#triwizard tournaments
sunseekerlove · 3 months
marauders era triwizard tournament is my worst brain rot right now this shit is plaguing my brain and like bro just imagine james is the hogwarts champion and it’s the black lake task where they have to get someone from the bottom and it’s regulus!!! JAMES SAVING REGULUS FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE LAKE??? JAMES SAVING REGULUS FROM DROWNING??? JAMES HELPING REGULUS SWIM TO SHORE???? JUST IMAGINE IT!!!!! i fear i must do this
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 9 months
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Summary: Yule Ball is right around the corner and you still haven't found a date. Or at least decided on asking someone as a date. But your heart is set on a certain redhead who just isn't taking a hint and is as dense as a rock.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Song: Must be Love by Laufey
Warning: fluff, anxiety rant (reader stressed with school)
Word count: 4.8k+
A/n: honestly I started this around February this year and forgot about it... yeah that bad. I wanted to get it out of my system since it's been there for a while. This was actually meant to be part of my serendipity book but i still havent written the other chapters but I really like this chapter. Either way I hope you lovelies will enjoy it, Happy holidays<3333
Everyone was ecstatic from the announcement of the Yule ball. It was the first ever dance they were to have at the school and everyone was already starting off their plans on what to wear and who to go with. With the Triwizard tournament at hand, you were glad there was something to take your mind off the stress.
Training and helping Harry through all of the practices were starting to wear you out.
At the moment, all of you were in the Great hall simply studying. You were nearly done with your assessment when from the corner of your eye, you spot Fred throwing a piece of paper towards his younger brother.
Ron raised his head up in annoyance, wondering why his brother would want to disturb him. He opened the ball of crumpled paper and read the words "you better get a move on or else there won't be any girl to ask to be your date." Or something like that, he only skimmed through it.
Ron gave Fred an annoyed stare, "Who are you going to the Yule ball with then?"
Fred crossed his arms and sent Ron a smirk, "Well, I still have to ask them. I’m thinking on doing it really soon,"
Your ears prick up at his words. He's planning on asking someone else to the ball? Of course he'd be going with someone but you had always hoped it would be you.
Your heart sank at the mere thought he was going to ask someone else to the Yule ball.
Ron looked surprised, he thought that Fred had already asked you but he was wrong. He looked towards you, seeing you leaned over your assessment, looking like you didn't care to pay mind to what he and Fred were talking about. But in truth, you did care, you cared a whole lot.
"How about you Y/n? Who are you going with? Lots of guys have been asking you lately, it shouldn't be too hard to choose one." Ron asked, not knowing that this was sparking a little jealousy in Fred.
You looked up from your paper and looked at Ron. You saw the worried glances Harry and Hermione were sending your way.
"I won't tell you cause it's a surprise." You whispered back with a wink before looking back down on your activity.
Fred tensed up at your words, it sounds like you already accepted to be someone’s date. He didn't want to pry on who it was in case he might get his heart even more broken, but of course, curiosity got the best of him.
"Really? Why am I only hearing of this now?" Fred asked.
"Well technically they haven't asked me yet so I'm going to ask them instead." You replied courtly.
Fred seemed perplexed. They haven't asked her to the ball yet? What an idiot. Oh god wait, is she planning on asking that Beauxbatons girl? No she wouldn't, she would have told me.
"...so who's the lucky girl- or guy?" Fred stumbled on his words as he leaned in. He really wanted to know who it was, even if it was at the expense of his own feelings.
You look at him with a grin, trying to mask the slight nervous breakdown you were having within. It was ironic that he was asking about this especially since it was him you were talking about.
"I'm not telling you who it is, Freddie. Like I said, it's a surprise." You state as you finish up your assessment.
"Oh come on, you don't need to tell me their name. Maybe give me some clues? Like which school they're going to-"
You narrowed your eyes at him, knowing how stubborn he was going to be about this. "Well that would just narrow down your possible choices."
He started shaking your arm like a child asking their parents for a sweet in a sweet shop. "Come on, just tell me."
You shook your head and laughed at his dramatics. "Fred, you should finish up your activity."
"Hey, don't change the subject." Fred pointed out.
"You're not gonna do it till I tell you, huh?" You said with an unimpressed stare.
"Nope. Now can you at least tell me one thing?" He urged on.
You let out a sigh as you went deep in thought. Do you really want to help him in finding out who it is or leave him to his madness. You decided on the first choice. It wasn't like he was gonna figure out it's him.
"They're studying here at hogwarts."
"...Yeah, that totally narrows down the choices." Fred sighed. "Which house are they in?"
You chuckled, "like I'd tell you that. That would make it too obvious."
Hermione laughed from the other side. "Y/n, even if you say what house they're in, I don't think they'll be able to figure out who it is."
You thought about it for a second and realized she had a point. "Huh, you're right." You agreed with a chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mea- you know what, I don't wanna know. What I do wanna know is, who this person is." Fred was adamant at finding out who the mystery person was, and it was starting to make you nervous that he might actually figure it out.
He sat up once he found an alternative solution to his predicament. "Oh, I know, I'll name a bunch of people, and you tell me if they're the person. Okay?"
"What if I lied and said no even if they were the person I was going to ask to the ball?" You smirked, which was only returned with an unimpressed glare.
Fred was about to say something but decided against it. "I'll just do it anyways… is it Diggery."
You shook your head a no.
You cringed at the thought, no offense to Draco. Besides you knew he had his eyes in a certain Gryffindor. "Godric no, he's already planning on going with someone else."
Both Harry"s and Fred's eyes seemed to widened at the statement, Harry seemed even more surprised.
They both yelled out in unison, "He is?!”
Snape went in to scold the two for their outburst. Removing 5 house points from each of them. Causing the surrounding students to send their glares towards the two.
“Yes he is! Now hush the both of you!” You scolded as you continued with your work.
“Right, I shouldn't get distracted… How about that Freya girl?" He spoke her name in doubt, scared that he might be right.
You chuckled at the mention of her name, "No, she's going with her girlfriend."
Fred's heart settled at the realization, abit shocked by the new information but he was delighted to have that thought settled in his mind. That means you weren't going to act on your childhood crush. But then the thought entered his mind that it meant you were planning on going with someone else, someone he wasn't aware of.
"How about… Neville?"
"Already going with someone."
"He plans on asking someone else."
"Nice guy but no."
"He's going stagg."
"I don't know why I'm even asking this but, how about Lee?"
You immediately shook your head a no.
Lee perked up from his seat at the mention of his name. "Huh? I heard my name, what's going on."
George leaned over and told Lee about the situation.
"Ohhh, I see." Lee chuckled, "this is going to be fun." He whispered back.
"Godric...well uh, is it Louis?" Fred guessed. At this point he didn't know who else could be the possible match.
"No. He is a good option but no." You simpered on, wondering where this conversation was going to take you.
"I give up on doing this, just answer my questions." Fred continued. "Do you talk to them everyday?"
The question seemed vague enough for him to not know who so it didn't hurt to answer him. “Yes,”
Fred went deep in thought, why did he even choose this question? "Who would you be talking to that I wouldn't know about...
You all chuckled to hear his words, he may seemed to be really observant when it came to you but completely oblivious at the same time.
"Oh wow Fred, you take note of who y/n talks to everyday?" George teased, though Fred didn't really see it that way.
"So what? I'm with her almost all the time, I would know who she'd be talking to." Fred explained.
"You aren't with her all the time. What about during class hours?" Hermione stated.
Fred looked dumbfounded, he didn't think of that.
Harry leaned over to you, making sure no one else heard him other than you, "I wonder how long it's going to take for him to realize it's him."
"Give it 2-3 business days." You replied with a chuckle.
Fred turned back to you with another question in mind. "What does their name start with?"
You shook your head with a chuckle. "I'm not going to answer that."
"Ugh, fine. Are they taller than you?"
You laughed at his question, "Yes." By a lot.
"That question doesn't even help. Lots of people are taller than Y/n." Harry commented earning a smack on the head from you. You caught Fred laugh at his joke which you used to your advantage.
You gasped and feigned an insulted look, "Okay, ouch. I was just thinking about telling you who it was but I changed my mind." You scooted away, with a false pout.
Fred laughed, trying to pull you back to him by pulling you by the waist. "I'm only joking, love."
You replied with an eye roll, trying to conceal the grin that slowly crept onto your lips.
You began packing your things before facing Fred again, "Seeing as you're not doing the activity, I'm going to go and spend the rest of the period outside."
“Oh come on, tell me who it is.” Fred stated with a pout as he theld onto your hand to keep you from leaving.
“Like I said before, no.” You replied with a teasing grin before grabbing the rest of your things.
You stood up from your seat and handed in your paper to Snape. He seemed to have been listening in on your conversation. He seemed to find your conversation quite amusing.
"If that Weasley boy doesn't ask you soon, I think it's better you accept Diggery's offer." He suggested in his usual monotone voice but there was this spark of interest in his eyes on the topic which surprised you.
“Professor Snape!” You laughed, surprised by this side of your professor.
“I'm just saying,” He simply shrugged before walking off with your work.
The following day was hectic, more so than usual.
Most of the classes were finishing up their lessons so that during the holiday break you'd all be free from the burdens of school work. But it didnt help when they just piled more school work over the other to cram everything in one go.
Things seemed worse for you since you had decided to take up more classes this year. Not just that, but you somehow tangled yourself into becoming a some sort of charm fixer for the younger years whenever they'd mess up a spell.
And because Harry got himself stuck with being a triwizard champion for Hogwarts. You had to help him with spells and charms just so he could survive the challenges. You wouldn't be able to to live with yourself if anything were to happen to him under your watch.
As the holiday's were approaching, the only decent things about your schedule was the dance classes in between subjects. You had already learned how to waltz when you were a girl. Your parents weren't ones to host glamorous balls but your grandparents were. You had fond memories of your dance classes during your summers spent abroad. Twirling endlessly in studios till your head wouldn't stop spinning.
McGonagall appeared at the front of the hall and cleared her throat to call the attention of the crowd. "find your partners everyone, we will begin shortly."
Everyone began scattering across the room searching for their partners. You had the tendency to switch partners every now and then since the boys kept asking if you could show them the steps to the dance. You didn't mind, even if it meant getting your toes stepped on every now and again.
As you looked across the room, you wondered who you would be dancing with this time. Your own question was answered when your hand was suddenly grabbed and you were twirled around to be flush against someone's chest.
"Freddie!" You laughed, the wind was nearly knocked out of you from the sudden turn.
"You don't mind having this dance with me, do you love?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
You shook your head with a grin, "No, I don't mind at all."
Your hands were intertwined as your other hand rested on his shoulder and his hand grasped your waist. There was no tense atmosphere compared to the other boys who always seem to stray away from their confident selves when around you. But not Fred, no. He was always his true self around you.
The music began playing and echoed through the hall. Light footsteps pattered across the floor as people tried to find their footing. Some seemed to struggle more than others but that wasn't the case for you and Fred.
The two of you danced across the floor in sync. The two of you paid little mind to everything around you as you both were lost in your own world. Like your heart harmonised with the beat of his heart and that was the only rhythm you guys needed to dance.
"You've improved since the last time we've danced." You teased as you continued your steps.
Fred rolled his eyes at the memory of his poor attempt at trying to dance the waltz with you during one of your grandparents balls. He didn't exactly want to be there in the first place let alone dance a waltz he's never learned. But he didn't want to leave you there alone either. You wanted to dance, so he danced with you.
"Careful, I might step on one of your toes again." He taunted as he went along with your teasing.
You shook your head with a laugh. You had hoped that he would be your date for the ball. When he accompanied you to your grandparents' ball, it was like something out of a fairy tale. Though he stepped on your toes once or twice, it was all worth it. Especially when around the end, the two of you were left alone out in the gardens to stargaze the rest of the night.
Maybe, just maybe he would ask you to the ball.
Fred knew from your silence, you were stuck in thought. "You're still not going to tell me who it is?"
Your eyes snapped back to him, "Who?"
"The one you're taking to the ball." He replied almost in a whisper. At this point he wondered if he should still be asking about who it is. Is he really going to subject himself to this hurt?
Your eyes softened at his question. "Freddie..." you could tell him the truth. You could tell him that the guy you most desperately want to go to the ball with was him. But you were too scared to do so. Godric forbid you had any bravery left in you to tell him your true feelings.
You could casually ask him to the ball. Make nothing of it. To go as friends. But something in your gut told you that if you went together, things would be different. Things were different.
You weren't just little kids anymore. You were both at that stage in your life where love and relationships were the main focus of everyone's lives. If you screw up things with Fred, you'd probably spiral into a mess.
"You don't have to tell me. Just make sure to save me a dance, alright?" You could feel the defeat sink into his voice. But before you could do anything about it you were pulled away by another person to continue the waltz.
You caught a glimpse of Fred and you could feel your heart start breaking. You wanted to tell Fred but was it really worth the cost?
It had been two days since Fred had questioned you about the mystery guy and you thought he just dropped the topic and forgot, but you were wrong.
Truth was, it was all he could think about. He didn't even try to ask you to go with him to the ball that day because he was scared he was going to get shot down.
And if you were being honest, he was all you could think about too. Not just on the fact that he was so adamant at knowing who the mystery person was, but also because he too had someone on his mind on who to ask for the ball.
If there was already someone he planned on asking, why even bother asking him to be your date to the ball? You felt hopeless and most of all, stupid for ever thinking you had a chance at asking Fred to the ball.
These thoughts consumed you to the point you didn't even want to try to sleep anymore. You just laid there on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually you got hungry and tired of your own thoughts.
You got up from your bed and slowly crept away from the girl's dormitory, being careful not to wake anyone up, especially Stark. Godric knows how grumpy that cat gets when he gets woken up. You didn't currently have the map with you since it was with Harry but you didn't mind. You've basically engraved the school's layout in your mind.
You eventually reached the portrait and got out. It wasn't totally pitch black but it would help to have a little light help guide your way.
As you walked through the empty hallways, you couldn't help but think about all the things that were troubling you these last few days. I guess lots of things have been bothering you lately. You didn't exactly know where to start.
The thought that Harry was constantly being placed out into the line of danger and you not being able to help him is killing you. You have always been there to protect him and help him out but with the stupid Triwizard tournament rules getting in your way, you can't do anything about it.
Your stroll eventually led up to the kitchens, quickly grabbing a few snacks and bidding daisy and the other elves goodbye before going around the castle again. You missed these peaceful silences.
In all honesty you were suffocating from all of the school work and activities brought by the Triwizard tournament. You may not have been part of them but your professors seemed to have the impression that you were capable of handling lots of extra school tasks.
Like helping lead the class in dance classes in preparation for the Yule ball since you had experience in ball dancing. Assisting in charms classes in the lower years in your free time. Being a sort of ambassador for the foreign students seeing as you can speak French and russian. As if already having to deal with your normal studies and Quidditch wasn't enough.
You liked that they thought of you as a responsible student but you were juggling so many things that you rarely had the time for anything fun anymore. While your friends were off pranking, you were stuck helping second years undo charms that went wrong. While Kayla, Pansy and Mione were doing their usual "book club" sessions, you were busy helping Harry figure out how to do certain spells.
Your mind was so wrapped up in all your worrying that you didn't even realize that your footsteps led you to Monty. You grinned at the sight of the tree.
"Hello old friend." You greeted as you sat at the root of the tree.
You snacked on your food as you contemplated in silence. Though the tight feeling was still present in your chest, it felt comforting to be in a place that made you feel safe.
You leaned your head back on the tree and looked up at the star covered sky. You missed star-gazing. With all of the chaos, you haven't been able to star-gaze in a while.
Like a gush of fresh air passing you, you knew a presence was nearby. One that you were all too well familiar with.
You turned your head to look at him with a light grin. There he stood in his plaid pajamas and initial sweater.
"How come you always manage to find me?" You asked, tilting your head with a chuckle.
"I should be the one asking why you're always wandering off, in the middle of the night no less." Fred replied as he sat down next to you.
You both sat there quietly; looking up at the stars, mostly lost in thought. That was until Fred decided to break the silence.
"Why are you up so late? I know you don't usually sleep early but even 3 am is a stretch for you.” Fred stated as he pointed at his watch. ”What's on your mind, Carrington?"
A concerned look fell on your face, you didn't realize that much time passed already. You let out a sigh, you knew you were going to end up exhausted the next day.
"Honestly?" You inquired.
Fred nodded at you with sincerity, he had all his attention focused on you.
You sighed and suddenly the words just poured out of you, "it's just… so much is happening and I don't know how to deal with it all. I have to assist the younger years in charms, quidditch training, normal classes, foreign students and- il se passe trop de choses et j'ai l'impression que je vais pleurer et crier mais-" (too much is happening and i feel like I'm going to cry and scream but-). You paused, forgetting that Fred didn't know a lick of French.
"Fuck sorry, I didn't mean to do that." You apologized as you sunk your face into your hands.
"No, no, it's okay. Just keep going. I'll listen, even though I don't understand a single word of french. I'll be here to listen." He replied as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
You nodded as you continued on in your rant, the words were all coming out like a broken dam. "It's just that so much is going on and pour l'amour de la merde, you'd think they'd give a 4th year a break. I feel like I'm on the verge of breaking down every minute but I won't let myself go because there's still so much meant to be done."
You haven't really told anyone about how stressed you've been feeling lately and it felt so great to actually tell someone. Fred nodded along as he listened to you. There was this look on his face, as though he hung on every word you said, regardless if it was in a foreign language.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry you've been doing all that work. They should be paying you at this point. Is there anything I can do to lessen the load?" Fred asked as he brushed and stroked your hair.
You sighed and closed your eyes, "unfortunately, no."
He tilted his head, as if not believing what you said. “Are you absolutely sure? Cause you know me, I can give Minnie and Alby a piece of my mind.”
“Thanks for the offer but I'm sure I can handle it." You leaned your head on his shoulder in defeat.
"I know you can, but it doesn't mean you have to." He replied, rubbing his hand over your arm.
All these years, he's been by your side through it all. Through all the Voldemort nonsense, through the injuries, through the nightmares, everything.
"Freddie." You whispered.
"Yeah, love?" He replied.
"Thank you."
He faced you with this puzzled look, "For what?"
You gave him a simple shrug, thinking the answer was already obvious. "For just being there for me."
Fred's features softener and pulled you in closer to his side. "Anything for you, darling. You know that."
“I do…I hope you know the same applies to you.” You replied as you looked up at him.
“I do.” He nodded as he looked up at the stars. They were incredibly bright tonight, he wondered if you always wandered out here just to look at the stars to clear your head. That would explain why he would always find you here.
“When was the last time we went stargazing together?”
You grinned at the memory, “last summer when we went camping on the reserve.”
“We should do it again.” He replied, his eyes still glued to the stars.
You look at him with a cheek aching smile, “yeah, we should.” He may have meant the stars in the sky, but to you, it meant the freckles that were scattered across his cheeks like constellations. Those were the stars you were willing to spend endless nights studying.
“Can we just look at the stars while they're still out?” He laced his fingers between yours, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Okay.” You replied, snuggling yourself closer to Fred to get comfy as you looked up at the sky.
And that's what you both did till dawn came. The sky twisting in colors of peach and purple as the sun slowly rose over the grounds of Hogwarts. It was a quiet morning, and for once your mind was quiet too.
Maybe it had something to do with the boy whose shoulder you were resting your head on or the peaceful ambience the morning brought you. You didn't really care, you were happy and that was it.
You couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence flow through you. It could have been your mind lacking sleep but everything that was holding you back from telling Fred about your feelings just flew out the window.
You wanted to tell him, and you wanted to tell him now.
You sat up and turned to Fred in a rushed motion. Your movements startled the boy but he was left waiting for whatever you were about to do.
“What's wrong, love?” He asked you, surprisingly not as sleepy as you expected him to be.
“Remember what I said about that person I was going to ask to the Yule ball?” You hesitated with your words. You weren't even sure if you were thinking straight. You prayed that whatever words formed in your head would be the right words to say to Fred.
Fred tensed at your words. He nodded slightly, hoping that the next words that would leave your mouth wouldn't hurt too much.
“Well…” You felt your throat go dry but you were already in too deep, you had to commit. “To tell you the truth, they're really really really dense. And honestly I don't even know why they would even want to go with me if the opportunity presented itself but-.”
Fred's forehead creased at your words, who wouldn't want to go with you to the ball? That would be like turning down the chance to enter heaven. “Why'd you think that, love? Anyone lucky enough to even be in your sights should be thanking God or whatever force for putting you on this earth.”
You felt your cheeks go bright red and your heart beat ten times faster. You weren't even sure if you could have controlled it with Fred's words just pouring out of his mouth like they just came to him naturally. He didn't even stop there. Once he started he couldn't stop.
“I mean look at you, I don't think I can think of anyone else in the whole entire world that could even come close to how perfect you are. I mean sure, you're basically a night owl with how little you sleep because you'd rather read than have a decent amount of sleep,”
You laughed at his little comment, shoving him slightly in the shoulder, but that didn't stop him from continuing his rant.
“You literally land in the hospital wing every week or so because you'd rather put yourself in harm's way than others. And you don’t even like sharing your cookies but you still do. You even ask your grandmother to send more cookies just so you can share more of them. All these things I just listed down are just more reasons why you’re perfect- and why I love you.” He let those words slip past his lips so quickly he barely even registered them. By the time he realized what he said he knew he couldn't take them back, nor did he want to.
“And yes, I love you… and not just in a friend way but the “I love you so much that if you're not around I can't breathe and the mere thought that you probably like someone else is killing me”... way.”
You were left speechless. You felt like a complete idiot at that moment. You both were fools from the start. How couldn't you have seen the signs?
He was the only one there for you when no one else was. That time you landed in the hospital wing after a full moon incident from helping your uncle moony, he was the one who stayed by your side all those nights.
When you got a cold after a snowball fight with the Weasley’s over the holidays, Fred visited you nearly everyday at the Manor to check on you before he too caught a cold. Then it was your turn to take care of him.
When you got detention from getting caught for a prank you pulled, Fred got himself detention so you wouldn't be alone.
Fred felt his chest tighten at the silence, you haven't said a thing in the last few seconds and it was terrifying. “I know you probably don't feel the same-”
Finally, you snapped out of your self inflicted scolding and reached over with one hand to keep you up and the other on Fred cheek. “My god you are dense.” with that, your lips crashed into his and suddenly everything fell into place.
All the years of pining. All the endless hours of you avoiding and hiding your feelings when all along, the both of you were just too scared of saying how you felt.
His hand slipped over to your cheek while his other hand gripped your waist. He couldn't even process his thoughts about what was happening. Was this actually real? Was this a dream? Was he even awake?
His thoughts were silenced when you pulled away just slightly to let out a small whisper, something that was meant for him and him alone, “I love you too.”
A grin grew on Fred's lips, going up ear to ear. It felt like hearing your favorite song for the first time. You loved him. He couldn't believe it. Fred pulled you in for another kiss but it was difficult from how he just couldn't stop smiling.
“Really?” He asked, his voice heavy with bliss and giddiness. It was like the whole world just lit up for him. He really couldn't believe it.
You let out a light laugh at the sight, “Yes, really.” Before placing a peck on his lips.
“Are you absolutely sure?” He asked again, this time with a smirk and his usual tone of arrogance. Sure he still couldn't fully wrap his head around the thought that you, the girl of his dreams, actually loved him back. But that still didn't stop him from teasing the living daylights out of you.
You pondered on the question further, knowing how Fred loved to play this game. Your silence only furthered the fun when Fred began to grow impatient. “On second thought…”
Fred let out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to his lap, “Nice try love. You've already said the words. You can't take them back.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly before facing him with a cheek aching grin, “oh no, what shall I ever do?” You replied with feigned fear before letting out another laugh.
Fred leaned over to your cheek, his nose barely grazing over the surface of your cheek. “How about I take you to the ball as…your boyfriend?”
You pulled away with a grin, "Are you sure?”
Fred looked off into the distance and tapped his finger over his chin, “Hmmm, you know on second thought-”
You let out a laugh before resting your hands at the back of his neck, “Nuh uh, you already said the words, Freddie. You can't take them back.” You repeated his words back to him with a smirk.
He pulled you in for another kiss to wipe away that smirk. But he then pulled away, just slightly, “You have my heart, love. I don't think I'll be able to take that back either.”
Feeling the blush rush up to your cheeks, you could only hide your flustered state in the crook of his neck. Now it was his turn to smirk.
“Don't get shy on me now, love.” Fred spoke as he hugged you tight. He thought that this was just too good to be true. He thought that maybe if he didn't hold on tight enough, all of this would cease to exist and reveal itself to be a dream.
You lifted your head out of the crook of his neck, only to feel the heat rush back to your cheeks. Seeing as the sun was rising up already, the blush was much more evident on your cheeks.
Fred looked at you with a soft smile, it was finally sinking in. He was finally yours, and you were finally his. And though the two of you may be dense, Godric knows Fred is never going to let you forget he loves you.
"I love you so much."
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7s3ven · 9 months
CINDY LOU WHO. cedric diggory
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N helps her crush and longtime best friend, Cedric Diggory, get with another girl. Deep down, she knows she’ll never be the bright and bubbly girl Cedric wants. She’ll always be the cunning snake with a knack for starting fights.
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.”
A/N: I do take requests so feel free to ask for one :). I mainly write for Maze Runner, Harry Potter, PJO, and Hunger Games
Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do. Cindy Lou Who. With your hair so long, lips so red. Maybe we met once, I forget
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Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed. Breaking my heart, 'tis the season, I guess. The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten. And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin'
“The boy who I love who's now in love with you. Cindy Lou Who.”
Y/N sighed as she impatiently checked her watch and tapped her foot against the stone floor. It was almost curfew and Cedric was still a no show. The rules were less strict now that school was done, but Y/N had a reputation to live up to. It was the least she could do with all the trouble she had caused this year.
“Y/N.” Cedric jogged towards her, looking out of breath. She arched an eyebrow and her gaze scanned his untidy uniform.
“… Do I even want to ask?” She questioned.
“Ah.” Cedric sheepishly smiled, “My friends and I were playing hide and seek. It was a pretty intense game.” Even during his senior years, Cedric was still the bright-eyed kid Y/N had grown up with.
“Right. Well, why did you want to see me? You know how I don’t like going out before curfew.” Y/N folded her arms over her chest, “Plus, you’re late.” She quickly added.
“I know. I’m sorry about that. I just had to grab this.” Cedric pulled out a black box, smiling. He carefully opened it, showing the necklace to Y/N. “Do you recognize the crystal?” He questioned, making Y/N scoff.
“Of course I do. It’s my birth month crystal. (Insert crystal).”
Cedric grinned. “You still know so much more about gems than me. You should’ve been put in Ravenclaw.”
“Oh, please. If I was put there, I would be sleeping in the hallways. I can’t figure out riddles.”
Cedric playfully nudged her with his elbow. “Don’t say that. You’re smart.”
The pair walked beside each other as the moonlight shone through the cracks of the castle. Cedric had slipped the necklace box back into his pocket and he gently cleared his throat.
“I’m going to give the necklace to Cho.” He suddenly blurted out, causing Y/N to pause. She looked over her shoulder at Cedric, wondering if he was joking. He wasn’t.
“Why? She’s your ex.” Y/N felt mildly disappointed that the necklace wasn’t for her. For the longest time, she had been holding onto her feelings for Cedric. Everybody could see it; the Golden trio, the teachers, even Draco’s posse. And yet Cedric had never caught on. She was starting to wonder if he was just messing with her.
“She helped me through a lot. I owe it to her.” Cedric smiled. Y/N gazed at him before she nodded.
“Okay… I’m guessing you want my help?”
“Yes. Please.” Cedric was ready to get on his knees and beg. Though, he was sure Y/N would find great amusement in that. She had always been a little sadistic.
Y/N briefly looked away, blinking away small tears and recollecting her composure so her voice wouldn’t crack. “What do you want me to do?”
edric had wanted to meet Cho at the black late, which was where he and Y/N usually hung out. That stung.
Y/N tied the last of the heart-shaped balloons before securing them to a nearby tree. Cedric was pacing around, wildly muttering under his breath.
“Will you relax?” The Slytherin girl piped up, rolling her eyes. “You’re making me feel nervous.”
“I can’t help it.” Cedric replied. Of course, nobody could help but feel anxious around Cho Chang. She was beautiful and smart and kind. Y/N had talked to her a few times, and if she were a guy or lesbian, Cho would be her crush too.
“Well, that’s the last of the balloons. Good luck, Ced. I’ll be nearby if you need help. Just don’t expect me to hug you if she rejects you.” Y/N playfully punched her friend’s shoulder. Cedric boyishly grinned and quickly embraced her.
For a moment, Y/N was speechless. She slowly hugged him back and awkwardly patted him. She could smell his expensive cologne and it almost felt Cedric was confessing to her instead.
Y/N was the first to pull away. She wished Cedric luck once more before hurrying off, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt envious of Cho. Y/N had been by Cedric’s side since day one. She had comforted him and supported him and hid her breaking heart when Cedric admitted to liking Cho the first time.
And now it was all happening again.
Y/N hid behind a tree just in time to see Cho walk out of Hogwarts and make a beeline for Cedric. She watched as they conversed and when Cedric showed Cho the necklace, she jumped with joy.
Y/N let out a small sigh. She pressed her lips into a thin line, accepting that she wasn’t the girl Cedric would ever go for. She wondered that if they weren’t childhood friends, would Cedric still be nice to her?
She was a Slytherin. A somewhat mean one with a soft spot for certain people. She started too many fights to count, and the threat of expulsion was always hanging over her head.
She wasn’t Cho Chang, who was pretty like the starry night shining above the calm ocean. Cho Chang was kind, sweet, and loving.
Cho Chang was Cindy Lou and Y/N was the Grinch with no room in her heart to change.
The next time Y/N saw Cedric, he was by Cho’s side. Y/N usually sat at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric, much to some people’s dismay, but today Cho was with him.
Y/N didn’t feel welcomed at that point so she sat with her friends, completely missing the way Cedric gazed over at her in confusion.
“Ah, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. Everybody’s favorite couple has finally reunited.” Ivy, a pale-skinned girl with light freckles lining her cheeks and soft silver hair grimaced as she sarcastically spoke.
“It’s a shame you never dated Diggory, Y/N. You guys were perfect together.” Hime sighed as she poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice. She offered to fill Y/N’s glass as well, but the H/C-haired girl declined.
“Boys are always stupid.” Evan, short for Evangeline, piped up. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing. I agree with Hime. He should’ve gone for Y/N.”
Y/N silently ate as she listened to her friends complain about Cedric, probably in an attempt to make her feel better.
“Has anybody noticed how he keeps looking over here?” Hime questioned, whispering quietly. “Chang never seems to have his attention for long.”
“I’m telling you, Diggory secretly likes Y/N but he’s scared she’ll reject him. So he’s playing it safe and going for an ex who he knows he had chemistry with.” Ivy retorted, sparing another glance at Cedric.
Y/N huffed in amusement. “Where did you come up with that?” She spoke for the first time.
“It’s obvious.” Evan backed up Ivy’s theory. “When he wins a Quidditch game, who does he run to? You. When he needs help with homework, who does he find? You. When he wants to go to Hogsmeade, who does he immediately ask?”
Evan arched an eyebrow while Y/N sighed.
“It’s a plausible theory.” Hime uttered. “You two have been friends for ages. He’s close friends with Hermione Granger too, but does he hug her and look at her like he does to you?”
“That’s probably because she’s younger and he doesn’t want to end up with a sentence.”
“Good point. What about Floral over there?” Hime nodded over at the Ravenclaw girl who was always arranging flowers or reading about them. Her name wasn’t Floral but everyone called her that and it stuck. “You three are all friends, right?”
“More like I was forced to befriend her, but sure.”
“Diggory doesn’t look at her the way he looks at you.”
“And how does he look at me?”
Ivy slammed her hands on the table, looking like she had been waiting years for this question. “He looks at you like Jack Dawson looks at Rose. He looks at you like Chuck Bass looks at Blair Waldorf. He looks at you like Luke looks at Lorelei. Like Morticia and Gomez, Bella and Edward, uh.. give me another one!”
“Percy and Annabeth?” Evan suggested.
“Yes! That’s how he looks at you. He’s giving you the I wouldn’t want anybody else by my side look. He’s probably just… confused. You’re like his Cindy Lou Who. You make him happy and you bring out the best in him.”
“Cindy Lou is bright, bubbly, and extraordinary… she’s everything I’m not.” Y/N gestured over to Cho, who was giggling with Cedric. “Cho Chang is more like Cindy Lou.”
“Cindy Lou Who has a nice ring to it.” Evan said, off topic.
Y/N nodded in agreement. “It does. The rhyme is satisfying.”
“Enough about language features! You have to get your man back, Y/N.” Ivy intensely stared at Y/N, determined to get Cedric and her together.
“He was never mine to begin with.”
“Then make him yours! Come on, Y/N, you’re beautiful- no. Gorgeous. And sure, you have a bitter side but guys who can’t deal getting a little burnt aren’t worth it. And I know that you burnt Diggory over and over again, with both your anger and literal fire.”
“Just so we’re clear, the fire thing was an accident. And I don’t want to force anything onto Cedric. I’ll just… go with the flow.” Y/N ate the last of her food and stood up, “I need to wrap presents. Don’t you dare try and sneak in to see your’s.”
Y/N was mainly referring to Ivy, who lifted her hands in surrender.
Again, Y/N failed to notice how Cedric’s eyes trailed to her. But Cho saw it.
“Cedric.” The raven-haired beautify tugged on his sleeve, “Can we talk?” She spared Cedric’s friends a look. “Alone?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The pair walked off, fully aware of how Y/N’s friends were watching them closely.
“What did you want to talk about?” Cedric questioned, tilting his head to the side.
“I don’t want to assume anything, Cedric. But to me, it seems like you only confessed to me again to play it safe. I can tell that your true feelings don’t lie with me.” Cho glanced at Y/N, who exited a nearby bathroom and was too busy drying her hands to notice the couple. “They lie with her.”
Cedric followed Cho’s gaze, softly staring at Y/N with that damned look of adoration.
“I think someone else deserves this necklace.” Cho gently removed the jewellery, handing it over to Cedric. “Face it, you love her. You always have. You can’t try to love me, Cedric, not when Y/N exists.”
“She doesn’t like me back.” Cedric muttered, grasping the necklace.
“Are you sure?” Cho quirked an eyebrow. “Why do you think she stayed by your side for so long? Even when the other Slytherins teased her, even when you two argued, even when you kissed me in front of her. How could you not notice, Cedric? She brings you drinks after quidditch practice and buys you gifts and even stays at Hogwarts so you aren’t lonely. Why do you think she never dated anybody, Cedric? It’s because you were the one she wanted.”
Cedric shook his head. “No. She doesn’t like me. Y/N is smart and amazing and cunning. I’m not her type. Her type would be someone like…” He paused, thinking, “Matteo Riddle.”
Cho sighed as she shook her head. “You really have no idea, do you? Spend more time with Y/N and hopefully you’ll notice the things the rest of us do.”
She quietly walked off, leaving Cedric standing outside the Great Hall. Cho made an immediate beeline for Ivy, Evan, and Hime and sat in Y/N’s spot.
The trio clad in green glanced at her, confused and a little hostile.
“Cedric likes Y/N.” Cho quickly uttered so the group didn’t explode on her. “I got through to him but he thinks Y/N doesn’t like him back.”
“Thats bullshit. It’s so obvious!” Ivy groaned.
“Exactly.” Evan agreed, “But Y/N doesn’t think Cedric likes her either.”
Cho sighed. “It’s obvious they have mutual feelings but neither of them believe it. So, let’s force them to confess.”
Hime raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you like Cedric? Why are you willing to help us?”
“Despite our dating history, Cedric is still my friend. And I want to help him in any way I can.” Cho smiled.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Ivy exclaimed, “What if we get them under the mistletoe? But instead, they have to fight! We can call it mistlefoe!”
Cho, Hime, and Evan exchanged looks.
“I think we should just stick to mistletoe.” Cho uttered. “We could, uh, surprise them by decorating one of their common rooms? The Slytherin room is never decorated, right?”
“I wish it was.” Evan sighed, “It’s a cute idea. We could surprise Y/N by decorating the common room and then led her in and Cedric can be standing in the middle of the room under the mistletoe.”
“But to pull that off, we’ll need more help.” Hime added, “I don’t think four people can do that. And it’s only us in the Slytherin common room. Not even Matteo is here. So he can’t help.”
Cho glanced past Hime and Ivy, staring at the Golden Trio and their extended group of friends. She smiled. “I have an idea. But it’s going to involve working with Gryffindors.”
The group of Slytherins all glanced at each other before they shrugged in unison.
“Anything for Y/N.”
“Do I get to kiss Oliver Wood after Diggory and Y/N kiss?”
Cho, Evan, and Hime stared at Ivy, who only cheekily grinned.
“Um… I’m not sure about that last one. Let’s just start off with asking the Gryffindors first.” Cho sheepishly smiled.
“Ivy and I will get the decorations.” Hime offered, “There’s some extra ones in the basement if Hogwarts too. Evan, Chang, you can get those after you ask the Gryffindors.”
“Call me Cho.” The ravenette smiled before she stood up. “We don’t have much time. Let’s hurry.”
“Wait, we forgot something.” Ivy piped up, “Who’s going to distract Y/N?”
“Evan can distract L/N. I’ll ask the Gryffindors myself and if they accept, they can help me get the decorations from the basement.”
“Okay.” Hime looked around, slowly nodding. She smiled. “Let’s go.”
Cho approached the red table while Hime and Ivy hurried towards Hogsmeade and Evan rushed off to find Y/N.
It took a few hours for everything to be set up, but finally the Slytherin room was decorated and ready.
“I need to get something. I’ll be back.” Evan smiled, lying through her teeth. She watched as Y/N entered the Slytherin common room and rushed off to find her friends.
Y/N squinted her eyes as she walked into the dark room. “Huh? Ivy? Hime? You here? What did you do to the lights?” Nobody answered her. She tilted her head to the side, confused.
The lights suddenly turned on, along with multiple Christmas LED lights. She quietly gasped as she stared at the tinsel covered stairs and brightly decorated tree.
In all her years at Hogwarts, the common room had never been decorated. Slytherins weren’t exactly big on Christmas.
Y/N looked around, realizing she wasn’t alone. “Cedric?” She stared at the brunette boy. “What are you doing here? Have you seen Ivy or Hime? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
Cedric silently looked up. Y/N, puzzled, followed his gaze. She lifted her head, staring up at the floating mistletoe above her head. “Oh.” She whispered.
She looked at Cedric again, jumping when he was only a foot away.
“I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, Y/N.” He uttered, “I should’ve noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
Cedric didn’t say anything as he leaned forward to softly kiss her. Y/N froze, her heart almost leaping out of her chest.
“Y/N,” Cedric pulled away and brushed a strand of loose hair aside, “You’ll always be my Cindy Lou.”
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the-colourful-witch · 9 months
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🏆 The Triwizard Champions 🏆
I worked on this piece for a while, figuring out the designs, poses, uniforms, composition. It was really fun! I like that I added the decorative border at the last moment. It really pulls the whole thing together✨
I’m really interested in the other wizarding schools, like Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I am still figuring out the uniforms.. I might do a sketch sheet on those soon. You’ll see :)
Which Champion’s your favourite?🌟 Personally, I really like Fleur, because she’s the first character I read about that shared my name. Nine-year-old me was very, very excited about that.
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padfootswhiskers · 7 months
every champion in the triwizard tournament knew about the dragons beforehand. when harry told sirius about the dragons via floo, he knew INSTANTLY how harry could go about defeating a fully grown dragon with a simple spell. later, in the cave, he almost ENTIRELY picks up on what’s going on with barty crouch—even pinpointing that it had something to do with his son. he’s incredibly sharp, and doesn’t let his bias about snape cloud his theories (like ron does, very often)and yet people think he was thick and couldn’t tie his own shoelaces without moony telling him which foot was which. in this essay i will
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iconicstoner · 1 year
a light in the darkness
gn!reader x cedric diggory
words: 1126
summary: In an AU where Cedric survives the Triwizard tournament, but has trauma from it, y/n has to help him through a panic attack caused by his claustrophobia.
a/n: mentions what happened to Cedric in the maze in detail, mentions claustrophobia, and implied panic attack
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Cedric would never be the same after the Triwizard Tournament.
Not everything had changed. He was still the same loyal and compassionate boy you’d always loved, but he would never be as carefree as he once was. Slowly, his hair had been growing out; nothing major, but just enough to cover his eyes. His sleep pattern was in a downward spiral too. Almost every night, he had grim nightmares about what happened during the tournament, and it caused him to fall asleep in his classes often. He confessed to you the terrifying memories he had from the maze. You could remember in great detail when he told you about the suffocating tunnels of ivy that surrounded him as he tried to move through the maze, making it almost impossible to breathe. The experience was suffocating. He was even more scared by the overgrown roots that wrapped around him and attempted to carry him away from the cup. He clawed at them, screaming in terror for help, but nothing he could do on his own would fight them off. Now, if he got his shoe caught on something as simple as his shoelace, it would make him turn ghostly pale, getting flashbacks to the moment he could’ve lost his life.
Despite what he went through, he kept exceptional grades and still had his friends. For him, maintaining his grades wasn’t a surprise. Not only were his professors very understanding, but studying was one of the few things he could do without ever having to think about what happened that day. He was much more surprised to discover that his friends still loved him, and that he was still as popular as always. He thought his friends would be disappointed in him, but like the incredible friends they were, they adored him just as much, and respected him for the hardship he went through. More than anything, he was glad you still loved him, even if he would never be exactly the same.
However, attention and popularity were no longer what made him feel whole. When people circled him to talk to him, it often scared him. After what happened in the maze, Cedric had intense claustrophobia, and even standing in a crowded room could set him off.
After every dark thing that happened, the only real thing he could find solace in was you, his beloved support system. You knew this, and made it a point to check on him daily, especially if he didn’t talk to you for a day. That’s how you knew when it was a dreadful day for him.
Today was different. Classes were over for the day, and you hadn’t seen him once. You thought maybe it was just a coincidence you didn’t see him in the halls, but when he didn’t show up to your shared History of Magic class, you grew worried. You’d asked around about him for what felt like hours, and eventually one of his friends told you they’d seen Cedric go to his dormitory.
You contemplated what could’ve happened as you entered the Hufflepuff common room. The smell of sweets wafted through the air, and the syrupy scent filled your nose. Usually, you loved to admire the soft yellow furniture and warm lighting, but today you went straight for the boys' dorm. You pushed open the ancient creaky oak door to Cedric’s dorm, and the scene felt all too familiar to you. Before the tournament, Cedric often invited you over, but that was becoming rare as time went on. You knew he still loved you, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to reach out to anyone, even just to chat.
You opened the door to find Cedric on the wood floor, sitting next to his bed, with his knees to his chest. You rushed over, quickly closed the door behind you, and sat with him.
For a while, he didn’t say anything, he just softly cried. His cheeks were red, and his breathing was shallow. His favorite gold Hufflepuff sweater had droplets of water across the front from his salty tears. You wanted to engulf him in your arms, but you knew he needed his space.
“I can’t believe what I did,” he finally said, breaking the silence. The tears in his throat were audible and heartbreaking. “A group of people tried talking to me, and I just snapped,” he’s barely able to choke out the words as he begins to sob into your shoulder.
“I know Ced, it’s okay,” you say as you brush your fingers through his soft overgrown honey hair.
“I just snapped,” he says between sobs. “They were all standing so close, and I couldn’t breathe, and all I could think about was that stupid maze.” The words leave his mouth in a quick spiral, and once they’re out he grabs you like if he doesn’t, you’ll vanish. “I shouted at them,” he says, sounding dejected. Even if those students never remembered it, he was too sweet not to blame himself.
“Cedric Diggory,” you say in a strong, but concerned tone, “no one is mad at you. The people here are considerate enough to understand what you went through, and if they can’t understand it, then maybe they deserve to be yelled at.” He doesn’t respond to you, but he holds on to you a little tighter, and presses his face into your neck. His warm, soft lips meet your skin and plant a small kiss on you, and you can feel his wet, tear-stained cheeks brush against you. “Why don’t we get you some food? You’ll feel much better,” you earnestly suggest. He moves away from your neck, keeping a firm grip on your body. Despite his disheveled appearance, he sends you a grin that makes you feel like the sun has just come out after a long winter. He nods his head in agreement and stands up with you. You watch as he fixes his hair, and changes his clothes to go down to the great hall with you. When his shirt is off, you see his sculpted, toned body, and you can’t help but giggle. He blushes, and a soft shade of pink takes over his face. He sends you a wink and quickly puts on another shirt. It seemed like Hufflepuff’s golden boy was making a return.
Once you’re out of the Hufflepuff common room he takes you by the hand and twirls you around, pulling you into him with a soft smile. Your hands connect, as if they were made to hold each other, and he traces his thumb in circles on your hand.
“You are the light of my life,” he whispers into your ear, and it’s like you can hear the smile in his voice.
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thelightfantastik · 4 months
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labyrinthhofmymind · 2 months
i’ve been thinking about all the endless possibilities with the marauders and the triwizard tournament so here they are:
- so we know the three schools that participate, and that they alternate who hosts each time, so just imagine the marauders visiting durmstrang and beauxbatons, and the absolute CHAOS they would cause (i’m talking pranks, i’m talking just pure mischief, i’m talking fires and explosions and insanity and mayhem that honestly overshadows the tournament itself)
- then there’s the yule ball, which is just textbook angst and drama and romance and fluff (i’m picturing mcgonagall forcing sirius to dance in class only to find out he’s literally perfect at ballroom dancing, sirius and remus nervously asking each other out, james asking lily to go as a friend only for her to end up kissing him by the end of the night, peter plucking up the courage to ask the girl he likes out and marlene and dorcas and mary and emmeline going as “friends”)
- now there’s the endless possibilities of who would be repping hogwarts in the tournament, and an obvious one would be james, but also imagine if it was regulus or dorcas (i’m currently freaking out about this idea)
- because then, if they did a task similar to the underwater one, regulus would have to save the person most important to him, which would be sirius (duh)
- and if it was dorcas it would be marlene, and if it was james it would be sirius (and james would definitely pull a harry and end up trying to save multiple people cause that’s just who he is)
- regulus would be really strategic with the dragon, dorcas would use some sort of powerful magic, and james would also excel with the dragon and do a quidditch moment (of course)
- then there’s the maze, which i can really only think about in relation to crimson rivers (and we all know how THAT turned out)
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iseeksouls · 2 months
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My recent obsession
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Bittersweet Butterbeer ~ M.R.
Summary: You meet an old friend with her best friend at three broomsticks and they ask you about the slytherin boys, so your friends, because her bestfriend has a huge crush on Mattheo. Little do they know, he's you're boyfriend.
Warning: Englisch is NOT my first Language, so I'm sorry for any misspellings, shitty grammar or bad wording.
Other information: female reader, use of Y/N, slytherin reader
Word Count: 1.2 k
Song recommendation: Back to december (Taylor's Version) ~ Taylor Swift
Likes, comments and reposts are appreciated ♡
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Today me and an old friend are gonna meet at the Three Broomsticks. We grew up in the same village but started to grew apart after I got accepted at Hogwarts and she got into Beauxbatons.
But since it's the Triwizard Tournament, she is at Hogwarts and asked if we wanted to meet.
I was very happy that she invited me, so of course I accepted. She wants to meet in half an hour, so I put my shoes on and leave my room and seconds later also the common room.
»Y/N wait!« I hear someone call, so I turn around. Nott stops in front of me, quite out of breath.
»Are you going to Hogsmeade?« »Yes.« I answer simply. »Would you like to have some company?« »It would be a pleasure.« I say in a joking voice, and Theo just laughs before putting an arm around my shoulder.
»There you go madame.« he says as he opens the door for me. »Thanks Teddy.« I giggle before entering the Three Broomsticks.
I look around and recognize my friend at one of the corner tables. She hasn't changed a bit and she also doesn't seem to be alone.
»Hey Stacy.« I greet her the second I arrive at the table. Two faces turn to me in super speed.
»Y/N, hi! I'm so happy to see you and WOW you look so different! « She gives me in a small hug after she stood up.
»Well I mean it's been a while since we last met so…« »Yeah, right, right. Come sit down. And yeah, this is Lucilla by the way.« she points at the other girl that's sitting at the table.
»Oh, you can call me Lucy of course.« she says with such a fake smile and voice, that I just want to get up and leave.
»Did you guys ordered something or were you waiting for me?« »Oh, we arrived just a few minutes ago, so there wasn't even the possibility to order something.«
»Okay, so three butterbeers then?« I ask but i was not really expecting an answer.
»Eww, no. Why would I drink something like that? It's too many calories. Don't you have anything healthier here?« Lucilla interrupts my walk to the counter.
I slowly turn around and take a deep breath »Well, I can ask if they have something more healthy but it is a specialty that you usually drink when you are at hogsmeade.« I guess my smile now is as fake as hers was a few moments ago, but I don't really care.
I thought it would be a nice reunion of old friends, but instead I have to deal with a snake. I mean I should be used to it, in my common room I'm surrounded by snakes, even my best friends are snakes but they are harmless in comparison to her. If she would get sorted into a house, she would open up a new one just for the shittiest of them all.
I thought this reunion couldn't get any worse, but unfortunately I was wrong.
It seems that these girls just invited me, because they wanted to know more about my friends and not to know what's been going on in my life lately.
At first I was disappointed but at second thought I'm glad, because now I don't really want to be friends with her anymore. Also it's quite amusing how obsessed Lucilla is with Mattheo.
Every second sentence she asks something about him. Like »What's his favourite colour?« or »What is he doing after class ends?«.
I thought about telling random shit, just to start some dumb rumours, but I decided against it.
»Do you know his friends?« she asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts. »Well I think so.« I slightly chuckle about my answer, but I don't think they understand it. Understand how dumb this question was.
Everyone at hogwarts knows that I am a part of this friendgroup, that I am one of the cool kids. I mean, I am part of this friendgroup since it exists. But they won't know it because they don't go to hogwarts.
»So you know Lorenzo?« »Yes.« »And Theodore?« »Yeah.« »Draco and Blaise?« »Yes, also them.«
»Did you hear that Stace, she knows them all.« I hear a sort of disbelief in her voice but I decide to don't care because I know I'm not lying.
»And did you know, that Pansy and Mattheo are together?« »Oh, they are together?« I ask half confused and half amused. »Hah! Knew it. You ain't friends with them. A friend would know something like that. I mean as if someone like Mattheo would willingly be around someone like you.«
»Luce, Luce.« interrupts Stacy, Lucillas offensive speech. »He just came through the door.« »Who?« »Mattheo.« »Really? Do I look good?«
Lucilla strokes her hair several times and touches up her lip gloss. And I'm just thinking about the fact that even the best make-up couldn't do anything against her ugly character.
»Oh my God, he's coming right at us. He is getting closer and closer. I knew that he just couldn't resist me. I mean, look at myself, I'm pretty, blonde-« »And so modest,« I add, because I just can't keep my mouth shut anymore.
Lucilla gives me a dirty look before turning her attention back behind me.
»Hello, my love.« I hear him and lean my head back to get my kiss. He leans over me and gently presses his lips to mine.
Without me being able to control it, my body relaxes and my inner restlessness fades.
»Aren't you going to introduce me to the two ladies?« »Oh, I'm-« »Actually, I wasn't planning to, no.«
I stand up and take my jacket from the back of the chair. »I'd like to say that the meeting was really nice and we should do it again, but that would be a lie. It would have been nice not to see you, hopefully we won't bump into each other again.«
I turn my back on the two of them and hook up with Mattheo. »Matty, thank you for picking me up. Love you.« »You know I love you more don't you?« »Yes, I know that. But I love it when you admit it.«
Tagglist: ---
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Harry really should’ve expected something like this, but he’s still bewildered.
(And more than a little pissed off.)
Of course some bastard managed to enter him as the fifth champion in the Triwizard Tournament.
...Well. There are four schools participating, but “Quadwizard Tournament” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
There are several people shouting at each other and him in a variety of languages, and while he has no idea what they’re saying, he gets the gist of it: how did this scrawny fifth year have the audacity to trick the Goblet of Fire and enter the prestigious (and deadly) tournament?
He wishes they’d ask him so he could clear up that he hadn’t done that, and he doesn’t want to take part in this tournament, and they’re all being world-class prats right now.
Well. Except for Cedric Diggory. He just looks a bit confused, bless him.
Dumbledore asks him if he put his name in, and he says no, and maybe he overestimated these people because pretty much all of them scoff and don’t believe him. 
The Koldovstoretz champion’s voice cuts through the hullabaloo and says, in barely accented English, “If he is required to participate, why not let him forfeit?”
Thank Merlin, there’s a voice of reason in all this idiocy.
All eyes turn to the tall young man – Tom Riddle, Harry’d heard the name said by his love-struck peers enough times since the other schools arrived to remember it – who looks politely disinterested in the chaos around him.
“That sounds good to me,” Harry says, hoping that’ll be the end of it.
But of course it isn’t. 
The Durmstrang headmaster sneers something that sounds awfully rude at Riddle in a language Harry doesn’t recognise, which makes the boy tense and darkens his eyes. And then the shouting starts up again.
For all that the gathered headmistresses and headmasters and students were arguing against his participation before, they’re now demanding that he take responsibility and not besmirch the tournament’s prestigious history nor the Goblet’s choice by bowing out. Harry is once again of the opinion that there is no continuity or logic in the thinking of magical people, so he zones out like he does when Uncle Vernon wants to rant at him.
As the group finally quiets down and Dumbledore explains what the next steps are for the champions, Harry tunes back in to listen with half an ear. The other schools’ representatives send him dark looks as they depart, while Cedric gives him a pensive frown. Dumbledore ignores Harry’s attempts to catch his eye and disappears as soon as the discussion ends.
Well that’s just great.
Harry decides to head back to the Gryffindor common room – he needs to vent his anger at this madness to his friends, who will hopefully have his back.
(Though, the look on Ron’s face when Harry’s name had been called… No. Ron knows him better than that.)
Before he gets too far, he hears a voice call, “Harry Potter.”
He turns reluctantly, hoping it’s not another person ready to call him an attention-seeker or cheat, to find Tom Riddle.
Feeling his shoulders lower from his ears where they’d risen in pre-emptive defensiveness, Harry manages a half-hearted smile for the older boy. “Hey. Thanks for trying to help, back there.”
Riddle shrugs and somehow makes the motion elegant. “It was obvious you did not want to be chosen." 
Harry thought so, but apparently they're the only two of that opinion. “What did the Durmstrang headmaster say to you?”
“Nothing I didn’t expect,” Riddle says dismissively. When Harry doesn’t relent, he clarifies, “Igor Karkaroff rejected my application to Durmstrang because I’m not a pureblood. I’m sure you can imagine his opinion of me – and my blood – hasn’t changed in the intervening years.”
Harry can feel his hackles rise. Yes, he can imagine – he’s heard what the pureblood bigots have said about Hermione and the other muggleborn students over the years.
“Well, there’s only one thing to do, isn’t there?” Harry says, grinning sharply. “We’ll both just have to–” absolutely crush them all “–prove them all wrong.”
Riddle’s eyebrows rise slightly and one side of his mouth twitches. “I suppose we will.”
Harry holds out a hand. “May the best champion win.”
Riddle accepts the handshake. “Indeed. I’m glad to have your support.” 
Delivered in a perfect deadpan, it takes Harry a couple moments to realise the other boy is making a joke. He laughs, and Riddle finally lets his face break into a grin.
When Riddle uses parseltongue to get past the Peruvian Vipertooth (“What were they thinking, including a human-eating dragon?” Hermione demands when Harry first sees her after the first task) and retrieves the egg in less than two minutes, it causes an uproar. How did someone with Slytherin’s gift, who was born on British soil, not end up going to Hogwarts? The details of Riddle’s first introduction to magic and meeting with Professor Dumbledore are splashed across the front page of the Daily Prophet the following day.
Needless to say, the headmaster is in a bit of hot water with the Hogwarts board of trustees and the pureblood crowd.
(Karkaroff is looking decidedly pale, too.)
Harry thinks he’s the only one who sees the vengeful grin on Riddle’s face while everyone else is staring at Dumbledore getting dressed down. When Harry congratulates Riddle later that day, he knows the older boy understands it’s for more than just retrieving the egg the fastest.
(As for his performance in the first task, Harry’s content with how he did against the Hungarian Horntail, even if he’d gotten a little singed. He might be in second place, but he’s nipping at Riddle’s heels.)
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savxgelxve · 6 months
Moonlit Confessions 🌙
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A Cedric Diggory x Fem!reader fic.
Hey guys! This is my first time ever writing a fic. I've been reading fanfics for almost 5 years now, but was either too lazy or didn't get the courage to post my work. Constructive criticism is appreciated but please don't be mean...it's my first time so it'll likely suck 😅 Do give suggestions on how I can improve<3 A huge thanks to @queer-n-here for helping me out with some of the dialogues and plot suggestions. Go check them out!!!
(The reader is a "Prewitt" which is one of the sacred 28 pureblood families. Much like Weasleys as they too don't care about their pureblood status.)
Warnings: none. This is just pure fluff ^w^
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The moon was brighter then ever, as the soft wind blew playing with the locks of your hair. You stood by a large window of the library, waiting for him. But the serenity of the night sky had tranced you in it's beauty, so much so that you didn't even notice Cedric when he entered.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?”
You snapped out of your daze as you stepped back, startled.
“How long have you been here?” you asked with a surprised smile.
"Not long."
He replied with a smile, there was a faraway look in his eyes with a hint of excitement?....or was it mischief? but there was something about his expression you couldn't place your finger on.
"By the way, did you figure out the clue yet?" He asked.
"Not yet, that thing screams every time I open it. I'm surprised, it hasn't made me deaf yet." You replied, earning a chuckle from him.
Cedric had asked you for help with the golden egg he had got hold of in the first round of Triwizard tournament. He only trusted you with it. You and Cedric had known each other since you were practically babies. It was because both your parents were childhood friends as well.
"Then do we atleast have a lead?" He asked with an hopeful expression.
"Please don't tell me you owled that note saying, "Come to the library ASAP" just to show me a rock you found by the lake side again that was shaped like a pygmy puff." He teased.
"Oh shush, I did that when I was eleven! And the rock was cute."
"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" He shook his head chuckling.
You simply rolled your eyes with a small smile, "I do have a theory though."
Cedric crossed his arms as leaned against the wall with a curious expression, "Enlighten me, then."
"What if the scream was of the next creature you have to fight against? Just like the dragons?" You said walking towards a table which had two books you had picked out as you handed one to him. "We can try to figure out the possible creature you might have to fight against."
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Cedric read the title out loud, "I feel like vicious would've been a better way to describe them." He added with an airy chuckle.
"Don't say that in front of someone who wants to be a magizoologist." You said with a playful glare.
"To you even an Erumpent is just as cute as a puppy." He replied with a teasing smile.
Cedric pulled out a chair for you and helped you get seated as he sat in front of you.
"Since when did you become such a gentleman?" You teased.
"Well, I can't help but channel my inner gentleman around you. Just trying to set the bar high, you know?" He replied with his classic smirk.
You raised an eyebrow, "Just around me? Are you sure you're allowed to say that with all your fangirls eavesdropping on our conversation?"
He loved this banter that they had. You were the only one on whom his charms wouldn't work and he took it as a challenge to change that.
"Well, it'll be easier to let them know I'm taken that way." He replied with a flirty smirk.
You rolled your eyes acting like it didn't bother you but your cheeks were dusted with the lightest shade of pink. It was barely visible but didn't go unnoticed by Cedric that was what he needed, a signal that he does affect her.
He rested his head in his arms as he smiled sweetly at you. "You look cute when you blush like that~"
"You're not the first one who said that to me." You replied with a sassy smirk, though internally you had melted in a puddle of blushing mess.
Cedric though smiling, visibly tensed at that reply.
"Haha, I guess I'll have to try harder to come up with compliments that leave you speechless then. Challenge accepted, and I think it'll be an easy win for me as it's hard not to compliment someone as adorable as you, even if it's been said before." He replied with a wink.
"We'll see about that." You replied with a small smile. "But for now, let's focus on the task, shall we?"
Cedric nodded, "So, that scream is well terrifying to say the least...could it be a Banshee?" He said pointing at the text under the image.
"A Banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening." You read out loud.
"Well I don't think so, I mean, whose death are we talking about here? There aren't any dementors here anymore. But we can't completely rule out the possibility as the Triwizard Tournament which was held in 1792, had one of the tasks involving catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Head of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I read that in Hogwarts, A History." You added.
"Really? But don't you think that after this tragic incident the authorities would be more careful?" Cedric asked curiously.
"Hmm. You do have a point...so perhaps it's a siren?" You thought out loud.
"Maybe? I read somewhere that a sirens scream can deafen a man and transform a woman into one of them." Cedric replied.
The two of you searched the entire Magical Creatures section of the library for an hour, but there wasn't much of a lead. Finally, Cedric suggested to take a break to go get some fresh air.
You both walked towards your usual spot near the lake. The moonlight illuminated the crystal clear waters of the lake, casting shimmering reflections that danced upon the surface with an ethereal grace, as if the night itself had decided to paint upon the canvas of the water.
As you both sat on the shore, you saw a really cute rock. "Ced, look! this looks like a Fwooper"
He simply chuckled, "Are you sure you wanna become a magizoologist? You could become naturalist considering your never-ending pile of rock collection."
"Well I love cute rocks, but I love animals more. All the rocks I have collected look like some sort of animal." You replied.
Cedric nodded, "So we have the next Newt Scamander in making. I see." He replied with a smile.
"Do you have the golden egg with you right now?" He asked randomly.
"Yeah why?"
"I wanna see if there are any marks or symbols carved on it that can give us a clue? Or perhaps help us understand that scream in a way?" He replied.
"That's a good idea." You replied as you opened your side bag, as you rummaged through its contents. But it was a bit hard because of the extending charm you'd used on it. Finally giving up with a frustrated sigh you took out your wand.
"Accio, golden egg." You casted the spell making the egg fly out of your bag and landing on the ground with a thud which opened it.
A ear piercing scream filled up the quite night, as the egg vibrated from the sound and fell into the lake.
You stood their horrified your hands trying to shut your ears.
"Holy Merlin!" Cedric exclaimed as he took his shirt off and jumped into the lake.
Expecting to hear the screams he was surprised to hear a melodious voice instead.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
As he closed the egg and got out of the lake, he had an excited smile on his face which confused you.
"This things scream changes into a song underwater!" He replied with a grin.
Your eyes sparkled as you smiled, "It's Mermish! That means the next task has Merpeople involved. It's likely gonna be an underwater task!" You replied.
"We finally figured it out!" you said as you hugged him excitedly, but pulled away sheepishly when you realised that he was still drenched and half naked. You looked away embarassed and blushing heavily.
"Like what you see?" He teased.
"Just get dressed for Merlin's sake!" You replied, earning a chuckle from him.
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The next few days were spent trying to figure out this what was the most valuable thing that the Merpeople would steal from him.
"What is it that you cherish the most, that you can't live without?" You asked.
"Uh...I don't know." The look that he gave you said otherwise though.
"Oh c'mon Ced! What is it?"
"You're asking the wrong question. Instead of what it should be who." He replied with a soft smile.
"What do you mean?... Who is it?" You asked confused.
"I would let you figure that out." He replied, chuckling at her obliviousness.
"Ced! please!"
"I've got Potions now, better get going before Snape gets all cranky." He replied with a smile. "Good luck with your little quest!" He added winking before he left.
You sighed as you hugged the books closer to your chest.
"Hey Y/N! I was just wondering if you're still up for the study session today?" Cho Chang asked startling you, making you drop your books clumsily.
"Oh shoot, I'm sorry I'm such a klutz." You apologized embarrassed as Cho helped you pick up your books.
"Don't be! I'm sorry I startled you." She replied with a smile.
That's when you noticed a book in her hand that you hadn't seen before. "What's it about?" you asked pointing at it.
"Oh this! It's a Japanese muggle comic, it's called a Manga."
"That explains why I haven't heard of it...so what's the plot for this one?"
"Girl! Have you been residing in a broom cupboard at the top of the Astronomy Tower? It's a period comic and it's literally so famous even the wizarding world knows about it! I've been obsessed with this, there's this really handsome guy who just confessed to his love interest! I'm so happy!!" Cho replied with an excited smile.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” you read out loud. "How is this a love confession?" You asked confused.
"This phrase is a more poetic way of saying I love you. It's meant to express love indirectly, since in Japanese culture earlier it was considered rude to directly state your feelings or needs." Cho explained.
"Anyways I got to go now, don't forget about the study sessions! Also I have quite a collection of mangas if you want, you can borrow them. Muggle writers have really good imagination." She said as she waved you goodbye.
Suddenly everything clicked, as you were reminded of what Cedric said a few days ago. A soft blush formed on your cheeks.
"I guess...I figured it out, Ced." You mumbled to yourself with a smile.
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George: [after crossing the Age Line] You seem disappointed in us, Professor...
Dumbledore: We evolved the ability to communicate disappointment to teach those around us good manners.
Fred: *twiddles his new beard* Well, unfortunately, we did not evolve the ability to feel shame.
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the-colourful-witch · 9 months
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Cedric Diggory I love Cedric. He's just the goodest, kindest, bestest person in the Harry Potter books. A genuine good guy. I grieve for him still, he deserved so much better. Drawing him was a pleasure. He had to be a typical popular boy, but also be approachable and warm. So I gave him fluffy jumpers and warm colours. He is, after all, a Hufflepuff and I bloody love Hufflepuffs. They're the best. Sidenote: I am working on a few character designs at the same time and it's taking a while, but I'll still try to update at least once a week. Love you guys, you're wonderful! <3
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not-rab · 1 month
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At Midnight - Chapter 3
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wolvesandshine · 6 months
When they first heard “we’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss” Sirius had joked that it would be his broom and that was that. They all had a laugh over it and James didn’t really give it much thought.
When Regulus didn’t show up the morning before - he assumed that Reg got caught up in a book. When Regulus wasn’t at his usual place in the stands - he felt a sense of wrong wrong wrong. When Dumbledore confirmed that they’d taken someone they’d sorely miss - that was when James saw red.
He didn’t sign up for this. The agreement was to put himself at risk - not someone he fucking loved.
James wanted to hex Dumbledore. Hell, a good old punch would even work.
They don’t get to fucking hurt his boyfriend.
He saves the anger for later - now he had to focus on the second task - he had to get Reg out in less than an hour.
Then he could fucking destroy Dumbledore and everyone else who put Regulus in danger.
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