#triple h blurb
Based on the burger, Novelle going on a burger date with her s/o and the s/o doing the burger challenge from persona 5 and managing to do it!
(Genshin Impact) Noelle's S/O attempting the Big Bang Burger challenge
"Whopper, Whopper, Whopper, Whopper Junior, Double, Triple, Whopper You live at 108 East Columbia Street-"
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(Noelle) "I'm not a fussy eater, but I really don't like banquets… The reason being, as the maid, I am expected to sample every single dish on the table to ensure its quality. Just one bite of each, of course, but it all adds up… Oh, the guilt…" (Direct Game Dialogue)
Noelle tries not to gorge herself on food. It's very unmaid-like to have crumbs covering your cheeks, munching away on a variety of food.
But when Good Hunter had a new challenge for a "Burger", S/O wanted to try it out during their date.
Noelle is ready to order a salad before seeing S/O saying they would like to attempt the challenge.
In thirty minutes, S/O had to eat a massive burger, the size of which could dwarf the stars!...Or so the advertising blurb went, anyway.
She wasn't entirely sure if this was a foreign food or not, but, it did look good at least!
As for the challenge...not so much. Noelle's belt felt tighter just looking at the picture.
(Noelle) "S/O? Are you sure you want to take the challenge?"
Well, then again the pictures tend to exaggerate how big food actually is-
By Barbatos's holy balls, that burger was MASSIVE.
It made everyone passing by do a double take, looking at the size of the burger on the plate.
(Noelle) "What in the world, where's the bread?! That's just meat and veggies!"
(S/O) "I can do this, Noelle! If I finish it, the meal is free!"
(Noelle) "Oh dear."
Noelle watched S/O tackle the burger as they picked it up somehow and dug in.
It honestly made her feel ill just looking at them.
That burger alone was more than she ate in an entire week.
As the minutes pass by, it feels like hours as she barely sees a dent made in the burger.
By the ten minute mark, S/O looked like they were ready to die, Noelle's heart was ready to burst, thinking they actually would.
She could feel the calorie pressure just radiating from the burger as S/O finally made decent progress.
Finally by the thirty minute mark, a crowd had gathered around S/O to watch, Noelle only realizing they were there when they finally finished.
Their face slammed onto the table, with Sara clapping her hands.
(Sara) "Congratulations! You've beaten the challenge! Your meal for Miss Noelle and yourself are free, and here's your prize!"
...It was a charm necklace in the shape of a burger.
That was just insult to injury.
(Noelle) "S/O?"
(S/O) "Ugh...I-I did it...Enjoy your meal, sweetie."
(Noelle) "How can I enjoy my meal when you're about to die from indigestion?!"
(S/O) "Do...you want a burger?"
(Noelle) "NO!...W-Well, not that one, but I still shouldn't put on any calories!"
(Lumine) "I feel like I've gained weight just watching you..."
(Noelle) "AGH! H-Honorary Knight? When did you get here?!"
(Lumine) "Paimon and I came to see what the fuss was about about fifteen minutes ago. Gotta say, I'm impressed!"
Noelle watched Paimon materialize next to Lumine.
(Paimon) "Paimon likes new food buuuuut, that might be a bit too far!...Also, is S/O going to be alright?"
Noelle sighed and gently picked up S/O into her arms effortlessly, cradling them to not further upset their stomach.
(S/O) "Probably not."
(Noelle) "Please, excuse me!"
Before departing, Noelle made sure to organize the plates, and steal a Fontaine Fry before heading to Barbara's.
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gucciwins · 2 years
how are firefighter!harry and yn doing this winter?🎄i feel like harry would be constantly worried about yn because it’s so cold. like making sure she has hot water bottles every day when he’s not there to warn her himself. or even they go ice skating hes so worried for her safety. or yns worries when harry gets called out on a join in like blizzard weather :((☃️❄️
I love you, no one has asked about firefighter!harry in the longest time. So thank you so much for allowing to write about him again. enjoy this 1.8k blurb
“Angel, your gloves,” Harry places them in her hand, taking her hot cocoa from her hand as he waits for her to put on her black mittens. 
“The cocoa was keeping me warm,” she mutters. 
Harry shakes his head; he constantly worries about Y/N, but that triples during the winter. She shared how the winter is her least favorite season until it snows, then it’s all she will talk about. He’s sure if he wasn’t around, her poor hands would have been close to falling off from the cold. 
“You made me put on a hat and two extra layers, Harry.” 
He sighs, tugging her to sit on his lap; her purple corduroy puffer covers her face. He moves it to the side, happy to see a smile on her face. “My angel, you know I don’t want you falling sick.”
Y/N lets her hands rest over his shoulder, happy to be wrapped up in his warmth. She lets her hands play with the small curls that peek from the beanie on his head, showcasing his firefighter house. 
“But I’m going to get hot as we skate, H.” 
“Rather you start sweating, firebug, than for you to be cold.” 
She nods, giving in. He’s only watching out for her, and she isn't making it easy. He had even helped her lace up her skates before getting her hot cocoa. She didn’t even have to ask. He knew that she would want one as soon as they arrived because of the aroma, and she never said no to a good warm cup of yumminess. 
“Thank you for looking out for me.” 
The grin on Harry’s face is something that will always fill her with warmth. He leans his head, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Always, angel. Now drink up. We got skating to do.” 
“Will we get donuts after?” 
Harry chuckles, “only if you’re good.” 
She presses kiss after kiss to his cheeks and then his lips, and Harry knows he’d get her anything she wished for.
After their successful ice skating date, where Y/N happens to be more graceful than on her two feet, they went home to coffee and donuts. Y/N loved the shop right by their house; as always, Y/N ate one before exiting the shop. It’s a reason Harry always buys seven instead of six. 
Sundays are their favorite days together because they both have the day off and dedicate it to each other. Sometimes it’s going out, and other times it’s staying at home under the covers watching old seasons of Survivor on their TV. Harry was a big fan, and Y/N was quick to fall down the rabbit hole with him when he played her his favorite season. It’s always their day.
Monday is a work day for both of them, where Y/N goes in for her 12-hour shift at the hospital, and Harry goes to the firehouse for his 24 hours. They might not see each other, but there is a constant string of texts on their phone to show that they are constantly thinking about one another. 
“You sure you don’t want me to drive you, angel?” Harry asks his girlfriend this morning as they both finish getting ready.
She shakes her head as she puts away her mascara. “Promise I’ll drive safe, H.” Y/N drapes her hands around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss he happily leans into. “Plus, I don’t want your hard work to go to waste. I know you cleared the driveway and cleared off the snow on my windshield.” 
“Doesn’t matter to me, angel,” he mutters against her lips. 
Y/N gives him one last peck before pulling away. “It does to me. Plus, how will I get home after my shift if you’re at the fire station?” 
He sighs, giving in, knowing you’re right. “But you’ll call me when you arrive and get home.” 
She smiles; he’s such a worry wart. Not that she blames him, she’s given him many reasons to worry from the moment they met after so many accidents. Yet, since he’s come into her life, there has been none because he’s always a moment away to save her from trouble, whether it’s an overflowing pot on the stove or maintaining the upkeep of her car. 
“I promise.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I love you, Harry.” 
Harry grins, happily showing off the dimples she loves to see. “I love you, too, firebug.” 
Y/N had been inside all day making her rounds with the young patients, ensuring their vitals were good and giving them new activities to have in their room. Most wanted colors and paper to make drawings for nurses and their families to hang around. She did not go out for lunch instead ate pasta that her friend Crystal offered, telling Y/N that she brought an extra plate for her. It also meant she did not see the snowstorm that had been growing since the morning. 
It wasn’t until a patient was rushed in by a father and his daughter coming home from the market that a truck ran into them, the conditions not letting the drivers see the traffic light or any other cars. It was a head-on collision. The father was rushed to emergency surgery while the daughter was sent to have a scan as she only seemed to have a few cuts on her face. The other driver suffered a broken leg and arm; thankfully, no surgery would be needed for him. 
Soon after, the emergency alerts landed across all phones, the beeping loud and insistent as they were warned of the blizzard taking place. Y/N knew she would be safe staying inside the hospital, but her worry increased as she thought of Harry and all the calls they would be getting. She knew he was trained and prepared, but it did not decrease her worry. 
Y/N excused herself, finding a quiet room to give Harry a call knowing that hearing his voice for even a second would calm her. The phone rang, and she knew he was out on a call. 
“H, I-I know you’re out doing your job. I know you promise me that you’ll do your best to stay safe every time, but some things are out of your control. But for me, please come home to me. I promise to stay warm,” she giggles, knowing it’s always his biggest concern about her never dressing appropriately for the weather. “I love you.” 
She hangs up and holds her head high. She’s seen him work and knows he does everything with his heart. At the end of the day, she trusts him and will wait to see him home.
There was a constant flux of patients coming in from injuries or to simply wait out the blizzard. The cafeteria was buzzing, and so was the Emergency room, but Y/N was still aware that her phone had yet to ring but knew that meant he was okay. It was only a few more hours. She could make it through. 
As her shift was ending, the storm was still intense, and she was too nervous to drive home and stayed the night in the hospital instead. She knew she could sleep in one of the cots in the break rooms, but for now, she’d work. Being there meant she was an extra hand to help. There were endless blankets passed around, something she was thankful for was that the power did not go out, meaning the store had not progressed. The news had informed them it would be gone by morning, but for now, she had to swallow her worries and continue to work. It wasn’t until close to the early morning that she sent Harry a final text and tried to rest a few hours before driving herself home. 
“Angel, come on.” Y/N hummed as she felt Harry rubbing her back and felt safe to turn and snuggle closer to his warmth. He laughed, “Come on, let me take you home.” 
Y/N blinked her eyes slowly and was surprised to see Harry sitting next to her, “Harry,” she breathed out. 
“Hi, my angel.” Harry grins as she quickly sits up and throws her hands around him, burying her face in his neck and allowing herself to breathe him in. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” she repeats over and over again. 
“Mhmm…we had a busy night. I’m sorry I couldn’t call.” She shakes her head because it doesn’t matter, not when she has him in her arms. 
“You’re okay.” 
Harry pulls her back, wanting to see his angel’s face. Her eyes are teary, and he feels his heartbreak knowing she was worried for him, but he’s so proud of her because she stayed here instead of bracing the store. He knows she was his strong girl, but tonight she was his brave girl for staying, not trying to brave out the storm. She also did it, he knows to ease his worry. When Harry’s on call, they’re all reminded to leave family and all other concerns behind because, as Lieutenant, he has other lives to worry about, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t take time to think about his love. Y/N was always at the forefront of his mind. She was never something he pushed aside because she was his home. She was who guarded his heart, and knowing that she was okay was enough to ease his beating heart. 
“I’m okay, angel.” He promises her. “Nothing happened. Promise I was careful.” 
“I’m sorry for all the calls and texts,” she looks away bashful, knowing she might have gone overboard.” 
Harry shakes his head, guiding her face gently to look back at him. “You’re okay, angel. I appreciated each text and voicemail. It left me calm knowing you were okay and that you were thinking of me.” 
“Always think of you,” she shares, and Harry coos he really needs to get her home. 
He presses a chaste kiss to her lips, but she follows after him deepening it, and he lets it go for a moment too long before backing up. “Let me drive you home, angel. We can take a warm shower and sleep before our next shifts.”
“The storm?” 
“Long gone,” he promises.
“My car is here.” 
Harry chuckles. She’s always one to worry about every little thing she must have learned from him. “I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.” 
“Okay, H.” 
He helps her up, helping her slip her hoodie on and then zipping up her puffer until she’s all bundled up, ready to brace the cold outside. He knows she’s pouting at all the layers but is thankful Y/N indulges in his small worries. 
“I feel like a marshmallow.” 
“At least you’re a cute marshmallow,” he teases.
“Harry!” She drags out. 
“Let’s go home, firebug. Got some warming up to do.” 
“Hot chocolate?” 
“And kisses?” 
“Lots of them,” he promises. 
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cathygeha · 8 months
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The First Day of Eternity by Charles G. West
The Hunters #2
Solid story set in the Bitterroot Montana Territory sees Cody “Crazy Wolf” Hunter find out he was not an orphan after all, going to surreptitiously see how his relatives are doing, and then becoming their guardian though the youngest of the bunch. I have to admit that I did not read book one in the series and felt at times I needed more background to flesh out Cody and perhaps that book might have given more information about his family, too.
Cody’s father and older brothers have established the Triple H ranch with a large herd of cattle roaming their and government land. They are on good relations with settlers, farmers, and the citizens of the nearby town BUT a new bunch of cowboys is in competition with them – the Kincaid brothers – and they are ruthless killers with a team that works for them that knows more about guns and killing than herding cattle. A range war is brewing and Cody arrives just in time to assist and weight the Triple H’s chances against the encroachers in a very positive way.
Cody becomes the target as he plays cat and mouse with those out to kill him while also protecting his family. He does what he learned to do best while with his Indian family and works as a one-man weapon to downsize the number of the enemy.
There was a bit of romance, a lot of family, discussions by good and bad men, a lot of killing, and the beginning of getting to know one another by the Hunters. The bones were there to the story but I wanted more information about Cody, the Hunters, the reasons behind what was going on, memories of the time the Hunters were together before they get together again, their thinking while the situation was brewing, what the women were thinking, and more interaction between characters. I never really engaged with or identified with any of the characters and wish I had been able to.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington-Pinnacle Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars
Raised by Crow Indians. Enlisted by the US Army. Legendary scout Cody Hunter returns to the mountains where he lost his family—and makes a shocking discovery that will change his life forever . . . THIS WOLF HUNTS ALONE His Crow name was Crazy Wolf. Orphaned after losing his family in an Indian attack, young Cody Hunter found a loving home among the Crow people—and learned the ancient ways of the Crow trackers. His well-honed skills earned him a place in the U.S. Army as a valued scout. But now, after fifteen years of living his life as Crazy Wolf, Cody is ready to face his painful past. He will return to the place that still gives him nightmares—and where the dreams of his father ended in bloodshed . . .   High in the mountains of Montana, Cody finds a stone memorial erected by the survivors of the families slaughtered there. The site of the attack triggers Cody’s darkest memories—and leads him to a stunning his father and two brothers did not die on that day. They may still be alive. And he will stop at nothing to find them again. To follow in their footsteps. To track them down on the treacherous journey west. A search this deadly may be the craziest thing Crazy Wolf has ever done. But he is a born Hunter—and he’s willing to die that way. . . .   Second in the explosive series by Spur Award-winning author Charles G. West!   “Rarely has an author painted the great American West in strokes so bold, vivid, and true.” —Ralph Compton
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cloudycrystalkpop · 6 years
“Come on! I want ice cream~” Hyuna giggled as she pulled you along. You smiled as her long locks bounced, her hand wrapping around your arm and cuddling into your shoulder. “Please baby, can we please get ice cream?” She batted her lashes and stuck out her bottom lip. “Alright sweetie girl, I’ll get you some ice cream.” Her eyes lit up and she threw her hands up in triumph.
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Lots to Make Up (Triple H) SMUT
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Prompts:  7 “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.” & 30“Were you dreaming about me again?”
Warnings: Smut ahead
The gym was quiet as it could be in the late hours of the Friday evening. The only other person who had been in the gym was your big burly boss, Hunter. Most of the roster was out and about at the bars, celebrating a hard week but you had declined the offers from the girls.
Knowing that Drew McIntyre was going to be at the bar, you wanted nothing to do with that man. He’d taken you on a date after Monday Night Raw, his Scottish voice wooing you as he you’d sat down in a small pizza joint. He was sweet, he was funny. He was bad in bed. You shuddered at the reminisce of the night, lost in thought as you faced the mirror.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring at Hunter until he dropped the weights clasped in his hands and paced over to you, beads of sweat rolling down his chest in the process. “Y/L/N,” he called, leaning against the arm of your treadmill and tugging the earbud from your ear.
“Huh?” you breathed out, tripping and losing your footing. He clamped onto your arm to steady you, the red emergency stop magnet pulled bring the machine to a halt. You tried to catch your breath and glanced up at his large frame, touch igniting a fire on your arm.
“I said, were you dreaming about me again?” he chuckled at his own joke though the your absentminded expression made him unearthed . “What’s going on with you?” he asked tone serious now as he crossed his broad arms over his sweaty chest. You glanced down at your sneakers and sighed.
“I’m just tired Hunter, I’m actually going to head to bed,” you mumbled before you picked up your phone and your hoodie to step off the machine. Hunter reached out to hold your hand gingerly, playing with your fingertips.
“Talk to me,” he asked, “Please. I saw you backstage today, you were out of it. What’s going on?” Another sigh left you as you grasped his hand.
“Drew McIntyre,” you took the silence to observe your connected hands. Hunter’s eyebrows knotted. He pulled you to sit down next to him on a bench. “We just-, We slept together? If you can call it that.”
“Did he hurt you?” Hunter asked, face softening.
“He uh...he’s just not very giving,” you blurted out, suddenly looking everywhere except for your boss. How were you even having this conversation with him? Fingertips brushed along your jawline as you glanced up into Hunter’s warm eyes.
“You deserve more than that,” Hunter’s voice was husky as his hand traveled over the soft skin of your flushed cheek, “Let me show you how you should be treated.” He moved toward you, cautiously pressing his lips to yours as you hummed into his mouth. Your arm wrapped around the back of his neck as he slid you onto his thick lap. His hands pawed at your waist, climbing beneath your tank top you light your skin on fire.
You rolled your hips against his bulge, barely straining in his workout shorts. Your fingernails dug into the skin of his chest as his lips trailed down your jaw to your shoulder, sinking his teeth in and drawing out a moan from you. “I’m going to show you what a really fucking is,” he groaned against your skin, punctuating each word with his hips. Your hips began to move faster as he bucked up against you, sending electric currents up your spine. He lifted you up, swiftly pushing his shorts off his hips to his ankles, he tugged yours down to follow. His cock was thick, standing at attention as he pressed his lips to yours again.
Sitting back down on the bench, he rubbed his cock against you, spreading the wetness that had pooled up there. He pulled at the hem of your top, yanking it along with your bra off. His large hand pinched at your left breast as he slid inside you. Your hips began to move against one another, only sounds filling the gym were your moans and Hunter’s grunts as your hips slapped against one another’s.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” Hunter nibbled on your earlobe, “Riding my cock.” He hand grazed the small of your back as you rolled your hips on top of him. You began to shudder, forehead pressed against his shoulder as you came. That didn’t stop Hunter though. He pulled out of you and sat you in front of him, spreading your shaky legs. You whined lightly as your head lazily leaned back against him.
Thick fingers dug into your cunt as he licked his other hand. Whimpers spilled out of your mouth as fingers pumped you through your first orgasm. The heel of his palm pressed up against your wet clit, sending you over the edge to your second one. You cried out and wiggled against his touch.
Lips pressed against your shoulder blade, the scratching of his beard against your skin gave you goosebumps. “How was that darlin?” he asked, rubbing your thighs as you calmed down.
“So fucking good,” you whispered back, pressing a lazy kiss to his cheek. “But what about you? You didn’t finish.”
He chuckled, “I figured we could head upstairs, I’ve got a lot of shitheads to make up for.”
Taglist! Want to join? Let me know!
@sakurashortstack @jenapad @xfirespritex 
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inagetawaycarxo · 6 years
“I mean if you say so…” for the 'fuck you' prompt list with hunter?
❝Fuck you.❞ + ❝I mean if you say so…❞ w/ Triple H
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Summary: You’re in a bitchy mood after Hunter let a fan flirt with him.
WARNINGS: Jealousy, fluff, kissing, suggestive smut.
Word Count:309
A/N: e/c=eye colour
“Fuck you.” You grumbled as you opened the door to the apartment you and Hunter shared.
“I mean if you say so…” Hunter answered, smirking at you, as you turned around to face him, giving him a bitchy look.
“Ha, ha, ha very funny.” You grunted, taking off your leather jacket angrily. To Hunter, it was sexy and cute.
“Relax, baby, she means nothing.” Hunter sighed, as you walked over towards the dresser table, putting the room keys down.
“Then why did you let her flirt with you, in front of me?” You shouted, turning around to face him.
“I didn’t want to seem rude, besides it was harmless.” Hunter answered.
“Harmless, she was basically throwing herself on you.” You yelled. As Hunter walked towards you until, he was standing in front of you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you closer to him. Looking into your e/c eyes, while you glared at him.
“I’m not going to leave you for her, and besides the only woman I love is you. You have nothing to worry about.” Hunter spoke, looking into your e/c eyes still.
“I’m still mad at you.” You grumbled, giving him an annoyed look. As he smiled at you, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip before answering you.
“I’m sure I can change your mind.” He smirked, pressing his lips against your forehead, then your nose, then your cheeks, making you let out a tiny giggle, making Hunter smile against your cheek.
He quickly kissed you softly, then pulled away making you pout and whimper.
“And if that doesn’t change your mind, then I know other ways that will.” Hunter spoke, hoisting you up, you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he turned around, pressing his lips against yours passionately, as he slowly walked towards the bed.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
harry adores yn with his entire being and i can tell that she loves him just as much but the poor thing is just so scared, and by what you have showed us she has a fair reason to have struggles
Through Hell and Back
warnings: cheating, mentions of domestic violence, this could just be overall triggering if you have experienced trauma or family struggles.
this is a very important blurb to understand dynamic and history of the characters.
PLEASE let me know your thoughts.
Harry’s out at a bachelor party for his friend, Jack, at a noisy bar downtown where there is a mechanical bull and half-naked waitresses.
His phone rings at two-thirty in the morning, he already knows who it is and why she’s calling him so late.
He steps outside the noisy bar, “Hi puppy, y’alright?”
Harry already knew she wasn’t.
Her voice is shaky, “Er, are you still out at the bachelor party?”
If he says yes, she’ll just try to say have fun and was just calling to check in - a lie because she felt like such an inconvenience at all times.
“No, just got home,” He lied smoothly, he could hear her trying to hide a sniffle - she must have had a bad dream.
Every since she started trauma therapy, they’d been getting worse, as she worked through her struggles with a therapist.
“I-I don’t want to g-go in,” YN whimpers as she sits in Harry’s passenger side outside the clinic, “I can’t talk about it.”
“Baby, you need to do this. You need to talk to someone who’s trained to help you, okay? You promised you’d try it f’me,” He hums, rubbing a thumb over her wet cheekbone.
She shakes her head stubbornly, “It’s all going to come back.”
“Yes, it will. Because you didn’t work through it, you repressed it. There is a difference, okay?” Harry’s heart feels like it’s being ripped in two as YN looks like a caged animal.
YN squeezes Harry’s hand so hard it hurts but he doesn’t mind, he can feel her fear being shared through the rough touch.
She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater, “Please, H. I don’t want to remember.”
He sighs softly, “I would never force you to do something you don’t want to do. If you really want to leave, we can.”
YN searches his eyes, sees his sadness and she knows she has to push through because she loves him so much, “Will you walk me in?”
“Of course, s’fucking proud of you. My strong girl,” Harry praises, kissing the top of her head, and shutting off the car.
He walks her in, watches her as she hesitantly goes back in with her new therapist, and sits in the waiting room for the hour and a half until she comes out.
He does that every week without miss.
Drives her, walks her in, sits in the waiting room, and then drives her home.
She doesn’t usually talk much after the sessions, her eyes swollen and puffy which is a telltale sign she cried during the appointment.
Harry holds her hand on the ride home, sometimes draws her a bath or tucks her in for a nap under his covers.
One day, after therapy, they crawled into his bed together. She hadn’t said one word since she walked out of the office but she looks tiredly at Harry.
Harry frowns, “Why what?”
She hides her face into the fluffy pillow, words mumbled, “Why do you want me? I’m so broken.”
“Hey,” Harry responds loudly, pulling her up and giving her a serious look, “You are not broken. Even if you were, I’d love every broken piece, okay? I want you because I’m so in love with you it doesn’t make sense.”
YN shakes her head, “I don’t deserve you. You-you have to drive me to therapy every week, leave work early, have to make it up the next day.”
And well, his heart breaks a little because she truly believes that.
Harry grips her jaw, gently, “If you need to go to therapy for the rest of your life, I’ll drive you until I’m ninety. I’ll drive you five days a week if you need it.”
He continues,“I don’t deserve you, sweet girl. Strongest, bravest, most resilient person I’ve ever met. You are my soulmate and I believe that wholeheartedly.”
“I want to nap now,” She whispers, crawling back into her shell where she’s safe from the world, from facing her fears.
Harry just stares at her, the girl he’s had a crush on since fourth grade, the girl he’d been in love with since ninth.
When she felt broken, well so did he.
“Mum, I want to do more for her,” Harry cries to his mother one night at dinner after school.
“I know you do, Harry. There is only so much you can do. She has parents tha-“
“Those aren’t parents, mum! You know that!” He shouts angrily, “I need to do more for her. Help her!”
Anne looks at him with a soft, understanding expression, “You’re doing all you can, Harry.”
He was still doing all he can.
“I wa-was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie?” YN acts casual despite the tremor but he won’t call her on it - on the phone at least.
“I’d love to pup, I’ll be over on a tick,” already walking away from the busy bar.
Harry can hear the relief in her voice when she says, “Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
When he uses his key to open the door, she sat on her couch with all the lights in the house on, not one off.
“Oh, pet,” Harry murmurs, all the blinds were drawn shut and he knew she’d already triple checked that the windows were locked - despite the state of the art security system he had installed for her.
“Um, so are we feeling a scary movie or romcom?” She ignores his words, picking up the remote, and pulling up Netflix.
He flicks a couple of the bright lights off until it’s normal dim and he sits next to her on the couch, taking the remote and turning off the television.
“Talk t’me,” Harry coaxes, unraveling her from the heavy weighted blanket, and tugging her into his chest.
“M’fine,” YN lies on a choked whimper.
“Y’safe, you know I’d never let anythin’ happen to you . Please puppy, tell me,” He’s not to manly to beg for her to open up.
He allows her to nuzzle her face into his neck, “He cam-came back an-and he -,” her voice drops, “broke in here and I wo-woke up as he was opening my door.”
Harry holds her for a very long time that night.
With Harry and her therapist’s constant encouragement she’d been able to be more open and up front with Harry - which made him feel unexaplainably proud of her.
Anna almost fucked everything up, all the hard work without even realizing it.
It was nearly three in the morning this time.
Harry was stuck at Anna’s house with her and her friends for a movie night.
He’d gotten up to go to the bathroom when his phone rings.
Anna sees who it is and picks it up, “What do you want? Harry’s busy and doesn’t have time for you right now. You know it’s not all about you, right?”
Then she hangs up, all of her and her friends giggling at how she just treated YN.
Harry is unaware of the call for a few minutes when he gets back until he gets a text from YN.
I’m sorry I bothered you. I am okay. Have fun tonight x
He scrolls through his phone in confusion until he sees the call, he glares over at Anna, “Did you answer my phone?”
She has a cocky look on her face, “Yeah, I told YN that the world doesn’t revolve around her and to leave us alone.”
All the friends are giggling - but that comes to an abrupt halt when Harry stands up, knocking over the little table of drinks with his anger, “Where the fuck did you get the idea that you could touch my phone, let alone answer it?”
All of them are quiet.
He scoffs, “Now all you annoying prats are going shut up? Get the fuck out of my way,” he orders to Anna who’s pouting.
“C’mon, it was a joke. Don’t leave,” She whines, grabbing at Harry’s arm which he instantly rips out of her grip.
“Don’t touch me. I can’t fuckin’ stand you,” He tells her honestly before storming out of her house without a look back at her teary face.
When he arrives at YN’s house, a book is automatically been hurled at the front door when he opens it, then another.
“Hey, puppy, stop tha’. S’just me, you’re okay. S’just me,” He coos, rearming the security system to make her feel better.
She is only in one of his shirts with the company logo on it and soft cotton boy shorts, hair frizzy atop her head.
“Y’have another nightmare?” Harry asks softly, all the lights were on again, every single one.
YN clenches her jaw, “No.”
He hardens his expression too, “I was in the bathroom when she answered that call. As soon as I found out, I came over here. Don’t be sour with me.”
“I didn’t have a nightmare.”
“I know y’bloody lying because your legs are still tremblin’. Now cut the bullshit and talk t’me, we’re not going backwards,” Harry tells her seriously, with all firmness he can muster.
“I love you.”
It takes him aback. YN told him how much she adored him but it was something that didn’t come easy for her.
To hear it flat out, well….he nearly almost melted on the floor into a pile of goop.
“I love you too, puppy.”
She takes a deep breathe, “It’s been that same nightmare, but it’s not really a nightmare? It’s a flashback to…”
YN swallows before she continues, “Remember when….when I ran from my parent’s house to yours and my dad came and found me…”
Harry doesn’t want to remember but he does.
“Harry, he-he just pulled up,” YN cries, peeking out his window, “I don’t want to go home.”
“Harry, he’s screaming at your mum. I have to go.”
“Harry, I have to go before he does something stupid. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Harry, don’t cry. I’ll be fine, he’s just really upset. I’ll just deal with it and it will be over before we know it, okay?”
“I remember,” He wavers like he normally doesn’t, feeling like a helpless sixteen year old again.
It was moments like this were no matter how hard he wanted to be angry or scream at her for making their relationship so difficult, that he couldn’t be.
How could he blame her for her commitment issues?
Why she struggles to trust?
Why she never feels good enough?
“I’m sorry to bring that up-“
“Do not apologize,” Harry interrupts, “I want to know everything you experience or feel no matter how traumatic or upsetting.”
YN despite her own struggles, when she heard Harry say things like that…well she knew full heartedly that he loves her with no conditions.
She knew this was so hard on him, “I am so in love with you, H.”
His eyes automatically soften and he reacts like he’s being praised. His face lights up without him even knowing it does.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen, thank you for being my person. I appreciate everything you do for me.”
It was something she had been also working on in therapy, expressing gratitude- specifically to Harry.
And it works because Harry actually starts tearing up, eyes watering with emotion, “I love you. I’d walk through hell and back for you.”
He would and he has.
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sushistyless · 3 years
twirls of love.
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Harry’s a ghost and he loves spending time with (y/n).
<1k (blurb) song: Merry Go Round of Life.
“Hi,” a deep voice rang from the side with a teasing lilt, causing (Y/N) to instinctively roll her eyes. She forced herself to ignore the distractions, gaze fixed on the stack of papers in front of her as she quickly inked down some notes. “You’re not gonna even look at m’now, huh?” She could almost hear the frown interlaced among his accent.
She sighed, setting the quill down and turning her entire body to face him. “What do you want now, Harry?” She realised how his frame was sat on the chair beside her, chin propped on the hands he rested on the chestnut coloured table. A genuine smile that was painted across, falters, being replaced with a pout as he hears her exasperated sigh.
“I just want t’talk to you,” he says, a little lowly, “And I know I must bother you. But it gets…” he hesitates, “lonely sometimes.” His words make her expression soften, and she observes his face at the sudden drift in emotion— the way his irises hold in them a tinge of sadness, with a slight glisten visible under his waterline. Eyes fixed on his hands now laid his lap, he toys with the rings adorning his fingers. He’s never really been one to drift into talking about his own sorrowful feelings, always teasing with a charismatic charm. She was thoughtful of how lonely it must get for his soul to be stuck here, but hearing him actually say it, stings with a sharp pain in her chest.
(Y/N) subtly slides her papers away, deciding that he was more important. She clears her throat, shuffling in her seat and pokes his shoulder gently, wanting him to look up at her instead of the ground. When he doesn’t, she lays her head on the table sideways, so she can see him. “Hi,” she says softly, which comes off different than her usual way of speaking, owing to the cheek that’s squished against the wooden surface. “Oh, so, you’re not going to even look at me?” She repeats, saying the same words he did seconds ago which seems to get the effect she wanted as his eyes travel to meet her own, a slight grin tugging them from the corners.
“Originality certainly is your middle name.” Harry raises an eyebrow at her with a lopsided smile, which she reciprocates with a giggle, & sitting up straight. He mimics her actions, seeing her stuff piled up far ahead on the desk, “But I swear, I hate those papers of yours. Always taking up y’time.”
She chuckles as he glares at them from afar with a minute — okay, more like a determined — murderous glance.
“But H, seriously though,” she begins, “You never, ever bother me. Sure, we’re all a bit teensy annoying sometimes but you, um, d-do mean a lot to me.”
He looks at her while tracing her features with his eyes, trying to bite back a smile, while slowly nodding.
“So,” (Y/N) drags out, “Wanna talk?” She watches as his brows furrow for a second, before a smirk slowly rises on his face, and he stands up abruptly. She watches him confused, until he holds out a hand for her to accept.
“I have an even better idea.”
Trustingly, she takes his hand, the cool sensation sending tingles throughout her body. But despite the cold, her heart has never felt warmer than the moments she was with him. It was only the two of them in this ancient, beautiful library, not another soul roaming its halls. He guides her through, the pair stumbling towards the grand hall, an open space that was like the entry way to the library. Giggling through, she loves the feeling of freedom, joy & love that courses through her veins when she’s with him.
Halting once they’ve reached, she finally gathers the breath to question, “What are we doing?” Her voice echoes through the hall, the triple height ceilings amplifying it while the glass chandelier above sits in glory.
“Dancing, love,” he bows in front of her flamboyantly, skilfully snapping his fingers as a sudden melody of her favourite piano piece (which she’d spoken about in a conversation with him earlier), starts resonating within the walls of this lovely building. He notices her flabbergasted expression, leaning down to her ear and whispering, “Perks of being a royal musician follow m’ghost life.”
“That is by far one of your best tricks! How dare you hide that?” her jaw drops. He only winks as she smiles at him fascinated, a fluttery feeling spreading in his chest that she genuinely thought that. Before she knows it, delicately, a hand his placed on her waist. Following suit, her own glides to settle on his shoulder, “But I’ll have you know, I cannot dance for the love of… well, everything.”
He merely shakes his head, relieving her of her worries. Beginning to sway, he guides her body along with his, noticing how the hem of her silky skirt shifts with the movement, and it makes her look… angelic. Noticing how she’s in her best state, features bunched up in joy— and that’s the best thing she could ever give him. Knowing that he caused that, his cold heart can’t help but beat faster.
Then at the right moment, he twirls her, one hand gracing over her figure as she follows his lead, emerald eyes locking with hers as he now stares intently, the dimples indenting his cheeks only increasing in intensity, making her own smile widen.
“Bold of you to assume I know what I’m doing,” he counters.
“I mean, if I am being honest, you’d think an ancient, old ghost—”
“Hey, I look very young! And, ‘m pretty lovely on the eyes too, if I do say so m’self,” he interrupts her, ‘tooting his own horn’ as she recalls he’d once said before. All she mumbles is a sarcastic, ‘sure’, although she internally agrees with him on that. Because he truly is incredibly beautiful and so much more.
“You’d think an ancient, young-looking ghost - a royal musician at that - would learn how to dance over the years.”
“There wasn’t anyone to dance with… at least not someone beautiful enough.” He smirks, a lop-sided grin tugging on his lips, aware of how her eyes widen at the simple compliment. She’s always been so responsive to his simple comments, it always seeming like a shock to her despite how much Harry repeats his sweet nothings. He only makes sure to smother her with more, making sure she knows that she’s worthy of so much love and appreciation. Her mouth falls open as she can’t help but break into flutters of stifled smiles as the words leave his mouth, cheeks hurting with a grin that reaches her eyes.
“You—” she wants to say something, but her response comes blank as her mind still stirs in the dazed, shimmery depths of pure playful joy.
“And there wasn���t anyone kind enough,” he continues.
She blushes further, “Harry…”
“There wasn’t anyone called (Y/N), and that certainly wasn’t enough.”
All she can do is bury her face in the crook of his neck whining something along the lines of ‘stop’ which just comes off muffled. It’s a comforting feeling, being so close to him, it’s soothing, addicting & protective— an embrace she’d want to stay in forever.
Indications of laughter reside as she feels his chest vibrate, and hears his heart beat just a teeny bit faster as he wraps his arms around her.
“I’ve found that someone now,” he whispers by her ear.
She’s sure she has, too. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
ahh, so this was one was something interesting!! pretty cutesy, short and sweet. originally this was an inspiration from the merry go round of life actually! incredible piece that is <3
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kayfabebabe · 2 years
Okay so for the made up fic name:
Good Friends, Better Enemies
(Because that’s what they named the match I’m currently watching lol)
Boston! Thank you so much for the Ask <3
'Good Friends, Better Enemies' would 1000% be based on the feud between Shawn Michaels and Triple H during the early 2000's. More specifically, it would centre around Triple H being the one who attacked Shawn and smashed his head through a car window. Some major angst.
Below is a little drabble/blurb for it
(Ps. This is the first time that I’ve written something for Shawn OR Triple H so I hope it’s okie!) 
~ ~ ~
Shawn didn't want to believe it. He couldn't. The software must have made a mistake or the footage had been doctored in some way. They can do that with modern technology, right? All it would take was someone smarter than him to press the right buttons and anything could be changed. But nobody had doctored it. The tape showed the truth. 
It was Hunter. 
He tried to make sense of it. Why would his friend - his best friend - of nearly 6 years attack him? Yes, they’d had a disagreement, but they always made up after a fight. Both of them would apologise for their wrongs and they’d move past it. They forgave each other. Every single time. Hunter had been there throughout the roughest part of Shawn’s life when he needed someone to carry him to bed or someone to pull him away from situations before they esculated into violence. 
Shawn’s anger is quiet. It sat heavily in his chest, making each breath painful and shaky. Things only grew worse when he made the decision to listen back to the messages Hunter left on his answering machine. 
“Hey Buddy, I hope you’re doing alright...”  “I swear I’m gonna find who did this to you...”  “They won’t get away with it, Shawn!” 
Though Hunter’s words sounded genuine, Shawn knew better. His friend wasn’t checking up on him. Hunter was trying to cover his own ass and make sure that Shawn didn’t suspect him of anything. He had no way of knowing that there was footage of the attack. 
Maybe it was time to play The Game at his own game. 
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twicearoundthesun · 3 years
a little blurb from the au I’m working on, it’s like a mix of totally spies and charlie’s angels because i’m in love with the kristen stewart charlies angels movie
Let me know what you think!
Tzuyu watched as Chaeyoung brushed the last bit of contour on Sana’s cheeks. Between the wig, layers of makeup, and thick fake glasses, she was almost unrecognizable.
It was seamless, and it was perfect. Tzuyu had never seen anything so impressive. Chaeyoung was clearly fantastic at her job.
“Remember.” Jeongyeon flipped through Sana’s notes once again, triple-checking them before placing them on the makeup table in front of her. “He’s dangerous, Sana.”
“I’ve worked with dangerous before.” She winked. “There’s a reason I’m the best at what I do.”
“Save the flirting for the interview, please. Give me your cover story again.”
“I’ve just graduated with a degree in communications in December, a semester early because I stacked my credits to save time. Thought about moving back home, but I’m trying anything to stay in town a little while longer, including taking this secretary job. I’m from a suburb of Busan. I don’t know that he’s also from Busan, because he lies to the press and tells them he’s a Seoul boy through and through. My only hobbies are knitting and Genshin Impact. I’m really just a stay-at-home introvert.”
Chaeyoung snorted. “I don’t know if anyone will believe that last part.”
Sana smiled. “People will believe anything I want them to believe, if I bat my eyelashes and pout.”
“And that’s why you’re the best at what you do.” Chaeyoung smiled.
“And, um -” Tzuyu cut in, immediately feeling small when all three near-strangers turned to her. Sana smiled encouragingly. “What do you do – uh, I mean, what’s your role? If you don’t mind…”
“Of course not, sweetie. We all do a bit of everything, but I’m the main recon agent. Chaengie here gets me all dolled up and I go flirt a little and convince people to tell me their secrets. It’s the most fun job.” She winked.
“It’s also much more dangerous than she’s making it sound,” Jeongyeon grumbled, “And definitely not what we’re going to focus on for you at first. Though everyone on the team gets training in everything we do so you’ll learn a bit about it anyway.”
Tzuyu tried not to show that she was relieved. From what she knew – which, admittedly, was just from corny spy movies and video games – recon was a tough job. Getting cozy with dangerous criminals didn’t sound like fun to her.
“Noted.” She nodded.
Jeongyeon turned back to Sana, picking up the notebook sitting on the table in front of her. “And you know what you’re looking for?”
“A secretary job?”
“Not what your cover is looking for, Sana.” Jeongyeon sighed. Sana giggled.
“I’m looking for evidence that he’s stealing from the children’s hospital charity. Gotta get Dahyunnie’s flash drive into his computer, somehow. It’ll download everything. Besides that, any evidence of communication with other problematic people.”
“Right. And it all has to be today. If you get called back for that interview, you’re not taking any more chances. This is the only time I’ll have you in that building alone: when he doesn’t perceive a threat yet. Understood?”
Sana smiled, stood, and kissed her nose. “Yesss, Jeongie.”
Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. “Please be safe. Chaeyoung, Momo, and Jihyo will be circling the building the whole time in a car if needed. Hit the panic switch on your watch the second you feel like anything’s off, and they’ll find a way to come get you. Okay?”
“Of course.”
Jeong nodded. “Alright. Go see Dahyun, she’s got a new tazer necklace or something for you she’s really excited about.”
Sana just giggled and basically skipped down the hall and out of sight.
Jeongyeon turned back to Chaeyoung. “You go get ready too. Take the sports car. You’ll be in the rich part of the city so no one will bat an eyelash at an extra Audi.”
“Jeongie, you just made my day.” Chaeyoung smiled as Jeongyeon rolled her eyes at Sana’s nickname. She turned to Tzuyu, holding out a hand. Tzuyu shook it. “I’ll see you soon, Tzu. Nice to officially meet.”
“You, too.”
“Stay safe.” Jeongyeon called down the hall after her. Chaeyoung just waved her off and kept walking.
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eve-of-halloween · 4 years
So I might be a little late to this. But how did Deadstick die? Not sure if you answered or explained this so if you did, sorry for repeating the question.
I have answered what happened to Deadstick before! He died during the triple changer program. But since so many people have respectively asked what happened i’ll show y’all through a little story blurb of what happened that awful day.
Warning don't read if death, especially of a young character bothers you. There is nothing graphic at all in this story, but i will give a warning.
Story and art of what happened to Deadstick and Blitzy below the cut!
The halls were eerily quiet as Blitzwing stared at the medbay doors. He and his younger brother, Deadstick, had been transported from their settlement to this rickety ship for what Megatron had told them would be for a greater purpose. Blitzwing was finally going to be able to get revenge for his carrier, he’d be strong enough to kill the bot that took him away. He was nervous about what may lay ahead but he couldn't let it show, he had to be strong, he had to do it for his carrier. Unfortunately, his younger sibling didn’t appear to share his conviction. 
The scrawny mechling didn’t shut up about how nervous he was feeling the entire trip, and Blitzwing's patience was wearing thin. Deadstick was sat next to his older sibling with his body tucked in making himself look even smaller than he was to begin with. The young bot was shaking so violently that his armor clattered, him being so much smaller than his older brother, tried to scoot closer for some form of comfort. He didn’t feel safe here, but his big brother could help him feel safe, but every time Deadstick got closer, Blitzy scooted further away. “Stop being so clingy, Deadstick. Jour nearly a mechling, stop acting like a bitlet.” Blitzwing growled with a heavy frown.
“S-sorry.” Deadstick whimpered as he pulled away and curled into himself even more. So much for receiving comfort from his brother, “I’m j-just scared.”
“Zhat’s not my problem. Stop being veak und act like a mech.”
The boy’s sat in silence as they watched more young bots be called into the medbay in front of them. Every single bot in the waiting area was barely older than a bitlet, in fact, Blitzwing appeared to be the oldest of the children there. Deadstick watched as more bots went in but grew more and more fearful as none came back out. 
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“H-hey Blitzving?” He said, finally turning his helm to look over at his brother.
“Vhat?” He grumbled without taking his optics off the door.
“Don’t jou zhink it’s weird z-zat no ones come back out jet?”
“Do jou expect a bot to just valk out five minutes after major frame augmentation? Jour supposed to be smart for jour age, jet jou just asked a pretty stupid question.”
“Zat vas mean...” Deadstick frowned. “I dont care. Jou’ve been acting like a sparkling all cycle.” “Vhy? Cause i’m sc-scared? Carrier always said it’s ok to be scared.” Deadstick watched as the scowl on his brothers face grew, but it didn’t stop the young bitlet from continuing, “H-how are jou not scared, zhe medics said ve could easily offline!” “Jou are insufferable! Do jou forget ve are here so ve can get justice for him?” Blitzwing barked, “I von’t show fear or weakness because I vant to see zhe autobot who killed our carrier dead! If jou cared about our carrier jou’d be strong for him!” “I loved our carrier!” “Zhen act like it und shut up!” The volume of Blitzwing’s voice made deadstick flinch. “J-just because I am scared doesn’t mean I don’t vant justice for our carrier. I...I’m not as strong as jou are Blitzving, zhe medics even said I vas too little to be a good candidate for zhe triple changer program.”
“Frag zhe medics vhat do zhey know? Primus I hate how veak und pazetic jou act! Zhe only reason I’ve put up vith it is because I promised carrier i’d look out for jou. Frag even sire left us because jou vere weak. Carrier vould be ashamed!” “Z-Zhats not true!” Deadstick barked back as his optics began to flood with coolant. He hated when Blitzwing got mad, he always directed it at him, “S-sire vas mourning und she couldn’t keep us because of her grief! Und carrier vould never hate us or be ashamed of us for being scared.”
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“How vould jou know anyzing about carrier, jou barely knew him like i did, jou could barely fly before he vas taken from us. I vant the bot who killed him in cold blood, dead. I hate how I have to keep explaining zhis to jou. Zhis program will make us somezing better, so zhat innocent decepticons no longer have to die to zhose filzy oppressive autobots.”
“B-Blitzy...h-he vas my carrier t-too.” Blitzwing ceased his ranting as he watched his brother make himself look as small as possible as he curled himself into a corner to hide his crying from his older brother.
“It’s not my fault zhose zings happened Blitzy.” Deadstick whimpered, “I hate it vhen jou get mad, i-it vas just a question.” “Jou hate zhat I get mad, vell I hate being stuck vith a vimpy sparkling!” He barked and sat on the farthest side of the bench from Deadstick. Blitzwing gave a heavy vent and shut his optics as he did his best to ignore the sound of his brother’s crying.
After what felt like groons, Deadstick’s crying quieted to sniffling and hiccups, annoying but far less grating than what it was. Blitzwing felt a bit guilty over unloading his frustration onto his brother like he had, but he was far too angry to admit he was wrong, let alone apologize.
The silence was broken when the medbay doors slid open and two medics walked out, both had come to collect the brothers. Blitzwing said nothing as he stood up and followed the mech, but out of the corner of his optics, he noticed the femme trying to gently coax Deadstick from his corner. The site made Blitzwing roll his eyes as the door shut behind him.
As for the surgery, Blitzwing couldn't say he remembered much, he had walked in, sat on the slab and the next thing he knew some creepy techno-organic femme had her gross servo’s examining him, it made him shiver to see her fidget with his outer frame, mumbling things about the density of his frame, and something about metal quality being better than the bitlet she examined before him. And before he knew it the world had gone black.
When Blitzwing woke up all he could feel was pain. His body felt like it was both freezing, yet on fire, and his helm was killing him. He let out a gargled groan as he opened his optics to harsh white lights, he tried to sit up but he felt so heavy it took nearly all his strength to manage such a feat, but a voice came from beside him that caught his attention. “Oh! This one is awake, that's a first. Take it easy there, don’t wanna pop a fuse.” The medic said with a fake smile as that techno-organic approached him from the other side and snapped her digits in his face to make him blink. “He seems responsive.” Her voice seemed laced in pride, not towards Blitzwig but more so her own work, “Can you hear us TC-O1?” “My name is Blitzving, Not TC-01.” He responded, but the femme merely rolled her 4 eyes.
“Right. Well welcome to the world of the functional, you are officially the Decepticon rebellion’s first triple changer. Hence the name TC-01, kid.” The femme said with a bit of snark as she lowered a large mirror beside the berth, “Care to take a gander at your new frame?”
Blitzwing was initially taken aback when he first saw himself, he could barely recognize himself. He saw the large pauldrons set on his shoulders, from what he could deduce from their shape he guessed they were rocket housing, commonly seen with war frame flyers. He also noticed his stabilizers had a very strange set of treads, not tire treads, they looked to be like those of a tank, Blitzwing thought it incredibly interesting, especially when he noticed he could move the strange canons sticking out of his back, he couldn’t quite move his wings like he used too, but he assumed he was just stiff from augmentation.
Then he wondered how different Deadstick must have looked.
“If I am TC-O1, zhen is my little brozer TC-02?”
“TC-02?” The bots in the room with him looked at him in confusion, “There is no TC-02.” “Zhen vhat about Deadstick, did he not go zrough with it?” Blitzwing arched an eyebrow and winced from the pain, why did his face hurt? “Oh, you mean that bitlet who came in with you? We tried to tell him he wasn’t a good candidate for this procedure, he was far too small at only 33% growth, unlike you who’s closer to 80% growth. His armor was also far too thin due to his age and poor development in the chamber. He was riddled with coding errors, he never rebooted once we shut him down for the procedure. We pronounced him offline three hours after his operation. That was two days ago.”
The world seemed to stop for Blitzwing. Offline? Did she really say his brother was offline? Blitzwings spark started to race as he started to get worked up.
“Vhat do jou mean he’s offline! Jou killed him?!”
“No. We told him not to have the operation due to being too young and too weak, he insisted on it anyway saying “I don’t want my brother to hate me, I can’t back out now,” So I wouldn’t go blaming us for a choice he made. If it is anyone’s fault it’s yours. You pressured him to join.” The spiderlike femme said in a voice so cold and lacking of empathy that Blitzwing’s anger exploded.
And then there was nothing but searing pain as he heard a strange click, followed by a whirl as the world spun around him, his vision turning red from some sort of vizor that obscured his optics. The mech grabbed his faceplates as he screamed out in pain, the mixture of his emotional pain and physical pain causing him to breakdown into hysterics, the world spun again as he began sobbing with each rotation of his facial plates, pain shot through his circuits. He couldn’t find his balance or his grounding as he fell from the berth, dizzy from both pain and the spinning. The coolant pouring from his optics was flung everywhere as his head continued to spin, over, and over, and over again. He felt sick, sick at himself. His brother was dead and it was all his fault.
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It was all his fault.
As the medics tried to restrain him, he lashed out, severing the neck cables of one, before they could pin him down and sedate him. As a numb feeling filled his body the spinning started to slow down and all he could do was whimper over and over to himself-
“I’m sorry, deadstick, I’m so sorry.” And after several moments of his own whimpering, his world went back to black.
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writinglionqueen · 5 years
If you're still taking My King blurbs, how would a meeting between Drew and the King of Kings go? How would Triple H and Drew get on?
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~the kings might.....the queens on the other hand......
You didn’t know what to expect when you heard the “King of Kings” was to arrive in Scotland and great your king. You thought it was quite…arrogant to call oneself the King of Kings just because one thought he was better in every way. 
If he was better in every way, how come I’ve never heard of him, the thought crossed your mind on more than one occasion while your husband prepared the keep for his arrival. 
You stayed in your chair as you watched your servants scurry about to make preparations for the arrival with a frown. 
The only reason this King Hunter fellow was even a king was because of his wife and her family’s lineage. His wife was Stephanie McMahon. It was a name you’ve heard before. Her father was a king with a long reign that, by the end of it, spelled disaster as the old king started to become senile. So he…graciously stepped aside once his daughter married the Hemsley man. It was sketchy how the two got into power, but you heard it was well timed and greatly appreciated by their people. 
Still…just because either were the King of Kings and Queen of Queens….it didn’t make them better than you or Drew. Their titles were self proclaimed if anything. They meant nothing here.
That mindset stayed with you when Drew felt like everything was prepared; the servants were bustling out a feast in the kitchen and others were cleaning the keep. It was time for your husband to sit beside you and wait for the moment the pair was to arrive. 
“My queen, don’t look so sour,” Drew said to you, taking your hand in his. You looked to him, seeing the seriousness in his face before you let out a sigh and relaxed back in your chair. “They’re highly respected.”
“They better not try to step over us, then, beloved,” you said to him. Your king smirked at that. His thumb rubbed against your knuckles. You rolled your eyes at his knowing behavior. “Just because he calls himself the ‘King of Kings’ doesn’t make him above you.” You said to him. Drew nodded. 
“I agree, my queen,” Drew murmured. “And his queen isn’t above you.” His voice dropped an octave as he leaned closer to you. “But I can be.” You wanted to roll your eyes as he tried to kiss along your neck. 
That was until Baron, Drew’s top advisor, cleared his throat. It made the king growl as he looked to the man.  
“Your guests have arrived,” Baron said. Drew sighed as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Send them in then, Corbin,” Drew said. The advisor nodded his head towards you and your king before leaving to allow the duo to enter the keep. “Later, beloved, I will make good of my word.” You glared at him, knowing he meant it about being on top of you. He smirked. You shook your head but noticed the guests coming in, dressed to the heavens in nice clothes that a lot of people could probably not afford. 
The so called “king of kings” was an imposing mass of a man. Even you could tell he was built like a stronghold. His wife was no different. She looked just as strong as her husband, and both held their head high like they knew it. 
Drew went to stand to greet the pair and you followed suit. 
“Hunter, it’s an honor to have you here in our keep,” Drew said as he went to clasp hands with the other king. 
“It’s an honor to be here and be welcomed by you and your wife,” Hunter said back. You gave him a smile but looked to his wife that stood to his right. 
His wife intimidated you to say the least. She lined her eyes in black and had the most dangerous look about her. Especially how she smiled and how she held herself; as if she had all the power….just like her husband.
So you bowed your head, shortly, to greet them. 
“Thank you for visiting our keep,” greeted the pair, looking to their eyes to find that Stephanie wasn’t amused by your short behavior. Your king’s hand on your back told you he wasn’t either. The weight of it was a reminder to remain courteous. 
“It’s quite….quant,” Stephanie commented with a haughty air that made you want to narrow your eyes at her. Perhaps Drew should remind the guests to be courteous. 
“Yes, our little keep has a lot of value for the Scottish crown for being so quant,” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand and a faux, sweet smile. Drew pressed his hand against your back. You ignored it. 
“Perhaps we should get onto business,” Drew said, kindly, to the king. The “king of kings” looked warily between his queen and you. 
“Perhaps,” he said, smiling to Drew. “Stephanie’s father has told me great things about the king of Scotland.” You bit your tongue at saying that it was funny that you’ve never heard of the “King of Kings.” Your king smiled at the compliment. Stephanie only smirked, proud at her father’s name. 
“Shall we then,” Drew said, using his other hand to motion towards the council chamber. Stephanie grabbed for her husband’s arm after you did the same. She took a step as if to lead her husband ahead of your king but you blocked her path, just slightly, going unnoticed by your king….but surely not her. You gave her a sweet innocent smile as your king lead you and the duo to the council room. Waiting by it’s entrance was Baron who was smirking at your behavior. He noticed it. 
“Wipe that smirk from your face, Corbin,” you said to him as you entered the room with your king. “There’s business to discuss.”
“Yes, my queen,” Baron said with a bow of his head. He followed the guests in before shutting the doors to the council room. Closing you, Drew, Hunter, and Stephanie into one space to discuss the future. 
The real business was about to begin. 
Tag: @adriennegabriella @alwaysbenhardysgirl @amariemoore @andie01 @annoyingasian @artemisapalla316 @aspiringhorrorfilmmaker @balorstrowmanblackmurphy @biforbecky2belts @blackmoonrising @burning-coco @calicina @calwitch @claymoreme @darlingambrose @dcnmarvelgamergeek @demonqueen29 @desstehhnee @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit @finnsauroraborealis @fireyegale @fivefootxo @flawlessglamazon @haharollins @hardcoresweet45 @homeorbust @i-have-saracasm @itsicantbelievethis666 @kalliravenne @king-drew-mcintyre @lilred91 @littledeadrottinghood  @littlesuperstar @lolorockstar101boom @madamaholmes @madebypointlesswerewolves @meishaabae @meremaidqueen @moxleysbaby @moxley-unhinged @mox-made-me-do-it @moxtiel @neversatisfiedgirl @new-zealand-chic @nicolewoo @nothinginlifebutgreif @number1120 @ofbeornandbjorn @psychic-angus @queenofthearchitect @reigns420 @rollinsreginssupreme @rollynch-roman-empire @sassymox @sassyspacedust @savemeroman @scuzmunkie @shieldgirl18 @slytherinyourrpants @snowtroopergirl @softmoxymuffin  @superrezzy00 @svnflowrs @taryn-dibiase @thatpanpal @the-beastslayers-queen @thehoundsofjustice @thewrestlingwarehouse @theworldofotps @trashofambrolleigns  @twistedbeautifully @undeadspazzattack @unprettypeony @voidstrugh @wrestlersownmyheart @writing-reigns @writtingrose @xbreezymeadowsx @xladyxfatex @xprincessofthefallenangels @yaint-me @youcantreignonmyparade
84 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 5 years
This week is a real hodgepodge of notes, which is pretty much just like our meeting today. A bunch of folks are under the weather – but still must attend! – and the rest of us tried to hit all the news we had pretty rapidly. So, we went over a lot of things, but there was no main topic.
So that’s what you’re all getting today, too!
Hunter: The Vigil 2e art by Tilen Javornik
We received our OK from WW/Paradox today for the Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition Kickstarter! WOOT! Looks like February the 6th at the classic 2pm EST is when our Vigil starts!
A reminder, since we continue to get questions, primarily about V5 Chicago By Night, that we are mostly doing Kickstarters to enable us to do an extra-good quality book and overprint the copies so we can get that game book into stores.
Tell your local retailer! Ask them to order our books from their distributor.
Speaking of Chicago by Night, just a note here to let folks know that, yes, we are aware that our non-US fulfillment shipper made an error and mislabeled a bunch of reward packages as boardgames. James addressed the issue in an Update to backers, so if you find further problems, please let James know via the KS message creator system so he is aware and can work to fix it.
But beyond that, I’ve been told that the backer packages will all be out at latest this week, so that opens the stage for Chicago to appear in stores in February, including the PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG. Next, the Dystopia Rising: Evolution and Geist 2e KS reward packages will go out in February, and should appear in stores in the following months.
Dystopia Rising: Evolution art by Sam Denmark
Veering wildly in a different direction, just a bit of a teaser to let you know that Eddy, Ian, Danielle, and myself are working on a secret Trinity Continuum: Adventure! lead-in project! If you remember, we did an TC: Aberrant webcomic leading up to it’s KS, so we think we’ve found a fun way to do a similar but different lead-in for TC: Adventure!.
For our Storypath Nexus Community Content site, we’re getting tons of submissions, and just ran into a problem we hadn’t anticipated. The Nexus is the first our our community content sites to contain multiple different gamelines (right now it’s Scion and the Trinity Continuum, but soon will include DRE and They Came From Beneath the Sea!), with very different themes and motifs. We realized that we need to be sure our community content creators don’t use material intended for one line in another.
This is a big deal art-wise, as both our illustrations and design elements are very specifically created to create a feel for a particular line, and we need that “brand identity” maintained. So Mighty Matt is going to underline in the Nexus “rules” the importance of creators not pulling images from one line into another.
We talked about being ready to release the first of the Yugman’s Guides to Ghelpad for the Scarred Lands line as the first of six bi-monthly PDF releases. Once these are all released, we’ll combine them into a single book with PDF and PoD versions. We learned a lot from the last couple of years’ worth of monthly Exalted releases (which are now over, and being finished and combined) and are applying that knowledge to this.
Yugman’s Guide art by Aaron Riley
Also, leap-frogging with Yugman’s, will be the Vigil Watch series of PDFs detailing the wild and the weird places around the Scarred Lands. So every month for the next year, we got yer Scarred Lands right here!
We talked about another secret project, but I never mentioned that here.
Discussions are being had for our Twitch 2.0 plans – basically we’re looking at more ways to provide more and cooler content on our wildly successful Twitch channel. Matthew and Travis Legge are forging this new plan, even as you read this! And until that happens, please check out the sched of our current stuff down in the Media section below, now with keen new Graphic! version!
We also talked about They Came From Beneath the Sea! and the next game in the series, They Came From Beyond the Grave!. I think getting TCFBtS! actual plays into streaming is vital, so I’m pushing for more of that in Twitch 2.0. The Terrific Trio of the Onyx Pathcast actually did a deep-dive into They Came From Beneath the Sea! on last week’s Pathcast, so take a listen on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue to find out all the steps Matthew went through in creating the game!
It is surprisingly in-depth (I can vouch for that, having been there for most of the creation process), even when the gang veer off into Vampire vs Twilight heated discussions.
And last but not least important, we discussed continuing to raise the pay rates for our creators, and how to best make that happen as we enter 2020. Hard to believe we are almost through the first month of this year already! But there you go: time flies when you do what you love and are making:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Next on Kickstarter, we are looking at Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition for Chronicles of Darkness starting at 2pm EST on February 6th!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features an interview with famed writer and bon-vivant Leath Sheales! Check it out direct on Podbean, or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
A bulging schedule on Twitch this week with Vampire, Chronicles of Darkness, Pugmire, even more Vampire, Aberrant, Scarred Lands, Changeling: The Lost, Changeling: The Dreaming, Mage: The Awakening, and a special Eddy Webb Development Workshop video that will be of interest to fans and writers alike!
Or, in the new Graphics! version:
As ever, subscribe to our channel over on twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Our YouTube channel continues filling up with content, including the Onyx Path News! Do stay subscribed to youtube.com/user/theonyxpath to catch the news when it comes out live!
Occultists Anonymous get a little experimental this week with a how-to guide for building Mage: The Awakening legacies. Level Up Your Game – Making Mage Legacies: https://youtu.be/p7R6nmTzZ_g
The Primogen released a video previewing some of the upcoming content in Chicago Folios, which you can find right here: https://youtu.be/2JMV_VJrjwQ Do give him a subscribe!
Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of V5 Cults of the Blood Gods, on their YouTube channel, Spotify, their website redmoonroleplaying.com and everywhere else good podcasts might be found! https://youtu.be/DeQfWH-EVD0
The Story Told Podcast have concluded the first act of their Exalted: Dragon-Blooded chronicle, the last episode of which can be found right here: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-23
The excellently-named Keeper of the Archive has assembled a triple bill for Trinity fans, as he has videos right here on the following: The Trinity Core: https://youtu.be/3-MkRv7z37s
ÆON: https://youtu.be/CMRBAEGnHfE
The Storypath System: https://youtu.be/RJgN6sGr0CQ
Do check them out and give them a like and his channel a subscribe! 
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero AND Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we will be releasing the first of our bi-monthly PDF releases of Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad for the Scarred Lands on DTRPG! Collect them all!
More conventions will be listed for 2020 in the weeks to come-
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Duke Rollo fiction (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
TC: Aberrant Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
RUST (Working Title) (Scarred Lands)
Under Alien Suns (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mission Statements (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Adversaries of the Righteous (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Hundred Devil’s Night Parade (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Novas Worldwide (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Manuscript Approval
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Post-Approval Development
Scion LARP Rules (Scion)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Mythical Denizens (Creatures of the World Bestiary) (Scion 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Buried Bones: Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Post-Editing Development
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
In Art Direction
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e – All KS art is in.
Ex3 Lunars – Art is in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – LeBlanc working on finals.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Finals should be in end of month, lining up layout artist.
Cults of the Blood God (KS)
Mummy 2
City of the Towered Tombs – Recontracted.
Let the Streets Run Red
CtL Oak Ash and Thorn – Contracted.
Legendlore (KS) – Starting to gather art needs for KS.
Technocracy Reloaded (KS) – KS finals coming in.
Scion Companion – Working on art notes for that with Meredith.
TC: Aeon Terra Firma – Getting that rolling out.
In Layout
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Travis doing the layout on this.
Pirates of Pugmire – With Aileen.
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad – First installment this week.
Scion Mythical Denizens – In proofing but need some full page art to come in.
Contagion Chronicle – Getting files together for Josh.
Vigil Watch – Going over layout proofs.
Dark Eras 2 – Backer PDF out to backers, errata coming in.
Trinity Continuum Aeon Jumpstart
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Backer PDF out to backers, errata wrapping up.
VtR Spilled Blood – At WW.
Chicago Folio – Awaiting 2nd proof corrections.
Wraith20 Anthology – At WW.
At Press
V5: Chicago – Shipping to backers.
Geist 2e (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition) – At fulfillment shippers.
Geist 2e Screen – Shipping to fulfillment shippers.
DR:E – At fulfillment shippers.
DRE Screen – Shipping to fulfillment shippers.
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
Memento Mori – Awaiting errata for input.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Today is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp. Ending evil of that magnitude, freeing those who lost so much and were so brutally abused and dehumanized, that is truly something to celebrate. The crimes against humanity committed there and at the other camps will echo through time as a warning that we must listen to; a warning to be aware that people, not supernatural monsters, can do acts of such terrible evil. Never forget.
1 note · View note
cloudycrystalkpop · 6 years
blurb masterlist
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NCT blurbs
Johnny | x / x /
Kun | x / 
Ten | x / 
Jaehyun | x /
Lucas | x / x / x /
Xiaojun | x / 
Haechan | x / 
Jaemin | x /
Jisung | x /
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EXO blurbs
Baekhyun | x /
Chen | x / 
Chanyeol | x / 
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VIXX blurbs 
Hyuk | x / x / x /
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MONSTA X blurbs
Hyungwon | x /
Jooheon | x / x /
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Triple H blurbs
Hyuna | x / 
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Lisa | x / 
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BTS blurbs 
Jungkook | x / 
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GOT7 blurbs 
Mark | x /
Yugyeom | x / 
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Stray Kids blurbs
Bang Chan | x /
Han | x / 
Felix + Hyunjin | x /
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Ateez blurbs
San | x / x /
Mingi | x / x /
31 notes · View notes
Destroyed (Triple H)
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You’re Hunter’s partner in tag team matches and after fighting with Kurt, it’s determined that you will have a mixed tag match at Hell in a Cell.
The two of you had been tag teaming together. After he and Kurt Angle got into a fight, he had enlisted you to fight with him against Angle and Rousey. “How about we up the stakes here,” Hunter yelled into the microphone as he passed around the ring. “How about we settle our issues in a cage, perhaps Hell in a Cell,” he shrugs as the crowd goes wild. You grab his shoulder, shaking your head.
 “Hunter, are you insane?” I whisper to him as he shrugs once again. Kurt and Ronda share a look before he picks up a mic. “You're on.” The crowd grows louder and you shake your head at Hunter and lean forward to shake Ronda’s hand. It seemed the two of you were the sensible ones of the group. As weeks past leading up to the match, you and hunter became close, training together in the ring.
 “Hunter,” you mumbled to him, wrapped up in a Cerebral Assassin sweatshirt as the two of you stood at the bottom of the large metal structure. Hunter was dressed sharply in his suit, still calling directions to the crew as people prepped for Hell in a Cell that evening.
 “It’s going to be okay,” he promised you, big hand clamped onto your shoulder as he pulled you in and tucked you into his side. It wasn't okay. The four of you had been destroyed. Hunter had been suplexed off the top of the cell to the announcers table. You'd speared Ronda through the cage. Kurt was pedigreed on the metal steps and you were angle slammed into the side of the cell. You'd been cut open, brought to your limits and then some.
 You gave yourself one last push up and reversed Ronda’s armbar, kicking her hard enough to loosen her trip. She hesitated, giving you enough time to stand and flip her into a sharpshooter. You practically sat on her back as she tapped, tears streaming down your face as it was finally over. You collapsed next to her as the bell was rung, the cage being lifted as Hunter rushed to your side. He whispered something that you couldn't hear and helped you to stand. Your theme was blasting as the crowd cheered and you limped up the ramp.
As you got through the curtain to guerilla, hands were on you instantly, ushering you to medical for stitches on your forehead. Hunters hands were pulled away from you but you clasped his wrist quickly. “Please, stay with me.”
He nodded, wrapping your arm back around your shoulder. “I'm not going anywhere.” He whispered as he pressed his lips to your temple.
Let me know if you’d like to be added to taglist :)
93 notes · View notes
inagetawaycarxo · 6 years
“buy me dinner first and we’ll see?” w hhh??
❝Fuck you.❞ + ❝Buy me dinner first and we’ll see.❞ w/ Triple H
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Summary: You and Hunter have a slight disagreement after he bribes a medic not to clear you to wrestle.
WARNINGS: fluff {kind of}, love/hate relationship, idk what this is lol.
Word Count: 164
“How could you Hunter, you knew I was ready to wrestler, yet you bribed the medics to not clear me yet.” You shouted as you stormed well hobbled in with crutches into Hunters office. Hunter let out a sigh. Looking up at you.
“Because, you aren’t ready yet y/n, you are still healing.” Hunter responded calmly.
“I’m perfectly fine.” You grumbled.
“You had surgery on your knee, trust me you don’t just feel perfectly fine about five months of rehab, you need more time.” Hunter replied calmly.
“Well, I feel fine and my trainer and doctor said I’m perfectly capable of wrestling again.” You answered, clenching your fist.
“You should fire that trainer and doctor, you are benched until next year, and I’m not going to change my mind.” Hunter grumbled, making you let out a frustrated scream.
“Fuck you.” You grumbled, turning around and walking out of his office.
“Buy me dinner first and we’ll see.” Hunter called out, as the door slammed shut…
155 notes · View notes