#truly The Struggler
autism-swagger · 9 days
Seriously though can we talk about Daisy after she's freed from Hive?? She literally goes through dopamine withdrawal, symptoms of which include (but are not limited to) anxiety, panic attacks, dysphoria, depression, agitation, irritability, suicidal ideation, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, generalized pain, and drug cravings.
Not to mention the fact that dopamine withdrawal has to chance of becoming protracted withdrawal syndrome and can last anywhere from months to YEARS. Get my girl in a detox center NOW 😭
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eggsplice · 3 months
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life when youve become a butterfly hive <3 and also butterflies as a hair fashion statement idk
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kingofdinosaurs · 10 months
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arsonarena · 2 months
birding again
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my reference:
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why does everyone else get roommates who are like cool ppl they become friends with and i get this.
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dungeon-strugglers · 2 months
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✨New item!✨ Ebonclaw Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a monk)
These black iron gauntlets menace with spikes along the knuckles. While you are wearing these gauntlets, your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 piercing damage. 
If you kill a hostile creature of CR 1 or higher with an unarmed strike while wearing these gauntlets, you draw some of the creature’s life energy into yourself and regain 1 ki point. 
Curse. Each time you regain ki using these gauntlets, a darkness begins to take hold of you. When you do so for the 7th time, your spirit becomes addicted to the life force of others. You can no longer regain ki points when you take a short or long rest, but the ki points you siphon from each creature you slay is now equal to one roll of your martial arts die. Additionally, your maximum number of ki points is doubled. When you finish a long rest you lose all remaining ki points if you haven’t regained ki points using these gauntlets since your last long rest. 
When this curse takes hold, the gauntlets undergo a transformation, revealing their truly sinister nature. They now deal extra necrotic damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die on a hit instead of the extra piercing damage. Ebonclaw, forged of infernal soul-stealing iron, shackles the wearer to the pain they can inflict with their clenched fists. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for almost 200 magic items (wow!), printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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knackeredforever · 2 months
It’s funny that most anime only dunmeshi fans know marcille as the struggler character who’s “going through it” when the anime isn’t even at the part where marcille is truly “going through it”
You people aren’t prepared.
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aikoiya · 4 months
I wanted your personal opinion on this, in this video (yes I’m aware I’ve sent this to you before) it was implied, or at least I took it this way. That ganondorf wasn’t always evil or at least he wasn’t a psycho murder. I know you’ve talked about ganons upbringing, and it seems that we both agree that ganondorf is a product of his environment. But I’m confused…in Totk if he wasn’t always evil why was he so easily taken over by greed after seeing the secrecy stones??
(We’re I’m getting this is the ganondorf Japanese ver of totk)
Ah, yes!
Do you mean this scene?
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If so, then my theories aren't to say that TotK Ganon (whom I refer to as Wrath) wasn't evil, more so that he is, but he's thus because Kōme & Kotake raised him that way. Basically, pigeonholing him into the position of tyrant.
In my mind, he was raised to be a social darwinist amidst a warring country in a place that hosts a very harsh environment. Not to mention that he was also raised the only male in a society of all women, which is just a recipe for all kinds of mental health issues & developmental stunting.
In other words, everything around him was basically working against him & he responded thusly.
I think that growing up in constant conflict caused him to not know what to do with himself when Rauru came along & united Hyrule's peoples, thus bringing peace. He'd thrived on the warring life & I think that, in many ways, he was stuck in the past & wished to return to that time because, in his mind, everything made sense then.
Like, war? That made sense. Conflict? That also made sense.
Peace??? He has no idea how to live in a world of peace. Sees no inherent value in it.
Of course, I think this is the case for him on a subconscious level. Outwardly, he's a social darwinist, specifically the Struggler type. However, I don't think he's as sincere in his beliefs as he claims, because as shown in the game, he's a sore loser. And if he truly believed as he said he did, he'd have yielded upon realizing that he'd lost. Which, part of this could be influenced by narcissistic tendencies brought on by being born & raised as what amounts to a god-king in the Gerudo culture.
However, I also think that the stone & 10,000 years sealed away likely exacerbated his preexisting issues to the point where he was fine giving up everything in order to make everyone else miserable.
In a lot of ways, I think that the Dorfs, regardless of which iteration, are all extremely unhappy people & this results in them lashing out.
I think it's possible for him to be a good person, but he'd have to be raised by someone other than Kōme & Kotake.
However, even then, I think it's possible for him to be better, just not good per se.
Though, he'd need the influence of someone who was able to prove themselves to him. Someone able to meet him head on. Someone level-headed & honest. Someone who wouldn't be manipulated by him. Who can cut through the crap & speak directly to him.
They'd have to be able to pose their thoughts in such a way that it doesn't necessarily clash with his own beliefs, while still managing to give him a new perspective to contemplate.
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mythicalgeek · 28 days
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As far as modern fantasy shows goes these days, The Dark crystal age of resistance and Willow are painfully understand gems, even though they are very different from one another (Dark Crystal being an epic dark fantasy and Willow being a fun campy quest adventure) they both go back to mythical forms of storytelling, there both passion progets with a lot of love and care put into them and I wish these kind of shows got more recognition because, they are some of the only fantasy shows we've gotten in the last few years that truly give me that sence of magic that so many modern fantasy strugglers to capture.
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anonymocha · 2 months
OOOOH may i hear more about the oc that sounds fun
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YES YOU MAY LOOK AT MY BABYGIRL… It is a “Beyond” creature fished from the sea… And she is a lil silly. RAMBLING UNDER CUT…
She is like if Jiu Niangzi, Marcille (from Dungeon Meshi), Hitori Gotoh (pink girl from Bocchi the Rock), an electric eel, and a sea angel got thrown into a blender…
She’s an employee at Laplace with a mysterious background; A fishing boat caught a MASSIVE indestructible ‘egg sack’ from the west pacific ocean, which the foundation quickly acquired the moment it hits the news. Empyrean was soon ‘born’, straight to the adult form, and it would’ve gotten the Jessica treatment if it weren’t for their almost-instant learning in humanity’s customs (as if it’s all already preprogrammed) and physiological benefits (limited but infinite electricity maker). She was discovered to lack of any memories before her ‘birth’, or at least that’s what she said. Whether it’s true or not is still questionable.
Anyways, as a worker, she is an absolute mess of a creature who excels at creating and maintaining machinery but is a Struggler in Everything Else (exaggeration). They are a very friendly and warm presence in Laplace’s cold/serious setting, not in an upbeat/jolly kind of way but her relatively quiet and easy presence simply makes the mood less tense. But also because sometimes it does dumb shit like fucking up the coffee maker and making it explode. Always gives everyone a good laugh. Of course, she fixes it with ease.
When they do put their mind into an important project, their work is almost always flawless. She tailored many weapons for herself as leisure projects, powered and ammo-d purely by the electricity she conducts. Any machine maintenance/production project assigned to her goes swimmingly. And of course, Lucy maintenance yaaayyyyy.
+ Likes to collect electric trinkets. Her friends!!! They would pray with these machines every morning, connecting their hair (cables) to each of the machines. Nobody knows why she prays. She mentioned that she just ‘feels the urge to do so’.
An unserious and awkward goober with a lot of implications. :3 Also here are previous renditions of her:
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Truly the lesbian fish of all time. If you ignore Meg. I will write more about her in a doc later.
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autism-swagger · 8 days
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I like to think I'm funny.
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Hi! This is the anon that binged your fic a few days ago! I just got the time to read the newest chapter and I am SO sticking around to find out where this story goes. As someone who’s struggled with mental health I’m able to connect with Grian so well and that only doubles the desire I have to see him flourish and overcome these struggles. The way you write description is so inspiring too; I’ve learned several words since reading! I didn’t know anything about the hunger au when I started so some of the world building was a little lost on me at first, but as I continued it made a lot more sense very quickly! Amazing work, I’m very excited to see where it ends up :)
- binge reader
ANONNNN THIS IS SO INSANELY SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS ASK,,, i was thinking abt this earlier today but i rlly am writing this story primarily for all the recovery girlies out there. My little way of holding everyone's hand and saying its gonna be okay, actually, even if it gets so hard you want to lie down and cry forever. Mental health strugglers rise UP we are OUT HERE we are GOING TO MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!
Im really flattered you enjoy my descriptions, its something i think im most proud of in my writing :] smth about finding the perfect word to help paint an incredibly vivid picture really appeals to the autism in my brain, although i do frequently worry i might be going a bit,,,, overboard kdsbkdnekdk
and yeah, this is admittedly a rough draft of the story-- its missing quite a bit of connective tissue at the start, which is mostly bc i genuinely assumed only a handful of people already familiar with the world would pick it up and see it. In the hypothetical future polished version of this fic, i'd want to make the worldbuilding a bit more concrete right from the start-- i think its very easy to tell that im still sorta worldbuilding as i go, and there are definitely details i'd want to put front and center right away :] nonetheless, im pretty proud of how its shaping up, considering when i posted the first two chapters i had NO CLUE where it was going 😂😂😂😂
Im very, very happy so many people have gotten into the fic and its worldbuilding. Its a truly indescribable feeling when yall come into my inbox and tell me stuff like this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i hope you continue to enjoy the fic, and im really happy you feel seen by it-- that means a lot for me to hear :]
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orthodoxydaily · 11 months
Saints &Reading; Wednesday, August 9, 2023
august 9_july 27
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Highlights from a homily delivered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Philaret of Eastern America and New York, during the Glorification of St. Herman of Alaska by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on August 9, 1970, at the Holy Virgin Cathedral of the Joy of All Who Sorrow in San Francisco, CA.
We are present at a spiritual triumph, when yet another name is being added to the great ranks of God-pleasers, to our intercessors and protectors: our Venerable and God-bearing Father Herman the Wonderworker of Alaska, the ascetic struggler from the far north of Alaska. Our Church is celebrating his glorification.
We need to bear in mind that the Church, by this glorification, is not making this God-pleaser into a saint. He is glorified by God, he is a saint of God, and he has been attested to by God as a man of righteousness for his holy and pious life; he has been attested to by the gifts of God’s grace; and he has been attested to by his righteousness and holiness.
The Church does not make him into a saint by its glorification, but only humbly and joyfully shows him to its spiritual children as a new intercessor to whom they can turn, asking his prayers for protection and help whenever this is necessary.
Rejoice, enslaved Russia, suffering Russia! You now have a new intercessor and protector. And pray to God that, through his holy prayers, He might grant you liberation from the oppression of godlessness under which you are suffocating!
You likewise be glad and rejoice, Russia Abroad, scattered abroad over the entire earthly sphere! You also now have an intercessor and protector. His prayers are still here, where he lived and worked miracles. All the more so now, as he stands before the dread throne of the Lord of Glory, does our Venerable Father Herman mightily supplicate God’s goodness for all the needs of both our temporal and eternal existence. May only our prayer not falter! May we only never doubt that this prayerful protection and intercession is truly a gift of God’s mercy to us!
Let us be triumphant, let us rejoice in the goodness of the Lord, Who is wondrous in His saints. Through His grace and power, our ancient God-pleasers and saints were glorified and, later, both Batiushka John of Kronstadt and Father Herman of Alaska: they were all glorified by the grace of God.
They so loved God that for them living meant serving God; they were wholly in God.
Did the Venerable Herman not leave his native country out of love of God? Out of obedience, as a true ascetic monk, he travelled far without forgetting about his Motherland and his native saints, there giving himself over entirely to the service of God and neighbor. The Lord glorified His faithful servant and laborer by grace and wonderworking.
“Glory be to God for all things!” St. John Chrysostom once said in antiquity. Now we too, having received these gifts of God’s grace, should say from our whole soul: “Glory be to God for all things!” Amen.
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2 TIMOTHY 2:1-10
1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5 And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things. 8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, 9 for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. 10 Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory
JOHN 15:17-16:2
17 These things I command you, that you love one another. 18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. 25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They hated Me without a cause.' 26 But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
1 These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
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k-simplex · 9 months
I truly am The Struggler
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NYX HIIIIIIIII youre like probably my oldest mutual on this website that wasn't someone i already knew so u hold a special place in my heart :3 talking 2 u feels so natural and even though we havent talked as much lately i always love seeing u in my notes so much.... ur for real the struggler sometimes though im wishing you all the luck in your rhythm game adventures truly !!!!!!!!!! always so happy 2 talk to u
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borathae · 3 months
Sibi, you write switch relationships so perfectly . It truly is so amazing and feels incredibly safe .
I'm a switch too . But since I don't have a long term committed relationship , most of the times I act more dominant . I haven't been able to act submissive with anyone even though I really really want to. Like everything would be going according to plan , I'd want it , we would have discussed it and somehow I just sorta can't. I find myself thinking stuff like what if they treat me different , what if I can't be switch with them anymore , what if they take advantage of it . And I know , I know how a lot of people say communicate , find a trusted partner , but I don't think my partners are the issue , it's me . I can't do it . I can't give up control and just trust them to take care of me . It's weird . Is there a way I can fix it ? How do I reassure myself that I'll be okay , that vulnerability is not gonna end up bad for me ?
I would really love to help you more anonie, but you describe something I personally struggle with as well. I know that I'm a switch, but the thought of giving myself to someone (especially a man) in such a way sounds so scary to me that I would rather just not have sex at all.
It probably sounds so weird, but I only feel comfortable "subbing" when I write JFJADJF like I get so <3 when I write OC being subby and her men being all Dom, but if someone was like that to me irl? I'm closing TF up physically and emotionally.
I'm sorry I couldn't give you more advice, but at least I could offer you assurance that you definitely aren't alone in this 💜 also, thank you so much for telling me this and saying that my stories are safe for you. They make me feel safe in subbing as well, so it's wonderful to hear that they help fellow "strugglers" as well 💜
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