#troye adam
freshmoviequotes · 1 year
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The Idol (2023)
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Republicans for Kamala is taking off and includes some high profile former office holders and staffers. This is more than just the usual handful of mid level and obscure officials.
At least three former governors including Jim Edgar of Illinois (1991-1999) have publicly announced their support for the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Nine days into her 2024 candidacy, Vice President Kamala Harris picked a couple of notable Republican endorsements: Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan threw his support behind the Democrat fairly quickly, and John Giles, the mayor of Mesa, Arizona’s third-largest city, endorsed her soon after. Given the state of the cotemporary GOP, it’s not easy for any Democratic candidate to pick up cross-party backing, so this represented a decent start. But hanging overhead was an obvious question: Would other Republicans soon follow? The question received a rather emphatic answer over the weekend. NBC News reported: >> The Harris campaign on Sunday unveiled more than two dozen endorsements from Republicans, including former governors, members of Congress and Trump administration officials. Many of the endorsements came from politicians who were already openly critical of former President Donald Trump, including former Republican Gov. Bill Weld of Massachusetts; former Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Va.; and former Trump administration press secretary Stephanie Grisham.<< Those names are, of course, just a sampling. According to a press statement from the incumbent vice president’s campaign, Republicans for Harris includes endorsements from former Trump White House officials Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye; former Secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood; former Governors Jim Edgar, Bill Weld, and Christine Todd Whitman; former U.S. House members Rod Chandler, Tom Coleman, Dave Emery, Wayne Gilchrest, Jim Greenwood, Adam Kinzinger, John LeBoutillier, Susan Molinari, Jack Quinn, Denver Riggleman, Claudine Schneider, Christopher Shays, Peter Smith, Alan Steelman, David Trott, and Joe Walsh; and former GOP State Chair and State Senator Chris Vance, among others. “As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President,” Kinzinger said in a written statement. “But, I know Vice President Harris will defend our democracy and ensure Donald Trump never returns to the White House. Donald Trump poses a direct threat to fundamental American values. He only cares about himself, and his pursuit of power. “That’s what we saw on January 6 when he sent a mob to overturn our lawful election, who violently attacked law enforcement and ransacked our nation’s Capitol in the process,” the former member of the Jan. 6 committee added. “There’s too much at stake to sit on the sidelines, which is why I wholeheartedly endorse Kamala Harris for president. Now is the time for us all to unite to save our democracy and defeat Donald Trump one last time.”
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I didn’t include too many big names because they’d overwhelmingly win.
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neverscreens · 1 year
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Pop Tarts & Rat Tales, 263 Screencaps.
Double Fantasy, 269 Screencaps.
Daybreak. (SOON)
Stars Belong to the World (SOON)
Episode #1.5 (SOON)
Episode #1.6 (SOON)
Find in GALLERY. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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Avengers 92 (1971) by Neal Adams recreated by Lucas Troye
The Kree-Skrull War (1971-1972)
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Matt Gertz at MMFA:
Fox News did not air a second of the speeches from alienated GOP leaders and former Trump officials who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at this week’s Democratic National Convention. The DNC speakers included former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who spoke in prime-time before Harris’ Thursday keynote; former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan; former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham; Olivia Troye, who served as a homeland security aide to former Vice President Mike Pence; and Mesa, Arizona, Mayor John Giles.
MSNBC and CNN treated those speeches as newsworthy, airing each of them in full, according to a Media Matters review of the networks’ convention coverage. But Fox hid the content of all of those speeches from their viewers, often displaying the video on screen without audio as the network’s on-air hosts and guests offered commentary. It’s not hard to figure out why: Fox is a Trumpist propaganda organ that helped the former president purge the GOP of his critics and is working tirelessly to return him to the White House.  The network typically shies away from highlighting dissension in the party’s ranks. Fox virtually ignored former Vice President Mike Pence’s refusal to endorse Trump and former House Speaker Paul Ryan’s denunciation of the former president as “unfit for office” — both of which originated in Fox interviews. 
Guess which network refused to show speeches from Republicans and former Trump supporters that spoke at the DNC? It’s GOP propaganda outlet Faux “News.”
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caroleofficiel23 · 8 months
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
The Idol (2023- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 1- 6/5/2023- on Max
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jhsjykwpdw · 1 year
angel baby by troye sivan is a pynch song: a comprehensive study
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Ronan wrapped his arms around Adam, pinning Adam’s upper arms against him. He was contained. “Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit,” Ronan said into Adam’s hearing ear, and Adam’s body sagged against Ronan, chest heaving. His hands still jerked and strained to violence. He gasped, “You asshole,” but Ronan could hear how near tears he was.
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Noah cackled and showed them the cassette. It boasted a handmade label marked with Ronan’s handwriting: PARRISH’S HONDAYOTA ALONE TIME. The other side was A SHITBOX SING-ALONG.
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Adam had come for him. All this way. He had not given up. He had risked everything.
The choice was death or hurting Adam, which wasn’t much of a choice at all.
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For that first summer, the Barns was paradise to Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish.
For a long time, it was paradise, and the dreaming was good.
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When he opened his eyes, he saw that Ronan was looking at him, as he had been looking at him for months. Adam looked back, as he had been looking back for months. 
His mouth remembered Ronan Lynch’s. What was he doing? Ronan was not something to be played with. He didn’t think he was playing.
It was Ronan, unperformed. No. Ronan, unprotected. This tone reminded Adam of that unshielded smile from before. Don’t play, he told himself. This is not a game. But it didn’t feel like a game, if he was being honest. 
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What do you want, Adam? To feel awake when my eyes are open.
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Instead, though, he just stood there and watched it approach. Even at the last minute, as he heard the rain pounding the grass flat, he just stood there. He closed his eyes and let the storm soak him. That was this kiss.
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The proper truth struck Ronan: The plants had not saved their lives. Adam Parrish had saved their lives.
His head rested miserably on Ronan’s shoulder, everything shaking, standing only because Ronan did not allow him to sink.
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Adam could not decide if this was the worst thing that had happened to him, or if it felt that way because he had been so recently and senselessly happy that the comparison was making it so.
Ronan felt that he had caught happiness without meaning to. He could do anything.
He just lived in the moment with Ronan instead.
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And that was before Ronan even got to worrying if Adam made it to the afterlife at all, with his agnostic tendencies.
Ronan hadn’t thought much about the future.
Adam felt Ronan’s eyes glance off him and away, his disinterest practiced but incomplete.
Adam had recently realized Ronan was a weakness to his ambition, since it was harder to work with two moving pieces rather than one, but he couldn’t talk himself out of it. He tried each night he was alone in the apartment over St. Agnes, and he failed every time he saw Ronan again.
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They sprawled on the living room sofa and Adam studied the tattoo that covered Ronan’s back: all the sharp edges that hooked wondrously and fearfully into each other. “Unguibus et rostro,” Adam said.
Ronan crossed his arms to wait, just looking. At Adam’s fine cheekbones, his furrowed fair eyebrows, his beautiful hands, everything washed out by the furious light. He had memorized the shape of Adam’s hands in particular: the way his thumb jutted awkwardly, boyishly; the roads of the prominent veins; the large knuckles that punctuated his long fingers. In dreams Ronan put them to his mouth.
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Adam, as a secretive creature, understood secrets.
Ronan’s second secret was Adam Parrish.
Adam, a secretive animal, was acutely tuned to other people’s secrets.
Gansey met her eyes, and then the Dog’s, in the rearview mirror. "Adam keeps his secrets pretty close."
Adam would have never pried — secrets were secrets — but he couldn’t deny that he’d been curious.
But Adam knew everything, both because he’d been there when certain things had gone down, and because Ronan shared everything with him.
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Every minute that the Barns had been his all of the time he’d spent here alone or with Adam, dreaming and scheming. Home, home, home. 
He was so raw and electric that it was hard to believe that he was awake. Normally it took sleep to strip him to this naked energy. But this was not a dream. This was his life, his home, his night.
Seeing the two pairs tumbled together, a nameless feeling had suddenly overwhelmed Ronan. It was about Adam’s gloves here, but it “was also Adam’s jacket tossed on a dining room chair, his soda can forgotten on the foyer table, him somewhere tossed with equal comfort in the Barns, his presence commonplace enough that he was not having to perform or engage with Ronan at all times. He was not dating Ronan; he was living in Ronan’s life with him.
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This was like walking the line between dream and sleep. The night-sharp balance of being asleep enough to dream and awake enough to remember what he wanted. He knew Adam had figured out how he felt. But he didn’t know if he could step off this knife-slender path without destroying what he had.
Ronan sometimes dreamt of Adam too, the latter boy sullen and elegant and fluently disdainful of dream-Ronan’s clumsy attempts to communicate.
Adam was in the dream, too; he traced the tangled pattern of the ink with his finger. He said, “Scio quid hoc est.” As he traced it father and father down on the bare skin of Ronan’s back, Ronan himself disappeared entirely. 
His feelings for Adam were an oil spill; he’d let them overflow and now there wasn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire if he dropped a match. 
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starxcxboy · 1 year
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— The Idol (2023): the visuals.
cinematography by Arseni Khachaturan, Marcell Rév and Drew Daniels.
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thesimonkshow · 1 year
The Endgame Of The Idol
TW: This post will include mentions of physical abuse so be wary.
So I’m sure by this point everyone has seen or heard about HBO’s The Idol, the newest offering by Euphoria creator Sam Levinson & Abel Tesfaye a.k.a. The Weeknd. It focuses on a pop star named Jocelyn following the death or her mother and a very public meltdown as she attempts to return to the music industry which hits a roadblock when she gets involved with a club owner named Tedros (Tesfaye) whom is leading a cult of amateur pop stars.
It has received A LOT of discourse even before it aired, with many decrying Levinson’s involvement due to his over reliance of sexuality in his productions, many had concerns his involvement would lead to the show being infused with a messed up form of storytelling that would overshadow the story being told. Since it’s airdate, the sexualised elements of the show have been criticised for being too frequent and provocative but this weeks ep Daybreak had an element that moved a more toxic element of the show into the main story.
At a dinner table Jocelyn discusses her recently deceased mother and mentions she used to hit her with a hairbrush when she lost focus, Tedros (who’s looking to break her further under his power) orders her to retrieve the brush so he can use it on her, as he assumes the reason she is struggling to make impactful music is because she no longer has her mother around to ‘discipline’ her. We’re then treated to a rather icky sequence of him using the brush, paired with shots of aftercare and concludes with Jocelyn thanking Tedros for caring about her, yeah…
For a crowd that was already turned off by the show, this will no doubt enrage them, however this one scene of Jocelyn’s backstory opens up an opportunity for new avenues for her team to travel down: We already known Xander (Troye Sivan) didn’t try to help Jocelyn due to not wanting to loose his paycheck as part of her creative team, Leia (Rachel Sennott) is already weak willed to make any level of impact and Nikki Katz (Jane Adams) alongside Andrew Finklestein (Eli Roth) couldn’t care about anything but getting music out into the world to make them money, but what about the other members of her team who’ve shown a care for her emotionally beyond the need for business Chaim (Hank Azaria) & Destiny (Da’Vine Joy Randolph)? How come they didn’t step in any earlier to help her? Is there a potential to have them be redeemed?
Jocelyn’s mother passing away opened up a whole new avenue for her to make her own impact on the world so Tedros robbing her of that opportunity and Jocelyn seemingly ‘welcoming it’ doesn’t sit well on the mind of even those watching The Idol with an open mind, however with this sequence, the show may have just given itself a second season. Think about it, if the show ends on a season final with Jocelyn introducing Tedros at her concert & being met with cheers, it sends a very negative message that abuse leads to results and only backs up the concerns shared about Levinson’s involvement in the project in the first place and even if this season were to end with Jocelyn overcoming the negative influences in her life and regaining her power, it looks as if it’d be rushed rather than paced out fluidly (there are only a handful of eps remaining, two or three dependent on whether the fortnight showing of the show will be the finale), however with a second season that focuses on the new ‘Power Couple’ of Hollywood with Jocelyn becoming concerned with how Tedros’s is dealing with his star rising due to his association with her, it would showcase a commitment to telling the story in a fully fleshed out way.
The endgame of The Idol is clear: Jocelyn is meant to go through a rough handling of the worst parts of the music industry & come out stronger at the other end, obviously going to therapy to deal with the deep seated issues her mother, Nikki & Tedros have created in her, but ready to heal and grow, whether HBO will give Sam, Abel & Reza Fhaim the opportunity to continue it? Only time will tell.
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depressedgothgrl · 1 year
okay ik yall gonna hate it but write the imagines of the idol where we have no tedros’s sex torture 😍. bc THAT would be great
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definedbydaylight · 1 year
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pt.2 of the albums that got me through middle school… how did i manage to line up halsey, taylor and the 1975 again… i swear that was an accident
in order left to right by row:
Row 1:
•BADLANDS - Halsey
•This Is War - Emily Kinney
•The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Row 2:
•I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it - The 1975
•5 Seconds Of Summer - 5 Seconds of Summer
•Goddess - Banks
Row 3:
•Red - Taylor Swift
•Brand New Eyes - Paramore
•Blue Neighborhood - Troye Sivan 
Part 3!
Small Disclaimer:
I’m using the original Red(Deluxe Edition) cover because it’s the one I listened to, but! Stream Taylor’s Versions!!!
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fantastickkay · 9 months
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2023's annual mix CD of my favorite singles! Picturing my favorite 6 new albums as well.
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televisionpromos · 1 year
The Idol 1x02 "Double Fantasy" Promo (This Season On Trailer) - After clashing with her team over her album’s first single, Jocelyn pushes herself to the limit on the set of her new music video, while Nikki sees potential in backup dancer Dyanne. Later, Tedros introduces Jocelyn and Leia to Izaak and Chloe from his inner circle.
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streammaxeurope · 1 year
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