#try something else? maybe actually try working with her a bit?
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Had another Si-Oc thought >.>
My standard "you know what Would Be Cool?" Musings...
Getting reborn, as you do, ending up Force Sensitive, as can only be the case. Because really... how ELSE would you soul end up there? CHANCE? Force ghosts are a PROVEN thing! We KNOW that the Force sometimes just... deals in souls.
Ffs, it MADE A BABY.
Yes, there was Sith interference there. But that doesn't chance the fact that it went? "Eh, good enough. I'll take the chance and run with it. Thanks~â Mine Now~~â Bye~~~â" And Chosen One'd that baby. Because ultimately? Before the plans of gods and men? The Force Laughs.
So like? Yeah. If there WAS to be a Reincarnator?
Probably the Force.
Congrats on the new, third (or second, depends on your species. Might be another number entirely, honestly. But we are averaging here so MOVE ON), Parent! They are very, very happy to see you! Love you as only a Primordial, Extradimensional, Timeless, Formless, All Pervasive, Orange-Blue Morality havin', Not-A-God Super-God CAN. Their Benevolence? Could be called another God's cruelty.
They don't MEAN too. They are just.... really, really Big. Infinite. Not organic or mortal. It's like trying to comprehend the limitations of an ant, living on a planet, circling a sun, in a GALAXY the size of a DUST MOTE. The fact that the Force can even come CLOSE? Is literally miraculous.
But of course... OC? Not the Chosen One. The favorite, special, "I have Important Things For You" child. Which.... turns out to actually? Be kinda great. The realize that quickly. Which of course, is followed by the logical follow up.
Anikin? Fuckin SCREWED. Because he IS the Favorite Child.
Oh... oh No. Oh Fuck, that is a CHILD.
How easy it is, to cast blame, to judge, when you can't FEEL the Force in your EVERYTHING. All the time. Every moment of every day. Beautiful but cacophonous, like a symphony of screaming. Like staring at the sun and never going blind. It still hurts. But it's so... so bright. So Beautiful.
Connection. To the universe itself. Soul deep and transcendent. You can feel that the universe loves you. That there is good in people. That Life itself is worth protecting. But at the same time? It is... it is so much.
Because you can FEEL the ugly too.
The greed. The hate. The suffering. Lights snuffed out, in dark places of despair. Selfish actions and deep cruelties, like barbed wire against the soul. Thorns that hook and drag. And... and you're supposed to use your words. Just... just ASK them to stop? And, What? Hope that they WILL?
But pain only begets more pain. Cruelty, more cruelties still. And only the Sith, believe they can use FORCE, in any sense of the word, to change a persons nature. The Jedi build. Grow. They work together, with those who are willing, towards something better. Defend, those who can not protect themselves.
Balance and growth. Not fire and chains.
And Oc is pretty sure Anikin will agree. No one should ever be in chains. Dead maybe. Or in jail. But never, ever, in chains. (And no one ever said they were pacifists. Just not war mongers. Sometimes the only answer IS to kill your opponent. To respect their choice, but honor your commitments. Protect those you swore to protect.)
Of course... OC? Going through Jedi training. It's Pre-Anikin days. Both she and Obi-Wan are fuckin Smol. She's not even in his Creche clan. She's over here in the "wanders off, lost in their own thoughts" Chill AF Creche Clan. Not Mr. "May you Live In Interesting Times And Have Padawans JUST LIKE YOOOOOOOU" and Co., over in the... "Energetic" Creche Clan.
None of HER Creche-mates BIT people, Obi-Wan.
WE keep our fuckin teeth to ourselves, Kenobi!
So, obviously, THEY don't have a lifetime ban on the "look, don't touch" fragile plants meditation garden. Very Rich in the Force. Good for focusing. Peaceful, really. And Oc? Has the time and space? To Consider⢠things. Experiment. Ponder Fandom theories. Long "lost" Cannon techniques. Maybe have one-sided chats with the Force.
.....finally get CURIOUSâ˘.
And wonder... if? Since, you know, through the Force, she can encourage and discourage plants to grow? And somewhat control animals. Why not... micro-organisms? Say, Midi-chlorians? Force healing is all ready a thing! So the Force all ready CAN interact with the body. Effect it. Change it. What is this, but more?
Really, all she'd have to do is find them, within herself, right? They're already a part of her! Yet... not. Do they consider themselves a part of her? Or is it symbiosis? Yeah, everyone says it can't be done. Perhaps shouldn't be done. But, frankly? They said the same about a LOT of Force techniques over the years. Big leaps in progress scare the SHIT out of folks. Cause if you miss? A LOT of people can die gorey.
So she sits. Mediates. Looks. Smaller... and smaller.... and smaller....
Until she finds whispers. Humming. Chatter.
As though each and every blood cell in her body had a teeny, tiny, whispery little voice. All chattering together, talking and arguing and discussing. One great hive of progress and industry. Complaining about a lack of potassium... huh. She goes and gets some fruit. Eats it. Then settles back into meditation.
They are JOYOUS! Potassium! Yaaaaay! á ( á )áá ( á )áá ( á )áá ( á )áá ( á )á
Well... what'd ya know... huh. Hello there? She tries. Only to get a whispery and very alarmed ( ˜°ă
°) !! BODY CAN TALKă˝(°ă°)ďž â˝â˝â˝ Y-Yeah... she can. (How are they doing that?) The conversation? Only gets more surreal from there. Filled with... a surprising number of kaomojis.
But! She DOES figure out? How to increase her Midi-chlorians count. (By asking. Supplying needed resources for the expansion.) And WITH it? He awareness blooms.
The headache is... awful. The little guys(genderless) are WAY to enthusiastic. Working way too fast. If she didn't check the next morning? They might have continued to increase, indefinitely, until her veins were SOLID midi-chlorian. They just want to HELP, you see. And if you want More? Then surely FAR TOO MUCH is better, right?
(She may have fucked up. Oh god. Ow. Fuck. OW.)
Eventually she figure it out. Only gives her healer in training Creche mate a... few near heart attacks. He'll TOTALLY forgive her! (He will not. What the FUCK OC. Experimental medical procedures?! On YOURSELF!? You're not even HEALER TRACK!!!)
So NOW? She can reliably do it to OTHERS.
Need a bit more Midi-chlorians? Nearly Jedi quality but juuuuust under that cut off? She can fix that. Come. Be a jedi. Everyone should be a jedi. In FACT~! Whoops! Oh hey. Looks like all these Midi-chlorian counters are fuckin broken! (They look perfect fi-)(Broken! :] Do Not question me) So when you find that Orohan Child in desperate need of love and care? Just bring um on back!
They're TOTALLY Force sensitive. You can just tell. It's the vibes. Look at their lil face. Vibes, man. Just hand um here. For... reasons. You go get the paperwork. A working tester. And~? Oh would you look at THAT! Perfectly within acceptance range! Neat. Called it again, didn't you, Master Koon? You really do have an eye for these things. Anyway~ off to get this little one settled~~â *adoring cooing noises at the baby*
Weird, huh, how there suddenly just... SO MANY random orphan babies that are force sensitive? How 'bout that >.> strangest thing.
Of course, it's a god damned open secret. Everyone KNOWS. How could they not? But? Like with most things? If they don't Officially Know� They don't have to stop it. And it DOES help both the Force AND those kids. Can be reversed if they don't like it, later. (They asked. All hypothetical of course.) So OC is basically Temple bound, so she can receive any new kiddos. To... you know... Check Their Health, on the way to ACTUAL healers.
But she's ALSO waiting. And as her skill increases? She can FEEL midi-chlorians, easier and easier. Until it gets to the point? Where if she's bored and zoning out? Not even ture meditation anymore? She accidentally tunes into Midi-chlorian Live~â the talk show. (What's the latest gossip from bodies nearest to her? Oh? Your second spleen is acting funny? Better remember to tell him to get that chec-)
Palpatine can't hide SHIT. It's literally in his blood.
And MAD at him.
This is NOT what they're FOR. He's taking TERRIBLE care of his body! Fuck you! Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOOOOOOU! You want power? Choke on it, you-!!!!!
Holy shit. So THATS what Sith Midi-chlorians feel like. Oh my god. They... they are SO MAD. Like tiny wasps. That have been violently shaken in a jar. She's never used the word "seething" in reference to someone before... but like...? If they COULD stab him? Man would be a thick paste at this point.
She's not sure what facial expression she makes. But it sure is obvious. As is the blatant, horrified staring. And refusal to get near him. HE doesn't notice, being to busy with the powerful. But the Jedi sure as fuck do. Because THEY sent her? Out with a Shadow. You know... just in case.
Cause she literally can not be replaced.
She not High Ranked... she's just priceless. Equal sort of significance, but in a very quiet, Soft Power sort of way. She is, after all, single handedly? Reversing centuries of slow population decline. Her entire Line promises to be the next Yoda's line. Priceless and with far reaching significance. So obviously, they're making sure that shit stays locked down.
No one is to so much as BREATHE about this.
Not until her great-great-GREAT Grand Padawan has passed their Knight Trials so HELP US. We LEARN from our mistakes! Need we bring out the records? Times we got cocky? Sith and political fuckery!? No. Oc stays INVISIBLE. There is no war in Ba Sing Se! Move along!
So like? Why is Miss Midi-chlorian Sensor and Future of the Jedi... making that face? She's literally NEVER made that face. What sort of monster do you have to BE? Huh? Shadow asks, casual as fuck, like he's not a plotting plotter who's planing terrible things, what's up?
She tells him. Palpatine has RANCID vibes. His midi-chlorians fucking DISPISE him. She's literally never seen that before. In anyone. Didn't even know that was an option. They would gleefully kill him if they could.
.....senator Palpatine is Force Sensitive?
.......Interestingâ˘(Ominous Intent)
Says local Shadow, who is perhaps putting together some dots. May not be getting the correct picture. But is getting the Vibe. And boy howdy, he does NOT like the vibe. Has got himself some questions. Cause Mr "uwu I'm harmless" lil mask? Only holds up? If you're willing to believe him.
Shadows don't buy that shit. Shadows? Need receipts. Full character statements and an audit on the fucking hospital you were BORN AT. Every credit you picked up off the side walk, why, and where you spent it.
Give them your Secrets. Or they'll keep digging until they find them.
uwu Their ASS. Gonna tear this bitch APART.
......huh. So THIS is why you guys keep accidentally getting married to Mandalorians on missions. (We agreed not to mention that.) (Fucker, I agreed to nothing. Shouldn't have eaten my special Me Day pudding if you didn't want me to gossip.) Man, her friends are... a trip. Uh... have fun? Happy hunting? I guess? *feral Jedi noises*
She? Continues to wait. Palpatine? Begins to have a VERY bad time. (Ha! Get fucked!)
Unfortunately, it's not fast enough to stop his dumbass plans. He just gets desperate. Figures more power is the answer. Because of course he does. So here comes the "oh nooooo~ my planets under attack~ better manipulate a child and make me president of the galaxy!" Plan. Fucker. Bastard.
She can't stop that.
But what she CAN do? Is be there. Waiting. For HIM.
Her little brother. Her son. Her center of the universe. The most important man to ever live... and also? A scared little boy. Far, far from home. The only other person who understands just how BIG the Force is. How much it weighs. How even as it crushs you... you can't bear to put it down. Not even for a moment. Because it loves you. And it hurts, that it does.
And... oh. Oh.
He is so very small.
Dirty, tired, in lovingly mended clothes that are barely beyond scrap. With bright, bright eyes like hope and starlight. He sings inside. Like freedom. Like hope. Daring to ask "why CAN'T you be kinder?", "why CAN'T we be free?". A storm of change. Bright and beautiful.
A child. Great and small, all at once.
Oc can't help but smile. Because, oh. Oh how long, she has waited to meet him, Anikin Skywalker. Welcome. Are you hungry? Cold? Let's get cleaned up. See the healers first. The council can wait.
Chips are removed and food is shared. Warm clothes, soft and new. And she can not help but smile, smile, smile. Even as her face begins to hurt. For years she has gathered. Planned. Studied and trained. As though some part of her knew. As though all for this moment. Taking one of those small hands in hers. Looking right in his eyes.
"It's going to be okay."
Because it IS. Because regardless of what they decide? OC will be with him. Regardless, she's going to go and make sure his mother is free. Not bought, not sold. Free. She has friends who can help. Will learn how to remove the chip herself if she must.
And? He IS going to be a Jedi. Even if he never become a Coruscant Jedi. Even if he decides he doesn't agree with how they do things or they decide the disagree with how HE does things. The Jedi have changed before, they will change again. Living things are meant to grow. Meant to change. And people can be both wrong and right at the same time. It's messy.
But what's important? Is Anikin is not alone anymore. And Oc is gonna help teach him. And someday? HE'S gonna break chains. So many chains. Gonna help people heal. If he wants to. (He does) But for right now? A quick talk with some old people. Maybe a nap. And we either get settled or arrange a trip back to Tatooine. To pick up your mom. In the meantime! You can figure out what classes she might wanna take. Where seems like a good place to settle. *chatting as they walk off, hand in hand*
Just? Sometimes a Padawan-ship is you, your Teacher, your OTHER Teacher, and her body guards that teach you Cool Knife Tricks and how to gamble, behind Obi-Wan's back! :D
@legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay @leftnotright @babbling-babull @hdgnj @spidori @the-witchhunter @lolottes
#minji's writing#Chosen Family AU#star wars#anikin skywalker#star wars oc#star wars si oc#long post#i chose to believe that Shadows are the Feral Jedis#let them BITE#who gave Anikin a knife?#vos obviously#you'd THINK Thome is the level headed one#but thats a fuckin LIE#they know the truth#he just mastered the I Am A Calm Professional face#you know... Like a LIAR
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My dads finally going out of town
I get 4 days of unimpeded dog training
#i mean thats the least of why ive been ready for him to leave#hes also just been annoying as fuck lately and i need a break from him#he'll go along with the dog training once its started hes just a stubborn asshole that wont try new training methods cuz its not#what he was taught was most effective#and also if i try to tell him what to do without showing him why it works he'll get all grumbly and be all ''dont tell me how to#train my dog''#and obviously im not expecting a ton of progress in only 4 days#but shes smart so she should pick up on the clicker=good shit pretty quick#i will bully my dad into using less aversive training methods if its the last thing i do#mostly cuz i hate seeing chewby anxious but also cuz his yelling makes ME anxious#also its kind of embarrassing to be around him when chewby is barking at someone and he starts counting to 3 like shes a little kid#and then going ''whatd i say??'' when she doesnt listen#like. i get mike taught her to respond to counting like that#but its clearly not that effective#based on how precious reacts to it imma say he also pairs it with...other aversive methods..which i am absolutely not ok with#like i get that shes not my dog but nah man we aint fuckin doin that#and its honestly painful to watch#like im not like. a professional or anything. no where near that. but idk man. yelling does not seem to be working so maybe#try something else? maybe actually try working with her a bit?#outside of when shes doing thing you dont want her doing?#shes a smart dog that has a lot of energy. she will absolutely benefit from training sessions#if i knew anywhere near by for sheep herding training id see if she liked that lol#she has the focus for it#shes got the herding dog stare down
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Lieutenant Simon Riley has a favorite nurse. She's sweet as sugar and polite, stitching up every bloodied soldier with gentle words and touches so light they barely feel the push and pull of the suturing. Appreciative, whether they return the soft conversation or not. He likes the way she floats around the medical wing, the way she smiles softly at everyone, even him. He's sure she knows what he's been doing, but she isn't stopping him, so he assumes she doesn't mind.
Every morning, without fail she gets up and comes into the wing in a different colored pair of scrubs. A new color every day, never the same one twice in a week. She sits at the front desk or at another station somewhere around and sips a can of ginger ale through a straw, pretending she doesn't see Simon's eyes on her while she works.
"Wha's it t'day?" Simon says gruffly as he approaches her, bypassing the other nurses almost completely. "Blackberry," She says softly, looking up at him and displaying the can. He takes a look at her scrubs, and of course, they're a dark purple, matching the can. It suits her, he thinks. Not an obnoxious shade, one that matches her skin tone well. "Good?" He asks her, like he always does. "Not my favorite,' she says as she sets the can back down. He hums lowly in reply as his eyes linger on the fabric of her scrubs, the way the cloth dips over her soft curves.
"You hurt?" She asks him cheekily, "Or just taken an interest in the medical field?" He grunts, pulling his eyes away from her scrubs and meeting her own. "Nae," He says lowly. "Just passing by," he adds, shoving his gloved hands into his pockets to keep from touching her. Or reaching out to smooth out a wrinkle in her clothing, or tucking some of her hair behind her ear.
He doesn't know what else to say, wanting to keep her attention on him. "Suits ya," He ends up saying softly, trying to sound as gruff as possible, but his eyes are trained on hers, his hazel eyes staring into her own irises. "The purple." He grumbles, cursing inwardly because why is he acting like he's never spoken to a pretty bird before?
"Thank you, Lieutenant." She says sweetly, a nice red tinting the apples of her cheeks. Simon shifts his weight from one foot to the other, unsure what to say next. Small talk hasn't ever been his strong suit, but walking away feels wrong, like cutting a thread thatâs barely started to weave.
"You sure you're alright?" she asks again, but this time there's something softer in her voice. A note of genuine curiosity, her hands stilling on her keyboard. "You donât usually linger this long."
He scowlsânot at her, but at himself for being so obvious. "Dinnae know I was beinâ timed," he mutters, stuffing his hands deeper into his pockets.
She chuckles, the sound low and warm. "Youâre not. Just... noticed, is all." Her gaze flicks over him, quick and subtle, like sheâs trying to piece him together without openly prying. She's familiar with Simon, knows how private he is. "Busy morning?"
He shrugs. "Same as usual. Training, Paperwork."
Her lips quirk upward in a faint smile, but thereâs a shadow of worry behind her eyes. "Sounds like you could use a break."
"Aye," he says gruffly, a hand leaving his pocket to scratch at the base of his balaclava. "Reckon this is it."
Her smile softens at that, and for a moment, neither of them speaks. Thereâs a weight in the air, something unspoken that presses against his chest, and hers. He wants to say more, to keep her talking, but the words are tangled up in his throat.
"Yâknow," she says after a pause, "I think purple might actually suit you too."
His brows furrow softly, squinting at her a bit behind the mask, and for a split second, he wonders if sheâs teasing him. But her expression is sincere, her eyes glinting with a quiet kind of amusement.
"Me?" he scoffs, shaking his head. "Donât reckon thatâs in regulation."
She shrugs lightly, leaning against the desk. "Wouldnât hurt to try. Maybe a mask or something. Just a little color." Thereâs a playful glint in her eyes now, and he feels the corner of his mouth twitch despite himself.
"Donât think Iâd pull it off," he mutters, though thereâs a faint warmth creeping up his neck, hidden by the black fabric.
"I disagree," she says softly, and the weight of her gaze feels heavier than before. He looks at her then, really looks, and finds himself rooted to the spot.
"You always this cheeky with the patients?" he grumbles, trying to mask the fact that sheâs gotten under his skin.
"Only the ones who hover around the nurses' station without a good excuse," she quips, her smile widening just a fraction. "But I donât mind. Youâre welcome anytime, Lieutenant."
His heart gives a traitorous thump at her words, but he swallows it down and grunts in reply. "Iâll hold ya to that," he says, his voice rougher than he intends.
As he turns to leave, her voice calls him back again, soft and lilting. "Oh, and Simon?"
He stops dead in his tracks. Sheâs never used his name before. Slowly, he turns his head to glance at her, his hazel eyes locking onto hers.
"Next time," she says, lifting her can of ginger ale in a mock toast, "you could at least bring one of these to share."
His lips twitch into something dangerously close to a smile. "Aye," he murmurs, his voice low. "Iâll see what I can do."
And as he walks out of the wing, he finds himself already wondering what color sheâll be wearing tomorrow.
#simon ghost riley#simon riley#simon riley x reader#cod#cod ghost#task force 141#simon riley imagine#cod drabble#simon riley drabble#ghost x reader#cod fanfic#simon x reader#tf141
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⥠the newlyweds ⥠⥠you thought maybe your husband's insatiable appetite would cool down after the first few days of being married, but if anything, itâs getting worse ⥠kamo choso, nanami kento, gojo satoru, sukuna ryomen, fushiguro toji author's note: men who are so painfully downbad for their wife = girl dinner, enjoy!! mdni please!!
choso's gone this long without having sex, be prepared to make up for lost time. he isnât super familiar with human procedures & traditions, so it wasnât necessarily his intent to wait until marriage. he didnât even really know what sex was until he started dating you, & you didnât want to push him into something he wasnât comfortable with. regardless, your first time is on your wedding night. . .& your second time, & third time, & fourth. . .& so on.Â
you remember faintly the first time you kissed choso, him saying that he would be happily content to kiss you & kiss you for the rest of his life. & he wouldâve been, but he was too far gone know, eyes rolling back, body unable to process the immense pleasure of your cunt wrapped around him.Â
his hands gripped your hips with a desperate intensity as he moved within you, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through your joined bodies. choso's normally composed demeanor had completely unraveled, replaced by raw need & desire.
you ran your fingers through his long dark hair, marveling at how undone he had become. his lips found yours in a searing kiss, muffling the moans that escaped unbidden from both of your throats.
"never," he gasped against your mouth, his voice husky with passion. "never knew. . .never knew it could be like this. didnât know it was this good."
nanami was not typically a risk taker in any form, especially when it came to his wife, but he couldnât bear to be away from you that long. his work had not allowed him to take off as much time as he wouldâve liked. his first few days back were pure torture. he focused on nothing else but the mental image of your tits bouncing as you rode him, or the way your cunt sucked in his fingers each night before he stuffed you full of his cock, or the sound of your melodious voice begging him, telling how good it was.Â
so here he was, bending you over his mahogany desk (the blinds shut of course, he wasnât that risky) wondering how he ever lived without you, without fucking you. sex had been on his mind so infrequently before you. he stroked himself off maybe once a month, or sometimes when he was drunk. but now, he had a hard time going any significant period of time without being balls deep in your sweet cunt. seeing that wedding ring on your finger, gripping onto the wood of his desk, does not help matters in the slightest.Â
nanami's fingers dug into your hips as he thrust into you from behind, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through your bodies. the office was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin & your muffled moans. you bit your lip, trying to stay quiet, though it was a struggle with the way he was pounding into you.
"god, i've missed this," nanami groaned, his voice husky with desire. "missed my wife. your tight little cunt feels so good."
you whimpered in response, pushing back against him, desperate for more. his hand snaked around to rub your clit in tight circles, making your legs tremble.
"that's it, baby," he murmured. "come for me. let me feel you squeeze my cock."
youâre entirely unsurprised by gojo's behavior. you actually donât think there will come a time when satoru is not desperate for you at all hours of the day. he could be mid-mission, literally killing a curse, & heâll send some stupid horny text. "pls :( need nudes, will die without." you suppress the biggest eye roll.
your eyes are surely rolling, though, when he gets home & shows you what heâs been thinking about all day at work, what had him so worked up. . .thoughts about his pretty wife & her pretty pussy.
you can't help but smirk as satoru presses you against the wall, his lips hungry on your neck. his hands roam your body with urgent need, like he hasn't touched you in weeks rather than hours; it was only that morning that heâd stuffed his tongue in your cunt before dashing off to a meeting. "missed you," he murmurs between kisses. "couldn't focus all day."
âI couldnât tell," you tease, recalling his stream of increasingly needy texts. "begging me for nudes didnât tip me off at all."
he chuckles against your skin, the vibration sending shivers down your spine. "can you blame me? look at you."
his hands slide down to grip your hips, pulling you flush against him. you can feel how hard he is already, his desire evident through his pants. "someone's excited," you whisper, nipping at his earlobe.
satoru groans, grinding against you. "you have no idea. been thinking about this all day. about you."
he groans, pressing his hips against yours. "those pictures kept me going. but the real thing is so much fucking better."
his fingers find the hem of your shirt, sliding underneath to caress bare skin. you gasp as he cups your breast, thumb brushing over the sensitive peak.
"satoru," you breathe, melting into his touch despite your earlier exasperation. heâs gotta make it up to his poor wife for leaving her home all day long.Â
a week-long getaway to a penthouse with your new husband, suguru, had sounded like a dream, & of course it was, but you feared you werenât making it out of this vacation without a positive pregnancy test.Â
his hands gripped your hips with an intensity that would surely leave bruises, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. every thrust sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, leaving you gasping and clinging to him desperately. his usual composure was completely shattered, replaced by raw need and desire.
your nails digging into his back as he drove into you relentlessly. his dark eyes were wild with lust, fixed on your flushed face.
"that's it, love," he growled, his voice husky & strained. "take all of me. let me fill you up."
your body trembled, teetering on the edge of bliss. you could feel the heat of his skin, smell his intoxicating scent, hear the low groans rumbling in his chest. it was overwhelming, consuming you entirely. the intensity of his words sent a shiver down your spine. part of you wanted to resist, to remind him of your carefully laid plansâbut your body betrayed you, arching into his touch & silently begging for more. his hand slid down to caress your lower abdomen, his touch gentle despite the ferocity of his thrusts. "you'll look so beautiful," he murmured. "glowing, swollen with our baby."
you were pretty sure youâd never experienced exhaustion like this before, & yet you wouldnât have it any other way. sukuna was practically tethered to you, night & day; you knew he exceeded the stamina of typical men, but this was setting the bar a little too high. he was breaking your poor cunt.Â
"âkuna, I c-canât, canât take anymore, sâtoo much," youâd babble each morning & each night, tears staining your pillow along with your drool, nails tearing into the sheets. you were pretty sure some of the remnants of your mascara from your wedding day still remained somewhere on your eyes, you hadnât the time for skincare.Â
"of course you can, wife. you always take me so well, like you were made for me," he purrs, chest falling over your back, pressing you into the sheets, biting the lobe of your ear, ruining you. & he was such an asshole, calling you wife, as if he cared at all for your silly little human rituals, it was just another way for him to tease you.Â
"please," you gasped, not even sure what you were asking for anymore. your mind was foggy, overwhelmed by sensation.
sukuna chuckled darkly, the sound reverberating through your body. "such sweet sounds you make for me, wife. Iâll never tire of them." his hand snaked around to grip your throat, applying just enough pressure to make your head swim. you felt him swell inside you, somehow growing even larger. "one more," he growled. "give me one more, & Iâll let you rest."
his chuckle rumbled through you, low & dark, watching your hips draw back & forth to meet his. "see? your body knows what it needs," sukuna murmured, his breath hot against your neck.
it must have been the dress, you think a couple hours later, drifting in & out of sleep while you can. soon you'll both be ready for the nth round. or maybe the lingerie. . .you don't really know what's causing him to be this insatiable. sukuna had always loved your body, your face covered in his cum, your cunt widening around his cocks, but this. . .this was a whole new level of pussydrunk.
toji is determined to christen every goddamn inch of your apartment. itâs practically a game to him.Â
"no, toji, not on the table, we eat here," you whine, but your attempts at swatting him away as he pushes you over the counter so delicately, humping your ass, groaning into his fist. he hoped there came a point when his wifeâs ass didnât make him whiney & sex-brained like a teenager, but he doubted it.Â
"please, baby," he groans, mouthing at your clothed pussy. "let me taste you. I need it."
you can't help but melt at his desperation, your resolve crumbling. with shaky hands, you push your panties to the side. toji lets out a guttural moan at the sight of your glistening folds, diving in eagerly.
his tongue laps at you hungrily, like a man starved. you cry out, gripping the edge of the table for support as your knees threaten to give way. toji's large hands grip your thighs, holding you steady as he devours you.
"fuck, you taste so good," he mumbles against your sensitive flesh. "never get enough of you."
⥠fin âĄ
thank you for reading! comments, likes, & reblogs are so, so appreciated, but I love you non-interacting people, too ⡠here's my masterlist! mwah 𩷠xoxo, carlisle
#jjk#jjk smut#jjk headcanons#choso kamo#choso smut#choso headcanons#choso x reader#kento nanami#nanami smut#nanami headcanons#nanami x reader#satoru gojo#gojo smut#gojo headcanons#gojo x reader#suguru geto#geto smut#geto headcanons#geto x reader#sukuna ryomen#sukuna smut#sukuna headcanons#sukuna x reader#toji fushiguro#toji smut#toji headcanons#toji x reader#carlisle's headcanons <3
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ămy daddy didn't love me so i guess i've moved onto you
đ pairing: captain john price x fem reader
đ tags: nsfw, daddy kink, undefined age gap, oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex, rough(?) sex, both reader and price have a daddy kink that they indulge in with very little discussion, allusions to reader having a bad relationship with her father (but nothing concrete), price uses a lot of pet names for reader and also calls himself daddy several times
title is inspired by the song peter bogdanovich by my queen CMAT
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
If thereâs one thing you know, itâs that youâre damn good at your job.
You have to be in order to survive in this ridiculous goddamn base. There are protocols to be followed, risk assessments to carry out, weapons and equipment requisition requests to send off, and you have to handle almost all of it for Task Force 141. Thatâs one thing about working with the military â theyâre all about action, and rarely have the patience to fill in their paperwork, and then when they do itâs never done properly.
Youâre patient when you need to be, willing to push when you have to, and you make sure shit gets done. Itâs not an easy job; you work your ass off, and itâs often thankless. Most of your job is done behind the scenes, whether thatâs requisitioning on-the-fly tactical or strategic airlifts, liaising with other units, or trying desperately to smooth over any little problems that might crop up with the higher-ups.Â
Itâs challenging and exhausting, and you love it, but damn, it can be fucking infuriating. Working in a male-dominated environment is a little bit soul-destroying, with every condescending comment and lascivious gaze that lingers over your body. But none of that matters, because you donât need male approval to excel at your job. You donât need male approval for anything.
You repeat it to yourself on the daily, which is something that youâve never had to do before. But before, you werenât working with Captain John Price.
Heâs not⌠rude, per se. If anything, heâs always coolly polite. But itâs obvious, so obvious, that he just barely tolerates you. Heâs gruff, short, to-the-point, and never speaks to you outside of brusque orders. It takes weeks for him to start trusting you with even the most basic of files, and even then chunks of information are often redacted. And it shouldnât matter; youâve worked for men like him before, you know how it goes, and if anything heâs one of the better ones.
In the beginning, when you had first been assigned to the task force, Price had not been happy about it. It had been a tough transition; your assignment had been approved by Laswell in order to take some of the strain of liaising off both her and Price, but the Captain hadnât been too pleased about it. He had seen you as a sort of interloper, a silly little pencil-pusher sent in by the brass to do the grunt work of administration that no one else wants to do.
But you work hard, you always have done. And maybe⌠maybe, part of the reason that you end up busting your balls so hard is because you wantâ no. Maybe you need his approval. Youâd prefer not to think about it; itâs easier to throw yourself into your work, and pretend that youâre doing it for you.
Youâre not even sure how it started, but at some point, Price starts looking at you differently. Maybe he realises that youâre competent at your job, or maybe he just needs to get used to you. Maybe, you hope, heâs finally starting to realise that youâre good at what you do; that you can be an asset to the team, so long as they actually work with you.Â
Whatever it is, he eases off. Stops being such a hard-ass, starts giving you space to do your thing. Eventually, he starts delegating too â stops hoarding the work like a miser, and finally starts treating you like youâre capable of something more than just photocopying.
Heâs not a bad boss, not by a long shot. Heâs kind, determined, patient when it matters, with a wry sense of humour. Heâs also fiercely protective over his team, and that includes you now.Â
But heâs also older, by at least fifteen years, and heâs not always the most diligent with paperwork. Typical man of action, youâve seen it a hundred times before. Thereâs always something more important to do, and while heâs always so cognisant of your workload and careful not to add to it, he is also all too happy to let you take the reins when it comes to bureaucracy. You like to think that youâve proved yourself to him, but maybe he just respects competency.
That should be it.
But youâre so ashamed to admit that even when Price stops treating you like youâre a hostile target, you canât stop hoping for his attention. Your mental chants of I donât need male approval for anything, I donât need male approval for anything become a daily thing, and sometimes a several-times-a-day thing.
Because the thing is, Price can be a difficult man to please. Heâs always so busy that he doesnât have time to give you the approval that youâre straining for, but when he does it gives you the most shameful warm glow in your belly.Â
A brief nod or a low grunted âThanks, sweetheartâ is enough to fuel you for days now. Even better is when youâre walking along beside him, briefing him on the latest update from the higher-ups, and he leans his head in towards you as he listens intensely, sometimes even laying his large palm against the small of your back. Ostensibly, itâs to lead the way and guide you out of the path of the running cadets, but it just toes the line of professionalism and you flounder under the touch.
Itâs stupid. Youâre stupid. Heâs just a coworker, and you need to keep your issues to yourself.
âââ シ ・ďžâ: .â˝ . :âďž
Youâre perfectly self-aware enough to admit when youâre in a bad mood.
You start the day tired, and when you check your reflection in the mirror first thing that morning youâre greeted with the sight of a big, fuck-off pimple on your chin. Itâs big, itâs throbbing, it practically has its own fucking heartbeat. You barely restrain the urge to pick at it, though you can feel it even when youâre not looking at it.
Your mood doesnât improve when you get to the small kitchenette by your office and find that someone has used the last of the fancy French Vanilla flavoured coffee that youâve stocked for yourself. As if thatâs not bad enough, your little stash of chocolate digestives you keep for yourself for emergency bad days have disappeared too.
You clench your jaw and continue about your business. Whatever. You can survive without your coffee and chocolate.
Your resolve falters when you see the pile of paperwork on your desk, but whatever. Itâs all part of the job. A little chocolate biscuit to nibble on would definitely make your job easier, but youâre a big girl and youâre just going to have to go without.
Then you get the phone call. One that makes you want to bang your head against your desk hard enough to knock yourself unconscious so that you donât have to deal with this.
Itâs time to update the TF141 personnel files. Orders from above, since thereâs been significant changes to medical and surgical history in the last couple of months from injuries on missions.
 Normally, thatâs not such a big deal. It just involves updating their medical and technical files, making sure that nothing major has changed with regards their addresses or other personal information, even though a big portion of it ends up redacted anyway.Â
And, naturally, updating their photographs for their files.
You start easy.Â
Gaz is happy to come to your office when you text him, and he stands obediently for you as you take his picture. Heâs gotten a metal plate fitted in his kneecap from the last time his file has been updated, and he sits and chats easily with you as you go through his information. Heâs a sweet guy, and so easy to talk to, and you sigh with the knowledge that no one is going to make your job as simple and leisurely as Gaz just has.
After he leaves, you target Soap. He comes to your office as easily as Gaz, but heâs significantly more difficult to photograph.
He just keeps smiling, no matter how many times you tell him to quit it.Â
âItâs a personnel file photograph, not a photo for your Instagram.â You sigh, irritated. âI need you to have a blank, neutral expression. Itâs like a passport photo, Sergeant. Itâs for a government document.â
âCanât help it, lass.â Soap says easily, that stupid grin not even dimming. âI see a camera, I smile. Itâs muscle memory.â
You think that your irritation is only encouraging him, which only worsens your mood. In the end, you donât get a single usable photograph of him for his file. You have to give up on him, swearing that youâll come get him to try again later. He leaves your office still chuckling, like he thinks your frustration is cute.
You have tougher targets to tackle.
The difficult part isnât even taking Ghostâs photo â the difficult part is catching him in the first place.
You spend almost three hours trying to track him down (because he wonât read your texts and your phone calls go unanswered), wobbling all over base in your stupid high heels and somehow missing him by mere moments every time. You arrive in the gym, the mess, the firing range, even the barracks, only to see the manâs enormous broad back disappearing out of the other door as soon as you get there.
You can only assume that Soap had given Ghost the heads up that you were on the prowl with a mission and a camera, because the lieutenant is avoiding you like the goddamn plague.
So yeah. Youâre in a real bad fucking mood. But you canât help it â some days your job is entirely thankless, and your mood drops so low that you feel like going home and crying. But you canât, and you donât want to show weakness in front of these military idiots, so all you can do is lock your jaw and go about your business the best you can.
You go back to your office, jaw and fists clenched tight, and collapse at your desk with your head in your hands. You have to take a few deep, slow breaths to try and calm yourself, but then you make the mistake of checking your reflection and your mood sinks lower again when you see that the stupid pimple on your chin has worsened.
God, this is just not your day. You have to get these stupid files updated, or itâll fall on your head.Â
Eventually, you reluctantly stand up. Thereâs no point moping; you have a job to do, whether you like it or not, and your next victim is Captain Price.
You walk to Priceâs office swiftly, your feet aching in your stupid heels. You wish you had worn something more sensible, but⌠well. Even subconsciously, you want to impress.
When you reach his office, you throw the door open and march inside without even bothering to knock.Â
Price is sitting behind his desk, and his head snaps up as soon as you walk in. His expression is set in a hard scowl, though it softens when he sees who it is. You guess you donât exactly pose much of a threat, so he sees no use in posturing.
âI need you for a moment.â You bite out, allowing the door to slam shut behind you.
You hear Price sigh, before he leans back and settles into his chair, making himself comfortable. Heâs wearing the same dark compression shirt that he usually wears for training exercises or to the gym, and heâs recently groomed his beard down too. He looks good, though it takes a colossal amount of effort for you to not notice, because you have other things you need to focus on right now.
âHello to you too, love.â He grunts, wiping a hand over his eyes. âWhatâs the problem?â
You struggle not to react to that, his low voice both soothing and igniting something in your blood. You take a breath, try to calm down. Youâre a professional, and youâre not here to embarrass yourself in front of the captain.
âIâm updating personnel files,â You say, and this time it comes out calm and steady, âI need to take a picture of you.â
Priceâs gaze lingers on you, his stern brow softening a little. For a moment, you think that maybe this is actually going to be easy. That heâll just stand up and take the fucking picture, so that the two of you can go back to your jobs and relax for the rest of the day.
But thenâ
âJesus, kid.â He sighs, already shaking his head. âIâm up to my eyes right now. Leave it âtill tomorrow.â
For a moment, you donât react at all. You just stare at him, letting those dismissive words settle over you. Heâs already looking back at his paperwork, mission briefings and maps littering the desk, and you feel so effectively dismissed. You feel small, so silly and stupid standing in front of him in a way that you havenât felt since you first started working with the task force. You had thought that you were past this, that you had earned some meagre sort of respect from him.
âI need it done today.â You say, and your voice comes out a little hollow to your own ears.
You donât need male validation. You donât. But damn, youâve had a rough day and the fact that your captain isnât even bothering to look at you makes you want to cry.
Price sighs, and rubs at the crease between his eyes. He looks just as tired as you feel.
âYeah, well. I donât have time. Tomorrow.â
You swallow, pursing your lips. Heâs so effortlessly dominant, which means that his careless dismissal stings all the more.
âI have to get the whole team done,â You say, struggling to keep your voice firm. âSoap wouldnât stop smiling for the camera, I couldnât find Farah anywhere, and Ghostââ
Price gives a sharp, derisive snort. âForget Ghost.â
You scowl. âI need to do the whole squad.â
âNot Ghost.â Price repeats, this time slower and with more emphasis. âSimon doesnât do photos.â
You take a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Youâve been working alongside the task force for a while now, and youâre familiar with Lieutenant Rileyâs penchant for covering his face. Itâs not something you have a problem with â usually.
âThereâs no reason for him to be the exception to personnel photos, Captain.â You say through gritted teeth. âEveryone else is being photographed. The task force might be covert, but Lieutenant Riley is no moreââ
âChrist, enough.â Price snaps, his voice a deep boom that has your mouth closing with a click. âThe One Four One is my squad, in case youâve forgotten. I know these lads, and Iâm telling you to leave it out.â
You stare, a little taken aback by the harshness in his voice. He hasnât been this sharp with you in months, not since you had started to prove yourself competent, useful. Now, you can see the warning signs of his bad mood; the circles under his eyes are pronounced, his skin dull in the ugly fluorescent lights of his office. He looks exhausted, his skin lined and dry like he hasnât been drinking enough water.
You realise, a little too late, that you might have been pushing your luck by insisting on something as silly as personnel file photos. TF 141 had only returned from deployment at the beginning of the week, and Price has no doubt been drowning in reports since.
âThis is why I told Laswell you werenât necessary,â His snarl is entirely unlike him, and he rubs his face furiously, his palms rasping through his beard. âI donât need someone coming in here and making demands of my squad forâ for fucking photographs.â
You inhale shakily through your nose; to your utter horror, you can feel your eyes burn with hot wet tears. Itâs stupid â youâve dealt with far crueller words from far harsher men. The nature of your job often puts you in the firing line for frustration, and when it bubbles over itâs frequently directed at you.Â
But this⌠this feels different, for some reason. Youâve been working your ass off to try and earn some recognition from Price, to show him that youâre a valuable asset to the team, and so his sharp, frustrated dismissal of you cuts deeper than it should.
You hate that your eyes are burning like this. You donât want Price to think of you as useless, or as the silly little girl who was put on the team by the brass who canât even do her job right. He was just starting to think of you as competent, and it hurts your ego to have to go to him for help with something that you should be more than capable of handling yourself in the first place.
âRight,â You say, and even youâre startled by the sharpness in your tone. âFine. Forget the file updates, then.â
You step forward, jaw clenched hard, and toss the files youâve been carrying around all day onto his desk. They hit the surface with a smack that feels uncomfortably loud in the tense silence thatâs fallen over the room.
âIâll tell the higher-ups that youâre handling it.â You continue, your voice coming out brattier than youâd like. âSince obviously I have no idea what Iâm doingââ
âOh, donât do that.â Price sighs, as though youâre the one being unreasonable. âWhat Iâm saying is, if youâre going to work with the team, you have to understand the teamââ
That, you think, might just push you over the edge.
âDo you think Iâm stupid?â You snap out, and Priceâs mouth closes. âDâyou think Iâmâ that Iâm some kind of idiot?â
Price blinks. It seems like youâve managed to take him by surprise, as though your bad mood rivals his just enough to pull him out of his own grumpy form entirely. He opens his mouth again, but youâre not ready to hear him speak again just yet.
âIâm here because Laswell put in a request for me to work with you and your squad, Captain. Iâm considered an asset to the teams that I work with,â Youâre scowling thunderously, all the tension and frustration thatâs been mounting all day spilling over. âAnd I donât have to put up with being dismissed and unappreciated when I know that I would be respected in other squads for the work that I do.â
Price raises his hands, a frown creasing his brow. âKid, thatâs notââ
Usually, being called âkidâ by Price has a warm glow settling in your stomach that youâre absolutely not interested in examining, but this time it only lights an infuriated fire in your belly.Â
âDonât!â You snap, your breath juddering unsteadily. âGod, you think I enjoy being treated like an idiot? You think I havenât had to deal with this from men my whole career? My whole life? Even my fatherââ
To your abject horror, a lump forms in your throat and you canât finish that sentence. Your eyes are hot with unshed tears, and youâre pretty sure your lip is trembling.Â
Price stands, his stern expression slackening into something like uncomfortable surprise as he moves to step around the desk.
âHey,â He soothes, lifting his hands. âIâm not your father.â
âI know that!â You snap, irate. Youâre frustrated with yourself, embarrassed at what youâve unintentionally given away. âI wouldnât want you to be!â
Priceâs expression flickers, as though he canât decide quite how to react to you. Youâre more than aware that youâre being childish, but you find yourself unable to temper your overreactions. In the face of your tears and your frustrated anger, Price looks like heâs at a loss.
âAll Iâve done is work hard, and tried to take the burden off you to make your job a little easier.â You continue before he can interrupt again. âAnd all I get in return is stress, and my chocolate biscuits eaten, and breakouts, andâ andââ
âThe only person who wasnât an absolute dickhead to me today was Garrick,â You rage, on a roll now. âEveryone else has just been soâ and look how bad my skin has gotten from the stress of having to deal with men who want to act like childrenââ
Price watches you with an expression that is plainly bewildered as you gesture at the stupid pimple thatâs been throbbing on your chin all day. You donât even think youâre making sense, too lost in your frustration and humiliation to be properly aware of what youâre saying.Â
âYour⌠skin.â He repeats, a little disbelieving.Â
You whirl away, agitated. Youâre not getting your point across well, and Price must think youâre simply demented.Â
âHey,â He says slowly, approaching from around the side of his desk. âI didnât mean to suggest that you werenât doing a decent jobââ
âWhatever.â You mutter, running your hands over your skirt in an attempt to straighten out the creases. âWhatever.â
Itâs too little, too late. Heâs always been a bit of a hardass, and youâve always tried so hard to please him, to impress him. But you canât bear to make a fool of yourself like this any longer.
âIâll leave the paperwork to you. Update it, or donât. It doesnât matter.â You say shortly, turning on your heel and marching towards the door.
âWait,â Price calls out. His voice is firm, echoing with the grim certainty of a man who is used to being obeyed.
But youâre not one of his soldiers, and his command falls on deaf ears. Your skin is still prickling with humiliation; you donât think youâve ever been so desperate to get away from the Captain before.
âSweetheart, just wait a minute,â Price says, and this time you can hear the exasperation in his voice. âI understand that youâre stressed, thatâs normal. Everyone gets stressed in this line of work. But you canât just go and get your knickers in a twist because some of the lads are beinâ difficultââ
âMy knickers are none of your business!â You yell. Truthfully, itâs more of a shriek, high-pitched and unsteady enough to have Priceâs eyes widening and darting towards the door as though worried about someone overhearing from the corridor.
âWhoa, okay,â Price says with the air of trying to soothe a spooked horse. âYou're right. Your... knickers... ain't my concern. But helping keep this squad running smoothly is, and that can't happen if my admin is on edge."
âOh, give me a break!â Youâre beyond on-edge now, sailing right into fury. âYou ignore me most of the time when you're not on deployment, you dismiss me when Iâm just trying to do my job, but now youâre telling me you need me to not be on edge?â
Youâve reached the door now, your hand clenched tight around the doorhandle as you take one last moment to turn and look at him. Heâs stepping towards you, no doubt with the intent to stop you before you can leave, but you donât plan on giving him the chance.
âKid, just hang on a damn minuteââ
âSort the files yourself, or do whatever you want.â You bite out, yanking the door open but pausing in the doorway. âI donât even care anymore. Itâs your squad, you do it.â
Price takes a breath, visibly fighting for patience. Truthfully, you donât know how he hasnât lost his head with you already. He was already exhausted and in an obviously bad mood when you had stormed in here, and it couldnât be more obvious that youâve just made it worse with all of your frenzied anger and borderline hysteria.Â
The fact that Price is staying calm and level even in the face of your stress-induced meltdown only makes you feel all the more ridiculous. You wish he would get angry, that he would snap at you like he had when you had first walked in â at least that way you could pretend that you donât notice the way his stressed scowl had melted into a look of concern as soon as he had seen the tears welling up in your stinging eyes.
âAnd you donât have to wear that stupid hat, weâre indoors!â You yell, your voice teetering on the edge of hysteria.
You just have enough time to see his hand reach up to touch the brim of his boonie hat before you hurriedly bolt out of the room, escaping into the corridor before he can stop you.
âââ シ ・ďžâ: .â˝ . :âďž
ââ just thinking that maybe Iâd be better suited with another team, thatâs all. I heard Kortacâs liaison is approaching maternity leaveââ
âThat position is going to be filled internally,â Laswellâs voice is calm over the secure phoneline, a stark contrast to the shaky undertone of stress in your own. âBesides, organising a transfer like that is more trouble than itâs worth.â Thereâs a pause, then a sigh crackles over the phone. âYou still havenât explained what happened. As far as I can see, you were doing good work there.â
Yeah, you think sourly, because all you see is the paperwork end of it.
â... Internal conflict.â You mutter, playing with the fraying edge of your sweater sleeve.Â
Thereâs a long pause, protracted enough that it makes you squirm. You know what sheâs thinking â in your line of work, itâs impossible to avoid clashing with some of the big dominant personalities who are used to getting away with whatever they want. But youâve always been able to handle it, well-versed enough in diplomacy to know when to stand your ground and when to bow out to avoid unnecessary strife.Â
âInternal conflict.â Laswell repeats, her voice as bland as youâve ever heard it. âMeaning?â
God, it feels like youâre disappointing your mom or something. You scrub a hand over your face, pacing in the living room of your small apartment.
âI know how it sounds,â You say, âButâ they donât want to work with me. Thereâs only so much I can do if Iâm being met with resistance at every cornerââ
âYouâve worked with resistant squads before,â Laswell interrupts. âItâs part of the job.â
âYes, butâŚâ You start, before trailing off.Â
She has a point, of course. It is part of the job. Thereâs no way to professionally explain to your superior that the reason this assignment is so difficult is because you have a mortifying crush on the Captain of the Task Force. Itâs making you stupid, making all the stupid bullshit that youâre usually able to look past feel so much worse, especially because all youâve ever wanted was Priceâs approval.
Another sigh. This one, at least, sounds a little more sympathetic.
âLook,â Laswell says, and this time her voice is a little gentler. âIâve never given you an assignment that I didnât think you could handle. Whatever is going on, you need to sort it. Youâre a capable girl, and the One Four One is far from the most difficult team youâve had to deal with. There might be some big personalities there, but nothing that you shouldnât be able to tackle.â
âMhm.â You grunt noncommittally.
âSort out whateverâs going on with you.â Laswellâs tone leaves no room for argument, her suggestion falling just short of a command. âIf whatever issues youâre experiencing continue, Iâll talk to Johnââ
âNo!â You blurt.
God, you canât think of anything worse. Youâve already made a show of yourself in front of him, the last thing you need is for him to learn that youâve gone crying to Laswell about the whole thing. You donât want him to think of you as any more of a useless little girl than he doubtlessly already does.
âNo,â You repeat, calmer this time as you clear your throat. âIâll⌠sort it. Sorry to bother you with this, maâam.â
Laswell hums, and you can imagine her eyes narrowing. Judging by the wind whistling in the background of the call, sheâs not anywhere near her cushy office. Youâve interrupted her on whatever assignment sheâs on, and sheâs been kind enough to listen to your silly little complaints for at least fifteen minutes of her valuable time. You feel more ridiculous than ever, and you pinch at the bridge of your nose.
â... Right.â She says. âFine. Keep me updated on the situation. I want a sitrep by the end of the week, understood?â
âYes, maâam.âÂ
You understand whatâs not being said. Laswell expects you to work your own shit out, but you can hear the concern in her voice when she demands an update. All you can do is agree. Laswell has been by your side throughout your whole career, always having a hand in your assignments and your progression, and sheâs always been an advocate for you and what youâre capable of. Now, after this conversation, you feel silly for getting so overwhelmed in the face of what is a relatively minor obstacle.
âGood. Iâll speak to you then.â
You hum, wish her goodbye and good luck, and hang up the phone.
For a long moment afterwards, you sit in silence in your living room. God, how did all of this spiral into such a mess?
For the last few days, youâve been avoiding the base entirely. You have a few PTO days built up, and youâve taken the opportunity to just chill out. Itâs the first chance youâve had to relax properly in months, since you had started working with the task force. The space is good, and itâs needed.
You get out of the headspace of work, and reports, and files and requisitions and debriefs, and instead treat yourself with full body self-care. You exfoliate, you moisturise, you use a hair mask, you take bubble baths. You even catch up on the trashy Netflix romance series that you had put on hold for ages, just waiting for some free time to indulge.
And you almost, almost, forget about why youâre hiding away in your little flat in the first place.
But your third day off creeps around, and you canât help but feel as though your little bubble of isolation is about to pop. Thereâs only so much time away from the office that youâre able to swing, and the longer away the more you feel that your position on the team is untenable. No matter how you currently feel about the task force and your place with them, youâre not willing to let your hard work go down the drain just because youâre too cowardly to face them again after your little meltdown.
So, you go back to work after your little break away.
You manage to slink into your office mostly unseen, other than polite helloâs from other admin staff as you slip through the halls. Your office is far from prime real estate when it comes to office space on base â itâs well out of the way, down several corridors that no one ever goes down, and once you get past the main thoroughfares you donât come across anyone. Even still, it feels a little like youâre doing a walk of shame, but you walk with your head held high before you finally get your office door closed behind you.Â
To your surprise, your desk is clear. Typically, any slight break away from your desk results in work piling up on it, just waiting for your attention once you get back. You don���t know what to make of the absence of work; you canât help but wonder, somewhat uncomfortably, if Price had taken your words to heart and dealt with all of the paperwork himself.
You check the drawers of your desk too, just in case, and come up empty yet again.Â
Well. Okay, then.Â
You sign into your desktop, waiting for the encryption program to load before accessing your emails. Thereâs a lot to catch up on, so you spend the next hour or so organising your to-do list in order of urgency.
You get lost in making your little lists, allowing yourself to relax into finding order in your schedule. You barely even look up until thereâs a soft knock on your office door, and by the time youâve raised your head the door has opened and Farah has slipped inside.
âOh,â You straighten up in surprise. âCommander. What can I do for you?â
Itâs a surprise to see her, especially since you hadnât received any email correspondence. Your office is tucked away down a remote corridor, and soldierâs usually prefer to just email you their requests rather than make the trek down.
Farah offers a polite smile, approaching your desk. âI hear you are taking photographs.â
Your smile slips a little. âOh. No, actually, I wasnâtââ
âCaptain Price said I was to be photographed,â She says, pulling the chair out opposite you and watching you expectantly. âI tried to find you yesterday, and the day before, but I believe you weren't on base.â
You shift, feeling abruptly rather awkward. âRight. I wasâ Price said that to you?â
âMhm.â Farah leans back in the chair, her dark eyes alert as they track over your face. âHe said that you have been stressed.â
You feel your face heat, mortified. Oh, god. How embarrassing. Has Price given the team a goddamn debrief on your little meltdown? Farah tilts her head as though she knows what youâre thinking, and a tiny smile quirks at the corner of her lips.
âThatâs all he said,â She says. âThat, and that we should try to make your job a little easier.â
âOh.â You shift, embarrassed and awkward. âIâ Listen, I had a⌠rough day at work a few days ago, thatâs all. Iâm notâ things are fine.â
Farah just nods as though thatâs perfectly convincing, and you find yourself wildly appreciative of her for a moment.
âSo, then,â She says, and raises her eyebrows. âThe picture?â
You canât find a way to explain that you had thrown that particular responsibility right back at Price in a fit of pique, but it turns out you donât have to. Farah produces a slim folder that you hadnât noticed her holding, and you realise with another flush of embarrassment that itâs her personnel file.
âThere wasnât much to update, just a recent blood work test.â She says as she lays it on your desk.Â
âThatâs⌠thanks.â You say weakly, taking the file in hand. You flick through it briefly, feeling something in your stomach squirm at the sight of Farahâs details all filled in â Priceâs handwriting is unmistakable, the small neat blocky letters standing out amongst the messy scrawl of Farahâs medical report.
You dig out your camera, still a little flustered, and direct Farah to stand against your plain white-painted wall. Sheâs an easy subject to photograph; she stands perfectly still, unsmiling, and you get the perfect picture after only a couple of attempts.
âLovely,â You murmur, flicking through the pictures. âThank you.â
Farah hums. Youâre expecting her to dismiss herself, and it takes a moment for you to realise that sheâs still lingering. You glance up, blinking, only to find that sheâs standing with her lips pursed, obviously considering something.
âThe Captain is worried about you.â She says, as though itâs the most natural thing in the world. âIs everything alright?â
You gape at her like a moron, camera still hanging loosely from your hands. You feel uncomfortably seen; thereâs no way that Farah could know what happened, but sheâs looking at you with an awful lot of sympathy right now.
âWhat?â You squeak.
âYou fought?â Farah speaks slowly, obviously conscious of overstepping her boundaries. âI donât mean to pry, itâs justâŚâ
âNo, thatâs okay.â You say hastily. âWe didnâtâ there was no fighting, exactly.â
She just nods, as if youâre making perfect sense, then smiles politely. She gathers herself up and steps towards the door, and you feel your head spinning as she turns to go.Â
âYou look tired,â Farah murmurs, low enough that you almost miss it. âWhen Price wants to fix things, let him.â
âMhm.â You nod quickly without really hearing her. Youâre pretty sure youâd agree to anything right now just to escape the knowing intensity of Farahâs gaze. âYeah, of course.â
After Farah leaves, you feel like you need another day off. Itâs all you can do to just sit in your comfortably padded office chair and groan like a moron, because Jesus Christ youâve made such a mess of things.Â
It was bad enough when you were pining like an idiot from afar; youâve had crushes before, and you know that you would have outgrown it eventually. But then you had your stupid little meltdown in front of Price, and revealed more than you intended, and all of a sudden youâve made yourself into a fool in front of the squad youâve tried so hard to impress these last few months.
You have to try hard not to spiral. In fact, itâs a challenge not to cave and grab your phone to call Laswell all over again to demand a reassignment right this second. You have a pretty good idea of what sheâd say to you in response, but still, the impulse remains.
All you can do is put it from your mind. You potter about, printing Farahâs photograph so you can tuck it neatly into her file with a paperclip, and then decide to start replying to the many emails that have built up in your absence.
The emails vary in tone, from polite enquiries to not-so-polite demands for you to solve some administrative issues, and you sigh quietly as you respond to some of the more snotty messages from upper management. And if youâre a little bit passive aggressive, then you donât think anyone can blame you.
Your mind has finally quietened, focusing on your work as the buzz of your thoughts settle down, when another knock sounds out from your door. This one is firmer than Farahâs soft knock from earlier, and a little louder, though this time you donât look up from your screen.
âCome in.â You call, chewing at your lip as you struggle to keep the wording of your email civil.
Youâre half-expecting it to be Soap this time around, or maybe one of the recruits hoping to get you to sign off on their leave. So when you finally glance up only to catch sight of the broad, thick-shouldered figure of Captain Price stepping into your office, you think you might go into cardiac arrest.
Email abandoned, you half jolt to your feet before changing your mind mid-movement and attempting to sit back down. It ends up being a humiliating sort of jerky motion, and you pray that he somehow missed it entirely.
âCaptain.â You wheeze, your voice coming out a little weak.
Priceâs cool blue eyes dart over your face and then down the length of your body, and you become suddenly, mortifyingly aware of the state youâre in. You might not want to admit it, but your wardrobe definitely changes when the Captain isnât on deployment. Instead of professional trousers, you wear your tight knee-length pencil skirts and fitted shirts, and totter around in your heels. And itâs silly, but⌠well, you canât help but notice the way Priceâs eyes follow you when you dress like that, and you like his attention on you.
Except today, you hadnât been planning on running into Price. You hadnât planned on seeing anyone, so you had dressed for comfort â youâre wearing a pair of frumpy grey wool trousers and a super over-sized soft purple sweater that practically swallows you whole. You havenât even done your hair nicely, and you curse yourself. This has to be the least sexy youâve looked in months.
âDâyouâve a moment, love?âÂ
His voice seems loud in the quiet of your office, even though realistically you know heâs only speaking in a murmur. In the quiet days youâve spent alone in your apartment, youâd almost forgotten how lovely and low and gruff his voice is, and you feel your toes curl in your shoes at the sound of it.
Itâs not as though you can refuse him, though youâre already embarrassingly aware of the way in which you had stormed off the last time you had seen him.
âYeah.â You swallow thickly in an attempt to strengthen your voice, but it still comes out high and thready. âSure.â
As if he had just been waiting for permission, Price steps into the room properly and closes the door behind him. All of a sudden, the room feels a little claustrophobic. Price is a big man, broad-shouldered and thickly built with a soft layer of fat cushioning those hard muscles, and you canât help but feel as though his presence is sucking all of the air out of the room.
But still, he approaches slowly, like youâre some kind of feral cat. Those sharp eyes of his are still tracking over you; he never misses a beat, and you know that heâs taking stock of you in the same way he would for an enemy out on the field. You feel raw, uncomfortably vulnerable. You find yourself wishing wildly and ridiculously that you had worn your usual fitted shirt and pencil skirt, or at least put on a bit of makeup.
âYou look rested.â He notes, coming to a slow stop just in front of your desk.
You suddenly curse your last minute choice to stay seated, because now Priceâs big body is towering over you in a way thatâs honestly making your head swim a little.
âYeah.â Your voice is a little hoarse. âI guess.â
Price nods, inhales through his nose. A moment passes before he clears his throat and reaches out to place a handful of files on your desk. Despite the plain manila envelopes, you recognise them for what they are almost immediately; the personnel files for 141.
âFinished âem off for you while you were gone.â He says gruffly, as though it were no big deal. âNearly had to nail Soap down to a chair for that damn photo.â
You stare at the files for a long moment, making no move to open them. You find yourself totally, utterly lost for words.Â
âThis isââ You start to say, and truthfully youâre not sure where youâre going with that. You think youâre about to thank him, but he doesnât really give you the chance to.
âWhy donât we talk?â He says, and motions to the dinky little couch in the corner of the room as if he owns it.
You hesitate a moment, a little peeved about the effortless way he takes command in your own office, but relent and push yourself up from the desk. You donât make eye contact with Price as you step around him, walking to the corner, but you can feel his eyes on you all the same.
 The couch had come with the office, and you donât even really want to think about how old it is, but you sink down awkwardly onto it anyway. The cushions are worn and threadbare and the springs creak gratingly when you settle your weight onto it, but itâs fine. It does the job.
Youâre half-expecting Price to drag the spare chair at your desk over so he can sit opposite you â youâre not expecting him to step right up next to you before he drops down next to you, sighing as his thick thighs spread wide.
You barely bite back a squeak, a little bewildered. Youâre not surprised that heâs asked to talk to you. Your behaviour had been wildly inappropriate, and you couldnât exactly protest if heâs decided to caution you or something.
But you had expected it to be a more formal affair; sitting together on the pathetic, dingy little couch in your office feels entirely too casual for the dressing down youâre sure youâre about to receive.
âThink weâre due a discussion about the other day.â He says, gentler than you had been expecting.
You avoid his eyes, though you can feel his stare boring into the side of your face. Ugh. Time to eat humble pie, you think miserably.Â
âIâm sorry, sir.â You keep your voice as dispassionate and prim as possible. âMy behaviour was unprofessional and entirely unacceptable, and I have no excuse. It wonât happen again, I assure you.â
Itâs as professional an apology as you can manage, and you chance a quick side glance at him to see his reaction. Your stomach sinks when you see that his brow is creased in a frown, and you panic a little at the realisation that your apology hasnât helped matters at all.
âWell,â His voice is gruff enough to elicit a little shiver from you. âI wasnâtââ He clears his throat. âI wasnât looking for an apology.â
That finally makes you turn properly, your eyes darting nervously over his face. Heâs already watching you, his blue eyes searing under the brim of his stupid hat. Heâs trimmed his beard since the last time you saw him; the salt and pepper bristles of his moustache and chops are neat and shortened. He looks good, though you try not to notice. He doesnât look as dehydrated or drained as he did a few days ago either, though he still leans into the couch with an air of quiet exhaustion.
âPaperwork has never been my favourite thing in the world,â He confesses with an air of chagrin thatâs painfully endearing to you. âAlways found it a pain, to be honest. Puts me right out of sorts. I was⌠short with you, the other day.â
You frown, making yourself small on the couch. âYou said I wasnât necessary.â
Price winces, then reaches up and pulls his boonie hat off his head so that he can drag a hand over his short-cropped hair. Though you had insulted it only the other day, it strikes you as odd to see him with a bare head.
âShouldnât have said that.â He mumbles, resting his elbows on his knees and letting his hat hang from his hands. âYouâve been great these last few months. Donât know what Iâd have done without you, sometimes.â
Youâre stupid. Itâs the only reason you can think of to explain the way blood rushes to your head and turns your face hot, your whole body going hot and prickly in response to his low praise. You fidget, glance away, and pray he doesnât notice.Â
âYou know Iâm no good at deskwork,â He says, and leans in a little closer like he thinks youâre not listening properly. âDonât have the head for it. I think youâre the reason the team runs so smoothly in the first place, love.â
The flattery is being laid on a little too thick, but it works. You fall for it entirely, a warm glow settling over you like a blanket, wrapping around you tight and soothing the jagged edges of your anger and anxiety. You hate that youâre so easy to appease, a couple of sweet compliments and assurances falling from your Captainâs lips assuaging all that upset that youâve been carrying around with you for days now.
But still, part of you isnât quite willing to let go of the sting, the hurt that his words and his harsh tone had caused.Â
âIs this you apologising, then?â You ask, watching him from the corner of your eye.
He smiles, close-mouthed. âYeah. It is. Not doinâ too good, am I?â
âYouâre doing okay.â You murmur, before deciding to try to be a bit cheeky. âBut you can keep going, if youâd like.â
Price laughs, rich and warm and low. You donât think youâve ever actually heard him laugh in all the months youâve been working with the task force, and the sound of it rumbles right into your bones, settling something inside of you and finally allowing you to relax. No longer tense with stress, you melt a little into the corner of the couch.
âShouldnât have snapped at you,â He says slowly. âYou do good work. Great work. You shouldnât feel like youâre not a valued member of the team.â
You swallow thickly. You feel too warm, your head swimming a little. His attention feels too heavy, heating your blood and going straight to your head.
âI overreacted,â You mumble reluctantly. âI shouldnât⌠your hat isnât stupid.â
That gets another bark of laughter out of Price, and he slaps a hand down onto your knee. The contact makes you jolt, eyes widening, but Priceâs hand doesnât shift. His palm is so large, spread across your thigh as his fingers curl over your knee. The touch feels almost scorching even through the thick fabric of your trousers.
All of a sudden, your tongue feels very thick in your mouth. The hand on your knee is not in any way suggestive; itâs chaste, innocent, just resting there like a reminder that he wants your attention on him (as if it could be anywhere else). But your nerves are jangling all of a sudden, every one of your senses straining towards him as you hold your breath.
âThe hat isnât the problem,â Price mutters, though you barely hear him. âI wanted to ask you about something else you said, love. Something you said about your father.â
That has some of the heat in your veins cooling, your eyes blowing wide. âIâ what?â
To your bewilderment, Priceâs cheeks have reddened beneath the whiskers of his beard and moustache. Despite his clear chagrin, he doesnât break eye contact with you, his thick fingers squeezing cautiously around your knee.Â
âDonât mean to overstep,â He assures you quietly. âAndâ and donât mind me if Iâm talkinâ nonsense. But I know that youâve been working so hard, and youâve got a tough job. Canât be easy. And I just wanted to say that if you'd like some⌠guidance â someone to steer you on the right path, that isâ well, that Iâm here if you ever want to talk."
Oh god. You feel your mouth go dry.Â
Itâs funny, because even though Price isnât even yet forty, heâs always seemed so much older. Maybe itâs the weight of the responsibility that he carries on his shoulders, or the battle-hardened icy blue eyes, or the paternal sense of protectiveness that he shows over his team. Heâs always been like an almost father figure for the squad, regardless of age; youâve seen the way heâs so protective over Ghost, the way he claps Soap on the back or shoulders in praise to boost him up, the way he beams with pride when Farah excels, the way he always makes time to guide or give advice to Gaz.
Itâs sweet. Heâs always been sweet, so aware of the personalities on his team, even when heâs acting like that typical military authority figure.Â
"Sounds like you want to be my daddy." You mean to say it in a derogatory fashion, laughing as though it's ridiculous, though when it comes out you can hear that itâs missing some of the sarcasm you had intended.
Price reacts instantly. He reels back, eyes widening, the pink in his cheeks flares into a deep red flush, and you see his chest heave as his breath catches. You hadnât been expecting a reaction like this; Price looks as though the words have hit him like a physical slap.
âJesus. Thatâs notââ He says, and the gravelly hoarseness in his voice is a shock. âThatâs not what I meant.â
Thereâs a moment of charged silence. Fuck, what have you done? Why would you say that? Why would you say that, to the captain of your task force? Hadnât you embarrassed yourself enough in front of him the day you had had your silly little meltdown? Itâs like you just canât keep your damn mouth shut around him, like your brain turns to mush the second he looks at you and you just lose the run of yourself.
âIâm sorry.â You blurt. âI shouldnât have said that. I donât know whatâ I didnât mean it.â
The next silence is even worse than the last, tension humming between you like a live wire. Heâs so close to you that his scent fills your nose â a blend of sweet cigar smoke, sharp gunpowder, and a heady masculine musk. You feel so fucking stupid, and more than a little panicked. You donât think you could survive the humiliation of having to call Laswell and beg for a reassignment twice in one day just because youâve completely humiliated yourself in front of the Captain again.
Price swallows, the sound painfully loud in the silence.
âRight.â He says slowly, before coughing roughly to clear his throat. âMm. âCourse. I didnât mean toâ perhaps I overstepped. Since you mentioned your fatherââ
âI donât want to talk about my father.â You say swiftly.
God, you feel like your issues are out on display with a big damn spotlight. You feel so pathetic, so damn pitiful, as though your desperate need for approval and affection from an older male authority figure is written across your forehead.
But if your issues are on display, then so are Priceâs, because you canât help but notice that the vibrant red flush on his cheeks hasnât faded. If anything, that deep flush has spread down his throat and over his chest; you can see how the skin thatâs stretched over his pectoral muscles is glowing crimson beneath his shirt.
A niggling boldness begins to creep in, and you find yourself straightening on the couch. You turn, bring one of your legs up on the couch so that you can turn your whole body towards him, one of your elbows resting on the back cushion of the couch.Â
Priceâs eyes sharpen when your body turns towards him, and his body draws tense. Those cool blue eyes dart over you, and youâre surprised to see heat in them despite your oversized purple jumper and unflattering wool trousers. The whisper of his fatigues brushing against the fabric of your own trousers is both a distraction and an invitation, your thighs sliding surreptitiously against each other.
âWhat if I did mean it?â You blurt out before your courage can flee you.
Price goes so still it looks preternatural, even the breaths in his chest slowing.Â
âKid.â He says, and it sounds like a warning.
You donât heed it, adjusting yourself so that youâre shuffling closer yet again. You donât think youâve ever been so close to him, his scent and his body and his heated gaze filling up your consciousness until heâs all that youâre aware of.
âWhat if I meant it?â You ask again, the whisper coming out low but charged.Â
Price takes a breath that sounds like a groan, and it surprises you. You hadnât expected that reaction; it sends a trickle of heated desire running down your spine, and youâre startled by how much you want him in this moment.
âDâyou know what youâre asking for?â He asks, the gravel in his voice flooding wet heat between your legs.Â
His carefully laced words linger in the space between you, daring you to accept, to shred the formal boundary that looms between the two of you. You get the sense that youâre walking a fine line here, that youâre getting close to the point of no return.Â
âYes.â You breathe, although youâre not entirely sure that you do know what youâre asking for. All you know is that heâs so close, and heâs staring at you with an expression of such hunger that itâs making you feel weak.
Price moves fast for such a big man, and all you can do is let out a soft sound of surprise when one of his big hands wraps around the back of your neck to pull you in. A deep, guttural sound escapes him when his lips crash into yours, his mouth demanding and greedy.
It feels like you go both lax and rigid simultaneously, before you positively light up. The hand that Price has wrapped around the back of your neck keeps you grounded, and before you can stop yourself youâre burrowing closer. It feels like the tension, your childish argument, the sexual friction â everything has culminated to this electrifying moment, where Priceâs full lips are consuming yours, the hair of his beard rubbing over your cheeks and chin and keeping your nerves straining towards him.
The kiss doesnât start out slow; it skips straight to hungry, fast and dirty, with Priceâs big hands on your hip and the back of your neck, holding and guiding you. Overwhelming.Â
Priceâs big fucking body is leaning in, caging you against the couch. The wide shoulders and barrel-chested mass of him pressing you into the cushions is just short of breath-taking, but itâs not enough. You want to be right up against him, under his skin.
You swing your leg over Priceâs, and climb up into his lap. His thighs are thick beneath you, wide and muscled, but youâre still hesitant to fully settle your weight against him. You just want to be closer, to feel the heat of him pressed against you, but the second you start moving Price grabs at your hips and pulls you down properly, uncaring of your weight.
âIâve beenââ You manage to say in between kisses, your words muffled and a little wet. âIâve been working my ass off, for the squad, for you, and you never say or do anythingââ
Price grunts, grappling with his sudden lapful of you. His eyes meet yours, and in them, you think you might see the spark of admiration, for your brave stupidity if nothing else.Â
âSh, I know,â He says as he grips at your hips under your oversized jumper, encouraging you to settle down your full weight on his thighs. âI know, love, youâve been working so hard. What would I do without you, huh?â
And the thing is, youâre a very capable woman. Youâve had to be, in order to survive in your line of work. You know that youâre capable, you know that you do good work, you know that you help keep the wheels greased and everything moving behind the scenes for the 141, but even still, Priceâs praise sinks into you like warm honey.
âWatching you walk around in those tight little skirts, Christ.â He hums, and his big palms land on your ass and squeeze there suggestively. âAnd those heelsâ completely impractical for a military base like this.â
You wheeze a laugh, clutching at his shoulders. It feels completely surreal that youâre currently perched in your Captainâs lap, with his big shovel-like hands groping your bum as he nips at your lips and confesses that heâs been watching you. It goes straight to your head, makes you dizzy, makes you wish wildly that you had worn one of those skirts for him today.
Oh, you could get used to this. Realistically you know the size difference between you two isnât that immense, but Price is built like a man whose reality is all war, and when he shifts beneath you his muscles roll, unwittingly showing off his physique. You think you could stay here forever, feeling safe in a big manâs lap, cushioned by his body as he tells you that youâre valuable, and important.
âFuckinâ hell,â Price groans, nipping at your lower lip before capturing your mouth wholly again. âYouâre a handful.â
Youâd love to argue that â you like to think that youâre perfectly measured and sensible, after all â but youâre already squirming in his lap, your legs spread wide over his thighs. Arousal pools in your stomach, makes you slick your knickers, and you canât stop the slow grind your hips trace against his thigh.
Priceâs breath shudders out of his chest, and his hands clench tight around your hips. âHang on a sec,â He breathes, âHold on. Iâm stillâ Iâm still your Captainââ
You think that itâs meant to be a warning, or at least a word of caution about the precarious situation youâre in regarding professionalism and inappropriate workplace relationships. What youâre doing right now is ridiculous, after all. Youâre still on base, youâre in your office, and if the two of you get caught you donât even want to think about the consequences. The fraternisation rule shouldnât apply here, since youâre only considered part of the team by a mere technicality, but even in your lust-hazed mind you can still recognise that sitting on his lap and kissing like this at your workplace is wildly inappropriate.
But if it is a warning, it doesnât work. The reminder of his authority only inflames you further, and a quiet whimper is torn from your throat when you rock against his lap.
He swears, and beneath you his cock stirs in his fatigues. You can feel the way it fills out where itâs pressed against the seam of your trousers, right between your legs. You reflexively squish your thighs together, tightening them around his hips.
âChrist,â He grits out like a curse. âAlright, then.â
He moves quickly, his hands secure on your back as he lunges forward, flipping you over so that youâre laying on your back on the shoddy, worn-down couch. You go so easily âÂ
youâre soft now, pliable and eager to please, and he could direct you anywhere he wanted.
Heâs too large to be climbing on top of you on a couch like this, but somehow it doesnât even matter. Now that heâs above you, holding himself up with those strong arms on either side of your head, he looks down on you with an expression that you donât know what to make of. His eyes are still intense, but the lines around them are softened as he stares down, his gaze tracing your face.Â
âYou think I havenât been looking?â He asks, and his voice isnât as harsh or gritty as youâd been expecting. Itâs softer now, fond, almost. âHow could I fuckinâ miss you? Always so pretty, always workinâ so hard. âCourse I noticed.â
When his fingers creep beneath your big purple jumper, you launch into helping him remove it, eagerly stripping it off so youâre laying in your bra. Itâs one of your simple utilitarian ones, and you curse yourself for not wearing a sexier one.
But Price groans at the sight of your simple white cotton as though itâs premium lace. His palms are rough as they trace up your sides, the callouses on his fingers coarse against the soft squishy flesh of your belly. He leans forward and nuzzles at your ear, kissing behind your lobe before scraping his teeth along your jaw until heâs kissing messily at your mouth all over again.
âSo gorgeous.â He says, his voice a low rumble that has your nerves buzzing. âI was too mean to you before, wasnât I? Too harsh, when all you were trying to do was help.â
âYes.â You whisper, though you feel a little bit petulant for it.
âLet me make up for it, darling,â He whispers back, and it sounds like a plea. âHm? Iâll show you how good youâve been.â
Youâre nodding before he even finishes, desperate. God, yes. Youâre not even sure what it is that heâs offering, but you know that youâll take anything that he has to give you.
Heâs looming over you, so large, as his hands fall to the closure on your work trousers. His fingers are so thick that he fumbles with the delicate button and little zip, and it takes him a couple of tries to pull it open and down. When heâs got it, he shucks your trousers off easily and tosses them aside, then stares down at you in your ugly shapeless underwear as though youâre wearing something else entirely.
Even though youâre laying unclothed and vulnerable, squirming and wanting, Price is so slow to get moving. He doesnât grab at you, or grope greedily, or take impatiently. He acts as though heâs got all the time in the world, leisurely looking you over as though heâs committing you to memory.
âNeed you to say it,â He says, strained like heâs trying to hold himself back. âNeed you to say it out loud.â
âWant you to show me how good Iâve been.â You say immediately, your desire leaving no room for shame. âWant you to look after me.â
The request comes out a little bit plaintive, and Price sighs out before ducking his head and kissing you again. Heâs so much more affectionate than you had ever imagined, and you feel as though youâre drowning in it. His attention is like a warm blanket, settling every craving youâve ever had.
âI will,â He breathes like itâs a promise. âOh, I will.â
His palms are rough and hot as they drag over your skin, deceptively gentle as he reaches your tits and pushes your bra up so that he can knead at the soft flesh there. He doesnât even bother to unclasp it, impatient enough that shoving the cups up so to free your breasts is enough for him.Â
He bends his head down, and licks a stripe over your nipple. His tongue feels scorching against you, like youâre hypersensitive to his touch, and he groans against your skin as though heâs tasting something incredible.
You writhe, hips arching up in search of some kind of friction, but Price doesnât give it to you. Heâs too distracted, peppering dozens of kisses over your tits as though theyâre something precious even as his hands coast down your back to grope at your ass again where your plain cotton underwear is riding up.
âSo pretty, ainâtcha?â He groans against your chest. âFuck, even when you were walkinâ around with a face on you like a slapped arse, I thought you were the sweetest fuckinâ thing Iâd ever seen.â
âCharming.â You snap, but thereâs no anger in your tone anymore. In fact, you donât think thereâs a lick of anger anywhere in your whole body anymore, like Priceâs hands and mouth on you have washed it all away.
All the brattiness, and the prickliness of your bad mood, is entirely forgotten now that youâre laid out and squirming beneath him. You can hardly even remember what you had been so stressed and angry with him for.
He finally reaches around to unclasp your bra, then tosses it to the side to let it slump sadly to the floor. His next target is your underwear, pulled from you roughly enough that you think the fabric might tear even as his hands cradle the plush flesh of your ass like itâs a treasure.
âMm, so gorgeous, princess,â It seems like the name just slips out of his mouth, and you feel your whole body draw tense and hot. âSo lovely, and I bet you taste even better than you look⌠like sugar, my sweet girl.â
Jesus Christ. You think your whole fucking body throbs, blood pounding and nerves straining as you wish so desperately for him to touch you. You canât handle him talking to you like that, so fondly, as if you havenât just acted like the biggest brat in the world for several days straight.
You can hardly even reconcile this man with the usual stern, gruff man that acts as your Captain, and you let out a choked whine of bewilderment as he slides down your body.
Your thighs are clamped together, shy under his gaze despite how desperately eager you are. You want this, you want him, but you canât help but feel so mortified by the vulnerability of being nude beneath him on the couch while his big formidable body is still entirely clothed.
Priceâs fingers stroke against your hip, his tone low and rich as his lips find your throat again. You can feel his tongue darting out against your skin, his hunger so palpable now that itâs infectious.
âLet daddy see you,â He croaks against the hollow of your throat. âSpread your legs, sweetheart.â
Itâs not like you could ever say no to that. The request sends liquid heat shooting straight to your cunt, making you hot and sticky. You spread your thighs, and feel embarrassment flare when thereâs a squelch as your cunt unsticks. Andâ Jesus, Priceâs eyes fucking light up, and you realise that heâs clocked your reaction to his honeyed words, the way he calls himself daddy.
The kiss he gives you is claiming and hungry, consuming your lips with a fervour that leaves no room for doubt about his intentions. Itâs a taste of both command and reverence â in equal measure. When he pulls away from your mouth youâre breathless, still gasping softly even as he pushes himself down the length of your body.
In the blink of an eye, heâs there â between your welcoming thighs, his hands resting securely on your soft hips, as much a lifeline as a promise of whatâs to come. Your pussy is already sloppy, slick and wet in anticipation of him. He shoves his head between your thighs, using his thumbs to spread apart your folds and just look at you.
Your back arches at even the suggestion of his touch, feeling his breath ghost over the heated slick flesh of your cunt. Despite your obvious willingness, and his apparent eagerness, he doesnât immediately touch you.
You crane your neck to see that heâs staring at your pussy as though the sight of it is earth-shattering. His gaze drinks you in, heated blue eyes taking in the sight of your swollen sticky folds, no doubt throbbing invitingly under his attention. Youâve never seen a man look so hungry, like heâs about to risk anything for it. A dark, groaned "fuck" escapes him as he kneels between your spread legs, head bowed as if in reverence.
"Daddy needs a taste, sweet girl," His deep voice a heavy rumble, vibrating against your soft inner thighs.Â
It takes a beat for you to realise that heâs holding himself back, that heâs essentially asking for permission to lay his mouth on you, but then you gasp, âYes, fuck, yes, pleaseââ
Price takes it as the enthusiastic invitation that it is and bursts into movement immediately, reaching out and guiding your legs wider so that he can muscle in between them properly, before leaning in and finally getting his mouth on you.
You choke, hips aching as you try to spread your legs even further. Price drags the flat of his tongue along the seam of your cunt, groaning as though heâs savouring the taste of you, before wrapping his arms around your thighs to keep you all spread open for him as his tongue rasps over your sensitive flesh.
You want to call out for him, but his name stalls on your tongue. What would you call him â Price? John? Captain? Daddy? You think you would die if you said it out loud.
Then his tongue finds your clit, and your thoughts scatter. He flicks the tip of his tongue over you, back and forth, then flattens it to grind eagerly. You had thought, given the way he had taken that moment just to look at you before heâd pressed his mouth to you, that he would start slow. But instead, he gives you everything he has.
You cry out as he devours your cunt, his bushy eyebrows pulling up in delight as you give him your first moan. While your legs had spread wide in the beginning, eager to let him in, you now close them tight around his head to keep him in place. You have a brief, hazy thought that maybe this is an asshole move of you, a little like if a man were to hold your head down while you were sucking cock, but Price doesnât seem to mind. If anything, judging by the snarl he lets out when your thighs close around his ears, he likes it.
You toss your head back against the worn couch cushions as jolts of white-hot heat spread from where his mouth is working at you, playing with you, tongue painting long, broad strokes up and down your pussy.Â
Your cunt is syrupy hot, throbbing as his tongue rubs relentlessly at your clit. Youâre so fucking wet, and you canât help yourself from rolling your hips more assertively into his mouth. Youâre leaking on his mouth, his tongue, your slick drenching his cheeks and his beard.
Seized by a sudden urge to watch, you clumsily raise your head so you can look down. It feels entirely illicit, watching Priceâs head between your legs as he buries his face so enthusiastically into your folds. His eyes flash as he glances up, the bottom half of his face hidden entirely in your pussy as his jaw works, the soft hair of his beard tickling your sensitive inner thighs.
With a jolt, you realise that one of his hands has fallen to his lap, his trousers hastily pushed open. Heâs fisting at his dripping cock, red and angry and still begging for release against the thick dark hair of his stomach. Sticky pre-cum leaks from his flushed head, pooling into his skin and clothes as his cock bobs and twitches at the sounds of your moans.
The sudden realisation that Price is getting off on this, on the taste of you and the smell of you and the way youâre whining, sets you aflame. He grunts, one of his big handâs wrapping around his throbbing skin to pump his length to the rhythm of his tongue inside of you.
âOh, oh fuck,â You press your lips together, stomach pulling tight as his tongue thrusts up inside of you, âFuck, fuck, fuck thatâs so good, oh god, Captainââ
âYeah,â Price grunts, his words all wetly muffled, his arms wrapped tight around your thighs to keep you in place as he feasts on you, sucking on your clit like itâs a sweet. âI know, baby, I know.â
Heâs so accommodating, so nice to you. You tilt your hips up and grind your cunt into his mouth, sighing in satisfaction as his tongue drags along your clit before dipping to lick inside of you. He barely even shifts when you hump your pussy into his face; he only opens his mouth wider, licks at you more enthusiastically as though your desperation is contagious.Â
Your belly goes hot and tight, and a high-pitched whimper is torn from your throat. It feels as though youâve been strung high and taut for months now, and your breath catches at your imminent orgasm. Youâve just been so stressed, and having Price hunched over you on the couch like this with your legs thrown up around his shoulders as he licks and sucks at you so eagerly that it has your eyes rolling in your head feels like itâs curing you.
You think, somewhat madly, that an orgasm like this, with Priceâs mouth sealed over your cunt, will solve every damn problem you have right now.
âWanna come, wanna come, Jesus fucking Christ, please pleaseââ Your chest heaves as you scramble, one of your hands reaching down to cup Priceâs head to keep him in place, face buried in your cunt. âOh god, please make me comeââ
Maybe itâs not fair to be so demanding of him, but to his credit Price responds with restless enthusiasm. You double over in pleasure as he heeds your broken little pleas, your nails scraping into the couch as you cling on for dear life. His tongue swirls over your clit quickly and with fervour, tight circles to make your vision go blurry.
Youâre lost in the sensation of his hot, wet mouth in your cunt, the way he licks into you like a starving man tasting his first meal. It feels like a sensation overload, as though youâre just completely lost to your own desire, but you just want more of what he is offering.Â
You grab his hair again and pull him closer, greedy with need, and he hums in affirmation as he allows you to guide his mouth to exactly where you need it. Arching your hips up, you grind into his mouth, chasing your orgasm. You groan, eyelids fluttering as you wrap your other leg around Priceâs shoulders, up around his neck, and his hand snakes around your thigh to anchor you there.
Priceâs fingers are gripping at your hips, surely hard enough to leave bruises there. You smile, almost deliriously; you could live with some souvenirs from tonight.
Your feeble gasps start to spiral into whimpers as that hot coil begins to tighten in your belly, and your toes start to curl. When your climax finally hits, it does so with a sense of relief that almost knocks you flat. Your body winds tight then releases, and you convulse in a wave of shudders that has you sobbing out loud.
Your chest heaves as you sob, squirming as Price licks at your clit insistently. It feels like your breath has caught in your chest, your toes curling so hard that your feet cramp. Youâre panting like a damn dog as your orgasm rocks through you, until the waves of it subside and you can finally get a full breath again.
From one second to the next your nerves turn red-hot and oversensitive, and you clamp your thighs shut around Priceâs ears and whimper-whine pathetically. Mercifully, he gets your unspoken message easily, and finally pulls back, chuckling breathlessly to himself as he pushes your legs apart in order to retreat.
âFuck,â He says, and his voice comes out as harsh and gravelly as youâve ever heard it. âJesus Christ. Knew youâd taste sweet, knew that youâd come so pretty.â
The praise practically slams into you, ripping through you like a forest fire. It feels like youâve lost your breath all over again, and ridiculously you suddenly feel shy.Â
âIâThatââ You start to say, but you still feel a little fuzzy-headed from your orgasm and your thoughts fizz away like TV static.Â
âMhm, I know, sweet girl.â He murmurs hoarsely as though you had said something coherent.Â
When Price finally sits up, you blink hazily. He had been all hunched over you, crammed into the corner of the couch in order to squeeze himself between your thighs like that, but now that heâs straightening back up again youâre reminded with a tired jolt just how big and broad and strong he is.
A small, self-conscious part of your brain screams at you to close your legs. Your thighs are still spread wide, your cunt on display; youâre still all sloppy and wet, spit-slick and dripping, all puffy from the attention Price had lavished on you with his mouth.
But instead of closing your legs, you let your thighs fall open a little wider and shift restlessly under his intense gaze. Your desire makes you stupid â how could you ever experience anything as mundane as self-consciousness when heâs staring at you like that? Heâs looking at you like he wants to fall atop you all over again, and you feel yourself throb â you feel so empty, your body craving something to fill you.
And Price notices the way you keep yourself all spread for him, the way you donât make any move to cover yourself. Beneath his beard, his face splits into a wide smile, the apples of his cheeks practically glowing with pride.
âOh, my girl, you're so pretty. Just the loveliest girl in the world with your beautiful face and your hair all wild like that.â He leans in then, and presses a hungry kiss to your mouth. He tastes salty-sweet, the iron tang of yourself lingering on his lips. His beard is wet too, practically soaked through.
You gasp when he pulls back, overwhelmed by the kiss and the praise and the electric aftershocks of your orgasm. âYour beard is wet.â You observe dumbly.
He chuckles, as though youâve said something terribly endearing. âOf course it is, sweetheart. Thatâs all you.â
You mumble a little incoherently, mostly because youâve just spotted the way his trousers are still unbuttoned and his hard, swollen cock is jutting out from the band of his boxers. Itâs angry looking, the head of it so red it looks a little painful, and you feel a sudden urge to return the favour seize you.
But when you reach out, Price is quick to grab your wrist. He transfers his grip to your hand swiftly so you donât feel as though youâre being held down, his wide palm and thick fingers winding around yours.
âDonât have to do that, love.â He grunts, shifting. Heâs looming over you, hips tilted towards you and his wide shoulders blocking out your view of the office. âDâyou think you could take me?â
It takes you a moment for your slow, stupid brain to catch up and process what heâs asking you. Then you nod swiftly, eyes widening. You're wet and sticky and so so empty, and you have no doubt your body is so ready to take him inside.Â
Youâre still a little limp and drained from the satisfaction of your orgasm, but you keep your thighs spread and wait eagerly for him to touch you again. He doesnât keep you waiting long; he coos softly at you as he adjusts himself, kissing your tummy then up your sternum and back to your throat. The soft, sweet kisses distract you as he presses his hips between your thighs.
You gasp softly, your clit sensitive enough that when his cock rubs against it, you jolt. Despite the overload of sensation, you find yourself grinding back against him, so desperate for something. As if he can sense what you need, he presses a kiss to your jaw and dips a hand between your thighs. Two thick, calloused fingers circle your clit for a moment and make you whimper, only to dip lower and press inside you.
His fingers are larger than yours, but they still slip into you so damn easily that itâs embarrassing. You barely even feel a stretch, your body so eager for him that your cunt practically sucks his fingers up.
The worst part is the way Price laughs, all soft and breathy as he rubs his callous-roughened fingers into the spongey walls of your cunt.Â
âOh, fuck,â He murmurs, his lips dragging over your overheated skin. âYeah, youâll take me just fine.â
You burn with embarrassment, but you still donât close your legs. Itâs silly, but thereâs still an element of pride as his fingers rub against the soft inside of your pussy; you want him to see how much you want him, how well youâll take him. Itâs obvious how wet you are, and you hope heâs imagining how good youâll feel on the inside.
âNeed you to turn over for me, love.â He murmurs, gripping at your hips and easing you over so that youâre on your belly beneath him. âThatâs it, arse up. My knees arenât what they used to be. Make it easy for me.â
You usually would make a joke about that, some sort of jab about being old before his time, but you simply donât have the mental capacity for it. Youâre too busy dropping to rest your weight on your elbows as you stick your ass up towards him, arching your back and hoping you look pretty.
He doesnât waste any more time, much to your relief. Your mouth drops open with a sigh as you feel the blunt head of his cock glide between your slick folds, tapping once against your clit just to watch the way your legs jerk, then finally lining up with your entrance and pressing lightly in. His cock notches, catches, then slides in so slowly that it makes you want to scream.
âGotta let me in, petal.â He says, using his grip on your hips to pull you back onto his cock in increments. âRelax, relax.â
You had wanted this, youâre more eager than you think youâve ever been for anyone in your life, and yet Price is a big man and the stretch makes your breath stall in your lungs. Your cunt is sucking his cock in further with a hunger thatâs almost embarrassing, even as you wince a little at the feeling of being stretched out to your limits. Though youâre wet and eager and ready, two of Priceâs fingers briefly testing inside werenât quite enough to prepare you for how fat his cock is.Â
Your head is spinning. Youâve never taken a cock this big with so little stretching, but neither you nor Price are patient enough to wait. But the stretch feels good, and you find yourself wheezing like a moron as he presses inside inch by inch.
âFuck⌠you alright, love?â Price breathes, adjusting his knees on the couch behind you and wrapping his hands around your hips. The motion only succeeds in shifting him far enough away to make you aware of the feeling of him sliding into you again. You both groan, and you feel Price twitch, deep inside you.
âFuck,â You moan, breath gasping out of you. âYouâre fucking huge.â
It feels like youâre learning for the very first time what it really means to be full. For a few seconds, it feels like you canât even breathe. It feels like his cock is lodged somewhere in your belly, forcing the breath from your lungs as he nestles his way deeper into the eager clutch of your body.
âAm Iâ sâit too much, honey?â He asks, his voice rough and low as his hands squeeze at the flesh at your hips. âNeed me to take it out?â
âNo!â You blurt, and your body clenches up hard as though youâre trying to lock him in and keep him from escaping. âDonât you dare!â
His cock still feels so big, and when you tighten up as hard as you do it almost feels as though heâs fucking impaling you. Price groans as though heâs been shot, and his head lowers so that heâs burying his face into the space between your shoulderblades. His body lowers too until his chest is pressed to your back, joined at the hips as he rocks inside of you.Â
âOkay,â He grunts, and you can feel his chest expand as he takes a breath. âOkay, love, but you need to relax. Youâre going to squeeze my cock right off.â
âSorry.â You try to do as he asks, taking a deep breath and allowing your body to go limp and pliant. He grunts in appreciation, and you feel his whiskery beard rasp against your throat as he presses a kiss to your neck as if to reward you.
Your spine is still taut from the pressure of being all stretched out around his cock, and you reach back clumsily to grasp at his belly, the soft fabric of his shirt rucking up between your fingers. Price reaches back and grabs at the neck of his own shirt, tearing it over his head then tossing it aside. Your eyes are all hazy and a little blurred from your overwhelmed tears, but you look back over your shoulder and blink frantically in an attempt to get a proper look at him.Â
God, heâs so big and strong, his chest furred with a layer of brown hair curling in whorls over his nipples and down over his belly. You feel yourself pulse in response, your mouth dropping open in a thoughtless gasp of desire. Heâs exactly the kind of man you think of when you think of masculinity, and your belly tightens in anticipation when he presses all up against you, heavy and hot.
When he begins to pull out and press back in, the noise you make is utterly pathetic. It feels like he cleaving you in two, carving out a space for his cock every time he fucks back into you. Heâs cautious at first, conscious of hurting you, but when your thighs close around his hips he grunts and begins to pick his pace up.
âChrist, youâre tight,â Price says, his voice all rough and muffled against your shoulder. âAnd you're all mine, love, my own sweet girl, ainât that right? And daddy's gonna love you so good, isnât he?â
âYes,â You gasp stupidly, pressing your face into the couch cushions.
Typically, you find that doggy style can be a position thatâs a little detached â usually, you like seeing the face of the person youâre fucking. But right now, with Price plastering his whole hairy body against your back as he ruts into you and the sweet filthy words heâs murmuring to you, this position feels so far from detached that it has your head spinning. It feels like heâs blanketing you, the heat from his skin igniting what feels like an inferno between the two of you. Sweat beads at your forehead, and you moan softly as Price begins to fuck you properly.
Youâre bouncing against the couch, clutching at the cushions as your body moves under the weight of Priceâs powerful thrusts. The sound of it is sloppy and wet, your bodies smacking together quick and hard. And fuck, it feels good. His cock is hitting that perfect spot deep inside of you, and your entire body jolts with pleasure every time he pounds back in.Â
Itâs enough to make you squeal, your nails scrabbling desperately for purchase on the threadbare couch cushions in an attempt to stabilise yourself. Your nipples are sensitive from Priceâs licking at sucking at them, and your toes curl as your tits are pressed into the rough-textured cushions, electrifying your nerves to the point of almost too-much.Â
The noises you make are entirely undignified, and you struggle to muffle them into the couch. Little burbling ah ah ahâs are being torn from your throat every time Price fucks into you, the sensation of his furred balls slapping against you with every thrust has your eyes rolling.
Your body is all loose and pliant from your earlier orgasm, and you whimper as though youâre being fucked absolutely stupid. Itâs not that heâs fucking you all that hard, but heâs filling you up so deliciously and knowing that itâs him, your Captain, the man that youâve worked so damn hard to impress and to please, makes you feel like youâre going to explode. Even through the haze of desire and pleasure, a little part of you is still so aware of making him happy. You keep your back arched, practically waving your ass up in the air as he fucks into you.
âTell me how you like it, sweetheart. Tell me how it feels.â Price says in a low, rough purr. His chest is still pressed to your back even as the two of you pant and sweat as you rock together. âTell daddy how good he's making you feel.â
Jesus Christ, Price feels like a fucking furnace against you. It feels almost as though youâve been glued together, your skin sweat slick as he ruts into you like an animal. Your lungs are burning, and your mind is completely scattered. Getting fucked like this feels feels primal, an exchange of power through pleasure; youâre aware that heâs asked you a question, but you can hardly string two thoughts together. All you can do is squirm and whimper in below him as his weight pins you in place.
âGood,â You groan, vaguely aware that tears are leaking from your eyes and soaking the couch beneath you. Your vision is blurred, and you canât even see straight. âI justâ itâs so muchââ
âI know,â He rumbles. âBut you can take it, canât you? Youâve been so good, sweetheart.â
The praise does exactly what heâs hoping for; you practically melt into a puddle beneath him. Your thoughts are slow and sluggish, and your jaw hangs open as you fucking drool. Even still, you manage to nod your head clumsily. You can take him â it feels like a point of pride to prove it now, to show off how good you can be.
Priceâs rhythm is practically machine-like, and you make a quiet sound of pure appreciation when his cock slams into that gummy spot inside of you that makes you lose your breath. Itâs as though he takes note of it, because from that point on he stays absolutely jackhammering into that little spot, making you see stars and have to bite your lip to stifle your moans. His balls would slam against your clit in a repeated motion that made your underbelly tighten like a coil so close to snapping.
He groans every time he sinks into you, his growls rumbling into your back and ratcheting up the intensity another notch. You feel lost in a sea of sensation, moored only by the places of contact between you and Price. Your hips are humping back against Priceâs cock unconsciously, unable to help yourself and unable to get enough of him.
âI wanna come again,â You say, and it comes out in a demanding sort of whine. Itâs a little humbling to hear yourself and realise that you sound so honest to god bratty, but you canât bring yourself to care when Price is apparently in such a giving mood today.Â
âYouâre gonna come, love.â He promises. His voice has that tone to it, the one youâve always tried to ignore during work because it makes you so horny. The authoritative one, when it drops just a bit in pitch, when it sounds just a little like a threat.
But despite his promise, he doesnât change his steady pace. Youâre just this side of overwhelmed, but you still need more to push you over the edge into the second orgasm thatâs simmering in your lower stomach.Â
âPlease, daddy,â You let the name pass your lips on a whimper, finally giving in and calling him by the title heâs so clearly craving. Heâs fucked all the shame out of your body at this point, leaving you with nothing but white hot desperation. âPlease, please make me come againââ
âFuckinâ Christââ
Priceâs arm reaches around your front, and youâre startled when his big palm wraps around your throat. You think for a moment that youâre about to get choked, but no pressure follows. He just grips you there, gentle and secure, before using his hold on you to pull you back against him so that heâs rutting up into you at a speed thatâs overwhelming in the best way. His other arm reaches around your belly so that he can rub at your clit as he rails you into the couch. His soft grip on your throat ensures that no matter how much you try to squirm your way back into meeting his thrusts, youâre forced into stillness.Â
Itâs exactly what you wanted, and it has you wheezing and hiccuping out moans on every stroke. Itâs better than you ever could have hoped for, and youâre nearly sobbing from the sheer sensation of it all. You feel your abdomen drawing tight, heat beginning to build rapidly in the bottom of your belly as he strokes at your clit hard and fast at a pace that matches his fucking.
You know that youâre already starting to shake, trembling from head to toe. You canât even keep your back arched anymore, though you donât think Price gives a shit because he just nuzzles at the base of your shoulder as he fucks into you. Between his cock and his fingers, everything just feels too much but your body is strung taut as you proverbially climb higher and higher.
âOh god, Iâmâ yes, yes, yesââ You chant, your voice high and reedy and so damn needy.
Then the world falls out from under you. With one last whimpering moan, your body convulses beneath the heavy weight of your captainâs big body. Your vision practically wipes out, and you squeeze down around Priceâs dick and pulse. Your whole body rocks with the flood of pleasure, the warm fuzzy feeling that makes you feel as though youâre losing your mind. You know that your hips are twitching madly, simultaneously trying to get more and less as you get overwhelmed by the feeling of him fucking you through it all.
Youâre still coming down from the sweet release of your orgasm when Price practically tears himself away from you, leaving you cruelly empty and clenching around nothing. You let out a sharp sound of loss, startled that heâs pulled away so suddenly, and you find yourself slumping bonelessly against the couch now that his hands are no longer supporting you.
The wet shlurping sounds from behind you prompt you to glance lazily over your shoulder from where your face is smushed against the cushions, and youâre blessed with the sight of Price tugging his cock furiously behind you. His cheeks are bright red as he stares at the mess heâs made of you, his jaw soft and his mouth open as he pants.
He sees you looking, and whatever expression is on your face seems to be his undoing. He takes in your tear-clumped eyelashes and your dazed expression, and you can practically see the moment he hurtles over the edge. He practically snarls, his nose scrunching in a way thatâs unexpectedly adorable right as his cock gives one fat pump of thick white come, then several smaller sputterings that collect in a creamy puddle right at the base of your spine, just over the swell of your ass.
You sigh, your eyelids fluttering lazily shut as you relish the feeling of his hot come hitting your skin. You still canât manage to pull yourself together, feeling loose and floaty like youâre on another fucking planet entirely. Youâre only distantly aware of his big palm rubbing gentle circles on the small of his back; you think for a second that heâs just trying to soothe you, until your fucked out brain catches up and you realise that heâs rubbing his come into you like itâs goddamn lotion. Your cunt gives a tired throb at the realisation, fluttering as though itâs sad that he didnât come inside.
âFuckâŚâ You hear him rumble from behind you, then a hot heavy weight settling over you yet again. This time, he pulls you back into his arms to hold you tight against his chest.Â
You go perfectly limp, curling into him and nuzzling into his sweaty hairy chest. Despite yourself, youâre reminded of cuddling with a massive teddy bear. All you can do is hum, basking in the affection and hardly able to think at this point after heâs turned your brain into a slurry of feelings without thoughts.
âYou okay, love?â Price asks. You can feel his nose nuzzling against your temple, though you canât quite summon the energy to open your eyes again. âDid I go too hard on you?â
Your legs are still shaky, your hamstrings aching and your back throbbing a little from the pounding youâve just taken. But Price is being so lovely and soft, so gentle with you right now. His hands coast over your hips, your back, your waist, squeezing a little bit just because he seems to like the way you feel in his hands.
âShhh,â You drawl shakily. âDonât make me think right now.â
A low chuckle, and you feel his broad chest rumble with it where your head is laying atop him. His fingers run up the length of your spine, the touch making you shiver. He touches you like youâre delicate, a stark contrast to the way heâd just fucked you into your sad little office couch. It makes something in your belly squirm.
âAlright. My girl just needed to switch off for a while, hm?â He murmurs, and you can hear the clear undertone of amusement in his voice. âHow are you going to finish out work today if youâre all sleepy like this, huh?â
That wakes you up a little, and you finally blink your eyes open again in order to look up at him. An edge of panic is beginning to creep in as awareness comes back to you, and you take a deep breath as your hands curl against his chest.
âOh my god.â You blurt, eyes growing wide. âIâ weâre at work!â
âSharp as ever, darling.â
Not even Priceâs lazy wryness can distract you now. You try to wiggle off the couch, already craning your head around in search of your clothes, but Priceâs thick arm locks tight around your middle and keeps you pressed to him.
âWe have toâ oh my god, we have to get dressed, what if someone walks inââ
âShh, shhh, I locked the door when I came in,â Price grumbles. He doesnât appear too impressed with the way youâre attempting to wiggle away, but it doesnât matter so much; even with one arm heâs perfectly capable of keeping you pinned in place against his chest. âLie back down, love.â
Slowly, you let yourself relax back into him. Itâs hard to hold onto your panic when heâs so obviously unbothered, so you end up hesitantly snuggling back up against his chest as his arms come up to close around you. Despite his encouragement, youâre unsure whether or not youâre allowed to be touching him like this. But his hands donât stray from you, not even once, and gradually you return to your previous state of being a puddle of limbs and pliant muscle.
âThatâs it, relax.â He coaxes, clearly pleased now that youâre melting back into him.Â
âI have so much work to catch up on.â You grumble, though you have no intention of actually going anywhere now that heâs given you the greenlight to stay like this.
His chest vibrates beneath your cheek, and you realise heâs chuckling again. It feels good, and you sigh softly as your fingers stroke lightly over the defined shape of his soft pecs.
âYou think I wasnât capable of keeping the ship afloat for the couple of days you were gone?â He asks, one hand stroking over your flank then dipping lower to flatten his palm over your left asscheek. âI finished out those little files you were stressinâ over. No picture of Ghost for his, but like I said, thatâs standard.â
You had known that he had finished updating the files for you when you had seen Farahâs, but hearing it straight from his mouth is something else entirely. You purse your lips and lower your eyes, still embarrassed about your little freak out despite his apologies.Â
âThank you.â You mumble.Â
You try to hide your face in his chest again, but a large hand on your jaw stops you by tilting your head back and forcing you to look at him. A thumb strokes over your cheek, and then heâs leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to your mouth. You respond tiredly but eagerly, still hardly able to believe that your boss that youâve been mooning after for months is being so affectionate and intimate with you.
Price pulls back slightly so that your lips are just barely touching, breathing each otherâs air for a moment.
âAsk for help when you need it, sweetheart.â He murmurs, his lips dragging over yours. âThatâs what Iâm here for. We help each other with the workload, alright?â
âYeah,â You breathe, leaning in eagerly in the hopes of getting another kiss. âAlright.â
Price smiles, his cheeks going all full and round as his eyes crinkle, and you feel your heart throb so violently it feels as though it jumps right up into your throat. He leans in and kisses you again, soft and sweet as his beard rasps against your chin.
You want to stay like this forever, wrapped up so warm and cosy and safe in his arms. He makes you feel so safe, like youâre valued and appreciated, and you canât even feel bad about being lazy because he so clearly doesnât want to move either.
âLet me come home with you tonight,â He says suddenly, and you feel his bicep contract as he squeezes you closer. âYou have an apartment off base, donât you? Iâll⌠why donât I cook you dinner, hm? Want to show you how much I appreciate all the work you do.â
Thereâs a pause, then he adds cautiously, âIf Iâm not being presumptuous, that is.â
You canât stop the shy smile from overtaking your face. Heâs so sweet, and being on the receiving end of this kind of attention from him is more than you ever could have expected. Ridiculously, he seems a little nervous as well, and you come to the slow realisation that he had been vulnerable with you as well when it came to his interests when he had fucked you.
âI thought this was you appreciating the work I do.â You say coyly, glancing pointedly at all of your bare skin pressed up against his.
âMm. You do a lot of work, and Iâm very appreciative.â Price murmurs, squeezing teasingly at your ass.
You giggle despite yourself, relishing the light-hearted air between the two of you. At the sound of your laugh, Priceâs expression brightens further; itâs strange, seeing your usually stern, stressed captain being so sweet with you. Youâre so used to seeing him with that flinty determined look in his eyes, or barking orders, or with his eyes sagging with exhaustion after a long deployment only to return to a pile of mission reports. Seeing him like this, with those soft eyes and a fond smile, makes your heart feel as though itâs beating out of rhythm.
âI said Iâd look after you, sweetheart.â He murmurs, and this time his voice is missing that teasing undertone from before. He sounds so earnest now, almost painfully so. âYou just need to let me.â
Yeah, you think to yourself as you let yourself succumb to the drowsy haze thatâs been tugging at you, allowing your eyes to slide shut as you nuzzle into Priceâs bare chest. You think letting John Price look after you might just be the easiest thing youâve ever done.
#PLEASE don't look at me right now i will be taking NO questions on my state of mind#captain john price#john price x reader#captain john price x reader#price x reader#john price smut#cod smut#cod fic#141 x reader#daddy issues price
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Tim begins to distance himself from his family after Damian becomes Robin.
It was obvious in the way he ran off to rescue Bruce, but that was more of a physical thing at the end of the day. He was desperate and had lost any kind of safety net and support he had after Dick threatened Arkham and how badly he hurt Alfred with his instance that Bruce was alive.
Either way he was going to get Bruce back, if not because he felt like he was an aimless, nothing human being without Batman then there was that he wanted to be believed.
Then Dick handed over Robin to Damian who at that point genuinely despised Tim, though there was also a level of jealously in the young Wayneâs mind at the intelligence and analytical Tim.
It was then that Tim decided he would bring Bruce back and then do his own thing, outside of Robin and outside of Batman.
He clearly had done his job hadnât he? Sure Bruce was dead, but Dick was acting as Batman and that Batman had a Robin, so his reasoning for being Robin was extinguished.
Tim brings Bruce back and the older man praises and thanks him for several days and then, like everything else, the attention moves away. It goes to him connecting with Damian on a vigilante level and catching up on the last several months of him being âdeadâ. It goes to Jason who, now that heâs lost his foster father has decided that maybe he could try a little harder after all.
It goes to everyone and anyone other than Tim and this time? Thatâs actually the plan.
Tim isn���t as good of a hacker as Barbara, but sheâs basically a god at it so compared to others he might as well be master level, just not against her. This he uses to shift around peoples schedules so Alfred has no choice but to let him go to school on his own (Tim may have also invented an early morning âclubâ that was totally legit and not at all a fabrication). He makes it so when Dick is over or Jason takes the rare opportunity to visit he had to work at WE or DI, something important he canât neglect.
He never has to walk Ace or Titus because heâs busy with his team mates.
Team mates who think heâs busy helping out Batman.
Tim still does work as a hero, but itâs entirely through his businesses after a while. A few times he has no choice but to go out in a boring black suit with a full face mask and hoodie. Itâs got nothing on it, no symbols or gadgets. Nothing to connect him to anyone.
He starts with the homeless, dishing out vaccines like candy without even doing a campaign to showcase it.
Then he changes Bruceâs rather naive approach to orphanages and makes it so every single child who is put through is given a small amount of funding. He makes it so kids have more chance to stay with siblings, makes sure everyone who even so much as enters the ground of a orphanage have a real background check and sure the adoption rate drops, but so does the missing kids and DV cases.
Tim steals over fifty million from people like Luther and Penguin and all kinds of corrupt rich assholes for the majority of the funding and not even a cent of it is traced back to Wayne or Drake businesses. Whiles heâs digging into Lex be manages to get enough evidence to put a sizeable dent in his reputation, even if Lex manages to smooch a fair bit of it back.
Heâs manages to take out a large sized trafficking ring and helps get the victims into a real recovery home that he hand picks out security for.
Later, as in a few days afterward, he discovers a dog meat farm and everyone medical veterinary student suddenly finds themself free of student loans and debt and with multiple work opportunities available and volunteer work being down right pleased for.
Tim knows heâs being noticed but given that he basically lives in his office in the heart of the city, he isnât there to hear his old teammates and âfamilyâ talk about the mysterious Dread.
Dread who was named that after a report came out about a theory of an unknown hacker or âcyber vigilanteâ who was stealing money and information from rich folk and giving it to the poor, giving all of the 1% dread that he would hit them next.
The exact quote was âThose with money deeper than their pockets dread the hackers next moves. And they should feel that dread as a warning for this Robin Hood like legend seems to be getting braver.â
Dick was sure the hacker would have been called Robin if he hadnât chosen that name already, to which Barbara responded with grumbles and growl because she couldnât find anything other than holes and traps left by the hacker. It was like they knew her every move before she even made it!
Tim, obvious to his growing reputation until it fully took off, hadnât even considered that his actions would be framed a threat by Batman. He would say it was because he didnât think Bruce would ever really target him like that, but in actuality itâs because he knew Bruce was one of the few good rich folk. Surely he would be on the side of a secret vigilante hacker trying to use horrible people to do good? He embraced Dread quickly and was happy he make the rich squirm and brought a sense of hope to people, it was just like Robin but instead of them being safe and given light they were given a peace of mind in a mix of revenge and justice.
What Tim doesnât know is that Bruce is still too far into his whole image of black and white, good and evil, that he tends to forget thereâs grey areas.
At least Jason is on the side of Dread, even if he still thinks the myth of a story is just that, a myth.
Itâs when Tim blows up a bank when everyone has gone home for the night just so people will find the underground money ring that and he visits the manner to get a few things that he hears them talking about it.
By that point itâs been around two years since he dropped Robin and as usual Dick always greets him with a look of a desperate puppy, âTim! Hi, youâre here. I havenât seen you in months, how have you been?â
Tim smiles at Dick even if he hasnât gotten over his anger at his oldest brother and moves to sit at the breakfast table with everyone (Alfred, Bruce, Jason and Damian).
âGood. Busy, weâve had a lot of donations lately.â
Jason snorts, âNo shit. Isnât Wayne Enterprise one of the few ones not hit by Dread?â
Bruce grumbles and shakes his head, âI wouldnât say that. Theyâve managed to get into our system and completely changed the Jason Project.â
Jason grins and laughs happily, âyou mean improved! Crime Ally is doing great now. Not the best, but still a fuck of a lot better.â
Smiling at the man who once beat him to an inch of his life, Tim takes a sip of his tea and casually says, âYouâre welcome.â
The whole table goes quiet as Tim continues to casually sip his tea.
The silence carries for a total minute before Bruce puts down his cup and leans forward with a slight growl in his voice, âExplain.â
âExplain what?â
Bruce stands over his son even from halfway down the table and very obviously tries to calm himself with a deep breath, âWhat do you mean âyouâre welcomeâ?â
Tim makes an âohâ expression before cocking his head to the side in confusion, âI was the one who fixed the Jason Project? Wait, did you guys not realise Iâm Dread?â
Damian shouts out a âwhat?!â That makes Titus jump and Tim laughs under his breath, âWhat did you think I was doing?â
âRunning the business! Not stealing from people and black mailing politicians!â
Itâs Timâs turn to growl now and he stands up himself with a glare at Bruce that is as close as any of them have gotten to the famed Bat-Glare, âAre you fucking kidding me? Like are you a Tully kidding me with that horse shit?â
Bruce looks stunned and Alfred doesnât even tell him not to swear.
Tim slams his chair into the table.
âWhat the fuck else would I be doing, Bruce? Iâm not Robin, that was taken from me, so what else was I gonna do? I finished my job, not only keeping you from killing anyone but bringing you back, so I had do pick something else. Iâm not stealing from the rich, Iâm stealing from selfish cunts who ruin peoples lives for no reason and giving it to people like Jason. So, donât you fucking yell at me and donât try to make me feel bad for this, not when Iâve done more in two years than you ever have and- donât you fucking speak Dick, not when you were the one who took my place here away from me! Now, I have a trafficking ring I need to expose so good. Fucking. Day.â
Jason is the only one who follows him.
#batfam#tim drake#bat family#dc comics#batfamily#dc universe#Tim Drake is NOT red Robin#dc#tim drake is a menace#damian wayne#dick grayson#bruce wayne#jason todd#tim drake centric#hacker Tim Drake
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sweating- o.piastri



summary: oscar has been acting strange
pairing: oscar piastri x fem! Brown! reader
Zak had been worried about Oscar for a while. The far-off looks in meetings, the silence at dinners, the constant stares he was getting, all of it. Heâd even been so worried, that he came to you, and youâd told him that Oscar had been just fine at home, so it must be something to do with work.Â
It was a strange thing, to be dating your bossâs daughter. Oscar had in fact fallen for you within seconds of meeting you back in 2022, his first visit to MTC, before everything else happened. You, a legal trainee on the McLaren legal team, was the one running him through his contract, and he was very thankful that his lawyer was there to ask questions, because he was just focused on you. As he joined the team, you two got closer. About half way through his rookie season, he finally plucked up the courage to ask you out, and you had said yes. What ensued was a few months of sneaking around until you finally told your dad, who supported you two, but from afar. He liked Oscar, would he have preferred you pick someone that wasnât his driver, yes, very much so, but he didnât have a say in your life. You were an adult and if you wanted to go get your heart broken by an F1 driver, that was up to you. The one thing Zak hadnât accounted for was the fact that Oscar was a sweetheart who was genuinely head over heels for you. He saw it when you were in the paddock, how Oscar smiled a little brighter, how he made you a priority all weekend, how he performed better.Â
So what the fuck was going on with Oscar now?Â
Zak was worried that he was planning on breaking up with you, or maybe he was just going through some mental roadblocks at work, so he called him into his office.Â
Oscar awkwardly took a seat across from him, waiting to be addressed.Â
âAre you alright, Osc? You seem a bit⌠off lately,â Zak asked, nothing but concern in his voice.Â
Oscar shook his head. âIâm fine,â he said, but even he knew it sounded wrong. This is really not how he wanted this to go. He was insured of Zakâs worry by the way his brows furrowed. âYou can talk to me kid, you know that right? If itâs about Y/n or-â
âItâs not about Y/n,â Oscar assured him. âIâm alright, I promise.â
âOscar, talk to me, Iâm here for you. If youâre going through something-â
âIâve been trying to figure out how to ask for your blessing!â he admitted, speaking far too loud and far too fast. Oscar looked up to see Zakâs face blank, his jaw slightly dropped. âIâm so sorry-â
âYou have it,â he said. Now it was Oscarâs jaw that dropped. âOf course you have it,â Zakâs lips turned into a smile. âShe adores you. You clearly adore her. I love you, my wife loves you, my sons love you. Of course you have my blessing.â
He took a deep breath and smiled. âThank you,â he chuckled. âGod, I was terrified.â
âYou thought Iâd say no?â
Oscar shrugged. âMaybe?âÂ
Zak was very happy when he woke up to a call from the two of you, engaged, a few weeks later.



liked by pierregasly, zbrownceo, landonorris and 348,928 others
oscarpiastri: awesome season, can't wait to marry this girl though :)
landonorris: OMFG YALL ARE YOUNGER THAN ME PLZ SLOW DOWN -> oscarpiastri: no more papaya rules đ¤ˇ
pierregalsy: too young -> kikagomez: bitch -> user92: lmao he's never said that before
zbrownceo: Congrats guys! Can't wait to walk you down the aisle!
charlesleclerc: MY SON IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!! -> oscarpiastri: thank you adoptive father :)
user93: god she is GLOWING
user12: these are the cutest photos ever!!!!!!!
lilymunihe: OMG I'M SO EXCITED!!!! ->youruser: OMG LOVE YOUUUUU
user98: they're so in love it's actually sickening
logansargeant: no ring picking creds? -> oscarpiastri: I don't think grimacing at every ring I chose was very helpful -> hattiepiastri: nah, but it was funny
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula one imagine#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri#oscar piastri x you#formula one x reader#formula 1#formula one#mclaren#oscar piastri x fem!reader#f1 fluff#x reader#female reader#x reader insert#reader insert#x reader fic#x reader fluff#x reader fanfiction#fem reader#gn reader#f1#f1 smau#f1 imagines#f1 x you#requests#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 fanfiction
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Secrets Out! Ep.2 (Leaked?)
Karina X Male Reader (Slight appearance by Aespa)
Tags: TitFucking, Ball sucking, Deepthroat, Spitting, Teasing, Videotaping, Quickie
~~ Be Sure to read Episode 1 here!
(3rd Person POV)
~ In the girls locker room
âYouâre lying. That guy is a total loser.â
âYeah, and a dick that big? It just doesnât sound real.â
âI-I think heâs really cute.â
âOf course you think that Ning. But Iâm serious! He just fucked Seulgi unnie and Wendy unnie in the backseat of the car!â
âHis own step sister?!â The three of the girls were in complete shock with what they just heard.
A moment earlier before their chat, Karina drags her friends into the locker room to tell them about what she had just discovered in the parking lot. You, Seulgi and your own step sister Wendy having a threesome in the backseat.
âYes! His own step sister!â Karina pulls out her phone. âHere look at this!â
She taps the play button, letting the video play for the girls to watch. Their eyes widened as they watch Wendy riding your cock while Seulgi rides your face.
âH-Heâs actually fucking her.â Giselle spoke.
âSeulgi unnie is riding his face.â Winter followed up.
âY/nâs⌠big cock.â Ning bites her lip making the girls look at her.
âNing!â They all say, but she didnât care and grabs the phone, skipping ahead of the video till it showed Wendy and Seulgi giving you a sloppy blowjob while recording themselves.
âLook! S-Such a big⌠fat⌠cock.â They all look back at the video, this time they put their focus on your dick.
The length, the thickness. They start to feel hungry. Hungry for your cock as they keep on watching. Karina starts to feel her panties getting soaked once again.
âF-Fuck! Again?â She bites her lip and looks down. The girls look at her and laugh.
âYouâre getting wet huh?â Giselle teased.
âN-no! Shut up!â She defended herself but couldnât hold back the blush.
âItâs okay if you are,â Winter chuckles softly. âI am too, I canât lie.â
âEww!â Giselle scoffed. âLetâs head back to class.â She grabs her bag as Winter and NingNing follow.
âIâll be with you guys in a bit⌠I need to find Y/n and have a taste of him myself.â Karina whispered the last part to herself. They nodded and head to class.
Meanwhile, Karina was searching through the halls and all over the school, trying not to get caught to look for you but had no luck.
âWhere could he be?â She thinks but then had an idea of where you could be. âGot it! The library! That nerd usually goes there at this time to do work.â
She quickly makes her way to the library, searching every section then finally spots you in the corner. She smirks wildly, knowing this was gonna be a perfect time. She walks up to you, taps your shoulder which makes you slowly turn your head.
âHey nerd.â She says trying not to draw attention with the people around by staying as quiet as possible.
You sighed. âWhat do you want Karina? Iâm busy doing my work.â
She sits next to you. âWell that can wait. I need to speak to you about something.â
âGet it over with already. I donât like to be disturbed.â You put your attention back to your school work.
âGeez, calm down nerd. Look, Iâm not gonna waste time here so let me just ask you something.â She looks at you. Thoughts of the video running through her mind.
âIâm not gonna do your homework for you.â
âItâs not about that idiot! Itâs about something else.â She hits your arm.
âFirst off, ouch! And second, what could you possibly need from me?â You were curious. She would usually approach you about doing her homework or try to annoy you.
âItâs just a simple request.â She smirked which kinda creeped you out a little.
âOkay? Whatâs up?â You asked while she leans closer, your heart starts pounding. Is she about to kiss you?
âCan I maybe see⌠your cock?â She whispered. You froze up after her sudden request, the pen in your hand drops straight down to the floor.
âM-My what now?â You gulped. Did you hear correctly?
âCome on Y/n, you heard me.â She whispered more in a seductive tone while placing a hand on your thigh. Sheâs crazy you thought to yourself.
âN-No, are you crazy! Iâm not showing you my stuff, that shit is weird!â You say trying not to be so loud.
âOh thatâs weird?â She smirks and takes her phone out. âIs it more weird that you fuck your own step sister.â She shows the video of you and your stomach drops.
âH-How did you get⌠delete that!â You try to take her phone but you were too slow. She giggled and teased you some more.
âNope! You either show me your cock⌠or I will leak this video out and people will see how weird YOU really are.â She threatened.
This is fucked! You couldnât figure out what to do. You canât have that video getting leaked!
âOkay fine.â Those words make Karinaâs smirk grow even bigger. This girl is crazy! I mean⌠sheâs kinda hot but thatâs not the point.
âThat wasnât so hard was it?â She teased you more.
âShut up and letâs get this over with.â You get up, looking around, making sure no oneâs around. âWe gotta be quiet and be careful.â You whispered.
You undo your belt while Karina watches, biting her lip as she couldnât wait for the grand reveal. You bring your hands down to the waistband of your pants, then slowly pull them down untilâŚ
Your dick sprung out, landing right on her face. She gasped at the size of your cock as it rests across her face.
âOh⌠m-my⌠fucking⌠god.â You can feel her breath just between your balls and under your shaft sending shivers down your spine.
The scene was kinda hot. Actually, really hot! She grabs onto your dick, slowly stroking it while she was still amazed by the length and the feel.
âI-I thought you just wanted to see only.â You groan as you grip the table.
âYou like this donât you?â She completely ignored your words.
âY-Yes.â You didnât want to give in. But man it was so damn hard.
âI can see why even your step sister would fuck you. Sheâs very lucky I should say.â She giggled as she keeps stroking you before planting a kiss on your tip which was enough to make your knees weak.
âF-Fuck Karina!â You moan quietly, leaning your head back.â
Without any warning, she puts your cock into her mouth. Her soft moans vibrate around your shaft while your body tenses up. She takes you inch by inch trying to get use to your size.
âMmm⌠so⌠big.â She slurped then pulls away. She spits onto your cock and strokes you making sure youâre completely soaked. âYou like that nerd?â
At this point you couldnât take it. You tangled your fingers in her hair and push her back down on your cock, making her bob up and down your wet cock.
âJust shut up and keep sucking bitch.â You groan as you make her deepthroat your dick, causing her to gag a little.
Instead of resisting, she let you do it. It was almost like she was allowing you to do that. Her saliva mixed with your pre cum drip down towards your balls. You pull her off your dick as you griped onto her hair.
âYou fucking nerd,â She tries to catch her breath as she looks up at you. âMaking me choke on your big, fat cock.â
âDonât act like you didnât like it.â You smirked as you smack your dick against her cheeks.
âI didnât like it⌠I fucking loved it!â She sticks her tongue out and grabs your hard shaft to slap your tip onto it.
You groan out in pleasure as you watch her go down and suck on your balls while your cock is resting across her face.
âF-Fuck yes suck those balls.â Your eyes trail down and you bite your lip.
She pulls away. âLooking at my tits huh?â She looks down then back up at you. âYou fucking perv. You think about my tits donât you?â
âI would be lying if I said no.â Karina rolled her eyes.
âMind telling me what you think about perv?â Her hands continue to stroke you.
âWhat your tits feel like in between my dick.â You grip her hair as she places more kisses all over your dick.
Karina was satisfied with your answer, and it only made her feel hotter. She takes her hands off your cock and moves back a little, taking off her hoodie.
âItâs only fair I show you my tits.â She pulls her pink crop top off, dropping it on the floor.
You look as your jaw drops. Her cleavage on display as her bra holds her big breasts together. Every little movement she makes, they bounce and jiggle around. You felt like you were being hypnotised.
Karina laughs as you stare for what felt like hours. âLook at you. You wanna see these tits huh?â She teased playing with the straps of her bra.
âFuck yes.â You say almost instantly.
She takes off her bra, taking her time so she can tease and make you want more. Her big, soft tits are finally out, waiting to feel your touch.
(Y/nâs POV)
I lick my lips, reaching my hands over as I get a good grip on Karinaâs tits. So fucking soft, so fucking big. She moans softly as she feels my touch.
âYou like them?â She smirked, looking up at me.
âTheyâre amazing.â She smiles more at my answer while I keep playing with her melons. You then pull her onto your lap as you wanted to get a closer look.
âOhh look at you,â She giggled. âAddicted already?â She teased.
âMaybe.â You dive in, rubbing your face in between her tits as she squirmed a little while holding you close.
I keep playing with her tits until she pushed me back against the chair, getting off my lap and onto her knees. She grabs onto my shaft and slaps the head against her tits.
âMmm you like that daddy?â She looks into your eyes, turning you on with the way she addressed me.
Itâs funny how Karina went from being a bitch towards me, to wanting more of my cock and calling me daddy. It just doesnât seem real but Iâm not complaining.
âI love it baby.â I grinned.
I can tell when I called her that it turned her on as she puts me between her tits and lets her spit drip down and onto my tip. She tightens the grip on my dick with her huge jugs, moving up and down slowly.
I moan softly. âOh fuck, Karina! Your tits feel so fucking good!â
âIâm glad you like them daddy.â She winked.
I watch as my cock pops in and out between her tits before Karina sticks her tongue out, licking my tip every time she was close enough to lick it.
âY-Youâre gonna make me cum Karina!â I groan out.
âCum for me daddy! Cum all over my tits.â She bites her lip as she was in desperate need of my cream.
She moves faster, she grips tighter while I grip the chair as I feel the sensation from her tits.
âIâm c-close baby.â I lean my head back.
I felt her reach for something and I look down as I see her phone in her hand.
âWould you mind recording? I wanna send this to my girls.â She asked with an innocent yet naughty smile.
âD-Donât they hate me?â I grunt.
âAfter I send them the video, they wonât.â She hands me the phone. âCome on, please?â
Was it a good idea? What about the video she has of me, Wendy and Seulgi? Iâm sure she can keep it a secret right? Ah fuck it!
âFine.â I take the phone and start to record her cupping her tits together.
âThank you daddy.â She smirks and moans sexily then shortly looks into the camera after waving a little. âHey girls! His dick is so much bigger in person than on video.â She spits down on my cock again.
Did she⌠show them the video? Oh god. Letâs just hope nothing spreads around. I gotta be careful.
âAhh fuck! Keep moving those big tits.â I groan.
âMmm you like that daddy?â She breathed, moving more seductively.
âI love it baby. Keep going, youâre doing amazing.â I stroke her cheek. I guess Karina loves the way I praise her by the way she looked at me with a grin.
âI want your cream daddy!â She moves faster and faster. I was getting close, I tried to keep the phone as steady as I could but it was a little difficult.
âY-You want it? Fucking take it!â You groan trying to stay as quiet as possible. The sound of her melons slapping against me.
I shoot my first load, making a mess all over her tits.
âO-Oh fuck! So much daddy! I-I⌠oh my!â Another load right across her cheek and around her mouth. âFuck! This is the best load ever!â She smiles, gathering some of my cum from her tits before seductively sucking her fingers.
âYou like the taste of daddyâs cum baby?â I smirked as I try to catch my breath. This view of Karina was fucking amazing to see.
âYou taste so good daddy. I might want more.â She winks at you then looks at the camera. âSorry girls, maybe Iâll invite you next time.â She wanted to tease them. She blows a kiss then grabs her phone.
âSoo, thereâs a next time?â I bite your lip.
âMaybe.â She looks at me and grins again. She cleans herself up with some wipes she had in her bag before cleaning my cock with her mouth. âGod you taste so good Y/n.â She kisses your tip.
I moan softly and smile and the both of us fix ourselves up, putting back our clothes that we had taken off.
âYouâre not gonna leak the video right?â I asked.
âMmmâŚâ my heart was pounding. I canât have this video get leaked. If my parents see it, they will flip out. Especially my mom! âI wonât.â
You let out a sigh. âThank you.â I tell her and she smiles while sending the video to her friends. âYou single?â You push your luck.
âNo Y/n!â She glares at me. âYou might have a chance though.â She moves close to me.
âOh Iâm gonna make you mine, just wait and see.â I pull her close. Both of our faces inches away.
âI like your confidence Y/n.â She looks into my eyes.
âWill you let me kiss you?â I whispered then see her face as she blushed.
âI donât know try it.â She challenged. I lean in and kiss her deeply and passionately as I held her hips. She returned the passion back and moves her hand behind my head.
We pull away, out of breath as we were smiling like idiots. Sheâs really a whole fucking package.
âI guess Iâll see you around nerd.â She giggled and bites her lip softly.
I roll my eyes playfully. âStill calling me that huh? What happened to daddy?â I teased and she blushed, hitting my arm. âIâm kidding, Iâll see you around Karina.â
We both exchanged numbers and we both go our separate ways. Man I really am a lucky guy. Little did I know, a little misclick would cause some little problems in the future.
(3rd Person POV)
A girl takes out her phone during class, turning it on without alerting the teacher. She opens the link as it takes her to a video that shouldnât be seen. She gasps quietly.
âW-What the fuck?! Is that Y/n?!â
End Of Ep.2
To be continued!
A little short but Iâll try to make them a bit longer. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. You guys can also help with this series by suggesting ideas and idols you want to see, so be free to send me a dm or inbox me!âşď¸
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grapes and good fortune // ln4



pairing:Â lando norris X reader
word count:Â 4.7k
warnings:Â cursing and alcohol use
includes:Â friends to lovers, mutual pining, and fluff
summary: when your plan to find love on new year's eve doesn't work a certain someone may just fix those plans.
a/n: surprise! here's a cute little lando nye fic for you! it was so fun to write and i hope you all enjoy :)
âââ ââ
â âââ
Itâs not the end of the world to be single. Youâve gone your whole life technically being singleâ each guy youâve had a thing with never resulted in a full fledged relationship. It never really seemed to bother you that much, youâd learned to be more independent and learned that your time is in fact more valuable than men think. Though, as the years passed and your friends started to get into serious relationships you couldnât help but feel a little left behind.
You knew everyoneâs time would come and seriously you were in your early to mid twenties â you still had a whole lifetime ahead of you. But the third wheeling you seemed to be a professional at by now was starting to get embarrassing. Also, holidays just really seemed to suck while being single. You knew there was more to life than being in a relationship, but god dammit youâre a human. You crave love and affection and no matter how independent you areâ you still want to love and be loved.Â
Your friend group had unsuccessfully tried setting you up with more guys than you could count. Each one you really did try and give a chance, but there was nothing there. You didnât think you had high standards by any means, but if you didnât feel anything with these guys then why waste your time?Â
âYou went on how many dates this month and none of them piqued your interest?â Your friend grills you as the two of you are sitting on the balcony of your apartment. Youâd come back from another unsuccessful date and decided to drown your sorrows with a bottle of wine and a yapping session.Â
âGenuinely think there might be something wrong with me at this point.â You complain as you sip the sweet wine in your glass.Â
âThere isnât anything wrong with you.â The two dates a week for the past month say different, but you werenât going to actually disclose that number to her. âMaybe your heart has already laid claim to someone else?âÂ
âI think I would know if I was in love with someone.â She doesnât say anything, but the way she inconspicuously sips her wine is telling you what sheâs wanting to say. âNot this again.âÂ
She puts her hands up in defense all while having a shit eating grin on her face. âI didnât even say anything, but you immediately assuming thatâs who Iâm talking about says it all.âÂ
âIâm not in love with Lando.âÂ
Yes you were.Â
âI mean heâs one of my closest friends and it would just make things weird. He also for sure does not look at me in any way other than platonic. Heâs got models flocking to him and literally thousands of other girlsâ I couldnât compete.â Your friend remains silent once again as she sips her wine and watches the scene in front of her unfold. âOkâ just because I drunkenly admitted last year that I might possibly have a little tiny miniscule amount of feelings towards him does not mean Iâm in love with him.âÂ
âYes it does.â Your friend replies without missing a beat.Â
âNo it doesnâtâ You say with a huff.Â
âY/N, babe. You donât see what everyone else sees and maybe your brain is trying to protect itself from the small chance of destruction, but you two are so in love itâs actually ridiculous.âÂ
âI donât think heâs looking for a relationship right now. If this season so far is any indication of what next season is gonna be like, do you really think heâll want a serious relationship to juggle too?â Youâd chugged the last bit of wine in your glass and immediately filled it back up.Â
A loud scoff comes from your friend. âWith some girl he just met? No. You are a whole different story though. You two have history and are quite literally each otherâs person. Two peas in a pod. Match made in heaven.âÂ
You didnât understand why your friend was so adamant about Lando and you getting together. What if it ended in flames and your friend group is stuck having to play children of divorce? You donât want that.Â
âDo you hear yourself right now? I think youâve had too much wine because thatâs not true.âÂ
She sits up on the edge of the wicker couch with an annoyed expression painted across her face âDo you hear yourself? Iâve never seen someone deny themselves happiness like you.âÂ
âI donât think I have actual feelings for Lando though. I really think itâs just because we are the only two single people in our friend group and itâs like I feel obligated to somehow have feelings for him. I just need to find the right person and whatever I may be feeling about Lando will go away.âÂ
If someone could professionally roll their eyes your friend would be a pro. âYouâve already found the right person though!â
Before you can argue back for the hundredth time tonight the familiar tune of an incoming facetime call fills the air. Your phone thatâs sitting on the glass coffee table lights up and Landoâs face fills the screen. You glance over at your friend whoâs got a smirk on her face that could rival the Cheshire Cat.Â
âSpeak of the devil.â She laughs.Â
You let it ring, fully knowing that if you answer it your friend will be insufferable the whole time youâre talking to him. You do send him a quick text to make sure everything's alright and of course he immediately responds with-
everything's all right.. just missed you is all.Â
Which has you locking your phone and stuffing it in the pocket of your hoodie. When you reach for your glass and realize itâs empty again you decide to just grab the bottle and drink straight from it.Â
âDrinking from the bottle because youâve come to terms with how dumb youâve been?â Your friend teases.Â
âNope. Itâs from having to deal with you all evening.âÂ
Alright so maybe you did have actual feelings for Lando, but you were never going to fully admit that to your friend or anyone else for that matter. You didnât want to risk ruining what you two already had, which was an amazing friendship. So for the following months you continue to go on an endless amount of dates and with each one that fails your friend's voice rings in your mind.
Maybe you wouldnât be able to find someone else if you subconsciously compared every guy to Lando. They were never funny enough or charming enough or took themselves too seriously. In the end it was simply the fact that they werenât Lando. So maybe your heart had already dug its claws into Lando, but you werenât going to give up without one last battle.Â
âââ ââ
â âââ
New Year's Eve. The final night of the year and the one party of the year that celebrates ends and beginnings. Youâd hoped that with the plan you had for tonight that your streak of horrible dates would end and the next one would be the one. The trend of eating twelve grapes under a table at midnight on New Yearâs Eve had been all over your social media. According to the internet if you were to do this youâd find love or your soulmate the following yearâ which was something you were so desperate for. So, your said plan was to bring some grapes with you and find a table to sit under.Â
As you were taking one last final look in the mirror a familiar British accent echoed through your apartment. âAre you almost ready?âÂ
You quickly slipped on your heels and grabbed your bag off the dresser, but by the time you turned around there stood Lando, leaning against your doorframe with a slight smirk on his face. âBeen waiting forever. Itâs gonna be next year by the time we get out of here.âÂ
His teasing, which usually always got a reaction out of you, was ignored. The sight of him had you frozen in your tracks for a moment. He had on a white button up, which he always looked good in, but it was the couple of undone buttons at the top and the necklace you got him for his birthday last year around his neck that got your attention. There was always something about seeing Lando in things you got him that made that funny feeling bloom in your stomach. Perhaps it was the fact that everytime he chose to wear them you knew he was thinking about you and that when he was away a part of you was always with him.Â
âQuit staring.âÂ
You're knocked out of your trance and the blush that creeps onto your cheeks from getting caught is almost as embarrassing as being caught. âI wasnât staring. I was admiring my good taste. Should have gotten one myself.â You try to play it off and push your way past him with what little amount of confidence you have at the moment.Â
âIâll get it for you, then we can be matching.â Lando says as he follows behind you.Â
âI can buy it myself.âÂ
âYeah, but Iâm still gonna get it for you anyways.â
You stop in the kitchen and grab the little bag of grapes out of the fridge. âI donât need you to get it for me Lan.â Youâre too preoccupied with figuring out how to fit everything into your small purse to see the utterly confused look on Landoâs face.Â
âOk forget about the necklace. Why the hell are you bringing grapes with you?âÂ
âIncase I get hungry.â You reply without missing a beat.Â
âThere will literally be food at the party. I even made sure Max got those little cocktail sausages you like.âÂ
And there he goes again, making those feelings youâve tried and are still presently trying to push down come to the surface all because of some damn cocktail sausages. âI appreciate that Lan, but Iâve been on a grape kick lately. Just canât seem to get enough of them.âÂ
With your purse finally closed with the grapes securely inside, you head towards the door, more than ready to get to the party.Â
âIâll text Max and tell him to get some grapes delivered.â Lando mumbles as he closes the door behind him.Â
âââ ââ
â âââ
Youâd never considered yourself much of a party girl, but there must have been something in the air tonight because you were living it up. From the dancing to the drinking and then to top it off somehow in the middle of everything you showed off your DJing skills with Lando.Â
Somehow youâd managed to unglue yourself from Lando for a moment and ended up in the kitchen among the various kinds of alcohol. Youâre pouring the last bit of coke into your coke and malibu when Max comes up beside you.Â
âI see you finally escaped from Lando for a moment.âÂ
An airy laugh emits from you. âYeah, heâs been a little clingy tonight.â You state as you turn and lean back against the counter, facing the large crowd of people.Â
Max copies your actions, but not before grabbing a beer. âWhat are you talking about tonight? When heâs back home itâs like you two are conjoined at the hip.â Which was true, but you didnât get to see Lando as much as youâd like, so you make the most of what you can. âOh forgot to tell you, your grapes are in the fridge.â He motions towards the stainless steel appliance with his beer bottle. âLando better pay me back. Do you know how much I paid to get that damn bag delivered? Absolutely insane.âÂ
Your mouth forms an âOâ shape at Maxâs words. âI heard him mention something about asking you to get some when we were leaving. I thought he was just joking.âÂ
Max scoffs. âThere is no such thing as Lando joking when it comes to you. Think heâd chop off his own arm to make sure you were happy. Hell if you needed an organ heâd be the first one in line to give you one.âÂ
This time itâs your turn to scoff. âNo he wouldnât.âÂ
âWhy do you do that?â Max groans.Â
You narrow your eyes at him, confused as to what he was referring to. âDo what?âÂ
âAct like he doesnât think the world of you.âÂ
Your mouth opens to reply, but no words come out. Instead you bring your cup to your lips and fill the void with your drink. What Max had said was true, but you couldnât help it. You figured if you forced yourself to think that Lando didnât care that deeply about you, then those feelings that you harbor for him wouldnât rise to the surface. It didnât help that his behavior recently had you thinking that perhaps he felt the same about you and when you have your mutual friends in your ear implying that to be true it just makes things that much harder for you.Â
âYou probably havenât even noticed that heâs been practically watching us talk this whole time have you?âÂ
You can feel your heart rate start to speed up just at the thought of it. As your eyes scan the room they finally land on the Brit standing in the corner with some other people, but heâs not actually engaging in the conversation, heâs too busy staring back at you. Somehow from across the room you can still see those pretty mixture of blue and green eyes of his sparkle and when he realizes you're finally looking back at him a shy smile spreads across his face before heâs quickly looking away.Â
âWish you two would stop dancing around each other and just admit what we all already know.â Max mumbles before taking a swig of his beer.Â
Maybe itâs the mixture of alcohol and the fact that youâve once again got someone in your ear about Lando and you, but you can sense those feelings starting to claw their way back up and you arenât sure if you can push them back down tonight.Â
âTen minutes until midnight!â The DJâs voice travels through the apartment and youâre sure Max will be getting some kind of fee taped to his door in the morning.Â
Max says something about talking to you later before exiting the kitchen and you realize with ten minutes till midnight that youâve got to get your grapes and find a table to fit under. For the moment you push Lando to the back of your mind and focus on your very important task at hand.Â
Luckily for you Max had a decently sized dining table in his apartment so with your grapes in hand you crawled under the table, which thankfully was shielded by a tablecloth, and settled in for your feast.Â
Lando on the other hand had been searching for you everywhere since the ten minute announcement. Heâd literally just seen you in the kitchen with Max and then when he looked back again you were both gone. Heâd gone in the bathrooms, the bedrooms, the closets, every single place he could think you would be and itâs like you had vanished. Max had a large apartment, especially to be living in London, but it wasnât that big to allow for you to not be found. His texts to you had gone unanswered and he began to think maybe you had left, but he knew you would have told him if you were leaving, so that theory went out the window.Â
When the five minute announcement hit his ears he began asking people if they had seen you and with each no or i think she was in the kitchen a while ago he received his hopes of finding you before midnight started to diminish.Â
Heâd finally worked up the courage to tell you how heâd felt tonight. After years of holding himself back and not wanting to ruin what you two already had, heâd decided that life was too short and that he would come to regret not allowing himself to truly love you like he should. He knew you were the one and there wasnât a bone in his body that didnât think you didnât feel the same. So, he was finally going to bite the bullet tonight and he wanted you to be the person he was kissing as the clock struck twelve. But if he couldnât find you, then how in the world was he supposed to do that?Â
Lando was honestly starting to get worried over not being able to find you, screw the whole love confession at this point. What if something had happened to you? Heâd been all over Maxâs place countless times and he still couldnât find you. With the official countdown echoing through the apartment he decided to just say fuck it and head to your place and see if you had gone home.
As he was heading to get his coat a familiar sparkly heel sticking out from under the dining table caught his attention. It was the same type of heels heâd seen you put on earlier and he did somewhat of a double take. He wondered if it was the couple drinks heâd had messing with him because why would you be sitting under Maxâs dining table?Â
He crouches down and slowly lifts the table cloth up, unsure of what heâs going to find underneath it. Everyone is only getting louder and with five seconds until midnight what he finds staring back at him under the table is not at all how he expected his night to end up. There you are with your now empty bag of grapes on the floor and your cheeks stuffed full of said grapes. You resemble something of a chipmunk and Lando canât help but laugh at you.Â
âWhat the hell are you doing down here?âÂ
The excessively loud shouting of happy new year from everyone while noise makers and confetti fill the air distract both Lando and you for a moment. He didnât think this is the position heâd be in right now, he figured heâd be in that crowd with his lips on yours like so many others right now. While you on the other hand didnât think youâd be caught in such an embarrassing situation, not to mention you hadnât even gotten all your grapes down, so this stupid thing was probably all for nothing.Â
His attention is back on you in no time and he really wants to know what you were doing. Were you that addicted to grapes that you had to hide under the table while you got your fix? If so, he may need to have a talk with you.Â
âSeriously, why are you hiding under the table stuffing grapes into your mouth?â He prods again.Â
Your mouth is still so full of the grapes that you canât really talk and all you can manage to get out is leave while simultaneously trying to jab his leg with your heel. You were embarrassed and at this point scared you might choke on the grapes, and youâd rather go out in peace then have Lando cause a scene because you were choking.Â
âOuch!â Lando yelps as your heel finally makes contact with him. You know heâs being dramatic because you barely even kicked him, but you would try anything for him to drop that table cloth and let you be. âCome on, come out from under there.â Lando grabs your arm and practically forces you to come out from under the table.
Luckily, everyone else was too preoccupied with still ringing in the New Year to see you crawl out and as you dust yourself off you're still chomping on the last couple grapes left. The party only seems to be getting crazier and you donât really feel like staying here until the party inevitably ends at an ungodly hour in the morning, especially now that your plan for love has undoubtedly failed.Â
You finally swallow the last couple grapes and take a deep breath, the fear of choking and embarrassment now behind you. âDo you care if I leave? Not really feeling the party that much anymore.âÂ
Lando doesnât even question your request. âIâll walk you home, let me grab our coats and tell Max we are leaving.âÂ
âââ ââ
â âââ
The cold England air hits you as you exit Maxâs apartment building and youâre thankful that your place isnât very far from his. Itâs silent between Lando and you for some time, the sound of your heels on the pavement, fireworks in the distance, and other people celebrating are the only things you two hear.Â
âCan I ask you something?â Lando finally breaks the silence.Â
He takes a deep breath fully knowing once he opens this locked away side of him that thereâs no going back. âHave you ever thought about us?âÂ
You feel your heart skip a beat at his question, yet you try to remain cool and collected. âWhat do you mean?âÂ
He stops in his tracks causing you to mimic his actions. âLike,â he motions between the two of you, âus.â
Thereâs not a doubt in your mind about what heâs referring to and yes you do think about the two of you. Yet your brain feels scrambled once you're actually confronted with the possibility of Lando feeling the same as you. Youâd tried so hard to ignore the feelings, hell youâd tried something you saw on the internet to hopefully bring a different man into your life to finally squash those feelings. Youâd just never thought youâd be in this position though and itâs throwing you into a whirlwind.Â
Lando isnât sure what your silence means and he figures heâs already started, he might as well just fully admit it at this point.Â
âFuck it. I told myself I was going to do this tonight and Iâm not gonna chicken out again.â His cheeks are rosy from the cold and you can tell by the way his pretty eyes dart all around your face that heâs trying to figure out how to say what he wants to say. âIâve got feelings for you.â He finally blurts out.
âNo scratch that Iâm in love with you Y/N. Think I have been for some time now. Iâve tried telling you how I felt for what seems like ages, but Iâve always been too scared to. Iâve been afraid that you wouldnât feel the same and to me Iâd rather bottle up my feelings and keep you in my life then tell you how I feel and lose you. But clearly Iâve grown tired of that and realized that the reward would be higher than the risk. Youâre my person Y/N. I couldnât imagine life without you and to have you be mine would make life that much better. So here I am baring my heart to you on some street in London on New Yearâs Eve. I actually had a whole plan on how I was-âÂ
His rambling while you loved most of the time was cut off by your desire to shut him up with your lips on his and you did just that. You grabbed him by his coat and pulled him into you, your lips crashing together. It takes him a moment to realize what's happening, but when his brain finally starts to work and he kisses you back itâs everything you could have imagined and more.
Kissing Lando is like heaven on Earth and the way his soft lips feel against yours has you wishing you would have just stopped being so stubborn and listened to your friends ages ago. His large warm hands come out of his pockets and he cups your face as he deepens the kiss, which has you feeling lightheaded and warm all over.Â
Thereâs fireworks being let off not too far away that light up the sky above you, but youâre too engrossed in each other to pay them much mind. Itâs truly like a scene straight out of a movie and you know youâll remember this moment forever.Â
You two finally pull away to breathe and itâs like you can see the world in a whole new way. The depressing grey landscape of London in the winter time suddenly looks like it was painted in technicolor and neither of you can wipe the cheek hurting grin off your faces. âSo I guess you feel the same?â He asks.Â
âYes Lando Norris, Iâm in love with you too. Have been for a while and like you I didnât want to ruin what we already have. To me there was no possible way that you felt the same and I hate rejection and the idea of losing you. So, I went on a million dates trying to find someone that would replace how I felt about you, but I guess you canât replace someone who your heart has already laid claim to.âÂ
You feel Lando intertwine your fingers with his and itâs like everything just feels right in the world.Â
âIâm glad we stopped being so stubborn and that I donât have to see you out with all those random guys anymore.âÂ
âBelieve me, none of them even came close to comparing to you. It was like going on a date with a sack of potatoes most of the time.âÂ
His infectious laugh fills your ears and you feel your heart swell. You canât believe this was what you were depriving yourself of for so long.Â
The rest of the walk back to your apartment is spent walking hand in hand. All while little giggles escape each of you ever so often and Lando occasionally kisses you on the head or lifts your intertwined hands up to plant a kiss there.Â
âI have to ask again. Itâs really been bugging me. What were you doing under that table?â Lando asks as you near your apartment building. A loud groan emits from you and there isnât anything less that you would want to talk about than that. âCome on, just tell me!âÂ
âFine! I saw this thing on the internet that if you eat twelve green grapes under a table at midnight that itâs supposed to bring you luck in the love department in the New Year. Like youâd find your soulmate or something. I was so desperate to try and get over these feelings I have for you so what we had wouldnât be ruined that I was willing to try anything.âÂ
Heâs silent for a moment and then he looks at you with the biggest smile on his face. âWell Iâd say it worked didnât it? Youâve found love and not to be overzealous, but Iâd say your soulmate too.âÂ
Youâre stunned for a moment when you realize that yes, the grapes did work, just not in the way you planned. The universe had put Lando in your life years ago and for some weird reason had you wait this long to finally truly be in one another's lives, but you wouldnât have it any other way. Hell, youâd eat a whole package of grapes if that meant Lando and you got to be together in every lifetime.Â
âThey did, didn't they? I guess almost choking to death was worth it in the end.âÂ
âI mean I know Iâm every womanâs dream, but you didnât almost have to kill yourself to get my attention baby.âÂ
You playfully slap his arm as he laughs at you. That big head of his was sometimes fully ego and you realized you were going to have to put up with it all the time now. âOh shut up.âÂ
âYeah, but you love me.â He states before pressing a kiss to your lips, which has your mind feeling like TV static once again.Â
When you pull away and look him in the eyes thereâs nothing but pure love staring back at you and you know that this is who is meant to be in your life, till the end. âMore than youâll ever know.âÂ
The next morning you receive a group text from Max with Lando and you in it. Â
max: why have i found an empty bag with what looks to be a grape stem in it under my dining table??? i fully know it was one of you.
you: i donât know what you're talking about.Â
lando: me either. no grapes were consumed by us last night. must have been someone else.Â
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris fic#lando norris fluff#lando norris smut#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#mine#writing
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heyy! if u take requests i was wondering if you would make an enemy sevika x reader, where they treat each other like shit until sevika has enough and fucks the shit out of reader đŞđ
âą enemy. (enemy!sevika x reader) âą

enemies to lovers is lowkey my fave trope so, letâs go!!
also sorry i havenât posted! finals week⌠đŤ đ
cw: nsfw, kink city LOL!! sevika is v rough + punishes reader, possessiveness, BDSM elements, BREEDING KINK (oops), name-calling (slut, whore, bitch, etc), degradation/praise, cursing, arguing, a tiny bit angsty, spanking, she slaps your cunt once, choking, hair-pulling, doggy position, she eats you out!! it's sweet towards the end dw!
there's def more but OOP-
wc: 4.2K! (oops)
sevika hates you.
1. she hates the way your hips sway when you walk.
sheâs definitely ALWAYS looking at your ass.
2. she hates how you talk and how you giggle under your breath when you laugh at something you shouldnât. your voice sounds like music, like wind chimes in the spring that cause her vision to blur.
3. she hates the way your skin glows in the sunlightâas rare as it is in the gloomy grey atmosphere of zaun.
4. she hates how you dress and style your hair. you stand out. you personally customize your clothing, adding your own detailing on platform boots, jeans, jewelry, belts, accessories, tops, and jackets. your uniqueness annoys her beyond belief.
âwhat a fuckinâ show-off! this isnât a fashion show,â she mutters under her breath to get a rise out of you.
5. she hates the way you talk back to her, even when she starts an argument first.
âwell maybe you could learn something, you wear the same shit like⌠every day,â you respond briskly, already sick of her berating you as youâve just walked through the doors of silcoâs office.
sheâs older than you, you should show some respect! you act so high and mighty like nobody can crack that tough persona you put on to protect yourself from the dark and dangerous streets of zaun.
she scoffs. her thumb and index finger pinching the bridge of her nose to alleviate the stress youâve subjected her to. she cannot believe this.
âsee? this⌠child is so incompetent! fuckinâ impossible to work with! sheâs probably late to this meeting because sheâs too busy playing dress up to actually do her job.â she directs towards you although not looking at you, opting to look at the tall chair covering silcoâs body as she sits in the chair across from his.
silco sighs, clearly annoyed at both of your antics. he swivels around in his chair to face you both.
âactually, she was doing something i assigned her to. last minute, but she always gets the job done.â
sevikaâs eyes flicker to you, and you smirk at her assumption that you were accidentally late.
she scoffs again and drags her grey-ish eyes back to silco as she leans to the left, almost trying to get away from you standing at her right with your arms crossed.
âyou see⌠you two are my best. i cannot afford to have you both acting like children when doing business. it could threaten everything iâveâweâve built. one wrong move could tarnish this.â
you and sevika stay quiet as you avoid eye contact with each other, you taking a newfound interest in the bookshelf as sevikaâs eyes burn holes into the ground. you knew deep down that silco was right.
âit's time youâve both gotten along, for all of our sakes. donât disappoint me again.â
you havenât seen sevika since silcoâs âlectureâ he gave you two a couple of days ago.
it's evening in zaun, streets and bars filling with people as the night threatens to begin.
you sat on the couch in the living room of your tiny yet, surprisingly homey apartment. your legs resting on the coffee table and you busy munching on cheap snacks, reflecting on the conversation that took place not too long ago. you were livid.
i mean, what else more did he want from you!
sevika was impossible. you tried to get along with her in the beginning but no matter what, she hated you!
she constantly finds new ways to poke fun at you, belittle you, and insult your intelligence. she obviously thinks you arenât worthy of being a part of silcoâs inner circle and that offends you.
and yes, sheâs incredibly hot, but all of that was overshadowed the moment she decided you were a piece of gum on her boot!
you sigh incredulously, âdamn⌠i need a drink.â
a few minutes later, youâre walking into the last drop and making a beeline for the bar.
as you sit down, your hands graze the edges of the countertop and you close your eyes briefly to let out a breath youâve held in your throat forâŚ
who knows how long?
that garners the attention of thieram, the kind bartender whom youâd had polite conversation with in the past. youâd taken quite a liking to his kind personality in the past.
âwhat would you like tonight, miss?â he smiles at you.
as you rummage through your mind for something to order, there isnât much.
you arenât a big drinker so it was hard to decipher what was good and what wasnât because you simply donât know.
âsheâll have the whiskey, best you've got.â you hear a gruff voice come from behind you. you hear the personâs rough steps come to a stop beside you and they sit.
âugh.â you scoff out loud and roll your eyes dramatically as you avoid looking in her direction to your right.
âcoming right upâŚâ thieram, not even wanting to know, swiftly walks off to make your drink.
âwhat do you want?!â you huff out in annoyance as you finally bring your head up to make eye contact with her.
ânothinâ⌠just enjoying you strugglinâ to order. jusâ was painful to watch, doll.â
your eyebrows raise as your mouth opens and closes, you not exactly knowing how to respond. especially to "doll".
although her tone indicates that she was merely joking, you retaliate against her anyway for the way sheâs treated you in the past.
âi- you know what?! if youâve just come to gloat and make me feel like an idiot just go right ahead and fuck off!â you state. causing a vein to pop out of your forehead and your left eye to twitch in pure anger.
âiâm not in the mood for your shitâ you restate your previous point.
âyâknow? youâre such a pain in my ass. always bitching and complaining about everything, always in the way, youâre unbelievable.â
you pause your movements, surprised at the lengths sheâs going to make you feel terrible.
âi think you look weak.â she finishes, smirking as your eyes threaten to spill with tears out of rage.
âyouâre such. a. fucking. bitch.â you emphasize the b in the word bitch as you leap off your chair and stomp out of the bar, trudging back to the comfort of your own home.
thieram walks back over to the side of the bar you were just at and his face scrunches in confusion.
âuh⌠whereâd she go?â he questions as he raises his hands, one hand occupied with your drink.
sevika is still sitting with her mech hand pressing into a tight fist on the counter and her human hand tightly squeezing the bridge of her nose.
she makes up her mind as she stands up and makes her way to your apartment, already having memorized where you lay your head at night.
tonight, youâll learn respect. obedience.
youâve just made it back to your apartment and youâre slamming the door shut. as you pace back and forth from your kitchen to your living room youâre met with complete and utter silence that taunts you.
âhow do i let her get to me? every. single. time.â youâre thinking, mentally cursing yourself for being so stupid. for letting her see you upset.
you hear a loud knock at the door and you pause all moments, as you make your way to answer it, your thoughts race with ideas of who may be at your doorstep at this time of night.
you open the door and youâre met with none other than the sight of sevika. both of her hands clench into fists at her sides as she gazes at you darkly.
itâs almost eerie, her silence. you sense something in her demeanor that is different than usual. it feels⌠scary.
you both say nothing as she pushes her way into your home, back turned to you as she stops in her tracks.
âwha- what the fuck? g-get out!â you scream out.
her head cocks over her shoulder, one eye looking back at you in a silent warning.
you slowly back up against the door as she turns her full body around to corner you against it. her stare pierces deep into your soul, you feel as though a knife has been jabbed into your gut.
sevika is a scary woman. you know you stand no chance against her strength. that frightens you slightly but you hold your head up high and maintain eye contact with her to stand your ground.
her hands are placed on either side of your head, pressing into the rough, wooden texture of the door. you hear the wood creaking when she leans in, nose brushing against yours. the silence is deafening.
"hmm..." she cocks her head to the right, still looking deep into your irises.
"sevika, l-let me go. what are you doing?!" you try to reason with her but she is unwavering as she takes her mech hand and trails it dangerously slowly up your body from your thigh to your bare stomach, then your arms.
it lands on your neck and wraps around it loosely as a scare tactic. it works as your eyes widen and your shaky hands come up to move the machine off you.
your legs start to weaken and your eyebrows furrow as your underwear pools with your desire.
"so fuckin' pathetic, you are..." she growls, tightening around your neck, not too tight. but tight enough to where your breath hitches in your throat and you're slightly gasping for air.
"y'know, was gonna try and get along with you tonight, doll."
the pet name makes the wetness in your panties become unbearable.
she continues, "ordered you a drink, cracked a joke 'n everything..."
"but, you're a brat to your core, aren't you? should make you apologize..."
an idea pops into your head, another way to disrespect her. you ponder in your head about how you shouldn't. against your better judgment, you say it anyway.
"make me, then,â your eyes flicker down to her lips.
her cocky expression falters slightlyâher eyes threatening to look down at yours as well. and if looks could kill, you would die instantly.
"show me your fuckin' bedroom. now."
you're then peeling yourself off of the door. she takes her hand off your neck and backs up to let you pass. you drag your feet, walking slowly to irritate her further. she doesn't like that one bit.
you feel a hand brush the back of your head and she's harshly pulling you up against her chest by your hair. you feel her warm breath tickling your ear, getting ready to humiliate you even more.
"f-fuck! ow!" you yelp out in pain.
"nuh-uh. hurry the fuck up. move." she whispers into your ear.
sevika lets you go, roughly pushing your head forward to emphasize her point. you decide not to push her as you speed up.
as you enter your room, you let out a shaky breath, scared yet excited about the events about to take place. you're not facing her when you hear your bedroom door slam shut. you stop dead in your tracks.
"what-uhm, what's gonna happen?" you question.
you gasp out in surprise as she spins you around to face her and pushes you onto the bed. your ass rests on the edge of it and you're sitting up straight. sevika towers over you, way taller than usual. she looks like she could devour you as she's undressing you with her eyes.
"gonna hurt you, sweetheart. gonna punish you for being such a mean little brat." she smushes your cheeks together with one hand, causing your saliva to pool from your mouth and wet your lips.
"should've done this ages ago... maybe you'd be better behaved by now."
"p-please. i-'m sorry."
it kills you inside, that you secretly love this. you secretly love the idea of her touching you. punishing you, hurting you until youâre utterly ruined.
youâve dreamt about this moment in light of all the arguments, yelling, and fighting.
in one swift movement, she stands you back up and takes your place on the bed looking up at you hungrily.
âbend over my knee,â she demands.
you feign disgust, and fear, âwh-what?! n-no i-â
âlay the fuck down, and bend over my knee before i spank your ass raw.â
you obey. she scoots back further on your bed so you can maneuver your way to lay your stomach across her thighs. your upper body and legs rest on the bed as your ass is slightly positioned in the air.
you canât see her face, but you know sevikaâs smirking as sheâs finally got you where she wants you.
she coos at you, tugging slightly at the loose shorts you threw on after you got home from the bar, âlook at you in these little fuckinâ shorts, so slutty.â
she slides her hand up your outer thigh, moving closer to your ass.
all of a sudden, she pauses her movements.
she leans down, her mouth next to your ear, âwe can stop at any time. jusâ let me know, doll.â
your heart clenches at her words, feeling the intense emotion behind them and now knowing deep down that she doesnât want to actually hurt you.
it turns you on even more.
âwant it vika, p-please.â
she lets out a sound thatâs of a groan and a growl, âfuck yeah, baby. gonna punish youâgonna make it hurt,â
âgonna take it? gonna be a good girl for me?â
âye-yes! yes!â
sevika hooks the fingers of her human and mechanical hand under the waist of your shorts and roughly tugs them to the floor.
âfuck⌠no panties too? my god,â she admires you.
you say nothing as her hand finds its way back to moving up your thigh and finally grips your ass, kneading the plush flesh.
âgonna actually do anything or?âŚâ you get cocky, too impatient to feel her hands on you.
a loud âSMACK!â sounds throughout the ambient space of your bedroom, the pain searing into the skin of your right asscheek, making you scream out into the bedspread.
âfuckinâ brat, like i said.â
youâre met with another âSMACK!â in the same spot. you scream out again except this time, it sounds a hell of a lot more like a moan.
âcanât believe youâre gettinâ off to this. bein' my little painslutâŚâ
she hits you again, âyou like when i hurt you? donât you, baby?â
âyes!â youâre repeating, face still smushed into the blankets.
âwhat was that?â she presses further as she tangles her hand into your hair and yanks it upwards.
âf-fuck! yes, yes!â
she spanks you again and again, alternating between each cheek until youâre sobbing.
although she hadnât spanked you more than 15 times, you felt as though it was 10 times that much.
sheâs soon rubbing a soothing hand over the expanse of your ass, attempting to calm the ache in your ass while neglecting the one in your cunt.
âmy girl. did so good for me, baby. so, so good.â
she sits you up and props you up next to her. you wince as your ass meets the surface of your bed.
âweâre not done. gonna make this pussy feel so good, iâve been neglecting her havenât i?â
âmhmâŚtouch me please.â youâre out of it, eyes lazily gazing into hers.
âsuppose i should reward you?â
her hands caress the sides of your neck and she captures your lips in a gentle and passionate kiss.
as her lips meet yours, the world is silent, all you can think of is sevika.
the kiss soon turns sloppier, needier. your tongues clash against one another causing saliva to drip down both of your chins.
itâs disgusting really, the definition of swapping spit.
neither of you seems to care though. you both moan through the kisses, gripping at each other.
she breaks the kiss to tear your shirt off your body.
âsuch pretty tits⌠so beautiful.â
you lean in and peck her lips, âwant you bad, vika. please just fuck me already,â you beg.
âyouâre begginâ me?â
âyeah,â you respond.
âfuckinâ begginâ me, huh?â
âfuck yeah, baby,â you respond another time, your bedroom eyes never leaving hers.
this back-and-forth dirty talk makes the both of you so wet, that the need between you increases with each exchange.
âyou donât even realize how much of a whore you sound like when you say that shit, baby."
oh, you know.
âi love it,â she doubles back.
âgonna eat you first, get you ready for my cock.â
you pause.
âshe didnât⌠did she?!â you exclaim in your head, incredibly surprised she brought an entire strap-on to your house.
âmm⌠back the fuck up, lean up against the headboard.â
you do as she says, spreading your legs for her in the process.
âgood fuckinâ girl.â
she kisses down your neck, stomach, and thighsâher mouth now dangerously close to your naked cunt.
âperfect pussy⌠so pretty and wet.â she blows cold air on it, admiring the way you clench as she does so.
she laughs out loud, âyouâre clenching around nothing, baby⌠you need this dick in you.â
you donât even notice youâre looking up at the ceiling, you then look down at her between your thighsâyou notice her pants are pulled off. her mech hand is gripping her black plastic cock through her boy shorts.
itâs huge. youâre not sure if it can even fit inside you and that makes you crave it more.
you moan at the sight, âmhm! yes! need it in my pussy. wanna cum on it.â you manage out. your brain is mush!
âsoon,â she promises.
she suddenly delves into your pussy, tongue experimentally licking around your folds, then your hole, and your clit.
youâre on cloud 9. your cunt twitches with need because you can feel every detail of her mouth dragging along your heat.
your moans are uncontrollable as sheâs practically making out with your cunt, her spit drips onto your clean bed as sheâs sloppily eating your pussy out.
sheâs nasty with it, spitting on it, getting it dripping wet for you to take her.
âfuck! please!! gonna cum!â you yell out.
all of a sudden, youâre met with cold air. and your cunt is met with a thought to be forgotten âSMACK!â
you yelp out in pain and pleasure, the mix too overwhelming for your poor pussy to handle.
âyou cum when i fuckinâ tell you to. ask me if you can come next time.â
ââm sorry vika! promise i won't do it a-again.â
âyeah, yeah. turn around.â
you whine at the loss of her mouth on you; it just feels so good. but you listen anyway.
youâre in doggy facing the headband with your back slightly arched as you look back at her behind you.
she lifts her shirt over her head; she has nothing on underneath, giving you a full view of her sculpted abs. you graze them with your fingertips, amazed at how beautiful she is.
âbeautiful, gorgeousâŚâ you state to her and your eyes meet hers once again, showing her you mean what youâre saying.
she huffs out inâŚshyness? she looks down at the bedspread below you two and she tugs down her boy shorts, throwing them next to all of the other clothes that are splayed out on the floor.
âgonna put it inside, alright? gonna make you feel it.â
you look forward and your eyes trace the design of your headboard, anticipating her cock pushing inside of you, anticipating the delicious pain.
she eventually does push the toy inside of you, bottoming out quickly.
she gives you a moment to adjust. you both are breathing heavily and your nimble fingers grip at the sheets, mouth forming into the shape of an o because sheâs so fucking deep.
one of her hands comes up to force your face into the pillows. she starts to move her hips slowly.
âfuuuuck, doll. arch that back,â she can feel the slow grind of your hips on her clit as you press back into her and arch slightly.
itâs not enough for her. she presses her other hand into the small of your back to truly get it so sheâs as deep as she possibly can go in this position.
âoh my f-fucking god!â youâre moaning into the pillows, still as loud as if you were screaming.
sheâs sped up now, her plastic cock digging into you swiftly yet deliberately.
âyeahâŚarch that shit, gimme that pussy, baby.â
âfuck, fuck, fuck,â youâre still moaning into the pillow. you can feel every ridge, every detail of her.
your pussy twitches with need, your slick dripping down your thighs, cunt squelching and eyes rolling to the back of your head because of the rough way sheâs handling you.
âcan feel you around me, i swear. youâre so tight, baby, s-shitâŚâ
sheâs bullying your cunt relentlessly and her dirty talk is making you so unbelievably wet.
âyou love this dick, donât you? you love when i fuck this pussy, huh?â
âyes, vika! yes! just like that! love it!â
âsay youâre sorry. say youâre sorry for being such a bratty little bitch.â
âhmmph!â you defy her, for fun perhaps.
she slows down tremendously compared to the pace she set before, giving you shallow thrusts to match your attitude.
âsay youâre fuckinâ sorry or Iâll make sure this pussy never cums again. youâre only cumming from me, so youâll do what the fuck i say.â
âcâmon, baby say youâre sorry so i can give you this dick. gonna make you cream on it so good if you just let go,â
she continues, âi know you want it⌠know you want it in your guts. know you want my cum in you," she's delirious.
gripping your hip with her free hand and your hair with the other, she lifts your head out of the pillow so she can hear you better.
you cave.
âiâm sorry, iâm so so sorry, baby. i promise iâll be good! pleeease just fuck me! need you. need your cumâŚâ
she leans down and kisses the small of your back, âsee, now how hard was that?!â
she moves her hips at a faster pace than before, seemingly deeper as well. your face has found its way back down, voice muffled into the sheets.
âyeah, baby, take this shitâtake it aaaaalll in this fuckinâ pussy. pussyâs so good for me.â
âoh f-fuck, âs so deep!â you look back at her once again. her teeth are biting into her bottom lip, hips snapping against your ass as she stares down at you wildly, watching the toy disappear inside of you.
you then meet her eyes, completely cockdrunk. you beg her again, âplease v-vika⌠need your cum in my pussy. need you to knock me up.â
âgive it to me, give me your cum! want it deep in me, wanâ it!â
she growls out, âf-fuck shitâs gonna make me cum.â
âfuckinâ pussy is sucking me in, gonna make me get you pregnant, baby,â
her hips are still pistoning into you, the room filling with sloppy wet noises and smacking skin.
âiâm b-begging you to let me cum, p-please!â youâre still looking into her eyes, kindly asking her for permission to soak her faux dick.
âwhoâs fucking you then? say my name, doll.â
âyou, sevika! you!! youâre the only one,â
âfuck yeah, you whore. âm the only one thatâs gonna be in this shit from now on. thatâs rightâŚâ
âcum. i want you to cum on this cock, make it yours. cum all over it,â sheâs thrusting against your g-spot as deep as she can with one of her legs on the bed and her hands on your hips. you have no choice but to just, take it.
her words cause the coil in your tummy to snap, your orgasm crashing down on you like a brick to your head. like if a large rock were to crush you and kill you instantly. itâs rough, itâs overwhelming.
âfuck!!â you scream through it.
âiâm cumminâ too!! not gonna pull out. iâm gonna put a baby in you, get you nice and full,â
âmhm!! yes!â
the combination of you urging her on and the pressure of her hips and your ass fucking back onto them causes her movements to stutter, âs-shit!â
her orgasm washes over her much like yours, both her hands on your hips making it easier for her cock to kiss your cervix and for her clit to feel it.
you both eventually come down from your highs. sevika pulls out of you and quickly yanks the toy off.
youâre still in the same position so she presses down on your back to get you to rest your body on the comfortable and soft surface of your bed. youâre expecting her to tug her clothes back on and leave, but she doesnât.
she praises you for the rest of the night, rubs aloe gel on your ass to soothe the welts, and loves on you as if sheâd never hated you in the first place.
âyou did so good, baby.â
âiâm so proud of you, youâre amazing.â
âyouâre so pretty⌠youâre mine now.â
needless to say⌠sheâs ruined you for everyone else. your petty rivalry long forgotten and replaced with the feelings that youâve both been hiding. and as youâre both waltzing into silcoâs office for a second meeting, heâs hoping for but not expecting for there to be a change in your relationship.
he is stunned when heâs met with no more eye rolls, scoffs, and bickering.
âwonder whatâs gotten into the two of themâŚâ he wonders.
well, something has definitely gotten into you.
I AM SO SORRY I HAVENâT POSTED!! finals are over so i am free from the shackles of college! (for nowâŚ)
hope you guys like it! tbh this took me forever because i couldnât figure out the plot LMFAKOWđđ
#arcane#sevika arcane#sevika x you#sevika x y/n#sevika x reader#sevika#arcane sevika#arcane smut#arcane x reader#arcane thoughts#arcane imagine#arcane s2#arcane season 2#wlw#wlw blog#wlw community#wlw post#sapphic#wlw concepts#jinxvex
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oop I have asks I will get to them but also I have family over and yaddayadda probably the last time we'll all be together (mortality's a bitch) so like. capitalising on that so I haven't forgotten I just. haven't been around. Who knows when I will have time!
... maybe tomorrow I don't think I have to like Be places until the afternoon but the housework is also piling up lmaoooo
#also I would like to do Nothing for a bit#it has been non-stop between socialising and work since like. a week past thursday.#love that for me. the nephew is very cute. I have entranced him with my juggling skills maybe#anyhow. just if you'd sent one after that last ask list etc and were wondering. I will get to them!!#I just. really need to pick my timings better#anyway it is gone midnight and I did not exactly sleep well last night (i was on cushions on the floor bc my dad. forgot.#that Sen was using the other futon and Andrew was also up. I should really have just stuck to the couch)#so. sleep! perhaps in the morning. before everything else.#also I maybe feel the need for a ramble but I do not know WHOMST#the twine files are also almost maybe done#just got the rest of Leritheyar's characters to port across. and then the timelines. and then maybe sort ages but that is less important#we go by vibes#god actually having ages relative to events might work better than having dates huh.#anyway. there you go. shit's happening it's wild#I also might be picking up streaming again but that's. a whole different thing. need to check w Jess if it's ok bc it's her xbox#did I just try to write exbox lmaooo god i must be tired#chrrist there is so much on the floor in here#I realise I just dumped half of it there. but. something needs Done#just. tomorrow. yeah. anyhow.#tags longer than the post; check. my job here is done
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ââ .⌠such a mess together - p. sunghoon



summary: the cute little girl you tutor is always going on about how you should date her smart, good-looking older brother, so why is your annoying, cocky classmate opening the door instead of her? ââââââ academic rival Sunghoon x reader || sfw, tension, can you tell i love the enemies to lovers trope LOL. || w/c: 3.5k (everyone clap jet is finally writing full length fics !!!)
a/n: ok whos shocked yet another enemies to lovers fic from yours truly - but i cant help that this trope is the most fun to write !!!!!!!
Shocked doesnât even come close to describing how you feel right now.Â
You feel as though if you widen your eyes anymore theyâll pop right out of your head, but the thought of him seeing you make such an embarrassing expression forces you to calm yourself. Slowly, he narrows his eyes, clearly not any less confused about this than you are.Â
âThe hell are you doing at my house?â he spits, thick brows furrowed as he looks you up and down.Â
Youâre about to reply with something equally as snarky, but youâre interrupted by a small head popping out from underneath his arm - which is outstretched to hold open the front door.Â
âYouâre here!â Yeji squeals in excitement, ducking past him to throw herself around your waist. You stumble backwards a bit, putting on her head to steady yourself as you laugh softly.Â
âHey,â you breathe out, though your eyes donât leave those of the man in front of you, whose confusion only grows. âIâm here to tutor her,â you say curtly, almost in disbelief that youâd have to spell it out for him this much.Â
Though itâs not like youâre in much of a position to say much else because, really, you shouldâve put the pieces together a long time ago. Being young and uninterested in her studies, Yeji had managed to spend most of your lessons together chatting about her life instead of doing her homework and so you had been told a lot about her - and her mysterious older brother who was rarely around because he was always busy working part-time or studying at university. At the time, you didnât think twice about the fact that he went to the same university as you or that the times she mentioned him having exams always coincidentally lined up with yours - though now youâre beginning to think maybe you shouldâve.Â
Details like that were easy to forget though, especially when Yeji paid far more attention to the other details about her brother which she deemed far more important. You had spent many afternoons passively listening to her talk about how smart, sweet and tall he was, how he was âpractically a princeâ - all the while trying to get her to finish her algebra questions. You had even brushed it off when she mentioned that the two of you would make a good couple, and how it was a shame you had never met before.Â
But Yeji couldnât have been more wrong, because you actually had met her brother, and far more than you wouldâve liked to for that matter. In fact, prior to today, Park Sunghoon had been nothing more than a nuisance in your university life. The one to constantly challenge your points in discussions, to steal your perfect front-row seat or to beat you by a singular mark in final exams. In your eyes, he was nothing but a cocky, good-for-nothing know-it-all who had been unfairly blessed with unnatural good looks which he used to trick your poor female classmates into liking him.Â
All the details matched up though, times, places, hell they even had the same last name - but it had never occurred to you to put two and two together. Despite this, the shock of the initial realisation pales in comparison to the fact that you now how to continue with your lesson - whilst he sat in the next room over, glaring at you the entire time.Â
You shifted in your seat nervously, eyes darting between Yejiâs exercise book and the strict gaze of her brother. Seriously, just what was his problem? - youâd never done anything to seriously wrong him, and if you did, you figured the fact that you were helping out his younger sister would be enough of a reason for him to let down his guard for once. But still, he sat there, completely uninterested in the video game he had loaded up as an obvious excuse, eyes locked on you.Â
The weight of his gaze only made you more anxious and when you brought a hand up to hold your pencil you noticed the slight tremble in it. You couldnât help but feel irritated, not just at him for being so distracting, but also at yourself for letting him get to you so easily.Â
âI think heâs looking at you because youâre so pretty,â you heard a small voice mutter beside you catching you off guard. You let out a small laugh, about to calmly tell her to focus on her work but when you raise your eyes to look at her brother in the next room you notice that, for once, heâs avoiding your gaze, clearing his throat out of what almost seems to be nervousness.Â
âNice try Yeji, but I think your brother just doesnât trust my tutoring skills.âÂ
She tilts her head, considering this for a moment - then with the same innocent bluntness as before, she shrugs. "Or maybe he's just grumpy because he got dumped."
A deafening silence falls over the room, and your pencil freezes mid-scratch as you glance up just in time to see Sunghoon's entire expression shift. His eyes widen for the briefest moment before his features twist into something between horror and annoyance. "Yeji," he hisses in warning, eyes shooting daggers at his sister, "shut up."
But it's too late, your interest is piqued and despite the harshness in his tone you can't help the smirk tugging at your lips at the thought of finally having some leverage against him.
"Wait," you say, tilting your head as you look at him, "Park Sunghoon ... got dumped?"Â
He exhales sharply, dragging a hand across his face. "It wasn't- I didn't-" he stops himself, visibly irritated at the two of you. "That's none of your business."
Yeji, completely unaffected by her brother's obvious distress, hums to herself as she flips a page in her book. "She was really pretty too, she muses, "but she said he was too emotionally unavailable and always busy with school."
You blink in disbelief, then, unable to stop yourself, you laugh. "Shocking," your tone is dripping with sarcasm.
Sunghoon snaps his head towards you, eyes narrowing as if daring you to continue. "What did you say?"
You press your lips together, feigning innocence, but Sunghoon knows you too well for that and his glare only deepens. And for the first time, instead of just irritating you, the sight of him so obviously affected by your words is a little entertaining.
Interesting you think to yourself as you continue with the lesson, now far too aware of how the tension in the air has shifted ever so slightly. He doesn't move from his spot in the other room, or stop staring at you two, but now whenever you look up at him, instead of being able to meet your gaze he quickly looks away, pretending to be occupied with his game. You can't help but find it just a little amusing.Â
Soon your lesson draws to an end and you begin to pack your materials away into your bag, thanking Yeji for working hard and listening to you - though you're interrupted by a deep rumble in the distance, followed by the sound of light rain. By the time you make it to the front door though, it's gotten much heavier and the plans you had to catch the bus home seem bleak. It isn't like you have much choice though, and you pull your hoodie over your head with a defeated sigh.
"You can't walk home in that," Yeji announces dramatically, clinging to your arm as she looks out at the heavy rain. Suddenly she perks up as if met with a great idea, and turns to her brother - who has been pretending not to listen from the living room. "Hoonie, can you drive her?"Â
He barely looks up from his phone, though there's a slight delay in his response. "No."
"Why not?" she pouts.
"Not my problem," he mutters.
You roll your eyes, typical you think to yourself as you step towards the door. "It's fine, Yeji, I'll just-"
"You're seriously going to make her walk in this rain?" Yeji cries out as she walks over to her brother on the couch, "What if she gets sick? Then I'll be sad, and when I'm sad I don't do my homework. And if I don't do my homework, I'll fail and when I fail-"Â
"Fine," Sunghoon groans, rubbing his temple as he pushes himself off the couch in a swift movement. He walks past you, grabbing his keys and twirling them around his finger coolly. "Get in the car before I change my mind," he says sternly.
You narrow your eyes at him and are about to deny his offer but the rain doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, and you're not stupid enough to reject a free ride out of pride alone.Â
"Alright," you sigh, shooting Yeji one last thankful look before following her brother out to his car.Â
"You live in the dorms on campus, right?" he asks casually. The rain hits the windshields of his car with a harsh rhythm, filling the silence between you two as you get in. The hum of the engine is the only other sound as he pulls out of the driveway, one slender hand lazily resting on the wheel.Â
"Yeah," you say curtly, not even stopping to wonder how he could've known that. You're too busy holding a grudge against his ability to make every move seem so gracefully effortless, even turning a steering wheel.Â
You sit stiffly in the passenger seat beside him, eyes fixed straight on the road ahead. You'll admit the car is nicer than you expected - spotless, the faint scent of something clean, a little floral, in the air - but you refuse to acknowledge it, just like you refuse to acknowledge that being here, alone with him, feels weirdly intimate.Â
It doesn't help that he hasn't said another word since you both got in, not that you were expecting him to, but still - the awkward silence feels heavier than it should. You steal a quick glance at him out of the corner of your eye once the car reaches a red light - only to find that he's already looking at you.Â
Your breath hitches for just a second, but you recover quickly in hopes that he wonât notice your reaction. âWhat?â you huff, raising an unimpressed brow.Â
His eyes turn back to the road just as quickly, expression unreadable as the light turns green. âNothing.âÂ
You sink back in your seat and the silence resumes, but with its temporary break, you feel compelled to keep up the conversation, even if it means more childish bickering.Â
âI hope you donât expect anything in return for this,â you say, turning to face forward again - but your attention piques once you hear a faint noise from him. Itâs something youâve never heard before, something just quiet enough that you almost didnât hear it over the drumming rain, but youâre glad you did because you swear you just heard Park Sunghoon laugh.Â
"When have I ever expected anything from you," he spits, but the usual malice in his tone is tinged with amusement.
"I'm just saying, don't think that just because you're doing this for me that anything's going to change," you huff, "if it weren't for Yeji you probably couldn't care less about me anyways."Â
Sunghoon hums, the corners of his lips twitching as if he's holding back another laugh - he doesn't deny it, which somehow annoys you more than if he had outright agreed. Instead, he just shifts gears smoothly, eyes fixed on the road and you hate the way you find your gaze lingering on his profile for just a little too long.
"You sound disappointed," he muses after a beat.
You scoff defensively, crossing your arms. "Yeah, right." You've always hated how easily he could read you.
He just nods ever so slightly and doesn't press for more but the silence that follows feels a little different now, less tense. You shift in your seat and try to ignore the way your heart is starting to beat just a little too fast or the fact that you're waiting for him to say something.Â
After a moment, he exhales, fingers tapping the steering wheel. "For the record," he sighs, his tone almost confessional, "I don't not care about you."
You crane your neck, searching his face for any sign that he's messing with you right now, a glint in his eye, his signature cocky smirk - but his expression is again unreadable. Instead, you watch the outline of his jaw shift slightly, almost as if he regrets his words, but he doesn't take it back.
You swallow nervously, unsure entirely of what to do with this new information. "Good to know," you say slowly, looking away before he can see how much that single sentence has affected you.Â
As you do, you're suddenly desperate for an opportunity to change the topic. "How come this whole time I never knew you had a younger sister?"
"Well it's not exactly like you know much about my personal life," he scoffs - and you have to admit he's right.
"I mean, it's not like you're an open book or anything," you reply, "takes me ages just to figure out what you're thinking half the time with that blank expression. It's hard to believe you and Yeji are even related."
"Right because a guy my age should totally be acting like a middle school girl," he nods mockingly.
"You get what I'm saying," you sigh, going quiet for a minute as you think about what to say next. "She looks up to you a lot, you know," is what you land on, trying to balance your tone between sounding casual and earnest.Â
You watch as he scoffs, and shakes off your comment with a slight shake of his head. "I'm serious," you say, "she talks about you like you're a superhero or something, even when she complains about you, it's obvious you mean a lot to her."
Even though his expression barely changes, you watch his fingers tighten slightly on the wheel - and the beat of silence before his response is enough to tell you that he's not used to hearing things like this. You find it interesting how even though you're practically complimenting him, he responds as if he's unsettled.
"Whatever, she's young and annoying," he finally mutters - though for the first time, there's no real malice to his tone, only something defensive.
"You're deflecting," you point out. This side of him, the one that's quiet and easily affected by your words, is one you've rarely gotten to see and if you're being completely honest, you're enjoying this far too much to let it go. "I think you like knowing she looks up to you."Â
He huffs, clearly growing tired of your prying. "And I think you like hearing yourself talk."
You roll your eyes, but before you can shoot back with another remark, he beats you to it. "And whilst we're prying into my personal life, Yeji mentioned something interesting earlier."
You pause, suddenly wary. "Oh?"
He flicks his turn signal on, voice infuriatingly casual. "Apparently, you remind her of my ex."Â
You feel your stomach lurch, followed quickly by a heat creeping up your face. "Excuse me?" is all you can manage to say.
His lips curl slightly, and it becomes clear that he only mentioned this to see your reaction. "Not in looks or anything," he clarifies, glancing briefly at you before focusing back on the road. "Personality-wise, she said you both have a way of getting under my skin."
You scoff, feeling an odd mix of feeling, irritation and something you don't really want to name. "Wow, should I be flattered or insulted?"
"That depends," he muses, "my ex was kinda terrible."
"Seriously?" you gape, shocked at how bold he's being in sharing this with you, "sounds like you're just butthurt from being dumped."Â
He actually laughs - fully this time, not just the ghost of a chuckle he let out before. It's still short, and a little quiet, but for some reason it makes your chest tighten.
"Relax," he says, tone laced with amusement, "she wasn't all bad, but she did have this habit of always arguing with me, nitpicking things I did just for the sake of it."
You avoid his gaze, picking up on his signals just a little too quickly. "Sounds familiar," you mutter as you look out the car window at the rain.
You don't need to turn back to know his smirk depends, "Exactly."
The air has shifted completely now. The tension is still there, humming under the surface, but it's now covered by something else - something lighter, more playful, and charged in a way that makes you hyper-aware of how close the two of you are.
Then, just as you think the conversation is over, he speaks again - this time softer, almost absentmindedly.
"But I guess the difference is, I never really cared what she thought of me."Â
It's such an offhand comment, something he's thrown out just to fill the silence. But something about it sticks to you, lingering in your mind as you nod, unsure of how to respond, and so you don't.
You spot the familiar sight of the dorms approach in the distance and even though you're compelled to feel relieved that this torturous car ride is drawing to an end - a tiny part of you can't help but feel a little disappointed that this seemingly rare opportunity is ending. Swiftly, he pulls up to the front entrance, parking smoothly and effortlessly.
As you move to undo your seatbelt, he stops you once again with his words. "Hey, I hope you're not going to stop tutoring Yeji, by the way," he's turned to face you now, but his eyes are avoiding yours.Â
You furrow your brows, both at his words and his unusual expression. "Why would I?" you say slowly.
"Well, I mean, I just figured because of me and everything-" he begins to ramble, and it's the first time you've seen him stumble over his words like this.
"Relax, I hate you, not her, remember." You say it in the same teasing tone you've always used for him, but it seems to land heavier than you expected with how he turns back to face the steering wheel, his lips forming a thin line.
You linger for a moment, and something about the air between you feels different - like you're standing on the edge of something neither of you can name. Sunghoon's hand is still resting on the gear shift, his fingers drumming against the leather in a steady rhythm.Â
"Right," he replies curtly, almost to himself and you can sense just a hint of disappointment in his tone.
You should leave it at that, you know you should. But something about the way he's gripping the steering wheel a little too tightly, or how his jaw is tensed ever so slightly, makes you want to press just a little further.
"Unless," you hum, tilting your head slightly, "you'd actually miss me if I stopped coming around?"
"Yeji would," he replies almost immediately - but you don't miss the way his shoulders go rigid for just a fraction of a second before he speaks.
"You didn't deny it," you smirk.
At this, he finally looks at you and there's something about the way he does it - something heavier than the usual irritation or exasperation you're used to. His gaze lingers, his expression unreadable and for a split second, you wonder if you've pushed too far.Â
But then, he exhales, something softer flickering across his features before he quickly pulls them back into indifference. "Just get out of my car before I start charging you for emotional distress."
You roll your eyes, but do as he says, reaching for the door handle and pushing it open just as the rain continues to pour outside.
"See you next time, Park," you say, "and drive safe."
"Don't tell me what to do," he huffs, though there's a playful tone in his voice as he smirks at you.
You return his look, satisfied, and finally push the door shut - watching as he shifts into gear, headlights illuminating the street. You know you should get inside and out of the rain immediately but you canât help but watch as he drives off, heart thrumming in your chest as you find the beaming smile on your face lingering. You shake your heard at yourself, almost as if to shake away your thoughts, before turning to head into the dorm.Â
What you donât see though, is the way Sunghoon glances in his rearview mirror one last time before turning away, just to catch a glimpse of you before you do.Â
#park sunghoon#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon fic#sunghoon fanfic#sunghoon x you#enhypen#enhypen drabbles#enhypen x reader#enhypen x you#enha#sunghoon oneshot#park sunghoon x reader#park sunghoon imagines#park sunghoon fanfic#park sunghoon fluff#park sunghoon fic#park sunghoon x you#park sunghoon x y/n#sunghoon headcanons#park sunghoon headcanons#purinfelix#jet writes â
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you'd never really put this much effort in at other houses. while you're scrubbing the countertops to remove every last bit of evidence that someoneâanyoneâhad made a mess there, you think about the other houses you used to babysit for.
used to, since there was no need to babysit anymore. mister cameron, who will always remain mister cameronâno matter how much he reminds you to call him rafeâactually pays you double what your other families did. he's a busy guy. you know this for a factâsingle dad and some big business guy that people in town used to talk about all the time when you used to listenâso he'd have last minute emergencies and random business calls all the time.
his exact words had been something along the lines of "don't wanna share you with anyone else," but even thinking about that encounter makes your face burn with so much intensity that you think you're going to collapse. that's not what he meant, obviously, he was trying to tell you in nicer words that it was annoying when you replied to his texts explaining how another family had booked you already for that night. so when he upped your rate and said that he'd even pay to say no to others, just in case, you would have been really stupid to say no.
you don't hear much about him anymore, when you're out and about. you spend so much time at the cameron house that your own little apartment seems like nothing more than a bed and a place to get ready before leaving. you practically eat three meals a day with the baby, so even your grocery shopping is in that part of townâall organic, expensive places where you talk to the baby and try to get her opinion on which vegetable puree she'd like to try this week.
it's kind of like playing pretend. no, it's really like playing pretend. you used to dress in the normal, comfortable clothes that were sufficient for babysitting every other familyâoveralls and sneakersâbut now you don't fit in unless you're in a pretty dress and nice sandals. you stay in one outfit from when you show up before mister cameron leaves to when you drive home at the end of the night.
that's the other thingâyour car. you've made it work with the same one since you could first drive. it's a little rusty, a little dinged up, but safe as can be. it's nothing fancy but it got you around. but now you do other things for rafe that you never did for other familiesâgrocery shopping and errands and the occasional doctor's appointment if rafe really, really can't make it. you don't mind at allâit's fun to play pretend and you love her like she's your own, but mister cameron tries to make it to every appointment himself, because he really cares about his daughter. it's admirable because you don't see it in every single household.
you hadn't thought there was anything wrong with your car until one day you couldn't get the air conditioning to work, and the back window got jammed and the baby looked so uncomfortable that you had to skip out on whatever you were supposed to do that day. when mister cameron came home that night you apologized so much that you started cryingâbecause really, you never thought there was something wrong with your car and you didn't want to make the baby drive in the heat, just in case. you think he'll be mad, there's no groceries and his suit is still at the cleaner's, and the lotion that you use every night after bathtime has ran out and there'll be none for tomorrowâbut he's not.
he's not mad at all. he seems... tired. he seems worried. the first thing he asks that night is if you and the baby are okay. when you nod, afraid that this is the calm before the storm, he sighs.
"good. that's all i care about," and the way he says itâyou believe him right away. maybe that's the night your little crush on mister cameron started forming. it'd always been there in the background, you'd be an idiot of massive proportions to deny it. but it felt different somehow, watching him roll up his sleeves and pulling out whatever ingredients there were left over to make dinner with, something that you normally tried to have done every night for him, while telling you to take a seat.
that night he asks about your carâhow old is it, when'd you get it, how many miles. do you like the model? would you want bigger, smaller, a different color? it's just conversationâhe probably likes cars with the way there's a really nice in the garage under a sheet and a nice but safer one that he takes to work everyday.
(while he's cooking pasta and cutting vegetables, you try to get up and help, but he meets your eyes and shakes his head. wordlessly, you obey and sit back down.)
that's the first night things felt different. you drove home a little giddy, later than normal, stomach full and heart a little too happy that you found it in yourself to finally have a real, nice conversation with mister cameron. you're as shy as they come but your interactions with him are limitedâbefore work, a phone call at lunch (though recently, his first question hasn't been about the baby... it's been how are my girls?), and after work before you leave.
it feels good to know that you're doing something right, that you're good at this even on your bad days. you make a point to leave your place extra early that week, stopping at the pharmacy and picking up the lotion so it's one less thing to worry about. your window still won't roll down and you'll have to figure out how to get the groceries delivered, crossing your fingers that it doesn't cost that much more.
you show up a couple minutes early and go inside to sort out the stuff for the baby before she wakes, when you find mister cameron in the nursery.
"good morning," you say quietly, though it comes out a little above a whisper. she's still sleeping, even though you haven't glanced in the crib, you know her schedule like the back of your hand.
"hey, kid," he says, and your heart starts to thud a little faster. mister cameron's nicknames for you don't make an appearance everyday but for some reason, it has today. he hovers over the crib, watching the baby's chest rise and fall with each breath. you go over to join him, placing the lotion on the dresser. he notices the bottle and turns back to you. "you didn't have to do that."
"she needs it," you reply quietly. "it's the only one she likes. and i was up early anyways."
"thank you." it comes out with such sincerity that you're a little taken aback.
"of course, mister cameron. it's nothing," you smile up at him. he glances back at you, smiling and then turning to his daughter again. "i'm gonna go start on her breakfast."
you make your way to the door when he says your name.
"there's keys on the kitchen counter, and the car's in the garage. i'd like it if you started using that car instead."
and reallyâhow are you supposed to respond to that? you stammer out an 'of course, mister cameron' and go downstairs, crossing your fingers that he made a mistake, or that he wants you to drive his car until you fix yours and he'll take the nice one tucked away in the garage.
but when you make it to the counter, and then head to the garage, your eyes nearly fall out of your head. a brand new pair of car keys, to match the brand new car in the garage. your arguments fall on deaf earsâthis is way too much for anyone. yes, you're pretty much throwing money away by still paying rent and the cost of getting your car fixed could probably be enough to start paying for a better one, but this is too much. way too much. it's not normal. right?
but you have no one to ask. the baby's not old enough for playdates, and the girls who replaced you at your old houses are pretty much all high school seniors. on mister cameron's side of town, there's only nannies and au pairs, and they'd probably think you're crazy for turning down such a nice gesture.
and it is a nice gesture. mister cameron listens to every word you say, even when you're not paying attention to your own sentence. the car is exactly how you describedâthe color you wanted, the size you said would be nice one day incase there's ever a playdate or another baby or whatever the case may be. it's shiny and brand-new and completely undeserving of you. but he doesn't listen.
somewhere along the next month, you realize you could get really used to this. mister cameron does have a pointâyou're taking care of his daughter every day, so it only makes sense to make sure she's as safe as can be. you make a mental note that if you everâfor whatever idiotic reasonâchoose to leave this perfect job, you'll make sure he gets the car back.
there comes a point where the relationship... makes its way to the next level. at the end of every week, you have to settle the bills. co-pays at appointments, grocery receipts, the invoice from the gardener that didn't go through so you had given him your own cash so mister cameron wouldn't have to deal with it from work. it adds up, so once the baby is asleep on saturday night, the two of you eat dinner and go through everything.
but this time, he hands you a card instead. a shiny black credit card that spells out his name on the back.
"makes it a bit easier, right? just use this instead. we won't have to settle every week anymore."
"right," you agree, your smile fading quickly. you try to put on a front, a false expression so he doesn't notice your disappointment. saturday nights with mister cameronâhim with his beer and you with a glass of wineâonce the baby is asleep, sorting out bills and making conversation that almost felt like you belonged here, had unknowingly become your favorite part of the week. sometimes it would go until midnight, talking about things that were neither here nor there.
it's how you learned why he's a single dad, what he does for work, how he feels about his job and how much time it takes away from his daughter. it's why you started sending him photo and video updates everyday so he wouldn't feel like he's missing out on as much, it's why you make sure to craft the baby's bedtime routine around him coming home, so they have their time together.
"somethin' wrong?" he asks, after taking another sip of beer. you're snapped out of your thoughts, focusing instead of how rafe looks today. tie loosened, sleeves rolled up, fingers curled around the beer bottle.
you don't know how any woman on earth could have walked away from this.
"n-nothing. no. thank you, mister cameron, this is great. i'll make sure-"
"it's rafe from now onâremember, kid?"
"yes. sorry, i-"
you couldn't get out of there fast enough that night. it's almost a subtle reminder from the universeâyou're not part of that family. you're the nanny who got too attached, who pretended that she fit in too much to a family that's not hers.
you still wear your nicer clothes, you still drive around his nice car. but you try to remind yourself every now and then that this isn't your real life.
the next day, it's like the universe has decided that it's mad at you for coming to this conclusion.
pouring rain the second you get into the car. your raincoat and umbrella and a sensible pair of shoes remain inside your apartment, and if you sit in idle any longer, you're going to be late to mister cameron's. he'll want to leave early since it's raining, so he's probably expecting you any minute.
the roads are a messâit's monsooning for no reason and people forget how to drive. you honk no less than three times at idiots on the road before getting scared that someone will road-rage you. when you pull into the garageâbecause yes, mister cameron insists that you park inside and that he can park outsideâ you're frazzled and sweating and your day hasn't even started yet.
rafe's almost ready to leave, which is another damper on an already bad morningâif he has time, the two of you eat breakfast together. you tell him to drive safe and apologize for being late when he rushes past you, leaning in to kiss your cheek and telling you that he might he home late today, and to have a good day. you don't realize what's happened until he's gone, the door closing behind him.
you stand in the foyer with your mouth open until you hear the baby monitor. from that point onâit's one thing after another. the baby is fussy today, which is the most unusual part of the day. she's never like this, and you conclude that she must be getting sick or something. it's just as well, because there's no reason to go out or to take her out in this weather. she cries, and you try to help, even cave and put on some episodes of little bear to see if something would distract her. but the poor thing just doesn't feel good, and has no way to tell you how.
the hours fly by, and your head even hurts a little from the crying and the overthinking about the kiss from this morning. in all the rush, you eat about two bites of lunch before the baby needs something else.
and then at the end of the day, right around when rafe should be coming home, he doesn't.
you feed the baby and rock her to sleep. she fusses ten minutes later, and spits up all over you and your hair, and then knocks out. you even spend twenty minutes hovering over the monitor, making sure she's okay while drying your hair. rafe's still not home, so you get dinner ready and warmed for him, eating yours alone in the silence. and as if you could handle another thing, you spill sauce all over your dress while trying to put away the leftovers.
you were going to wait until you were back home, safe in your tiny apartment to cry and shower and scrub your skin raw from the day you've had, but it can't wait any longer. you take the monitor into the bathroom with you at full volume, and decide to shower in the bathroom closest to the baby's room just to be safe.
it's not until you're naked, wrapped in a soft towel and waiting for the water to get scalding hot, racking your brain for the location of the extra clothes you had once brought here that you realize the shower closest to the baby's room is the shower in rafe's bedroom.
you haven't been in here beforeâlooking around at the expensive cologne on the counter and the dark blue towels and the hamper full of yesterday's dress shirt. it's not a good idea to be in here, but you need to shower and you can't wait another minute. for all you know, mister cameron could come home in another two hours. your dress is spinning in the washerâand your plan is set. throw it in the dryer, find something to wear for the next fifty minutes, and leave as soon as he's home even though you can hear the raindrops on the roof and the thunder outside.
the shower is what you have been needing all day. you wish you had your body wash and shampoo, but his aren't too bad. you inhale deeply, realizing you're submerging yourself in his scent. you could stay in there forever, but you don'tâhe's gonna be home any minute or the baby could start crying, and you need to go home.
but he smells so good. you've noticed it before, it just feels amplified now. the towel you wrap yourself in is his, meaning he's dried himself with it before. all the clothes smell like his cologne, and the house is a little cold and your clothes are still washing, and though it's probably the worst idea you've ever had, when you get out of the shower, you head to his dresser and pull out the first clean t-shirt you can find.
it's big on you, you knew it would be. it's soft and warm and smells undeniably like mister cameron. you're completely clueless, exhausted because the baby barely napped and you barely got any sleep yourself, and it's way past your own bedtime right now. he might not even come home, you think, with how the storm sounds. you check your phone but there's no messages, just a flood warning.
yesterday's socks and underwear are still spinning in the machineâhow long does this thing take? what setting had you put it on?âand you begrudgingly leave rafe's warm bedroom with the baby monitor in one hand, and his navy blue towel in the other, drying your hair. you turn on the television, watching whatever's on while you pat your strands dry, bending over to wrap your hair into the towel so you can sit for a couple minutes, when you hear the door open.
you snap back up, looking at rafe's face stare back at youâhe's drenched, hair wet and suit dripping, wiping his forehead with his hand when he looks you up and down. oh god, you don't even know what he just saw, you were bent over and-
"is that my shirt?"
#this is like.. shy!babysitter reader x older!dad rafe <3#hope everyone likes!!! not proofread#i need to go back to studying#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x reader#shy reader#dad!rafe
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Line Work

Hello my ducklings. Weâve got a hefty one shot for you- featuring nervous cutie pie Har, blunt and bold Y/N, a bee tattoo, someone definitely needing to sanitize their whole station, wasted baked goods and a good helping of spice đ
Check out our Patreon for early access to our writing and over 250 exclusive writings and series!
WC- 14.1k
Warnings- slight anxiety/people pleasing, tattooing, needles, switch! Y/N and H, mean Dom!Y/N, soft Dom!Har, choking, impact play, pain kink, slight humiliation and degradation, unprotected sex, cream pie
Harry was nervous, and it was silly. It wasnât like he didnât have tattoos⌠he had so many he could barely count them, actually. He liked the pain, probably more than he should, he wasnât worried about regretting them, but the thing that had him a little anxious was the tattoo artist herself.Â
Y/N, or Angel as she was known to most people in the tattooing scene, was intimidating. She was beautiful, so beautiful that it had him feeling like his tongue couldnât form words. Heâd fumbled through his consultation, getting stuck on looking at her black liner that seemed sharp enough to cut, the tattoos covering her exposed arms, the pout of her vampy red lined lips.. it had made him feel like an idiot when she had to ask questions a few times to get his attention.
The thing was, she hadnât been mean! Not in the slightest. She was just⌠quiet. More reserved. To the point. She hadnât fed into his small talk too much, really hadnât asked him much about himself, kept it only to the tattoo⌠and maybe he was spoiled for it, but he really wanted her to like him! Sure she was his tattoo artist but they could be friends, couldnât they?Â
âŚSo maybe he had a bit of a crush on her and it was distracting. Sue him! But he just⌠really wanted her attention. Was that so bad?Â
On the day of his first tattoo appointment, heâd tried to be prepared. Doing all the things heâd normally do to prep (this wasnât his first rodeo even if it felt like it), on top of getting her a few pastries from the coffee shop heâd gotten his drink from. As much of a suck up it probably made him seem to be, he really wanted to impress her, make her feel like he was a good client. Maybe someone worthy of talking to after the tattoo was finished.
The tattoo shop wasnât exactly like the ones he was used to. It was lighter and brighter, pale green walls covered with neatly framed examples of flash or other tattoos she and the other artists at the studio had in their portfolios. It felt a little more like a zen massage studio than anything else and he knew it should relax him, but he felt the nerves in his throat like a lump, sitting there as he got it together to greet the woman.
Clearing his throat, he held out the pastry box, trying to sound casual despite his racing heart. "Hi! Um, I brought some pastries for you and the team. I hope you like them, I wasnât sure what tâget so I kept it but free and the separate box is something gluten free." He looked at her expectantly, hoping she'll accept the gesture- not think he was fucking weird for it. "I just wanted to show my appreciation for your time today. I know yâmust be really busy, and I know your time is valuable. It was really kind of you to squeeze me in on your off day." He trailed off, catching himself in the babbling.
Her eyes looked him over, then to the box. A pink box with a red ribbon bow tying it all together, some fancy cafe name on the top of it that matched the cup in his hand. The corners of her lips twitched as she took the box, nodding as she placed it on the desk. âThanks. I like money.â That⌠hadnât been the response he had been expecting but then again- Y/N wasnât exactly predictable. âItâll just be us today, the studio is empty otherwise.âÂ
His cheeks turned slightly pink. He'd assumed there'd be more people around. Being alone with her? No one to cut the tension? That hadnât been a part of the plan either. "Of course," he stammered, running a hand through his hair, trying to fix it. It had definitely been a nervous habit heâd tried to cut but⌠it still popped up. "I didn't mean to assume..." He trailed off again, cursing himself for being so awkward. Trying to regain his composure, he glanced around the studio again, admiring her taste and the peaceful atmosphere. At least the zen vibe came in handy. "Your studio is really nice. Different from what I expected but... in a good way..."
âThanks, I think.â She nodded, moving from behind the desk. âIâve got to get the stencil printed now, but you can get comfortable on the bench if yâwant.â Her hair swished behind her as she led him towards her station. âThink weâll be doing outline today, shading when you come back. Is that something you can do?â Her eyes went over his arms. âYouâve done this enough times, probably know the drill by now.â
Harry nodded eagerly, falling into step beside her, almost tripping over his own feet in his efforts to catch up. "Yeah, absolutely. I've got loads of tattoos but itâs been a while since Iâve gotten one. I went through a phase where I got a ton in a three year span and figured I should chill out before I lost space later on." He tried to sound casual as he glanced at the various supplies laid out on her station, swallowing nervously. Even though he'd sat through plenty of tattoo sessions, the thought of her hands on him sent a little shiver down his spine. He didnât know what his body was going to do. "So uh, how long have you been tattooing? If you don't mind me asking."
She took a moment to answer, back towards him as she sat at her laptop to send the design sheâd drawn up to the printer. Tapping her nails against the counter, she let out a hum in her throat before turning to look at him over her shoulder. âLegally? 5 years.â
He blinked, surprised by her frank response. Finding her through a friend of a friend of a friend, he knew she was exclusive and a bit hard to get into, but he didnât know much about her apparently. "Only 5 years? That's impressive, though. Your work is amazing." He quickly seated himself on the bench, trying to appear nonchalant despite the compliments bubbling out of him. His fingers drummed nervously on his thigh as he waited for her to finish setting up. "I bet you've seen a lot of weird requests in that time, huh?"
âLegally is the keyword here. I got a shitty tattoo gun online and practice skins when I was in school. Got good enough that I was fairly confident I wasnât going to completely fuck up peopleâs skin and have them fight me, started doing them to make a couple bucks at parties.â She shrugged, standing up to go towards the printer, loading the stencil on. âIâve done a lot of shit. You donât really say no as an apprentice either, but now that mâtaking my own clients I can be picky.â
His eyes widened slightly at her admission. To be fair, he hadnât asked most of his artists how theyâve gotten started. They were super big talkers, but he felt that pull towards her and wanted to know little things. "You're self-taught? That's insane." He watched as she walked over to him with the stencil, his heart beating a little faster as she came closer. "That's... really cool." He bit his lip, trying to think of something else to say. Anything that wasnât stupid or cliche- but came up empty. Cliche was better than stupid, he supposed. "So uh, what kind of requests do you usually turn down, if you don't mind me asking? Like... anything too offensive or just..."
âNo hate speech or symbols, no neck or face tattoos for someone whoâs not heavily inked, try to avoid hand tattoos because they come out like shit, and I prefer not to do the stereotypical shit.â She recited, laughing under her breath. âNâthen thereâs shit I just donât like. Clocks, roses, lions. They arenât bad, but Iâve got no interest in doing them.â She looked back over at him. âBees are cool. I like tattooing insects. So I accepted your idea.â
A small smile played on his lips as he listened to her standards, appreciating how serious she took her craft. "I get that. I've seen some questionable clock and lion combinations." He chuckled nervously, adjusting himself on the bench as she moved closer with the transfer paper. " I really love bees. We used tâkeep them in my backyard growing up." His shirt was already rolled up to expose his upper arm where the design would go. "Although... I have to say I'm happy you don't want to do cliche designs. My last... well, my last girlfriend, she wanted me to get one of those heart and dagger tattoos." He felt his cheeks flush at the admission, wishing he hadn't brought up an ex around her. "Not really my style anymore. I like having... meaningful stuff on my skin, you know? Stuff that actually represents me. I went through the phase of getting random shit for the hell of it. I donât regret them but they definitely arenât my favorite. Wanted to be more intentional. Get stuff I really love, or stuff that represents that." He paused before adding quietly, "Like bees. For my mum."
Her smile was ever so lightly on the corner of her lips as she nodded, brushing the hair out of her face. âGood. Donât get shitty tattoos for demanding girlfriends. Cardinal rule. Shit doesnât turn out well.â Her hand gripped his muscular arm, turning it slightly to get a view of the gap where he had said he wanted the tattoo. âAlright. Any placement changes, or is here still good?â
"Yeah, that spot is perfect..." His voice trailed off as he watched her face, those dark eyes and lips distracting him from anything else. Probably not the smartest idea but it felt like a privilege to be up close like this.
âAlright. Once itâs on youâre going to stand up and take a look in the mirror. if you want to move it, even if itâs just an angle- tell me.â Her face was serious as she put on her gloves, prepping the skin for the stencil. âDonât people please. Itâs on your body forever, not mine. We can take it off and put it back on again when itâs just a stencil, not when I use the needles.â With a careful hand she used the pink disposable razor over the skin, clearing it completely and wiping it yet again before centering the image. She was precise, making sure it was where she deemed fit before placing it down, running her hand over the sheet to pat it into the skin.
Harry nodded obediently, trying to be still under her touch. "I trust you." He caught himself, realizing how weird that might sound, and cleared his throat. "I mean, I trust your expertise. Obviously." When she was finished with the stencil, he glanced up at her nervously. "Want me to look in the mirror now?"
âYep.â Her attention was already on cleaning up the station a bit as he stood up, walking towards the full length mirror she had mounted on the wall. Giving him a few moments to see if he liked the placement, she turned back to see him flex slightly to watch how the ink moved with the muscle. Y/N was professional, but she wasnât blind. Harry was a very good looking man, and the tattoo would suit him well. âGood?â
"It looks perfect." He met her gaze in the mirror, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You've got a great eye. Sâexactly where I want." He turned back to her, hoping he didn't look too eager. "I can't wait to see how it turns out. It looks amazing just on here like thisâŚ." His fingers unconsciously traced the edges of the stencil, imagining the bee buzzing to life on his skin under her skilled hands. "So uh, how long until we start? I can try to relax. I donât want to be in the way."
âYou can sit down on the bench and drink your coffee if youâd like. I just need to get the prep started, wash my hands and change gloves.â Said hands made work of it, methodically taking out her supplies, lining up the needles and ink pot she had filled. âYou know how it goes, I assume you donât need the whole speech about how itâll feel and all that.â Considering how inked he was, she was a bit confused at his questions so far, but she did tattoo some odd clients so it wasnât anything too off putting. He was cute, in a way. Like an overly excited puppy at a training class. Nervous but eager.
He nodded, a light blush on his cheeks as he realized he was probably asking too many questions out of nerves rather than genuine curiosity. "Right, of course. I'll just relax and enjoy my tea then." He settled back onto the bench, trying to appear calm as he took a sip from his cup. The taste was smoothing, a stark contrast to the jittery feeling in his stomach.Â
As hard as he tried not to stare, the way she moved captivating him. Her dark clothes, black liner, and the tattoos peeking out from under her tank top only added to her allure. Even the sterile smell of the shop couldn't mask her own subtle scent - something sweet with a little spice- that made him more excited for her close contact while she tattooed so he could figure it out. He took another sip of his tea, hoping the slight caffeine would calm his nerves, but he suspected the real cause of his excitement was seated right in front of him.
He really did want her to like him, wanted her to think he was a decent client, someone she could tolerate chatting with during breaks. Maybe even someone she'd consider going out with. The thought sent a thrill through him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on his coffee instead. The last thing he wanted to be was one of those guys, but it was hard to ignore her. As he sat there, he found his eyes drifting back to Angel, studying her from under his lashes. He wrinkle in her brow in concentration, the way her hair fell in loose waves down her back, even with it pulled into a ponytail...Â
Fuck, he was in trouble.
âIâm going to go wash my hands but did you want tâuse the bathroom or anything before we start?â She slipped her gloves off and stretched her arms above her head, trying to loosen her body up before she was hunched over tattooing. It was most definitely, 100% going to cause her issues one day- but at least she loved her job. Rather a creaking back over a creaking soul, her grandmother told her.
"No, mâgood thanks." He nodded a bit too eagerly, trying not to stare at how her stretch made her tank top rise slightly, catching the piercing in her belly button. It was far more attractive than he could have imagined. Did he have a thing for piercings? Maybe it was just her.. Clearing his throat, he forced his eyes to meet hers instead of taking advantage of her casual pose. "Should I, uh... where do you want my arm? Positioned I mean. I want to make it as easy as I can." The nerves were making him babble again, but he couldn't help it. Her presence just did something to him. He knew he could get a little sappy over people he had crushes on but this was a whole other story.
âIâve got the attachment for the bench. Give me a second.â Rolling it over from where she had it parked and prepped, wrapped in Saran Wrap, she placed it next to him and took his arm with her now bare hands to adjust it. âThis is how Iâm going to have you sitting, so figure out how youâd like yourself situated. Iâll be right back.â
Nodding dumbly, he watched her walk away, admiring the sway of her hips before forcing his gaze elsewhere. Get a grip, he chided himself silently as he settled onto the bench attachment, positioning himself as comfortably as he could. Why did he like when she ordered him around so much? He tried to focus on something other than her, like the sound of the water turning on in the restroom, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the feel of her hands on him.
Harry fidgeted slightly as he waited, adjusting his position again, trying to find the perfect angle. He couldn't shake the fluttering feeling in his chest, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through him. He knew he was being pathetic about the whole thing, but that didnât stop him from being that way. When Angel returned, her hands freshly washed and gloved once more, he offered her a slightly strained smile. "Ready when you are."
As she prepared to start the process, Harry found himself holding his breath. He could feel her hands on his arm, the gentle pressure as she adjusted his position, and he wanted more of that. Any kind of touch.. When she finally picked up the needle, he let out a slow exhale, watching as she began to work. There was no warning as she started, correctly assuming he didnât need to be babied over it and given a countdown. At least she thought he was capable of that. The sound of the needle moving across his skin was almost hypnotic, and he found himself relaxing into the process, his eyes drifting closed as he let Angel's skilled hands take over.
The pain of the tattoo needle was sharp, nothing he wasn't used to. Nothing he didnât⌠enjoy. But the real reason he was enjoying this experience so much was the feeling of Angel's touch, the focus and concentration evident on her face as she worked. He couldn't help but sneak glances at her, admiring the way her face looked as she was set in concentration, the way her lips pressed together in a soft pout as she blew a loose strand of hair from her eyes. Fuck, she was pretty when she was working. She had to be pretty all the time.
Harry bit his lip, trying to keep quiet as he sat there. It wasn't easy, especially when the needle kept sending zings of pleasured pain through his body. It wasnât like it didnât hurt- it absolutely did. But he had always found himself to like it. Pain was welcome to him. Not many understood. The focus now was on staying as still as he could. The last thing he wanted to do was be annoying or break her concentration. So he just sat there, breathing slowly and trying to relax into the process. Occasionally he'd let out a soft hum or clear his throat if she hit a particularly sensitive area, but he kept his voice low and tried not to draw attention to himself.
After a few minutes of silence, her voice surprisingly broke it first. âI hear feel you thinking.â She laughed under her breath, wiping away at excess ink before peering up at him momentarily. âYou alright?â
Harry's eyes snapped open at her comment, his cheeks flushing slightly- again- as he realized she probably heard him making little noises the whole time. "Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, trying to sound nonchalant despite the heat in his cheeks. He glanced down at his arm, watching as the bee began to take shape. "Just a little sensitive in a few spots, that's all." He hoped that was enough of an explanation to satisfy her curiosity.
 It was impossible to be truly honest with her. Harry liked the pain. He couldnât tell her that it was arousing to feel the needle more than it hurt.Â
The sharp drag of it over his skin, the pain mingling with something else entirely - a warm, tingly sensation that spread through his core every time it hit a particularly sensitive spot. It was fucked up, he knew it was, but he couldn't deny the way his heart raced or the way his stomach clenched each time she pressed down harder.Â
He was getting hard, he was getting fucking hard from a goddamn tattoo and he couldn't tell her that, could he?
The feeling was wrong, so fucking wrong. He was supposed to be getting a tattoo, not getting turned on. But every press of the needle, every gentle drag across his skin, sent a jolt of pleasure through him. He shifted uncomfortably on the bench, trying to adjust himself discreetly, praying she wouldn't notice the growing bulge in his jeans. Fuck, no. No, no, no. There was no way this was going to happen. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, nails digging into his palms as he fought to keep his breathing even, to not make a sound that would give him away.
It was humiliating, absolutely embarrassing that his cock was twitching to life under Angel's hands. He'd always had a thing for pain, got off on it in ways he wasn't proud of, but Jesus Christ, this was a new low. An artist this pretty, this intimidating, tattooing him? It was like every fucked up kink of his was colliding.
He closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately to think of anything else. Baseball stats, grocery lists, his grandmother, global warming and its dire acceleration âanything to distract himself from the growing throb in his jeans. But every pass of the needle, every soft exhale from Angel against his already sensitive skin sent another jolt straight to his dick. It was useless. The more he tried not to think about it, the harder he got. He was screwed. Quite literally, it seemed.
He bit the inside of his cheek hard, fighting back a groan as the needle traced a particularly sensitive line. Hell, even the way she'd occasionally wipe away ink with her gloved hands was making him crazy. It was like a teenager again getting hard at nothing. A light sheen of sweat formed at his temples, despite the cool air conditioning in the shop. It wasnât hot, but he certainly was..
Angel took notice, as much as he hoped she wouldnât. âHarry, you look a little sick.â Her voice turned slightly concerned as she paused, taking her foot off the pedal. âDo you need a minute or something? Donât keep quiet about this shit. If youâre going to get sick Iâd rather you do it in a trash can or something.â
He blinked rapidly, trying to come up with a proper excuse. It was difficult considering his dick was starting to hurt now from being so hard for so long- it held all the blood, apparently. Licking his lips nervously, he tried for a reassuring smile that he knew probably looked more like a grimace. "Nah, I'm alright. Just... a bit overheated, I think." He shifted again uncomfortably, praying she'd buy the excuse. "Can we keep going? Really don't wanna waste your time." Lie.
Her darkly lined eyes narrowed at his blatant lie, giving him a raised eyebrow as she adjusted herself on the rolling stool. It wasnât often that a client looked sick and didnât just admit it after she pressed. âItâs not a waste of time. Youâre my only client today. If you need a breather you can take it. Iâll go out for a smoke or something.â
Harry was a shit liar- he could feel the beads of sweat forming on his upper lip. He didn't want a breather, not even a second of not feeling her hands, not even a moment of not smelling her perfume even if it made him feel insane. He was a masochist, plain and simple, sitting there getting tattooed while his body ached with unwanted arousal. Not only that, but he really didnât want to chance her truly figuring it out. He would be mortified. "No really, I'm fine," he insisted, his voice coming out hoarser than intended. "Let's just keep going, okay?"
Angel's expression darkened, a hint of irritation mixing with her concern as she watched him squirm on the bench, looking flushed and sweaty. She knew that he was lying through his teeth. "You look like you're about to pass out," she snapped, her tone laced with a hint of her natural impatience. "I'm not gonna have you faint or vomit on the bench and waste a whole day because you're too stubborn to take a break. So tell me whatâs wrong.â
His eyes flickered nervously as he avoided her gaze, swallowing hard past the lump in his throat. He knew if he told her the truth, she'd think he was a freak. Who gets turned on by getting tattooed, for God's sake? He was trapped in a cycle of lying and sweating, his mind racing with how to explain his strange behavior without sounding like a pervert. "It's just... the pain."
âIs it too much for you?â Her face lightened, looking over his arm. âYou have a ton of ink. Is it like this for you every time?â Obviously that was something she could understand, to a degree. She had tattoos in places that really hurt, but the placement shouldnât be too painful. And considering her casual perusal of his Instagram after their consultation, he had a sternum piece. This should be nothing compared to that.Â
"No, no, it's not too much pain," he sputtered quickly, waving a hand to brush off her concern. "I mean, yeah, I've got a lot of ink but that's not... I'm used to it." He shifted uncomfortably again, realizing this wasn't getting any easier. His cock throbbed insistently against his zipper, reminding him of his embarrassing predicament. "It's just... really hot in here, isn't it?" he tried weakly.
She leaned up, gripping his chin with her gloved hand. âAre you on something?â The words were low and frankly, pissed off. That was one of the things in her waivers that she had him sign and sheâd told him that when they first talked. âI donât judge people for taking shit but if youâre high when I told you not to take anything before you came to the appointment Iâm going to be pissed. I donât work with people off their ass in my station.â
He felt his heart stutter at her touch, her dark eyes boring into his with genuine worry - and something else. Something almost intense, almost aggressive. Fuck, she was so close. "No, I'm not on anything!" he said urgently, meeting her gaze. "I swear." His breath caught slightly in his throat, realizing how she could easily mistake his flushed state and strange behavior. "It's... the heat, really." Another fucking lie. His cock throbbed again, seemingly mocking him.
Y/N didnât buy it. Not when he looked so nervous. He was either high, or sick, or⌠Her eyes looked over his body, trying to find any tells, any obvious signs of discomfort- and it didnât take long to find it.
 He was hard. She could see the sizable bulge, making her manicured eyebrow raise again, looking back to his face.
He was busted. Completely and utterly found out. He could see the question forming on her lips, the way her dark eyes narrowed suspiciously. He was screwed. "Angel-" he started, trying to think of any explanation that wouldn't make him sound like a pervert.
âYou could have just said youâve got a thing for pain.â Releasing his chin, she shook her head and moved across her station to get on new gloves- no chancing any contamination. âStressing us both out for no reason. I like direct communication. Donât bullshit me anymore. I can handle a bodily reaction.â
Harry stared at her, mouth agape, a bit floored by her bluntness. She just... called him out, no judgment, no disgust, just straightforward honesty. It was the hottest thing he'd ever fucking witnessed. "Shit," he breathed, slumping back onto the bench. "Okay, yeah. I do have a thing for pain." No point in denying it now. "But not like, fucking weird pain," he added quickly. "Just... the endorphins, I guess?"
âI get it. I like it too. Itâs fine, Iâm not judging you. You havenât been a creep or anything. Besides.â Placing the new gloves down on her station, she tapped her fingers over his cheek a few times. âYouâre not the first to get hard on this bench. At least youâre cute.â Like she hadnât said anything she moved her hand away.
Cute? He was cute? It was an one off compliment and yet his mind was spinning. Pathetic, his need for praise- How much he liked knowing he was attractive. She wasn't judging him, she understood his thing for pain, and she thought he was cute. He felt like he was dreaming, like this was some kind of bizarre, albeit wonderful hallucination. He watched, entranced, as she put her gloves back on and reached for the needle again. "So... you're used to this?" he asked quietly, his voice shaking slightly.
âSomewhat. It isnât the most common reaction, but itâs something that happens. You havenât been making weird comments or very obviously leering at me, which gets people kicked out. I understand why you lied. You didnât want me to be uncomfortable. But you donât have to be embarrassed. I can tell you are.â She shrugged her shoulder, picking up her gun with her freshly gloved hand. âYou get hard at all your appointments? Or is it just me?â
His face burned with embarrassment, but at the same time, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. She wasn't disgusted, she wasn't judging him harshly - she was actually understanding, even a little amused. He swallowed hard, trying to find his voice. "It's... not just you," he admitted quietly, feeling his heart trying to find its way down and out of his throat. "But you're the first artist I've told. Mâusually better at hiding it."
âYeah?â Pressing the needle back to the stencil, she watched as his eyelids lulled, a slight wince but a dash of what she now knew had to be arousal washing over his face. âHm⌠That alright with you?â
Nodding slowly, his eyes fluttered closed as the needle resumed its work. It was alright, more than alright. It was fucking incredible. He felt so relieved, so understood. If it was possible, his crush on her grew tenfold. "Yeah, that's alright," he murmured, his voice deeper than it had been before. There was no hiding the effect it was having on him- and she had said he didnât have to. "Really alright."
As the tattoo progressed, Harry found himself sinking deeper into a state of blissful discomfort. The needle continued its path on his skin, each pass sending a jolt of pleasured pain straight to his core. He could smell her perfume with every lean- which he was fairly certain was vanilla with sandalwood, maybe a bit of tobacco since she had mentioned taking a smoke- could feel the heat radiating from her body as she worked intently. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.
He squirmed a little bit, making her pause. âStop moving, yeah? Be a good boy.â It was teasing, really, but she saw the look on his face. Harry liked it.Â
Harry froze, his breath hitching in his throat at her words. "A good boy," he echoed softly, his voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. He felt his face flush an even deeper shade of red as he held still, trying not to squirm. Was she flirting with him? Or was his horny brain just hearing things he wanted to hear? Either way, the command had his dick throbbing in his jeans. âUh- okay. I can.. do that.âÂ
Continuing the tattoo, all she could notice was that he was stiff- squirmy. She could tell he was trying his absolute best not to move, but he wanted to and it was distracting. Ten minutes passed, the outline almost done, and she really couldnât keep up with this. She needed him to be relaxed, still, and calm⌠and not so distracting to her. Harry was cute. Really, utterly adorable. Hot in the way she liked but in demeanor he was nervous and twitchy. So cute⌠That she was going to do something about it.
 âAlright.â Turning the machine off again, she crossed her arms. âYouâre too stiff. Weâre almost done with the tattoo⌠but I need you to relax.â Moving a hand, she rest it on his knee and curled her fingers around it. âI donât do shit like this, but youâre cute. Letâs get you off so you can chill the fuck out.â
Harry's eyes widened in shock, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest as she spoke to him in such a matter of fact way. Did she really just... offer to get him off? Right here in the tattoo shop? Or was this a wet dream? He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. "You uh, you don't have to-" he started weakly, but even as he said it, his body betrayed him, a visible shudder running through him at her touch as soon as she moved.
âYou can say no.â She trailed her finger up his thigh. âWe donât have to do anything. But youâre trying to be good, and you canât help that all you can probably think about is that cock. Whatever youâre gonna do to it after. Stroke it, go find someone to suck it off. Kinda makes me jealous, if Iâm honest.â It looked big. Thatâs something she wanted. She was so tired of mediocre, selfish lays and if anything, it seemed like Harry was the type more than eager to please her. âSo if you donât want me to touch you, I can stopâŚâ
"Fuck," he hissed, his hips lifting slightly at her words, completely failing at maintaining his cool facade. How was he supposed to think straight when she was saying shit like that? Her hand on his thigh was making his head fuzzy, his cock throbbing painfully in his jeans. "No, don't stop," he breathed out, voice trembling.Â
âThere we go. Finally being honest with me.â She hummed, her other hand stroking over his cheek. âSo sweet.â Tapping over his nose, her hands retreated to take the gloves off completely. âAlright, off with your belt then. Let yourself out.â
He stared at her for a long moment, speechless. Something about how blunt she was, how she ordered him around.. it was something he hadnât experienced much of before, but he had always wanted to try. Never had he imagined it would be today, with his tattoo artist that made him incredibly intimidated and eager to please but he supposed thatâs what made it so good.Â
Swallowing hard, he reached for his belt, unbuckling it with shaking hands before unlatching his jeans. He hesitated, looking up at her, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Like, all the way?" he asked hoarsely. God, he felt like a fucking teenager again. Nervous and excited and completely out of his depth. "And you're really just gonna...?"
âAll the way. Yes, Iâm going to touch it.â She discarded the gloves and pushed the tray table to the side- ink was a pain to clean up. âDonât be afraid. As cute as being shy is, I have a feeling youâre really a needy little thing. Let me see your cock, sweetheart.â
His breath hitched at her words, his face burning with a deep, flush. Christ, she was so blunt, so fucking direct, something he had never dealt with in a woman before⌠And he ate it up, loving every second of it. With a shaking hand, he slowly pushed his jeans and boxers down, his hard, thick cock springing free. He was big, really fucking big, and the head was already leaking precome. "Fuck," he muttered, looking up at her with wide eyes, suddenly feeling self-conscious about his size.
His cock was long and thick, proportional to his tall frame. The veins were prominent, the head swollen and dark pink, almost painful from how worked up heâd gotten. Precum leaked steadily from the slit, making him a little embarrassed. He knew sheâd be able to see just how fucked up heâd gotten from it all. The base was thick, the root of his cock visible under his neatly groomed pubic hair as it pulsed rhythmically, betraying how horny he actually was.Â
As Angel wrapped her hand around him, she could feel how much bigger he was than most men she'd encountered. The velvety soft skin was hot under her touch. She couldn't help but run her thumb over the shiny, leaking tip, spreading the bead of precum around the swollen slit. "My god, you are a big boy, arenât you?â She murmured in a honeyed tone. âSuch a pretty cock, Harry. It was aching this whole time?â
Her hand felt like heaven wrapped around him. The most welcome damn relief heâs ever felt. Biting his lip to stifle a moan, he watched as she spread the precome around his tip, the sensitive cock jumping at the contact. "Fuck, yeah," he panted, his hips shifting. "Itâs been hard the whole time. I-I didnât wanna move and fuck up the linework or anything..." He trailed off, watching her touch him with wide, dilated eyes.
âHow sweet. You knew Iâd be pissed if you messed up my work.â She cooed. âYouâve been a mess this whole time, though. Is it because you think Iâm pretty, Harry?â She tilted her head to the side as she leaned over, pursing her lips and letting a trail of spit dribble down to his cock. Hand spreading it around him, she wanted an answer. âHm?â
"Shit," he cursed softly under his breath as the spit slid down his length, her hand moving expertly to spread it around. He nodded quickly, his face flush with embarrassment but his eyes dark with desire. He knew he was kinda into it, kind of liked a bit of humiliation but actively getting it made him feel crazy in the best way. "Yes," he breathed out, totally caught. "I mean, look at you..." He swallowed hard, watching how perfectly her long fingers circled his shaft. "The tattooing, the... the perfume, those fucking lips... god, your whole vibe, you're..." He trailed off, face burning. "Killer."
âKiller, huh?â That got a laugh out of her. âThatâs so funny. Big, bad, tattooed Harry⌠intimidated by me. Got all that muscle, all that money, and all it takes to get you to fold is a pretty woman and some pain?â
"Shut up," he muttered, trying to look stern but failing miserably. His cheeks were on fire, his heart racing in his chest as she laughed at him. But fuck, it was a good laugh, and the way her eyes lit up only made him melt more. "I'm not intimidated," he insisted, but his voice wavered. "I just... appreciate beauty when I see it, okay? And you're fucking stunning.â
âOh, sweet little babyâŚâ She cooed, squishing his cheeks with her free hand, making his lips pucker. âBetter watch the way you talk to me, mâkay? I could make you cum like thisâŚâ She squeezed around him, twisting her hand as she stroked his cock. âI could let you fuck me. Bend me over the bench, or get on top of you. I could suck you off, orâŚâ She took her hand away, letting his sticky cock fall back against his stomach. âI could stop. Iâm in charge here.â
His cheeks burned at her words, her voice like honey and venom, sweet and dangerous to his well being. She may as well kill him. "Fuck." He panted out, watching her hand leave his dick. It throbbed, aching for her touch again. He knew the game, knew when someone had the power. Angel fucking had all the power right now. "You're a bully," he muttered, trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably. "What do you want?" He swallowed hard, eyes flicking between hers and her hand.
âI want you to be nice to me. Whereâs my sweet boy gone?â A faux pout painted her lips. âYouâre acting like a spoiled brat. Took time away to try and make you feel good and youâre calling me a bullyâŚâ Shaking her head, she curled her fingers around the hem of her tank top, pulling over her head to expose her tits. âYou could touch them, if my nice boy came back. But youâre being mean to me.â
His voice caught in his throat as she pulled off her top, revealing her breasts, nipples hard and perfect and⌠when had he ever been shocked into stupidity? Was this a new record?. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "Mânot being mean!â He tried to save, but his voice was hoarse, his eyes glued to her chest. He could practically hear his mom lecturing him, about disrespecting women, about using sweet words and gentle touches. And goddammit, he was gonna lose his hard-on if he kept thinking about that.Â
âNo?â Holding her tits in her hands, she lightly pinched her nipples between her fingers. âYouâre ready to be nice tâme?â
"Yeah," he said quickly, sitting up properly and moving so she stood between his spread thighs. As her hands dropped from her chest, she stepped further between his legs and he couldnât stop himself from reaching out to take her breasts in his hands, gently squeezing them. Fuck, they were perfect. So soft and warm, the nipples hard under his thumbs. âMâsorry," he murmured, looking up at her with wide, apologetic eyes. "I'll be nice. I'll be your sweet boy." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her collarbone. "Please touch me again, Angel." He begged softly.Â
His lips moved lower, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone and down to her sternum. He worshipped her chest with his mouth as he kissed and licked down to her tits, overwhelmed with opportunity. Lick, suck, bite, leave marks? Harry wanted to do it all. âIâll be so good fâyou, beautiful. I promise.â He wrapped his lips around one hard nipple, swirling his tongue around it before sucking gently. His hands stayed on her tits, palming and squeezing them together as he moved between them, giving attention to both. A big supporter of equal loving, he was.
He moaned softly as her hand pressed his face harder against her chest, the soft flesh yielding under his mouth. Opening his mouth wider, he took as much of her breast as he could fit, sucking and nibbling gently over the sensitive buds. His hand slid around to her back, pulling her closer almost desperately. More. He needed more. "Fuck," he mumbled against her nipple, the word muffled. "Perfect fucking tits."
âTell me how beautiful I am.â She requested softly, pulling his mouth from her nipple with a handful of his pretty hair. âIf you were so distracted by me before⌠You should have no problem doing that.â
"You're so fucking beautiful, Angel," he said without hesitation, his voice filled with genuine awe. "Like, breathtakingly beautiful. Those tits, that face, that fucking body..." He trailed off, shaking his head in wonder. "I don't know how you do it, but you're just... stunning." He reached up to touch her face, his thumb brushing over her cheekbone. "You're perfect. Please, let me kiss you," he begged, his eyes pleading with hers. "Just one real kiss, Angel. I need tâtaste you, to feel your lips against mine."
 He leaned forward, his hands settling on her hips as he looked up at her with the clearest depiction of desperation she had ever seen. "I'll be your sweetheart, your good boy, just please... let me kiss you." He pressed a soft, open-mouthed kiss to her chin, hoping to wear her down. "Pretty please, beautiful."
âHow cute.ââShe cooed, tracing over his bottom lip. It was amusing to get men on their knees, to hear them plead and beg for her, but especially when said men looked like Harry. Buff and inked and otherwise looking like heâd be a complete dickhead sheâd find at the gym, but so sweet just from his own desires. âAlright. Go ahead, since you asked so nicely.â
As soon as her fingers left his lip, he surged up to capture her mouth in a soft, gentle kiss. Trying his best to be gentle and sweet despite the overwhelming urge to devour her, it was harder to control himself than heâd ever remembered. He kept his hands on her hips, not daring to pull her closer or wrap his arms around her like he desperately wanted to. Breaking the kiss after a moment, he panted softly as he pulled back. "More? Can I have another?" He looked up at her with puppy eyes, already addicted to the taste of her lips.
The softness of it had surprised her, fully expecting him to be completely lost in it. If she was truthful, it only made her feel a little more fond of the man as he asked for another one, pleading almost with the luck he wanted to have. âYou really are a sweet little puppy, arenât you?â She murmured, stroking over his hair. âWant to keep kissing me that badly?â
"Yes, please," Nodding eagerly, he pleaded for it like he hadnât before. "I want tâkiss you all day, Angel. I'll do anything, just let me keep kissing you." He rested his forehead against hers, clutching at her to keep as close as she allowed. "You taste so good, smell so good... I just can't get enough of you." He opened his eyes again, looking up at her with pure need. It was intoxicating for her, considering she hadnât met anyone this down bad in her life. The power of it went straight to her cunt, giving her that telltale second heartbeat.Â
"Yes, thank you." the words were cut off, already pressing his lips to hers again as soon as she nodded in the most respectful kiss he could manage. This time, he pulled her a little closer, one hand sliding up her back while the other cupped her jaw gently, letting his fingers curl around and hold her where he wanted her- just testing it out. His tongue barely ventured out, just a hint of it ghosting over her bottom lip as he explored her mouth cautiously. Every kiss felt like a privilege, a gift. "You," he broke away just long enough to speak, "shouldn't be this perfect."
âBut I am.â She hummed against his mouth, leaning into him as she allowed his hands to hold her. It was strange to feel a possessive hold on her body and yet see such a needy look on a manâs face. The juxtaposition of it all.Â
"Your lips are perfect," he mumbled against them, stealing another deep kiss. "So soft, so full..." He pulled back slightly to look at her face, "Your eyes are gorgeous, your nose is perfect, your jaw..." Cupping her jaw again, he angled it where he wanted it. "It's so pretty. Like youâre art, carved from marble or somethinâ. I canât even think straight.â It was hard to when she felt as good as she did. âYour neck." He leaned down to kiss her throat softly, "So smooth. Jusâ want tâbite."
She loved being worshipped, was the thing- And Harry was giving her the taste that she had wanted, completely submitting to her agenda without realizing he was filling the gap she had always wanted filled. It was precisely what she wanted actually, exactly what she needed, and the slight crazed look in his eyes had her cunt hot. âMm⌠Thank you, good boy.â Gently running her fingers over his scalp, she felt his teeth graze her skin. âYou getting mouthy, Puppy? Trying to bite?â
"Maybe..." he murmured, his teeth grazing her neck again as he tried to suppress a grin. He could feel her pulse quickening under his lips, taste the salt on her skin. His hands tightened slightly on her hips, thumbs rubbing small circles as he tried to restrain himself from outright biting her. "Is that a bad thing? Wanting to taste more of you?" His voice, low and husky, hinted at his building need, his cock twitching against his stomach. There was no hiding how affected he was by her.
âNot at all. Just didnât know you liked to nibble on people, is all.â She took a handful of his hair, tugging him back with a heavy hand. âI like pain just as much as you do, seeing how much your cock is jumping just from a little tug of the hair. But you donât have the right to bite me yet, so you have to wait.â Leaning down, she grabbed his cock back in her hand and spit over it again, stroking slow and tight.
Harry groaned, his head falling back as she tugged on his hair again and spoke in that stern, commanding tone that had him putty in her hands. "God you donât evenâŚ. You donât know what youâre doinâ to me." His cock jumped in her hand, the spit making it slick and easy for her to stroke. He felt a droplet of precum leak out, and he whimpered, his hips bucking slightly into her hand. "Please," he begged, his voice breaking. "Jusâ wanna⌠Want to make you feel good, too.â
She smirked down at him, her eyes glinting with amusement and a hint of something darker. "Is that so?" she said, her voice low and sultry. She continued to stroke him slowly, her thumb swirling around the head of his cock, spreading the spit and precum around. Messy and sticky, just how she liked it. "And how, exactly, do you plan on making me feel good, hmm?" She leaned down, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "With that big, thick cock of yours? Do you know how to use it properly?"
His entire body shivered at her whisper, his cock throbbing aggressively in her grip. "Yes," he managed to choke out, every ounce of control slipping away. "Would you let me?" He looked up at her with pleading eyes, a hint of vulnerability. "You're... god, you're making me crazy." His hips bucked into her hand again, desperate for more, more, more. Greediness was overwhelming. "Want to feel those perfect tits against me while I fuck you deep," he breathed, his eyes dark with the ever building lust. "Want to watch your gorgeous face while you cum on my cock. Feel your pussy clench around me, squeezing me so fucking tight, cause I know it will." His words were coming faster now, his restraint slipping. "Been hard imagining pounding into you all goddamn tattoo session. Want to pinch those perfect nipples while I do it, make you cry out-" He stopped abruptly, realizing he was rambling shamelessly. The mixture of his dominate side peeking out with the submissive. A true switch problem, feeling them both rearing their heads.
âOh no, donât stop on my account.â She laughed in disbelief. âYouâre showing just how filthy youâre gonna be. Thinking about fucking me this whole time? Getting a needle in your skin but youâre thinking about my pussy?â It was filthy, it was dirty, but he had the privilege. She was attracted to him unlike most people, and that awarded him the right. âKeep going then, tell me what you want.â
"Jesus, you really do love hearing me say this shit, don't you?" He asked, a hint of a desperate smile pulling at his lips. Reaching up to cup her breast with one hand, he plucked her nipple lightly between his fingers. "Want me to tell you how I'd fuck you so slow at first, let you feel every inch, but then pound the hell out of that perfect pussy when you beg for it?" His tone was stronger, less nervous as he spoke to her about his hidden desire. Sheâd been blunt with him, so he was only awarding her the same.Â
"And when you're about to cum," he continued, his voice dropping lower, rougher, "I might just flip us over. Pin your wrists down and ride you hard enough to make those pretty tits bounce. Would you like that? Me being rough while I fuck you?" He squeezed her nipple harder, testing her reaction. The pretty noise she let out from the pinch let him know what he needed to know. She was just as much for it as he was. "Do you want a sweetheart who makes love to you slow, or a man who makes you scream?" His cock jerked in her hand, betraying his desire for either outcome.
âThink I want to be fucked hard. I havenât screamed in quite a while. No one is able to do it.â The smirk on her face said it all, wanting to see just what he was capable of. How his voice had switched from nervous to confident, showing two very different sides of him? She had no idea. All she knew was she liked it. The duality of a man.
His expression morphed from pleading to predatory in an instant, his eyes glinting with a dark light. "You wanna be manhandled, then?" He purred, his hand sliding down from her breast to her hip, his fingers digging in as he took charge. âAlright then.â Standing up, he took initiative without another word- flipping her stance, pushing her over the bench and letting that perfect ass perch up in the air.
Harry was quick with it, calculated. Gripping her waistband in his fingers and tugging it down, exposing her bare body to him. No panties, nothing. Son of a bitch. Sheâd been sitting there with nothing on under the thin leggings this whole time? Unable to help himself, his hand came down on the soft flesh with a sharp smack to make his palm burn momentarily."Fuck, this ass, baby." he groaned, barely giving her a moment to realize what was happening before he slapped her ass again, harder this time. He admired the handprint appearing on her skin, wanting it to stay on there the entire night. It just looked too good to fade away.
Running his hand over the curve of her, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You wanted rough, beautiful. Hope you can handle it." His other hand slid around to her front, directly cupping her pussy. "Already fucking soaked, aren't you?"
âOf course I am.â She laughed breathlessly. âYouâre being sweet and then tossing me around. Smacking my ass. Did you expect me to not react?â Turning her head back towards him, she gave him a little attitude. âDo something about it.â
"Such a fucking brat, even after you call me one." he muttered, grinning despite himself. His fingers slipped up and down her cunt, letting out a grunt as he found that how soaked she actually was. Filthy wet, a mess, and heâd been the cause. "Look at that mouth, keep panting like that..." He moved his finger to stroke her clit, quick and firm, causing her to gasp. "Should I stuff it with my cock until you gag? Would that shut you up?" His other hand smacked her ass again as he spoke, leaving another hot mark in his wake. His voice dropped lower, more smug. "Or do you want me to just fuck you? Hm? The choice is yours."
"Damn," she muttered, her body wracking with shivers as his fingers strummed over her clit expertly. He may act nervous, but he knew what to do with pussy. "You talk shit," she threw back at him, "Like youâd actually shut me up with that dick. I'd bite it off." She snarled as she wiggled her ass to provoke him. "And who said anything about choosing? You asked if I wanted you to stuff my mouth or just fuck me. Where's the option to ride your face or have you eat me out?" She smirked.
âTrust me, I plan on doing it all.â He smacked over her clit a few times, feeling her jolt. It was such a pleasure, having her so reactive underneath him. âI have no intentions of this being a one and done. Not when youâve made such a fucking mess out of me.â She had no idea, did she? âAll I wanted was tâget you to like me. Wanted to hang out with you. Made me so nervous.. and then you tell me you want to get me off? Think mânot gonna go crazy?â
Clicking his tongue, he shook his head. The woman really didnât have a proper clue. Heâd wanted to go about it the proper way but sheâd been true to her fashion, blunt and to the point. âGot all nervous just tryin' to talk to you. Thought you'd eat me alive, professionally and literally." He chuckled darkly, giving her clit one last firm tap before withdrawing his hand. âNow, mânot so sure Iâd mind. Think weâre gonna take turns doing it.â
She let out a breathy laugh at his words, her head falling forward as she relaxed back against the bench. "Oh, you're something else," she murmured, her voice tinged with amusement. "Crazy, nervous, sweet boy who wants to make me like him and then wants to take turns making me cum." She reached back, her fingers threading through his hair as she pulled him down by his scalp as he looked over her body. "Fuck, I think I'm starting to like you, Harry. But I think Iâd like you more with my cunt wrapped around that pretty cock.â
His face split into a wide, predatory grin at her words, his eyes flashing dark with desire. "For fuck's sake," he muttered, nipping lightly at her throat where her neck met her shoulder. "Such a filthy mouth for such a pretty face." One hand slapped her ass again, trying to get the skin hot while the other moved to grip his cock, lining himself up with her entrance. Pressing the tip against her, he applied just enough pressure to make her feel the stretch but not entering yet. "You wanna know something, beautiful?" He didnât wait for her response. âIâve never been so obsessed with making a woman like me the first fuckinâ times I meet her," he admitted, his voice rasping as he fought to maintain control. "I've never wanted to please someone so badly that it hurts." Flexing his hips forward slightly, he teased her with the tip of his cock. "And I've never, ever been this hard in my entire life."
"Goddamn," she breathed out softly, arching her back slightly to push back against him. "You get all sweet, talking about being scared of pissing me off. Making me laugh. Getting nervous..." She wiggled her ass again, wanting more of him. Just the preview of the stretch made her want more. "And then you spank me and talk dirty." Her voice dropped to a sultry purr. "Do you even have a filter? Answer me one thing, Harry." She asked, making him tense slightly. "Are you this sweet and this filthy all the time? Or jusâ when you get horny from tattoos?â
He chuckled, his hot breath fanning over her shoulder. "Both," he answered honestly, his hands roamed over her greedily, wanting to get very well acquainted with her body. "Mâalways sweet, always a gentleman when I need tâve... but I've always been filthy in the bedroom." He bit down gently on her shoulder, his hips bucking forward slightly again, catching the tip of his cock on her cunt again. "And tattoos make me extra horny, so... here's your answer," he continued, his hands spreading her cheeks apart slightly to get a better view.
 "Sweet and romantic most of the time. Dirty talker and versatile in bed." He pushed forward again, this time sliding just the tip inside her wet pussy. "Feeling you tattoo me⌠made me wanna throw you down and pound into you hard. Was willing to do anything you wanted if it meant feeling this⌠fuck, just look at that." He muttered, looking down in awe at where his body met hers, watching himself disappear slightly inside her. "No filter when I'm horny."
âShit.â Y/N winced slightly at the stretch of him, feeling the tip pull back out before popping right back in again. It was the good kind of pain. âThought youâd only be a sweet little sub but⌠You like both?â She wanted to know more, impressed with the so-called âversatilityâ. Heâd been so sweet, nearly shaking earlier when she had caught him hard and now he was teasing her poor cunt.
On how the tables have turned.
He grinned against her shoulder, the motion making his hips move again and sending another inch of his cock inside her. "Mhm," he hummed, his hands squeezing her ass. "I like being sweet and submissive, but I also love being dominant and in control." He pulled back again, letting her feel the stretch of just the tip before pushing in further. "It's all about the situation and who I'm with." He nipped at her skin again, his words punctuated by slow, teasing thrusts.
"I can be your cute little puppy one minute, begging for your kisses, your touch..." His fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as he held her steady. "And then flip the switch and fuck you into oblivion the next, depending on what you need." He slid deeper this time, groaning at the tight heat enveloping him. "So is that what you want, Angel? Want me to ruin this pretty pussy with my cock?"
She nodded, her arms relaxing by her sides as she spread her legs further apart, giving him an unobstructed view of her dripping cunt and his thick cock disappearing inside her. "Fuck, look at that," he breathed, his eyes glued to the sight as he pulled back until just the tip remained inside her.. With a low groan, he pushed forward, watching her stretch around him. âSâso pretty. Wish you could see how gorgeous she looks, opening up for me.â
Harry wasn't small by any means, and he was more than aware that his size was intense for most women. He gave another testing thrust, watching her body swallow him up inch by inch. "Goddamn," His voice dropped lower, almost concerned. "You good?" He could feel her stretching around him, her inner walls quivering as she adjusted to his size. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest as he tried to push deeper, trying his best to soothe her. "Talk tâme," he rasped, pressing his lips against her shoulder. "You okay, sweetheart?" He flexed his hips forward again, burying another inch inside her.Â
Was it a bit contradictory? Yes. It was. But he knew she liked it- he could feel it, hear it in her little sighs. One thing he would give himself was that he was an observant lover. Her pleasure was above his own and he was paying attention to every shift in her. If she wasnât loving it, he wouldnât continue.Â
She let out a long, shaky breath, her head falling back onto his shoulder as she felt the stretch with each movement. "Fuck... it's been a while," she admitted, her voice strained. "You're really big." Her nails dug into his forearms as she tried to relax her body, to let herself open up for him. "I'm okay... just give me a second to... fucking... adjust." She hissed, wiggling her hips slightly, testing the feel of him inside her.
He felt her inner muscles clench and unclench around him as she adjusted, her body struggling to accommodate his size. He could see the stretch marks on her inner thighs, the way her pussy lips were spread wide around his thick shaft. He gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to slam forward and bury himself to the hilt. Instead, he held still, his fingers digging into her hips as he waited for her signal. "You look so fucking pretty like this, baby. Unreal." he murmured, his breath hot against her ear.
âThank you, puppy.â She tried, cooing the best she could as she relaxed her top half over the bench as he adjusted her back down. âThereâs that sweetness.â
"Still trying to earn more brownie points with you." he teased lightly, pressing a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade as his hand trailed up to brush her falling ponytail away from her skin. "Thought I might've ruined that when I spanked you." His hips gave her a little more, burying himself a tiny bit deeper just to feel her twitch around him.
"Mm?" She hummed softly, her body relaxing more around him. He could see the muscles in her back moving fluidly as she tested the stretch again, spreading her legs wider. He almost whimpered at the view - his thick length disappearing inside her slicked up, puffy lips. "This is all I wanted, baby. Wanted to be real fuckinâ nice to you. You think Iâm being nice enough yet?â He tested softly, his voice dropping back to that sweet, almost innocent level..
"You're being a good boy," The reply came softly as she arching her back just a bit. "Sweet talking me one minute, spanking my ass and spreading me open the next. Making me take this cock inside me..." Moaning softly as he widened her thighs, he gave himself better access. "You're definitely being nice."Â
He grinned mischievously, his fingers splaying wide over her inner thighs. "Yeah, you like that, Angel?" He cooed, his sweet demeanor belied by the way he was positioning her body. "You like me being sweet while I make you take all this?" Pushing his hips forward again, he pushed the final inch inside her. "You think Iâm being gentle enough? Or do yâneed something more?"
She moaned again, his words driving her wild as he forced her legs higher. "You're being more than fucking gentle," she panted out, her inner muscles convulsing around him. She shivered, reaching back to grab at him. "Less asking if I like it, more show me how you fuck when you're being sweet."Â
"Yes ma'a." Harry echoed obediently, the same smirk playing at his lips as he pulled almost all the way out, leaving just the tip inside her before sliding back in with exaggerated slowness, letting her feel every thick inch keeping her open. He maintained that maddeningly gentle pace, his hips rolling against hers in smooth, controlled thrusts that hit deep but never rushed. âSuch a perfect cunt. Christ.â
He peppered her neck with soft, open-mouthed kisses as he continued his slow, deep thrusts, his large hands keeping her right where he wanted her. "This is what you needed tâget you to talk to me, huh? Jusâ needed a thick cock tâfill you up. Didnât need to be nervous⌠just needed to give the pretty Angel what she wanted." He murmured against her skin, his voice dripping with fake innocence "I think youâre ready for more."Â
"Damn it, you're playing with me," She gasped out, her nails digging into his thigh as she pushed back eagerly onto his cock. "Sweet talk me more like that while you fuck me harder." She purred, her head tilting to give him better access to her neck. "Wanted to shut up that nervous rambling with my pussy, huh? Gave you somethin' better to put your mouth on than words."
"Mmhmm, exactly," he hummed softly, his large hands tightening on her thighs as he continued his slow, rolling thrusts. "Shutting me up real nice with this pretty, squeezing little hole, isn't it?" He sighed against her throat, his hot breath tickling her skin as he spoke. "Youâre so pretty, sweetheart. So fuckinâ hot around this cock." He flexed his hips forward, burying yet another thick inch inside her.
"Want more, Angel?" he murmured teasingly, barely moving inside her. "Need me to fuck this greedy little pussy harder?" He punctuated his words with a sharp, quick thrust before returning to his torturously slow pace.
She snapped at him, her voice tight with lustful irritation. "Shut up and fuck me, Harry! Stop teasing and put your money where your mouth is." Her demand was abrupt and harsh, contrasting sharply with the sweet way she'd been talking to him moments before. Harry chuckled darkly as he finally gave in to her demand. Her wish was his command.
He snapped his hips forward abruptly, finally giving her a taste of his full length and girth as he buried himself to the hilt inside her. "Like that, you greedy little thing?" he growled as he began to thrust harder and deeper, filling her completely with each stroke. "You want me to ruin this perfect little hole?" He snarled, his voice laced with a matched aggression as he fucked into into her.
âGod, yes. Finally.â She moaned, loving the sting she felt from his cock filling her. It wasnât the easiest to take and it had been a while but it fit her so well, she knew she needed more. Heâd done a decent job getting her worked up, and she needed him to do what he promised now.. âShut up and fuck me.â
"Christ, baby. Okay. Iâll- Iâll give you anything yâneed." he groaned, finally letting go of that last bit of control. His thick length slammed into her again and again, each thrust harder than the last. One hand moved to her hip, holding her steady as he fucked into her, the sound of their bodies meeting echoing through the room.
The wet slapping of skin against skin filled the air, punctuated by his guttural groans and her own breathy cries. His thick cock slid in and out of her soaking wet pussy with ease, the sound of her coating his dick and making each thrust slick and, frankly, obscene. It was lewd and hot and he knew that he was living a damn dream. Harry's own moans grew louder, more primal, as he lost himself in the sensation of her tight heat surrounding him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted, his voice ragged with pleasure. âPussy is so fuckinâ good, baby. I canât⌠youâre too good.â
Leaning over her body, his face pressed against her shoulders as he kissed and bit at her skin, seeking comfort and reassurance even as he ruthlessly fucked her. His hands moved from her hips to wrap underneath her, around her waist to hold her in place as he buried himself inside her over and over, his movements becoming less controlled and more desperate.
âThere you go, puppy.â her voice was strained as her knees wobbled, clutching onto the bench and his thigh as he filled her right up. He was wrapped all around her, kissing and whimpering into her skin. âShutting up and giving me that perfect cock. Just like you should.â
"Mmm..." The endearment of 'puppy' combined with her nails dragging across his skin made him whimper softly. His hips stuttered as he continued to fuck her deeply and smoothly, submitting to her praise as his mouth sought more skin to taste. "Makinâ me feel so good, Angel... dâyou? Want you to feel so good too..." He was fully reduced to sweet, submissive whispers now, in stark contrast to his intense pace.
"You asked for sweet..." His voice dropped lower, almost shyly. "You like this better? Me being all nice while I pound your cunt?" He spread her thighs wider as he adjusted, changing the angle slightly to make himself go even deeper.
She let out a long, low moan at the new angle, her inner walls clenching around him tightly. "Fuck, yes... just like that, puppy." Her voice was husky with pleasure, her nails digging into his thigh hard enough to leave marks. "You're being so good for me, taking care of me so well with this perfect dick." She pushed her ass back against him, meeting his thrusts eagerly. "Keep talking to me like that, keep being my good boy while you fuck me."
Harry's breathing was labored as she praised him, his cock throbbing inside her. Pressing open-mouthed kisses along her shoulder and neck, he wasnât able to shut the hell up. "You like hearing me talk like this? Your good boy, fucking you so deep and hard..." His fingers found her clit, circling it slowly as he continued to thrust. He needed to see her face as he did this. As much as he liked taking her bent over- he wanted to watch her face when she came apart on his cock. Â
Ignoring her whine when he pulled out for a moment, he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her effortlessly and flipping her over onto her back. Adjusting her so she was laying stead, he stepped between her spread thighs as he lowered himself back inside her. He wanted to see her face, to watch her expressions as he continued to fill her with his thick length. "Look at me," he whispered softly, his voice laced with submission as he began to thrust again, "I want to see your pretty face while I'm being a good boy and giving you thisâŚ.cock," he finished, his hips snapping forward to bury himself to the hilt inside her again.Â
His eyes locked onto hers, drinking in the sight of her flustered face, her lips parted in a silent cry, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. "So fucking pretty," he breathed, his hands reaching up to cup her cheeks as he began to fuck her with renewed vigor, his thrusts hard and deep. "Look at me, Angel. Look at your good boy while I make yâfeel good."
He worshipped her with his eyes as he continued to fuck into her, filling her up again and again. He brushed his nose against hers, breathing her breaths in as he whispered soft, submissive words against her lips. "You're so pretty... so perfect... you deserve this... you deserve me being your good boy and giving you everything you want..." He moaned softly, his hips rolling forward to brush spot inside her that made her eyes roll back. "You like that?"
Her back arched off the bench, her hands flying up to clutch at his shoulders as he hit it again. "Fuck, yes.â she cried out, her voice echoing through the room as she shuddered beneath him. "Just like that, baby. Don't stop, don't you dare stop fucking me." She bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts, desperate to keep that thick length buried inside her as he rubbed against her g-spot in the way he knew she needed.
His face broke out into a blissed-out, adoring smile as he felt her clench around him, her cries of pleasure music to his ears. Harry was determined to make her feel the best she ever had, to see her lose control and shatter beneath him. "Gonna make you cum, Angel... gonna make you cum so hard on my cock⌠tell me what you need." Heâd do anything.Â
"Choke me," she panted out, her eyes wild with desire as she stared up at him. "Choke me while you fuck me, puppy. Show me whoâs making me feel good." Her hands reached up to grip his wrists, guiding his hands to wrap around her throat. "Squeeze... please... I need to feel your hands on my neck while you fuck me..." She didn't even finish the sentence before he complied, his large hands wrapping around her delicate throat and squeezing lightly. âYeah, like that.âÂ
His large hands tightened around her throat obediently, squeezing just enough to feel her pulse fluttering beneath his fingertips. He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he groaned softly, letting her hear how it made him feel. âLook perfect with my hand around your neck⌠Makes me want tâcum so badly..â His hips slammed forward, burying himself impossibly deep as his fingers pressed slightly harder against her windpipe.Â
His other hand slid down to her clit, rubbing swift circles as he felt her walls flutter around him. "Come on, Angel... fucking squeeze me. Show me how good it feels. I can feel you tryinâ to milk my damn cock.â Â Harry could actually feel tears well up in his eyes as the intense pleasure of her tightening cunt mixed with the sight of his hands around her throat.
 Her nails dragging over his wrists sent electric shocks straight to his cock, making him thrust deeper and faster. "So fucking beautiful... gonna cum so hard if you keep squeezing my dick like that..." His hold on her throat tightened slightly more as his cock pulsed inside her.Â
She giggled deliriously, her body shaking beneath his as she felt him losing control around her throat. "You gonna fill me up while you choke me?" She pushed up against him with her hips, making him hit that spot again and making her hiccup. "Come on, Puppy... câmon, you look so sad with those tear-filled eyes... You gonna make a mess in your good girl or not? Give it to me.â She hissed, almost demanding it. âI want it. Show me.â
Harry really couldnât help it. Her words pushed him over the edge, his hips stuttering as he buried himself deep and let out a low, guttural moan. "F-fuck... Angel..." he choked out, his fingers tightening around her throat as he came hard, his cock pulsing and filling her with his hot cum. Tears spilled over his cheeks as he shook and trembled above her, completely undone by her words and the intensity of the moment. "So good, baby itâs⌠so fucking good..." he was babbling a bit, but he couldnât control it. Sheâd nearly fucked him dumb.
"Itâs so hotâŚâ feeling his load inside of her only made it harder to keep it together. There was nothing more arousing than a man losing it inside of her, unable to wait. âKeep going, just-," she panted out, her body still shaking. "Don't stop, puppy. Keep fucking me and choking me until I cum." Her nails dug into his wrists, holding his hands in place as she arched her back and pushed her hips up to meet his thrusts. "I need it... need to cum so badly... keep going, good boy... make your Angel cum all over you."Â
Her makeup was ruined, her eyeliner smeared and running down her cheeks as she laughed and begged him to keep going. Her hair was a mess, sticks and strands clinging to the sweat-damped skin on her face. Y/N knew she looked utterly wrecked, completely lost in the moment as she rode out the intense pleasure he was giving her, and she didnât care. Her nails scraped against his wrists, leaving red marks as she held his hands in place, keeping his hand choking her as he listened to her. "Don't stop... don't you dare stop.â
"Jesus..." he gasped, his over-sensitive cock still leaking cum inside her as he continued to thrust, dedicated to her demands. He could feel his messy cum leaking out around his length each time he pulled back, creating a wet, lewd sound that only turned him on more. "Look at you... so messy... cum all over your pretty pussy..." He leaned down to kiss her swollen lips, groaning as his hips moved automatically, fucking her deeply. It was intense and he felt the over sensitivity but the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint her. "God, you're fucking destroying me..." The whimper was hoarse, hitting that perfect spot deep inside her again and again.Â
Her inner walls clenched around him, drawing out another desperate moan from him as he felt her getting close. "Cum baby, cum all over me..." He adjusted the angle slightly, pressing harder against that spot, knowing it would send her over the edge. "You're gonna squirt all over me, aren't you? I want you to give it tâme" He tightened his hold on her throat, hoping that extra pressure would help push her over.
His nose pressed against hers, his breath mingling with hers once again as he begged her to cum. "Please, Angel... please cum for me... squirt all over my cock and make a mess of me with your cum..." His voice was raw and desperate, his hips moving in deliberate, deep thrusts as he held her throat and fucked her with precise, calculated movements designed to make her lose control. "I need to see it, baby... need to feel you cumming all over me..." She was right there. He could feel her pulsing around him, bruising up to it. Taking her bottom lip, he bit down.Â
She choked out a loud moan mixed with a scream as she finally gave in, her body convulsing around his over-sensitive dick. She yanked his hair hard and pulled her throbbing lip from his teeth, arching her back and pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts as she let go, squirting hot and sticky all over his lower abdomen and balls. "Fuck, yes... yes... thatâs a good girl!" He praised hoarsely, his fingers flexing around her throat to ease up as he felt her clenching around him. "There you go, baby. Jusâ like that..."
He slowly stilled his movements, still buried deep inside her as he reached up to gently wipe away the smeared makeup from her cheeks as she went through the last of it. "So fucking beautiful," he cooed softly, his thumb brushing over her tear stained skin. "Perfect, messy little Angel..." He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, his other hand resting on her throat without any pressure. "You did so good, baby... took me well." He praised her warmly, his voice filled with the satisfaction he felt.
This was the last place he had realistically thought he would end up today, but itâs his favorite place heâd been in a while.
"Mmm..." Y/N let out a happy, delirious giggle as she wrapped her legs around him, keeping him buried inside her. His forehead rested against hers as they both caught their breath, sharing the same dream, fucked out smile.Â
"Look at us..." he laughed softly, one hand still gently stroking her throat while the other traced patterns on her overheated skin. "Messy makeup, sweaty skin..." He wiggled his hips slightly, making them both giggle. "Both fucking destroyed...
"You're like a wet dream," she giggled softly, her legs tightening around him, making them both let out noises. "One minute you're spanking my ass and being all dominant, next you're choking me and being my sweet little puppy..." She nuzzled his nose with hers, laughing softly. "And now you're all gentle and touchy like you didn't just make me squirt everywhere..."
"Well, I think Iâm multidimensional." He hummed softly, his forehead resting against hers as he listened to her breathe. "You're on the pill, right?" He asked suddenly, his voice curious. "Not that I'm complaining about not pulling out-but I wanna know if I can just..." He wiggled his hips slightly, making her hiss. "You know... stay inside you all the time..." He blushed softly, burying his face in her neck.
âMhm.â She replied, stroking through his sweaty hair. âYou can relax. Mâfine.â It probably wasnât the smartest thing to go at it raw but⌠prevailing circumstances. She didnât regret it. âMâgonna have to sanitize the fuck out of this place now. I still have tâfinish your lineworkâ "Mhm..." He murmured happily, leaning into her touch as her fingers played with his sweaty hair. "Fuck, I'm glad." Pressing a small kiss to her throat, he relaxed a little. "My brains still scrambled from that orgasm, if mâhonest..." He flexed his hips gently, making them both shiver. "But you know what?" He looked up at her with those sweet, vulnerable eyes. "I'll behave real nice while you finish my lines. No squirming..." He grinned innocently. "Promise."
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imperfect for you (joel miller x f!reader)



masterlist | a/n written for @janaispunk's 1500 kisses challenge! i got joel + nose kisses with this lovely moodboard and actually managed to write something!!! believe it or not this started out as a drabble lmao. i hope you like it jana - sorry it's a bit late, and congrats again on your milestone đ¤ summary: you never thought joel miller would accidentally call you baby. warnings: age gap (joel is mid 40s, reader is 23), fluff, very brief instance of blood, tending to a wound, joel is eepy, soft kisses, cuddles word count: 5.5k ao3 dividers by @saradika-graphics
"When's the last time you slept?"
He doesn't bother to grace you with an answer, hands clenched on the steering wheel as you barrel down the vacant stretch of highway back to Lincoln. He's been ignoring you for the past fifteen minutes now, eyes straight ahead, brow furrowed, jaw clenched. But he looks pale, almost sickly, the whites of his knuckles stark against the sudden greenish hue of his skin. The last thing you need is for him to pass out and for the two of you to crash into a damn ditch.
"I'm just saying," you continue with an exasperated sigh, "I could drive the rest of the way, we're almost there."
No reply. You roll your eyes and cross your arms indignantly in the passenger seat, returning his icy demeanor. He's in one of his moods again, the ones only Tess really knows how to handle, but you'd volunteered to try your hand at a supply run in her stead which means she's not here to mediate. You should've known some issue would arise, stubborn Joel inventing problems in typical Joel fashion.
"You could've tried to last at least one more hour pretending to like me," you mutter, loud enough for him to hear. He doesn't say anything.
Almost a year of working with them now, and you still don't understand him. You're not sure you ever will. Tess, she's much easier to understand, much more open to being understood. She'd seen your potential and taken you under her wing, brought you in to help, taught you everything you needed to know about smuggling. And Joel... well, he's a different story.
"You know, Tess thinks I have promise," you continue anyway, expression crumpling into a scowl, "She thinks I can do this. I don't get why you don't."
No answer.
"And don't say it's 'cause I'm a kid, because I'm not. I'm twenty three now, I'm past the point of being called a fucking kid. The shit I've seen in that QZ-" you cut yourself off, shaking your head, "I'm not a kid."
His lack of response is beginning to hurt deeper than you'd really like to admit. You glance over at him again; he's still staring straight ahead, still ignoring your presence. It makes unwanted tears prick in your eyes, nose stinging a little as you peer down at your lap and fold your hands together.
You'd been excited for this supply run, probably against your better judgement. You'd wanted to show him how much you know and understand, how hard you've been working, how you're up to the task. Hoped maybe he'd give you a smile - rare, but not impossible - and tell you that you did good, that he sees potential in you too.
You care what he thinks, almost more than what Tess thinks. And you know why, can sense it deep in the pit of your stomach and in the way your heart stutters when he looks at you, but you're clearly living in a fantasy world if you think he's ever gonna get past whatever this stigma is that he has against your age. She's too young, Tess. She'll get hurt, Tess. She shouldn't be doin' this, Tess. You've heard it all, muffled through closed doors in a dark and damp hallway.
He doesn't want you, and you're not sure how much longer you can go on like this. If he's not willing to change his stance, view you as anything other than an inconvenience...maybe Tess will have to find somebody else to help out.
"I know what I'm doing," you mumble, a tear dribbling down your left cheek, "I just wanna help."
You spare him one more look, fruitlessly hoping that maybe he'll feel bad now that he's made you cry - a childish thought, considering you're trying to make a case for being mature, but you can't help it. You know he's capable of being gentle, of being kind. You've experienced it with him before, quiet moments between the two of you in his apartment while waiting for Tess to return, making small talk, him peering at you with a softness in those brown eyes that have since made frequent appearances in your dreams. Moments where you swear you felt wanted under that gaze, but it must've been in your head, because you certainly don't feel wanted right now.
He doesn't look well, you have to admit. His skin is covered in a sheen of sweat, getting paler by the second, turning an unnatural grey color akin to some of the hair on his head. His eyes are glassy, dark bags settled beneath them that you've noticed getting worse and worse over the past few weeks. You shoot a glance at his hands again and are surprised to see that he's loosened his grip, that his fingers seem to be trembling against the rubber.
"Joel," you say, raising your voice a bit, "Joel, are you okay?"
His lack of response no longer angers you - it worries you. Carefully, you reach over and slowly wrap your hand around his right wrist, eyes trained on his face. At your touch, he finally turns to look at you, almost like he's only just noticed you're even there.
"You say somethin'?" he asks, voice raspy, a bit slurred.
Your grip tightens on his wrist, "I think you should stop the car."
He looks at you curiously, dazedly. It's the expression of a man who's running on two, maybe three hours of sleep in the last few days. You choose your next words carefully, eyes flickering back and forth toward his face and the road that he's suddenly no longer watching.
"Let's slow down a bit," you murmur, thumb stroking gently along his skin - he's warm, warmer than normal - "I'm gonna drive the rest of the way, okay?"
You expect some pushback, an attempt at an argument, but the tiredness is setting in quickly. Without any hesitation he eases his foot off the gas and you hurriedly reach your own leg over into his space to push down on the brake. He doesn't seem to notice the way your bare leg brushes his jeans, the crease in your knee bending over the warmth of his thigh.
"There we go," you say softly, bringing the car to a slow stop. He's still looking at you, eyes unfocused as you carefully lean over a little more to unbuckle his seatbelt. You try to ignore how good he smells, how big he is compared to you, putting all your attention on getting him out of the front seat. You unlock his door and then unbuckle your own belt, hurrying out of the car to his side.
"M'okay," he mumbles as soon as you open his door. You start to help him out, and you think he's becoming a little more aware of the situation now, allowing you to pull him to his feet as you tug open the back door. "What's happenin'?"
"You're just tired," you tell him softly, "It's okay, you can sleep in the back, I'll drive."
"Bill n' Frank's," he says as you lead him the right way, pushing him a little and helping him place his knee down on the seat, "Y'know where it is? You remember?"
"I do," you tell him confidently, your hand coming down to press flat against his back - he's so solid, heat radiating against your palm, "Only twenty minutes away now, I got it. You just sleep."
He doesn't argue; in fact, he makes your job easier by crawling onto the seat and settling down with a low groan, rolling onto his back and breathing deeply. You can't help but let a small smile cross your features, watching as one of his hands comes up to rest atop his belly, the other dangling onto the floor. His eyelashes flutter a little, lips parting, and you're about to shut the door when he speaks again.
"I know you jus' wanna help, baby."
You stand there for a moment just staring at him, confusion racing through your thoughts. Goosebumps rise on your flesh as the last word repeats like a mantra in your head, steady and slow as Joel drifts off. It's only when the door is shut and you're in the front seat that you're able to put some meaning to the words, eyes wide as you stare at the faded lines on the road.
I know what I'm doing, you'd said, I just wanna help.
You leave him in the car when you get to Bill and Frank's, typing in the gate code with a backward glance at his loose form in the backseat. They must see him on one of the security monitors, because as soon as the doors open you spot them sprinting out of the house toward you, a scanner gripped in Bill's hand. Typical.
"He's okay," you tell them as soon as you're out of the car, instantly alleviating their stress, "He's just exhausted, I think he needs to sleep for a little while."
"Understatement of the century," Frank replies with a relieved laugh, eyeing the backseat, "Think we can get him in the house?"
"Just leave him in the car," Bill says with a wave of his hand, already turning to head back towards the house with the scanner hanging out of his pocket, "He'll be fine."
Your gaze meets Frank's and he rolls his eyes, "Come on, baby, let's get him upstairs." Your brows go up at the pet name, the same word that had fallen from Joel's lips only twenty minutes ago, but then Bill is shuffling back over with an annoyed look on his face and you quickly realize he's not talking to you.
Getting Joel out of the car proves to be a lot more difficult than getting him in. You try a gentle approach at first, brushing his arm and stroking his skin with your thumb again like you'd done earlier. You can feel Frank's eyes on you as you squeeze Joel's bicep, his wrist, his thigh, and you pretend you don't see the look that passes between him and Bill as you step out to let them take a turn.
Bill goes for a much more aggressive approach, shaking Joel's shoulders wildly and practically yanking him out of the car. Understandably, Joel wakes with a gasp and kicks his legs out, hand reaching for his pistol as he frantically tries to escape Bill's grasp. Before he can grab it though, he's suddenly falling forward, knees buckling as he faceplants onto the pavement beside the car.
Well, that certainly wakes him up. His hands press into the gravel and his head shoots up, blood trickling down his nose as he peers up at the three of you, stunned.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Bill," Frank groans.
"That was not my fault."
Ignoring them, you kneel down and gently touch Joel's shoulder, a concerned look on your face as you eye the splattered blood on the ground, "Fuck, are you okay?"
"What in the hell is goin' on?" he groans, turning to look at you, "Did Bill just break my fuckin' nose?"
"Don't be dramatic," Bill barks, spinning on the spot and heading into the house, "Shoulda just left you in the car."
Joel starts scrambling after him, rising up and standing on wobbly legs, hand reaching for his pistol once again. You and Frank grab him before he can do anything, both of you taking an arm and holding him back.
"Joel, you're exhausted," you tell him quickly, utilizing all your strength, "You just need to lay down. Please."
He turns his face to look at you and something flutters in your chest when you catch the way his eyes soften, the anger in his expression fading as he acknowledges your presence. You can vaguely make out Frank watching the two of you in your periphery, but you try your best to ignore it, instead opting to give Joel a reassuring smile.
"Let's just get you cleaned up, okay?"
You're grateful that Frank leaves you alone with Joel to tend to his nose. You've only met him a handful of times, but each time he'd somehow been able to clock the way you interact with Joel, the way you look at him. The last time you'd been here he'd subtly pulled you aside to give you a few words of wisdom.
"You do realize he's extremely unavailable, right?"
"I- I don't know what you're talking about."
He'd smiled, tapped his nose and given you a knowing look, "And I don't just mean because of Tess. That man is emotionally constipated, kiddo. He's an island." He'd laughed then at your confused expression, shaking his head, "Just be careful, s'all I'm saying."
You'd gone to walk away, forget the conversation even happened, when he'd softly called after you:
"And I'm pretty sure Tess would hang your head on her wall."
You think of those words now as you stand in front of Joel in the small bathroom off the landing, lip between your teeth as you eye the cut on his nose. It isn't broken, thank fuck, but you can see some dirt and gravel in there that you need to clean out.
"It's not broken," you tell him softly. He's sitting on the edge of the bath tub, peering up at you with a much more alert expression. The fall definitely woke him up, not to mention the choice words he and Bill had thrown at each other as you and Frank helped him up the stairs. He's still exhausted though, and he needs to rest.
"I know it's not," he grumbles, "Just wanted to give Bill a piece of my mind for once."
You laugh softly as you reach for the damp cloth beside you, bringing it up to carefully pat it against the gash on the bridge of his nose. You can feel his eyes on you, watching and assessing as you do your best to wipe the area clean.
"I can do that myself," he murmurs.
"I just wanna help," you say quietly, and your eyes fall to his in a knowing glance. He doesn't seem to remember though, just nods and lets you carry on.
It's rare for you to be this alone with him. And by that, you mean this far from Tess. You're painfully aware that it would be impossible for her to walk in at any moment, to see the way you're standing over him, touching him. Frank's words from last time echo in your head but you're not quite sure you believe them; would she really be that angry if she knew how you felt about Joel? It's not like he'd return it, right? The man is twenty years your senior and, as Frank said, extremely unavailable. Not to mention Tess and Joel's relationship has been a point of confusion to you for a year now, still unsure exactly what they are to each other - would she really care?
You reach for the antiseptic - one of the many perks of having an injury in a supply house - and carefully dab some onto the cloth. Your hand trembles a bit as you reach up to carefully hold Joel's chin, your thumb getting lost in his greying beard.
"You haven't shaved in a while," you breathe, your eyes meeting his, and you wonder if you've already crossed a line by even noticing.
He doesn't seem to mind though, sighing deeply, "I haven't slept in a while, so let's hurry this up," he eyes the cloth, "Don't gotta warn me, just do it."
His words bring you back to the present, and you slowly ease the cloth down onto his cut. He hisses a bit, a normal reaction, but it only takes a few seconds to clean and then you're already reaching for a bandage, reluctantly letting go of his chin.
"I was worried about you, before. In the car," you tell him softly, unpeeling the adhesive, "Why haven't you been sleeping?"
His eyes fall to the floor, "I just don't sleep good. Never have."
"Is there anything I can do?"
He shrugs, gives you a humorless laugh, "Handful o' pills and a couple sips o' whiskey usually does the trick."
It makes sense, then, why these past few weeks he's seemed worse. It's been longer than usual since your last supply run and the three of you had started running out of vital supplies over a week ago now, not only for buyers but for yourselves. Joel had written whiskey near the top of the latter list, along with hydromorphone which he'd underlined several times.
"You should've told me you weren't feeling well," you murmur, applying the bandage carefully, "I could've driven the whole way."
"Could've, should've," he dismisses you with a grunt, "Doesn't matter now, does it? We got here, that's what counts."
You linger a little longer than you should on the bandage, thumb falling to gently trace the crease of his nose as you assess your work. It might scar, but it feels pointless to voice this - he already has so many, scattered across his face and neck like confetti. It hurts a little, knowing he's been through so much, seeing the evidence written all over him.
"My mom had this superstition," you tell him softly, a smile playing at your lips as you trace one of the scars under his eye, soft and delicate, "Whenever I got hurt, skinned my knee or busted my elbow playing, she'd bandage me up and then kiss it. She said a kiss would seal her love in there, keep me safe and protected. And if it scarred, that meant it worked."
He blinks at you, expression faltering a bit, "That's...that's a nice thought."
You shake your head, "It's silly, and not true. But... but I still do it anyway, even though she's gone. Just in case," you bite your lip, "I mean, who doesn't wanna feel a little more safe? A little more protected?"
Your gazes lock, and neither of you seem to move, caught in the stillness of the moment and the way your thumb is still stroking his face. You know you have limited time, maybe a few seconds before he breaks it, so without much thought at all you lean down and lightly press your lips to the bandage, eyes closed.
He inhales sharply, a sound that triggers butterflies in your tummy as you hold your mouth against his nose, soft and sweet. It's the closest you've ever been to him, even if you're kissing gauze and not skin - you can still feel the warmth radiating from him, sense the way he freezes below you. A squeaking sound pierces the silence, his hand squeezing the edge of the bath tub tightly. It startles you, your eyes blinking open as you pull back to look at him.
His cheeks are tinged pink, eyelids heavy as he peers up at you with slow blinks.
"You're tired," you breathe, unable to stop your hand from flitting to his hair, pushing a little behind his ear, "Let's get you to bed."
The Joel Miller in Bill and Frank's guest room is not the Joel Miller you thought you knew.
This Joel is loose, pliant. He lets you lead him into the bedroom with a hand on his back, lets you carefully turn him on the spot to reach up and undo the buttons on his flannel. Frank had told you on your way up to make sure Joel didn't get blood on the sheets, so you're only following orders, only doing what you were told.
"Sorry," you murmur softly, fingers shaking every so often as they toy with the buttons, sticky with his blood. Joel doesn't seem to notice though, retreating more and more into the sleepy state he'd been in earlier.
Once his flannel is off you assess his t-shirt and jeans, and you're not sure how to feel about the fact that they didn't get dirty in the fall. On the other hand, though, you're not sure you'd have been brave enough to take them off. Instead you help him toward the bed, pull back the sheets and carefully push him ahead.
"There you go," you whisper, helping him under the covers and pulling the blankets back over him. The sun is streaming through the window, casting the golden light of early evening across the bed, and while it's quite beautiful you shut the curtains anyway, knowing he'll sleep better in darkness. When you turn back around, he's already fallen asleep, lips parted, face peaceful. A different man.
You don't linger, even though you want to.
It's around ten o'clock when you decide to check on him again. You'd watched a movie with Bill and Frank, feeling more than a little unwelcome as Bill tossed you a few dirty looks every so often, though Frank repeatedly told you to ignore him. Now they're in bed downstairs while you pad from your own room across the hall to Joel's, turning the knob carefully. The hinges squeak a little as you open it and you wince.
"Who's there?" you hear Joel grumble from the bed. So much for just taking a peek.
"Me, just me." You push the door wider and walk inside, eyebrows going up when Joel turns on the bedside lamp. He seems a little more rested, although you know he still needs a full night's sleep. "I sent a message to Tess through the radio to let her know we're not coming back tonight - well, Frank did. Picked a song called Tomorrow or something like that."
"Hope it was the Johnny Mathis version," he mumbles, and you watch as he brings his hands up to rub across his face. He accidentally dismantles the bandage and you step forward without really thinking, hurrying to his side and reaching down to fix it.
His hand comes up to grab yours and you freeze in place.
"I can do it," he says, giving you a curt look and then releasing your hand to adjust the gauze himself.
Well, you suppose lax and sleepy Joel couldn't stick around forever. You stand awkwardly by the side of the bed, toying with the edge of the blanket as he rubs his eyes and sits up a little, leaning back against the headboard. He looks so much older in this light; you can see the little flecks of grey in his beard and hair that have been starting to get more noticeable lately, the crows feet, the wrinkles.
He's so handsome.
He turns to look at you with a frown, as if he's only just realizing what you said, "We can go back tonight, I'm fine."
"You're not and you know it. Besides, it's already past ten and now I'm tired, I won't be able to drive."
"I can drive."
"Joel," you surprise yourself by sitting down on the edge of the bed, narrowing your brow as you give him a serious look, "You can't drive. You almost fucking killed us both."
"No I-"
"Yes you did," your tone is firm, suddenly angry - are you angry? - "If I hadn't been talking to you, if I hadn't noticed something was wrong, you would've driven us off the damn road."
He goes quiet at that, frown deepening, the lines on his face more prominent in the low lamplight. You sigh, eyes falling to rest on where your hand is settled on the bed, only inches from his. Part of you wants to reach out and touch, feel the warmth of his skin, the rough of his palm - the other part decides to do something even more stupid.
"You called me baby."
It's out of your mouth before you've even really acknowledged it, and once the words have tumbled out you know there's no taking them back. Your gaze snaps back up to his, slightly surprised to see that he doesn't seem very shocked by your admission.
He clears his throat a little, averting his gaze and shuffling a bit under the covers, "Did I?"
You think maybe he'll say something else - anything else - but he doesn't. God, it really is like pulling teeth with him; he's so fucking beautiful but so impossible, never being able to expand on something unless prompted, never being able to answer a single question without jerking you around first. How the fuck has Tess managed to deal with it for so long?
The thought of Tess sends a wave of guilt through your body, Frank's words echoing in your head, but you shove it down.
"What made you... I mean why..." your voice is soft, apprehensive and shy in the quiet of the bedroom, "why'd you call me baby?"
A beat of silence. Then-
"Don't ask me that."
The mood has shifted, your sudden anger ebbing and his annoyance fading into something else, something on the brink of being real. He's avoiding your eyes, peering at the window with the curtains drawn and tapping his fingers anxiously against the mattress, so close to your hand. He's nervous; you're making him nervous.
You stay silent, hoping he'll speak again, hoping maybe just this one time he'll tell you what he's thinking.
"I don't know why."
The words are barely a whisper, almost like he's telling you a secret, and he leaves them hanging in the air briefly before amending - "Well," he sighs and finally looks at you, an emotion you can't place crossing his features, "that's not true. But... I didn't mean - fuck, I was passin' out, for Christ's sake, I didn't realize-"
He cuts himself off again, raising his hand up to press his fingers to the bridge of his nose, briefly forgetting the bandage. He winces when he comes in contact with the gauze, "Can I take this off? It's drivin' me fuckin' crazy."
"Let me do it," you say quietly, inching forward on the bed and reaching for his face. He flinches when you go to touch him, and your hand freezes mid-air.
"Sorry," he mutters, shaking his head like he's shaking off a sensation, a chill, "Go ahead."
With careful - and slightly trembling - fingers, you remove the bandage from his nose. It looks much better than before, no fresh blood in sight, and you suppose it's okay for him to keep it uncovered for the night. Without really thinking about it you gently thumb the side of his nose just shy of the cut, the tips of your other fingers brushing against his cheek.
"It's not too bad," you murmur, and before you know it you're suddenly cupping his jaw, feeling the weight of it in your palm. Your gaze falls to his lips, your thoughts going a mile a minute.
You realize you're close enough that you could kiss him, if you really wanted to. If he really wanted to. All it would take is one small movement, one little push from the both of you, one leap of faith...
And then he whispers your name, almost a warning, and it's like his thoughts are mirroring yours - like he can see exactly what you're picturing, wishing for. Your eyes meet his and you feel a flutter in your stomach when you see the way he's looking at you, a quiet hunger hidden in the deep brown.
You decide to test the waters. You lean in and softly press another kiss to his nose, this time without the gauze in the way. Just like you'd thought, his skin is hot under your lips, soft but scarred, and his smell - god, he smells so masculine and safe, invading your senses as your lips trail downwards to press a small kiss to his cupid's bow, then another to the corner of his mouth. It's sharp, prickly from his scruff, but it doesn't bother you in the slightest - in fact, you kind of like the dull pain, the way it grounds you, keeps you in the moment.
"Baby," he whispers, and a soft little whine falls from your lips without meaning to as your lips move to ghost across his mouth, going for another kiss - a real kiss.
He pulls away before you get there, but then his hand comes up to touch your face, big and wide. He holds you like you're precious, small. His baby.
"S'not right," he whispers, though his thumb strokes your cheek soothingly, "S'not okay for me to want you like that."
You close your eyes at his touch, breathing deeply, "But you do."
"Yeah, I do," you hear him murmur, "You know I do."
"For how long?"
He doesn't respond right away, just continues to stroke your cheek, hold what feels like all of you in his warm palm. You tilt your head a bit to the side, eyes fluttering open to look at him again. You catch the way his lips turn up a little at the movement.
"Too damn long," he sighs, "But that don't... that's not..." he brings his other hand up to cup the other side of your face, holding you still as he peers at you in earnest, brow furrowed, "Point is, we shouldn't... you shouldn't be out here alone with me. Tess knows how I-" he cuts himself off again, and you can see now how difficult it is for him to communicate like this, to be open and honest, "I told her it wasn't a good idea."
He laughs lightly, thumbs circling the apples of your cheeks, "'Cause look where we ended up." He swallows, eyes falling to your lips, "Look where you are right now, baby. Look where my damn hands are for cryin' out loud."
"Keep calling me baby," you breathe, a desperation in your voice that betrays your emotions, tears pricking in your eyes as the weight of this conversation comes crashing down around you. He wants you - he's always wanted you. His words to Tess about not wanting to put you in danger, wanting you to stay away, those soft looks you've shared in his apartment, the small talk, all of it - it's because he wants you.
"We can't do this," he murmurs, leaning in to press his forehead to yours, eyes closing, "I can't do this, you're so- you're too-" he groans, fingers digging into your hair, "You're so young, baby."
"I don't care," you whine, butting your head forward to chase his lips, suddenly yearning to be kissed and held and protected by him, be wrapped in his embrace.
But he pulls away, removing his hands from your face and shuffling back a bit on the bed, away from you. Your hand drops but you reach out pathetically for him anyway, moving closer, attempting to pull the covers back. His hands capture yours and he squeezes them firmly, shaking his head.
"You need to go back to your room," he tells you, and his tone has changed from soft to serious, "It's late and I'm... well, you know I'm fuckin' exhausted. And you've had a long day." He looks at you with pleading eyes, like he's silently begging for you not to put him in this situation, "Let's just call it a night, okay?"
"But-" you start, tears shining in your eyes.
"Please," he breathes, "Please don't make this harder than it needs to be."
You do not want to get up from his bed. But you do.
You do not want to leave his room. But you do.
You do not want to lie awake in your own bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how his hands felt on your face, the way his eyes searched yours, the way his skin felt under your lips.
But you do.
You lie there for hours, thumbs twiddling against your belly, tears trickling down your cheeks every so often. All you can hear in your mind over and over again is the word Baby, punctuated by that soft groan he'd made, the way his thumbs had stroked your cheeks, how large and warm and safe he'd seemed in that bed.
All you want to do is be in that bed with him.
So it's no surprise when, as the sun is beginning to rise and that warm golden light starts to stream through your window, you crawl out from under your blankets and cross the hall one more time.
"We shouldn't" he murmurs when you climb into bed with him, when you tuck yourself into his side and bury your face in his shoulder, but his hands are already in your hair, fingers stroking along the back of your head.
Your bodies mold together like they've always been meant to fit that way, your legs tangled with his, arms trapped under big biceps and hairy forearms, breasts flush with his suddenly bare chest.
"I wanna be your baby," you whisper.
The nose you'd kissed brushes slowly up and down the side of your face, and he doesn't hesitate this time. He reaches up to turn your head, presses his lips against yours and lets you melt into him. Lets you trail your hand downward to unbutton his jeans in the silence of the early morning.
"You already are."
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"Shadows and sparks"
Xaden Riorson x reader
Request + Blurb: Could I request first year reader constantly getting on Xaden's nerves and pushing his buttons until the reader sees Violet and Xaden making out one night and suddenly reader stops interacting with Xaden, which drives him crazy? wc: 5.7 â NO SPOILERS FOR THE EMPYREAN SERIES. No specific pronous used, i think.
My first request! thank you so, so much lovely! <3
Masterlist â Dragon guide â Star's story â Empyrean guide â Support me
It had been weeks of trying to get my sword swing right. With daggers, I was skilledâextremely skilledâbut swords were a different story. They were heavier, harder to handle. So, Iâd started asking Xaden for help.
For the last few weeks, Xaden had been working with me, but it never seemed like he actually wanted to. That thought alone filled me with insecurity.
Today, I had one of those rare moments as a first year where I had nothing on my schedule. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to get in some extra training.
But for that, I needed Xaden.
Lucky me, he just happened to be in the training room, his friend Garrick not far off. Both of them were clearly caught up in their own routines.
I hesitated for a moment before slowly making my way over to him, sword in hand. I always doubted myself when asking for his help. Sure, he did help, but it never felt like he actually enjoyed it. Maybe he only did it because Iâm a marked one.
âHeyâŚâ I said quietly, my voice barely audible. I swallowed hard, steeling myself before trying again. âWould you mind helping me with that swing? I think I almost have it.â I tried to sound casual, throwing in a touch of friendliness for good measure.
He stopped mid-movement and turned toward me, his cold eyes locking onto mine. Yep, definitely annoyed.
I sucked in a deep breath. âJust a momentâŚplease?â I tried again, my tone softer this time.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair before letting it fall to his side. He dropped his sword. âJust a moment,â he said, his voice as sharp and cutting as the blade in my hand.
Xaden was always the same when he gave instructionsâsharp, and to the point. Even after the session ended and he stepped off the mat, he didnât soften. No goodbye, no comment on what I should work on. It was strangeâhe always had something to say, some correction to offer for next time.
Not today. Today, I had officially pushed all his buttons and that made me feel horrible.
Later that night, about an hour before curfew, I wandered through the massive halls of the Riders Quadrant. With the freezing months settling in, a nice hot drink seemed like a good idea.
I turned toward the courtyard when I heard voicesâtwo of them. A man and a woman.
âWeâll both regret it,â the man said, his tone low and laced with frustration.
NoâŚwait. Thatâs Xadenâs voice.
âNaturally,â the woman replied, her voice calm and familiar. Violet Sorrengail.
As quietly as I could, I moved toward the edge of the wall. I peeked around the corner, but I immediately wished I hadnât.
Violet and Xaden. Kissing.
I bit my lip. No, it wasnât just kissingâshe was practically climbing him.
I stepped back from the wall, sucking in a shaky breath to stop myself from trembling.
I never felt anything romantic for Xadenâor at least thatâs what I told myself. He was helpful, even when he never seemed to want to be. But seeing them togetherâŚit hurt more than I expected.
It's probably better this way. If i don't talk to him, i won't have to face the humuliation of knowing he chose someone else.
The urge to look again, to confirm what Iâd seen, was huge. But I knew what I saw. No need to make it worse.
It had been five days since I last spoke to Xadenâor more accurately, since I started avoiding him. The ache in my chest hadnât eased, no matter how much I tried to bury it.
I spent most of my free time practicing. Training felt like the only way to get him out of my head, though it never worked completely.
It was nearly dark, the training room clearing out as the hours ticked by. I swung my sword again, harder this time, pouring my frustration into each movement.
âUse that much force, and youâll cut your own head off.â
I froze at the sharp voice behind me.
Taking a deep breath, I turned to face Xaden. You can do this, I told myself.
âI donât recall asking your opinion,â I said, keeping my tone neutral as I buried my emotions.
He raised a brow, the scarred one. âYou asked me to teach you,â he argued, his voice just as sharp.
âDo you think I donât notice you slipping out of every room I walk into? Avoiding me like Iâve done something wrong?â He steps closer, his voice low and cutting. âTell me what I did.â
I scoffed and turned back toward my mat, but before I could pick up my sword, his hand wrapped around my wrist.
âLet go,â I said through gritted teeth, trying to pull away.
âNo,â he said firmly. âNot until you tell me why youâve been avoiding me. And donât lieâwe both know you have.â
His grip didnât loosen, but his tone softened slightly, the sharp edge still unmistakable.
âI donât get involved in relationship drama,â I replied sarcastically, giving him a pointed look.
His frown deepened. âWhat does that have to do with anything?â
âYou and Violet,â I said, raising a brow. âIâm not getting between that mess.â
His grip finally loosened, and he stepped back, confusion flickering across his face.
âViolet and I are notâŚthat is notâweâre not together,â he said sharply.
âShe climbed you like a tree five nights ago,â I deadpanned, meeting his gaze head-on.
For a moment, he just stared at me. Then, to my shock, a grin spread across his faceâwider than Iâd ever seen.
âYouâre jealous,â he said, his tone almost teasing.
âExcuse me?â I shot back, taken aback. âI assure you, I am not jealous. I just refuse to be part of a mess.â
He stepped closer, and I instinctively backed into the wall. His hands came up, caging me in.
âI assure you,â he said softly, his voice dropping lower, âthereâs nothing between Violet and me. What you saw was her first time experiencing the mating bond between our dragons.â
I opened my mouth to respond, but he beat me to it.
âSurprisingly, I only have eyes for you.â
My breath hitched, his words catching me completely off guard. âYou donât show it,â I managed to say after a moment. "All youâve ever done is push me away.â
His brows furrowed, frustration flickering across his face. âBecause I canât think straight when youâre around. Youâre stubborn, infuriating, and you have no idea what youâre doing to me.â
He sighed, the softness in his expression almost foreign. âItâs difficult to teach you when all I want to do is kiss you.â
Excuse me? There is no way that this man just admitted that. The usual cold, emotionless man that I had been stupidly falling for did not just admit to want to kiss me.
"what?" I whisper out, not trusting my voice to talk any louder or say anything else.
One of his hands cup my face and I can feel my cheeks flush. "All I want to do is kiss you." He repeats, his voice is just as confident as before.
I think for a moment before I speak again. "Then why don't you?" The question is soft and I can barely even finish it as his mouth crashes on mine.
The kiss is rough, just as I expected from this man. His hand on my face tightens and his other hand goes to my waist. He squeezes my waist softly as the kiss deepens.
Gods, this man.
After a few more seconds he pulls away, leaving my breathless as I lean against the wall.
"That was..." I start breathless. "Perfect," he finishes for me. A smile creeps up my face, I can feel my body heat up more every second.
"yeah....yeah, it was perfect," I repeat and I lift my eyes to his. He seems to be feeling the heat to.
"we can finish what we started in my room." He proposes and my eyes widen slightly-- not in fear, no, in anticipation.
I nod my face quickly. "Yeah sounds amazing. Sounds perfect." I say with a smile. He gives me a grin.
"Let's go then." He says grabbing my hand.
#xaden x reader#xaden riorson x reader#xaden riorson#fourth wing#iron flame#onyx storm#the empyrean#bodhi durran#brennan x star#brennan sorrengail x reader#mira sorrengail#violet sorrengail#brennan sorrengail#fen riorson#garrick tavis x reader#liam mairi#bodhi durran x reader#emprean story
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