#true sibling behavior
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riptidesblog · 9 months ago
Kai on his own:
Tricks Chen and saves the day
Heats up the Realm Crystal so Morro would drop it
Thinks of a riddle-message and finds a way to let the team know without being caught("a place of peace,a place to fight,brotherhood born on one fateful night" in s6)
Sends the police on a wild rat chase(s6)
His plan helps take down Imperium
Nya on her own:
A Samurai with a whole secret cave and many impressive inventions she made herself
Incredible spy with amazing disguises
Comes up with a plan that led to Morro's downfall(disguising herself as Lloyd)
Has several hidden places for extra vehicles stored away,again made by herself and disguised well(s6)
Thinks of remaking golden weapons from the armor(s10)
The two of them together:
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crymeariveronceagain · 4 months ago
Alvar, ordering coffee: I’d like a light roast. Fitz: You're kinda ugly.
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icecoledarnomalpalmer · 8 months ago
matthew tkachuk winning the stanley cup before his brother has even played one (1) playoff game is so fucking funny
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Calling it now Sonic is posting TikToks
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thelibrarian1895 · 7 months ago
everything about this makes me happy and I love it
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A continuation of my previous Skywalker Twins comic - feat Yoda part 3
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randomprose · 1 year ago
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man, he cheng can never catch a break with these kids. my mans just wanna celebrate chinese new year in peace but of course his little shit of a brother and his stupid broke-ass friends are not gonna give that to him.
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luminecho · 3 months ago
Maybe it’s just me but I never understand why people like using the phrase “bad sibling”
Like. I understand calling somebody a bad parent. Parenting is something that 1) is something you can choose to do, and 2) there are ways to do it badly, actions that should be performed, things that should be done. There’s examples to look at, bars to set. There are clear examples of good and bad ways to raise a child
Being a sibling isn’t something you can choose. There isn’t any real parameters for what a good sibling should be. “Good” siblings are oftentimes the ones who are parentified and glorified babysitters to their younger siblings. But what would a “good” younger sibling be. What are the qualifications for that?
How can you be bad at something you never even asked to be and never had any control over? How can you be bad at being a sibling when being a sibling isn’t a job it’s just someone’s relation to you.
Even if someone is a shitty person, that means they’re a shitty person. They’re not a “bad sibling” they’re just a shitty person who very unfortunately happens to be your sibling. If someone is abusive then they’re abusive. Why do you need to call it “bad sibling”. That implies some kind of failure in the department of this specific “role” which has no clear standards
Idk I just think this strict dichotomy of good and bad for something that there really isn’t any clear rights or wrongs for is a very harsh thing to put on someone’s shoulders
And it’s why so many characters in fandoms get labeled as “bad siblings” for being naturally flawed human beings
Because if you’re an older sibling and you’re not parenting your little sibling then apparently you’re doing it wrong.
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stark-alchemy · 7 months ago
Ppft you can tell she's an only child...
Woman I'm pretty sure if cheesecake is his favorite desert he singlehandedly suplexed her into the dirt if she took a piece without asking....also she probably judo flipped him for being an idiot and not sharing to begin with.
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Manga: Dungeon Meshi
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year ago
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holyshonks · 15 days ago
Rainy Sundays were meant for reading Halo books in bed flanked by kibties
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stolasbuckzo · 1 year ago
I can’t stop my literal brain thinking about this scene with contempt and how ridiculous it was 😂
Vox: “Angel quit?”
Valentino: “No, he didn't fucking quit. It's worse. He MOVED! He thinks he can just walk in, work, and then go home somewhere else. Can you FUCKING believe that?! He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter?"
Literally Angel & Charlie’s relationship:
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bandsanitizer · 11 months ago
maddie trying to process buck coming out to her while also trying to process that buck is stressing over coming out to eddie but doesn’t really get that that’s what he’s stressing out about has me rolling
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void-tiger · 2 years ago
The concept of prophetic visions and dreams in The Sandman universe is objectively hilarious when you realize it automatically involves Destiny, Dream, and Delirium, and Destiny being absolutely fed up with his younger siblings messing with his domain.
…which is probably why there are far more records of prophetic visions than prophetic dreams but the symbolism in visions is…incredibly trippy and often unsettling. But the earliest stories of either leans more in favor of prophetic dreams.
Dream doesn’t mess with his siblings domains lightly, and either asks permission, first, or has Lucienne keep a record of the tab owed to Destiny over this.
Delirium, however…
Yeah…she’s just that youngest sibling who messes with your stuff and as infuriated as you are with her it’s often as productive as shouting at a baby because she WILL cry and rip her hair out and never grasp why her actions upset you.
(so Dream gets the brunt of Destiny’s Ire. even when Desire Did It.)
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scalproie · 2 years ago
Kuai "Stealer of Clothes" Liang
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silver-strings-of-fate · 1 year ago
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"You two are adorable, really. Though I must say, this petty bickering will get you nowhere. I've already made my preferences clear." He gestured to the floating pumpkin. "He's much more in line with the current holiday, for one. And it just so happens that Halloween is my favorite holiday! It's the perfect time for a natural performer like me!"
That statement seemed to stir something in the shadows mind. He paused, looking down at himself. "Though... I suppose I won't get to dress up this year, will I?"
"Hee-hee-hee!! Of course I'm the favored brother among us!!" As if summoned by the mere mention and thought of his existence, the pumpkin-headed demon came into existence. His flaming lantern clinked in his hand, and glowing yellow irises creased in delight from the praise.
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"You hear that, dear brother? Even the distorted Trickster prefers my presence over your own, hee-ho!" He gleefully somersaulted in midair, cackling and rattling his hollow head. "Forget those mortals whom cherish you just because you have your face all over, hee-ho!"
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"You're just jealous of my popularity, hee-ho!! No one wants to have a pyromaniac like you around!"
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rosenecklaces · 1 year ago
Biggest proof the first book messy sibling bond actually had depth and redemption with blossoming potential since day one is eris straight up being there on the killing of his brother girlfriend and no one bats an eye about it
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