#tristan coded
bogchampion · 7 months
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i combined that one oc symbolism template into a single prompt for tristan. yes the bird is heavily ref'd lmao.
color: sky blue
fauna: blue jay
flora: red columbine (love & anxiety)
object: 'hog's tooth' bullet necklace
song: the sniper at the gates of heaven - the black angels
feeling: spiraling
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okay. hear me out. a tristan + isolde style ballad but it’s about horn & nona
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vipier · 3 months
tristan patel as a ( deeply reluctant ) lieutenant of the rebellion, late 0-4 ABY: so if anyone is feeling anxious or worried about their assignments, or even if you just want to chat … please — please — do not come crying to me.
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a-spookys-doodles · 6 months
Who got Yugi all messy!?
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invinciblerodent · 1 month
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if bioware doesn't release the veilgaurd cc for me to play around with (and I don't really have the hard drive space to whack on another game with a better cc), I just have to make do!!!!! :c
rambling about each of them under the cut, going clockwise from top left
Verbena (or Ver), my "main" Rook and a Shadow Dragon from Minrathous, I picture with a wavy shag of messy chestnut hair, warm autumn skin, and striking grey eyes that look almost colorless, as long as there's nothing for them to reflect. (I wanna call them her dagger-greys mostly, but there's so much room to play with reflections and metaphors and stuff with a color like that!!! and, with that darker border, it calls back to Ray's blues a bit, since they are sort of distantly related.) She'll have a longer nose (slightly hooked if I can get it in a way I like), a scattering of freckles, and a rounded cupid's bow but a somewhat more squared jaw- this face looks way more sculpted than what I'd like for her to have, but none of the others worked even this well. :/ I'd like her to look younger than she is- like she's supposed to be roughly 32, but looking at her, I kind of want people to not think her much older than 25. She's somewhat short, but wiry-strong, with toned limbs and a very straight spine. She'll be a sword and board warrior, as I usually go lol.
Tristan, my Fereldan Grey Warden, will, on the other hand, look older than he is: at ~40, he'll easily seem middle-aged (undeath and general warden-hood will do that for you). His eyes are somewhat vacant, smeared in tired purple, and a vaguely unsettling sort of brown that seems almost red if the light hits it just right. He's overall tall and broad (if carrying himself somewhat crooked), and I kind of want him to have some sort of body modification, maybe body tattoos (for battles he's been in, general reminders) or a number of discreet piercings, kind of to make his body feel more his. Might give him a facial tattoo too, just for fun. Probably a great weapon warrior, something long and heavy like a greatsword.
Coris, my Antivan Crow dwarfette, will get sort of unremarkable, but somewhat feline, playful-looking features, with upturned eyes, and lips that seem to be always smiling. I want her eyes to be so dark that they seem to be lacking a pupil, and I couldn't quite get the skintone right, but I want her to be sort of olive-skinned, with thick, dark hair she'll keep just long enough to pull back and out of her eyes. No visible tattoos or notable piercings (an assassin can't afford to stand out), but I really like that mole right under her right eye, I want to keep that if I can. She'll be agile, and pleasantly plump, with quite generous curves- probably an archer rogue.
and "Tanner", my Lord of Fortune dwarfette, will be an ex-Inquisition agent (probably from Orlais) who adopted back her old name assigned by Sister Nightingale for this (and will only reveal her actual first name to Harding once they're together ❤️❤️❤️ thinking something very Orlesian, like an Elise or a Jeanette or something) - I want her to have sort of the sunkissed, if slightly ruddy appearance of someone who spends a lot of time outside (or at sea), a fuller, friendly face, kind hazel eyes, and a mass of slightly coarse, dirty blonde hair. Her time adventuring (as well as spying) has likely left her with a few notable scars, but I'll want to figure those out once I'm there in the cc. (I may want her to have a pirate/sailor/adventurer type of stick and poke tattoo or two, something that looks wonky but has a lot of emotional significance to her.) She'll be kind of robust, and rather tall for a dwarf. I'm very undecided on the class yet, I kinda don't want to romance both rogues with other rogues, but the concepts just lend themselves well to being rogues.
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lordofthestrix · 6 months
As a general rule Tristan dislikes associations with any sort of deity but in an undeniable connection with Epic: The Musical there is a very high chance that he told someone You are the worst kind of good because you're not even great at some point of his life.
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beaft · 7 months
i keep inventing hare-coded characters and it's getting to be a real problem. but in my defence, i like hares. i think they're nice.
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malinaa · 2 years
a third of the way thru tap and it comes as surprise to me that i am more interested in callum this time around bc he is just soooooooo pathetic and it compels me to see him slink around the grounds like soggy wet cardboard
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join-ally71 · 2 months
[PHONE LOG: 25/07/24 17:43PM]
T = Tristan U = Unknown
T: Hello?
U: I know what you need, and I can give it to you. Come to the Bad Apple tonight.
T: Sure, I guess.
U: Amazing. Meet me there at 9pm.
T: I have to d-
U: Bring your daughter too.
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theesirenteller · 1 year
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bogchampion · 7 months
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fuck it, tris and dodge goin horsey ride
dodge is @gimmethebeanz cowboy man and tristan's totally-not-adoptive father figure :]
put horses in fallout they deserve it
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joseopher · 1 year
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seasteading · 2 years
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twink death to dilf rebirth except it's me doodling the mc's dad to try and figure out his design
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kinzstyle-outlet · 1 year
hadn't updated my pets page in a while- I'm up to 187!
the newest additions I hadn't listed:
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Cog the Chameleon
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Carol the Mistletoe Mouse
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Sugar the Cotton Candy Bunny
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Rune the Raven
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Linen the Buttons Bear
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Laney the Otter Pup
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Queso the Tuxedo Chihuahua
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Tristan the Rockhopper Penguin
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ruindgod · 1 month
you didn’t show up . i kept waiting . / louis de pointe du lac @ tristan wyn foulkes
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✦           " i'm — i'm sorry, louis, i really am. " such poor words and tristan bites down on the inside of his cheek. tristan has never been good at apologies, never been good with any consequence, really.  & they fell so flat in the space between them. there's a tremble in his hands, a shake in his voice that worsens as his heartbeat skips. vicious thing, that little organ. it always seems to get him into trouble. " i — i — well, i simply forgot. the time got away from me. " & lies are so easy to read on his face. for all of his years, tristan has never been very good at hiding much of anything. ( lies. desires. bodies. ) were it not propriety, even the scars that denoted the strangeness of his decaying body would be visible.
          immediately, he steps closer as though to make up for these poor words, his poor choices, all the mistakes and more that pile up at his feet. a hand out to reach for him but tristan thinks twice of it and lets it drop. all that he does seems to only dig himself deeper and deeper into the mire. " how can i make it up to you? i understand if you no longer wish for my help but — please, let me at least apologize and make it up to you. "
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unfriendlyamazon · 3 months
watching some like it hot and it's a pretty perfect vehicle for feminized!tristan and duke pretending to be a millionaire with serenity as marilyn monroe
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