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Why is this still going on
Guys among all this craziness let’s not forget the DIRECT attacks Trump is throwing at us during our own month.
“Trump administration rolls back Obama-era transgender health care protections“ aka he wants to end the laws protecting transgender people from facing discrimination in the health care system.
“Trump admin to Supreme Court: Let adoption agencies reject LGBTQ families” aka let adoptions center deny and not allow gay couples to adopt children because “free exercise of religion!”
Why is NO ONE talking about this? This is a problem and needs attention!
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I can’t wait to read about this juicy drama. The guy is just so uninformed, racist, uneducated, entitled, a con artist, and below the status of a cockroach 🤮 • Trump is 🗑 , we know it. He’s still the spoiled boy with just wrinkled skin. Some people don’t change, they just get older. • #trumpistrash #trumpsucks #trumpneedstogo #getridoftrump #thief #conartist #opportunist #disgusting #votehimout #lockhimup (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8CQLZDCmU/?igshid=1mb65fqtx7z9b
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He just keeps making history... More content at: YouTube.com/AnMaxProductions #trumpneedstogo #election2020 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHbpHmOnQ9F/?igshid=1tgex2t3uuwf3
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Thank you for coming out today to support the #blacklivesmatter movement!!!! We didn’t get a photo of everyone (sorry!) but it was so good to see friends both old and new, too! This dog loving group wants equality for all and end systemic racism in this country. We need policy changes in this country. We need to take care of our Black community right now. What a beautiful day for a pack walk. Thank you for wearing face coverings and understanding all the doggie needs. The puppers were so good! Also special shout to #oasalum pups Nena, Norbu and Tuba!!! 🖤🐾 #defendblacklives #defundthepolice #voteouttrump #trumpneedstogo #pibblesforblm (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBq6pSrAVOz/?igshid=1go9fln9ctgws
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Fuck you Trump song! 😂EVERYBODY SING!
When you hear the sound of trump's voice, don’t you get too scared.
Just grab your anti trump buddy, and say these magic words:
Fuck you, trump! You can suck my dick!
You can’t get me, trump, because you are just God’s fart!
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👊 🤦 🤔 I'm Still Wondering Why His Wife Is Still Laying In The Same 🛌 With This Him #women ? 1. IF YOU WAS MARRIED TO DONALD TRUMP AT THIS POINT WOULD YOU LEAVE HIM BEHIND ALL THIS BULLSHIT ( YES OR NO ) 2. WOULD YOU SPEAK UP AGAINST HIM FOR BEING WRONG IN PUBLIC BASHING WOMEN ( YES OR NO ) ✋ Is She #americawantstoknow #womanhater #womanbasher #trumpaintshit #whydoweneedthis #notagainplease #dontvotefordonaldtrump #fuckdonaldtrump #trumpneedssomeactright #trumpneedstogo #trumpisaracist #trumpiscrazy #womenagainsttrump #impeachthemotherfucker #gethimoutnow https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UXS2jAdVS/?igshid=1rf1862y2786o
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Truth. Trump is an evil POS. #makedonalddrumpfagain #trumpneedstogo #mangomussolinipresident
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#Trumpneedstogo #Donaldtrump #donthecon ❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9GqjrhKGH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j8k7kcefdaux
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I finally got my very own copy of this juicy book “Too much and never enough” from Donald Trump’s niece, Mary L. Trump. • I picked it up yesterday, read a little bit on my way home, and it seems to be full of revealing information about the Trump clan and the Toddler Pseudo President 🙄👎🏽 • Let’s see what else is in there 📖😱 • #trumpistrash #trumpsucks #trumpneedstogo #getridoftrump #thief #conartist #opportunist #disgusting #votehimout #lockhimup #maryltrump #toomuchandneverenough #toomuchandneverenoughisjuicy #thetrumpfamily #thetrumpclan #thetrumps #pseudopresident #dangerousman (at Barnes & Noble) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDP9E4djJJH/?igshid=1agl7z791pkxj
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#ROTFLMAO😂😂😂😂😂 #LOL😂😂😂😂😂 #PutinsBitch #TrumpNeedsToGo #TrumpIsAnAsshole #TheWall #RogerWaters #TrumpIsAnIdiot #CrazyPrez
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I think #idiottrump needs to talk to someone. Can anyone say... Coo coo, coocoo? #noontrump #trumpneedstogo #fakepresident #impeachtrump #erikcooper84 (at Payson, Illinois)
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There’s a 4chan raid going on now. In case you weren’t aware.
They’re posting gore and offensive “le maymays” in popular tags right now. These are the tumblrs that are participating, feel free to block and/or report:
acidddtrip anonlovetoannoy beautifulangelchaos brianpeterson25 chrisstytornado cute-girlys donaldtrumpsvagina-2 face-palmtree feminist-against-donald-trump fluidhood foxtrot-kilo-charlie gamergal21 genderequality-83 gloriouskittyninja lenadunhamnist littleboy69420 lucidboyo lynnvpbbb m3at1smurd3r misstransvalentine nekoluv1412 proudfeminist1 releasethetaken sillylovedream sonamyfan911 stopallhate stoptherape43 super-holy-field-trebuchet-blog theslitheringfemenist twoxchromosomes unitedwestandagainstpatriarchy womanaginstislamophobia women-for-right-justice alt-right-knight cute-girlys equalityemily feministfroguniverse fluidfran ilovepocbbcs kawa-pinktulips misstransvalentine thefunsizefeminist theholyq trumpneedstogo
#signal boost#giveanip#feminism#downwith4chan#swallowyourprivilege#4chan4shame#feminist frequency#MarchagainstTrump#NoProofofHitler#howknowifsomeoneisnotjew#lenadunhamdidnothingwrong#downwithwhites#punchfascism#4chanisagainstqueerright#bloggingagainst4chan#feminist#lgbt#feministsagainst4chan#femsVS4chan#imstillwithher#agenderforeachleg#nationalwomensday#agenderforeachflap
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People y’all need to block and report
There’s a raid going on right now. People are posting gore and racism in various tags related to cartoons and feminism. I have a list of people who need to be blocked. It will be growing constantly as this develops. Shoot me an ask if you found one that isn’t on this list.
It’s under a read more so that anyone who views the list only sees the most up-to-date version.
Here’s the list so far:
fucktorracatthenigger (they actually got mad enough lmao)
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Breaks my heart 💔💔💔 something needs to be done ! #Trumpneedstogo #weneedchange
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Wow no matter what it going to continue #trumpneedstogo (at Laurel, Maryland)
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