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edudenali · 5 years ago
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I can’t wait to read about this juicy drama. The guy is just so uninformed, racist, uneducated, entitled, a con artist, and below the status of a cockroach 🤮 • Trump is 🗑 , we know it. He’s still the spoiled boy with just wrinkled skin. Some people don’t change, they just get older. • #trumpistrash #trumpsucks #trumpneedstogo #getridoftrump #thief #conartist #opportunist #disgusting #votehimout #lockhimup (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8CQLZDCmU/?igshid=1mb65fqtx7z9b
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sjerzgirl · 6 years ago
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#noh8 #stopnazis #getridoftrump #whitesupremacy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw5obOkh6kt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1afnhs1cw0agv
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hashtagslingingslasher · 5 years ago
Look guys, I normally let people be when it comes to decisions on politics. We all have our own methods and I can’t claim to be all knowing. But this term? This term has been a train wreck mixed with a mine collapse, an underground flood, and earthquake all at once in terms of how destructive he has been. I  don’t care who you vote for on this ballot and I don’t care why except to point out that the only reason things haven’t gotten EVEN WORSE, is because right when this ramped up was an election year. Trump paused because he doesn’t have complete control YET. He is angling for it and using the hard times as an excuse. When you vote, DO NOT PICK HIM; he will do everything he wants, but not what we as a democratic and free people want.
I just read the line “President Donald Trump also indicated that federal squads would likely target cities run by the party that opposes him” in a real-life news article and I’m just thinking about how people really thought Democrats were overreacting in 2016 and that we should “give him a chance”
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haroldgeorge · 4 years ago
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I checked out my #timehop today and found that I had drawn #donaldtrump four years ago (or at least a quick sketch of him). I think it was for an episode of #thefunnicks that I never published. This was when I had thoughts of publishing the comic strip on Webtoons. That dream came and went. Today, I host the Funnicks in my @blulinescomics account. If you wanna check them out, then follow @blulinescomics and/or #sundayfunnicks hashtag to keep up to date. Oh yeah, the last time I posted a trump piece I lost like 40 followers. Let’s see how many I lose this time. 🤪 🚫 If you want to support my #youtubechannel, please consider subscribing. Two ways to subscribe: To subscribe, you can: 1️⃣ Type this on your browser bit.ly/haronetwork or... 2️⃣ Click the link in my bio, tap the "RED" button. ❌ #sketchbookdrawings #haroldgeorgeart #haroldgeorge #harostyle #haroartist #blulinescomics #toonplace #drawwatuwant #sketchtimewithharo #indiecomics #getridoftrump #toonskwad #drawingonyoutube #trumpdrawing #comicstrips #politicalcartoon #youtubeartist #comicartwork #byetrump #goodbyetrump #comicfan #trumpmemes #nomoretrump #bidenharris2020 #trumpmustgo (at Haro's Corner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHngTuEMkiE/?igshid=1n7x2xmkwdg4w
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itsdaxix · 5 years ago
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I can't wait for the moment when we can go back to normal and be able to release my album with you guys in real life. Out on August 31st.
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cobbscreations · 5 years ago
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Red white and blue Eagle 🦅 head. Let me know what you think. #illustrator #photoshop #eagle #art #digitalart #digitalartist #bird #america #usa #vote #getridoftrump #merica #baldeagle #freedom #independent #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #usa🇺🇸 #staredown #birdofprey #americanbaldeagle #cobbscreations #countryoverparty #getoutandvote2020🇺🇸 #voteforchange #vote2020 #electionsarecoming #dontfailyourfellowamericans https://www.instagram.com/p/CDpG-9VHEq7/?igshid=qzomuyo7f9g
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kamiartist9 · 5 years ago
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Use your platforms to remind folks to go vote!!🗳 It’s a matter of life or death important!! Because we don’t want & can’t have another 4 years of this sh*t!! VOTE!! #vote #VoteTheRacistsOut #VoteBiden #blacklivesmatter #doyourresearch #anonymous #takeyourkneeoffmyneck #allhandsondeck #saytheirnames #justice #vote2020 #Biden #GetRidofTrump #breonnataylor #ahmaudarbery #georgefloyd #dotherightthing #stopkillingblackpeople Posted @withregram • @monkeydoodling #govote #blacklivesmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8CrsIJYYN/?igshid=zkghywdyai2h
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animalfactsnmore · 5 years ago
Lol this is what the US needs to do for the election of 2020!!!
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apartyofone · 8 years ago
From suspected to guilty
I suspected Trump was racist. Tonight he confirmed this. If anyone can possibly still support this man, I both pity and abhor you.
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edudenali · 5 years ago
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I finally got my very own copy of this juicy book “Too much and never enough” from Donald Trump’s niece, Mary L. Trump. • I picked it up yesterday, read a little bit on my way home, and it seems to be full of revealing information about the Trump clan and the Toddler Pseudo President 🙄👎🏽 • Let’s see what else is in there 📖😱 • #trumpistrash #trumpsucks #trumpneedstogo #getridoftrump #thief #conartist #opportunist #disgusting #votehimout #lockhimup #maryltrump #toomuchandneverenough #toomuchandneverenoughisjuicy #thetrumpfamily #thetrumpclan #thetrumps #pseudopresident #dangerousman (at Barnes & Noble) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDP9E4djJJH/?igshid=1agl7z791pkxj
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lilyculture · 8 years ago
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#resist #impeachhimnow #getridoftrump
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emilyiannielli · 8 years ago
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I think Donald Trump's slogan of "Make America Great Again" is FAKE and actually should read "Make America and the World Suffer through lies and deceptions and undermining our democracy and freedoms" When is the government going to step up and rid us of Trump and his entire administration? This is beyond ridiculous already and America under Trump is seen as a side show and he's viewed as a dictator who will hurt America and the world! Wake up America and get rid of Trump and his cronies already before it's too late and the damage is already done as we've already seen negative implications of his highly charged and controversial orders! #impeachment #impeachtrump #republicans #democrats #getridoftrump #savesocialsecurity #trumpsinsane #trumpsdangerous
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I miss obama. But the hypocrisy these days is unbelievable
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apartyofone · 8 years ago
I’ve posted way too much stuff here about the madman in the Oval Office.
And I spend way too much time worrying about what he’s doing to our country, and the perception of our nation by our friends - and foes - around the world. This man has done more damage in the past 5 months in office than I can even bear to think about. 
He is that slow moving train wreck that you can’t take your eyes off of. His words and deeds are equally repugnant.
Today marks a new low, where the bar is already nearly scraping the ground. He attacked an MSNBC news hostess in a grotesque and disgusting tweet. The reaction has been fast and furious. Even a few in the GOP are calling him out. Far too many of them are silent - and therefore complicit.
Which brings me to the point of this post: I’ll say it here - and everywhere else where it’s appropriate:
If you continue to support Donald J. Trump in his role as our leader, you’ve lost all of my respect and interest in knowing you as a person. I will write you off as a sane, functioning human being. 
Get the fuck out of my life.
This is not about replaying the 2016 election. This is not about Hillary or anything other than what he is and does. 
A few months ago I posted that I understood why some people had voted for Trump. They were terrified, almost without hope. Like all con men before him, Trump over promised.
And now he’s over delivering. 
Not on his campaign promises. But on being exactly the man I always knew he was:
Completely and utterly insane.
So now there’s just no excusing the actions of this man. This monster. 
He has to go. Now.
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edudenali · 5 years ago
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Good morning Trump 🖕🏽🏳️‍🌈 Sup dumb b*tch? 🌈🙄🌈 • • #fucktrump #fucktrumpforever #fucktrumpforlife #fucktrumpforeternity #fuckyoutrump #trumpisaracist #trumpisshit #trumpisadisgrace #jódetetrump #getridoftrump #trumpistheworst #trumpistheworstpresidentever #trumpisadumbass #ihatetrump #nobodywantstrump #theworldhatestrump #makeamericagayagain #makeamericasmartagain #cheeto #orangeshit #happypride #dumbestpresidentever #godhatestrump #racistinchief #happypride2020 #biggestliaroftheunitedstates #trumphateseveryone #trumphatesthetruth #realdonaldtrump #trumpbullshit (at Trump Tower New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_EhD4jLJK/?igshid=190o0m33xp36
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