#troll dean winchester
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worldrusher · 7 months ago
yall gotta know i fw trollsonas (context under cut)
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thenameisgul · 8 months ago
Im convinced Cas pretends not to know certain human things to keep people he doesn’t like away
-like he somehow acquired and learned to use a cellphone all on his own and called Sam as early as season 5
-he learned to drive when he lost his wings
-his angel army had a whole control room setup and bartholomew’s facial recognition software did not phase him one bit
-he somehow found an exacto knife when he needed one and proceeded to carve sigils on his chest
-he managed to stay hidden from angels, demons, BMOL when on the run with Kelly
but the moment you need him to do something he doesn’t want to, he suddenly has no idea how the world works. he turns into a cute little meow meow who can barely tell you his own name. 10/10 the bastard is playing everyone all the time
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deancasforcutie · 3 months ago
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how the destiel was won (or, how I learned to stop worrying about goalposts teleporting in quantum superposition and love the hard-fought legitimate canon we've had all along)
Bonus level I hadn't anticipated when planning this post:
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thedeadedhooman · 1 month ago
the current status of the spn fandom is such that if there was a poll asking who's dean's little brother and the options are castiel and sam and castiel would win because he has little brother energy
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dotthings · 9 months ago
Speaking as a Dean fan, I would like to refute the arguments of Dean/Jensen stans who continue to treat Dean being in love with Cas back as if it's a violation of Dean's autonomy or equivalent to an assault.
This is a 100% cynical concern trolling created by bitter Dean/Jensen stans who for whatever reason want Dean away from Cas.
As if many Destiel shippers haven't already been standing on our reading for years, seasons before Cas's confession. That this is what Dean wants. What we already saw unfolding over the seasons.
That Dean is in love with Cas.
It's a response to the actual canon story which led us here. It's not something imposed out of nowhere.
What we saw on screen, the show-don't-tell of it, the bi Dean coding. The writers and actors leaning into it. Dean and Cas falling in love but not speaking their truths to each other and neither realizing the other was in love with him.
I didn't see Dean in love with Cas because of Cas's testament to Dean. That didn't come into play because Cas said I love you to Dean. I have thought that for a very long time.
My conclusions about Dean are based on watching Dean himself in canon.
We are responding to the story. To Dean himself.
There is no obligatory aspect whatsoever. It's about love. It's about the story. It's about Dean and what he feels. It's about Cas and what he feels.
Nobody is obligated to pretend we didn't see it to placate these pearl clutching Karens. This entire performative concern troll about "omg you want to force this on Dean" has to go.
Maybe Dean/Jensen stans should have paid closer attention to Dean on screen and less time making pointless drama. If you want to see people trying to force something on Dean, it's Dean/Jensen stans insisting Dean cannot possibly ever love Cas like that.
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 year ago
I've just opened my asks for the first time since I'm on Tumblr (it hasn't been that long either). Because I wanna try.
I obviously don't want any hate here, otherwise I just simply won't answer, because I'm not here to fight people. I just want to enjoy Destiel and characters I love from a show that I love as well.
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empressgeekt · 10 months ago
Supernatural/Trolls Crossover - Branch Winchester AU (Part 1 - Childhood)
Okay so recently I got into the supernatural TV show...for the worldbuilding...and during this I was writing out my Trolls Aus. Something Clicked and this idea sparked to life.
So, Branch as a child, not that long after Grandma was killed, maybe just after, would be somehow sent to the Supernatural universe.
Little Branch is utterly terrified. He trapped in a body that isn't his own (human transformation) and in a place he doesn't recognize. The woods surrounding him, appears giant but with very tiny trees. Leaves are now the size of his foot, and not big enough to be a blanket. Eventually some forest rangers find him. At first he's scared, but they escort him to the local police station, under the belief that Branch is just a victim of a family camping trip gone wrong. At the station Branch only shuts down more, the officers, are asking him all these questions some of them he doesn't know the answer too. He doesn't know he last name, he doesn't know what an address is, and for some reason these people aren't taking him seriously when he tries to tell them that his Grandma was eaten by bergens.
Enter John Winchester. He's in town following up on a lead for Bobby, so far it seems like nothing is going on when he visits the police station claiming to be part of some kind of wild-life agency. Things seem clean until one of the officers point out a tiny child sitting in the station, "Kid Claims his grandmother was killed by a giant monster. Probably just a victim of a wolf attack. Poor kid." "Any other family near by?" "Not that we can find, there hasn't been a missing persons report for him or his grandmother, and no one recognizes him."
Hunter instincts going off, John approaches Branch. Granted, he doesn't believe everything that comes out of the kids, mouth, like how he thought he was a troll, but he does listen when it comes to topic of Monsters and Bergens. By the end of it, John thinks that Branch was part of a fairy worshiping cult, that screwed-up a ritual. Either way it's a lead, and frankly this is a first for John, and for some reason he can't leave this kid alone. Maybe it had something to do with Branch being right in between his boys ages, or maybe this kid is part of the hunting world in someway, but Branch is taken back to the hotel to stay with the young Winchester boys.
Little Sam is excited to have a new friend, but Dean is more cautious, maybe even a little stress. After all Branch is just another kid to look out for on top of sammy. That first day, with John out looking for a "cult" is awkward. Sam keeps trying to get Branch to play but Branch only stays huddled up in the corner, watching the windows, and refusing to leave or go near the door to the room. Sam gripes to Dean about it, but Dean tells him that Branch just shy, and maybe needs some time to be sad. John told Dean about how Branch lost his grandmother, but not Sammy.
John doesn't come back to the hotel that night, so Dean has to put the younger boys to bed. Sam conks out easily enough, but Branch is still scared. Dean ends up trying to talk to Branch to sleep, and eventually opens up about how he lost his mom to these kind of things.
B: Bergens?
D: I don't think so, but it wasn't a nice monster. What are Bergens exactly?
B: They're big scary monsters that eat us.
D: They eat you?
B: Once a year, on Trollistice, we called it the harvest though. Eating us makes the Bergens happy.
D: And your Grandma was taken on Trollistice?
B: No, it was supposed to be safe outside, one of the Bergens must have gotten hungry early.
D: Is that why you don't want to leave the hotel room?
B: *nods*
D: Well don't worry, my dad is the best monster hunter there is, nothing going to get you when your here with us.
The next morning, John would come back, empty handing hunting wise, but he brought fast food for his boys, branch included. Branch was a little more alive this morning, actually talking with Sam about a book he was reading. Dean would tell his dad about the conversation he had with Branch last night. The once a year harvest, makes him think Pagen God sacrifice, and he calls Bobby to see if his friend has anymore information. There are a few legends that fit the bill, but each of them have an Achilles heel that makes them impossible. John stays in town for another week, before giving up. What ever happened to Branch has either stopped on its own, or moved on. He's packing up his boys, when the question of what too do with Branch comes up. Dropping the kid off with social services is possible, the workers there would probably take Branch's rambling as just a kid trying to cope with a traumatic home life, but that could also mean getting attention of Social Services on his boys. He could look for any of Branches family, but that might mean running into more cultists. With a little convincing from his sons John decides to keep Branch.
They retreat back to Bobby Singer's place, because, John needs to restock on hunter supplies, and Bobby could help him fake papers for Branch. Together they'd make a paper trail, that to any official it would look like Branch was found by John and Mary as an abandoned baby, then they took him in a closed adoption. This is the best they can do, because Branch doesn't look a thing like his boys, bright blue eyes, jet black hair, and a much darker skin tone then the rest of them. John sits down with Branch and explains what this means. If anyone is to ask, John was his father and had always been his father.
Any hesitation about the adoption is quickly forgotten after the boys stayed at Bobby's for a week. Branch proves himself to be smart, wickedly smart. He's asking Bobby all about the charm in his house, why there was salt on his windows, and anything else that has to do wit hunting. Bobby can tell when he explains the reason behind everything, that Branch commits it to memory. The kid would study, hunter books, on omens, demons, and anything else supernatural. After the week, Bobby could ask Branch "How do you kill *insert supernatural creature*?" and more then often Branch would answer correctly.
"I don't know where this kid came from John, but if I had to make a bet I'd say a hunting family. This kid was born to be one of us," - Bobby Singer.
Years pass, and Branch is raised a Winchester boy. It's a bit of a transition going from the youngest in a pack of five, to the middle of group of three, but Branch manages. He's close to Dean with all the hunting stuff, though Branch's drive to learn is more wanting to protect himself, rather then pleasing John. Sam and him get along with similar academic minds, they also enjoy teasing Dean. Branch's childhood is filled with monsters and hunting and constant moving, but it's better then living in a hole in the ground, and here he has brothers who won't leave.
Or at least until Sam goes to College. The fight between John and Sam shakes Branch up, and he eventually comes clean to Dean about his bio-brothers. Though at this point, Branch fully believes their cult theory, rather then that he was a troll from a world of magic and felt, so he isn't sure what exactly is true or his "imagination" but he remembers the fight after the show clearly. Dean is pissed off when he learns that Branch had brothers, and they all left him behind. He can't be mad at Sammy for pursuing his dreams, and Branch doesn't blame their younger brother either, but these strangers who Dean thinks screwed Branch over in a cult he'll hate them forever. Dean promises to never leave Branch of his own choice.
The pilot of season one, comes along, and with John missing Branch and Dean have to reluctantly go to sam for help. Well Dean's more excited then reluctant. Branch doesn't see the point of going to Sam, he doesn't hate his little brother, never in a million years, but form his POV Sam left he doesn't want anything to do with the family anymore. This is only further solidified when Branch meets Jess. Sam had his own family now. So, it's shocking for him when Sam agrees.
While on mission, Branch doesn't get involved with Sam and Dean's mommy issues. It's not his place, and he knows it, even if Mary Winchester is legally his late mother, he's never met her. When Dean gets arrested, Branch and Sam flee, they investigate Welch during which they work out their issues with each other, because Branch had been distant since they reunited. Branch explains that he's not mad at Sam, he just doesn't want to get close only for Sam to cut him off again. Which leads to Branch explain how he had been abandoned, and Sam reassuring Branch that he just wanted to get away from hunting, and that his issues with dad didn't extend to Branch or Dean. Then they call Dean, and the woman in white appears in the back seat. The woman in white can't really do much to him, unlike his brothers, girls have never really been branch's thing. Dean likes to tease him often about still being a virgin at 24. So, he can't be unfaithful to anyone or made unfaithful. But it's freaky to be in a car that he can't control. He stabs the ghost with an iron knife, just as Dean Shows up, and Sam drives the car into the house.
Things in Canon don't really change until episode "Bloody Mary", when drawing bloody mary out, she doesn't go after Sam this time, she goes after Branch. Because while Rosiepuff's death isn't Branch's fault, he still never told anyone exactly what happened, that day, not even John. So he's the better fit for the ghost's killing reasons, "Someone had a secret and someone died". Dean and Sam save him, and afterward they confront branch about it, getting him to finally open up about his Grandmother's death.
D: So, wait, singing killed your grandma?
S: Dean...
B: Yes, and it was one of the worse days of my life.
They're on there way to a hotel when they get a call from Bobby. Apparently, there's four guys on his porch claiming to be Branch's brothers. "Do the names, John Dory, Clay, Spruce and Floyd, mean anything to you?"
See you in part 2
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caswilllovedean4ever · 11 months ago
What my cousin thinks is the best gay and lesbian duo:
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What I think the best gay (or bi) lesbian duo is:
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sweetcitrusboi · 2 years ago
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Dean antis are so unbelievably annoying. Like I did not ask for why you decided to leave the fandom. And you’re complaining about ppl not curating their fandom spaces yet you’re in the replies talking shit about me…..
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sunshine-zenith · 2 years ago
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Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures
It’s the same picture
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snnynaturalarch · 1 year ago
since dean was nice and the only one to make sure she got a river to get yeeted into, he'll give her a smooch across the bar top at closing one night. both hands on her cheeks. loud noisy one. in front of her ex. then tell her something cheesy like, "see ya later, babe." (just for the shits and grins of it all because sometimes. a troll has to troll.)
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sonny  was  having  already  an  off  night  with  her  ex  being  around.  but  what  she  didn't  expect  was  for  dean  to  lean  across  the  bar,  hold  her  face,  and  kiss  her.  a  big  long  kiss  at  that.  leaving  her  speechless,  trying  to  find  words  the  moment  he  pulled  back.
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ex  boyfriend,  definitely  not  happy  as  he  watched  the  entire  thing.  "what  was  that?"
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freckled  cheeks  flushed  into  a  bright  pink  shade,  clearing  her  throat,  "don't  know  what  you're  talking  about."  attempting  to  get  back  to  work,  still  in  complete  shock.
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minefield-of-a-ninja · 9 months ago
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*original Image from a CW still photo
Summary: Dean shows you what it means to be in a relationship with a self-proclaimed Red-winged Bloodhound, and to be loved.
Characters: Dean Winchester x You
Tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY, period sex, shower sex, brief oral, super horny bc hormones and Dean Winchester, ILY exchange, intimacy
Words: 2K
Author’s notes: Sanctioned will be a series of low-stakes explorations of sexual taboos and boundary nudging with one or both of the Winchester brothers and You. It will all be written in 2nd person, further fostering a sense of closeness and leaning into the level of intimacy achieved with each act. It will not necessarily be considered part of the same universe but can absolutely be read that way.
As always, all my love goes to my long-time beta and friend @brrose-apothecary and many thanks to @bigmouthlass for the read-through and green light.
Sanctioned: The Red-Wing Rodeo
Being on your period sucks.
You radiate heat, but you're freezing. You can’t even think about wearing anything other than sweatpants. Most days, you bleed through an ultra tampon and the thickest pads you can buy in less than an hour, and you’re hungry all the time.
For nasty, greasy junk food and for Dean.
Dean’s gorgeous and effortlessly sexy. Even when you aren’t on your period, all he has to do is say your name and you’re putty in his hands. When you are on your period, bloated as a bridge troll and craving melty cheese, the things your brain conjures up for him to do to you threaten to set feminism back faster and farther than an old, white conservative on the Supreme Court.
It’s all you can think about—Dean’s hands on your skin, his lips on your throat, and his cock hammering you senseless.
But you smell bad, right? Your eyes are puffy and your feet look like sausages. No one thinks that’s attractive.
He’s tried to tell you that he likes it. Loves it, is what he’s said. He’s the one who told you there’s a name for guys like him—Bloodhounds. He’s even gone down on women having their period.
You don’t consider yourself a prude, but he can’t be serious, can he?
Right now, you’re in the shower in an attempt to feel less ick and maybe work out some frustration where you can easily clean up afterward. You’ve washed and conditioned your hair, exfoliated, shaved everything, and now you’re standing under just-the-right-temperature water as it blessedly sluices your neck and shoulders to your toes. You’re starting to feel something approaching relaxed when you hear Dean’s voice.
“Care if I join ya?” he asks, peeking around the large shower stall with a grin that no one in their right mind could resist. He’s naked, his hair’s spiking in nine different directions, and his face is smudged with grease from the Impala.
You shake your head and shrug, afraid to firmly commit to any answer since every cell in your body is stretched tight between tenterhooks; you could snap at any second.
“You sure?” He arches a brow and dips his chin to his chest as he eases his way into the shower.
“M’sure,” you mutter, curling in on yourself.
He settles in behind you, tall and strong, skimming his big hands over your hips before gently palming your belly. You rest one hand on his forearm and reach up behind you with the other to slide your fingers through his dampening hair. Dean begins to hum and sway before moving to multitask—dragging one hand up to expertly cup and caress one hot, tender breast, and lazily drawing a random but intricate pattern around your navel and lower.
“I know it’s your time of the month or whatever you call it, and I know it’s gettin’ harder lately,” he murmurs, touching you with reverence and heat, kissing your temple, around the shell of your ear. “I wanna make it better.”
You sigh. “I know… I just-”
When his thumb brushes your nipple, you gasp and bite back a desperate moan.
“Just what, honey? Tell me.”
He shifts behind you and his thick, hard cock grazes the curve of your back. It’s too much. He’s told you so many times how good he could make it for you.
“Please?” He continues to kiss and suck the thin skin of your throat and thumb your nipple.
You bite your lip and twist his hair with your fingers. Maybe you can let go a little. The shower will help with the mess, right?
Dean sucks an earlobe between his lips and brings his other hand up to work your other breast, forcing a pitiful whimper from your chest. You grip his wrists, encouraging his touch and buck back against him.
“Fuck me,” you whisper.
Dean groans and you can practically feel him vibrate with excitement. “I promise I’m gonna make this so good for you,” he whispers back.
You sigh, brace your hands against the tile in front of you, and widen your stance before glancing over your shoulder. His eyes flick to yours as he lathers up his hands. When he takes a step closer to touch you again, you drop your head to hang between your arms and exhale. He works you up, kneading your breasts, pulling and teasing your taut, sensitive nipples.
“You look so beautiful when you trust me like this. I want you to know it and believe it.”
He nuzzles and nips under your jaw as he hooks one hand under your right knee and gathers both your wrists with the other. You gasp when he lifts and shifts you like you weigh nothing, spreading you up and open, pressing you up against the cool tile.
“Makes me crazy knowin’ how bad you want somethin’ but won’t ask for it.”
And then he slowly sinks inside you.
You sob his name and quake between his solid weight and the soothing ceramic. You feel so hot and light, spread wide and fucked tight.
“So good, Dean,” you whimper, and he kisses you everywhere he can, sucking small bruises into your skin.
“You too.” He pushes your knee up higher, opening you wider. “So hot and greedy. Fuck, your pussy’s squeezin’ me so tight.”
His thrusts are slow, shallow, and precise. Each pass sends ripples of brilliant pleasure from the ends of your hair to the tips of your toes—liquid, rolling, boiling.
“Wanted you like this for so long,” he huffs in your ear. “Give you what you need when you feel so empty.”
He’s repeatedly, steadily driving over your g-spot, slip-sliding along the path he’s traveled time and time again—but this time, every single nerve ending inside you is engorged and hypersensitive. You can feel every ridge of his cock, stroking your insides.
“Yes, Dean. I can- can feel you everywhere. Fuck.” You gasp for air and arch your neck as he plants his forehead against the shower wall.
“C’mon,” he whispers, quickening his grinding pace and eliciting a shout from you.
“Fuck… fuck… fuck…” you’re chanting, your skin is singing, and your vision blurs.
Time warps and whirls, Dean tells you you’re so perfect, so beautiful, and then- your body seizes rigid and shocking before blowing up into the most powerful, white-hot orgasm you’ve ever had.
Dean gently nudges you awake with soft, warm touches and the aroma of chicken soup. Your eyelids flutter open and he’s lying on his side above the covers facing you, lightly brushing the wide tips of his fingers across your forehead.
“How ya feelin’?”
“Mmmph.” You wriggle into him, clutching his soft t-shirt in your fists, and nuzzle his chest.
Dean chuckles. “That good, huh?”
You feel brand new, wrapped in crystal-spun gossamer—delicate and feral. Your consciousness scrambles to catch up to your body’s instinct to climb on top of Dean and never let him out of bed ever again.
He runs a hand down and up your back, soothing and warm, and kisses your temple. “Should eat somethin’, babe. Made ya some chicken soup and those cheese crisps you like so much.”
“You’re so good to me,” you mutter as you roll and squirm toward your nightstand. You push yourself to sit up, holding the sheet to your chest, and reach for the steaming mug.
Dean traces your spine, back and forth, up and down, sending chill bumps all over your body. You are pretty hungry, so you take a few healthy sips from the mug and pop a cheese crisp into your mouth before turning back to face Dean.
“Thank you. I do love those crisps. But I like you even better.” You scoot closer to him and slide your hands up under his t-shirt. “You should get naked and get under the covers with me.”
“I should?” He smirks in that way that makes your heart skip and your guts twirl. “One single period sex shower session and you’re hooked. I like it.”
He helps you get his shirt off before shimmying out of his pajama pants and sliding under the covers with you so you’re skin to skin.
“God, you’re already hard.” You immediately push a hand down and wrap your fingers around his thick length, kissing him hungrily. “So smooth, want you in my mouth.”
“Uh-uh,” Dean stops you from diving down, rolling you to your back and kneeing your legs open to slot his hips and grind his cock right there. “I want you in my mouth, smell so fucking good, so ripe and hot.”
You groan. Two hours ago, you’d have been horrified by the mere suggestion, but now you want, want, want.
“Dean, you can’t-”
He answers your groan, rolling his hips and nestling his face against your neck. “I won’t if you don’t want it, but,” he pauses, pushing up to look you in the eye. “You want it, don’t you?”
His eyes sparkle, and your pussy throbs. He’s right; you’re hooked and there’s no going back. You’re so turned on that he likes the way you smell—that he wants to devour you. Dean’s always eager to eat your pussy, but right now he looks ravenous.
Your heart rate kicks up a notch, and you nod.
Dean swears under his breath before kissing you, hot and firm. He kisses you so well, every day. He’s thorough with his kisses and touches. This is no exception.
When he finally, slowly begins his descent, you’re breathless, writhing in the twisted bedding and fisting your hair. He gives every square inch of your body the same treatment as your mouth, all the way to your ankles and the arches of your feet. Everywhere he touches, licks, and kisses is a hot zone. As he makes his way back upward, you think you might come before he even lays a finger on your clit.
“Dean, I’m-” You break into a sob and squeeze your eyes shut.
“No, no- don’t hold back, honey. Make some noise, make a mess, I gotchu. C’mon.”
You open your eyes and he’s watching you closely as he hunkers back down, nodding. You mirror his nod and take a deep breath, reaching for him to sink your fingers into his hair.
He smiles as he continues kissing his way from your knee up the inside of your thigh, then splays his fingers against the backs of your thighs. You watch him gently part your seam with his thumbs and dip in to press a kiss to your swollen clit.
“Fuck,” you breathe, dropping your head back to the mattress and twisting his hair in your fists.
He huffs a quiet laugh, blowing a stream of cool air over your slick, open pussy, and you lose it.
You’re higher than you’ve ever been on any substance, raw, and on fire. You feel like you might rocket through the roof of the bunker into the stratosphere; then Dean slides up over you and inside you, filling you up and anchoring you. He braces his forearms on either side of your head and you wrap your arms around his back.
“I love you so much,” you whisper, accepting his kiss and reveling in his long, steady strokes inside you.
He rests his forehead against yours and breathes, dragging out and pushing back in.
“Me too,” he whispers back, brushing noses with you. “So much, honey. Thank you for lettin’ me take care of you.”
You giggle and lift your legs to hug him tight. “Thank you.”
“Next time, I’m goin’ down on you ‘til you forget your own name, but,” he pauses to rotate his hips and kiss you again. “I just had to be inside you.”
“Not complaining.”
Dean keeps that connection, pulls the thread, loops it back again, and reminds you why you’re there. He reminds you of why you love him.
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dotthings · 11 months ago
So some people from the same lane that claims that platonic love is the only love that matters on SPN and platonic love is the highest love and the only love worthy of depiction and sibling love is the highest love there can be no other love also says things like Cas is “only” a brother to Dean, and Cas is “just a friend,” and therefore their bond isn’t any kind of a big deal. They’re downplaying to stick it to the shippers. It’s more proof that all their talk about the sanctity and value of platonic relationships is performance cover for their own actual fixation.
This hate crusade from the so-called “core fans” of SPN didn’t start in the modern era. It didn’t start in the age of queer coding or when Destiel started breaking through into text. It didn’t start in the twitter era or the tumblr era. It’s been burning since Dean and Cas started to become friends in S4, and the war expanded along with the developing story, the growth of social media, and new platforms.
Some stans have been around a very long time and are still waging the same hate war, some are new generations of stans in that interest set who rolled in and adopted the bad discourse, but it’s always the same denialism and hateful fandom script it’s been since S4 and only intensified in S5 and it got worse with each successive season, and it didn’t start with S4 and Cas’s introduction, this was a struggle in earlier seasons, but until Cas no one really stuck around long enough and deep enough to test the issue and that’s why Dean and Cas, and Destiel, are the flashpoint, but Cas’s arrival is not the invention of it either.
SPN is a show that has always been about love.
I started watching in 2005 when it first began and have written tons of SPN meta and rewatched and studied the episodes. It has always, always been about love.
In reflection I grow more horrified, not less, by how a very dominant loud component of its “core” base didn’t actually believe this story could be about love, it only believed in Sam and Dean bro bond supremacy and everything else can burn.
They call themselves fans and call themselves superior and brag about being “non shippers” or they ship what they ship but always funnel back to this same attack and denial on Dean and Cas’s relationship and in so doing burn down friendship love, found family love, brothers in arms, kindred spirits, and bury the fact that SPN has always shown the different way bonds and love forms.
Some of them deploy a certain amount of phobic rhetoric in service to this hate crusade, but that’s not the only thing happening. And it’s a chicken or the egg dilemma. Are they like this to rail against a queer ship because of phobic biases, or do they rail against a queer ship and pretend queer coding doesn’t exist and insult people who closely analyze the show because they’d be against anything that they perceive as a threat to Sam and Dean only love supremacy? Since Dean and Cas’s closeness, however it’s defined, gets attacked and denied in its essence.
Familial themes, found family, and love on SPN never actually mattered to them, only Sam and Dean ever did. If it’s not Sam and Dean, to them it’s not love. If it’s not Sam and Dean, to them it’s not family. They really really have epically missed the point.
And the brothers were the chief canvas to reflect on love, but the brothers were never, ever canonically the sole and only expression of and reflection and rumination on love.
It’s mostly just sad, honestly. How this story of two brothers and their family, and the people they love, just doesn’t matter to the supposed “core” the supposed backbone of the fandom, who brags how they made this fandom, and how they’re the only fans who “get” SPN, while they preach and preach about brotherly love, they have no respect for the actual story, the actual canon, or the show’s actual messaging.
Dean and Cas embody so many of spn’s strongest themes about love. There is no excuse to slam the door on the fingers of queer readings to virtue signal about “it’s about platonic love only”—that not only makes no sense for the show holistically, given romantic love has played a role plenty of times on SPN and has been treated as a love as any other love, it’s all love. Nobody has to ship anything, but not shipping something isn’t an excuse for this ongoing war against SPN’s canonical themes about love and it’s not “ruining” the show or “not getting SPN” to have a queer reading, but I’m not just annoyed by the queerphobic nonsense, it’s the attack on love generally.
How do people watch a show that is about love while acting like love should have no place there? The reason it doesn’t make sense is because they don’t, in fact, make any sense.
We don’t have loud open declarations in PR acknowledging mutual canon Destiel. What is there in loud open PR are statements affirming the importance of found family love and other kinds of relationships beyond the exclusivity of Sam and Dean and somehow, conveniently, this gets ignored so people can continue their lie about what spn is about, what spn is allegedly “only” about. Found family has always been under attack by these so called “fans.” Sometimes openly and often passive aggressively.
I don't blame people for loving the bro bond. I don't blame non-shippers. I don’t care which characters they like or dislike. That’s their business. Shipping, not shipping, that isn't the actual problem here, it's a whole lot more complicated than that.
Anyway. Dean and Cas love each other deeply. SPN and the SPN universe, any show set in that world, has always been about love.
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dotthings · 2 years ago
It's absolutely wild that while I'm out here having cathartic full sobbing meltdowns over Dean's emotional arc addressed in this ep and looking stunning while doing it there's stans on twitter who claim to be, y'know, fans, being all "he looks like a potato"
They really really really need to admit Sam is all they care for and that Dean doesn't even exist as an individual entity that they appreciate and move on.
“Dean wouldn’t wear that” discourse is crazy, have you watched Supernatural. at all.
one episode per season will tell u this man has changed, evolved and grown into the person he wants to be. he wants to wear silly outfits, dress up like a cowboy any chance he gets, wear strangely detailed garments to play pretend, and he looks great doing all of those things.
let the man wear a turtleneck
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fandom · 1 year ago
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Week Ending January 15th, 2024
Percabeth Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Ineffable Husbands Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Sonadow +3 Sonic & Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog
Zosan Roronoa Zoro & Vinsmoke Sanji, One Piece
Satosugu +4 Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Ghostsoap +1 Simon “Ghost” Riley & John “Soap” MacTavish, the Call of Duty franchise
Destiel +5 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Hannigram -5 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Steddie -1 Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Jegulus James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Hualian +5 Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Narilamb Narinder & the Lamb, Cult of the Lamb
Broppy -2 Branch & Poppy, the Trolls franchise
Astarion x Tav -1 Astarion & Tav, Baldur's Gate 3
Soukoku Nakahara Chuuya & Dazai Osamu, Bungou Stray Dogs
Zolu +3 Roronoa Zoro & Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece
Wolfstar Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Superbat +2 Superman & Batman, the DC Universe
Blackbonnet Blackbeard & Stede Bonnet, Our Flag Means Death
Byler Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded ships weren’t on the list last week.
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daylighted · 10 days ago
doesbaby know she’s a car or was?
this is very interesting bc my initial thought was yes she absolutely knew. but i honestly think … she only knows that she was different than how she is now. bc all of her memories are just with them, and knowing she was present somehow in some way.
she knows based off of dean’s and sam’s initial reactions that it is a drastic change. she knows she was not sentient prior to this. but i do feel in my heart of hearts that that lil lady does not know, at least fully, that she was a car. just something that existed in the winchesters family line as some kind of valued heirloom, and that none of them loved her as much as dean did and does.
she is smarter than she gives herself credit for so if you left her alone with nothing to do but sit there and think, it’d probably click for her; like every little thing she innately knows about cars vs. what she should know as a human being, etc.
also on the whole other side of the scale there’s a great chance she knows that she was a car and will pretend just to troll. she has never met another lady (yet) but she thinks she’s the funniest lil lady in the world and would find great joy in blurting it out to them, especially if they dance around that topic with her.
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