#minima de spell
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ducksinspaceadventure · 2 days ago
This looks great and awesome. I know it's been a while, but I still wish you a happy Chinese New Year and a happy start to the spring season (as it's celebrated in China). Keep it up, you're the best. What do you think of this? @fllowerrpowerrr @boingodigitalart @cityoftheangelllls @stormvanari @meerkatp @elisnightmare @ewa-jednak-chce-spac @oddballism @oddballsducks @writebackatya @godfrey-the-chaos-duck @lucktales @everydaythings7807 @foxymc and others.
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Happy Chinese New Year - Huey, Dewey and Louie with their friends and family in Beijing, China at the Forbidden Palace - Quack Pack AU - Ducktales, Quack Pack, Duck Comics and Darkwing Duck teenagers and preteens - Duckverse - My Style
To all those celebrating, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year!
Although I'm late, I definitely drew a special drawing for the Chinese New Year, which started on January 29th and lasts until February 12th, as well as the Spring Festival, where Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing with their friends by entering the Forbidden Palace. Yes, I drew them in the Quack Pack version in my own way, and also a little bit so that it looks different this year. By the way, for those who want to know more about Chinese New Year, check out my drawing I drew last year: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/742164081561288704/donald-and-daffy-duck-with-their-wives-and
Last year was a dragon, this year is a snake, so I added a snake in Dugan's hands. Poor snake, and I'm not really a fan of snakes in any way. XD Just kidding. Of course, in my version of Quack Pack AU I drew teenage ducks and birds celebrating the New Year while traveling around the world and ending up in China. There's Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces), Phooey Duck, Gosalyn Mallard, Webby Vanderquack, Gene the Genie (or Boy since he's no longer a Genie), Minima de Spell (Magica's niece), Dugan Duck (Fethry's nephew), Shamrock Gander (Gladstone's nephew), Honker Muddlefoot and Newton Gearloose (Gyro's nephew). And there's Bolivar the Dog, Donald's and Donald's nephews' pet dog. And they're all celebrating the holiday together with various fireworks in the background. And in Chinese there is an inscription at the entrance to the Forbidden City.
There is currently a national holiday in China that lasts 7 days.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this! Just don’t use my same ideas and my versions of these characters without mentioning me! Thank you! Happy Chinese New Year once again as well as Happy Lunar New Year and Spring Festival which is celebrated for a week!
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
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gummygoatgalaxy · 1 year ago
Ducktales Kiddo Doodles
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just some ships and headcanons of mine
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webbytbh · 13 days ago
A full on art dump because I found these while searching my notebook
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dirtyriver · 4 months ago
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“Gifts of the Gods”, Giant Halloween Hex #2, September 2018, written by Francesco Artibani and Lello Arena, art by Giorgio Cavazzano
Originally published in Topolino 2277, 1999
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boingodigitalart · 10 days ago
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Finally had to give May and June their own designs inspired by the spooky zone comics. Plus I had to bring out Vanessa from those comics hanging out with Magica, Minima, and Morgana.
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kightmaidenart · 9 months ago
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Some designs of characters
We have Streghella, Lena, Minima, Matilda de spell, Webby, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, shamrock, and Dugan
And then there's Floopy and Cece
They are characters I made up , Floopy is Launchpads niece via his sister and Cece is Donald's cousin Gus's daughter with his love interest Cissy swan
Streghella - 13
Lena - 15
Minima - 17
Matilda - 19
Webby - 12
HDL - 11
Floopy - 5
Cece - 3
Shamrock - 8
Dugan - 8
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ducklooney · 6 months ago
Who would you most like to see in the Quack Pack from Donald's family, friends and rivals (Donald Duck comics)?
New survey, and I'll gradually get back to my version of Quack Pack (Quack Pack AU to be exact), so if you're more interested, check and read here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/760291074496495616/quack-pack-au-or-quack-pack-reboot-my-version-or
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As you know the Quack Pack is mainly Donald Duck, his girlfriend Daisy Duck and Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as teenagers in that series, and there is also Donald's supposed uncle Ludwig von Drake. Unfortunately many of the famous comic book and cartoon characters from Donald's family didn't appear so I'm putting up a poll as your opinion, if by any chance a Quack Pack reboot or Quack Pack comics or Quack Pack or to see my version of Quack Pack who would you the following characters from comics and cartoons would you like to see there?
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Otherwise, if you ask further, I will immediately say that after that there will be maybe two or three more polls related to that, but this is just for fun. The two or three characters who win the most go further and that means you want those characters the most. By the way, for Daisy's nieces in the Quack Pack I would expect them to be teenagers but based on how they look like in the Dutch comics. As for Minima de Spell who would also be a teenager. Scrooge would definitely wear a Scottish kilt in the Quack Pack. Certainly in my opinion they all deserve it in my version of the Quack Pack, but again your opinion and choice stands.
The next survey will be in one week after this survey. If you're wondering how I would envision certain of these characters in my version of the Quack Pack, look here at my art blog: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/
And yes, I would imagine the next version of Quack Pack to be more based on the comics, but that's my take. What is your opinion and your choice of these characters?
If there is a chance and you choose your favorite characters, I might draw some of them in the Quack Pack version of your choice.
If you have any doubts and questions about this, feel free to tell me. Your choice. Enjoy!
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michimonie · 8 months ago
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Some doodles from memory before bed.
Minima and Lena bonding over "Magica's bullshit" Donald, Webby, Glomgold, OK Quack Plucky and Gosalyn being "Horror movie buddies."
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mai-fanblog · 7 months ago
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silverjae · 9 months ago
Explaining my ducktales au part1 - Magica's family tree
Magica obviously has a brother, Poe as in canon however Poe in my au has 2 daughters, Minima De Spell and Streghella De Spell. The mother of these children is a peahen (peacock) who Poe was arranged to marry by his parents, they got divorced shortly after Minimas birth. Magica and Poe have 3 cousins 2 of which they were in contact with before Poe was cursed. The cousins names are Adelia, Matilda (from there father's side) and Abrazella(mothers side). They were in contact with Abrazella and Adelia whilst Matilda cut contact with everyone and left for the fairy realm.
After Poe had been cursed into a crow and was declared missing his daughters stayed with Magica, Streghella being 19 and Minima being 17, as they all looked for Poe. They left however when Magica's priorities changed to revenge causing Magica to be even more secluded. Minima, age 37, is currently a librarian in duckburg living with Rita Gearloose and her son Newtown Gearloose (Gyros family, Rita's a oc). Streghella, age 39, is currently living in mervana after using her magic to make her one of them.
Lena is different from the rest for obvious reasons. She was created in Magica's shadow and was named a De Spell gifting her powers of her own as any other, she was adopted by the Saber wing family and is now officially one of them. She recently found out about Poe from Louie in my au and is currently finding a way to find him and turn him back which causes her to find out about his daughters and her supposed sisters/cousins.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year ago
Uncle Scrooge: The Secret Santa Spell Review (comission by WeirdKev27)
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Happy Holidays all you Happy People. It's that time of year again, time to haul out the holly and the breadcrumbs because we're talking about ducks again. Yes while I haven't talked about ducks nearly enough on this blog as of late, finding a Ducktale for christmas has always been a priority.
This year though Kev took the reigns on this one after realizing this was a tradition, and found me TWO. We were originally going to do the darkwing duck christmas special, something I didn't know existed and still know little about on purpose and still plan to next year.. but then... he found this. See back in 2021 I reviewed the Carl Barks comic a letter to santa. You can find the review here.
But the main takeaway is it features THIS iconic scene
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Look saying i'm a simple man would be a boldfaced lie, but sometimes it's the simple things like an absurdly rich duck and his nephew fighting to the death with heavy machinery so one of them can give their nephew's the remaining machine as a christmas present that bring me joy on this holiday season.
That said after years of basking in the warm glow of having randomly found a comic about Scrooge and Donald battling to the death with steam shovels, I found something just as holly jolly.. and just as gloriously, wonderfully nuts. My friends it's time I introduced you to the Secret Santa spell.
Again Kev, my producer of sorts, deserves the credit here: he found this in Disney Christmas Parade, IDW's christmas anthology they printed every year for a while, and god bless him for it as this story is gold. It's a genuinely good, well done Magica story that thanks to taking place on christmas and involving a claus somehow less thought out than the one where if you kill Santa you become Santa, figgy pudding, a murder tree, and a volcano finale, is also completely bonkers and I love every second of it. This is a geninely fantastic scrooge story and one worth taking a look for yourself if you can find it online since it's out of print. For those of you who can't or simply don't wanna, come with me under the cut as we explore the hap happiest christmas since bing crosby tap danced with danny fucking kaye while Donald and Scrooge tried to pummel each other with steam shovels.
This story comes to us from writers Fransico Artibani, Lello Arena and artest Silvio Cambolli. I hadn't heard of any of these people before this as i'm not really up on my itallian duck comics but they do an excellent job here and I certainly will be looking out for more of their stories.
For this story we open at the bin a few days before christmas as everything's winding down for the holiday and Donald's doing one of his last bits of slave labor for Scrooge when two Scottish obviously suspcious carollers show up. Scrooge apparently gets so many that both are and aren't villians in disguise he's worked up a bit of an extreme solution.. granted he wanted to just pour oil on them but then legal got involved.
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So he has to go with the Virtuetron 3000, an elaborate setup he had gyro work up that puts MIND READING HELMETS
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Yup i'ts magica.. I mean I can't blame Scrooge for being suspcious, turning her shadow into a teenager to sneak into the mansion only for said teenager to fall in love with scrooge's daughter, this ain't, but i'm less concered with Magica and Co's half baked scheme and more concered a man who underpays his employees, quite literally owns the town, and already has a fairly sketchy moral compass has MIND CONTROL technology.. and giant killer robots
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You'd think this would be an out of character expendature... but he got it from a reliable presidental source
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Scrooge did all this so he could have a restful christmas. Magica.. isn't having the same as she has some uninvited guests.
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Okay so some introductions are in order as i'm sure some of you had the same reaction I did
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Thankfully Inducks also indexed who they are. Starting with the one I DID recognize, the little tyke is Magica's niece Minima, the basis for Lena and Magica's exact oppisite: kind, selfless, cheery. The only thing she isn't inverted on is magical talent, as Minima has a knack for it.
The two strangers are Rosolio and Gramma DeSpell. Yes GRAMMA, that's magica's grandma. What's intresting is there's two distinct versions of the character that don't really contradict each other, with this one in the 90's becoming a bigger fixture, and there being nothing to say this isn't the same character given a Sabrina the Teenage Witch style makeover, just a few years BEFORE Zelda and Hilda's got there's in fact. Go figure. She's a bit of a hippie and tries to talk down Magica from her schemes.
Her sidekick here, and sexual harasser, is Rosolio, a mildly inepet magician who followed her from italy to hit on her.
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So Magica's about ready to just abandon her magic shop and go.. fuck off or whatever when Minima innocently brings up something...
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Yes folks, this is indeed our premise: Santa put in a clause in his magic that's somehow weirder than "If tim allen shoves you off a room tim allen become santa claus" or "If tim allen dosen't find a wife in time he ceases to be santa claus" or.. let's just say anything tim allen adjacent. If you wish for something seven times and happen to be some sort of spellcaster, you get it, regardless of morality, intent or what it actually is. Which DOES mean good news for one little boy man robot
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But still raises a LOT of questions. It's not a bad concept, that asking for something enough means santa will take pity but why isn't their restraints? Why has Magica, someone Santa would objectively not liked asked 7 times? why have we only heard about a magic version of the junior woodchuck guidebook this once? why didn't we get a fourth season of ducktales so Frank could adapt this? These are the things that keep me up at night. This is also a thing that keeps me up at night.
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Donald just admit you need glasses instead of taking it out on your children, for all our sakes!
So Magica goes to the north poll to deliver letter 7 personally while Gramma.. only stops Rogoilo from going with her then hopes she'll be okay.
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Magicia isn't as an elf being pulled by a sleigh full of pengys and getting there late notices her. Honestly we wouldn't have this plot at all if the best boy pengy wasn't busy.
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Magica is frozen solid and is revived by 30 cc's of hot chocolate. I don't know if Tom Hanks sang to her, he was also busy that christmas
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Magcia repays this kindness by busting up the north poll, going on a rampage to find Santa since the elves handle letters. Keep in mind this ENTIRE act of the story, her getting frozen, her going on a rampage, her bringing an evil dead tree to life before fighting an army of teddy bears and snowman
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YUP. You didn't think the insanity stopped at mind policing, killer robots, santa clauses and improperly placed penguins did you? Nope we get a full on offscreen lord of the rings battle complete with ents simply because Magicia wants to gloat in person. And despite this section being padding.. it works. of COURSE magicia would want to gloat to santa, of COURSE she coudln't wait for Christmas day. It's totlaly in character and her singing oh christmas tree or spitting out hot chocolate are just.. such nice character touches. Of course she's so dedicated to being evil she hates something sweet. OF COURSE.
It's something neat about this comic: i'ts bonkers, no question.. but it's also simply fantastic on it's own merit. The idea of Magica getting a santa wish is neat on it's own, but the story then uses Minima to anchor it: she's frustrated it seems her aunt will never be happy and always obess over the dime, and thus teleports to the bin to take it from her, not understanding WHY it's precious to scrooge or WHY her aunt wants it, simply wanting to make her aunt happy. No one even knows; the thought police helmet's don't scan ill intent.. because there isn't none. It's just an innocent child wanting to bring her Aunt christmas. This version of Minima reminds me a LOT of 87 webby, and it's in the best way: innocent , kind, selfless.. all the good things.
Anyways Santa finally goes to confront magica, wondering why she's doing this the answers no.. and forgetting his own stupid policy until it's too late, with her asking for the dime and him entering a trance to go get it.
It's christmas eve and Scrooge is bored as nothing's going on. Disturbingly he wants to know how litigatoins are going. Those orphans aren't going to be forced out into the snow themsleves, ghosts of past buisness partners be dammned!
Scrooge is interuptted from taling to Mrs. Quackfaster byt he arrival of santa. Thinking it's magica in a disguise , he sicks a robot guard dog on her he turns into a sheep.
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But then we get the crowner, the weirdest, best, and most wonderful thing in this story.. I present...
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I"ll level with you all, while holiday shopping was easy this year, i've still been dealing with a lot of seasonal depression and regular ole depression. It's been a long month with loved ones in the hosptial (nothing serious but also nothing you need to know about in full), work piling up and me not even taking the time to enjoy some of my gifts. I've had plenty of kind people, thoughtful gifts, and wonderful friends but sometimes the stress of this job, as much as I love it, and the world can get to you. So getting to just relax and review a comic where Santa turns Scrooge's bin into a giant figgy pudding while under hypnosis.. it helps> it warms the spirit and reminds me why I do this. For the joy of good stories.. and for the wonder of nonsense.
For those who like me wondered what Figgy Pudding actually even is, wonmder no more: it's a traditional british pudding made out of animal fat. You no doubt have more questions but we have more story
So Santa snaps out of it once he gives Magica the time and she teleports out. Scrooge asks santa to go get it.. but despite you know having TURNED SCROOGE'S BIN INTO PUDDING and stolen his prized possesion, he's .. less than helpful.
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I just.. dude... man.. santa dude man claus... Christmas is important. It brigns joy to children and it's why youd o this. I get that. But how does "I need to return the dime I stole while BRAINWASHED due to a stupid bit of magic I never bothered to undo or work up a backup plan for", equate to "greed begats greed'.
For starters the Dime.. isn't just a dime.. and you should know this. Your santa. You know everything about a person, it's your deal. This dime was the first bit of honest money Scrooge ever earned, a reminder of what he started, something he dearly loves and treasures not because it's MONEY but because of what it means. And even not knowing that Scrooge didn't start any of this shit. Scrooge has to constantly ward off Magicia's crap, something you DO for a fact know as you rejected her wish till your dumbass magic kicked in. She's not trying to steal his hoarded gross amount of money, she's trying to take the dime and she's trying to do it for an evil plan. YOU KNOW BETTER SANTA.
Granted this could be a christmastime grift as Santa gets Scrooge to promise a big dinner and bonuses for everyone in duckburg, so he could've simply been fleecing scooge.. and I prefer that interprtation as it fits santa better: Santa would WANT to make up for what he did with magica and WANT to stop her because Santa is a kind, caring person. And even if she hadn't used the santa spell against him, she still attacked his elves out of spite. I prefer to think he would've helped anyway but knew Scrooge deserved to be taught a lesson which, fair play to the big guy.. Scrooge ABSOLUTELY did.
So they go to stop him while Magica goes to show off her dime.. and minima realizes Magica didn't open her present and thus dosen'jt know and is about to make an oopsie.
So Scrooge and Santa go to stop her, but can't... luckily thanks to Minima giving Scrooge a chocolate coin instead of giving her the midas touch, the spell gives her...
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It's an excellent brick joke on Magicia hating chocolate, and a great visual. it temproarily makes her the sweetst duck in the world.. which leads to some shipping bait
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But a genuinely sweet ending for Minima who, if for one moment and only thanks to magic.. gets to enjoy her aunt. I mean Magica becoming sweet thanks to choclate magic is KINDA Messed up.. but it's hard to not enjoy a child who simply wanted her aunt to be happy.. getting that for one breif moment.
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I still feel bad for her as this won't lass, Magicia will be back to her abuse hateful self.. but I can't begrudge a kind, innocent little witch her happy ending. I just don't have it in me. It's not forever, Magicia gets herself back.. but for one day.. she'll treat her family how they deserve. And Rogilo how he really dosen't but you can't have everything now can you?
So because we can't just end on the sweet moment, Santa assures Scrooge the figgy pudding bin will turn back after christmas.. but until then.. he has a promise to fufill.
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Every christmas story should end with the whole town eating a rich man's property. Hell EVERY christmas should. Eat the rich's buildings kids!
This story is excellent. Really werid? yes. Having a pretty bonkers ending for no reason? Yes. Is said ending hilarious, the throughline of Minima heartfelt, and the zanier stuff also really funny? Entirely. It's a well done Scrooge story set around christmas with santa's indgiance at helping scrooge being the only thing I really don't like. Had he phrased it less as "you brought this on yourself" and more "you don't deserve it after how you've treated your employees" it'd make more sense. Still one little bump dosen't ruin the figgy pudding.. I think. I don't know how figgy pudding works. I do like this story though and highly recommend it. Thanks for reading.
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months ago
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Quack Pack Kids (Preteens and Teenagers) and Young Adults (Boys and Girls) - My sketches -Game, Well-To-Do-Duck, Wild, Friend(s), Cultured, Emotional, Obscure and Nostalgic Duck (s) and FREE SPACE DUCKS (plus geese, parrots, rooster and pigeon) - Duckvember - Quack Pack AU and Duckverse (Donald Duck and Ze Carioca comics, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and Quack Pack) - My style
After a long time, I finally drew my drawings, a newer edition, related to my favorite characters, primarily children (preteens and teenagers) and young adults. I was inspired by the brilliant Alessandro Gottardo, who draws Donald Duck and his family, friends and rivals and publishes them on his Instagram page, and who previously worked on Topolino comics, so he encouraged me to draw my favorite characters in my own way, modeled on his sketches, but this time as a Quack Pack version or as I would imagine them in a Quack Pack version (my version of Quack Pack AU). Since I didn't have time to do everything related to this year's Duckvember, I drew more characters related to multiple themes since it's hard to decide who belongs to whom, but in my own way. I would draw more characters, but I will do that another time, because these are not the only ones who would appear in Quack Pack AU. Yes, I combined Italian, Danish, Dutch, Brazilian comics, Ducktales 1987, Darkwing Duck and the original Quack Pack, in my own way to be in one gathering. Family and friends of Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie.
And I'm posting on the occasion of Universal Children's Day which is celebrated on November 20th (along with June 1st as an alternative date and the first Sunday of October as Children's Week), so Happy Children's Day! The three separate drawings I drew represent mostly preteens and teenagers as they would look in my Quack Pack version, since it wouldn't fit all in one drawing. The first drawing shows Huey, Dewey and Louie, April, May and June Duck, Gosalyn Mallard and Webby Vanderquack in my style (taking mostly the Topolino style). The second drawing shows boys and mostly features Phooey and Kablooie Duck, Honker Muddlefoot, Zico and Zeca Carioca (nephews of Jose Carioca), Newton Gearloose (Gyro's nephew), Sonny Seagull (Garvey Gull from the Egmont comics), Gene the Genie (more of a boy), Gustav Goose, Doofus Drake, Dugan Duck (Fethry's nephew), and Shamrock Gander (Gladstone's nephew). Yes, Kabooie Duck is Donald's fifth lost nephew and wears mostly brown clothes and is in between my version of Phooey and Honker. Gustav is a friend of Donald's nephews in the Quack Pack, but in my headcanon he is Gus's distant nephew. The third drawing shows girls and young women who are still adolescents, but now adults, more like in their late twenties. This refers to Dickie Duck (Goldie's granddaughter), Loretta MacBridge (Brigitta's niece) and Matilda De Spell (Magica's younger cousin) who is located in the lower part of the drawing. The others are teenage girls Minima De Spell (Magica's niece), Vanessa (a friend of Donald's nephews from the Area 15 comics and mostly Dewey's and Louie's girlfriend), Susie McGuider (from the Quack Pack "Ducks by Nature") and an unknown duck from the Quack Pack from the episode "Shrunken Heroes". Since she doesn't have a name, I decided in my headcanon to name her Dottie Duck and she is Daisy's distant niece who appeared once in an old comic, but is now a teenager. I hope you like this and like these versions.
If you like these drawings and are fans of these characters, feel free to like and reblog this. Just don't use the same versions of mine from my drawings without mentioning me and without my permission. Thanks! Also Happy Children's Day and congratulations to Topolino on their 3600th anniversary edition!
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gummygoatgalaxy · 10 months ago
Duckverse Girlies
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I love they so much omg
The only oc is my oc Rain, the rest of these girls are canon (though i changed their designs a bit lol)
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duckduxgoose · 2 years ago
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I loved their lil friendship and think they should be besties again actually 🩷🖤
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dirtyriver · 4 months ago
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"Hey, I like that sailor boy!"
“Gifts of the Gods”, Giant Halloween Hex #2, September 2018, written by Francesco Artibani and Lello Arena, art by Giorgio Cavazzano
Originally published in Topolino 2277, 1999
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boingodigitalart · 4 months ago
Trick or Treat? 🦇
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Hello pal!!!
I'll give you a TREAT!!
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