#tron insert reader
ivorydragoness44 · 8 months
Rinzler x program!Reader: Inquisitive
Word Count: 1,157 Notes/Warnings: End of the Line Club scene of partying and drinking, however quite calm. Rinzler purring, implied anxiety and wariness of CLU, dancing, suggestive conversation, and pining over Rinzler. Summary: The Reader goes to the End of the Line Club after work in the evening, they did not expect Rinzler to arrive and interact with them. Will he be able to speak willingly?
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
    The simulated sky had darkened and the lights of the city illuminated brightly. With your work completed for the cycle, you had only one thing on your agenda. The End of the Line Club. There was a high probability of a multitude of other programs investing in the same task, but you did not care as much this time.   As the elevator doors opened, you were welcomed by a lively sight. Programs littered the premise. Many lounged on the furnishings, speaking with their friends, while others populated the dance floor.   Heading straight toward the bar, you waved to a few other programs you recognized from work.   “Haven’t seen you in cycles,” the bartender greeted.   “Work tends to keep me busy. I’ve been preferring the quiet of my apartment.”   He nodded, but otherwise did not push the subject. “One I’m finished with work, coming right up.”   You smiled and took a seat. It was not long before he handed you a glass of blue liquid. “Thanks,” you smiled in kind and took a sip.
  The drink was pleasant, almost refreshing, but that was not what was strange. In front of you, the bartender’s eyes widened suddenly. His entire body froze, but his attention was not on you. Lip trembling, he excused himself, and darted away to serve another customer.   There was scarcely a moment for you to internally question the situation before you heard a familiar purr. Rinzler. It was no wonder that anyone within your current range of sight became on-edge.   “Rinzler,” you acknowledged.   The primary enforcer of CLU stepped around to your side, his helmet centered and focused on you.   “Here to finally take me in?” You asked, taking a swig of your drink before nearly choking on it.   “No,” Rinzler said firmly. He hardly said anything, ever. His head tilted at your response.   Clearing your throat as discreetly as possible, you remained still. Silence hung for a few moments, then you grumbled into the rim of the glass. “Trying to blow my circuits.”   Purr.
  You hid a smile as you took another drink. Setting down the glass, you rubbed your thumb over the smooth surface. In thought, you wondered if you could at least get him to answer a few yes and no questions. If only to hear him speak some more.   “Did you overwork yourself today?”   “No.”   “Did you complete all of your tasks?”   “Yes.”   “Were you asked to finish tasks for this cycle?”   Purr.   Hiding a smile at the thought of your next question, you shifted in your seat. “Are you operating at maximum performance?”   “Yes.”   An even easier question struck you, though you were certain at the answer. “Did you lose at the Games this cycle?”   “No.”   There was no surprise with the response he gave. A program could take one look at him and come to that conclusion themselves.
  There were a multitude of question, almost infinite that you could ask him. But there was at least one that unsettled you. Did CLU send you?“   “No.”   Relief. The tightness in your chest that you had not realized formulated at such a thought released.   You peered at him from the corner of your eye.”Did you follow me here?”   Purr.   Turning your head, you regarded him fully. “Do you want a drink?”   Silence surrounded him. Not a single syllable, click, or purr. Though, your eyes flickered dow as his hands flexed at his sides.
  Finishing the rest of your drink, you left it on the counter. With a small spin of the seat, you faced him. “Do you want to dance…with me?” For some reason, you thought it necessary to specify. Just in case.   Purr. Rinzler’s head inclined closer.   “You’re a mysterious one,” you whispered, gazing into his visor. Gently, you tapped his chin with a single fingertip.   Purr.   A light giggle escaped you. Humming in thought, you reached out again. The center most square cluster of orange circuits on his chest became your next target. The glow of those few circuits brightened for a few seconds. You were intrigued, to say the least. May it be the effects of the energy drink or not. Passing a finger across and down the same four sets of circuit clusters equalled the same result.   “Easy with that,” the bartender warned in a low voice. He continued walking passed, not wanting to be near the program beside you.   Rinzler purred again, sending the program behind the bar zipping off to the other end of the counter.   You were amused, but at the same time felt a little bad for him.
  Resting your head on your hand, you seriously considered walking Rinzler to the dance floor. As you looked at him, thought, you would much rather not be the only one dancing, likely scaring everyone off. Still, it was tempting.   As you continued to look him over, he did not seem to mind. At least, until his head whipped over to the side.   Slowly striding through the entrance of the club was CLU. Donned in his signature black and orange, he was hard to miss. Especially with his crew of three guards flanking his sides.   “Maybe another time,” you mumbled to Rinzler with your head low. Glancing at him and scurried away as nonchalantly as possible. Weaving and blending into the crowd easily, you eyed CLU in the slightest at the edge of your vision. With him in the vicinity, you wanted to stay among other programs.
  A friend of yours slid to your side. “Be careful with that one. It’s only a matter of time until—”  “Please don’t,” you asked.   The two of you subtly eyed how CLU walked up to Rinzler. The helmeted program faced him completely, appearing to be ready for any order given to him.   “If it’s any consolation,” your friend said in a voice for only you to hear, “if you want to mingle your circuits with his, if you haven’t already, I’ll respect that.”   You smiled in amused disbelief, shaking your head. “How much did you drink?”   “Oh, you know that has nothing to do with it. Besides, we’ve both seen him in the Disc Games and Lightcycle Run…Rinzler never loses. I’m sure that’ll transfer nicely—”   “Seriously, you’re great, you’re wonderful, but please stop while you’re ahead.”   “Yeah…we don’t need them overhearing this.”   “Or anyone, for that matter.”   “Agreed. Want to dance?”   “Sure.”
  The music seemed to bounce up in beat when you finally gave it your attention. It felt good, relieving even, to move freely and rhythmically.   The fun and leisure of it al had you almost completely forget about CLU and Rinzler. Until you were gradually turning in your splendor and smiling in your joy, locking eyes to visor with Rinzler. For a solid moment, he looked upon you. The bright lights of the club reflected off of his sleek helmet. But all too soon, he followed CLU toward the exit.   Maybe another time.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
I'd appreciate a reblog if you enjoyed this fanfic.
And, if you'd like to read more, check out the pinned post on my blog: Masterlist of Masterlists, where you can find all of my other insert readers and imagines.
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well-lets-go-write · 2 years
This is a call to the tron Fandom
But yeah I really need to write, I'm in a slump, and this Fandom is very near and dear to me, so if yall got some ideas or what have you, I'd love to explore them in some one offs.
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zexalmonth · 1 year
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Zexal Month 2023's coming up! From August 1st to the 31st, we’ll be celebrating our 7th Zexal Month! We're doing a Tarot theme!
All our prompts are based on the 23 Major Arcana! You can follow the written prompts or just draw something based on the actual arcana for the day!
For those who are with us for the first time, we have prompts with some suggestions attached to them. You can focus on characters, concepts or OCs, as long as it’s somehow Zexal related and we'll reblog it if it's tagged with #zexal month 2023. In addition to the daily prompts, we have a list of alternate prompts at the end of the list! We hope you have fun with it.
Week 1: Welcome to the Kingdom
1st: The Fool upright | Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit The king calls you all to introduce yourselves. Hello, fools! Who are you and how did you get into Zexal? 2nd: The Magician upright | Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action Duel monsters are the manifestation of the soul, so show us your favourite duel monster or card! Alternatively, show us your favourite Numbers Card! 3rd: The High Priestess upright | Intuition, sacred knowledge, the subconscious mind Music can do miraculous things to the subconscious mind. You can make something based on the soundtrack or themes/motifs you like. As a challenge, put on one of the Zexal soundtracks and try to make something before the song ends! Show it to us! 4th: The Empress upright | Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance The empress summons you to talk about someone you truly care for. What makes your favourite character your favourite? If you have an OC, feel free to talk about them! Also, we love women, so if you want, show some female characters appreciation!
Week 2: Secrets of the Royal Court
7th- The Emperor upright | Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure All hail the barian emperors! Show us a piece about our favourite alien warlords and/or Don Thousand. You can also show us a non-barian Character as a Barian or something else Barian-related. Alternatively, an upright emperor also represents a father figure. Kazama? Faker? Tron? An OC or self-insert? Show us daddy issues something inspired by them! 8th- The Hierophant reversed | Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo The reversed hierophant means freedom and non-uniformity, so it’s dress up day! Put a Zexal character (or OC) in a new set of clothes they would/wouldn’t wear! Historically accurate clothes for Barians’ past lives? Mini skirt IV? Droite in her wrestler attire? Astral in a tutu? Just show us fashion!  9th- The Lovers upright | Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices Time to spread the love! OTPs? OT3s? BROTPs? Character x Reader? Character x OC? The lovers card is all about ‘belonging’. What relationships do these characters have?    Draw us your ships, friendships or your favourite group of characters (Number’s Club, Sanyuushi, Arclights etc.) enjoying each others’ company. You can also show us the families of your favourite characters and create relatives for them if you prefer.  10th- The Chariot reversed | Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction Sure, we have a “plot” but Zexal has lots of filler episodes and fun, zany detours! Show what sort of sports or hobbies the characters would get involved with in their spare time. 11th- Justice upright | Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law Time to put a Zexal character on trial! What crimes are they charged for? What is the verdict? What is the punishment?  Feel free to get silly with this (Phoenix Wright, anyone?) or be as grim/morbid as you like. Will Vector finally pay for his transgressions? Up to you!
Week 3: Into the Woods
14th- The Hermit upright | Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance As you are banished into the woods for your hot takes, you’re able to reflect on a long-forgotten friend. Make something based on your favourite obscure or minor character. Give those one-shot duelists some love! 15th- The Wheel of Fortune upright | Good luck, life cycles, destiny, a turning point Let’s just put your favorite characters on a game show. Can you imagine a Family Feud with Arclights vs Tenjos? Does anyone get lucky?  What sort of entertainment (outside of card games) do you think you’d see in Heartland City? 16th- Strength upright | Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion Fight! Fight! Fight! In a contest of pure strength, who would win? Who do you NOT want to face in hand-to-hand combat. Who would you duel? If you want to keep yourself out of the fight, show two characters in a fight/duel! Bonus points if they haven’t canonically fought before.  17th- The Hanged Man upright | Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives A change of perspective! Is there any character you didn't like at the start, but ended up loving, or vice versa? Who is it and why?  Alternatively, what relationships do you wish we saw? What interactions did Zexal deprive us from? 18th- Temperance upright | Balance, moderation, patience, purpose Sometimes, your friends get on your nerves and you have to be patient with them. But it’s really hard when they’re mostly middle schoolers. How do you think characters would spend a Boys/Girls’ Night Out? What about a slumber party instead?
Week 4: Exile
21st- The Devil reversed | Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment Show us your villains or your favourite character(s) as a villain. Does their deck change as well? 22nd- The Tower upright | Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening Show us your favourite punching bag hurting emotionally (whether from a death, tragedy, breakup or something else), in physical agony, or just having a good cry. Zexal is no stranger to angst, after all (we got how many death montages at the end of the series?).  If there are triggers or graphic themes/visuals, remember to tag them! 23rd- The Moon reversed | Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion Some parts of Zexal were confusing and some plot points were forgotten. What do you wish you could have seen MORE of? Alternatively, is there something you didn’t like in Zexal? What and why? Show us what you would have preferred/thought was interesting! Explore a scenario that could have drastically altered Zexal. e.g. What if Kaito died of space cancer at the end of season 1? 24th- The Star upright | Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality Let’s change the tone of this week. Zexal is full of mythology and spirituality. Show us some of your favourite themes/lore in the show!   25th- The Sun upright | Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality The sun represents warm feelings as much as it represents treasure/wealth. Give your favourite character a cursed weapon or treasure. How do they react? What do they do with it? If you want a challenge, grab an image of Yuma’s room and pick a treasure/object. Draw it and/or give it a story. III definitely would love to hear you talk about it! 
Week 5: Court of the Dead
28th- Death upright | Endings, change, transformation, transition How’s the future for Zexal characters? Show us what you think a Zexal character (or several) are doing post-series or how they look when they grow up? 29th- Judgement upright | Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution Zexal ended a long time ago but it’s time to give it a bit of new life. It’s crossover day! How would a Zexal character look/act in the world of the fandom you're into now (or vice versa)? 30th- The World upright | Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel Scenery appreciation! (Tell us what’s your favorite location in Zexal). Alternatively, show us a location where the Zexal characters you like would go on vacation or for an adventure. 31st-  The Deck Summarise your Zexal Month 2023! What did you like? What didn’t you like? Any shout-outs you want to give?  
Alternate prompts
As per usual, alternate prompts are meant for ANY day and you can do as many or as few alternate prompts as you like. I can’t stop you if you want to do prompt 10) thirty-one times during Zexal month. 
Holding back/recklessness
Manipulation/poor planning
Age-swap/younger days
Parallel worlds / Fused world
“But there is only one bed…”
“Can you explain why I have to bail you guys out of jail AGAIN?”
A heist!
Middle school/High school AU
Lunchtime shenanigans
Fantasy/Fairytale AU
Hygge: A very strong feeling of cosiness, of a special moment, alone or with friends, where you feel utterly content, secure, reassured, comforted, and even kinship if you’re among loved ones. 
Verschlimmbessern: To fix something but only make it worse
Backpfeifengesicht: A face badly in need of a fist.
Body Swap/Soul swap
As usual, feel free to do whichever prompts you like in whatever order you want. These prompts are a guideline, rather than a hard rule, and you can make art, write fanfiction, make amvs/animatics or just talk about it! Just do what you can manage! No need to do all of them if you don’t want to.
Also, we have a new mod on the team to join me and Iris. Welcome mod Fla!
We can't wait for this August to see what you share with the fandom! Please share this around and spread the Zexal love!
Love Mod Pyra
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mapleleavesart · 1 year
ik this kinda sounds cliche, but what if Donnie created this weird shi, right? snorted it, and somehow altered his whole personality to be dumb dumb. maybe a reader insert if your up for it! this could be serious, or it could be a crackfic, all on you my dear.
-ya gurl chip ❤️
Tbh I had no idea what to do with this prompt. I literally had to go to my irl friends for brainstorming ideas. I hope this is something akin to what you were looking for?
Also, thanks for being my first request!
Words: 484
Content: mention of drugs (cocaine), insomnia, accidental self-harm (Donnie bonks himself with his staff)
Donnie Goes Dumb
Three AM was a weird time for everyone. Especially when you and your brothers were mutant turtle teenagers. Even more so when your twin was an evil genius who was as sleepless as the family insomniac. 
So yeah, that was how Leo ended up in the lab watching conspiracy theories on his phone while Donnie did who-knows-what. 
Was that potentially problematic? Yeah, probably. Was it also problematic that he only pulled out his earbuds when he heard maniacal laughter?
… okay, yeah, definitely.
“Uhh…. everything good, Don-Tron?” Leo asked from the spare chair the brothers would all use if they sat quietly.
He could see some vial filled with powder Donnie was holding up to the sky. “I hath done it!”
“Done… what, exactly?” Leo asked, turning his phone off to fully listen to whatever insane science lecture Donnie was indubitably about to give him. Hey, at least he would have some visuals via the five white boards around the room, filled topped to bottom with math and chemical equations the red-eared slider would never be able to understand.
Donnie spun his chain in circles, not paying attention to what Leo was saying at all. His goggles covered his eyes. “With this elegant concoction, I shall experience what you pour dumb-dumbs experience on a daily basis!”
“Sorry, what?”
Before Leo could react further, Donnie stopped his chair, raised the vial to his snout, and snorted the stuff like he was doing a line of coke.
“Eughhh boy…”
Several hours later, closer to normal-person waking time, Mikey walked into his kitchen hoping to make breakfast for the fam when he walked into a very… interesting sight.
Donnie was hunched over a rock on the counter, glueing googly-eyes to the surface.
Leo was watching from the other side of the table, sipping a cup of tea, with his face propped up on one hand. 
“This dumb-dumb wanted to feel like us for a day so he snorted some sorta dumb-dumb cocaine or something,” Leo informed Mikey without even looking up.
“Likee when he turned us all super smart and we pretended like we don’t remember any of it?”
“I have created LIFE!”
Mikey turned to see Donnie lifting his googly-eyed rock to the sky with his signature hasn’t-slept-in-three-days, more-insane-than-usual grin. His eyes were red-rimmed.
Mikey blinked. “This should be fun. Hey, Dee, you want some breakfast?”
Leo butt in, “breakfast sounds wonderful. Don’t let him have coffee though, I don’t think that’d mix well with…” he gestured at Donnie, who was now fiddling with his staff in its travel sized form, “this whole situation.”
“Copy that,” Mikey grinned, then froze when he heard “aHA!” followed by a whack followed with a thump. He glanced over to see Donnie on the floor, unconscious, with his staff, now full-sized, and a noticeable bump already forming on his head.
“... Pizza Supreme, I hope he sleeps that off.”
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Y'all please don't write black-exclusive reader insert fanfiction (exaggerated example: "they ran their fingers through your silky waist length straight as an arrow not a wig or a silk press just non negroriffic hair that complemented your Tron blue eyes and your vermillion red blush on your pale pale pale little non black cheeks") about BLACK PANTHER characters. Like it's showing up in the black reader tag, which, you know no complaints here, I like reading about the characters personally, but it's super annoying to have the fanfic of movies and comics that were made specifically for black people and in the name of black liberation still center mostly white non black people AND have those fics be at the top of the black reader insert tags.
Like the movie just came out, i would like to be very clear in saying I am NOT saying don't write black panther fanfic if you're nonblack, I'm honestly happy to see more fanfic writers doing their thing for something that has a very special place in my and a lot of other black people's hearts, but it takes two seconds to come up with a way to describe embarrassment that doesn't involve blushing, or have a character show affection for the reader without brushing their hair behind their ear, and it's just super irritating to not be able to relate to a character, that you're literally always supposed to be able to relate to, in a fandom that was always meant to be for people in your culture
It's just a little gross and unfair man :(
Nonblack ppl can rb this btw just don't argue with me about it because you will get blocked and I'm very tired so I'm probably gonna say something mean about your personality before I do it
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tron20emails · 2 years
Note: This email has been corrupted in TRON 2.0's lore. Within emails and text strings, Corruption appears as random ASCII characters inserted into the text in between words and sentences. For readers who struggle with parsing random characters, such as screen reader users, a "clean" version of this email can be accessed here.
Subject: Digi%tizing is Possiblle
Date: N()*@&ov-02
Accor$&ding to Th*orne, Bradley has done the impossible. Thorne saw Bradley shoot a laser beam at an orange. The orange disap$&peared under the beam, and th*&#*@en reappeared intact a few sec)($onds later. He's posting the su*9rveillance video to my private ftp site - I'll let you know when to dow)$*nload it.
Seth Crown III, Atto)),rney
Corporate Attorney
Future C&ontrol Industries, Inc.
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Haven’t watched it yet but I still love how you write them sm so it’s fine- anywaysss
Could you please write about the ROTTMNT boys w/ an S/O who’s love languages are Physcial Touch (especially this one, like they are very cuddly) and Words of Affirmation?
Neon Leon
Leo is very much a words of affirmation turtle
He loves to remind you of how much you mean to him
Constant quick “I love you”s and “Have I told you how wonderful you are?? Oh I have? Well let me say it again-“s
So when your love language is also words of affirmation?
He feels like his heart soaring
Especially if you drop affirmations throughout the day randomly.
Walk past him in the kitchen and tell him you love him
He’ll drop the pizza slice he was eating immediately to pick you up and spin you around
Add on that your love language is also physical touch??
He’s going to cry
Wrap your arms around him and tell him how much you appreciate him
His eyes get watery and he turns around to hug you tightly
He especially loves that you love to cuddle
Please pull him down for cuddles on the couch
He loves to be the little spoon, it’s so comforting to be in your arms- it makes him feel protected
You tell him how much you care about him while spooning him
The next thing you know his eyes are watery and he’s rambling about how much you mean to him
He loves when you come up to him just to hold his hand
He’ll be talking with his brothers and you’ll slip your hand into his
He’ll lift your hand and kiss it before pulling you into a hug
In softer moments, usually after a hard fought battle, he’ll come to you and put his head on your shoulder
Wrap your arms around him and just- hold him gently
One of his favorite ways to cuddle is by laying on top of you with his head on your belly, or his face in the crook of your shoulder
Also loves it when you lay on top of him
You two often fall asleep like that
Don Tron
Donnie isn’t very affectionate
We all know that he doesn’t like touch all that much
The most he’ll offer is a quick pat on the head or back
Vary rarely hugs his family
And he isn’t very good at voicing his feelings
Your relationship will be very rocky in terms of affection in the beginning
You two struggle to find a comfortable point that didn’t push boundaries, but also met each other’s needs
In the beginning, Donnie would only offer you quick pats and a few “Good job”s here and there
Since Donnie isn’t very comfortable with physical touch- you’ll have to start off with mainly worlds of affirmation
The first time you tell him you love and appreciate him- he freezes on the spot
"...do you really mean that?"
Please reassure him that you do actually appreciate what he does, and love him as he is.
It's takes a while, but he slowly starts trying to open up more
It starts off with soft praises whenever you finish a task you'd been working on
Then hushed "I...I appreciate you."s in between trips to the kitchen for coffee
After a long battle, he comes up to you and grabs your hand before blurting
"I love you!"
Huge moment for the two of you, there may or may not be tears.
From there, he gets more comfortable with receiving and giving words of affirmation.
Physical touch was harder to do.
You two start with small, quick touches
Pats on the back are the main thing for the two of you at first
Gradually, you start holding his hand for a second or two
You put your hand near his, not touching, but close enough for him to grab if he feels comfortable
He does eventually start grabbing your hand on his own, refusing to look at you at first when ever he did.
Once he gets comfortable with hand holding, you start easing him into hugging by hugging his arm.
Then wrapping your arms around him for a moment before backing off to give him space.
One night, while your chilling in his lab, he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you softly
You place on hand on his arm and feel him relax against you
It takes time, but eventually the two of you are able to cuddle for a movie or two
Though, he still gets uncomfortable after a while.
It's okay, just give him some space to feel better and he'll come back
Give him a quick kiss on the cheek and he'll give you the cutest smile you've ever seen
His eyes literally light up and he'll kiss the top of your head.
Mystic Mike
Mikey absolutely adores you
Whenever you two see each other, you both literally run to each other
Feel free to jump and hug him, he'll catch you every time
Definitely spins you around while hugging.
You two are that couple
Donnie yells at you two to just kiss already and let the rest of them enjoy their peace
Speaking of kissing,
Mikey loves when you pepper his face in kisses
Will giggle every time you do and return the favor
Whenever the two of you hold hands, you swing them and laugh together
You want to cuddle???
He's already got some blankets and pillows ready to go
His favorite cuddling position is you two facing each other, legs intertwined
This way he can press kisses to your nose and cheeks :3
Some of his favorite cuddling moments are when you lay your head down in his lap, or sit down and hug him from behind, while he's painting
He’ll dab some paint on your cheek and press a kiss there to leave a kiss mark
You two sing and hum songs together
"Dr. Delicate touch" is very literal with words of affirmation
"S/O- your smile is as bright as the sun!"
Loves receiving words of affirmation so much
He beams every time you tell him that you love his art
'Awww''s every time you tell him you love him
He loves to just scoop you up and jump around every time you say these things
"I love you too!!!"
Big Red
Baby boi cries every time you tell him he's doing amazing
He's a little nervous with receiving physical affection from you at first- especially since you love to do it so much
He's big and spiky- he doesn't want you to accidentally get hurt because you hugged him the wrong way or something
You assure him that you'll be careful and he trusts you.
He does adore that you love to cuddle so much
His favorite way to cuddle is to just scoop you up and curl around you
You'll wrap you arms around his neck and pepper his jaw and cheeks with kisses
He churrs happily every time
It rumbles through his chest enough for you to feel the vibrations
He got embarrassed at first, but you quickly assured him that you found it adorable and loved it
You couldn't feel more protected with him around you.
His brothers tease him about his love stink
"Raph's s/o is here again- I can smell his love stink from all the way over here!"
"Stop talking about my love stink!"
His love stink is actually pretty sweet smelling!
His hand engulfs yours whenever you two hold hands
His heart soars every time
One of your favorite ways to stay with him even if he's busy is by riding around on his shoulder
I don't care how heavy you may be, you weigh nothing to Raph.
Just chill on his shoulder while he runs errands
This also gives you the perfect opportunity to kiss his forehead
He blushes every time
Raph's love language is also words of affirmation
But he's use to being the one giving reassurances and such
So when you tell him how great he's doing, or how amazing he is-
He cries a little every time
Scoops you up and squeezes you gently every time
You two definitely do "I love you more-" "No I love you more!"
Definitely the most openly supportive relationship out of all the brothers
"You got this baby!"
Your words give Raph the extra boost he needs to successfully complete missions
“My s/o says they believe in me- and if they believe that then it's true!"
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I hope you enjoyed this!!
Thank you for requesting! I'm sorry this took so long!
Reblogs appreciated :3
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dailydragon08 · 3 years
Rules & Masterlist
Welcome! Here you’ll find posts, fics and reader inserts, and other multifandom things. Here are a list of fandoms/media I write for, which I’ll update regularly:
Downtown Abbey
Star Wars
Tron: Legacy
Stranger Things
Triple Frontier
Pacific Rim
Crimson Peak
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Grishaverse (books and show)
Space: Above & Beyond (an oldie but a goodie)
BBC Merlin
If you don’t see the fandom you want here, feel free to message and ask! Please send any Inheritance Cycle requests to @murtagh-thorn, any Dragon Age requests to @andraste-preserve-us, and any Supernatural requests to @were-all-idjits-here.
Please DO NOT request any reader inserts involving suicide attempts, drug use, or a love interest actively emotionally or physically abusing the reader. But I’ll be happy to write some fluff and comfort fics regarding healing from past trauma, mental illness, or a bad mental health day.
See the MASTERLIST here!
Thanks for stopping by & hope you’ll consider a follow & request!
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solarwonux · 4 years
dad!joshua x f!reader Drabble
warnings: reader is pregnant, oral sex female receiving
notes: thank you for reading let me know your thoughts. Yes requests are still opened if anyone was wondering
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“Why are you naked?” You sat up on your bed, watching as your husband walked into the room. Two mugs of coffee in his hands, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and wide smile imprinted on his face.
“I spilled milk all over myself and put my clothes in the washing machine, but then realized I didn’t know how to turn on the washer.” He said sitting down on the edge of the bed, handing you your mug and kissing your temple softly.
“I thought you said you knew how to do laundry.” You took a sip from your tea before reaching over and fixing his glasses that had started to slide down.
“I do, I just don’t know how to use our machine. It looks like it came straight out of that Tron movie.” He grinned putting his coffee mug on his bedside table before putting his arm around your shoulders. “How’s baby?” He said resting his palm against your growing belly.
“Baby has been restless and really really wants strawberries.” You smiled turning your face to look at him, batting your eyelashes innocently. He chuckled and kissed your head before laying down and planting a soft kiss on your belly.
“Sorry baby we ran out of strawberries last night, your mom ate them all.” He wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you closer, decorating your stomach with kisses. You giggled putting your mug on the bedside table, resting one of your hands on top of his head, scratching his scalp gently. He sighed looking up at you winking before pushing your thighs apart, taking off his glasses and settling himself in between your legs.
“What are you doing?” You laid down feeling his hands grab the hem of your sleep shirt moving upwards, revealing lacy panties to him.
“I read online that having sex while pregnant has a lot of benefits and thought we should give it a shot.” He smirked kissing your mound gently, hooking his fingers on the seam of panties toying with them teasingly making you feel restless.
“Hmm, like what?” You raised your hips indicating to take them off you, in which he complied and threw them somewhere across the room. He brought his lips up to your thighs placing soft kisses, sucking on your skin gently making sure he knew how much he adored your thighs.
“Reduces stress.” He mumbled digging his teeth into the skin. A soft whine falling out of your lips tightening your hold on his hair. He moved to your other thigh making sure he gave it enough attention while his fingers found its way to your core.
“Prepares you for labor.” He whispered, running his index finger around your heat, groaning at your wetness. “Always so wet for me.” He kissed up your thigh, stopping before he could place his mouth where you needed him most. Where he craved to be most.
“Boosts self-esteem, because damn baby you’re so damn sexy.” He breathed out before giving your heat a teasing lick. You arched your back moaning pushing his face closer to you, hearing him chuckle. The sensation sending a delicious shiver your spin. Your eyes widening when you felt the baby start to kick.
“Joshua hold on baby’s kicking.” You moaned tugging on his hair to get him to stop. He hummed inserting a finger into you, his lips wrapping themselves around your clit. His free hand snaking up your body and resting on your stomach as he started to rub soothing circles around it.
You arched your back feeling his finger explore your walls, his mouth moving faster against you. The sounds of him sinfully slurping up your juices and your moans mixing with one another bouncing off the walls. He hummed contently before inserting another finger into you, moving them faster curling them hitting the spot that yearned to be played with. The pleasure overwhelming you as you tugged on his hair bucking your hips to his face, moving them along with his actions. He moaned looking up, his lust-filled eyes meeting yours before closing them increasing his pace. Watching him enjoy himself while pleasuring you increased the spiral of pleasure that had started to form at the pit of your stomach.
“S-Shua I’m close.” You arched your back, the hand that wasn’t buried in his hair looking for anything to grasp. Finally finding one of your pillows and gripping it tightly. He moaned nodding his head, as he desperately increased his pace inserting a third finger, feeling yourself clench around them tightly. You moaned out his name loudly, repeating it like a prayer, arching your back as you felt yourself burst around him. He pulled away panting, sitting up on his knees, his length his stomach begging to be touched. He continued moving his fingers inside of you helping you ride out your orgasm.
“Helps with better orgasms too.” He smirked licking his lips as he watched your body calm down, watching as your release ran down your thighs. He pulled his fingers out of you slowly, your heat clenching over nothing as you watched him lick them clean.
“You really did your research huh?” You smiled sitting up on your elbows, pacing hand against his cheek.
“Only the best for the love of my life.” He setting his hand against your stomach his eyes widening before raising his head to meet your amused one as the two of you felt the baby start to kick uncontrollably. “I think you just made baby jealous.” You giggled throwing your head.
Joshua hoovered over you holding himself up with one arm leaning down and pecking your lips softly before maneuvering himself, so he was at eye level with your stomach. “Settle down baby, I know you want mommy all to yourself but right now she’s all mine.” He leaned down kissing it softly, before moving up your body again, positioning himself at your entrance.
“Ready my angel.” He smiled pecking your nose gently.
“Always baby.”
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quorras · 4 years
Donuts & Felony
Alan has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.
(A rewrite of the infamous deleted donut scene from the fourth draft of the TRON screenplay)
Gen Alan Bradley & Kevin Flynn & Lora Baines (Encom Trio!) ~ canon rewrite, fluff, can be OT3 if you want!  853 words [ read on ao3 ]
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Most of the dialogue and some of the lines are one-for-one from the script and movie, but I did my best to sprinkle in only the Most Necessary of Encom Trio hints :)
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Alan has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. He’s probably about to commit multiple felonies in one night just because his girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend wanted to do something good, and it’s not that Alan didn’t want to do something to help improve this whole MCP-Dillinger-No-Tron situation! He really wants to do good (that’s what the TRON program is for in the first place)! He just wishes there was a less breaking-into-my-own-workplace-in-the-middle-of-the-night kind of way to do so.
It’s twelve past midnight when Lora's van pulls up on a side street, around the corner from ENCOM's main gate. The office building looms high above them, almost blending into the light polluted sky. Alan fidgets with his hands in his lap as he looks up at the ominous form. He sure hopes tonight doesn’t change anything for him. Lora’s at the wheel beside him, looking out into the street.
She nudges Alan, then nods towards a couple of security personnel waiting at the gate.
“You better get in the back with Flynn.” Lora jerks her thumb over her shoulder, “To be safe. And keep it down!”
Alan looks back at where Flynn sits, who splits into a grin hearing Lora’s words. He turns back to Lora, “Do I gotta?” The way she looks at him tells him that yes, Alan, you really do gotta.
He climbs over the seat, and Lora starts to drive slowly forward.
Flynn greets him with a smile wider than he ever thought was possible, and half-whispers, “Hi, Alan.”
“Hi, Flynn.” Alan sighs, easing himself into the spot on the seat that Flynn had shifted over from. The man nods, and they duck behind the front seats as they approach the light from the security posted at the main gate.
As they pass the security post, Flynn fishes a crumpled paper bag from his jacket pocket. Alan looks at it, and then him, quizzically.
Flynn tries his best to take out a donut from the bag without making too much noise (with little success) and sees the other man staring at him. Flynn holds up a plain glazed donut, explaining, “My dinner.”
“Ah,” Alan nods as Flynn takes the biggest bite he’s ever seen in his entire life, “I was wondering where you got that glow of good health.” Lora chuckles from the front, pulling the van towards the building’s back entrance.
Flynn grins again (does this man ever stop smiling?), and brings up the bag to eye level, “Want one?”
“Uh...” Alan looks sheepish all of a sudden, Flynn thinks that’s cute, “Got any cinnamon?”
Flynn smiles, and hands him a donut, “It’s got your name written all over it, Bradley.” Alan takes it and smiles in return, and Flynn decides right there and then that he really loves that man’s smile, especially the way his eyes seem to twinkle when he does.
“Keep it down, you guys.” Lora hisses to them quietly, “D’you want this plan to work or not?”
“Do we even have a plan?” Kevin says through a mouthful of donut. Lora eyes the falling crumbs through the rear-view.
Lora's van pulls to a stop beyond the door at the rear of the ENCOM building, and the three of them get out. Flynn takes notice that Alan’s donut has already seemed to have disappeared.
“You really knocked it out of the park in the boyfriend department this time, babe.” Flynn whispers to Lora, but clearly not quietly enough, if the bright blush at the tip of Alan’s ears as he made his way to the door meant anything. Lora breaks into a wild smirk as she pulls out her I.D. card, following Alan.
Lora inserts her I.D. card into a magnetic reader beside the door. Nothing happens.
She frowns, pulls the card out and tries again. Still nothing. “I don’t think I’m cleared for this,” she turns back to where Flynn and Alan had come up to wait behind her.
Alan’s brows furrow, “I’m certainly not.”
Flynn pushes between the two of them to the reader, “You wanna move aside? Give the kid a little room?’
Alan barely has time to mutter ‘ Will you shush? ’ before Flynn has a little jumble of a keypad on the security lock, punching in random codes.
Alan scoffs to Lora, “This guy’s a little bit like Santa Claus.”
“Make these myself, want one?” Flynn calls back softly as a series of clicks sound from within the walls. Flynn laughs in success, “They never should’ve gotten rid of me.” He looks back at Alan, then Lora, who both look at him with some sort of exasperated fondness.
With a hiss, the back door opens… and opens… and opens… Kevin barely has time to throw Alan a devious grin before Lora pulls them both into the building, “Now, that is a big door!”
“Shut up. ”
Needless to say, Alan still had no clue what he was doing or why exactly, but was sure now there were no others he’d rather be doing it with. Even if that means he’d be typing away with cinnamon and sugar on his fingertips.
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ivorydragoness44 · 4 months
Tron x program!Reader: Game Changer
Word Count: 667 Warnings/Notes: Angst, mentions of derezzing of a program, and complimenting Tron. Summary: The Reader, a program, seeks out Tron in regards to the new rules during The Games.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  The microcycle was almost complete in the Grid. Almost. It had been quite a while since the disc games had ended. You usually enjoyed watching the events, and to witness the skills of other programs. However, this time you walked away from the stadium alone in your state of grief and mourning. Outside of those feelings, you only had one thought. And that thought drove you to seek out Tron, the protector of the Grid and the programs within it.
  As you waited in the elevator, rising to the End of the Line club, you battled internally. You did not want to think back to the events of the Games. Remembering the derezzing. How the data crumbled into a pile of what was left of a program.   The elevator stopped and the joyous sounds of the club reached your sensors. Walking over the gridded flooring, you made your way straight toward the counter for the bar. It was a better start than any. Maybe Shaddox knew of Tron’s whereabouts.   Tron was always there when a program was in need. It was practically common knowledge. Whether it be Gridbugs eating their way through the architecture or a simple little misstep. There was nothing he could not protect you all from, and it showed.
  As you neared, you saw the tall and broad shouldered Shaddox standing behind the counter. He was already conversing with another program hunched over their drink. Tron.   Shaddox looked over toward you with a greeting smile as you approached.   Tron turned his head with a defeated smile as you sat on the stool beside him.   “Hello, Tron.”   “It’s good to see you, my friend.”   “Likewise, though I hope I am not disturbing you.”   Tron’s smile grew. “No. You could never. Is there something that you want or need to discuss?”   “Yes, actually. I went to one of the Games recently—I hadn’t gone in a while, but my friend wanted to compete again. They’re quite good. Not as good as you, of course,” you smiled briefly at the memories. However, even Tron saw the fall of your expression. “My friend…he did not win his last game and Clu’s guards derezzed him. The other programs did not seem surprised. Some even cheered. I don’t understand, Tron.”   Tron’s brows knitted together, his gaze downcast. “Clu has changed the games. Under his orders, his guards derezz all losing programs.”   You leaned closer, hopeful. “Can you talk to him about this? Change his mind by helping him see reason?”   “I spoke with him about this very issue. However, he thinks that what he is doing is right; helpful and a solution to a problem.”   “He doesn’t understand?” Your voice small in the lively club ambience.   Solemnly, Tron looked to you and put a gentle hand to your shoulder. “I am sorry for the unnecessary loss of your friend. Truly, I am. But I fear that Clu will not change his decision.”   Putting your own hand on top of his, you gave it a small squeeze. “Thank you, Tron. And thank you for everything you do to protect the Grid and all programs. The change in the Games, the derezzing of innocent programs, I’m sure is difficult for you. But just know that there are programs who appreciate you.”   A sad smile quirked up a corner of his lips. “I wish I could do more.”   Pulling his hand to his chest, you shook your head and released his hand. “You already do so much, Tron. You’re only one program.”   “Protecting is what I am meant to do,” he affirmed. “I will do what I must.”   Tron straightened to his full height. “I have to go now, but please stay. Try to enjoy yourself. Shaddox will be more than happy to assist you,” he smiled at the program.
  Shaddox and yourself watched as Tron left toward the exit. A strong walk amongst the fluid motions of the crowd.   “He’s very dedicated,” you observed respectfully from afar.   “He’s the best.”   “Indeed.”
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! :)
If you'd like to read more fanfiction from me, check out the pinned post on my blog: My Masterlist of Masterlists.
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pinkiepiebones · 3 years
tagged by @anxietylord so blame him
-Name: Zombie. Just Zombie. Except when I’m not. Like when I’m SparkleZombie on AO3.
-Fandoms: I write agonisingly specific headcanon-based fics for the Swedish metal pop band Ghost and for the D-list Batman villain Victor Zsasz. Thousands of years ago I wrote Hannibal fic and fucking Tron fic.
Two-shot: I don’t know what this means!
Most popular multi-chapter: I only have, like, two fics you could call multi-chapter, and only one of them is more than three chapters- “Dichotomy,” a brisk 13 chapter contemplation on an AU meeting between Doctor Harleen Quinzel and Victor Zsasz, borne largely out of the fact that the two characters were introduced to the world in the same year. Please read it and PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTARY GOOD LORD A NICE NOTE DOES SO MUCH FOR ME THESE DAYS
Actual worst part of writing: That feeling when you feel the frenzy and type as fast as your sausage fingers can keep up with your fevered mind and you post so proud of yourself… only to get, like, two likes. Ever. Also when no one sends prompts no matter how much you beg and insist that anything helps. The ego crushers.
I’m also bad at spelling the big fancy words I like to use LOL
How you choose your titles: Sometimes words just come to me. Other times I’m really into a song. I am not a clever man.
Do you outline: Oh goodness no. If I ever got feedback about story structure (feedback beyond “this is good”) I might attempt planning things but until then we type in the Tumblr post window and throw the raw un-betad story on the altar slab like MEN
Ideas you probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice:
-Wacky crossovers
-A sappy simple self-insert wherein I make a confort character tell me how cool I am and such
-Just more Zsasz interacting with other Rogues. I feel I know him very well, and interactions with others have a potential for good fun, but it would require also a modicum of knowledge of the other Rogues, which I lack
Callouts @ yourself: Maybe give up and just write popular fanon? You want readers, don’t you? Also, maybe finish Naive Meoldy, you started it, what, THREE YEARS AGO???
Best writing traits: I am the only person aside from Alan Grant who is legally permitted to write Victor Zsasz. I feel confident, extremely so, in this one arena. I mean, I RPed as Zsasz and have been building headcanon sandcastles around him for a fucking decade now, I think I’ve damn well earned the title of “The Only Good Zsasz Writer”
Spicy tangential opinion: Comments save lives. Reblogs >>>>>>>>>>> Likes.
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zexalmonth · 1 year
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After spending a week in the Kingdom of Hope, you realize that despite the cheerful demeanors of the subjects, there are still plots stirring beneath the surface. Where will you find yourself at the end of this adventure?
Will it be by the young King of Hope and his court of merry messengers?
Will it reside with the noble houses of arts and sciences, led by the Arclights and Tenjos?
Or, will you choose to pursue the path of stars and mysticism with his Holiness Eliphas and the Astrien church?
Perhaps neither of these choices suit you and you wish to join Lord Thousand’s Council of Shadows.
There must always be a shadow to the light.
Week 2: Secrets of the Royal Court
7th- The Emperor upright | Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure
All hail the barian emperors! Show us a piece about our favourite alien warlords and/or Don Thousand. You can also show us a non-barian Character as a Barian or something else Barian-related. Alternatively, an upright emperor also represents a father figure. Kazama? Faker? Tron? An OC or self-insert? Show us daddy issues something inspired by them!
8th- The Hierophant reversed | Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo
The reversed hierophant means freedom and non-uniformity, so it’s dress up day! Put a Zexal character (or OC) in a new set of clothes they would/wouldn’t wear! Historically accurate clothes for Barians’ past lives? Mini skirt IV? Droite in her wrestler attire? Astral in a tutu? Just show us fashion!
9th- The Lovers upright | Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices
Time to spread the love! OTPs? OT3s? BROTPs? Character x Reader? Character x OC? The lovers card is all about ‘belonging’. What relationships do these characters have? Draw us your ships, friendships or your favourite group of characters (Number’s Club, Sanyuushi, Arclights etc.) enjoying each others’ company. You can also show us the families of your favourite characters and create relatives for them if you prefer.
10th- The Chariot reversed | Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Sure, we have a “plot” but Zexal has lots of filler episodes and fun, zany detours! Show what sort of sports or hobbies the characters would get involved with in their spare time.
11th- Justice upright | Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Time to put a Zexal character on trial! What crimes are they charged for? What is the verdict? What is the punishment? Feel free to get silly with this (Phoenix Wright, anyone?) or be as grim/morbid as you like. Will Vector finally pay for his transgressions? Up to you!
As usual, the prompts are only guidelines and not a hard rule. Feel free to do them out of order or combine them, and if you can't manage to do something during the week... That's what weekends are for! Also, take a look to the alternate prompts here if you want!
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dragongirl642 · 4 years
I can’t find any reader inserts with Rinzler or Tron anywhere. Does anyone have suggestions?
Am i gonna have to write some myself??? That takes energy. 
Oh well...time to aggressively disassociate to the Grid for the 11th time in the past 24hrs.
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ao3feed-tron · 4 years
Faisceau de Lumière
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35mB7Wz
by Anonymous
Reader-inserts with Tron characters because there aren't enough, imo.
Words: 686, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Tron (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Kevin Flynn, Clu (Tron), Rinzler (Tron)
Relationships: Kevin Flynn/Reader, Clu (Tron)/Reader, Rinzler (Tron)/Reader
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Gender-Ambiguous Reader, Flirting, Light BDSM, Finger Sucking, Consensual Sex, Threesome, Oral Sex, Kissing, Strength Kink, Choking
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35mB7Wz
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tron20emails · 2 years
Note: This email has been corrupted in TRON 2.0's lore. Within emails and text strings, Corruption appears as random ASCII characters inserted into the text in between words and sentences. For readers who struggle with parsing random characters, such as screen reader users, a "clean" version of this email can be accessed here.
Subject: Nothing but a smoke screen!
Date: Dec-02
I've been po)($.king my nose around the labs concerning these Correction algo*&@!rithms. I personally feel it's a bunch of po$*<litical gibberish in*$itiated by Mr. Bradley to help sustain the generous a><mount of funding that goes into his department.
The Correcti#(on algorithms are nothing mo)re than a smoke screen. T)!(@here is no reason to delay the scheduled test run.
J.D. Thorne
Chief of Se*(&^curity
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