#triplet de spell
zhenni12 · 2 months
hi! Can u draw some of the DuckTales kids playing DnD?
plz include Huey, Dewey, Webby, Lena, Louie, and Vi ^-^ tysm; if ya end up drawing this!!
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Idk much about dnd but I did my best! (Vi is trying to run the game but the only ones playing it right are Huey and webby)
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lemonadosoap · 3 months
I love Fenton he's silly
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tokuvivor · 2 months
Let’s talk about Huey.
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He’s the responsible triplet. He tries to keep his brothers in order. That’s the weight that comes with being the oldest brother.
But let’s face it. Even he needs someone to look up to. Not necessarily as a parent or guardian, like he would Donald, Della, or Scrooge, but as more of an older sibling.
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Which brings me to the main point of this post: Today, I will be discussing three characters that have acted like an older sibling towards Huey at one point or another in the show (and in the case of one, has signs pointing to that happening more consistently post-canon).
Let’s start with Lena.
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In the first two seasons, we didn’t really see Huey and Lena interact one-on-one much. Then we get to The Split Sword of Swanstantine! (which we saw yesterday for Movie Night, and inspired me to make this post at all), and these two paired off together to find the blade of the Sword of Swanstantine.
I cannot say enough good things about who the writers chose for each pair in the episode (them, Dewey and Webby, and Louie and Violet), and just how well they all played off each other.
Back to Huey and Lena, though. Their main adversary in this episode is Steelbeak, who resolves to take the blade with brute force, which Lena wants to match him with, but Huey would rather take a logical approach to it. So they enter Huey’s mindscape, and after repeated attempts to outsmart Steelbeak fail, Lena discovers a mysterious door to…The Duke of Making a Mess.
It’s this wild, feral creature that lives inside Huey’s mind, and Lena sees it as a way for Huey to get an edge on Steelbeak. But Huey doesn’t want to use it, as he’s uncomfortable with that side of him. But Lena gives him some advice as the former shadow of Magica De Spell: that he can’t ignore parts of himself he doesn’t like. He’s gotta own them.
So, after embracing both the madness of the Duke and his usual, logical self to thoroughly hand Steelbeak’s ass to him to get the blade, Lena called it the most beautiful butt-kicking she had ever seen.
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Just look at how proud she is of him! She really didn’t think much of anyone besides Webby in Season 1, but now, she’s not only owning her past trauma, she’s using it to help Huey with his own demons (well, demon).
Sure, she took pictures of his various disguise fails versus Steelbeak, but that doesn’t change or diminish how much she helped him out in the episode. With all of that encompassed, Lena definitely gives off big sister vibes towards Huey in this episode (and I definitely feel like moments like the Duke one between the two of them would carry on down the road). Also, they have the connection of both being oldest siblings in general.
Next up: Fenton.
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Of the three dynamics I’m covering here, Huey and Fenton’s gets the most coverage over the course of the series. After their first encounter in Who is Gizmoduck?!, Huey became enthralled with Gizmoduck after he saved his life, then disillusioned by him after he essentially sold out and became WaddleDuck, but in the end, it was Huey who realized that the perfect core processor for the suit was Fenton’s own mind, because Fenton is Gizmoduck.
In The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!, Huey (along with Webby) helped Fenton with his date with Gandra at the lab (“It’s a Date!” intensifies). Even though this episode more establishes the beginning of the relationship between Fenton and Gandra, Huey’s support for his friend throughout is rather admirable.
In Astro B.O.Y.D.!, even though they didn’t really share a main storyline here, Fenton was willing to help Huey out regarding Boyd, and he was also the one that suggested that Boyd be used to fight crime in Tokyolk. This really shows that Fenton and Huey’s dynamic goes both ways in regard to one having a problem, and the other finding a way to help them out.
In The Trickening!, even though Fenton himself does not appear in the episode, Huey dressed up as Gizmoduck for Halloween, and he really went the extra mile with his costume. He even imitated Fenton’s Gizmoduck voice really well (“Halt, citizen!”).
In Beaks in the Shell!, after finding out that Fenton and Gandra are indeed together, Huey helps the two keep their relationship a secret, even going so far as having Louie dress up as him so as to not crack under the pressure of M’ma Cabrera’s interrogation. And, of course, Huey, along with M’ma and Gyro, help Fenton and Gandra take down Mark Beaks in the Gizmocloud. Even though Fenton kept their relationship secret from even Huey for so long, the fact that Huey was still willing to help cover it up just a little longer shows just how much trust the two have in each other.
Huey and Fenton are really two peas in a pod. With Fenton as an only child, and Huey as the oldest triplet, the brotherly dynamic is perfect for the two of them. It makes sense to me that as life goes on for the both of them, they’ll still show up for each other, no matter what.
And finally, Gandra.
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This is a tougher one to go strictly by canon on, because Huey didn’t share any scenes with just Gandra in the show.
In The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!, Gandra was probably confused by the whole romantic setup in the lab, and thought that Huey and Webby were mostly just in the way in regards to her getting close enough to Fenton to swipe the Gizmotech for Beaks (even though the partnership was temporary). Nothing direct between the two of them in this episode, so hard to say here.
Regarding their dynamic in Beaks in the Shell!, besides the above GIF where Gandra put a weighted blanket on Huey because he was freaking out, you can also piggyback the whole “keeping-the-relationship-a-secret” thing with Fenton onto Gandra, too, since it’s also her relationship. Plus the “taking-down-Beaks” thing.
They also had a couple brief interactions in The Last Adventure!, but beyond that, it’s up to interpretation. I think that with Gandra free from F.O.W.L., whether she sticks to her own projects, works with Team Science in some way, or both (again, up to interpretation), with Fenton’s existing friendship with Huey, it’s completely reasonable to suggest that Gandra ends up forging a friendship with him, too. And Huey would definitely like finally getting to work with her.
For as much as I love fanon’s takes on Fenton and Gandra’s relationship, in the past, Gandra didn’t usually get much else in the way of stories where she connects with other characters. Huey is absolutely a missed opportunity on that front; they’d definitely have a cool dynamic. Huey just has a way of worming into people’s hearts, and I think after some time, Gandra realizes how much she genuinely cares about him. This is not meant to be a buildup to shamelessly plugging my Gandra and Huey story, Bridging the Gap, but then again, it kinda is. If you want to read it, click here.
So there you have it. Huey’s a great big brother, but if you really, really think about it, he’s also a great little brother.
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daphnefisherofficial · 11 months
bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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“Who in their right mind would name themselves ‘Jake Lockley’?” Marc sneered, prompting Jake’s astral form to abruptly rise, about to throw fists at the Chicago man a few meters away from him.
“If this hijo de puta doesn’t shut up–”
“Will you two shut it?!” Steven finally shouted, acting as the middle ground between his mental brothers before turning his attention to you who is now sporting a bewildered look. “Mira? Are you alright?”
“I’m okay, Steven, don’t worry. Just trying to wrap my head around all of this”, you finally spoke, nodding gratefully to Steven as you grasped Jake’s hand in his astral form to physically express your gratitude. “First thing’s first - it’s nice to finally meet you, Jake Lockley”
“The honor is mine, princesa”, Jake chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on your hand as Steven prevented the currently frustrated Marc to launch himself at his suave, Spanish-speaking New Yorker alter. “Hola a ti también, Steven, Marc.”
Hello to you too, Steven, Marc.
“Hello, Jake”, Steven greeted politely, waving an awkward hello. Marc, on the other hand, merely grimaces before flipping the bird, prompting Jake to chuckle at his host’s childishness.
“Looks like this is going to be more chaotic than I thought”, you shook your head as you couldn’t help but smile at the amusing interactions happening before you. This is proving to be a very strange day for you, no Sorcerer Supreme pun intended.
The room seemed to hum with energy as you circled around, absorbing the revelations that had just been thrust upon you. The three men in their respective corporeal forms simply observe as you work your moon magic, placing a protective spell to prevent any other spiritual forces from taking possession of their unconscious body.
“You’re some kind of witch, then?” Steven wondered aloud while witnessing your magical prowess before his eyes, while Marc and Jake were looking inquisitively at you as you took a seat at the foot of the bed. “Like Wanda Maximoff from the Avengers? Or was it Doctor Strange?”
“The politically correct term is a priestess, or babaylan in my mother tongue”, you started to explain. “I’m not a witch, but I did train to control my moon magic from Kamar Taj. It’s where Doctor Stephen Strange was taught with the mystic arts by the Ancient One. His mentor and I have been good friends for centuries”
“Centuries, bloody hell”, Steven exclaimed, not yet realizing the weight of your words. “And how old are you exactly?”
Jake snorted at Steven’s choice of words. “Pendejo, it’s rude to ask a woman her age–”
“He’s asking the right questions, so it’s fine”, you waved away, throwing a small smirk at Jake that he couldn’t help but return. “If you really wish to know the specifics, I was born in the early 900’s, so you do the math”
“You certainly haven’t aged a day”, Marc spoke mainly to himself. Upon hearing his thoughts aloud, you smiled serenely at his silent compliment. 
“I’m amazed you can still flirt with me at this stage”, you chuckled before shifting your gaze between Marc and Steven, straightening your posture before jumpstarting to your most pressing query. “So, my turn to ask you the questions. I’m guessing you two are not really twins, are you? Triplets, maybe?”
“I like your sense of humor, hermosa–”
“Zip it, Jake, this is serious”, Marc interrupted, clearly exasperated at his third alter’s quip as the latter made a face, rolling his eyes in derision. His astral form then reached out, a spectral hand brushing against your shoulder. "Steven and I - and apparently Jake too - we’re all facets of the same person sharing the same body”
“We suffer from a mental health condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder” Steven spoke next, prompting you to nod slowly as the astonishment slowly painted your facade. “Have you ever heard of it?”
“Only read about it in clinical studies and theory”, you spoke softly as you absorbed the factual truth they’ve laid out to you. A myriad of emotions coursed through you as you absorbed their words: surprise, empathy, understanding. The truth was like a jigsaw piece that finally fit into place, and though the revelation was jarring, it also felt right. You couldn't fault them for keeping it hidden, for their fears and concerns were as genuine as the bond you had formed with them.
It was a lot to take in, and your mind whirled with questions. "Were you ever planning to tell me?"
"We plan to tell you, love, but we just don’t know how”, Steven stepped forward, his presence less domineering than Marc's but equally sincere. “We were afraid of how you'd react, of what you'd think of us."
“I know it’s not an easy matter to tell anyone”, you whispered, nodding slowly as you understood their reluctance. “I’m sure you haven’t meant for me to find out this way, but I’m glad to hear that you weren’t intending to keep this a secret from me”
“Of course not, baby”, Marc shook his head, his voice measured and somber as his translucent hand took yours as a symbol of reassurance. “We should’ve told you ages ago. I’m sorry you had to find out this way”
“We all are”, Steven chimed in, while Jake nodded thoughtfully in silent agreement.
“It’s alright, you don’t need to apologize”, you interrupted, much to the trio’s collective surprise. They knew how complicated their situation is, but your verbal acceptance was everything to them. “I can understand, I mean, you’re not the only ones guilty of keeping secrets, am I right?”
“I’m sure you had your reasons too”, Marc, of course, was the first to understand your hesitance to let them know of your other life. “But I want you to know that I’m here for you, Mira - we all are. You can confide in us, whenever you’re ready to tell”
“Thank you, Marc”, you smiled appreciatively. Steven, on the other hand, offered you a giddy smile at the realization that you were no ordinary woman.
“Your secret’s safe with us”, Steven chuckled. “I mean, we really don’t have anybody else to share it with. But it’s just bloody cool to know you’re a magical person. And coming from an ancient time too, I… wait, hang on a moment–”
“What is it, Steven?” you asked, indulging the curiosity of the British man hovering before you.
“When we talked back then about your history”, Steven started, recounting your earlier conversation on the first day you met. “You’ve actually lived during the times when your country’s colonizers discovered and invaded your homeland?”
Your knowing smile and multiple slow nods prompted Steven’s eyes to almost pop out of their sockets, his mouth agape as he slowly connected the dots with your creative storytelling that night. 
“Bloody hell-”
“I’m sorry to cut the storytelling time short, querida”, Jake’s voice was heard next, his tone apologetic but his expression meaning business. “But I have to tell you about what really happened last night. I’m assuming you would want to know that, sí?
"Yes, that’s right," you began, addressing the man who had saved you during the new moon, "Tell me what happened. Do you know who shot me last night?"
Jake Lockley leaned back against the room's battered wall, his rough-hewn features etched with a certain heaviness. "They were assassins, sent to eliminate you for good. They work for Set’s avatar, and it seems that they know you well, given their weapon of choice."
His revelation sent shivers down your spine, and you pressed further. "Knew me well, huh? I’m assuming the bullet was made of wolfsbane?"
“Yeah, that’s right”, Jake nodded, his voice low and gritty. "They took advantage of last night’s new moon, which weakened your innate ability as an avatar to a moon goddess to heal and be impervious to harm."
“That’s why you fronted. To save her”, Marc said, trying to piece his own memories together. “But how on earth did you survive that attack?”
“I’m curious to know that as well”, Steven added, his mind working to solve the imminent puzzle of Jake’s heroic act that night. “As far as I know, wolfsbane is also toxic to humans. We shouldn’t be able to survive that”
“About that”, Jake started, now avoiding everyone’s gaze as he kept his eyes directed on the wooden floor of their flat. “Mira’s healed wounds should answer that question”
“What do you mean by my healed wounds?” you echoed, pulling the sleeve of your white t-shirt once more to reveal the spot where you’ve been shot. Your heart quickened as you slowly pieced together the puzzle, arriving at the most feasible conclusion you could only think of. "It can’t be. You mean to tell me that you serve a moon god too?"
A sharp intake of breath echoed from Marc and Steven. They exchanged panicked glances, clearly rattled by your revelation.
“Es cierto, cariño”, Jake sighed, finally admitting his long kept secret. "I'm still serving Khonshu as his avatar, as the Moon Knight"
That’s right, honey.
Marc Spector and Steven Grant exchange incredulous glances, their collective disapproval resounding in the room. The room was immediately filled with tension, thick enough to cut with a knife as you watched the tumultuous battle unfold before you. Jake Lockley had just dropped a bomb of revelation that had left his two alters reeling, and a cacophony of outrage erupted from them both. Their voices overlapped, and their collective disapproval reverberated through the room like an ominous drumbeat.
"I can't believe you'd keep this from us, Jake!” Marc was the first to speak as he leaned forward, his hands clenched into fists. The anger in his voice is palpable, and Steven's expression mirrors his outrage. 
"So, you're telling us that you saved our life as Moon Knight that night in Cairo", Steven's voice was laced with disbelief, his eyes narrowing at Jake. “And you're still serving that lunatic god, Khonshu?!”
“I am”, Jake Lockley nods, his eyes unwavering. "It's the only way to truly protect all of us."
“This is fucking insane!” Marc gritted, barely containing his anger any longer as his face contorted with frustration. “Khonshu had us trapped in his service for years, and we barely got ourselves free. How can you do this?!”
“Jake, why?” Steven, ever the voice of reason, sought understanding amidst the chaos. “Why continue to serve as Moon Knight?"
"I serve because I have to, not because I want to”, Jake shifted uncomfortably, but his tone remained firm. “It's the only way I can do my job: to protect you both."
“We do not need protecting –”
“Maldito idiota, do you even know how many enemies you have, pendejo?” Jake rolled his eyes at Marc’s side comment, prompting the other to shake his head in pure disbelief. “Besides, I wasn’t just protecting you two”
“What do you mean?” Steven inquired, not understanding what other possible reason would Jake have to still take the mantle of Moon Knight. Jake's gaze then flickers to you, as if he's seeking your support. You meet his eyes, trying to understand the turmoil in his soul.
"It’s the only way I can protect you, Mira", Jake replied, his voice filled with a mix of regret and determination. His answer brought a brief silence to the room as you stood in the midst of it all, your mind whirling like a tempest as you tried to make sense of his current revelations.
Suddenly, Jake Lockley's eyes softened, and he revealed something that shocked you to your core. "I've known you for a long time. Even before all of this."
Your heart skips a beat at his words. You stand in the center of the room, your arms wrapped tightly around your own body as you struggle to absorb this revelation. 
"What do you mean, you've known me?” you took a deep breath, stepping closer to Jake. “How is that possible?"
“I remember the night we first met”, Jake's resolute gaze met yours as he nodded solemnly. "I wasn't the one who was fronting that time, but I remember seeing you. It was the night when Khonshu enlisted your help in shifting the night skies to find the right constellation leading to Ammit’s tomb.” 
The room grew quiet as your mind processed Jake's words. You struggled to remember that night, but everything was shrouded in fog. It felt like a distant dream, something you couldn't quite grasp.
“I don’t understand”, your mind raced, trying to grasp the implications of this revelation. “If you remember me, why Marc and Steven couldn’t? Why couldn’t they remember any of it? Why can't I remember you?”
“I was supposed to forget too, but Khonshu retained my memories of that night since I still serve as his avatar”, Jake sighed, his eyes a mix of sorrow and frustration. "As for Marc and Steven, those memories became recurring dreams that do not make sense”
"Wait a minute," Marc interjected, his eyes narrowing. "Jake’s right, we've had countless dreams about that night."
“That’s right, yeah”, Steven nodded in agreement. "Just like what he says - moving stars and shifting constellations. But it was always blurry, nonsensical."
Jake Lockley's gaze softens, and he begins to recount the dreams that Marc and Steven have been experiencing, helping his headmates remember what they could. These were the dreams that you've never been privy to, until now. 
In the midst of their quiet recollection and Jake's revelations, you continued your restless pacing around the room, your mind racing like a wildfire amidst the buzzing tension in the room. Something about all of this didn't sit right with you, and you require a direct line to the truth.
You needed answers, and you needed them now.
"I wish to speak to Khonshu," you declared, your voice unwavering. "Summon your god. I need to hear the truth from him, to explain all of this to me."
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ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck's (plus Phooey) Birthday Party as well as April, May, and June Duck's Birthday Party and Easter Party - Egg Beating - Donald's Birthday Party - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse - My Version
Even though I know it's past, I wish everyone a happy Easter once again, according to the Julian calendar, as well as the one that has passed, as well as a happy belated birthday to Huey, Dewey and Louie and a happy birthday to April, May and June. And together with their friends and relatives. And they are present at Donald's jubilee 90th birthday. I drew as the end of the celebration of the Easter holidays as well as the birthday of the best triplets for this year.
On April 15, 1938, the famous trio appeared in the classic Donald Duck short, called “Donald’s Nephews”, which will change the history of the Duckverse in part. Also April, May and June as Daisy's nieces first appeared in the June 30, 1953 "Flip Decision" comic strip by Carl Barks and have been part of the Duckverse ever since. Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don’t worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
This time Louie Duck and Zeca Carioca found themselves together and applied one traditional Serbian custom for Easter, and that is beating eggs, hitting egg on egg. The one who hits well and leaves that egg undamaged, is the winner. So I put them on this time too. And don’t worry, they don’t eat eggs, they are mostly artificial eggs. ;)
Yes, I drew as a combination from Quack Pack, Donald Duck comics (Italian, Danish and Dutch comics), The Legend of The Three Caballeros, OG Ducktales and Ducktales reboot, Darkwing Duck and certainly from Ze Carioca comics (Brazilian comics), where mostly teenagers, but there are also preteens. Mostly all part of my Quack Pack AU. Some are happy and some are unhappy. There are also Easter eggs and birthday cake as well as strawberries. There in this drawing are Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck (Donald's nephews), April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces), Phooey Duck (fourth nephew), Zico and Zeca Carioca (Jose's nephews), Gosalyn Mallard, Honker Muddlefoot (Darkwing Duck), Webby Vanderquack, Gene the Genie (OG Ducktales), Minima De Spell (Magica's niece), Sonny Seagull (Garvey Gull), Newton Gearloose (Gyro's nephew), Dugan Duck (Fethry's nephew) and finally Shamrock Gander (Gladstone's nephew).
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this, just don't use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me. Thank you! Also Happy Easter to everyone once again and Happy Birthday to Donald's nephews and Daisy's nieces!
This is also a gift for my friends @isabellanajera, @you-big-palooka, @elmer-dat-gander , @fantasticenthusiasttale and @barbiedisneyavenger as well as for a friend who recently celebrated her birthday, happy birthday dear @nuvemzinhacorderosa! I hope you like this!
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ducklooney · 5 months
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A little more from the revealed Ducktales Bible Pitch, where the first image from Joe Pitt shows The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck as it would be in his Ducktales and it would approximate the Don Rosa comics.
The second and third pictures are shown by Becky and Frank (the other Frank, not the Angones) to represent Magica de Spell and John D. Rockerduck in their version of Ducktales. While Magica looks a little weird (as do the other characters in that version), Rockerduck looks perfect and it's a shame that version wasn't adopted.
The fourth image shows the Leprechaun by Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley attacking Scrooge and Donald's nephews and what Ducktales would look like to them. Also their version is promising, although I would have preferred if they had put hair for Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie as they have in the comics and in OG Ducktales, rather than as they have in Mickey Mouse Works. Certainly the fifth picture shows that according to them, Donald's nephews would be significantly different from Ducktales 2017 by Angones in the sense that Huey would be the leader triplet, Dewey the brain triplet, and Louie would be shy and the moral compass, but he would love animals. Sort of like a Quack Pack. Certainly interesting versions.
In my opinion, the best is Joe Pitt as well as versions from Italian comic artists and writers who wanted to realize their own comics. It's unfortunate that those ideas were rejected. I wish they could make an animated adaptation of those comics, but unfortunately I highly doubt it because Disney focuses too much on some dumber stuff. But again that's just my opinion.
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general-klumpp · 1 year
DuckTales THEORY: Team Who?
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Hello Duckblr! We know that in DuckTales 2017, Huey, Dewey and Webby have their own definite cliques, but what if this idea were to extend to each of the six Duck children in hypothetical future seasons?
TLDR: If DuckTales kept going on, we would have seen more Louie/Doofus/Goldie episodes. May's interrogative side can blend her in with the Rescue Rangers.
Team Science (Huey)
Huey's group of allies usually revolves around working on scientific breakthroughs and his hero, Gizmoduck. Huey stories would usually involve these specific characters:
Gyro Gearloose
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Gizmoduck)
Gandra Dee
Huey's enemy is usually Mark Beaks, a businessman who makes his living off dumb and/or stolen ideas, which is totally against his moral code. If executed better, Dr. Akita could make a better contender.
Team Action (Dewey)
Dewey's group of allies usually revolves around getting into dangerous situations, definitely not due to the influence of Launchpad or his very own mother, Della. Dewey stories would usually involve these specific protagonists:
Launchpad McQuack
Della Duck
Drake Mallard (DW)
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer (an extension of DW)
Kit and Molly
Dewey's enemy is usually Don Karnage, a deranged air pilot who will go to any lengths to gain vengeance on him. Falcon Graves has also appeared in Dewey stories, a serious contender for his showboating.
Team Scheme (Louie)
Despite being shown to be a charmer in the show, Louie falls flat when it comes to making secure friends, especially when it's in his nature that he is the 'evil triplet' of the Duck boys. However, the cunning antihero, Goldie O'Gilt is quite fond of him. Louie stories would definitely involve these specific characters:
Goldie O'Gilt
Doofus Drake
Ottoman Brothers (placeholder because they're always in the background of Louie stories)
Although Louie completely destroyed Glomgold in S2, I'd love to see Rockerduck as his enemy, as the Wild West Swindler has a more interesting way to battle - with his words, instead of his fists.
Team Magic (Webby/April)
Webby's group of allies usually revolves around trying to fix the curses laid out from Scrooge's adventures, or his most powerful enemy, Magica De Spell. Webby stories would usually involve these specific characters:
Lena Sabrewing
Violet Sabrewing
Blackarts Beagle (redemption arc??)
Phantom Blot and Pepper (maybe they're forced to team-up??)
Morgana (placeholder because they don't have a grown-up hero)
Webby and Lena's enemy is usually Magica De Spell, a witch who wants to use her powers to abuse and take advantage of others, completely opposite to how Webby wants to play.
Team Mystery (May)
Despite the wishes of her current guardian, Donald Duck, I could see May get into contact with her ilk, also experimented on by FOWL - no other than the Rescue Rangers themselves!
Chip and Dale
Gadget Hackwrench
Monterey Jack
...and maybe Detective Gokart from the comics (a loser that May could help to become a better person)
Perhaps the Rescue Rangers have found a larger FOWL experiment gone rogue and they need a heroine around their size to help bring the experiment to justice.
Team ??? (June)
Team Sports? Team Wellbeing? Team Theatre? Team Adorable? It seems that poor June is the only one I can't think of for a team.
By process of elimination, the only frequent group of protagonists without a child character to support them are the gods/goddesses of Ithaquack.
Bum Bum Ghigno, an everyday person from the comics might help her appreciate the normal and might draw parallels between the clone twins and his relationship with his brother.
I'd love to put the Idle Hour Club from Donald's first ever cartoon somewhere, but those stories wouldn't be fun.
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mai-fanblog · 7 months
Cousins Duck love relationships.
These are MY headcanons of the love relationships of the Duck cousins.
(If you ask why I didn't put Penumbra, simply because there is a detail that didn't convince me of this ship, I see it as a BROTP, I explained that about 4 years ago and the tiny detail but it is very important… That Penny tried to kill Della like 8 times and 7 of them were in the same chapter; that's why I wasn't convinced at all and for Penny I have already thought of another female character wink wink )
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck (Girlfriend) Storkules (One-sided love on the part of Storkules, friendship on the part of Donald) José Carioca (Platonic, overpowered) Reginella (Mutual attraction, nothing concrete). Lyla Lay (One-sided attraction on Lyla's part; friendship on Donald's part)
Della Duck
Unnamed boy (first boyfriend in 7th grade) Unnamed girl (first girlfriend in 9th grade) Panchito Pistoles (second boyfriend from age 19 to age 25; ended on bad terms because of Della) Father of the triplets (Bad term for both of them) Launchpad McQuack (Confusion, slow attraction on Della's side; friendship on Launchpad's side) Lyla Lay (One-sided attraction on Della's part; friendship on Lyla's part; ends up as good friends)
Gladstone Gander
Magica De Spell (love-hate; genuine affection on both sides, even though they are arrogant) Linda Paper (one-sided love on Gladstone's part; hate on Linda's part) Feather Mallard (temporary relationship, ended well) Unnamed male celebrity (famous crush).
Fethry Duck
Gloria Pascoalina (first and current girlfriend, genuine love on both sides).
Abner Duck
Unnamed girl (first girlfriend in 6th grade). Unnamed girl (girlfriend in 8th grade) Unnamed girl (girlfriend in 9th grade) Unnamed boy (first boyfriend in 9th grade) Duckburg Firewood Company Secretary (girlfriend for 7 months) Duckburg Firewood Company co-worker (boyfriend for 5 months) Donna Duck (ex-girlfriend/ex-wife, ended on very bad terms) Launchpad McQuack (one-sided love by Launchpad; friendship by Abner)
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aftermathfanfic · 8 months
DnDucks 2
Did this again, this time for Lena, Violet, Della and Magica de Spell! Information is under the Read More thing.
I feel like I should do something with these.
Lena Sabrewing
Floating above you is a duck with a luminescent white and blue costume, her eyes and the tips of her front head-feathers gleaming with magical power.
Age: 18 (mentally) Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Sorcerer 6 (arcane bloodline) Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 8, CHA 18
Once the unwilling shadowy servant of Magica de Spell, Lena Sabrewing is an accomplished sorceress and one of the most powerful allies of House McDuck. Specifically, her loyalty is to Webby Vanderquack, with whom she is practically an older sister to. She has eschewed most of the formal titles offered to her, content with having a normal life – or as normal as one’s life can be in Duckland.
Unlike the other characters I’ve discussed, Lena is not a duck – technically, she is what is known as a “fetchling”, a being crafted entirely from shadowstuff. As a fetchling, she has slight resistance to cold and electricity, and she can blend into darkness to become harder to see and hit. She can use her innate shadow magic to weave illusory disguises, though she is loathe to use these abilities, preferring to use magic unrelated to shadow.
As a sorcerer, Lena can use her magic much more often than a wizard or cleric at the cost of a much more limited spellbook. She only has a handful of spells in her repertoire, which she uses in creative and efficient ways, such as flying invisibly in the sky, unnoticed until she rains a shower of magic missiles down on her opponents. She also uses her magic to mess with people when she’s bored – causing object to levitate, turning your house keys invisible, that sort of thing.
Violet Sabrewing
This indigo-feathered warrioress points her crossbow at you from afar, her eyes cold, calculating, yet curious.
Age: 16 Alignment: Neutral Class/Level: Ranger 3/Wizard 1 Ability Scores: STR 12, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 8
Another friend of Webby, Violet is one of the Woodchuck rangers of Duckland, tasked with protecting the natural world from monsters, magic, and all manner of unnatural creations. They eschew the divine magics employed by rangers in other parts of the world, instead relying on their weapon skills, traps, and their allies.
That, however, changed for Violet when she discovered an enchanted amulet, once wielded by the shadow witch Magica de Spell. Through that amulet, she discovered a world of untapped power, and she began fervently researching the arcane, the eldritch, and the unknown. She even discovered a talent for arcane spellcasting, studying as a novice wizard alongside training as a ranger.
Crossbows are Violet’s weapon of choice, and she has learned to use them with incredible efficiency. She can shoot, reload, and shoot a crossbow again faster than most people can blink, and she specialises in taking down the undead. Her magical focus, in fact, is the art of necromancy, which she can use to weaken her foes and control wandering undead.
Della Duck
This dishevelled duck wears a blue scarf and a pilot’s outfit, with a pair of goggles resting on her forehead. Her left leg is a metallic, roughshod contraption.
Age: 42 Alignment: Chaotic Good Class/Level: Fighter 8/Artificer 4 Ability Scores: STR 15, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 15, WIS 8, CHA 15
Della Duck is the twin sister of Donald, mother of the Duck triplets, and a ferociously ambitious adventurer. She was thought dead for many years after an experiment gone awry stranded her on the Astral Plane for ten years. She isn’t quite as reckless as she used to be, having learned from her mistakes, but she hasn’t lost her adventurous edge.
Della is primarily a fighter, accustomed to fighting blade to blade. She no longer fights with her magic sword Asteria, which is now in Dewey’s hands, but with a longspear built from a meteoric metal, gifted to her by a friend she met in the stars. She also has a few levels in artificer – stranded in the Astral Sea, she had to build a rocket to get back home herself, with very little help, and she picked up a few tools of the trade in the process.
Della is not afraid to leap head-first into combat. She eschews the shield in favour of two-handing her spear, using it to knock aside enemy blows and skewer her foes. Her artificer magic allows her to quickly construct magic items or enhance her gear with power, making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Magica de Spell
Cackling above you, this mad witch sports a midnight black dress and has sickly green feathers. In her hands is a black sceptre, with a glowing violet gem at its tip.
Age: ??? Alignment: Chaotic Evil Class/Level: Sorcerer 18 (shadow bloodline) Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 20
One of the most feared enemies of House McDuck, Magica de Spell is an accomplished and deadly sorceress whose speciality is in shadow magic. She can bring shadows to life, conjure impenetrable darkness, step into one shadow and reappear from another… her powers are almost limitless. And there is rumour that she now tries to push the limits of her magic even further, in an attempt to cheat death itself.
Like most arcane spellcasters, Magica relies heavily on her magical abilities to get through combat. She has no martial prowess to speak of, but neither does she need it – few have the opportunity to get close to her before being blasted by shadowy lightning, accosted by shadow monsters, or just simply disintegrated by her magics. Her arrogance is almost always her downfall, underestimating her enemies or lacking the foresight to come up with escape plans beyond just teleporting away.
Her retinue of servants consists primarily of shadowy undead that sap the strength from their victims. Very rarely does she enlist the help of more intelligent or powerful servants, and she never makes an alliance with a fellow sorcerer. She knows full well that, like herself, her peers rarely honour sworn oaths when limitless power is on the line.
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candied-boys · 1 year
🍯 Honey Cakes 🍯
Luke Randolph x fem! Reader
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Tags: merpeople au, lazy!Luke, happy!Luke, possessive!Luke, romance, picnics, cottagecore, eventual smut, happy ending
Part one
2400 words
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Each day that passes makes you doubt yourself more and more. As your memories fade his face blurs, bits of the conversation disappear, and the idea that a merman would eat cake feels even more preposterous than there being merfolk in the lake at all. All week while you scuttle around the bakery you're left wondering if it was nothing more than a dream or if you’ve genuinely started to lose your mind.
The spell of disbelief is broken only when, one evening while you sit gabbing by the fire, Mrs. Baker asks, “With no mother around to tell tales, did you ever hear any of the lore from ‘round these parts?”
When you shake your head she leans back in her rocking chair, and you know you're in for a long night of delightful banter.
“The fées are well-known here. Small and handsome in person; they are fond of dancing in the night-time, and in their circular dances they form the Cercles des Fées, or fairy-rings. If any one approaches their dance, he is irresistibly impelled to take part in it. He is admitted with the greatest courtesy; but as the whirling movement increases, and goes faster and faster, his head becomes giddy, and he falls to the ground utterly exhausted. Sometimes the fées amuse themselves by flinging him up to a great height in the air, and, if not killed by the fall, he is found next morning full of bruises.”
“That's awful!” you protest but the old woman merely chuckles.
“They aren't all bad. These little beings, it is also said, like the Lutins, they select particular farms to which they resort at night, and there making use of horses, harnesses and utensils of all kinds, they employ themselves at various kinds of work, of which, however, no traces remain in the morning.”
“How does anyone know they were ever there then?” you query sceptically.
“Well, you see. They are fond of mounting and galloping the horses; their seat is on the neck, and they tie together locks of the mane to form stirrups. The knotted manes are how the farmers know they've been there. Their presence, however, always brings luck, the cattle thrive where they are, the utensils of which they have made use, if broken are mended and made as good as new. They are altogether most kind and obliging, and have been known to give cakes to those to whom they have taken a fancy.”
While stoking the fire you ask her curiously, “Do faeries usually take a fancy to humans?”
“Some are malevolent and only play tricks, others come to warn of danger or death. Very few of the fair folk dare to reveal themselves, yet I recall hearing quite a number of tales of romance between fay and humans when I was a wee babe.”
“Certainly, dear. Legend has it that the royal castle was built with fay magic. It all began with the story of the nobleman Elinas and the mysterious woodland beauty Pressine. Elinas had recently lost his wife and was out hunting to distract himself from his grief. In the forest, he came to drink at the Well of Thirst and heard Pressine singing nearby. They returned to his hunting lodge and talked through the night, and Elinas fell in love and asked her to marry him. Pressine agreed, noting how the devotion he showed to his first wife promised the same for his second. She made him swear an oath to one condition, however, that he never try to see her at the birth of any of their children. Elinas agreed, and the two became happily married.”
Sipping her tea she continues, “In time, Pressine gave birth to triplets, three girls – Melusine, Melior, and Palatine – and when Elinas heard the news, he was overcome with joy and rushed to the bedchamber to see them, forgetting his oath. Pressine was outraged, calling him a traitor to his word, and then took the girls and spirited them away, leaving Elinas to mourn his loss for the rest of his life. Pressine also mourned over the loss of her true love, however, and she brought the girls to a high mountain each morning where they could look out upon Elinas’ realm while she told them they would be living there if their father had only kept his word.”
“That's tragic. It's not much of a romance…”
“True, but I still enjoyed the story as a child because my grandmother would say the mountain is the one behind the castle and the lake at the foot of the hills is where Pressine lived before she fell in love, and thus that’s where she returned broken-hearted to her true form. When I was young I remember there were many rumours about faeries living in the lake. Of course, there were also rumours that the faeries would drown passers-by, so I never went near it.”
During the long walk through the royal forest, you spin the story again and again in your head contemplating whether the legends were ever meant to be more than just a way to spook children out of swimming in the lake for their own safety. Lost in thought, you arrive before you’ve even realised how far you’ve come, and only stumble to your senses when blinded by a shimmering brilliance.
Sprawled upon the warm granite shelf that drops into the water, he lay asleep bathing in the golden sun. The moss masking your steps and the north sun keeping your shadow at bay, you approach softly. Setting the basket aside to kneel at his rusty locks, you bask in his presence unable to believe he’s not a dream.
His lashes cast elegant shadows on his cheeks. His arms, like sculpted marble, cross beneath his head. His scales toy with the sunlight, turning its rays into glitter as if they should be the strongest of the two.
The wind teases his hair, fluttering the already messy strands that frame his handsome face. Thoughtless in the moment, rapt by his beauty, you reach out to brush the fringe out of his eyes. In that instant, your wrist is snatched so quickly you can't even register his movement.
Pale jade peers out lazily from under heavy eyelids as he asks, “How long y’ gonna sit there starin’ at me for?”
“Sorry. I just can't believe you're actually real…”
He hums amusedly, “Maybe I'm not, but I guess y'll have y’r proof if I eat all the cake y’ brought, wonya?”
With that same cheeky grin he flashed last week he releases your hand and rolls over to pry open the basket himself.
“Oh! What's the other thin’?” he asks upon peering under the lid.
“I'll tell you if you tell me your name first,” you chirp with a coy smile.
He looks you once over; then the basket in turn, his lips pulled to one side like he's contemplating whether it's worth it before answering.
“Luke. What's y’rs?”
You introduce yourself and as promised tell him what the basket holds.
“It’s a buttermilk pie with toasted honey. They had apple blossom honey at the market this week too, so I picked up a jar for you.”
“Not that I'm complainin’ or nothin’, but weren' it a lotta work to make this much?” he asks and pops a honey cake in his mouth.
Digging out the pie and untying the kerchief you answer, “Not really. I work at a bakery where we make things like this all day long. Do merfolk have jobs and such?”
“Nah. There may be a lotta us, but we mostly just look after ourselves and our kinfolk. Nothin’ like y’ have with y’r money and y’r markets up here,” he shrugs and steals another cake.
“So how do you usually spend your days then if you're not working?”
Rolling into his back once more he stares up at the sky and yawns, “Mmm, when I'm not nappin’ I'm usually makin’ somethin’. My sister likes it when I make her things. Growin’ up she was all I had, so I did everythin’ I could to make her happy.”
Skirting the darker implication, you ask what he would make for her as you begin to slice the pie.
“When she was a lil' thin' she liked it when I’d carve trinkets for her out o' soapstone — animals like bears and deer and ducks. Now the brat’s too old for toys. Wants combs ‘n accessories for her hair, so I make 'em outta quartz or amethyst. Whatever I find.”
Though he sounds a little miffed at his sister's new interests there's a warm look in his eyes and a gentle arc to his thin lips as he speaks. You suppose that's just what it's like watching someone you love grow and change, though you wouldn't know yourself for being an orphan.
When he stretches over his head for another cake, you notice the new green and yellow banded jewellery on his wrists.
“Did you make those cuffs you're wearing too?”
“Mhm,” he hums through a mouthful. “These’re jasper. It's common ‘round here ‘cause the mountain used to be a volcano. The lava tubes left crazy long caves, and where bubbles got trapped in the lava as it cooled water and minerals seeped in. So it's easy to find gems like agates ‘cause when the rock wears away, the crystals fall out and get buried in the sediment.”
After admiring them for a bit you wonder aloud, “But you can't use fire to forge chisels and such, so how do you make them without tools?”
“Without tools? Ya think I carve ‘em with my teeth or somethin’? ‘Course we have tools,” he laughs and sits up.
“Everythin’ we use underwater is made o’ stone. The tools are just made outta even harder stone. I chip away bigger parts and carve ‘em up with hard, sharp rocks. Then, I use long, thin rocks to do detailed work like the teeth on a comb. After that it's a lotta polishin’, but we have a lotta sand. Just takes patience.”
“That's incredible. I can't imagine how much effort goes into a single piece. My pie seems rather humble in comparison.”
Dishing up the slices, you hand him a fork and a dish. Pale green eyes alight with anticipation, he takes a bite half the size of the whole piece. You end up serving him seconds before you're even two nibbles in.
“So what do you eat underwater? Do you eat everything raw? Is there anything but fish down there?”
He shakes his head, swallowing a mouthful of the soft dessert, before explaining, “We dunna cook over a fire , but we have other ways o’ preserving food. Some foods we salt, others we pickle. Most of it we eat fresh though ‘cause there's plenty to enjoy besides fish — shells, clams, turtles, lots o’ green plants, roe in the summer, roots in the fall.”
“Nothin’ as sweet as y’r treats though,” he beams and holds out his already empty plate for another refill.
“So how deep is the lake?” you query, curious how there's room in there for all the merfolk to never be seen from the surface.
“It’d take me from when the sun is highest in the sky to when it's just above the western horizon to swim to the bottom and back.”
“That's over five hours!! That's so deep!!”
“And I swim real fast too.”
“How do you see when it's pitch black?’
“We have good vision. There’re some creatures that glow too, but mostly we just use our other senses — echolocation, pressure, the shift o’ the current, scent, whatever.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon asking him everything about what it's like to live underwater — or at least as many questions as you can get in before he finishes all the goodies you brought for him.
But this time he doesn't run away as soon as the basket is empty. Instead he lies back just as you found him a few hours ago, arms crossed under his head and eyes closed.
You were starting to wonder if he'd actually fallen asleep until he slipped one hand out and lazily reached up to the sky to let a chickadee perch on his finger. Recalling what he said the first day, you watch fascinated as the little bird chirps away at him and he whispers back.
Hardly a minute later, a dozen tiny birds have flocked to his side. Too busy pecking away at the crumbs on the ground, they pay you no mind. A few take turns hopping up on his palm for a chat. Others seem to find it fun to weave in and out of his long hair where hangs in loose strands.
Tone hushed as not to startle the darling creatures you ask, “What are they saying?”
“They wanna know what I'm doin’ up here with a dangerous monster like you,” he quips, a teasing lilt in his voice as his green eyes catch yours from the side.
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish while you attempt and fail to defend yourself.
“Actually, what are you doing up here? I know I'm no danger to you, but it doesn't seem like sunbathing is popular with merfolk judging by the fact we're all alone. Are you allowed above water?”
“Nope,” he answers, popping the p like a bubble. “But I dunna give a damn.”
“Aren't you going to get in trouble?”
“Nah, no one cares enough to bother me. They know I'm just up here ‘cause I'm bored.”
“Are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble… and uh… I definitely don't want any trouble…”
Luke merely shrugs, slipping his arm back under his head when the little bird takes flight.
“Huh. That's funny. I'm pretty sure y're not suppos' be on the palace grounds at all.”
He chuckles at your self-condemning silence. “Y’ wouldna be here if y’ didna think it's worth gettin’ in trouble for.”
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Part three...
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anjelicaroses-cc · 2 years
Short Lifespan Legacy Rules
Do you love legacy challenges but are intimidated by all the generations, and rules and just want to age up your sims already!!? Well this is for you! Rules:
Lifespan: Short
5 Generations - 5th Generation is played till elder and they die
Option to use a Chaos Wheel for added spice - Spin at least twice per generation.
Option to randomize offspring per generation unless a generation specifies the offspring
Must use James Turner trait randomizer
Gen 1: Benjamin Button
Fish Career
Starts Gen as YA
On their birthday to age up to an Adult, they end up aging down to a Teen.
Name all your kids after fish
Gen 2: All I Care About is ME
Move out as a teen to a new world
Fall in love with a sim and get pregnant with triplets
When the triplets are toddlers, the dad dies suddenly and suspicously
After he dies, you become a A-List Celebrity from all the media and get follow by papparazi.
You have a terrible relationship with the next generation heir
Gen 3: Death Follows Me
You hate your mom and accuse her of killing your dad.
You run away from home as soon as you age up as a teen and take your dad's urn.
You discover a world called Glimmerbrook and become a Spellcaster of Untamed Magic
You practice your magic until you learn the de-deathify spell to bring your dad back to life
You practice your spells on other sims who die and become friends with the grim reaper.
Option to add the grim reaper to your family to make a child via genetics. If you go about this option, that child is the next heir.
... i'm currently still playing this challenge so will come back and update this post with the last two Generations!
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zhenni12 · 3 months
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Weblena week last post! ‘Twas enjoyable! (Part of my fairytale au, weblena exists in every universe)
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…also the boys. (Huey’s still a boy btw, someone had to have the hair)
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lemonadosoap · 3 months
Ahgdhshwuxjiw I love them so much
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(I know it's only one pic but am way to lazy to get more right now)
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scottpetersen · 1 year
DuckTales The Inter-Dimensional Swap Fanfic Chapter 5
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Scrooge McDuck (2017) POV:
We were trying to get past these living shadows to get to Magica De Spell’s counterpart herself.
But our efforts are looking fruitless!
Every time it seems like we took one of these shadows out, they just reform again.
“Luckily, I have perfected my magic spell to give life to shadows meaning they won’t go rogue like last time.” Magica De Spell’s counterpart gloated.
One of the shadows tried to attack me from behind until Goldie’s counterpart shot it.
Speaking of Goldie’s counterpart, one of the shadows grabbed her gun only for her to use sleight-of-hand to take it back and shoot that shadow.
Gizmoduck’s counterpart is using his propeller blades to slash his way through any shadow that comes too close.
But most of the shadows seem to be focusing on me. Makes sense considering that I’m the one this Magica De Spell came for.
I’ve been using my cane to bounce over the shadows and catch them off-guard from behind.
I also tried that same move to bounce over the shadows and make my way straight to Magica De Spell’s counterpart.
But the shadows caught me in midair at the last moment.
Thankfully, I was able to counter and use my cane to hit the shadows causing them to let go.
Ugh. Curse me kilts. I’m not sure we’ll be able to make our way past this Magica De Spell’s shadows.
“Hey you!” a few voices suddenly shouted!
I turned to see that it was all of my family’s counterparts!
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“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Scrooge’s family.” Magica De Spell’s counterpart said gleefully. “A pity you won’t be around to see the end of the Scrooge McDucks of 2 worlds.”
Magica De Spell’s counterpart then sent several of her shadows straight towards them!
“NOOOO!” I yelled trying to make my way past the shadows to help my family’s counterparts but to no avail!
But it turns out that they’re starting to put up more of a fight than I expected!
The boys’ counterparts are using a rope to lasso some of the shadows and Beakley’s counterpart is throwing frying pans and other kitchen tools at the shadows which is actually looking to be a wee bit effective.
Webby’s counterpart is using a horse she somehow got here to jump over and kick the shadows.
Looks like those horseback riding lessons I gave her earlier are starting to pay off.
Seeing Magica De Spell’s counterpart angry at what’s going on gave me an idea. I’m gonna taunt Magica De Spell’s counterpart into letting her guard down.
“Magica De Spell!” I yelled getting her attention. “It seems to me that you are nowhere near as scary as your counterpart. She is far more imposing than you. And more effective as a villain too for that matter.”
“My magic is able to strike fear into the hearts of many.” Magica De Spell’s counterpart replied coldly and venomously. “And I was able to have your counterpart’s mansion infiltrated by using my magic to disguise the Beagle Boys as your counterpart’s triplet great nephews.”
“The Beagle Boys?” I said both surprised and amused. “I reckon they would be pretty incompetent when it comes to doing a good impression of my great nephews.”
In a fit of anger, Magica De Spell’s counterpart ordered several of her shadows, including some of the ones that were attacking my family’s counterparts, to charge me.
That left an opening for Goldie’s counterpart to get past the remaining shadows.
Then, Goldie’s counterpart took Magica De Spell’s counterpart by surprise from behind and was able to grab the Papyrus Of Binding.
But then, this world’s Magica De Spell turned around and in a fit of anger, merged all her shadows into one gigantic one and sent it to attack Goldie’s counterpart!
“Watch out!” I yelled as I got between the giant shadow and Goldie’s counterpart!
The giant shadow then punched me into the dirt and I struggled to push it back as it made its way down on top of me!
Then, Goldie’s counterpart went over to help me wrestle the shadow off me!
Soon, I looked around and noticed everyone’s counterparts began to help me wrestle the shadow!
They’re not my world’s family. But I’m still feeling proud of them!
Then, I noticed tree branches right above us and I got another idea.
“Goldie. See those tree branches above us? Shoot them off their housing!” I said.
“This better work.” Goldie’s counterpart said as she shot those branches off the tree.
Those branches then fell right on top of the giant shadow disorienting it!
That gave us enough time to get past it.
We then started to charge towards Magica De Spell’s counterpart!
Magica De Spell’s counterpart seemed like she was starting to get her shadow to come at us again.
That’s when I told Webby’s counterpart, “Remember those horseback riding lessons I gave you?”
Webby’s counterpart nodded!
“Alright. Jump!” I said.
Webby’s counterpart got her horse to jump over Magica De Spell’s counterpart and was now right behind her!
“Kick!” I said.
Then, Webby’s counterpart got her horse to kick Magica De Spell’s counterpart knocking her down to the ground!
I then grabbed Magica De Spell’s counterpart by the neck and knocked her out!
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That caused the shadows to disappear allowing me to make my way to Goldie’s counterpart as all of my family’s counterparts were gathering around us.
“Nice work.” I said to my family’s counterparts briefly letting myself get lost in some proud but at the same time strange feelings about them whole thing before snapping myself out of it.
“You weren’t so bad yourself.” Goldie’s counterpart replied also briefly letting herself get lost in some strange feelings she has about me before snapping herself out of it as well. “We have the Papyrus Of Binding now. Do you think we can use it to get you and your other self back to where you 2 belong.”
“Hopefully.” I replied. “But even the slightest bad choice of words will alter its effect. So, we may have to be careful.”
Suddenly, we all noticed a very strange glow and it was coming from the Papyrus.
Then, a bizarre burst of magical power burst out of it and it started to form into something!
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Scrooge McDuck (1987) POV:
As we were battling this world’s Magica De Spell, it became very clear that defeating would be very difficult.
This world’s Magica De Spell brought trees and stone rocks to life and commanded them to attack us.
We were still doing an exceptional job holding our own, though.
This world’s Ms. Beakley was breaking off the branches of the living trees and was using them as weapons to smack the trees down on the ground while also using her tremendous amounts of strength to lift one of the rock monsters and throw them at its fellows.
This world’s Goldie was tricking the tree and rock monsters into taking each other by using herself as bait and dodging at the last second when one of the monsters was about to strike her and thus causing it to hit the monster behind this world’s Goldie instead.
This world’s Louie was admittedly the only weak link here. His manipulation skills are no good here since there’s never any use manipulating mindless golems!
So, we all were making sure to keep the tree and rock monsters away from this world’s Louie.
However, the tree and rock monsters are not the only problem!
This world’s Magica De Spell herself is also firing a constant barrage of magic blasts at us!
Between evading that, fending off the tree and rock monsters and keeping this world’s Louie safe, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get close to this world’s Magica De Spell let alone ending all this!
Suddenly, we heard a voice cry out, “Leave them alone!”
I turned to see that it was this world’s version of my family as they gathered behind this world’s Louie. It looked like they were on their way back to the mansion from getting supplies of the magic sort for that Violet girl.
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And they began to help us beat this world’s Magica De Spell!
Della was using her prosthetic leg to kick the tree monsters down on the ground.
This world’s Donald was using his foul temper to bring down the might of the rock monsters.
This world’s Dewey was using his…dance moves to dodge the magic blasts this world’s Magica De Spell started sending his way!
This world’s Huey was using a mirror to reflect this world’s Magica De Spell’s magic blasts. After noticing the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook on him, I really wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow got the idea from it.
I saw this world’s Louie, after noticing the magic supplies, make his way towards them and grab something out of one of the boxes. It seemed to be a ring.
“Hey, Magica!” this world’s Louie shouted getting this world’s Magica De Spell’s attention. “I hold in my hand a magic ring that can curse anyone I wish it. So, you better stop before I put a curse on you.”
Unimpressed, this world’s Magica De Spell frowned and said to this world’s Louie, “That’s just an ordinary ring! And do you honestly think I would fall for that same con after that trick you pulled on me with that mirror while I had Duckburg in my grasp with my shadows?!”
Grinning, this world’s Louie replied with, “That’s the beauty of conning. You may not be able to trick someone with the same con twice. But you can still distract them with it.”
“What?” this world’s Magica De Spell said realizing too late that Della had made her way right next to her and then kicked her in the stomach with her prosthetic leg!
This world’s Magica De Spell collapsed onto the ground in agony.
As we made our towards her, we were starting to believe we won.
But then, this world’s Magica De Spell levitated herself away from us!
Then, she conjured up a cloud in the sky and had it unleash a gigantic lightning bolt right toward us!
However, a white blast of magic came out of nowhere and met the lightning bolt midway causing it to disperse!
We all turned around and saw it was Lena who fired the white magic! Although, instead of the black and gray stripe clothing I saw her in earlier, she is now wearing a white outfit. And there is magic energy that is white in color surging around her! And I’m also seeing this world’s Webby and that Violet girl right beside her!
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“Lena!” this world’s Magica De Spell shouted with burning resentment in her voice.
“Aunt Magica.” Lena replied with sheer will as well as the same kind of resentment in her own voice. “Give it up. It’s over.”
“I beg to differ!” this world’s Magica De Spell yelled as she unleashed a large purple blast of magic right towards her as well as Webby and Violet!
“Oh no!” I shouted as I made my over to them and got in the way of the blast!
After a moment without feeling any impact, I opened my eyes to see that Lena had put a magic force field around me protecting me from the blast!
“Your welcome.” Lena said with a slightly snarky attitude before smiling gratefully. “But thank you.”
As this world’s Magica unleashed a barrage of spells everyone’s way, we all stood together and used all of our respective skills to close the distance until we were right in top of her!
This world’s Goldie then used her sleight-of-hand to take the magic staff that this world’s Magica De Spell was using from her while this world’s Webby jumped behind this world’s Magica De Spell and delivered a kick to her back sending her down into the dirt.
Then, I delivered a punch to this world’s Magica De Spell’s head knocking her out!
As we all stood there in triumph, Violet suddenly walked up to me and said, “I believe we found a way to send you and your counterpart back to your home dimensions while you were at the social gathering earlier.”
Letting my excitement get the better of me, I enthusiastically yelled, “Well then. Let’s get it done!”
“Hold on a moment.” Violet said. “We need to contact your counterpart in order for it to work. And I think I know how to do just that.”
I nodded after a moment.
It’s definitely going to be interesting to meet my own counterpart.
“How?” I asked patiently.
Taking out the pieces of paper that once made up the Papyrus Of Binding, Violet explained by saying, “Since the other version of the Papyrus Of Binding is what brought you here, you likely still have some of its residual magic on you. We can use a ritual to track it back to its source and, assuming your counterpart has already that version of the Papyrus, contact him. It’s not the most ideal but it’s our only option.”
“Very well.” I replied.
We gathered the necessary ingredients the others brought here earlier.
A rope, grains of sand, holy water and a crystal.
I was told to hold the crystal while the sand and holy water were poured right on top of me and the rope was wrapped around my chest.
Then, after Violet, Lena and Webby chanted the incantation and then there was a large burst of energy.
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Scrooge McDuck (2017) POV:
Once that bizarre burst of magic power from the Papyrus Of Binding cleared, I looked at the Papyrus to see magical flames above it with faces in the center of them. And the faces at the center of those flames are…I can’t believe it! It’s my family! My world’s versions of them!
I couldn’t help the sheer happiness that emerged in my stomach at the sight of them.
I also saw another face in the flames.
Bless me bagpipes! It’s…my counterpart!
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Scrooge McDuck (1987) POV:
Once I opened my eyes after the blinding flash of light from that magic, I saw magical flames straight above the remnants of the Papyrus Of Binding and saw…my family! And it’s my world’s versions of them!
I couldn’t help the sheer happiness that burst in my chest at the sight of them!
I also saw another face in the flames.
It’s…my counterpart!
Notes: Ok. Only 1 more chapter to go. Also, thanks for reading.
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
speaking of disney lorcana another thing i'm excited about is DUCKTALES 2017 CARDS. the next expansion is adding cards not just for the dt17 versions of the scrooge or the nephews but for lena (and notice how they call her lena sabrewing, not de spell!), webby, and della!
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and i'm just so happy about this because honestly, i never really cared very much about the disney duckverse (i saw some episodes of dt 87 as a kid, and i like donald in kingdom hearts, but that's about it) until ducktales 2017 came along and made donald and webby and the nephews into easily the most compelling characters they've ever been, while also adding such wonderful characters as lena and della. but i always worried that as soon as the show ended, disney would just... forget about them. act like the classic, completely identical versions of the triplets are all there is or ever was, and forget della existed. and i'm just really glad that at least for now, that's not the case and the characters i love are sticking around. i hope i can get those louie and lena cards, i feel such an intense need for them now.
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
Duck Musings: Is Magica Owed a Dime?
There are some interesting questions you can come up with, for example, is Magica de Spell owed one of Scrooge's dimes?
One of the interesting things brought up in "The Journey is the Reward" is that after Magica is done melting the dime, and Scrooge is done crying, he will inevitably take her to court, and interestingly, Magica says that the courts in Duckburg aren't buyable, and the lawsuit would drag on for years. Why is that? It seems like a pretty open and shut case to me, Magica stole from Scrooge and needs to make up for that.
Of course, it could harken back to Magica straight up buying one of Scrooge's Dimes. In Magica's debut appearance, "The Midas Touch", she offered Scrooge a dollar for one of his Dimes, and in his greedy haste, he accidentally gave her his first dime. Of course, he tries to get it back... wait... dis he offer Magica a refund?
Looking back at the old comic, Scrooge did offer her a trade for the dime, giving Magica another one of his dimes, which Magica was glad, though maybe a bit irritated, to accept until she learned that the dime she was giving back was Scrooge's lucky number one.
So, she accepted Scrooge's offer and forfeited the dime, yeah? Well, we're assuming that Magica did take both dimes when she Poof bombed Scrooge and Donald before running off, and before I carry on I should state that I am not a legal expert and none of this meant to be legal advice, if you want genuine legal advice or information regarding the law please consult a professional, I am not a lawyer, a judge or have even served on a jury before.
Anyway, Magica, although unscrupulous and wicked, doesn't strike me as someone who would be concerned with things that aren't necessary to her schemes or plots, she might have taken the replacement dime from Scrooge, she might have dropped it, why would she be concerned about the whereabouts of ten cents that aren't Scrooge's first ten cents?
That doesn't change the fact that Scrooge offered another dime for the first one back, and Magica did accept at one point, and Donald, and possibly the triplets, can be considered witnesses.
This reminds me of an old post I saw here on Tumblr, when Nylongate was happening... for context, when Fallout 76 was released, they had a special edition, you know the kind that comes with collectible tat, that came with a bag that was advertised as being canvas, only for the bags to be released being made of nylon. Bethesda offered some compensation for the false advertising, but some people on Tumblr said that those swindled should not accept it, because accepting the compensation meant giving up rights to sue.
Whether or not that is the case, again not a legal expert, it does appear to me that Scrooge offered compensation, which Magica accepted.
However, one thing is very obvious in this whole ordeal, Magica paid for something, and now she doesn't have that thing. We are now assuming that she dropped the dime and snatched Scrooge's Number one, one panel in the original comic implies that she did in fact leave the second dime behind, with Scrooge shouting "So she could trade dimes again! She took old Number One!" Though it is worth noting that Scrooge screams this with open palms, and both his hands are empty of any form of ten cent pieces.
Assuming that Magica did leave the second dime behind, she paid for something, a dime, and she doesn't have said item. So, depending on how the judge views this, Magica could very well be legally entitled to one of Scrooge's dimes.
It may also be worth noting that Scrooge may know this, as he hires private eyes to keep watch for Magica, never local authorities, and you may think that's because they'd be ill-equipped to deal with Magica's magic, but they'd probably be better equipped than private investigators, and in the background of one panel in the story "Cash Flow" the Duckburg police are in fact, on the lookout for Magica De Spell, as she has a poster saying she's wanted for Black Magic.
Maybe someone who is better knowledgeable about law can assist here? I just find it interesting that Magica would be worried about a long, drawn out court battle, before she's concerned about being put in custody for theft, and maybe a couple hundred assault charges too. It really does seem like Magica's priorities are messed up, but then you remember, she did legitimately purchase one of Scrooge's dimes, it was just Scrooge's greed and haste that caused this whole rivalry in the first place.
I can imagine the alternate universe where Scrooge didn't accidentally give Magica his number one dime, and the Midas Touch spell didn't work, causing Magica to give up on it, but that's a musing for another day. Someone get LegalEagle to look over the evidence I have brought forward, and let's put this discussion to rest; Is Magica De Spell, LEGALLY owed Scrooge's Number One Dime?
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