#trumpeter finch
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birdstudies · 11 months ago
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April 14, 2024 - Trumpeter Finch (Bucanetes githagineus) These finches are found in and around deserts, semi-deserts, and open steppes, in a spotty range from northern Africa to parts of West and South Asia. Foraging on the ground in pairs or flocks, they feed on seeds, shoots, and buds, as well as berries, and some insects. Females build nests from twigs, stalks, down, fibers, grass, hair, and sometimes feathers in shallow depressions in the ground under rocks, shrubs, or grass tussocks, in walls or other structures, or in cavities between rocks. Both parents care for the chicks.
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avxtarlz · 1 year ago
Okay hear me out- this might be a little stupid but I can’t get it off my mind- Coriolanus snow instead of Lucy gray and the covey, reader with a jazz band??? I really love jazz I just want to know his thoughts on all the different instruments and jazz singer reader! TYSM for at least listening! 🩷
Jazz || PeaceKeeper Coriolanus Snow x Female District! Jazz singer Reader
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Summary: After coming Back from Winning The 10th Hunger games, One day while you and your Band Are playing You spot the same White haired Boy. Coriolanus never heard of Jazz before since the Capitol Is all Classic music, so You introduce him to your fellow band mates.
You loved to sing With your band. They were like your family.
You missed them the Entire time you were in the arena. Wishing you would be back with them. But with the help of Coriolanus snow getting you back to your family like he promised.
Now in the Train heading back to Twelve Feeling miserable of how you didn’t thank him.
Hopefully you two would meet again.
“Did you guys miss me?!” You spoke in the Microphone on stage.
A bunch of Yes’s were shouting all over the Club.
“Well I sure missed you! But I assure you I am back!” You started to smile
“Well how bout a song huh?” You started to ajust your Mic.
You turned back to your band Nodding at them to know your ready.
As you and Your band Are up stage Performing for the audience Enjoying yourselfs. While in the middle of Singing You make eye contact with those same Blue eyes you once Knew. You almost stopped singing but continued. You smiled as you started swaying.
Now done with your Music just Taking a break. “Hey guys I’ll be right back.” Putting the mic back up on its stand. They all nodded and smiled as they headed to the bar.
Making your way through the crowd saying Excuse me here and there seeing if you could spot those same Blue eyes again. Once you spot him standing in the same place you saw him, you started to walk over.
“Hey.” You smiled as him. “Hey, You were really good up there. Never heard of that type of Music.” He asked smiling. You looked shocked. “You’ve never heard of jazz before?” You teased him. “No, back in the Capitol it’s all Classic you know.” He nodded leaning against the wall.
“Wow. Well I have to meet you to My band mates. Come.” You motioned with your hands signaling him to follow. You made sure he was following you through the crowd heading backstage where your band were just sitting and chatting around.
You and Coriolanus walked up to them as you introduced them to him. “Hey guys this Is Coriolanus. He was my mentor back in the capitol, He helped me win the games and come back.” They all looked at Corio.
“Thank you for helping her. We wouldn’t know what we would do without her. She’s like our little sister.” Your Band mate Bennie walked up to Corio as he Nodded at him. “Of course.” Coriolanus nodded back.
“Corio let me introduce them to you.” You patted his back. “Well here’s Bennie, He’s our Saxophonist. Then we have Finch Which who plays our Trumpet. Here’s Charlie who’s our drummer. Miles is our bassists, Our Guitarist is Django, and Lastly Calloway is our pianist. And I’m the voice of course.” You grinned as all you band mates waved and greeted Corio.
“Nice to meet you all. I do enjoy your Music very much.” Corio grinned. “Yeah, thanks man but we should probably head back on stage now guys.” Miles pointed to the stage. They all started to head on stage setting up. You turned around to Coriolanus. “It was nice seeing you again Corio, and thank you for everything,” you started to Tear up.
“No,No I should be thanking you Y/n, You saved me in thatBombing. I owe you my life. Just don’t forget that. I promised you I would bring you back to your family.” Coriolanus grabbed your hands. With his other hand he wiped the Tears falling from your eyes.
“Thank you Corio.” You weakly smiled. The silence broke as You heard in the background of jazz music started to play. “I think I should go now.” You pointed back to the stage while wiping your tears. “Yeah. I’ll be watching you out there.” Corio grinned. You smiled at him as you walked back on stage.
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your-local-taurus · 4 months ago
Newsies Marching/Concert/Jazz Band Au
This has been sitting in my notes app for ages and I had the brilliant idea to post it here. These are heavily based on my own experiences in band if you couldn’t tell by how wildly specific some of these headcanons are!
Jack: He. Is. A. Trumpet. Player. I don’t make the rules here. Definitely the type of kid to challenge others to “who can play louder” or “who can play higher” and proceeds to blow out everyone’s ears. He gets an earful from Davey, Katherine and the band director.
Davey: I was like “what the nerdiest instruments this loser can play” and was like CLARINET (and then remembered I play clarinet) This kid can play hard-ass riffs like there’s no tomorrow, it’s actually terrifying. He makes it look easy. The others make fun of him but all agree that without him the upper woodwinds would be a disaster.
Les: Davey’s little brother that is always at rehearsal for some reason. He’s around so much he’s basically their unofficial mascot. He carries the school banner haha get it? and water bottles during parades.
Katherine: Definitely the drum major during marching season. She’s really organized and the boys are all low-key scared of her too, so that’s a bonus. She plays the tenor and soprano sax in concert band.
Crutchie: Mallet percussion! He can’t March but man this kid can bang out rhythms on the xylophone and marimba! The others jeer at him and call him “SIDELINES” we do that to our mallet percussion but it’s all in good fun.
Race: ALTO SAX PLAYER. He does not stop playing Careless Whisper, he has no shame. They’ll be practicing drill and then *CARELESS WHISPER* “SHUT UP RACE, I SWEAR TO GOD”. He’s one of the alto section leaders with Finch, but no one knows how because this boy does nothing but goof off? He’s mainly the morale portion of the section while Finch does the actual house keeping stuff, but he’s not that good at it either. Needless to say, the alto section is hanging on by a thread.
Albert: Definitely a trombone player. Knows all the big memes and can play them on command. Despite all the joking around he does (with Race) he’s actually a fantastic player and does killer solos in jazz band. He can rip the paint off the walls with how loud he can play.
Finch: As I said above, an alto player and section leader. He’s low-key done with Race after spending years sitting next to him in band class and half the time you see him he’s on the collapse of a breakdown. But he loves his section as much as he jokes otherwise. He just wishes Race would stop playing Careless Whisper, but we can’t have everything, can we?
Elmer: Also a trombone player. He’s normally trombone two, but he’s totally chill with it, he likes the harmony parts. Also knows many memes he can play on command and he and Albert duet a lot of them from across the field. Like, they’re on separate ends and just BLASTING the Wii theme across the football field. Everyone hates it almost as much at they hate Race playing Careless Whisper.
Jojo: Alto player. No one knows why this kid isn’t the section leader because he’s so good with the section and already does a good portion of the responsibilities. Kids come into band being like “oh yeah, isn’t Jojo the alto section leader?” And are shocked to find out no it’s Race and Finch????? My boy doesn’t take any credit and says he’s just trying to be helpful, bless his heart.
Buttons: Flute player! Don’t have a lot of good parts in marching band but that doesn’t bother him because he gets a lot of the pretty melodies in concert band.
Specs: Plays flute for concert band but since he doesn’t get a lot of good parts, he plays trumpet for marching and jazz band. Section leader for both and is super good at keeping people on task. He’s like the tired parentTM with dealing with his sections (particular the trumpets *cough cough* Jack)
Romeo: Plays the flute. He’s the flute player that complains about how his arms hurt from holding his flute up for SooOoOoooOoOOoo long while the drum line is just deadpanning at him like “you’re kidding me, right?” Whines about the runs he needs to play but gets mad when people suggest he just changes instruments if he hates it so much.
Tommy Boy: DRUMMER TOMMY BOY DRUMMER TOMMY BOY DRUMMER TOMMY BOY!!!!! Plays the quints for marching. He plays a variety of instruments for concert band but he’s really good at the timpani. He 100% plays the drum kit for jazz band. He’s so good at keeping the band grounded, definitely lives up to the “heartbeat of the band”.
Mike & Ike: I hate putting them together because they are two different people, but they need to be together for this head canon. Both play tenor in marching, concert and jazz band. Both tenor one in marching and concert but weirdly enough, no one knows who’s tenor one in jazz band? They both know the tenor one and tenor two parts to all of their songs and just switch day to day, song to song and everyone’s like ???????? But they think it’s funny and they’re both good players so the band director doesn’t care.
Mush: Tenor sax! He plays it for both marching and concert band but plays the electric guitar for jazz band on account that the twins are already the two tenor players and he’s pretty good at it. Definitely a section leader, total sweetheart and gets along with mostly everyone, even the twins, though they do drive him up the wall at times.
Kid Blink: Bari sax player. Honks on those low notes and CARRIES Seven Nation Army. There are times where he alone can over power most of the band and is told to back off. Does amazing solos in jazz band as well.
Henry: Trombone player. Really done with Albert, Elmer and Sniper’s shenanigans. Probably the section leader even though he’s not the best player, just because the other would probably abuse their authority. Poor kid normally spends rehearsal thinking about food and wanting to leave because Albert has been play the Wii theme for fifteen minutes now. His instrument probably also has some nasty shit stuck in it because he eats before and during rehearsal. Gross.
Smalls: Piccolo player for marching band, flute/piccolo player for concert band and plays the electric/upright bass for jazz band (idk why, it just feels right) The upright bass is like twice the size of them but man can they pluck out those bass rhythms. Likes to play stupidly high with their piccolo and poor Romeo and Buttons who sit next to them are just wincing every rehearsal and come out of it deaf from the shrillness.
Sniper: Trombone player. Completes the unholy trio that is the chaotic trombones. Probably going to give Henry a migraine at some point, they are the type of trombone player to try to balance their instrument on their head (if you know what I’m talking about). Knows all the harmonies to the memes Albert and Elmer play just to piss everyone off a little more.
Spot: Drum major for Brooklyn, no questions asked. Do you see the way he cuts off the Newsies at the rally drum major style???
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lighten-up-no-one-died · 16 days ago
Hey pookies!
This is what I think newsies characters are if they are involved with band orchestra or choir!
Davey: he’s definitely an orchestra kid, he personally give me cello or voila vibes, but he’s definitely orchestra.
Jack: he’s a tenor, *I think we all know why*
Crutchie: probably a really nice baritone singer, or one of bassoon or tuba players.
Race: he’s like one those guys who’s a sparano, OR, a trumpet.
Les: could be a clarinet player, but also could be trumpet
Albert: percussionist who joined percussion so he can hit things
Spot: same thing with Albert and those two would probably become great friends
Finch: definitely clairnet
Katherine: flute, or clarinet that can play saxophone too.
Romeo: idk, he sort of gives me trombone
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albertfinch · 3 months ago
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Exhortation - December 26, 2024
"After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, I will show you what must take place after this.'" (Revelation 4:1)
As you come to understand your Christ calling you will soar and have many ascensions in the coming season, conquering many obstacles that have held you back – but no longer, as He is making a way for you to overcome ALL that tries to hold you back -- freedom from the entanglements of your mind.
Your language is changing from 'I can't' to a new paradigm shift of 'I can,' and new boldness is forming in you. You have been under His renovation. You now walk in the revelation and have the understanding that you are changing and it is good, and that you are not who you thought you once were, but you are becoming who you were always meant to be. You are no longer defined by what others think of you, and they are no longer a hindrance to you from stepping into what He has for you -- He is empowering you to bear fruit that remains for His Kingdom. The love of Jesus is saturating your heart.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
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ratsoh-writes · 11 months ago
Hello y’all! Let me introduce you guys to the new monster subspecies, the vila!
Sparking the folklore behind the ladylike air spirits in Slavic mythology, vila are a monster subspecies found in every au. They’re most commonly seen in the bird AUs however as they are air affinity type monsters
Vila are one of the more humanoid monsters, with soft faces and a head of hair like the average human. They tend to have dainty ladylike facial features. However they’re still easily identified as monsters due to the pale cool tones that their skin comes in, and the white wings in place of ears, feathered legs, clawed hands and feet, and the secondary set of wings at their hips.
Vila present their magic/ecto color in their eyes, hair and claws, making them all match if they don’t dye them.
Despite looking closer to air elementals, Vila are actually a monster subspecies who claim ghost monsters and snowdrakes as their parent monsters. However due to the Vila being an older subspecies, records on this are conflicting and can’t be proven.
Vila monsters excel in air magics, but can also have an affinity for ice and healing.
While there’s no personality “stereotypes” for these monsters, one thing rings true for all Vila, they love music. Vila monsters have a trumpet like singing voice that can carry large distances. Those who can hold a tune compete against plenty of their other kind to get a spot in the music community.
Vila monsters rarely enter in relationships outside their subspecies, tending to be drawn in to their own kind, but the ones that do always seem to pick a monster completely opposite to them. Vila that choose a non-Vila partner often aim for fire or earth type monsters.
And yes, I do have a new character to introduce! Meet Diane Swann!
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Diane Swann is a Vila from birdtale! She’s aged 312 and has an affinity for both air and ice magic. She has peach and canary dual colored magic and is a known advocate for body positivity in monsters with dual colored magic.
Diane is the only monster successful in the modeling scene with dual colored magic. She mostly does shoots for and promotes makeup and hair and feather care brands. Shes considered among ebott’s most beautiful and has even been in shows outside the country. Her fan base among the humans is huge!
Diane is an outspoken and confident monster. She’s bold, never shying away from a fight and is loved by fans for her dry humor and elegance when arguing. Plus she isn’t afraid to show herself behind the scenes of the show, often posting herself in non-modeling scenarios, even if the picture is unflattering.
Diane has a close relationship with the mettas, especially Dazzleblook (lustswap) and velvetron (underlust). She’s friendly as well with crow who works for the mettas. She does know pepper from the modeling business before he left. She believes his departure was a crime against beauty and every couple of months will hound him to try and get back into modeling again lol.
Things she loves: nail polish, feather wax, cute hair claw clips, her pet zebra finches, the color beige, anything cinnamon flavored, trying to discover the secret shampoo that Queen toriel uses, pedicures, the opera and Fortnite and tik tok dances lol
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emmedoesntdomath · 2 years ago
redfinch fic ideas??
(well, first- I said forever ago that I was going to write a redfinch fic, and it’s going to happen, I swear, just…not yet)
-just like,,, domestic fluff. and you’re probably thinking, no shit, emme, but I made posts about my headcanons for things like jobs and pets and dates, etc., so one might use those sorts of things and just build a world around them. 
-the rival restaurants au. like, finch could be running a family diner or something, and then albert has a fancy restaurant right next door. he’s constantly coming over angry, and finch is just sitting there, chin in palm, sighing dreamily as he leaves. 
-the summer I turned pretty au with albert as belly and finch as conrad and race as jeremiah. I said what I said. 
-the whoopsie my best friend who I used to like a lot is getting married and now I need to find a date so it doesn’t look like I still want him so imma bring my other best friend who definitely doesn’t like me with them and sprace. something that’s been done in the fandom, but not for these two. 
-the theater kid and the band kid. finch is theater, albert is band (he must play the trombone or trumpet, I accept nothing less). 
-wrong number au, but it’s albert accidentally dialing finch instead of race for his one call to bail him out of jail. 
-the hi I think your dog’s cute, can I pet it meet-cute, but then it turns into a date at like the arcade or something and then it’s like oh, no, I’m actually allergic to dogs, I just wanted to flirt with you. 
-coffee shop au, but it’s albert coming in with race every day to get his coffee before class, and finch pining helplessly because he thinks they’re dating 
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giantologist · 2 years ago
Greetings Professor, how would one even be able to communicate with giants of the larger end of the spectrum? To a 300ft individual, humans would be 1-2 inches at their scale, and a greater size difference for anything beyond 300. How do you approach them, in way of getting their attention, having them be able to hear you, or just simply being near them?
Good afternoon!
Thankfully, giants have an asset that assures their noticing you, even if you don't want to be noticed. I am, of course, speaking of their sense of smell. Now, anyone who has heard of giants will know that they can 'smell human blood', but that isn't strictly true. They simply have a very large olfactory cavity, and the masses of air they can inhale in one breath is more than you or I would expel in a week.
Now, with that being said, I wouldn't advise on trusting that alone, especially if you are A. clad in furs or B. recently emerged from somewhere muddy. I usually employ a mirror to catch the light, a brightly coloured cloth to wave, or I blow through my ear trumpet as though it were an actual instrument. A whistle would work just as well! I shall say that it is usually harder to hide from a giant that is searching for you than it is catching their attention.
I would say that it isn't wise to stand in the path of such a large giant in order to get their attention. Regardless of whether they're watching their feet, accidents do happen, and you do not want to become naught but a stain. If you are that desperate to speak to them, simply follow. Humans, while not as fast as our long-striding friends, are built for endurance, and you should catch up the next time your target rests.
As for communication, giants do keep their ears very clean, so even if you can't be heard in their hands, their shoulders are comfortable and perfect for a nice long chat!
Professor J Finch
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beecreeper · 5 months ago
3, 4, 21, 24 (for as many of the gang as you want to answer :3)
Okay okay I finally got all the songs to work on this post
3.)What song describes your OC
Myrala (particurly tav-timeline Myrala):
Poppy: I didn’t have anything prepared but my immediate first thought was
4.) What song describes your OC and their partner/love interest?
Answered in the previous ask BUT let’s do some alternate takes
Briar x Gortash:
(Briar would NEVER call it love but everything else about this is đź’Ż)
Ferox x Gortash:
Molli x Astarion:
21.)What song best describes their relationship with their enemy?
Answered in previous and unfortunately I don’t have enough songs for this to give more. I need to do more playlist building *sigh*
24.) Can they play instruments? If so, what do they play?
Briar’s got nothing. Not musically inclined at all.
Ferox used to play reeeeally basic drums when he was growing up with goblins, just as a sorta “we’re all drinking here take a drum” kinda thing and it’s something that Myrala tried to encourage him to actively enjoy, leaning into that whole art and dance aspect of Eilistraee and also finding something *good* about his upbringing because it wasn’t all bad and nothing is completely irredeemable! But he hasn’t touched a drum since she died and I think post tadpole it’s not going to be something that be picks up again because it’s not like the drums or the music were ever the important part of all that.
Obviously Molli plays instruments. Her dad was a failed/retired bard who had a BUNCH of old instruments around the house and she learned to play a bit on a lot of different things. Her main instrument is concertina, followed by flute, but she can also kinda hold her own with trumpet, violin, and lute (in that order. She can really only do basic chords on lute and it takes her a while to remember them)
You’d think that Myrala would be more musical as a cleric of Eilistraee, but she actually only has a tambourine. For her, music and dance isn’t something she aspires to be skilled at as much as it is just a thing to enjoy.
And finally Poppy has drum circle jam skills and nothing else.
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damonalbarn · 1 year ago
Trumpeter Simon Finch (he toured with Blur in 2015) in The Daily Telegraph, 23 Feb 2024: I was supposed to be doing Wembley Stadium [with Blur] but Damon had one of his more difficult days, shall we say, and decided to ditch the entire brass section at rehearsals.
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rose-of-pollux · 1 year ago
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Old Man Dinosaur turns 8, makes lots of noise about it, and refuses to sit still.
Finch!Napoleon has adjusted to life as a widower better than I expected.
Also, his latest obsession is, inexplicably, trumpet/horn music. I can't even explain how that got started since I barely listen to any, but on the occasion it turns up (something from the Hoenn soundtrack, the saxophone solo in Phil Collins's "One More Night," or--the only predictable source--Wynton Marsalis's weekly intro to CBS's Sunday Morning news program), he goes nuts.
...Whatever makes him happy, I guess.
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warriors-rewritten-chaos · 8 months ago
Warrior Cats Prefixes- L
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Laburnum-: "[noun] a small European tree that has hanging clusters of yellow flowers succeeded by slender pods containing poisonous seeds"
Lagoon-: "[noun] a small freshwater lake near a larger lake or river"
Lake-: "[noun] a large body of water surrounded by land"
Lamb-: "[noun] a young sheep"
Lamprey-: "[noun] an eel-like aquatic jawless vertebrate that has a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a rasping tongue"
Lapis-: "[noun] a deep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone"
Larch-: "[noun] a deciduous conifer tree native to the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere, where they are found in lowland forests in the high latitudes, and high in mountains further south"
Lark-: "[noun] a small ground-dwelling songbird, typically with brown streaky plumage, a crest, and elongated hind claws, and with a song that is delivered in flight"
Larkspur-: "[noun] an annual Mediterranean plant of the buttercup family, which bears spikes of spurred flowers"
Laurel-: "[noun] any of a number of shrubs and other plants with dark green glossy leaves; [noun] an aromatic evergreen shrub related to the bay tree, several kinds of which form forests in tropical and warm countries"
Lavender-: "[noun] a member of the genus of 47 known species of perennial flowering plants in the mints family, Lamiaceae. It is native to the Old World, primarily found across the drier, warmer regions of mainland Eurasia"
Leaf-: "[noun] a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk"
Leech-: "[noun] an aquatic or terrestrial annelid worm with suckers at both ends"
Lemming-: "[noun] a small, short-tailed, thickset rodent related to voles"
Leopard-: "[noun] a large, solitary cat that has a yellowish-brown or brown coat with black spots and usually hunts at night"
Leptonia-: "[noun] a genus of small and medium sized pink-spored mushrooms"
Lettuce-: "[noun] a cultivated plant of the daisy family, with edible leaves"
Lichen-: "[noun] a plantlike organism that typically forms a low crusty, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees"
Light-: "[noun] the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible; [adj] (of a color) pale"
Lightning-: "[noun] the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder"
Lilac-: "[noun] a Eurasian shrub or small tree of the olive family, that has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossoms; [noun] a pale pinkish-violet color; [adjective] of a pale pinkish-violet color"
Lily-: "[noun] a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem"
Linden-: "[noun] a deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellowish blossoms, native to north temperate regions"
Linnet-: "[noun] a mainly brown and gray finch with a reddish breast and forehead"
Lion-: "[noun] a large tawny-colored cat that lives in prides, found in Africa and northwestern India. The male has a flowing shaggy mane and takes little part in hunting, which is done cooperatively by the females"
Little-: "[adj] small in size, amount, or degree"
Lizard-: "[noun] a reptile that typically has a long body and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin"
Loach-: "[noun] a small elongated bottom-dwelling freshwater fish with several barbels near the mouth"
Loam-: "[noun] a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus"
Lobelia-: "[noun] a chiefly tropical or subtropical plant of the bellflower family"
Lobster-: "[noun] a large marine crustacean with a cylindrical body, stalked eyes, and the first of its five pairs of limbs modified as pincers"
Locust-: "[noun] a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to crops"
Log-: "[noun] a part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off"
Long-: "[adj] measuring a great distance from end to end"
Loon-: "[noun] any of several large birds (genus Gavia of the family Gaviidae) of Holarctic regions that feed on fish by diving and have their legs placed far back under the body for optimal locomotion underwater"
Lost-: "[adj] unable to find one's way, not knowing one's whereabouts"
Lotus-: "[noun] any of a number of large water lilies"
Loud-: "[adj] producing or capable of producing much noise, easily audible"
Love-: "[noun] an intense feeling of deep affection; [noun] a great interest and pleasure in something; [verb] feel deep affection for (someone); [verb] like or enjoy very much"
Lovage-: "[noun] a large edible white-flowered plant of the parsley family"
Luck-: "[noun] success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions; [noun] chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen; [noun] something regarded as bringing about or portending good or bad things"
Lucky-: "[adj] having, bringing, or resulting from good luck"
Lull-: "[verb] calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements; [noun] a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity"
Lullaby-: "[noun] a quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep"
Lupine-: "[noun] a plant of the pea family with deeply divided leaves and tall colorful tapering spikes of flowers"
Lynx-: "[noun] a wild cat with yellowish-brown fur (sometimes spotted), a short tail, and tufted ears, found chiefly in the northern latitudes of North America and Eurasia"
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isame-allen · 1 year ago
What genre they play and how would they would sound like when singing
The Jet Hawk= indie
Error= thom yorky
Cross= Stephen malkmus
Nightmare=paul westerberg
Blue= bebop -gene Austin
Dream= cool jazz -joe venuti
Ink= rock and roll -Alex turner
Bobby= emo -Blake Schwarzenbach
Hacker= beat music -Micheal stipe
Randy= heavy rock -Bob mould
Ani= cool jazz, dreams singing partner -grace jones
Finch= trumpet, plays for blues band -boy George
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mad-c1oud · 11 months ago
Hihi, hear me out, Chayanne as a dog. Maybe a german shepherd? But also... Phil having a dog doesn't suit him like...at all.
Mayyyyybe Chayanne having white fur like Techno's dogs did, cause y'know
It's very tricky with Sunny cause she has the vibes of a cat, a pom, but a hedgehog too tbh. I could even see her as a prettyyy colorful parrot OR A GOLDEN FINCH (hehe pocket sized)
(Spitballing ideas here) Are any of the eggs birds? Cause rescue crow for Talulu or Chay would be funny. And and did u know pigeons are great pets? Do with that what u will if u wanna
Heyhey hearing you out!!
Currently: I have tallulah as a borzoi and I’m kinda reluctant to change it… I’ve become attached to the lanky dog, plus make it asthmatic? Silly creature….
and bc tallulah is so big, I wanted chay to be small as a funny size comparison. I toyed with the idea of some kind of bird but couldn’t find one I was dead set on so I looked at small cats and dogs. I like the idea of a fluffy orange and white tabby or even a Maine coon but I’m not sure if it would fit his personality. I don’t see Phil owning a dog either but that’s why I like tallulah being one…
And I do have some bird eggs right now:
Bobby was a blue budgie but lately I’ve been considering making him a blue love bird bc I’ve been watching videos of one called Prince and they’re little devils it’s so cute… no matter what Bobby will be a birb o7
Trumpet is a bird too! A pineapple concur parrot to be exact :3- I wanted an animal that would love music so he could jam out with Maxo, and the colors reminded me of the eggs hat!
And right now Tilín is a call duck, the smallest domesticated species of duck :3 🤏
I thought about a crow for either of Phil’s eggs but it just wasn’t meshing for me :/ idk why
I’m gonna look up some animals when I get home to decide Sunny’s, I really like the idea of her being a pom but hedgehog…
Thank you for ideas, I will be chewing on them o777
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youphoriaot7 · 10 months ago
helloooo!! i am sen, nice to meet you all :D been hanging around a bunch on qsmpblr and i'm starting to brainrot on other subjects so i figured i'd update my pinned.
sen – they/them – over 20 i write fic on ao3 here, and cosplay over on tiktok here! if you want more links, you can check out my carrd here! online series: life series, qsmp, ordem paranormal, generation loss streamers/yters: cellbit, tazercraft (pactw / mikethelink), fitmc, goodtimeswithscar, grian, ranboo other: dead boy detectives, the sandman, good omens, sherlock holmes (frogwares games, bbc sherlock), the magnus archives/protocol, malevolent, arcane, supernatural, doctor who, hannibal, baldur's gate 3
making a tags masterlist below this (because things got out of hand on here VERY quickly lmaoooo) – not necessary to read ofc, it's mostly for me ksjghsjfk
i'll add tags as things happen!
fic/studies masterlist [link soon]
character study | breakdown
fanart | fic | whumptober2023 | sen's qsmp whumptober
dbda | dbda fanart | dbda quotes | dbda rewatch | dbda visuals | dbda memes | dbda theory | dbda headcanons | dbda fic dbda spoilers | dead boy detectives spoilers first meeting | dandelion shrine | devlin house | lighthouse leapers | two dead dragons | creeping forest | very long stairway | hungry snake
hc fanart | trafficblr
opq | opq liveblogging
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sherlock holmes the awakened | shta sherlock holmes chapter one | shco shta spoilers | shco spoilers shta memes | shco memes | shta visuals | shco visuals | shta quotes | shco quotes | shta fanart | shco fanart
qsmp antoine | qsmp arin
opq benito qsmp bagi | qsmp baghera | qsmp bbh | qsmp bobby
cat king charles rowland createtrio crystal palace opq carol qsmp cellbit | qsmp chayanne | qsmp cucurucho
dandelion sprites david the demon opq diego qsmp dapper
edwin paine / edwin payne esther finch qsmp elquackity | qsmp empanada | qsmp etoiles
fitpac frogwares holmes frogwares jon frogwares mycroft frogwares sherlock frogwares watson qsmp felps | qsmp fit / qsmp fitmc | qsmp foolish | qsmp forever
goodtimeswithscar / gtws grian guapoduo qsmp german | qsmp goddesses (mine, mumza, lore)
hgduo | hideandseektrio
jenny green / jenny the butcher opq jeffrey qsmp jaiden | qsmp juanaflippa
opq lucie | opq luis qsmp leo | qsmp luzu
monty the crow / monty finch mumbo jumbo qsmp mariana | qsmp maxo | qsmp mike | qsmp missa | qsmp mouse | qsmp myo (hope / memory)
the night nurse niko sasaki qsmp niki
payneland pacman | pissa pearlescentmoon qsmp pac | qsmp pepito | qsmp philza | qsmp pierre | qsmp pol | qsmp pomme
qsmp quackity
qsmp ramon | qsmp richarlyson | qsmp rivers | qsmp roier
seekduo simon the bully qsmp slimecicle | qsmp sunny
technoblade tragic mick qsmp tallulah | qsmp tazercraft | qsmp tina | qsmp tilin | qsmp trumpet | qsmp tubbo
verner vogel violet holmes
qsmp walter-bob | qsmp willy
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albertfinch · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
December 8, 2023 – Exhortation
"After this, I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, I will show you what must take place after this.'" (Revelation 4:1)
As you come to understand your Christ calling you will ascend and have many ascensions in the coming season, conquering many obstacles that have held you back – but no longer, as He is making a way for you to overcome ALL that tries to hold you back -- freedom from the entanglements of your mind.
Your language is changing from 'I can't' to a new paradigm shift of 'I can,' and new boldness is forming in you. You have been under His renovation. You now walk in the revelation and have the understanding that you are changing and it is good, and that you are not who you thought you once were, but you are becoming who you were always meant to be. You are no longer defined by what others think of you, and they are no longer a hindrance to you from stepping into what He has for you -- He is empowering you to bear fruit that remains for His Kingdom. The love of Jesus is saturating your heart.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
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