#tried to post this in youtube and it had copyright
survivoreddie · 12 days
9-1-1 on Celebrity Family Feud - abc (16/09/2024)
Part 2 & 3
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basslinegrave · 5 months
tumblr broken again i cant scroll past 3 posts it kicks me out and if i like anything it blanks out the screen right when i got back here to post more than 1 post a week anyway
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thighguys · 3 months
Please explain the vday video lore im new to the fandom!!!!
oh, sure! this is pretty much one of the biggest phandom controversies ever lmao so. super taboo topic too, people only got comfy even mentioning it within the past few years. tldr it was a private video of phil talking about their relationship that got leaked and caused them to be outed. detailed explanation under the cut bc it's long lol
basically in like 2010 phil recorded a video while dan was away on a family vacation (i think india) talking about how much he loved him and going into a bit of detail on like, their first date, etc etc (references to the manchester eye and avatar 3d come from this video as phil mentioned them kissing for the first time on the eye and also at avatar lol) and in the video phil said it was a Valentine's Day gift for dan as dan wasn't there to celebrate with him. he posted it privately and that was that. ive seen the video once but it was a while ago, mostly i remember a lot of little drawings of fireworks and cherries lmao. which, more lore, but. not for this rant lol
then a year later, 2011, youtube went through a glitch that unprivated everybody's private videos and the video was leaked. dan and phil put out a statement or wtv saying they had recorded it as an april fools prank for their viewers but they scrapped it because they worried people might take it seriously, and asked people to not spread the video around. luckily the phandom was still fairly small at this time and not too many people saw the video so it wasn't a huge deal.
THEN in 2012, it got unprivated again due to Another glitch, and this time (basically right after they'd gotten really popular) people went crazy over it. dan and phil asked people not to share it but it didnt work, and there are a lot of receipts from back then of both of them (but especially dan) getting super defensive about their sexualities. they copyrighted anyone who tried to repost the video and phil was still taking it down up until at least 2018 (i dont know of any vids being taken down later than that but im not sure).
the reason it was a big deal was pretty much just bc of the gigantic breach of privacy lmao. dan and phil were literally outed and people couldn't keep quiet and respectful about it. people got ahold of this private thing and then when dnp got defensive about it, instead of stopping, viewers kept pushing. i think it was a mix of 'wow this video is cute also phan is real' and 'the more upset and defensive dnp get the more it proves that the video isn't a joke' and also a good portion of the phandom was too young to recognize the impact they were making. not to excuse them, but like. they were 12 years old finding out their favorite ship was real and they weren't mature enough to shut up about it.
honestly it's just really sad to think about lmao. they were so young and they went through soooo much bs. it's amazing that theyre still together honestly, atp their relationship is literally unbreakable. there was a whole breakup theory after the video leaked the second time actually, bc they did less joint content for a while there before they launched dnpg. i never read up on that but im sure somebody's got a rundown on the main points if you're interested lol.
im sure somebody has a link to the video if you really want to see it? it's up on youtube somewhere (possibly unlisted) and i know somebody put it on tumblr a while back. i don't know where it is though, you'll have to ask around. i don't personally see any harm in watching it at this point- they're out and grownups now and so are we, so as long as you arent spreading it around or being generally disrespectful lmao i say go wild. not everyone will agree with that tho, like i said it was a reeeally taboo topic for a while and a lot of newer phannies honestly might not even know about it. i wasn't personally there when it happened but i was an 11 year old with internet access in 2017 and i literally took notes on dnp lore deepdives 😭
anyway that's about it! if anyone has other things they think i should add/edit lmk ☺️
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tumblhurgoyf · 1 year
Can you explain for my friend why wotc actions after the leak are bad?
This is gonna be a bit lengthy but first I want to establish a timeline. Note the only real info we have is from the Youtuber in question, so it's not unreasonable that some of this is wrong, either intentionally or just because this guy likewise doesn't know all of what happened.
A Youtuber with about 5000 subscribers, oldschoolmtg, ordered booster boxes of March of the Machine.
2. The person he ordered them from mistakenly gave him boxes of March of the Machine: Aftermath.
3. oldschoolmtg cracked the Aftermath packs and posted videos of that online. It does sound like he was aware of difference between MOM and MOM Aftermath before he posted the videos. He said he doesn't believe the person who sold them was aware as that person isn't really into Magic (I personally know a store like this--the owner is really into Warhammer but does Magic stuff too because it pays bills).
4. Wizards says they tried to contact him but couldn't reach him. As far as I know we have no context for how they tried to contact him, how many attempts they made, or how long they waited before hiring the Pinkertons to shake him down.
5. I believe Sunday April 25 in the morning the Pinkertons showed up at this guy's house to recover "stolen" product. They threatened jail time and the Youtuber refers to them as "law men" in his video so I'm not sure if he misunderstands their role or if they misrepresented themselves.
6. After getting the cards, the Pinkerton agents provided a phone number to a person at Wizards for oldschoolmtg to call. He said this person was apologetic and cordial and said they don't believe anything was stolen but they needed the product so they could figure out how this happened to prevent it in the future. oldschoolmtg also says they said they'd send him some product to compensate for the cards the Pinkertons just took from him.
7. oldschoolmtg removed the Youtube videos of him opening the Aftermath packs. They also asked him to ask everyone else to take those vids down, claiming some sort of copyright infringement.
That's all the info I'm aware of, mostly just straight from the person who experienced this.
So why is this wrong?
First, MOM Aftermath is an embargoed product. Which means Wizards ships it out to retailers (be they big box store or LGS or online space or whatever) under a contract that they won't sell it before a certain date and time. oldschoolmtg believes the person he purchased from simply mixed up the two sets because of the similar names. He says he purchased the product and according to his recollection of the phone call, the rep at Wizards likewise didn't think he had stolen it.
That's important because the embargo agreement is between retailers and Wizards. oldschoolmtg had no contractual obligation with regard to the embargoed product. It leads me to believe the Pinkertons were involved because they'd willingly insinuate the product was stolen and oldschoolmtg had committed a crime when in actuality there was no grounds to take any legal action against the man. There was no grounds to get a warrant to search for the product. He had committed no crime. He bought Magic cards from a guy who sells Magic cards. The only actual recourse Wizards would have had if the cards weren't stolen was to pursue the guy who sold them for breaking the embargo.
The only theft that actually occurred was when the Pinkertons raided this guy's home to take cards he purchased.
That's my take given what info we know. The Youtube videos aren't actually relevant in a meaningful way--that's just how Wizards found out.
But it's actually even worse. It would have been shitty to seek out a warrant or just sic lawyers on him. Of course I don't think they had grounds for it, so instead they went extrajudicial instead. That is they took a course of action that didn't involve courts.
For those who don't know, the Pinkertons started in 1850 and operated largely as violent strikebreakers. They're still helping break strikes today. They've been hired by Amazon and Starbucks within the last three years to spy on unionization efforts. Their history is bloody and murderous. No exaggeration. Their response to workers striking and unionizing in the past has been to beat them and shoot them.
I think you can put two and two together here. What does it say for a billion dollar multinational company to send these violent thugs to the private home of a small a guy operating a small Youtube channel?
It's a threat to this guy and anybody else; if you leak our cards we will find where you live and we will come after you. Specific use of the Pinkertons is part of this intentional message. There are other security firms without the history and notoriety. And while any such action would be just as disturbing, I doubt using almost any other agency would have had quite the effect as hiring Pinkertons.
tl;dr Based on what we know it's unlikely this guy did anything actually wrong or unlawful and Wizards sent agents from a firm with a violent and notorious history to his home in an act of intimidation
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wordgirlappreciation · 9 months
Wordgirl YouTube Creator Recommendations
It is hard to put a good list together because so many Wordgirl creators I used to follow have deleted their content off of Youtube or had it taken down by copyright. Many others have stopped creating for the fandom. With all that in mind, here is the best list I can give you in the year 2023.
Most of the creators only occasionally post Wordgirl, along with other fandoms.
Word Girl Fan - uploads full episodes. Definitely follow them!
Planet Lexicon - uploads Wordgirl clips. Great for making edits.
djsadbean - uploads great quality Wordgirl analysis videos. A must-follow.
This video by AthenaP - goes into the lore of Wordgirl. Her channel is not focused on Wordgirl, however.
3goldengirls2010 - has Wordgirl edit videos. Old but good ones.
AdmiralAquanaut - made Dr. Two Brains edits 12 years ago
Wordgirl reanimated video by cinnamacaron
Wordgirl phase pt. 2 - Check out the Remember You animatic, and their other uploads.
Another Remember You animatic I found while looking for the other one. By Lychee Leeches.
Flygurl2Zim makes Wordgirl edits
Wordy Jaiden has a playlist of edits. (Warning: Language)
Morkee makes Wordgirl animatics
This Dr. Two Brains clip reanimated
If there are any issues with links (expired, or just put the wrong one) please let me know so I can edit it. I tried to check every link to make sure it was right but I could have missed one.
If you want to recommend other channels or videos, comment below please.
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avianyuh · 11 months
Hello 🤗🤗 can I pls make two requests for BTS?
(1)when reader, who is their crush keeps playing with yeontan or bam and pays less attention to them they get jealous?
(2)The members and their crush go on a picnic in a flower field and she makes them a flower crown and gives it to them? Thank you 😊❤️
🧚‍♂️Request; BTS scenarios where they get jealous because their crush pays more attention to Yeontan or Bam 🧚‍♂️
{A/N: AGGGHH this makes me so happy! thank you so much for requesting. *internet hugs*
the second request I'll make into another post. btw i loved these ideas and they've been so fun to write.
Additional Notes
3 things;
*for yoongi, I included Holly, cuz I thought it would make more sense for the reader to play with yoongi's dog and for hoseok, I included mickey. but the rest of the members alternate between yeontan and bam :) *
*also, I know BigHit is technically HYBE now, but I noticed BigHit is still used for copyright and for example, the TXT youtube channel is called TXTBighit, so I just decided to go with BigHit lol*
For Anon; I hope you liked this! And I will get the second prompt out ASAP. btw thank you for being my first request in like idek how long, you've made me so happy by requesting because it shows that people do read my writing🥺🫶
{Prompt/Descriptions} Scenarios on how you meet are different for all members, but most scenarios revolve around you working at and meeting through BigHit, just to give a little background to how long the members have known the reader for.
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Seokjin sat on the couch in Jungkook's apartment as he watched as you played with Bam. He couldn't help but smile to himself. He found it amusing how Bam could basically tower over you if he stood up to play with you. He watched as you laughed and threw the tennis ball back and forth between you, Bam and Jungkook, who had invited everyone over to his apartment a few hours ago. Seokjin also noticed how you kept dropping the ball. You're catch and aim completely off. Yet again, he couldn't help but smile to himself, he thought you were so cute trying to act all athletic even though you had told him many times before that you had horrible hand-eye coordination.
Jin tried to get your attention, but he didn't want to ruin the fun, afraid he might make you mad. So he called out to you, "Y/n, I think Bam can catch the ball better than you", he said laughing. You turned around and playfully stuck out your tongue at him in a mocking tone before surrendering the tennis ball to Bam and moving to sit down next to Jin.
"Like you could do any better", Y/n said, playfully nudging Jin in the shoulder. He scoffed and lightly nudged you back. He could feel the nerves building up inside of him. He had been waiting for the right moment to ask you out for months...maybe now was the right time. He reasoned with himself, Y/n DID stop playing with Bam, who you really love, just to come and sit down next to him and talk. Plus, all of the playful banter between the two of you, maybe now was the time.
Jin cleared his throat and turned to face you. You looked at him, a smile on your face. He took a deep breathe in and started, "So uh, Y/n...what're you doing tomorrow, anything planned?", he would start out casual. He studied Y/n's face as she quickly looked up, mentally scanning her built-in mind calendar.
"Nope", Y/n responded, "Free as can be, why?", Y/n asked. Suddenly, Seokjin panicked, Crap, what if she doesn't want to go out with me, then I've ruined the friendship...He just had to do it
"I uh, I was wondering if...-", but before Jin could finish, Bam came jumping onto the couch, ball in his mouth and tail wagging, ready for another round of fetch.
Y/n immediately shifted her gaze from Jin to Bam and Jin simultaneously felt his heart sink and his nerves settle at the same time. But he had to admit, he was more disappointed than anything. So with a sudden stroke of confidence, Jin grabbed the tennis ball from Bam and threw it on the other side of the room, giving him just enough time to blab out, "Listenmaybeyouwantogo...outwith...me?",
Jin winced and prepared for rejection as Y/n looked at him on shock, but before he could fully look back at Y/n, he felt her lips on his cheek as Y/n whispered, "Of course", as she got up to play with Bam again.
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Yoongi, despite his 'cold' (not really but for the sake of his image let's just go with cold hahah), exterior, was quite a softy when it came to you. From the moment he met you he had developed feelings for you. You two would constantly text and facetime late into the early morning and he spent a lot of his free time with you. Though the members teased him for being smitten with you and basically being in an unofficial relationship, Yoongi just couldn't bring himself to confess his feelings for you. He was afraid that the feelings he had for you were one sided and that by confessing he would lose you if you didn't feel the same way. Or worse, the two of you would date and break up, hence ruining the entire relationship and never seeing you again. In a way, Yoongi felt like it was better to just keep things as they were, confusing.
One of your favorite things to do was to spend your free time at Yoongi's apartment, not only to see Yoongi, but also to see Holly. Min Holly loved you and you loved him too.
Not to mention, Yoongi appreciated that when his brother was unavailable to watch Holly, you would readily volunteer when Yoongi had to leave for long periods of time.
But currently, Yoongi was home and you were laying on the carpet, playing with Holly. Well, actually, you were cuddling with Holly and little did you know, Yoongi was sitting on the couch watching you intently.
That's it, he thought to himself, I need to just tell her how I feel.
How could he do any better than you?
To Yoongi, you were everything he ever wanted. Because you met through BigHit, not only did you respect and understand his work, but you also had an appreciation for music. You both got along so well and Holly loved you. And he did too. What more could he want in a partner?
So he started speaking, "Y/n, do you think two people who are friends can go from a friendship to a romance?", he paused as you hummed in response, too focused on rubbing Holly's head to look up. " You know, without ruining a friendship?"
You hummed again, still not looking up at Yoongi. Instead, you let out a giggle as Holly rolled onto his back, expecting a belly rub.
Okay, now Yoongi was getting a little jealous. I mean, Y/n wasn't even listening, here he is on the verge of pouring his heart out and she's more focused on Holly? , he thought to himself.
So he pulled out his commander tactics. He snapped his fingers and Holly immediately lifted his head out of y/n's lap, looking up at Yoongi.
Yoongi gave a little twirl of his finger and there Holly went into the other room. Y/n looked up confused. "Yoongi, what was that for? He was comfortable", Y/n whined, getting up and moving to the couch.
"Listen, Y/n, I have to ask you...because it's been on my mind for awhile and I need your full attention.", he sighed. Yoongi noticed that Y/n looked nervous, he realized his tone of voice was a little too serious.
Alright, enough stalling. Well here goes nothing
"Do you think we'd have any chance as a couple?", Yoongi asked looking down at his feet, too nervous to look you in the eyes.
However that immediately changed when he heard an exasperated yes as you flung yourself onto Yoongi.
"God what took you so long!", Y/n said as Yoongi laughed.
What did take him so long?, he thought.
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Hoseok had actually brought you home one weekend to meet Mickey. For as long as the two of you had been friends, you had never met Mickey before. But because Mickey lived with Hobi's family, that meant you would be meeting everyone.
Of course, when the two of you had arrived at Hobi's parents house, Mickey and you had your first introduction. Hoseok watched as you bent down to rub Mickey's head, and you offhandedly expressed how soft he was which made Hoseok smile.
Hoseok led you through the house as he introduced you to his parents who were so kind to you and his sister too. You remember making a mental note of the fact that you could definitely tell where Hoseok got his positive energy from, because his family was just so warm and welcoming.
And they treated you so kind when you were just a friend too, nothing special, right?
Well that's what you thought. What you didn't know was that Hoseok had been wanting to confess his feelings for you for quite some time. He had no intentions of doing it on this trip back home. He was just hoping his family didn't drop any hints as he had blabbed to his sister quite a few times in the past, going on and on about how cool you were and how beautiful you are and blah,blah,blah.
It was actually Jiwoo who had pointed out to Hobi that he most likely had a crush on Y/n. So as everyone settled down in the living room and Y/n settled next to Mickey and began to pet him, Hobi noticed that Mickey looked so relaxed with you and he couldn't help but get excited at the thought of bringing you home with him annually. You had been getting along well with his parents and sister and especially Mickey.
But as he turned to speak to you, he noticed how most of your attention was on Mickey. Though Hoseok did want to talk to you, he felt like Mickey deserved some Y/n love. {A/N; LMAO, I don't know why that line is so funny to me...anyways back to the story}
But by the end of the weekend, the duration of your stay before you and Hoseok went back to your respective jobs, he realized just how preoccupied with Mickey you had been all weekend.
Hobi sat down next to you, asking if your bags were packed and you turned to face him. "Yep", you said smiling. "Hobi, I really have to say, your family was so nice to me, I mean, the way they treated me and especially considering that I'm nothing special too, I really have to thank them before we leave."
Hoseok was touched by your consideration for his family but before you could fully stand up from your seat, he lightly pulled you back to the seat by your arm. "Y/n, actually",Hobi laughed before continuing, "I actually have a bit of a confession. I kind of view you as more than a friend...I want to be with you"
You looked at Hoseok for a minute without saying anything. You studied his face, trying to see if he was joking as the two of you often liked to joke around. But all you could detect from him was...nerves?
"Are you serious? You're not playing with me right", Y/n said, moving closer. Hobi shook his head from side to side, signaling no, he was 100% serious.
"I want to be with you too Hobi, what made you realize?", you asked taking his hands in yours as you faced each other.
"Actually, Mickey made me realize", he laughed as he looked at your confused face. "You were paying so much attention to Mickey and I loved it but at the same time, I wished you had been giving me that attention instead."
You laughed as you leaned into his embrace.
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You and Namjoon had been invited over to Jungkook's apartment to have dinner. However, what you didn't know was that Namjoon and Jungkook has set up a ploy to get you and Namjoon in the same room.
You see, Y/n and Namjoon had a lot of chemistry. The thing was, all of it was at work, where there really wasn't anytime for flirting. They never really saw each other outside of the studio. And Namjoon had never really mustered up the courage to ask Y/n out so when he mentioned to Jungkook one time that he thought Y/n was cute, Jungkook immediately wanted to help out his hyung.
So there you were, you and Namjoon sitting across from each other as Jungkook tried to hide his growing smirk. The plan was working out perfectly. The two of you were all fired up, talking about your favorite books and albums, just like in the studio expect instead a of professional environment, it was personal now.
After the three of you had finished eating, Jungkook had 'stepped out' to accept a phone call, leaving the two to you alone, which wasn't a problem as the two of you continued the flirtatious banter. However, when Jungkook has opened up the door to his bedroom to take his 'phone call', Bam had wandered out of the door and right over to you and Namjoon.
Namjoon was in the middle of discussing a TV show you had both recently watched when you suddenly turned away and looked over at Bam with adoring eyes.
"Aww!, Namjoon isn't he adorable?", you said, sliding off of your chair and getting on your knees to pet Bam.
Namjoon stared at the dog, feeling like he just got cock blocked {A/N #2; SORRY I HAD TO PUT THAT IN}
Namjoon got up, excusing himself for a minute. Y/n smiled up at him and then turned her attention back to Bam who was now wagging his tail frantically.
Namjoon stomped down the whole to Jungkook's bedroom where he found Jungkook siting at his desk watching something on his phone.
Jungkook turned to him and asked how it was going, another smirk on his face.
"You better go in the living room and get Bam back in here, she's more interested in him than me at the moment and we had a breakthrough.", Namjoon stated firmly. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh as he got up and walked towards the entrance of the door to his bedroom.
"Bam, come here!", Jungkook called out as Namjoon stood watching with his arms crossed. Bam came running into the room and Namjoon walked out, giving Jungkook a thumbs up before heading back to Y/n.
Finally some alone time, he thought.
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{Sorry guys, I don't mean to bring astrology into this but it fits the idea I had so roll with it 🥸)
Jimin had actaully met you through Taehyung at his house during a small party Taehyung had been hosting.
Now becuase Jimin is a libra. And one of the things that everyone knows about libra's is that they live to flirt, they also fall fast and hard. So the same night Jimin; known worldwide for being a huge flirt, had met you, he was planning on trying to come up with a way to ask you out .
You two had been talking all night, the only problem was that you kept getting distracted by Yeontan the adorable Pomeranian who also wanted Y/n's full attention.
As the night progressed and Y/n became preoccupied with giving Yeontan treats, Taehyung had pulled Jimin over and jokingly told Jimin that he had competition, pointing to Yeontan.
Jimin facepalmed, finding it hard to believe that he was losing your affections to a DOG.
Jimin shoved Taehyung and made his way back over to you. Sitting back down and trying to pet Yeontan, and obviously trying to get on your radar too. Suddenly an idea came to him.
"Yeontan, it's Uncle Jiminie", Jimin said petting Yeontan on the top of his head. Yeontan looked over at him for a second before looking back at Y/n.
Y/n laughed as she looked up at Jimin, asking him if he wanted to maybe get a drink or something one time, to you know...talking about Yeontan.
Jimin smiled and agreed, somewhat relieved that he didn't have to make the first move after all, and overly ecstatic about the fact that the feelings were mutual.
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You and Taehyung had actually gotten close because you not only lived in his building, but actually walked Yeontan for him when he was away busy with his schedule.
You lived a few apartments down from each other, and frequently came home at the same time, so after a few months of faint smiles and glances at each other, Taehyung struck up conversation first. Complimenting your outfit, well, mainly your long coat as it was the middle of winter and you were in as many layers as possible.
You blushed, not expecting him to have said anything at all considering your history of silent exchanges. You muttered a quite thank you in response before turning the key into your lock. Before you could fully open your door though, you felt someone's hand on your shoulder.
You turned around startled but calmed down immediately upon the realization that it was just Taehyung.
He apologized for starling you before he started speaking again, "Listen, I've actually been looking for someone to look after my dog Yeontan for the few times I have to go out of town, but I haven't found anyone I can trust with him. I see you everyday and you're only down the hall, would you be interested in maybe watching him a few times?", he finished asking as he looked down at you committed to getting a yes.
You don't know why you agreed, I mean, you didn't know him THAT well, you were just neighbors, maybe it was his sultry deep voice that lured you in, but you found yourself agreeing.
Taehyung cheered excitedly and asked for your phone number so he could reach you when he needed, and after that day, you two become inseparable.
Tae had really grown to appreciate you and you felt the same way, however, Taehyung had other feelings brewing too.
Taehyung didn't want to admit it but he had developed a bit of a crush on you...
So when he had you over to watch a movie one day, he decided to make his move. However, the one guy that brought them together in the first place seemed to be the one delaying any romance at the current moment.
Yeontan sat nuzzled between Y/n and Taehyung.
Tae tried to slide his arm around your shoulders, but because he wasn't sitting as close to you as he'd have liked, the classic arm over shoulder trick didn't have its desired effect on you since you barely even noticed.
Eventually Taehyng couldn't take it and decided to pretend to throw something in the other direction off the couch and Yeontan bounced off.
Y/n looked at Taehyung confused before looking at Taehyung's arm behind her and noticing the awkward position his arm was in.
"Ohhhhh", Y/n smirked as she scooted closer to Taehyung. "That's why you told Yeontan to scram.", Y/n laughed as Taehyung's face turned bright red.
He didn't think Y/n would catch on so quickly.
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Jungkook had met you through BigHit and you quickly became friends. What was funny about your relationship was that Y/n actually liked Jungkook first.
Though they were friends and spent a lot of time together, Y/n was too shy to ever bring up any feelings. Jungkook had a lot of women interested in him and though he never really expressed interest in any of them, he would play along just so he didn't make anyone feel awkward. Of course, Y/n had to pretend like she didn't care even though she knew his 'advances with the women weren't genuine, she still didn't like having to watching it.
What ended up happening was that one day while Jungkook was having a conversation with Namjoon, he ended up spilling the fact that he was looking for a particular partner and as he was describing this person, Joon pointed out that Kook basically described you.
Hence Jk's crush was born. Or shall we say, his crush was unearthed
Sooooo, when Jungkook invited you out for a walk with Bam one day, you two were walking and having fun as the two of you usually do. You happened to be holding Bam's leash, and JK was ready to profess his love for you. He had a whole speech prepared in his head and everything.
But before he could even do that, Bam started running and you, due to holding the leash, was now being sent all over the place as Bam sent Y/n running with him.
Yes, Bam had ruined Jungkook's confession.
So Jungkook, being all sporty, caught up to the two of you easily and took Bam's leash. You laughed as you kneeled over, trying to catch your breathe. Jungkook teased you about your lack of athleticism and you pushed him over. Now the both of you were laughing.
In the midst of all of that, Jungkook just blurted it out. "I like you".
You stopped laughing and stood up straight, giving him a confused look. "What?", you asked. Y/n was nervous, what'd he mean that he likes me?
"I uh, like you, like, uh, like,like you, y- you know", Jungkook's eyes were darting back and forth from you and Bam who was staring up at his owner adoringly.
Man, if only dogs could talk, cuz this is awkward, Jungkook thought to himself.
"Well, I um, like,like,you", Y/n said looking down.
"Good", he said.
"Yep", Y/n said as they continued walking.
Kook couldn't wait to tell Namjoon. He was in love.
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rashoumon-homo · 6 months
What if the BSD OP had a different song?
(Song: Punisher - K.Flay)
The buildup is so good guys, the song fits with the video ridiculously well.
Small rant about the process: I made this a while ago and I was super super proud of it but it’s been really hard to find a way to post it since either the video or the audio gets copyright flagged immediately. TikTok kept muting it and then I tried YouTube and they took it down- but because of the video. The audio passed the check 😭 Anyway it occurred to me I haven’t tried posting it to Tumblr and (to the best of my knowledge) they don’t have those automatic mechanisms in place. Fingers crossed!
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wodania · 1 year
ASOIAF modern AU notes 💕
Summerhall was an old age home that Egg had been sent to by his kids Jaehaerys and Shaera, Egg accidentally burnt it down and died alongside fellow senior Dunk, and Egg’s other son, Duncan. Rhaegar was born on the front lawn of the old age home beside a fire truck 💕
Rhaegar does ukulele and acapella covers on the early days of the internet, and he’s only famous bc he’s the presidents son. His posts got rlly fucking weird in his final days before he mysteriously died while visiting his cousin Robert. Probably on those reddit icebergs under “darkest videos ever uploaded”.
Every one just accepted the fact that Rhaegar and Jon were dating even though they straight up weren’t, magazines were reporting on it with photos of the two together and captions like “Elia writing divorce papers??? See more on page 69!” (they definitely slept with each other AT LEAST once though, confirmed by a high end reporter’s audio recording, possibly Varys, who Jon trauma dumped to while super high)
Golden Company is a biker gang someone put that in my tags once and it stuck. Jon went from appearing in the kind of stuff the heir to a company and friend to the presidents son would appear in (rlly corporate looking images and interviews plus a few photos of him playing golf or something) to the wildest vids and photos of golden company biker gang parties imaginable. He was a fugitive but Aerys and Robert and Cersei all didn’t consider him high priority so he’s just been let wild.
Young Griff dresses like a sports brand ambassador and is actually probably a sports brand ambassador thanks to his double nepotism (father was rhaegar and other father was Jon). Young Griff accidentally caught Jon in one of his instagram lives and the internet went wild over the sight of Jon actually doing something normal for once. Young Griff is Aegon’s stage name, taken from Jon’s biker gang era nickname Griff.
There’s CCTV footage of Jaime killing Aerys but Tywin payed off the cops so it’s okay. Conspiracy videos on YouTube about it get copyright flagged when they show the footage.
Loras and Renly are some of the most controversial men on the web bc on one hand they are gay but on the other they are gym bros and Loras had a misogynist era when a video of him calling Brienne a wench at one of Renly’s parties surfaced. Mace had to do damage control. Loras also probably made a post like “hate when other gays flaunt their gayness” when he was 14 and everyone always brings it up (he still stands by it). Mace again has to do damage control.
Renly later died at one of his party’s due to what was attributed to ‘accidental causes’, but many, including Loras, believe that there is something deeper to it. Brienne was arrested for suspicion of committing the murder but was let go after like a day. Jaime payed off most of the ppl who accused her, but Loras is vocal about hating Jaime and he regularly insults him under his posts.
Robb was a presidential candidate who got murdered at his uncles wedding and it was a big deal and the true crime community was all over it the moment the news dropped. Jaime is under investigation… again. Videos are still getting copyrighted.
Bolton house got raided by some government agents and they found Theon and a bunch of human skins in the basement. The media had a field day with that one. Asha attacked the press when they tried to get photos.
Robert still got mauled by a boar it just got caught on camera this time. It’s like the JFK assassination tape in that it’s super accessible and on YouTube under age restriction bc it’s “educational”.
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thanatoast250 · 4 months
Every piece of Bloomacncheez has slowly disappeared off the internet. YouTube, Wikia, etc. They’re entitled to their privacy but I’m just curious if they’re okay. Did they finish college? Did they reach their dreams of working in animation? Things I think about some time.
Hey there, Anon
Bloo's DeviantArt is still up along with her Tumblr pages (main and art here) and Twitter, but if she has started using social media again, it isn't under her BMNC moniker.
Her main YouTube page has been down for quite a long time due to some old Copyright issues. This was way back in the old day when Viacom and Universal were hellbent on striking anything and everything that had semblance of their properties, and her page got hit with a bunch of issues from her old parodies. She and I tried to fix it a long time ago but once College time got around, we were both just so busy that we didn't end up getting around to it.
Her Wikia page was deleted because I didn't feel comfortable with how it had been used in the past. When I found out that it existed, I was super excited because it was something I could have worked on and just been a nice thing for her. But I also found out that people were using it to allegedly stalk her; since Wikia/Fandom pages can be edited by anyone, there were anonymous users using it to talk about how she disappeared and how they "found her" and were "watching from the shadows". It was super creepy and I started to clean it up, making the whole wiki nice and pretty and cleaning out as much as I could that would lead people to trying to stalk her or The Classy Peanuts. I became the Content Administrator, so I had full rule over what would and would not be posted, and I made several pages about her, her parodies, characters, and the many people that were either working on or going to work on the stuff (including one for myself that I was going to finish up last).
But the longer I worked on it the more I felt like something was off, and considering Wikia/Fandom doesn't like it when Wikias/Fandom pages are made about IRL people, I reached out and asked a moderator/developer about whether the work I was doing was safe or not, since I didn't want to put either her or any of the other Classy Peanuts (or really anyone) in danger of stalkers and the like. He told me that if that Wikia/Fandom were made today, it would likely be shut down for precisely the reasons/concerns that I had, even though Bloo didn't ever post anything about her IRL life outside of her birthday (I knew about a little bit more about her life, but I never shared any of it, obviously) and there wasn't going to be anything about her or the Peanuts' IRL lives on there. So that being said, I figured that the safest course of action would be to delete the Wikia/Fandom. I have all of the pages downloaded/archived on my computers in the chance that I ever get back in contact with Bloo or one of the Peanuts reaches out to me and says it's okay, but as it stands, the Fandom is down and will not be returning for their safety and respect. So I personally apologize for that.
However, I was informed that I could probably make a page for her on Wikitubia (I think that's what it was called?) because her page has over 10k subscribers, which is the minimum requirement for having a page. I was told that Fandom has more moderation that would help with keeping people from stalking her or posting irrelevant or personal information. It's currently in my ever-growing list of projects, but it'll be up eventually. Probably.
As for the rest of your questions, I can't say. The last time I talked with Bloo was when she was still in college, but she was trying very hard to stay focused and buckle down for everything. There were parts of our interactions and conversations that gave me concerns for her. She was under a lot of stress, and her taking a break from Tumblr (and online in general) was a good thing for her. She was in her final year of college the last time I spoke to her, so I imagine that she did graduate. A lot of her courses and focuses were in Illustration, and she was phenomenal at it, so I like to think that she ended up working what she wanted to. She's a strong person, so I like to believe that she overcame the stresses she was under and did achieve her dreams. At the end of the day, though, I can't give you any direct confirmations though; the last time we talked was back in 2015 or 2016, and her email closed due to inactivity a couple years ago.
The only other people that I can think of that would be able to help you or anyone else more than that are the other Classy Peanuts who knew her IRL because they lived near her and hung out all the time. But the last time I talked to one of the Peanuts they just told me, quote, "if we don't share details about our lives with the public/internet, it means we don't want anyone knowing". Granted, I wasn't exactly level-headed when I asked about it; the last couple conversations I had with Bloo had me concerned for her safety and health, so I was kind of a wreck and very pushy with this person. It's definitely a conversation I could have handled better, though I suppose there's not much I can do about it now.
I think about BMNC a lot, too. I think about all conversations we had, all the times before then where we helped each other get through hardship, all the silly back-and-forths in the early hours on weekdays despite us having classes in the morning, all those fun times. They're good memories and help me keep going when I'm feeling crummy. I still send her Happy Birthday messages on her DA and Tumblr in the off chance she sees them.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help, though. I wish I had more answers for you and all of the people that come to me about it. I don't mind answering questions, I just feel bad that I can't give good and satisfying answers to them.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Is it okay for you to work on Rekindled, there is no problem with copyright?
It's a transformative fanwork (albeit made out of the flames of disappointment and spite) so copyright hasn't been an issue. It would only be a major issue if I was trying to pass off the original series of my own or trying to massively profit off it through things like Patreon/paywalling/etc. If WT or Rachel tried to crack down on me for creating Rekindled, they'd have to do the same for every other transformative work out there, fan or not (like, the only difference between Rekindled and what you can find on AO3 are the pictures LOL). In fact, they've tried to pull stunts like that in the past with others, such as pyrrhic_victoria's criticism videos on Youtube when the platform copyright struck them, but that clearly turned out to be more of a scare tactic to keep them from talking about the comic (as their videos were pretty popular at the time when this happened, this was before they pulled the whole "Apollo did nothing wrong" thing which was a massive oof) WT/Rachel never actually pressed legal action against them during the takedown because what would they be able to sue them for? Having an opinion on the Internet? 🤡😂
So no, I'm not really worried about copyright at this point, though I'm sure my confidence in saying so will be my undoing haha All the panels are drawn from scratch using brushes and textures that do not belong to Rachel or Webtoons, all of them I've paid for with my own money or otherwise sourced legitimately from the people/companies that made them. The most "copying" I've done is translating old S1 panels into Rekindled but those are still drawn from the bottom up, sketch to final render. And nowhere throughout my posts do I claim to be the original mind behind LO or its character designs that I utilize in Rekindled, the only character designs that really belong to me and me alone are the original ones that weren't in LO such as Dionysus and Charon.
I've def had people get mad at me though for "stealing" Rachel's characters. As if Rachel owns Greek myth lmao The whole "isn't this copyright" discussion is why I don't post Rekindled to Webtoons, that's a chance I'd rather just not take. I ain't gonna roll up to Rachel's neighborhood in a car that looks like hers LMAO
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clarenecessities · 5 months
so, hey. I haven't updated you guys on the situation with Scott and Ethan in a while. it's been a very eventful 10 days.
You can see Ethan's updates here but I will be offering my own biased perspective and summary.
i'm sure my mother would want me to clarify that i did not advise anybody legally, nor did i tell anyone to bring a lawsuit, but. i did lay out my understanding of the law as it pertains to Ethan's case & tell anyone who would listen that i would have sued months ago
and uh as i provided ample sources and a laconic summary of the fair use doctrine and alternatives to federal court, i may have contributed to Ethan's decision to file with the CCB :3 which is (to be overly brief) like small claims court for copyright infringement specifically.
nobody has said so explicitly, so i do have some plausible deniability. but if by some grave miscarriage of justice Ethan were to lose a single one of these claims y'all Know I'd do my damnedest to recoup the man's losses anyway so i feel very comfortable in saying SPITE WORKS!!! THAT'S THE POWER OF SPITE-FUELED RESEARCH BABEY! THIS IS A WIN FOR CLARE!!
even the very worst case scenario for Ethan is a win anyway; the CCB's awards are capped at 30k, but since he's a much, much kinder person than I am he elected to pursue their "smaller claims" options, which further caps it at only 5k.
and let me tell you. the statutory damages alone would cost Scott upwards of $180,000 in federal court (not even counting the libel), so if he doesn't take this case (participation in a CCB case is voluntary for both parties) he is a fucking idiot. But I guess we kind of knew that already.
Let's see. So, Ethan started getting his copyrights registered last weekend (another benefit of the CCB; registrations can be filed concurrent to submitting your claims, though I don't think I told Ethan that) like right after my last post on the matter here. He submitted proof of his intent to bring legal action to YouTube, who can't actually apply strikes until a decision is reached, though those videos are sort of in purgatory.
Meanwhile, that allowed Scott to begin posting content again. He immediately abused that power. On the 23rd, Scott posted a fourth (4th!) defamatory video, whose thumbnail looked like this:
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That action figure is his childhood OC, which he put into the MOTUC line. In addition to his literal, actual face. But don't worry, not his name! That was a DC Classics exclusive 🙃
For those of you that are unfamiliar: That's the license plate from Better Call Saul.
He made a bunch of really, painfully wrong assertions that I tried to write up again just now and bro I can't. It is fucking Cringe. I can't. He did claim he had a lawyer, which as I told him following the second defamatory Community Note, is grounds for him to fire that fucking lawyer.
Ethan did a second interview with Dad-At-Arms basically updating people on the situation, letting everyone know he was going to take things to court. That went up the 24th.
On the 25th, Scott posted another Community Note, this time doing a little victory lap, concluding, "So much content coming to ya! It is great to be on the air again!" and resuming his regularly scheduled posting for the remained of the week.
Then along came Monday.
Every single one of Scott's videos was privated, including the advertisements for his consulting firm and stupid bullshit AI comic.
Well--come to find out, he emailed Ethan right around when everything went dark saying he was "truly" and "sincerely" sorry for everything, and "never meant to create a fight" between them and that it was "never intentional".
"To make things right I am going to halt any videos and take down what I have. I hope this will make it right and restore your site to its full capacity."
Which like, alright, I try to be a little more level-headed in spaces these creeps might see, since they're already fucking wilding about every other aspect of my identity and personality. But the fucking BALLS on this guy!! The fucking audacity!!!!! MONTHS of claiming he was being BLACKMAILED and HARASSED, giving Ethan's identity to one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen in the fandom (and that is saying something) and then his thousands of subscribers?? Telling those people really really obviously fake bullshit to make himself seem like the super reasonable victim and not the perpetrator of--ballpark, 'cause I don't know who may have granted him permission--five to ten thousand copyright infringements?
And "to make things right"!!!!! Right for whom, Scott!!!
I've been assuming he finally talked to a lawyer, because even with receiving notice of Ethan's intent to take him to court, I just don't believe we'd see this complete a 180 in him without the advice of counsel. Whom I do not envy right now, he's shot himself in the foot at every fucking opportunity. I doubt they told him to private everything, since a jury at least might construe that as hiding evidence (there are no juries CCB proceedings) but he's a big fucking idiot. Of course he'd panic and try to hide everything.
Case in point, this morning he unprivated everything. And then just unlisted it. Presumably because he realized he'd broken his embeds across every website out there, including his own (not that that ever got him to fix his LinkedIn button...). He did delete all of the Community Notes about Ethan though, just for good measure :) Still absolutely no public word from him since last week.
I have receipts on all the libel saved in multiple locations, but I do appreciate him un-privating some of his videos for me. Gonna make documenting those much easier 😏
i had a second post up on the forums but it's being weird about copy/pasting into tumblr, I'll see about that tomorrow ig. And I'm working on a third summarizing my case law research. HUGE win for me today in that the finding which most directly contradicted my arguments was actually reverse on appeal in 2022 so I'm sitting real pretty, citation-wise. Very smug, very petty. Feeling absolutely great.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Made a video that I don't want to go to waste cuz I worked on it so fucking hard but YouTube being as shitty as always won't let me upload it for copyright (I really tried my best to avoid it, I made every change I had to and did whatever it takes it just won't let me upload shit anymore, it ruined my previous vid like this), but I want people to actually see it so I'm gonna post it here cuz I got sick of YouTube. I'm not surprised that it won't allow me to post Marinette sugar, YouTube hates Marinette since forever. But if you want to watch it it's something about three and a half minutes long, it's Kuro Neko analysis in Marinette's defence.
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I’ve had a YouTube channel for nearly two decades. The first video I ever posted was in 2006. It was a Power Rangers fanvid and while it’s not the worst video ever created, it’s definitely not the best. It was a weird choice of song (Spirit of Man from War of the Worlds) and some of the clips are badly trimmed so there’s a frame or two of the next scene/shot at the start or end in a few places.
Since then, I’ve made a bunch of other videos, music videos for shows or fake trailers for some of my fanfics (many of those fics were posted on sites that no longer exist). I don’t post often these days, but every once in a while I’ll get struck with the urge to make a fanvid for a film or TV show that I like. Recently, it’s been The Sandman and the Dreamling ship in particular.
In all this time, my YouTube channel has never been monetised. When I first started the channel, that wasn’t even an option, as YouTube monetisation wasn’t a thing on the platform until December 2007, the year after I posted my first video, and even then, I don’t think it was available for anyone to apply to once they hit certain thresholds the way it is today.
So yeah, when I started, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to monetise my channel. Then I had a real world job and my video creation dropped off and in recent years, I haven’t met the monetisation thresholds, so it hasn’t been an option and I haven’t given it much thought. After all, I didn’t start making silly little fanvids expecting to make money from them, and most of them would be demonetised anyway because of the use of copyrighted material.
But recently I checked my analytics out of curiosity and I’m within reach of those monetisation thresholds. I got a load more views than usual around October and November last year for no reason I can see. There’s an obvious bump in the watch time analytics for a couple of months before it drops down to my usual trickle of views. I’ve no idea why it happened or why it stopped, but it was enough of a bump that I’m now at 3997 hours of watch time for the past year, with the monetisation threshold being 4000 hours.
Given how close I am, it feels like I should try to push to meet the eligibility criteria and apply for the YouTube partner programme, just so that it’s an option for me if I want it. And I clearly need to do it in the next few months, because I don’t expect to replicate that spike in views from October. But over the next month or two, getting 3 more hours of watch time than I got in the same time period last year feels like a realistic thing to achieve, even if almost all of my videos are under 5 minutes long.
Especially if I actually tell people that I have YouTube videos. So here I am, telling people. If you enjoy fan made music videos, please consider giving some of mine a watch.
Here are a few of them:
Ranger Spirit, the first ever video I ever posted on my YouTube channel, made in Windows Movie Maker, with all of the mistakes and badly trimmed shots:
One of my recent videos, Meet Me On The Battlefield, for The Sandman fandom:
Sticking with Neil Gaiman for the time being, an ineffable husbands video for Good Omens season 2, What Hurts the Most:
The video that got the most views during that weird spike in my analytics, I Don’t Deserve You for the show White Collar, focusing on the relationship between Peter, Neal and Elizabeth:
And for a silly challenge I gave myself, I tried to use footage from Dirk Gently’s season two to create a trailer that looked like a serious fantasy film. That was not easy, given how ridiculous the armies looked:
My channel has absolutely no consistency in terms of what I post. I will make videos for whatever happens to grab my attention at the time, so across the lifespan of my channel I have fanvids for Yuri on Ice, the MCU, Teen Wolf, Charmed, Voltron, The Chronicles of Narnia (both the old BBC TV show and the films), Doctor Who (and spin offs), X-Men, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight, The Sentinel, The Tribe, and more Power Rangers than feels comfortable now given my age. If any of those grab your attention, please take a watch and help me hit that 4000 hours threshold.
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murfeelee · 1 year
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thanks @descendantdragfi here and @obscurus-noctem here for tagging me! ❤️
What’s your favorite Sims death? Every death is hilarious--fire and drowning are iconic, ofc. My fave sims GHOST, however, is the Haunted one from SN, and the Hologram one from ITF.
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Alpha CC. I don't mind Maxis Match in TS3, but EFF NO in TS4--get that clayfied crap out of my face, alpha all the waaaaaay~!
Do you cheat your sims weight? YES, I use a weight gain mod.
Do you move objects? MOOOOOOOO! 🐄🐮
Favorite Mod? I juuuuust made a whole post drooling over my faves.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? TS1 Makin Magic. Iconic.
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Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? My avatar sim, Sakura Rain, the time-traveling Japanese cherry-tree faery of the Unseelie Court. (She's inspired by all my fave pink-haired anime characters.)
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Have you made a simself? Yes, but only when I play The Sims with my family members, and we take turns making each other and our home. It's so much fun.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? White. Especially after TS4 came out with no CASt or color wheel and I couldn't even recreate my main sims like wtf. I have a type, EA!
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Favorite EA hair? PFFT! 🙄 I can't stand most of the hairs EA makes in general, especially not the ones for male sims, as most of mine have very long hair.
Favorite life stage? Young adult, by default. But as more mods have been made for kids (No Stretch, Child Magic, Toddler Interactions) I have been enjoying child sims FAR more than I used to.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I'm a builder--that's how I got into TS1 way back in the day. I like decorating interiors--my exteriors are usually sad, I suck at using CFE--and just cluttering up my lots. As a fandom-inspired storyteller, I rely on in-game interactions to give my sims the poses/scenes I need, so having deep and immersive gameplay that allows me to recreate whatever fandoms I want is key.
Are you a CC creator? Unfortunately.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? A "sim squad"???
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I want one of those plumbbob headbands so I can dress up as a sim on Halloween. XD
Do you have a  Youtube for sims? Technically no. I got into making TS3 machinimas inspired by my favorite music a few years ago, and would upload them to Youtube cuz that's what everyone did, but omfg all the recent changes in copyright and music policies has made it SUCH a headache uploading ANYWHERE--including Tumblr!
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Like, my most recent IWTV insp. machinima on Tumblr has that stupid Copyright Guidelines thumbnail on it, even though Tumblr ACCEPTED the video and let it go through--it plays! It's not removed, so wtf??? No matter how many times I tried reuploading it I got the same problem--this BS is more trouble than it's worth, tbh.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? My gameplay will always look a bit pudding, but I think/hope I'm getting better at recreating different fandoms, and getting the level of detail down just right.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? It takes a village. There is no ONE creator--especially since all my OG faves retired a long time ago: Luna, @qingshuangtongzi, Hekate999, etc. And new simmers pop up everyday that blow my mind, so yeah, it's just the community at large, really. 💚💚💚
How long have you had Simblr? 2013--this July will make it a full decade. Tumblr's trash but it's also the absolute best, LOL.
How do you edit your pictures? I suck at editing--in GIMP I just tweak the "Curves" brightness & saturation when the in-game lighting is hot garbage, then call it a win.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? (TS1) Makin Magic, (TS2) Apartment Life & Night Life are tied for witches & vampires, (TS3) Supernatural, (TS4) Vampires. Like, Supernatural changed my life, I seriously doubt I'd've kept playing TS3 as long as I have without SN. I also love World Adventures and Into the Future of course, but Supernatural gave us Witches, Faeries, Werewolves, (I'm not even gonna talk about TS3's busted Vampires like how the EFF were they "updated" or "fixed" when we STILL didn't get a functional coffin, like what frikkin vampire would sleep on a frikkin altar exposed to the sunlight like a effing BUFFOON, EA?!) and all kinds of fanciful content that I just can't live without. Hands down. 🧙🪄🧙‍♀️✨
Y'all know me--if y'all want to do this, too, just say I tagged you! <3
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Ronnie Radke's beef with critics Brad and Anthony Fantano
In the middle of Aug. 2023 the YouTuber critic Brad (@bradtaste) attacked Ronnie Radke claiming he banned his videos on YouTube due to copyright issues. Although it's public that all Falling In Reverse property on YouTube is owned by Epitaph Records, and it was already knows that YouTube was doing a severe filtering those days/weeks (still) and taking down videos even without a particular reason, Brad kept insisting Ronnie was after him and played the victim. He was referring to a DM he recently got from Ronnie, who probably noticed what was going on.
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Via Brad's Twitter
A short time after this beef started, YouTube critic Anthony Fantano (@fantano) jumped in on the side of Brad's and tried out a campaign against Ronnie, with a doubtful success though. He made slandering videos on his different YouTube channels making it look like so many critics are against Ronnie on this issue.
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Via Ronnie's Twitter
Though the beef hasn't ended yet, it very much looks like Brad and Anthony lost this battle. There is no proof Ronnie had anything to do with the video blocks, this paranoia of Brad about Ronnie seems more and more ridiculous.
Via Ronnie's Twitter
"brad why are you making your Neurodivergent anime profile pic subscribers think IM taking your videos down? you do know a bunch of positive YouTube reaction channels also get taken down too, do you think I’m doing that too? why don’t you tell the truth?" (Ronnie Radke)
Some memes appeared about this scenario as well.
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Via Twitter
Until today, when Ronnie posted the most hilarious picture of the year so far about the topic. (See my next post.)
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gooby-loopy · 2 years
Goo jit zu news
So... there was good and bad news (according to Goo jit zu fan on yt)
Bad news: that Moose toys has recently tried to delete their entire YouTube channel for no reasons. Moose claimed that they posted “unreleased product images” when that is in fact that the photos being found in a very well known magazine which makes that copyright strike illegal. they have come to the conclusion that Moose Toys is no longer focusing on Goo Jit Zu and is instead making more Akedo which is an awful choice for Mosose toys. The reasons why is because Goo Jit Zu is much more popular and has its own Netflix show and they never make any new episodes for the show but on the other hand Moose makes Akedo episodes every two weeks. If you don’t believe or know than notice that Akedo is already in season two when it started in 2021 and goo jit zu which started 2 years before Akedo had release season two.
Good news: is that all of their content will be going to their second channel and this is due to the fact that they can not lose their channel or all of us
that all for the news Of Goo jit zu fan’s news
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