#trigun fan fic
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nexadarling · 1 day ago
I throw this at you like a grenade. Enjoy
Come Watch the Waste
by: NexaDarling
T, 2k, complete
With nothing but his shadow and the whipping wind to keep him company, Vash walks unfalteringly towards the grave of his best friend, and the best man he ever knew. Will ever know. He can barely make out the outline of his destination, the Punisher standing tall and proud over its ward. There's more to the outline though, and Vash quickens his pace as an angry heat floods his body. There's someone leaning on the arm of the cross. Vash visits Wolfwood's grave on the anniversary of his death.
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algodon-candi · 10 months ago
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Unfortunately I will be drawing all my favorite ships dancing.
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yuquiitas · 2 years ago
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Misc post canon stuff hai again
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circusfable · 4 months ago
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3ic95id864pg · 14 days ago
Hello everyone,
I'm reaching out to ask for some assistance. I recently created an account on Ao3 using my phone and Google Chrome, but I'm not entirely sure how to navigate the platform. Specifically, I don't know how to save drafts or post a fanfic. Could someone please provide some tips to help me out?
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queermomo · 2 years ago
Trans vash renaissance among trigun enjoyers is the best thing that ever happened to me! I've never come across this sheer amount of fan content headcanoning a fictional character as a trans person ever before and I really can't express in words how much this means to me as a trans person myself
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kittywritesfic · 1 year ago
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VashWood fic up
Make it Better
Rated M/11,075k
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stefisdoingthings · 11 months ago
fuckkkkkkkk i have thoughts about wolfwood
(in which wolfwood tries to crucify himself and thinks of vash soothing him)
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trigunfanart · 1 year ago
Trigun's Eyeshine Week! Starts Nov 12th!!!
Everyday of Trigun's Eyeshine 10 day week your art/writing prompt will be, you guessed it, a song by Eyeshine!
Eyeshine is a band fronted by Vash's English dub voice actor, Johnny Yong Bosch. If you like this, maybe in a month or so we'll have "Where Giants Fall week", for his newer band!
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Q: How do we draw an art prompt based off a song?
A: You can use the lyrics as inspiration for a scene, a comic, or pick just one of the songs from the whole week and make an animatic if you're bold ;)
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Don't forget to use the hashtag #TrigunsEyeshineWeek
Sunday, November 12 - Like Yesterday
Monday, November 13 - Emotion Swell Acoustic
Tuesday, November 14 - Modern Guns
Wednesday, November 15 - Stay
Thursday, November 16 - Tearing Away
Friday, November 17 - Alone
Saturday, November 18 - Has our time run out
Sunday, November 19 - Last Breath
Monday, November 20 - Risk it All
Tuesday, November 21 - The Last Time I Saw You Acoustic
EDIT: Time extended to the 30th of November
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wolfwood-fic-exchange · 1 year ago
Interest check open!
The interest check for the Wolfwood Fic Exchange is open! Please check out our rules and FAQs before filling the form. The interest check will close on October 7th 2023.
We're so excited for this event and we hope you are too. Follow us for updates!
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nexadarling · 5 days ago
Seeing authors reblog my new fic rec account posts and be so happy and excited that i posted them is my new favorite thing. I love yall so much, i hope you know that me posting your fic is equivalent to kicking my feet like a school girl and writing our names together surrounded by hearts. I'm kissing you all on the forehead in thanks for adding your amazing work to this fandom
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typingdyslexiaisathing · 1 day ago
A Secret Revealed (Trigun) fanfiction
content: Retha makes camp with Vash and Wolfwood. Only to find out that Vash has a personal secret to tell Retha. Established relationships, tending wounds, stitching wounds, discussion of medical terms and sexual terms, Vash is revealed to be a hermaphrodite / intersex / of both male and female genders.
It's been a very terrible day for the gang. Half the gang is already camped in a nicer hotel. Yet I chose to stay with Vash and Wolfwood as they hunker into an abandoned building. The one wall completely gone. Yet the interior of this old factory still held up. There was even running water to use. Both men were too injured to do any scavenging. Wolfwood visibly struggling with walking for Vash to be teetering on his feet. So I had them stay in one room as I cased the building proper. Finding a king sized mattress and some old sheets that would prove beneficial. So I dragged the mattress out of the side room and into the bigger area. Where both men had begun the ritual of scrubbing skin clean and tending wounds.
I took a moment to simply take in sight. Both men free of their shirts and shoes to be down to their pants. Which Wolfwood removed his to bunch up and toss to the side for me to just take in the sight. It always sent heat through my whole body at how handsome both men really were. In their own ways. Yet Vash never got completely naked in front of me. He always kept his boxers on. Which wasn't going to work this particular night. Since he definitely had a bullet lodged into his lower abdomen area. So I was expecting for Wolfwood to be the surgeon as per usual. Yet this time, Vash turned to me. A look of fear and uncertainty there in his eyes as I got my brain focused on medical care and treating their wounds. "We need me to do the digging this time? I'm fine with that as long as you stay still for me and don't tease me over it. So what's with the look, Vash?"
Wolfwood started scrubbing his waistline with the water soaked rag to get at the blood and mud on his skin. So he wasn't looking at me when he was the one to answer. "He's internally freaking out over you seeing the secret. Which is dumb after we've been together in this hodge podge team family dynamic for so damn long. Retha. Turns out our Independent Plant is a hermaphrodite." Vash flinched to look absolutely terrified as he said, "Nick! You say that as if Retha would know what that means! When I had to literally show you in order for you to figure out what-" My brain clicked the word into place for me to blink a few times in sheer shock. Yet it answered a few questions as I propped a hand onto my hip to just let that sink in. "Okay. Well. That actually makes a whole lot of sense. I know what the word means, Vash. We all know I studied a ton of medical files before, during, and after that stay at Ship Three and other science facilities. I've actually pondered if that might be the case for you on and off."
Vash turned to me to look very conflicted. Yet it was really clear his legs were trembling with the effort of keeping him standing. So I grabbed the chair that I'd found to just plant it right behind him to then have Vash sit down on it. Making him meep before I sighed into the still air. "Good Lord above give me a big cup of coffee or some really big jugs of orange juice. Vash. My sunshine soul. You are just you and that is all I care about. Just as Nick is Nick and I love how he annoys the shit out of us both. I'll ask questions because this kind of medical jargon spiel is fascinating to me. But that is all I'm gonna do. I will never have the heart to push you away, Vash. All I want in this life is to have you and said annoying ass in my life. So breathe."
Wolfwood gave a bark of a laugh before I tossed him the last bar of soap I had in my bag. Which he snatched out of the air without looking directly at me to get to work scrubbing his skin with actual cleaning in mind to curse and growl at the stinging. So I turned my gaze back to Vash for him to sigh and get his pants off for me. The sound of the material hitting the ground like a gunshot as I just processed the sight before me. Vash had terrible scars from head to toe. Most of them were waist level and up. But he did have some deep gashes over his legs in several places. With his left butt cheek having a huge cross scar as he shifted to turn to fully face me. Exposing his front for me to just blink and absorb what my eyes were seeing as a blush crept over my skin. The blonde did indeed have gold down below as well as the expected masculine genitalia anyone would expect of a human guy. Then his leg shifted up for me to see there was also the female genitalia expected of a human woman. Not as apparent as the masculine. Yet still there for me to shake my head and knock the fog of shock out of my brain. My hands already scrubbed for me to bend down and work at where the bullet was still lodged in his lower abdomen. To the left of those golden curls and possibly way too close to fallopian tubes. So I did my best to be careful as Vash grit his teeth and stayed as still as possible.
The bullet wasn't as far in as I feared for me to fish it out. Soon enough I dropped the bullet to the ground before kicking it away from us. Pouring what little medical antiseptic I had left in the bottle over it for Vash to grind his teeth and hiss in pain. Then I was stitching up the hole to then slap a patch of medical tape over it. My gaze soon moving to the leaking cut on his hip for me to get to work on that. Wolfwood noting after a moment, "You gonna start asking us the questions I'm sure you have rattling around yet?" I paused for only a second before I huffed out, "Nick. Please. None of my damn business to ask if you two have enjoyed exploring hanky panky sexy things together. Only thing I need to say is this. You get Vash pregnant, I will murder you and take over as designated parent." Wolfwood burst out laughing as Vash went as red as his coat. So I paused to look up and into those beautiful eyes I love. My words warm but pointed as I smiled with all the love I held. "Listen up, sweetheart. You conceive a little one or get someone pregnant, I will want in on family raising. I will be the aunt that spoils the kid to no end. No exceptions, Vash. They will be my family and I will want to be in their lives along with yours. Remember that for the rest of our days and nights. Love always, sunshine soul. Always."
Vash took in my words to look absolutely stunned. To the point he stopped breathing as Wolfwood chuckled close by. The man soon cursing again on a particular bad scrape he was sewing shut on his lower arm to then speak his mind. "See? I told you that's what she would say, needle noggin. Yet you were constantly talking yourself into a panic attack. Maybe now you will stop freaking out over the voices in your too loud head." Vash gave a sniffle of noise for tears to fall like rain. So I finished stitching his hip to slap the medical tape over it before standing back up. Only for Vash to lunge forwards and tackle hug me tight as he kept sniffling. Then he burst into tears as I kept us both standing upright. The taller blonde trembling from head to toe as the damn of emotions broke. So I moved us to fall onto the mattress and just hug Vash tight. Holding this precious soul close as Vash cried it all out of his system. Only for Wolfwood to flop over and hug Vash from behind. Meaning his arms came around to rest on my shoulders as we held this broken hearted member of our family. None of us caring about clothes or civility as we just held on to each other.
Vash cried for a good eight minutes by my estimation. Until his voice broke for me to wince at the sound such made. So Wolfwood let go to fetch up a canteen of water and pass it so I might help Vash drink. Which he did with slow gulps as Wolfwood sighed into the quiet. "Kept saying he needed to get it all out of his system. Just take it slow and breathe for a bit, Vash. We got you." Wolfwood paused for Vash to stop drinking the water and take a few breaths for air. So I took the canteen to screw the cap on and set it by my head. Soon taking my hands to wipe at the tear tracks on Vash's face as he whimpered and panted for air. My words soft and full as I spoke. "Been a long road to carry that weight so far. So it's good to set it down and just breathe without the restrictions. For now, just lay here and rest for a while. Nick? You okay with grabbing the bag of spare clothes we nabbed this morning?" Wolfwood sat back up to grunt and grab at the bag in question to tug it over. Pulling out the clothes that were Vash's size to then hold the boxers up. So I grabbed them to kneel and slip Vash's feet into them. Which had Vash move to pull them on the rest of the way as Wolfwood put on a fresh pair of briefs. Some part of my mind lamenting the fact for me to shake my head and grab the sweatpants for Vash to put on.
Wolfwood put on a pair of sweat shorts to then get up and stretch. My gaze taking in his every flex for Vash to soon give a soft chuckle next to me. So I coughed to state with emphasis, "I do the same damn thing when it's you showing off. So do not tease me." Vash gave a meep of surprise as Wolfwood turned to face us. His eyebrow rising as Vash gave a squeak of nerves. So I smiled to say, "I was just enjoying the show, Nick. You look as chiseled and sublime as always. Keep up the fantastic workout, you snarky ass." Wolfwood smirked as he snickered at my comments. But then he looked to Vash to then kneel down in front of us both. Soon giving Vash a gentle tap to the forehead for Vash to automatically rub when he got tapped. "Now you know point blank our Retha is in it for the long haul. So you can let that whole thing go and stop carrying it around. We are your rag tag team of misfits. You will never be rid of us, needle noggin. We are keeping you and that is the end of that."
Vash took a moment to then give Wolfwood that real smile. The one of vulnerability and acceptance that reached his eyes. So Wolfwood reached up to ruffle those blonde locks and smile back at Vash. So I leaned in to rest my head on Vash's shoulder and close my eyes. Soaking in Vash's body heat and his breathing for me to feel a kind of wholeness in the moment. Only for Vash to let all his air out and rest his head against mine and lean into my frame right back. While Wolfwood chuckled to then just topple himself into us and have the three of us flop backwards for Wolfwood to smirk and lay on top of us as Vash squacked and laughed. Making me grin in turn as Wolfwood hugged us both. So I chose to savor this priceless moment for me to laugh and sneak in face kisses. Which had both men blush as I spoke with pure love and joy. "My whole world and my happiness. Either poking me in the side with an elbow or squishing me from up top. I guess I'm not making dinner tonight. Nick can do it."
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Honestly, sometimes when I am updating my new Trigun stuff on Ao3, or contemplating more Zelda stuff, I see the SHEER VOLUME of my Spop fics and I get a temptation just to personal-archive them all and take them all offline. Most of my experience in this fandom has been pain and I feel kind of ashamed of my Spop fics because "why was I writing for a children's cartoon that people take way too seriously, anyway?" Even though I was a prolific Trigun-ficcer back in the day, and after that, a prolific Zelda-ficcer, I never wanted to take all of my fanfiction dot net stuff over to Ao3. It's kind of surreal for me to see myself as an author of around 100 fics on Ao3 and instead of them being "mostly Zelda" or "half Zelda, half Trigun" like on the old site, on Ao3, there are just sooooo many individual Spop fics, most of them Entrapdak or veering into my original characters, and that's listed-fics, some of what I have are small-fic COLLECTIONS. And, it's like... I've returned to what has become a far better (and less traumatising) fandom now? I have a lot of stuff I've done over on fanfiction dot net from like 20 years ago, but it's not good, I just want to keep on doing new stuff, with the occasional bring-over of an old "I've re-read and I don't hate this" fic. So, I just leer at my Spop stuff and wonder... "What if I blew you all up?" I don't know if anyone is reading that stuff anymore. I get a few kudos now and again, but it's old stuff. I don't think I'm particularly missed in the fandom. And it's like...comparing my lower-effort fan-writing for a not-too well-written show with my explorations of something that is inspirational, amazing and burrows into the soul. I...just don't want people going to Ao3 to think of me as "an Spop writer anymore, when I'm becoming a Trigun writer again. But... I am not a coward. I've left up my old, dubious-quality bullshit-fic for many fandoms that I did over 20 years ago up on fanfiction dot net TO THIS DAY - seriously, things that make me facepalm still exist on the Internet, easily accessed. I also wonder, if anyone does still like my Ao3 Spop work, feeling nostalgic or whatever, they should be able to find it.
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krillissue · 1 year ago
Ink & Roses Epilogue 🌸
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More of my favorite little guys so deeply in love but they’ll never say it ❤️ If you liked “Kill Me With A Smile” hopefully you wanted to see more of them, too.
I have three chapters planned for this so keep an eye out for the updates!!
🌸 Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D Wolfwood, Vash the Stampede & Millions Knives
🌸 Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU, Epilogue
🌸 Domestic Fluff, Meeting the Parents, Wolfwood finally gets to top
🌸 In Progress 2/3, 18,535 words
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buried-l0cket · 9 months ago
1. You are so based your art slaps 2. Do you have any Milly/dominique recs there is one fic on Ao3 for them and I wrote it LOL (I will also take Millymeryl recs pleaseee)
I rarely read fic and when I do it’s p exclusively polygun I’m sorry I have no recs to give 😔 you have to be the change you want to see in the world and write all the Milly/Dominique fic soldier
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kittywritesfic · 2 years ago
He doesn’t even get a full step inside the room before a fist is tangled in the thick, red leather of his jacket. Vash’s body is swinging, swung into the hard, grey wood of the door, the bevels and edges biting into the flat of his back. He wraps his hand around Wolfwood’s wrist, holds tight, too tight to the joint, bracing to tear the man’s hands off, to shove him away.
“Do you think this is fuckin’ game?”
Vash narrows his eyes, thins his lips, levels his companion with an unflinching stare.
“Do you?” Wolfwood emphasizes the rising level of his demand with a hard shake to Vash’s shoulders.
Vash stares back at him, unblinking, unyielding. The priest’s chest rises in rapid, high swells. Sweat trickles down his temples, down his neck, courses through the terrain of his collarbones, diverts at the levy of his rosary. Wolfwood leans in close, the grey of his eyes churning like thunderheads. “‘Cause it isn’t.” His voice is a growl, his inhale a heavy load raked across gravel. “It fuckin’ isn’t, Vash.”
Not “Blondie”. Not “Tongari”. Not “Spikes”. Or “Needle Noggin”.
But “Vash”.
His hold tightens on the blonde’s collar, their chests brush. Vash’s fingers flex around Wolfwood’s wrists, blood trickles down the line of his jaw. He wants to yell back, he wants to push, punch. Fight about it like he always does but there’s a tremble in the priest’s fingers, a broken glass edge to his respiration and Vash can’t. He can’t bring himself to push.
“Answer me!” Wolfwood pulls him closer. Vash can taste the smoke lingering on his breath, smell the sweat, the blood. He can see the sand caught in stubble on his cheeks, feel the rapid thunder of his heartbeat. And he wants to touch it.
“You coulda died!” Wolfwood snarls.
“I didn’t.”
Wolfwood lets go, lets go like he’s tearing flesh open. Vash stumbles the step back to the warped wooden wall as the priest’s fist makes contact with the boards. He leans close, so close the blood tracking down his face drips onto the blonde’s shoulder. “Would it’ve been worth it?”
Would it have been?
For Vash, it was.
To help someone, to save someone, it was worth it.
But at what cost?
Moonlight cuts like razor blades across the planes of Nicholas D. Wolfwood’s face, bathes the blood and sweat in silver light, baptizes the air in silhouette and fear.
It’s fear.
“Nicholas,” Vash whispers, the epiphany pulling hard at something painful and deep, something dangerous and buried deep inside his chest.
“Don’t.” Wolfwood bites the word out like a warning, like a threat. “Don’t.”
Vash lifts his hand, presses the glove against flesh. He’s never headed a warning, never shied from a threat. “Nicholas.”
Wolfwood strikes like a viper, curls his hand around Vash’s wrist and squeezes. “Don’t fuckin’ say it.”
Say what, Vash doesn’t know, but the fear, now that Vash can see it, can hear it, is laced in the threat, threaded in the touch. It burns through the leather of his gloves, through the barriers of fabric on skin. And Vash wants to soothe it. But he isn’t sure how.
Touch. I want to touch.
He lifts his other hand, the mechanics whirring with the motion, and slides the tips of his fingers along the sharp line of Wolfwood’s jaw. He can feel the muscles flex, his teeth gritting. Wolfwood’s eyes squeeze closed but he doesn’t move away, he doesn’t push Vash away.
“I didn’t die,” the blonde whispers and Wolfwood’s breath hitches. Vash soothes his hand over the swell of the priest’s chest, smears the blood through hair, presses his palm over his heart. “I didn’t die.” Wolfwood bares his teeth, his jaw flexes under Vash’s touch. Vash lets gravity move him from the wall, lets it pull him closer to Wolfwood’s orbit. “Nicholas.” He leans his forehead against Wolfwood’s. Their noses brush, their hair tangles. Wolfwood’s breathing grows rapid and harsh. His heart is beating hell against Vash’s hand; his own matches the rhythm.
The air has shifted, the humidity thickened. There’s a cliff here, an unsteady rock face and they’re on the edge. There’s nothing but death if they fall from this height; there’s nothing but death if they stay on the ridge.
Would it’ve been worth it?
For Wolfwood? Always.
He’s always worth it for Vash.
He brings both hands up to cup Wolfwood’s face, he brushes his thumbs through the sand, through the sweat, through the blood. He’s a masterpiece, a moonlit canvas of gore and loss and Vash has never wanted anything more in his life than to touch him.
“Vash.” The name is so quiet, it’s barely a word, but Vash hears it, he feels it.
“Nicholas,” he breathes, lips ghosts over lips. “I didn’t die.”
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