#tricking everyone close to mad eye into thinking you were him for how long?
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person25 · 4 months ago
Barty you will always be a ravenclaw with pathetic daddy issues to me🫶
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larluce · 1 month ago
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU (SERIES 2)
(Sorry for the delay. This part is going to be a bit crazy)
Merlin has never been able to stay mad at Arthur for too long, so he soon finds himself back in Arthur's chambers and stays there the rest of the day, lying in bed, while Arthur pampers him.
Being taken care of is a pretty new feeling for Merlin. And, though sometimes it still feels weird, he doesn't get that feeling of wrongness anymore when Arthur brings grapes to his mouth and massages him to help him relax. If anything, he deserves this after the uncomfortable moment Arthur put him through.
As night falls and Arthur cuddles with him, Merlin can't help but wonder: What did he do to be this fortunate in this life? To get this Arthur to love him so throughfully and cherish him this much? Some fear invades him too: Is this a trick of The Sidhe? To get him everything he ever wanted to later take it all away from him. But then Arthur tells him "I love you" again and dissipates his fears with a kiss.
Merlin spent all his previous life suffering and worrying constantly. In this life, he'll let himself be happy.
Arthur: (his hand trails down Merlin's body as he kisses him)
Merlin: (pulls away from the kiss, breathless) Wait... We shouldn't...
Arthur: Why? (kiss) You are my lover. (kiss) I already made you mine yesterday. (kiss)
That is other thing. While Merlin is still processing the new nature of their relationship, Arthur assimilates it and his active role in it with ease. It disorients and overwhelms him, the intensity of how Arthur shows his love. Merlin doesn't recall a single time Arthur has been this possessive with Gwen, let alone Arthur making jealous scenes like the one he did with Gwaine moments before. It makes him nervous... but also hot for some reason.
Merlin: (stops the kiss, though he still blushes, a mix of embarrasment and arousal at Arthur's words) My offended lover act. I'm supposed to be avoiding you for two weeks, remember? If we do it everyone will know and think I forgave you too easily.
Arthur: We'll be discret.
Merlin: My limp won't be so discret.
Arthur: I'll be gentle.
Merlin: (looks doubtful)
Arthur: Please. (hand caresses his waist, hip and then his thight) You can't tell me you don't want it. (lips very close to Merlin's)
Merlin: (gives in, beacuse gods he wants this so bad) Alright, but just once. And be gentle.
Time skip. Next day in the morning.
Merlin: (Wakes up and whimpers in pain) You fucking liar! 😡 (hits Arthur with a pillow)
Arthur: (chuckles softly) Again, you weren't exactly complaining.
Merlin: (doesn't want to admit he was in fact enjoying it too much to stop him) Well, now I am, you brute clotpole! How am I supposed to go for your breakfast now?
Arthur: That can be arranged. (calls out) Guards!
Guards: (enter, weapons up) My lord!
Merlin: (startled, barely has time to react, just covers himself with the covers)
Guards: ...
Guard 1: (looks away in respect) Uhm... Did you call us, sire?
Arthur: (very chill) Tell the cook to send someone else to bring my breakfast, please.
Guard 2: (also looking away) Right away, my lord.
Guards: (leave)
Merlin: (uncovers himself, almost shouting) Why did you do that?! 😡
Arthur: (innocently) You said you couldn't bring breakfast.
Merlin: You know what I mean, you prat! We were supposed to be discret! Now everyone will know- (cuts himself, opening his eyes wide in realisation) And that's what you wanted. You did it on purpose! (gets off the bed furious despite the pain)
Arthur: (gets off the bed too) Merlin-
Merlin: (dressing himself with hard movements, furious) NO! You think this is funny? Letting them see me in your bed as if I was some harlot? Do you know how humiliating that is?
Arthur: I didn't think-
Merlin: Of course you didn't think! But you knew how important this plan was to me and you still didn't care. You trampled on my wishes as if they were worthless. As if I didn't matter (hurt emerges into his fury) How could you do that to me? (finishes to dress himself)
Arthur: (realising how much he fucked up, very sorry) You are right. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. (about to put a hand on his shoulder)
Merlin: Don't! (makes a move to go to the door)
Arthur: (puts himself infront of him) I'm really sorry!
Merlin: I don't want to hear it! (darts around him, but ends up tripping with a blanket and ends with his face on the floor) Stupid blanket! (his eyes glow and the blanket ends in little pieces)
Arthur: (swallows, thinking) Even his magic is angry, he must be really upset (aproaches carefully, kneeling before Merlin) It was never my intention to step over you and I hate myself for making you feel that way.
Merlin: (very hurt) Then why did you do it?!
Arthur: (sighs) I wasn't honest with you.. regarding your plan.
Merlin: ... What?
Arthur: I was never comfortable with it. It hurts to pretend that we are separated when that's not true. And you involved me in this plan before even consulting it with me first and then make me go along with it. You never once asked my opinion on the matter either. It made me feel like you care more about some rumors than me, as if our relationship was something to be embarrased of. And it is not! If anything, I'm proud to show you off, to let everyone know that I love you and you are mine.
Merlin: (calms down a bit, feeling bad, but still angry) You are right, that was selfish of me and I apologise if I made you upset, but what you did was not better. Is one thing to "show me off" and other to expose me naked in your bed after being intimate! And how dare you say I'm embarrased of us? Me trying to recover some of my dignity has nothing to do with that! If you were so against my plan you should have said something instead of making me look like an easy lay!
Arthur: (caressess Merlin's face) I know. I was childish and impulsive. I'm sorry. I'll never discard your wishes ever again. Relationship is a two-way street. If we are not okay with something we talk it out from now on. Alright? Will you forgive me? (offers Merlin a hand to help him stand up)
Merlin: (just stares at him, still frowning, resentful)
Arthur: I'll tell everyone I gave you a very big apology gift and that's why you forgave me.
Merlin: So now I'm not a cheap whore, but a expensive one.
Arthur: (desperate) Then tell me what to do to make you forgive me! Anything and I'll do it!
Merlin: (keeps staring at him, frowning)
Arthur: (begs) Please! I'm so so sorry. Tell me how to make it right. (holds Merlin's hands, pleading) Please.
Merlin: (sighs, giving in cause Arthur looks like he might cry if he is not forgiven and Merlin really doesn't like making Arthur this upset) My lily is lonely. I want another.
Arthur: (relieved) Sure!
Merlin: And I want it to be white.
Arthur: I'll get it for you right away. (hugs Merlin and gives him a kiss) Are we okay now?
Merlin: (thinking) I'm still angry and hurt that you put me in such a vulnerable position, but what's done is done. And I can see you are really sorry, why waste time fighting? (smiles, reassuring) Yes, we are okay.
Time skip. In Gaius' tower.
Merlin: (enters, limping)
Gaius: (worried) My boy! (grabs a little bottle and gives it to Merlin) Take this for the pain. Shouldn't you be resting?
Merlin blushes, very embarrased, because of course Gaius knows. Everyone in the castle knows. If the limp and guards catching him on Arthur's bed wasn't enough of a clue, all the visible bites Arthur left on his neck definitely are. Not even his neckerchief is able to hide all of them.
Merlin: Thank you. (drinks Gaius's potion for the pain) I can still help you around here as long as I don't have to move much. (grabs some herbs and jars with liquids and puts them on a table) It's the least I can do after losing your ingredients yesterday. (sits on a chair, wincing a bit)
Merlin frowns at the memory of Arthur and Gwaine's display from the day before (in which he lost his cest with all the ingredients he had collected). It's difficult to concieve a world where Arthur and Gwaine don't get along, let alone one when they hate each other to guts.
Merlin: (thinking, reassurring himself) They just have to stop acting like cave men and get to know each other. I'm sure they'll become friends again soon enough.
Gaius: You don't have to worry about the missing ingredients. Someone else brought them.
Merlin: (surprised) Really? Who?
Gwaine: (comes out from Merlin's old room) Me.
Merlin: (avoids his gaze, still angry at him for yesterday and starts to grind some herbs)
Gaius: Oh, Gwaine. What a surprise seeing you here. I thought you'll be at a tavern by now.
Gwaine: (to Gaius, but not getting his eyes off Merlin) Hungover.
Gaius: (shakes his head) I'll prepare you something for that. (about to that)
Servant: (enters) The King requests the presence of the physician inmediatly. Something about needing his concoction.
Gaius: (sighs) Of course. (turns to Merlin) Prepare Gwaine's medicine for the hungover, I'll tend the king. (leaves)
Merlin: (sighs, thinking) Perfect.
Gwaine: (walks around the table, grinning) So... Merlin, isn't it?
Merlin: (ignores him, smashing the herbs, still not looking at him)
Gwaine: I can help you with that if you want (about to grab a bowl)
Merlin: (puts the bowl away and keeps smashing in silence)
Gwaine: (notices Merlin's love bites on his neck, chuckles and decides to joke) The prince was eager to mark territory, it seems.
Merlin: I'll finish this in my room. (stands up, grabing his things)
Gwaine: No, wait! (stops him) Forgive me. It was a bad joke.
Merlin: (leaves the things on the table and crosses his arms) Is that the only thing you are sorry for?
Gwaine: I may have also crossed the line with your prince yesterday.
Merlin: And?
Gwaine: And I'm sorry.
Merlin: As you should. (sits again and continues to prepare Gwaine's medicine)
Gwaine: (sits besides him) I know we had a rocky start. Two rocky starts if we count the Lady Merelyn one. But I would really like to be your friend.
Merlin: (confused) Why? (thinking) We bonded before due to our similar pasts. He doesn't know about my father yet. Why does he...?
Gwaine: (grinning, amuzed) Are you kidding? You are the most interesting person I ever met! There's always people telling so many stories about you they even contradict each other. It's madness! But the kind of madness I like. And the little time I spent with you was explendid.
Merlin: You mean the bandit attack and your almost confrotation with Arthur?
Gwaine: What can I say? You are a magnet for trouble... and I love trouble. 😏
Merlin: (rolls his eyes, but can't help but smile)
Gwaine: So? (extends his hand) Friends?
Merlin: (thinking) I do miss his friendship... (says) Alright, but only with two conditions.
Gwaine: Isn't friendship supposed to be unconditional?
Merlin: (warns) Gwaine.
Gwaine: Fine, Fine. Tell me. What are the conditions?
Merlin: One, you'll stop talking bad about Arthur in my presence or his presence.
Gwaine: Noted. (thinking) I can still talk bad about him with Percival.
Merlin: Two, you'll never EVER bother Arthur again in any way. This means no insults, no fights and no fake flirting with me just to get on his nerves.
Gwaine: (nods) Understood. No insults, no fights-wait, did you say fake flirting? 😧
Merlin: (extends his hand) Do you accept the conditions?
Gwaine: (shakes Merlin's hand) I accept.
Meanwhile. Arthur and Lancelot in the woods.
Lancelot: I found some, Sire! (points some white lilies)
Arthur: (aproaches) Just now?
Lancelot: Yes. What a relief! After you told me how long your search for the purple lily was, I thought it would take longer.
Arthur: It did take longer.
Lancelot: (confused) Didn't you say it took you days for you to find the purple lily, Sire?
Arthur: The purple lily yes. But I came across those white lilies in the first two hours of my search.
Lancelot: ...
Arthur: And it took YOU three hours to find them. Honestly, Lancelot, I had more faith in your hability.
Lancelot: You already knew where they were.
Arthur: I did.
Lancelot: (catiously) Why did you ask for my help then, Sire?
Arthur: I wanted to speak with you privately.
Lancelot: About what, Sire?
Arthur: Well, It had come to my attention that you holded up some facts in your narration of the events regarding the bandit attack. Specifically some actions one of your new roommates did.
Lancelot: (thinking, nervous) Gwaine... the poor man. (says) Percival or Gwaine?
Arthur: You know who. Merlin told me Gwaine flirted with him and talked ill of me.
Lancelot: (sweating) Oh... that. 😅 (thinking) He's SO dead.
Arthur: He did not go into details though.
Lancelot: (thinking, in relief) Thank the gods!
Arthur: And that's why I'm asking you for said details.
Lancelot: (thinking) I talked too soon... (says) Pardon me, Sire?
Arthur: (with and icy calmness) What exactly did Gwaine tell Merlin?
Lancelot: I can't really remember, Sire.
Arthur: That's a lie. (pulls out a knife calmly) You have a great memory and you are more observant than anyone. That's how you could give my father a very detailed inform and how you discovered Merlin's magic so fast. So, I'll ask again. (plays with the knife in his hand) What did he say?
Lancelot: (trembling) S-sire 😰
Arthur: Why are you looking at me like that? This for the flowers. (passes Lancelot and starts cutting some leaves so the lilies are more visible) I don't want to ask again.
Lancelot: (swallows hard) I truly don't remember, Sire. I was a bit distracted. Gwen was there and... Well, you know, how love is.
Arthur: (gives an understanding smile) I do. You must love her a lot. I can't blame you.
Lancelot: (sighs in relief)
Arthur: (smiling sweetly) Now tell me the truth or I'll make sure you can't never marry her.
Lancelot: (thinking) Sorry, Merlin. I did try to save him. (says) Well... this is what I remember.
Time skip. Gawine and Percival walking around the Lower Town.
Gwaine: I spit it and I told him "Did you make it taste this bad on purpose?" and he said "No, that's how all Gaius' medicines taste". So I retorded "I rather have hangover that drink that shit again".
Percival: (laughs) You didn't even had a hangover. You were waiting for him.
Gwaine: (shrugs) I owned the guy an apology.
Percival: And since when do you apologise for anything?
Gwaine: (brings a hand to his chest dramatically) It offends me that you think of me that way. I'm a man that recognises his mistakes and knows how to apologize. I feel no shame in it.
Percival: I agree that you feel no shame for anything. (sighs) You finally have some genuine romantic feelings for someone. And of all people you could have chosen, it had to be the prince's lover.
Gwaine: (chuckles) I don't have "romantic feelings" for Merlin. He's fun to be with, is all.
Percival: Good. Because he is out of discussion. The prince will have you killed if you dare to try something.
Gwaine: Uuuh! Forbidden love 😏.
Percival: (warns) Gwaine.
Gwaine: I'm kidding! I'm not suicidal, I don't want to end up dead in an ally.
Percival: (stops to buy some vegetables)
Gwaine: Oh, I'll be over there (points somewhere). I need to... eh... take care of something.
Percival: Do not flirt with married women. 😒
Gwaine: That happened once! She wasn't wearing her ring and was not exactly rejecting me. How was I supposed to know she was married?
Percival: Nor some other prince's lover.
Gwaine: Again, once. (pats his back goodbye) I'll see you by the chickens. (leaves)
In some jewellery stand.
Seller: How can I help you?
Gwaine: Yeah... uhm... (pulls out a ring) I would like to sell a ring.
Meanwhile, in Merlin's chambers.
Merlin: (just lying in bed resting, not because he wanted to, but everyone insisted him to)
Lancelot: (enters suddendly) Merlin! Sorry for disturbing you, I know you are... erh... indisposed.
Merlin: Honestly Lancelot, it would surprise me if someone DIDN'T know I'm "indisposed".
Lancelot: But this is an emergency. Do you know where Gwaine is?
Merlin: He went with Percival to the Lower Town to buy some things, why?
Lancelot: Great. We have to go there. Now! (grabs Merlin wrist and drags him outside)
Merlin: Wha... wait, Lancelot! What's the emergency? What are we doing?
Lancelot: Saving a life!
Back with Gwaine in the jewellery stand.
Gwaine: Come on, man! I got it for more.
Seller: That's what I offer. Take it or leave it.
Gwaine: (accepts the money reluctantly) You Camelotians are such thieves.
Arthur: Says the one who wanted to steal my lover.
Gwaine: (startles and turns) Oh, the princess has arrived! (remembers his promise to Merlin and corrects himself) I mean, what brings his royal highness here?
Arthur: Why on earth are you in possession of a ring?
Gwaine: Men are allowed to have rings.
Arthur: It looks pretty feminine for you.
Gwaine: I have very... epecific taste.
Arthur: Sure, it had nothing to do with Lady Merelyn asking you for a ring if you wanted to be with her.
Gwaine: Look, I didn't know Lady Merelyn and Merlin were the same person at the time. As far as I knew, you had rejected her for him after what happened with the bandits and the only thing that could restore some of her honor was marrying someone.
Arthur: And you were so willing to do that sacrifice, weren't you? So eager to save a damisel in distress from a, how did you say?, a corrupt and debauchee prince.
Gwaine: How did you... It was Lancelot wasn't it! 😠 That telltale!
Arthur: No, he's good at keeping secrets. I'm just good at getting them out. I don't care what people say about me, let alone a nobody like you. What infuriates me is that you, did not only flirted with MY lover, but dare to tell him that I was playing with him, that I did not love him or took him seriously.
Gwaine: Again, as far as I knew, you had this lady as a misstress instead of as a wife, knowing that kind of relationship damages a woman's reputation. Anyone would think you were playing with her. If I knew she was actually a he I would have understood why you couldn't marry.
Arthur: And if it had been so, what? Are you always this honorable, defending the virtue of women unknown to you? No, you only did it because you wanted something with her. It wasn't out of the goodness of your heart. If you had any honorability or goodness in your heart at all, you wouldn't have filled Merlin with insecurities just to get your way!
Gwaine: (offended) I didn't fill Merlin with-
Arthur: (raising his voice) Tell me how telling someone their love does not really love them back, that they are just being played and will never have a serious comittement is not filling them with insecurities!
Gwaine: (actually feels bad) I... didn't think of it that way.
Arthur: Of course you didn't.
Gwaine: (impatient and annoyed) Look, I'm sorry, alright? I spoke out of turn, now I know you love Merlin genuinely and I won't question it or your relationship with him ever again. So go back to your big castle and do whatever is that you royals do. (makes a move to leave)
Arthur: (steps infront of him, not letting him pass) I believe we have something pending. (throws a glove to the ground) Pick it up.
Gwaine: ... What?
Arthur: You said you wanted to fight me, to see how skilled I was, so... (points the glove) pick it up.
Gwaine: (laughs) I won't pick up your fucking glove.
Arthur: By the knight code, you have to pick it up. So… Pick. It. Up.
Gwaine: No.
Arthur: Why not then?
Arthur: (smirks) Why? Scared?
Gwaine: Believe me, I have no shortage of desire.
Gwaine: One, because I promise Merlin I wouldn't fight you. And do want to keep being his friend, you see.
Arthur: (sarcastic smile) How sweet.
Gwaine: Two, I have no obligation. I'm no knight.
Arthur: Oh... you are right. There's no need of this. (punches Gwaine in the face)
Gwaine: (falls to the ground and brings a hand to his face in pain) You motherf- 😡
Arthur: I heard bar fights were more your style! (gestures him to stand up with his hands) Come on!
Gwaine: (stands up, angry) You asked for this.
Meanwhile, Percival by the chickens.
Percival: (being waiting for about half an hour, says to himself) Where is him? (hears people making commotion) What's happening there?
Little kid: (from afar) Mom, mom! They are fighting!
Mom: Stay away sweetie!
Percival: A fight? (an horrible thought comes to his mind and runs there, praying) Please let it not be him, please let it not be him. (gets there and spots Gwaine) It's him... 🤦‍♂️. (praying again) Please let the other not be a nobel, please let the other not be a noble. (recognises Arthur) That's the prince! 😨
Arthur and Gwaine: (beating the shit out of each other furiously, both bleeding from their recent injuries)
Percival: (very worried, runs to intervene)
Knight y: (who is patrolling there, stops him) What do you think you are doing?
Percival: I'm the one who should be asking! 😠 Isn't your work to prevent unrest from happening?
Knight y: Normally I would put an end to it, but this is the prince. We can't intervene. Is against the law.
Percival: What kind of law is that?! You are supposed to be protecting your prince!
Knight y: It was his wish to fight. I can't go against his wishes.
Percival: Well, I don't care. My friend is there. (makes a move to go to Gwaine's aid)
Knight y: (stops him again) I'm sorry, but we can't let you intervene.
Percival: We? (looks around and spots more patrolling knights) You have to be kidding me... What if my friend fatally injures your prince? Haven't you thought about that?
Knight y: We kill him before he does.
Percival: ... What? 😰
Knight y: It's the law.
Percival: And... if your prince fatally injures my friend? Will you stop him too?
Knight y: (shakes his head) He's the prince.
Percival: (thinking) Now I understand why Gwaine hates nobelty so much. (tries to pass the knights anyway)
Knights: (point Percival with their swords)
Knight y: Trust me it will be worst if you intervene. You won't only get your friend killed but yourself too.
Percival: (begs) Please, you can't let this happen! There must be a way to stop them!
Knight y: (thoughtful) Well, I think there is a way...
Knight x: (scolds) Alynor!
Percival: (desparate) How?
Knight y: The prince always listens to his manservant.
Percival: Merlin! Of course. Where is him?
Knight x: In the castle, resting. I heard he is... "indisposed".
Knights: (laugh)
Percival: (leaves running)
Knight x: (shouting) It's quite far! You won't get him in time! (sighs, to Knight y) 15 silver coins that he won't make it.
Knight y: Make it 20.
Some other part of the Lower Town.
Merlin: (still being dragged by Lancelot, sore and exhausted) Lancelot, please. We've been walking for hours. I'm tired.
Lancelot: (notices Merlin in pain and lets go of him, feeling bad) I'm sorry. I had a feeling that... (thinking) That Arthur would commit murder. (says) Forget it, I'm just being paranoid. Forgive me. I'll carry you back to the castle if you like.
Merlin: (chuckles softly) I would say no, but I really can't take one more step.
Percival: (crosses pat with them) Merlin! Thank the Gods! You have to come with me! (grabs Merlin's wrist)
Lancelot: (stops Percival) Wait, wait, wait! Where are you taking him?
Percival: The prince and Gwaine are fighting!
Merlin: WHAT?! 😨
Lancelot: (thinking) I hate being right... 😔
Percival: (starts dragging Merlin)
Merlin: (trips) Ow! (frees himself from Percival's hold, angry) Stop dragging me like some rag doll! 😡 I can walk on my own! (walks on his own, but he's too in pain to walk fast enough and he's limping) Those stupid idiots-Ow!
Percival: (Impatient) There's no time! (Picks Merlin up in his arms quickly and runs)
Merlin: AAAAAAH! 😱
Lancelot: (runs after them)
Meanwhile, with Arthur and Gwaine.
Arthur: (kicks Gwaine hard)
Gwaine: (falls on his back in the ground) Argh!
Arthur: (approaches to help him stand up, cause it's still dishonorable to fight a man when he is not in a position to defend himself)
Gwaine: (thinking Arthur was approaching to beat him on the ground, kicks in the air to protect himself, but ends up kicking Arthur in the crotch by accident)
Arthur: (bends over in pain, his voice a scale higher) Ow! You son of a bitch!
Gwaine: (laughs his ass off, while he stands up) This was not my intention, but oh gods! (keeps laughing) I hope you are not planning to have offspring soon.
Arthur: (still bending over, catching his breath) Shut up!
Gwaine: (joking) On the bright side, maybe now I do have a chance with Merlin.
Arthur: (straights up again, a murderous look on his face)
Gwaine: (thinking) Me and my big mouth...
Arthur: (lunges at Gwaine in full rage)
Meanwhile, Percival finally arrives with Merlin in arms and Lancelot by his side.
Percival: (puts Merlin on the ground gently)
Knight y: (To Knight x) Ha! He's here. Pay me.
Knight x: (reluctantly pays him)
Merlin: (serious) Where is him?
Knights: (point in the direction of the fight)
Merlin: (walks as fast as he can there)
Knights: (step away to let him pass)
Percival: Sure, you can't let a broad man stop the fight, but the defenseless scrawny manservant that can barely stand on his feet is more than capable.
Lancelot: (to the knights) We are his friends. Let us pass.
Knights: (look doubtfully)
Lancelot: He may need reinforces. The prince won't forgive you if he gets injured.
Knights: (step aside)
Lancelot: (to Percival) Hurry!
Lancelot and Percival: (run)
Back to the fight.
Arthur: (on top of Gwaine, choking him on the ground with his hands)
Gwaine: (trying to push him away, in barely a whisper) I yield! I yield! You proved your point. Pleas... (can't pronounce a word anymore, trashes harder, he can't breath)
Arthur: (thinking, eyes cold) 278.
Gwaine: (his movements weaken, face almost purple)
Merlin: (screams) Stop! You are going to kill him!
Arthur: (lifts his head and gets off Gwaine, like getting out of a trance) Merlin?
Gwaine: (Takes a deep breath and coughs, his hands on his neck)
Percival: Gwaine! (kneels to check him, worried)
Merlin: (furious) What is the meaning of this?!
Arthur and Gwaine: (pointing at the other, Arthur in a loud voice and Gwaine in a hoarse voice) He started!
Merlin: (yelling) I don't care who started it! You are ending it. Now! (to the people who is around in a circle) What are you looking at? GO!
People gathered around: (disperse)
Merlin: (turns to Gwaine and Arthur, dead serious) We are going to Gaius now and I don't want to hear a single word from you until we are there. Do I make myself clear?
Arthur: Merl-
Gwaine: But he-
Merlin: (raises his voice) I said, do I make myself clear? 😠
Arthur and Gwaine: (nod effusively)
Merlin: (sighs, tired, and turns to Percival) Percival, help Gwaine. (to the knights) You, help your prince. (turns to Lancelot) Lancelot, carry me on your back.
Arthur: Why is Lancelot carrying you on his back? 😠
Merlin: BECAUSE I'M INDISPOSED! 😡 And you are not exactly fit to carry me right now.
Arthur: (tries to stand up) Of course I-Ow! (winces in pain)
Merlin: That's what I thought.
Arthur: (opens his mouth to protest)
Merlin: Not another word! (to the others) What are you waiting for?!
Everyone present: (hurry to do what Merlin said)
Percival: (whispers to Lancelot) I take back what I said about him being defenseless, he is scary.
Lancelot: (whispers back, smiling) You'll learn soon enough Merlin is not what everyone sees.
Arthur after his fight with Gwaine:
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This Arthur is so full of red flags I swear xD
Any idea of what is going to happen next?
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity , @lucifertookmyshoe @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @starrieisdelusional , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @curiously-lazy , @harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers , @miyriu , @hobipabo , @whitemaskcd , @bogslob , @braziiis , @rubinaitoart , @thebigoblin , @toomanyfanficsbruh , @farmboyprince , @nonsensefunsense , @slightly-psycho-multifan , @jxmimac , @anarchelsworld , @beepbeep-yeah , @faithiikins , @the-moons-undying-light
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ashsimpsalot · 3 months ago
Same colour, different eyes
(Jay Menha x reader)
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You know your husband better than anyone on this planet.
Maybe not better than his own mother but you did spent a massive amount of time with her, she taught you a trick or two.
So when Jay shows up at your door step after a long mission in India you didn't think much. You two needed each other like alcoholics, you knew he was going to knock on your door, with a box of your favourite chocolate and distant eyes, it was just the matter of when. It just so happen to be that this time it took a year.
Sanjay didn't look like the type for relationship but he surprise everyone around him.
So you did what you always do, pick a mission together, start small, build up trust, eventually it leads back to India.
The first time he brought you there, in the middle of a job, you didn't think much. It was just another small house at the side of the beach, what more could it be? It's silent, quiet, anonymous, exactly what you two needed as a safe house.
But the second time he brought you there? You knew something was off.
Sanjay Menha doesn't do patterns, the only pattern he knew how to draw was you and you could see his wrist flicking to sketch a new one.
After a while you start to see it, the one room he always avoid, the empty eyes, not like his usual ones though, more like when he's swallowing guilt, his mind wandering when he stares into the darkness of the beach's horizon.
You're his wife, you know him better than anyone in this planet.
You had the blanket wrapped around your chest, mindlessly reached at the blunt your bare husband was smoking. He was leaning against the bed frame, eyes staring at the door, more like pass it.
"so who was she?" you asked after a small inhale. Finally his eyes shifted. "she?" that stupid low voice you always fall for.
You let out a chuckle, your eyes closed, blunt rolling betweeing your thumb and index finger. "don't play dumb, baby, it's not a good look on you," you said with a stupid smile, he hated it, you figured him out and you talked as if nothing changed.
"you came here with her, hm? Stayed in the room across," you continued, finally opening your eyes to look at him. His face stoic but his eyes let out a small plea. To ignore the issue, like you've both been doing for years.
"must've been a hell of a girl, making you break your rules," you added, offering him the blunt, which he didn't take. You shrugged and take another hit.
Jay mumbled your name. You hummed but honestly he didn't know what to say. "what happened? She died? She left?"
He took a deep breath before sighing. "left," Jay finally admitted. You let out a chuckle. "fuck, is that why you've been looking at me like that?"
Jay's frown deepen, turning to look at you, finally. "like what?"
You smiled again. "like you finally love me again?"
Jay sits up almost frantically. "what? I love you." He had turned his body to look at you fully. You sat up, leaning against the headboard and placed your head on his shoulder. "you're cute when you lie," you kissed his shoulder as you mumbled those words into his flesh.
Jay's hand wrapped itself around your waist. He didn't know what to make of this. He planted his face into your hair, sighing when he smelt your shampoo. "I love you. Believe me," he pleaded.
You just hummed, enjoying the sting in your throat when the smoke takes its path to invade your lungs. "you started to look at me different. You wish she comes back?" you asked, honestly you don't even know what you're doing. Are these questions to hurt him, to hurt you, maybe you're just trying to validate yourself.
"if she comes back, who'd you choose?"
"jaanu? Hm? Is that what you called her too?"
Jay mumbled your name again, sweetly, the same way he had said it before when you just woke up, when all you could feel was his warmth. "I'm not mad, we were on a break" you tried to rationalise yourself, but how could you, you're as insane as he is.
"I love you," Jay pleads. "I love you," he repeated. You're not sure who he's trying to convince.
"samira," Jay pulled back, confused when that name fell out of your lips. He's staring at you, trying to calculate how in the ever loving fuck did you know?
"she called, I answered. Told her you were here," you said with a sweet smile that sent his stomach sick. "are you playing with me?" he asked standing up. You enjoyed the sight of his bare body, though the sight is a bit funny as your husband tries to find his pants, his phone to be exact.
"she needed help or something. Told her you were here," you repeated. Jay paused to look at you. "jaan, you're not joking, right?" He's still trying to figure you out.
You shrugged. A small smile creeped up on you when you heard the front door bangs. "one way to find out," you replied. Taking another hit of the blunt.
"honey, baby, what," he asked as he finally reached a sweatpants to throw on. "don't play with me, are we-" Jay half thought you called the cops on him, that is till he heard her voice.
Her voice
"better go," you played. "stay here, promise, stay," Jay said mindlessly as he walked out of the door.
He should've known you're not the type to listen to orders.
A/n: hi ik back from the dead..... I can't write more ngl the hospital stuck a needle in my right hand. I'll be discharged tomorrow tho IDK WHAT THE PLOT FOR THIS OKAY I JUST MISS YOU GUYS
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ranposbabe · 5 months ago
Delightful | William James Moriarty x Reader
Chapter 15
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How long does it take before a person’s secrets are no longer secrets ? Technically you’re not purposely hiding anything but it’s getting a bit personal now.
It’s true when they say the longer you keep something to yourself the harder it is to hold in.
You can’t say it’s completely your fault. You didn’t choose this but you’re not sure how long you can keep this facade up for.
There’s nothing you can do. At all. Is there ?
If you told them that you were from over a century from their now, what would they think ? Would they think you even more mad than they already think you are ? Would they lock you away into an asylum and throw away the key ? Would asylums be in a worse condition than the ones from your time ? Oh god this is exactly what happens once you start overthinking everything and lately you’ve had plenty of time to do that !
Even if they do believe you, would there even be any benefit in doing so ? You still don’t know how you got here. If you found the way to get back it definitely wouldn’t have anything to do with them.
Your mind thinks back to the conversation you had with William only a few hours ago.
What was he going to say ? Why did you have to be stupid and interrupt him ? Did he really think it was unlikely that you were unmarried ?
Or did he mean something else ? What was he going to say after that ? He was going to make a point and you stopped him !
You didn’t think about it then but now you can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s all becoming so conflicting and you’re at the center of it all.
Walking down the dimly lit corridor, what you saw ahead was two doors tightly shut and for what ever reason your interest has peaked.
Especially how as you quietly step closer you can make out some voices. Multiple voices. It wasn’t clear what they were saying but the curiosity in you was starting to take over.
You should walk away it’s obvious.
The group of them and the doors are closed off for a reason and you know earsdropping is bad ! But…is it that bad once they don’t know that you’ve done it ?
Your shoulder leans against the door and so does your body weight as you contemplate pressing your ear to the door.
But you have little time to contemplate when the door is suddenly opened. Your knees buckle beneath you but the last second you manage to grip on the door and save yourself from falling. But your feet dance around trying to save your balance. It could’ve been worse.
“Hello.” You cough, clearing your throat.
There they all were staring right back at you.
At least Fred had somewhat of an apologetic look within his eyes, his hand still on the handle.
“Is everything alright ?” Albert asked, a teacup and saucer in his hand, Louis stood by his side.
William sat opposite Albert, his back turned, he looks over his shoulder. He’s polite in acknowledgement but also quiet like you interrupted them. Well, you did.
“Yes.” Is all you can muster up. You’re quick to take a step back, wanting to disappear.
“You’re welcome to join us if you desire.”
William called, his back still turned from you.
There’s a sudden change in the room.
It suddenly feels too full and you’re still stuck in the doorway. Everyone’s eyes bore into William’s eye yet he remained calm as ever.
Everyone but him looked around to meet each others eyes, dumbfounded by what he so casually said. A few steps was what you scarcely took and suddenly you’re among them as William spoke to the others of
“taking care of a nobleman” but he left it at that. You’re stood there left to wonder what he was talking about. Take care as in they had a visitor on the way ? Take care as in there was someone to help ? Generosity?
The conversation is quick to end.
But were you just tricked ?
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment below to let me know!!!
TAGLIST: @elvyshiarieko @queenofspades403 @rayonfirethe2nd @simpy-geli-lol @phoenix666stuff @lindoasd @silveredwood @nimuelis @cherryher @whyintheworldamiherelolzhalpme @slxt4h1m
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laxxarian · 1 year ago
Evil Fenton Parents Meeting the Good Ones
It's basically that.
Maddie and Jack (the canon ones. Let's call them as is)
Mads and J (the evil AU ones).
Maddie and Jack were doing the "normal" stuff with Danny and Jazz, a happy family bonding time.... Fighting and helping ghosts and humans around Amity Park. Now that the Fentons have one thing in common, everyone is as close as they were before. It was all good and peachy when a new ghost came to Amity and had the whole Family portaled through somewhere else where clouds are grey and the streets are crowded.
Jack: Well... This can't get any weirder, won't it?
Jazz, eyeing Jack with worried looks: Dad!!
Jack: What?! Gotta let it come over and finish it faster!
Danny: Whoo... Boy... This is gonna be a loonnggg day.
Maddie: Awww, sweety, wouldn't that mean we'd get a long bonding time?
Jack: Great idea, Mads!
The family then found out that they were in Gotham but they didn't know anything of such a place before. And all the while the Fentons go around exploring the place and finding a way to get back (They found out that they're in a different reality due to seeing Maddie and Jack working with the GIW [they knew because of one big advertisement in a billboard])
Maddie: Well, that's horrifying.
Jack: Danny here must be a human then!
Danny, who knew that his parents despises the GIW even before knowing Danny is Phantom: Whoa. To think I'd see you guys work with them.
Jazz: Alright you three, stop dilly dallying. We still have a reality to get back to and put back a certain ghost to the ghost zone.
Maddie: Oh, Jazz. Can't we explore a bit more? For a ghost to be able to take us here just seems so fascinating.
Jazz: Eughh... Fine...
While they walked around the streets, the people would stare at them weirdly and were amazed to see the parents. Meanwhile the Danny in this reality was staring at them wide eyed at the corner of the alley.
Danny (the dissected one au): Did... Did they somehow clone me????
And the JL are freaking out when they see the Fentons being in two places rather than one because one, the evil ones are being held with them and two, the evil ones are also confused.
But Batman came in and theorized that the new Fentons may be in a different reality and thus, the new Fentons were invited to the Watchtower.
(I'm being honest, I literally have no idea if they would allow this or not but the only place I know is either the Manor or the tower 😔😔😔 and yes, I'm not a fan or probably I am [I'm not] but I am interested in DC just that I'm too confused on where to start reading, watching, gaming first cuz they're everywhere and the multiple of Robins are not helping me)
And then there, they all discuss while the evil Fentons (cuffed)...
(if ur wondering how they got here, it's because they were able to control Danny's mind again and got them to this place and was planning to destroy it but Danny actually tricked them into thinking that they did control Danny [The JL are planning for something to the evil Fentons])
...while the evil Fentons are listening in and make comments like:
Mads: He's a ghost scum! How could you ever accept him?!
J: That ghost scum must've successfully controlled your minds! Why else would you accept an abomination?!
But each time they do, the good parents would counter it like:
Maddie: Because he is our son! No matter who or what he is! He is still our boy!
Jack: You said it! And Danno-boy here is a great hero! Why shame him?
Maddie: We are proud of him! And we love him! Isn't that all that matters?
Jazz, hugging Danny (the edgy one): Oh, little brother, it must have been hard for you...
To Danny (the one that got experimented au), felt his tears welling up in his eyes, to think he'd hear the day where his parents would say that and see his sister alive but.... They weren't his.
The JL are all quite surprised/shocked and amazed by how cheerful, snarky and pretty much talkative this other Danny is (the one that got good parents).
They also found out that this Danny loves space and is now a fan of Martian Manhunter and all had thought that it was probably the same for their Danny (the one that got no parents).
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thisapplepielife · 1 year ago
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
What If?
Prompt Day 15: Time Travel | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Mentions of Other Relationship | Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, Second Chance, El is Meddling, Eddie POV
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Eddie is sitting alone in his spare bedroom that he turned into a music room, long ago. He fiddles with his guitar, but he's lonely. He thought he'd have more time to make his feelings known. More time to get his shit together, but now forty years have gone by, and he's all alone. His friends grew up and moved on.
Steve moved on.
They're all still friends, sure, but Eddie thinks of himself kind of as the always single, loner uncle that shows up at holidays. He's a little like Wayne, honestly. That makes Eddie smile, even if he has regrets about how he closed himself off from everyone after everything that happened in the Upside Down.
How he closed himself off from Steve.
Steve had been by his side, with a look in his eyes that scared Eddie. Eddie didn't want that kind of responsibility. He couldn't even take care of himself, how was he supposed to take care of Steve's heart? Impossible.
So, Eddie had pretended not to see the looks, or feel the slight touches. He ignored Steve's small advances, like they weren't even happening. 
And, eventually, Steve stopped trying. He met a girl who became his wife, and everything worked out for the best. 
Eddie doesn't resent Steve for getting on with his life, for going after what he wanted. A wife. Kids. Eddie gets the postcards, the emails with pictures attached. It's all cookie-cutter perfect. Right down to the fluffy dog.
Eddie ran from his feelings, had locked them down tight, so he has no right to be mad. 
But he wishes…
Sometimes, he wishes and wonders: what if?
Eddie goes to bed alone, and falls asleep alone.
When he wakes up, suddenly startled, he's not alone at all. 
It looks like Dustin, sitting on the edge of the bed. Only, not the current Dustin. No, this is the Dustin from then, from before.
Eddie reaches for his glasses, to pull everything into focus, yanking on the light chain for good measure. And sure enough, sitting there looking at him, is Dustin. About twenty years old, in a disheveled dress shirt, tie and slacks. 
Eddie recognizes the outfit, because he's seen it in pictures a lot over the years. This is what Dustin wore to Steve's wedding, as one of the groomsmen. Steve's best man. 
"I'm dreaming," Eddie says, because that's the only explanation.
"You're not," Dustin says, "but I might be?"
"You're not," Eddie echoes. And if he's not dreaming, and Dustin's not dreaming…
"How'd you get here?" Eddie asks.
"I was talking to El about how dumb you two had been, and now I'm sitting on the edge of your bed. And you're old."
"I'm not that old, you little shithead," Eddie says, and Dustin turns and grins.
"At least you're still you, I guess," Dustin answers, but he looks on the verge of tears.
"You were at Steve's wedding, right?" Eddie asks, and Dustin nods. 
He had to be. That was the moment this timeline really shifted. Eddie had run out of chances, and Steve was lost to him for good that day.
Eddie sits up straighter, "Did El send you into the goddamn future to fuck with me?"
Dustin shrugs, "I think so. She told me to talk some sense into you, and if I succeeded, she'd bring me back. She was drunk. We all were. Still am. I thought she was kidding. I didn't even know she could do that. Time travel? She never mentioned time travel being in her bag of tricks."
Eddie laughs, that woman is never to be trifled with. Not then, not now. There must be no limit to the powers she can harness. Eddie reaches for his cell phone, finds her number and dials.
"Yeah, you sent me a present?" Eddie says.
"I did what?" she asks, clearly drowsy on the other end of the line.
"Dustin. From Steve's wedding. He's here and I need you to send him home," Eddie says, and isn't this just a stupid situation to find himself in on a random Tuesday.
"Oh, I forgot about that," she says, and there's a long pause, "has he talked some sense into you yet?"
"No! He's drunk, freaked out, and he wants to go home."
"Only if you agree to go back with him and get it right this time."
Eddie laughs, bordering on hysterical, "I'm not going back to Steve's wedding and objecting like some sort of asshole. He has children, El. I'm not risking taking his kids away from him!"
"Oh, none of this is real," she says, as easy as she'd give him the time.
"That's impossible," he says.
"Really not," she insists, "and you cannot go back to the wedding. You need to go further. To right after Vecna."
Eddie thinks this is crazy, impossible. But he finds himself nodding. Okay. Why not? If she's right, he gets a second chance. And if this is all a dream, he'll just wake up in the morning and get a good laugh.
"Okay, send us back," he answers, then hurries to add, like she's some sort of trickster instead of just El, "After! Make sure it's after! I'm not getting attacked by bats again. Not even for Steve."
He can nearly hear her eyeroll over the phone.
"Yes. After. Get a hold of Dustin's hand, he is the one I can move, not you," she says, and Eddie reluctantly does it. Takes both of them, just to be safe. 
And then there's an unpleasant yanking sensation, and when he regains his bearings, he's in a hospital bed.
Steve Harrington at his side. 
Steve's young, only nineteen. And he's looking at Eddie with those eyes that he used to use on Eddie for a long time before finally giving up, moving on.
"Hi," Eddie says, giving him the eyes right back.
This time when Steve reaches for his hand, Eddie grabs on, and doesn't let go. 
Being brave.
Not running.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! ⏳
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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schizosamwincester · 2 months ago
schizo!john??? Oh I'm so invested (I'm so sorry for the late ask, I tagged everyone in that ask game and then immediately got busy 😌😭but if you'd still be interesting in writing snipets I would be very very interested)
I was sitting here like "haven't I explained this one before" and then I remembered. I did in response to an anon ask. And then got distracted and stopped writing and the whole thing didn't save and the ask disappeared. So. Maybe if I give a quicker explanation, I won't do it this time.
So. "Spn AU but the monsters aren't real, John is just schizophrenic and has been telling Sam and Dean they are" is a fairly common concept. You see it. I hate it.
Why? Well let's see.
1) it's often used to position John as, if not an outright villain, at the very least an obstacle and an impediment to Sam and Dean's happiness. We love it when schizophrenics are bad/evil/violent/dangerous.
2) Generally the AU is all about how John's schizophrenia affects Sam and/or Dean. The writer does not give a single shit about what it's like to actually have schizophrenia, and that it probably sucks even worse for John. No. Obviously, when talking about schizophrenics, the true tragedy is for all of the non-schizophrenics who must deal with us.
3) Schizophrenia isn't your plot device. It isn't just a fun surprise twist for your story that actually, it was all in someone's head. It isn't your dark or edgy AU. It's a real thing that real people live with, not just shock value for your fic. It deserves to be more than a source of conflict for your story.
So. Yeah. And of course none of the people writing these are actually schizophrenic, either.
And pretty much as soon as I got all my thoughts in order about why the trope sucks so much, I realized that it could be done properly, in a way that centers John and actually illuminates what schizophrenia is like and educates people. And I went "oh. Fuck. I have to write that now." So I've been working on it on and off (mostly off) since... April? At this point pretty much all the important stuff is on the page at least. I just need to make myself bother to fill in the gaps.
Which is the point of this endeavor: motivating me to do just that!
That was when Sam came all the way forward and for the first time in a long three years, took him in a hug. He’d gotten stronger in his time away. For the first time, John felt like Sam was holding him instead of the other way around. Sam held John so closely he was almost whispering into John’s ear. “Hey. It’s alright. I get it now. I’m not mad anymore, I promise. I’m just glad to see you again.” God, it was the same kind of thing John used to say to Sam. When the hell did that happen? Three years apart and suddenly his son was the one parenting him. It wasn’t right. John had things to say. He owed Sam an apology, for one thing. That was the point of the whole endeavor. John was supposed to make things right with Sam, not the other way around. It was hard, but John managed to pull himself away. His eyes were still watery, but hopefully Sam wouldn’t pay that too much mind. “No. It isn’t alright. You’re my son. My job is to raise you and protect you. I never should have been tricked into thinking of you as anything else.” For just a moment, Sam looked at John like he expected him to vanish completely. Sam quickly hid the look with a smile. “It’s okay, Dad. Really. I understand that now. You weren’t tricked. None of this was ever your fault.”
And I'm leaving the way Sam was condescending and (unintentionally) invalidating as a problem for another day.
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owlwithanapple · 9 months ago
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 13
After you left Nightwing, you were alone in a quiet and deserted place, staring blankly. At this time, a truck suddenly stopped in front of you, and a group of masked men walked towards you with guns. According to the number, there should be about twenty people. You stood there pretending to be indifferent, just to see what they wanted to do to you with so many people.
You just tilted your head, and more than twenty people pointed guns at you. Such a hospitality means if move again, will be shot to death. These people are really not ordinary idiots. A man who looks like a boss stood in front of me with a gun pointed at your chest. You can tell how much this man has experienced by looking at the scars on his face. You didn't move at all, just wanting to listen to what they have to say.
At this time, someone carried a suitcase in front of you. He opened it and saw a pile of cash. When you were fascinated, he covered it and said, "As long as you work for us, this cash will be yours."
You tilted your head said in a relentless tone, "You want me to work for you? Do you need point more than 20 guns to recruit me now?"
He nodded and laughed, "I've seen the news about you. Your hand is too weird. If I don't do this, I will be unsafe."
You split a clone stood behind him, "It's really weird, but you didn't point it at real me."
Everyone turned their guns to the clone behind him in surprise, and he shouted, "Damn it! What the hell are you doing!"
You just shook your head and told him, "It's nothing."
He laughed confidently and raised his middle finger, "You have two people but you can't beat more than 20 people! Idiot!"
You were annoyed but still applauded him, "Wow then bravo~"
He pushed your clone away and approached you, "Do or not? Money or life? You'd better think it through."
You asked calmly, "What job? I know the salary but don’t know the job content. It's unreasonable, handsome guy."
He pointed back the truck, "This will leave Gotham City from the dock at midnight. You have to eliminate those who come to mess with it."
You understand what they mean, "You mean the truck will sneak out Gotham City from the dock, I'm responsible for stopping Batman and the others, right?"
He smiled so sinisterly, "Correct!"
You think about what to do. A group of more than 20 criminals want to sneak out of Gotham City. You don't know what's in the truck, but it must be valuable. You laugh and say, "But, it's impossible for me to stop Batman alone. He has many helpers~"
He pointed the gun at your chest, "You can leave as soon as the truck leaves. Do you understand!"
He clearly meant he wanted you to delay their time. It's obvious the money in the suitcase will not be given to you. Otherwise, you can use the trick to create a chaotic situation and have fun. It's fun to think about it.
You hold out your hand, "See you tomorrow."
He laughed and held your hand tightly, "Very good!"
Overnight became a sleepless night for you, as Nightwing's words made you lose control of emotions and made it hard to sleep. All night long, his every move and word echoed in your mind countless times, even when you were lying on the bed staring at the ceiling, you could see his face. You had a good time with him, but his influence made you completely sleepless all night.
Looking out the window, the sun has risen and hung in the sky. You sat up from the bed with difficulty. Looking at your hands that he had held countless times, how precious the tenderness he gave you that night was. You covered your forehead tried to make your troubles disappear, but not as simple as you thought. Seeing his appearance as soon as you closed your eyes was not good for your heart, and you were almost mad at him.
"Woof?" Kirin, who was lying next to you, got up and looked confused.
You touched his furry hair to seek comfort, he let you touch without resistance, which meant it was a good thing. You sat cross-legged on the bed, held him over to let him sleep on your legs. You looked outside from the window, the sun was so bright, the night was so beautiful. You wanted to take the first step for him, but didn't have the courage to tell him you were willing to bet on him, because what scared you the most was you would only see each other at night, even if it was just for a short night.
You couldn't guarantee you would become the person he expected, and you couldn't expect him to belong to you alone. The emotional conflict was really uncomfortable, but it made people feel so tempted that they wanted to try it again. You two are different, a knight guards the night, and a fox demon travels at night. Even there is an unbreakable trust between you two, but you are timid. Don't want to hurt each other, don't want to give him any promises, and don't want to look forward to future.
Suddenly you remember that group of illegal immigrants said they would arrive at the dock at midnight. It's really one thing after another. Your head is about to explode. Now have to calmly think about how to deal with the work at the dock. You exhale "What the hell am I doing..."
At the same time, Dick POV
I fell into a complete sleepless confusion overnight. After patrolling, I returned to the bed to rest, but her shadow was hovering in my head. I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried. This is the so-called lovesickness, which made me go around in circles. As soon I closed my eyes, I could hear her calling me "knight" in my ear. I remembered it deeply in my heart even engraved it in my bones.
While I was still daydreaming, I looked out the window saw it had been light for a long time. I looked at the time displayed on my phone, which was much later than the time I usually get up. I thought it was time to get out of bed, so I put my phone aside, took off my pajamas, and found a set of casual clothes from the closet to change into. After I changed my clothes, there was a knock on the door. I hung my pajamas in the closet rushed to open the door. The person outside the door was Tim.
"Hi. You got up late today." Tim stood outside the door waiting for me.
I left the room, closed the door, and went downstairs with him. "Yeah, I didn't expect it."
Tim is very smart. He quickly knew there was something wrong with me. He stood in front of me. "Do you have something to say?"
I laughed and put my hand on his head. "Yes, a lot."
Tim and I went to dining area and found breakfast for two on the table. Bruce had already gone to work, Damian went to school, Alfred went shopping, and Babybird was probably looking for his crush or checking the condition of his car. Now just Tim and I at home, it seemed much quieter, and felt more relaxed.
Tim sat next to me, "So? What's going on?"
I looked at him and smiled, "Don't laugh at me when you hear that."
He also laughed, "If your content is stupid."
I thought about it for a while and decided to tell him everything, "I've fallen in love with someone recently."
Tim looked at me with a confused expression, and made a gesture with his hands. "Wait, you fallen in love with someone then what about Barbara?"
I clasped my fingers together and clenched them. "We broke up a year ago."
Tim looked very surprised. "I thought you two already talking about marriage."
I smiled and shook my head. "We pursue different goals. Breaking up is the best outcome for her and me."
After hearing what I said, Tim didn't show his reaction, he just nodded to show he understood. Barbara and I have been together for many years, and we both think we are the right people for each other. But as time goes by, we find that we pursue is getting more and more different, gradually we realize we don't yearn for love anymore. So I decided to break up and put an end to this turbulent love. It is enough for us to live our own lives.
He became cautious and asked, "Let me confirm with you first, you didn't fall in love with another girl while dating Barbara... You shouldn't be such a scumbag."
I was amused by his words, I smiled and shook my head, "Jeez! Of course not! I've only known this girl for a short time."
He put his hand on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh... That's good, I can't accept my good brother cheating. So who is that girl?"
Suddenly it was difficult to say, after all, the matter of Kitsune was still unclear, "Ermm... She... It's a bit hard to say."
He took a sip of coffee and looked dumbfounded, "Are you serious? You have to keep me in suspense."
I waved my hands in panic to indicate no, "No, let me prepare myself first."
While Alfred was away, Tim crossed his legs, "So? Don't tell me she's a villain or a psychopath..."
I smiled awkwardly, "Um... that girl is Kitsune."
His expression obviously shocked by my answer, "No way! Bruce asked you to investigate her, and you actually... Wait, or is this your trick to make her fall in love with you and asking her for information?"
I looked at him awkwardly, shook my head slightly and sighed, "Sorry, I'm serious this time."
He held his head with both hands, "Damn... Bruce will be pissed to death."
I put my hands together and begged him, "I failed! I wanted to pursue her with all my heart, but she clearly rejected me!"
He looked at my face, bit his lip and sighed, "She clearly rejected you, so will you give up?"
I looked at him awkwardly, "It's a bit difficult..."
Tim tilted his head and stared at me seriously, then asked, "If she is enemy, will you kill her?"
My expression is no longer embarrassed, but serious. I have indeed thought about this question, thought about it for a long time. I would feel more at ease if she stood on my side, but I can't tell which side she is on. What I know now is she doesn't kill indiscriminately, and none of her attacks are fatal. I haven't witnessed her really getting serious about fighting, and I know that I still don't know much about her, but I just want to believe her.
I pressed his shoulder with a serious expression, "If really comes to that, I can't do it, you will do it for me."
He put his hand on mine, "I really don't want you two to end up in that situation."
I chuckled, "I don't want it either."
You thought for a while. As far as you know, more than 20 people with guns wanted to sneak out of Gotham City with the truck. Then the truck is the key, and the more than 20 people are just minions. What the truck is transporting needs more than 20 people to follow, and the condition is fully armed. There must be valuable items in the truck that cannot be ignored.
The job they entrusted you which is delay Batman and his men, and then the cash in the suitcase will belong to you. After thinking for a long time, you know it is not cost-effective. They leave at the same time as the truck, and the cash in the suitcase also leave with them. Otherwise, since this is the case, better take advantage of the situation. You are a fox with a cunning mind. Since they want to disrupt the city, let's do a reversal.
To be honest, you are not interested working for those smugglers. It's not for money, just because they want to commit crimes, you don't want to sit back and do nothing. Since they want you to stop Batman and his men, you must do your best. After all, they are not as easy to deal with as you think. You walk into the armory, turn on the lights, disguise yourself, and change into a set of strong equipment in case you have any accidents.
You arrived at the dock an hour early saw many people talking together with guns in hands. You walked towards curious about what they were talking about. As you expected, they were very vigilant. When saw you coming, they pointed guns at you without hesitation. At this time, the man who was smoking on the side stood up waved his hand to signal them put down their guns. After hesitating for a moment, they chose to obey him.
You walk towards the smoker and say hello. "Hello~ I'm here to help today."
He spits on the ground. "I know."
You look at the truck, they are moving things. "What are those?"
He glares at you with disdain. "Shut up, you don't need to know."
You tilt your head. "You're right, it's not within my job scope."
"Hey, take off that disgusting mask." He suddenly says.
"I advise you to stay out of my business, you rubbish." You leave there after saying that.
You wandered around for a few laps, everyone was fully armed and ready to leave together. The next step was wait for the right time, but before that, you needed to pay more attention to the things in the truck. After all, these people not good people, and the things inside were naturally dangerous. You saw them carefully moving the things, it seemed they were very careful to protect the things inside.
Your walking range was limited, couldn't get close unless you disappeared again. However, disrupting their rhythm would affect your next actions. Now you only watch the fun from the side. Your hands on waist and wandered around for a few circles. You heard their voices talking, you curiously went forward to find out what was going on.
From their screens, you saw drones taking photos of police cars parked nearby. You smirk, you already reported the matter to the police station before coming to dock. One step of the plan was successful, but is not the time to be proud. No matter how many police there are, it is difficult to stop so many people.
You heard the smoking man throw his cigarette on the ground, waving his hands desperately and shouting to urge them to hurry up. As expected, he began anxious. While they were in chaos, you released black fog to blend in and went to the warehouse to check the goods. You glanced at the boxes of goods filled with various weapons and bombs. This makes sense. These people are terrorists hiding in Gotham City and now have to move another place to hide.
You hid in the dark, thinking about how to notify the police. At this time, you heard gunshots. You looked in the direction of the sound and saw Red Hood riding a motorcycle with two guns in hand. Nightwing, holding two sticks, fell from the sky and knocked down some people with gorgeous movements. Red Robin holding a long stick, knocked down several people with flexible steps, and little Robin followed. Wow~ Goddess of luck has come, you waiting for them to mess up!
Your plan is about to succeed, and the next step is to find a way to stop the truck. But you can't be impulsive, because there are still a few people in the truck. The moment you open the door, you will definitely be shot by them. Now the advantage is not control the situation, but the result only be known when the truck succeeds or fails to escape. Now your goal is prevent them from getting away with it.
It's been a long time since the chaotic night, how about a serious one? Although you are sorry use them to mess up the situation, you can't do it alone and not trustworthy. You warm up, take out the swords and hold them in your hands, looking at your mask reflected on the swords. You keep playing with the swords with both hands, doing this is to increase your familiarity with holding the swords.
At this time, the smoking man shouted "Fuck dead fox! Where the hell did you run to?!"
You walked out of the darkness, the irritating and helpless voice reached your ears. You took each heavy step towards the chaotic place. Since you had made a big fuss, there was no need to hold back your murderous aura. Some minions realized your aura was not right, and stood aside in a daze, watching you pass by them step by step. At this time, the voice of the smoking man still echoing in your ears, you directly knocked him down with a heavy punch.
He fell to the ground with his eyes rolled up, the sound of falling attracted the people around him, including Nightwing and others. You took a deep breath and twisted your neck. This time you didn't talk nonsense and didn't make any sound. You stood there silently, with your feet the same width as your shoulders. The person closest to you is Nightwing, the person you least want to see for the time being, but now is not the time to be picky.
Nightwing's expression obviously shocked. "What the hell are you doing here?"
You remained silent just stood there quietly.
"Answer me! What are you doing here!" His heart-breaking cry made you feel suffocated.
Red Robin pulled him, "Nightwing... I'll do it here."
Nightwing took a deep breath adjust his mood, "You go help others, I'll take care of her."
"Nightwing..." Red Robin said silently on the side.
His tone became extremely cold, "Go. Don't make me say it again."
You heard his serious tone, Red Robin couldn't do anything to him, so went to help others first. The current situation is just you and Nightwing, the two of you have just experienced a crisis. But you have no choice, if tell him everything in the truck now, once the matter is exposed, no matter how strong, both of you will be in crisis.
He clenched the two sticks in his hands, at the same time, you were ready to fight at any time. You stepped forward with your left foot and rushed towards him. He dodged and kicked you. You jumped up and put one hand on his raised foot to kick him in the face. His acrobatics were indeed not to be underestimated. He moved his head to the side avoid your kick and then he retracted his foot. You flipped over and landed on the ground.
You jump twice and rush over. You get in front of him and split your legs to lower your height and kick him with your left foot. He does a backflip avoid your attack. You support yourself with both hands on the ground and keep kicking him. He raises his hands to block your attack. After you kick him for the last time, you turn over stand firm and kick him in the front. He grabs your foot with one hand, and you kick him in face with the other.
Nightwing, who was hit repeatedly, retreats and uses his sticks to combo. You use your swords to meet the attack head-on. The two of you disintegrate all the attacks at the fastest speed. In the head-on confrontation, you feel he is showing mercy, only your side keeps attacking him. It really makes you angry after a long time. You obviously enemy, why does he take the beating like a fool.
He suddenly asked, "You'd better give me an explanation. Why are you here? Are you working for them?" You actually already have the answers to these questions. From his tone, you can feel he is waiting for your response. You remain silent.
Your non-response is an answer, but not the one he expects. He gritted his teeth as if he was going to roar at you, but he quickly regained his composure. He suddenly had a confident look on his face, you were confused why he had this expression. At this time, three ropes shot out and tied you tightly. You looked in three directions and saw Red Hood, Little Robin and Red Robin.
"I advise you to surrender. Don't force me, Kitsune." He said calmly.
You didn't expect to be tricked by him. This time it was your mistake. You focused attention on him and forgot about the other accomplices. You moved your body slightly but couldn't break free. The three men were strong tied you up at the same time. You found the warehouse had been closed and the truck had started to escape. Now is the time to catch them all in one fell swoop. The remaining terrorists hid in the truck.
You let go of the swords let it fall to the ground not to surrender, but to take advantage of the situation. The truck drove towards the five of you, and didn't have time to hide. In this case, you took a gamble. You calculated the time found a loophole. You stepped on the sword and kicked it hard. The knife flew towards the tire of the truck. Your sharp sword pierced one of the tires, disrupting the balance of the truck and causing the truck to fall in the other direction.
At this time, several people walked out of the truck. Although it was a mess, you felt something was wrong. You saw two people wearing masks and holding Gatling guns walked out of the truck. The other three realized something was wrong directly loosened the ropes and pulled Nightwing to find cover hide. You broke free from the restraint of the ropes, picked up the sword on the ground and confronted the enemy.
"Fucking fox..." The enemy's tone was very unhappy.
"You lied to us!" Another one shouted at you.
There was no other way after the matter was exposed. You took back the sword raised your hands to make a gesture of surrender. You finally spoke, "I don't need to do a full set work if the money hasn't been paid, right?"
"Fuck you! Did you call the police!"
You nodded made a thumbs-up gesture, "Guessed it right, so smart!"
"You bastard! Traitor!"
You shook your head and opened your palms, "No, I just said I would see you tomorrow, but didn't say I would help you clean up~"
"Fox!" They shouted!
You said in a mocking tone, "Who told you not to pay me first? There is no such thing as free food in the world. If you want me to do something, you have to give me corresponding rewards. That's how business is done."
With a shout, the Gatling gun in his hand was about to fire a round, someone ran towards you. Before you could see who it was, he pulled you aside to take cover. He threw you on ground and used his body to protect you from getting hurt. When you opened your eyes, you saw it was Nightwing who sacrificed himself to save you. This is what they call a hero saving a damsel in distress. You were planning rush to take them both down before the gun started firing, but your plan has been temporarily declared a failure.
You patted his cheek "Knight, get out of the way. You're blocking me."
"Before that, answer my question first. What are you doing?" He blocked you with his body, leaving you no place to escape.
You sighed and compromised "I'm here to stop them."
He snickered, his smile finally returned "Why the hell didn't you say that earlier. What would you do if I made a mistake?"
"Erm... let you beat me up?" You said casually.
He lay on top and hugged you tightly to protect your head "Damn, you fearless bastard..."
The Gatling finally stopped firing, you pushed Nightwing aside and climbed out the bunker to see what was going on. They were reloading the ammunition. You drew sword prepared to attack, but Nightwing held your hand. You shook him off but you didn't have enough strength to get rid of him.
"Idiot! You want to die?" He suddenly scolded you.
You pointed over there, "The Gatling gun is out of bullets, which means it's a good time to attack!"
"What the hell time are you two still flirting with each other!" Suddenly Red Hood appeared behind you.
Red Robin approached, "If want to flirt, wait until finish business, so what now?"
Little Robin followed, "Why flirt with this fox, your appetite is so bad."
Nightwing clenched his fist, "You guys!"
You interrupted mischievously, "You handsome guys flirt first, I'll take them down."
You pull a flashbang and throw it at them. The flashbang explodes and steals their vision. You jump out of cover and throw shuriken at them. When other people come out of the truck to beat you up, Nightwing pulls you back and kicks the enemy in the chin.
Red Robin follows closely hits the enemy with a stick in his hand. Red Hood rushes over grabs the enemy and violently hits his face until faints. Little Robin uses his agility to deal with other enemies. You ride on the enemy's shoulders and throw him to the ground with the power of your feet. Nightwing dodges the vital points with grace and agility then strikes hard.
Everyone's attention was distracted, you took advantage of the gap to quickly investigate the truck. As you expected, the secrets were all weapons, these things were concentrated in the truck, so it took so long to move them. You ran out of the truck saw little Robin being grabbed by someone. You went around behind him, grabbed the enemy's clothes threw him to the ground.
Little Robin fell to the ground, you stood in front of him and stretched out hand to help him up, he slapped your hand away with disdain, "Go away."
You feel speechless but that's just his character. You take your hand back look at his running back with a smile on your face. After a thrilling battle, most of the enemies have been knocked unconscious. Finally, the matter is over. Just in case, you go to the truck check if there are other accomplices. A strange premonition still hovering in your heart. You stand behind and see there is a person hiding. He takes off his shirt you see a bunch of bombs tied to him.
"Stand back! You come any closer, I will blow you up!" he shouted.
You take a few steps back and raise your hands "Hey, calm down first..."
He stares at you, his finger on the button "You don't understand how we live every day! We are people abandoned by the world!"
You can't understand what hardships they have gone through and why they have fallen into such a state. You can't understand and comfort others. You watch him vent his anger. At this time, he no longer hesitates. You see his fingers pressing the button little by little to start the self-destruction. You are standing there and someone pounces on you falls into the water.
You hold your breath in the water. Looking up from the water, the bomb has been activated and that guy have been blown into a bloody fountain. In the water, someone hugs your waist pulls you to the surface. Once you are on the surface, you take a deep breath find that is Nightwing next to you. He holds your waist pushes you up. You climb up smoothly then he supports his whole body with both hands and climbs up again.
He squatted beside you and panted, "Are you okay?"
You saw him nod slightly, "Thank you, I'm fine."
You stand up and walk forward. You see a pool of blood scattered on the ground like fireworks. Everyone else was knocked down and couldn't get up, but he was blown up so badly. You regret not stopping him in time, but it's not worth it for you to sacrifice yourself in exchange for his life. However, the blood spray is really suffocating.
Policemen stepped into the scene with guns, "Don't move!"
You stood aside and didn't move. A policeman shot into the air then pointed at you, "Raise your hands!"
"Wait a minute! She is..." You heard Nightwing trying to stop them, but he was stopped by Red Hood.
"Ahem, please put down the gun." At this time, a man with glasses came over.
"But! This fox is their accomplice!" A policeman was nervous.
The man with glasses put down the gun in his hand and smiled at you. "Thanks to you for delaying them in time, we can bring them to justice."
You bowed to him and saluted. "Thank you for trusting me, Mr. Gordon."
Batman walked out of the darkness. "Everyone did a good job, including you Kitsune."
"What the hell?" Red Hood was confused.
Red Robin pointed you. "So you are helping the police?"
Little Robin looked disgusted. "Huh? Is it the credit of the stinky fox?"
Suddenly you sneezed. "Hachoo! Come on, who has a towel? I'm freezing!" You hugged your cold body. You don't like the heavy atmosphere and feel stressed, just want to sneeze to relieve stress.
Everyone was discussing the issue very seriously, and you the only one who interrupted and shouted it was cold. However, you heard Mr. Gordon squinting his eyes and laughing softly, Batman coughed twice as he trying to hold back laughter, Robin put his hands on his waist and grinned, Red Hood and Red Robin very confused expressions, and Nightwing stood next to Batman and smiled at you.
Mr. Gordon put his coat on your shoulders. "You should get some rest first. You must be exhausted."
You hold the coat nod to him. "Thank you very much."
You find a quiet place sit down and rest. It's really painful to be soaked in cold water. You look back see the police team starting to work. Batman is investigating on the side. The matter has been resolved. You can sleep well tonight. If you don't think of a solution in time when facing a large number of people, your body will not be able to bear it.。
Someone sat next to you and handed you a bottle of water. "Can you give me an explanation?"
You looked at him. It was Nightwing. You took it and opened the bottle cap. "Erm... must it be now?"
"Otherwise, you will disappear again and I won't be able to find you." He took a sip of water.
You sighed and pressed the bottle tightly. "Ask me, I will answer if I can."
He looked at you raised his eyebrows. "What can't you answer?"
You looked at him said in a playful tone. "Then I won't answer anything."
He pulled your arm. "Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore. So what's going on today?"
You thought and decided to tell him, "Erm... those terrorists hired me to delay you all so they can leave Gotham City smoothly. Before coming to the dock, I met James Gordon. I thought they had a lot of people and it would difficult for me to do it alone, so I asked him to ask for support."
After he understood, immediately said, "No wonder Batman suddenly came to me, it was you."
"That's how it happened. So, Mr. Knight, do you have any questions?" You rubbed your hands.
"You risked your life to be double, the risk very high." He said.
You pointed at yourself said confidently, "I'm safe now~"
He held your hand tightly and put his other hand on your hand, "You can rely on me more."
You nervously pulled your hand back. You and Nightwing were still in a delicate relationship and he kept making you waver. You smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh Knight~ I couldn't find you, so of course I asked the police for help."
He speechless, his eyes fixed on you, you held the borrowed coat tightly in your hand. You didn't know what to do, you really didn't dare to meet his eyes. His burning gaze concealed a lot of words, you didn't want to pay attention to him now, lest your emotions be messed up by him. You stood up walked past him without saying goodbye.
You turned around saw him sighing in frustration with his head down. You didn't know what to do with his sudden reaction. You knew he cared about you so much out of kindness, but once the two of you were in a stalemate, you were at a loss. At this time, Red Robin came over to block you, thought you were blocking his way so you moved to the left, and he also moved to block your way.
"Reddy, what are you doing?" You tilt your head.
He crossed his arms "I thought you were smart, but much dumber than I thought."
You were annoyed by what he said. "What do you want to say?"
He chuckled. "His low mood has something to do with you."
"Huh?" You pointed at yourself.
At this time, Red Hood came over with little Robin and put his hand on little Robin's head. "Wow~ The fox made Nightwing cry~"
You looked at Red Hood and pointed at his red helmet. "Your mother's Little Red Riding Hood, when did I make him cry?"
Little Robin got rid of Red Hood and interrupted. "Tsk, idiot fox."
You were annoyed by them after being lectured by them and didn't understand what they said. But they were right. You noticed Nightwing's mood kept changing when he was with you. But comforting people is not your strong point, and afraid of saying the wrong thing and making things worse. You looked at his lonely and lost back, suddenly an inexplicable sadness came over you.
You took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to walk towards and stand behind him "Um...Knight?"
You saw that he didn't even turn his head. You wanted to speak, but your face suddenly turned red. You opened your mouth and said, "I...believed you definitely would come, so I dared to take that risk..."
Damn embarrassing words, you look back awkwardly, seeing the other three raising their hands to show thumbs up, damn you don't understand their crooked thoughts. You look back at Nightwing in front of you, he has turned back to look at you. You didn't notice when he turned, fortunately the mask covered your face, this expression can't be seen by anyone, definitely be embarrassing to death.
"Did you say it for real?" He asked in a surprised tone.
You looked to the side to distract the gaze "Yes..."
He quickly stood in front of you, you fell back in fear but he held your waist to let you stand firm "You said you trust me for real?"
You looked to the side nervously "Don't make me say it second time..."
He approached you with a smug look "I want to hear it again!"
"Go to hell!" You hit his forehead with your head.
Batman helped Mr. Gordon complete the investigation then walked towards the other three. He saw you and Nightwing with back to each other. Nightwing covered his forehead but looked very happy until couldn't hide his smile. However, you were so embarrassed that clenched your fists.
Batman pointed at the two of you and asked the three, "What's going on over there?"
Red Robin shook his shoulders and laughed secretly, "Flirting."
Little Robin looked disgusted and said, "Tsk."
At this time, Red Hood shouted, "If you want to flirt, go to the bed! He can only do three rounds on the bed! Be careful, fox!"
You ran towards them, "You are so noisy! I'm going back first!"
You saw Mr. Gordon looking through the documents. You took off coat, folded it, and stood aside waiting for him to finish. He looked at you, "Hey, Fox. What's wrong?"
You hugged his coat tightly, "I will return your coat after I wash it."
He shook his head wanted to refuse, "It's okay, I can wash it myself."
You quickly said no, thanks to him, you are safe, "I will send it to the police station and return it to you after I wash it."
He looked at you in surprise and happiness, "Fox, I thought you would be a person who disturbs the city, you are much more obedient and sensible than I thought."
"I..." You wanted to explain the sudden praise.
He returned your sword to you, "Since you insist so much, I will let you wash my coat."
You put the sword away, "Leave it to me."
You left the dock with Mr. Gordon's coat, and couldn't help sneezing as you walked down the street. It was so cold, and a life-threatening situation to be in the water. But thanks to him, he pulled you into the water, you would die at any time without a shelter. This matter has come to an end for the time being. It's better for you to rest at home for the next few days, otherwise you will be dragged down by a cold.
"Kitsune!" You turned around, it was Nightwing chasing you.
You were confused as what he was going to do, you ignored him and ran away for some reason.
"Why are you running!" He ran faster.
"I'm asking you what you're doing! Why are you chasing me!" You ran into the alley.
"Hey! Eh?" He rushed into the alley and didn't see you.
You hid on the roof poked your head down, curious about what he was going to do. He just looked up and saw you. You two met eyes and realized something was wrong. You just flipped backwards and ran away. You jumped to the opposite roof. You turned around and saw he was still chasing you. After a fierce battle, he seemed to have not used up all his energy. You stopped and bent down to catch your breath with your cold and exhausted body.
"Hachoo!" Still can't help sneezing.
He stood beside you "Are you okay?"
You looked at him angrily "I just wondering why you chasing me?"
"I wanted to take you home... I saw something wrong with you." He opened his arms tried to touch you.
You slapped his hand away"Really no need. Bye."
Before you could walk far, he yelled "Do you have to be so stubborn all the time! Is it necessary to be so stubborn! Why do you have to force yourself!"
You turned around and complained a few words "I didn't! Mind your own business!"
You feel his gaze still on you, you ignore him and walk away, after walking for a while you look back and see he is gone, he is not following you anymore. You feel a little sad he didn't catch up with you, but no matter how much you make trouble, he doesn't need to be humble to you, and you don't need him to take care of you, just go back quietly and have a good sleep.
You haven't participated in fierce battles for too long, your body almost forgot what it feels like to be exhausted. I'm glad that Mr. Gordon believes in you, Batman and others came to help in time, otherwise you would been exhausted and collapsed. You stopped and looked at endless road. The dock is so far away from your home. How long will it take to drag your tired body back home.
"Damn..." You muttered to yourself.
Chapter 13 End.
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AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
AO3 Chapter 13
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writingsofwesteros · 6 months ago
Alicent had seen how her children had descending into despair with Nora's kidnapping, she herself struggled to remain strong for them when she thought about what her beautiful girl would be subjected to under Rhaenyra and Daemon's hands. Aemond was on edge, trying to remain the only one with a strategic mind but was slipping into madness along with Aegon. Since her father had returned to the council he had said what she knew Nora would also say- that they must not hastily rush into battle when emotions run high- it must be a strategic endeavour.
Her poor, sweet Helaena spent days sobbing, and mumbling nonsensically to herself, and Alicent had not felt this helpless since the death of her grandson. Even with Daeron's return, he himself was at odds with Otto who insisted the boy go back to the Reach, yet he insisted that he go to Dragonstone for his big sister. She couldn't let her family fall into shambles, not again. Perhaps her actions were reckless now, too, but she cared not, as the blue cloak covered her hair as she was led into the halls of Dragonstone. She'd left her dearest children sleeping in King's Landing, knowing that one of them was probably in the dungeons of this very stronghold.
It was a long shot, thinking that this would work. That Rhaenyra would believe her. But Alicent knew if she could get Nora out, and back to the capital on her dragon, that her children stood a fighting chance against Rhaenyra, Daemon and their Dragonseeds- especially if she tricked Rhaenyra into thinking that she would the given the city. After all, they had a Dragonseed of their own, did they not? Hugh Hammer resided in chambers at the Red Keep with his wife and daughter, Vermithor's new rider, a dragon which Aemond had explained to her rivalled Vhagar and Cannibal in strength.
"I did not believe it when they told me you were here." Rhaenyra's voice made her turn around. Like was funny indeed- were it months ago, she would have felt something entirely different when she heard that voice. But the loyalties of her girlhood were dead, and only a Mother's loyalties remained.
"Stranger things have happened," Alicent stepped forward. "Like you dressed as a Septa in the Sept of Baelor."
"You think highly of yourself to think that I will not have you join your daughter in the dungeons," Rhaenyra said. "She is-" "Alive? Yes, she is." Rhaenyra replied. "What do you want, Alicent?"
"I did not wish for any of this to happen," She confessed, looking at Rhaenyra. "I- I did not foresee what my children would become- Aemond is..." She hesitated, before taking a deep breath for she knew in her heart despite the words of her mouth that they reigned above everyone else in her heart. "He has become something I dare not speak...and Daenora...her hands are as bloody as her brothers." "Too much has been lost," Alicent told her. "There is little that can be done now," Rhaenyra sighed. "More must be lost before this can all be over-" "But what if...it were not so?" Alicent said. Rhaenyra raised a brow. "Tis imposible-" "Aegon still listens to me...especially with his sister gone," Alicent told her. "He heeds my voice still, I can-" "And you would expect me to let him live? And Aemond, Daeron?" Alicent's eyes closed as she spoke the words that broke her heart to say even if she did not mean them. "The lives of few....for the lives of many- tis a sacrifice we must make."
"I will ensure you are given the city with no bloodshed....if you let me take Helaena and her remaining children and flee. You will never hear of us again. But you must let Nora go, return to King's Landing." Alicent looked into Rhaenyra's eyes. Her former friend remained silent for a moment, before gesturing to the guard at the door. The stood in silence until the guard returned, and Alicent gasped softly- her girl, her beauty, her Nora, in chains, with her riding leathers torn, body bruised- blood and dirt tainted her silver hair. "Mother?" Nora's voice, though weak, still exuded a strength as she did not tremble nor hesitate, and her eyes told the same story. "Wh- what is this?"
Rhaenyra stepped forward, and said to her, "You have spent weeks in my dungeons speaking of how you shall reign down fire and blood on me, and all my children, my family- but even your own mother would hand you up to the executioner's block, in exchange for her own freedom. Even she does not believe in you anymore- she does not believe in Aegon's cause." "No," Nora shook her head. "You lie."
Rhaenyra smirked at Nora, who looked at her mother standing there, silent, not denying Rhaenyra's words.
"Mother?" Nora whispered in a small voice. Rhaenyra walked over to Alicent, and pulled her into a kiss, and though Alicent's heart no longer warmed for Rhaenyra, she kissed her anyway- Nora had to believe it was done, so that she would fight with all she had. "How could you!" Nora screamed. Rhaenyra broke this kiss, and told the guards, "Take her down to the beach and unchain her. Her dragon should be nearby. Then take her chains and place them on the Queen Dowager."
The last thing Alicent saw were the purple eyes of her daughter, brimming with tears- with hurt, betrayal, and anger.
!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD WRITE FOR THE SHOW !!!!!!!!
Alicent could not bear to look into her daughter's eyes for much longer as she ducked her head. Gods, what if she was never forgiven?
Rhaenyra's hand moved down her back and she did not feel a thing. It seemed she had completely given her heart to her children - and found herself without upset of that thought
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locitawritingsblog · 11 months ago
Clown From The Past
Hi guys ! So I wanna try something pretty challenging. It's based on Xiono Story that I wrote on wattpad. Hope you guys like this one.
Chapter 5
Torra, Ayu, and Vivian checked out every single toys and dolls to make sure they were good to donate. "Ooh. Look at this...." Vivian took an ewok doll from the box and cuddled it.
"This is so cute."
"I thought you're a fan of loth-cats." Ayu said.
"I am. Ewoks are also my favorite. They may be small but they have a great spirit of fighting." Vivian stared at Torra "Can I have this one please, Mrs. Xiono, please...?"
Torra chuckled "Sure Vivian. You can have it." Vivian cheered "Yes ! Thank you !"
During that, Ayu noticed Neeku enter the garage "Uncle Neeku, can you help us to bring these to the bottom ?" "Of course..." But Torra and Ayu suspicious after hearing his creepy tone.
Neeku put his evil face as showing them a knife "... After I'm done with you all, girls !" The girls were panicked as Torra taking their girls' hands.
"Hey, don't go anywhere. " Neeku chased them into the boxes maze. Soon after that, Kaz, Yeager, and Tam entered the garage and heard the screams.
"Oh no..." Kaz said.
Yeager suggested "Alright, everyone, split up. We have to get them before Neeku does." Kaz and Tam nodded and they three split up into the maze.
Torra, Ayu, and Vivian were still chased by Neeku "How come your uncle can be so creepy ?!" Vivian asked to Ayu. "I don't know, I never see like that before !" Ayu responded.
"Yeah, that not sounds Neeku at all." Torra said. "You think he's in cotrolled somehow like Aunt Amanda did ?" "I guess so." "Okay girls, you two split up ! I distract him !"
Ayu and Vivian nodded as they ran faster. Torra took the middle of box pile which closing the right road, letting Neeku chase her only instead.
Neeku groaned as chasing Torra faster. "Neeku, please ! This is not you !" She begged to him but Neeku didn't care as he was still in cotrolled by creepy clown.
Without Torra realized, her hand was pulled as few boxes fell down to stop Neeku. Neeku groaned loudly while Torra resisted who pulling her hand.
"Let me go !"
"Honeylatte, it's okay, it's me."
Torra regconized the voice as staring at her husband "Kaz..." He pulled her into a hug "Thank goodness, you're okay." Then he kissed on her forehead.
Then he mentioned something familiar, he saw a book of a creepy clown face on the cover. "Wait..." He took a book "This cover is exactly the same clown when I first time saw."
Kaz opened the book as Torra look around by each page. "What is this book all about ?" She asked curious. "It said...the creepy clown spirit will haunt the next family generation unless they can bring the spirit back in this book." He read.
"Whoever was in your family, he or she already put a big risk." Torra thought. "We have to stop this...and I have an idea."
Meanwhile Ayu and Vivian watched around them to make sure the creepy clown not seeing. "I think we good for now." Vivian whsipered to Ayu when she was shocked that Neeku was going to stab her best friend.
"Ayumi, look out !" She warned.
Ayu turned around and was panicked but luckily Yeager threw a doll to stay Neeku away from her. "Grandpa !" Ayu rushed to hug him. Yeager rubbed her hair "Glad to see you okay, Ayumi." "But not for long." Vivian pointed at Neeku was ready to face them.
"You're not gonna hurting anyone." Tam and controlled Neeku had a fight. "What's wrong with you ?! How come you became so creepy ?!" But suddenly his eyes became red and spoke in whisper "Because your friend is gone and he was too easy to trick."
Tam was so shocked until he kicked her out but Yeager got her. He then laught creepy.
Then he heard Torra speaking to him "Hey, you, clown ball..." The controlled Neeku was mad by it "That's right, I'm talkin' to you !"
But soon after that, the controlled Neeku felt something would definitely came to him.
Kaz sighed "Hope this works..." Then he read the spell on the book in whisper "Creepy clown, I order you to come back into this book immediately."
He immediately threw the book as close as he could. The controller just realized that when he felt was pulled of something.
"No ! This can't be ! NOOO !!!! This is not the last time you all see me, especially you, Xiono !"
The creepy clown spirit was pulled out from Neeku's body and it was entered into the book within' second with a holo lock appeared.
Kaz could sighed in relief as Torra cheered "We did it !"
Neeku finally awoke "Uh, why am I in the garage ?" "It was a long story, Neeku..." Tam helped him up "...Just glad you're alright."
"Thank you for everyone to donate all these. I hope all those kids in need at Bluebella will be happy what we gathering." Queen Florence smiled as accepting two boxes of old clothes and toys. "Your welcome, Queen Florence. We just glad we could help as much as we have." Kaz said while the others nodded.
"We should go. Our appointment to get some food for the kids are on the way to Bluebella." The queen said to her daughter.
"Hey Blair, maybe you can have a sleepover here sometime ? What do you say ?" Ayu offered.
Blair was excited "How about it, mother ?" She asked to her mother "Well, that's alright, my darling. We'll prepare for this upcoming." Blair cheered.
Ayu joined to cheer as Torra put her hand on her daughter's shoulder while Kaz couldn't stop smiling, watching his daughter enjoying her life as he wished for.
The End
I'm so sorry it took so long to finish this chapter.
I tag @cassie-fanfics , @genericficerblog , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @zaya-mo , @thebadbatch2022 , @fulltimecatwitch , @catcucumber-salad and anyone else who wants to.
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timelessmulder · 5 months ago
31 Days of Horror day 8: Missing
Just beyond the old five dollar movie theatre, where trees towered above ancient lands, there was a walking trail. It wasn't a proper hike; the land was too flat for that, hugging too close to the coast and developed for railway travel, back when the area was a go between for transporting goods. Those had been long abandoned, leaving behind rotten tracks and gutted watch towers, solid and steadfast despite decades of weather wear and rust, in their vigil over forgotten rail lines.
Among the stalwart guardians, whose wooden floors had begun to sag and metal rungs had rusted into nothing, stood an anomaly. It was ancient as the rest of them, old and haggard, but the beams that held it aloft bore little decay. The rungs that led to its belly, overlooking the scattering of trees and forgotten tracks and the river that flowed into the ocean, were a matte silver. Worn and weary, but still strong enough to hold one's weight, should they dare to climb. Those who wandered the trails paid it little mind; if they noticed the oddity, it was simple enough to chalk it up to someone else's doing. And the tower would slip from their minds as they moved on, leaf litter crunching under foot.
But as with all things in sleepy towns with sleepy denizens, an urban legend spread throughout the youth. Passed from student to student, in those hushed and conspiratorial tones so that adults would not hear: have you heard?
The trail had been a throughway. Not just for the material goods traveling here to there, but a rift. There was no mad conductor, no mad engineer. Something in the design just...cut through. The tracks, some said, would ooze a viscous black. Like a wound cut across the earth. Sometimes, trains would blink. In and out, time folding around in a flash of light and sound, there and gone until you questioned it was ever there at all.
And the watchtower. That watched over it all.
Who manned it? No one knew; such was the way with legends of this nature. The records were lost to time. They were destroyed. They were kept hidden away so the horrible truth would stay hidden from the prying eyes of the masses. The truth was simpler: the teens who told the stories simply had no interest in digging through old public records to verify their ghost stories. But the towers had been manned, just like any other.
But the railways shut down for mundane reasons. The rift remained, if one knew where to look. A few decades back, a group of teenagers were partying out on the trail, away from where adults would look. As the alcohol flowed and inhibition dipped below sensible thresholds, the dares began. Harmless things. The night was young and they weren't quite stupid yet.
A young man - who he was, what his social status was, changed with every telling - was dared to venture into the watchtower. There was no thought for safety and everyone was several drinks to the wind. The crowd egged him on as he climbed onto the platform, the grated metal echoing with every shift of weight. He gave them all a big grin, and he stepped into the building.
The air prickled as he passed through the entryway. An electric current. A bend and snap. And he never came out again. The story differs on how the party reacted: did they think he was playing his own trick on them? Did they grow worried, but too scared to enter themselves? Were police called, by scared party goers or bereaved parents? Stories were shifting things, but one thing remained the same: a boy went in, and he never came back out.
Nowadays there are warning signs plastered in the area. It's dangerous to climb, for one reason or another. Teens still do it, giggling with the thrill of danger, some small part of them wondering with a very real dread what if conditions are right this time? that sparked across their nervous. But it never was. No kid went missing, time never folded in on itself like a video missing frames. The participants moved on, holding fondness for the story but no longer giving it the credit of truth. They moved on.
And the watchtower remained.
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hsmtmts-arrows · 1 year ago
imagine, after s4, when they're all rehearsing for the spring musical and maddox is watching them and smiling, reading the script out for them, JJ walking lazily among some of the wildcats and gracefully accepting pets. until a little notification sound rings out from maddox's phone.
"maddox, would you mind putting your phone on silent? we're trying to audition here." miss jenn says pompously, but they can see the affection in her eyes, and clearly maddox doesn't miss it as she grins back at her.
"right away, ma'am." she does a salute and then actually looking down at her phone, and her smile wipes right off her face. JJ whimpers and breaks away from emmy's scritches to go to her side. "jet." she suddenly says, voice taut as a bowstring. JJ leans against her, licking her hands, but maddox can't pay attention. jet looks over, confused, concerned.
"it's our parents. they want to meet up."
see if we got season five i could definitely see this as a plot tim could've used. maddie is totally panicked about it, and it's noticeable to all of the wildcats. jet's silent, his mind totally buzzing. maddie wants to talk to him privately, but it's quite obvious to all of the wildcats this isn't something the siblings will find easy. it's a long winded chat between all of the group which kind of ends rehearsals and begins a drama club therapy session for the siblings. the wildcats find out that it's been a long time since they'd even been in contact with their parents, and the last time they'd even been in the same room, kind words had not been shared.
maddie messages back her mom, says she and jet will meet with them, but they're not coming alone.
jet fiddled with kourtney's hand the whole way there in the back of maddie's car. she sees him spinning the ring on his other finger when he isn't holding her hand and he just leans his head on her shoulder, ruffling the fur of JJ every now and then. he doesn't know what to say, he's too busy over thinking it. What if they're mad about something? did they actually watch the documentary for frozen or something? or maybe it was to do with maddie and the drama about the interview that went pear-shaped in the HSM4 promo. he was coming up with so many different theories and ideas up in his head he didn't even hear kourtney ask him if he was okay the first time. the boy just nods and hums, shuffling even closer to her in car. at least he's got kourtney.
meanwhile, maddox is raging in her mind. everything was going perfectly fine. why the fuck are they here all of a sudden? because they were doing something with their lives and doing well without them? or were they here for there six-month check-up on how their "kids" were doing without them?
ashlyn sensed it a mile off. the moment maddie got the text something shifted and ash felt it immediately. there's a tension in the car that no one speaks of but everyone knows of. jet and kourtney get out with JJ, but ash stops maddie from doing the same.
maddox tries to keep it together when ash starts to talk to her about it all. it's not working. she feels herself and her walls begin to breakdown in ash's arms. she cant keep doing this. ashlyn knows this and she tells her it like it is. it's ruining her and jet.
jet' trying to distract himself with JJ. he's trying to get him to do tricks and spin around and kourtney can see right through it. she doesn't know what to do or say. he's never been so quiet about something he has an opinion on. but something changes in the air again. a new presence. across the parking lot, a man and a woman walk towards them and the car.
"jetson?" the woman calls, and the boy's head snaps upwards to her. JJ growls but moves away from being so close, beside jet now. "what're you doing? I though we agreed we'd be meeting inside."
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magicblooms · 2 years ago
Gellert knew that he had to be absolutely mad to come here this evening. It was an incredible risk but perhaps that had only added to the appeal. The entire party was swarming with Ministry members from all around the world. Oh, how they would all be salivating at the thought of finally taking him down.Not that they would be getting that lucky this evening. Soon enough he would safely tucked away upstairs with Albus.A few of his acolytes were downstairs, in disguise and ensuring nothing went wrong while Gellert was busy. Not even Vinda knew exactly what he had disappeared to do but he could hardly tell his followers that he was fraternising with the enemy, could he? He had known that Albus would be in attendance long before he had arrived this evening. He’d secured a copy of the guest list from one of his moles inside the British Ministry but even if he hadn’t, it was always a safe bet that his ex would be making an appearance. The Ministries were using Albus for their own ends, knowing their own incompetent and corrupt staff couldn’t do the job that they needed. Albus was his one and only true equal and he had become little more than a pawn in their game. But that wasn’t why he had called him up here tonight. He should have simply left well enough alone. He should have come here to do what he had planned and leave Albus in peace. Yet, how could he have possibly resisted him when he had turned up looking like that. He had barely been able to drag his eyes away from him. Albus always called to his very soul and he had long ago stopped believing it was simply the troth alone that still drew them together. There had been a reason they’d so quickly flocked to one another during their summer together and despite everything that, it still wasn’t enough to completely drive a wedge between them. He’d watched from a safe distance, a glamour firmly in place. Would the Ministries never learn? Even him impersonating Percival Graves hadn’t been enough to teach the fools to keep a close eye on exactly who walked amongst them. He’d held back a snarl as Travers paraded Albus around like he was a prized stallion. Every guest was so desperate for a sliver of Albus’ attention. It was clear that Albus wanted to be anywhere but here although he managed to put on a good show for everyone. Gellert had felt uneasy to find Albus’ mind so unguarded. That wasn’t like him at all, it was always almost impossible to get a read on Albus and yet he was able to easily slip inside to speak to him. He didn’t poke around, respecting that he wasn’t exactly a welcome visitor. He stayed just long enough to ensure Albus understood his messages. Was it the troth that was making it easier for them to connect or was something else happening with Albus? He supposed he would find out soon enough. He shouldn’t have enjoyed seeing Albus’ head whip about, wondering where he was so frantically. It was still enjoyable to surprise Albus, even if he knew the other man did not care for these games much. Still, it wasn’t as if he could simply approach him and suggest they find a quite place to chat. Albus would always deny him, much to his disappointment. And yet, tonight it seemed that Albus wasn’t going to turn down the invitation. He agreed as soon as Gellert had whispered where to meet him, disappearing as quickly as he had brushed by him. For a brief moment Gellert wondered if this was a trick but he knew that it wasn’t. What exactly had shifted between them tonight or was there something happening with Albus? Something that had left his occlumency skills lacking? Gellert didn’t have long to think further about that because before too long Albus was entering the darkened room and calling for him just as he flicked on the lights for them to see. He had known Albus was setting him up but still he had waited by the door, just to be sure. “I’m rather surprised you agreed to join me up here Albus.” Gellert whispered in his ear from behind, his lips almost close enough to touch Albus’ neck. “May I say that you look ravishing tonight?”
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years ago
Breaking Up with Sanji (ANGST)
Word Count: 2.3k
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Implied Cheating, Mentions of WCI Arc, Yelling, Arguing, Cursing, Mentions of Insecurity from Reader, Sanji Cries and Begs, Sad Ending
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Sometimes you believe Sanji is just a womanizer. And you hate it because it’s actually not true.
You both have been dating for a year and you’ve noticed his simp like attitude for most women haven’t really let up.
You knew he would never touch a woman like how he touches you but sometimes when you want his full attention he can’t seem to focus it if another young woman is calling out his name
You didn’t mind it at first but it’s seems like it has gotten worse.
Granted you both never had time to have sex. It’s been back to back with fighting enemies and a bunch of new people joining on board momentarily.
But today was probably the last straw of his obsession with women
“He’s doing what?!”
“No! It’s not like that he got lured !”
“How the fuck do you get lured to a damn brothel, Franky?! He knows better!”
You stormed out of the ship disregarding your watch durty after hearing the unfortunate news. There is no possible way Sanji could be doing what you think he could.
“You messing with me right?”
Seeing Zoro and Sanji rush out of the worn building fixing up each other’s clothing. You really couldn’t believe your eyes if you were quite honest, your heart and stomach sank all at once. Sure, Sanji was a Flirt, and there were a few times early in your relationship you and Sanji talked about the boundaries you both set for when people hit on either of you, he swore up and down he’d work on doing so and you believed him, but you truly wouldn’t have guessed he’d ACTUALLY cheat on you.
Sanji’s hair was disheveled, tie was slightly undone, and he was flustered. It didn’t take too long to understand what happened.
Sanji However was mortified. He tried to get out of there as quick as he could, but he needed to be helped by Zoro and Luffy to escape.
You scoffed at the typical statement turning the opposite way back to the ship. You were more broken than mad. You held your mouth to conceal your quivering lips trying not to cry in front of anybody and picked up your pace to run as far away from Sanji as you could.
“Dumbass. I told you she’d find out.” Zoro muttered shoulder bumping him.
“Didnt do anything?!” You cried, stopping in your tracks almost causing Sanji to bump into you from how fast he was running towards you, “Sanji…”
You grabbed his cheek with force, squeezing it causing him to flinch, seeing the small lipstick kisses on his cheek so close to the corner of his lips. You immediately imagined him laying with how ever many women, touching, him and to add insult to injury; him enjoying it.
You looked up at the sky, forcing your tears not to escape, but you failed horribly and Sanji’s eyes widened in fear. You drop your hand down and walk away. You didn’t want to hear anything else he had to say because you’d just end up crying even more and that’s one thing you refused to do in front of him or anybody .
You felt so stupid, you knew you shouldn’t have let him in, you were warned by almost everyone to NOT date Sanji, but you seen past that. You didn’t wanna believe the warnings. How stupid could you be? Sanji? Faithful? Doesn’t even make sense unless you put “is not” in between the words.
“Damn it! I never—!” Sanji groaned in frustration running back after you, he knew he messed up BADLY. It wasn’t his intention to go into that brothel! He was actually tricked into going, Zoro warned him not to follow that lady that “needed help”, and the moment he realized where he really was he tried to leave, but women swarmed him trying to get him to stay. The whole story was too good to be true and he knew you wouldn’t buy it.
The moment you arrived back on the ship you felt your blood get hot. The entire walk back you thought about Sanji and those women and the longer your thoughts stayed on that the angrier you became. You had to get a level head though, as much as you wanted to lash out, You knew if you took any action you’d end up regretting it.
“Y/N? You okay?” Robin and Nami seen you nearly sprinting to your room, you didn’t want them to know about the incident so you avoided their gaze.
“I’m—“ you cleared your croaky throat to mask how much you’ve been crying “I’m okay….just need to—to um…”
Nami quickly walked over to you, you got very nasty when you cried. You kept shaking your hands trying to find the words, but the closer the girls approached you the harder it was to conceal any pain you felt. It wasn’t until Robin touched your shoulder that you broke down in their arms about what you seen. You felt so stupid.
Sanji came running back out of breath and he seen you across the ship being held by Robin, your eyes were pink and puffy from rubbing them so harshly out of anger. Nami turned her furious eyes over to the cook ready to kill the man so she stormed over to him.
Nami Tore Sanji a new one yelling and hitting him for the pain he caused you after hearing what happened. Honestly, Nami Just began to enjoy watching you and Sanji as a couple. She never thought you guys would last so long considering how he was, but she just started to believe he learned to behave.
You thought the same too.
Robin took you back to her room to calm you down and step away from the commotion, “Are you sure Sanji was really cheating?”
“I know what I saw Robin. He was coming out of the building, putting back on his jacket with lip stains.”
Robin patted your head, she refused to believe Sanji would ever hurt you like that especially from what he told her weeks prior:
“You shouldn’t worry, Sanji you already know what’s she’s going to say..”
“I don’t know…what if—“
“There’s no what if’s. I see the way she looks at you. How much you’ve changed her. She’ll say yes.”
Sanji was on his knees taking every hit Nami had on his head, not even trying to defend hisself she was furious than anything else. She noticed how happier you were with him. How sweet he was to you, and even though she had her doubts she believed in what Robin said.
About 30 minutes past and Robin managed to get you to sleep off your tears. It was needed. She left you in the room to sleep and headed back out to where Sanji was in the kitchen and everybody was getting ready to head back on the not to set sail.
“Sanji…” Robin leaned on the kitchen door, his back was facing hers hunched over a little. She didn’t have to look at his face to know he was sulking. “What really happened back there?”
A few hours have pasted and you woke up to a warm presence beside you rubbing your arm, you cracked your eyes open to see Sanji’s blurred figure, but when you pounced up it was nobody.
“Good..” You thought rubbing your eyes. The room was dark hinting it was now later in the night and though you could argue that was the best sleep you’ve had in a while you wish someone would have woke you.
You make up Robin’s bed and head to your own room for the night, not wanting to see anybody else still a bit of anger lingering in your head, however this is the Thousand Sunny where 11 other people live. There is no alone time.
“Get out Sanji…” Was all you groaned rubbing your eyes, seeing him sparked back up that annoyance and seeing his pink eyes really meant nothing right now.
“No. I have to explain—“
“There’s nothing to explain. You wanted to be with those other women…and you did. I’m over it.”
“But thats not what I wanted it was a trick I would never do that! Baby—“
“Don’t ‘Baby’ me if I was your baby you wouldn’t have been in that fucking brothel.— You know what—…”
You wipe your face in frustration and sigh, the last thing you wanted was to just completely scream at him off bat, considering how he reacts to you doing it.
“I can’t keep doing this with you, Sanji. I know I’m not the ideal woman. I’m not as gorgeous as Nami or Robin. I’m not as girly as them. I don’t always dress the best. I have many flaws, but you don’t know the exhaustion I get when I see you give so many women this attention that I want. You don’t understand how it feels to have a partner that is very attractive and can also ATTRACT whatever he wants it’s damn near sickening now because I feel like it’s gotten worse with you and when I seen you with that lipstick I damn near lost my mind…”
Your voice began to crack and tears manages to slowly escape your eyes.
“I knew what I was getting into when you asked me out but I don’t know…sometimes I feel like…you settled…and…it sucks because I never felt that way with you…and..”
You couldn’t even finish. You just wanted to pour your heart out because you hated keeping in your feelings, but it was all too overwhelming and you just broke down. Sanji immediately grabbed you to hold you and in that moment he was whispering small apologizes and it did… it did feel good to be held by him,
But it was wrong. Because he does this same routine to apologize.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…please…I made a mistake I’d never…” His lips right over yours as your face was in his neck leaning in closer, “Please know Id never hurt you..” His mouth began to inch closer to yours, but you pushed back harshly nearly making him fall.
The arguing continued. Neither of you were willing to hear out the other without cutting each other’s sentences. This was probably the first argument you and Sanji ever had where he was actually upset and not willing to back down.
“I DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE SHIT SAN—you know…” you pull your faces with your palms groaning until it transitions into a frustrated scream, you were over it. You had a headache and just wanted to sleep. “Just get out Sanji. I don’t wanna hear your voice right now.”
If the room was quiet with no background noises of the sea you could have actually heart break. You didn’t change your face, you were exhausted, but a small part of you felt immediate guilt seeing his shocked and saddened reaction, but you were stubborn.
“….does this mean we’re through?”
You could hear the cracks in his voice, eyes already threatening to water, you immediately avoided his sorrowed face and paused for a moment leaving the awkward quiet tension in the air so thick you can cut it with a knife.
You nodded.
Sanji couldn’t contain his tears, they flooded his cheeks, mouth parted he fell to the ground on his knees reaching up to your leg to hold them. He couldn’t believe it he didn’t want this to be true.
“Please…please no please don’t leave me….I can’t lose you I’m so sorry. Please.” Sanji couldn’t even make coherent words he sobbed on your legs, it shattered you immensely.
Your hands hesitantly touch his head but retracted it and instead pull him off. “You have to get out, Sanji…”
“I’m not leaving until we talk this out—“
“Get the fuck out before I make you get out.”
Your voice was cold like ice sounding as if you didn’t want to be in his presence, but Sanji couldn’t be fooled that easily. You couldn’t even speak to his face, you were fighting back tears yoursef, lips quivering and words were shaky. It was your anger talking and you knew this, but you didn’t care to just look at him to listen, to hear him, to understand, and fix the relationship. Instead. You wanted to just run away.
Sanji got off his knees, head low like a puppy wiping his eyes, his body felt weighed down, he was defeated, but he didn’t want to take the loss.
“I’m not letting you go, Y/N…ever….so..don’t think—“
You back was faced to him right before he shut the door and in a quick motion you sat on your bed and screamed your heart out in a pillow. Sanji heard, chest in pain, he leaned on your door crying as well.
Words couldn’t express this pain, it was as if your entire life came crashing. This wasn’t supposed to happen between you both.
This wasn’t supposed to end.
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multific · 3 years ago
My Girl
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Jake Lockley x Reader, Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant x Reader
Words: 2600
Warnings: Cursing, mention of sex, break up, Jake can be a dick
Summary: Marc had a suspicion he had another person in him, Steven wasn’t the only one, that was evident after what happened with Harrow. But neither Marc nor Steven could be prepared when they met Jake.
When Marc realized that Khonshu tricked them, he was fuming, and so was Steven.
“You said you would let us go!” yelled Marc.
“I said I’ll let you and the worm free, never mentioned your third party.” Marc and Steven both felt as if their stomach fell, the feeling of being played was devastating.
They found themselves on yet another mission. A mission they thought was long over, yet here they were, standing in a weird temple and the worst is that Layla was with them.
“Khonsu, you liar!” she yelled. “You said you would set them free!”
“Again, I never mentioned the third one, if he chose to work for me, that has nothing to do with you.”
All three knew Khonsu had a point. Yet, still, they were super mad.
“You played us!” said Steve as he came forward.
“Can we get over this, please? We are here to catch someone very dangerous before you three decided to arrive, the plan was going swimmingly," said Khonshu.
Layla followed who she thought was Marc, that is how she got there and how thankful she was that she went.
Then they met the guy they were there for.
His name was Jacob Highs, according to Khonshu he likes to torture people and plays cruel games with them.
"Marc Spector, I know everything about you. Now, it's time for you to face your demons!" the man let out a wicked laugh.
"Kill him Marc!" yelled Khonshu. "Kill him before h-"
"Marc?" he heard Layla's voice.
"What happened?" he asked as he opened his eyes, he found himself in an old dingy house. From the window, he could see the outside was pitch black. No landscape, nothing, only darkness.
"I-I don't know but..." Layla couldn't finish her sentence as Marc was hugged suddenly.
"Oh, Marc! I thought you died!" said Steven.
"Steven? How is this possible?"
"Told you Highs is dangerous." said Khonshu, "He likes to play with people. This is one of the realms he created."
Marc finally stood up and he noticed another man, another him.
"So, you are Jake." all three looked at Jake who rolled his eyes, not answering. The three started to talk trying to figure out what to do.
"How do we get out of here?" asked Layla who looked at all three men and Khonshu.
"We wait." said Jake, finally speaking up, everyone looked at him.
"Wait? Are you out of your mind?"
"Technically, yes. I am."
"How could we just stand and wait?" asked Steven as he looked at everyone.
"We will die here if we don't find a way out." said Layla.
"Yeah, let's just start walking, get out of this filthy house and see what we are against." said Steven as Marc was thinking.
"No, we need to wait." said Jake again with a firmer tone.
"Why would we just sit here and wait?" asked Marc, annoyed with the man in the hat.
"Because, unlike you two, I have a girlfriend who is actually useful." said Jake and just as he said that Jacob's unconscious body flew through the window, shattering the glass as he landed. Jake made an 'I-told-you-so' face at the others before the door opened and a woman came in, you.
"Oh," you looked at all the people in there. "Hello." you offered a small wave. You looked at Khonshu. "So, he doesn't speak and I didn't want to kill him in case that would get us stuck here forever." you said and then turned to the others. "Well, this is... awkward."
"Hi, Mi Amor." you smiled at Jake and placed a kiss on his lips, he pulled you close by your waist.
"There they go again." said Khonshu as Jake whispered Spanish words into your ear before disappearing to find a way out.
The other three just watched in disbelief. Now it all made a lot more sense to Layla, whenever Marc forgot a date or he was late, or he had marks on him that wasn't from fighting, Layla had a suspicion he had another woman, but she never knew Jake was there and that he had someone.
When you finally pulled away from Jake, he kept you close, kissing your neck, determined to leave a mark on your delicious skin.
"Sorry, this is a bit, come on now." you tried to push him away, but it didn't work. 
"Who are you?" asked Steven.
"You must be Steven, lovely to meet you and you Marc, and oh what was it? Lauren?"
"Layla," said Marc with a very annoyed tone but you didn't mind.
"Right, lovely to meet you all, Jake did mention you three, but as you can see he's not big on talking." just as you said that Jake pulled you closer, and it made you giggle but he also bit your neck a little. 
"My name is Y/N, I'm Jake's girlfriend and partner in crime. I'm a descendant of a Goddess, not too sure which one, I have certain powers. Like I can see the angry pigeon standing behind you." everyone turned to see Khonshu there.
Jake finally finished with your neck as he let you go, but still kept you close.
"I wasn't able to find a way out." he said before he turned to Jacob, he was out cold and he will be for a long time. "We will stay here and when he wakes up we will convince him to let us out."
"Lovely, this is like camp when you are a kid. I would love to get to know you all better. Let's start with you Steven." you sat down on the floor, creating fire in the fireplace to keep you all warm.
And you talked.
You talked a lot. Marc was sure he has gone mad. Not that he wasn't already insane but this...
To finally meet the man who killed many, whom he didn't know about, who he cannot even remember, and he had a girlfriend?
Marc was loyal to Layla, always. 
But this, this was too much, and by Layla's expression, she thought the same.
"So, how does this work?" asked Marc with a very annoyed voice. "We find out that Khonshu lied to us, we are still Moon Knight, and now this. Another me and you?"
"I know you feel cheated, Khonshu did hide this from you b-"
"And just who the fuck are you?!" Marc was now angry.
"Amigo! Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to my girl! If it wasn't for her that fucker would be out there torturing us."
"This IS torture!" 
Steven wanted to defuse the situation, he really did but he agreed with Marc.
"So, how does this work?" he asked the same question Marc just did.
"He comes to me, we go on dates, usually that includes killing people Birdie tells us to kill, then we go back to my place or to his, sorry, yours and have sex. Easy life. I leave before he wakes up or he leaves my place before you switch."
The way you were so causal about this was disturbing. They all made a face.
"Look, I know you all are new to this, but I am a good fucking person okay? I help people, I save people and I knew what I was getting into when I met Jake. He told me about you three, he told me how this works, you all can be angry at me all you want, but you cannot deny a man from his love."
Layla was too quiet during all this, even you noticed. It must be hard for her to hear all this, but this wasn't just about her.
You loved Jake and Jake loved you, they all have to live with that as you live with the fact that Marc and Steven love Layla.
"Nah, I say we vote. It's two against one. You two have to stop... this." said Steven.
"Vote? Are you mad? Do you want me to crush your skull?" spoke Jake but you put your hand on his shoulder.
"Try me." you said. "Try it, try and separate us, Steven, even you Marc, I challenge you to try." They didn't know what you were capable of. And for Jake, you'd do everything.
Suddenly everything felt cold, the windows started to freeze and the fire went out, the wooden floor began to get slippery with the ice on the surface. 
You weren't joking, Marc thought you were, but you were not.
Powers? Definitely. You were scary, Marc didn't want to mess around with you, not for one bit.
That fire in your eyes as you stood up for the one you loved, he had never seen that before, not even in his own eyes.
It made him question so many things.
And by the look on Layla's face, as she excused herself to another room, he knew.
You watched as the two left, leaving Steven behind.
"So, Steven, I heard you work in a gift shop in a museum?"
"Used to work." he corrected.
"Right, so, anything you learned there? Jake never really liked it, although he did like one of the tour guides." you said sending a side-eye towards him.
"It was you? You asked her on a date to the stake house!" now it made sense even to Steven, he did find it difficult to believe Marc, who was married would ask someone on a date.
"Yes, but I found someone better."  you smiled as Jake finally sat down beside you. "Tengo Frio, Amor." he said and you put the fire back on. Steven sat down close to it, thankful that the ice was finally gone.
"Look, Steven, I understand this is a lot to take in, it was a lot for me as well. But I'm not going to let Jake just leave.  Maybe it is unfair to Layla, but if you take him from me, that is unfair to me. You have to understand, please. I love him. And I'm sure I can love you too. I mean no harm."
You spoke so gently like you were trying to make a child understand something huge, and you kind of were.
You understood their side, you really did. But you were not willing to let go of Jake. Never.
When Layla and Marc arrived back, they looked... not happy. To say the least.
"Okay, now that we talked about this, ready to leave?" you stood up as did Steven and Jake.
"W-But I thought you said you can't-"
"I never said I can't get us out of here, all I said is that I'm not willing to kill him to risk getting us stuck." you said smiling at Steven.
"Smart girl." said Khonshu as he waited. You closed your eyes but then remembered one more thing.
"Oh and Mr Lockley, you better thank me for this! You know what I like!"
"Ice cream."
"That, and you on your knees baby." you winked and before anyone could answer, you quickly worked your magic.
Marc woke up in his bed, alarmed at what just happened, he wasn't sure if it was a dream or not.
"Steven? Was it all a dream?"
"If it was, we dreamt the same thing. We have to go to work."
Marc got dressed and let Steven take over so they could go to work. Both of them were thinking hard. Was it really all just a dream?
Steven worked as usual, having a smile on his face as he served everyone. And just like Marc, he couldn't think of anything else.
He knew he will need to talk to Layla and you as well. But how would this work out? Would this work out at all?
Well, Layla wasn't happy. At all. 
It seemed like she understood the fact that Egyptian Gods were real better than that a person can have D.I.D. It broke Marc's and Steven's heart.
She left them.
Marc blamed you, of course he did, but Steven, he felt something else, curiosity. 
He wanted to find you, and he was willing to ask Jake for help. But he knew better than to mess around with Jake especially since Marc knew about Steven's steps.
Another week ended, you let out a sigh as you stood in front of the their workplace. Jake asked you to come since he wanted to go to a restaurant. You eyed the woman he asked previously on a date.
"Damn, she's gorgeous." you said as she smiled at her colleague and left.
You turned around to look at the stairs, seeing one person coming your way. 
"Would you look at that, I was waiting for," you checked your watch. "Five minutes...hmm... it felt longer." You moved your arms around his neck as you kissed him.
But something was off, instead of his arms moving around you, he just froze.
"Shit. Steven?" you asked as you quickly pulled back.
"Oh, sorry, Jake said he wanted to meet, I thought you were him. I'm sorry."
You wanted to leave, disappear. 
"I-I actually wanted to speak with you. If you are up for it."
"Sure, let's go eat something I'm starving."
You two arrived at a steak restaurant, you ordered a nice plate of steak while Steven only asked for a salad. 
"You are charming." you said and it made Steven stutter.
"Thank you."
"Charming, smart, handsome and British. Nice combination, makes all the panties drop." you probably shouldn't have said that especially while he was drinking, but you did.
"Layla left us." he said with such a sad tone it made you feel bad.
"I'm sorry Steven."
"It was her decision, she said she couldn't bear the thought of Marc with someone else."
"So, is he blaming me? Are you?"
"No, it was her decision, we could have made it work." you could have, really, but if she wasn't up for it.
"Alright then, Mr Accent. Let's not talk about your ex on our first date. Tell me about you. You obviously know a lot. You might be able to help me."
"Help you?"
"Yes, you see, I am really interested in my past, I'm still not sure where I got my powers from and I want to find out."
He looked interested like a new quest just opened its doors for him.
"How much do you know?"
"Besides the name of the orphanage I grew up in, nothing."
Then his eyes changed.
"Hi Marc."
"I'm not angry at you, you didn't make Layla leave, but what are you doing with Steven?"
"Asking for help, that's all." you really had no other intentions but you understood that Marc was protective over Steven.
"I'm sure you will grow to like me. I like Steven he is kind." Marc was still not sure about you. Then you looked up at the building behind him, he did as well as he saw Khonshu.
When he turned back, you noticed the change immediately.
"There you are" you smiled as he finally appeared.
"Who was it?"
"Both actually, she left them."
"Good." Jake called over the waiter ordering a steak.
"Don't be mean, she was nice."
"She didn't fit me. You do." Jake was always harsh you were used to it by now, it also rubbed off on you a little so now you were the same from time to time. "Now, Marc has to get used to the thought as well. And you will be able to move in as I asked you before."
"Whatever you say, Babe." you smiled as you drank from your wine.
You could only hope that day would come. 
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yandere-romanticaa · 3 years ago
darkest traits. 🚬
What are the most toxic and unhealthy behaviours of the yandere! Port Mafia?
part 1!
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Mori Ougai: controlling, possessive, gaslighting, manipulative.
A master manipulator by nature, Mori's darling is often left in the dark about most things as he babies them, buying them all the cutest clothing and accessories. He's the boss, let him do the heavy lifting! All you need to do is sit still and look all dainty and pretty in his lap.
As a man of a more sophisticated age (in his own words of course), he has a way of tricking you into believing things that make no sense, things that force you think - did you really see what you saw? Did you really see that person get kidnapped, or even killed? Or, was your tired mind playing tricks on you, forcing you to stay awake for another sleepless night? Poor little thing, Ougai is right there by your side to kiss your troubles away, as long as you remain sweet and docile. There are times when he does like your spunk though, he likes to play with fire.
He does not like getting burned by the said fire however.
Don't get too cute and comfortable with him. Know your place, keep your head down, but remember to throw a bone to your master every now and then.
You'd be surprised to see just how generous he can be to the one he is closest to.
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Nakahara Chuuya: agreesive, touchy, obsessive, possessive, paranoid
Out of everyone in the mafia, Chuuya is one of the least bad ones if you can believe that. He would be a relatively normal lover up until a certain trigger is pushed, and that push is probably Dazai. He's paranoid that his old partner is out to get his darling, that he'll find them and steal them away, and these thoughts make Chuuya's blood boil in anger. He's well aware that Dazai is a maniac, a sick bastard that does the things he does as a sick joke. He needs to protect you, can't you understand that? Can't you see that everything he does, he does it for you? His blood, his sweat, his tears, all of his hard work will be dedicated to you and you alone, so please beloved, don't do this to him. Don't make him mad, don't do the unthinkable.
Do not run away from him.
God knows how angry he'll be if you ever try to do that.
He's also someone that likes to hold you close at any time of day, he has no shame and neither should you. Someone might think that with his high rank that he'd be more discreet with his affections but he can be quite the cocky showoff. He wants the world to know that he is yours and that you are his. He'll love you forever and ever, you were his the moment he laid his eyes on you.
There is no escaping him.
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke: physical aggression, easily angered, untrusting
One of the worst yanderes to have, Akutagawa knows no boundaries when it comes to the matters of the heart. When he sees his darling, he is overcome with this disgusting feeling that makes him want to tear into something, to make that thing bleed and weep.
He really feels like killing someone.
And yet, whenever his cold, thin fingers are tightly squeezing your delicate throat, sucking the very life out of you, he always stops at the very last second.
Eyes bulging, your cheeks are stained with tears and snot, your face is dark blue and you can't stop coughing. And there he stands, right above you, his cold, dark eyes staring down, a mix of emotions swirling in those demonic eyes of his. Anger, pain, suffering, confusion, fear, disgust, all of that and so many other things that baffle you.
The strangest thing he does by far is when he wipes your tears away.
In his mind he hopes to be delicate but his touch is far too rough for you to get the message. He can't tell whether or not he wants to tear you into tiny pieces and send your soul to Hell, or, if he wants to keep you close, hold you tight and keep you safe.
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Ozaki Kouyou: Strict, possessive, comanding
This refined lady likes to keep thinks in order, her love life is no different. She expects her darling to always behave, to always follow the rules she sets up for them, to wear the pretty clothing she gets them, and to be her little doll, to bend to her every single whim.
Despite the smile that adorns her face, there is a hidden darkness in her eyes. She does indeed love it when she catches others staring at her and her beloved, as they all ought to. These silly feelings are trivial to a lady such as herself but jealousy can creep up on anyone, and they won't see it coming. It would be unwise to mess with this, to put it lightly. Don't test her patience and for heaven's sake, don't force her to prove her love and devotion to you.
It's not a pretty sight to see.
Tags: @yanroma
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