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oddclan-askblog · 11 months ago
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Concepts for the bamboo forest above and below and a ref for Trig.
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Raaf's updated character design, some expression practice, and concepts for other corvokon.
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dubadoowop · 3 months ago
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The gang play a round of 'bedderoff', and Jazz leaves the group with more questions than answers.
Bonus: confused man.
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"What does it all mean??"
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er-cryptid · 2 months ago
Vectors with i and j [Ex. 3]
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soukokou15 · 4 months ago
MATH. I have a love and hate relationship math and I know everyone can relate to this.
The part of mathematics that causes me mental agony is the arithmetic part. Not that I can't do it more like I don't want to do this and will not even if my life depended on it.
Algebra is beautiful. The reason I think it makes more sense to me is because it's very pattern-associated. The letter co-efficient groups the numbers into little families. Simple rules and simplification after that.
Trigonometry is great. It's difficult at first but then again it is a bit pattern-associated. I think the names and theta make it very fancy. The fact that we got a whole branch of mathematics out of a right-angled triangle is amazing.
Calculus can be tough at the beginning but I feel like its pretty decent. Its kind os a whole new algebra in my opinion lol
Geometry can SMD.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year ago
happy holiday break, let’s talk class schedules
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According to the Secrets of Auradon Prep tie-in book, AP runs on a rotating block schedule. Six periods per day, plus lunch. Pretty reasonable for a high school class schedule.
Homeroom once a week feels a little weird to me, but after an unofficial poll of some friends, it’s apparently not too uncommon for American high schools to only have it at the start of the week.
It’s sort of nice that the students get a study period every day, instead of having their free block/study block worked into the rotation with the rest of their classes.
In Mal’s Diary, we get another look at her schedule.
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She’s in most of the same classes as the sample from before, but no chemistry class. Is Mal not interested in chemistry, or did Fairy Godmother decide it was more important for her to learn about evil fairies instead? Are there other “cultural history” type classes for other students, or did Fairy Godmother and whoever planned the class schedules for the other VKs just decide to pile on allll of the history/social studies classes for the VK to educate them in the ways of Auradon?
I think it’s funnier for me personally if Fairy Godmother received transcripts from Dragon Hall, looked at the VKs’ classes so far, and decided to say ‘fuck it’ on math and science classes, what these kids need is Auradon cultural education. Woodsmen, Fairies, Auradon History, and straight-up Goodness 101. One singular math class will take care of the rest, they’ll be fine.
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They're here!
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The geometry workbook is by a different author, and the pre-calc workbook has a different co-author, but all the rest are matching sets.
My plan is to go back to school next year to get a second bachelor's degree in astrophysics, a dream of mine that I abandoned in my freshman year because I was lazy and depressed and burned out. I eventually graduated with a BA in English, which is by far the greatest regret of my life. After 4½ years of doing nothing but complain about it and wallow in what could have been, I decided last month to get my ass in gear and commit to the field I originally intended back in 2014.
It's been 9 years since I graduated high school, and I've forgotten pretty much everything beyond simple geometry and a vague awareness of trigonometric functions (I've retained no calculus whatsoever). If I'm going to pursue astrophysics, I'm not only going to need to relearn all this math, I'm going to need to master it. I can't just eke by with a passing C, I need to know every subject backwards and forwards while blindfolded. I already have the pre-req credits to get into the advanced math and physics classes for the major, I just need to refresh myself. I was able to pass trig and AP calc and physics back when I was a punkass teenager, I'm sure I can do it again now that I actually give a shit.
I procrastinated all throughout May because I didn't know if I had it in me to master seven courses in one year, but the workbooks all arrived this morning and now I'm feeling a lot better about my chances. Flipping through algebra 1, I've encountered nothing but softball questions like "which is bigger, -5 or -2?" and "find coordinate (1,3) on this graph." I have no doubt in my mind that this is going to be an absolute cakewalk. Like riding a bike, it'll all come back to me as I work my way through it. I can knock out algebra 1 in a few days, two weeks tops, but I'm less confident in my latent geometry skills, so the cakewalk will serve mostly to temper myself for the challenges ahead. If I jumped right into the hard parts, I'd get overwhelmed and give up like I my first time around, so I need to start small.
I'll be deriving and integrating in no time!
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onceuponamillennia · 9 months ago
unpopular opinion i think geometry and trig gets too much hate. the numbers slot together so perfectly it's like the most magnificent puzzle ever made how can you not look at the pictures of lines and angles and circles and triangles and not be hit with the striking realisation you are surrounded by beautiful and gorgeous pieces of pure art?
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killinitsince1983 · 4 months ago
Monica: I thought you had a type?
Dre: Well, my type kept breaking my heart. So I decided to switch it up a bit.
The Chi S6E4
This small dialog between these 2 spoke volumes to me. Some of us chase after the same type of people, but never think to switch up what we've gone after because that type has repeatedly hurt us. On the flip side, if someone doesn't fit our type we won't give them a chance, and that one could be the very person we need in our life to make us feel safe, loved, secure, and give us all the other things we're looking for.
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melon-flowers · 3 months ago
Exam tomorrow so I’m watching trigonometry videos while I clean my dorm
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discombobulatedrebel · 6 months ago
I don't like tan graphs very much. They're just eugh. Much prefer sin/cos graphs.
Wait, no.
No no no–
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oddclan-askblog · 1 year ago
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something I was able to finish while I had art block
Baby Sligs are adorable tbh and I feel like Trig was a lil menace when he was tiny
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itsgerges · 4 months ago
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Best Regards
Does The Physicist Vision Contradict The Nature System? 
Please read
The Gravitational Waves Reflection Analysis
I study the solar system Geometry since long years- and- I have found the physicist and astronomer can't understand the solar system designer vision– in fact their vision contradict the designer vision- let's prove that in following  
The Physicist Vision
The physicist supposes that there's (a unit of building)- by that- the physicist sees the mass (for example) as wall and this wall is consisted of bricks (small similar units) and for that the physicist searched for this (unit) because it's the (unit) by which the wall is building (the mass is building)– this is the physicist thinking direction- he believed there's a small unit by which the great building is built
For that the physicist searched and found the particle and then the particle is divided into Molecules then the Molecule is divided into atoms and the atom is divided into nucleus and electron moves around and the nucleus is divided into proton and Neutron- and the proton is divided into quarks …etc
The physicist searches for the building unit- the unit by which the building is built – or the unit by which the mass is built – for that the physicist divides (any thing) to see its contents till reach to the unit which can be used as the building unit. 
The Designer Vision
The designer aims to create integration- as the marriage – male and female- the relationship will cause to give birth for a child
INTEGRATION this is the word inside the designer Mind
No building unit- the marriage answers- because in marriage both (male and female) are required and no one of them better than the other – both work together and give equal effects on the same one process and give together one result- I explain the idea by the marriage because it's easy to understand- I want to put the word (Integration) as the basic concept in the designer mind.
I want to explain how the physicist causes fatal error for the research method
While the physicist divides the elements one after one (from matter to particle to molecule to atom to proton to quarks …etc) this division from out into inner till reach to very small unit which he considered the building unit – that causes to destroy the geometrical design of the integration process
Let's return to the marriage- the marriage requires two players (male and female)- they have different bodies and the process give birth for children- Suppose we remove one player what would happen? (where can we find a woman pregnant by herself?)
I want to say- the division from (matter to particle to molecule to atom to proton to quarks …etc) destroys the general geometrical design which uses the integration process- let's give other examples
Example No. (1)   
Einstein told us (He can't find slightest meaning for the word SPACE) by that he can't define (what's the space) and also he found the space has no mechanical features because no definition causes these features – this is the physicist vision - Let's see the designer vision
Planet moves and its motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and where's the energy? the planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because this energy would raise the planet temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- where's the planet motion energy? logically we suppose that- the energy is stored in the space in waves form- means- the planet moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space (as the fish swims in the sea and its motion creates waves in the sea water) similar to that the planet motion produces energy and this energy creates waves in the space- by that we can define the space and conclude the space nature and features- simply we conclude the space has mechanical features because the energy is stored in the space as moving waves- the gravitational waves prove the space has motion- why we can solve the question which Einstein couldn't solve? Because he supposed the planet is independent from the space- the integration concept is not known by him
The waves are produced by the planet motion energy are the gravitational waves, the paper first hypothesis proves these waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the gravitational field also the hypothesis proves the Sun doesn't produce a gravitational field.   
Example No. (2)   
The scientists stated (The Sun Rays Are Created By The Sun Nuclear Fusion Process)
Because they think the sun is independent from the planets and each planet is independent from the other– the harmony motion can not prove all players are created from one unified source (one energy) - the integration is not seeing here 
We can reach to the facts simply- because- the planet moves and produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy is stored in the space in moving waves-
The simple idea tells (the energy can NOT be stored in the space forever) this stored energy must be used- here we see how the sun rays is created- clearly- the Sun Is NOT Doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays- why? because the solar system is very rich in the motion energy and massive motion energy is stored in the space logically this stored energy must be used by some method- based on that- I conclude – the sun rays are produced from this stored energy regardless the production mechanism (means even if I don't know how the sun rays is produced by this energy) I still can confirm that the sun rays is created from the planets motions energies which are stored in the solar system space as moving waves-
I wish I explain the idea clearly -I can discover the space nature and features by planet motion analysis – why? because of the integration- they do one unified job together and each player can be defined by the analysis for the other player.
My theory tells (The sun rays are created from the gravitational waves and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies) – that explains why the sun corona temperature is 5 millions Kelvin and the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin because the energy is not come from the sun body.
The Concept Problem -the problem is the eyes – the physicist eyes should see the integration while the integration is growing– let's give example to see this problem
The Earth and its moon move together and they create integrated motion- that shows unified motion by the two planets – but this integration is growing by Venus Motion effect on both planets and by that we have greater integration contains (The Earth- The Moon – Venus) – But Mars also has effect on the three planets – that shows greater integration contains the four planets and of Course Mercury has effect on all and that created greater integration contains the inner planets –
The integration is growing till contain all planets and the Sun together – why?- because it's One Unified Energy behind all players
It needs one genius can understand all these motions and their effects on each other to create one unified motion and one unified effect
The physicist needs very wide eyes can see the great integrated system and all small integrated systems inside it– (something like a great chess board which have hundreds of pieces- if the eyes can see all pieces motions and their effects)
The Concept Use Difficulty-
Why is it hard to discover the integration in the solar system?
Because the geometrical rules are not known and we need to analyze the planets data deeply to discover these rules and see the integration behind it–let's see two examples can help to explain this meaning
Example No. (I)
Why Is The Moon Orbital Apogee Radius = 406000 Km?
The moon daily displacement =88000 km and during 29.53 days (the moon day period) the displacements total be = 2.598 million km = 2π x 413600 km
The data tells us the moon orbital apogee radius should be 413600 km and also it tells, because the moon daily displacement (88000 km) is so long, the moon should revolve around the Earth through this apogee orbit its radius (413600 km) only and can't revolve around the Earth through any more near orbit…
Not Facts
The moon orbital apogee radius =406000 km only and the moon revolves around the Earth through near orbits and can reach to perigee radius (363000 km). 
How Can The Moon Do That?
The intelligent moon creates an angle (θ) between its motion direction and its orbit horizontal level by that the real displacement (L) through the orbit be less than (88000 km) because it be (L = 88000 km cos θ), as a result the total displacements be less than (2.598 million km) and that makes the moon orbital apogee radius to be decreased from 413600 km to 406000 km.
We should pay attention for the angle (θ), because this angle controls the moon motion features – where- with the angle (θ) increasing the real displacement (L) be shorter and the moon can revolve around the Earth through more near orbits – but –with the angle (θ) deceasing the real displacement (L) be longer and that pushes the moon far from the Earth to more far orbits.
The moon orbital motion Equation depends on this angle (θ) it tells θ1 = θ0 +1.7
where (θ1) = today angle and (θ0) =yesterday angle
1.7 degrees be used as the moon daily motion degrees for the equation
This example aims to show how to discover the geometrical rules by using the planets data-But the example doesn't provide a picture for the integration because it's a motion done by the moon only- the next example shows the integration system based on which the total solar eclipse is created
Example No. (II)
DATA NO. (i)
4900 million km     = 1.392 million km x 3475 km (The Moon Diameter)
                             = 449197 km x 10921 km (The Moon Circumference)                                             = 406000 km x 12104 km (Venus Diameter)                              
                             = 384000 km x 12756 km (The Earth Diameter)                         
                             = 363000 km x2 x 6792 km (Mars Diameter)
1.392 million km = π x 449197 km (error 1.3%)  where       
4900 million km     = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
1.392 million km    = The Sun Diameter 
449197 km            = Jupiter Circumference
406000 km            =The Earth Moon Distance For The Apogee Radius
384000 km            =The Moon Orbital Distance
363000 km            =The Moon Distance For The Perigee Radius
DATA NO. (ii)
1.392 million km /3475 km = (149.6 million km/ 373500 km) where
149.6 million km    = The Earth Orbital Distance
373500 km            = The Earth Moon Distance (At The Total Solar Eclipse) 
DATA NO. (iii)
Jupiter Venus distance               = 671 million km
Venus Orbital Circumference     = 680 million km (error 1.3%)
Jupiter Earth Distance                = 928 million km
The Earth Orbital Circumference = 940 million km (error 1.3%)
Notice – the distance 928 million km = 149.6 million km + 778.6 million km
(means the distance 928 million km is found when the two planets be on different sides from the sun)
DATA NO. (iv)
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves in 10921 seconds a distance 142984 km = Jupiter diameter
4900 million km = 449197 km (Jupiter circumference) x 10921 km
4900 million km = (13.1 km/s) x π x (10921 seconds)^2
1- Preface
2- The Sun Diameter Definition Rule
3- The Sun Position Analysis
4- Jupiter Orbit Design Uses The Moon Circumference
5- The Sun diameter should be = 400 The Moon diameter
1- Preface
My theory tells (the sun rays are created by the gravitational waves and not by any nuclear fusion process – also- I claim- the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field moreover the sun doesn’t produce a gravitational field) –
Means, The theory tells the sun rays is created by the planets motions energies – 
Also that means, The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion- let's see the eclipse reason data here
(The Sun Diameter / The Moon Diameter)= (The Earth Orbital Distance / The Earth Moon Distance)
The old question asked why does the diameters rate equal = the distances rate and the wrong answer was always (Pure coincidence)
The fact is that the sun is created after all planets creation and motion and that means the sun diameter is created based on the moon diameter and that tells the sun diameter depends on 2 players which are (the moon diameter) and the number (400) because
The sun diameter 1.392 million km = the moon diameter 3475 km x 400
 Here we need to know why the sun diameter is created depending on these two players
2- The Sun Diameter Definition Rule
My planet diameter equation proves the planet diameter is created as a function in its orbital distance- Can the sun diameter be created by a similar method? that necessitates the sun diameter to be a function in some distance- but – what distance? Let's see the next data 
The sun diameter 1.392 million km= 449197 km (Jupiter Circumference) x π   (1.3%)
The data shows a connection between the sun diameter and Jupiter Circumference-
Can The Sun Position In The Sky Be Defined Based On Jupiter Orbit? Let's examine that
My theory tells the sun is created by the planets motions energies and that means the sun is created after all planets creation and motion– means- while the planets were found and moving in their orbits the sun is created Later and that necessitated to define a position for the sun in the sky
I claim- the sun position is defined based on Jupiter orbit – that can explain the previous data and also the total solar eclipse data
Now – let's ask – Can the sun position in the sky be defined based on Jupiter Orbit? We try to answer this question in the next point
3- The Sun Position Analysis
The space is not static but in motion- means – all points are in motion in the solar system space and the solar system design needs to create a stationary point on which the sun will be created – the stationary point moves by zero motion approximately (in fact it moves by 1 km/s) – but how this point can be found in the space where the space is in motion and no any point is stationary in it? (the space is similar to the sea of water and no stationary point is found in the sea because every thing is in motion)
Means- the creation of the stationary point in the space needs specific procedure– let's see it
The Sun Point Creation Procedure
Before the sun creation, the planets revolved around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on the revolution both sides - the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be Zero-shortly- the revolution motion creates A Stationary Point in the center of the revolution- that means- the chosen point of space was in motion before the planets revolve around it but when the planets revolve around it this point becomes stationary point and this point motion be Zero approximately (1 km/s)- please note – the point is static and has no motion and its velocity should be Zero but the mathematical calculations of this point can't use the Zero number that's why the velocity be 1 km/s the most low velocity higher than Zero-
Now let's see the data by which the planets starting their revolutions around the sun
Jupiter Mercury Distance           = 721 million km
Mercury Orbital Circumference = 360 million km
Jupiter Venus distance               = 671 million km
Venus Orbital Circumference     = 680 million km (error 1.3%)
Jupiter Earth Distance                = 928 million km
The Earth Orbital Circumference = 940 million km (error 1.3%) (The distance 928 million km is found when the two planets be on different sides from the sun)
Here we suppose the sun is not created yet and this data defines the sun position before the sun creation- means- we try to define the point of space only
Let's ask -
Where's this required point around which the planets will revolve?
Venus Role
Venus Jupiter distance = 671 million km and Venus used this distance to be the orbital circumference around the required point (680 million km=Venus orbital circumference) (error 1.3%) by that the required point is defined by Venus revolution around it. 
Mercury Role
Mercury Jupiter distance = 721 million km and Mercury used (half of) this distance to be the orbital circumference around the required point (360 million km=Mercury orbital circumference)- by that the required point is defined by Venus revolution around it
The Earth Role
The Earth Jupiter distance = 928 million km and The Earth used this distance to be the orbital circumference around the required point (940 million km =The Earth orbital circumference error 1.3%) - by that the required point is defined by Venus revolution around it
We see the four planets defines their orbital circumferences based on Jupiter orbit
Please see deeply this distribution because
The designer put Venus and Mercury on the left side of the sun to define the required point for the sun from this left side and
The designer put The Earth and Its Moon on the right side of the sun to define the required point for the sun from this right side
Means- the required point is defined by four planets – two on each side- and all distances depend on Jupiter orbit and for that these planets orbital circumferences are defined based on Jupiter orbital circumference and by that the sun position is defined based on Jupiter orbit- this is very important fact- because the sun diameter will be defined based on Jupiter orbit-
Now we have answer for the question (why are the 3 planets orbital circumferences equal their distances to Jupiter?) because based on these three distances the sun position is defined- means- the sun position depends on these three planets positions to be defined and these three planets positions depended on Jupiter position and orbit  
And that caused the sun diameter to be created as a function in Jupiter orbital circumference as the data proves
Now we know the sun position is defined depending on Jupiter orbit- let's see the relationship between Jupiter orbital circumference and the moon diameter – let's review its data in following
DATA NO. (iv)
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves in 10921 seconds a distance 142984 km = Jupiter diameter
4900 million km = 449197 km (Jupiter circumference) x 10921 km
4900 million km = (13.1 km/s) x π x (10921 seconds)^2
The Earth moon circumference 10921 km is used by Jupiter motion in different units- it's hard to see the depth of this data but we conclude that the moon circumference 10921 km is produced by some geometrical reason has effect on Jupiter orbit- Means- Jupiter is the parent of the moon and the number 10921 km is belonged to Jupiter
And if we remember the data
1392000 km (The Sun Diameter) = 449197 km (Jupiter Circumference) x π   (1.3%)
The previous data shows the sun and the moon diameters are defined by Jupiter motion and orbit and that shows the two values by geometrical rules are related to each other and that causes the proportionality between them we see in the total solar eclipse data –
Notice (1)
1392000 km (the sun diameter) = 406000 km (the planets diameters total) x 3.4
The data proves the sun diameter is rated with the planets diameters total by the rate 3.4 where (3.4 degrees = Venus orbital inclination) and it's related to Pluto orbital inclination (17.2 degrees) because (sin 3.4 = 1/17.2)
Also sin (3.4 deg) x 100733 mkm = 5906 mkm (Pluto orbital distance)  
100733 mkm = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total
This last data is important because it defines Pluto orbital distance means it defines the most far point from the sun in the solar system- means- it's the solar system boundaries- that tells the solar system general design depends on the angle (3.4 degrees) that causes this angle to be used as Venus orbital inclination and caused also to make Pluto orbital inclination as 17.2 degrees (please note the inner planets orbital inclinations total is 17.4 degrees error 1%)- that tells the proportionality of the sun diameter with the planets diameters total depends on the solar system general design.  
Notice (2)
37100 mkm (Pluto orbital circumference) - 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) = 32200 mkm = (100733 mkm /π)
Where 100733 mkm = The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total
This data tells the solar planets orbital circumferences total depends on Jupiter and Pluto orbital circumferences- this analysis aims to prove that the solar system general design depends on Jupiter orbit- and that means- the sun position definition depends on Jupiter orbit and that causes the sun position definition depend on the solar system general design.
Notice (3)
Light (300000 km/s) moves in 335777 seconds =100733 mkm (The Planets Orbital Circumferences Total)- But -
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) x 335777 seconds = 4.37 million km (The sun circumference)
The Sun Position Is Defined Depends On Jupiter Orbit (CONT)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
Curriculum Vitae                   https://www.academia.edu/s/b88b0ecb7c
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er-cryptid · 2 months ago
Applying Rolle's Theorem with Trigonometry [Ex. 1]
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ohdeermi · 2 years ago
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gonna be practicing some art styles so if anyone has any characters to draw pls lmk! art teach said to work on confident lines some more so this is an attempt at that
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justafanaticalhuman · 1 year ago
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lavena · 9 months ago
Guess who gave up on trying to understand math and just bought mathway premium so I can pass this fucking calc course
Why did I choose engineering
I like math, I hate geometry and trig
Why is trig such a big thing?
Why for the love of everything
Give me balancing chem equations any day at least I understand that shit
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