#trio are ai au
Second drabble incoming for the "Trio are AI" AU, been a while but I'm still overthinking this AU in particular. I have the background written up it's just I need to not overthink the slice-of-life moments haha
"What's your name?" Jeremie fingers hovered uneasily over the keyboard, his eyes still adjusting to the darker lighting in the lab.
Neon orange eyes narrowed in thought, "...PNX-458."
"Bzzt. Wrong answer!" His fingers glided over the keyboard, the light churning in his gut fading at those words. They're still not ready yet, eh, "Let's try this again tomorrow."
His gaze was quickly ripped from the monitor by a white tail covered patches of purple-brown fur wiggling around, "C'mon Jeremie, you didn't even ask the rest of us!"
Jeremie turned the chair away from the screen. He probably wasn't going to make anymore progress on the materialization program today anyway. These AI seem way too determined to get out in the public.
It was a very bad idea. They're too limited in their thinking to interact properly with other humans. It was better for them to stay close to the supercomputer, ready to deal with the latest scheme that XANA conjured up. And yet...
"Fine," He humored the calico cat-boy. Slit purple and gold eyes light up once Jeremie's gaze focused on him. Heck, the cat ears perked up along with it, whiskers twitching along in the midst of pink tribunal markings, "Alright PNX-621, what's your name?"
"Mmm," A claw lightly taps their chin, then the boy smiles which allows Jeremie to fully view the sharpened canines trying their best to blend in with the human-like teeth, "Odd!"
Jeremie put his hands on his lap, "Odd's not really a real name..."
Fluffy white paws crossed together to form an 'x', "Wrong! Oddr is a name in Old Norse!"
"You didn't say Oddr though?"
"Nicknames, my dear Jeremie!" The AI chattered excitedly, "Humans tend to use those all the time with people they know well. They also use it as means to shorten their own name. So 'Odd' is perfectly fine!"
This likely wasn't an argument that Jeremie was going to win. At this point he knew how much give and take it was to deal with these three. He sighed aloud, adjusting his glasses a bit, "Well... alright. You still have to come up with a surname though, Odd."
The boy's tail swished behind him, "Don't worry, I'll figure it out in no time."
"Now as for you, PNX-379..." Soft pink eyes lazily glanced over, her hands gently twisting a flower back and forth, "Do you want to give it a try?"
"Akizakura Yumi," She muttered tiredly, "The first name is Japanese for beauty. The surname is a homage to the cosmos flowers that bloom in the fall."
He can't really argue with this one, huh, "That's really good Yumi," Jeremie complimented, "You just have to flip it around here. The surname goes last in France rather than going first."
Her long red-black sleeves decorated in small sakura petals slips down as she placed the thin pink flower in her hair. With only one flower in her hair, it seemed to trigger more cosmos flowers to grow by the first one. It reminded Jeremie of a flower crown, just more haphazardly put together.
"Let me try again," The third AI chimed in, raising a metallic hand up to draw Jeremie's attention.
Well, it wouldn't hurt to give him another go. This has been great progress considering it took them a while to step away from their PNX assigned numbers, "Alright PNX-458, give it a go."
The boy tapped lightly at the pointed metallic pieces fixed on top of his ears, each tap flickering a red scanner in front of his eyes, "...Ulrich," Those orange eyes gazed away, a small white-blue flush creeping on his cheeks, "I looked at a ton of German names and that's the one that stuck with me. It means 'chief'."
"Well, with your warrior avatar I think it makes sense," Jeremie reassured, "You and Odd just have to think about your surnames and then you'll be good to go in the naming department."
"And then can we go to human school with you?!" Odd blurted, his claws digging into the supercomputer's chair.
Jeremie was quick to shake his head, "Certainly not! You three still have to get a hold of shifting your appearances. You can't just walking around looking like a cat-boy, or a samurai-knight warrior, or a ninja performer!"
Odd sticks his nose in the air, letting Jeremie get a first hand look as the shudder of code covered his entire head. The sound of static crackled in the air, at first twisting the pointed blond hair into a soft brown with a hard to see purple splotch. Then it swept away the heterochromia purple-gold eyes for a light amber, alongside tucking away the white-purple cat ears for human-like ones.
"See Jeremie, perfectly fine!" The boy flashed a grin, the large canines still standing proudly alongside the human teeth.
Jeremie raised an eyebrow, completely unimpressed, "Your fangs and markings are still there, Odd. You at least tucked away your whiskers this time so... progress!" He offered a thumbs up.
Ulrich snorted as the other brunet whines, the code shuddering away to give him back his original avatar appearance, "I don't think we can tuck away everything on the first go, Jeremie."
"If you want to blend in and try your hand at a human life, it'll take time to make something 'normal'," Jeremie reiterated once again, "I'm not going to keep you from trying your hand at school. You guys just need to look... average enough." He finished lamely.
Orange and purple-gold eyes continue staring at him. Thankfully, Yumi chimed in and dragged their gazes away, "I don't understand how you two struggle with tucking away everything." She tucked away a strand of black hair behind her ear.
Her kimono had vanished, instead replaced by a thick grey sweater with a spiral of roses at the bottom. Her jeans were pitch black, alongside some grey-navy sneakers. Rosy pink eyes had been tucked away for a stormy grey, while her palish face had more color to it now.
"We're not able to blend in like you, PN- err, Yumi," Ulrich grumbled, "It wasn't in our code to do that. I'm a fighter, your a spy, and PN- um, er, Odd's a uh..."
"Calculator," The calico added in without a second thought.
"Right," Ulrich then gestured to his head, "Your also not out of the clear either, Ms. Ninja."
Her eyebrow raised, "What do you mean?"
A small smile grew on the warrior's face, "Your hair pins are changing color."
That one jab alone completely shutters the illusion, Yumi rolling her pink eyes again as her sandals lightly tap the ground, "I'm going to the scanners. You boys can have fun without me."
Jeremie huffed as the male AIs snicker conspiratorially, the creaks and groans of the elevator echoing around the lab, "You know she's just gonna take it out on you two on Lyoko, right?"
Odd's paw waved back and forth in the air, his tail mimicking along, "It'll be fine, Jeremie. Besides, Aelita has not mentioned XANA attacking yet."
"I mean, it was pretty fun learning about how to blend in as humans with you four," Aelita's voice rang from the supercomputer, quickly dragging the boy's gazes to the pixie and her bright green eyes, "I hope the next lesson is as fun as this one."
Jeremie groaned, burying his face in his hands. Why did he even agree to this...
Okay so originally the second drabble was going to be a Jim & Delmas focus continuing along where we left off from the first drabble feat. Sissi, Herve, and Nicholas (where you can read here fwiw if this one caught interest enough haha)
The reason it shifted to this was more so because I had Ideas and then this one wouldn't let me go. So here it is lmao
Also down to answer questions and such in the ask box (not just for this AU but the other ones I've mentioned)!
Thank you all for reading and for the support everyone o7
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aveliorez · 11 days
when your thug-like police inspector realizes that in another world, he's just a side character to a fictional work.
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
Red X idea: one of the main groups Kyle would go up against are the "Seers" who are like. A sort of corporation/police force/cult. They answer to an AI called the Overseer. They wear Oracle's mask, except for the Overseer, which is a red version. It's unclear exactly when the things Oracle set up got corrupted and by whom.
I also wanna do something with the Joker AI from Beyond. I feel like since it's silver age-y, Joker is a bit of a harmless prankster (especially in the eyes of Kyle, who sees nothing wrong with most crimes), and so Kyle just kind of unleashes the Joker AI sometimes to throw a spanner in the works when their back is against the wall. This could culminate in the Joker AI secretly creating a following of it's own, until it's a war between the Seers and the Jokerz, with Kyle caught in the middle, unable to put the genie back in the bottle.
OH now thats an idea. I like Kyle being thrown into a Mess of their own making, especially by using one set of AI a little recklessly to fight off another AI. It feels very Batman-y in a way I can't describe.
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jeffthekillerzblog · 10 months
a major plot point or like the entire thing about my au is just the creeps moving on and having their own character arcs throughout the years and finally heal from their past trauma
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(rest is me rambling about my au...u don't have to read if u don't wanna its pretty long)
Jeff's arc is big on him finding his brother and coming to terms with what really happened. jeff is so incredibly stubborn and a big (very) egotistical. he finds it hard to open up and after what happened he feels that there's no point opening up anyway bc he's literally a famous asshole serial killer who's messed up SO many people's lives. another big thing about his arc is just owning up to his actions and apologizing to the people he's hurt. for example, nina. he led her on, treated her terribly for no reason, and was overall just an asshole. after they get into an argument he'll eventually apologize bc like he didn't HATE nina, he's was and prob still is in a terrible mindset and copes in such unhealthy ways. IDK OK I'm rambling but my point is he does eventually apologize to nina not because he needs her or like wants to use her again. he apologizes because he genuinely misses her and BOOM they become besties again after jeff properly apologizes and ya. BUT basically jeff's arc is him finally finding liu after all these years and yeah he apologizes to all the people he hurt (or the IMPORTANT ones) like nina, liu, and EVENTUALLY... jane. but that's WAY into the future (besides nina) he's way too full of himself to apologize now.
Nina's arc is her getting over JEFF. her love for Jeff began when she met him. she already admired him, but he turned into a full on crush. he did lead her on, and it hurt her a lot. shed spent tons of nights alone when jeff was supposed to be sleeping next to her, and she just felt so lonely, especially since jeff was so neglectful. She talks to clockwork about it and they help her realize her self worth and comforts her (she's terrible at it). Nina starts hanging out with Nat and toby more often, and it makes her feel SO much better about herself. Eventually she does get fed up of jeffs bs and they get into an argument and nina decides to leave. she kicks him out of her apartment and she doesn't let him come back. (she does....when he apologizes.....) She eventually learns to love herself and realize she doesn't need a stinky man's validation. Theres also a bit of her coming to terms with her own trauma, but I haven't fully fleshed that part out yet.
BEN's arc is probably my favorite. he's lost all his memories of his past life, and now after he accidentally found out he's NOT just a computer AI program, he decides to take it on himself to find out who his family was, how his life was, and how he died. I wont say as much bc I want to keep it a surprise, but in summary it fucks him up LMAO
ok that's it. OBVIOUSLY the rest of the creeps are healing as well BUT I have not fleshed out their stories yet...oops. so its just three for now. Except MUCH more stuff about the trio bc I love them with my all.. if u have any questions feel free to ask :3
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show-your-fangs · 1 year
My trauma from certain chapters of Moments might’ve come up with something for a blurb. I’d die to see Jack expressing himself over not liking Beth and some sort of moment between reader Aaron and Jack where Jack makes it clear that he sees reader as a mother figure which makes Aaron pull his head out of his ass and makes the right chooce IMMEDIATELY for once👀 Or idk maybe not even Beth related but it would be cool to see Jack not wanting to lose another mother figure
I just love my little trio of hotchner boys and reader they’re such a little family I could cry
gosh as much as i am a beth hater, i could not find a way to fit this into moments. however, chapter 24 is literally just domestic fluff so you'll be fed GOOD when it comes out.
here's just a cute little moments au blurb where jack calls reader mom and aaron almost loses it.
This is part one of two Moment AU asks that I thought would go perfectly together.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x f!Reader
Words: 788
CW: nothing, just fluff.
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"Can we invite mom to dinner?" Jack's question filled the quiet apartment with a heaviness that Aaron couldn’t quite understand. Haley had just dropped the boy off at his apartment after spending the better part of the week at her place.
"Buddy, I don't think mom wants to come all the way here—” 
“Did I do something wrong?” Jack practically whimpered and Aaron was rendered speechless once more, his brows scrunching further. That just made the poor boy look even more disheartened. His round eyes practically bursting as he tried to figure out what he could’ve possibly done to offend. 
Aaron crossed the room to him in an instant, crouching down to his level as he sat at the dinner table finishing up on some school work. 
“You did nothing wrong, buddy,” he said, gently, making sure that the words settled. “I just don’t think we should ask your mom to come over for dinner when she just spent the week with you.”
“I don’t wanna invite mommy to dinner,” Jack corrected him, as if he’d been correct this entire time and it was his dad who was not getting it. “I wanna invite mom.”
It took Aaron a few seconds to blink away the misunderstanding, confusion twisting into shock. Jack had called you mom, Jack had just…called you mom. A smile crept up on Aaron’s lips, one that Jack matched instantly as he realized his dad had just understood him. 
“Do you want to call mom and invite her to dinner?” he asked the boy and he lit up like never before. Aaron pulled out his phone and immediately called you, putting it on speaker phone and handing the device over to Jack as he returned to the kitchen. 
“Hi, honey,” your voice was warm and inviting and he wanted nothing more than to respond to you, but he wanted to experience your shock, the shock that Jack had just given him, more than anything. 
“Mom!” Jack practically screamed into microphone.
“Hi, angel,” Aaron could hear you stifle a sob and he couldn’t help but tear up with you. 
“Hi!” Jack was too hyper, getting any words in difficult. “Dad’s making dinner!”
“What’s he making?”
“Dad!” Aaron couldn’t help the laugh that erupted, so much screaming, so much energy. He walked out of the kitchen and took the phone from the boy, turning off speakerphone before he addressed you.
“He’s making boxed Mac n Cheese with hot dogs,” Aaron replied, a smile in his voice. 
“Aaron—” you sobbed into his ear.
“I know, he got me too.”
“Did you know?”
“No,” he chuckled. “But I definitely do now.”
“Dad, give me back the phone!” Jack whined, pulling on Aaron’s arm until he could press his mouth to the microphone once more. “Can you come to dinner, please?” 
He stretched out that last word until he was gasping for breath, making both you and Aaron laugh. 
“Yes, angel, I’ll be there in a second, alright?” 
“I’ll see you soon, mom,” Aaron teased.
“I’m fully sobbing at a red light, just so you know,” you tried to make him feel bad but it honestly didn’t matter. Jack saw you as his mom, and nothing could take that away from you.
“I love you,” Aaron said. 
“I love you too.”
Jack was engrossed in his worksheet once he finally hung up the phone. Aaron watched him for a second, how his tongue stuck out of his mouth while he concentrated, how he gripped the pencil in his hand like it would somehow slip away, how all of his things had spread out across the table as if he quite literally owned the place. 
Jack had that effect on people, that easy way of taking over someone's heart in a way that only you could do as well. Aaron had been sure from the first time he introduced the two of you that you were soulmates, that he was meant to bring the two of you together.
Jack loved you so much it was overwhelming at times, his own kid clearly trying to one up him at every turn. But it didn't matter, Aaron knew Jack was your favorite, even if you constantly reassured him that you loved both your boys equally.
“Would you like her to be your mom forever?” He asked. 
Jack nodded enthusiastically, pencil dropping and attention back to his dad. “And ever and ever.”
Aaron smiled brightly, fully, like the sun had taken control of him and he couldn’t stop. It was a silent promise, a definitive choice, a reminder of the small velvet box he’d hidden in the back of his closet a few days ago.
“Do you want to help me ask her?”
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jack is my perfect child and i would kill for him
requests are still open for hotch and i am trying to get to the ones i've received. it's taking me a second because of just how many other open projects i've got, but trust me, they will get done.
tags: @canuck-eh, @ssamorganhotchner, @criminalskies, @xladyxdreamer
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tizeline · 7 months
Hiiii! Love your au! Okay so what do the Draxum trio think of Shelldon? With Donnie basically being like "yeah I created my first friend because I was lonely". Are they jealous of Shelldon? Do they like him?
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They'd actually quite like him. Donnie's brothers are impressed with his tech skills in general, so they'd think it's really cool that he created a robot with such an advanced AI.
They would simultainiously find him kinda annoying tho lol. Shelldon has quite a bit of attitude, not to mention he's currently on the enemy team, so he absolutely has a tendency to get on their nerves. But while the Drax Bros wanna get Donnie away from April (because she's a human) and Splinter (because he's Donnie's "kidnapper") they'd be more than fine with Shelldon joining their side, if only he were willing to do so. They don't view Shelldon as "competition" like they do with April.
Donnie would never admit to his brothers that he created Shelldon out of loneliness, I don't think he'd even admit that to himself lmao. But if the bros were to find out, that would just fit into their already established idea that Donnie's childhood was nothing but tragedy and misery. They would asboluetly get all emotional and overdramatic about it, much to Donnie's annoyance.
.... Well Leo would bully him for being a lonely friendless loser, also much to Donnie's annoyance
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saimota-week · 7 months
Saimota Week 2024 is happening!
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Hi Danganronpa community! Saimota Week is coming back this year under two hosts: @chatot and @toxicpineapple! It will be running from March 17 until March 23, 2024!
See below for this year's graphic made by the talented @nebulaleaf! The prompts will be transcribed below.
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Day One - March 17: Eclipse / Orbit
Day Two - March 18: Pride / Jealousy
Day Three - March 19: Motivation / Regret
Day Four - March 20: Sunrise / Sunset
Day Five - March 21: Floating / Grounded
Day Six - March 22: Simulation / Reality
Day Seven - March 23: Free Space!
When posting your piece, please tag this blog so we can see your wonderful entries! Each one will be boosted to this blog. Please also use the tags [ #saimotaweek2024 ] and [ #saimotaweek ] just in case any fall through!
For information regarding rules and guidelines, see below the cut! If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask to this blog, or you may message @chatot or @toxicpineapple otherwise!
Rules and Guidelines
NSFW creations will not be allowed for this event, meaning this event is SFW only.
"Problematic" content is stricly forbidden for this event. This includes incest, age gap, and shota/loli.
AI generated content and stolen works are not allowed. You may reference or use another person's artwork or fanfic for an entry IF you have PERMISSION and CREDIT.
Please be respectful to other participants! Anyone who harasses another participant or leaves hurtful comments will be banned from this event.
Polyamorous ship content that includes others with Shuichi and Kaito is allowed! For example, content featuring romantic training trio or Shuichi/Kaito/Kaede will be boosted. However, Shuichi and Kaito must still directly date each other within these pieces.
Cis genderbends are not allowed. However, any and all trans headcanons (including trans genderbends) are allowed and welcomed!
You are allowed to use the prompts as loosely as you please for your pieces.
Feel free to make your pieces outside of canon! AUs, crossovers, and canon divergence are allowed.
All entries must focus on the romantic relationship between Shuichi and Kaito. However, content featuring them in a queerplatonic relationship is allowed and will be boosted.
Late submissions will be accepted indefinitely! They will be boosted, but please make sure to tag this blog so we see them!
As Saimota Week 2024 approaches closer, we will be posting countdowns as reminders. We can't wait to see your pieces!
Thanks for reading! :D
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remember this post
well i drew more stuff for the au and completely forgot about it- (;-_-)
the CQ brothers :D they are all (or at least inhabiting) rouge Scrapper bots.
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Geno used to be an entirely red Scrapper bot. He was on a team with Fresh (who was disguised at the time) with Cq being the sort of handler/trainer person for the bots. One day on a mission Geno gets kind of wrecked. Like REALLY damaged (his core got damaged) and the people in charge tried to transfer Geno's AI to a newer model body. It can be hard to train a scrapper bot ai so it's best to try and save pre existing ones. things are thought to have gone well... But Geno was in fact still in his old body and the people just ended making an anomaly consciousness in the new body. An Error.
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Error acted sort of Like Geno at first. But if a person knew Geno before hand they could definitely tell something was off. Error would also randomly glitch and reboot. It got to be such a problem that management was just going to Scrap him. Of course Error did not like that... So he ended up destroying the entire facility and half a city block.
after that fiasco Error went to try and find Geno. Error kind of didn't really now what to do with himself so he thought that maybe he could find the consciousness he glitched off of he might have a better idea. tbh he was also bored.
Error Did end up finding Geno and someone he may or may not have terrified into fixing him (at least as much as possible) So Error and Geno start hiding out in an abandoned warehouse and just sort of doing whatever catches their interest. and also Fresh shows up.
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Fresh is a Virus. he used to be a sort of mascot for some kids brand that eventually shut down but his Ai was never properly disposed of so Fresh has just been robot body hopping ever since. He decided to infect a scrapper bot in the first place mostly because he was curious but also because being higher quality Fresh could inhabit the body longer without its code being completely scrambled and unusable.
Fresh had still been with the scrapper bot agency place when Error went rouge. He thought that he would probably have the best chance of finding Error if he had access to the scrappers tracking database. Fresh was mostly curious about Error.
After finding them Fresh basically scrambled Error's and also surprisingly Genos still active signal making them untraceable (the perks of being a virus i suppose). He leaves and finds the warehouse Geno and Error where hiding out in. Geno was able to convince Error not to destroy Fresh (barely) all three have been a sort of trio ever since and are wanted on Three different planets :D (they where able to hijack a ship) and Currently have a remote hanger/base. Geno is currently trying to Find Cq who disappeared after he got damaged.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 2 months
Tiny Dancer
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Part of the Family is More Then Blood AU
Summary: After you and Natasha return to the compound, those closest to you know something bad happened. Carol learns another dark part of your past.
Warning: mention of past trauma, killing, death, guilt
Relationships: Carol x reader, Natasha x Yelena x reader (platonic, family)
Word Count: 2.4k
Yelena knew something was wrong when you and Natasha returned from the compound, and you refused to talk to her. At least you gave her a forced smile and squeezed her shoulder as you passed. She and Maria locked eyes, and an unspoken understanding passed through the two. Maria followed her girlfriend to provide any comfort she needed. That left Yelena to either follow you or get Carol. She chose a mixture of the two. Sighing, she stood up from the couch and headed to Tony’s lab, where Carol was adding upgrades to her suit.
You asked her and Natasha to assist you in exposing a Window to Red Dust. But a minor injury in training left Yelena benched. She knew you and Natasha were more than capable of handling it. Now, she was kicking herself for being injured.
When the lap doors opened, Carol was leaning over a table while Tony was moving holograms around. Her presence went unnoticed. “Hey, Carol,” your girlfriend looked at her. I need you for a second.” Maybe it was her tone or the worry on her face, but Carol dropped what she was doing. Not even glancing at Tony, she followed Yelena out of his lab. “They just got back,” Carol frowned.
“Are they injured?” Yelena shook her head.
“No, but something happened,” the blonde sighed and played with the ring on her finger, which she shared with you and Natasha. “FRIDAY, where are my sisters?” The AI was quick to answer.
“Natasha is in her room with Maria,” the AI paused. “Your other sister does not want me to disclose her location.”
“Is she safe FRIDAY?” Carol asked.
“She is in the compound, Captain Danvers,” that did not fill Yelena with much confidence. “I will keep her safe.”
“I know I know what she’s doing,” Yelena said. “But we need to find out what happened.” Yelena was thankful Carol did not ask questions but followed her to Natasha’s room. They found Maria in the kitchen. “Is she okay?” Yelena asked. Maria took a premade protein shake out of the fridge.
“Her ankle is sprained, but she hasn’t told me what happened,” she said, taking an ice pack from the fridge.
“We need to talk to her,” Yelena said. Maria sighed.
“Look, Yelena,” she placed the stuff on the counter. “I know you want to help, but I don’t think-”
“Y/n is dancing,” she cut off Maria. “So I need to talk to Natasha.” Yelena watched Maria’s face fall with relaxation, glancing between her and Carol.
“Wait,” Carol said, leaning against the counter. “Pause. Why is dancing bad?” Yelena wanted to avoid this conversation. It wasn’t her story to tell since she was barely subjected to the ballet portion of the training. But Carol had the right to know. Maria sighed and crossed her arms.
“In the Red Room, the trainers used ballet as part of the training. It helps with stamina, posture, and discipline. They even used it as a punishment,” Yelena saw Carol nod.
“A lot of Widows don’t dance,” Yelena was in that category. “Some like Sonya dance to try to make it more positive, but others…”
“Use it as a punishment,” Carol filled in the blanks. “Yeah, I got the picture.” She sighed.
“Let’s see what happened,” the trio walked to Natasha’s room. The redhead was sitting in her bed with her ankle elevated and looked close to tears. “Hey, malen’kaya Lisa (little fox).” Yelena smiled at the nickname as Maria placed the ice on Natasha’s ankle. “Can you drink this for me?” Natasha took a small sip and put it on the side table. “I know it might be hard,” Maria sat beside her. “But can you tell us what happened?” Yelena sat on the foot of the bed, but Carol kept standing.
“Where is she?” Natasha questioned.
“I think she’s dancing,” Yelena answered. Her sister nodded and looked down at her lap.
“It wasn’t her fault,” she said. “When Widows get exposed to the dust, it can affect each one differently. Some come out of it dazed or confused or break down crying,” Yelena saw this first hand when she helped you for a month. “Other times, they can get aggressive and then fall back into their training,” Natasha angrily wiped her eyes as tears began to form. Yelena knew she was trying to control her emotions, especially in front of Carol. “It wasn’t her fault,” Natasha repeated. “It was self-defense,” Yelena was beginning to paint a picture of what happened. The blonde placed her hand on Natasha’s uninjured leg while Maria put her arm around Natasha to bring her into her arms. “We exposed her, and she seemed okay, but she took us, I mean, me, by surprise. She knocked me down and got on top of me. Y/n pulled her off, but she wouldn’t stop. The Widow pulled her gun, but Y/n was faster,” a defining silence filled Natasha’s room. The only sound was the soft sniffles coming from Natasha.
“How old was she?” Carol finally asked.
“22,” Natasha whispered. “She was just a fucking kid,” They all were when Dreykov sunk his claws into them. Yelena looked over her shoulder at Carol, looking at the floor.
“Are you going to talk to her?” Yelena asked. The captain nodded. “Come find me if you need anything.”
“I will,” she softly spoke. She turned to walk out the door but stopped before she left. And Nat,” she looked over her shoulder. “It’s not your fault either. The man who is responsible is dead.” With that, she left. She was right, but the guilt would always be there for his actions.
Carol wasn’t sure what to expect. She was unaware the compound had a ballet studio, but you learn something new every day. She opened the door, and you were dancing. She stood at the edge of the studio, not wanting to interpret just yet. Not that you saw her. You seemed to be in your world. In a trance by the music, your pointe shoes were tied, and you moved with fluid precision. Every motion was a blend of strength and delicacy. Your arms stretched above your head as you lept into the air—the rhythmic sounds of the pointe shoes added to the symphony.
There was a beauty in the way you danced. Each move flowed into the next with effortless grace. But Carol saw the pain. If the move wasn’t perfect, you did it again and again. She saw your body flinch as if you were expecting to be hit. She had to stop it.
“Baby,” Carol finally called out. You continued to dance, but you faltered. Carol saw the hesitation in your steps. Letting out a heavy sigh, you stopped. You refused to look at her, but you turned the music off.
“You made me mess up,” you softly said. Carol walked over to you, keeping her steps light, not wanting to startle you.
“I’m sorry,” And she was. “We are just worried,” Tentatively, she placed her arms around your waist. When you didn’t pull away, Carol counted that as a win, and you slumped against her. She carefully sat on the ground with your feet in her lap. She began to untie the ribbons on your pointe shoes. “You are beautiful,” she said once they were both off. You bent your right knee and rested your chin on it. You seemed unfazed by her compliment, which wasn’t normal. Carol stood up and walked over to the radio.
“What are you doing?” She turned the music back on and skipped a few songs until a popular pop song she’d heard Kamala listen to began to play. Smiling, she walked over to you and pulled you to your feet.
“I have two left feet. Sorry if I step on you,” she managed to pull a slight smile on your face. Carol counted that as a win, but it didn’t last. Your eyebrows frowned together in concentration. “No,” Carol whispered and rested her hand on your cheek. Your face relaxed. “Dance with me for fun, okay? It does not have to be perfect.” She kissed you softly and took your hands in hers.
Once upon a time, Carol had a faint memory of dancing with Maria in the kitchen. It was barely classified as dancing; it was more like swaying and spinning to whatever song was playing. But it made Maria laugh and smile, so Carol hoped it would do the same.
You were tense with your movements, as if afraid to make a mistake. But Carol was patient and persistent. She moved your arms and spun you in a circle. Sometimes, she would pull you close and push you away. Over and over until a smile was back on your face, and you laughed. Each song blended; Carol wasn’t sure how many songs passed. All that mattered was your smile.
You laughed with your head thrown back as Carol spun you around. It was a sound Carol would never get tired of hearing. It was beautiful, so full of light and warmth. She fell in love with you more and more. Once your laughter died down, the dam started to crumble. She watched your lips start to tremble. “I didn’t want to kill her. You believe me, right?” Carol nodded.
“I do, baby, I do,” she hugged you and placed her hand on the back of your head as sobs wrecked your body. Now, your tears were Carol’s least favorite. It tore at her heart, and all she wanted to do was take all of your pain and give it to the men who hurt you and your sisters.
Your shoulders heaved uncontrollably, and your chest tightened with each gasping breath. The world around you seems to blur through your tears. Your hands trembled, clutching at her shirt to try to ground yourself. “Sh, sweetheart, she. I know, but follow my breathing.”
“She-she was 22,” you stuttered. “Twenty fucking two,” you felt Carol nod.
“I know, but right now, I need you to breathe for me,” you couldn’t. Suddenly, you were lifted in the air, and you grabbed onto Carol. She moved to the wall of the studio and slid down it. “If you need to cry, you can. I’m here,” her hands moved through your hair and down your back; they were warm from her powers. It helped you calm down, but the tears wouldn’t stop. Her lips rested against your forehead. “I’m always here.”
You weren’t sure how long you cried, but your head hurt, and you felt extremely dehydrated. You pushed off Carol’s chest and rubbed your hands across your face. “That was gross,” you mumbled, using your shirt to wipe the snot off your nose. Carol smiled and took your hand.
“I love you,” she said. The three-word sentence still took you by surprise. Sometimes, you wonder if you are capable of having someone love you. You killed a 22-year-old without hesitation. When she reached for her gun to aim at Natasha, you killed her without a second thought. She wasn’t going to take your sister from you. But was it wrong? How quickly you justified Natasha’s life over hers.
“She was a kid,” you whispered. “And I killed her.”
“It was in self-defense,” you shook your head. “She was trying to kill you and Natasha.”
“She wasn’t in the right head space. I should have disarmed her or taken the gun or” jumped in front of Natasha and taken it. But no. When she raised her gun, you saw red. You tapped into those instincts from the Red Room and shot. Maybe she would shoot somewhere else to scare you so she could run off.
“Or what?” Carol questioned. “You would let her kill you or Natasha and leave Yelena? Leave Maria? Leave me?” She questioned.
“It’s not that simple,” you said.
“Exactly, nothing about this is simple,” she kissed the back of your hand. “You could think about the ‘what ifs’ until you are mad, but you acted to protect yourself and Natasha because that is who you are. A protector,” you felt like a monster, not a protector. This one action was going to spread across the network of Widows. Would they look at you differently? What about Melina or your sisters?
“I don’t feel like a protector,” you admitted. “I feel dirty and tired.” You were trained to be a killer. Even with the Red Room gone, you can still choose to be in this life. Other Widows walked away. They started small businesses, became teachers, or disappeared off the grid. But you stayed. You stayed to fight because that was what you were good at. You were still the weapon the Red Room created.
“What do you need from me?” she asked. All you wanted was to go back in time and redo the mission, but that was impossible. Carol was right; the ‘“what ifs’” were driving you insane.
“A shower, please,” you whispered. Carol smiled, stood up, and pulled you to your feet. You kissed her softly, savoring the feeling of her lips against yours. The safety she provided. “I love you too.”
When you got out of the shower, Carol was gone. A note in her place said she would return, and she left a protein shake. You ignored the shake and changed into one of Carol’s long sleeves and shorts. Your phone buzzed a few times, destroying the quickness of the room. Grabbing it, you saw text messages from Melina. You had no energy to respond to them but read them over. She wanted to let you know she and a few Widows took care of the body and cleaned up the fight. Melina said Irina, the Widow that attacked you, had a sister. She was working on tracking her down. Sighing, you placed your phone on the side table when your door slowly opened. “Hi,” Yelena said. Instead of answering, you opened your arms and ran into you.
“Hi,” you mumbled and kissed the top of her head. Irina was 22 and spent her entire life following orders. She was younger than Yelena and never knew freedom. Now, her sister had to deal with the grief you caused.
“It wasn’t your fault,” your sister said. Sure, maybe it wasn’t. Perhaps you could blame Natasha for not paying attention or a dead man who put you in this position, but you pulled the trigger. You killed her. Her blood was added to your ledger, and you would have to deal with that for the rest of your life.
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rattlebear25 · 3 months
A video made some weeks ago about Hazbin Hotel Swap AU. I won't make a comic because i hate making AUs long term projects since i never finished one but those AI Covers are so good to make silly animatic like this and maybe i will show some colored artwork of the swapped characters.
Adam and Eve got corrupted by Lucifer and Lilith with the apple and Lilith divorced from Adam and he got banished from Eden and went to Hell. Here he realized that the humanity damnation is all his fault and tried to help sinners to redeem themselves with the Hazbin Hotel blah blah blah...
The main ships here are StaticMoth, HuskerDust, Chaggie and Guitarspear (also Lucilith but it's slighty present in the story for the moment)
Husker became lover/work partner with Antonio (Swapped Angel Dust), while Antonio managed strip and s€x clubs, Husk inserted casinos and gambling in Antonio's locals, while Cherri Bomb sells super explosive alcholic drinks to help each other profits and share the percentages of the earnings. (Their trio is called H. A. C.)
About Morningstar Family: Lucifer, because of what he did, went depressed and disappeared for 7 years trying to find The Duck Island (yes, depression made him very dissociated). Lilith, since she is the First Sinner went to Hell and tried to rule it but she was so worried about her husband's sanity and disappearing that she isolated herself to find a way to bring Lucifer back. Charlie since she was more a victim of the events and didn't nothing wrong was assumed in Paradise with Vaggie to bring order in Hell, killing the Sinners' population each year. Since Lilith loved her people so much, did a deal with her daughter Charlie about not killing Hellborns and half of the Sinners' population each year.
Rosie took the place of Alastor because in this AU Al is a radio host like the original but also ruler of Cannibal Town. He disappeared for 7 years like Lucifer for unknown reasons so his best friend Rosie took his place. Rosie decided to help Adam in his naive try to save Sinners just because she wants news to spread for her radio broadcast activity and a lot of hulks for her and her folks at Cannibal Town from a possible war bewteen Heaven and Hell.
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Totally forgot to post that I've been updating this quite a bit haha. I'm going to link chapter 4 but yes, I've made decent progress and plan to have updates for this particular fic on the weekends
Also thinking about setting up the general "odd-shots" fic so I can test the waters with my other ideas. See how they come out in drabbles, if I want to continue them further, etc. Don't want to get too caught up in trying to juggle a ton at once though, just wanna keep The Trio Are AI going as the main one for now.
Thanks for reading either way though o7
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Okay YOUR TURN! What aus do you like?
Sorry for tagging yall but HERE-
@fvturum AU/Designs of Turo and Sada!!! We have had entire hours worth of conversations talking about our AUs, and their designs are AWESOME!!
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@ofowlsdinosaursanddragons Kaijuimorph AU! They were the ones who made one of the very first fanart for my au, and made AWESOME DESIGNS FOR THE CHAINED TRIO-
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@skyedancer2006 and their Bridged Toxicity AU! I'M A SUCKER FOR GIANT CREATURES-
And their BT! Dragon Kieran design is awesome, and the AU explores interesting themes, such as the line between human/nonhuman. Really recommend checking it out!
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@tealmaskmybeloved Toxic Consequences AU! There is no way we can forget the very AU that made me want to make a toxic chain AU in the first place! His art is amazing, his ideas are cool, and I love the designs!!
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@treasuresofruinmybeloved with the Ruinous Warriors AU! I feel like the Ruinous Quartet are underrated, so it is AWESOME to see content for them! (Expect fanart soon, ehehehehehe)
@thesillyexpresser GHOST TURO
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I love the shenanigans with Ghost Turo and AI Turo in the AU, with Ghost Turo being a silly little guy. After everything he has been through, can you really blame him?
@g1ga-byte Disk Guardian AU
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With Geeta being the protector of Area Zero, it is SUCH a cool concept and I love it to bits!!
That should be all, so GO CHECK THE AUS OUT! THEY'RE REALLY GOOD!!
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Understanding! easiest to hardest
FNaF Lore Whatever the fuck they're saying in harry potter Regular science rocket science aperture science Gravity falls lore Gravity falls AU's Undertale AU's whatever AU has the bad time trio Playing a trombone Playing a saxophone for the first time How trumpets work Susie's backstory JavaScript while not knowing English (Aka 7 years ago) Any type of word coding while having ADHD Any message from a talkie AI bot Social interaction Sarcasm Cuphead Tenor Sax fingerings
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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you would not believe your eyes
if three little guys
somehow became a family 🎶
when you and your buddies create a wholesome AU as an apology for the pain and suffering you put your lil guys thru 🤝💜 /aff
anywhizzle- the younger STEM trio hanging out and generally being a lil found family (Nova turtle tot real omg)
Sagittarius (the secretary bird OC) belongs to @west-brooke , Xor (the lil sentient AI/robot who's currently occupying a phone) belongs to @snailsnaps , and Nova (the lil bog turtle mutant) belongs to ✨ moi ✨
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milkcookiekin · 7 months
(look before requesting!) DNI if you are: anti-lgbt, anti-semitic, pro-Israel, racist, ableist, pro-shipper, sexist, etc. you should know the drill by now.
ask boundaries: no nsfw asks for minors (this includes if their ages are not confirmed by any official media, but they are still clearly minors), no bathroom kinks, no noncon/cnc, incest/stepcest, pedophilia, age gaps, etc., if you ask for anything of the sort, you will be blocked.
(requests are currently open, it’s first come first serve!)
(I will only be taking 75 requests at a time, so I have time to work on all of them, so check the list to see if any slots are open! only request when requests are open.)
(the ones in the “currently working on” section are in order of which I want to finish first, the rest are not, so I can’t guarantee your requests will be done in order of when you gave me your request.)
(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not request if requests are closed, especially if I’m not working as often!)
main fandoms:
phighting! (taking a break from these so please don’t ask, you will be informed if you weren’t aware, but don’t push further)
splatoon (just the manga)
boboiboy galaxy
brawl stars
the promised neverland
the bfdi series (minus idfb)
encanto (will only take romantic requests for isabela, luisa, dolores, mirabel, camilo, bruno and i’ll throw in carlos just for fun. i will only take familial/platonic requests for everyone else)
currently working on:
1. zuka nsfw hcs
2. unrequited love with subspace!
3. biograft and reader fighting together!
will work on soon:
4. dom nsfw hcs!
5. shuriken and illumina w/ feminine!male!reader (separate)
6. yandere subspace x human!gn!reader
7. katana relationship hcs!
8. self aware scythe hcs
9. sub sword hcs
10. self aware darkheart hcs
11. phighters fighting and breaking up with their s/o (no I will not make a pun, fight me)
12. banhammer x wife!reader sfw and nsfw
13. army x reader
14. aloha x reader x mask
15. aviators x reader
16. ocho x octoling!reader
17. the broker smut hcs
18. edgar x isekai’d!reader
19. illumina x artist! reader
20. hyperlaser x traitor!reader
21. colt x rival!male!reader
22. colette x fem!reader who’s interested in her works
23. bottom darkheart hcs
24. husband medkit x reader hcs
25. self-aware firebrand hcs
26. scythe smut hcs (part 2)
27. illumina smut hcs
28. fluffy scythe hcs
29. kel x reader who likes writing, especially romance stories
30. broker general relationship hcs
31. platonic headcanons w/ icedagger
32. medkit hanahaki hcs
33. scythe flirting with her easily flustered s/o
34. boombox x autistic musician reader (platonic)
35. biograft w/ sibling reader
36. vine staff nsfw hcs
37. ray and emma (separate) x entp reader
38. illumina x reader angst
39. broker x medkit’s distant cousin!reader
40. young zuka relationship hcs!
41. ghostwalker x reader angst
42. windforce unrequited love hcs
43. traffic relationship hcs
44. pwnatious relationship hcs
45. rocket dating reader who’s affiliated with blackrock
46. dom and boombox (separate) w/ a bunny girl smut hcs
47. buster x reader nsfw hcs
48. bottom!pwnatious hcs
49. jesterspace x reader hcs
50. lawrie nsfw hcs
51. hyperlaser x fish-like!reader hcs
52. mortis x reader x colt hcs
53. traffic x feminine!reader
54. valk relationship hcs
55. follower!sword angst hcs
56. reader trying to be there for the main friend group after Mari’s death
57. fullscore trio x reader (separate) fluff hcs!
58. larry and lawrie (separate) dating hcs (no not with each other)
59. berry romantic headcanons
60. draco romantic headcanons
61. ray introducing reader to his family (modern au)
62. jealous fang and chester hcs (separate)
63. draco smut headcanons
64. werewolf!luisa x fem!reader (modern au)
65. platonic headcanons for tara and sandy (separate)
66. bibi x reader friends to lovers hcs!
67. boboiboy ais x reader fluff
68. adu du hcs!
69. real world aubrey x reader hcs!
70. bobble hat trying to help with reader’s awful sleep schedule!
71. four x reader relationship hcs!
72. two x reader relationship hcs!
73. tree x reader relationship hcs!
74. hachi x reader hcs!
75. sandy x reader hcs
76. emz x reader hcs!
77. fanny x reader hcs!
78. fullscore trio x reader human world hcs!
79. loser x reader hcs
80. teardrop x reader hcs
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rocketyship · 4 months
The future of the love au
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So I’m just gonna rip this bandaid off. Once the fanfiction is finished, whilst I will still be answering questions and doing IHNMAIMS and love au art every now and then, I actually plan to re-write/re-work many of the characters into a different project I have in mind loosely inspired by IHNMAIMS. There are a number of reasons on why I am doing this, but what I do want to say is that I really enjoy and like this little corner of the internet and the support for this over the top fanfiction has been wonderful.
As to what the plan is exactly is very out in the open, currently I’ve storyboarded the first couple pages for a comic based upon my new idea and plans that I’ll be dropping the roughs as a test once complete just to look for feedback and stuff.
The idea for the story is pretty similar to the love au and has many of its idea. However the basic premise is that there was a war ran by an ai but before it had the chance to completely decimate the world a different one was created that essentially shut that one down. Now because of that ai has been outlawed and the world’s population is substantially smaller, most people living within these large bubble pockets as a good chunk of the surface is inhabitable. These pockets are ran by “angels” who most are under the impression are controlled by people but they might not actually be. Needless to say there is frequent conflicts over these little life pockets and areas, so because of it one group in particular is attempting to create machines that could potentially get into the pockets and dismantle the angels which led them down a route of creating these organic-machine creatures (they are technically ais but not really), all of which had a different experiment and idea around them (not gonna go into detail here) . Which circulating back to the lovely illustration above, the story focuses on these three darling as they try to escape this group and love their own lives. The trio includes Harlen, Bea, and Autumn as they go on the run and deal with regular day to day issues of living in this near dead world and the greater phycological horrors of their situation. (Feel free to ask questions if you have them)
Again I will be finishing the fanfiction in the next two weeks and further more, than you for your support and interest in this little project of mine
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