#truly been art block girl
tubesock86 · 4 months
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here are a bunch of sketches I never finished 🫡
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dflogerzi · 2 months
It has taken me an entire night and the next morning to gather my thoughts. I think most of the world is doing just that as well. And who we are will be shown in how we now walk forward as people and as individuals.
I was a very little girl just in school when JFK was shot. I remember the day clearly even though I was very young. They dismissed us and sent us home, which looking back would never have happened in these times. I was far too little to be walking home the three or four blocks in the middle of the day, with no parent waiting.
I also remember when Reagan was shot. Clearly. Many people have not connected the family that was involved... and whom they were close friends with. I do not speak of it much any longer, I have learned that it does not serve anyone to do so. For in these days people firmly believe what they do, no reason to banter on. But I am going to say this... The very same people who saw out Kennedy almost did the same with Ronald Reagan. And I do not care a bit who believes me or not.
I had in the past few years bowed out of my own searches, journeying, and going down rabbit holes in an attempt to find quiet spaces for my days. I suppose I had decided to succumb to what I see as the inevitable. I saw no way out. I grew up around diversity, I played with children of all colors growing up, and I served in a military that even in the 1980's had every type of person in every single shade you could imagine. I was ahead of my time I suppose. So seeing all sides of the coin was always easy for me. And I have always straddled the middle ground.
What each of us should be asking ourselves today is this... What are my goals? My personal goals for myself, my children, and my grandchildren? How do I want to see my neighborhood? My library? My places to walk, explore, use as recreation, and take pause in? The preservation of art, history, and relics from the past? What is of the most importance?
Anyone who is not seeing where the world is being led to is not truly observing without the severe propaganda that has been purposely thrust upon the masses. It was legalized more than a decade ago in the United States, and it has been a major success in it's efforts. Mankind is losing, and in my opinion, on purpose. And we are even being openly told so. It is not being hidden. I think it is part of the NWO belief system actually... that we are told outright and we accept it. Or never listen. Like the sheep we are often likened to be.
So another attempt was made to end a life yesterday due to politics. And instead of a country who goes to the polls, in real and valid elections where EVERYONE casts one vote, legally and lawfully, a different future was instead being thrust upon a nation as an attempt. I would have far less worry about entering into a socialist and global state if I felt it was a REAL and lawful vote from every citizen of the country I belong to. I do not believe our elections are safe. And I believe they have not been universally in a long, long while.
We are not just looking at the character of our leaders... but we are looking at the character of each one of us. I am so grateful today that I am on the other side of my life span. And I am so sorry for our grandchildren who may never know some of the beauty of this world. It has been heart breaking to watch the decline of our civilizations.
So much evil. And I will submit from the cheap seats, up in the peanut gallery, that the very same people attempted to take a life yesterday as they have before. Some still alive as accomplices...
This is not about political parties. Anyone who believes that is sleeping far better than I am. This is about humanity. And integrity. And love for our world.
Okay. I suppose I will post this. And then onward with the day. Which is all each of us actually have. Seize it. As I am going to. Love to my friends here.
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I manifested my dream life 🥳🎊🎉
Long post incoming ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Hi everyone. my name is Asanatu (call me sana or asa) and I just want to share my success story. Anyways, A+p, Intention, plus the void state was the method I always resonated with with. I also joined and was apart of tumblr pretty actively during the time when these were “the methods.”
I was making so much headway! I manifested money, better looks, better grades and mental health and I even mini shifted. Things were looking bright and I knew my shitty circumstances would be a memory of the past and everything would be easier. Then the switch to states, Neville Goddard,and Edward Arts happened and I was so lost. Then creators who even used the void or a+p were suddenly bullying and attacking people
for thinking thoughts create reality instead of states. They were attacking people for using the void and putting it on the pedestal even though they used it to achieve their dream life 🤡🤡 sucess stories dropped drastically, tensions were tight, and entitlement and shoving states down our throats was happening at an all time high. Honestly I gave up with the law and shifting bc I started to believe a+p truly didn’t work bc everyone was preaching that perspective out of no where even though we all started with that and people used it !!!!! Now the same is happening to non dualism…so it will be even more over complication and entitlement for the competition to be the most all knowing and debunker of the law. It will be less success stories, more tension, and paragraphs upon paragraphs on their beliefs but no success to show for it so I am most definitely leaving tumblr and for anyone who wants recourses maybe read and stick to the og creators from December for. Few posts and then dip
Expeditiously, pleaseee !!!!!
I also need to take accountability for
Myself. I’m sending this on anon mode because I have been so rude to so many bloggers and projected my newfound doubt to random, kind, helpful bloggers and I have to apologize. Most of them won’t see this because I’m blocked, but none of you guys deserved it. I would tag them but it was most Loa creators which is so embarrassing to admit, but again I apologize.
After having some self awareness I decided to stop being a loser and take accountability for my own life. I said fuck it and went back to a+p and the void state. I just affirmed robotically and used some subliminals for the void state from popular successful void blogs. After two weeks I got into the void state and manifested my dream life. After complaining and procrastinating for 6 months. As much as tumblr is toxic and the dumb entitled energy is radiating extra bright you all have to grow up and stick to what works for you. You have free will and godly powers no matter how many big headed bloggers try to intimidate you.
A summary of my manifestations from the void are: millionaire parents, 4.3 cumulative gpa, being apart of my schools honors society, dream graduation (it was yesterday) 10/10 looks, acceptance to Harvard, dream body and natural fast metabolism, being a master shifter, list of hobbies and talents, dream personality, huge mansion, cute kind rich bf, and being a desired it girl
I want to say so much more but Moral of the story is stick to what has worked you, take accountability for your journey, and ignore what doesn’t resonate with you.
I think a lot of people will relate to this. No matter what you believe in, whether that be states, non dualism, the void, a+p,etc just persist on your faith. Congrats anon and good on you for taking accountability for your own journey. I also can only speak for myself but I forgive you :)
Edit: a+p is affirm and persist
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kadextra · 6 months
Hiiii Pomme and Dapper if you see this, a little letter for you:
I LOVE YOUUU I LOVE YOU my favorite little eggs, my dappleduo!! 🎩🍎 of course you stay together even now, I wouldn’t have expected anything different! :D
You’re amazing. the work the two of you have done in breathing life into your characters, as a ghostie watching from the very beginning I have loved every moment of it. it’s hard to fully express how much I appreciate you in words rn, but I’ll try to say a few things:
To Pomme, you’re literally so inspiring. they say art begets art and that’s sooo true, for me with you- the writing and characterization you’ve done has given me so much inspiration for my art over the many months. you’re so skilled, and everything you do reflects that you’re a person with a lot of heart (also you’ve got a wonderful music taste) It’s been a joy to follow your journey, but most of all I’ve enjoyed the little moments spending time getting to know you on the late nights. get lots of good sleep, girl!! you deserve it!!!
“dearly beloved,” I will absolutely be coming with you on your next journey <3
To Dapper, it’s obvious after so long that you’re someone who’s really passionate about whatever they set their mind to, which has been a joy to watch over the past year. your lore ideas, like with the laboratory? fantastic. your fun facts? awesome. your humor- please never stop being the effortlessly funny person you are!!!! you’re a lovely and hardworking person. all of the hundreds of hours I’ve spent watching you collect random things and fight mobs have never once been a waste of time on the days I needed some company, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
all the best to you my little occultic egg, see you again soon! <3
I feel so sorry this happened to you guys, thank you for speaking out. I wont lie, I feel heartbroken at what you’ve gone through and it’s been hard to read. but, I’m so happy that you’re taking the steps to do what is personally right for you and your health, because that’s the most important thing.
and, what brings me a lot of comfort is that you both were able to meet and no matter what, you’re staying together.
A french & a spanish speaker becoming besties from across the world in a block game as little baby eggs that talk on signs, isn’t that just crazy??? but it really has happened- proof that barriers can be crossed, and in the most strange, unexpected ways too. you have truly embodied the heart of this project, shown us it’s really possible to make lifelong memories and friends no matter the language. thank you for letting us watch you become the close friends you are today.
Please know you have support in whatever it is you guys choose to do next. I love you, we all love you. I can say for a fact that this platform sings your praises all the time lmao, I know you come here already but no matter what happens in the future, if you ever wanna hang out more often and just chill feel welcome to, yeah? 🫶
As they say, it’s never a goodbye but instead a see you later- in whatever form that will be. take care of yourselves 💖
Merci, Gracias
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yuissamidare · 5 months
I saw a lot of people questioning the appeal of lukahyuna/hyuluka, and I think that’s quite understandable. here are my two cents no one asked for! for me, other than the fact that they’re the perfect example of interpersonal horror, at least a big part of the attraction comes from my interpretation of the characters—both being people who struggle with control and autonomy.
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Luka is someone who is controlled in every aspect of his life, from his daily training, to his health (canonly having heart problems and other congenital issues), and he was paraded around since he was young for his appearance and constantly made to be a spectacle — there is nothing that is fully his expect his emotions, to which he hangs onto hyuna with his love; then there is hyuna, who was completely aware of the encasement she was in and could still live freely, happily chaining herself to the parental role she placed herself in for her younger brother and later on, refuses to live anything but freely but except for being trapped by her feelings and memories of luka and her brother.
It’s a case of someone who has no independence finding a sense of sovereignty and control in regards to the feelings he has with another person versus someone who will carve a path of freedom and control for herself but constantly losing her footing as the only thing she has no control over are her feelings, and that contrast makes it very appealing for me.
Luka and hyuna were made with each other in mind, hyuna being stated to be a ‘YOLO!’ kind of girl while luka is the opposite and is careful—this is shown in their official merch stands as well, hyuna being a lunar eclipse that interferes with the path of the moon (luka) and luka being a solar eclipse that blocks the path of the sun (hyuna). They are complimentary opposed forces, however that does not mean that at one point they were not mutually attracted to each other, regardless of the intent of the attraction—in the prologue and old supplemental art, Hyuna and Luka are seen side by side while rehearsing and also spending their free time together (though Luka is glaring at Hyunwoo who is offscreen), and in all in as well, they’re shown to spend time together while Hyunwoo is not around, and Hyuna also allows him to encroach on time spent with her brother. (In this particular part of All-In, luka shows traits such as sucking on his sleeves which are associated with poorly socialized or developed children, which is something he seems to stop when Hyuna touches him for a sufficient amount of time)
— Anakt Garden Initially, i had thought what luka felt for Hyuna was not traditional ‘love’ or a properly developed crush but possession and desire to have hyuna act as a readily available and constant companion in a convenient social tie—something to have which a special relationship no one else can touch, having something that is truly his regardless of what he felt being considered as ‘love’—, which, while not completely untrue, had shifted when their supplemental comic came out and showed that he had genuine value in her thoughts and opinions (while making sure she had stopped looking at hyunwoo), and in a recent doodle, showed that he had genuinely sought her affection and validation (via picking fights with Hyunwoo and using that as a way to see her take his side over his, which is the second time she is shown to prioritize him over her brother, who calls for her and only her attention in the supplemental comic who she seems to put off for a moment in favor of acknowledging luka’s clinginess towards her and calling him cute).
While the form changed, the one constant of luka —> hyuna has always been: ‘this is mine, I want a relationship with her that gives me a level of exclusivity and control over her that others can’t have, one that includes priority over hyunwoo’
Luka is shown to value her opinions and use it as a basis for his own, as seen in a supplemental comic. he finds worth in her viewpoints considering and there’s a sense of mutuality there that makes him comfortable enough to share and talk about opinions with her and to use her as either a building block for his own ideals due to not having any strong feelings of his own, or to compare and contrast their ways of thinking and finding worth in the perspective that she has brought.
this comic is my second favorite piece of media involving them, with my first being the in the storyboards for all in…! (which i can’t talk about since it’s patreon content, but, you know) and it directly correlates to his character inspiration in which he finds value and a reason to be on stage due to the experiences he spent with hyuna, just like how his character inspiration finds value in their story of origin through experiences spent with others.
Singing makes Hyuna feel free, and through Hyuna, Luka attempts to find freedom and independence through singing as well, though the results are debatable as it seems he doesn’t inherently enjoy singing, but the feeling of closeness it allows him to feel for Hyuna and the privilege it brings him.
hyuna’s feelings for him at this point is hard to succinctly place on tenterhooks, as she was a character kept private and secret for much of the run, but i do think that she had fledging affection for him for several of the reasons i mentioned (re: the purposeful and conscious spent with him over others; the decision to spend time with both luka and hyunwoo and seemingly split her attention between them as they seem to fight when she’s not around, as in the supplementary comic hyunwoo only calls for Hyuna’s attention rather than calling for them both; once again taking Luka’s side when luka provokes others; the memory that sparks her panic is one of them being close—her playing with his hair while he looks at her.)
It is difficult for me to talk about hyuna’s feelings when there is so little about her known, I do feel like much of it will be my interpretation so please forgive the conjecture.
Personally, I believe that Hyuna viewed her love of others through her love for hyunwoo. She took on a maternal role for her brother which spreads through her interactions with others even if she acts like a wild auntie nowadays. I believe she took Luka’s side over Hyunwoo’s because she thought Hyunwoo should treat Luka more carefully since she had expected him to be more responsible to a child that seemed weak and delicate in comparison to Hyunwoo. I believed she split her attention between them both as Hyunwoo seemed to rely on her for her attention as much as luka did (re: only calling for her when he wanted to show off the space beetle.) and had acted as a bridge between them, despite them seemingly not having the best relationship—she could have always cut luka off when hyunwoo had grown frustrated with him, but again, she divided her time between them and had spend moments with them both apart and together because she had cared deeply for them both.
Since she viewed her relationships through her love of hyunwoo, she could not differentiate her feelings for luka being different or starting to develop as something different because she did not treat that as a possibility with her stubbornly placing herself in that motherly role—which is why things like Luka’s possessive statements had the red flags ignored then seemingly encouraged with petting and praise due to being flattered by his close attention.
And since luka is implied to have been artificially created, hyunas nature was something he found soothing and comforting (see: no longer self soothing after she had touched him) before the nature of his feelings changed as well, though his feelings changed sooner than hers did.
— Season 49 and present day: regardless of how hyunwoo died*, it is possible hyuna’s misery and potential feelings of guilt and regret give him a modicum of control over her—even after hyunwoo is dead, she’s going to need to live with luka all the way until season 49 starts and she escapes. she’s still going to have years and years of staying with him and having him cling to her or remind her what happened and she has been affected as a result (her looking so muted and sad when depicted prior to her escape, or having less vibrant expressions compared to all in; her potentially starting to smoke to deal with stress). he has, essentially, ruined her so thoroughly they’ll find his face carved into the darkest part of her heart and that’s sign of her thinking of him, and there’s ownership in that as well. i think the part in sweet dream where they show up and she’s hovering a knife over him while he’s holding her hip implies that he’d genuinely be delighted if she tried to kill or hurt him back, because that’s more proof that she’s still under his control. *While it is normally agreed that Luka’s actions caused Hyunwoos death, there is still contention as to what happen or led up to it, as some people from the start believe when Hyuna had pulled them apart, Hyunwoo hit his head (while originally theorized on the all in YT comments, it gained traction with the doodle comic as additional evidence for later on, but it’s been theorized since all in came out [while I have screenshots, I do not have the source for the original YT comment, magratbastard on Twitter has a great thread on it) or that Hyunwoo had just landed badly when luka pushed him off. Therefore I am using vague phrasing here as what happened is not agreed on in a unified manner as we lack context.
At this point in time hyuna is actively haunted by thoughts of hyunwoo, but seems that she’s conflicted about luka and battles her unhappiness, disgust, and past positive feelings under a vein of apathy, but seemingly falters (sweet dream) due to lingering attachment or being unable to truly know what happened that day, which leads to her passively allowing him near her despite her distaste. she needs to live with him and remember that he was involved in her brothers death, and that he is attached to her for some reason, and that displays itself in a way that could be taken as romantic.
In supplemental art where he is giving her a massage, unlike fighting or squirming away like till does with ivan, hyuna seems to reluctantly acquiesce to his touch despite seeming awkward about it (for many reasons). it seems to resemble parts of all in, and sweet dream—haunted by him, but is determined to shut out her feelings and move past him in order to benefit others (re: singing at the club; her surrounded by robots and his image, only moving forward and away from them in awe when mizi fights for her) seems to have settled into a more uncharitable view of him but still trips up when confronted with thoughts of him and actively fights his memory and positive association with him because she still can’t truly push him and thoughts of him away.
Note: as children in the garden are indoctrinated to think that singing while dying allows you to go to the in universe equivalent of a heaven, her feelings of being haunted by hyunwoo may be exacerbated by that indoctrination, even if she doesn’t believe in it anymore. May possibly be reluctant to kill luka due to three things: this, past affection for him, or feeling the value of other humans for the sake that they are human, despite not wanting him in her life. — present day: Romh, all in, love and peace, sweet dream cover:
ROMH: ruler of my heart is a song that was created prior to season 50 and is implied to have been written about Hyuna. I wrote my thoughts on it here: https://x.com/8bitdetective/status/1745091500789076201
SWEET DREAM: sweet dream generally parallels the luka and Hyuna’s story lyric wise, as luka and sua are diametrically opposed contrasts in their approaches to love and ‘self(ish/ness)’.
I made a rough comparison here: https://x.com/8bitdetective/status/1745110121108168870
hyuna and mizi are mirrors in how they live their lives, similar, I believe sua and luka mirror each other as well.
hyuna and mizi are both people who have experienced love prior to meeting their respective others and having happy experiences with their family—mizi was loved by her owners, who had gifted her toys and sent her off in tears, and in return she loved them as well—mizisua is a video about the people mizi has loved, who have ‘abandoned’ her, and I believe this was also her realization that her family left her alone to participate in a death game, the same way sua had consciously sacrificed herself despite not knowing what may happen in the future.
hyuna had also been given and received familial love in the form of hyunwoo, and that had been her everything. these are both people who had been secure in their love and therefore had love to share, and both luka and sua were addicted to that healthy affection—however luka seemingly refused to let anyone but hyuna in and has never willing spent time with anyone but hyuna, focusing all his feelings on hyuna and ‘the person who is intruding on his time with hyuna’ that he was jealous of—luka, being older than hyuna, was probably set in his ways and didn’t see a need to change, as such change would lead to detrimental effects on his life elsewhere. he did not change, nor did he want to—why would he have to, when hyuna would seemingly always take his side and put him before even her brother? instead, he selfishly wanted hyuna to have her world narrowed to only him, he wanted to own her and I believe wanted her to choose to ‘own’ him as well.
meanwhile sua was willing to spend time with others and talk to them, while mizi was her most important person, mizi wasn’t the only person in the world and mizi had allowed the universe to expand around them, and such varied experiences of being around people had allowed sua to develop a healthier relationship and way of thinking—even if she had become childish and jealous of till at points, she did not try and steal mizis from his company and allowed her to have her own friends, and then was allowed to make her own connections with ivan (as contentious as it may be at time) and had become a person who was more socially conscious and well adjusted compared to luka.
LOVE & PEACE: depending how you look at it, LOVE&PEACE can reference both luka and hyunwoo at the same time, or either/or. For this, I’ll mainly talk about how it can possibly apply to Luka.
if you consider sweet dream to also be applicable to his character, luka says the morning (hyuna, who is compared to the sun) won’t come for him, but to hyuna even if time marches on and she can find the sun (new experiences) it still feels like she’s fumbling in the night (Luka) after everything, because luka is always associated with the night and darkness and hyuna being his brightness, feeling trapped by lukas influence even if she’s mentally aware she’s not under his thumb anymore, because he always pops into her mind.
while luka was her friend, hyunwoo was the other half of her heart—no matter what luka did, it doesn’t change that hyunwoo is apart of her, that he’s still inside her as her blood, and that’s something luka can never take away. That’s the interpretation I got from the cover art, at least. every time she bleeds, he’ll be split on her skin and that is something she will always have to live with, and something she always has to acknowledge being stolen from her.
This also contrasts their ways of loving: luka wants hyuna for herself and lives for the sake of having her, but hyuna lives in order to express her love for hyunwoo by rebelling against the system that has taken her brother away from her, and to keep loving hyunwoo and for that sincerity to reach him someday—to live on for the part of her that couldn’t, despite seemingly not taking good care of her body by drinking, smoking, and getting hurt on her rebel mission. She’s a character that claims to live for herself while taking care of others (again, contrasting with luka who lives for others while taking care of his own self preservation.)
Because Hyuna is a character that constantly thinks of others, she can’t forgive herself when she thinks of Luka fondly, or that she still has memories of them being affectionate after everything, even as she confesses in LOVE&PEACE that she didn’t think the ‘night’, the peace and safety she felt in the garden in the times spent with him, would be stolen from her and would have her reevaluate everything about him.
— re: the kiss
luka is a character with no control or autonomy in his life, he is chronically ill and he is consistently put in high stress situations that he doesn’t enjoy being in. luka is a character who is meant to be subservient and obedient to his owners and ‘betters’ while being treated like a showdog for a majority of his life for his own appearance, in an interview, he mentions ‘being made to sing in a variety of situations to be made sure that he can sing perfectly at any time’ and is someone who is meant to control his own heartbeat consistently and manually. He’s always hunched in and doing things like sucking on his sleeve are traits of neurodivergence and abused/highly stressed children (to which he only stops when hyuna pets him long enough) which reads as him being poorly or under socialized.
I believe he thought that hyuna wouldnt have reacted badly as she had always reacted positively to other things he has done (openly claiming ownership of her or when she takes his side, earnestly as seeing his questions and giving him physical affection) and had showed that she had prioritized him over everyone else. Luka is a character who is calculative and doesn’t do anything unless the move works in his favor, he’s made to be hyunas diametric opposite in that way, which is why he picks on hyunas brother to get him to lash out, to see if she will put him first.
I do not believe* have made a move if he didnt think there was an investment there, because that would risk losing her, and luka has always been someone who has ‘known his place’ and what he has to gain and lose. Even if there was not ‘love’ there, he had probably expected some positive reciprocal action.
*on the case that lukas actions were out of impulse, i think it would be spurred by insecurity and envy. while luka and hyuna hold mutual respect for one another, he does get annoyed when she calls him cute and reminds her that he’s older, despite always going to her when hyunwoo hits him back for her defense. if this wasn’t a gesture that was calculated, it was most likely one used to have her categorized as as something other than something to just be taken care of as the nature of his feelings started to change.
i believe the collar is used to track—rather than negative emotion—level of emotional intensity or dysregulation, which may correlate with heartrate but wouldn't always? for example, there’s supplementary art of mizi and sua that shows sua getting flustered at the sight of mizi’s body, which usually wouldnt indicate discomfort but rather suggests a sudden fluctuation in emotional state, if that makes sense, meanwhile since till is often shown with a green collar around mizi despite being shown heavily flustered when thinking about her, since he’s a very intense person that kind of status would be normal on him, however since sua is a very low intensity person, her red light signals an abnormality.
I think Hyuna’s light changed because she was startled, this was something that was new to her and an out of character action for luka. I do not think she expected him to kiss her as these things would not be on her mind as she has always given priority to others.
In the days that followed it is likely that hyuna had decided to put space between them and luka had ached for her attention again after startling her, and probably decided to get it again in a way that seemed to work over and over again probably provoking hyunwoo (either seeking him out or letting him come to luka and seeing a chance) and getting into a fight with him in hopes that hyuna would defend him, knowing that he was weak and sickly, however hyunwoo had died in the process and that had driven the rift further, if that makes sense?
Luka also purposely provokes Mizi in ROMH, leading to him being protected by a stronger force who will protect him while playing victim—this potentially stemmed from repetition of Hyuna’s defensive behavior when he was young, and had continued using this technique until the present day.
Tldr: I don’t think luka understood that he came off as too aggressive at this point, regardless of what led up to the kiss, and that hyuna was startled being approached in a blatantly romantic way as, while she always liked him, she could not differentiate what made her feelings for him different from anyone else and it had shocked her
—comparing and contrasting ivan, sua, and lukas affection and actions:
luka, ivan and sua all start exhibiting quiet and subdued demeanors, characterized by introversion and a sense of resignation. they all appear passive and reserved in their interactions and behaviors which makes a contrast with the seemingly more assertive nature of the rest of the cast.
ivan, sua, and luka are all self(less/ish) in different ways, they all show different aspects of the weight of being saved by love and ‘marking’ their respective interests in different ways. — sua quietly plans her end and goes out with a smile, fulfilling mizis dream of singing with her while knowingly sabotaging herself with the hopes that mizi will live and remember her, even if she’s not there; ivan forcing himself onto till and choking him in order to lose and make sure till survives, despite having sneered at sua for the same thing; though luka, without a doubt, is the most selfish, as he has nothing but his feelings for hyuna and the stage that hyuna claimed made her feel free. their object of affections affect them by changing their perspectives and motivations in the future, and as a result they’ve been changed and they changed the person who became their object of affection.
all three start the same their respective apathy for life until meeting their assigned partner, but while the former two set aside their lives for love, luka cannot let her go because that is probably his only proof of ‘self’.
first we have sua, who appears to have given up on life, living a subservient existence without expectations of a better chance at life or ever breaking the norm, full of resignation and apathy but the moment Mizi enters the scene, it's like her life is something worth living, like the colors, smells and all of her senses suddenly come to life, she starts becoming more open and expressive infatuated by Mizi's carefree existence—she becomes envious and emotional, she starts to smile brightly, and due to these experiences sua believes she's lived what she thought was worth living, and now what's truly important was preserving Mizi's existence, as life was not worth even being in without her god and the person who had made everything animated. Sua was only able to enjoy ‘living’ with her company, though she had still ‘selfishly’ marked mizi in a way where she’d never forget her.
then we have Ivan, who possibly attempted to unsuccessfully escape his caretaker as he was shortly captured back up again leading to him having a very similar sense of resignation but with a glimpse of mundane contempt. life isn't necessarily worth living but it's also not worth losing, it is comfortable enough even if just as lifeless as it had always been. however this changes when till makes a scene and not just once but multiple times- making him infatuated by the constant refusal of the conformity he had deeply fallen into. this sparked interest and curiosity in ivan who had until then, had nothing to ‘live’ rather than to ‘survive’ for until he met someone with the qualities he lacked—and those are qualities he wanted to have preserved as well, even if he had to hurt till by forcing a kiss on him as a tool for assured survival, and die in front of him, ‘inflicting’ his emotions onto him. Luka’s emotions come from a desire to have and to own due to being taken care of conditionally (due to his looks and talent) and seemingly being treated like a toy. there seems to have been a mental separation between him and other children that excluded Hyuna because she either was able to nurture him in a genuine way that he lacked the support of elsewhere AND she was able to catch his attention in ways that other people could not—whether it was due to her singing talents, her natural charisma that seemed to make her suitable to be a rebel leader, or, similarly to ivan, he was curious after spending close proximity to her due to the time he was forced to spend with other kids that brought him to her and had become curious about someone who seemed to be his diametric opposite, but still had the maturity to realize that she was a prisoner under anakt; however, unlike ivan, luka was not content just watching and provoking reactions out of hyuna, he wanted to own them as well and keep them all to himself- and once again, harming the object of his affection by forcing intimate proximity, and then leading to hyunwoos death.
if ROMH is written about hyuna (which it likely is) then all three share the sentiment of ‘I want the person i love to live’, though lukas sentiment has the caveat of *‘with me’. ivan was always aware that his feelings were not reciprocal, and had contented himself by watching and being in his presence. sua had mizi’s love and affection, and then was willing to be ‘let go’ and die loved. luka can not be happy just observing hyuna, nor does he want to let go or be let go—theyre all very different aspects of love being displayed, and i believe luka and hyuna have a lot of complexities and depth to them that make them appealing even outside of what’s on the surface! theyre all very different aspects of love being displayed!! its really interesting! It’s a really fascinating and intricate dynamic… tldr its neat!
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astermath · 1 year
my muse.
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: a short oneshot of steve's girlfriend painting him, and him being able to see his own beauty through your eyes.
word count: 1.1K
notes: got this cute idea out of nowhere, thought maybe steve would like to know how beautiful others think he is.
let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further steve harrington related content!
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“Is it done yet?”
Steve sits on a stool in front of the window in your atelier. The slowly dimming light of the sun setting illuminates him from the back, the lamp you have set up besides you letting you see him from the front.
“Almost Stevie, be patient.”
He’s been sitting perfectly still for over an hour. An admirable feat, to be honest. He’s not usually one for sitting idly at all, always fidgeting one way or another or wanting to move about.
But he’s been doing quite well. He wants to do well. For you. So you can do your thing.
He’s been secretly wanting to do this ever since he’s seen your paintings. You’re incredibly talented, something between a Monet and a Renoir. An incredible eye for colour and composition, but most of all, you like to paint people.
You do a hell of a job at capturing someone’s likeness, even through the lens of an impressionistic art style. Steve is sure you’ll make it big with your art one day. You told him most painters only get famous after they die, and that didn’t exactly sit well with him. He'd rather have you alive and famous, but mostly the first part.
You’d been going through a bit of an art block, and so you’ve went through your old sketchbooks. You realised there is a surprising, almost embarrassing, amount of drawings of your boyfriend in there. Like… Pages, upon pages. You’ve always thought he has this effortless, beautiful air about him that just made every pose look like it should be captured onto paper forever.
When you asked him if he wanted to model for your next painting, Steve's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. He's always adored your art, supporting you and your passion every step of the way, so to be immortalised on one of your canvases is a huge honour to him.
He was a bit nervous though. He knows you think he's the prettiest boy alive, and though he does think he's serviceable, he's not sure if he's painting worthy.
Still, who is he to deny his sweet girl of using him as a reference?
At first, it was hard. How in god's name do you capture someone as beautiful and complex as Steve Harrington onto something as simple as a blank canvas? You want it to be perfect. You want it to reflect the type of person he is. You want the adoring glint in those gorgeous brown eyes to come through, the dimple in his cheek when he smiles, the constellations of freckles and moles gracing his skin. In a sense, it has to be your best piece yet.
"Alright," you lean back for what feels like the hundredth time already, getting a good look at your work. You take a moment, deciding not to let your nerves get the best of you and not overthink it. The urge is there, but you'd feel awful about letting your boyfriend sit there for yet another hour.
"I think... I think I'm done." you put down your brush, clasping your paint clad hands together in your lap.
Steve perks up in that adorable way he tends to do when he's curious. "Really? Can I come see?"
You bite your lip, unsure once again if the painting truly reflects the beauty of its subject. You sigh, knowing nothing probably ever will. You nod, lifting your hand so you can beckon him over.
He can barely contain his excitement, breaking into a little jog as he makes his way over to you. His arm drapes over your shoulders as he positions himself besides you.
"Woah..." His eyes widen as he takes it all in. The entire artwork exudes warmth. A mix of yellows, oranges and pinks surround him in the way a beautiful sunset would, and his smile looks as if it could cure anything. The brush strokes are a bit experimental, but not messy. Nothing is accidental, every placement and detail has a reason. A purpose.
You nibble on the back of your finger, anxiously awaiting his approval. You find that the longer you look at your art, the more flaws you notice. Now you're conflicted. You just want to do Steve's pretty face justice.
"D'you like it?" You look at him, all nervous.
But Steve looks like he has stars in his eyes. And tears. Yeah, he's definitely about to cry.
"Stevie? You okay?"
He blinks a few times, a stray tear rolling over his cheek as he clears his throat. "Yeah, I, uhm-- wow, it's-- it's beautiful." He looks at you, those pretty eyes he loves, all confused at him.
"Are you sure?" you smile a little sheepishly.
"Peach..." He leans in and presses a kiss to your head. "I love it. It's beautiful. It's just, I... I'm amazed you think I'm so beautiful too."
"I just painted what I saw. 'N what you make me feel."
Steve feels like he's going to melt, your words fulfilling every bit of his loving fantasies. You don't even mean to, and yet you know exactly what to say to pull on his heartstrings.
"Makes me feel so appreciated. Thank you baby, I love it." He grins, all boyish excitement.
"Yeah, I love it too... I think this one's my favourite, actually." You look up and capture Steve's lips in yours in a chaste kiss. "Might have to frame it, hm?"
"I have a better idea."
"I'm listenin'."
"Could you paint the two of us? Like on that polaroid in my wallet?"
He's referring to the polaroid you took when you first met. It was a party, and you were both fairly inebriated. Somehow, you'd started talking, and you hadn't left each other's side all night, leaving the dancing to the others and instead opting to entertain each other. Robin captured the moment the two of you were stuck in a laughing fit together, and Steve has kept it in his wallet ever since. It warms your heart to know he's kept you with him even far before you two got together.
"Yeah, I can do that. What do I get in return?" You smile, faces so close your noses are still rubbing together.
"One million kisses."
"Two million kisses."
"You drive a hard bargain, Harrington."
"Good." you peck his lips, "better start that down payment now."
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@inkluvs @palmtreesx3
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dekusleftsock · 8 months
Yada yada, kudou looked through Izuku’s memories and saw big gay thoughts, but we already knew they were gay. Of course they were gay. They’ve always been gay.
It’s so FASCINATING! And I know I’m late to the party (school, work, life, depression, art block, the list could go on) but all I can think about is the trust that this entire situation holds.
On one hand, Izuku has to trust Kudou and his abilities. Defeating him from the inside out is probably the only way Izuku will win at this point.
And on the other hand, Izuku in his own way, is having to trust shigaraki, something he hasn’t done nor even considered before. He sees that little boy inside of him, but there’s more to that little boy. The man that stands before him, broken and beaten and shattered emotionally by society, is a person too. It truly doesn’t matter that the boy exists; yes it’s a way for Izuku to understand that concept of “heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth”, but it’s also the understanding that even when someone has fucked up their life, still deserves to be treated as a person for doing so. Everyone, EVERYONE, deserves the right to be and feel like a real and alive human being.
To me, it’s in the same vain as Izuku as a little boy. We could go over he details ALL DAY as to how he became the person he is, what could’ve been different, what could’ve happened. But at the end of the day, the only thing that changes the past is how we view it; Katsuki knows this.
There’s a part of me that whenever I see a fanfic where Katsuki meets his old middle school self that he hates him, wants to kick him down, humble him, whatever other verb here:
But that small part of me always thinks that it’s… oddly out of character.
Okay, comparing Katsuki and Izuku, who is more ashamed of their pasts?
If you guessed Izuku (and you agree with me), tell me what exactly inclines you to think that?
Because the difference between them is who accepts themself, and who doesn’t.
Accepting yourself doesn’t just mean, accepting that you were a bad person but you’re better now so it’s okay. No, I think that’s actually more complex than implied.
In my opinion, seeing your past actions as something to forgive is important too. Katsuki meeting his middle school self may seem like an aggressive cat fight in idea, but it practice may turn into high school Katsuki being unaffected by middle school him. He knows why he thought what he did, understands that it was bad, but also understands why that mindset came to be. He can be sorry to Izuku AND sorry to himself.
Izuku I think feels a sense of shame for his middle school self, especially that weakness. He cried more in middle school too; he didn’t try. That’s what he’s most mad about and unable to forgive himself for, he didn’t try.
And to an extent, Izuku has to learn that his perception of his past is what matters most: Shigaraki is the same.
Shigaraki as a little boy could’ve lived better circumstances. He could’ve found a hero and been saved. He could’ve had this or that or made a better decision. And I think a small part of him feels guilty for it. Shigaraki also doesn’t accept his past.
Ofa being taken away, as saddening as it may seem to fans, was always an ending I was hoping for. Of course I could be wrong and by the end of the manga he still has it, and while I’d still be happy with that ending… I just really want Izuku to let himself be a human being. A flawed one, with things he could or could not change, and accepting that fact.
After all, “You’re still human.” Right?
And sorry to bring up the girls again, but part of the key components to saving Himiko were trusting her, and not clinging to a small part of her. She wanted to see and know Himiko as she is, not who she was.
That’s this dudes problem; even if he wants to tear that rug to pieces, there’s certain ideas that hold him back. Think, the idea that your emotions matter less over others, or hating yourself for flaws that nearly every human being has.
Izuku saving Shigaraki has always always always been about saving himself too, and I love that.
Izuku had to trust Katsuki in this battle, trust allmight, trust Ochako, trust people. He had to let them take the wheel, the burden. Maybe he and Shigaraki can lift that burden for themselves too. His mask is broken, he’s become a monster blackwhip thing…
What’s your move Izuku?
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dodorimo · 5 months
WIP Wednesday Saturday
Stripper!Tav x Raphael
Just a piece of something that's been in my drafts since forever
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People who don’t know any better think her strength lies in the art of seduction, but she believes it’s in the way she can read people at first glance. Whether it was the twitching of a finger or a sharp intake of breath, no sign was small enough to escape her trained eyes.
The man sitting at the front-row table would rather be anywhere else. Glancing at his watch discreetly, eyes glazed over with boredom. Tav has seen plenty of men like this come and go. Men who were pressured into coming to their club by their peers, out of a sense of obligation or just to keep up appearances, there’s no way of knowing for certain.
He’s handsome, in a timeless, elegant way. The kind you see in black-and-white movies. Chestnut-brown hair slicked back, sharp cheekbones and a mouth that promised to curl into the most sinful of smiles. In his late forties or fifties.
Two other men sit at his table, both younger and more enthusiastic, if the way their eyes almost pop out of their sockets as they look at her is anything to go by. She doesn’t spare them a second glance.
Of course, Tav knows she’s being partial. In her experience, older men are more likely to keep their hands to themselves and leave generous tips.
A part of her resents the fact that he isn't looking at her, craves his undivided attention. But then again, her show has just started.
“That girl looks like a good lay,” says one of the men in the front row, loud enough for her to hear even over the blaring music.
“The one with the awful dye job?”
Excuse her…? Her hair color is as natural as it can get, thank you very much.
“Nah, that one is a real blond.”
“I’ll only believe if I see it for myself,” the man says as his eyes run down her body in a way that leaves little doubt as to his meaning.
Fuck her this, fuck her that. Enough of these two jerks. She heard worse and with much more color. If her handsome stranger kept such rude company around him, maybe she isn’t so keen on getting to know him after all.
She often pictures someone while she dances—a prince from a faraway land, a movie star, a stern-looking madam. It gave her performance an extra edge, made it just a little more captivating. This time, however, she doesn’t need to superimpose her imagination on a poor bystander, she locks eyes with her mysterious stranger and gives everything she has.
It doesn't take long for her to lose herself in the carnal energy of the place, in the heavy beat of the music, in the pungent smell of smoke and sweat, until everything around her is a blur. It reminds her why she does this, why she dances.
The music stops and she slides down the pole, body aching and sweaty, a satisfied smile on her face. The men stare at her, lust written in their gazes, but she only cares about one set of eyes. At the front-row table, her handsome stranger is looking straight at her.
Not just looking at her. Devouring her is a better way of putting it, as if she were a fresh-from-the-oven—and entirely too irresistible—canapé being served at his table. She was right earlier: he does look good when he smiles. Although she had underestimated the wolfish nature of it, the way his eyes sparkled with newfound interest.
The moment is short-lived. A small crowd has gathered at the edge of the stage, pulling her from her musings. Her audience expects her to put on a show and she doesn’t intend to disappoint.
Her lacy garters are overflowing with cash by the time she’s done, some falling to the floor where she stands.
A flash of brown hair. Her heart beats faster.
“You were magnificent, my dear. Truly a sight to behold.” Lorroakan, one of her regulars, blocks her view of the crowd. Tav looks past him, but the seats at the front-row table are empty. “You must let me show you my full appreciation later.”
There is little to be said about the man, other than the fact that being around him was an exercise in endurance. Forcing a smile, Tav crawls to him on all fours on the stage. Lorroakan may be an insufferable bastard, but he had money to burn.
The fabric of her jeans shorts grazes the cold floor as she arches her back to be at eye level with him. Her outfit today is that of a naughty country girl, with a sleeveless white shirt wrapped around her midriff and stockings that went up to her knees. A little too plain for her tastes, but she knows better than to say no to Shadowheart (the flush that took over the woman’s face when she put on the outfit more than made up for her troubles, though).
“I’ll take your appreciation in the form of your tips.” Holding the ginger’s gaze, she splays her palms over her breasts and squeezes them together.
It is almost comical, the way he automatically reaches into his pockets and places the money in her cleavage, like a toy that was put to work, his eyes wide open and mouth ajar.
What happens next is a little more unclear. Lorroakan goes back to his seat—or is pushed, he doesn’t seem to have noticed either way—and someone else takes his spot.
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betterthanburrow · 2 years
The NFL Off-Season Life - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Artist! OC)
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liked by joeyb_9, allisonkuch and 991,893 more users
yourinstagram: life is good… life is great ❣️
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allisonkuch: it looks like you and Joe are enjoying your first NFL off-season life together!
↳ yourinstagram: the advice you gave me on how to handle football players during the NFL off-season life truly has saved my life and i can’t thank you enough 🙏🏻
lahjay10_: i can tell from that writing piece of yours that y’all are having fun during the offseason 😌
mamaburrow: i hope that the two of you are having a good time visiting your hometown!
↳ yourinstagram: trust me… we are having fun!
yourmother: i can’t wait to see the two of you soon!
joeyb_9: out of all the pictures of me… you decided to chose that photo to be apart of your “photo dump”?!
↳ yourinstagram: would you rather me post your failed artwork on a tiny canvas for all instagram users to see?!
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liked by 357,158 users
Burrow_Updates: Joe Burrow’s instagram story.
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username1: i was at that restaurant last night and i saw Joe with his girlfriend and her mother… i didn’t take pictures to respect their privacy but they were having a good time together while drinking and laughing.
↳ username2: did you hear any of the embarrassing stories from Y/N’s childhood?!
↳ username1: no, i wasn’t close to their table. also the restaurant was very loud so even if i was close to their table… i probably wouldn’t have been able to hear anything because i couldn’t hear my girlfriend speak and she was sitting across the table from me.
yourinstagram: i can’t believe an instagram story update from one of my boyfriend’s fanpages is how i find out that my mother and i got too drunk…
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liked by joeyb_9, allisonkuch and 799,083 users
yourinstagram: 🗯️ (disclaimer: it’s an art piece that i saw on the street, please don’t overthink this post)
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joeyb_9: thank you for the disclaimer… i don’t need rumors about me being a fan of NFTs going around 🙄
↳ yourinstagram: rumors about you being head over heels in love with your art lover girlfriend > rumors about you loving your girlfriend because she’s an NFT.
mamaburrow: what’s an NFT?!
↳ joeyb_9: trust me mama… you don’t want to know.
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liked by yourinstagram and 732,495 more users
joeyb_9: thinkin about ball today.
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Bengals: we’re always thinking about the ball.
yourinstagram: is that all you were thinking about 🤔
↳ joeyb_9: i was also thinking about my girlfriend’s embarrassing stories from her childhood that her and her mother told me about at the restaurant ☺️
↳ yourinstagram: stop thinking about that right now… go back at thinking about the ball.
NFL: we miss seeing our favorite #9 quarterback on the football field!
lahjay10_: when are you not thinking about the ball?!
↳ joeyb_9: that’s a good point.
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liked by mamaburrow and 991,097 more users
yourinstagram: today, i offering you a semi-blurry selfie and some art pieces that i’ve been working on… tomorrow, who knows what i’ll offer.
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joeyb_9: pretty girl and her pretty art.
username1: will you ever put your artwork up for sale?!
↳ yourinstagram: i’ve considered opening an online shop for my artwork… but art is something i do in my free-time for my own peace of mind and i don’t want it to become a chore that i’ll have to stress about.
sam_hubbard: i know what you could offer tomorrow?!
↳ yourinstagram: hmm… what?! (if you say something stupid i’m going to block your account)
↳ sam_hubbard: nevermind… i’m not going to risk getting blocked by one of my best friend’s girlfriend 😵‍💫
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liked by yourinstagram and 96,108 more users
Bengals: Tiny hands win games.
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joeyb_9: who edited those hands… we need to talk.
sam_hubbard: i see that Twitter 2020 tweet more times that i’ve seen any other Twitter tweet.
yourinstagram: those tiny hands may win football games, but those tiny hands can’t paint a tiny canvas!
↳ joeyb_9: i apologize for not being the most artistic football quarterback in the world.
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Author’s Note:
i truly do enjoy writing these Instagram AUs, i know that this is only the third Instagram AU that i’ve posted so far but… i’m having a lot of fun writing Instagram AUs for a man that has no social media presence which is causing me to use my imagination to come up with these Instagram AUs “scenarios”.
if you have any requests for an Instagram AU, please send them to my inbox and i’ll try to have the Instagram AU posted as soon as i can!
thank you for all the love and support 🤍
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
Satan's Ragdoll
18+ ONLY
~ Reader is female and goes by she/her pronouns.~
TW: Slapping, hair pulling, use of the word "girl", choking, gagging, throwing person, objects being broken, glass shattering, cursing.
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You're chilling in your room doing your potion making schoolwork when you hear glass breaking from the common room. Annoyed, you let out huff as you get up from your bed and make way down the hall. What mess did the brothers get into now? You make your way to the source of the noise and see Satan absolutely obliterating the common room. Vases are flying, couches are flipped over, bricks ripped from the walls, and Mammon, Asmo, and Levi are huddle in a corner in fear. "SATAN!" Lucifer bellows from behind you, body glowing with his purple demon fog. "Shut the fuck up, you scum!" Satan spits as he throws a vase in Lucifer's direction. For the next 20 minuets, Lucifer and Satan are in a screaming match about God knows what as the brothers disperse from the corner and leave silently. You keep your distance near the entry way and wait until the dispute is finished. Satan throws the coffee table across the room and curses Lucifer on his way out. " Satan, are you oka-" you try to ask, reaching a hand to place on his shoulder. Satan cuts you off and turns around, eyes glowing an emerald flame. " Don't even try to follow me, human. Leave me be." He turns and storms to his room.
You slouch slightly at the sudden rejection and turn to Lucifer. " Let him be an emotional wreck on his own. He's not worth your time." Lucifer says disgusted as he picks up the pictures that were knock off the wall.
You head back to your room and try to focus back on your schoolwork. You try will all your might to finish your task but can't get Satan out of your thoughts. He is worth your time, if someone just went and actually tried talking to him, maybe he would be able to express his emotions properly. He needs someone to talk to. He's the only one who has never been graced with an angelic past, he was birthed with the punishment of his sin. Punished just for being born. You close your textbook and slide out your door, hoping you don't catch Lucifer on the way to Satan's room.
You reach Satan's door and politely knock, " Satan? It's MC, may I come in?". Instead of a voice responding, you hear a big crash from behind the door. You take it upon yourself to enter, worried that Satan as now begun to trash his room. You click the door behind you and stay against the wall, watching Satan confirm your suspicion. Book pages are torn all over the floor, towers of books now scattered on the floor, closet door shredded to splinters, and an angry Satan failing to notice the human watching near the doorway. "S-Satan..." you say, trying to get his attention. His head snaps in your direction, causing you to choke on your own breath.
With your back pressed to the wall, Satan strides towards you. His emerald eyes burn with fury, if looks could kill you would have been long gone. He takes his hand and grabs your face, causing your cheeks to smoosh together from the force of his grip. He holds you against the wall with his left hand on your shoulder and his knee in between your legs, closing the space between you two. He leans in closer to your face, through his clenched teeth he shouts, " Didn't I tell you not to follow me?!". You get nervous and try to free your face from the grip of his right hand, just for him to hold your face tighter to make you look at him.
Satan's outbursts made you nervous at times, but you were never truly afraid of him. Even at his worst, you never failed to see the beauty in this misunderstood demon. Even in his wrathful grip, you notice how his golden locks perfectly frame his face, his beautiful deep green eyes and how they shimmer in the dimmest of lights. Though never being an angel, his angelic features make you swoon at the sight of them. With him this close to you, feel a warmth grow in between your legs and a flurry of butterflies in your stomach. "S-Satan, please. You need to calm down." you whisper between your smooshed cheeks.
Thanks to Satan's demon powers, he can smell the arousal pouring off of you. " You find this attractive!? You find this irate, spiteful, heinous demon amusing?!" he shouts as his horns sprout through his hair, transforming into his demon form. He grabs you by your torso and throws you across the room on to his bed, knocking whatever books were left on the sheets on to the floor. You gasp at the landing, arms and legs splayed out on his bed; eyes widen with shock. He lunges on top of you, propping himself up with his hands and knees at the sides of your body and looks down on you. " You foolish human, you need to learn how to listen. When The Avatar of Wrath commands you not to follow, you obey his commands." he says as he caresses your cheek with the back of his hand, contrasting the angry look in his eyes. You lean into his touch, completely captivated by his beauty and gentle stroke. He moves his soft hand from your cheek the suddenly shoots his hand down to your top, ripping your shirt and bra off your body in one go. " You make me so angry at times, you know that MC?" he says in a calm voice as he trails a single finger down between your breast, gliding down your torso to the hem of your pants. You shiver at his touch, biting your lip and breathing deeper. You press your thighs together in suspense. " Sometimes... you make me.... very angry....". He grips the waistband of both your underwear and pants and again, rips the clothing off your body to shreds.
He grabs your throat and squeezes just enough to constrict your breathing. With his other hand, he plants a hard smack across your cheek. Your eyes well up as you fight for air, spreading your legs and getting your slick on his sheets beneath you. With him gripping your throat with his left hand, he takes his right hand between your legs and rams three fingers inside of you, causing you to let out a constricted moan. " You like making me angry, don't you?" he taunts as he begins drilling your pussy with his slender fingers. He drills his fingers inside of you, pressing down on your g spot. You cry out as you squirm in the overstimulating pleasure. Your head becomes dizzy and your vision is faded from your tears.
He lets go of your throat to move his other hand down to your heat, slapping your clit with force as he continues to fuck you with his fingers. You throw your head back and let out an ear-piercing moan, spreading your legs apart and arching your back, pathetically begging for more without saying a single word. The room fills with your pleasured screeches and the wet slapping of your clip against his palm. When satisfied on how abused your pussy looks, he stands up and takes off his clothes. With you laying on your back, he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls your head to the edge of the bed he's standing next to. With your face turned to his throbbing cock, he slides it down your throat and fucks your face. He bobs your head back and forth by your hair, ignoring your slurpy gags and tears running down your cheeks. Your face is turned to its side so all you can do it looks up at him with glassy eyes and drool dripping out of your mouth, allowing him to use your throat as his personal pocket pussy.
He shoves your face into his pelvis, releasing his hot seed down your throat with a grunt between his teeth. He pulls his dick out of your mouth and pulls you off of his bed by your hair, making you stand up properly. He walks over to his bookshelf that stands about 4 feet tall and pushes all his books off onto the floor. He then gets behind you and with one hard shove, you land on the bookshelf on your stomach and ass in the air. He grabs a fistful of your hair again and with his dick pressed in between your ass cheeks, he leans over and whispers "Why must I abuse you to teach you not to provoke the embodiment of Wrath?". He bites down on your earlobe as he rams his dick into your heat. You gasp as you grip on to the lip of the bookshelf. You hang your head down as your knuckles turn white from gripping the aged wood. His dick is so deep in your guts, you feel it practically punching your lungs. He pulls on to your hair causing your neck to bend backwards as far as it can physically go. Your throat is now exposed, and your eyes are fixed on to Satan behind you. He begins fucking you on the bookshelf with all his force, shoving two fingers down your throat. He presses down on the back of your tongue, enjoying the view of you gaging and drooling while watching your crying eyes lock into his gaze. Despite the force coming from behind you, as well as sensation of being gagged, you arch your back and take all of his dick, enjoying the abuse. " What a good girl you are" he purrs in a breathy groan as he runs his fingers across your tongue. He lets go of your hair, and with both hands, he hooks his fingers inside of your mouth and pulls you closer into his thrusts by the inside of your cheeks. With your mouth forced open, there is no concealing the whimpery moans coming from you. You become weak in the knees and you reach your peak, eyes rolling to the back of your head as drool drips from your mouth and on to his hands. Once you've finished, he pulls out of you as you lay limp on his bookshelf. Satan has returned back to his human form, the fiery glow of wrath now gone from his eyes. He picks you up like a rag doll and carries you to his bed. Now that Satan as successfully released his pent of anger on to your abused pussy, he spends the rest of the night reading to you the soppiest of love stories. Despite his roughness, he's thankful you aren't very good at following commands. He'll remember that next time he tells you not to follow.
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fastcardotmp3 · 9 months
🎊 december bookshelf 🎊
november recs | recs tag
Happy (almost) New Year! Here are some bits of brilliance I'm closing out the year in reading, and here's to everything that you guys have made this year. I'm so grateful to exist in a space with so much talent and so many big hearts willing to share in it, and I can't wait to read what you have cooked up for 2024 🥂 love, dot
🎊 INCENDIUM by @stargazersteddie- I have always been and will always be a weird dragon kid at heart and this fic was tailor made for the weird dragon kids of the world LIKE! dragon shapeshifter eddie is SUCH a concept and then to add dragon hunter steve to the mix? to add a genuinely intriguing corrupted corporation claiming to help people? to add ronance espionage and secrets in the woods and-? you know? a treat of a journey really and truly.
🎊 captain's log webcomic by @rogue-alien - That sweet spot where beautiful, perfectly representative art meets a brilliant premise in which Dustin finds a bunch of old "Captain's Log" tapes Eddie recorded before he died and things develop from there. Truly makes my day every time I see this has updated with a new page and as a comic book lover I'm fully enamored with everything about this
🎊 if you wanted, you could do no harm by @eskawrites - I'm a lover of a road trip story in which everything becomes clear because the scenery has changed and this is SUCH a beautiful depiction of that. getting to live inside Nancy's head as she goes from knowing she has to get out of Hawkins but not necessarily why to finding this sense of peace within herself and the things she both can control (kissing the girl who made sure she wasn't alone for the journey) and can't control (the big unknowable that is life) was a delight and a joy <3
🎊 mark it on the starmap with an x by @cheatghost - the Eddie POV "show me the place (where he inserted the blade)" sequel/ companion piece of my DREAMS. I love an Eddie character study with my whole heart and the way lou explores him in this particular circumstance, being blocked off from the joy he built for himself and leaning on Wayne and almost being forced into adapting without getting a say in the matter? Brilliant, immaculate, perfect, HELP ME.
🎊 max the bloody handed by @hellsfireclub - KAS!MAX!!! Beautiful Lucas POV as things fall into disarray, as his sense of something's wrong gets proven right, and with such a cool and eerie tone the whole way through. also Lucas with a crossbow which you KNOW is everything To Me.
🎊 this time of the year by @gothbat99 - robin HEARS nancy even when nancy isn't saying anything aloud and robin KNOWS that nancy needs a moment to let her brain go quiet and just be and I'm beside myself!! sweet and warm and tinged with the inevitable grief of the holiday season what if I cry huh?
🎊 The Future is the Same (but i have to try) by @fragilecapric0rnn - such an intriguing world built in so few words but the thing that has me on the FLOOR is the nancy and steve reckless grieving power duo of it all LIKE. designed for me specifically perhaps??? the characterization, the looming danger of every choice they make, the impulsive nature of it all!!! brilliant!
🎊 crash by @cheatghost (yes, again! sue me!) - i say 'designed for me specifically' a lot but this time it's actually TRUE and let me tell you!!! the psychic damage incurred was IMMENSE!! the nancy character study of all time, the cyclical/non-linear journey through grief and catharsis and hope and acceptance of my dreams, i'm never going to stop thinking about this fic you HAVE to read it, it's imperative To Me okay? okay. okay okay.
PS. don't forget to tip your writer in kudos and comments if you read and enjoy these! it's talking to each other about the works we create that makes this fandom world go round 💖
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slashthrashandcrash · 6 months
your jedmeg art has truly opened my eyes to a whole new world...do you think you could share your thoughts on it? only if your up to it!
Yeah!! Yeah don't worry I am so totally normal about them and have not fixated on them at all with @unnamed-blob!!! <- said derangedly
Now first, you may be thinking "Slash, how does a man from the early 90s get together with a girl from (presumably) the late 2010s?" to which the answer is simple: what are you, a cop? It's my AU and time is meaningless here.
For the most part, it all starts off the same for the both of them -- Meg is a star athlete that declined to follow a scholarship to take care of her mom, while "Jed Olsen" is the friendly new reporter for the local paper and top journalist for the recent Ghostface killings popping up in the area recently. Maybe he was covering a fundraising marathon for a fluff piece that Meg happened to win, maybe they bumped into each other while Meg was out for a morning jog and Jed was still wide awake from the previous night to be mistaken for an early riser too; either way, they make small talk and hit it off.
A few orchestrated meet-cutes by Jed later and he's certain that Meg has successfully fallen for his current persona, totally head over heels for this kind, dorky, excitable new guy in town. It creates the perfect cover for him, an alibi to use when needed, someone he can manipulate into agreeing that yes, he was with them around these times and on these dates. If she starts getting troublesome, she'll end up on the chopping block.
But then the weirdest thing starts happening...he starts enjoying himself when he takes her out on dates. He likes seeing her with her hair down more. Her hand always feels so warm in his. It feels natural to kiss her rather than an act. He's not pretending to be the stereotypical good boyfriend, he genuinely is becoming a good boyfriend. Sure, he still stalks her, always have to keep tabs on someone that close to you when you have a dirty little secret, but he's realizing that he knows so many little things about her just from their hang outs and what she's told him. He's remembering all the unimportant details, because to Meg they are important.
It's a strange feeling. He's not sure if this is good or bad when it comes to his murderous hobby that she was intended to be a cover story for. One thing's for certain: The Ghostface killer has taken it up a notch by no longer stalking his victims from afar before slaughtering them. Or rather Meg is just one unlucky gal, because in the midst of his rampage she's been harassed by him on multiple occasions. Never killed, clearly, which is highly unlike his MO. Toyed with, teased, snide comments being made about her little boyfriend.
Meg is convinced this is Ghostface trying to blackmail Jed for reporting too closely to his slayings, but don't worry babe, she'll kick his ass if he ever tries to hurt you!! In reality, it's just to further solidify to her that Ghostface and Jed are obviously two separate people, so if people should ever start getting suspicious of Jed she'd be the first to jump to his defense. Besides, he's just can't help himself. She's so feisty and scared, a complete contrast to how she is with Jed, it's thrilling to watch such a pretty girl hiss and scratch under him. That's when he knows for certain that his own obsession had grown to full blown enamored.
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fruitfulfetus · 8 days
I did not forget about Ghost Girl. Believe me, i just forgot to post. Or, more so, I didn't have the motivation. But!!!!!!
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New art, small redesigning, and more lore added! All below the cut :3
New art/small redesign:
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I decided to incorporate one of her old designs more into her new one, so tit removal. No transgenderism has occurred. It's just tit removal !! She now has shorts instead of pants for swimming, webbed limbs, and three cuts on her sides that show her ribs. In-game, she would still have her shirt on, except when she is seen swimming. Those are the most substantial changes
More art:
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She's short next to the expendable bc She's 4'11
New lore add ons:
Due to Z-32’s status as an incredibly low threat, she’s allowed to traverse freely around the Let-Vand zone. Punishments will ensue if she attempts to leave the Let-Vand zone, lead Expendables out of the Let-Vand zone, attempt to break PDG, kill guardsmen, or lead other anomalies out of the Let-Vand zone. As of currently, no attempts have been made.
In 2013, the investigation team caught a lead on Z-32’s family, or so we thought. ███████ ████████████ and ██████ ███████████ were found to be Z-32’s parents, the father being a scientist and the mother working for the government. The father had a record of many crimes, multiple being stealing drugs illegally from hospitals, and doing surgery without a license. He got out of said crimes with the help of his wife, who was erasing their records. Because of this, we are unsure if these are truly Z-32’s parents. In 1987, Z-32’s parents' death was allegedly faked. We are currently unaware of their location. None of this information has been given to Z-32.
Z-32 is to be kept in stress free, large environments due to a history of physical violence against an MR-P in containment, in which the prisoner did not survive. The lash out has been proven to be because of the pure stress of the harsh environment. Z-32 is now accepted medical checks without question as well, since Z-32 has made a habit of chewing on their own skin due to stress.
This lore is subject to change because my friend wanted to merge our lore, but she's still working on her side of it.
I finally wrote stuff down for p.ai.nter and Ghost girl's relationship; Z-32 is permitted to carry the P.ai.nter around from his containment in a 5 room radius when gaurdsmen are present. Z-32 presented the idea, as "he seemed lonely," from their words. Z-32 chats and draws with the painter frequently, even though she's not a great artist.
That's basically ittjj,,, oh also the guy who was gonna help me with the model said some weird shit so i blocked him. Unless i learn blender on my own (which could take a while), there probably won't be a model :((
Anyways bye :3
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horrorknife · 7 months
im not ever this kind of bitch but you guys have got to stop coming into this tag and being all cutesy “dont look at the jelix :/ i know the guy who literally made this thing drew that image but just pretend it doesnt exist (just so you guys know i am ‘one of the good ones’.) look at this one of girls kissing tho” please grow up. begging you. theres nothing wrong w jelix people have been shipping things like this since the dawn of time. no one is justifying felixs actions by doing this. no one is saying “it would be good if they got together after the car crash”. sometimes you can just want to see two dudes make out and that’s fine. everything about jack/felix makes it Primed for shipping. it is simply not that deep. its fuckin toxic yaoi theyre a dime a dozen. if it truly bothers you so much maybe you should utilize this websites tag blocking feature instead of being obnoxious and annoying to people who are in the tag looking for art and shit. thats all.
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charlotte-official · 8 months
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01/03/24 - 01/17/24
"a/n: wow guess who decided to actually try to write like a real newspaper writer! isn't that craaaaaazy. man and i really can't beat the deadlines, can i?? ..i'm like two weeks late... again..."
BUT HEY, ALSO APPLY FOR THE STEAMBIRD HERE TO BE ABLE TO WORK ON THESE ISSUES AS WELL!!!! If it doesn't work for you, feel free to simply slide into my dms if you're interested : ).
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Chief Alchemist Albedo and General Mahamatra Cyno caught flirting by the Cat’s Tail tavern bartender Diona Katzlein in Mondstadt.
Truly, in the eyes of a young Katzlein Bartender, there is no worse crime other than that of wordplay. In Diona Katzlein’s opinion, however, the one worse thing other than that is flirting. No, no, not flirting, naturally, the young girl’s got nothing against flirting, but flirting with wordplay is the one type of flirting she refuses to stand. And would you ever be able to guess that the people guilty of using wordplay as flirting are none other than the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius and the Akedemiya’s General Mahamatra?
About two weeks ago, the Chief Alchemist of the KoF and General Mahamatra spotted were exchanging small quips involving the art of wordplay(The usage of homophones and or similar-sounding words with humorous intent), but while admittedly it was mostly wordplay, not all of the lines were. Having popped his head around the corner of a building in the city of Mond, Albedo, the General Mahamatra, Cyno, without a word of greeting, told what is defined by most who have heard his jokes, "A dad joke." However, the General Mahamatra is in fact, not a father.
Unlike most of the other recipients of his jokes, however, Albedo laughed(although it was less of a laugh and more of a huff...) at his normally regarded unfunny joke and even gave one of the same kind. Inspired by this action, Cyno, after gaping in awe, told the alchemist another joke. For a while then, the two exchange jokes with eachother. After exchanging jokes the two began discussing something called "eggcorns," meaning the mishearing of words or phrases.
In the most shocking of twists, the General Mahamatra told a joke about corners and in the smoothest way possible, the Chief Alchemist basically asked him out on a date to a restaurant in a corner. Just like how Cyno's joke said. (The said restaurant being The Good Hunter... which was about a block away.) The General Mahamatra accepted, and so the Chief Alchemist led him over to The Good Hunter Restaurant. Little did the two know that just around the corner by the Adventurer's Guild, was a young girl with feline features. Who, by the way, just so happened to be a bartender at the tavern of the Cat's Tail!
It was Diona. Who, as it is unearthed, is quite very not fond of Wordplay. As Miss Kätzlein describes it, the form of humor is that of "like the ones that middle aged fathers who neglect their children tell. And. Theyre pretty unfunny." The General retorted that it was really just wordplay, but Diona continued to rant about how she heard the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius using wordplay and was disgusted.
The General Mahamatra quipped that he thought the two were flirting. Shocked and a tad suspicious(having never mentioned a second figure), the girl connected the dots of remembering the familiar white haired dad joke telling figure she saw the other day as being Cyno. Diona immediately confronted him about it, and flustered he had been caught, the General Mahamatra caved and squeaked out an answer. So enraged, the small feline-featured girl berated his sense of humor, telling him his jokes weren't even funny.
Upset and obviously feeling as though he had a point to prove, the General Mahamatra set off away! Most likely to go and share most of his jokes, determined to get a laugh out of the most people possible!
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Fatui Harbingers Pantalone and Dottore who had allegedly to be wed, instead go on a dinner date.
It had been quite the talk of Teyvat when it was found that the two Fatui Harbingers, Ninth and Second, were engaged and set to be wed! Due to odd circumstances(perhaps because of an unseen conflict between the two! Surely, something more than a simple lovers squabble..), the ninth Harbinger, Pantalone was spotted asking the Doctor, il Dottore, out on a (seemingly first)date!
And how cute, readers find, that the Doctor had been planning to ask the Regrator out on a date himself! Although.. It does appear to be that the Regrator beat him to it! Il Dottore had stressed himself out over date planning with several anons and had even gotten jealous after finding out an anon was flirting with the Banker, Pantalone! Of course, it was fine, in the end, because I suppose the Banker only had eyes for the Doctor!
Back in November, the Regrator had given the Doctor a heartfelt marriage proposal, which was rather odd, especially since there was no evidence of any courtship between the two! (Well.. Okay, there were tons of flirtatious banter and prolonged glances.. but.. no official dating.. or anything..) The two were expected to be wed, but after an unexpected period of silence, news of the two resurfaced.. though now the couple are seemingly starting over to engage in a courtship?
Rumors have speculated that the two realized that their skip to marriage was rather too hasty and they needed to take a step back and properly(and officially) start their relationship. So the two, with an evening dinner date on their minds, set out to a restaurant on the Snezhnayan coast to reset their relationship and start from square one! Though, in a post I quote, the Doctor already seems to want to hop into marriage again!
”I’m literally dating a man, who I want to marry. Yes, I am gay.” (the Doctor, referring to the Regrator)
The Ninth and Second Harbingers of the Fatui, coworkers, comrades, colleagues. The two, so enamored with the other, jumped to the notion of spending the rest of their eternities together. But on second thought, it was improper, rather informal at the least. Taking a step back, the couple decided to start over. For one dinner date at a time, the two will be ready to take the next step once again. So perhaps, in the near future, matching rings will adorn that of the hands of the two Harbingers!
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Webttore, a well known Dottore segment, believes he is allergic to Tartaglia, a Fatui Harbinger. Why, you may ask? Keep reading to find out! 
The Fatui have an ongoing trend to which, at the moment, seems to have no end. The trend? What trend? The undeniable trend of Fatui members being pressed with odd allegations of all sorts—usually having to do with romantic endeavors. And would you look at that! The next victim of this little trend is none other than the Dottore(Second Harbinger, The Doctor, Il Dottore) segment himself, Webttore, who was said to be “half gay” by the Ninth Harbinger, Pantalone(Il Dottore’s boyfriend).
The Regrator, while having been asked how to be “gayer” by the boisterous Arataki Itto, referred to Webttore for reference as a figure who could offer the man more tips. The Dottore Segment himself flusteredly whispered that Pantalone didn’t have to expose him so badly like that. The Banker’s reaction to this information was to go on a small rant on how everybody knew how bisexual the guy was except for himself. The Dottore segment, thinking that the man courting his prime body had a good point, listened intently. Pantalone encouraged the younger segment to go and ask out his (obvious) crush, the eleventh Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia or Childe.
Another voice of opinion to Webttore’s little crush.. Alright, so perhaps not much of an opinion, more of just a flabbergasted reaction was what the Cryo Archon, the Tsaritsa provided. The Dottore Segment, who was unable to deduct the source of his feelings, sought out the Archon, asking if he was “allergic to the ginger because of his “getting red when he thinks about him and his heart rate going up” in Childe’s vicinity. The Tsaritsa, so appalled at the mint-haired man’s deduction, could only utter out a simple, “What the fuck?”
Overall, the toothpaste segment man was able to realize something about himself he never knew before! And besides that, he was able to (with the help of a boatload of notes he had taken before hand,) ask his alleged crush out on a dinner date! Truly following in the steps of his prime body.
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Arataki Itto wants to eat a hibiscus flower, so Pink Hibiscus anon suggests that they may be good tasting deepfried. Naturally, the Wanmin Chef Xiangling Mao had to answer the call and- hey! Wait! Didn't we do already do this a few months ago?!
Liyue, the nation of Contracts, may as well also be known as the nation of deep frying flowers. Of course, it’s happened only once, and almost happened twice, but that enough is plenty of times! This can all be blamed on the talented, young chef, Xiangling Mao of Wanmin Restaurant. What happened, may you ask? Well, on January 13th, the leader of the Arataki Gang asked a new anon, Pink Hibiscus anon what a hibiscus was and if it were edible! Pink Hibiscus answered that yes, they are indeed edible! In fact, the anon even suggested that they would taste good deep fried… Ah.. surely you can see where this is going now.
To continue on, the Arataki Gang leader decided he’d be grilling the flowers like roasting lavender melon. The young chef, Xiangling Mao, happened to pass by the oni and the anon, so she slid into the conversation, offering to deep fry the flowers with a silly look on her face. Excitedly, the oni pumped his fist into the air and celebrated. Now, who could guess that another member of the first deep fried flower incident would show up too! It was Mondstadt’s Outrider, Amber, who pleaded to the chef to spare the oni’s life and begged Itto to not eat the flowers, saying that he may die eating the flowers. Xinyan, yet ANOTHER member of the first of the deep fried flower situations, shrugged as she passed by, saying that the flowers were totally edible and that Xiangling’s food was really good, thus encouraging the unsuspecting oni to eat the flowers. Happily, the chef grinned at her rock and roll singing friend and frowned at the outrider for slandering her food, demanding she come over and eat the deepfried hibiscus flower. Yanfei, albeit rather late, but finally arriving at the scene, begged the Outrider to not “succumb” and eat them. 
Eh! It’s fine, no matter. Maybe there was a (temporary) casualty due to the deadly side effects of Chef Mao’s… creative cooking, but to us at the Steambird and the rest of you reading this, we may never find out! Simply leave it up to your imagination to interpret what happened to the group! Though.. The most reasonable answer to come up with may just be that the oni downed a ridiculous amount of deep fried pink hibiscus flowers and started spewing loads of steam from his ears.
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Beidou and Pantalone give Arataki Itto advice on his romantic endeavors, and while talking to Beidou, Ayato pops in after hearing his name mentioned and… things.. Say.. escalate.
If you were to go up to the Captain of the Crux, Beidou, who had slain the sea monster Haishan and called her sexy to her face, do you think that after that the woman would give you romantic advice? Surely not, but perhaps because it was Arataki Itto who did this, (and of course it was Arataki Itto, him always getting into such situations, the man,) he was able to walk away unscathed. Because Arataki Itto called Beidou "sexy lady" and proceeded to receive romantic advice from the woman. Did I also mention he called the Ninth Fatui Harbinger gay and also received romantic advice from the man.
A few weeks ago, Arataki Itto Numero Uno, Leader of the Arataki Gang approached the Captain of the Crux, calling her "sexy", though in a lighthearted manner. The two had a loud, yet fun, and simple conversation before the two suddenly started talking about liking the same gender, to which the Captain began giving him pointers on how to realize who he may have a crush on and what his sexuality is. Arataki, deep in thought, admitted that he wanted to kiss his "bro", Kamisato Ayato, leader of the Kamisato Clan on the lips. The Kamisato Clan's leader had been conveniently passing by at the time.
Naturally, Itto, being the flustered oni he was, asked if Ayato wanted to kiss. Truly a man ahead of his time, because Archons, damn it. It worked. The two kissed and Arataki Itto was... Very aggressive with it! Okay! Now let's backtrack a bit! See, Arataki Itto probably was so harsh with his.. smooching, because a while back, the oni had asked Pantalone, the Ninth Fatui Harbinger for pointers on kissing. The Regrator had simply shrugged and told him that he needed to display a ton of emotion and passion.. to which the oni had interpreted as.. a hell of a lot of passion.
In fact, while the two were discussing their odd romantic positioning and the Captain of the Crux Fleet awkwardly scoot away, it was uncovered that the oni apparently had his drink spiked and the Kamisato Clan Leader slept with the Leader of the Arataki Gang. And then they start dating because Arataki Itto asks the Kamisato Clan leader to be his boyfriend.
Truths having been discovered and feelings being resolved, the two were able to sort out some issues and kiss. Repetitively. Alas, I do suppose all's well ends well! And with a small mumble from the oni, the two probably have many dates to go on as a new couple.
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- headlines -
Il Dottore's latest segment surfaces to of the public eye. And who would be able to guess that it's a small, teeny adorable ball of fluff!
The Regrator adopts the youngest of Dottore segments, being a small child with the familiar toothpaste colored hair.
Teyvat is taken by storm by the uprising of vision wielders and non-vision wielders alike being turned into miscellanious creatures such as worms on string, moles, and cats.
Doctor Baizhu of the Bubu Pharmacy and the Ninth Fatui Harbinger Pantalone discuss how Pantalone’s days are numbered because of his usage of his Delusion, the first conversation they’ve likely had after years, with their wording hinting at the two being allegedly brothers who went their separate ways as they went into adulthood. Apparently, the Regrator had wronged the Doctor a long, long time ago, but the two are able to put their differences aside and forgive eachother.
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- accounts mentioned/articles -
@diona-official , @albedo-official , @cyno-the-adventurer. @dottore-official , @regrator-pantalone. @webttore-official , @blxdesofglory , @the-tsaritsa-official. @autistic-arataki-itto, @xiangling-official , @pink-hibiscus-anon , @yanfei-official, @ask-outrider-amber , @xinyan-official. @beidou-official , @kamisato-ayato-official.
- bonus accounts (TO WHICH ARE EXACTLY) mentioned/headlines -
@bubu-pharmacy-doctor, @young-zandik-official , @creature-dottore
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original work of @charlotte-official with the help of her gracious team(of atm two, including herself) at @steambird-mods. Most notably because I am eternally grateful to my assistant @ask-delphine-lamoureuse for saving me and writing like half of the articles when I only had half of the first headline written.. Ahhh how I love writing articles… I simply fall behind on writing sometimes, however.
(another) small reminder that steambird applications are open! and are here. If it is preferred, you can always drop me a dm instead where I can interview you : ).
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feyspeaker · 9 months
Picked up two prints! (And a sticker!)
Just so you know, I would legit pay for, like, a collection of your prints in a size somewhere between the mini and 11x14.
Like, I just want to put a *bunch* of them in a binder and just look at it sometimes lol
thank you so so much!!!! ;A; I have considered other sizes, but I live in a tiny place and my printing room is already full of too many sizes of paper/mailers/tubes/etc for what I do offer. I will keep it in mind but the sizes I have now are probably going to be pretty set for now.
About to go off on a tangent, so apologies for hijacking your sweet ask.
honestly this is still so crazy to me, thank you. I have been illustrating for years and years now, but really only found proper footing this year after taking a huge break from commissions and just hammering in what I really want to do with my life.
I've always preferred rendered painting but I felt like the market was so saturated and that I'd never be able to make a living doing it. Many of my older followers will know that for a couple of years I was really on this digital watercolor kick, doing more stylized work. It was extremely grueling despite being faster, bc I forced myself to work entirely on 1 layer with no eraser. It was faster for me to do and felt more "lucrative" as far as timeliness, but I was not very happy doing it, and did a lot of rendered painting studies in my free time, it was basically my "fun time" where I was doing one style for work and a totally different one for private pieces. Literally, I would be painting realistic block of cheese as my downtime.
I was so convinced that stylized stuff was what people wanted, and I have had boxes and boxes of prints I've bought and thrown away because they didn't sell.
Now that I am doing the kind of art my heart wants to do, I am so much happier and completely overwhelmed by how there are actually people who want to art I make for myself on their walls.
This is probably coming off so random but I've been thinking about it a lot, it really is true that you HAVE to paint what makes you happy. If you try to box yourself in to what seems the more "marketable" I promise you are going to be miserable. (Never stop challenging yourself, though. seriously.)
I have never been happier about the art I have created in the last 6 or so years of doing this professionally than I am now that I just said "fuck it, I am tired of painting anime-ish stylized stuff because that's what's in." It's like I've been forcing myself to jam a square block into a circle shaped hole for years. Not to mention that doing line art on literally over a thousand pieces (yes, I've counted, absolutely insane; comic artists please take care of yourselves) for years has well and truly fucked my hand up permanently, I fear.
Other artists, please listen to that little creature in your brain that's telling you it doesn't like painting anime girls or cats or thick chunky line art because that's what you think is popular. If painting nothing but hyperrealistic swords is where you heart is happiest, just do it and stop forcing yourself because I promise there are thousands of people out there who want to see your swords. Just make sure to throw in some jewels or filigree or whatever every once in a while to keep yourself challenged.
Sorry again for hijacking your message, I just am regularly blown away that somehow people actually like my art now that I like it. (Not that my older pieces are regrets btw, I think every single thing you paint no matter the style is worth its figurative weight in gold)
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