beinfriends · 1 year
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finncomet · 1 year
@trouticecream​ answered your ask:
☄️ Finn quietly waited for the answer to his question, not wanting to rush the small creature while he seemed so deep in thought.
When the other finally spoke, a mixture of emotions flashed across Finn’s expression, from slight concern and confusion, to a more understanding and sympathetic smile, albeit there was a hint of sadness.
“I see. Makin’ our parents proud is a powerful motivator, huh?”
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“I could help you with that, if you’d like. I’ve been doin’ my best to be as good as possible for pretty much my whole life. It’s complicated and not always easy, but if you’re genuinely trying, and paying attention, usually you’ll get it right more often than not.” 🦋
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gingermuses · 1 year
baby's first starter call | @trouticecream
Maybe it was the appearance of whatever was in front of him, or maybe it was his psychic intuition acting like a gut feeling, but Ness was immediately on edge. He had that same queasy feeling in his stomach that he had when they confronted that Giygas geek in the Cave of the Past, and his heart started racing the same way that it was now.
Still, he doesn't show much apprehension, but he does pull out his trusty wooden bat from his backpack, pull down his baseball cap, and furrow his brows, looking like a mix of disconcerted and determined.
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"Hey, man, I don't want no trouble," he starts off, tightening his grip on the bat, "But if you show any signs of tryin' to hurt anyone, 'specially in Onett, I'm gonna take it personal. I've got enough experience fighting weird not-humans to know."
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needlenxggin · 1 year
“ At this rate I will just ignore everyone and everything. ” [[ said in the most deadpan way possible --if it's still okay to send this in that is! ]]
couples & angst .
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Vash had to do a double take for a second looking down at the small walking talking cat? What was it with him and meeting talking animals lately? "Uh, well, um..." He felt a sweat drop form on his forehead as he didn't really know how to address the situation. "Is... is that what you want to do or?" Vash definitely couldn't say his life was boring lately with the sort of people he was meeting as of late.
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theycollect · 1 year
@trouticecream <3'd!
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The Boiling Isles sure had it's fair share of intriguing creatures, ranging from witches to demons to....everything else. But The Collector had yet to happen upon whatever this creature before them was. The stranger was similar in stature to them, so they wondered, perhaps, they were also a child?
"Are you new here?" They question the newcomer, tilting their head to the side. "I mean, 'cause I've been here for like, forever, an' I haven't seen anything like YOU."
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
“If it hurts, it hurts.”
"It's... It's just a scratch. I've been through much worse than this."
Lucas is quickly dismissing the waves of pain he was experiencing, not wanting to be seen as a weakling, or as somebody who needed to be saved. He hated for somebody to assume this, especially when he had been the hero that saved the world. Lucas had people whom looked up to him, so he had to make sure not to falter in their presence.
A forced grin appears. "S-see? Heh, I-I... I can handle this. It'll be alright, you'll see. I'll live."
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
[[ To focus in on one character instead of the many others (which I like all the writing for ofc and in general I find it pretty impressive that you’re able to write for so many different characters), I have to say that I love Amara’s whole vibe + energy. She really embodies the sweet-yet-tough thing that I got off Amy throughout the games. Also the sibling relationship between Skyler and Amara is adorable! It’s so /siblings/ (if that makes any sense lol) and I love it! ]]
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Anonymously (or not!) send me your favorite detail about how I play my character. I will publish and respond OOC. //Accepting!
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// Oh gosh! Thank you so much! That was I want to go for is sweet yet tough vibes and touching on the big sister energy. Man Amy has been through a lot and honestly she needs more involvement like Adventure and more development like Frontiers! I can't wait what Sonic Team is going to do next!
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pe4nutastic · 4 months
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This is basically a few things (also drawn last year, though the fingerguns one might have even been from 2022 pf) that I drew based around my alt-Giegue (trouticecream). Basically older-baby Giegue yet not quite 100% baby, if that makes any sense lol.
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beinfriends · 1 year
[[ 16, 17, and 18 for the munday meme! ]]
Munday Meme: Some questions to get to know the mun’s rping habits | Accepting
16. Favourite trope?
Oh, I don't know... maybe it's bad but I never have any introspection about stuff like this. Or at least I don't when I get asked. I don't know what characters I gravitate towards (beyond "something is deeply wrong with this person", that's usually a shoo-in and is why I gravitated to Porky and Claus, for example, or like, autistic-coded characters), or tropes either.
I like the loser protagonist trope, maybe? It's not my favorite, I don't know, but I think it's interesting. There is a very fine line with it, and it can definitely be done super wrong, but I think it's neat examining pathetic characters if there's sufficient complexity in them. You know that's a thing for me considering SOBR, lol.
I guess I also like whatever you'd call the real world with minor fantasy elements-- it's not necessarily magical realism, because that implies that magic is completely normal within the real world. Sometimes, I like magic/fantasy elements being a thing that exists but people don't really know about it.
17. Least favourite trope?
Oh, I also don't know KRHF. I guess I don't really like one-dimensional characters. A villain can be super evil, but I still like to see more to them than that. They don't have to be sympathetic or justifiable, I would just like to see more, I guess. Same with perfectly good characters. The only Perfect and Amazing protagonist allowed is Beowulf lol. But it's more interesting when there's complexity going on!! I know it's a basic answer, but still.
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Yeah! A couple. One AU I've had around for a while is what I was referring to as an Earthbound AU for the Tazmily... basically Tazmily existing during the same time as Earthbound as like, some rural town in Texas or some shit. It was another form of modern verse, but obviously not wholly modern since it'd be in the 90s. I think the plot was Hinawa and Claus would get abducted by aliens, and Lucas would set out in hopes of finding them, basically.
That'd be the fun plot, but I also have it just as a fun slice of life plot for Tazmily in the modern world. It'd be neat, because it'd give the villagers a chance to have bonds with their biological families, and have them fold in to the dynamics that already exist in Tazmily... or see how people living with their bio families would change Mother 3's family dynamics in some cases. I could talk about that extensively since I've fleshed out a lot of the villagers' families but I'll spare you for now. Maybe another time.
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gingermuses · 1 year
@trouticecream | from here
As soon as the bell rang, Threed's elementary school doors burst open and a large flow of kids spilled out, racing towards the bus, flopping down on benches, or walking home with friends. Jimmy and his own friends usually tried to be some of the first ones out, and he was able to catch up with a few friends before the crowd died down. An excitable-looking blond boy, who had been animatedly describing the next evil villain idea for when they next played superheroes, eventually gave his goodbyes and raced towards another group of boys heading towards the school bus.
Even when he wasn't planning on practicing his teleport skills, he liked taking the long way home.
He usually didn't really run into many people, but after a bit he passes by a kid he'd never seen before. Threed was a pretty small town, so there weren't really any people he didn't know. But the kid was also far out in a field looking at the dandelions, so maybe he just couldn't tell who it was from a distance.
The kid walked up to him, though, and Jimmy's well used to getting looks, but there was something about the stare that made him feel like the other kid was trying to read his mind - and he already knew how that felt.
After a pretty roundabout speech full of words Jimmy's pretty sure he's only heard in textbooks, the kid outstretches their hand and offers him a book - and the familiar orange cat on the cover and the call number on the spine makes his eyes light up in recognition.
"Oh hey, thanks." He takes his arm out of the brace of the crutch to take the book, then offers a lopsided smile. "The librarian woul- w... would have had my ass if I lost this."
He unshoulders his backpack - and of course, it had been left unzipped, and he puts the book back inside after giving it a quick dust off.
Upon closer inspection, he really hadn't seen this kid before, and really did get that sense like he was being x-rayed, but he's not gonna judge. He'd hate to be a hypocrite.
"The guys were telling me there was a new kid ar- around. That must be you, huh? Or did ya just get out of the hospital after swa- swallowing a dic... di.. dictionary?" Another award-winning smile, showing off his brightly colored braces, and a beat.
"...Wow, what a fantastic audience."
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needlenxggin · 1 year
@trouticecream liked for a starter!
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"Oh, hey, long time no see!" Vash grinned widely whilst giving the other a friendly little wave. "How've you been? Learnt anything interesting since we last met or?" He remembered the other had been very curious about what he was after all.
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needlenxggin · 1 year
[[  🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse, ✨ ― i love the way you write.  I know that I just followed you, but !!! from what I’ve seen thus far, your Vash is such a sweetheart and I adore characters like that!  ]]
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rdgfg thank you ;-;
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finncomet · 1 year
“Did you burn yourself?“
☄️ "Huh? Oh, this isn't..." Finn held out his hand where the blue flames had appeared, as if offering the other to get a closer look.
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"I call it comet fire, but it doesn't actually burn anything. It's just there 'cuz of an injury. ...from when I got burned by real fire, haha." 🦋
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
“Don’t Forget. I’m with you in the dark.” [[ If you’re not interested in RPing with me then I absolutely understand, in which case feel free to ignore this and have a good day! ]]
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// Thank you for reading my rules! I haven't seen the item name trout ice cream in years! Looking forward to rp with you!
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beinfriends · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper : just aesthetic landscape photos lol.
last song you listened to : Big Town Banky Blaine's Rockabilly BBQ by Bear Ghost
currently reading : Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown. incredible book honestly but it is a tough read. i've never felt such dread and disgust reading a history book before. highly recommend though, it's insanely well researched and organized. last book i finished was Tender is the Flesh by Bazterrica.
last movie : Little Big Man. movie is still funny as hell. book is better but still
last show : aheem heem i don't know... i never watch tv shows sorry. it might be Dororo (2019) though since i think i watched that back in january.
what are you wearing right now: mario pj pants, sonic t shirt, socks
piercings / tattoos? : used to have ear piercings but they closed up years ago.
glasses ? contacts? : i'm a glasses wearer all mi life... my eyes are too blinky for contacts.
last thing you ate? : lemon cake. deliciouse
favorite color(s) : purple, pink, and blue
current obsession : Mother 3, the usual. um reading too. i'm really into reading again
do you have a crush right now? : i am aromantic so no!
favorite fictional character : oh man i have so many. uhhh Paul, Linda, Abbot, Abbey, to name a few from Mother 3. also rly love Al, Noah, Tom, and Rose of Sharon Joad from Grapes of Wrath.. also my ocs lol
tagged by : stole from @recklessinventor
tagging : @gildead, @trouticecream, anybody else who wants to tbh i don't know who's done what. sorry if you're already done this!
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