#try to speak but nobody can hear (ooc about)
forthewinn · 5 months
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y'all know I love me some pintrest musings so here's the ones I relate to cause it's my blog and I do what I want. Happy not Munday
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cozage · 1 year
Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law, and Ace with fem S/O with healing water powers. The catch is that whenever she uses those powers, she feels pain from the wounds she’s healing. And this isn’t a Devil Fruit ability. It’s sorta like water bending from Avatar.
A/N: I really debated on how to lay this one out, but I chose to have them find out about her power. If anyone wants a head canon follow up on how they act now that they know, send me an ask :) I maybe made this a bit too long, but those soft moments with each of these boys are my WEAKNESS. (Law may seem a little OOC but I truly believe that man gets tunnel vision when he sees you in pain)
Characters: F! reader x Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace
Cw: blood, pain, injuries, angst, all those fun things. Sanji’s contains slight spoilers for WCI
Total word count: 6.3k
The Pain of Healing
Word count: 1.2k
“It’s only five more minutes until my Haki returns.” Luffy says between pants, trying to catch his breath. 
“Then I have five minutes to help you. Sit down.” 
Luffy collapsed onto the ground at your command, and you examined his body as he slept. It didn’t look good. His body was riddled with scrapes, scratches, bruises, and he was bleeding out from his side. Several minor injuries could be more painful than large ones, but Luffy had a mix of both. The best thing to do would be to focus on the large ones first, and if you have energy left, fix the small stuff as well. 
You guided water out of your flask and started with the hole in his side. You were used to the pain that came with healing by now, but it still made you flinch every time you started. You had to grind your teeth together to keep from crying out, not wanting to wake Luffy. He needed rest, and you didn’t want him to see the repercussions of your decision to help heal him anyway. 
After five minutes, you’ve taken all of the major injuries away from his body, and you managed to take a few small ones away from him as well. You wipe the tears from your eyes before you shake him awake. 
“It’s time, Luffy. Wake up.” You put on the biggest fake smile you can muster before his eyes flick open. 
“Aw man, that was the best nap in my entire life! I feel amazing!” You stay seated as he stands up, your body too riddled with pain to move. 
“Go get them, Captain!” It hurts to even speak, but Luffy’s already up stretching, too hyped up to notice your exhaustion.
“Thanks for whatever you did to make me feel so great! Leave the rest to me!” Luffy calls back, bounding off to finish the fight. 
Once he’s out of sight, you fold your head into your hands and weep. The pain was immeasurable, and every time you helped Luffy recover, you don’t understand how he’s still alive. You sit there for a long time, crying until there are no tears left. And then you hear cheers from the village nearby, signifying Luffy has won and your work paid off. Knowing that you helped him win makes you feel a little better, and you need to see everyone again. 
You stand up, ready to go meet the rest of the crew, but your body seems to disagree with your movement. Your legs shake, and when you go to take a step, you can feel your body collapsing, falling to the ground. You brace for the impact of your worn body against the solid ground, too tired to do anything else.
It doesn’t come, though. Someone catches you as you stumble forward. Strong arms wrap around your back and your legs, scooping you up and pressing you into his bare chest. Zoro. 
“Easy.” His expression is stone as he stares at you, but you can see worry underneath. “You gonna tell me what the hell you just did to Luffy?” 
You avert your eyes from his gaze, running the tip of your finger along the scar on his chest. “I healed him.”
You can feel his body tense with your words. “That didn’t look like healing to me. And since when do you have a Devil fruit power anyway?”
You bite your lip nervously. Nobody had caught you healing someone before. It wasn’t something you flaunted, or even something you told people about. “It’s not a devil fruit power.”
“Woman, if you don’t tell me-” he breaks off mid sentence, and you look around for any sign of danger. But there’s nobody around besides the two of you. You risk a glance up at him, and you see his face is pained as he stares down at you with a form of understanding. “You took his pain from him, didn’t you?”
Your mouth falls open from shock. You’re not sure how Zoro was able to guess something so accurate after seeing your power one time. You nod, confirming his suspicions. “He’s got an incredibly high threshold for pain tolerance.” 
“How are you still alive?” Zoro shakes you a little when he asks the question, which causes you to groan in pain. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll be more gentle. Do you want to sit? Stand?”
The thought of being upright makes you dizzy. “Can you just keep holding me for now?”
He nods, and returns to questioning you about your mysterious power instead. “Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Yeah.” It hurt to talk honestly, but you didn’t want to tell Zoro that. 
“How often have you been doing this?”
“Only like three or four times for Luffy, I think.” You're certain it’s been more than that, but you can’t tell Zoro that right now. 
“Three or four times?? For Luffy?” You can feel him trying to figure out the meaning behind your cryptic words. 
“There’s been a few other people I’ve done it for too.”
“Have you done it for me?” He's scowling at you, like he already knows the answer you’re going to give and he's waiting to scold you for it. 
“Maybe once or twice,” you lie, and you feel your cheeks burning. He squints at you, and you know you’ve been caught in the lie. But he says nothing, he just readjusts you in his arms to hold you closer. 
He had been walking for a few minutes, and you had almost fallen asleep. He had managed to keep you mostly still while he walked through the destroyed city, and you were too tired to care if he was lost or not. “It’s a neat power,” he finally comments. “You gonna tell me more about it? Or do I need to keep asking questions?”
“Can I tell you later?” You mumble into his chest. Between the safety of Zoro’s arms, the warmth of the sun on your face, and the exhaustion that’s set in from all that pain, it's hard for you to stay conscious. 
Zoro doesn’t say anything for a few moments, and you struggle to stay awake while you wait for an answer. He was never one for mindless chit chat, but you could tell that something was on his mind, so you decide to indulge him.
“It’s not a devil fruit. I was born with it,” You start, and you feel a heavy weight lift off your shoulders with those few words.  You’re so relieved that you can finally tell someone about your secret now. “I was never supposed to let anyone see it being used. If the World Government knew…” You trail off, thinking of how the Navy would turn you into a weapon. You shutter at the thought, and continue on in your explanation. 
“The power isn’t perfect, though. I feel the pain of whoever or whatever I heal. It’s not permanent, but if it’s too much for my body to handle at the moment, I might die. I’m really not sure, I’ve never tried to heal a fatal wound before.”
Zoro is looking off into the distance with a faraway look in his eye. “Just like Kuma.”
“Back on Thriller Bark we met a Marine named Kuma,” Zoro begins to explain, and you focus all your energy into listening to him. “He took all of Luffy’s pain and told me if we wanted to save Luffy, I had to take his pain upon myself. It was just after his big battle with the warlord Moria, and the pain…” he trailed off, and you knew he was reliving the moment in his mind. 
“Does he know about your sacrifice?” 
Your question brings him back to reality, and he looks down at you. He chuckles at your question, and bends over to kiss your forehead. “Does he know about yours?”
Some light spoilers for WCI arc
Word Count: 1.2k
You didn’t realize that your ability was keeping Sanji up at night. 
Anytime he had a cut, or a burn, or any other kind of injury, you waited for him to doze off before you pulled out some water and healed his hands. The injuries were never serious, and after a few times, you barely noticed the pain. 
You didn’t mind, and you knew how much your boyfriend valued his hands. It was your silent act of love to him, something you wanted to give him but could never tell him about. One morning after you healed a bad burn, you found him sitting up in bed, staring at his hands. 
“Is something wrong, Sanji dear?”
The cook was examining his hands thoroughly, flipping them over again and again. “I could’ve sworn I had a burn here yesterday.”
Your cheeks tinted at the thought of being found out. “Oh, well maybe you just have superhuman healing powers!” You laugh it off, trying your best to act natural. 
“Yeah, maybe…” You could tell something was bothering him, but he didn't say anything further. 
You caught him staring at his hands throughout the day, as if he was waiting for a bomb to explode. At dinner you noticed a particularly bad cut on the topside of his hand - a cut he must’ve gotten while chopping vegetables - and you made a note to heal it that night. 
He stayed awake later than usual that night, and he seemed more wound up with anxiety than normal. You peppered his face with a few kisses, trying to get him to relax some. 
“Sanji, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” He sighed, pulling you into his chest and laying down to finally get some sleep. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
He fell asleep quickly with you pressed into him. His slow, even breaths signified he was finally unconscious, and you pulled out some water to cover his wound. It stung you a bit as his flesh stitched back together, and you let out a low hiss in pain, and you froze as Sanji stirred slightly in his sleep. This wound was deeper than his normal cuts and burns; he must’ve been really distracted when he hurt himself. He wasn’t usually so careless around knives, but you knew whatever was bothering him would be revealed when he was ready to talk to you about it.  
With his wound healed and Sanji’s breath returning to normal, you curled back into place against him, and fell deep into sleep.
You woke to a string of curses falling out of Sanji’s mouth, his body tight and tense against yours. 
“Hm? Sanji?” You rub the sleep from your eyes and open them to find him staring at his hands again. “Sanji, what’s wrong?”
“That’s impossible,” he mumbled, speaking mostly to himself. He looks panicked, staring down at the place where his cut was yesterday. “That’s not humanly possible.”
You feign innocence as you have in the past, but you can’t ignore the nervous look in his eyes. “What is it, Ji?”
“I had a cut here yesterday. It was deep.” His breathing quickened, and you could see that he was scared for some reason. “It couldn’t have healed overnight. It’s not…It can’t be…”
“I’m sure it’s just-”
“You don’t understand.” He cuts you off mid-sentence, something he’s never done before, and it takes you aback. He gets out of bed abruptly, his eyes never leaving his hand.
“I need to go. I need to get out of here.” He’s pacing the room now, his stress overflowing into the space between you. 
“Go where? Sanji, calm down. Talk to me-”
“I can’t be here! I can’t endanger you! Or anyone else, for that matter!” His face is contorted with such pain you’ve never seen before. You don’t know what’s going on with your boyfriend, but his reaction to such a small cut is starting to scare you.
You jump out of bed and stride over to him. When you reach him, you clasp his face between your hands, forcing his eyes away from his hands and up to your eyes. His eyes are wide with pure fear, and his breathing is rapid and shallow. You can feel his body shaking as you hold him. 
“Sanji.” You push down your own fear and speak to him in a soothing tone, trying to bring him back to you. “Talk to me.”
“I’m a monster, Y/N.” Tears fill his eyes, threatening to spill out as he speaks. “If my body is regenerating like this…I’m a threat to you all.”
“You’re not,” You whisper. “You’re not a monster, Sanji.” You stand on your tiptoes to try and kiss the space between his eyes, but he pulls away from you.
“You don’t know.” He backs away from you, fear returning to his eyes again. “I am a monster. And now that I’m-”
It’s your turn to cut him off now. “I healed you, Sanji.”
His brows furled in confusion, but his eyes looked less panicked now. “Wha..?”
“I have this power,” you explain. You walk back to the bedside table, gathering some water from a cup and suspending it in the air. “I can heal people with water. I’ve been healing your small injuries for a while now. I wanted to make your life easier, I swear. I’m sorry I kept it from you. I just…I wanted to help.”
You see him relax the more you explain your powers, which was not the reaction you were expecting. He watches you move the water through the air, and tears finally flow from his eyes. 
“Y/N-chan,” he sobs, running over to you, embracing you in a hug. He’s holding you tight, smothering you into his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did you hide it?”
Your face burns against him, embarrassed that you had kept it from him for so long. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone, and I knew you wouldn’t want me hurting myself for you, but-”
“Hang on.” He pulls back from you, peering down at your face with a frown of concern. “You’re being hurt?”
“Just when I heal people,” you rush to explain, seeing his frown deepen. “I just feel the pain of the injuries I’m healing, it’s no big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” he corrects, staring at you disapprovingly. “Promise me you won’t do it anymore.”
“Promise, Y/N.”
“No! Let me do this for you!” You’re pouting now, but you know Sanji won’t cave on this matter. You know he can’t let you hurt yourself at his expense. 
“I appreciate that you want to help,” he says sternly. You can hear the love in his voice as he speaks, and you know you’ll have to agree to his request.  “But there are other ways for you to help me without hurting yourself. Please-”
“Fine. Promise.” You give him a fake pout, but when he pulls you back into his chest and holds you tightly, you melt into him. “Are you sure you’re okay, Ji? You seemed scared earlier.”
“I’m fine, really.” He rests his chin on the top of your head, drawing in a long breath before he says more. “I just thought my past was coming back to haunt me again, that’s all.”
You all stand there for a long while, just enjoying eachothers closeness. You only break apart when you hear Luffy screaming for breakfast, and you give him one last kiss on each of his hands before you let him go. 
Word Count: 1.1k
“Stay still, idiot.” You held Luffy down, looking at his wound in his foot. 
“I can’t! It hurrrtttssss!” 
“That’s what you get for wearing sandals in the jungle!” You could tell from the way the stick speared through his foot, Luffy wouldn’t be able to walk easily, and you still had another half mile before you made it back to the ship. 
You knew you weren’t supposed to heal people while they were conscious, but this was Luffy. He was the love of your life, and the Strawhats were your only family. If you couldn’t trust them, you deserved to be locked up anyway. 
You sighed, pulling water out of your flask in soft, flowing movements. Luffy was still writhing in pain on the ground, overdramatic in his reaction to his current impalement. It was possible that you might be able to heal him without him even realizing it. 
You surrounded his foot with an orb of water, and imagined the wound being stitched together, just like your mother had taught you. You saw his rubbery skin begin to mend together, and braced yourself for what came next. 
Your grip on Luffy’s ankle tightened when the pain came. It was sharp and fast, and it took the breath out of your lungs. You squeezed your eyes shut, but kept your focus on the wound and the pain that came with it. 
“Wooooahhhh!” You could hear Luffy’s sigh of amazement, and you knew he had caught you healing his wound. “That’s so cool! The hole is just closing up!!”
You didn’t speak, afraid that your voice would betray you. The last thing you wanted Luffy to know was that you were in pain because of the healing process. You could hear him freaking out about how cool it was that his injury was healing before his own eyes, but you did your best to ignore him and focus on the healing process. You kept your eyes closed the entire time, using the level of pain to guide how much longer you had to fix his injury. Finally, the pain dulled, and then disappeared. You dropped his foot and opened your eyes again, trying to ignore the lingering effects that your body was dealing with. 
Luffy was examining his foot closely, looking at it from all angles to see if there was any damage. He stood up, putting all of his weight back on his foot, and jumped up and down a few times. 
“It’s like brand new!” He shouted with glee. He came over to you and wrapped you in a hug. “You’re the best, Y/N!”
Over the next few weeks, Luffy offered up your services to others throughout the ship. You knew that Luffy was incapable of keeping secrets, and you had never explicitly asked him to keep that information to himself. You never minded healing your family though, and the injuries were always minor. Luffy sent Ussop to you when he got a burn on his hand, and Franky when he got a bad cut on his face. Chopper sent Zoro when he had a sprained wrist. It wasn’t until Nami came to you with a nasty cut on her shoulder that the secret of your healing was revealed. 
You smiled when she asked, and pulled water out to start the healing process. You coated the wound in a bubble of water, and clenched your jaw to prepare for the worst. 
You were aware of Nami’s eyes watching you. Everyone else watched their own wound magically heal, but her eyes remained on your face, watching for any signs of discomfort on your end. You had a feeling that she was suspicious of your powers already. She had been the most interested member of the crew from the start, asking about the stipulations and origins of your power from the moment she had found out about it. 
You kept your eyes on the gash, trying your best to mentally steel yourself for the pain that would come. You knew it wouldn’t be easy to hide the pain, but you were determined to make it look natural. When the feeling of pain ripped through your shoulder to match her wound, you gritted your teeth and kept your smile, but you could feel your muscles involuntarily twitch. 
If Nami noticed, she said nothing. When you finished, you looked back up at her and let out a shaky breath, smiling. She eyed you suspiciously, but thanked you politely and left you alone. Once the door swung shut, you collapsed back onto the couch you were on, desperately needing a nap after that performance. 
Luffy was awoken by a smack on the head. 
“What?” He asked groggily. “Are we at the next island?”
“Are you some kind of sadist,” the tangerine-haired girl scolded, shaking her finger at him. “Or are you just a moron?”
“What are you talking about, Nami?”
Nami rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, staring daggers down at Luffy. “Y/N’s power.”
Luffy rubbed his head, wondering if you could fix headaches. “What about it?”
“She feels pain when she heals people, you idiot. She probably feels whatever pain she’s healing.”
Luffy’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that she just healed my shoulder. And she was in some serious pain while she was doing it. She hides it well, but I could tell she was hurting.”
Luffy bit his lip, trying to think back to when you had healed him in the forest. But he had been so amazed at watching his own wound heal, he hadn’t noticed your reaction while you were doing it. 
“She seemed kind of tired after mine, but that’s it. I felt great though, so I carried her back to the ship!”
“So you are just a moron!” Nami punched him again. “No more free healing! Stop taking advantage of her!”
You woke up from your nap to rubber arms wrapped around you and Luffy’s round eyes staring at you intensely.
“Good morning,” you groan, trying to pull away from him to stretch. 
He let you go enough to stretch out, but kept a tight grip on you. “Does it hurt?”
You freeze mid-stretch, silently cursing Nami for her hyper awareness. “It just makes me tired.”
“You’re lying.” He knows you so well. You move your fingers up to his hair, twirling his locks around your index finger.
“Yeah,” you sigh the word out. You’re painfully aware of his gaze, transfixed on your face.
 “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because Luffy, it’s not that bad.” Your eyes move back to his finally, and you can see the hurt and confusion that is held within them. “And I like doing what I can to help my family.”
He nods, accepting that answer, and snuggles up into your chest, holding you tightly against him. You let him lay there for a while, twirling his soft strands of hair around in your fingers. There are few quiet moments between you and Luffy, and you cherish every moment you can get like this.
“Nami said no more free healings, by the way.”
You laugh and give his forehead a quick kiss. “Guess I’ll have to charge you double.”
Word Count: 1.2k
Law’s breath was ragged as you pressed into his stomach wound. Blood coated your hands as you tried to stop the bleeding, but it didn’t seem to be working very well. 
“I just need to...” Law coughed, and you could see red staining his lips. A small blue orb began to form in his palm, but it flickered out quickly. He was too weak to use his devil fruit powers.
“Fuck.” You repeated. There was only one thing you could do now. It meant exposing your secret and showing your captain your biggest weakness, but you’d do anything to save him. 
You pulled away from his wound, and let your hands guide water from your flask, maneuvering it through the air. “Don’t freak out,” you say, and you cover the wound in water. You let it sit for a moment, and then begin imagining the wound healing. 
It started as a dull, throbbing pain in your stomach. You began to think you were getting used to the pain, but then it began to grow, turning sharp and stabbing. You flinched at the sudden change in pain, but held your focus. 
Law watched you work for a few moments with wide eyes, unsure what was happening or what he could do. You wanted to scream from the pain that was growing rapidly, but you held your tongue, hoping he didn’t notice your facial expressions contorting into pain. Tears filled your eyes, and you finally felt Law move into action, his hand gripping around your wrists. 
“Stop,” he demanded, trying to push your arms away from his wound. You ignore his demand, keeping your arms locked against him, continuing the healing process at your expense. 
“Stop! Y/N-ya, Stop it!” His voice rose in pitch, and you could tell he sensed your pain. His efforts to push you away are getting stronger, proof that his energy is returning to him. You feel relieved in the fact that he is healing, even if it is exhausting you in the process. 
He finally succeeds in pushing you off him, and you fall backwards to the ground and lay there, dazed and stunned from your work. He quickly straddles you and pins your arms to the ground to ensure you’ve fully stopped whatever you had started doing to him. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Law stares down at you, angry and scared of what you’ve done. 
You know his rage is out of fear, and you give him a small smile, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. “You okay now?”
He stares at you, baffled at your question. He has energy now, and his wound in his stomach is almost completely healed. He knows it’s due to you, but he doesn’t know how you’ve managed to heal him so quickly. Fear. Betrayal. Anger. So many emotions run through him all at once. He has so many questions that he doesn’t know where to start. 
He tightens his grip around your wrists, keeping you pinned down. “Explain.”
“It’s a power I was born with,” you say, closing your heavy eyes. “I can heal other people’s injuries through water.”
Law watches you carefully, certain that you’re hiding something. He squeezes your wrists tighter until you finally open your eyes again, looking anywhere but at him. 
You can’t make eye contact with him or you know you’ll tell him everything. You can’t afford for him to know your secret, it was bad enough that he knew this much. 
“You were in pain.” He says it as a statement, not a question.
You squirm from underneath him, trying to get free, but his grip doesn’t let up. He’s determined to get to the bottom of what you just did. He needs to protect you. He needs to keep you safe from all harm, even if that means protecting you from yourself. 
“Let go.” You say, still trying to get free. His grip is starting to become painful, and you try to pull your arms away from him again. “You’re hurting me, Law. Let go.”
His eyes stare down at you, unmoving from his current position. The more you squirm, the tighter his grip gets, and you know he won’t let go until he has an answer. “Y/n-ya, why were you in pain?”
“It’s a side effect!” You cry out in frustration, finally giving in. You suspect he knew the moment he saw it. “I feel the person’s pain as I heal them.”
In his shock, Law’s hands loosen their grip, and you finally pull free from him. You try to turn away from him, but he’s still sitting on your stomach, and you don’t have enough energy to push him off. You rub at your wrists, trying to get the sting from his grip out of your body.
Law is frozen, staring down at you with wide eyes. He grits his teeth, watching you massage your wrists. “I’m sorry,” he says, reaching for your hands again, more gentle this time. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
You let him grab one of your hands, and he begins massaging your wrists gently, whispering apologies to you. You close your eyes and try to forget that you’ve broken your number one rule about your power: telling other people. You focus on his wrist massage for a while, his own way to apologize for his outburst.
“Why did you save me?”
You sigh, opening your eyes again. This time, you meet his gold eyes, radiant against the sunlight. “You never want anyone to save you, Captain.”
“It’s my job as a ca-”
“I saved you because I love you, you idiot.”
You can see Law’s eyes twitch in surprise; his hands freeze against your wrist. 
“You don’t get to decide what sacrifices I make for you,” you continue. “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do to save you. That’s my decision. You’ve made many sacrifices for me, some extremely painful ones. Remember the incident at Low Sand Creek?”
Law doesn’t respond, but he slowly starts to massage your wrists again, which you take as a sign to keep talking. 
“I don’t get to criticize your decisions on sacrifice. And you don’t get to criticize mine either. I love you, and I know you love me. Do I want you to risk your life for me? No. But that’s just something I have to live with. And so do you. Okay?”
Your captain says nothing, and you can tell he’s sulking over your lecture. It wasn’t uncommon for you to have to do this with him. Law was one of the smartest people you knew, but relationships weren’t really his strong suit. It resulted in you having to do a lot of explaining and voicing your needs.
“Law, do you understand?” You insist, needing to stand your ground. He had a tendency of not responding when he didn’t agree with something.  
He huffs out an irritated breath. “Okay.”
You scrunch your face at him, shooting him a semi-fake glare. 
“I understand, okay?!”
You twisted your hand to intertwine with his, and grabbed his other hand with your free one so that both of his hands were now holding each of yours. You locked eyes with him, and you could see there was something else there, something that was bothering him. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
He was quiet for a moment, as if he were working up the courage to admit whatever he was feeling. His eyes moved away from your gaze and focused on one of his hands instead, still intertwined with yours. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice comes out slightly choked, and you realize that you had forgotten to explain the most important part to him. 
Your cheeks redden, embarrassed at your oversight. His eyes snapped back to yours, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact.  
“It’s… I was told to never tell anyone about it. Or let someone else see it.”
You can feel him staring at you, his eyes willing you to look at him, but you refuse. He waits patiently, and you know he’s asking you a silent question: Don’t you trust me?
“I trust you, I just…” Neither you or Law had really talked about your past much. You preferred to live for the now, for the future. The past was just too painful to think about. “People died protecting that secret. I didn’t want to add more names to that list.”
Law gave a dark chuckle at your response. “And after all that preaching about not deciding who gets to make sacrifices.”
Now it’s your turn to sulk. “That is not-“
He cuts you off, pulling you up to meet him, and his lips collide with yours. 
He pulls back briefly, basking in your beauty. “No more secrets. Promise?”
Word Count: 1.5k
Ace wasn’t used to being hit, and when someone made contact with him, it hurt. He grimaced as he limped from battle, blood dripping down his leg from the giant puncture wound in his thigh. You had your arm around him, helping him run, but his injury was slowing you both down, and the enemy was closing in quickly.
“Sit,” you commanded. “Let me help.”
“I just need to get back to Marco, he can help.” His breathing was labored, and you knew he was expending too much energy just speaking to you. 
“I can heal too.” You helped him sit down, and you could feel his eyes staring at you, trying to understand your cryptic words. You chose to ignore him for now, and examined the wound. It was deep, but manageable. You braced yourself, and summoned some water out of your flask, covered his wound, and focused on stitching it back together. 
Pain ripped through you, and you had to bite your lip to keep yourself focused. It wasn’t the worst pain you had felt, but the wound was deeper than you had initially thought, and you could feel your muscles tearing apart, just like Ace’s had when he was cut. You knew that it was just a phantom pain, no actual bodily harm was being done to you, but it was still pain nonetheless. 
You could feel tears pooling at the corner of your eyes, but you refused to stop until the job was done. You watched his muscle stitch back together, and when it was finally completely healed, you sat back and closed your eyes, exhausted and riddled with aches. 
When you opened your eyes again, you could see Ace in front of you, you could feel him shaking you violently. He was screaming something, but you couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying over the loud ringing in your ears. Slowly, your hearing returned, and you realized he was screaming your name. 
“Ace.” Your words were slow. You were still trying to come out of the fog of pain that always came with healing. “Stop shaking me.”
He finally stopped, but his hands were still tightly gripping your shoulders. He was staring at you in terror, fear spread across his face. 
“What were you doing?” His voice was loud and piercing, causing you to flinch. “How did you…What do…Where did…” He struggled to find the right words, and you stared at him with still-glazed eyes while he tried to form a sentence. You were struggling to refocus after the pain, and were thankful that Ace was tongue-tied for the moment. 
Ace took a breath, finally able to form a sentence. “I didn’t know you had a devil fruit power.”
“I don’t.” Normally you let people believe whatever they wanted in order to guard your secret, but this was Ace. If you couldn’t trust him, you couldn’t trust anyone. “It’s just an ability I was born with. I can heal people with water.”
Ace’s facial expressions had always been easy to read. Even in your dazed state, you watched as his concern turned to shock and then to confusion. You waited for the inevitable question to come, and it did. “If you’ve had this power, why haven’t you used it more often?” 
“I…” you hesitate. You didn’t want to tell him the weakness of your ability. Not because you didn’t trust him, but because you did. You knew that if Ace discovered the trade off of your powers, he would never want you to suffer for him or anyone else. 
You had told Marco about your power when you joined the crew, and the doctor had forbid you using your ability except in dire circumstances. Marco trusted you to make judgment calls on what you could handle, but you didn’t think Ace would feel the same way. 
You could hear the enemy's battle cries getting closer, and you take the opportunity to avoid the question. “Let’s go. We need to get back to the ship.”
Ace stands, and you follow to do the same. You take a bit longer to get to your feet, still light-headed from the trade off of healing Ace. His attention has shifted to the enemy pursuing you now, and thankfully he doesn’t seem to notice your sluggish movements. 
Ace’s fist becomes engulfed with flames, and he stands between the enemy and you. “Go back to the ship, I’ll hold them off.” 
“Idiot! That’s what got us here in the first place!” 
“Yeah,” He smirked back at you like the devilish fiend you knew he was. “But this time I won’t lose.”
You can feel your knees start to go weak, but you’re not sure if it’s from exhaustion or from the man in front of you. You hate to leave him, but you know you’ll only be a liability in this fight. With Ace’s energy replenished and the ability to fight in an open space, he’d finish off the enemy easily now. 
“You better not die.” Your words hang in the air, and you take off towards the Moby Dick. 
As soon as you got aboard the ship, you went straight to your room. You didn’t bother giving a report. Ace would do that when he returned. Sleep was what you needed now. 
You woke with arms wrapped around you tightly, and the warm body of Portgas D. Ace pressed against your back. You weren’t sure how long you had slept, but there was no longer any light coming in through the porthole in your room. You shifted, trying to get out of Ace’s grasp without waking up, but his strong arms tightened against you when you moved, keeping you close to him. 
For a long while you laid in the silence, unsure if Ace was asleep or awake. He wasn’t snoring like he normally did when he was asleep and he refused to let you move away from his grasp, but his breaths were even and he didn’t speak to you. You didn’t mind the quiet, your body was still exhausted from the fighting and the pain of healing today, and Ace’s warmth was almost therapeutic against your tired body.
“Your healing…” Ace's voice finally breaks the silence, making you tense from surprise. His voice was low and quiet in your ear. “It hurts you, doesn’t it?”
You can hear the sadness in his voice, and you know that he’s figured it out. Whether he solved it on his own or if Marco told him, it didn’t matter now. You’ve always been a bad liar, and you could never bring yourself to lie to Ace anyway.
He squeezed you tighter, pulling you closer to him. There was another long pause, and you let him hold you while he processed everything. 
“How bad is it?” His voice is level, but you can hear it beginning to grow thick with tears. 
“It depends on what I heal. I just feel the pain of the injury.”
His forehead presses into the crook of your neck, and his breath becomes shallow and ragged. You can feel his emotions coursing through him, and all you want to do is comfort him. You squirm, trying to flip over so you see his face while you talk, but his iron tight grip refuses to let you move. 
“Ace,” you speak gently, your hands pulling at his arms, and his grip loosens just enough for you to turn over onto your other side. You’re laying face to face with him now, but his eyes are squeezed shut. His freckled cheeks are wet with tears, and your heart constricts seeing his sadness. 
You press your forehead against his, and use your free hand to brush some of his hair away from his face. You continue softly sweeping your fingers through his hair, soothing him as you speak. “It’s not so bad, Ace. But that's why I don’t use it very often.”
His eyes are still closed, but you feel his hands ball into fists against your back, gathering the fabric of your shirt in them.
“Why did you use it to save me then?” His voice comes out more of a demand than a question. It’s harsh, and you know he’s angry. Maybe at you, maybe at himself, probably both. His question makes you freeze, your fingers still entangled in his strands of hair. 
You feel a slight prick of irritation at his question. You pull your head back and tilt his face up to look you in the eyes, but they’re still tightly shut. “Look at me,” you demand, your tone matching his from a moment ago. You feel him stiffen slightly at the intensity of your words, but his dark eyes open to meet your own. 
Your hands find his cheeks, cupping his face, and you press your forehead back into his. Your eyes never leave his, and you can feel his grip against your back finally start to soften as he focuses on you instead of what you’ve done. 
“I did it.” You pause for a moment, still staring at him. God, he was so stupid. You swipe your thumb across his freckles, wiping the tears from his sad, sweet eyes. “Because you deserve to be saved.”
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
What if the reader was the child of the creator and had these gorgeous horns until one day, they were being looked after by Raiden, Venti, Nahida, Zhongli and they hear this mixed sounds of rocks breaking and bone snapping suddenly appearing and reader's large and gorgeous horns is suddenly not attached and in their hands while blood drips from their head. Apparently their horns were feeling pretty wobbly and they wanted to pull them to get rid of the feeling because it felt annoying.
PS: this is normal for this to happen, it's like pulling a tooth and a new one grows back.
How would they react to the graces child's horns no longer attached to their head.
Honestly cannot blame them for panicking though—I would honestly do the same if I were in that position—
(Disclaimers: Might be OOC!)
Raiden Ei
The moment she sees the Almighty Creator's child's head bleeding, she is already scolding herself greatly for not being able to protect a child.
And then she sees the horns. That's when her panic begins to really spike up. That is—until she remembers Mikoshi Chiyo—her dear oni friend of bygone times—mention something about how some animals shed their horns during certain times of the year. And how her children have their teeth fall out when they were younger but we don't talk about that-
"Your Younger Grace, let us clean this all up before it becomes more of a mess." She tries to soften her voice towards you, knowing that she is dealing with a) a child and b) the literal descendant of the Almighty Creator. She does not dare to try and be cruel to the child who's parent can literally strike her down faster than lightning and time itself.
She's not exactly the most open nowadays, but she would still try to make herself as approachable as possible, if you two weren't close before.
If you two were? Well, that makes it a lot easier—her concern is easily detected and she's already cleaning up the blood and taking your previous horns somewhere else (probably a place where nobody would begin to panic just at the sight of it).
She won't even speak a single word about this incident after it's over. Ei does not want to look back at this memory and remember just how much of a heart attack she just gained by staring at the Divine One's child.
This man, hands down, will panic for a good few hours. Probably won't think straight as he thinks he's failed the Almighty Creator.
"Your Younger Grace, quick—let's get that cleaned up now!" Man would probably also yeet your horns away (gently) so that he never has to see it again. Venti is 100% traumatized again.
Would keep an eye on you whenever you touch your head now—this guy is making sure you never repeat the same thing again.
It won't be 'till a LONGG time before he realizes it's like a deer with your horns—but still, it's still pretty traumatic for our wisp boi, let's be hoenst—
She would naturally be very upset that you would hurt yourself. However, she's not as panicked—she compares this situation like a deer. Or, actually—she hypothesizes.
Nevertheless, Nahida is still pretty upset you have to bleed because of this. She never wants to see you hurt, ever!
"Your Younger Grace, please let one of my people tend to your head..." She would call in her best medics from her nation to make sure your bleeding stops, before she deals with the horns that you practically tore off.
She will admit, it was very strange to hold the pieces of the Almighty Creator's child's horns as if they were collectible items. So, for the time being, she'll just keep them in a wrapped cloth to hide them.
Every time you do this, Nahida is now extra prepared for your "horn regrowth," as she calls it.
Dude is honestly the least surprised out of them all. I mean—can you blame him? He legit has seen it happen—remember what animal Moon Carver is? Yeah, that's right: a deer. Man's seen the guy shed antlers all the time, honestly.
But what he didn't expect is that you would actually bleed from pulling your horns off. That's what gets this grandpa of an Archon moving.
"Your Grace, allow me to tend to your injuries." Would treat it so seriously you think you were actually injured—you're just sitting there trying to recall how you might have hurt yourself until you realize Zhongli was talking about the horns you pulled off.
Pretty calm about the horns, honestly. Like I said, he's probably seen it one too many times. He'll probably ask the Almighty Creator themself of what he should do with them.
Would also probably educate the other archons so that they could stop having an absolute panic attack each time you decide to make your head bleed (cough looking at you, Venti cough).
And that's it! Everyone's except Ei's is short, but I do hope you like it! See you all around :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: Yes, I did do some research with Ei's part—mainly because I don't really know how exactly she would react to a situation like this. I'm taking in terms with the fact that she is also mentally arguing/dealing with the Puppet Shogun, so there is some sort of rationalism behind her actions because of this. And, no, I don't believe Oni are able to shed off their horns, so I just made one of Ei's friends mention something about re-growing horns/teeth lol-
Check the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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wolvwa · 2 months
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Katsuki x fem!reader
Part 1/?
A bit ooc? Some angst but mostly fluff,, I think most of us need it right now
Notes; not proof read, perchance a bit self indulgent...
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"Who are you?"
Those were words Katsuki Bakugou thought he would never hear. Nonetheless, from a girl hogging up the swings!
"I-I told you yesterday! Do you have short-term memory or something!?"
"That's a long name..."
"You idiot! My name is Katsuki Bakugou, and you better remember it this time! When I'm number one, you'll have no choice!" The boy whose name you had forgotten spoke with such pride and confidence it made you feel a little small. How can someone so little have such big goals?
You wanted to be a hero, too. You were always told your quirk wasn't suited for it, though. But still, you had some hope, and you'd settle for being in the top 100s! Anything at all, really. But this boy was yammering on about being at the total top.
"Kaachan!" A smaller voice interrupted your train of thought and the blonde before you groaned. "Ignore him, he's not gonna be anything!" He said confidently which made the other boy falter slightly.
"Why?" You blinked.
"Hah? Are you new here or something?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"He's quirkless, that's why!" The boy huffed, taking another step towards the sandbox. "Now, move over, idiot!"
You narrow your eyes in thought, trying to recall what just happened. You weren't all that interested until he brought up heroes.
"It's okay. I'm not scared of cooties anymore cause my mama said they aren't real. We can play together, Baku-chan."
Katsuki's eye twitched as he watched you scoot over in the sandbox and look up at him expectantly.
"Cooties aren't real–"
"No! What did you call me!?" He interrupted.
"That's not my name! Kat-su-ki Ba-ku-gou!" He exclaimed, speaking slowly as if teaching a newborn how to said their first word. Except you just stared up at him with those big eyes.
"But he called you Kaachan." You deadpanned, pointing to the greenette behind him who flinched.
"But he's a loser and doesn't matter!"
"Sorry, Baku-chan."
(҂` ロ ´) ... ( ՞ -՞ )
You got on Katsuki's last, first, and fifth nerve. Like Deku, you followed him around like a damn dog. Scratch that—a koala. Wherever he was, you were behind him and clinging onto his shirt.
It took you three weeks to remember his actual name.
While all the girls avoided the boys, him especially, it seemed like you were glued to him the second your eyes met.
Which is why he can't have you following that damn Deku around, too! You were his fan, after all!
"Baku-chan? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere Deku is too scared to go." Katsuki replied with a grumble, tightening his grip on your hand. Since Deku followed him around all the time, his loserness was rubbing off on you!
Translation; you and Deku were becoming friends.
Sitting on a log, Katsuki finally let go of your hand. You looked around for the first time before looking back down at him and taking a seat next to him. "Back up, would you?" Katsuki grumbled, scooting over.
Of course, you immediately scooted right back to his side. "Baku-chan," you spoke up. "How come you don't like Deku?"
The boy scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? He's a quirkless nobody!"
"Well, yeah. But you don't have to be mean about it."
"Huh? Why not!? Someone has to put him in place!"
"....someone needs to put you in your place..." you muttered, but Katsuki heard you. He felt his eye twitch.
"Haaaah!? You wanna die!? You're lucky I'm letting you be my sidekick! You know how many losers wanna be my sidekick!?" He exclaimed, sparks crackling explosions to life in his palms.
"No, I dont."
"Well, there's tons! And you're lucky, damnit!"
"Sure I am..."
( 〃 ..) .... ヽ(`▽´)ノ
You were awkward. Like a wet paper bag.
That's what Katsuki says, anyway.
"Baku-chan, I don't get it still." You frown, staring down at the homework. Despite being held hostage by an villian, Katsuki was determined to say it meant nothing and Tutor you. Though, he was too distracted to teach properly—more distracted than you.
He was sure if your skull cracked open and he looked inside, there would be nothing but clouds and that sweet pudding junk you ate all the time.
By the time you had came onto the scene, Katsuki didn't know if he should be mad or relieved.
You tried dragging Deku away (which wasn't particularly hard considering you were only a bit taller than him.)
Still, the fact you ran in pissed him off. He wasn't sure why.
"Shut it, Koko."
"I can't get rid of you." The boy deadpanned before groaning. "That's enough, not my fault you're dumb as a rock. Can't have my sidekick stupid, though... so come back tomorrow so you don't fail on me." Katsuki grumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. You frowned slightly before beginning to pack up your things.
"(Name)? You're leaving so early?"
Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki You met her when Katsuki hit you for calling him Baku-chan infront of the middle schoolers. She hit him way harder.
Katsuki was convinced she loved you more than him.
"Oh, yeah." You nodded. "Baku-chan," you turned to Katsuki as you stood up.
"I'm walking with Deku tomorrow."
While Mitsuki smiled at the mention of the boy and began to ramble a bit, Katsuki froze. You smiled, waving them goodbye and walked home.
The next day, Katsuki avoided you.
And the day after that, and the day after that.
Soon enough, you found yourself alone with Deku.
You weren't mean to him, but it was clear you thought he was completely delusional for wanting to be a hero.
When your mom had found out Deku lived nearby, she practically demanded that you walk with him to school. She can't have her baby traveling so far to walk with a delinquent every day when there's a sweet normal boy in the next complex!
And so she unknowingly crushed your friendship with Katsuki.
Katsuki hasn't felt his eye twitch so much.
Every damn day of summer, you knocked on his door.
You found yourself alone more than ever.
Deku suddenly had a busy schedule, and most of your friends just teased you the whole time you hung out.
Katsuki was bitter. It's always Deku. Deku, who has everything he doesn't despite being a nobody. Katsuki couldn't understand it.
Soon enough, summer went by, and you and Katsuki were still not on talking terms. Anytime he came home to you talking with Mitsuki in the living room (she heard you shouting for him and let you in), he would walk to his room without a second glance.
"(Name)? You've been frowning a lot recently." Deku spoke up with a worried frown of his own. "Are you worried about the exams?"
"No. I'm okay, Izuku. I don't care that much about that stuff–"
Deku shut down, sputtering as he stared at you with his mouth agape. You called him Izuku.
"A-Are you sure you're okay!?"
"I just said I was. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay!" He nodded quickly.
"Baku-chan is mad at me. And im not sure why." You mumbled after some silence, staring at the waters of the beach. It's been much cleaner lately. Deku snapped out of his shock, frowning again as you spoke.
"Well... it started when you started talking to me again. A-And we became friends...–"
"Huh. I thought we were always friends?" You deadpanned, looking over to him. He frantically waved his hands around, trying to explain himself, but you subconsciously tuned him out. He paused, sweating nearvously. The way you were looking at him made it seem like you were mad at him, but in reality you were in the clouds again, trying to clear them up as the cogs started turning.
"I dont get it."
And that was all you said for the rest of the night.
You never called him Izuku after that.
(。 ˊᯅˋ ) ... (҂` - ´)
You ended up the general studies. Not surprising, but at least you were smart enough to get in.
You had a heart attack every time Deku texted you about a villain attack. Naturally, the two of you grew close. That only fueled Katsuki's hatred for the freckled boy.
Katsuki couldn't stand it at first—being able to walk into school. Without you. It felt weird. He'd look behind his back to look for that little tug of yours, but there was nothing there. He thought about replying to your texts, your bugging, your loud ass yelling. He'd probably just yell and slam the door anyway.
It felt like it had been forever since he'd seen you.
So, during a break in the sports festival, seeing you assaulting a vending machine wasn't exactly what he was expecting. Mumbling curses as you grabbed the machine by its sides, shutting your eyes and shaking it roughly. You were trying to get that sweet ass pudding junk.
Before he thought about it, he approached and shoved you to the side. You blinked, looking over to him as he set off a few explosions and grabbed the small cup of pudding. There was a long silence as he shoved the cup in front of your chest.
"...who are you?"
You cheeky bastard.
Katsuki felt that familiar irritation bubble up. He knew you were just messing with him... atleast he hoped so.
"Take your sugary shit. Maybe if you cut down on this junk, you could have made it into the hero course. I knew you were below me, but this is just sad." He scoffed.
You didn't argue, taking the cup with a smile. "Okay."
"Okay? Is that how you thank people?"
"No. Just you—you ignored me so I'm not thankful." ((.❛ ᴗ ❛.))
Katsuki's eye twitched again as he clenched his fist. "Well im not ignoring you now, am I!?"
"Well... not now."
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part IX)
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Summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader
Word count: 2.3k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings for this chapter: some spoilers and references to S4 and Gen V, mentions of sex, mentions of kindaping, so much lying from these fuckers!!
Notes: idk who's still interested on this crap because my original drafts went to hell once S4 dropped (but also my fault i was waiting for that lol), anyway I'll try to be consistent with this is giving me nightmares i swear. thank you if you're still here 😭
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And if it wasn’t much worse, there he was still, lying down on the other side of the mattress, sleeping and snoring like a stray dog you just took in to protect him from the dangers of the night. Who would have thought? But you wanted this. You fell for it eventually. And you didn’t give a single shit about it, not yet. It was great, you had to admit that. In the end, Ben was right, he could fuck pretty good and could bark about that with good reasons.
Part IX: Nobody’s Business
Rolling on your side of the bed, your eyes fluttered open. There was a warmth coming from the mattress, one that you were not used to every time you woke up. That side always came up empty, but then your mind replayed the memories of last night's events. The small and soft light emanating from the window forced you to sit up abruptly, covering your breasts with the bed sheets. The clock told you it was almost 9 a.m.
But duties are duties, you told yourself, sitting down and reaching your phone on the nightstand. There were six missed calls from an unknown number; you were pretty sure who that was. With a scoff, you got on your feet and full in your naked glory, stepped out of the room, just taking your dress from the floor to put it on as best as you could while you heard the line from the other side.
“Oi, I’ve been calling you, answer the damn phone,” the British voice on the other side spit.
You grimaced, pulling the phone away as he yelled at you before speaking. “I had important things last night. Sorry for having a life,” you lied gracefully, making your way to the kitchen to boil some water for a tea. “Besides, since do you care? I barely fucking know you, so tell me what is it before I hung up.”
Butcher sighed from the other side of the line. “I need the kid back.”
“Yeah, and I need something for it. I don’t wanna force him, but tough times require even tougher methods…”
There was a silence coming from you, trying to process his words. Soldier Boy wanted the kid, Butcher wanted the kid, and Homelander of course wanted his fucking kid. You didn’t know who was the best for Ryan. Homelander was out of the league immediately, but maybe Butcher was the only sane motherfucker between them to take care of him. After all, he was his dead wife’s son.
“What do you want me to do? You’re not gonna kidnap him, right?” you asked, unsure of what would happen if you agreed to help Butcher on it.
“No, but don’t play innocent. Can imagine you have plenty of analgesics to take down an army, doctor.”
You pictured that fucked up smirk on his face at his words, and followed his game to see if you could get somewhere.
“And what do I get in exchange? I’m not giving anything for free.”
“Novichok. Put him to deep slumber and can test the strongest drug you have on Soldier Boy without getting killed,” he whispered over the phone, as if someone was hearing his words.
“Alright, deal,” you accepted, taking off a cup to pour your tea. “Send me the address and we can meet today. Just don’t mess with me, I don’t have enough arguments to trust you right now.”
“And I can respect that. Should be receiving it soon, darling.”
With those final words, Butcher hung up the call.
Your head felt spinning, as if something had crushed you so bad. Your body hurted, and you were sore. Probably you regretted it. Not because it wasn’t good, it was something else. What had happened between Ben and you wasn’t supposed to be. It just simply couldn’t. He was a killing machine you were just reaping, eventually discarding him when you took what you needed. However, the right time to test the Anti V prototype had yet to come. Sipping from your hot tea, you heard hard steps from the stairs, and for some reason, you were not prepared to face him the morning after.
“Ah, preparing my breakfast already, doll,” Ben said cheerfully, much to your liking, and approaching you as you faced your back to him.
His arms wrapped around your waist, and as much as you wanted to enjoy his touch, you pushed him away and turned on your feet to see his confused grin.
“First of all, good morning. And second, no. You can make yourself a sandwich,” you replied.
A smile appeared on your lips as his own slowly faded away.
“So, nothing for me, even if I made you feel so good with my cock?”
“God, you’re so gross…”
Ben snorted, leaning to give soft kisses on the skin of your neck as he whispered. “I don’t remember you complaining about it last night.”
As an impulse, you shut your eyes. His touch and lips over your sensitive skin were too intoxicated for you to react quickly and stop him. Ben took the cup of tea from your hand, putting it on the countertop; the place he fucked you so good the night before. He would kill to go again, with you beneath him, yearning and crying for his dick. Or maybe he’d fuck you in the couch before taking you to your bed, exactly like he did after you did it in the kitchen…
“Stop,” you said, pushing him away softly.
He did as you asked rapidly, licking his lips, and watching your lustful gaze intently. You wanted it as much as he did, but it wasn’t the right time.
“I’m still sore,” you continued. “And I have some stuff to do right now. I have to go.”
He nodded. “Right.”
To your surprise, Ben gave you some space and you stepped up, not before taking the cup and your phone between your hands again. You stopped, standing by his side for a moment.
“Maybe later?” you said, watching his face attentively.
That sleazy smirk curved on his lips. “Later.”
You walked away then, feeling his eyes over your figure. God, you were so fucking regretting offering yourself to him already for some reason.
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You sat down on the dining table as he settled down a saucer and two cups of tea with a bowl of biscuits.
“It’s not necessary–”
“Nonsense, take it,” Butcher said, taking a seat in front of you.
He served you and him the tea with an elegance only a British man could ever have, not that you expected him to have that inside. Butcher was a soldier once, now an undercover agent whom you had no idea what to expect, besides the few things Grace had told you about him, but she wasn’t there. This meeting was hidden from everyone. Butcher crossed his arms on his chest, looking at you with an expression you could not decode. You were barely knowing him after all.
“I’m not trying to poison you,” he joked, taking his own cup to taste the tea.
“Well, thanks for your kindness,” you took the cup and sipped the warm drink. It was surprisingly good. “So, weren’t you after Victoria?” you asked, following the previous conversation you had with him before sitting down.
“Yeah, cunt’s indestructible,” he remarks. “Can’t do anything now, planning on just retiring and just leaving it all...”
“There’s a fucking outburst right now between Homelander’s cult and Starlight fanatics, Victoria is almost there along with Robert Singer at the White House. Why you wanna give up on that?”
“I’m not part of the team anymore,” Butcher confessed, taking you aback.
“Is that the reason you want Ryan back?”
He nodded and you sensed vulnerability coming from him. The tough facade, the immoral plans, the thirst for revenge for the fucker who screw up his life and made his wife’s a living hell… Even your own thirst for payback and burning Vought to the ground wasn’t as big as his own grief. After all, you were just another piece on the chessboard. Butcher saw you as one, and you did the same with him and Ben. You were just taking in things that would help you to reach your own, selfish goals. One can’t compete with that.
He coughed in the middle of the silence you shared, and you noticed there was a black liquid coming off one of his ears you have never seen.
“Are you okay?” you worriedly asked.
Butcher looked like he noticed your eyes staring at the side of his face and wiped up the substance with his finger, cleaning it up with a napkin.
“You stopped taking the temp V?” you insisted on his silence.
“Yeah, I fucking did, and then had it again. The true V this time, didn’t help. Just accelerated my own death,” Butcher seemed like he didn’t give a shit as he told you.
“Fuck, are you crazy?!” you exclaimed.
“Thought it’d save me, alright?!” he ranted. “Thought it could. So I could say I had more time with Ryan, but I don’t. That’s why you’re here. Do you have what I asked or not?”
Grumbling, with your jaw tight, you took from your jacket a small packet of white powder and tossed it on top of the table.
“A sedative. Will keep him asleep for days if you’re not careful,” you announced. “Give me the gas now.”
Butcher stood up abruptly, and searched for something in one of the kitchen cabinets. He took out a grey cylindrical vessel, similar to a fire extinguisher, and left it on the floor by your feet.
“There you have it,” he said, before taking his seat back.
You didn’t say ‘thank you’, neither did he, but Butcher dared to speak out again.
“Can you come when Ryan is here?”
“Excuse me? I don’t know the kid, I don’t see why I should be here.”
“Another secret is good enough for ya,” he insisted. His face was just as plain as yours.
You didn’t know what else to expect from him at this point, but you followed him up.
“There’s something down Godolkin. A virus, created to exterminate supes,” he explained, leaning forward and whispering as if someone else could hear outside the walls. “If your cure ain’t working, maybe you could use some help from there.”
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Ben emptied the last drawer in your room. There was fucking nothing. The only pleasure he took in from sniffing into your stuff was checking your underwear, from the most comfy cotton panties to the lingerie he’d love to see on you while he fucked your brains out. And then, nothing. Emptiness. No secrets, no files. Nothing.
Not caring of putting your stuff in place, he just tossed them into the drawer. If you were to indulge back there, you would certainly notice the mess. But he didn’t care if you did. He fucked you good, but that didn’t mean he trusted you. That’s why he spent the last hours of the day checking the whole place after you left him all alone and by himself. The past few days, he had spent checking everywhere to find a clue or something that could give you away easily.
Tired, Ben went down to the living room and checked between the bookshelves, only to find dust and old books he didn’t give a shit about. He scoffed to himself, and walked to the back of the room, where the aisle ended. The carpet felt different, as if another floor was down there. He knocked on the floor with his fist. He was right; there was another floor down the living room.
“What are you fucking hiding in here?” he mumbled to himself, his mind pulling the tricks of any stuff you could probably have down there.
He pulled the carpet away and found a small metal knob, unlocked. He opened it just to reveal stairs and he went down carefully. A heavy metal door stood in front of him, an electronic panel with numbers by the side. The walls were also made of the same material, and he tensed. It wasn’t a good sign. Before, he noticed you would sneak out of your room some nights. There was no other place you should be visiting but here.
He thought of breaking the door, but it wasn’t that subtle. There was a code to get inside, probably he could get it. It had to be something important for you, right? Shouldn’t be so difficult.
But he knew better than to continue playing this fucking game of hiding the thruth from him. Anger seized him in a second, thinking of endless possibilities this could be a hidden lab. You were a doctor after all, he knew what those cocksuckers were capable of. You were no exception.
He clenched his fists tightly, and heard in the distance the sound of your car. Ben quickly climbed the stairs and covered the door to the basement. The click of the door announced you were home and he made his way to the kitchen to take out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.
Once you stepped up, he poured the liquor. You left a couple of bags full with groceries on the kitchen counter as Ben gave you a dirty smile and offered the whiskey to you. It was his way of disguising what he really felt.
A quick fuck should do, he thought.
“So, later, right?” he said, taking a sip from his glass.
Immediately, you knew what those words meant.
“You’ve been waiting so long I see,” you smirked.
He pulled you closer with a single hand before claiming your lips in a harsh kiss. He smiled when you moaned against his tongue and he pulled away, this time his lips claiming the sensitive spot on your neck.
“And can’t wait any longer, sugar.”
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this fic tags:
@k-slla @syrma-sensei @mostlymarvelgirl @cheynovak @drasticemotions @thesilmarillionblog @deans-spinster-witch @girlsforpjm @delaynew
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bbunivxrse · 9 months
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pairing: - gojo x f!reader contents: you hate gojo, but even so, youre forced to go on a mission with him, which ends badly. for you, anyway. - no warnings js fluff at the end but a bit ooc?? i think??? word count: 1.9k a/n: hi!! ik im late but happy new years!! i wanted to post earlier but i have no idea what to write :sob: if u have any requests pls send i need ideas
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you’ve always hated Satoru Gojo. the day you met him you knew you’d never want to be around him. his persistent grossly inflated ego and cocky attitude always had your gears grinding. the way he seemed to somehow develop a crush on you despite you never saying a single kind or loving word to him is beyond you. he has no shame in trying to flirt with the girl that not only has no interest in him, but also openly hates him. no matter how many people are around he’ll always go out of his way to bother you. everytime you hear him speak you think about how fucking lucky he is to be the strongest, if he wasn’t you would’ve taken care of him and his attitude already. 
you weren’t shy to make this opinion known, even straight to his face. all your classmates seemed to understand and even agree, everyone except for gojo of course, who always persisted that he is the ‘best person ever’ and that ‘nobody can hate him’. your friend utahime seemed to really enjoy listening to your long, harsh rants about him, reminding you that your not alone in your detest for gojo. 
Today you had what seemed to be a start to a good morning, until you were informed you had a mission to attend to the very next day. that news alone obviously wasn’t enough to ruin your mood, you had missions all the time, it was normal. this mission however was not only a special grade curse, but it was also assigned to just you and gojo. 
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“man, that sucks..” shoko sighs, patting your shoulder. after explaining and ranting about your situation you felt a bit better, but still didn’t change the fact that you’d be out overnight, possibly for two nights, alone on a mission with gojo. you groan in frustration just at the thought. “don’t you ever think you’re being a bit hard on him, y/n?” his best friend piped up. he just happened to be passing by and eavesdropping on your conversation. “well of course you’d defend him.” you roll your eyes as suguru laughs. 
to be completely fair, maybe you were a bit harsh when it came to gojo. but that didn’t matter to you when all he does is put his face in your business 24/7, attempting to flirt while simultaneously pushing your buttons whenever he gets the chance and only laying off when you get annoyed enough to actually scare him away. “i wouldn’t have to hate him so much if he wasn’t so annoying.” you shrug, feeling completely justified in every word you’ve said. suguru nods understandingly as he considers your words. he does know that gojo can most certainly be a handful.
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the day of the mission arrives and you’re up early, getting ready and packing your bag to set out on the mission. with your extra time you decide to keep yourself calm by reading a book you’ve had on your to-read list for waaayyy too long. it was nice until you realized gojo was late, then you were back in your grumpy mood waiting on him. “hi y/n!! are you ready for our honeymoon together??” gojo waves enthusiastically, his loud voice was already starting to irritate you, along with him unapologetically showing up an hour after the established meeting time. “you’re late.” 
“i had stuff to do.” gojo frowned, but you know all too well he had absolutely nothing to do. the day is gonna be too long to keep arguing with him, so you decide to be the bigger person for once and begin to make your way to your next destination without saying a word to him. “wooow! you’re not even gonna say anything to me?? i’m so hurt!!” gojo whines behind you, already managing to piss you off at the beginning of your mission.
the place you were headed to was a building that was rumored to be haunted. supposedly it had been involved in a lot of accidents in the area. people last being seen near the house before going missing, car accidents in the area, reported “weird activity” inside the house. it was enough to have the curse inside deemed a special grade, which meant the two of you needed to focus on this mission and you know gojo isn’t gonna do that.
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after a long ass train ride that felt like it was gonna go on forever because of gojos endless talking, the two of you made it to the house. it was much older than all other houses on the street and was visibly abandoned and overgrown. the immense amount of cursed energy coming from inside was a bit intimidating, even for you, and made you a bit tense, which did not go unnoticed. “you really scared of some little house?” gojo teased, which took you out of your train of thought. “obviously i’m not scared. i’ve dealt with worse.” you lied through your teeth. of course you’re not gonna reveal that you’re actually trembling in your boots.
“that things no match for me! since you’re soooo scared, why don’t you sit this one out and let me take care of it, princess? i'd hate to see your pretty face get hurt,” truth is, gojo can tell just as well as you can that this curse was no joke. he knows you’re powerful and could probably handle something like this on your own but he doesn’t wanna risk it. seeing you get messed up by a curse while he’s there to protect you, he’d never forgive himself! “no thanks.” you reply dryly, walking up to the house and heading inside. 
the presence of the curse inhabiting that house was just as, if not even more intense than it was from the outside and honestly unlike anything you’d dealt with at that point, which is probably why it was able to catch you off guard. you hadn’t even been able to get a glimpse of it before it had you on the floor, across the room and unconscious. 
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waking up, it felt like you had been asleep for decades. at first you were happy to be in your bed, until you realized it wasn’t your bed. your head hurt like hell, it felt like your brain was too big for your skull and wanted to break free. the lights in the room blaring in your eyes didn’t help. you tried to sit up, suddenly feeling waves of pain along your weakened body. when you were able to sit up, the one person you were hoping not to see was looking out the window and had been alerted by the sound of bedsheets shuffling.
“hi y/n!!!” he yells excitedly, getting up and bringing his chair to sit beside you. “i totally saved your ass! that cursed fucked you up bad!” gojo laughs at you. under normal circumstances you wouldn’t be amused by his antics, but especially now it was even more upsetting. for one, you were embarrassed. the man you hate most watched you get absolutely folded by some random ass curse. and on top of that he had to save you and bring you back afterwards. the realization made your blood run cold and you couldn’t even be bothered to look him in the eyes. you hear him lightly sigh in response to your silence.
The switch in his demeanor was sudden when he can visually see on your face how hurt you are, physically and emotionally. “i know your head probably hurts. i got you some advil.” you finally look up at gojo, before looking down at the bedside table to see a little bottle of advil and a glass of water. “the water had ice in it but.. it melted.” as you graciously take the advil and gulp down the water like you hadn’t drank for days, you think about the amount of time that must’ve passed, evident by the pinkish hue of the sky and the bright orange sunlight shining through the window and onto the floor. 
after finishing the glass of water and setting it down you sat in silence, your lightly bandaged arms lying in from of you. you decide to appreciate the silence, as normally gojo would be laughing and teasing to no end. and after a catastrophic mission like this? being knocked cold out for hours? you thought you wouldn’t hear the end of it from him, but surprisingly you hadn’t heard a word. “is the advil working?”
“it hasn’t even been 10 minutes.” you hiss at him, instantly missing the peace and quiet. you take a quick look at gojo, noticing the unusual darkness of his bright blue eyes and the way his hair is somehow messier than it usually is. he almost looks like he’s been through war even though you know that isn’t the case. he probably made light work out of that damn curse. “remember what i said..? about not forgiving myself if i couldnt protect you?”
"you did not say that." you actually look up at him but his gaze is focused on the floor in front of him. “i know you hate me and all but.. i really care for you, y’know? you had me kinda worried.” he somewhat laughs to himself but not the same way he usually does.
“sorry.” is all you can whisper out. “thank you for saving me, though.” as much as you want to be nice to him for saving your life, the way his demeanor changes when your gratefulness strokes his ego makes you regret it. “yeah, i know. i’m awesome. don’t i deserve a reward?” gojos eyes light up again, continuously making you regret being kind to him for once. but at the same time, considering his sweeter words to you, you’ll humor him. “what kinda reward?” you roll your eyes playfully. “hmmmm… i think i deserveee….” gojo pretends to think hard, putting his hand to his chin. “a kiss!!” the slight smile on your face instantly melts, which in turn causes gojo to start pouting and whining like a child. “don’t look at me like that! i saved your life and patched you up and all i’m asking for is a kiss!!”
“i don’t want to kiss you.” gojos jaw drops as he genuinely looks shocked by your blatant statement. “what!? how could you not want to kiss me?! you owe me your life!!” all you can do is sigh and cross your arms, which leads gojo to using a different avenue to convince you. “pleeeaseee baby? one kiss won’t hurt…” the look he gave you can only be described as the same one a sad kitten would give you when they want you to give them food. his face almost makes you feel bad for your mean words since he looks like he’ll genuinely cry if you don’t agree to kiss him. “fine. one kiss. hurry up.” gojos face lights up in a way you’ve never seen before, a big smile across his face as he practically lounges onto the bed beside you. he swiftly places a hand around your waist while the other picks up your legs and places them on his lap. “can you slow down! i said one kiss. not whatever this is.” 
“it will be one kiss! or maybe two? i don’t care, i’ve been waiting for this!” before you can say a word, he already has his lips on yours. you couldn’t deny that he was a good kisser. suddenly everything and everyone melted away and it was just the two of you, your hands on his chest and his around your waist. you kinda wanted it to stay like this, in a weird twisted way you never thought you’d feel with a man like gojo.
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i think this would make the perfect prequel to a cute fic if anyone wants a pt 2!! js lmk!!
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living-dead-girl7 · 1 year
Bo with a girlfriend who has issues with her dad
more notes app stuff about bo and this is purely for self indulgent purposes as I am going through it
ALSO: definitely ooc Bo. I just want this man to soft and sweet to me
warnings: daddy issues ig, crying, soft bo, occ Bo, mentions of Bos trauma
FIRST OFF. I believe Bo would most likely fall for sometime younger than him. Maybe like 5-10 years. He wants someone younger to dote on him, and he also definitely loves the idea of an innocent lover
It’s also probably because he either likes the power or he wants to protect them, buts is probably a mixture of both. 
He wants to be heard and obeyed but also aches to cradle someone in his arms and tell them it’s going to be ok. (It heals the little boy that needed to hear the same. Maybe you should do the same to him. Kiss his scars, hold his face, kiss his cheeks, let you nose gently bump into his.) 
Speaking of holding is lover, if you were feeling down whether that be thoughts of what your someone said to you or the latter, he will press your body into his and softly whisper “Bo’s gotcha, don’t worry, it’s ok…” 
Bo understands what it feels like to be belittled for the simplest of things, especially from a parent, his heart aches thinking that you had to deal with the same even if it was much less than what he’s went though
You are his sweet girl, you didn’t deserve it. Deep down I think he believes that he deserved what happened to him. He thinks his fate was predetermined and the events just served to punish him for his future, like some power knew he would comment heinous crimes
But you? No. What sick person would even think about subjecting such a sweet thing like you to such vile things. 
His gut twists when he hears you crying and trying to tell him what’s wrong, when the words of your father leave your shaking form
It breaks is heart to see you turn back into the little girl that just wanted to be loved
As you are a blubbering mess at his feet , trying to hastily wipe the tears streaming down your face as all the memories come flooding back, Bo can’t help but scoop you up into his arms.
The material of his t shirt is soft against your cheek as he holds you close. The soft cotton grounding you to him, the warmth radiating for his chest allows you to melt into him.
His fists ball up the fabric of your shirt as he hears what your father said to you,
Bo can’t help but grit his teeth and bite his tongue and he holds you
His jaw locks involuntarily after every word you utter, he can’t bear to see you like this
He resorts to shushing you and gently rocking you back and forth, hoping it brings some comfort. Is the comfort for you or him? Nobody knows.
As you look up at him with tear stained and puffy cheeks he sucks breath, before softly saying, “I hope you know I can’t understand how you remain so beautiful while crying.” 
You laugh just a bit before he sees your eyes watering again. 
To try and combat the tears, he peppers kisses across your face, each kiss accompanied by a compliment and a soft declaration of his unwavering love for you 
Once the tears are gone for good, he gently forced your gaze to meet his, “Never think of what he said to you ever again, ok? I’m not asking, I’m telling you too. You will never see him again on my watch, and I will make sure if it. You belong here, where you are loved. Nowhere else.” His fingers keep their place under your chin as he tilts it even further to capture your lips in a kiss. It’s chaste, with no meaning behind it other than his unwavering love and devotion to you. He pulls back to breathe and he can feel your breath on his skin as you chase his lips down.
Finally, he feels a pang in his heart. Not from pain, rage, or even fear, but from his ever present want to keep you in his arms with your body pressed against his. 
He wants to keep you caged in his arms forever where no one can hurt you, and you’d let him. 
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@zombinafonfrankenstein @seriously-nobody @abiscuit @griffinappreciator @mistressofthemacabresworld
@dreamelies @hostess-of-horror @caspertheconfused
Here is my (probably very bad) Universal Monsters chatfic!! (There’s a bunch of context for my au under the cut, so if you wanna skip it you’ll have to scroll a bit :/ )
Here’s a crapton of context for my AU:
All the characters have access to modern technology for completely unknown reasons (probably due to time travel caused by one of the scientists or something?) (and it makes for funny scenarios). Dracula and Renfield have a healthy (if a bit crazy) romantic relationship (inspired by Gomez and Morticia Addams) because I can’t bring myself to write abuse/conflict. Franky (Frankenstein’s monster) and Bea (bride of Frankenstein) are very cute kind couple (and they are ace) they also both have the intelligence of 18-20 year olds (for the sake of the plot). Jekyll and Hyde are here even though I’m pretty sure universal never made a movie with them. Both Larry Talbot and Jack Griffin’s families think they are dead. Kharis (the mummy) and Gil (creature from the black lagoon) also have average intelligence (because plot) and Kharis speaks English and whatever ancient Egyptian language he spoke when he was alive. Gil speaks English, and gets sick when in saltwater because he is (as far as I know) lagoons are (mostly) freshwater. They are all roommates living and “living” in the same house, the mansion from Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Griffin is a menace, frequently pranks everyone, and brags about crashing a train. I’m 95.9% sure none of these characters are actually “in character”, this is as “ooc” as you could get lmao
(Btw I wrote this as if it was gonna be posted on ao3 ((it’s not)) so that’s why it has chapters and chapter descriptions)
Chapter 1: documentary
(Griffin pranks Larry Talbot)
Griffin: social experiment: I play a wolf documentary in a room in the same house as a werewolf. Hypotheses: all the howling will bother him. Expected outcome: either I prank him and he’s too tired to do anything about it, or I get my ass kicked.
Jekyll: ..I- what? Don’t do that Jack. It’s mean.
Griffin: do you forget that I crashed a train?
Jekyll: oh yeah, I purposefully ignore that fact.
Griffin: rude. your ignoring one of my greatest achievements >:(
Jekyll: It’s *You’re and yes. Yes I am.
Dracula: why would a documentary bother Lawrence? It’s on a screen? Fake?
Griffin: I have that answer in the hypothesis >:) also, wdym fake?
Franky: Dracula… do you think documentaries are staged??
Dracula: yes..??? Aren’t they?
Jekyll: No!
Larry: whoever is watching that documentary about wolfs- PLEASE WATCH LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
Griffin: I mean…. wow, whoever’s watching that is definitely not funny.. turn it off guys.
Larry: griffin I can hear your deranged cackling from across the house. It’s not funny, my werewolf senses are going crazy, TURN IT OFF
Griffin : why?? I’ve done no wrong 🥺
Jekyll: that’s historically inaccurate.
Larry: don’t “🥺” me! And you’ve done MUCH WRONG!
Griffin: that’s fair. But no. :)
Larry: why not?! You’re just doing it to bother me!!
Griffin: you can’t prove that! And it’s for educational purposes.
Larry: you admitted it in your previous texts idiot. I can scroll up and see them? “EdUcAtIoNaL PuRpOsEs” bs 🙄
Franky: hey griffin how about you try to bother Gil with a ocean life documentary?
Griffin: oooooooo good idea Franky!
Jekyll: Don’t encourage him Franky!!
In a different group chat…:
Larry: Gil is from the Brazilian Rainforest not the ocean?
Franky: it got the wolf documentary to stop didn’t it??
Larry: ooooohhhhh gotcha ;) thanks
Franky: ;) your welcome. Griffin is sometimes like a toddler, if you want to distract him just give him a shiny new toy to play with.
Larry : ah. Makes sense.
Chapter 2: when a mummy catches you…
(Gil asks an interesting question)
Gil: soooooooo…….what do mummies….. actually….. do?
Kharis: rude!!
Gil: No, I mean, if you were human, being chased by different monsters, what are the consequences?
Gil: a vampire drinks your blood, a werewolf bites you, a zombie eats you, what do mummies do to you?
Kharis: keep asking that question and you’ll find out.
Gil: I’m just wondering!!
Kharis: we beat the living hell outta you when you ask us dumb questions.
Gil: message received!! Chill!
Kharis: thanks 🙄😑
Chapter 3: jello and insomnia
(Bea is eating jello at three am and gets “inspired”)
Bea: could you make jello out of ranch?
Franky: honey, wtf???? Its 3am come back to bed!!
Bea: I’m in the kitchen eating. Can’t sleep. Answer the question.
Franky: no????? It’s too thick of a substance.
Bea: sad. If I could I’d eat ranch cubes with carrot jello.
Franky: ew???
Renfield: what about ketchup jello?? Or pure mayonnaise jello? Or BLOOD jello??
Dracula: that last one sounds yummy ;)
Franky: please stop :/
Bea: babe it’s for science! What about sparkling water jello?? Like- the jello is FIZZY ya know?
Dracula: carbonated jello you mean
Bea: yeah!
Franky: I hate everything about this conversation.
Renfield: relish jello.
Franky: 🤢
Dracula: I know for a fact that some of these exist. Meat jello exists.
Franky: ew, what?
Dracula: blame the Great Depression. Look it up.
Renfield: master!! What about bug jello?!
Dracula: probably not, but there are bug lollipops I think.
Renfield: oh my god I want one
Bea: cheese jello.
Dracula: I’m nocturnal and Renfield stays up late with me, tell Bea to go to bed not me
Bea: I’ll be in bed in 5 minutes
Franky: thank you… 😮‍💨🥹
Hyde: what the HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?? (And why wasn’t I a part of it?)
Chapter 4: diary
(Griffins steals a diary to try to get secrets)
Dracula: oh no…
Bea: what did you do.??
Griffin: I found Kharis’ diary!! >:)
Bea: if you picked it up and took it, then you STOLE Kharis’ diary
Griffin: …shush… anyways!!! Anyone know good ideas on how to blackmail him?
Dracula: griffin that’s not a good idea.
Griffin: whats so funny Gil?  🤔
Kharis: open the diary idiot.
Bea: oh shit Griffin you’ve been caught
Gil: no?? you haven’t opened the book yet have you??
Griffin: ……..
Griffin: …I just did.
Kharis: ;)
Griffin: f you.
Dracula: what happened? What’s in the diary?
Griffin:….. its in hieroglyphics.
Dracula: OMG
Griffin: :’(
Kharis: oh “boo hoo”, you were gonna blackmail me!!
Griffin: thats fair.
chapter 5: the munsters
(Hyde asks a question)
Hyde: you guys know The Munsters right?
Larry: yeah.?
Hyde: well if the dad is a “Frankenstein’s monster” character, and the mom is a vampire, why is their son a werewolf?
Larry: ….
Larry: that’s actually a good question.
Griffin: simple. Lily cheated.
Kharis: or he’s adopted? 😑
Griffin: the cheating storyline is more interesting.
Kharis: sure.
Hyde: plot twist: their milkman is a werewolf ;)
Hyde: oh no what did I just start?
Kharis: please don’t encourage him.
Larry: griffin and Hyde trying to prove Lily Munster cheated:
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Kharis: XD
Griffin: oh, shut up. >:(
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kairiscorner · 1 year
PLSS DO ONE WHERE READER INTRODUCES MIGUEL TO KPOP LIKEEE this man definitely has loona on his workout playlist 💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
HELLO !! ok disclaimer: i'm not really that well-versed in kpop, so i had to ask help from my friends and kinda combined theirs and my opinions together, so sorry if it's jumbled and ooc, i tried :')))
introducing him to kpop – miguel o'hara x reader headcanons and blurbs
"what am i listening to?" he asked you as he looked at you with a perplexed expression as he listened to the beginning of the song russian roulette by red velvet. he didn't take the headphones off, but he didn't fully comprehend what exactly he was listening to. "it's k-pop." "ok, and why does it sound like a cotton candy fever dream?" he asked you as you chuckled aloud, knowing what the lyrics really meant. "it... it's part of the appeal." you said as miguel sighed and sat back as he listened to the song. you swore he swayed his head a little as he listened to the song; and you might've, sort've caught him on camera doing it.
miguel only agreed to listen to kpop because you wouldn't stop bugging him about it, like you and lyla keep streaming newjeans songs (FUCK YEAHHHH) and they just become an earworm for him 😭😭😭
he probably unironically likes supershy and it's his deepest, darkest secret.
why do i see him playing 'attention' while working out what, he blasts that while he's at the gym, ignoring everyone else and........ maybe hoping to get your attention (haha kairi's a shitty comedian)
the song's lyrics and melody are the only things filling his ears right now, the calls and greetings of the spider people in the gym are being tuned out by the song as miguel lifts a couple of weights. peter b walks over with mayday on his chest, the redhead babbling and trying to call for her 'tio miguel' as her father keeps rambling to him about his dad bod and proposing an idea to make a playpen for the spider babies when the spider parents aren't around; but miguel can't even hear either of them--he's too engrossed in the song and hoping that he'd not only go away, but that somebody's attention would be captured from his exercising. hopefully.
when 'paint the town' comes on his playlist while working out HE GETS IN THE ZONE; NOBODY CAN RIP HIM AWAY FROM HIS WEIGHTS
the only reason he likes boy with luv is because of how cute you are when you sing along to it :>
imagine him listening to life goes on while looking back at memories of him and gabriella (•‿•)
he can't stop the tears from falling; he knows it's a kpop song sung by really flashy guys who many people all over the world adore, that it usually wouldn't be something to bring him to tears, but... the message is conflicting with his emotions.
as he watches his daughter come back to life through the videos and photos they had together, though the stinging feeling that she's gone–that he can never hold her nor speak to her again, and can only see her in his dreams–won't leave him alone. the song's lyrics, after he understood the translation of it, made him feel a little achy, but it also helped him feel a little relieved, in a way?
"life goes on..." he read the title aloud as he tasted the salty tears rolling down to his lips as he blinked them back, seeing the distorted image of his daughter as he watched the video of the two of them at a soccer field after her big win. even without her, miguel still lived; life... went on.
though he couldn't understand why he lived when his daughter should've been given a full life ahead of her, he lived. and because he lived, his life will go on, with or without her–but he refuses to live another day without thinking of her his beloved daughter, and... apologizing for being the reason her life didn't continue, her life couldn't go on because his did.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @meeom @ophanimgold @melovetitties @popeheywardssecretgf
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ss-shitstorm · 1 month
Hey I am considering writing my own book for a different fandom (gravity falls ) and you are without a doubt my favorite author (I recommended your works to my sgt lol). I have a few questions if you feel like answering if not that’s totally fine too.
First off- how do you prepare a space and headspace to get in the writing mood
Second- do you have any recommended playlist that help
Third- how do you make your characters so personable and yet not copy paste persona
I really enjoy how passionate you are and how much it shows through your work and would like a crumb of knowledge on how to derive from it 🙇‍♀️
My brain is sorta fried but I'm so fucking flattered you'd ask and are gonna do my best to answer this.
This is kinda complicated. I kinda...don't. I just force myself to do it. It's part of my routine like brushing my teeth or exercising. If I need to be in a specific mood for a specific character then I've got moodboards and by moodboards I mean picture folders of the character in question with a bunch of memes/shitposts/aesthetic fodder that reminds me of them. But a huge part of my productivity is to make it routine. That and (if I can help it) writing it as early in the day as possible, and leaving more mundane, less cognition-intensive tasks for later. (looking up "chronotypes" has actually been super helpful for this. Most people's brains have a certain time of day that they work best)
2. I don't really have a specific playlist for writing, but I kinda trained my brain to respond to certain musical genres by *only* playing them while I was studying or writing, so now when that type of music comes on, my brain goes "oh. It's time to learn chemistry/write." if you wanna try this then I suggest using a genre that you're not gonna really be tempted to listen to in different settings. Something pleasant to you that you're sorta ambivalent about.(I personally listen to Keji Haino and drone metal bc the odds of hearing or wanting to hear that shit outside of writing sessions is really low)
3. Ooh. this one's a (super flattering btw!) toughie. My personal technique for this is to write every character as though at some point, I might have to make the protag fall in love with them.(Or if that's not appropriate/possible for whatever reason, then the protag might adopt them/become extremely close found family) This way I learn more about them, take them more seriously, and I fall in love with them a little too. It kinda makes nobody a true side character.
Another thing is giving the preexisting characters(if we're speaking strictly fanfic) multiple new traits and hobbies that don't clash with their canon personality. Take your blorbo. Plop this fucker down in front of you and see how hard you can OC-ify their ass before they're no longer the character you started out with. Basically blingee the evershitting FUCK out of them. Then dial it back. Strip your new OC back down until they start resembling the character you started out with, and stop somewhere around there. That's your blueprint. You don't start OUT with this brand new freshly makeover'd guy, you slowly let your readers get to know them over the course of multiple chapters.
There's a thin line between enhancing their personality/backtory and covering up, and you'll probably cross it multiple times. But if there's one thing I've learned from decades of reading fanfic, it's that risking OOC behavior is kinda necessary to turn a good fic into a *mind-blowingly* good fic.
thank you for asking bro and good luck. I don't know much about GF other than ppl want to fuck the old guys and the flying dorrito but I'm in your corner the whole way. LMK when you write that shit
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
Why Yuma Kokohead is my main whump candidate🌡️ An Analysis:
(contains raincode spoilers)
So, some of you people are probably asking yourself; Why do I keep making these sickly edits of Yuma?
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Okay. Allow me to present my evidence and reasoning behind this weird little obsession of mine in 3 parts. (prepare for a small essay with some spoilers)
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First off; I've noticed that Yuma always holds his head like this whenever he's distressed.
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I know its probably just a nod to his memory loss, but he does it
Through the whole game.
Like his model is just programed to do it whenever he makes these two expressions in the sprite art.
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He always looks so pale and tired... sick even.
Which is why I edited these sprites first
The model of him that’s used in an Ace Attorney fan made crossover project does this exact same gesture too.
Only he actually looks like he's in even MORE pain here.
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And Reminder; he canonically felt sick in the first chapter of the game. Idc what the reason was, the point is it happened.
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All of this might confirm that he has potential to be frail of health or may suffer from specified ailments easily.
Like hello? BE FR RIGHT NOW??
In the JP dub, he speaks under somewhat heavy sounding breaths when he's going through this ordeal of trying to open the door to the Infirmary (as he should) It shows how exhausted he feels or how dizzy he is just wanting, BEGGING to lay down and make the world stop spinning.
(sorry for the poor quality video lol)
This was all that was going through my mind when I first played this part of the chapter. And I nearly lost it. He was officially on my list
This part of Chapter 0 was more than enough to convince me he had the potential.
Second: Yuma usually doesn't mind admitting when he is weak or vulnerable.
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Such as when he tells Fubuki that he feels like he's in pain and going to pass out after Shinigami punched him in the Ch3 ML, or telling Vivia how scared he was when he was threatening to kill him during the Ch4 Investigation, or admitting his fear and hesitation to Shinigami in Chapter 5's deserted factory. Anytime that he admits his feelings if someone asks him rather than trying to act tough. Instead of playing dumb, he admits when he feels a negative way. He's completely honest about it.
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This is really good fodder for a scenario where he just confesses that he's not feeling well. Or that he's about to be sick. Or if he's in pain or injured. Or if he's having a mental breakdown. He won't shy away from it. He'll say it.
(though I did kinda make him play dumb in my own fic lol I cannot deny that there are times he also wants to be strong and/or not be a burden to others)
Third: Yuma's size. HIS TINY SIZE??? COME ON?? He may as well be a CHILD.
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I know vivia is a freaking giant but STILL LOOK HOW SMALL HE IS
He is so baby despite his age being completely unknown. He could be a teenager or he could be an adult over 20. Nobody knows.
Point is regardless of that, you can see him is any kind of vulnerable situation with no doubt or worry of it being OOC. You can see him crying if he's hurting. You can see him whining about making the pain go away. You can see him wanting comfort if he has a nightmare. You can see him having a panic attack reaching out to a caretaker for support.
He can be carried or lifted up by anyone taller than him and probably be light as a feather. Seeing him cling to them like a sick or hurt kid would.
He could sit or lay on their lap. He could lean on them as they help him walk if he's hurt, or as they help him eat or drink if he's too weak to do so himself.
And he probably couldn't stop someone from forcing him down to rest if he tried due to his physical stature being unfit for combat. (or anything)
Regardless, it would ALL FIT.
Like taking care of a child.
Now with those 3 points out of the way, I ask you all:
How can this character NOT be easy whump bait? Don’t underestimate my imagination as a sickfic enthusiast.
He's a perfect victim for specifically any sort of head issue:
Be it a headache, a head injury, migraine, or what I usually continue to give to him in my edits.
A High Fever.
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plus, coupled with the RAIN 24/7 SETTING?
In THIS type of scenario??
he's got the major potential to be the biggest sickly wet cat ever
and I love him so much for that
he's so dizzyboy coded that I want to make him SICK AS A PUPPY
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Which is why I do it so much.
40 degrees? Call a freaking doctor aaaa
I'll mostly go with a high fever because they're my favorite thing in the sick whump category and easy to edit, but at the same time, he could be suffering with any sort of issue and it would seem accurate, likely or canon, so long as it involves his head.
Such as a splitting headache, immense dizziness, flash blurred vision, or even a nausea induced migraine. (heck, even all of the above, go crazy)
You may ask yourself, why?
Easy: For caretaking fluff purposes.
That's mostly why sickfics exist.
The potential fluff of him getting taken care of by the NDA (found family) Shinigami (chaotic mascot partner/sibling) Kurumi (platonic or romantic) or heck maybe even Makoto (sibling dynamic or possible ‘self-care’)
Just the thought and image of him getting taken care of in general puts a smile on my face. Its a HUGE comfort for me 💜
The potential for the found family, shipping, or sibling moments he can produce from being in this state is astronomical. And you don't see that in characters very often. He is a very rare specimen. He is Number 1 after all.
Checks literally all of my boxes on why I love illness whump and sickfics so much. He is perfect.
Sometimes sacrifices must be made to forge deeper connections. And these kinds of scenarios almost NEVER fail to be 1 of three things: tooth-rottingly wholesome, heartbreakingly angsty, or chaotically comedic. It depends on your preference. (They're mostly wholesome and sweet though.)
fr though.
once you find your prime whumpee you never go back
and now I know how it feels ;w; the bliss makes me feel as though I am now complete in a place where something was missing.
Thank you Kodaka for this adorable smol anxious purple trainee who’s actually the top dog 💜
I love him dearly🥰
Some of you may just want to see Yuma as a cool smart, competent, and badass protagonist and that's great! I completely agree! That he is.
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But to me personally? He's also a soft, delicate, anxiety filled, adorable lil' wet cat who needs constant TLC, love and/or support 💊 Physically and/or mentally.
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Get a character that can do both lol
That is all.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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I love this little guy so much! He means everything to me.💜 He’s just a little guy. My babygirl, my little scrunkly, my lil' blorbo, my little meow meow…
No matter how you see it;
Yuma Kokohead is a blessing✨
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forthewinn · 9 months
Tag Nine People You'd Like to Get to Know Better!
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): strawberry and chocolate
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: broadway, disney, and taylor swift
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): tangled, the little mermaid, gifted
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: harry potter, brooklyn nine nine, the rookie, superstore, castle, chuck, the office, and like a million other things
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: proud of your boy - aladdin broadway case recording
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: american housewife
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: waitress (the broadway pro shot)
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: cleaning the kingdom, stories from a disneyland custodian
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: switched at birth
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: getting drafts done, taking a mental health break, putting away laundry
tagged by: @aquamanandfriends
tagging: @sxrgeantbarnes @kwritemeastory @wanderingguest @inkdreamt @trcstme @savingthrcw @ofcrossrcads @unitcd @normaltothemax
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
K, my dear, can i request a modern Tommy with the prompt "Why do we have to keep hiding? I'm tired of being kept a secret." Give me that good angst 😆
Isabella!!! Thank you for sending this in (and for requesting a modern Tommy story 😉)!!! I was listening to the song Hide My Love by The Glorious Sons the other day and immediately thought of this prompt you sent. I decided to base it off of the last verse of the song. It may be a little ooc, but modern!Tommy is an AU anyway, so I just rolled with it. Enjoy! 🥰
Thank you for helping me celebrate hitting 2K followers! Want to read more blurbs from this celebration? Check out this post!
Why Do You Hide My Love?
Modern!Tommy Shelby
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Warnings: language, slight age gap
Tommy shows up at (Y/N)’s house one day, wondering why she’s hesitant to share their relationship with the world.
All of the scenarios that Tommy had been thinking up while waiting on the doorstep of (Y/N)’s house disappeared the second her older sister answered the door.
“Well if it isn’t Tommy Shelby,” she said upon realizing who was waiting outside.
“Is (Y/N) home?” Tommy questioned, not wanting to deal with her more than he had to.
“What’s your reason behind wantin’ to see her?” the woman’s eyebrows raised as she leaned against the hand holding open the door.
“You know why,” he was curt with his response, trying his best not to blow up on the sister of the woman he was wanting to talk to.
“Actually I don’t…would you care to elaborate?” she asked him, so obviously playing dumb to get on his nerves.
He tried not to let her get under his skin. “Sarah, let me in. Please,” he just about demanded, still keeping his voice, and head, level.
“Never thought I’d see the day where I’d see Tommy Shelby, the president of our secondary school class, beg me to do something for him. Boy, how times have changed,” Sarah commented, now laughing at the irony of this entire situation.
“Would you at least stop laughing?”
“Tell me what you’re here for,” her laughter stopped in an instant, and she sent him a deadpan expression.
Tommy thought for a moment. Should he just tell her why he���d shown up at her house? Should he give her an ability to make another witty come back? “You know what, it’s none of your business…just go get your sister and then let us be,” he told her after deciding against telling her what she wanted to hear. He sent her a scowl then for extra measure, hoping to convey the point that even though he was there to speak to (Y/N), he still didn’t want to entertain her conversations.
He thought he’d seen the last of Sarah (Y/L/N) in secondary school. He never thought that he’d be crossing paths with her again some fifteen odd years down the road. He also never expected to take an interest in Sarah’s younger sister, (Y/N). She was only in year 10 when Tommy was getting ready to graduate. It would have been considered weird back then, but nobody really thought twice about a four year age gap at their age now. In fact, that was the last thing on his mind when the lights hit her the right way in the bar they were both at several weeks ago.
But there was a problem now. “Tommy? What’re you doing here?” (Y/N)’s questions brought Tommy out of his thoughts and back into the present.
“I asked him the same thing, (Y/N),” Sarah chimed in from behind her little sister.
“Give us a moment, Sarah…please?” (Y/N) asked before Tommy was able to send a response her way. Sarah only huffed and walked deeper into the house, leaving the couple on their own. “What’re you doing here, Tommy?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she turned back to look at him.
“Why do we have to keep hiding, (Y/N)?” he got right to the reason behind his presence, “I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
(Y/N) sighed as she heard what he had to say. “Tommy, don’t think that this is because of…”
“Why do you hide me, love?” he cut her off, desperate eyes begging her for an answer.
Silence fell between them as (Y/N) looked at him for a moment before glancing to each side of the street. “Come inside,” she told him then, stepping aside so that he could enter her house. She really didn’t want to have this conversation on the front step of her home for the entire neighborhood to see.
Tommy only nodded before he stepped past her. As soon as he entered the house, he turned back around to face her, watching as she shut the door and turned around. The two stared at each other for a few more moments before Tommy finally spoke up. “Why do you not want anyone to know we’re together?” he asked her, stuffing his hands into his pants pockets, making his biceps become visible through the fabric of the white dress shirt he was wearing.
(Y/N) pursed her lips and stared at him a little longer, trying so hard not to let her eyes drop any lower than his collarbones (because it’d be over for her if she did). She held the silence for about a minute before letting out a long sigh. “It’s stupid…really,” she said while shaking her head.
“Tell me,” he demanded softly, wanting to get to the bottom of the problem standing between them.
“You’re very well known in the public and professional sector, Tommy…” she started off.
“And?” he prompted her to continue, unsure if he should raise his eyebrows or furrow them.
“And I’m still trying to make a name of myself. I…I just didn’t want people thinking that I’m getting with you so that I can climb up the ladder quicker,” she explained herself, ringing her hands together as she spoke; feeling embarrassed about the entire situation.
Tommy furrowed his eyebrows as he soaked in her statement. “That’s the reason?” he asked her, wanting to make sure he heard her correctly. She nodded, looking at him sort of in the way a scared child would. He couldn’t help but exhale a laugh and shake his head slightly. “That’s the last thing you should be worrying about, baby. If people’ve got a problem with us being together because they’re thinking that; they’ve got another thing coming for them, cuz I won’t let that fucking happen,” he told her, his eyes not straying away from hers as he spoke.
“You’re not afraid that they’d think that?” she asked, her way of checking to make sure he was being honest.
“Fuck no,” he shook his head, his prompt answer making his thoughts blatant, “why would I care about what other people think when I’ve got all I need with you, eh?”
“Tommy…” she trailed off, her cheeks heating up.
“I’m serious, (Y/N),” he doubled down on his statement as he stepped closer to her, “I’m happy you’re my girl, and I want the whole world to know about it,” he told her, a grin playing on his lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as she draped her arms over his shoulders. “Maybe it’s time we tell the world then,” she said, her statement making Tommy’s grin grow before he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.
“Well that was fucking disgusting,” Sarah’s voice came from the hallway to the right of them, making (Y/N) pull away from Tommy with a groan.
“I thought I told you to leave us be, Sarah,” (Y/N) mumbled, sending her sister a glare.
“You did…but this is my house also, and I’m entitled to go to the kitchen whenever I want,” she argued, “I didn’t think that I was gonna walk in on a declaration followed by a make out session.”
“Well you’d better get used to it because he and I are together,” (Y/N) came right out and announced it. She didn’t miss the smile that formed on Tommy’s face, catching it in the corner of her eye.
“I’m fine with it if you’re happy, but just please let me go get my drink before you two start sucking face again, alright?” Sarah stated, making it sound like it was a big deal, but inside, she was happy for them.
“Go on,” (Y/N) dismissed her, letting her walk past them, which she did with a huff. “That felt good to say,” she said to Tommy then as she looked at him once more.
“I’m sure it did,” Tommy grinned right back at her before he leaned in and kissed her again.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica
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crscntwhite · 2 years
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⠀   ⠀ a. hayakawa :: -him having a plus-sized boyfriend- one shot✧
↳ pairing ✧ ➼ aki hayakawa x plus-sized m!reader
↳ summary ✧ ➼ you feel insecure about your body, but aki is there to give you comfort.
↳ word count ✧ ➼ 912 wrds
↳ content warnings ✧ ➼ (internalized) fatphobia, self-deprecating talk, fluff at the end
↳ author's note ✧ ➼ just a quick drabble i thought of yesterday. as a plus-sized transmasc, i had a lot of fun writing this. drabble might be ooc. not proof-read. requests are open.
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always read the content warnings before reading. fem!readers dni.
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you and aki were preparing to go on a date. you two unanimously decided to go watch a newly released movie and have a semi-nice dinner afterwards, so you wanted to dress appropriately but comfortably.
you chose an alternative-style outfit; a black and baggy long sleeve shirt with punk-rock styled pants with buckles, all accompanied with some black combat boots. you wore a few chains here and there, and you topped it all off with the earrings aki gifted you a few months into your relationship. the idea of the outfit excited you and you couldn't wait to show your wonderful boyfriend, but the second you saw yourself in the mirror, it quickly vanished and was replaced with feelings of disgust. it was not all like you expected.
you struck a few poses to try and look at yourself in different angles to see if it would change at all, but it didn't. you felt like your weight ruined the vibe you were aiming for. you sucked in your stomach, gripped at it. you hated it. you felt ugly. and worst of all, you felt completely unlovable.
"i can't let anyone see me like this..."
you sat down on your bed as tears pricked at your eyes. they started falling down your cheeks as you began to take off each piece of clothing, starting with your shoes. you sobbed quietly so aki couldn't hear. you would feel totally embarrassed if he saw you like this. as soon as you were about to strip your shirt off, there was a knock and a voice behind your bedroom door.
"(y/n)? love? are you okay? you've been in there for a long while, we're gonna be late for the movie. don't tell me you're debating on an outfit again." his tone was playful. your breath hitched and you tried to not make any noise by holding your breath. but the lack of response signaled to aki that something was actually wrong. he opened the door and saw your face red and with tear stains.
his playful attitude died as he dropped his bag and quickly approached you. he knelt down to your eye level. you couldn't look at him though. your eyes were glued to the floor. "oh darling, what's wrong? why are you crying?" aki was very soft for you, and for you only. he gently wiped away your tears with one hand and and held your hand with his other. he looked at you with worried eyes. "i- i don't know... if i want to do anything tonight... i-i'm sorry," you hiccupped. another tear fell as you slightly turned your head away. you felt ashamed. aki wiped away that one, too.
"what makes you say that?" he questioned. "did something happen?" you didn't give a verbal response, only uneven breathing. "(y/n), please talk to me... what happened?" he rubbed his thumb along your knuckles in attempt to make you more relaxed. "i just... i just feel so ugly. i look disgusting. i'm so fat, being fat is just unattractive, everyone knows that. nobody wants to be with a fat person, i just..." you trailed off and starting sobbing again. aki removed his hands from you and switched to having his arms around you. he pulled you into an embrace and hugged you tightly. he held you like that and he let you cry. he understood that you just needed to let it out before he could speak to you and rebuttal against your words.
when your body naturally calmed down, aki released himself from you and looked at you in the eyes. you still couldn't look at him. he cupped his hands around your face. "hey. love, can you please look at me?" aki whispered. you defeatedly locked eyes with his. he hated seeing your pretty eyes look anything but happy. "(y/n), i know you think you look ugly or that nobody loves you, and you should really not think like that. but i have to disagree with you. you're absolutely stunning. you're so handsome, and i love you so so much. i don't care about your weight, if anything it makes you look even more beautiful. i love you for who you are, fat or not. i'm so lucky that you're my wonderful boyfriend. i want to be with you for the rest of my life. i love you, okay?"
aki's voice was soothing, as well as his words. you sniffled and mouthed out a 'thank you' as you slightly smiled. "there's that smile i love," aki slightly teased. you chuckled out of embarrassment and replied with a drawn out 'stop.' "are you feeling any better? we still don't have to go out if you don't want to, but i really do want to spend some time together." aki kept his warm hands on your face. "yea, i feel a little better now. we can still go."
you looked at him again, this time the redness in your eyes are gone. aki couldn't help himself but lean in and give you a loving kiss on your lips. you were caught a little off guard at first, but you melted into it fairly quickly. he rubbed his thumb on your cheek. when he moved back after a few seconds, he took his hands off you and lifted you up off your bed with a hug. that you were shocked by.
"c'mon, get your shoes back on, we're gonna be late!"
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You have a burnout and Rook is comforting you.
"Melancholic" once again, so maybe a bit OOC? HCs/fic/whatever it is too.
I don't know how to deal with burnout effectively and properly, so don't take it as a guide or anything like that.
Let me know if you want to see my hcs about how Rook deals with his burnout.
One day, instead of going to NRC like usual, you studied from home using one of Idia's spare tablets. Nobody knew why you suddenly decided to do that. You didn't look sick yesterday, you didn't say you felt sad or exhausted. Your friends just thought that you probably caught a cold again or simply wanted try out the tablet. But Rook, on the other hand, was more than aware something was wrong, even if he couldn't say exactly what at first.
You looked so cheerful the day before it seems suspicious to him. Rook decided not to comment on that back then just in case you genuinely felt so happy.
But when you didn't show up to classes in person he knew it wasn't the case.
So, he decided to secretly leave you some gifts in the afternoon!
Your comfort food, some favourite sweets and drinks, even photos you took together while exploring woods behind the campus.
It did surprise you at first, but you immediately could tell it was Rook's doing. He wasn't nearby so you thanked him in your mind. "I'll do it in person later," you thought.
While all of these gifts were great and they did make you happy at first, your mood suddenly went down.
You felt guilty for making him worry. And you knew these presents won't give you energy to go back to college to socialize and study with barely any breaks. And don't forget about cleaning up everyone's mess...
In a few days, you stopped showing up. At all. You didn't even use that tablet. You couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed, let alone study. You tried to get up but kept falling back, if your body even tried to listen to you in the first place. But a sudden loud phone call managed to get you up instantly.
You picked the phone in panic, your heartbeat was so fast you could hear it loud and clear in your head.
The person who called you was Rook. He paused before speaking so you could catch up your breath.
"Good morning! Hope you're doing better, we all are worried about you here. If you need medical help, I can bring you to the nurse office at anytime."
You reluctantly responded, "I'm glad to hear that but... I can deal with that myself."
"Can you? You're going to overwork yourself again and burnout even more. So please, let me lend you a hand."
"I don't need to go to the nurse though, I'm not doing that badly."
"But are you taking care of yourself?" You didn't respond. You genuinely forgot or just didn't have energy to do your daily routine. You even forgot to eat some of the sweets he gifted you. "I'll visit you once I'm done with my work, alright?"
In the evening, when Rook entered your room his eyes were locked on you. You looked clearly exhausted, half-dead if you will. You didn't even brush your hair this morning. Yet he still found you beautiful.
He kept murmuring compliments while brushing your hair. You smiled out of reflex, even though you didn't feel super comfortable. You were so used to taking care of others, it felt so weird to be taken care of.
"This sweet little smile of yours is just so magnifique! You know how to charm people in an instant."
Rook even did your makeup! And helped you to get in warmer clothes, as it was a bit chilly inside your room.
Afterwards, you had a nice dinner. He made sure to choose something both healthy and what you would've liked for 100%.
When you said you didn't have much appetite and left a bit of food untouched he understood that. You kept feeling like you forgot something important and just couldn't make yourself eat because of that.
Suddenly being taken care of like that was pretty overwhelming to you, so you asked him to leave for a while. "I'm genuinely sorry, but... I really need to stay alone for a while. Could you go outside for some time? You're a vice housewarden, I'm sure you have a lot of work. There's no need to spend so much on me anyway."
"Non, your well-being is one of the most important things for me! But I will leave for half an hour or more, so take a good rest. I'll knock on the door when I come back, agree?"
You nodded and he soon left. It was hard to relax, yet you tried. You lied in bed for who knows how long, staring at the ceiling and not moving. As you began to doze off, Rook gently knocked on the door. Wait, was it really half an hour already? Oh. It was almost midnight.
You quietly said "Come in" as you couldn't get up and open the door yourself. Rook entered the room with some papers. Was it notes for your classes? Yeah, it was.
He cuddled with you until you fell asleep despite trying to stay awake. You remembered what you wanted to do and why you didn't really have appetite earlier. In the end of the day, you still didn't thank him! You began to speak but only a barely noticeable "Rook..." left your mouth. And so, you feel asleep in his arms.
It will take a lot of time for things to go back to normal. And yet, despite everything, there's someone willing to be with you when you feel like an empty shell of your own self. "Goodnight," he softly kissed your forehead before falling asleep as well.
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thesillykittyworld · 2 years
Mr. Wolf comforts you while you're overstimulated
this imagine uses 2nd pov pronouns (you, your) and they/them pronouns for the reader and takes place before the bad guys went good; the pet names used are pup, sweetpea, and sweetheart
inspired by @littledellprince 's post on Mr. Wolf as a caregiver :]
Disclaimer: This experience won’t be universal and I based this off of my overstimulated experience; this is also my first fanfic, so I hope I wrote coherently and Mr.Wolf and the other characters don’t seem ooc :]
Everything in the warehouse was too much.
The lights were too bright and the guys and the TV were too loud.
Now, this isn’t your first time having a sensory overload, but the pain never gets any easier, especially when you’re little.
Your body became stuck while you were getting a snack in the kitchen, so now you were in a ball on the floor by the stove; you didn’t get why your executive function didn’t understand that you were in pain and needed to get away from the stimuli, but you hoped that the hands over your ears could help soothe you somehow.
But, it got harder and harder to suppress your whines and you hoped nobody noticed, but at the time you didn’t think about a wolf’s great sense of hearing.
“You guys hear that?”Wolf stopped watching the TV to figure out where the whines were coming from.
“Yeah, I heard that! The sound of that guy runnin' from the cops, I’m rootin' for him!” Piranha cheered at the TV screen while the news was playing.
“ Ah c’mon, look at his running form, he’ll never get away!” Tarantula nagged at Piranha.
“Uh-uh, now's no time for science, it’s all about strength and power!” Shark flexed in front of the TV.
“Get out of the way!” Piranha and Tarantula shouted, “Idiots” grunted Snake at the three of them.
“No, I heard some whimpering, anybody heard from Y/n lately?”
“No, thought they went to bed. Why?” Snake narrowed his eyes at Wolf.
“I’m gonna go check on them,” Wolf lifted himself from the shared couch.
“He’s real soft on that kid”, Snake still narrowing his eyes, but now at Wolf’s empty seat
“ Don’t be that like that, they’re just a kid and kids need extra help, I remember when I was a kid-” Shark raised his fin, about to go on a rant.
“Okay, didn’t ask, Shark”. Snake turned his focus back towards the TV.
“Awwww”, Shark said with his head down sadly, then also turned back towards the TV.
“Y/n! Where are you, pup?” Wolf tried to follow the sound into the kitchen until he saw your figure in the corner of your eye.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on, hm?” he spoke while crouching down in front of you.
When overstimulated, you found it hard to speak and you couldn’t look up at him because then the lights would come into your direct view.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to speak, but can I touch you? I want to take you to a spot with less lightning, sweetpea.”
You nodded your head. You knew Wolf would never hurt you on purpose.
He held you in a bridal stance, so you didn’t have to take your hands off your ears and took you to a darker area of the warehouse.
“There we go, that’s better, isn’t it? You try to get comfortable and I'll go get your headphones and go tell the guys to turn down the TV, okay?”
You nodded yet, again
“Can you turn it down? It’s hurting my pup’s ears”. Wolf stood next to the TV with his hands in his pockets.
Snake, Shark, and Tarantula all fell asleep, leaving Piranha the only one awake.
“C’mon man, it was just getting good” Piranha complained.
“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough. Turn down the tv, the kid cannot stand to hear the tv right now” he spoke while pointing at your still shaking figure. “If I find the tv was turned up one notch, then when I left it, there will be no tv, got it?” Wolf Snarled, showing all of his teeth.
“Fineeeee” Piranha said while rolling his eyes, “Nobody’s scared of all the teeth you have, I bet I have more”. He said under his breath as Wolf walked away.
“Okay, I’m back and I have your headphones and your favorite sweater” Wolf sang while shaking the sweater like a new toy; it basically was. That sweater had the best texture among Wolf’s sweaters and he knew you’d like that in your time of need.
You carefully unlatched your hands from your ears and immediately put on your headphones, you then put your sweater and ruffled the front of it on the pads of your fingers.
“Feels nice, huh pup? You okay now?” Wolf cooed while sitting down and sliding you into his arms.
“It’s wayyy past your bedtime, ain’t it sweetheart? So get comfortable, we're gonna be here all night.”
As you snuggled into Wolf’s chest, the last thing you felt was a kiss being pressed on your forehead.
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