#If anyone wants the whole program in higher quality I could post a drive link
survivoreddie · 12 days
9-1-1 on Celebrity Family Feud - abc (16/09/2024)
Part 2 & 3
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nirajsham · 5 years
How Easily Get Increasing Massive On Your Website In 2019? Increasing Massive Traffic on your website 2019 In this content, you're going to learn exactly how to get traffic to your website. I have been using these methods myself to get 20,000 visitors to just one of my websites and I have repeated these prices successfully with several of my other niche sites. I'm going to give you some of my favorite ways to get traffic to your website, including some advanced traffic techniques that you've probably never seen before.  I publish tutorials relating to making money online getting traffic and blogging before we get to those techniques. Let's kick things off with strategy one, which I call the tribal traffic. The tribal traffic method helps you get free traffic and it works in any niche using the struggle to the traffic source. I've been able to get over 57,000 visitors to just one of my sites and similar amounts of traffic to my other niche websites. So what is this traffic source?  From Social Media Increase Traffic It's a social media network called Pinterest. Pinterest is such a goldmine for free buying targeted traffic. But it's too much important to use Pinterest in a very particular way in order to get good results. So pay close attention in the next few minutes. Before we begin, it's important to understand that Pinterest traffic is very high quality. According to insights published by Shopify, average order value for buyers coming from Pinterest is over $50 which is actually higher than any other social media network and 95% of Pinterest users usually use Pinterest to research for purchase before they actually go online and buy something. So this means that Pinterest traffic is high quality full of buyers, and he's definitely the type of traffic that you want to get to your website. Now I'm going to show you how to use Pinterest in a unique way using something called tailwind tribes. A tailwind is a software tool, but they have a free pricing tier, which is definitely more than enough for you to get started. And they also don't require a credit card for you to sign up for the free trial telling tribes souls a massive issue for anyone who's trying to get traffic from Pinterest. If you've tried social media before, or even Pinterest and failed, then I know exactly how you guys feel. When I first started out on social media, my results basically socked. I posted great posts on my site. Then I created excellent social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and nothing silence, no shares, and no traffic. Nobody was finding my content and nobody was sharing my content. Hey, share my stuff. Going to share my stuff.  Anyway. So all I was getting from all of my social media efforts were just tiny amounts of traffic. At the time I was thinking, Hey, nobody sharing my content. I just wish there was a way for me to partner up with someone else in my niche with a similar number of followers so that we could cross-promote each other's content. If we're in the same niche, and I have 100 followers and someone else has 100 followers, why don't we just agree to share each other's content? Surely this way we can grow our following and get more traffic from each other's posts. Well, it turns out like that there already is something like that out there. That's exactly what that when tribes do. A tribe is a group of people who are all in the same niche for example in the dating niche weight loss niche or Internet marketing niche, and they all agreed to share each other's content. All these sharing is done by this tool called tailwind. So let's know down exactly how this traffic method works.  First, you have to register a Pinterest business account. If you don't have one already, just head over to business.pinterest.com and create an account there. Then fill out your profile and make sure to put in the URL of your website, your profile is created. Now you need to complete your profile to make it look attractive and active. Here is exactly how you can do that. First create 10 to 20 boards, which are the sub-topics within your niche. For example, you can use guitars then your boards can be electric guitars, acoustic guitars, secondhand guitars, and so forth. Now you need to be 10 to 20 pin images. This is the words the marketplace for online learning on you to me, I learned how to grow my own into each of those boards to make them look filled out and complete. To do that, simply head over to Pinterest and type in the guitar into the Pinterest search bar. Find some images that look good and save them to the guitar board merged this process and save 10 to 20 pin images to each of your boards. Now your profile will no longer look empty and you can move on to the next step. Next, it's time to create pins for your own content. Go through each post on your site to which you'd like to get traffic from Pinterest then create a Pinterest sized image for it. images that are 100 pixels wide by one and a half hundred pixels tool work really well. You can use a free program like Canva to create your images & photos simply and easily. Then you need to create a pin on Pinterest for each of your posts. To do that, click the plus sign. Upload the image that you've just created. Fill out the description and make sure that it's reached with keywords and enter the URL out of the post. This is where you'd like the traffic to go to when someone discovers up an image on Pinterest and clicks on it. Then, take every post on your site to which you'd like to drive traffic from Pinterest and repeat the whole process. After then arrange all the pins that link to your own content into a separate board. For example, you can see that I've arranged all the pins that link to posts on my website caffeinated blogger into a board called best of the caffeinated blogger. This will help you stay organized in the future.  By the way, if you'd like to know exactly how you can go about organizing your Pinterest profile, you can go into the comment area below and comment me free how you detailed steps to set up your Pinterest profile. Okay, now you're ready to start driving traffic to your website. It's time to start using telling tribes This is very exciting, so keep reading. First, you'll need to sign up to tailwind free trial. You don't even need a credit card for that it actually allows you to publish 100 posts, which is more than enough to get started off the sign-up, fill out your profile and link your Pinterest account. Then click on the tribe's feature and select find the tribe. From here you can search for the tribes in your niche. For example, you can type in SEO and look through all the tribes in the SEO niche. When you find the tribe that looks good to you, you can request to join the tribe. Once you are accepted, you'll be able to nominate which of your content you would like other people to share. And you will be able to start sharing the post from other tribe members. Generally, the more post from others within the tribe you share on your profile, the more likely it will be that others will share your posts on their profile. That's how tailwind tribes work because tailwind actually keeps track of all the statistics. For example, you can see that my recent pin how to make money on YouTube good for shares within just a few days of me posting it in the tribe. So what does a good talent strategy look like? It's quite simple. Key Word Search For Increasing Traffic Most people agree that you need to apply anywhere between 30 to 50 pins a day, it's very easy to do via tailwind because you can schedule all of your pins days or week in advance. Ideally, you want to pin approximately 50% of your own post and 50% of the post from other members of your tribe that will ensure that you score a good number of loyalty points within the tribe and a lot of the members of the tribe will be very likely to pin your content on their profile. So that's it. That was strategy number one tribal traffic. Let's now move on to strategy number two, which I call the reverse beach method. The reverse beach method will help you increase your search engine rankings and get you more traffic. As you know well, Google search engine traffic is free and can be very targeted and very profitable. For such example, this is one of my niche websites. And it has received over 75,000 visitors from Google Search since it was started. The reverse beach method will help you improve your search engine rankings and get more traffic from Google search. Here's how it works. You already know that having backlinks is very important to increasing your rankings and getting traffic. Here is an interesting fact, when backlink analyzed for such relevant ranking factors that found the number one factor is the number of backlinks pointing to the particular page. So an individual page from a wicked domain with more links pointing to it can actually outrank a page from a stronger domain with fewer links pointing to it. That means that unless you've got an insanely powerful domain, you actually need to focus your efforts on building backlinks to your content to the individual pages by pitching your content to other sites. Here is how the normal beach process usually looks. You select your keywords, produce your content, and then you start contacting the owners of other sites and blogs and ask them to start linking to your content. Some people will even just passively waiting for such kind of links to magically appear, which rarely happens. In this normal pitch process. It's always extremely hard, hard to get responses from the people who are trying to beat your content to it's not uncommon to send 100 of these outreach emails and get zero replies it's discouraging. So here is how the reverse beach process actually works. And here is why it's much better than the normal beach process, we're basically flip the process, so let's break it down. The first step will be as per normal to find the keywords for which you want to produce your content. The keywords need to be selected so that you've got a reasonably good chance of actually ranking on page one for them. A third way to do that would be to use a free tool like KW find and generate your list of keywords KW finds that has a free pricing tier which is more than enough to get started. Let's go through an example. If you type in seed keyword into KW find that in this example, we're going to use the word blog KW finds that will go away and it will get a lot of information along with the anticipated difficulty of how hard it's going to be for you to rank for that particular keyword. In this example, KW finder is suggesting that the keyword blogging names will be quite an easy target to rank for. Okay, now we've got our keyword and it's time to move on to step two, starting the reverse pitch reverse beach is actually about studying the beach before we even create the post going with the previous example. Let's say you wanted to create an article about blog names, will call it something like 15 best ways to come up with a blog name with the reverse speech process. What we want to do is want to try to get agreement to backlinks even before we create the content. So how exactly does this work? Hey, would you like to link to an empty page? Well, not exactly like that, you will contact the owners of other websites or blogs, and you will ask them to contribute to the content before you created. And while you're doing it, you can plant an idea in their mind to link to your content at a later point in time once that content is actually created. In my experience, the strategy works great because you're going to be able to offer something that has a lot of value to them. First, you will need to identify good targets for your reverse beach. To do that will come the list of sites that we're going to be asking to contribute to our post I find that a list of about 30 sites works great to find these type of sites, you can use a free tool such as most toolbar, simply Google most toolbar and install it next head over to Google and type in a search query which is related to the topic of your blog posts, but does not directly compete with it. If our post is going about blog names. Then an example of a search query that you might type into Google is how to create a blog. Then in the top right of your screen, you will be prompted to log into your Ma's account or create one if you don't have one yet do that. And after logging in, repeat the search query. This time you will see search results and along with those search results, you will see some metrics such as domain authority and page authority. I recommend targeting sites which have domain name authority similar to yours slightly above or slightly below, now we ask them would be interested in submitting a tip for your roundup post or some kind of advice or input into the article. Increasing Traffic by Backlinks Importantly, you want to tell them that you go into a link to their website and give them full credit as well as a Backlick. After you publish the post. A script like this works great to notice that we're actually offering them something of great value, a Backlick to their website or website owners are looking for more backlinks. So chances are that they'll be really excited and happy to hear from you also notice that we're carefully suggesting that they can see that linking to our article once it's completed. At the same time, we're not being too pushy about it, this is a true win-win. And your response rate is very likely to be much higher than with the normal pitch process where first you create the content and then you get others to link to it. For example, here is a response that I got easy is done. And now the final step, step three, gathering your responses and actually publishing the post. After you get your responses back, go ahead and create a stunning article, it's important to make sure that it's insanely high value, it should be pretty easy because you're going to have input from some real people with real steps, tips, and hopefully some stats as well. This type of content is not just theoretical, so by default, it will carry a high amount of value. Once you've created the content and posted it on your website, simply contact all the contributors send them a link to the finished article along with the suggestion that once again, they can see that linking to the finished product. It works really well and will result in high-quality content based on real statistics and stories. This way, you will also get a good number of near-instant backlinks to your content, and of course, rankings and traffic as long as you've selected low competition keywords. There it is. That's two of my favorite ways that you can instantly use to get traffic to your blog or website. If you enjoyed this content and you would like to get more similar content in the future about blogging traffic generation, and making money online than make sure to subscribe to the caffeinated blogger Thank you for Clicking my post. Comment below. Let me know what you thought of the post and I will see in the next post
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Warhammer 40K Dev On Xbox And PS4 NEO One Electricity Variances, ‘Numerous AspectsI Will
Court papers registered in OraclesHA patent infringement suit against Google and its Android systems that are operating demonstrate that the private coverage of Google is to let pick Android OEMs get chosen usage of the smartphone OS. The files exclusively report Motorola—the same Motorola Yahoo has reported it'll purchase—and Verizon, which could properly be used like a struggle of fascination by the different OEMs of Yahoo. I did sonot know if at this time he got the sport or just ready again there till I dropped awareness and gone aside. The complete sport somewhat emits a Mario Kart-like experience also, that is constantly a-plus, and the sport is quite wonderful. That being said, muchas I enjoy cell gaming, between battle-to-the-bottom, FTP and games being consistently broken by OS changes, we regrettably nolonger see it to be in a position to support the somewhat higher-budget advanced games later on and eventually exchange the infrastructure of portables. Be informed, there are several points in this game that may not be suitable for everybody!!! It keeps the fundamentals of games that are Pokémon past — catching Pokémon, battling at Gyms, using items, developing your animals — having an insane angle: You're all carrying it out all-in real life. The Samsung $649 ATIV 500T ($769 having keyboard connect), like different Intel Atom based drugs, could operate most Windows applications: meaning x86ANDWindows-7 apps much like another complete Windows pc. The latter is of attention to Zelnick, who wants to view parity across portable and system types, consequently to not present a weaker solution to smartphone consumers. I believe that desire is boiled down seriously to by the main distinctions between Android and iOS supporters. The Xbox One isn't simply able to create definitely better hunting games the Xbox you have on loads of situations made 1080p games. they appear to know once they reach that stage of the game although We never tell these difficulties to the venture communities. Course's developer,, is creators of the augmented-reality game Ingress on which Pokémon Go's engineering and layout is situated, Niantic, earlier an internal start-up at Google. The 3D method lets you view the whole ninety moments from start to finish as you are currently seeing a system sport doing his thing. You will be able to utilize simple time that is portable with single variety through the cell phones lifestyle. Different new features declared today are the capability to revise gameplay and sport economy parameters in games instantly without having to post a new type of an application to Yahoo Perform, as well as a new service that offers designers the ability to estimate which consumers are most likely to invest profit their games (or drop out). We looked-for an employee to available the shelving that were secured together with the game racks inside and walked straight to the technology division. Should the research work in their favor, the sport could possibly be involved in to a significant employment programme that provides 1,500 new hires to the enterprise each year. http://elveszettszepseg.info feel like unless recreation remotes for cellular became a convention or several new insight product that is groundbreaking were designed, anyone nevertheless will not get the type of finetuned rapid -response you receive from controller inputs that are console. Anyone got a spot there, if peopleis requirement is just a replicated of the initial game. This week I used to be floored by person movies regarding Stop Fort, a-game that could be just like Minecraft in visuals but has so much hidden range when I pick up an ipadmini that it will likely be my initial iOS DL week that was next. If having built in actual remotes Apple previously decides to produce a device I believe Mobile gambling will get a good possibility of being taken seriously. Stopper your Android smartphone in via Flash, when the files are in your Windows pc, where you can choose Available product to view information and you ought to get a pop up screen. As you Can easily see, there's plenty of fps togo about and also the recreation must manage effortlessly sufficient on low detail on the low-end equipment. I had been in the retailer considering Android drugs and there's about 500 of them, numerous using HUGELY different rates and unique UIis. Everyone cannot purchase mobiles that are pricey so each business generating greatest and low-cost phones, now in indian cheap mobiles marketplace very tuff. The rising star of mulitchannel retail is cell, according to your study of U.S. and U.K. people executed by way of a digital marketing class Econsultancy it is not a really stunning discovering — presented the capabilities and pervasiveness of today's smartphones — however the results underline the expanding role phones are enjoying in buyers' life. Felton Rezz in the activities that are first has-been updated to be the twin brother of Grimroth in the film. Worse, people linked to Stylish say, improvement on the recreation is consistently abandoned by Stieglitzis interference. Each one of these gives its own distinctive advantages to some child while holding mobiles are available in a variety of different requirements and sorts. After FIVE years (SIX in the event that you rely the original Intel statement), it is period the builders end horsing about and acquire their programs uptodate. It had beennever frustrating like many fatalities of Recreation of Thrones are, nevertheless it was however heartbreaking. I do believe LOTS OF activities would work great on portable with some adjustments for the podium. Should you pop in a brand new hard-drive, deploy Snow Leopard, while you explained subsequently import Your Own Time Appliance back-up, which should operate great also. Bingis risk is the fact that by determined by adopters to manufacture the components and adjust the OS, the user may derive not get themselves of Yahoo's sources and the OS for their private use. However it generally does not fit for the control, already tried with the PS3 my iPad and controller Sport!!! The point that set back out game one of the most was modeling and animating the Pokemon. Most TELLY string H five devices that are mobile are not low in excellent and facilitates dual-SIM (GSM) element. Well claimed, and I consider they presently do, using the expansion of mobile gambling in their home country. He once informed some kiddies when a game is preordered sufficient it often can come previously away. Besides Battlefield 1 because from your PlayStation age I can't consider that anymore regardless of this being World War 1 and till around three years into the Xbox 360 Console it had been nothing but World War Two shooters. Since the original was therefore without spirit it felt just like a deceased globe We'll also skip Watchdogs and also the hacking was extremely trivial however the additional activities you stated along with a collection that you did not we'm really getting excited about. Chances are there are still a number of Android coders who're utilizing the tools that are outdated to develop their software. Take me subsequently, presently eighteen, began computer, using game boy, ps1 ps3, received an iPhone and now an ipod itouch. Then a job is not as uncomplicated as it seems to be as it pertains to spying on others cell phone. It is not unimportant for one to decide that in which phone they or, she really wants to criminal on. In this page of today's, numerous traveler application exist on the market to criminal on telephones that are several. Many Sonyericsson cell phones have the standard attributes that are there-in all the mobiles that are other, however distinct mobiles get different exclusive marketing idea which make them differ from their competitors. Most of these activities even have before buying the version that is full free version which you may try out. The sport even offers a huge amount of new epidermis packs that you can obtain to improve your character's appearance. The 3DS offers probably among the finest sport libraries of any mobile era. Furthermore on these enterprise that was android differing additional companies and software physicians is possible. the sport recording app from Samsung is super-cool although I'm-not sure whether or not it's on the performs took nevertheless. Last year introduced that he strategies to quit operating After-Game of Thrones systems up because he does not appreciate it as much as they used to. They likewise really wants to create method for other hobbies - they traveled to help poor people this past year,. The 2 clubs include mentioned the game is going to be introduced concurrently on the consoles together with the Laptop, although it'sn't clear perhaps the recreation is only likely to be to the recent generation consoles or whether there may also be a Xbox 360 and PS3 type. Not or imagine it there's a middle-ground between a serious 50 hr game and a 5 minute sport that is relaxed. The games do not get the official release-date, but Nintendo has mentioned they will not be unready to play by the Holidays” of 2016. Sport Of Thrones is the world's most unlicensed exhibit This. Will most likely not help it to shed that identify. Anyone in that more cash doesn't imply quality that is better and I certainly agree; that is why we chosen if I acquired the decision I'd elect to enjoy with an excellent system game-over an iOS recreation. If anyone iPad or else has found a better strategy to prevent games proper sort their iPhone, be sure to let the responses are known in by me! In case you come across activities using violent information, attempt marketing them on a website like and By letting your children, activities that are right are chosen. I just want to buy a whole game and enjoy with it. That's it. Number money regarding health pills or improvement that is quicker.
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KPIs and Measurement
In my Master's Degree program this month we have been learning about KPIs and measuring them, as well as SEO and ROI. I wanted to share some insight that I learned this month with anyone interested. 
PR for me feels like a calling at times. It's all I can think about right now and to me it means I can take a company or a brand I care about and turn it into a company or brand that the world cares about.
I have fought hard for my life at times and in those moments I always fell back on creative writing to get my words out, or to get over the pain that was my life. With PR I have found that self Mastery is the next key, while implementing my ability to write and create content (as I was blessed with this talent from the Creator), I have found that using both together brings a whole 'notha level of understanding and passion.
1) Which Key Performance Indicators should you use to track and measure social media?
I found that there are four main areas social media KPIs should be focused on:
1. Engagement
The number one area that should be of concern on social media is engagement. It is the catalyst for improvement in all social media KPIs. Engagement measures the amount of likes, shares, and comments that your social updates receive.
Having a large reach with low engagement is a bad sign because it shows that you don't have a marketing message or content that resonates. Reaching millions of people means nothing if they aren't interested in what you are offering. As long as your audience is engaged, no matter how small that audience is, it will grow organically and generate more leads.
Plus, on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, engagement plays a major role in how many people actually even ever see your updates. Facebook and Twitter see engagement as a sign of quality and popularity. The more interactions your content receives, the more newsfeeds Facebook will filter it out to. Similarly, the more retweets or likes a tweet gets, the larger it will appear (in font size) on your Twitter profile. The actual KPIs that you can measure will vary by social media platform. I have found a few of them through research and I'd like to share them with you.
1. Clicks:
Link clicks are reflective of the quality of the title and image included on your post. Of course, your die hard fans will click on everything you share, but the majority of people (especially new people) are only going to click on posts that interest them. A large number of clicks with very few likes and shares shows that your post got their attention but didn't deliver the exceptional quality needed for the viewer to engage. Great overall engagement with a low amount of clicks indicates that you need to work on how you pitch your content by testing different titles or visuals.
2. Likes: Likes lead to more attention because people naturally gravitate towards things that are popular. More likes also signals to most platform algorithms that this particular content deserves a higher spot in search results.
3. Shares: These days hitting "like" on a post is a passive, mindless action. Likes are good and you definitely want them, but sharing is a conscious decision. When someone shares a post, they are giving a personal recommendation to their followers. So, IMO, shares are a great indication of the quality of the work posted.  
Relevant content sparks a conversation. Even if people leave critical comments, you're better off than having no comments at all. Praise, criticism, and general discussion are all helpful for improving marketing, but silence isn't. Getting comments on your comments is a reliable sign that the content is hitting points of interest. We want what we post to be conversation starters, even if it's through a social media post.
5. Brand Mentions: Tags or mentions show that people are having a conversation about your brand even when you're not even in the room. This is another social media KPI that focuses on relevance.
6. Profile Visits: Not all social media platforms will provide this metric, but if it's there, it's worth your attention. Many social media websites are used as search engines for brand research. There could be plenty of people that follow you, but they may never visit your profile.
The people that are just starting to scope out your business, however, will definitely visit your profile. This KPI isn't as important as the others, as you can't really measure intent to buy, but profile visits do indicate interest in your brand beyond your latest post.
7. Active Followers: An active follower is considered to be someone who has logged in and interacted within the past 30 days but for most brands, the majority of people who "like" or "follow" your page are unlikely to visit it regularly.
2. Reach -
Reach is an old-school marketing metric that still remains important today. It indicates how far your message is actually traveling or how many eyes it's getting in front of.
Measuring reach on social media can be misleading at times because it only shows how many people 'potentially' saw your post, unlike engagement, which has definitive answers. Reach is  just an estimate. You can measure reach by tracking the KPIs on followers or fans (The total number of people following your brand on social media indicate your reach without any engagement), impressions (Impressions show how many times your post showed up in someone's newsfeed or timeline, either because they are already following you or because someone they know has liked or shared your content), and traffic data.
3. Leads -
If you aren't generating leads, you're either on the wrong platform or your content isn't engaging to your buyer persona. For this as we learned this month, we can measure lead generation from social media.
4. Conversions -
No Inbound strategy would be complete without measuring the number of acquired customers. Most of your posts should be focused on providing content for your audience and having a conversation with them. But when it comes down to the finish line, you want to know whether your readers or followers have your back. If you have found the right people to engage then when it comes down to your product, they won't have an issue buying it whether literal or not. The engagement, shares, and likes would be payment if there isn't a physical product to buy and ship.
2) List the top three measurable goals for social media as it relates to your brand.
fan growth rates or follower rates
engagement rates
conversation starters and response rates
3) Over what period of time/ and how would you track these three goals?
Since I have been trying to really add content and meaning to my website I think tracking my site weekly will be an eye opener of what times people usually get on and what content they are interested in. This way I can post during those times and add content similar to what they engage in or add other links on the post that set them up for engagement with my page.
4) What are Multi-Level Attribution Funnels as defined by Google Analytics in the video lesson?
Multi-Level Attribution Funnels are defined as showing the path that the consumer took before entering conversion. Multi-Channel Funnel reports are generated from conversion paths: the sequences of interactions (e.g. clicks/referrals from channels) that lead up to each conversion and transaction.
5) Why is it important for business to analyze click data as it relates to conversions?
See which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns are best at driving valuable customer activity.
Understand the return on investment and make better informed decisions about the ad spend or budget.
Use Smart Bidding strategies (such as target CPA, enhanced CPC, and target ROAS) that automatically optimize your campaigns according to the business goals you set.
See how many customers may be interacting with your ads on one device or browser and converting on another. You can view cross-device, cross-browser, and other conversion data in your “All conversions” reporting column.
Part 2:
Explain what your trackable conversion goals are and why you chose them as KPIs.
My goal is to track session times and new users. I am also trying to track how many users visit the page and don't bounce. I want my bounce rate to decrease by at least 50% in the next 6 months. It might be hard, but with the correct content I believe I'll be able to get my rates lowered.
Explain why you chose the acquisition template.  How is it useful for tracking PR efforts online?
What I used for the acquisition template was the same one from the video that showed us how to create a dashboard for soacial media on GA because in learning how to make a dashboard with a new site, it was easier to follow the model. After I did this and got results I tried the "Facebook" template and I didn't get much information for my social site, but when I added my PR Blog to the dashboard the numbers instantly changed.
Since this is a discussion I wanted to share with you all a few PDFs I found online. They were free for download and I thought, if anyone was interested I'd share them, being that I know we all want the best in our careers. If we can learn to understand the analytics and the technicalities for class than to read a little deeper for personal knowledge is only another step in the right direction. Anyway, thanks for reading. I think this week is going a lot smoother now that I have a better grasp of understanding.
The three are the last PDFs, if interested, that are available for free download:
1. The Beginners Guide to Inbound Marketing
2. The Ultimate Inbound Marketing Checklist
3. Tune Up Your Social Media Marketing
I will be posting them on my website in the next 24 hours, so if interested you can download or read them from here: https://aftonlaidyjordan.wixsite.com/pr-growingreps
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
Which WordPress theme is high-quality on your business company
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/which-wordpress-theme-is-high-quality-on-your-business-company/
Which WordPress theme is high-quality on your business company
We’re frequently asked that by means of apprentices how to pick between unfastened versus top rate WordPress themes. What are the factors of interest and burdens? At the off danger that you too had those inquiries, then you’re in the suitable vicinity. In this text, we will speak about free WordPress topics as opposed to top rate WordPress issues (blessings and drawbacks).
Positives of loose WordPress topics
Within the first region, we’d want to specify that once we say unfastened issues, we simply free WordPress topics which can be recorded Inside the authority WordPress.Org themes registry.
It is free
The best benefit of a free WordPress subject is the value, loose. It brings down the boundary of phase to beginning a weblog. But hearing the word free makes many individuals careful. Why might somebody come up with a WordPress subject matters unfastened download whilst others are offering top rate subject matters? What is the size? Often people suppose free topics are low nice. It is a brilliant contrary.
Strict Evaluation Technique
Free WordPress themes are actually held to a higher great widespread. All subject matters In the authority WordPress topic index revel in a strict subject matter audit take care of. There are a few extremely capable people Within the theme survey group who look at and check these subject matters before they are integrated into the registry.
You can see this timetable of the theme survey put together.
unfastened easy WordPress we blog issues are attempted for preferred consistent code, bolster for general WordPress highlights, satisfactory HTML and CSS, safety, safety, and so on. As You may envision, it takes proficient engineers to collect a fine WordPress topics that get recommended Inside the reputable index.
Cons of loose WordPress themes
Unfastened WordPress subject matters for the most element have much less picks
Impediments of free or premium WordPress issues may be extraordinarily exquisite. What one individual could don’t forget a dis-provider may not be a cause for sympathy in the direction of numerous others.
these are a few normal disservices of making use of a loose WordPress topic:
Restricted bolster alternatives – free WordPress topic designers offer support via WordPress discussions, But they may be now not obliged to reply to reinforce questions.
Is It Worth Hiring A WordPress Consultant?
With regards to hiring someone for a WordPress related activity, it actually depends on who you suspect is the proper character of the activity. You can rent a freelancer, a WordPress company, a first rate developer or a WordPress consultant. But no longer all conditions call for a WordPress consultant. In addition, now not all tasks can be executed by a freelancer.
It depends on loads of factors.
Nature of work
For easy obligations like e-newsletter integration or customization of a theme, You may method a decent freelancer or a developer.
In case you want a custom WordPress website to your commercial enterprise, you really want to method either a company or a equipped WordPress developer.
If you are a small, medium sized or big commercial enterprise residence, you want more than just a custom internet site answer. You want a well-behaved website, a hit online presence, Seo optimized website and conversion price optimization. You will want to run numerous advertising campaigns.
This involves the invention, planning, implementation, and deployment. A consultant is a right individual for this sort of task (period).
A WordPress representative will start with assessing the desires of an internet site for the business/corporation, will exercise session a plan and discuss the viable answers. He’s going to take the reins in his palms to supply a site that takes your enterprise to the subsequent level. The focal point of a WordPress representative is on turning in the website online that generates revenue and drives income.
Price range
You can hire a freelancer at a totally low price. You may find a freelancer too, fortunately, give you the results you want for as low as $five consistent with her. The trouble is freelancers test at the cost of your website. A lot of my customers have shared their terrible memories of running with the freelancers. A number of them well worth mentioning are:
– The work brought was now not as according to the expectations. – After the closing date turned into over, freelancer informed that he turned into now not ready sufficient to provide the answer. – I should technique the freelancer on occasion to get the site fixed. My internet site breaks with each WordPress / plugin replace.
So basically operating with reasonably-priced freelancers come at its own cost.
Hiring a respectable WordPress developer, the only who has a longtime identification is a higher alternative than going for a freelancer. They rate someplace inside the range of $25 – $100 on the hourly basis.
WordPress agencies and WordPress specialists are on the higher give up. The fee for the value and the nice they offer. Their charges commonly vary relying on the form of undertaking necessities you have. If you are a business residence, it’s better to lease a WordPress consultant. This may save you a whole lot of ache for a touch greater rate.
Cover Bands – Theme Ideas For Corporate Events
Pinnacle topics for corporate events surprised us. We clearly anticipated to locate dance themes, or gown topics or even period themes could be maximum famous and on the Pinnacle of the list for hiring cover bands, however that big band idea fell flat when we realized the largest subject matters for company activities had more to do with motion taking slogans, and memorable music that positioned them into movement. A number of these thoughts may surprise your socks off, but we’re going to go together with them anyhow.
1 – Make It Show up Monday
If you’re in commercial enterprise and know what a Monday morning in the office looks like if, you would possibly, in reality, understand this idea. Anyone arrives looking like their last canine died over the weekend, hating their alarm clock, and begging for some other go on the espresso save. Well, it is approximately time, “Monday morning have become all I hoped it might be… ” Can you imagine a cover band supplying popular tunes of the early 1960’s technology to sell your Make it Happen Monday company Event?
2 – Partners of Excellence
while your enterprise steps out on an associate, pairing program, to carry groups of co-workers to the leading edge of the enterprise success crew, they may realize the concept if they kick all of it off with a few -stepping’ use swing. teams of, corporate Companions on the dance floor and inspiring Partners in business with a Connect theme of country fashion dance? Does everybody want to two-step across the dance floor?
3 – Were given Momentum
Simply Jazz it up with some glad momentum to encourage, innovate, and initiate massive enterprise traits with a corporate group of move-getters, stimulated to acquire with momentum to move for their desires. Jazz tunes and a jitterbug contest might be Just the incentive wished to your group.
4 – Terrific Expectations
If you may arrive with the person in the black limo, dance the night away in a white ballroom robe, and leave with the person in the black leather bow tie, your Expectations of greatness might enhance… So why now not? deliver inside the brass, big band sounds, and invite your group to reach in black ties and white gowns. Present every lady on the door with a white rose, besides for one… She receives a purple rose, and on the quiet of the night time, you’ll screen that she is your maximum expectation for the subsequent month’s sales. company occasions allow for Anybody to give their nice, why no longer Present your Pinnacle achievers at your Event? Why no longer?
Networking for Women Business Owners
Networking is a vital piece of a developing and a successful enterprise. Being an enterprise owner, it’s far critical to have a plan and find time for constructing relationships, making connections and staying aggressive. This text highlights key hints which ladies entrepreneurs can use to maximize their networking efforts.
Indexed under are easy methods for gaining the maximum from attending activities and linking up with others.
Shatter the parable
Do no longer accept as true with the hype. As a female business owner, you do have time to network. As a remember of truth, you can do double, triple even quadruple responsibility networking. Be innovative and strategic in the manner which you manipulate it slow and price range. Use networking as an extension of your commercial enterprise. Also, attain out to loyal customers or customers to assist in your objectives for getting referrals, leads, introductions and many others. Do not omit golden opportunities or neglect possibilities to increase.
Associate Up
Collaborate with other business owners to proportion sources, shop time and generate enterprise. Appearance closer to well-matched individuals with numerous ability sets which complement your networking schedule. Locate ways to pass market, move sell, cross community and so on. As mentioned above, those colleagues can also be your clients, customers, mentors, proteges, sponsors and so forth.
Lead the way
Take into account becoming a member of mounted agencies, forums or institutions to enhance your leadership abilities. This may offer an awesome platform for selling you are business and other pastimes. It Also allows you to add cost to people and corporations. Having this sort of platform can also provide you with reputation thru awards and different accolades.
Optimistically these hints can encourage you to take ownership of your networking for enterprise fulfillment. Use these realistic strategies to excel in your business endeavors Which WordPress theme is high-quality on your business company.
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itsworn · 7 years
Behind the wheel of a Focus RS at the Utah Motorsports Campus
Ford Motor Company’s line-up of performance vehicles is pretty stout. Enthusiasts can select between the affordable 197-hp Fiesta ST, Focus ST, Focus RS, the 526 hp Shelby GT350 or the new 450-horsepower 2017 F-150 Raptor. And in addition to offering such a wide palate of performance, Ford also want its specialty car and truck owners to understand and experience the full capabilities. So with performance in mind, the Detroit automaker offers owners a free specially designed driving course at the Ford Performance Racing School at the Utah Motorsports Campus in Tooele, Utah.
The UMC, which was formerly named Miller Motorsports Park, is home to a variety of tracks designed for instruction and all-out racing, and it houses the Ford’s Racing School that’s headed up by Dan McKeever and his team of professional instructors.
Ford wanted us to experience the program since this week it will be introducing two new courses, the RS Adrenaline Academy for the Focus RS and the Raptor Assault, which incorporates an amazing off-road experience for Raptor owners.
Invite in hand, we headed to UMC and spend a day flinging the Focus RS and climbing and descending with the Raptor. “This is what we want to provide our owners so they feel like a part of the Ford Performance team.” says Jim Owens of Ford. “You get to experience the vehicle in the environment the engineers designed it for and this lets owners tap into the capabilities,” he added.
Ford’s on-track programs began in 2012 with the Boss 302 Track Attack and it was wildly successful. Ford VP Jim Farley, a performance enthusiasts himself, wanted to give Boss owners something special, so they came up with a course tailored to giving enthusiasts a fun and educational day at the Ford-specific school. Boss owners seized the opportunity and came away impressed and today Ford offers this training at no cost to anyone who purchases a Fiesta ST, Focus ST, Focus RS, Shelby GT350 and starting this year, the Ford Raptor. And in addition, it offers add-on days and options to allow a guest to join in on the fun.
Utah Motorsports Campus is located about 20 minutes from Salt Lake City and the facility is a wonderland of hot cars, bikes, karts, trucks and tracks. The full road course is 4.48-miles with 23 turns and the longest straight in North America. Corners have cool names such as Sunset Bend, Dreamboat, Work Out, Scream, Black Rock Hairpin, Right Hook, Knock Out, Demon, Devil, Diablo, Indecision, Precision, Fast, Faster, Gotcha, Mabey Y’ll Makit, Satisfaction, Agony, Ecstasy, 1st Attitude, 2nd Attitude, Bad Attitude, Tooele Turn, Kink, Club House Corner, Wind-Up, and Release. The track can be broken into different configurations, as well. And the garages and other facilities are all first-class.
Our small media group had a special program set up that enabled us to experience the RS Adrenaline Academy and the Raptor Assault courses all in one day. In this blog I’ll give you the goods on the RS program, check back to learn about the Raptor Assault.
Like the students, we simply showed up, as the school provides everything necessary for a fun track day. This included a driving suit, helmet and even the car—which in this case is a Focus RS equipped with a roll bar and driver harness.
Upon arrival, students are treated to a reception and dinner at the Ford Performance Racing School Welcome Center the evening before a full day of events. The Welcome Center houses an example of each vehicle in the program, but also a few museum-quality Fords that add to the ambience. During our trip, we spotted an original Ford GT-40, a pristine 1965 Shelby GT350 and a rare Escort RS200.
The actual track day begins with classroom instruction where students learn the finer points of track safety and vehicle dynamics. Instructors explain the importance managing the vehicle’s sprung weight to maximize loading at the contact patches, how to prevent and correct over- and under-steer and how to link corners together on the race track. It’s all designed to help you build a foundation or understanding so you can translate to the track with the useable information.
Before you know it, you’re behind the wheel, where an instructor will help you find the best seating position, show you how to strap in and how to shift effectively. On track, you’ll be taught how to brake, nail and apex, and exit a corner with control and speed. Owens emphasized that this program is designed for owners to gain experience, he called it “challenge-by-choice” meaning you basically go at your own pace, with no pressure to push beyond your comfort zone.
We began on the road course, in “Track” mode, first with a lead-and-follow, then with solo hot laps followed by laps with an instructor in the car. Lastly, we rode with the pros, who took the Focus RS to a much higher level.
In just a few short laps I was blown away by the capabilities of the 2017 Focus RS. With 350hp and all-wheel drive, the RS is a beast, but one that is balanced perfectly and was remarkably easy to drive fast. Cornering was neutral, but you could force a slide with a jab of the throttle on corner exit. The Brembo brakes were a dream, too, I liked the firm pedal feel and didn’t experience any fade. What did I learn? Patience. Letting the RS rotate in the corners and looking far ahead, netted me the greatest exit speed and the smoothest transition between corners.
The 2.3L EcoBoost has torque in all the right places, so I was able to use Third and Forth gears for the entire track. It even makes that cool, popping-through-the-pipes gaggle when you decelerate for the corners.
With my adrenaline still pumping, we headed to the Urban Street Course. There, we tried Launch Control, which allows you to mat the throttle on the line and dump the clutch for quick starts. Once LC is activated, you’re set and ready to launch. The computer lets you go up to 5,000 rpm, and you just dump the clutch and go. Using LC, we could record 0-60 times in the 4.6-second range. In the right hands this is a 12-second quarter-miler, but that’s another story.
Next, we zipped through a Figure 8 course, testing the RS’s ability to accelerate, brake, rotate around a tight arc, and accelerate in the opposite direction. While that was fun, everyone was itching to try the “Drift” mode on the FPRS Drift Circle.
Now in Drift mode, I slid the RS around and around, which was huge fun. To achieve a 360-plus degree drift, I started in First gear, cranked the wheel to the left and floored the throttle. As boost came on the RS broke free, the whole car slid in a four-wheel drift and I countered with a touch of steering input to control the arc. To keep it going, I simply modulated the throttle and the steering. Getting a few laps with the tail yawed out took a few tries, but I quickly got the hang of it. This is clearly something owners will try once they master it at the school.
Our last stop was back on the Urban Street Course, where we ran an autocross-style track for time. Each media guest got a few practice laps then we went for a timed lap. The course incorporated two tight 180-degree turns, a quick straight that led to a slalom, then the Figure 8, then another slalom and finally we had to nail a quick stop. How’d Hot Rod do? We grabbed a podium with a second place finish, only falling short of the win by a couple of tenths to an SCCA Pro.
Those attending the RS Adrenaline Academy will experience a full day of this educational madness and walk away with the building blocks for real performance driving, not to mention a really cool Brembo brake caliper trophy and a certificate. You’ll also have the desire to push yourself and learn more which is why I highly recommend adding a day of training if you’re making the trip, or just heading to the school for one of it’s performance driving courses.
Ford Performance Racing School 435-277-7333 Utahmotorsportscampus.com
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