#trick question as everything is with Raven but he finally answers Yes. To which Raven comments
lady-quen · 10 days
Hello Guild Wars 2 community! A new poll has dropped! 🐦‍⬛
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(At least, hopefully new, lol.) I'm curious, which blessing did your Commander get on their first/canon go through the Raven Sanctum in the story mission "The Invitation?" Choose and tell me in the tags why they made their specific decisions :)
Compiled explanations from the wiki below for ease of access:
The trial choices in order:
Save the wounded man or save the healers
Save the spell tome or save the historical record
Save the queen or save the prince
Blessing of Daybreak
"When the fear of beastly claws and a child's pain is made sharp by the knowledge of elders, we make no mistakes. But do we grow?"
Healers -> historical record -> prince
Grace of Dawn
"When wisdom is favored in all things—a healing hand, a text of old, a beloved queen—we lose the sharpened sword of the truly bold."
Healers -> historical record -> queen
Consecration of Morning
"We seek to destroy monsters with sharp claws and icy breath, but do we protect ourselves from the beasts shaped like us, who prey on the young and vulnerable, who seek to rule us?"
Healers -> spell tome -> prince
Invocation of Midday
"When we flee from the things we fear most - the teeth of beasts, the storm of a dragon, a change of power-we risk running backward."
Healers -> spell tome -> queen
Supplication of Midday
"We favor the skill of healers and the wisdom of elders over the uncertainty of the future. But the young take chances, and the young push us forward."
Wounded man -> spell tome -> prince
Consecration of Evening
"We long for the comfort of a healing touch, an ancestral word of wisdom, a leader we know and trust. But comfort is fleeting, and with it comes inertia."
Wounded man -> historical record -> queen
Grace of Dusk
"We sacrifice so much—safety from the claws of death, knowledge of the ages, a steadfast reign—to propel ourselves forward. But if we move too fast, do we risk the inability to stop?"
Wounded man -> spell tome -> prince
Blessing of Twilight
"We try so hard to do the right thing. We heal, we protect our people, we preserve stability. But we cannot control how the winds of fate may shift, and a tight grip can sometimes hurt more than it helps."
Wounded man -> spell tome -> queen
#guild wars 2#gw2#icebrood saga#the invitation#raven sanctum#gw2 ask game#ask game#dash game#character poll#gw2 commander#ibs spoilers#As for mine: Invocation of Midday because Mael values a winning hand by any means necessary. Making choices where the few may have to die so#that more survive in saving the healers#valuing the present victory in saving the spell tome since forgoing the present war will only mean there is no future to preserve#and saving the queen because an immature heir is worse than a stranger hopefully elected by the people#In my personal hc of this mission Raven specifically takes note of how ruthless his answers were and asks if he'd really do anything to#secure a winning hand. From letting the wounded man die for the sake of the healers to letting a child heir die to preserve a nation. It's a#trick question as everything is with Raven but he finally answers Yes. To which Raven comments#''Of course you would. You were even willing to sell your soul.''#This wreaks some havoc on party dynamics because nobody present knew the true extent of what Mael had to do to bring himself back to life :)#Whether his soul will actually be unable to pass on into the Mists... I shall see. But it makes for good thinking. and possible plot hook#for the party coming together to save him from his own doomed magic#Furthermore: Fuel for Rytlock angst because now he has real reason to think Mael would Not Hesitate and kill Ryland. And that he is lying#This doubt of Rytlock's (and Crecia's) Jormag of course capitalizes on#commander's musings
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mothguillotine · 8 months
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On your first week of school, you truly tried your best to be a good teacher, took house points and gave them, and gave numerous talking to’s. Many of them are to Ron’s older brothers, Fred and George. They had a tendency to pull devious pranks throughout the school. One time you found them attempting to pour a whole bunch of water in the hall with the intent of freezing it so people would slip and fall. Each time you found them outside of class and today was like no other. 
Walking down the hallway you see the two of them huddled together looking at a piece of parchment, on which was a map of the school with names of students and teachers. Your eyes find Harry, Hermione, and Ron first. They are by themselves, definitely not in class, with another person, a student you assume.
“Ahem,” you clear your throat to which they turn around, “shouldn’t you boys be in class?”
“Yes, you are completely right mam’,” one of them says, while the other slips the map into his robes, to which you pay no mind. 
“Go back to class before I take any house points,” you tell them. 
Knowing that your aunt would never answer your questions truthfully, you look for them alone. Newspaper clippings you found were the only reliable thing really. Many of the names on the back of the picture were no longer alive or worse. The main concern you drew from the news clippings was Sirius Black. He had betrayed Harry's parents ultimately getting them killed and then proceeded to kill twelve muggles and a wizard named Peter Pettigrew. The name you recognized from the back of the photo.
Throughout the beginning of the year, you could only focus on getting answers and your students but now you had read everything there was and your only escape from the halls of Hogwarts is your weekend trips to Hogsmeade. The fresh air made you forget your worries, only if for a bit. It was nice to visit each of the small shops each week and drink at the tavern as well.
On a brisk day sometime in mid-October you visit the village. As always you visit the shops, socializing with the owners and making your purchases. Nearing the end of the day you see something peculiar on your way to the tavern for your weekend butterbeer, a dog. Not just any dog but the one you would see frequently around Hermione's cat, Crookshanks. You watch as he stalks in the shadows and moves briskly towards the tree line after a moment. 
After a few weeks, you allow yourself to let go of any questions you may have because there is nothing else to read or learn from. While you were so absorbed in your research you hadn't realized that Halloween was this weekend. You missed celebrating Halloween, all of the pumpkin carving, trick or treating, and of course dressing up. Each day leading up to Halloween the third years became increasingly excited, as that day was the first time they could go to Hogsmeade. 
You were also excited because you planned on staying back this weekend to grade in the library, which was usually full of students, and was sure to be nearly empty. On Sunday most of the students leave to visit the village in their non-school clothes. You go to the library which as expected has only a few students in it as well as the librarian, Madame Pirce. As the day passes you grade students quizzes, many of whom do not understand how to properly label a plant diagram. 
As you finish grading all of the work you resign yourself to your room for the night, on the way up the stairs you hear a ruckus. It's coming from the Gryffindor dormitory and by the sounds of it, it’s not good. As you rush up the stairs so do more students, blocking your view of the situation. When you finally push your way through the mass of students, some of whom were not even in Gryffindor, you see it. The portrait that is the entrance for the students has giant tears through the canvas, the woman who is usually the guard, is gone. Not good. 
“Keep calm, everyone,” Percy says, “Ravenclaws, back to your common room.”
You usher the Ravenclaws down the stairs and see Dumbledore and Finch coming up to investigate. Some of the Ravenclaws keep looking back, full of curiosity.
“Come on,” you tell them, “It’s none of your concern.”
After you return the Ravenclaws to their rooms you find out what happened. Sirius Black was here, in the castle. Really not good. That night the Gryfindors are barred entry from their dorms, instead sleeping on cots in the Great Hall. 
That night you look again at the picture and in it, you find a young man. He doesn't look as though he could be a mass murderer, he looks charming and handsome. But you suppose that's how some people get their victims.  At a quidditch match not long after Halloween Harry got severely injured. You stood next to Ron and Hermione, excited to see him play in a game for the first time. 
“Go, Harry!” Hermione shouts as Harry whooshes by on his broom, “Go, Harry!”
You all watch as he narrowly misses a downed broomstick, cheering when he escapes it narrowly. Then he flies past the viewing towers, outside of the arena. He flies up into the clouds chasing the Slytherin seeker chasing the snitch. 
“I hope he's okay!” you shout to his best friends over the sound of cheering.
“Me too!” Ron shouts over Hermione, who gives him an annoyed look.
You all return your attention to the game until you see Harry falling from the sky. You nearly miss it, too focused on the game until Ron shouts, “Harry!”
Harry is luckily saved in the nick of time and taken to the infirmary. Where you and some of his teammates, as well as Ron and Hermione are all gathered. Madame Pompfry is non too pleased to have so many people in the room but allows it given you are there as well to keep them in line. 
“He looks a bit peaky doesn't he?” Ron asks.
“Peaky?” “What’d you expect?” Fred and George ask at the same time.
“He fell over a hundred feet,” Fred says.
“Yeah, come on Ron,” George says, backing up his twin, “let’s walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like.”
“Probably a right sight,” Harry says groggily. “Better than he normally does.”
Everyone laughs at this, “Guys, give him some space,” you laugh.
“Thank you, Professor Figg,” Harry says sincerely and everyone backs away except Hermione, who continues to sit on the side of the bed.
“How are you feeling?” she asks.
“Oh, brilliant,” he says sarcastically.
“A right good scare there, mate,” 
“What happened?” Harry asks.
“Well… you fell off your broom,” Ron says.
“Really?” Harry asks, “I meant the match. Who won?”
Hermione stands off the bed, “Um… no one blames you, Harry. Dementors aren’t supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off.”
The following weeks at Hogwarts were full of security and terror. But as the weeks passed, people soon forgot, instead focusing on happier things, such as the impending winter break. Snow had started to gather this morning and it had been clear this was here to stay. Even though you still had a month left until many students went home you could sense the unrest. 
Grabbing the book that you had been reading you make your way to the Great Hall to eat dinner. The end of the day was welcome to you as had been the upcoming weekend. You were starting to feel burnt out and a little time away from the castle was much needed.
The following day you head down to Hogsmeade like usual the day is a welcome distraction from the confusion of your personal life. While the day started like no other during your walk to the tavern you felt a pair of eyes watching you. While the bright Christmas lights strung up around the village lit the street it did very little for the shadows beyond the multicolored lights. You take out your wand and walk over to the darkness. As you slowly approach you can't help but second guess yourself, you were not an Auror, you couldn’t fight, but as much as you wanted to turn back you persisted, drawing further away from the light and into the dark. 
“Lumos,” you say facing your wand into the darkness which is soon filled with light from your wand. The pair of eyes you immediately identify as a large dog, the same one you had seen with Crookshanks. As much as you want to relax, after all, it’s just a dog, but you can’t help but feel as though the dog isn’t quite right. Their eyes seemed too human for your liking but before you could continue studying the dog, it runs off into the woods. You decide to chase after the dog, running through the snow and into the woods with your wand handy.
The light that illuminates from your wand pushes the shadows of the forest back and shows you the trail the dog left in its wake. Following the trail you arrive at a clearing in the woods and you can see your target, you quickly flick your wand and the light shuts off. In the clearing, the dog seems to stop for a second and you hide behind a tree. Your heart is beating fast and you can't understand why. It's just a dog… right?
You peek your head out from the side of the tree, the dog seems to be pacing. Rays of light peak through the canopy of trees bouncing off the snow, almost glowing. The dog continues to go back and forth, maybe you had overreacted. Now absolutely nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary with the dog. Still, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. Watching the dog for a bit longer you nearly convince yourself to leave, the keyword being almost. Just as you are about to turn away you watch in horror as the dog transforms into the most wanted man at the moment and not in a good way, Sirius Black. Now you knew you had to get out of there not only for your protection but Harry’s as well. You had to warn him, you had to warn everyone. 
As you turn you suddenly step on a branch, you had thought things like this only happened in horror movies, but a loud *CRACK* comes from under your foot. You turn only to find the man already behind you, so he simply takes your wand from your hand.
“Listen,” you tell him backing away, “I really don’t wanna die, I have so much to live for.”
“Who are you?” he asks.
“I- I'm a professor at the school,” you say continuing to back away to which your foot catches on a root. As you fall back he quickly grabs your arm and saves you from injury. Which is strange, you stop and think for a second. Why didn’t he attack you? Like right away? Why hasn’t he attacked anyone yet? That what you would expect from an insane person is just violence with no reason.
“I’m gonna confess that I am very confused right now,” you tell him, “I’ve been told you are a crazed killer but- that just doesn't make any sense. I’ve seen you with Hermione's cat on campus and you have had opportunities to attack.” 
You look at him confused, both of you standing much too close to each other. “Why haven't you?”
“I didn’t do it.”
You had read all of the newspaper articles, you knew that he professed his innocence until they sent him to Azkaban. Maybe the truth wasn't so black and white as you once believed. 
“Who did?” you ask him.
“Peter Pettigrew,” he says with venom lacing his voice.
“I thought he died?” you ask him.
“No, he is at the school this very moment,” he tells you.
“What do you mean?” you ask him, “Surely someone would recognize him.”
“He is the rat,” he tells you, which you don't quite get at first.
“Well, I know he is a rat he killed twelve muggles and got Harry’s parents killed,” you exclaim.
“No, I mean he is literally a rat,” he tells you.
“Oh, oh fuck, he's an animagus?” you say quietly to which he nods, “How do you know?”
“The Daily Prophet,” he says, “There was a picture and I recognized him instantly.”
You suddenly remember Ron telling you all about how his family was in the paper, you remember seeing the newspaper. Ron was proud of the accomplishment and even more proud of the fact that his pet rat, Scabbers, was in the picture as well.
“Yeah, I think I know where he is,” you tell him, “One of Harry's best friends has a pet rat of course, who has had an unusually long life span of twelve years.”
“What did you say your name was?” he asks you.
“Oh, I don't think I said,” you tell him, “y/n Figg.”
“Are you related to Arabella Figg?” he asks you, looking a bit surprised.
“I was adopted by her older sister after I was born, my Aunt Sylvia,” you tell him, “My mom died right after I was born, I never knew her.”
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” he consuls, “I wish I could have been there for Harry when he lost his parents, alas I was locked up.”
“Harry is truly wonderful,” you tell him, “he and his friends get into so much trouble together, despite everything he has gone through he is just such a sweet kid.”
“I’ve seen him around,” Sirius says sadly, “he looks just like his father.”
“Do you want me to tell you about him?” you ask.
“More than anything,” he responds.
So you do, that night you both sit on a log and you tell him about Harry and his life. Everything that you know about him you spill. How he did in class last year made him smile, hearing that he and his friends would commonly sneak off looking for trouble made him realize just how similar he was to his father. You told him about Harry’s fight with the basilisk as well, he looked horrified that he would put himself in danger but had a hint of pride on his face. As time passed and it grew later and later you realized that you would have to leave soon.
“I’m sorry but I have to go,” you tell him standing, “I will come back next weekend with some new clothes and some food.”
“What?” he asks, “You don't have to do that.”
You look him up and down, “Trust me you do. Anyhow, do you want me to bring scissors so I can cut your hair?”
“Uh, sure,” he says to you.
“Okay, Saturday next week,” you tell him beginning to walk in the direction you came from.
“Miss Figg?” he calls to you, “Won’t you need this?”
You turn around and realize he still has your wand. Embarrassingly you walk back over to him and grab the wand, “Thank you.”
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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uneasedregrets · 1 year
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Anon left a letter in the postbox...
Survivalist - If your muse was tossed into the wild with no resources, would they be able to survive? If so, for how long? If not, what would eventually do them in? Gaze of Fate - Does your muse believe in Fate, Destiny, “Everything happening for a reason”, or similar concepts? Blood Raven - What is the bloodiest act of violence your muse has ever committed?
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Ooooh, so many juicy questions! thank you kindly anon!
I think Link would be able to survive tbh. He's a kid from the forest, he knows what's good to eat and what isn't, he was able to carve himself a slingshot in the manga ( which I don't know if it's canon to the blog but still ), and he had pretty good endurance. I do think his natural desire to explore would eventually do him in; going where it isn't safe and having to run away from monsters and such... if that's part of the equation, I just naturally assumed you meant Hyrulean wilderness, which means monsters.
As far as fate goes, I'm unsure. He's a prophicized hero, so it would make sense that he does. I think, in both timelines, he thinks of it more as the Goddesses' Will than anything as strict as my understanding of Fate or Destiny. That's how I explain the Downfall Timeline; the Goddesses played a trick into the fight and caused Link to lose. Ocarina of Time's Zelda is called the 'princess of destiny' so it's a concept in Hyrule, but my Link isn't really of Hyrule... does the Circle of Life count as fate/destiny? I suppose the ultimate answer is yes, but it's not preordained. The gods simply decide things will happen as they come up.
Okay we're gonna talk violence now so if that bothers you don't click on the read more cool?
Cool. I can think of a couple of battles that would've been very bloody. He's also been in the events of Hyrule Warriors and Soul Calibur 2 so there's room to play around there. I'm gonna talk about a few that spring to mind and hope that satisfies your curiosity.
Starting off strong, I think the canonical bloodiest would be Volvagia's fight in OoT. He was literally smashing in the dragon's head with a hammer. Realistically that would be pretty bloody and grotesque; Volvagia's skull should be nothing but mush after all that.
Sticking with OoT, his fight with Ganondorf actually has blood in it so there's also that to put forward. I think the fight with Ganon would've been a terrible battle, with Link slowly running out of option to do damage to the best until Zelda was able to do her thing. I like to think that Ganon's tail was a bleeding, broken mess from all the abuse it took from Link trying to kill him by exploiting that particular weak spot. Cutting right into someone's head is also pretty hardcore...
Finally for this post, I'd like to say that Fierce Deity finishing off Majora would've also been pretty hardcore. Just cold butchery; slicing up the demonic mask like so much butter until it stops moving and even then stamping on the pieces until Tatl was able to snap him out of it long enough to take off the mask... this blog's interpretation of Majora's Mask goes a little darker.
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
We Belong Together
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Request: Can you do one where Johnny is cuddling with y/n and they ask what he sees in them, then he tells them how much he loves them?
WARNING(S): Mentions of abuse It was a cool summer night, and by far one of the best nights you've had in a long time. The lighting in your bedroom was dim, you had your window cracked open to let in a small breeze. The temperature earlier that day was excruciatingly hot, but now that the sun was down it was perfect. The record player on your nightstand was playing "We Belong Together" by Richie Valens. You and your best friend Johnny were huge fans of the singer, so you figured it was appropriate you play one of his records while John was over.
You're mine And we belong together You were laying in your bed with Johnny's sleeping figure on top of you, he was in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your torso. You softly hummed along to the lyrics while your fingers raked through his raven locks, a permanent blush tainted your cheeks due to how close the both of you were in the moment. His warm cheek was pressed against your collar bone as small snores escaped past his lips, he looked relaxed for once. You had known Johnny for quite a while, and you've cuddled with him multiple times before, but tonight just felt different.
Yes, we belong together For eternity You couldn't help but feel guilty for having such a good time, because the whole reason the boy was in your bed was because things got really bad at home again. Usually he goes to the lot or to the Curtis house at times like these, but this was the first time he ever showed up at your house in the middle of the night. You weren't clueless about the abuse he faced at home, if anything you spent most of your time worrying about him whenever he wasn't around. Thoughts of Johnny clouded your mind more often than you'd like to admit, which almost felt wrong because you knew that "normal" friends don't constantly think about how handsome their other friends are. The feelings you had for him were more, you finally came to terms with that, but the last thing you wanted to do was spring something like that on him while he was sobbing in your arms. Needless to say, waking up to see his broken expression staring back at you through your window ripped your heart into shreds.
You're mine Your lips belong to me You closed your eyes and breathed in deeply, savoring the moment as much as humanly possible. If only the both of you could just stay here locked away in your room forever. "Yes, they belong to only me." You sang quietly, one of your hands moved down from his hair to his back to rub his shoulders. "For eternity." A low groan erupted from the sleeping boy as he began to stir in his sleep. You immediately removed your hands from him and laid them by your sides awkwardly, afraid you had made him feel uncomfortable. "Mmm..." Johnny hummed He lazily lifted his head from your chest to look up at you. A smile tugged at your lips upon the sight of his messy hair and half-asleep state. He was an angel. "Why'd you stop?" He asked, his voice sounding foreign to you. It was deeper and scratchier than usual, it sent shivers down your spine. "S-Stop what?" "You was rubbin' my head." He grumbled before burying his face in your neck. "It felt nice." "Oh." Your hands shakily returned to massage his scalp, Johnny let out a content sigh. The feeling of his breath fanning your neck sent goosebumps flooding over your skin. You're my, my baby And you'll al-al-always be "I'm sorry if my god awful singin' in your ear woke you up." You joked. Johnny let out a breathy laugh, "You didn't wake me, doll." Doll, such a simple nickname yet you yearned for it to have a significant meaning behind it. "Okay." You whispered. I swear by everything I own You'll always, always be mine 'Oh if only it were that easy, Richie.' You thought to yourself. "You okay?" "Hm?" "You alright?" He asked you again. You laughed, "I think I'm the one thats supposed to be askin' you that. Don't worry about me, John. You got enough stress as it is." His arms untangled themselves from around you and moved underneath your pillow, it felt like he was cradling your head in his hands. You were now running your fingertips up and down his back, lightly dragging your nails every now and then. "I always worry about you." He admitted. Your heart was doing summersaults in your chest at this point. Why was every little gesture-- every word affecting you as much as it did? He wasn't making this easy at all. You mentally cursed at yourself as tears began to prick your eyes, you hastily blinked them away.
You're mine And we belong together "Johnny." "Yeah?" "What... What do you see in me?" You regretted your words as soon as they left your mouth. Your hands unintentionally stopped running along his back and you could've sworn you felt him tense up. The both of you silently embraced each other while your question hung heavy in the air. As more seconds passed your anxiety sky rocketed, all you could think about was the possibility that you just ruined your relationship with your best friend. You cleared your throat nervously, "Uh, never mind. Forget I said anything." "Well... I see a good friend." He finally answered. Your heart dropped into your ass at his statement. Jesus christ, the friend zone-- "I care about you a lot." He continued. "You've done a lot for me and you're one of the best people... if not the best person in my life." Yes, we belong together For eternity The song ended, now the room was really quiet. Once he realized you weren't saying anything he propped himself up to look at you. He could immediately tell by the look on your face that something was bothering you. "Hey..." He was fully sat up in between your legs now, "Whats the matter?" By now you were even more upset due to him pulling away, you just wanted to hold him a little bit longer before he went away. You hated yourself for even saying anything. Your brain wracked for any excuse you could use but it was no use, it was too late to take it back and you couldn't lie to him. "I love you." You admitted. His eyes softened as he looked down at you, you looked absolutely horrified. Before he could even respond you spoke again. "I don't mean as friends either..." Your eyes averted his gaze. "It's okay if you don't feel the same, I won't be weird about it or anythin'." He shook his head and snickered, "You didn't even let me answer you, honey." "Honey?" "Y/N." He smirked at you, making you roll your eyes. He was definitely getting a kick out of your embarrassment, yet you almost don't even mind because it seemed to be cheering him up. "I love you too." Your eyes widened in pure shock, you could've sworn your ears were playing tricks on you. "I love you." He continued. "You are my best friend, you make me happy, and I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you in my life." You didn't even notice you started crying until he swiped under your eyes with the pad of his thumbs. "Are you sure you're not just sayin' that cuz you feel bad?" You sniffled. "Oh stop it." He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth, you were still so shocked you couldn't even reciprocate the kiss. He laid back down, only this time he was on the side of you and he pulled you against him so that he was spooning you. You felt him place another kiss on the back of your head. "I love you." He told you again. "I love you too." You murmured in disbelief. He paused for a moment, as if he was debating the next thing he was going to say. If you didn't know any better you would think he fell asleep, but you could tell he was awake just by his breathing. "You're my girl, right?" His voice was so small you almost didn't hear him. Butterflies were in an absolute frenzy in your stomach. If this was a dream, you certainly wouldn't mind if you never woke up. The feeling of Johnny's finger rubbing soothing circles on your hip reminded you that this was in fact real. "Of course."
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
The “One” Divided Into “Two”
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Hello anons, hello friend,
these asks can be answered together!
First of all:
Hello! I just want to say that I love your RWBY metas! So I'm wondering, have you ever done metas about Emerald and Mercury?
Thank you! And yes, I have written a little bit about Mercury and Emerald here. I would also recommend this wonderful meta by @hamliet because it has an interesting Mercury theory in it.
Now. this answer is gonna mix some analysis with speculation because Emerald and Mercury’s story must still enter its climax. Once it does and we are given a specific interpretative key I will be happy to write more metas on them!
I’ll start with this:
Those two are so out of place in Salem's faction and the last look they share made me doubt that Mercury is rotten to the core and more of a kid who didnt know what he's in for. Since Em has switched sides, is it possible that Merc might follow? I really like him, so I'm hoping that he won't go down like Watts.
In my opinion, yes and here is why.
1) Emerald and Mercury have been child-coded since their first appearance:
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Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!
2) Both have received a save the cat moment early on:
Emerald: It's almost sad.
Mercury: Emerald, get up, we need to go. (...) Emerald!
Both child-coding and save the cat moments are often used to make characters more sympathetic and this applies to both Emerald and Mercury, even more so than Cinder.
This is why, for example, the major death they are directly involved in:
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turns out to be a temporary one.
As a side note, I like thinking of Emerald and Mercury as the Cat and the Fox in Penny’s story since they act as false friends to the main cast, betray them and cause Penny’s first death. Moreover, in the novel, both characters end up suffering consequences for their life-styles. The two murder kids are the same:
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At the same time, details about Emerald and Mercury’s backgrounds and motivations are given to the viewers pretty early on:
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We are shown Cinder recruiting both and these scenes clearly paint them as two vulnerable kids that get manipulated and groomed:
Raven: Two children you’ve tricked into following you.
Emerald is presented as a scaredy cat and Cinder wins her over by promising the bare minumum aka some security and basic care.
Mercury is given even less aka a narrative to keep himself together:
Cinder: And you're his son. We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well.
Mercury: Guess so.
Cinder: What's your name?
Mercury: Mercury.
Cinder: Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?
Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Just felt like it was meant to be.
Cinder praises his abilities and frames his trauma as something that makes him strong, not broken. And Mercury has completely embraced this narrative since then.
In short, Emerald and Mercury are framed as two kids lost in an illusory narrative Cinder has crafted. That said, they are also characters in a proper narrative and they are given sympathetic backgrounds and positive qualities that hint they can be better than they currently are.
In particular, Emerald should overcome her emotional dependence on others to make the right thing:
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In both volume 3 and volume 8 she is shown the destruction of a city. However, the first time she puts distance between herself and others’ pain, as symbolically conveyed by her looking from above. In volume 8, though, she is shown the same pain up close and she can’t ignore it anymore. This is why the others drag Emerald towards the people crying and light invades the screen when she finally meets the sheltered crew. She is forced to face an uncomfortable truth she wants to ignore.
Mercury should instead let himself depend on others more. He should open up to others and fight for his one positive bond:
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Mercury: Back off, freak.
Which leads us to:
What do you like most about Emerald and Mercury's relationship and bond as it is explored in RWBY?
Emerald and Mercury’s bond being a key one is conveyed both symbolically and in terms of their respective abilities.
When it comes to their abilities, I have written about it in the meta linked above:
In short, Emerald mostly relies on her semblance, while Mercury mostly relies on his legs and fighting prowess.
This detail adds to the idea that Emerald and Mercury have been acting as a unit and have been complementing each other. Emerald acts as the “soul” and Mercury as the “body”.
The soul is one’s personal essence (like the semblance). It is where (once again) wishes reside. The body is what protects the soul and is animated by instincts and self-survival.
They complement each other. This complementarity is shown in Emerald and Mercury’s fights.
In the Vytal festival, Mercury takes on both Coco and Yatsuhashi for a short while, so that Emerald can size her chance to fight Coco at her own terms (and she wins by using her semblance).
In the Battle of Heaven, Emerald uses her semblance to help Mercury fight and, in a sense, she compensates for his lack of one:
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The human soul is about wishes, but also duties:
Penny: I feel like I wish I could do both the things I need to do and the things I want to do. Is that normal?
One must accept their feelings, but also struggle with them:
Winter: But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we’re on the right path. It’s what makes us human.
And must do the right thing out of their own free will:
Winter: Penny. The general is making hard choices so we don’t have to.
This is Emerald’s personal struggle. She must let go of her feelings for Cinder and fight her own fear in order to do the right thing.
The human body lets people feel both others’ warmth:
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And others’ cruelty:
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However, Mercury refuses to feel both. He refuses to truly process his own trauma and pushes his feelings of care for Emerald away:
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As far as their symbolism goes, they are linked in at least three different ways.
1) One of the attributes of the Roman god Mercury is that he is the protector of thieves and Emerald’s surname capitalized means thief. What is more:
Mercury: Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!
2) Mercury/Hermes is also the god of alchemy and the one who wrote the Emerald Tablet aka a tablet with the truth of alchemy on it. You, @hamliet​, have written a meta on it, so I won’t add more.
3) According to at least some traditions, emerald is the gemstone associated with the planet Mercury.
So, it is clear the two characters are meant to be important in each other’s arcs.
Let’s now look at Emerald and Mercury’s bond, as it is explored through their interactions.
Mercury clearly cares about Emerald and gets along well with her. She is the only person he shows vulnerability to.
This is what their scene in Lost is about:
Emerald: Why did you come with us, the night Cinder and I found you?
Mercury: Why are you asking--
Emerald: Just answer the question.
Emerald is trying to open herself up and wants Mercury to open up too. This is why she gets annoyed when Mercury gives her a superficial answer. Still, in that conversation, Mercury is genuinelly trying to answer Emerald’s feelings:
Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me! He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his! "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!" He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am. You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be!
Here, Mercury is telling Emerald details of his past he would not be sharing if he did not trust her. He can’t let himself be completely vulnerable, though, so he discloses them by lashing out at Emerald. He mixes violence with authentic vulnerability and also with care:
Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!
He has seen how self-destructive Emerald can get when it comes to Cinder:
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And he is trying to have Emerald move on from her obsession.
However, Mercury’s small steps towards opening up and caring for another person are constantly challenged:
Tyrian: Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others.
Mercury: How long have you been standing there?!
The moment he opens up to Emerald, Tyrian appears to threathen and mock him.
Mercury’s positive development lies in accepting his own feelings of pain and in sharing them with others, so that he can be helped. However, the environment he is in goes in the way of it:
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Emerald: Mercury, I wanted to...
Here, Emerald is trying to either apologize to Mercury for their fight or to at least check out on him. Still, Mercury is not listening to her because he is too frightened by what Salem is doing.
Mercury’s current struggle is conveyed in a nutshell by the glance he gives to his left in Midnight:
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Is he looking at Emerald out of concern?
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Or at Salem out of caution?
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It is not clear. Still, what is sure is that Mercury should focus on Emerald, but Salem goes in the way. He deep down wants to care about others, but he is too scared to do so:
Tyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.
At the same time, Mercury is for Emerald what she has been looking for in Cinder:
Emerald: We don't need him! Everything was going fine!
She initially refuses him, but it is clear that with time Mercury becomes the thing most similar to a family Emerald has:
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She has been so fixated on Cinder and on how she can be worthy of Cinder’s love that she has missed how much Mercury has tried to protect her all along.
This is why Hazel is important for Emerald’s development:
Hazel: No more Gretchens, boy.
His sacrifice is about breaking his personal cycle of pain. His story starts with Gretchen dying when she was only a girl and it ends with him preventing another girl’s death. At the same time, he also helps breaking the cyle of abuse between Emerald and Cinder.
Emerald is told the truth about her relationship with Cinder by Mercury. Moreover, it seems something finally clicks for her here:
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She observes Salem’s manipulation of Cinder and understands Cinder has been manipulating her in the same way.
However, it is thanks to Hazel’s sacrifice that Emerald sees what a genuine parental bond should be like. It should be about the parent protecting the child:
Hazel: What Gretchen would have done. And that starts with getting you away from here. Both of you.
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And not the child protecting the parent:
Emerald: I know I can’t beat you. But I can fill that thing full of holes before you take me down.
It should be about the parent caring for the child unconditionally:
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Hazel: Go.
And not about the child working hard to gain a parent’s love:
Cinder: You… You brought me back here. We failed.
Emerald: Cinder, you were hurt. I was just trying to help.
At the same time, Hazel’s death has taught Emerald the pain of losing a loved one:
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And has forced Emerald to stand on her own two legs:
Oscar: I've seen what you can do, Emerald. However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you.
She can’t be protected forever, but she should start protecting others. She is powerful enough to do so and she must accept this responsibility.
I think Emerald could be key to Mercury's redemption
I think so too. Emerald saving Mercury is the perfect objective for her personal arc. It forces her to act as the savior instead of the one being saved.
Moreover, Mercury told her the truth about herself:
Mercury: You're in denial.
So Emerald might do the same for Mercury. This would also fit with her being the Emerald Tablet. The Tablet is written by Mercury to convey the truth to the world. Here, it might very well be the inverse: the Emerald Tablet might convey the truth to Mercury.
In general, Mercury and Tyrian’s foiling has to pay off, just like Emerald and Hazel’s:
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The set-up is there for Tyrian and Mercury’s subplot to be about breaking cycles as well. Mercury’s story is about a child left alone with his abuser. Nobody comes to save him, so Mercury is forced to save himself by killing Marcus. Still, this only leads to him being stuck in the idea he is nothing, but an extension of his father. Right now, the cycle is repeating, but it is possible this time things will go differently because there is at least one person who cares about him.
Not only that, but (and this is nothing, but a baseless theory) even Qrow (aka a character who has unfinished business with Tyrian) might be a thematic fit to help Mercury:
Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.
After all, Mercury himself draws a comparison between Qrow and his father since they are both alcoholic. However, Qrow has started a journey of rehabilitation for the sake of his nieces and their friends.
Qrow sees himself as bad for others and fundamentally unlucky because of his background and his semblance. So, his third fight with Tyrian being about saving a kid, who, in a sense, is even less lucky than him and has no semblance might be thematically fitting.
Despite it all, Qrow found a family and a place to belong and he might help Mercury find his (Emerald) as well.
Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
Emerald’s best weapon is her semblance, while Mercury’s semblance was stolen, so he could become a weapon.
This difference symbolizes their respective reactions to abuse.
Emerald uses her illusions as a coping mechanism.
This mechanism is well conveyed in CEM’s fight against Amber:
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On one hand, Emerald creates a child version of herself who is well dressed and owns a bike. It is a rich version of Emerald because she must think that is the kind of child others would stop by to help. She does not believe she is likable or lovable. This is why she makes an illusory alter-ego, which is both true (she deep down is a crying child) and false (she is a street rat with nothing).
In general, this is Emerald’s way to approach others:
Emerald: Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!
Ren: Because she's scared. Just like us..
Emerald: Or maybe because I know how to get out of here. Anybody coming?
She either fakes an overly friendly demeanor or acts tougher than she is. In any case, she hides her true self.
On the other hand, Emerald is symbolically trapping herself in an illusion together with Amber. Amber can’t see the dangerous thief in front of her, but Emerald too can’t see the generous woman who is offering food to a crying child:
Cinder: Follow me, and you’ll never be hungry again.
Cinder promises Emerald food and love and this lie makes the girl unable  to see the genuine article when it is right there.
So Emerald tricks both others and herself. This is how she survives abuse.
This is why she keeps believing in Cinder while she is gone:
Emerald: You’re here! I knew you’d co--
And this is why symbolically her semblance grows stronger in an abusive environment:
Emerald: I’ve been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won’t tell anybody.
Salem: You really have been honing that Semblance of yours.
After all, this is when Emerald gets a “power-up”:
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She has just lost Cinder and finds herself stuck with Salem. Her reaction is to have a breakdown and to project an illusion in the minds of nine people, when she had previously stated she could only do one/two minds at most.
Mercury weaponizes his trauma.
This is why his legs are Mercury’s true weapon, while Talaria is there just to cover and embellish the pain and ugliness under it.
Mercury fights Amber with only its bare legs because symbolically his trauma is still fresh and he has yet to work out a structured coping mechanism to it. His meeting with Cinder is the first step in this construction that evolves in the following months and is still evolving:
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In CEM’s fight against Amber, Mercury uses his unfeeling legs to whitstand the violence of the elements:
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Earth and Water
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He goes through the whole cycle without feeling any pain simply because his trauma has made him unfeeling:
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun
Marcus has literally turned Mercury into Iron:
But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
Still, the point is that mercury as a metal is not as hard as iron, but (in the alchemical scale of metals) is way more refined and closer to gold. Mercury can be better than his father, but his way to survive abuse is to repress himself.
This is why his semblance was stolen by his abuser. It is because abuse has taken away Mercury’s personhood.
So, both Emerald and Mercury face abuse by masking or repressing themselves. The difference is a matter of degree. Mercury can suppress his emotions and needs more, while Emerald can’t.
Theirs is a foiling about feeling too much to the point of self-harm and of feeling too little to the point of negation.
So, Emerald must struggle with her feelings not to be controlled by them, while Mercury must aknowledge them.
Emerald’s Hallucinations is a Semblance of The Self because it hides both Emerald herself and the truth.
This is interesting because, as stated above, the Emerald Tablet should convey the truth about alchemy. However, Emerald’s environment has turned her into an inversion of herself:
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one
She is a gemstone, but is currently covered in dirt. She needs to polish herself, so she can shine and fit better in her allusion.
Mercury’s stolen semblance is a Semblance of The Self because it is linked to Mercury’s self-expression, which he must claim back.
Until then, he is bound to be stuck in an abusive cycle as nothing, but a weapon.
In general, there is some symbolism around Mercury which needs unpacking:
Mercury quoting Marcus:"This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!"
Firstly, he has clearly interiorized what his father told him here. He refuses the idea of weakness and crutches to the point that his prosthetics, which are literal crutches get turned into weapons and even covered by other weapons. However, this refusal of crutches means Mercury can’t heal. After all, crutches, bandages and treatment are necessary to become healthy once again.
Secondly, there is this: 
I'll run circles round ya, I can touch the sky
The God Mercury’s main attribute is that he can overcome any boundary. He can go wherever he wants in no time. However, Mercury is the opposite because no matter what, he can’t leave his abusive environment. This has to do once again with his father’s abuse which culminated with Marcus taking Mercury’s legs. This is symbolically why Mercury is trapped.
Like for Emerald, Mercury’s arc should be about growing into his allusion, so that he can finally be free.
Still, how to turn Emerald and Mercury in the positive versions of their allusions? The answer has to do with this question:
(I think Emerald could be key to) maybe Cinder's (redemption) too
Emerald and Mercury are two parts of the individual (body and soul) and two parts of a Huntsman (semblance and weapon):
Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior's Semblance is a part of who they are.
Ruby: Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool.
Together they make a unit. Together they make Cinder. They are two sides of her trauma, her two sins:
Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?
And the wounds behind those sins.
This is why Cinder takes them in, but also why she abuses them.
She uses them as weapons:
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In CEM’s fight against Amber she lets them go in first and has them take the majority of Amber’s hits.
Not only that, but she uses them as “red herrings” she hides behind.
She acts as if Amber’s blow takes her out of the fight, while Amber focuses on Mercury who resists her attack:
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She has Emerald display her semblance at full force, so that the girl becomes Amber’s first target:
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She makes her own illusion where Emerald and Mercury are her smokescreen.
However, her two disciples are not just things she can use as she pleases. They are two people who depend on her:
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Mercury: You mean--
Emerald: She's alive?
They are literally two kids she takes in framing their relationship as parental/hierarchical hence she is responsible for them.
However, she fails them and leaves them in a dangerous environment. This is why they both leave her out of self-survival.
Narratively, Emerald and Mercury are two kids that must grow up. Right now, they are in some kind of adolescent phase. They have started their emancipation from their “parent”, but they have still to grow until they’ll be able to truly face Cinder.
It will probably be in this confrontation that they will affirm their growth. Right now, Cinder does not need to be coddled, but to be called out. Both Neo and Watts try to, but Cinder ignores them and retaliates against them. She needs a call out she can’t ignore and Emerald and Mercury are too rooted in who she deep down is for her to be unaffected by them.
At the same time, it would mark Mercury and Emerald’s first step into adulthood. Only then they can stop being a “half” and can truly become “one”, so a whole person.
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Waiting For A Star To Fall
Nikolai x Selina
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: minor angst and fluff, oral sex (m/f receiving), brief thigh riding, penetration, use of sex toys, language gif by @vousnavezrienvu
A/N: Selina and Nikolai's first date turns into more than they ever imagined. 
This took a stupid amount of time to write and became a pure labor of love. Thank you @magic-multicolored-miracle and @neuroticpuppy for being with me the ENTIRE way.  And @bisexualnathanyoung and @forenschik for being my guinea pig
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September 1992
Selina’s phone rang, but Sunny beat her to it as he threw himself over the arm of the futon in her minuscule apartment.  His elbow rammed into the wall, and Selina insisted he deserved it.
There was a momentary pause.  Selina stood cross-armed with a frown on her face.
“I don't recall anyone with that name living here.  It's just my sister, myself, and the guy from the sixth floor who was murdered in 1985.” 
He waved her off,  “Why would I be fucking with you?  You called here.  My sister didn't give you this number, she's a virtual nun!  She's not one to take up with strange foreign men.”
Selina launched herself at her little brother.  He held the cordless phone above his head and levitated the ten feet towards the ceiling.  His legs curled up underneath so she couldn't grab him by the ankle. 
“EVOLUTIONARY ADVANTAGE!” he shouted and stuck out his tongue.  “You were saying?”
“You aren't evolution!  You're a science experiment that was implanted in our mother by The Men In Black.”
“Low blow.” Sunny flipped Selina off and went back to the caller.  “I mean that may or may not be the woman you ravished lakeside.  I know my sister is her own woman.  You scandalized her though.  I think you made her feel.. feelings.  Rude.” 
He held up his hand.  “HEY! I can speak Russian you know.”  And then Sunny did for the next several minutes occasionally glancing down at his sister.  
Finally, he came back to the couch and held out the receiver to Selina.  “It's for you.  He's very perturbed, and Slavic.  And sexy.”
She yanked the phone from her brother and flipped him off.  “Klaus should've left you in 1989.”  Her voice softened and her cheeks flushed as she finally answered, “Hi.” 
Sunny hovered a few feet off the ground as Selina blabbered on in flirtatious Russian.  He sneered and poked fun at the way his sister wound her finger up in her hair and then released it.  When that didn't work, craving her attention, he began to hold an imaginary conversation with an exaggerated Russian accent.  
Selina threw the first thing she could at her little brother.  The remote control sailed across the room at Sunny who simply held up his hand, palm towards his sister.  The remote hung in the air like he did.  Then he narrowed his eyes which caused the object to lower to the floor. Selina sighed and returned to the conversation. 
“Wait, you wanna take me out?”  A pause.  “You don't have to repay me.  I'm just practicing for when I'm ethically obligated to save someone.” Pause. “Arsonists and thieves too!”  Selina smiled wide as the flames licked her cheeks and ears now.  “How attractive you are doesn't alter Samaritan laws, Nikolai.” 
Sunny rolled his eyes flabbergasted at how his sister’s entire demeanor changed the moment she began to speak to the Russian from Sway Lake.  She was being coy.  Dare he say seductive as she ignored everything he managed to garner attention.  
Sunny had always been the object of his sister’s devotion.  EVERYONE’S devotion really.  As the youngest of eight “children,” it was his birthright.  Now here he was, slowly becoming Selina’s third favorite person.  Not a single soul, no matter how rakish or good in bed, would ever replace Leon. 
“Sure.  Yeah, I’d like that.”  Selina had a dopey grin on her face.  “Tonight?!  I mean can you even get reservations?”  “Trust you?  I don't know why I should, but I guess I will.  I'll meet you there. Do svidaniya, Nik.. KOLYA.”  
Selina hung up the phone and threw a pillow this time at Sunny.  He crashed to the floor having been caught off guard and rubbed his ass.  
“I AM HUMAN!! I'M JUST.. Super.” 
“Super egotistical.”
“I can't help that the love of our parents turned me into a badass.” 
“I just pray Reginald never finds you.  You're the success to his failure with Klaus.”  Selina meant that last bit with her entire being.  “Now get out, I've a date tonight.” 
“Nikolai, I can't run that fast in these boots!”  Selina yelled as she desperately tried to catch up to her date.  She could hear a fast-approaching man behind her yelling obscenities in a dialect she wasn't familiar with.  Bulgarian or Lithuanian maybe. 
He stopped at the corner.  “We are wearing the same ones, look how fast I'm moving.  I think it must be the several rum and cokes you had.  Come,” Nikolai held out his hand, “we will go faster together.” 
Selina rolled her eyes but linked her hand with his.  Nikolai took off, and she started to laugh.  The exhilaration and adrenaline coursed through her veins.  Never in a million years would she have imagined dining and ditching.  
Nik was so calm as he spoke to the waiter in the dialect they were being bellowed at.  He never blinked.  Then the waiter nodded, took something from him and walked away.  Nikolai stood and clasped Selina’s hand and began to make his way towards the door. 
“Nikolai, shouldn't you pay?” 
There was a slight shake to his head.  He never looked back, just kept going with Selina tight to his side.  They made it to the door before they both had to give chase. 
Selina swung out into the street.  She waved and whistled loudly at an oncoming taxi.  To her shock, it stopped to pull over for them.  Nik was incredulous but had no choice except join his date as she yanked him inside the cab.  
“Bleecker and Christopher, please,” she instructed the taxi driver.  Selina turned to the Russian beside her,  “Are we going to break the law EVERY time we're together?”  
“Yes.  Like a new Bonnie and Clyde.”  Nikolai lifted the hand Selina hadn't realized he was still holding.  His lips brushed the back of it, “Without being shot to death by the FBI.” 
Selina's heart pounded in her ears.  She couldn't remember seeing anyone look attractive in the color orange.  Yet here was the man beside her, currently with a look she could only describe as voracious, pulling it off.  Her cheeks grew hot under the weight of his stare. 
“What?!” came out in an embarrassing giggle. 
“I cannot look at something beautiful?” 
“You don't have to lay it on THAT thick.  I'm taking you back to my apartment already.” 
“I'm not trying to trick you, Lina.  I think you are beautiful. I almost blew my own mission.  Especially under the moonlight.  You made me forget what I was doing.  Your willingness to allow me to do unspeakable things to your body helped,” he teased.  
Selina decided to play coy as the taxi stopped in front of her building.  “Let's see what happens under this month’s full moon.” 
Selina and Nikolai on the fire escape outside her living room window.  Selina a few beers in and a few steps above.  Nikolai nursing a beer of his own while settled between her knees.  His arm under her knee to snake around her calf.  His fingers mindlessly stroked her ankle to the naked foot dangling in his lap. 
They had fallen into a contented silence after nearly two hours of talking.  Sharing stories in Russian and English.  Nik’s curiosity about the photos and books and records she owned was endless.  Selina had a hard time keeping up and answering as he flitted along from keepsake to keepsake. 
Yes, that's Elton John.  Somehow he and her parents were old friends.  He dedicated “Your Song” to her parents every concert they went to.  Selina could never figure out why. 
The somehow dower, yet smiling man, with a giant cigar in his mouth that tossed Selina in the air while little Sunny hung from his back was her Godfather, Tom.  He had been a CIA agent that now lived in a cabin with his beautiful French wife, Ella.  That's where she had been  staying up at Sway Lake.  Yes he did always look like a lion with a thorn in his paw, but he was soft and kind and loving.  
The Lady Godiva on the horse was her mother, Honey, back when she frequented Studio 54.  Selina recalled her hair rivaled only Cher’s at that stage.  Raven colored and long enough to hide her naked body (barely) as she sat side saddle on the white mare.  Her head resting against the back of an equally nude man. Her one arm wrapped around his thin waist. 
Nope, Nik was totally not imagining things.  The man holding the reins did strongly resemble her brother and himself.  That was HER papa, Leon. His hair in perfectly wild curls to his shoulders. His face full of confidence and sex. 
The questions began to wear Selina down.  No one had ever been this inquisitive or interested in her life.  Her family.  Her.  The endless questions, punctuated by making out until their lips chapped, about her personally.  Then, between an anecdote about Luther and rollerskating and tongues fighting for dominance they stopped.  
Now Nikolai lifted Selina’s foot and kissed the top of it.  Then his mouth made its way up her shin.  When he reached her knee, Nik turned abruptly to face the woman behind him.  He set the bottle down on the windowsill before kneeling on the stairs.  He slid the hem of her dress up, fingers hooked into the fabric of her panties to tug them off.  He kissed her inner thigh before letting his tongue trace painfully slow along her sex. 
Selina could only grasp the railing.  Her fingers curved around the cold metal and she cried out in pleasure as Nikolai slipped his tongue inside of her.  
It slid in and out before eventually discovering her clit.  His hands on her ass so that he could pull her onto his face.  Encourage her to ride him as his tongue flicked in circles and then snaked in and out. 
Selina started to lose herself.  Her free hand tugged at Nik’s hair while her hips bucked and the spark grew.  She twitched and cried out louder as his mouth and tongue worked faster.  She opened her eyes to look down at the man keen to make her cum. 
Almost as if he could feel her eyes on him, Nikolai looked up at Selina.  She felt strange, shameless and used her own thumb to wipe away what was on his lips.  She sucked on it briefly then grabbed Nik by the shirt towards her.  Wanting for a kiss.  
Selina revelled in the way she tasted on his lips and inside her own mouth.  Like beer and bitterness.  She had never done that before Nikolai and the lake.  She wanted to do it again, and every time he went down on her.  She wanted to put him in her mouth.  To suck and lick and make him bend and writhe.  
She could, she thought, now.  Selina pushed Nik away at arms length meaning to have him sit on the stairs so she could give him head.  Her fingers deft at the belt buckle and buttons on his pants. She laughed full of nerves as he fumbled, THE OVERCONFIDENT RUSSIAN FUMBLED!! 
Nikolai fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt before he finally came loose.  He yanked his pants and boxers over his hips and held his cock in his hand. Nik parted her legs and started to push inside, but Selina held up her hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Do you not want me to have sex with you?”  He was more shocked than angry. 
Selina ran her hands over his chest and stomach then up around his neck.  “I very much want to fuck you.” Nikolai huffed, but Selina continued, “I mean I've seen you naked and can't get over how fucking sexy you are.”  
“Then what is wrong?  Not here?  Maybe this is not comfortable for you.  We’ll go inside.”  He stood and held out his hand.
“It's probably the same as fucking on a bunch of sticks and acorns.”
Nikolai sniffed again at the use of the word “fucking.”  “Then what is wrong?”
Selina stood and climbed in through the windows.  Her date followed.  “There's an international health crisis.   A incurable disease that passes mostly via sex and fluids?” she shouted from her room as she rummaged through drawers. 
“Do you mean The..AIDS?  Is that not for,” he chose his words carefully, “The gay men?” 
Selina could tell Nik was more confused than anything.  She heard this all the time at the clinic where she volunteered. “Or you could be bisexual or pansexual like my brothers.  Contract it from a man and pass it to a female partner.”  
She appeared in the living room now with a small foil package.  “Or an IV drug user, also like my brother, and get it that way.” 
Selina started to unwrap the condom without noticing that Nikolai was standing completely nude in her living room.  “This is usually where most guys bail.  They're not interested in protection or rubbers.  Mostly just a pump and..” she looked up and paused in her tracks. She was distracted by his body and neck and eyes and jawline.  “Christ on a cracker.”
“What?”  he chuckled.  
“Sorry! I know. I know.  AIDS talk is a bummer.  I get this close to just.. sitting on a dick and I panic?  Everyone in my family got the sexual confidence memo but me.” 
“Why are you panicking now?  You did not freak out by Sway Lake.”  
Nikolai couldn't help the teasing in his voice.  He reached out for Selina to draw her close to his body.  His knee inside of her thighs just like that night.  
Now he unzipped and helped her out of the dress.  “I think it's very sexy when you talk like a nurse. So smart and commanding.”  His hands ran over her bare back and down to her ass as he brushed his nose along her neck up to her ear.  He nipped at the lobe, “That can be very erotic putting a condom on.” 
“Nik,” Selina could only squeak out.  Her body involuntarily started to rock back and forth. 
“It's Kolya.  In Russian we use end of names,” he breathed in her ear.  “Like your sister, Vanya.   Little Ivan.”
“Ok,” Selina didn't want to hear about Vanya right now.  Or Klaus.  Or Diego.  Instead she got down on her knees.  The condom was still in her hand as she used the other to hold his erection towards her mouth.
“Lina, what are you doing?”  
She looked up through her bangs, her tongue darted out to trace around the head of the cock.  “Sucking your dick.  What else does it look like?”  She took it fully in her mouth, letting the tip hit the back of her throat.  
“Fuck,” he mumbled in Russian.  “Dorogoya, stop.”  
Selina sat back with a popping sound, “Did I do it wrong?  I'm like, the LEAST experienced person in this family.”
“You don't have to be an expert.  A blow job is a blow job, we can practice another time.  I want to be inside of you.  And I have been very patient.”
Selina stood, but Nikolai lifted her completely off the ground.  She wrapped her arms and legs around him as they stumbled towards the futon.  Mouths and tongues at war as Nik sat her down on the cushions.  Selina held eye contact as she expertly unrolled the condom down the length of his cock.  She kissed his stomach as he noticeably shuddered.  
Nikolai let his fingers caress Selina’s bottom lip before crawling on top of her.  She still held his erection in her hand as he threw one of her legs over his shoulder.  He held her bent knee to the side as she taunted him with her sex.  Guiding it just inside before digging her nails into his ass so that he buried himself to the hilt. 
Selina clawed at his back as Nik started to undulate.  Over and over, further inside each time.  Their bodies rocked wildly as Selina’s muscles started to shake from the position she was in.  She clung to him desperately as he searched for her neck and chest with his lips.  
Nikolai’s mouth devoured one of her breasts.  He sucked and bit at Selina’s nipple.  She cried out in shock at the sensation.  The sound egged him on to go harder.  
“So you like that too?” His voice raspy in her cleavage. His suckling and biting increased.  She mewled in reply. 
Selina was worried that it wasn't working.  That she couldn't or wouldn't orgasm.  Not like she did when he went down on her.  How she hung from the cliff.  
She WAS being pleasured.  Nikolai was hitting the right spots, but she was so nervous about what she looked like under the lamplight.  His rhythm and pounding, it was pounding, into her was unmatched.  She cried out with exaggeration to indicate she had cum hoping he wouldn't notice. 
“Fuck!” he cried out and propped himself up by the back of the futon.  
Nik’s body arched while his hips made circular motion.  He spasmed and shuddered as his body immediately went into shut down mode.  His face covered in a sheen of sweat as he pressed his forehead into Selina’s neck then pecked it a few times. 
“I.. am sorry, Lina.” There was disappointment in the Russian’s voice as he held the condom so he could pull out.
“For what?”   Her arms and legs still enclosed around his back and hips.  
“You did not.. cum,” Nik’s eyes searched the woman below him.  “I should have tried better.  I just was so turned on by you.”  He swept the damp hair away from her forehead. 
“You were fine!  It was good.  Really good.  I got in my own head is all.  Maybe next time?” 
“You mean later tonight,” he winked then pecked the tip of her nose. “I won't leave until you are honestly screaming my name.”  There were four dimples Selina counted in his smile.  
“Then we’ll sleep on it first.” 
Selina tip toed out to the kitchen both starved and thirsty.  She thought about Nikolai's playful threat about not leaving until she got off and chuckled to herself.  Then she peered around the wall to see him asleep on the futon.  His mouth slightly agape and one hand under his cheek. 
Would it be so bad with him around all the time? She thought as she cracked open a beer.  To not be alone when she came home from a shift?  How nice it would be to have conversations with someone not “related” in some form or another. 
And Nikolai was interested in Selina.  He still dodged questions about himself, answering straightforwardly with no details.  She knew it was because he didn't trust her just yet.  It wasn't like she didn't have secrets of her own, but the more open she COULD be, the more she knew Nik would reciprocate.  It had to be lonely with only one confidante. 
Selina turned around and jumped a mile in the air.  “Motherfucker!”
Nikolai was casually leaning against the doorway watching her contemplate life and drinking a beer.  “She IS very sexy,” he replied with a cheeky grin. 
Selina rolled her eyes and walked towards her kitchen table to keep distance between herself and the Russian.  As if she were daring him to chase her.  Nik made her feel so contradictory.  In control and submissive.  Safe yet dangerous.  Lustful.  
There was no opposite to that, she realized.  The light from her small kitchen window illuminated the lines and definition of his chest and shoulders.  The collarbone that met in the middle and moved up into his thick neck with its Adam's Apple bobbing along as he swallowed.  A sharp intake of breath before he clenched his jaw.  
Selina’s heart pumped into her ears as he casually reached across the table for her, but she ducked out of the way.  His eyebrows knit together in confusion as they danced around for only a few moments until she allowed him to grab her by the elbow.  Her world stood still as he took her in his arms, back to his chest. 
“I have been thinking, rypka, about our little challenge,” Nikolai settled one hand on her breast which he massaged lightly paying close attention to her nipple.  His mouth somewhere behind her ear as his other hand dropped to her sex. 
A finger found its way inside of Selina and she lost the air in her lungs.  It curved and hooked before making a lazy swirl around her clit.  “Already?” was all she managed.  Her nails closed around his wrist and urged him on. 
“I would like to try a different way of having sex with you.  I just don't want you to be offended.”  
Nik let go of Selina and placed her arms on the tabletop.  He spread her hands out; bent her forward so that her top half was pressed into the wood surface.  Then he grabbed her hips so that her ass was flush with his hardened cock.
“No anal,” she moaned.  “Wear a condom,” another instruction. “Bathroom shelf.” She grazed against him. 
“If you insist,” Nikolai replied in Russian. “I will obey.”  
There was a playful slap on Selina’s ass, and she felt herself swell and throb.  A first time for everything. If she enjoyed it, wet from the sting of being struck, it was.. genetic.  
Her brothers, father, even Honey mentioned the occasional pain got them going.  Klaus and Sunny with varying degrees of punishment.  She knew from eavesdropping or snooping that her parents preferred it light: spanking or hair pulling.  Maybe she did as well.  Too vanilla to ask.  Inexperienced to what she wanted from a partner. 
“Do it again?” Selina tried not to sound desperate as Nikolai tore into the condom wrapper.  She almost presented herself to him as she felt the smooth surface on her cheek.
“What?” he was distracted.  There was a strange snap of latex as he adjusted it.  Then taunted Selina with the head of his cock.  He rubbed it along her slit, marveling at how easy it was to slide in. 
“Hitting me?” she asked timidly. 
“Why would I hit you?” Nikolai was offended.  His hand flat on Selina's back as it traveled to her neck and hair.  His fingers combed and intertwined with her dark waves then lightly tugged. 
Selina braced herself as he lost himself up to the hilt.  Nikolai's pelvis met her ass and pulled out to just the tip.  He repeated this until he gained friction.  Her head and hips were his anchor so he could thrust quicker. Their bodies make a clapping noise. 
“My ass.  Like you did.  Hit it.”  She was willing to try anything.  Wanted to cum for him.  She knew she could, she did it alone all the time.
“Really?” Nik was surprised.  His pace was even faster and the table started to creak under the motion.  “Did you like it then?” His hand cracked her flesh but only slightly harder than before.  
Selina cried out.  Her sex ached and was swollen.  Nikolai did it one more time, but she could tell it wasn't really his thing.  Sensed that it bothered him to be serious about erotic corporal punishment.  Playing was different.  His hand did tighten in her hair to bend her head back. 
“I don't know,” was all he mumbled in Russian.  
The hand that spanked Selina now encompassed her own on the table.  He bent to kiss her shoulder as he found his breakneck rhythm. 
“Then just go harder,” Selina found her voice now.  She relaxed and allowed her body to take how deeply he penetrated her.  His cock at that angle hitting a spot she found mythical. 
Nikolai railed into Selina.  The table and their bodies shook almost violently as he pounded into her.  His shaft lost until she felt a pressure in her womb.  He stood straight and clutched at the thick of her hips.  Her curves she inherited from her mother.  They cushioned her as his body and cock pleased her.  That spark and wave rolled over Selina like on the couch.  
They weren't quiet.  Both forgetting about neighbors as Selina mewled and screamed out. Nikolai growled and uttered obscenities in his first language.  They were certain this would be it, that Selina would orgasm and Nik would feel satisfied that he could please her.  
Instead, his body violently shuddered as he exploded inside the condom.  His muscles and adrenaline gave way to Nik almost collapsing on top of Selina.  He faltered prior to catching her up in his arms again.  He held her and whispered apologies to her as they kissed. 
“Kolya,” she whispered back.  “It's fine.  I was really close.  We have other times to  experiment.”  Selina swept his damp curls back. 
Nikolai leaned into her hand, “You want to keep being with me?” 
“That's what dating is,” she laughed under her breath. “I like being with you.  I wanna know more about YOU though.  Come on,” Selina took his hand.  “Let's actually go to bed and talk.”
Selina reached blindly for Nikolai after her alarm went off.  Sitting up, she slammed the clock and turned to see an empty space on the side of the bed he had fallen asleep on. 
She knew he wasn't obligated to be there when she woke up.  This time waking up alone left a weird knot in her stomach.  
“Fuck,” she tossed herself back and threw a pillow over her head to scream.  Her arms and legs failed around like a toddler throwing a fit. 
How long was enough before she called him?  Would he just disappear now? Klaus called it, funnily enough, ghosting.  Why did everything Nik say tread a weird line between romantic and calculating?  And why did Selina want him to keep saying things, anything at all, to her? 
How does someone know they're falling in love? How did Honey and Leon?  Klaus and Dave.  Allison and Ray.  Diego and Patch or Lila.  Vanya and Sissy.  Uncle Tom and Aunt Ella.  Poor Luther.
Selina’s family had a knack for impulsive behavior when it came to attraction.  Her mom moved to a foreign country with a man she had slept with for money.  Klaus fought in Vietnam for a closeted man that kissed him once. Sunny went home with, to Selina’s chagrin, anyone who showered him with the simplest of affection. And Selina had laid down and spread her legs for a Russian committing arson.  
“Lina you are awake?” Nikolai asked from the other room. 
She threw a bathrobe on and wandered into the kitchen.  “You came back.”
Nik was reaching above her tiny sink for coffee mugs and plates.  “Did you not want me to?”
He set the dishes out and opened a box to pull out some pastries and bagels.  Then poured coffee and handed Selina the cup. 
“I wasn’t sure what you liked,” he offered her the plate.  “Greek, Italian and Russian,” a satisfied grin flashed across his face.
“Well that was kind of you,” she smiled back and helped herself to a cannoli and Russian tea cookie.  “Yes, I wanted you to come back. I think I kinda always do?” she questioned her own intentions with a mouthful of pastry. 
Nik leaned over and kissed Selina.  His tongue darted out to taste the sweet ricotta filling on her lips; she reciprocated.  Her own slipping to the back of his mouth to catch him off guard. Nik steadied himself on her hips. 
There was a muddled sound of pleasure when Selina’s fingers unbuttoned Nikolai’s shirt in expert time.  Their mouths never separated as she went to work on his belt and pants as he struggled to take his boots off. 
“This was not my plan for this morning,” Nik breathed heavily in Russian. 
“I'm just really interested in us reaching that goal,” Selina helped him out of his clothes.  
Kissing again, they could feel their lips start to chap already as Selina began backing Nik into her room until he hit the foot of her bed.  As he leaned back, she climbed on his lap.  Her hands seized his cock and settled it in the folds of her sex.  Selina rolled her hips.
“What are you doing!?” Nikolai could only cry out. Astonished by the lack of a condom.  
“I'm sick of being the safe one,” she raised up on her knees so that she was above him.  Her hands on his face and neck as she snaked her tongue to the back of his teeth again.  
Selina shoved him back on the bed and threw off her robe.  She straddled Nikolai like a woman possessed, took his hands and placed them on her breasts as she rode him.  Still not penetrated.
Nik lost himself for a moment.  He massaged the breasts.  One hand teased a nipple, pinched it,  before sitting up to devour it.  Selina held him to her chest, clung to the hair on the back of his head and pulled in her excitement.  Her fingers found the gnarly scar and she rocked harder on his lap. 
“I want you to fuck me until I cum.” 
Nikolai looked up and held her back, “It is not fucking at this point.  Not for me, Lina.  Also you must not compromise your principles for anyone.  I do not want this for you.”  
Selina groaned with exasperation.  Her walls were swollen and slick and wanting.  “It's not a compromise, Nik.  Everyone jumps in my family and trusts they’ll fly while I stand on the cliff pacing back and forth.” 
He blinked, mouth just slightly agape.  That face.  Selina knew that face.  She loved that face.  She loved this face. “Lina, you are extraordinary.  You don't need to have a big life just yet.  It will happen.” 
“Kolya,” her words softer now as she relaxed, “I love you.”
“Do you?!” a dopey grin spread across Nikolai's face.  “It is the same for me I think?  I've never done this, you know.  “That I love you.”  
He kissed Selina before turning under her to rummage around the nightstand drawer. “Now we will go back to the way you prefer?  If I need to I will get..” he stopped and held something aloft.  Now his smile and dimples were devilish. 
He studied it before making it buzz with a push of a button.  “Pocket Rocket?! Lina, are you secretly naughty?" he giggled. 
"I don't think it's a secret to you anymore,” she reached for it.  Her cheeks turned red. 
"Who do you fantasize about when you use it?" Nikolai held it to Selina’s breasts.  He watched with fascination as her nipples hardened.  He let it travel over her stomach and back up. 
Selina moaned and twisted. "You're just trying to get me to say you, but I've had it since I turned twenty.  So mostly you know.. Keanu Reeves..”  
“But not me?" his eyebrow cocked.  Nikolai traced the vibrator along her hips and over her pelvic bone.  
"Once in a while,” her words came out breathless.
"As a Russian, I'm already superior at using it because rocket?” he waggled his brows now.  “We can now?  With you on top?”
The toy found her slit and slid inside easily.  It buzzed and made the air rush out of Selina’s lungs.  She dug her nails into Nikolai's chest while he started to use the vibrator to have sex with her.  Found a pattern of in and out while she bucked and writhed.  
Selina reached back to anchor herself on one of Nik’s thighs. It allowed him better access to her clit.  He Marveled at the way she agonized under his hand as it manipulated her.  His free hand on her ass to coax her faster as SHE undulated now as he had done on the couch.  Her hips danced separately from her upper half.
Nikolai rolled Selina on her back all of a sudden.  Her hair hung off the bed as he propped up on an elbow.  He worked the vibrator in circles.  In and out of her slick walls before going after the clit.  
Selina got tangled up in the sheets as she felt a warmth spread from her stomach to her sex.  Her thighs started to tighten around Nik's hand as she thrust her hips off the bed.  Eyes clamped shut as the first wave washed over her body.  Neck exposed for him to suck and bite which urged another orgasm to burn through her.  
Nikolai was stunned by her silence.  Selina’s mouth opened in a silent cry as she came a third time in succession.  This last time she managed a strangled scream of his name which he swallowed with a kiss.  
A shiver ran through Selina while she relaxed.  Her fingers traced patterns along Nikolai's bicep as her eyes closed.  Cumming was like a sedative.  Nikolai cupping her face and drawing it to his for a lazy kiss was a sedative.  The rain she had no idea was pouring in buckets outside her window was also a sedative.  
The vibrator continued buzzing until it didn't.  The room grew quiet save for the breaths that came from Nik’s nose.  Still heavy with his still hardened bulge pressed into Selina’s hip.  There was no move to get on top of her.  To have sex with her so he, too, could cum.  She started to idly jerk him off. 
“Lina stop,” he gently took her hand.  “This was about you, not me.  It'll go away eventually.  Like I will,” he said that last bit with a challenge in his voice.  
Selina curled on her side towards Nikolai.  “Or maybe don't go?” 
“Ty khochesh', chtoby ya ostalsya?” You want me to stay?
“Po krayney mere, yeshche odno polnoluniye.”
At least one more full moon.
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @messengeronthemoon @nightmonsters @070188 @rob-private @firstpersonnarrator @ghouls-buddy @frogs--are--bitches @maerenee930 @duck-noises @bwritesstuff @sylvertyger @a-ghoulish-tale @icecoffeegirl @iamsexytrash @clumsyramen @falloutby @inspiremeandsetmefree @philodenmonstera @seancekitsch @the-freckled-luba @violetrainbow412-blog
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too.
Warnings: cursing, POORLY WRITTEN smut (Haven’t done it in forever!!!!), violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Notes: Let me emphasize this: there is little rhyme or reason to the way this story is broken into parts. I did my best though, and I stuck to 7. I tried not to make each part too long.
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship. 
Words: 1643
Part 5: Forty-Eight Hours
Even days later, you couldn’t stop thinking of him, naked in front of you, looking at you the way he was. You couldn’t stop imaging what would’ve happened if he had kissed you, and you couldn’t ignore how much you wanted him to. But of course you wanted him to. When hadn’t you wanted him to? You were certainly ready for it the very night he dragged you to his home. It was embarrassing to admit, but if your kidnapper had kissed you right after tossing you in his bedroom, you never would have stopped him.
But kiss or not, the odd look he had on his face after he told you he could hear your heart beating, nagged at you. It was partial shock, you could tell, but you didn’t understand why. As stories told, Vampires could hear the hearts of humans whenever they wanted as some sort of tracking method, but Henry acted as if it were rare.
It had changed him immediately. Suddenly, it was like he knew your every thought--how much you wanted him in that moment—and decided to test you to see if you’d act. But…he wanted it too. He wanted you, until he pulled away and ordered you back to your room. And he hadn’t spoken to you since; only sent Chris to make sure you ate and slept like a good girl.
But this became the new irritation. You no longer cared for the answers to the questions you’d had since he brought you. You wanted the answer to the question you had now. How long did he think he could keep avoiding you? You would search the whole damn castle until you found him, but then you heard voices through a crack in one of the many doors.
“The plans did not change. He is coming, Henry, in two days. Two. We knew this was happening and now it’s time,” Chris said.
You dared a peek through the sliver of space the door allowed to see Chris leaning against a desk with his arms crossed, looking at Henry, who sat in a chair with his elbows braced on his knees and head in hands.
“Hell,” Chris continued. “We tricked her boyfriend into finding us offerings for this specific situation. Which we still have none of.”
“He wasn’t her boyfriend,” Henry said, looking up. “You know that.”
“Fine. Whatever. But Elias is to be here in forty-eight hours, and he will not take this well.”
“I’ll protect her.”
Chris groaned. “Henry—”
“I heard her heartbeat.”
Chris’s head jerked and his arms dropped to his sides, then there was a long pause. “That…How? That doesn’t…that doesn’t happen anymore. Humans don’t develop those kinds of feelings for us, Henry. Not with how things are these days. I know Y/N isn’t scared of us, but still--”
“I heard it, Chris,” Henry stressed. “It was unmistakable.”
The blond blew out a long breath and shook his head. “All the more reason to get her out of here, then,” Chris said. “I get it, ok, you know I do. You don’t want to let her go, but think clearly. If she’s here when he arrives and we refuse to hand her over, he will realize how you feel and break her.”
Henry’s head fell as he cracked one hands knuckles with the other. “…I know.”
“Then, fix this. Preferably before we’re all screwed.” Chris walked over to Henry and squeezed his shoulder. “I care about our little human too, Henry, but this is safest for us all.”
You took in a shaky breath, but it was just loud enough for the vampires to hear, and Chris was swinging the door open before you had another chance to inhale. He looked at you, then back at Henry, who appeared in the doorway alongside Chris a moment later.
“Chris…” Henry began. “Can you—”
“Yea,” He replied, giving you sympathetic look before disappearing down the hall.  
Henry took you by the hand and led you inside the office, shutting the door behind you. He eyed you up and down and then shook his head to himself with a sigh. “I’m taking you back.”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
“You don’t belong here,” He said. His voice was turning stony; hardened. He was building a wall to shove you away. “This was a mistake.”
“No.” You stepped back, pulling your hand out of his grasp.
“You can’t be here when he comes.”
“Why? What if I hide, or stay quiet, or—"
“Henry, I’m not scared of some big, bad vampire!” You all but stomped your foot in defiance.
“I’m scared!” He yelled. His voice boomed off the walls and rattled in your ears, its intensity matching the flare in his eyes. Your whole body seemed to jolt back as if the mere force of it could knock you off your feet. “He…” He began as he stepped closer, raising his hands to touch you but thought better of it and clenched his fists. “He will try to take you from me and drain you. If I refuse to give you up, he will snap your neck in front of me to make me suffer. Do you understand? I am not allowed to have you.”
“No.” Henry looked down, unable to watch the devastated look as it took hold in your eyes. “You are going back first thing in the morning.”
“Henry, please.” You put your hands on his cheeks to try to get him to look at you, but he remained stubborn. “I don’t want to go back. Don’t make me.”
“I don’t care what you want right now. You are--”
You leaned up and kissed him hard, just to get him to shut up, to stop him from saying the words that dared to break your heart. “Let me stay,” You whispered against his lips as you slid your hands over until they settled at the back of his neck.
“Lamb,” He muttered, still averting his gaze. He sounded tortured, but you couldn’t bring yourself to feel sorry for what you had done. You wanted to stay with him. You needed to stay with him, desperately, and that trumped all else. “Why’d you have to go and do that?”
“Let me stay…” You said again, giving him another quick peck. He wrapped his arms snuggly around your waist like a possessed man, pulling your bodies close, your chest to his.
His eyes remained closed, but his eyebrows pinched together as he touched his forehead to yours. “Fuck…I can hear it again.”
“Hear what?”
“Your heart.” With a light groan, Henry inched his head down to your chest and placed a kiss on the top of your left breast, then peppered a slow trail of kisses up to your neck. His lips sucking at the spot just under your ear forced a small cry to tear from your throat. It was the final piece he needed to fall off the edge. You both knew he wasn’t going to stop now, and you thanked even the Devil himself for weakening Henry’s composure.
His fingers traveled down your sides, and when they reached the hem of your dress, they sharply yanked the fabric up around your waist. You were lifted in his arms and whirled around until roughly placed on the cherry wood desk.
You separated your kiss to rip his shirt over his shoulders, and he dragged your underwear down your legs until he could toss them to the side, then he settled himself between your legs and grabbed under your knees to hike them up around his hips. One of your hands fisted in his short hair and pulled his lips back down to yours when you could no longer take the distance.
When you couldn’t reach the buckle of his belt, you groaned and tugged at the waist of his jeans until he stopped his kisses and looked down at you. “Off,” You said.
“Yes, Lamb,” He breathily chuckled and did as you asked, making your eyes go wide as his cock sprang free from any confines. As you gaped, he reached up and slid the straps of your dress down until it bunched at your waist, uncovering your breasts. “So perfect,” He whispered and kneaded them in his palms, running his thumbs over your nipples until they peaked for him.
“Kiss me,” You said.
“Anything you want,” He hummed and nudged his nose against yours before connecting your lips again. As he lined himself up with your entrance, you quivered in anticipation, unsure if you could take it. But he didn’t give you much of a chance to worry whether or not he would fit, stuffing himself deep inside of you before you could think and forcing stars at the back of your eyelids.
You moaned at the mix of pleasure and pain, biting his lip until you tasted his sweet blood, but he didn’t even flinch. He just kept kissing you, his blood smearing on your mouth the way your lipstick would on his until you were sure you looked like a vampire yourself, right after draining your latest victim.
Each thrust destroyed you entirely. You felt fulfilled in a way you never knew you could. You felt right, as if everything in your life prior to him inside of you had been wrong. Never before would you think something so ridiculous, that you could care less for the life you had solely because of a man. But this man was different. To you, he was more than a man. He was protective, yes, but he didn’t force his claim on you despite your willingness to give yourself over. You weren’t his human toy, and he didn’t want you to be. Because, to him, you were more, too. And you knew that now.
Tags:  @agniavateira​ @tumblenewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ @readermia​ @angelofthorr​ @itmejado​ @caro-jean​ @raven-black102​ @itty-bitty-dancer​ @grungeisntmything​ @wolfiepirate​ @scuzmonkie @heartfullofl @wanderlustkitkat @maan24​ @furievonalexandria​ @posiemax​ @sweetybuzz25​ @iamthetwickster
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Birthday Wish
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: It’s your birthday and all you want to do is spend a quiet day with Loki. Unfortunately, he’s decided to plan you a crazy party. Can you get your wish by the end of the night? Warnings: none A/N: It’s my birthday today (10/6), so I whipped up this quick little fic 🥳 I’ve been reflecting on everything like I usually do at this time of the year, and I just wanted to take a quick minute and say thank you to all the people who support me and read my stories. All the love I’ve been getting from you guys has made these past few months some of the best in my life! Please enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiantfavs​ @lunarmoon8​
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: Gif not mine
The blaring of your alarm clock woke you up for the third time that morning. You rolled over and hit the stop button this time, rather than the snooze, determined to get up. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you decided that you really ought to start going to bed at a reasonable hour. As your vision focused, you noticed a small box wrapped in white paper with multicolored happy birthday text printed on it. The neat green bow on top clued you in to who had left it before you even read the gift tag. You tore into the wrapping paper and opened the golden box inside, expecting a bracelet or some other piece of jewelry. Instead, you were greeted with a silver key.
“What are you up to, Loki,” you muttered, pinching the key between your thumb and forefinger.
Finding no clues on how to use your mysterious present, you finally dragged yourself out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. You eyed the shower for a minute, contemplating just splashing some water on yourself instead and calling it a day, before turning it on. You let the cold spray wake you up, turning your face towards the shower head. Once you felt alert enough, you changed the water to a more comfortable temperature. A part of you wanted to stay in here forever, or at least for the rest of the day, but that damned key had captured your interest. As you toweled off, you caught a whiff of your favorite shampoo, which you’d just lathered in your hair. Incidentally, it was Loki’s favorite too, and with any luck, he’d be smelling it later during some birthday snuggles.
After slipping on your coziest outfit, you walked out of your room and towards the kitchen. You could already smell the bacon sizzling and waffles being made. It caused an embarrassing grumble to sound from your stomach as you rounded the corner, but it was drowned out by your teammates shouting “happy birthday” in a boisterous cacophony.
“Happy Birthday, dove,” Loki whispered in your ear as he scooped you up in a hug, his godly strength making it easy to pick you up and spin you around.
“Thank you, Loki,” you giggled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You received hugs from the rest of the Avengers as someone slid a plate piled high with breakfast foods in front of you. This time last year you’d still just been an intern at SHIELD. It hadn’t taken long for Tony to notice your skills and offer you a job at Stark Industries, a position you’ve been glad to have gotten more and more every day. Now here you were, who knows how many field missions later, a part of the team and surrounded by a beautiful chosen family. Not to mention a very caring, raven-haired boyfriend who treated you like royalty.
“This is perfect, guys. Thank you,” you said, beaming at the group.
“This is nothing,” Tony responded. “Wait until your party later.”
“A party, huh?” you parroted, stuffing a forkful of fruit in your mouth so no one could see your frown. “Just us, right?”
“Nope,” Tony informed. “A bunch of your old coworkers from SHIELD, all the people who work in the Tower, owners of businesses we outsource to, and probably some other groups I’m missing. Don’t look so down, it’ll be fun. And the best part is Loki planned it,” he finished with a wink at the god.
“Oh?” you questioned, your eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be great then.”
You changed the topic before someone could comment on how shocked and disingenuous you sounded. Not only did that not seem like something Loki would do, it also meant he didn’t know you as well as you thought he did. You didn’t want to be ungrateful, but large parties just weren’t really your thing. You much preferred a quiet day with your friends. But if your boyfriend planned it, you were sure you would enjoy it. Maybe it was like a reverse surprise party or something, and they told you it would be a crazy party when it would actually just be a fun little movie night. Loki always has a trick up his sleeve, you knew, and you were sure that whatever it was, you’d enjoy it.
Sadly, your certainty was gone as you pulled on your jeans that evening. Giving yourself a once-over in the mirror, you decided that you looked ready for a party, though on the inside you were anything but. A knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts, and you went to open it, expecting Loki to be there to escort you. Instead, you were greeted with Wanda, Bucky, and Peter holding a plastic bag filled to the brim with neon props.
“Whatcha got there?” you asked your best friends, letting them into your room.
“Your accessories for the evening,” Wanda replied, placing a neon pink feather boa around your neck.
“You pick first!” Peter added, holding up two pairs of light-up shutter shades.
At least this part of your evening was fun. You’d been reduced to nothing but a laughing mess on the floor multiple times as you all figured out which accessories to wear. Finally, you ended up with the pink boa from Wanda, blue sunglasses Peter picked, a green fedora of your own choosing, and a bunch of glow stick bracelets that Bucky was amazed and obsessed with.
“We should probably get going,” you ventured, glancing at the clock. “Don’t want to be late.”
“Or we could just stay here,” Bucky offered. “I mean, do any of us really want to go?”
You all shifted your weight, seriously considering hiding in your room for the rest of the night. Deep down, you knew you would never actually do that, not after Loki put effort into planning it for you. Something about that still didn’t sit right with you, though.
“No. We should go.”
“Why? I mean, they invited so many random people that no one will notice if we’re not there.”
“Bucky,” Wanda hissed, throwing a pillow at his head. Sadly for her, his reflexes were too quick, and he caught it with a shrug of his shoulders. “People will notice if the guest of honor isn’t there.”
Before anyone could argue the point further, there was another knock, and this time it was Loki. He pecked your lips before taking in your goofy outfit.
“There you are, dove. I’ve been looking for you,” he said with a small chuckle.
“Don’t worry, we were just on our way,” you told him, noticing a few glow bracelets on his wrist. You added it to your mental list of odd things to happen on your birthday. “Come on, guys.”
“Actually, if you do not want-”
“There you are,” Tony greeted as he appeared around the corner. “You’re missing the party of the century.”
“You didn’t need to send a whole committee,” Wanda said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you out into the hall. “See, we’re halfway there already.”
Everyone crammed into the elevator, looking rather glum. Except for Tony, that is. He was blowing on a noisemaker as soon as the door opened. Not that you could hear it very well over the pounding music of the DJ.
“Uh, great party Mr. Loki,” Peter shouted over the noise, flashing a thumbs up before exiting the elevator with Wanda and Bucky.
“Yes, thank you spiderling,” Loki distractedly said, putting an arm out to stop you from leaving, too. “Dove, I’ve been trying to tell you all day-”
He was cut off once again by Tony, who was now at the front of the room and pointing towards you. There was a round of applause as he announced you as the special guest, and you awkwardly waved, feeling unsure of yourself in front of so many people. You were not exactly a social butterfly, and Loki knew that. You still couldn’t figure out why he had thrown you this party. And then there was the matter of that key from this morning. You patted the front pocket of your jeans to ensure it was still there. It was, but you had no idea how to use it. Maybe that’s what Loki’s been trying to tell you.
About half an hour later, he pulled you away, clearly too impatient to wait any longer to get his words out. You hadn’t even finished making the rounds, but then again you barely knew half the people there, anyway. They probably wouldn’t miss you, in that case. After all, it was more Tony’s party than yours. And that’s when it hit you.
“You didn’t actually plan that, did you?” you asked Loki as the elevator doors closed behind you.
“Took you long enough to figure it out, dove,” Loki said with a smirk. “But you are correct. It was Stark, not me.”
“But why did he give you the credit then?”
“He thought I did not know Midgardian birthday customs well enough,” Loki answered as his nose scrunched up in distaste. “ I suppose he thought he was doing me a favor. The one thing he forgot, though, is that I know you quite well.”
You exited onto the floor of the library and your boyfriend pulled you off to some hidden nook, proudly gesturing to a small key hole in the wall. You pulled out his present and looked at him inquisitively. One eager nod from Loki later, you were turning the key and greeted by a small clicking sound. A hidden door slid open and revealed a cozy room complete with your favorite foods, a couch laden with pillows and blankets, and a fire crackling in an ornate hearth.
“Loki!” you gasped, “It’s perfect, my love.”
“Only the best for you, dove.”
Then he brought you over to the cushions and, after making sure you were comfortable, began to hand feed you your favorite sweets. Once he was done with that, you snuggled into his side as he stroked your hair and placed a kiss to your temple. It was what you’d been longing for since you got out bed that morning.
“Happy Birthday,” he said to you later that evening after reading your favorite poems in that deep, melodic baritone of his voice.
“Thank you. This truly is everything I’ve ever wished for.”
“That is too bad. I have one more gift to give you, but if you are perfectly happy right now, perhaps you do not want it.”
“No,” you said, eyes wide with interest. “Now I have to know. Can I please have it, Loki?”
“Your wish is my command.”
Then he pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, filled with passion and love that words would never be able to truly express. You melted in to him and reciprocated with just as much feeling. Now this, you thought, is one hell of a birthday gift. I really do have everything.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back again. I had a sort of writers block for the last like 2 days which made it really hard to do some questions, but I got em done finally. Sorry about the wait. This one is split between the numbered questions, and next ask is the other questions you asked!
I think I accidentally skipped a question in the last one. I honestly don't completely remember but in case I did skip it by mistake, the groups first travel out of the city's limits and even further beyond in a carriage. When they reach the end of how far the driver is willing to go they then get out and start walking. With Jackie screaming about how their finally going on a adventure. 
1: It thankfully doesn't get to to bad before the others notice. And he immediately told them about Dream, wanting to be very clear with what happened and what they where getting themselves into. But they accepted him anyway and helped him. 
2: Isaac is the leader cause Cletus is too much of a wildcard and too impulsive to lead safely, Charles is too shy to lead, and while Benjamin is perfect for leading he doesnt really like leading and is more of a follower than a leader. But Isaac can joke around and gets along with everyone but also be able to take things seriously and know when something needs to be handled.
5: They do not, they last for a few minutes and unless its a healing or regeneration potion (in which it can take a few days for it to fully go away) they have no long lasting affects. They do know of eachothers past to an extent, they know enough to avoid triggers and enough to know what not to do when around eachother. They know through telling eachother, and they feel awful Grievous and Jackie had to deal with that, but leave it in the past and focus on making their current life better. 
6: Yes and no, while Jackie did mean to throw it at Ran, he ment for it to just hit nearby him, not directly hit him. It was ment to be more of a scare/intimidation tactic than anything else honestly. Grievous's luck is for basically everything, he has won the lottery twice before actually but only those 2 times, he's correctly guessed how many items are in a container more than a few times as well. 
7: I use the height charts and they help mostly for comparison, problem is I have trouble applying it to real world stuff and because of that I still have trouble knowing if something or someone is to tall or short. Jackie can get very mean, like he can make fun of someone who just lost a loved one or experienced a traumatic event at the worst. But he usually doesn't get nearly that mean, most he does normally is making fun of how someone looks or how they do certain things. The others comfort him the best they can when he gets sad, and when he gets mean they either encourage it (Grievous), or discourage it and stop him (Watson. Ran is between either encouraging or discouraging it).
8: He was! He spent most of his life adventuring actually! He misses it somedays now since he lives in Subbin, but he believes giving up his adventuring life for a family and friends who needed him is a more than far trade and would happily pick his family over adventuring again. For around 4 years after Ran left Mizu (including the day he left), Ran traveled everywhere, and learned how to survive himself and taught himself different things, like sewing. Ran has made new socks, fixed clothes, and made blankets for everyone at least once. Watson also designs bows and arrows for show, for top functionality, and for just simple (training) gifts to the others. Ran (and Watson) has visited the nether, though Ran tended to stay in it longer than Watson cause he could withstand the temperatures better. And while digging a new tunnel across the nether he ran into ancient debris, which he then messed with until he figured out to mix it with gold and coat his sword in it. He tried to find more ancient debris but sadly hasn't found any, leaving his sword permanently damaged and at risk of breaking. Jackie isn't good at all at painting, its more of a hobby he's trying out. They try to camp out there at least once a week, where Grievous will sometimes build a pillowfort and either force everyone inside or play a game of capture the fort with them. Sometimes Ran will also read during the pillowfort nights, but not to often. Jackie wants to vist a Snow, Savanna, Jungle,  Tagia, and if possible, a Ice Spike biome. He also wants to vist the nether but he'll have to fight Ran on that. Ran and Jackie's secondary titles are in Javanese!
9: Ran just kinda went "Hey Jackie, stand still for a second." "Ok?" And then he just picked him up and threw up. 
10: When he's first given dinner after already eaten lunch, he just kinda stares at the food. Then asks if they meant to give him food, and when the others say yes, he asks why because he thought people only ate once every few days. His answer shocked the others and they ask him to explain, and he explains futher that he was only allowed to eat and drink once every 3 days. Their horrified by this answer but explain to him how theres 3 meals a day and he can drink whenever, he doesn't believe them at first but eventually accepts it. 
11: When the fishermen first come to Ranbob about their worry, he expresses the same worry as them. But says that it's unlikely Ran will hurt the fishermen specifically, because Rans haunting are already friends with them, and Ran wouldnt risk breaking the friendship unless he deemed it necessary for their safety. 
12: Ranbob is sad that Ran goes to such lengths to avoid him and keep people away from him, but he has resigned himself to it. As he knew that if Ran was alive it was greatly unlikely that he would trust him and knew he would be avoided. Which is actually particularly why he believes Ran will never trust him again and why he views Ran as a kind of lost family member. One he'll never get back no matter what he does.
13: Their first stop is a nearby flower biome, and after that Watson has planned to lead them to a waterfall he found with a shattered Savanna somewhat close to it. They plan to travel for a minimum of 6 months, they can actually travel for as long as they want to, but Prokius made them agree that they must be back before the next General Pit Battles (which happens once every 5 years). 
14: He would 100% run himself into the ground until he's barely alive while searching for them. Benjamin compares Ranbob wanting to go back to Dream, to an abused person wanting to go back to their abusive lover. They believe they've changed and that they truly do love them and want the best for them, but in reality that's not it at all and others have to help them see thats not true and help them save themselves. So it doesn't surprise Benjamin or Isaac that much (it surprises Charles and Cletus though), and after its explained to them, their all more than willing to help Ranbob get over Dream and help him be himself again.
15: Oh definitely. Once they hear the Green-Eyed Enderman is back from hiding they all set out again, and after the group gets attacked and once word spreads that its in a group and there's another enderman with them, they all get targeted. With the Gladiators and Fishermen being targeted as bait or hostages to try to trick the enderman into following a trap. Ran wasnt affected like his brother was. Im talking about trauma and maybe even a bit of PTSD that came from Mizu, caused by Dream. Though both of the brothers have gained different amounts of trauma and PTSD from Dream. I may give the raven to either Watson or Ran, I think its fits both of them really well. I want to have them come across ruins of other Tales but im not sure which ones. Maybe they could find the remains of the Wild West Tale and the Haunted Mansion?
Glad to see you, Brothers Anon, and excited to read!
1: The perfect start to an Adventure. And a funny mental image. Imagining these two groups cramped into carriages is pretty amusing. How ready was everyone to get out by the time they could?
2: The fishermen are really great, and Ranbob is very lucky. I love them.
3: Isaac sounds like he’s a pretty good fit for it then. But nobody’s perfect! What are some flaws of his, leadership-wise?
5: Interesting. What makes Regeneration and Healing last longer? I suppose it’s not relative to the AU, but I am a bit curious. What’s the world’s potions mechanisms, if you don’t mind me asking? And that’s good! They may not know everything, but they know what to avoid, and that’s important. Everyone’s moved forward and are making the best of life, and honestly, that’s pretty cool of them.
6: Welp, Jackie, it seems intimidation tactic failed. However, you have managed to anger Ran, so..there’s that. He won the lottery? Dang. Well, if they ever need money, they can just send him to the nearest casino, I suppose.
7: Aight, so I may have a solution for you there. Whatever height you’re going for, find something in real life that’s just about the same height. Like a tree, or something. Or not, we can always just leave it at short enough to be tossed and tall enough to be the tosser. Jackie sounds like he knows where to hit to make it hurt, honestly. It’s good that they comfort him, though I am curious why they all react as they do to him being mean. Why does Grievous encourage it? And is it more of a depends on the day thing for Ran, or a depends on what was said to Jackie, and what Jackie’s saying thing?
8: Nice! What kind of places did he go? Does he have any particularly interesting knickknacks from that time period? And Ran personally sounds like he knows what he’s doing. Watson’s weapons sound really cool, where did he learn to make them? Is visiting the Nether not a common occurrence these days? Or is it simply that the others never got around to it before? Well, hobbies are always fun to try. Does Jackie keep at it and get better or get bored and try something else? How does Capture the Fort go with these guys, considering they’re gladiators? Why does Jackie want to visit those particular biomes? Is there a reason, or do they just sound cool to him? And why would Ran not want them going to the Nether? Because of the danger?
9: FDXGHJ- He just- tossed him?? No warning?? Oh my gods, I’m dying. How did Jackie react to that? Heck, how did Porkius react to that? I doubt anyone was expecting that display.
10: Oh, no. Now I really want to punch Dream in the face. What the heck, Dream?! He legit asks if they meant to give him food...If one of the fishermen or gladiators doesn’t eventually find a way to punch Dream, I will be forced to travel realities and do it myself. 
11: Kind of sad that Ranbob was equally concerned about it. But hey! He won’t have to be, one day!
12: Poor Ranbob. I hope he’s proven wrong, eventually. Do the fishermen know that he thinks this? If so, how do they feel about it? Or does he kind of just keep those thoughts to himself?
13: Flower biomes are really pretty. What did everyone think about it? Did they bring any flowers with them? So this roadtrip could possibly go on for a few years. Did they leave just after a General Pit Battle, or do they have like, less than five years? Speaking of General, is Jackie still the General in this AU? Does he have extra duties because of it? Or is that not something that happened in this AU?
14: Yikes. Reactions to this? Why does Ranbob believe Dream’s changed, as you put it? Is Dream still able to talk to him, or is it because he just misses being there? So Benjamin and Isaac aren’t all that surprised about it. Do they take the reins in helping out? And how do they all do so? It’s good that they’re helping him though.
15: Well, this sounds like it can’t end well. They try to use the hauntings as bait? Is anyone actually captured? Rescue missions? And alright, that makes a bit more sense. I can see how they’d both be effected differently, and honestly, they’d probably both have very different perspectives of the event, all things considered. Ravens for the win! And it’d be really cool for them to come across the ruins of old Tales buildings. Can you imagine the kind of things they’d find? Diaries, faded photographs, moth-eaten clothes, blood stained floors...Like a walk in the past, but they’ll never know what came to be for the people of that time.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
You've answered multiple of my requests before (which were SO awesome) so I'd like to request another: Main 6 HC reactions to MC filling their jacket with whoopie cushions and surprise hugging their LI?
thank you so much for always sending requests 🥺 😭, they’re so fun to write and i’m glad you’ve enjoyed them! 💗
I altered this a bit to be more generally about pranking the Main 6 with whoopie cushions
you’ve been in a prank war with Asra for pretty much as long as you’ve known him
the two of you are in constant competition to make the other laugh and when you spot a whoopie cushion at the market you know you have to get it
you’ve got the whoopie cushion hidden in your coat pocket and you’re ready for a surprise attack the second he walks in the door 
when he walks in a few minutes later you immediately ambush him in a hug and he stumbles back to catch you, arms wrapping around you
the cute moment is ruined when he leans against your left pocket and a loud farting noise resounds throughout the empty shop
”Asra!” you say in mock horror, leaning back from the hug to take in his surprised face
”I’m pretty sure that wasn’t me MC.” he smiles, immediately disregarding it and launching into a story about his day at the palace
you’re a little disappointed by his lack of a reaction but it does leave you the chance to keep pranking him, a situation you take full advantage of
the whoopie cushion becomes a constant joke between the two of you, each of you hiding it for the other to find in the most embarrassing of moments
Asra declares you a winner, and calls a truce, when you manage to hide the whoopie cushion under his chair at a fancy dinner with Nadia 
you’ve been plotting this prank for days and Julian had, annoyingly, been thwarting your plans
when you saw the whoopie cushion in the market you devised the plan to hide it where he would sit on it, but after days of Julian somehow managing to sit everywhere but where you placed the cushion you’ve decided on more direct action
the two of you are headed out to the Rowdy Raven and as he leans down to pull on his boots you deftly sneak the whoopie cushion into his back pocket, leaving no chance for a prank screw up
you walk arm in arm through the bustling streets of the South End, barely able to suppress a laugh at the thought of your not-so-devious prank until you reach the familiar tavern
Julian greets the bartender and leads you over to your usual corner booth, gesturing for you to sit first
you watch in anticipation as he slides into the booth across from you and sits down just as the bartender comes over with your drinks
the farting noise is immediate and very loud and you burst into laughter, watching as Julian’s face grow bright red in embarrassment
”Well, that was quite something.” The bartender says with a laugh, setting the drinks down and bringing a hand up to clap Julian on the shoulder
“That wasn’t me!” Julian says, putting his hands up in defense
he shifts in his seat and manages to sit on the whoopie cushion again causing you to break out into another peal of laughter, tears running down your face
he looks at you suspiciously and reaches his hand down to his pocket, finally seeming to feel the whoopie cushion
“I’ll get you back for that.” He leans in close to your face, a dangerous smirk on his face
”I’d like to see you try.” 
you love making Nadia laugh, after all the stress she’s dealt with in her life the sound of her bell-like laugh makes your heart warm
you’ve never tried a prank like this though, and you’re not so sure she’ll find it as funny as you do
but she’s been worried about the courtiers lately and you know she could really use a laugh so you’ve devised your plan, she’d promised you a dinner with just the two of you in the dining room so you snuck in early to hide a whoopie cushion under her usual chair
you’re sitting at your chair primly waiting for her arrival but are surprised to see her walk in with all of the courtiers in tow
”I’m sorry my dear, I know I said it would be just the two of us but we have more business that needs to be attended to right away.” She says apologetically, you're not even mad you’re nervous, frantically trying to find a way to alert her not to sit down
you hadn’t wanted to embarrass her in front of anyone else, least of all the courtiers, but before you can warn her everyone takes their seats
the loud sound of fake flatulence echoes throughout the room and for a heart-stopping moment nobody reacts until suddenly Nadia breaks out into laughter, surprising everyone in the room
she reaches under the chair to find the whoopie cushion and holds it up for everyone to see, none of the courtiers seem to react until they can tell Nadia isn’t upset and after another moment of silence they burst into clearly-forced laughter (except for Valerius who rolls his eyes in distaste)
”What a clever trick, MC was this your doing?” Nadia smiles at you
”I-uh, yes Nadia, I didn’t know the others would be here.” you say, unable to suppress a laugh at the situation
”I shall just have to get you back then.” She grins
a few days later she does just that and all day long you find yourself sitting on whoopie cushions, in the library, at dinner, in your room, even somehow the bench you sit on in the gardens causes a loud farting sound 
you don’t know how she manages to pull it off, whether she’d enlisted magical help or simply purchased hundreds of whoopie cushions and had them placed everywhere you might go, either way it makes both of you laugh all day 
he’s usually pretty shy about showing his emotions, but lately you’ve begun to see him breaking out of his shell, the occasional smile and laugh brightening his face
you do everything you can to make him smile, constantly cracking jokes and puns in the hopes of making him react
when you’re in town visiting Asra one day you spot a whoopie cushion in the market and buy it, hoping it’ll be just the thing to make Muriel laugh
you hide it in your coat pocket and when you get back to the hut that night you rush into Muriel’s arms 
he’s taken aback by the sudden hug but his confusion only grows at the loud noise the hug emits
you laugh at his bewildered expression and pull the whoopie cushion out of your pocket to show him, “It makes a farting noise when you press on it, it’s funny!” you explain
”If you say so.” He says, but you notice a hint of a smile on his face
the next morning you sit down to breakfast with him and are surprised by the loud farting noise of the whoopie cushion hidden on your chair
you burst into laughter and watch as Muriel does the same, his eyes crinkling in a big smile 
“Did I do it right?” he asks
”Yes!” you reassure him, “You’re a master prankster!” 
”You’re so weird…” he grumbles though he’s still smiling at you
“But you love it” you tease, already trying to plot your next prank
“I do.” 
you and Portia have a very playful relationship, always trying to make each other laugh and keep things light hearted
you’ve had water fights, food fights, even joke competitions, but your favorite way to make her laugh is tickling her because she’s incredibly ticklish
after she almost accidentally kicks you in the face while you’re tickling her, you decide to try a different kind of prank 
you’ve been planning this little prank since the day you spotted a joke stall at the market, waiting for the perfect moment to put the dozens of whoopie cushions you bought on sale to good use
you arrive at her cottage with your pockets full of whoopie cushions, ready to strike
when she opens the door she pulls you into a hug and is immediately greeted by a symphony of flatulence 
she looks at you in bewildered silence for a second before she starts laughing, nearly bursting into tears as you join her
”What was that MC?” she asks after you’ve both caught your breath 
”Whoopie cushions!” you hold one up to show her and she takes it from you, sticking it into her pocket
”We’ve got to find a way to use this on Ilya!” she smiles deviously 
”I like the way you think Portia, let’s plot.” 
Lucio’s got a good sense of humor for the most part, but any jokes at his expense send him into an immediate bad mood
you know better than to try to prank him with a whoopie cushion, instead you’ll use it on yourself
you fill your coat pockets with them, making sure you’ve got some on every side just in case, and leave your room to search the palace for Lucio
you find him quickly- walking down a stairwell towards you, flanked by Mercedes and Melchior 
”Lucio!” you yell, flinging yourself dramatically into his arms
he catches you and his face spreads into a grin as he wraps his arms around you, the grin abruptly falling at the sound of dozens of whoopie cushions farting resounds throughout the stairwell
”Uh, MC?” he doesn’t seem to know how to react, he looks slightly awkward which isn’t an emotion he feels very often
”It was a prank, Lucio, it was just whoopie cushions!” you explain as he continues to look blankly at you
”What cushions?” he asks, one brow quirking up in question
you explain, holding up one of the cushions to show him and demonstrating how it works
you’re a bit surprised he hasn’t ever heard of them, it seems like the sort of prank he’d enjoy- a point proven when he abruptly bursts into laughter
”Oho, give me some of those!” He smiles gleefully, reaching his hands out to you “I’m gonna get the courtiers so bad at our next meeting!”  
you might have created a monster...
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 6 (Part II)
Here’s Part 2 of Chapter 6.
(The next morning…)
As everyone was having breakfast, still absorbing the conversation from last night, the youngest of the team leaders went to the living room.
“Yang…” Ruby called out. Her big sister hummed from the couch, turning to face the younger of the two with a raised eyebrow. The red cloaked teenager bit her lip. She knew she shouldn’t ask this... But she wanted to try and help. “Do you...want to talk about Blake and...our other mom…?” She asked with hesitation. As expected, the blonde sighed, “Blake, yes. Mom...I’d like to wait for now.”
“She didn’t come back with Mom...did she?” Ruby asked, sitting next to her big sister on the couch. Yang shook her head, “No, but I get why. Stepmom gave Mom a choice and Mom alone has to decide if she’s ready to return.” “She’d do the same with us, if we were in that position.” She explained. “It’s just…” The blonde sighed, racking her fingers through her hair.
“I just...wished this was an easy choice for her.” She said. “I get it. She wants to protect us and proud of her for that.” Ruby nodded in agreement, before asking, “But you want her to do it where you can spend time with her. Right?” “I know it’s a bit hypocritical…” Yang said. “But, unlike Blake, I’ve been without Mom my whole life…”
“I can’t talk to her the same way I can speak to Blake.” The blonde said. “I…still don’t know Mom well enough for that.” Her younger sister nodded, “I get that. Also, unlike our other mom, you and Blake have a more effective means of staying in contact.”
Yang nodded in agreement as she rested her head on Ruby’s shoulder. “I know you’re questioning your thoughts. I am too…” The younger of the two said. “So, trust me. We’ll both get answers soon enough. I’m sure...”
“She might be anxious over Dad’s possible reaction too.” She explained. Yang nodded, before shivering, “I don’t want to know how bad THAT might end up.” Ruby nodded in agreement, “We’ll see how it goes... and support them in the best way we can.”
The blonde nodded, before the two rested on the couch. As the morning went on, they watched Jaune spending time with Pyrrha, while Ren spent time with Nora. “Those two pairs are cute together.” Yang chuckled. Ruby grinned, “Aren’t they?”
Weiss then sat down next to them, with Ruby saying, “Your mom looks WAY different now.” The heiress gave a soft chuckle, “Yeah. It’s almost unbelievable.” “But it’s nice. I’m happy with it.” Weiss smiled. “She...finally feels better about herself.”
The tallest of the three sighed, “Speaking of parents, will Blake and Gambol’s like us?”
Weiss sighed, “I hope so. I don’t want to be judged based on my father’s actions.” “From what Mom said since our virtual meeting, they seem really nice and understanding.” Ruby said. “We might be good in their eyes, if they believe Blake.”
“Speaking of Blake, she texted me earlier.” Yang said. Her sister and Weiss turned to look at the blonde, to which she said, “We’ll need to be careful. White Fang’s gonna attack Haven soon.” “Shit…” Ruby whispered, to which Yang nodded. “Yeah.” The blonde replied. “How long do we have?” The heiress asked. The blonde sighed, “Approximately two weeks. They could attack earlier. We’ll need to hurry and be cautious.” “Blake and her family will be coming to help us out.” She explained.
Ruby and Weiss nodded. That was, at least, one good sign.
The three noticed Evergreen comforting Oscar in the kitchen. “Seems like last night made him feel worse about himself.” The youngest of the three said. Yang nodded, “It was Ozma, not him.” The heiress nodded, “Though it seems he’s struggling to see the difference.”
The sister pair nodded in agreement. Qrow entered the living room with a mug of coffee, before looking at his nieces. The two just each gave him a reassuring nod, before he gently combed their bangs out of their eyes with a chuckle.
Everyone turned to face Summer as she entered the room, before Ruby, Yang, Qrow, and Evergreen’s eyes widened. As the former STRQ leader stood before them, she was in the EXACT appearance she had prior to her death. She was shorter, had no scars, had longer hair, and had her black dress again.
Yang immediately sat up, before she and Ruby began standing.
“Sum…?” The former bandit called out, covering his lips in shock as he almost dropped the mug. His former leader nodded, shaking, “Please...tell me I’m not DREAMING. Please tell me...that I’m still here.”
Immediately, the former bandit realized that his former leader had triggered her strongest ability. Her unique semblance: Transformation.
Putting the mug on the table, Qrow walked up to her and racked his fingers through the woman’s hair, before holding her. “I’m SO proud of you…” He said, a smile forming on his face. “You remembered your greatest strength.” Something in the former STRQ leader cracked as she broke into tears, burying her face into the now taller man’s shoulder and holding him tightly. “It’s okay, Sum. It’s okay.” The former bandit whispered. “This is real. You’re not dreaming. You’re still here.”
Yang and Ruby, without hesitation, immediately rushed up to them and hugged their mom. Qrow gave a weak, yet genuine chuckle as he said, “I’m so proud of you…” Summer finally pulled back a bit, wiping her face dry and sniffing. “Sorry…” She mumbled, referring to the stain on Qrow’s shoulder. The former bandit smiled, “Don’t be. You know I’d sacrifice a dry shoulder for you, Rae, Tai, and the kids any day.”
The now shorter woman nodded, before holding her daughters...or at least attempting to, given that the two had wrapped their arms around her waist and abdomen from behind her.
As the two teenagers released their hold on the former STRQ leader, she let out a sigh. “I’ve missed this…” She mumbled with a tired smile, before pointing at the stubbled man in front of her. “Doesn’t mean you get to use the height jokes, Qrow.” The former bandit gave a fake pout, “You’re no fun.” Summer gave a genuine chuckle, “And even though I’m shorter, I’m still a can of ass-kicking. I told you that ages ago.” Qrow smiled, raising his hands with a nod, “Yes, yes. You did.”
The two stood like that for a few moments, before Summer once again tightly hugged the taller man. “Easy, Sum…” The former bandit said with a smile. “I got you.” He felt his former leader nod, tightening her hold on him.
Summer began to wonder if this was what it was like. To love yourself.
She believed that this was probably ONE way to love yourself. If so, she’d take it with every bit of joy in her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Some time later…at Haven Academy…)
Finally the group had arrived at the academy. And as they entered, the headmaster, Leonardo Lionheart welcomed them. “Why hello. Thank you for...coming.” He said with a nervous chuckle. “There seems to be...more of you than last time.” Everyone raised an eyebrow, before Qrow said, “Well, the more the merrier, as they say. What’s going on with the council?” “Why did you...bring your weapons?” Lionheart asked.
Once again, the group was confused by the headmaster’s nervous tone…
As well as getting suspicious…
“We’re huntsmen, Lionheart.” Evergreen said, before giving his fellow headmaster a concerned expression. “Is everything alright?” The bearded faunus nodded, “Yes, of course! I apologize.” “Haven’t had my evening coffee yet.” He explained.
Summer and Evergreen knew THAT was a lie and a half.
Suddenly, Summer felt Yang gently tugging on her sleeve as she whispered, “Mom’s here.” The former STRQ leader knew Ember heard that...and probably Ruby and Qrow too. The tallest of the group turned towards the balcony Yang was now pointing to, revealing a black bird on it. Nodding, she then said, “Raven… If you could be polite and come down here, please.”
The group watched as the bird flew from the balcony and landed in front of Summer, before transforming and revealing Raven, removing her mask...and still wearing Summer’s cloak. “You are too observant for your own good.” She said...with a noticeably somber tone.
That alone made Yang realize that her mother didn’t want to be at Haven. Qrow went up to the two, asking, “The hell are you doing here…?” Summer continued to look at her former partner in the eye, before whispering, “You’re not here by choice… Are you?”
The tribe leader sighed, whispering, “Bribed. Salem’s brats want the Relic.” The twins could hear the uncanny wolf growl from their former leader. “And Vampier?” The taller woman asked. Raven closed her eyes, “She’ll be here too.”
Summer sighed, “Very well then. I can make her beg for mercy again.” “I know you will.” The elder Branwen whispered with a small smirk. “Plan is to trick them into fucking up.” The taller woman chuckled, “I’m glad you still got that clever side of you.” The twins smiled, before noticing their former leader grinning as she said to them, “Better make this convincing. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” The Branwens whispered, obviously a little anxious by how willing Summer seemed to go along with this plan. The three then backed up from each other, before Summer whispered in each of her daughters’ ears. As she did that, Qrow successfully managed to distract Lionheart by asking Raven in a convincing angry tone, “There’s only one reason you’d be here. You got the Spring Maiden, right?”
Unexpectedly, the elder twin gave Qrow a noticeable flinch. His jaw nearly dropped in shock. ‘Oh fuck, do NOT tell me…’ He thought to himself in worry. Summer paled, realizing that Qrow didn’t know that Raven was a Maiden...and she was certain the tribe leader was internally panicking. ‘Those two need to play their cards VERY carefully right now.’ She thought. ‘Or we’re so fucked…’
“I do.” Raven said...and as expected, Qrow was even more shocked. ‘Fuck…’ He thought, before saying, “Okay… Then help us by letting her join us…” “Not that simple, little brother.” The tribe leader said. “You know as well as I do that fighting Salem is just a LOSING battle.” Her little brother sighed, “Rae, we’ve been over this. We can stop her. She’s not invincible.”
“She’s right, Qrow.” Summer suddenly said in a monotone voice, drawing a lot of shocked reactions towards her. “Nearly...died ONCE...against Salem.”
The twins and Evergreen looked the most horrified out of everyone present. Against her better judgement, the elder Branwen asked, “Then why are you still fighting?” “Not. Just...protecting you all…” Her former leader said, once again in a monotone voice. The twins felt like their hearts SHATTERED when they heard that. Raven could tell that Evergreen seemed very guiltful over this. Summer’s fingers twitched, before she said, “Can’t kill HER. But her TOOLS, on the other hand…”
“Kill off...or defeat her support? She’s alone.” The former STRQ leader said. “We can, at least...make her fail.” She then perked up, looking around her, as if she had forgotten where she was. Summer then cleared her throat, before saying, “Sorry… That was...something I needed to get off my chest...for quite some time.” “I think…” She mumbled. The group and Raven assumed that the taller woman just had a flashback and whatever thoughts that were still buried decided to show up.
Raven seemed to know very well as to what Summer was talking about earlier.
“As much as I’d like to continue this discussion...and be proven wrong....” The tribe leader started. “This group won’t let me waste anymore time.” She then half-heartedly swung Omen down, opening a portal. A fireball and an energy blast launched out, both hitting Summer to little effect. She had dashed in front of Ruby...and as the smoke cleared, the former STRQ leader glared into the portal. “I see you got a new toy to play with.” She said as Vampier stepped out.
The Bat Queen grinned smugly, “Yeah. Do you like it?” “A...friend of mine has a new toy as well.” She said pointing at the portal as Cinder stepped into the room. The teenagers paled as their eyes widened in shock.
“Thought you saw the last of me, brats?” The red-dressed woman grinned. She and Vampier then looked at a now-furious Pyrrha. The Bat Queen raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
It was taking a lot of strength from Jaune, Ren, and Nora to make sure the armored redhead didn’t rush in and get fatally injured again. Cinder looked at Ruby, who looked like she saw a ghost. “Did you like my gift?” The Fall Maiden asked with a grin.
“How…?” The red cloaked teenager asked, shocked that CInder was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. Her mind almost flashed back to her nightmare as the red-dressed woman sighed, “Salem’s QUITE generous. Gave me a new arm, new ability…”
“And freed me from my FEAR of you damn brats.” She emphasized with a grin. She then snapped her fingers and soon, Mercury, Emerald, and Vernal had entered the room. “Ah, if it isn’t the assholes who tried to make us look bad.” Yang smirked. “Now we can kick your asses without feeling guilty.” Ruby managed to ignore Cinder as she looked at her sister and Ember, “You two want my scythe?”
The taller blonde ruffled the younger Rose’s hair, “Thanks, kid. But we’d rather punch their teeth out.”, before going into Yang’s gauntlet. The blonde teenager looked at Ruby, obviously concerned as she whispered, “Are you going to be okay?” The younger of the two shook her head, “I...really don’t know…” Weiss put a hand on her leader’s shoulder, “You understand that you have us to help you. Right?”
Ruby gave a small smile and nodded, before jumping as Willow shielded them from another fireball. “What’s the game plan?” She asked Summer. The former STRQ leader narrowed her eyes, before saying, “Vampier’s mine.” She then looked at the teenagers, “Can you take on Cinder and her brainwashed children?” After a few moments of silence of looking at each other, both teams nodded. Summer smiled, giving them a reassuring nod.
She then looked at Qrow and Evergreen, “You two and Willow try to take on Raven and Vernal.” “At least to make this somewhat believable to Cinder…” She whispered. The three adults nodded, before Qrow and Summer noticed a brief, but thankful smile on the tribe leader’s face. “Do me a favor and don’t hold back, brawd.” Raven said. Reluctantly, Qrow nodded, “If that’s what you want, chwaer.”
Cinder formed a flame in her hand with a grin, while Vampier charged her new pistols. “If we’re all done with this chit-chat…” The Fall Maiden started. “Time. For. Some. FUN!” Summer immediately pulled out her sabers, before everyone began charging at each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God, this was hard, but I hope it was good enough.
College is a pain in the fucking ass and some personal shit with anxiety had also prolonged this.
Now, Transformation works like this: Summer can transform into things that represent her or her bloodline (for example: A giant gray wolf, a legit giant, a Beowolf Grimm, herself prior to her death or during Beacon, and...something else that will be revealed in the future, hopefully). She can partially transform into other creatures, but it’s difficult to do so. Also, she prefers not doing it with other things.
Of course, these forms (excluding the mysterious one (for reasons not yet set in stone) and her appearances prior to her initial death (because it's just a cosmetic change)) all have their own benefits and flaws.
Naturally, her wolf forms can allow her to communicate with canines, like Zwei for example. As her Beowolf Grimm form was granted by the Grimm blood now inside her, she’s able to communicate with Grimm.
The next three chapters will ALL be about Haven’s fall. With a LOT of differences.
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Swim School
Hande tries to teach Lachlan to swim.
Yay, it’s finished! This idea haunted in my head for so long I had to write it before I start to really work on my giveaway prizes (I’m so sorry for making you wait!). This is my first fic featuring an OC of other person, so I’m pretty nervous. Thank you, @leila-of-ravens, of allowing me to use Lachlan - I hope I managed to do him justice and that you like it!
Characters: Hande Kuura, Lachlan Lonan & Leila Lonan (mentioned - Lachlan and Leila belong to @leila-of-ravens)
Content warning: mention of (almost) drowning
Words: ~2 360
”I still can't believe the navy didn't teach you how to swim... That's so stupid...” Hande snaps to herself when Lachlan enters the water cautiously. ”Well, they thought it would be more important to learn how to lick officers' boots than to swim,” the man chuckles, trying to look confident. There's no fooling Hande, though: she can see he's a little nervous and is feeling uncomfortable. Lachlan can feel Hande's eyes piercing through him, as if she could read his mind. ”Is something wrong?” the magician asks tentatively. Lachlan tries to keep his bravado when he answers, ”Wrong? Why would anything be wrong?” Hande just narrows her eyes which makes Lachlan's shoulders shrink. He sighs, deciding it's better to give her at least partial truth, ”I don't understand why you're seeing all this trouble... We haven't known each other that long and you're trying to teach a grown-up man how to swim.”
Hande raises her eyebrows, feeling a little uncertain, ”It isn't any trouble, Lachlan. I may not remember most of my past, but I've learnt from my parents, that especially in Hjalle swimming is an important life skill and taught to everyone. Besides, the first time we met you almost died, remember?”
Yes, the first meeting of Lachlan and Hande had been peculiar, to say the least. Both of them happened to be on a gondola ride in Vesuvia at the same time. Everything went well, until the gondolier of the boat, where Hande was in, became distracted and the gondola crashed with the one where Lachlan was in. Both of the gondoliers lost their balance and the boats keeled over. Hande managed to rise to the surface quickly, and was about to swim to the shore when she noticed that the passenger of other gondola was in trouble. His hands were trashing around, head bobbing above and below the waterline – the man was drowning. Hande immediately swam to the man, helped him to keep his head above the surface and swam with him to the shore. After the man had puked all the water out and recovered from the shock, Hande was surprised to learn that the man was the brother of her friend, Leila. Hande escorted Lachlan to Leila's tea shop, was invited in with many thanks and became acquainted with the youngest of Lonan brothers.
Lachlan is shifting his weight, still nearer to the shore than to Hande. He's known Hande for only a few weeks, and he doesn't like the idea of opening up to her. ”This is going to be a lot of work, you know? I'm not a patient man... And I'm probably too old for this,” he remarks with a lopsided smirk on his face. Hande sighs, but then smiles back to Lachlan, ”I wouldn't have offered to teach you if I thought I can't handle it. I know it will be a long process and I'm prepared for it. And nonsense, you're never too old to learn something.” Hande realises the man is stalling right now, and can't help but wonder if he finds it uncomfortable to be in her presence. Trying her best to brush her creeping insecurities away, she decides not to push Lachlan, but let him do things in his own time. After a tense moment, the man finally breaks the silence, ”Why? Why are you so keen to help me? You've only known me for a little time.” Hande lowers her gaze, staring at the water. She keeps fiddling her swimsuit, thinking what she should say.
The silence starts to feel a little awkward, which makes Lachlan feel uneasy and impatient. He's wondering if he should leave, when Hande finally answers, her voice not louder than a whisper, ”I have seen someone die in an accident that could have been avoided... I don't want that to happen again, if I can help it.” The way the magician gave her answer, so ruefully, makes Lachlan curious. Still, he decides it'll be better not to pry. Instead, he finally approaches Hande, tentatively placing his hand on her shoulder. Lachlan can feel Hande tense a little, but then she relaxes, turning to face the man. She gives him a bashful smile, patting the hand on her shoulder, ”Well, it's no use to scowl about it, let's begin our lesson!” she chirps, sounding almost too cheerful.
Lachlan doesn't want to make his sister's friend to feel any more uncomfortable, so he tries to lighten the mood, ”Well, boss, what are we going to do? Making me wave my hands in the air like a fool?” Hande can't help but snort at his question. Feeling a little better, she shakes her head while answering. ”No, that would be way too advanced for you,” Hande snaps with mischief in her voice, ”Firstly I'm going to teach you how to float.” Lachlan's jaw drops a little in surprise. ”To float? Are you kidding me? How is that supposed to help me?” The woman barks a laughter and almost falls into the water, but manages to maintain her balance. ”Sorry, I just couldn't help it... Oh, my sweet summer child, floating is essential thing to learn if you really want to be able to swim. Firstly, you're going to float while swimming. Secondly, being able to float might save your life if you get a cramp in the middle of a lake, for example. Do you have any other questions? And really, feel free to ask anytime if you feel like it,” Hande explains with a bright smile on her face.
The man shakes his head, answering Hande's smile with a smirk. She might seem shy at first, but he has to admit she has some nerve, implying that Lachlan would be naive. Maybe this is going to be fun, after all – Hande clearly is a humorous one. ”Okay, consider me convinced – let's begin,” he declares. Hande claps her hands together before she starts explaining, ”So, the most important thing is relaxation. In order to float, you need to be relaxed. Like this.” Hande leans back, letting her lower body rise to the surface. She glances at Lachlan who is watching her attentively, ”If you feel like it, you can spread your arms horizontally and your legs apart from each other – like a starfish,” Hande instructs while showing Lachlan how to do that. Then she stands up again, wiping her wet hair from her cheeks, and gestures Lachlan to come in front of her.
”Now, let's try that together. Do you trust me?” Hande asks a little playfully. Lachlan chuckles and splashes some water in her direction, ”Well, you didn't hesitate coming to my aid during the gondola accident – just don't get any ideas, I won't admit it publicly, but it was very embarrassing for me.” Hande's lips turn into a smirk. ”I take it as a yes,” she says softly, ”Okay, so: you will lay on your back while I hold your back with my hands. When you're relaxed I will let you go to see if you can float. Don't worry: I will be near you, so I can catch you if it doesn't work out. How does that sound to you?” For Lachlan that doesn't sound too hard, so he nods in agreement. Hande places her arms above the waterline, her elbows attached to her sides. ”Whenever you're ready,” she tells her companion, and Lachlan tentatively starts to lean back. ”Don't worry, I won't let you sink,” Hande assures after noticing his hesitation. To lighten the mood she adds, ”If I let you sink, we couldn't float down here together,” her eyes glinting with mischief.
Because Lachlan wasn't prepared for Hande's latest remark, he bursts into laughter, almost tripping over. ”Is that supposed to make me feel safe?” he chuckles, ”You're not doing very good job, if that was your intention.” Hande joins in Lachlan's laughter, but still keeps her posture. ”Hah, quit whining, you'll be fine! There aren't any sewers nearby – at least not any I'm aware of,” she snickers. Seeing her opportunity, Hande cunningly pushes the back of Lachlan's ankle with her foot, causing him fall back first into her arms. ”You tricked me!” Lachlan yelps a little shocked by the turn of events. Hande just laughs, still holding Lachlan's back, ”If I hadn't done that, we would just stand here for the whole day. And you were supposed to be the impatient one.” Well, Hande really has a point, Lachlan couldn't deny that – he finally is lying, supported by Hande's hands. ”Now that the hardest part is over, you only need to relax,” Hande states encouragingly. That shouldn't be too hard, right?
More like ”easier said than done”. Every time Hande lets go of Lachlan when he's relaxed, he panics – despite of the fact Hande warns him before she removes her hands from his back. This causes Lachlan to become extremely frustrated and willing to just give up. Unfortunately for him, Hande is resilient and patient, so she doesn't let Lachlan to back down. ”No one is born a master. You should know that, since you're very gifted at many things,” Hande comforts, ”If this isn't going to work today, we just pick another day and try again. You may not feel like it, but you're doing really good: letting me teach you is big of a deal, and I'm honored you trust me enough to do this.” After a little hesitation, she pats Lachlan friendly on his shoulder. ”What do you say: should we give it another go, hmm?” Hande asks with warmth in her voice. Lachlan feels pretty uneasy: the kindness Hande is showing, although he's clearly not a very good student – it feels so overwhelming.
Hande keeps observing Lachlan and notices his inconvenience. She isn't sure how to make Lachlan feel better, but she isn't going to give up. ”Lachlan... It really is okay. I hope I haven't made you feel uncomfortable with my behavior or anything... I just really want to help you, it's not any trouble for me. After my resurrection, it took me almost two years to learn how to be a human again. I couldn't speak, walk or eat myself, and my friend had to babysit me, an adult woman! Why I'm saying this is because... I know learning takes time, and I don't mind it at all. I've known you only for a couple of weeks, but I can tell you're really a good man. Leila is my friend, and I hope you'll be my friend, too. Please, give yourself a chance – you deserve it.” Lachlan stares at Hande, unable to speak. He hadn't known the circumstances of Hande's resurrection, and although she told only little about it, it feels painful. The man isn't sure why Hande is being so nice to him, but her words sounded sincere. Lachlan doesn't want to cause any more trouble to her, so he nods and smiles, ”You won: let's give it a go one more time.”
Hande gives Lachlan a bright smile and gestures him to lay back again. This time she wants to make sure the man gets relaxed and stays that way when she lets go of him. Musing for a moment, she glances at the sky and see some clouds floating above them. It gives her an idea. ”Look, that cloud looks like an osprey! Isn't your familiar on of them?” the woman asks quietly, trying not to startle Lachlan. The man tries to look at the direction Hande is looking at, and after seeing the cloud in question, snorts, ”Hah, it really looks like Emer! Well spotted! And that one looks like violin.” Hande's smile widens, ”What a coincidence, I play violin!” ”Really? You must show me someday!” Lachlan exclaims excitedly. ”Well, for that you'd need to have level 50 friendship with me – I hate performing,” Hande chuckles, fighting not to tremble. ”Is that a challenge? I'm happy to accept,” Lachlan barks trying to keep still as well.
They continue like this for a moment, spotting clouds and joking with each other. Hande can feel Lachlan relaxing more and more, but this time she decides not to tell her companion when she takes her hands from his back. The duo keeps chatting, until Hande can't hide her excitement any longer. ”Lachlan,” she says, ”Don't freak out, but you've been floating by yourself a couple of minutes right now.” After Hande has said that, Lachlan finally notices how her hands aren't holding his back anymore. He's done it, he really is floating. Letting out a triumphant shriek, he spread his limbs and laughs, ”And now I'm a starfish! Hah, you really did it! You really managed to teach me something!” Then Lachlan stands up, seeing Hande is laughing as well. ”That was wonderful, Lachlan, great job – I'm so proud of you!” she exclaims and pats him on his bicep. She's glowing with happiness and pride – it's so infectious Lachlan starts to feel those things, as well. ”Can I hug you?” he asks in the moment of joy. Hande stops for a moment, taken aback by the question – she still isn't that used to endearments even from her family. After her brain starts to function again, she gives Lachlan a small smile, ”Maybe this once.”
Lachlan doesn't wait but takes Hande into his arms. The woman tenses for a moment, but then melts into a hug, giving one for Lachlan, too. It actually feels quite nice – Lachlan is a good hugger. Eventually Hande lets go, looking a little shy. ”Well, how was it? Do you let me teach you again?”
she asks unsurely. ”Are you kidding me?” Lachlan laughs, ”You are probably the best teacher I've ever had! Maybe I can learn how to swim, after all.” He places his arm on Hande's shoulder and walk back to the shore with her. Hande is mumbling something under her breath, probably about how her teaching skills aren't that great, but Lachlan won't hear any of it. ”And now, Hande, I'll buy you a drink, if you allow it.” Hande glances at Lachlan, giving him a smirk, ”All right, fair enough.”
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1/3 of the Reality Stone fragments remained with its host, Ripley Ryan, in the hospital. Determined to finish what they started, the Black Widow and Winter Soldier headed to the Intensive Care Unit along with a team of mutants who were sent by Wanda Maximoff to cast a reality binding spell. Once their goal was achieved, there was nothing standing between them and Zemo at the Town Hall.
These events come AFTER the INN and MUSEUM and before the TOWN HALL.
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky pushed through the hospital doors with both hands, metal clinking against the acrylic outer shell and double paned panels. He was hot on Natasha's heels, having made a pitstop for the both of them at the museum before the rest of the crew could cause too much of an issue. When he caught up to her just before she hit the stairwell, he slid her a twin set of guns and then readjusted the strap to his AR. "Sure we can't just shoot first and ask questions later?"
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Although not in her suit, Natasha had clicked on the two Widow’s Bites that Barnes had taken from the Museum. The two guns were a gift from a poor S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was now weaponless, but Natasha accepted them from James all the same. “You want to risk shooting the wrong person?” Checking how much ammo she had, the Widow shook her head. “Personal mission. Maybe bad form, but family first.” Knowing that Taskmaster was in the building - and still sore from their last run in  - Natasha quietly pushed the door open and raised her gun while she rounded the corner, coming face to face with a crying girl in scrubs. “Too easy.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky clicked his tongue at that. "Fuck form. I would've taken more, but I know how much Barton is attached to his bow." he was only mildly joking, using it as a way to fill the space so he didn't spiral into his own mind. "Think we should've accepted back up?" And now he really was joking, mirroring Nat with his own weapon. He stopped short when they came around the corner and he instinctively tightened his grip on his gun. "It's never that easy."
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Eyes rolling, Natasha quickly checked over her shoulder. “Easy to say when it fits the situation,” she hummed. “We do have back-up. Bobbi’s here and changing. She’s got the codes. Psylocke is somewhere looking for her friends. Apparently, Wanda is helping the mutants.” Whatever helped them through. Lowering her gun slightly, Natasha glanced from the sniffling young adult to the name tag she wore. “Hey, Astrid. Sad day at the hospital?”
YELENA BELOVA: Caught up in her own moping, ‘Astrid’ started at the sound of the woman’s voice and sat up as she quickly wiped at her eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. No. I mean -- yes. It’s a hospital. But our patients usually are cured. Just bad dating experiences. Dumb, I know.” She nudged her magazine closed. “Are you here to visit someone?”
BUCKY BARNES: "Bad dating experiences?" he couldn't keep the question out of his tone, the laughable disbelief. He cocked the gun single handedly before dropping it back in his grip. "In fact we are. Wanna tell me who it is you're crying over?"
YELENA BELOVA: Although his tone was a little snide, the brunette didn’t notice. It was lonely at the front desk if she wasn’t making rounds and her friends were fine but the recent dumping had taken a toll. “His name is Jim. He’s a nice guy. Was a nice guy. We went on a few dates and he went all two-faced. Completely ghosted me. That was three days ago.”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Natasha wracked her brain. “Helmut,” she swore under her breath. “Astrid, have you talked to ‘Jim’ since?”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky just...blinked at her. Then, all of a sudden he barked a laugh, shaking his head. "How mad would you be if I took out all of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" he asked, voice lower, only for Nat to hear. "Yeah, 'Strid, we just wanna talk to him. He's like family, you get it."
YELENA BELOVA: Finally really taking the guns in consideration, Astrid slowly stood and reached around her scrubs for her buzzer. “I should call Chris. He’s head of Hospital security and he can help you figure out where you’re headed.”
BUCKY BARNES: That wasn’t really part of the plan. “Yel-Astrid, Jim’s a little more important right now.” With a sigh, Bucky aimed the AR, barrel directed at ‘Astrid’. “We don’t need head of security.” A red dot appeared at the center of her scrubs, the buzz of the scope a sound only he could hear. “Just give Jim a call, yeah?”
YELENA BELOVA: “He’s not gonna answer,” she huffed as her eyes welled up again. “I just told you -- he’s not interested in me. I think it’s my thighs. It has to be.” Nearly crosseyed, she stared at the light on her scrubs and the demanding man. Fumbling for her phone, Astrid dialed with shaking fingers. Ring. Ring. Voicemail. “See? Thighs.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky clicked off the scope, the red light disappearing before he lowered his gun. ”I’m just gonna hit her. You good with that?” he asked Natasha.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Watching the entire exchange, Natasha had shouldered past Yelena at one point to rummage through the cabinets behind the desk. They needed as much info about the Database as possible, and there a possibility some of Ripley’s medical records were there. At Bucky’s question, she glanced up. Yelena would be pissed, but the two of them had come for a reason. “Only if you’re done hearing about Jim.”
BUCKY BARNES: “Ha ha.” Bucky came over, keeping Astrid’s eyes on him as he came around the desk. “Hey, ‘Strid-“ he employed the same method he had used on the Wyngarde sister, slamming the side of his gun into her temple just hard enough to shake around some loose change. “You have great thighs.”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: “Oof.” Natasha exhaled as the gun connected with her sisters temple. Deftly moving to catch Yelena and ease her to the ground, the spy crouched down and inspected the welt that was already growing. It still didn’t look like Yelena, but she had stopped crying. “You could have been a little bit more graceful, but I’ll take it. Grab her.” Natasha rose. “We’re not leaving her for Taskmaster to find.” Best to let him think ‘Astrid’ had just abandoned her post or was doing her rounds. The S.H.I.EL.D. pager Bobbi had given her buzzed in her hand and Natasha pocketed it. “We’ve got a room. Intensive care unit, Room 8-1. You know, I always said Clint married up.” Grabbing Astrid’s badge for good measure, Natasha clicked the safety off on her gun. “Let’s go.”
KWANNON: Elsewhere, Psylocke and Laura had waited quietly in the shade of the building. The telepathic signal being emitted led the newly arrived X-Men to the hospital. Raven head tipped to the side, Psylocke held a hand out to gesture that Magik, Synch and Nico should enter the hospital. The door swung closed between them, faces flushing from recycled air. “Intensive Care Unit is the top floor. You know what to do?”
BUCKY BARNES: "Graceful?" it came out more as a scoff and Bucky crouched down, adjusting the AR to lay flat against his back again so he could sling Yelena's fake body over his shoulder. She hung limply, swaying back and forth when he stood. "When have you ever known me to be graceful." he said just as he twisted around, narrowly clipping Yelena's head on the edge of the counter. "ICU? What are the chances he'll be in a coma and I can just smother him."
EVERETT THOMAS: Synch followed Magik and the other witch into the hospital, trying his best not to let himself get too wrapped up in everything around him. This whole thing was pretty messed up of SHIELD, but his main focus was Laura. Even if she didn’t remember any of it, he still felt bonded to her in ways he could barely describe. And making sure she was safe was definitely high on his priorities. “Yeah, we’ve got it.” He responded to Kwannon, making sure to keep on high alert as he scanned their surroundings.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: The sneakers that she had worn as Lulu Gordon were more for show than actual practical use, and the treads were nearly nonexistent. Nat couldn’t actually remember working out in Pleasant Hill, just posing on her yoga mat for selfies instead. It was hard not to slide around with no traction but she pushed open a door to another stairwell and held it open for Bucky, watching to make sure he didn’t smack Yelena’s head into the wall. “You would have failed the Red Room,” she hummed. Presentation begets perfection, after all. Natasha had been the best. Yelena had been better. “Zemo’s at Town Hall. That’s not why we’re here. Ripley’s intubated upstairs. They’re making a play for the Infinity Stone. Did you read your file?” Stopping abruptly, Natasha flattened herself against the wall by the doorway of the next level. She could hear footsteps in the hall, and that felt deliberate in the quiet hospital. Gesturing with her chin towards the door, Nat pushed it open and raised her gun. She moved quickly to turn but still found her face connecting with a fist.
BUCKY BARNES: "I didn't care to read pages and pages of documents beyond who was who and what they were capable of." Which was a delicate way of saying, 'did you really think I would?'. Somewhere along the way of climbing flights, Bucky stashed Yelena's unconscious body in a medical supplies closet, knowing that she wouldn't wake up for a while and that he needed both hands. As soon as they both went into alert, hands moved too fast for Nat to dodge and him to barely skid to a stop and back up, gun immediately raising. He fired off a few rounds, the spray of bullets disoriented in the ambush.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: Wiping blood off her nose, Natasha dropped her gun and kicked it to the side. Bullets never tended to work with Taskmaster. She’d keep it for backup. He had his shield and a collapsed bow. Claws in his gloves. Basically, he was as tricked out as ever. “Still sore about last time?” The ( former ) redhead squared her shoulders back. “Zemo can’t be offering you enough for this.” But he was silent, like always, and a moment later the two were locked in hand to hand combat.
ILLYANA RASPUTINA: Sword pulled off of her back, Illyana cast a wary look around the hall. “I hate hospitals,” she muttered. Wanda’s spell was complicated but she had drilled it into the sorceress and witch. “It would be easier if we could teleport out after, but apparently we have to walk. No mutant left behind.” Lorna, Gabby, Rogue.
LAURA KINNEY: As the mutants made their way through the hospital, Laura paused and narrowed her eyes. There were more people in the hospital than their should have been. “Take the back.” She instructed Kwannon. “James Barnes is moving to the southern wing.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky dropped the gun, the strap catching on his shoulder before it banged against his hip. It was only Taskmaster, the asshole with the psuedo copycat style and a piss poor attitude. "Less talking-" he kicked at Taskmaster, just hard enough to diverge his attention and have him focused on both of them. "Glad I dropped our nice office secretary off, huh."
NATASHA ROMANOFF: He had got in three good hits but Natasha was at four. “Nursing student,” she huffed as she dodged a kick. “This is a dead end. He won’t quit. It’s called a distraction.”
EVERETT THOMAS: Everett followed closely behind, trying his best to keep close to Laura without making her feel like he was suffocating her. He didn’t want to make things weird in any way, but God was it hard. “Hey uh, are you okay?”
BUCKY BARNES: "So in all those times you've fought him, you never figured out a way to beat him?" They parried some more, moving this way and that. "I'm not going to leave you here to get your pretty yoga instructor face punched in."
BOBBI MORSE: One of the doctor’s personal offices had always been stocked for agents -- as a safety precaution. It was working well in their favor. Her locker held a spare uniform and set of staves that she gratefully hooked into their holsters before grabbing three disruptors. One went onto her own neck and her body shuddered in relief as her appearance twisted back to its regular self. She broke out in a sprint until she found Barnes and Romanoff, and Bobbi tossed them each a chip before kicking off the wall to strike Taskmaster with a baton. As she should have predicted, his bow separated into staves of his own. “What’re you guys still doing down here?”
NATASHA ROMANOFF: If she hadn’t been focused on not getting slashed in half with a sword, Natasha would have rolled her eyes. “It keeps evolving. More new heroes, more moves. We haven’t killed each other yet.” The elastic she had tied her hair up with was falling out, but then Bobbi was there. Nat caught the small chip and quickly fastened it on the back of her neck. There was a second before her body was her own once more, clothed in the uniform she had entered the town with. Even though she was lacking any of her weapons other than the Widow’s Bite, it felt good to see her own hands again. “How about my normal face getting punched in?”
BUCKY BARNES: "That isn't obvious?" Bucky said, arms coming up to cover his face when Taskmaster slammed a fist down. Jumping back, he caught the chip, using what he knew from the file to revert his appearance back into something a little bulkier, steadier, familiar. "It's not exactly easy to get to the reality stone harboring mad woman when there's 600 tons of body armor in the way."
LAURA KINNEY: Lips twitching, Laura pivoted on one heel. “I look like a cheerleader.” She had gone to pep rallies with pom-poms and enthusiasm. The whole nine yards. The worst part was that she had fun, on some level. That pretty much summed up how she was. “I want them to cast the spell so we can get out of here. No more Vaults, no more Pleasant Hill’s.”
BOBBI MORSE: “I have complete and total faith in this woman.” Bobbi held a hand to her temple to  stop her vision from swimming after a hit. “But we need to keep moving. Nat, you said you’re old friends. I don’t want to ruin the reunion.” When the redhead nodded, Bobbi arched a brow at Bucky before running into the nearest stairwell and taking the stairs two at a time.
EVERETT THOMAS: Everett couldn’t help his soft chuckle at the cheerleader comment as he nodded at her. “I mean, it’s not a bad look. Definitely not you, though.” He pointed out, nodding solemnly at her next words. But unfortunately, they were X-Men and this was probably not going to be the last Pleasant Hill. Or Vault. Before he could say much else, a scalpel flew through the air and stuck onto the wall next to them, revealing Bullseye standing down the hall. “Shit..”
VIVIAN VISION: Vivian followed alongside the mutants as they made their way through the hospital, careful to be attentive to their surroundings. As they all rounded the corner, a scalpel was flung through the air, nearly hitting Viv in the face as it struck the wall and they were face to face with Bullseye. “We need to divide. We can’t let him keep us from the stone. Magik, Nico, I can phase us into her room? I think we’re close.”
BUCKY BARNES: "Shitty reunion." he looked over at Nat, only falling back from Taskmaster when he saw the confirmation in her steady gaze. Breaking off, he followed Bobbi up the stairs, finding no other obstacles before hitting a floor with double doors that read: Authorized Personnel Only: Intensive Care Unit. He slowed, weapon coming back around to rest in his grip. "They powered a whole town by putting a girl into a coma." he said it with a mix of disbelief and frustration. "S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't exactly convincing me they shouldn't become a government section lost to time." The room was empty when they entered, the doors clattering behind them. He wasn't sure keeping quiet had any point anymore. Gun poised, he scanned the empty beds, not even noticing the low beep of the monitor and the occupied bed because his eyes landed on Yelena, seated and scanning through...something. "Didn't I leave you in a broom closet?" he said a little breathlessly, grip tightening on the weapon.
YELENA BELOVA: Was she mad? Yes. At Bucky and Natasha? No. At S.H.I.EL.D.? Of course. At Zemo, at the situation. Yelena had been pissed when she came to in a broom closet, tossed to the side like a basic cleaning supply. She remembered Astrid Massey, but her face wasn’t her own. Bullseye had met her in the hallway. He had given her the device Zemo was passing around to his teammates, the disrupter returning her to her former form. As Benjamin headed down the  hallway to meet the ‘heroes’, Yelena moved to the ICU and found the Database. The codes were already unlocked from whatever doctor had run away mid scan from the intruders, and when the door opened Yelena glanced back over her shoulder. “Seemed more fun out here. I saw Taskmaster downstairs, but this was a better opportunity. They never let me up here. Now I know why.”
BUCKY BARNES: “Natasha is handling it.” Bucky remarked, lowering his weapon just a little bit. “I know what you’re doing, and it sucks to say this, but it isn’t helping. We can handle the database later, we need to deal with Ripley now.” he spoke pointedly at her, knowing that any form of coddling or soft spoken words didn’t apply here. Not that it ever did. Bucky could never imagine babying Yelena in any situation. “Just trust me on this.”
VIVIAN VISION: Vivian quickly grabbed onto Magik and Nico, not wasting any time as she phased the three of them past Bullseye and through to Ripley’s hospital room.
LAURA KINNEY: At his comment, the arch of a brow broke Laura’s deadpan. “Debatable taste.” She commented offhandedly. At the sight of Bullseye she crouched, lunging towards him without claws. Kwannon could follow Viv and the spellcasters. Laura had no problem being a distraction.
YELENA BELOVA: “Natasha is getting her ass handed to her. Again.” The sisters had a messy history with Taskmaster. She hit a key and the code flashed red, the page turning to a simple box for an access code. “We have to shut down the Database.” Yelena straightened up to look at him, her own gun holstered. “We can’t let them do this anymore.”
BUCKY BARNES: Bucky worked through the tic in his jaw, leveling his voice. By now, his nerves were frayed. “Do you Yelena?” he lowered the gun even more until the barrel was pointed at the floor. “Do you trust me?”
YELENA BELOVA: For a long moment, she just stared. Did she? It wasn’t easily answered. “I want to.” Yelena replied honestly. A finger hovered above the key before she moved, body tightening and constricting as she fell.
BOBBI MORSE: Running behind due to having to disable to alarms on the floor, Bobbi skidded to a stop as she lowered her stun gun. “--She was going to hit the key, right?”
YELENA BELOVA: “Fuck. You.” Yelena hissed from the ground, fingers digging into the tile as she tried to pull herself up. She wasn’t going to hit the key.
BUCKY BARNES: “Seriously?” he hissed, the metal plates clamping into place audibly as he tightened his grip. “Seriously, Bobbi?” he was pissed, clearly. “No wonder you’re a fucking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.” Bucky snatched the stun gun from Bobbi’s grip on his way past her, throwing it to the ground and stomping on it until it was in a bunch of little pieces before he finished his walk to Yelena. “She wasn’t going to hit the fucking key.” he crouched down, helping Yelena back to her feet. “What’s next? You want to hit Ripley too? Do you more good.”
BOBBI MORSE: “Oh, c’mon.” Bobbi muttered as she had the stun gun ripped away and trampled. It wasn’t like that would have been helpful for defense or anything. “Tell me she’s not a flight risk.” Dark eyes narrowed. “I’d love to hit Ripley. Hopefully wake her up. That goddamn stone is fragmenting and destabilizing the town. If it collapses we all may be written out off reality. No happy reunion with your girlfriend then, huh?”
YELENA BELOVA: Yelena just spit towards Bobbi’s feet as James help her up, holding on to his arm even when she was upright.
BUCKY BARNES: “You think you’re the one to call that?” he shot over his shoulder, fully standing now. “Being written out of reality wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to me this year.” he turned his attention to Yelena, looking her over but he didn’t ask her if she were okay. “You make an awful nurse, you know that?”
ILLYANA RASPUTINA: Phasing in along with Viv and Nico, Illyana stepped around the broken black shards of a weapon. “Now this is where the party is.” She laughed slightly. Making her way to the bed, dark lined eyes narrowed at the woman. Tugging the hospital gown to the side, the red glow of the Stone was flickering under the white bandages. “They said you would have another fragment. We need two.”
BOBBI MORSE: “I think I’m deepest in the shit and have used the Database before, so I made a snap judgement call. It’s not like I shot her. We talked it out.” Bobbi didn’t flinch at the spit. “Maybe not for you, but there’s a lot of other people here.”
YELENA BELOVA: “Nursing student.” Yelena muttered. “The scrubs were ugly.”
RIRI WILLIAMS: She had smashed in the window of the wrong room during her entry, but Riri found the right one after checking for heat signatures. “You have a second fragment now.” The suit’s chamber opened to expose the Reality Stone shard. “Zemo’s got the third.”
BUCKY BARNES: “They were pretty ugly.” he agreed quietly, face pinched lightly at the edges. His head whipped sharply around at Riri’s entrance, completely ignoring Bobbi at this point. “So we go get Zemo.” he took a breath. “Finally.”
ILLYANA RASPUTIN: As the armored teen guided the Stone back to its host, Magik looked to Nico. “Are you ready?” It wasn’t really a question. With eyes glowing blue, she held a hand out over the chest of Ripley. “I’m going to be very unhappy if she chooses to smite us.”
NICO MINORU: Nico looked down at the incubated woman, trying her best not to be intimidated by the thought of all that could go wrong as she adjusted her grip on her staff and nodded. She looked towards Riri as she entered the room and smiled in relief at the sight of another stone. “Okay, yeah. Ready.” She agreed as she gripped her staff and held her other hand over Ripley to follow Magik. “Stabilize.” The staff emitted a glow as she focused herself onto the spell.
YELENA BELOVA: “Jim. What a nice young man.” Yelena scoffed. She paused, softening slightly as she turned to face Bucky fully. “Thank you.” Her tone was composed of genuine relief. Rising up to reach his face, Yelena pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I do trust you.”
BOBBI MORSE: Determined to focus on the spell, Bobbi’s face twitched at Yelena and Bucky. Worse than high schoolers.
ILLYANA RASPUTIN: Drawing on Limbo, Illyana closed her eyes when she heard Nico’s staff and began chanting. Confirma. Stabiliendum. Solidatur. Est una tribus, tribus fit unum. Dormammu limbo ex angulis eminebant de profundis et frugibus suis circum nos, ut tecum una. As she repeated Wanda’s words, the red began to glow and overtake the room. It burned so brightly that it overtook the space and ate everything else out entirely.
BUCKY BARNES: With his ungloved hand, bucky cupped the side of Yelena’s face. “I know.” he heard Illyana and Nico behind him but he didn’t look. He had a gut feeling where this was going and he was just…relieved to see Yelena again. It tugged somewhere deep in his chest, making him oddly angry all over again. He was exhausted, frustrated, but relieved. “Also, please don’t ever mention Jim again.” he said on what sounded like a breathy laugh. “C’mere.” Even though they didn’t do this, Bucky pulled Yelena in close, arms wrapping around her small frame.
NICO MINORU: Confirma. Stabiliendum. Solidatur. Est una tribus, tribus fit unum. Dormanmu limbo ex angulis emine ant de profundis et frugibus suis circum nos, ut tecum una. Nico repeated alongside Magik, closing her eyes as the red glow overtook the entire room. Based on that, she hoped it was working. And she also hoped that they wouldn’t kill Ripley in the process.
YELENA BELOVA: Folding into him, Yelena stared at the two spellcasters. She hated magic. She hated how small it made her feel. She didn’t like Ripley either, but they all deserved better than this. “He was a victim too, at first.” The light was too bright then and Yelena had no choice but to avert her eyes.
RIPLEY RYAN: Every memory. Every life. Every backstory. The Town Database was comprehensive and the woman whose energy fueled it remembered every detail. For the first time since they had managed to restrain her, the stirrings of magic gave way to an elevated form of consciousness. Eyes and mouth open, red poured from them until reality was rattled by a burst of energy. Across the town, those left reverted to how they had looked before being changed. Faces returned and scarlet gave way to familiar bodies and clothes. When the wave washed over the hospital, it faded to reveal a blonde in a hospital gown standing in front of the mangled computer system. “I’m going to kill someone.”
LAURA KINNEY: The fight with Bullseye had ended, but Laura followed the scent of blood towards where the Black Widow and Taskmaster had fought. Natasha was fine, her adversary fleeing towards Zemo and the Town hall. When the redhead said she would follow him, Laura had left her to get to the ICU. Without her claws the fight had been a little different than she preferred, but not all of the blood on her was her own. By the time she got there, the room was awash in red. The force of the energy impact threw Laura against the wall, but when she straightened and came to, her cheerleading uniform was gone. The yellow and blue of her Wolverine suit had returned and when she flexed her hands she felt the adamantium.
BOBBI MORSE: Ripley looked mad, but Bobbi couldn’t blame her. She had every right to be. “That’s valid.” She limbed to her feet. “But can we raincheck? Your Stone -- it fractured. From what was being done. We got you a piece on it, but Zemo has a shard at Town Hall. Do I need to tell you how badly this could go?”
RIPLEY RYAN: Of course she didn’t need to. Ripley could feel Pleasant Hill destabilizing and reality growing thin. It Zemo accomplished his goals, he’d be taking her down. It was hard to live with a stone in your chest. it would be impossible to be fragmented. Even then, she could feel the other part calling out. Raising a hand, Ripley looked at the group. TOWN HALL. With that, the hospital was empty as they vanished in a flash of crimson.
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The End Is Where We Begin (7/?)
“Director Danvers, we have a situation.” Alex faltered on her way into the DEO, startled by three agents heading toward her. “What’s going on?” “A meteor crash in the Pacific.” The agent in the middle said hurriedly as Alex walked past him. He hastened to follow, looking down at the tablet he was clutching. “We’ve detected high energy levels emanating from the crash site.” Alex sighed in response. Her day just seemed to keep getting worse. “Put together a team and let me know when you have eyes on the situation. I’ll be interrogating our new prisoner.” “Yes, Director.” Alex continued on her way, moving quickly down the hallway with her teeth clenched. She didn’t know how she’d managed to lose a prisoner, how she’d employed yet another traitor but she was going to get to the bottom of it. She let herself into the next room, letting the door swing closed behind her. Walking past the mostly vacated cells she came to a stop in front of an occupied cell. “Let me get this straight. You not only willingly released a prisoner, you then locked yourself up right after?”
Raven looked up in surprise, his brow furrowing at the sight of the director standing in front of his cell. “I knew there was no point in running. Besides, I wanted to stay behind to plead my sister’s case. She couldn’t stay to argue for herself.” “That’s who Hisa is to you? Your sister?” “Yes.” Alex stared at the dark-haired man long and hard for a moment before shaking her head in disbelief. “And why couldn’t she stay to argue her case for herself?” “She has to save our younger sister, Itsuki.” Raven stood up from the hard bed he’d been sitting on and paced across the cell. “She’s not one of the bad guys. We just want to protect our family. You have a sister, don’t you? You should understand.” “Are you threatening me?” Alex stepped close to the barrier separating the two of them, anger flickering in her eyes. “Of course not.” Raven backed away, raising his hands in surrender. “I just want you to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing. We’re not intentionally working against you.” Alex watched him closely for any sign that he wasn’t being sincere but found none. “Where did your sister get kryptonite?” “She doesn’t have kryptonite. She didn’t even know the woman she works for had it until they fought Supergirl and Dreamer….speaking of which, can you tell Dreamer I’m sorry about knocking her out? I tried to make it as painless as possible.” Raven sank down onto the bed once more, figuring it wouldn’t be a good idea to get too close to Alex. Alex ignored him. “Who is Hisa working for?” “A woman who has it out for Supergirl. She calls herself Banshee.” Raven paused, noticing a flicker of recognition cross Alex’s face. “You know her?” “You could say that.” Alex rubbed the back of her neck. She couldn’t help but wonder what else could possibly go wrong today. They already had so many issues to contend with. “How is she linked to Lena Luthor?” “Lena Luthor?” It was Raven’s turn to sound confused. “She’s not. My sister knows both of them, that’s the only connection there. Banshee is the person who’s holding Itsuki and that’s why Hisa is working for her. It’s not what you think though, she’s also working with someone else to take Banshee down.” “Lena?” Raven shrugged his shoulders. “She hasn’t told me and I haven’t asked. I’ve told you everything I know.” Alex nodded reluctantly. She believed him. “I appreciate your cooperation though you should know that what you’ve told me won’t keep us from looking for your sister.” “Right.” Raven smiled, shuffling backwards so he was sitting with his back against the wall. “But you’ll have to catch her first. She won’t fall for the same trick twice.” “Good things I have more tricks up my sleeve.” Alex quipped before she turned to walk away. She hesitated as her prisoner called after her. “Alex?” “Director Danvers.” Alex corrected, turning on her heel. “About Dreamer…?” “I’ll pass your message on. If I remember.” Alex turned and walked away, shaking her head. “Thank you!” ---- Kara lifted her hand, hesitating for a moment before she knocked briskly on the door in front of her. As she waited for a response, her eyes darted toward the empty reception desk. She was grateful Lena’s assistant wasn’t there to keep her from passing at least. The security guards had been alarmingly easy to get by. “Lena?” Kara called out softly when nobody appeared at the door or called for her to come in. “Are you in there? I’m here for our...appointment.” She grimaced as the words left her lips. Appointment sounded so formal but she supposed that would be what Lena wanted now. Formality and nothing else. If she even still wanted to help her. “Lena?” No answer. Kara glanced briefly over her shoulder before she carefully turned the handle to Lena’s office. Finding it unlocked, she let herself in and paused at seeing Lena sitting at her desk. She closed the door behind her and took a quiet step closer to the desk, noticing that Lena’s eyes were closed, her head braced on the heel of her hand while her elbow rested against the desk. Kara listened closely as she silently approached. The sound of Lena’s breathing let her know that the CEO was sleeping soundly and a small smile graced Kara’s lips. She paused, allowing herself a couple of seconds to watch before she turned and slowly started to walk away. Their meeting could wait. Her hand was on the door handle when a voice sounded from behind her. “Kara?” Kara froze, her heart sinking with guilt. She turned to find Lena was awake and sitting up straight in her chair. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I wasn’t sure if our meeting was still on after...well what happened last night.” “I was just resting my eyes.” Lena lied, clearing her throat afterwards. “Our meeting. Right, of course. Let’s do that.” Kara stared at Lena in concern. “It’s fine, it can wait. You’ve been so busy lately, you deserve to take some time to yourself.” “Kara, sit down.” Lena stood up and walked around the desk, gesturing to the couch on the other side of the office. “I’m not busy.” Kara did as she was instructed, walking to the couch. She sat down, fiddling with her sleeve. She looked up as Lena sat down next to her. “Before we start, I wanted to apologise for last night. It didn’t happen the way I wanted it to but Alex is doing her job and technically I work for her. I’m not saying I don’t support her decision to arrest your friend because I do but I know it couldn’t have been easy to watch. Trust me, I know what it’s like to watch someone you care about being treated like a...” She paused, taking a breath as Lena slowly nodded. “Well you know. I’m rambling. I’m sorry, I-I didn’t really expect to get this far if I’m honest. Usually at this point you’ve already told me to get out three times. Not that I blame you!” Lena sighed and looked down at her lap. “Maybe you should.” “Huh?” “I wanted to apologise too.” Lena said, her brow furrowing. She didn’t look up, not wanting to see surprise cross Kara’s face like she knew it would. “I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did last night. I was just angry in the heat of the moment. I understand that you didn’t have a choice in the matter of taking Hisa in. I’m not saying I don’t disagree with it. You know that I do. But this is your job.” “Right.” Kara agreed softly, uncertain if Lena was still angry with her. “For what it’s worth, Alex will do everything she can to help her with finding her sister. I don’t doubt that for a second. She’ll do the right thing, she always does.” “I hope you’re right about that.” Lena replied quietly. She cleared her throat and finally looked up to meet Kara’s eyes. “I’m working on a theory so we can avoid what you’ve seen in your vision. If I’m right, we should be able to safely remove the antimatter wave as it approaches the earth. With your help of course.” “Really?” Kara felt her heart leap at the suggestion. “How?” “It’s just a theory at the moment.” Lena warned as Kara leaned forward slightly. “But I think if I fashion a Quadruple-Loffe configuration I can create an electromagnetic trap of sorts. Incorporating a vacuum may help to get the antimatter inside of the trap but I need to figure out-” Lena was cut off as Kara leaned forward and hugged her tightly without warning. “It’s not a guarantee. I still need to find an energy source powerful enough, not to mention materials resilient enough to withstand that kind of heat.” “I know, I’m sorry.” Kara guiltily drew back. “It’s just...there’s hope. I really needed this.” Lena mustered a small smile but before she had a chance to say anything, Kara’s phone started to ring and the reporter quickly fished it out of her bag. “Sorry, it’s Alex.” Kara apologised before answering. “Hey, Alex. What’s going on?” Lena stood and walked across her office to give Kara a moment to speak to her sister. She sat back down in her seat, her eyes darting over the plans on her desk. She worried that she had given Kara too much hope. There was so much to do, so many things they’d need to collect before she even started to construct the trap. Not to mention, that it was only theoretical. “What do you mean, she got out?” Kara’s words caught Lena’s attention and she looked up to see Kara furtively glance at her. She raised a questioning eyebrow. “She’s with me but...yeah. Yeah, I-I’ll ask her.” Kara sounded reluctant. “I’ll call you back if I find anything out. Bye.” “Has something happened?” Lena asked as Kara hung up the phone and walked toward her desk, fidgeting nervously. “Is it about Hisa?” “Yeah. She escaped this morning.” Lena watched as Kara bit her lip. “I didn’t have anything to do with it. That’s what you wanted to ask me, isn’t it? Not that I’m unhappy about her escape but I haven’t seen her since Alex arrested her. If you need evidence of my whereabouts during the breakout, I can give you access to my surveillance equipment. Though I’d hope it doesn’t come to that.” “Of course not, I believe you.” Kara said honestly, her shoulders slumping in release. “But if you hear from her can you…” She paused helplessly. “I don’t expect you to tell me if you see her. I know she’s your...friend. Just please be careful with her. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Lena crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m not going to let that happen again.” “Yeah, I guess not.” Kara said quietly. Her gaze drifted away from Lena’s and a tense silence settled between the two of them. “I should probably go then.” Lena slowly nodded and stood back up. “Probably. I’ll call you if I need anything? I mean...I might need some things picked up for the device I’m trying to make.” “Of course. Anything you need. Thank you, again. I don’t think I’ve said that enough. I don’t think I could ever say it enough.” Kara said honestly, her chest tight. “It really means everything to me that you’re willing to help.” Lena shifted uncomfortably but tried not to let it show on her face. She didn’t want Kara to die. That had become increasingly clear to her the more she pondered the situation and tried to think about how to avoid Kara’s foreseen demise. She had wanted to tell herself that she wanted to keep Supergirl alive but it wasn’t just that. More importantly than Supergirl, she just wanted Kara to still be in the world. She couldn’t say that. “I’m happy to help. I really have to get back to w-” “Wait, wait. I’m sorry.” Kara grimaced at the rush of words from her mouth. “Just one more question and then I’ll let you get on with things.” She waited until Lena nodded for her to go ahead before she tentatively continued. “The other night, at the bar...you told Hisa you trust me. Did you mean that?” Lena mulled that over for a moment while Kara anxiously fidgeted. “I trust you’ll do the right thing for a person in need. I trust you as the protector of the city but as a friend? I really don’t know. It seems trivial in the face of everything that’s happening, I know, but I’m not sure I can move on from what happened. I can’t be your friend again. I’m not sure how. I don’t even know how to stop being angry with you.”
“It’s not trivial.” Kara replied quietly. “I understand. I’ll see you around, Lena.” Lena’s eyes flicked up as Kara turned to walk away from her. “I would like to try.” Her words caused the Kryptonian to freeze in her tracks. “And maybe someday…maybe it’ll be almost like it was before.” Kara clenched her jaw, her eyes misting over. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen. Anything.” “Come by tomorrow.” Lena slowly sat back down. “It couldn’t hurt to bounce my ideas off someone. If you’re free, of course.” “I’ll be free.” Kara’s voice broke and she quickly cleared her throat. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Lena let out a shuddering breath as Kara practically ran from the room, closing the door behind her. She closed her eyes, trying to calm the inner turmoil wracking her. As angry as she was with Kara, she couldn’t help but miss her friend. She wanted her back, she just didn’t know if that was possible. --- Lena froze as she stepped out of the elevator into her loft, her skin prickling as the cold temperature of her apartment washed over her. She shuddered, her eyes darting back and forth for what had caused the chill. It became clear as she stepped forward and noticed the door to the balcony was open. “It’s just me.” Lena whirled around, her hand already reaching for the signal watch in her pocket before she saw a glimpse of red hair. “Hisa?” Hisa shielded her eyes against the unexpected light as Lena flicked the switch up on the wall. “Sorry, I uh...dripped on your expensive looking carpet.” “You’re soaked.” Lena’s brow furrowed as she looked at the puddle at Hisa’s feet. “It’s not even raining. What happened? I thought you were locked up.” “I broke out. Their plans for me didn’t really match up to what I had in mind so…” Hisa shrugged her shoulders. Lena sighed and turned, walking out of the room. “Um…?” Hisa stared after Lena in confusion. “Okay, you’re mad. I get that. Supergirl is your friend or whatever and you vouched for me with her and now you’re probably getting a heap of backlash because of my impromptu exi-” She stopped as Lena reappeared, pushing a towel toward her. “Oh. I can’t take this, it’s too-” “Don’t say expensive.” Lena warned, briefly narrowing her eyes before she brushed past Hisa and went to the kitchen. “I believe you were in the middle of an apology?” “I was about done, actually.” Hisa followed Lena, quickly towel drying her hair to keep it from dripping. “I’m just sorry to be causing you so much trouble.” Lena shook her head in response as she set about making some coffee. “You wouldn’t have been in there if it hadn’t been for me.” “Well that’s true.” Hisa grinned as Lena looked at her in surprise. “It’s not your fault. It’s not even Supergirl’s fault, she’s just doing her job. I would have wanted to lock me up too but that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t be right now. When I find Itsuki and she’s safe, I’ll hand myself in. Supergirl can do what she wants with me then.” “Why are you here?” Lena sat down at the counter, staring at Hisa. “Supergirl already asked me if you’d made contact with me. This is going to be the first place they look for you, and if it’s as urgent as you say it is, you wouldn’t be wasting time in my apartment, would you?” Hisa was silent for a moment, her eyes darting to the ajar balcony door. “My contact’s gone AWOL and I need help. I need a way to nullify a sonic scream so I can save my sister. You’re the only person I trust now, you’re the only person who can help me.” “Fine, I’ll help you. But you owe me.” Lena said, slowly nodding her head. “And I should warn you, I’m going to call upon that favour soon.” “You know you could have just asked me instead of making it sound like a threat. I wouldn’t say no to helping you if you need it.” Hisa stretched out her hand to Lena. “Partners?” Lena felt her stomach sink uncomfortably as her mind drifted back to Kara. They had been partners at one point. She could only hope that she wasn’t making a mistake now. She couldn’t be friends with Kara again but she couldn’t let her die either. She’d do anything to stop that. She grasped Hisa’s hand, giving it a quick shake. “I’ll get you some spare clothes. Are you up for a night in my lab?” “I thought you’d never ask.” Hisa smirked, drawing a soft laugh from Lena. --- “What’s the situation?” Alex questioned as she stopped short of the two DEO agents, her eyes glancing upwards towards the large screen on the wall before she looked back at the two agents. “You said the Exploration Team found the meteor crash sight?”
“Yes, Director Danvers.” The first agent nodded quickly, glancing to the screen to her left in a state of panic. “We’ve been waiting for your order to investigate the crash but…”
“But what?” Alex frowned, turning to the nervous agent in confusion. It was rare to see an agent of the DEO worried about something such as a crashed meteor. “What’s wrong?”
“We’ve been detecting strange energy signatures coming from inside the meteor.” The agent answered before taking a deep breath, turning towards the director. “Director, We think something is alive inside of it.”
Alex nodded slowly, taking a moment to think about what she should do. She had no idea if whatever was inside of the meteor was hostile or not and she didn’t like putting her agents at risk. “Fall back, we’ll get J'onn to do a scan over it and see if he knows what’s inside.”
“Copy that, Director.” The second agent nodded and turned back to his screen, gently pressing against the side of his headset. “Seal Team Alpha, Orders are to return back to base asap.”
Alex frowned as she noticed the second agent's eyes widen despite his attempt to hide it, watching as he nodded nervously. “What is it?”
The second agent quickly turned at the Director’s question. “The meteor is opening.”
“What?!” Alex's breath shuddered as she struggled to think about what to do. She had considered calling Kara and asking for Supergirl’s help but considering how little her sister was telling her about what was going on with her she reconsidered. “Are we able to establish visual contact?”
“Yes, Director.” The first agent nodded quickly and immediately started to type on her keyboard, glancing up at the screen every couple of seconds. “Visual contact established.”
Alex frowned in confusion as her video feed appeared on the large screen. She could barely see anything outside of where the submarine’s lights were shining. Inside the light lay a large meteor the size of two large fully grown men resting at the bottom of the sea with a strange green light glowing from small cracks around the exterior. She had no idea why but every part of her was screaming danger. She hurried to speak to her team. “Seal Team Alpha, get away from there!”
“Yes, Dir...wait, WHAT IS THAT?!” 
Alex froze in horror as a large hand the size of a large person’s head tore through the front of the submarine like it was made of tissue, the sounds of the agent’s agonizing screams echoed throughout the entire room until the video feed tuned black with the last thing Alex noticing was the water turning red with blood. Goosebumps crawled their way up her skin and suddenly she felt icy cold. “Wasn’t the...the Submarine lined with Nth metal?”
“Yes, Director.” The first agent nodded slowly, still in a state of shock. She had never seen or heard anything like what she just saw before in her entire life. It was like a horror movie. “The entire exterior was lined with a two inch thick Nth metal lining.”
Alex jumped as the video feed from the submarine flickered back to life, attracting the attention of every DEO agent in the room. The video was covered in a thick red hue, chunks of flesh and bones floating around with large shards of metal from the submarine around it. In the centre above the split open meteor floated a large shadow twice the size of a white martian tearing apart one of the agents, it’s detail impossible to pickout thanks to how dark it was. She gritted her teeth as the creature took off, swimming out of sight before the video cut out. “We need Supergirl.”
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
I don't know if this was on the original drabble list but can I get "That's all I ask" for GO please?
Hey nonnie! Thanks for the prompt! I hope you enjoy this one
Lucifer in the Garden of Eden (1743 words)
Lucifer lures Crowley out of Eden, using his favorite principality as incentive ...
(This is a pre-Fall fic, that assumes that Crowley was an Archangel - possibly Raphael - who fancied Aziraphale before he became a demon.)
“Hey. You. Angel.”
The angel addressed stands in the shadow of an obscenely large apple tree, staring up at the wall surrounding Eden. Eyes tilted towards the Heavens, they gaze upon the silvery stars shining bright amid a sea of deep purple infinite.
And sneer at being disturbed.
“You’re Raphael, aren’t you?”
The angel shivers when he hears that voice inches from his left ear, though its owner stands more than a foot away. It’s a sonorous voice … a dangerous voice. But an intriguing voice, too, if the angel is being completely honest. He’s never heard it for himself - not directly from the source, always in recountings by other angels. Its existence dates a bit before his time. The stuff of legends. But he knows it nonetheless.
Mostly by the way it makes him feel.
And slightly angry.
“Depends,” the angel says, sighing subconsciously as the object of his wistful gazing finally comes into view. Dressed in a flowing gown of pure white with wings spread, hair the exact same shade forming a halo around his head, outshining the golden one hovering above him, he is the truest vision of an angel those hiding hazel eyes have ever seen. With the cosmos behind him - a cosmos that his secret admirer helped create - the angel on the wall cuts a dashing figure.
The brightest star in the sky.
“Uh … you busy right now?” the voice obnoxiously persists.
“Maybe. Why?”
“I wanted to talk to you. Perhaps over a drink?”
The angel glares over his shoulder, hoping to send the intruder away, but also to make absolutely sure the voice behind him belongs to whom he thinks.
Standing in a shadow darker than his own, a shadow this demon brought with him, the angel spots glowing yellow eyes; long black hair – raven black, a match to his glossy, well-groomed wings; pearly white teeth, his fangs in particular boasting an unsettling sharpness; and pale skin, smooth as cream.
Yup. The angel nods internally. That’s him.
God, he is beautiful, the angel thinks. Of course that beauty is an illusion. It’s how Lucifer looked in Heaven before he fell. He chooses for others to see him that way now, uses his demonic power to achieve that look, cover up what he truly is, probably to lure angels out of Heaven.
But he’s not this angel’s type.
He turns back to the wall.
“No thanks,” he says, eyes following as the angel on high starts patrolling the Eastern Gate. “I’m good.”
And that’s the end of that. Or so it seems. The voice behind him goes silent while the angel continues to watch the guardian in private. For a moment, the angel forgets Lucifer was even standing there till he says softly, “You know, She won’t let you have him.”
“Hmm, what?”
“That angel you’re mooning over. God won’t let you have him.”
“What do you mean?” the angel asks, defensive of his God, but followed quickly by an insecure, “H-how do you know?”
Lucifer takes a step forward, his footfalls light, barely bending a blade of grass. “Because it’s one of Her rules. How She keeps you under Her thumb. You’re not allowed to love anyone but Her. And Her humans. The first man and the first woman?” The demon motions to where Adam and Eve lay beside a crystal clear body of water, regarding the stars. “She made them in Her image. She favors them over you, you know? You who made the stars in the sky. Heck, She’d probably let you have a human before She’d let you have him.”
The angel swallows those words hard as the Guardian of the Eastern Gate turns and starts walking back to his original post. The angel had always suspected as much, but to hear it out loud severs heart strings – ones that bound together tightly his deepest admiration of Her. But why should he believe it when it comes from the lips of a demon? This could be a trick!
What does he mean could? Of course, it’s a trick!
“Maybe She has Her reasons,” the angel says.
“Yeah.” Lucifer chuckles. “I just told you. She’s a huge narcissist.”
“Why should I trust you? How do I know you’re not lying?”
“Have I ever lied to you before?”
The angel scoffs. “You’ve never even spoken to me before. Besides, you’re a demon. That’s what you do.”
“You’ve got me there.” Lucifer’s voice comes closer, his body moving closer with it. “But answer me this – what about God?”
“What about Her?”
“Has She ever lied to you?”
“No!” the angel snaps.
“Right.” Lucifer rolls his eyes. He knows blind obedience when he sees it. “Let me put it another way - does She answer your questions?”
The angel opens his mouth with another hasty response, but Lucifer jumps in before he gets a word out. “Really answers? Not that beating-around-the-bush backwards way She dodges answering, but truly answers? In a way that leaves you satisfied?”
The angel closes his mouth slowly, searching for an argument he can employ before his lips touch. He wants to defend Her, wants to find the logical spin to the way God does things. But he can’t. Because he doesn’t understand. She would say that he isn’t meant to understand, but that doesn’t make any sense. Her words have long since stopped filling him with confidence.
He’s beginning to linger in doubt.
The things God does defy logic, which infuriates him since She created logic! She has devised rules for all Her creations that She Herself does not follow. Of all the questions he’s asked, he’s never gotten a straight answer.
Not a single one.          
And he’s heard, he knows, She’s losing patience with him.
How much time does he have left in Paradise before he’s sent sauntering downstairs to join Lucifer’s ranks anyway?
Would it be better for him to fall willingly, make that choice for himself, then to have it thrust upon him?
“Why is She so opposed to us knowing the truth, hmm?” Lucifer presses. “Why this Tree of Knowledge no one’s allowed to touch? What is She hiding?”
The angel shakes his head – both in defiance and in response. But his defiance is growing weak. He doesn’t want what this demon is saying to make sense but it does. Shamefully, it’s something he’s thought himself more than once.
“If you come with me,” Lucifer whispers, sharp nails lightly brushing long hair from the angel’s shoulders, “you can have the best of both worlds. You’ll get your answers … and your chance.”
“My chance? At what?”
Lucifer snaps his fingers. The low branches pregnant with fruit that the angel has been hiding behind rise a few feet, revealing him to the moonlight … and to the angel on the wall. Frantically, he steps backwards into the darkness, but Lucifer’s body stops him.
“Him,” the demon says, forcing the angel out of hiding with a shove.
The angel on the wall startles at the disturbance. His attention turns to the garden, his pale blue eyes finding the tree, and its occupant, instantly. He peers down in alarm, raising a flaming sword in battle-ready position. But when he sees the Archangel loitering there, hands clasped in front of him, eyes darting nervously, the guardian angel smiles and gives him a wave.
His admirer gasps. That smile – it rivals the sun in its brilliance, takes his breath away. He waves back, heart fluttering in his chest like the beginning sparks of a new nebula, pulsing and stretching in its attempts to be birthed into the Heavens. The angel feels it just about burst through his chest, ready to join its brothers and sisters in the sky.
Lucifer puts a hand to the angel’s shoulder and squeezes. “Give it some thought. My offer will stand. I can wait an eternity. Can you?”
“You’re wrong,” the angel says, emboldened by that smile, that wave. “I don’t need your help to have a chance. I already have a chance.”
“Possibly,” Lucifer says, a shrug in his voice. “But consider this – he’s a principality. You’re an Archangel. He’ll get sent to oversee the humans as they evolve, guide them as they grow. You’ll get locked to Heaven, stuck creating stars till they crumble. Then, you’ll make some more. You’ll drift farther and farther apart as the Universe expands, and you might never see him again. Do you think God will care about your little crush? She’s wrathful. Vindictive. She might do everything in Her power to ensure the two of you stay apart. Do you really want to risk it?”
“And how will falling ensure that he and I get together?”
A grin of perfect deviance burns slow on the demon’s face. “Have that drink with me and I’ll tell you.”
Lucifer’s words weed their way into the angel’s ears like a thorny probiscus searching for blood, pricking his brain and bringing to light his fears and anxieties. During the time the angel has spent lurking beneath this tree, watching his guardian of the garden, he has never once found the courage to reveal himself, not even to speak a single word of greeting.
Because he’d been afraid of exactly that.
The Almighty would find out and send one of them away.
She seems to play favorites in the cruelest of ways. Being one among Her favored won’t necessarily protect you from Her judgement. On the contrary. It makes you more of a target. Perhaps because She expects so much of you. The angel doesn’t know.
She would never deign to tell him, and it’s sacrilege to assume.
And as She has begun to tire of him and his endless questions, the angel has begun to tire of walking on the edge of a knife between favor and disgust. He didn’t chose to be an Archangel, didn’t choose to create nebulas and galaxies. And where he is proud of the things he’s created, maybe it’s time he chose his own side for a change.
A side with the chance to have that guardian angel beside him.
“One drink,” the angel grumbles like a threat, stepping back into the shadows, keeping the angel on the wall ever in his sights.
Lucifer’s grin completes its journey across his face. He snaps his fingers, opening a portal underground, and thinks: This was almost too easy. “That’s all I ask.”
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magisterlys · 5 years
Voices in the Snow Written Cross the Stars: Chapter 2
The Commander disappears into an oncoming storm and Jormag is kind enough to cheer Braham on while he searches for her. Past hurts are considered, as the two try to navigate their complicated relationship.
Something had been nagging at Braham all day. He'd tried to wave it off as lingering frustration and confusion about what happened with the commander yesterday, tried to focus on the work in front of him. Jora’s Keep was a disaster; suffering under the constant onslaught of storms and now that the Vigil was short-handed it was all hands to try to patch roofs, repair walls and get the supplies in order.  Having something to do with his hands, something tangible to focus on, usually cleared his mind but he just couldn’t shake it today… something was wrong. Or about to go wrong. He was outside the barracks, holding a plank of wood in place for a Vigil crew member when he heard it.
“She is all alone, and they are closing in.”
The sudden hissing whisper of Jormag’s voice in his head made him nearly let go of the piece of timber, earning a glare from the woman below him. He didn’t have to wonder who the dragon meant, he just activated his com.
“Commander, where are you?”
Again. Why wasn’t she answering? “Commander?”
“These things have been intermittent since the last storm,” Crecia answered, her tone clearly indicating that her answer was less to be helpful and more to keep the norn from yelling again.
“Any idea where she is?” Braham’s response was terse, made more so by the whisper that cut through before he could hear the charr’s response.
“She is calling for you.”
“ - north gate, this morning."
Braham was already making his way across the keep. “Thanks.” He could see Rytlock just inside the gate arguing with an asura in Vigil garb.
“Burn the logistics of it, shorty. We can’t clear passes with our claws. You’re just going to have to make room in the chopper for what Cre and I need.” The charr had risen to his full height, arms crossed over his chest to make a point as he glared down at the asura. The little guy barely came up to his knee, but he didn’t seem remotely cowed.
“There’s another storm on the horizon. We are only making one more trip for necessary supplies today. You will ‘just going to have to’ wait until -”
Braham either didn’t register that they were in the middle of something, or didn’t care. He interrupted, “Have either of you seen the commander?”
The asura gave the rude new arrival a passing glance and waved vaguely toward the gate, ready to continue his argument with Rytlock. “She went that way a while ago.”
Braham growled, clenching and unclenching his fists once and restated his question … slowly. “She went where?” The anger boiling up inside of him wasn’t rational, but it was the only way he knew how to process panic. And that is what he felt right now, inexplicably. Panic.
The asura squeaked, taking a half step backward away from the angry norn. Suddenly understanding which of the two towering figures he should be paying attention to he repeated himself, “She … err, north?”
“... alone?” Braham’s question was borderline threat.
“Y-yes, well … no.” The poor asura sputtered, “She had a really quite big bear with her. She said something about  … finding a proper dinner?”
“Dinner?” Rytlock chimed in now in confusion, looking over at Braham. “What’s got your fur in a knot, kid?”
“ Why are you never there when she needs you?”
Another growl from Braham, a spike of panic rising in his throat. “She’s not answering her coms and she shouldn’t be out there alone. Who just let her wander off on her own, with a storm on the way and the coms half dead?”
It was all Rytlock could do not to laugh and the rolling rumble of response betrayed that,  “Listen, lover boy, she can take care of herself.”
It was Braham’s turn to sputter, in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Since yesterday, when the commander had suddenly kissed him, Rytlock had been giving him knowing grins; wiggling his fuzzy eyebrows at him all the time.  “I’m not…we’re not! … I’m going to look for her.”
“Alone? With the coms half dead?” Rytlock arched a brow, though his point was lost on Braham, who was already heading through the gate.
The constantly falling snow made it difficult to follow her tracks, or more aptly, the bear tracks. The commander’s boots were impossible to distinguish from every other human-sized footprint, but Jasper’s were unique. At least she had brought her pet.
“Going to find a proper dinner?” Braham muttered to himself as he turned south, following the trail as it cut away from the road and up toward the mountains. He remembered yesterday while making their way to Raven’s Sanctum. Lys has spotted the vibrant green tops of root vegetables fighting their way through the snow. Braham had found it endearing how joyful finding a bunch of plants made her and had agreed that a nice turnip stew sounded delicious.
“Pact Commander. Slayer of Dragons. God Killer …” The tracks were becoming even harder to follow as the hills gave way to the edge of a forest. “... wandering the bloody svanir covered mountains for turnips. Perfect.”
“The snow is so cold.”
Somehow he felt the whisper this time, crawl up his back like a living thing. Dig into the base of his neck and send a wave of panic he struggled to push down. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself but found a new source of fear as he did ...he smelled blood on the air.
Braham launched himself up the rise ahead, a dozen terrible images flashing through his mind. Snow crunched under his boots as he crested the hill and skidded to a stop - crimson stained the crystal white snow. There had been a struggle, and something was dragged toward the trees … something bleeding heavily.
“It isn’t her, it isn’t her.” He tried to tell himself as he slung his shield off his back, settled his mace into his hand.  “This doesn’t mean it’s her.” The logic of his self-argument did nothing. He was too late. He was going to round this next tree and see her lifeless form crumpled in the snow. It was his fault. She’d been so alive and so close last night and he’d let her go. He should have stayed with her, should have watched out for her. He promised her that she deserved better. The trail led on, more blood than anyone could lose and still survive and he crashed through the forest without a hint of caution until he came finally to its origin.
Hanging from a tree branch, spilling its lifeblood into a pool in the snow, was a slain deer. A puncture between the ribs, a single expertly placed arrow had felled it and based on the tracks a human and a bear had worked together to hang it.  At the base of the tree rested a neat knotwork of grass, woven into the symbol of Melandru - the commander’s offering to the deer’s spirit in thanks for its sacrifice.
“It wasn’t her.”   His legs felt weak suddenly. “Oh Spirits, it wasn't her.”  But where was she? The carcass was cold, she’d felled the deer hours ago. It shouldn’t have taken her that long to forage vegetables.
“You have left her to her fate, the same as you left your guildmates.”
He knew, somewhere behind the panic and desperation, that Jormag was not helping him. Knew that whatever game they were playing at, it wasn’t to protect the commander. If he were less emotional, if this was a few days ago, he might have admitted that he was being tricked, just like at the camps. But yesterday the commander had rolled her tongue around his, slid her warm hands against his bare back and everything had changed. It didn’t matter if he was being tricked, he had to find her.
The wind had started to pick up. Even in the cover of the forest, it was clear that the storm was rolling in. Gusts drove the freshly fallen snow up into disorienting clouds that stung, like daggers of ice. Braham was starting to feel cold, and for a norn, that was saying something. A sudden gust shook a sheet of snow loose from a branch overhead and he had to quickly sidestep to avoid it. As he paused to try to get his bearings the forest echoed suddenly with the roar of a bear, loud enough to cut through the howl of the wind. Braham spun toward the sound. Fifty paces to his left was a large brown bear with a basket strapped to it’s back - and the commander, with her hood down and her staff on the ground beside her, kneeling next to something in the snow.
The wind was so loud that Lys didn’t register the approaching form until Jasper did. She spun around, tried to scramble to her half-frozen feet while reaching for her staff, but Jasper’s grunt and grumble was a friendly greeting of recognition. A look of relief washed over her face as she recognized who was approaching. “Braham! Oh thank the gods, I -”
Her words were cut short as Braham reached her. He said nothing, just cupped her face in his hands - gods above, his hands were so warm, and looked her over as if searching for something. “B-Braham, what …”
“You’re okay?” She was alright. She was alive. Now that he was here, he’d make sure it stayed that way. “You’re not hurt?”
“No, no. I’m fine. I’m so glad you’re here, help me get her -” Lys again didn’t get to finish her sentence.
“What in Wolf’s name were you thinking?!” As the relief he felt when he saw her washed away it turned suddenly into frustration and anger.  “Running out here alone, with svanir and aberrants and Spirits knows what else. No word of where you’re going, no answer on your com -” She never let herself rely on anyone else. She tried to do everything on her own, always so afraid of being a burden or letting anyone see her falter.
“She doesn’t need you.”
Braham shook his head as if doing so would chase the voice away. “What if I hadn’t found you?! What would I have done if you’d froze to death out here? What would any of us do without you?”
Under the unexpected tirade, with her mind numbed by cold,  Lys forget for a moment who she was. She remembered though. “Braham!  Stop yelling, and help me.” The commander barked his name and pointed to the norn woman sitting unnoticed in the snow at their feet. “... please, please help me.”
The way the commander’s voice cracked, the exhaustion and desperation in her voice cleared the haze around Braham. He shook his head, like shaking off a deep sleep and blinking in confusion down at the other woman in the snow. She was norn, golden blonde hair worn in a thick braid down her back, dressed in Vigil robes. She didn’t seem to notice their presence, even with all the yelling, and was just staring into the distance and mumbling.
Lys knelt back down next to the woman, reached out and took hold of her arm. “Please, Annah … it’s Annah, right? You helped me find the book I’d lost the other day, remember? You can’t stay here, you’ll freeze.”
“It’s so easy now …” Annah responded though it wasn’t to the commander. “I just have to rest here. It will be okay, now.”
“What … what’s going on?” Braham moved to the left of Lys, positioning himself to block the wind from hitting her as much as he could.
“I don’t know.” Lys shook her head. “This is Annah. I found her just … just walking through the woods. She was talking to something, hearing something. She kept thanking it for ‘showing her the way’, and said how tired and lost she’d been.” The commander gave Annah a shake. The norn woman showed no reaction, though her mumbled words were growing slower and more slurred. “Then she just … sat down in the snow. I've been trying to get her to move, but she … I could subdue her, but I couldn’t make it back to the keep with her."
“Jormag ….” Braham growled the name, the explanation.  “She is a bit much for you to carry back to the keep on your own, commander. Even with Jasper’s help.” As Braham spoke he reached down and took the commander’s arm, helping her up to her feet. Her hair was caked with snow, her usually rosy complexion faded to a worrying shade of blue. He gently pulled her hood up for her, settled its fur around her cheeks. “... you’re nearly as frozen solid as she is. Come on, I’ll carry her. We’ll get you both back to the keep.”
Lys only nodded and watched as Braham picked up the norn woman as if she were nothing. Annah made to fight him off, but it was a feeble attempt and she fell to mumbling and thrashing as he held her like a child. “Commander?” He turned to look over his shoulder at Lys, “Hold on to the back of my coat, I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t.” Lys moved behind Braham, stepping close and taking hold of his coat just above his waist.  Even just the break from the wind was a relief. “Tell me if she takes a turn, we’ll stop so I can heal her.”
“Yes, commander.” Braham sighed as he turned toward the bear, “Come on, Jasper. Let’s get the girls home and warm.”
Later that evening the commander went looking for Braham. She found him sitting alone in the common room. He’d pulled one of the blanket-covered benches up toward the fire and was sitting leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, looking deep in thought. She paused to watch him a moment; to admire how the shadows highlighted the strength of his jaw, the contrast of the white fur of his coat against his dark skin,  how the flickering firelight shone in his eyes. It must be so difficult for him to be in this place … the last thing she wanted to do was add to that difficulty, she just wasn’t sure if staying or going would be better for him. Before she could decide he glanced over at her and his frown deepened.
“Hey.” She spoke softly in greeting, hesitated a moment more, but then made her away over to settled down on the bench next to him.
“Hey.” His reply was short, laced with uncertainty.  “How is she …?”
Lys shifted in her seat, folding her hands in her lap since she couldn’t decide what else to do with them. “The healers have her sedated. As soon as she warmed and rested she tried to get up and walk back outside. They caught her halfway to the gate … with no boots on.”
“That’s …” Braham exhaled slowly and sat back. That could just as easily be any of them. It kind of had been him, more than once. “That’s awful.”
“Yeah.” Lys didn’t have anything else to offer. She just ran her fingers through her hair and shivered.
“Commander, listen …” He didn’t know where to start. Didn’t know how to explain what drove him today.
Braham was fidgeting, shifting uncomfortably. She reached over and touched his arm, for just a moment. “I’m listening.”
He exhaled again, seemed to relax a bit. “It started here in the keep. The voice said that you were alone and in danger. And then when you didn’t answer your com I was just … blind with worry. Panic, really. I found where you killed the deer and thought …” He glanced over at her, reassuring himself that she was there. “By the time I found you I’d … I’m sorry. I knew Jormag was fucking with me, but that didn’t make it stop.”
Their eyes met as he looked over at her and Lys felt like a foolish schoolgirl for a moment, instead of the Pact Commander.  “When I went quiet in the Raven Sanctum, before we …” She looked away, back toward the fire. “I was somewhere else for a while or thought I was. I know that sounds crazy, but I was in a maze. Dark and endless. And I kept hearing… “ She swallowed, her voice lowering in an attempt to keep it steady. “The whole time I heard you dying. Over and over, Braham. Vividly”
She was turned from him, but Braham could still see the pain that crossed her face as she said those words. It took all his self-control not to pull her into his arms, to physically assure her that he was alive, they were both alive.  But he made do with reaching over to brush a lock of her honey-colored hair back behind her ear, letting his fingers linger a moment on her cheek.
She shivered, from his touch or from the cold, and gave him a half-smile. “I knew it wasn’t real, but … by the time I found my way back, so to speak, I was a wreck. Gods, Braham, you were begging me to help you and I couldn’t do anything but listen. It didn’t matter that I knew it wasn’t real. It felt real. And then when I saw you, alive and well, I just …”
He simply nodded.
It was her turn to sigh deeply.  “Jormag is insidious. They know just the weaknesses to target, just the right words to break you, the perfect way to mislead. “
He leaned forward again, away from her. “Plenty of weaknesses to push with me …”
“Braham.” His shoulders were hunched and he was flexing his fingers, wringing his hands. Tense, like a coil set to spring. She shifted to the edge of the bench, leaned forward to match his posture so she could see his face again. She repeated his name. “Braham.”
He didn’t look at her, couldn’t look at her. “Yeah?”
Lys knew better than to try to beat him with stubbornness so she tried the opposite. When she spoke her voice was soft, as was her touch when she brushed her fingers against his jaw. “You own your mistakes.”
His eyes closed and he reached up to catch her hand, held it against his cheek for a moment. “You don’t deserve to suffer for them though.”
“Suffer?” She blinked, giving a low chuckle. “I’m not suffering, and you are not inflicting anything upon me.”
She laughed? He looked over her, brow furrowed. Her wry smile but just as warm as ever. It made no sense to him. “This whole mess is my fault. None of my guildmates would have been here if I hadn’t abandoned them, you wouldn’t be here if I hadn't lost my god damn bow …”
“That was Ryland’s doing.” Lys countered. “Technically, Crecia’s, since she did such a bang-up job teaching him.”
“Ryland didn’t make me drink myself into oblivion.”
“After everything we’ve been through, you were just letting off some steam. You deserved some fun.”
He was still holding her hand and he traced his thumb against her palm as he spoke. “That sounds like an excuse.”
“It’s forgiveness.” She countered again.
“Why do you always forgive? You shouldn’t forgive - not after everything I’ve done.” He released her hand suddenly,  “Not after I was such an insufferable jackass to you.”
“I just … do.” Lys sighed, looking down at her now empty hand. “Braham, you literally faced down an elder dragon with me. You stared Kralkatorrik in the face, and said  ‘Behind me.’  After all the times you’ve had my back since then, how can I hold a grudge? Besides … After Mordremoth, I understand what it’s like to lose someone you love. And how lost and angry it can make you.”
Braham frowned. That hollow, pained tone of voice is one he’d never heard from the commander. Trahearne … He suddenly remembered. He’d been too caught up in his own bullshit, too selfish at the time to think about anyone other than himself. But the commander and Trahearne had been very close … rumors said more than close. And she’d had to … he tried to imagine, but rejected the idea so hard that he shuddered.
Lys took a deep breath, steeled her voice before she spoke again. “I never want to feel that way again.”
She’s afraid, Braham realized with a start. It was such a foreign concept to consider, the commander being afraid of anything short of the end of the world. But who had been there for her for Trahearne’s death? To see him tortured like that, and then be forced to kill him herself. Who had comforted her? Sure as hell not him, probably no one. She was the one who took care of everyone else. No one took care of her. That was going to change, he promised himself. Whether she agreed to it or not.
She was looking at him, her expression contemplative and he felt the need to change the subject. “I doubt they meant it to end this way, but I’m glad Jormag taunted me into finding you. Kind of a miracle really, if  Jasper hadn't roared when he did I would have walked right past you.”
The commander blinked.  “Jasper didn’t roar …”
Now Braham looked confused. “Yes, he did. I nearly walked right past you, with the storm blowing in. I only caught sight of you because I heard a bear roar loud enough to hear through the wind … are you sure?”
“Positive.” Lys shook her head. The two of them shared a look of disbelief, as they both began to come to the same conclusions. “Jasper … didn’t make a sound until he gruffed at you in greeting.”
The commander scrunched her face up in confusion, but Braham suddenly burst into boisterous laughter. “Bear!” He exclaimed, flashing a wide grin at Lys. “I’ve told you before that you must be blessed by Bear, with how connected you and Jasper are. Unbelievable!”
She wasn’t sure what to make of that, but Braham’s joyful laughter made her blush. “I’m not sure …” She began, but why wasn’t she? If Raven could help them, Bear could too. And she needed all the allies she could get. “Well. That was surely not something Jormag intended.”
“Good!” Braham continued to smile, “I wasn’t comfortable being thankful to that dragon for helping me find you, but I can sure as hell be thankful to Bear. Jormag just wanted to lead me into the storm to freeze alongside you, but the Spirits are looking out for you.”
“For us, Braham.” Lys reminded, giving him a smile.
“Us.” He quickly agreed.
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