’s sticking to the bottom of the pan! Are you blind as well as stupid?”
“I thought icing cakes was your speciality? Seems you only specialise in failure.”
“You’re too heavy-handed with that whisking. I don’t know why we ever bought you. You’re such a disappointment.”
Ginger knew Ivy was just trying to wind him up - but it was working. He felt like he was boiling along with the syrup. It was so unfair to be stuck making wonderful desserts for two people who told him he was stupid and useless and disappointing - and he couldn’t even spit in the food with Ivy hovering.
Ginger held his tongue, presenting Ivy with the finished cake. It was baked beautifully despite Ivy’s complaints, with pin-neat icing flowers and swirls, the buttercream smooth as silk. It was perfect - but Ivy sniffed scornfully. She gripped the plate and slowly pushed it off the counter, watching it fall face down on the floor with a depressing splat.
“Make another one,” she commanded, then turned on her heel to walk away.
Ginger felt like someone had ignited a bomb in his chest. He burned all over with rage. Without thinking, he grabbed hold of the egg box, took one out and pelted it with all his force at Ivy. The egg hit her squarely in the back of her head, splattering yolk down her back and in her hair. The force of the blow sent her staggering forward with a scream. She peered over her shoulder, looking bewildered. For a second.
Ivy’s face flushed a deep red, and she rushed at Ginger, gripping fistfuls of his red hair and slamming him against the kitchen counter. “How dare you!” she screamed, shaking him so violently he felt she’d yank out clumps of his scalp too. “I won’t stand for this. You’ll learn if I have to beat you till you piss blood!”
“Get off me!” Ginger yelled back. He tried kicking out at Ivy, but he was weak and undernourished, and Ivy was a big, strong lady. He couldn’t wriggle free.
“Give me your hand!” Ivy commanded. Ginger didn’t, so she took hold of his left wrist herself, dragging him over to the cooker. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget. You’ll be able to look at your hand every day after this and remember what happens to disobedient little pets.”
She swept the dirty saucepans away with a flick of her arm. The hob was still on, glowing bright red with heat. Ginger renewed his efforts to break free, but Ivy hung on grimly, battering him about the head with her free hand.
“Remember this,” she snapped, and pressed Ginger’s palm firmly against the hob.
The scream Ginger let out echoed through the whole house. It was barely human, like the howl of a dying animal in a trap. Ivy held his hand down for a good three seconds, though it felt like a lifetime to Ginger. He arched his fingertips, trying his hardest to escape the blinding heat, but Ivy had her hand pressing down on the back of his own, so Ginger’s palm couldn’t be spared.
When she finally let him go, Ginger collapsed in a heap on the floor, whimpering. He cradled the burned hand to his chest. It was bright red and already starting to blister. The kitchen was filled with a sickly sweet, burning smell, and he gulped in horror when he realised he was smelling his own cooked flesh. He couldn’t stop the tears this time, though he hated Ivy seeing how much she’d hurt him.
Ivy laughed heartlessly. “I told you so,” she said. She crouched down in front of him, her voice soft, menacing. “You’ll never win. You’ll learn to do as you’re told if it kills me - or if it kills you.” Then she stalked out the room, leaving Ginger sobbing on the floor.
Yates was horrified when he saw Ginger’s hand that night. He’d heard the scream, but Stanley hadn’t allowed him to go investigate. Ginger told him the whole story, whispering because his crying had left his voice raw and painful. He couldn’t remember how long he’d cried; it must’ve been hours. His hand was still so painful he couldn’t move it. His fingertips were mostly spared, though they were raw and red, but his palm was screaming and covered all over with throbbing blisters. He couldn’t even make a fist anymore.
“Ivy did this?” Ginger had never seen Yates look so angry. “That’s horrible! Oh, you must be hurting so badly. How could she?” He took hold of Ginger’s hand. “You poor thing... Here, I’ll help you. I’ll fix it.”
They sat up well into the night while Yates cleaned, treated and bandaged Ginger’s palm as best he could with the limited supplies. He didn’t have anything stronger than pharmacy painkillers and it barely touched Ginger’s agony. Before the burn was even properly dressed, Ginger had been begging Yates to stop for almost an hour. He was howling again, light-headed with pain.
“Stop, stop, please...” he moaned.
“I’m almost done, I promise,” Yates whispered. He saw Ginger starting to wobble and quickly pulled him close, right onto his own lap. Ginger was bigger and heavier so Yates must’ve been very squashed, but he didn’t complain. “Put your head on my shoulder. I don’t want you fainting. Your eyes keep losing focus.”
Ginger let his head fall on Yates’s shoulder with a thump, biting his shirt hard when the treatment continued and the pain returned with a vengeance. He managed not to faint, but the agony combined with his sobbing made him retch. He thumped Yates’s shoulder weakly with his good hand. “Le’ me up,” he gasped. “‘M gonna puke.”
“No, you stay there,” Yates said firmly. “I don’t care if you’re sick. Do whatever you need to. Vomit, bite my shirt, bite me if you need to. It’s alright.”
So Ginger stayed, and when he did bring up bile and spit all down Yates’s back and across their mattress, Yates didn’t even flinch. Ginger felt a soft hand rubbing up and down his back, a gentle voice shushing him when he groaned.
“I know, I’m sorry, but we need to make sure it’s treated properly,” Yates said, his own face crumpling whenever Ginger whimpered. “I’ll change your bandages every day, but it’s going to take a while before this heals. How’re you going to do any cooking and cleaning?”
“I’ll have to, won’t I?” Ginger sighed wearily. “Never mind that now. I don’t even care about the mess. Let’s just get some sleep, please.”
The next day was exceptionally difficult for Ginger. He supposed that was what Ivy had wanted. His bandages were cumbersome and clumsy, and the pain was still so terrible he couldn’t put any weight on the afflicted hand. Ivy made sure to give him every possible job that required two hands, eventually resorting to ordering him to move heavy furniture across the room and back with no real purpose other than to cause him pain. Several times Ginger’s knees buckled from the agony, his vision becoming dark and fuzzy at the edges, but Ivy’s shrill voice would always drag him back to reality. He vomited again three times before noon.
Ivy elbowed Ginger out of the way when he prepared Stanley’s lunch tray, piling it with half a dozen plates, cups, cutlery, even a teapot. She smirked, handing it to Ginger. “Be careful, it’s heavy!” she said in a falsely bright voice. “Hold it with both hands.”
Ginger couldn’t. It wasn’t even about defiance anymore, he really truly couldn’t. He was almost sobbing with the pain already, shifting the majority of the tray’s weight to his right hand. He couldn’t take this anymore. He wanted to run far away, across fields and over pavements and through cities. He wanted to lock himself away with Yates and never see another person again. He wanted to cut his own hand off to stop the pain. He wanted so many things and none of them were allowed.
Stanley’s door was closed. Ginger tried nudging it with his foot, but it didn’t budge. He didn’t know how he was supposed to get the door open with just one working hand. He knocked, but Stanley just barked at him to come in already and stop hovering outside. Ginger sighed, juggling the tray and trying to hold it just for a second with his left hand as he grasped for the door handle with his right.
Sharp pain surged all the way up his left arm in an instant. He stumbled through the doorway with a yelp, dropping the tray with a terrible clatter. Food splashed all across the linoleum and crockery shattered into shards of glass like glittering stars. Stanley and Yates gawped as Ginger landed on his knees on the bedroom floor, crouched in the midst of the mess.
“You stupid, clumsy idiot!” Stanley roared, his face flushing scarlet. He grabbed his walking stick and raised it to swing.
“Oh please, sir! It’s not Ginger’s fault,” Yates gasped frantically. “He’s hurt his hand, sir. He shouldn’t really be working at all. Please don’t hit him! He’s being so brave and-”
“Shut up, will you! You’re getting far too mouthy. Ginger’s a bad influence. You shouldn’t question me, boy.” Stanley paused, walking stick still raised like he was about to conduct an orchestra. He suddenly smirked, holding it out to Yates. “Okay. I won’t hit him.”
Yates took the stick gingerly. “R-really, sir?”
“Am I not a man of my word? You, Ginger!” he barked.
Ginger raised his head, glaring through his curtain of red hair.
“Hold out your hand!”
Ginger did as he was told.
“No, not your right hand. The one with the wound,” Stanley said, still smiling. Ginger did so, far more reluctantly. Stanley turned to Yates. “I won’t hit him. So you’ll have to do it for me. That’s what you’ve been trained to do, correct? So whack him six times on that hand with my walking stick. And don’t you dare hold back or I’ll double the punishment.”
Yates stared at Stanley, mouth gaping. “But... but he’s so badly hurt, sir.”
“That’s no concern of mine. Get to it.” He paused. “At once!”
Yates glanced at Ginger, helpless and terrified. Ginger tried to smile at him. It’s okay, he mouthed. He wanted to comfort him, but Yates’s eyes filled with tears - bad tears, that’s what they’d been taught. He’d never seen Yates cry properly.
“No,” Yates said quietly, his voice wobbling. He put the stick back in its usual place by Stanley’s bed.
“What?” Stanley snapped. “What’re you waiting for? Do as you’re told, boy!”
“I won’t,” Yates said. He blinked, and two fat tears ran down his face. “I’m not going to hit him, especially when he’s hurt.”
Stanley trembled with rage. He grabbed his stick and aimed a swipe at Yates instead, and Ginger hurried to his feet to drag Yates out of reach. Stanley shakily swung his legs out of bed, leaning heavily on the stick, practically frothing at the mouth.
“You disobedient little swine!” he yelled, pointing mutinously at Yates. “You’re more loyal to him than me, the man who feeds and clothes you and lets you live under his roof. All Ginger ever does is hold you back! How dare you! You’re not to answer to Yates any longer. I don’t want you attached to my name. You’re not worthy of it. You’re nothing.”
Yates was sobbing in earnest. “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t hurt Ginger like that. I’m still loyal, I promise, I can still be Yates, I-”
“Shut up!” Stanley screamed. He turned to Ginger, crimson in the face and breathing heavily. “And you! You were a mistake right from the start. You’re the cause of all this!”
“What the hell is going on up here? What’s all the noise?” Ivy demanded, rushing into the crowded bedroom too. “Oh for God’s sake, look at the mess on the floor! And what’s your idiot blubbering about, Stanley?”
Stanley wasn’t listening. “Get him out of here!” he boomed, pointing at Ginger. He sounded so fierce that Ivy did as she was told at once, grabbing a fistful of Ginger’s hair and yanking him out the door.
“You just wait!” Stanley continued, staggering out into the hall and yelling down the stairs as Ivy pulled Ginger away. He was exceptionally wobbly without his wheelchair, supporting himself on his stick and the wall. “I’ll turn you out of my house without a care. You’ll die like a dog in the gutter, you’ll see. I won’t have you two together anymore. You’re getting in the way of Yates’s work. You need to be separated!” He wavered precariously, eyes wild.
Ginger felt sudden panic, raw and sharp. “You can’t split us up! We’re a pair!” he yelled.
“I can do whatever I want with you. You’re mine,” Stanley said triumphantly. “And you’ll do as I say, and be out of here by-“
Stanley was cut off by a sudden cacophony of bumps and thumps, then eerie, still silence. Ivy, almost back at the kitchen with Ginger in tow, quickly hauled him back to the bottom of the stairs.
They stopped short. Stanley was lying crumpled in a heap on the floor, one leg bent at an unnatural angle, head twisted uncomfortably and staring at the ceiling. There were shallow, rasping gasps coming from low in his chest. His eyes swivelled round frantically, the only part of his body still able to move freely.
Ivy started screaming. Ginger’s mouth fell open, but he didn’t make a sound. He looked up - and saw Yates standing there at the top of the stairs, face ghostly pale, eyes wide, outstretched arms shaking, like he couldn’t believe what he’d just done.
There wasn’t time to think. They couldn’t let Ivy recover from the shock. Ginger dashed up the stairs, grabbed hold of Yates and rushed him down past Stanley’s crumpled body, along the corridor and out the door. They ran like rats despite the hard pavement cutting their bare feet. They ran even though they had no idea where to go next.
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